• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Three: Tickets and few Answers

It has been a day, yes a day already, since the whole fiasco with Nightmare Moon, and two days since my arrival into this bright universe. Though it was only the morning, every resident of Ponyville retired to their own houses after the end of that party and departure of the two monarchs, eager to sleep after a whole night for the rising of the sun. Honestly I can't remember how long the party even lasted, but that's not what surprised me.

What took me off-guard was the fact how willing everyone was to forgive their forgotten redeemed princess of the moon. Celestia had assured everyone of the change, Twilight vocalizing additional support. But seriously; not one trace of suspicion? At all? I shook my head in disbelief as the celebration went on.

After being dragged into joining in the party, Twilight took it upon herself to introduce her new friends to me, since I never really interacted with them save for Fluttershy, who smiled at me welcomingly warm.

Pinkie Pie instantly invaded my personal space, rambling incoherent nonsense about throwing a party for me after this celebration; even though I repeatedly stated to the energetic pony it wasn't needed. Even when I said I despised loud parties it did nothing to dissuade her, instead she exclaimed, after a few seconds of shock at my blunt words, that they'll have a private party filled with only us eight, including the dragon, just for me. I simply sighed and moved on to the next pony.

Applejack was next, shaking my hoof... though far too roughly than necessary, and dismissing my light bow and formally addressing her as 'Miss Applejack', already deluding herself into thinking we're already friends. Then she had the nerve to suddenly reprimand me for thinking of going after Nightmare Moon alone, saying it was a foolish thing to do. But for the sake of not ruining the atmosphere (and the fact I was tired beyond hell) I simply nodded in agreement.

Rarity. Now she was the only one taking delight at my formalities, but insisted in that classy tone I just call her Rarity without the miss, repeating Applejack's statement of how anyone who's a friend of Twilight's is a friend of hers. And also delighted in the fact I had a particular accent she's never even heard of before, saying I must tell her all about where I'm from sometime after I quickly said I was from somewhere far away.

Imagine if they knew how far.

Then Rainbow Dash. And I honestly didn't know what to expect from this introduction. So I lightly bowed and gave a formal greeting, and couldn't resist the frown when she brushed them off (rather rudely), and offered what she called a 'brohoof' instead. I knew what one was, but that didn't stop my hesitation. Twilight must have sensed my discomfort and told them that they should excuse me; since I was foreign I might not understand some particular customs. Not that I needed her to explain that...

Plus the fact I insulted the pegasus back at the library was already apparently put in the past was mind-blowing. I would've expected Rainbow Dash at least to hold a grudge. Jesus just how forgiving were these creatures?

Nonetheless, while I was in the middle of an over-crowded area: that these ponies would be so open and welcoming to me was... different to say the least. When I was around them helping myself to the delicious treats, something inside me felt as though it was rousing from a long slumber. And I was filled with a barrel of emotions, more pleasant than anything that concluded with a state of confusion.

Afterwards, being it pretty obvious every single pony was exhausted, the polite purple unicorn and her pet escorted me to their place (I'm not quite comfortable saying 'our') and showed me my temporary room after searching around for it, apologizing for the wait, despite my reassurances. I was, of course, still uncertain about this arrangement made by the monarch; I really despise imposing. But the observant unicorn must have also noticed this as she said I had little to fear; I won't be a bother provided I don't make myself become one. That did little to ease me.

Regardless, I slept longer than I ever slept before, probably longer than the rest of the town as I was the last to awaken after the two (reminding myself the third time this wasn't a dream). It was a better mattress to sleep on than the bed I had back home, I'll tell you what.

Spike, the soft-hearted dragon he was, decided to bring me breakfast in bed. And what did he bring? Waffles. I shrugged and ate them anyway, thanking the reptile and complimenting his cooking skill because I won't lie, they weren't half-bad. When I exited the room Spike informed me Twilight had already departed, most likely to hang out with her friends, asking him to stay behind and make sure I've got some company.

A kind gesture on her part, yet unnecessary.

Instead after I was provided a tour around the library, finding the kitchen, the bathroom, the quiet areas to think and read peacefully (to my immense relief), and the balconies, I informed the friendly dragon I'm fine as it is, and he could go do as he pleased. I have no need of any help. I'm sure what I am more than capable of seeking out what I need by myself.

Unlike these ponies I'm not entirely dependent.

A growl escaped my curled lips as my hooves refused to cooperate, the book I'm trying to open staying shut despite my best efforts.

"Um, you need some help?" The small dragon, who still stuck around for some reason, asked hesitantly behind me.

"I'm fine. Thanks." I didn't intend to sound flippant, but this sudden reminder that I should've remembered a while back struck me hard while I attempted to open this book with my hooves.

The fact that somehow, through their own biology, the ponies of this world can inexplicably grab things with their hooves. I should have realized this sooner when Applejack shook my palm yesterday, or when the Earth Ponies were eating the refreshments at the celebration. Now here I am trying to work out how I can also do this.

With limited success.

"You know you can open the book by just flipping the cover, right?" Yes, thank you Spike. Book reading one-oh-one. I'll be sure to have you remembered for being the master of book-opening. Said item wasn't that big anyway and shouldn't be so difficult anyway, but I had no intention of throwing the thing around like a ragdoll just to find the pages I need.

But how? How exactly did these ponies do it? Were they taught such a trick as foals, or was it natural to them from birth? I of course am not going to ask Spike any of this; no desire to raise any mockery or interest towards me.

"I must have been more tired than I thought, since I've apparently lost the ability to open a simple book. Thank you." I said again as he reached out and opened the object onto some random page for me with a half-heated smile, then turning to the dragon with a tone of curiosity. Just what exactly was he still doing here? "I'm surprised you're still here, Spike; not rushing off to your mistress to have fun?"

"'Mistress'?" The reptile blinked in question, before the meaning hit him. "Oh, you mean Twilight! I was thinking about it, then I decided not to because Twilight did ask me to stay and... well, I thought you'd like the company."

I frowned a little at the sheepish smile, his words slowly being processed in my mind. Company... That was the last thing I ever desired or needed. But... if by some damnation that I'll be stuck in this world for a while, then I suppose getting use to the residents would prove beneficial for the time being; I lack major information about Equestria, I may need all the assistance I can get.

