• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 197: Temptation of the Clam

Today started out, as it would, like any other normal, typical day... If you counted the unfortunately-not-so-rare days of preventing evildoers from trying to extract vengeance upon oblivious friends whom have wronged them.

Case in point.

"Listen to your Queen, we must retrieve the Elements of Harmony!"

She never saw it coming~! "Not today Syphilis!" Came the only warning the former ruler of Changeling hive had, before shielding herself in a green shield just in the nick of time but roughly skidding against the forest ground. Who else would anticipate a golden projectile alicorn landing with an aimed kick from above?

Green eyes flared in recognition. "You!"

"Moi." I replied while dusting my own blue shirt, barely taking note of her six minions before noticing the likeliness between them and my friends, aside from very notable differences. Renegade Changelings? No, their heart signatures were too similar.

Albeit more corrupted. Let's take a stab in the dark then.

"Making clones now, Queenie? How desperate things have become since losing your own children, huh?"

"Crafted from a mane strand from each of your precious friends." Chrysalis sneered with a hint of glee, black lips curling in a disdainful smile. That dark heart of hers oozing disgust, and another sensation that almost brought a shiver within me. "The perfect instruments to my revenge, which you shall not intervene!"

"Because I have a habit of heeding the words of love-hungry dictators." Throwing off my own cape... Only for said fabric to be immediately accosted by the false Rarity, leaping in the air and selfishly hogging the cape to herself. Huh, clingy. Anyway, Chrysalis. "Coincidence that an infamous villain enacts a plan of revenge the same time my friends go camping? I could do with some exercise."

Her nostrils exhaled irritation. "If you could sense me with your Balance, why didn't you act sooner when I was taking pictures of your friends?"



"I was... Readying myself." No point in indulging her, or these clones for that matter, that I was having a good nap and only JUST woke up. "Irrelevant anyway, your attempt for petty revenge ends now, Chrysalis."

"Tch. Oh my dear Twilight Warrior." Hated it when she did that, and the former royal knew it, grinning slyly and preparing herself. "I imagine with your renewed body and... Recent additions, you would still be getting accustomed to utilizing magic again. I have no such weakness."

YOU would be sorely mistaken. I smirked coyly in return. "I'm glad you've noticed my lovely new wings, and very sharp horn, Bronchitis. Careful we don't put any new holes in you, huh?" Just as she hated it when I call her names that rhyme, prompting the tall Changeling to charge, pale blue mane swishing in the wind. And I prepared myself in turn, meeting her halfway across the small battlefield.





Birds hastily flying from their branches, other critters scurrying from the result of our rather one-sided conflict. And I wasn't even kidding, Chrysalis has gone more insane than usual, and so savage in her simple attacks, and it showed. That or I had somehow became far more stronger in enduring other's magic while tossing the former Queen around like a ragdoll, eventually concluding with a hurled Changeling into a breakable tree trunk, trapping half her body rooted inside.

Insult to injury came in the form of a bee hive landed right atop her dazed head, coating face and neck in honey. The bees weren't pleased, to say the least. "Ow! Eek! Stop that! Ow! Pesky insects! OW! ENOUGH! AGH!"

Ouch indeed, though some of the fake Mane Six were taking some delight in their creator's agony, as 'Rainbow,' 'Fluttershy' and 'Applejack' collectively sniggered. 'Pinkie,' on the other hoof, simply declared a major "BORING!"

Oh yeah, what nailed personalities. Chrysalis sure got them right. 'Twilight,' with surprisingly striking red eyes, simply gave me a faint inquisitive expression behind a frown... Before that shifted into a coy smirk. Huh, guess I earned her approval. Lucky me.

One last sting when it seemed to be all over. "Ow!" Ha! Chrysalis, managing to free herself, head to hoof covered in bee stings, commanded of the Faux Six after waving off the small buzzing insects. "Don't just stand there fools; attack this interloper!"