He must have taken my expression as one saying he wasn't needed, sputtering nervously. "B-But it looks like you don't need some anyway, so I can just leave you to your business-"

"Your thoughtfulness is... appreciated." I cut him off calmly. Dealing with a frightened lizard was the last thing I wanted right now. "Since you're here... then perhaps you can help me by seeking out specific knowledge?"

"Oh okay! I can do that!" He beamed. Honestly what was that about; does he just enjoy helping people? Then his expression turned confused. "Wait, what are we looking for exactly?"

You can understand my slight hesitation. "Transportation... Spells or anything similar to taking things, or ponies to that extent, from their previous location to another."

"Oh... so like Twilight's teleport spell?"

I cocked my head at that. "How best to answer? "Not quite... I mean anything long-range. Like shall we say... transporting one from one land to another far off."

It was a long shot. But so few answers were given to me at this present time. Twilight was the Stephen Hawking of this world; undoubtedly her library must contain some answer if I looked hard enough. Why am I so eager to leave? Because I have a family no doubt waiting for me. I'm not selfish enough to simply abandon them in pursuit of adventure... not without leaving a note first anyway.

"Alright." Was his enthusiastic answer before it dropped. "But... I don't really know where to start, I haven't gotten use to this whole library yet. They could be anywhere!"

I sighed. Great. Well at least I found one such book while having a glance over the place; the same one I'm going to read as soon as I learn how to clench and grab with my hooves. "Good thing I've got all day then." ...Hey, that reminds me; today would be a Wednesday back home. That means I should currently be in college right now, stuck in that room full of ear-bursting menchildren all day.

Another benefit to being here.

"Sorry I can't be of much help right now-"

I raised a hoof to interrupt him again, turning my gaze down to the book on the stand. "Don't apologize, you've been more than enough help by bringing me breakfast and providing me a tour around the place."

"Well, glad to be of service! I am Twilight's number one assistant, after all!" It's a good thing he closed his eyes in his proud beaming, otherwise he might have seen me roll my eyes.

Alright then, let's see...

I examine my left front hoof thoroughly. How do I do this? Despite the energy I'm converting to the muscles of the limb nothing was happening... do I just wait for it to happen or something? I look like a complete idiot glaring hard at my golden palm- Spike was still there, standing at the other end of the small table watching me.

I glanced up and asked sternly. "Is there something you wanted?"

The dragon quickly waved his arms in defensive worry. "Oh no! I was just thinking, that's all!"


"Well... um..." The lizard scratched the back of his scaly head, speaking in that nervous tone again. "Sine you'll be staying with us for a while; I just thought that maybe we can get to know one another. I-I mean-" My frown honestly can't be that intimidating, right? "- It's none of my business, of course! I was just curious, that's all. Heheh..."

"Curious." My voice betrayed nothing. "You wish to learn more about me?" Thinking about it, Spike raises a point, we don't really know one thing about the other. I know more about her owner than I do the dragon himself. But was that really necessary, if I was going to be here for a while? Probably most likely.

All the more reason I hurry up and find a way of this planet as soon as possible.

"Well, if you don't mind that is..." Was he touching the tip of his index fingers together? Jeez this lizard was paranoid beyond belief.

"...There isn't really that much to say about me." I said plainly. There really wasn't. I'm just some guy who fell into another world. Apart from that; there really wasn't anything that interesting about me.

"Sure there is!" Spike said, no doubt astonished by my blatant words. "Everypony has something about them; their likes. Their dislikes. Their hobbies. Their favourite foods. Speaking of which; I have tons of favourites, like apples-" My eyes widened when he suddenly held his own mouth closed tight.

"Spike?" Immediately the book was forgotten as my hooves moved themselves towards the lizard. "Are you feeling alright-? Gah!" My body fell backwards onto my flap as a burp of green fire almost roasted my chest. A quick feel around my features told me my chest, and more importantly my beard, wasn't in any contact with the sudden flames.

"Whoops! Sorry about that. Guess we never told you I can do that." Spike chuckled nervously as a piece of unopened parchment slowly descended to the floorboards. On the contrary, I knew exactly he could do that, which is the reason behind me mentally cursing myself for acting so concerned. Shaking my head, I sat up with a raised brow and observed Spike catching the paper and opening it as though it were a normal phenomenon.

"Should you really be reading that when Twilight isn't around?"

"Well... there's no harm in reading it beforehand, right?" Spike grinned sheepishly, inciting me to give another eye roll. Great, invader of privacy. Yeah we'll get along swimmingly. Well at least I got to hear whatever the princess wanted. The reptile cleared his throat. "Here ye. Here ye." Ahh Old English. Those were the days. "Her Grand Royal Highness, Princess Celestia of Equestria, is pleased to announce the Grand Galloping Gala to be held in the magnificent capital city of Canterlot-"

"Slow down a second dragon!" I immediately halted him. He blinked and looked up from the parchment as the gears set to work in my mind.

"But I-"

"Shut up I'm remembering." A smile of relief erupted from my mouth. Yes, I know this one, I know this episode we're in! Because I've seen this one! Who'd have thought it would be this early? Irrelevant. At least some thing swere made more clearly for me now... save for the time period but I'll work that one out later. The Ticket Master. That was the name. Twilight receives two tickets and- "Okay, continue."

The dragon stared puzzled at my actions, before shrugging in acceptance and continuing reading the letter: "Um alright... let's see, yadda yadda yadda; skip all the unimportant parts... extends an invitation to Twilight Sparkle, plus one guest!"

Just as the dragon finished reading, another burp exhaled from his lungs as a second letter made its appearance- wait, second? I don't recall a second letter. I raise a brow at the curious falling glittering parchment as Spike caught it with ease, raising just an equally confused look at me. Well, don't just stand there; open it up and let's see.

"Ahem. Here ye. Here ye. Her Grand Royal Highness, Princess Celestia of Equestria, is pleased to announce the Grand Galloping Gala to be held- Wait. I've just read this one." You have Spike, and I have some sinking suspicion this one was different. "Gimme me a sec... city of Canterlot, twenty-first, yadda yadda yadda... extends an invitation to Stardust Balance, plus one guest."

As he stares on in surprise at me, I was instead looking right back with a pure flabbergasted expression. Which was entirely justifiable, because this can't be real. No way did Celestia decided to invite a pony who knows little of Equestria's custom to such a formal event. Did I anticipate this? Hell no. Do I feel honoured? Hell no.

And am I going? Hell-!

And those were my enraged thoughts interrupted as the dragon suddenly burped out four golden recognizable special invitations. "Look! Tickets!" He exclaimed in excitement, obviously more enthusiastic than I was about the whole prospect.

"Yes they are." My blank response, slowly reaching out and grabbing the two tickets from the offering dragon- Oh NOW my hooves decided to give me that technique! Just to grab this forsaken ticket! I set the invitations down (they were the least important thing to me at this moment) and stared at my clenching and unclenching palm. Wow... it actually feels dead similar to opening and closing a hand... to say weird would be understating it.

Well, at least I won't have any difficult with a book now.

"Isn't this great? We should go and find Twilight; she'll love to see these tickets-!"

"Then by all means." I bluntly said. "Go and show those things to Twilight. I have work to do right now (now that I've mastered the art of using my horse palms). Just do me a favour and return as soon as possible; I have a task for you my friend." By then I will have likely thought of what to say in reply to the princess about receiving these tickets.

"Oh... you're not coming?"

I shrugged. "You don't need me slowing you down Spike. Besides, there are some things I need to check."

A hesitant pause before the reptile finally shrugged in turn. "Alright. Well I'll be back soon. See ya then!" I gave a half-heated wave as Spike walked - well I should rather say fastly-paced- to the door and exited the building, no doubt eager to show his owner the tickets and hoping he'll be chosen to go with her.

I shook my head. Even the non-ponies around here were too sugar-happy for my taste. Now, with that out of the way, I snorted at the sight of the lying tickets and moved around the carved table, more anticipated for any information of how I got into this world.

I know what you're thinking: shouldn't I be excited; hyped over the fact I've been formally invited to an event hosted where one would potentially see all their favourite ponies in one room, laughing and having fun together?


Hey, priorities. I have no time to make any friends or have fun. This was serious business to do here. Never mind partying or eating away to my heart's content; I have a little sister no doubt bawling her eyes out and praying for the return of her eldest sibling. This may be the best excuse ever to stay out of college yes, but not at the expense of upsetting my family. Answer me this: would YOU choose interacting with a fictional world and its residents at the expense of having your loved ones constantly worry about your well-being without even an inkling where you are?

With that train of thought, I proceeded to ignore the golden paper and began reading the first page of this book, titled Magical Transportation (I scoffed at the name too), I found in possible relation to my current predicament.

At least now I have some peace and quiet.

Well, that was a huge waste of my time.

Granted I have been given more information on how magic works in some areas, but the likelihood that what I've learnt will be useless in the future was too high.

Sighing in resignation, I closed the book and frowned sourly. Well, it was but one of many, if I search hard enough, there must be some accurate info around here somewhere. Glancing at the clock, I noted with a raised brow it's been over an hour since I've begun reading. And Spike had yet to return. Maybe he's occupied or forgotten. Wouldn't surprise me either way.

Placing the book back where I found it, my eyes scanned around the shelf and then the whole area. It will take hours before I find the correct book. Of course I can't ask Twilight for help when she returns; the less anyone knows about my whole ordeal, the better.

That said, I'm surprised the monarch didn't let her own prized pupil in on this. What exactly was Celestia playing here? Was it a test? Was Twilight not yet ready to learn there are habitat worlds beyond their own? Or did the princess simply value my privacy, evidently knowing I had no desire attracting attention to myself? Maybe it's simply me who has to tell her, when I feel like it's time for the unicorn to know the truth.

By that estimate; probably a really REALLY long time until then.

"It's not you Twilight, it's more of the safety of the universe..." I muttered as my hoof gently breezed across the rows of well-clean books. Obviously this library was constructed earlier than I thought; just how long has it been since it's creation anyway-?

I'm sure she'll understand.

My eyes closed and head bowed, nearly touching the tip of the nearest book and released an exasperated sigh. No, I didn't forget about the voice again, but that didn't stop me from tiring of its already irritating presence. "Are you here to finally give me an explanation who or what you are, or just to be vaguer than Celestia?"

No one else was around, and the front door was shut. So no one can overhear me talking to myself.

Princess Celestia, my friend. Even with no one around to hear us it would be rather respectful to address her as such.

"As I told her previously-fallen sister: respect is earned, not given. While I am grateful for this arrangement of me staying in this house with her student, that does little to gain any fondness over her." I replied and turned, walking back towards the middle of the area with my head held high, nothing but the clean wooden ceiling above. "And you have yet to answer my question."

You could try to at least be polite about her.

"Don't try and change the subject. Answer me."

Very well.

"...Well?" I asked after a few moments of silence. Call me impatient, but I have the nagging sensation whoever this voice speaking to me telepathically was containing the many answers I'm looking for. That brings something up in my mind: "No one else but I can apparently hear you. Am I to assume correctly, then, that you are responsible for bringing me into Equestria?"


I blinked at the straight answer. Okay... wasn't expecting it to be that easy. "Any clarification on that...?"

I am responsible for brining you here.

"...Oh." Can you really blame me for the lame reaction to these ludicrously simple answers? It's like a sudden mood change on the voice's part. "But why then am I here, Mr...?"

For now, you may simply call me the Specter.

The scoff was instantaneous; you're kidding me right? "I may as well then call you the 'Uninventive' instead."

Hm. Coming from the one who named himself after the remains of a star.

Oh so he has a sense of humour now? I glared at the innocent ceiling. "I will pretend to ignore that. Now, why have I been brought? Oh wait, even better; how and why have I become a pony? Unless I'm not far off from accurately speculating you're responsible for that too, 'Specter'." It would be more plausible (to Equestria's logic anyway) that the same being that brought me here was the one who morphed my body into... this.

You don't dance around with words, 'Stardust Balance'; since you choose to call yourself such in this world. My power brought you to Equestria, but did not change your body; that did so on it's own accord.

Oh? "To blend in with the laws and nature of this world?" I guessed thoughtfully while my hooves started pacing around. That makes sense, actually, and I can't believe I'm really saying that.