Stares. Just simple stares. The only thing 'Fluttershy' did to act was give me a mean expression and say "Jerk" out-loud, prompting me to righteously laugh my arse off in turn.

"Syphilis, haha, your clones are a riot." I grinned cheekily then, inclining my head to the side. "Tell you what, how about you leave and try to re-enact your retribution... Oh, say, never."

For a moment, the former Queen of the Changelings hesitated, green malicious eyes glancing back and forth between myself, the Fake Six, and then another direction, as though seriously considering her options. Raising a brow, I concentrated a little to magically summon up a ticking clock from the castle to now, hovering midair beside me to emphasize the message I was sending: Leave, or those bee stings will be the least painful thing she gets on this lovely day.

Chrysalis got the message enough, sneering as her last response before ascending into the air, the faint sounds of her vocal pain from the stings and bruises remnants of her departure into the skies. Her heart signature growing more and more distant, thankfully opposite of the direction my friends and partner were in the middle of the Everfree Forest. That villain's parting expression left her own message; it wasn't over.

No... I'll be seeing her again soon.

But in the meantime. "Why did you let her go?" Now to deal with the leftovers, glancing to the approaching, stern copy of Twilight who seemed to harbor no real hostile intent. Best guess, whatever spell Chrysalis had used incorporated some of her own personality into this version of the alicorn and the rest of our friends. "You could have stopped your enemy once and for all, here and now."

Good question, with a better answer. "I wouldn't sink to her level like that. Plus, I've been trying to become a more decent, forgiving being ever since getting these things." Showing off widened gold wings in example. "Mercy is a better resolution than swift punishment, in the long run."

The fake Twilight scoffed. "If you say so." I shrugged, honestly detecting no real threat in her or these others' newly created hearts. Copies or no, they seemed more interested in being the exact opposite of their original counterparts than just causing mayhem. I turned back to face the rest of them alongside this faux Princess.

'Pinkie' laying on the ground looking hopelessly bored, 'Fluttershy' prodding an annoyed 'Rainbow's' side atop a branch in mean glee, 'Rarity' still lovingly clinging onto my discarded cape, and 'Applejack' pretending she was hiding something valuable. Though really it was nothing but thin air.

What was I going to do with them? I couldn't just leave them here, and I imagined bringing them to Ponyville would benefit anyone.

Dues ex Starswirl appeared. I may have my own solution, my friend.

Well it's uh... Spacious.

"Oh wow, what a total snorefest!" 'Pinkie' accurately reflected my own thoughts out-loud, the seven of us once exiting the gold portal provided by my teacher.

Greeted by a lush, wide plain at the border south of Equestria, away from any real cities or places of large population. A small, isolated town just in the horizon. The seven standing atop a hill, overlooking the plain landscape and part of me wondering if this would be alright. They were just new, born into this world, and leaving them alone felt... Well, utterly wrong.

They'll be fine, Jack, I have the feeling they're perfectly independent in their own right. A moment's pause, my own hesitation presented that the other six were oblivious to spot. Consider it like this; you saved them from a far worse fate than would have been bestowed upon them, had Chrysalis gone through with finding the Tree of Harmony. A fate I imagine you would likely dare not inquire of.

Probably not, no. Clearing my throat, the six clones looked to me with indifferent, bored or annoyed expressions. The differences were almost astonishing. "Right, remember our deal; cause no trouble, find your own paths in life, and let's hope for the best, eh?"

"Tch, whatever."

"I promise ya, partner!"

"Depends if anypony dares take what is mine! But I do thank you for allowing me this luscious cape."


"If anyone gets in my way, that's their fault."

"You're putting a lot of trust in six copies of your friends. Don't you have any common sense whatsoever?"

I snorted to that last one. "Believe me, love, I have more sense than a good ninety-nine percent of this world's population." Ninety-eight if I was being generous. Then I realized I called this version of Twilight 'love' automatically, though then again I often made that mistake with the Equestria Girls' Twilight too.

'Rainbow' huffed irritably, rolling eyes. "Can we get going now, lovebirds? I have a gajillion better things to do!"