Indeed- He didn't bother asking how I came to that conclusion. -The purpose behind your summon to Equestria will be revealed to you, in due time. But beforehand, I have important tasks for you-

"Wait, a damn minute." I quickly cut him off, enraged disbelief replacing my previously calm voice, a hoof raised upwards to emphasize my righteous protest. "You're telling me that you brought me here, without an explanation as to why, and I have things to do for you before I find out even why I'm in this colourful world of puking rainbows and happiness?"

It would be better, my friend, that you discover it for yourself in the future; where it will become more clearer then.

Clearer then?!

Your clear irritation and confusion is understandable, my friend. But I promise you, it will be all worthwhile in the end. For now I advise patience on your part.

Patience? That's a technique I've mastered. But I'm finding his calm and patronizing tone was beginning to give me a migraine.

"Well pardon me for being skeptical, taking the words of a powerful entity who decided to drop me off in Equestria." I snapped harshly, more questions in the forefront of my mind. "And for that matter: why me, than any other fan of this world? They would kill to be here, I know that much. What possible use could I be here? And most importantly, why did I take the form of an Earth Pony?"

Surely at least some of these questions can be answered now, right?

You were chosen.

I scoffed loudly again. "By who? The Time Lords? The Jedi Council? Yen Sid? Some monarch of Equestria? Because I know neither Celestia nor Luna were even aware of my existence or that of other worlds until yesterday-"

I halted mid-speech as my jaw dropped in realization, eyes swiftly turning to the still lying golden tickets reserved for me and any other pony I choose.

That must be why...

Figured it out, haven't you? Why else would the Princess invite you if not for fascination on her part? I imagine both she, and her sister, would love to learn more about the world you come from.

"Not much to say about it, that's for sure." I grumbled before shaking my head, calming down a little. Of course I should know sooner. At the gala Celestia would likely wait for me to find a quiet spot so we can talk. Because I highly doubt she'll just plan on observing me. "I must be really losing my touch if I can't figure out these obvious things that quickly..."

You've had a lot on your mind, I'm sure.

I couldn't help but concur in a resigned sigh. "True. I've been far more distracted with finding a way how I got here and how to leave."

Why would you desire to leave so soon?

"I think you know very well why."

Hmph. Then I must regret to inform you, Stardust, that you won't be seeing your family for a long time; no matter how much research you look into. Do you honestly believe any information about magical world transportation even exists in this world.

In other words: I'm stuck here... excellent. Bloody excellent with a cherry on top. I lost count how many times I've sighed now.

"...You still haven't told me why I've become an Earth Pony."

Now that is one I can explain more easier. Because you have little magic inside you, born from a world where such power barely exists, and the fact that humans never had wings to begin with, this world saw it fit to give you the most evident form to adapt here. Besides, considering your background and philosophy, I find it rather fitting myself. And why in Equestria are you complaining so much? Wouldn't you rather be here than spend days in an educational building filled with those you despise?

"Don't pretend you know a single thing about me, Specter." I replied through clenched teeth, frowning so hard I could feel my muscles hurt. "But what you say does make sense about this transformation." Indeed, a human would most likely turn into the lowest form of pony species if taken from Earth to Equestria. "No wonder I feel so incompetent..." I admitted in bitter disappointment.

Never underestimate yourself, Stardust, or the type of pony you have become; Earth Ponies are much more important than you believe. They do not use magic like unicorns or alicorns, but that is because your kind is more subtle with theirs. Eventually, you will discover that for yourself.

I snorted at his beyond-farfetched claim that I can potentially use a powerful energy reserved only for Equestria's inhabitants. Somehow I doubt that. "You said you had a few tasks for me?" I asked quietly instead, continuing my daily pacing. I may as well hear him out, since he was the one who apparently brought me to Equestria. But that won't stop me from pestering the voice until I got my answers. Besides, if these tasks were worth my time and interest, I may as well listen.

Indeed: as you will be here for a while, it would be prudent of you to begin making acquaintances with Equestria's inhabitants-

"Not if I can help it."

-Despite what you think on the contrary. You cannot survive in this world on your own-

"Not that that will stop me from trying."

-No matter how nonthreatening it seems; for Equestria has many grave threats in the dark spaces of the world. The greater the light: the greater your shadow becomes.

"If that's not a Kingdom Hearts reference I don't know what is." I rolled my eyes at the dramatic dialogue. "Seriously, you haven't gotten to the point; what are my tasks?"

Your first objective is to begin making friends with this town's residents, beginning with those six ponies, by becoming closer to them and build trust.

My mind slowly processed these words before laughed in scorn. "Ha! I may as well fail now. No way in hell are they going to earn my trust." No matter how nice and friendly they were.

Your second task will be revealed to you after you formed a strong bond with the six, even the pet dragon of Miss Sparkle. I opened my mouth to retaliate the realistic outcome of this 'mission' when I was cut off. We will speak again when that happens. Good day, and good luck, Stardust.

What? "Hang on a minute you can't just leave me to it! I haven't even agreed yet!" No answer. "Don't you go silent on me! I demand to know why I even have to do this! Give me a response right now!"

Again, nothing.

He's gone...

Was he for real?! Did Specter honestly delude himself into thinking I will ever consider the likes of them friends? Twilight most likely. Spike possibly. But the rest of Ponyville? He may as well have tasked me to reform Tirek.

Because either way it's not going to happen! Ever!

I'm very picky when it comes to selecting friends, I don't just pick them randomly or right off the bat.

Applejack was probably the closest out of the other five I could befriend, as I can appreciate her brutal honesty.

Fluttershy for her peaceful and silent nature.

Rarity because neither of us prefer getting our bodies dirty - speaking of the fashion mare it shouldn't be that much of a bother to request clothes from her; because I've been but stark naked since my arrival, and I have decency mind you.

Rainbow Dash. Hoho don't make me laugh! She would be the last pony I would ever consider as a friend.

There was one more... oh yeah Pinkie Pie. Least likely too; I can't stand loud noise nor too much joyful bliss.

Anyone else? Thinking from the top of my head here. The Cutie Mark Crusaders? Well I have a soft spot for children, so it would be best I avoid them as clear as possible lest they soften me up a bit (but between you and me, what are the chances of me avoiding them all the time happening?). Derpy? Ehh. Applejack's family? The last thing I need is to be bombarded by all her siblings and the rambling voice of her grandmother.

It's clear to me now, however, that I must at least make some... "friends" in order for me to get off this colourful world, to my greatest reluctance. At least I can attempt to make sure I don't get too close with anyone of Ponyville, because the last thing I sincerely want to do is leave someone heartbroken by my eventual departure.

Sighing in bitter acceptance, my teal eyes scanned the nearest shelves as I halted my pacing. Despite what he said, Specter didn't say I should go out and make friends immediately. I still have time. As I last recalled about this episode Twilight returns to her house at the end with her friends waiting for her. I have no incentive to go out and find her right now.

My hoof reached out and picked a random book with an eye-catching title. I have a whole library I can look through to pass the time while I wait.

But if I must make "friends" in order to leave, then alright Specter: I'll play your ridiculous pointless game... for now-

My head craned to the sound of the door opening. They're back? Well finally now I can get to business about these tickets- Oh.

"Oh. Um... excuse me Stardust, I hope you don't mind me coming in..."

I blinked, before releasing a bemused smile. "It's a free library, come in Miss Fluttershy." Although my curiosity couldn't be suppressed as the pegasus slowly walked in; what was she doing here? Was she in the library during a part of the episode? I can't recall the whole thing clearly.

"Thank you. And you don't have to call me 'Miss', just Fluttershy if you don't mind. We're friends aren't we?" A kind smile that I'm sure would melt the heart of any brony. But me. Instead I raised an amused brow.

"Alright then. So what brings you here Mi- Fluttershy? Twilight or Spike aren't here at the moment if you're looking for them." That was then a memory came back to me, twitching the corners of my mouth. Ah yes, the ponies were trying to appeal to the poor unicorn so she might take one of them to the gala.

Before answering my question, the yellow pony turned and said to someone outside. "You can come in now." And I found myself taken aback by the multiple woodland creatures suddenly poured into the building. A bunny, a squirrel and three birds, to be specific. Fluttershy must have noticed the look of puzzlement. "I hope you don't mind, but I wanted to clean up the library a little for Twilight. I thought it would be nice of me to be a good friend for her. And for you too!" She quickly added that last part in nervousness.

I couldn't resist the smirk. "Hoping to get in Twilight's good graces so she may take you to the gala?" I didn't bother pointing out the fact that the library was clean enough before the filthy animals the pegasus brought along came in.

She halted midway from giving a bunny a brush, which I won't ask where it came from. "What? Oh no! I would never-!"

"It's alright Fluttershy. Feel free to dust away the library all you wish. I'm sure Twilight will appreciate it. Just as long as you don't distract me from my reading." With that I returned to the book, ignoring the grateful thanks from her. And just to make sure there won't be any interruptions, my hoof quickly reached and grabbed the two tickets at the other side of the table, hiding them from sight of the pegasus of her little friends.

The last thing I needed was to be in Twilight's position.

A gasp. "Fluttershy, not you too!"

"You're honestly surprised?" I said casually without turning to the distraught-sounding unicorn, eyes still focused on the words of the book. Not much reading was done much on my part, as, not that I will ever admit this to anybody, I was busy listening to the lullaby of the theme song by Fluttershy. Normally I would have snapped for this much noise in a library. But hey I was in college, people would never shut up in one there. Besides, the voice was soothing and lovely.

Again, not that I would ever admit as such.

"Oh! Well, hello Twilight." I snorted in crude amusement as the yellow pegasus feigned innocence. "I hope you don't mind, but we're all doing a little spring cleaning for you two." Really, Fluttershy, who are you trying to fool? My young sister can come up with better excuses.

"It's Summer."

My head perked up at that. "It is...?" Funny, it was Winter back home. I'll have to ask what the month was.

"Oh-" Does she have to say 'Oh' in every sentence? "- Well, better late than never right?" You know, it wouldn't surprise me if Fluttershy was good friends with Shrek. "It was Angel's idea." Oh yeah, she had a pet rabbit named Angel.

"Was it now?" I asked in amusement, raising a brow to the innocent animal in question, who was making... salad... in the library... Whatever, Twilight's problem, she can just get them to leave very soon.

"You're not doing this for the ticket are you?" No Twilight, she's doing this because it was a kind thing for her to do. What do you think?

"Oh no! I'm doing this because you and Stardust are my very best friends! Right angel?"

At this I raised a brow and looked at the beaming pegasus. "You... are aware reaching such a level of friendship takes time, right?" Oh I forget who I'm talking to. The pegasus shrugged innocently, inciting my eye roll.

And thank you Angel, for reflecting my expression perfectly.

"Oh, yes: we are just doing this for the ticket." Both I and Twilight blinked at the blunt confession. Well that didn't take too long. And unless I'm mistaken that was the loudest growling of a stomach I have ever heard in my entire life, answering the bunny's offer for fresh salad... that was made by a rabbit... yeah Twilight I think you'd better say no to that.

"No no no!" Well okay, not quite like that. My eyes widened before remembering how irritated she got as the episode went on. "Well this was all very nice of you and Angel, but I'm not accepting any extra favours until I've made my final decision." Jesus take a breath girl. "So I'm going to have to ask you to leave-!"

"SURPRISE!" Oh hell no...

"Shut the damn door!" I immediately called out as we heard the familiar voice. Too late, party remains landing on the doormat as the unicorn was instantly dragged outside.

"Twilight is my bestest friend woopie~!" No! NO! I'm not putting up with this. The book was forgotten entirely as I hurriedly rushed to the door and shut it hard, ignoring the loud impact of it. Good, I can't hear the singing of Pinkie Pie. It may be considered cruel of me to leave Twilight out there but... no screw that, the unicorn can take care of herself. Sighing in relief, I turned to a curious Fluttershy and her observing pets.


"Oh um, are those tickets in your hoof?" I blinked in surprise, before looking downwards to find my own tickets were indeed still in the palm of my hoof. "You have your own tickets to the gala too?"

"No Fluttershy, they're tickets to the great beyond." I replied blankly.

"Oh... why?"

...Did she not hear the clear sarcasm? Sighing irritably, I held up the golden pair of paper in clear sight for her. "Yes, these are my own tickets to the Grand Gala or whatever you call it." Then something hit me as the pegasus gasped in quiet excitement. "Have them if you want."

The pony's eyes widened in shock while approaching me. "Both of them? But one's for you and other to decided who to take with you, aren't they?"