'Fluttershy' scoffed. "What, like napping?" She sneered in challenge, grinning to the growling fellow pegasus.

Ladies, ladies, settle down. Tempting as it was to witness a catfight, I'd rather not be here if that broke out. Just trying to remember something else I forgot regarding these six new versions of my friends. Err... Um...

Oh yeah!

"Now I remember, before you all go, you need new names if you want to be regarded as different ponies from your counterparts." Let's see, I turned to the fibbing variation of the farmer Earth Pony first.

"Appleflap." Her response was a tilt of the head, before shrugging in a 'why not' look.

"Dull Pie." A bored sigh.

"Meanieshy." A deathly smirk.

"Clingity." Still snuggling into my cape greedily. That's alright, I'll just get a new one.

"Rainbow Snore." A snort of ridicule, but otherwise no real objection.

"And... Midnight's too obvious. Err... Twinight?"

"...It works, I guess." The new alicorn shrugged, before nodding to her 'friends.' One by one, they all dispersed without saying a proper goodbye. Charming, though they're not suppose to be friendly. Red eyes gazed at me then, stating matter-of-factly, "So tell me, what's stopping us from causing trouble however we please?"

"Nothing." I shrugged casually, knowing this mare was just testing me. My smirk matching her own in equal challenge. "But do you really wanna sink to the level that lowlife Queen expects of you?"

"...A valid argument, I suppose." The newly christened Twinight regarding me then with a mild hum, her heart's emotion bordering on intrigue and humour. "Then I should provide some measure of gratitude for your oh-so gracious ounce of compassion." What now- Finding her front limbs suddenly wrapping around my golden neck, pulled into an unexpected heat of curious passion.

The kiss was far more intense, demanding and hungry than my Twilight would ever have used, finding myself melting under the similarly tasteful and parting lips. It was more a make-out of physical than emotional romance, feeling like hours passed before it finally concluded, dazed eyes regarding one another as Twil- Twinight licked her own lips a little, as if to savour the taste. Something about those coy red eyes suddenly entrancing.

"Hmm... I can maybe see why she's into you." What the Hell was that even? Finally releasing me, while I hastily moved my hoofs off her sides I had instinctively clutched during the intimacy, the bolder version of Twilight smiled slyly with half-lidded eyes bordering on suggestiveness, turning around with the end of her long purple tail, with brighter hues, purposely brushing against my muzzle. Adding one last time. "If you ever get bored of my goodie-two-shoes self..."

Before merrily trotting after her fellow clones as though thoroughly enjoying herself, down the hill to the others in enjoying their new lease of life.

...We don't say a word of this to Twilight, or anyone else for that matter, agreed?

You needn't even ask.

Thanks... So... Uh, changing subjects while I was making my hasty retreat to the waiting gateway home. Any chance I could eventually learn to summon gold portals like that, too?

Hmm. Sounding both thoughtful and faintly amused. One step at a time, my friend. Why don't you worry about taking that cold shower you're currently thinking of?

Okay, it didn't count. That kiss with the cloned Twilight couldn't have counted in the least, right? I mean, it was pretty much the same version of my Twilight... But, then again, entirely different in personality, so it would have to count. Twinight was more bolder, seductive in her approach, and even suggestive regarding what she wanted. [BEEP], I might as well have accidentally cheated.

Except it wasn't really me cheating, was it? I mean, she kissed ME, not the other way 'round. So really I didn't do anything that warrants this frantic pacing back and forth in some random room of the castle I found just to mentally vent and stress what might happen if my Twilight found out. After saving her clone's life, I wouldn't want that to quickly change by murder at her own original self's hand... Hoof-

"Hi Dad."

"Gah!" My body shot upwards into the air from the unexpected presence the moment I turned around, too distracted in my own concerns to have sensed his approach. "Spike, don't sneak up on me like that!" While tightly holding onto the chandelier, the dragon meeting my upside-down gaze with bemusement.