My shrug couldn't have been any more indifferent. "Formal events are meaningless to me, Fluttershy, I honestly couldn't care less. Take them, and just out of amusement on my end, maybe take the rabbit with you and no one else." I ignored the indignant hopping of the animal in question being addressed wrongly as the yellow pony was within feet of me.

"But... it's the Grand Galloping Gala! How can you not want to go?" Surely I'm not the first pony in existence to decline an invitation there.

"Simple: like this." I dropped the tickets onto the floor between us carelessly, showing just how much of a damn I don't give about the event. I don't care why Celestia wanted me to come to the gala, it's not going to happen.

The pegasus gasped exaggeratedly. "But... it would be rude to decline such an invitation from Princess Celestia!"

Again, another dismissive shrug. "Then it sucks for her." This time not only Fluttershy gasped in shock, but the rest of the woodland creatures behind her. What can I say? I take people by surprise. An amused smirk played on my lips as I walked past the still pony. "Take them. I have no need for them. All I want right now is some peace and quiet, not to be dealt with the same situation Twilight is in." That said, I returned to the table back to the open book.

Maybe now I can- My thoughts halted midway as the yellow pegasus was suddenly at my side, placing the two fallen tickets beside the reading object. "I'm sorry." She began sincerely. "But I can't accept these tickets; they're for you and whoever you want to bring with you. It wouldn't be fair of me to take them from you. It's not right."

"Life's not fair, Fluttershy." The words flew from my mouth before I could stop them. "And you're really just wasting away the tickets then; I have no need for them. Whatever it is the princess wants from me, she can come here herself and tell me. I won't go to some high-class party filled with snobbish aristocrats and arrogant stallions."

"Really? 'Cause I think you'd fit right in." My head snapped in annoyance to the pegasus so dared call me that, a heavy frown on my features. Where did she come from? Where did they come from? How the hell do they keep coming in without me noticing?! Rainbow Dash smirked in amusement at my look. "Besides, it can't be that bad. Nice headbed by the way."

A pause. Yes I was fully aware my hair was a current mess. But hey I was busy all day. Besides, I have no clue how these ponies even brush their hair. Instead I asked politely. "Have you ever been to a gala, Rainbow Dash?"

The expression was sheepish. "Well... no, but I always wanted to-!"

"Exactly so shut up." Her jaw dropped at the direct order. My eyes narrowed at the other rapidly blinking ponies. Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Applejack. Yes I remember; they were all in the library before Twilight returned. My tone turned more snappish with each passing word. "Look at you all; trying to get in Twilight's good graces and instead just irritating her. You honestly believe she would share a ticket with any of you?"

"Of course she would!" Rarity replied in protest, frowning undoubtedly at my condescending voice. "We're her best friends-!"

"Precisely." I interrupted her. "You're ALL her best friends, though already reaching that level of friendship is absurd in itself..." I muttered sourly before continuing with a clear throat. "You think she'll just take one of you, if she couldn't take you all? No. The most likely outcome is Twilight returning the tickets to Celestia-"

I ignored their gasps of shock at my blatant disrespect to their monarch. "- Because she can't decide who to take. You may not know this, but Twilight values you all equally; she won't be taking anyone if she can't take all of you. And you pressuring her for the tickets will only make matters worse."

I allowed the words to sink, not bothering hiding the smugness on my face while the ponies looked away in mixture of thought and shame. That told them. Feels rather good to tell someone off. It just occurred to me then; do I know more about Twilight right now than her friends do? Oh my God that's hilarious! Must restrain the rising smirk on my muzzle.

But you know, I do wish I can fold my arms again.

"Well, gee, I never thought of it that way..." Applejack was the first to respond, rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly. "I guess we've all been nothin' but selfish to poor Twilight."

"Indeed Applejack." Rarity nodded in agreement, her tone suggesting embarrassment. "I feel so ashamed of myself for bothering dear Twilight so!"

"Oh, oh! I know!" I sighed in exasperated annoyance as Pinkie Pie lifted her hoof as though it was her turn to speak. Uh huh face it Pinkie, it's never your turn to talk if I could help it. "As soon as Twilight arrives: we'll apologize to her!"

"Great idea Pinkie!" The blue pegasus nodded in agreement before glancing at me, or more specifically the tickets lying beside me, speaking in a tone I don't like. "So, Stardust... you sharing those tickets or what?"

The room echoed with my facepalm.

So finally, and I mean FINALLY, the purple pony returned to her home in the most unorthodox fashion I have witnessed yet. The sound of what could only be best described accurately as "POOF!" turned my attention from the book (and if you're what the book is about exactly, and I don't know why you would, it's to do with pony diets) to an appearing Twilight and her pet.

"Uhh..." The dragon mumbled in his dizzy state, clearly having unexpected they'd be teleported back to the library. My eyebrow raised in confusion; was there a specific reason why Spike appeared as though a firework exploded in his face?

Hey, just because I saw the episode doesn't mean I remember every single detail.

"Warn me next time when you're gonna do that..."

"I didn't even know it was gonna happen!"

"Hello Twilight. Spike." I greeted them casually (hey someone's gotta be the calm one), mentally counting down how long before they notice the other ponies watching by the side. Yes my argument with them about the tickets broke up with the sensible Applejack suggesting they cease bothering me and wait by the side for their purple friend to come back. "You look worse for wear."

"Sorry Stardust, just one moment! Quick Spike: lock the doors!" I blinked rapidly at the tremendous speed the duo were showing in their rush to prevent any more ponies getting in the place. The front door locked, the windows shut tight, all lights turned off- HEY! I was reading! I frowned in irritation as the two leaned back-to-back and sighed in relief.

Then the main light turned back on.

I counted fourty-eight seconds.

And instinctively my front hoofs flew to my ears. I'm admittedly a little impressed they can reach that high but still: the hell Twilight? "No need to screech." I stated off-handedly.

"I can't decide!" The purple panicking unicorn began, completely unaware of the true purpose her friends were still here for. "I just can't decide! It's important to all of you and I just can't stand to disappoint any of you and giving me gifts and doing me favours won't make any difference! Because you're all my friends! And I wanna make you all happy! But I can't! I just can't!"

She finished with an exhausted collapse, sounding deeply ashamed for admitting the truth. Huh... was that sympathy rising in my chest? My brief thought of going to comfort the unicorn diminished when a certain orange fellow Earth Pony did the deed for me.