"Uhh, sorry about that. I was just wondering where you were after you left in a hurry earlier. Something told me you'd be in here?" In some random arse room? Me thinketh Spike was developing his newfound abilities further than I dared anticipate, a rush of pride overtaking my former embarrassment for a moment. "You looked worried about something, Dad, is anything wrong?"

"Nope! No not at all Spike." Cats always landed in four feet. In this case, that applied for ponies such of myself once letting go of the dangling glass object above, right before the unfazed dragon. "Just had the misfortune of encountering an old 'friend' of ours, and then helping six newly-created beings in finding their own place in the world."

Spike merely blinked curiously. "Okay...?"

Thus, I promptly shifted topics to avoid any potential awkwardness... And Twilight ripping off my alicorn wings and horn for 'study' if she ever somehow found out. "So... Any particular reason you've sought me out today?"

Cheerfully, Spike replied with his own enthusiastic grin. "I was hoping, since the girls have gone camping, we have plenty of time training me to use Balance. Or, you know, just do whatever really." A halfheated shrug, in poor attempt of concealing his own excitement by the prospect.

A zeal I was all too accustomed with. "Have you done your exercises out back this morning?"

"Uh-huh! Went through the round eight times, just as you wanted!"

One brow.

"All right, four times..."

Two brows.


A knowing smirk.

"Gah! Alright alright, I trained once this morning, but give me a break Dad I'm still new at this!" Spike eventually relented, throwing half a pout towards me aided with exasperation. "I hate to admit it, but I don't nearly have the same muscle mass and prowess you have."

Why thank you son, but I was never one to take note and compliment my own appearance. Chuckling wryly, I clasped my hoof upon his shoulder. "One is still effort, but doing so again requires resolve and motivation. What motivates you into becoming a Twilight Warrior, Spike?"

"Err, you, Mom, our friends and... Rarity."

"So think about those that mean so much to you as you train. You'll be surprised how much further one progresses when focused entirely about what they care for the most." Noting his hesitation, still, I threw a humoured, fond smile. "Tell you what, let's do one hour of meditation today, when we can focus on more fun stuff, especially with a certain Princess out of the house for the whole day and night..."

Blinking for a moment, the young purple dragon was quick to catch on, new wings flapping in their own excitement. "Sure, I'm down with that! Let's stop wasting time then and get to boring medita- I mean mental, beneficial exercise!" Flying out the room like an expert flawlessly, as I affectionately followed in my own pace.

Anything, really, to take my mind from replaying a certain image of a false alicorn mushing her muzzle against mine over and over.


"Ohhhh no, Spike, you're going down!" I grinned in malicious competition, gripping my controller tightly enough to potentially snap it in half, if one had little faith in me. Balance training done for the afternoon, now came the good ol' fashioned father-and-son-play-while-mother-is-away routine.

How better to devote that, than actively kicking one another's [BEEP]es all over the place in this PS4 game where the objective is to throw the other player off the map. Needless to say, Spike was getting more skilled as time went on. Does the dragon get it from Twilight at becoming exceptionally talented?

"Hey, put me down Dad!" The younger male to my right on the couch protested heatedly, leaning forward at the flashing screen with narrowed eyes and intense concentration.

"Nah, I'm good son."

"You can't hold me up forever!"

"You're right, just until I knock your lizard posterior off the curb." Which I did, to Spike's groan of defeat. Whilst I fisted the air with a hoof in triumph. "Aha! Four to two! Spike, what's happening, you were getting better!"

Spike's look darkened, immediately accepting the challenge in my playful tone. "Taunt me will you Jack?" Oho, my son was becoming daring now, was he? Gripping his red controller in both claws, Spike leaned forward as he possibly could without falling off the couch, declaring in loud determination. "A wager! Whoever loses has to... Um... Sing from their lungs on the top of the castle to Ponyville, of the winner's choice."

"You're on." Why even hesitate, when it didn't either matter if Spike or I would succeed? I'd bellow to the town with my 'dosey' tones for free. "Prepare for to sing in the name of Disney, my overconfident son!"

The next match was a billion times fiercer than the last.

Remind me to personally meet the boy crew of One Direction, shake their hands before promptly punching them in the [BEEP]s with my bare hoof. Following that, kindly also keep me appraised to have Spike bellow some nauseating, simple but ridiculously catchy song to the entire Dragon Lands and see how HE liked doing this to his own kind.

From behind me indoor, Spike snickered to the Pops singing his heart out to sweep the entire town below, myself thankful I could spot not facial expressions from all the way up here. The balcony was humbly too far upwards.

"Yeah! Show 'em what you've got Dad!"

In fact, scratch Disney. When Spike has to do this, it'll be a song from bloody Bieber!




"Keep 'im coming, Spike!"

"On it!" The dragon from behind the device obediently, and eagerly, responded, as more and more training plates fired into the air over my glowing, prepared horn. Alright Starlight, let me show you what this neat little trick you demonstrated can do for me.

Speaking of which, you should have seen her dissatisfied reaction at the fact she had to go camping with our friends. It was hard to suppress a grin following her oh-so similar complaint.

"Why do I have to go camping...?"

"One of us must suffer, sister."

Even now, the memory was making it hard not to smile too, alas nearly destroying my concentration, just barely managing to hit another black plate flying overhead. I was getting better and better at this. Thank you very much Starlight.





"Huh, you missed one Dad!" Oh yes I had, but it wasn't going to last very longer as it harmlessly impacted on the short grass. My shadow towered above it with clear dominance, brightening pointy horn lowered in aimed precision.

"See you in Tartarus, plate." Came my only dark warning.



Yes, another score in! I was the best! To Spike's disgruntled annoyance, picking up the ball that, once again, zoomed past his defense into his goalpost, green serpent glaring daggers in firm resolve. That's the spirit Spike!

"I'm still pretty sure you're using magic to secure your victory, Dad!"

"Oh come on Spike, surely I've displayed a sense of fair play in the past?" That raised brow-less expression was enough of an answer, so I shrugged. "Touche."

The game began anew, a familiar bouncy, colourful ball tossed back and forth in hopes of getting past one another's goal. So far, the score was almost equal, but I refused to make the same mistake I had earlier regarding the game Spike somehow shredded me at, to both my wounded pride but happy triumph towards this amazing son of mine. This time, I was going to be careful with how I played.

And win!

Sensing that resolve once the ball landed in his purple claws, Spike threw a weary smile. "Guess you're not gonna make this easy for me, huh?" Before throwing it forwards again, aimed to my left.

My extended wing caught the object, thankfully not hurting in the process. "We humans are notoriously single-minded when it comes to competitive games, son." Spinning the yellow ball in my hoof, before opting another throw, Spike barely managing to leap upwards enough to catch the thing before it could fly overhead and make another score.

God how I missed this, and from the dragon's own feelings, Spike had too. So much has happened, keeping us away from even playing a simple game of ball; a favourite of ours ever since we began playing too long ago. I was just gratified that Spike's puberty wasn't making him quickly grow out of this seemingly kiddie game.

There's no point in growing up if you can't indulge the child within you at times, after all.

Whoa, that was a close one! The young dragon just scarcely succeeding in preventing the next hurl with the tip of his middle finger, quickly securing the bouncy object in both arms before regarding his relieved father smugly.

"Pretty sure you're using Balance."

"Even if I was, what would you do about it?"

"Just you watch..." A newfound sense of resolve emanating from Spike, all too recognizable since it was commonly seen for Twilight or I to carry that same expression the young lizard then had on his adorable features. Ah boy, guess he was gonna try something-


It was too late to raise my limbs up in defense, entirely unprepared, as the ball soared right into my startled face, bouncing off my pony schnozzle and onto the ground in-between us as silence followed. Spike inhaling softly from committing that off-guard action, whilst I took a moment to blink and soak in what just occurred.