"Twilight sugar-" 'Sugar'? "- We didn't mean to put so much pressure on you. Ya see; we're not really here for the tickets." And you can believe those words, since they come from the mouth of Applejack.

The unicorn slowly glanced up in surprise. "You're not? But-!"

"We've all thought about it, and realized it's your choice, not ours, to decide who you want to take with you. We won't hold it against you."

"That's right." Fluttershy pitched in, flying down to the pair and offering her support for the poor pony. I simply observed from afar, leaning against the table. Say, where'd those animals Fluttershy had a while ago go? I swear if they're doing their business to one of the books I'm going to- "It's just so awful how I - how all of us - made you feel so awful."

"That's right! It's no fun upsetting your friend!" Pinkie Pie added. Why not? Sometimes it's necessary to protect your friend. I knew that much. But for the sake of not ruining the mood, for no reason whatsoever, I held my tongue.

"Twilight, it was unfair of me to try and force you as I did." Rarity stated sincerely.

I nodded, mostly to myself, at how well-behaved they were learning their lesson-

"Yes! That means the ticket is mine!"

...Never mind.

"I got the ticket~! I got the ticket~"

"You'll have your wings stuffed in your mouth if you carry on." Was my annoyed glaring reply. And trust me when I say you shouldn't take my threats lightly. Well at least it had the effect, the blue pegasus halted her obnoxious excitement and stared at me as though I was an untamed animal. Did she fear me?


I ignored the disapproving gaze from Applejack.

"Uh on second thought: I haven't perfected my signature moves for the Wonderbolts anyway." The Wonder-who now? Whatever, her affairs were her own. "I don't need that ticket either."

That's what I thought. Shaking my head as the orange pony continued consulting Twilight, my gaze rested on the book, this time closing it. I don't think I'll be getting anymore reading right now. Plus it appeared to be nighttime, just what time was it anyway?

"- but Stardust made us realize how un-gum we were making you." ...Wait what? My head whipped around in question at the mention of my temporary name, genuinely confused. How what I was making them realize? "He told us just how much pressure we were puttin' on you."

What, no! Leave me out of this! I turned away as the ponies and lizard turned to me as though I was going to say something. In their dreams!

"We're sorry Twilight!" I looked back as the now-calm pony smiled at the chorus of apologies from her faithful friends, but never mind that. Well at least all seems well again. I sighed in relief, glad to have been forgotten again.

Wow, I have issues...

"Spike, take down a note." Oh that reminds me! I slapped my forehead in surprise, I need that dragon to write a return note as well! "'Dear Princess Celestia; I've learnt that one of the joys of friendship is sharing your blessings. But when's there not enough blessings to go around, having more of your friends can make you feel pretty awful'-"

Well today I've learnt one of the many diets a pony can have, and will probably forget it the next day. And while she's doing this an idea popped up when I watched her own tickets floating above our heads. Immediately grabbing the two on my end (honestly surprised no one tried to grab them yet) and gently placing with the other golden two inside the letter, ignoring the curious looks of the others.

"- 'returning both tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala.'"

"WHAT?!" Indoor voices people, hello?! I rubbed my poor ears as they were oblivious to my glare.

"'If my friends can't all go: I don't wanna go either!'" Twilight finished proudly, smirking confidently at her own words. She could just ask for more- no wait, Twilight's far too humble for that.

I couldn't help but mirror the expression. "I told you all so." I commented.

"Well, yeah but-! Twilight; yer don't have to do that!" Applejack said in shock.

"Nope, I've made up my mind."

"As have I." I paused before shrugging as the rest turned to me, Spike preparing to send the letter away. "Well, I've decided ages ago when the tickets were first given to me. I'm sticking around."

"Oh yeah." Twilight said as though remembering something. "Spike did mention you got your own tickets. Speaking of which; Spike, you can send the letter now. Wait, Stardust, you're not going either?"

"No. I'm returning them the same manner you are." I nodded to the dragon who then just sent the letter with his green magic fire. How? I'll probably never know. "No way am I going to some event just because the princess wants me to."

"Huh?" Oh look genuinely perplexed you are Twilight. "Why not?"

"I have better things to do." I rolled my eyes at their dropped jaws. "Don't give those looks. My time is better suited for researching what I'm looking for, not to hang around with others for mindless conversations and eat and rink until I've fallen unconscious by the stuff."

"Well... that's okay." Fluttershy spoke up. "But Twilight, you won't be going to the gala either..."

"It's okay girls. I couldn't possibly enjoy myself without my best friends there with me." She stated sincerely as the rest group-hugged the unicorn, me stepping out of the way next to the dragon and observing with a small smile. "So I'd rather not go at all."

Well, you're a better pony than me then, Twilight...

And Spike suddenly making noises as though he's resisting throwing up causing to glance down at him. Ah yes, here comes the happy finale to this episode...

"Well wallop my withers Spike!" What the hell did she just say? "Isn't that just like a boy? Can't handle the least bit of sentim- hey!" The surprised Earth Pony was cut off as my hoof immediately forcefully pushed her out of the way of the green fire. "Whoa nelly!" Now that was a term I understood.

"You're welcome." I said flatly while looking up with the rest. Well what do you know? Another letter. I wonder what this one's going to be about...?

"A letter from the Princess? That was fast."

"No, a fan letter." I muttered sarcastically as Spike took the falling object and started reading its contents to the audience.

"'My faithful student Twilight. Why didn't you just say so in the first place?'" I snickered quietly at thought of Celestia purposely writing that in a patronizing tone. And was it just me or did those handful of tickets just pop out because of the timing? "Seven tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala!" Spike exclaimed as he held up the golden papers in question.

Collective gasps? Check. "Now we can all go!" Twilight stated happily, and my tiny smile easily evaporated.

"Well, have fun all of you." There were only seven after all, for each of the Mane Six and the dragon. Celestia must have forgotten about my existence... eh, that wasn't hard to do anyway. At least now I have a better excuse now why I can't go, I watched as the ponies excitedly exited the library with their individual piece of paper, not at all feeling sorry for myself. I wonder if there's any chocolate in the fridge-

A bright green light caused me to look back, as Spike was given another letter with an added ticket. My stomach instantly dropped as Spike called out. "Hey Stardust, you can have this ticket!"