Spike... Spike played on Balance to have his next throw fire like a cannonball, right into my muzzle. All in effort of taking me by surprise. And it succeeded.

Twice today that's happened, taking me off-guard...





"Hahahahaha! HAHA hahahahahahahahaha!"

For that moment, both father and son laughed themselves silly by the absurd situation we had drawn ourselves into right there and then, over a game of ball of all things! Like I said to Spike, we humans get ridiculously competitive... But it's really the fun that counts.

And we've had nothing but fun up to this point, currently gazing up towards the yellowing sky as the shades of evening steadily began asserting over the clouds. Both parent and child relaxed, laid on the grass of a certain hill of ours and just taking a good breather after a whole day of nothing but family fun.

"If only Twi- Er, Mom was around today." Spike's cheerful voice perked up from my right, the young dragon laying beside me comfortably as we enjoyed the view of the progressively darkening skies. "We should do these again, with her, when she has more time off from the School of Friendship."


I glanced from the corner of my eye to the suddenly pensive dragon. "Are you upset she's so busy these days?"

"...A little." Spike shrugged, green eyes searching the clouds. "It's not her fault, overseeing an entire school and all, but I do often miss the days when she just had more free time, you know?" A long sigh eclipsed the silence for a moment, one I was accustomed with.

Shifting myself slightly, I resumed my gaze up to the sky in my own perspective. "That's one of the many unfortunate consequences of aging, I'm afraid, Spike. It's natural for Twilight to seek the crave of busying herself and finding some goal worth striving for through hard work and occupation. Everyone feels that crave to do something the older they become."

"Even you?"

"Hm, knew you were gonna ask that?" We both shared a humoured smile, before I answered the thoughtful question proper. "Yes, often as I like to show a love for sleep and procrastination, that doesn't mean I enjoy being lazy and doing nothing at all. The difference between your mother and I, Spike, is that Twilight has the better ambition and confidence of stepping out of her comfort zone to promote something she believes in, which is friendship."

One of many countless reasons to admire that mare, all things considered. Spike continued humming, as though humouring that statement while I sensed the exact skepticism. Exhaling through my nostrils air of laughter, I smirked to the young dragon and continued with reassuring matter of fact.

"Don't always take my laments regarding growing up to be a bad thing, though. It's different for everyone, you included. It's no one's fault but my own for getting the short end of the stick in life."

"Dating a Princess, getting magic unlike anything Equestria's ever seen before, transporting to another world and having the best of friends anypony could ask for?"

"Well, prior to all that." I cocked my head, acknowledging that amused observation from the chuckling Spike, widening my own grin. "Growing old is mandatory, yet growing up is optional. There's no hurry to decide when one goes in life, Spike, despite what some paranoid people may assume. Twilight's busy these days because she wants to help others be happy, and thus decided to grow up enough to open her own school, in her own time. You will never have to feel pressured by any of us to decide where to go in life."

As if the gratified blazing from his heart wasn't enough to express himself, it shone through those bright, green eyes. "Good thing then that I've already chosen what I want to do in life from now on."

Yeah, they all say that at about your age, son. But we can have that conversation at another point in time. I smiled, hurmouring the lad while laying down contently on the warm, coaxing grass yet again, hoof on shirt's belly to begin driftly closing my eyes, while Spike finished the rest of his sentence.

"Though you've got a point about growing up being optional; honestly I question maturity when she tried to steal the pearl."





My eyes snapped open. "What now?"

"Makes sense you'd be down here." The certain, feminine tone belonging to the lavender alicorn resonated from right behind, entering the barely lit spare room. "In the lower levels of the castle when you want to be alone, sulking."

Sulking, huh? What gave that away I wonder...

Twilight continued, stating matter-of-factly with a tinge of concern. "I could practically feel your negative emotions even during my camping activities with the girls. Naturally, when you're upset, it's either directed at yourself or something that's recently happened. Spike was rather nervous about sharing any details, and you were always more brutally honest by comparison, hence my being here to help resolve whatever's inciting you to just keep your back turned against me, slouched while facing the wall like that."

My features flinched, barely managing to grit teeth. Of course, little did this seemingly-innocent mare realize, the pony responsible for me being upset stands only a short distance from behind me, jabbering on if some method of coaxing me to talk. Oh, I'll talk alright, straightening myself a little with a deep inhale through nostrils, because I had a few choice words related towards what this Princess had done after I had demanded from Spike more information regarding why precisely the Hippogriff kind weren't overly welcoming to her at all. Why I had to join her during the Crusader's friendship mission there as 'protection.'

Because the more it added up, only the much worse it got.

"Starlight offered to go seek you out first, but I figured if there's anypony you wanted to seek counsel in, it would rather be me. Not to sound too egotistical about it, but I find the results always benefit-"


"I- Huh?" Could already imagine her reaction, blinking with a parted muzzle of made the corner of my bearded lips curl somewhat, finally turning around to face the music.

Something in my hazel eyes must have thrown her off-guard, for Twilight appeared utterly bewildered until I finally clarified in low demand. "Why did you try to steal the pearl?"

There it was; a plethora of shock, horror and shame. Twilight visibly winces, somewhat averting her violet eyes from mine. Oh no, I want you to look at me while explaining yourself, love. "So you know about that..."

Regardless how perfect her voice was, or how adorable that sheepish whisper, I wasn't going to simply cave in. "Spike was kind enough to divulge the information after accidentally sprouting it out."

Not to mention, the young dragon finally relented once I insisted that I only wanted to know, out of concern for Twilight's well-being. And that was true, for the most part. The other being that I couldn't actually [BEEP]ing believe it was even true!


"Why did you do it? You're smarter than that. At times, yes, you often let stress and paranoia get the better of you, but not to the extent of thievery. What actively possessed you to even consider such a lowlife decision?"

Wincing yet again, those violet orbs returned to gazing back at me, devoid of the sparkles within for then. "I had very few options at the time; Equestria was under siege, everyone I know in peril, and the Seaponies refused to help us."

"So directly stealing from them and hoping to somehow leave with their most valuable treasure under their noses was a great idea in your head?"

"It seemed like the better, but lesser evil at the time, all in the name of the greater good." Greater good. My scoff only incited Twilight's annoyance to ire, frowning strongly. "You would have done the same thing, Jack. Pardon me from taking a page out of your book."

WHAT? "The [BEEP]- Twilight, I am many things, but a thief is NOT one of them." I practically spat in outrage, truly irritated and upset by the insinuation. "When have I ever shown to steal [BEEP] from the good guys?! The Seaponies were just looking out for themselves, refusing to take the risk of the Storm King finding where they are and demolishing their second home. What in God's name makes you believe I would ever consider such a criminal action?"

"I wouldn't know, because you left!" O-Ow. But Twilight wasn't done, her features flushed in her own open defiance, trying to justify herself. "You lecture me on wrongdoing after abandoning us? Abandoning ME? What I've done was minuscule compared to the atrocity you made, Jack. I was trying to protect my friends!"

"As was I! What do YOU think I was doing, love? Taking everything you and the others have given me for granted and legging it?" I was vaguely aware of spit dripping from my muzzle in the midst of this furious exchange, but ignored it, refusing to take this laying down. "But I wasn't going to steal from a race that just wanted to live in peace!"

"Well what was I suppose to do?!" Twilight's voice lingered on desperation, rage and incredulity. "Sit back and admit defeat?"

"No, but you could have TALKED with Queen Novo, find a compromise somewhere."

"That would have taken forever! We had scarce time to engage in politics while everyone in Equestria was suffering at the hand of a conquering tyrant!"

"You spent a few hours helping some anthro parrots with their woes, I think you could have spared a bit more time negotiating with a reasonable Queen."

"Queen Novo wasn't reasonable at that time."

"No [BEEP], you tried to steal the one thing keeping her kind safe! What were you hoping the pearl would do!"