Oh for the love of-!

"No thank you." I said bluntly before turning towards where the kitchen was. Yet the lizard persisted by running towards me across the room, holding the two papers up. "I said I don't want it." My tone was firm, allowing no room for argument.

But, to my growing annoyance, he protested anyway, flashing my apparent invitation. "Come on Stardust! It's the Grand Galloping Gala! How can you not want to go?!"

"...Would you like me to repeat the same answer I gave to Fluttershy about the matter?"

The unamused lizard raised a perplexed brow. "But... just how can you say no to such an honoured invitation?"

The tone of shock incited me to roll my eyes. "Seriously Spike? Not every person- er pony has the same mindset. What reason, exactly what motivation, do I have for even considering going there?"

"Cakes. Fun. Dancin'. Meeting famous ponies from across the land." Our heads turned to the answering Earth Pony, who simply smiled while approaching us. Didn't all the mares just leave? "I know earlier you said you don't wanna go, Stardust. But do you really wanna be alone while everyone else is havin' fun?"

"...Would you like me to be honest, my dear?"

"Um... sure."

"Then yes."

She had the gall to roll her eyes at me. "Listen here sugarcube." I felt my eye twitch at the way I was being addressed. "I don't know what's causin' yer to act so cranky, but ya can't spend your entire time shuttin' yerself away like this! It's unhealthy for a pony to be distant to others! Just crack a smile and have fun, as Pinkie'd say."

"If it's such a bother to you, then just go; don't let my attitude be such an inconvenience to you and the rest. It's my choice whether I want to go or not." Why were even they still here? "Besides, what's the point of me even going? There's no logic behind it!"

"Of course there is!" Applejack replied, her gaze softening. "We're your friends. It wouldn't be right of us to leave somepony behind."

Was she for real? Well it's a good thing morality meant so little to me. "Then allow me to clear your conscious for you." I began, my tone rising heatedly as my face leaned over a little, Spike taking a step back from the look. "We are not-"

"Applejack's correct, dear." Oh great. Now Rarity is adding in her unnecessary two cents. And I rolled my eyes at Spike's blissful sigh. The white unicorn walked upwards and stood next to the unfazed Earth Pony, who looked glad to have assistance on this argument. "While it is your decision whether you wish to go or not, I must implore to you, Stardust, that it would be rather unfair to simply leave you behind. So, I ask of you on behalf of myself, Applejack, Spike and the others: please come with us. Just do us this tiny favour. It would make us happy."

"...What would I get in return?" I should decline. I REALLY should decline. My patience is dropping drastically. But... my curiosity, my godforsaken curiosity... is replacing the patience instead of irritation; what would I get in exchange for doing this simple thing for the ponies? Well, simple for them, but I just don't do parties. End of story.

I'll make that clear when she answers.

"Whatever you desire."

...Eh? "Pardon?"

"We will do whatever it is you ask of us in the future, as one friend to another, provided it is within our power to do so." Rarity replied my earnest confusion with a certain smile. She wasn't kidding... She can't actually be serious? The prospect seemed... too good to be true. But then again, the most likely thing I would waste this returned favour on would be to request some peace and quiet on my part.

Of course, Applejack was rather hesitant in the idea. "Uhh Rarity, I don't know if we should make a deal like that without consultin' the others-"


The word flew from my mouth before I could even think about it. Well... too little too late now I suppose. Just like that I was persuaded... I know completely now I have issues. But...I could use the help of these ponies sometime in the future, possibly, if I needed to get out of a sticky situation or if I required total isolation, of course. And Specter did say in order for me to know what's going on I must make friends with this world's main characters first.

Besides, who would say no to the Mane Six owing you a favour?

But at least it also got this nauseating argument to end.

Rarity grinned perfect white teeth at me, and suddenly I wanted to take back my acceptance. Applejack looked uncertain at me, as though I was the last pony she would ever consider owing anyone anything. You're wiser than you look, my fellow Earth Pony. Spike meanwhile was smiling happily, and I shake my head in exasperation.

Honestly, why do they care so much?

"Wonderful. Now, why don't you join us for dinner? My treat." Eh... I glanced at the clock before reluctantly nodding. "You won't regret this, I swear." Rarity vowed needlessly I followed the three towards the front door, exiting the structure with Spike turning off the light and closing the door behind us.

"I sincerely doubt that."

"Oh! And before then, I will help you all prepare for the gala. You'll need to look your best for such an important event, after all." Wait what? Oh yeah the gala's a formal event. Except...

"For them maybe. But I don't think I'll need any help with that-"

"And tidy up your messy hair. It looks as though you haven't combed it at all today!" Ah, so the unicorn shows her exaggerate fashion side at last. I simply rolled my eyes as the friendly Rarity slowed down to walk beside me. I dare even say she was checking me out through her inspection.

"Keep your hooves away from my hair-"

"And sort out that uncleaned beard of yours as well!"

"My beard is fine-"

"Would you like it neatly curled? Or shaved?"

"I swear to God if you go anyway near me with a shaver-"

"It'd be best not to argue, sugar." Applejack called from the front. "There ain't no getting past Rarity when it comes to these things." Was that amusement in her tone? Great I'm being ganged up from all sides.

"I'm already beginning to regret this." I grumbled out, twitching as the unicorn persisted in invading my personal space.

"I see you'll be a tricky customer." Rarity finally sighed while leaning back. Tricky? Oh that doesn't begin to describe me my dear. "Seeing as how you're foreign. Oh not that that's a bad thing of course!" She quickly added as I raised an unamused brow at her. "You have a lovely accent, by the way. But I am curious... just where did you say you were from Stardust?"

"...I didn't." I replied flatly, making it abundantly clear I was not going to reveal such information at the present time. Or ever, if I can help it. My stare was straight on the path, choosing to ignore the curious glance from the orange Earth Pony.

"Oh... well." The fashion unicorn quickly recovered from the blunt reply and smiled for some reason. "We'll get plenty of time to know each other while we go to the gala, I'm sure. Now then, darling, what about that dreadful beard? And as for your formal clothing I'm thinking something to match your lovely coat-"

I swore the dragon was snickering from the back as I groaned loudly.

To Be Continued...

Author's Note:

New avatar. I leave it to you to decide if should keep it or revert back to the old one. Have a nice day!

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