"Anything!" Twilight was close to screaming at this point, the shouting match leading towards its peak. "I was desperate for any miracle at that point; I couldn't give a damn about moral dilemmas or acting behind my friend's backs when the fate of the world was at stake!"

My expression twitched, somewhere to oozing appalled disgust. "You used Pinkie to distract the Seaponies with her cheerful-"

One magical, forceful jab against my shirt that almost caused me to stumble back, Twilight's eyes blazing in outraged daring. "Don't YOU presume to rip into me about using our friends, Jack Wright." Full the name, my hazel orbs widened in surprise. Twilight was having none of my stern lecture mode. "How many times have you gone behind our backs? How many times have you used one of us so you could go do your own thing? How many times have you ran away when we needed you most?!"

Alright, it was very much made clear that the Princess still harbored resentment towards my abrupt departure a while back, but that wasn't really immaterial at the moment. "Twilight, you know for a fact you're better than to even consider using our friends, you've always been better than me-!"

"YOU LEFT ME!" The whole room trembled by the magnitude of the teary alicorn's might, and magical exuberance. I sucked in a gasp, entire body shivering as Twilight just poured out her own furious retribution for the actions I had actually committed. "YOU LEFT SOMEPONY WHO GAVE HER HEART AND SOUL TO YOU, LEFT SO MANY WHO LOVED AND CARED FOR YOU, ALL IN THE NAME OF SOME ABSURD, IDIOTIC QUEST OF PROVING YOU CAN DO THINGS BY YOURSELF! WHEN IT'S BEEN PROVEN, TIME AND TIME AGAIN I MIGHT ADD JACK, THAT'S NEVER THE CASE!"

Something in my heart was cracking, the raw sadness, pain and fury emanating both physically and from her heart making most of my own outrage dissipate. "Twilight-"


And just like, the crack felt like a pierce through the chest, Twilight visibly shaking with dripping tears as they heated waterfall of pent-up emotions finally released. Of which I was an utter fool for never having noticed.

"SPIKE WAS DEVASTATED! FLUTTERSHY WOULDN'T LEAVE HER COTTAGE FOR DAYS! PINKIE PIE EVEN STOPPED HOSTING PARTIES FOR A WHILE! RARITY HAD TO CANCEL FASHION APPOINTMENTS! BIG MAC SPOKE MORE THAN APPLEJACK FOR A WHILE! RAINBOW DASH COMMITTED ALL HER RESOURCES AS A WONDERBOLT IN FINDING AND DRAGGING YOU HOME, KICKING AND SCREAMING!" Inhaling deeply, Twilight grit her teeth for a brief while, her eyes finally sparkling again... In pure hopelessness. "My home was in danger. Everypony I ever knew cast out or enslaved... The love of my life left on his own self-destructive crusade... I felt hopeless, afraid... So you tell me, Jack... Was I really, only to blame for following my brain rather than my heart?"




No... No she wasn't. But no apologizing, at least right now, would fix that. Yet a tiny, rebellious part of me boldly spoke up, solemn and weary. "I just thought I knew you better, love..."

Twilight flinched, and I was three-quarters to punching myself silly for not restraining myself. Yearning instead to go comfort her, console and just hold the beloved Princess who truly, desperately needed that, for both of us.

Instead, the saddened mare turned away, her voice hoarse from bellowing her emotions like that, replying in an equally heartbroken tone. "Just as I hoped you would have become better, Jack..."

So instead, as the whole world felt like it was spinning following those wrenching words, I was vulnerable to the point of where my autistic side took over for the moment, commanding my body to take the most best measure in the face of such heartbreak. Such raw, uncomfortable sensations that threatened to swallow me up, and utterly devastate me from the inside.

Those instincts to flee, to find the best place of refuge, at last, kicked in. And when I brushed past the tearful mare whose crying I was mirroring perfectly at that point, rushing down the hallway to simply get away from it all, I couldn't dare to look Twilight in the eyes again.

What had I done...?

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