• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 18,901 Views, 1,952 Comments

A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Six: Bear Buster

Author's Note:

I would just like to make a reminder that this story is not to be taken that seriously, its purpose is to be more based around humour; despite humour not being my strong point. If you're invested, that's fine, just don't expect too much creativity or cleverness out of this story. With that said, please enjoy the latest chapter!

"Come on Twilight; you can do it!" Spike was evidently pumped up for the purple mare's next magic trick.

"Okay, here goes." And the horn on her head brightened in power, and unsurprisingly completing the spell Twilight intended to use.

"Haha you did it!"

Congratulations Twilight; you've given him a phony disguise.

I smirked in amusement as Spike ticked off the spell from the list of magic usage the unicorn was trying out today, observing from afar as I meanwhile was trying out something for myself.

Speaking of which, while she was excelling in her work, my own progress in my activity was proving a little difficult... and painful. I flinched as my spine protested while my front hooves carefully lifted up the front half of my body, leaning against the wooden table to keep me up for as long as possible.

"That's number twenty-five!" Spike announced happily. "Twenty-five number of tricks and counting!" I raised a brow as Twilight looked away from those words rather modestly.

"This is not at all a surprise." I remarked, causing her to glance towards my trying position. "Sometime soon you'll no doubt be able to master any spell possible."

A humoured doubtful look. "Thanks, but I don't think that'll ever happen. Not even Princess Celestia can master every existing magical spell."

I shrugged, almost tipping over in the process. "Then you'll be the first." Was that a slight tremor in my voice, due to the fact my back was starting to scream at me to stand back down like a normal pony? Well, tough luck spine; so quit making my body shudder outwardly and take it like a man.

"And I think this is the best trick so far!" Spike continued boasting Twilight's skills happily while looking at the mirror, believing that mustache suits him. It doesn't. "Hellooo Rarity. What's that? Aww it's nothing; just my awesome mustache!"

That was then my hooves finally let go of the table, my strained back calming in relief as I stood on four legs again, no longer using only the two hind limbs to stand on.

For those wondering, while it was admittedly entertaining to use four limbs to walk about on, that doesn't mean I should rely on them all the time. I do miss being human, and perhaps this was a way of outwardly keeping my humanity intact... besides my actions and reactions to the things going on in Equestria. So, from this day forward I am going to devote myself in learning to walk on two legs once again. While that may take a while, I wasn't patient for nothing; I was quite up to the challenge.

Now then, before I try again, allow me to burst Spike's bubble, but not quite unkindly. "My friend, I don't believe facial hair alone will gain Rarity's attention." I pointed out in good humour.

"He's right Romeo, as attractive and enticing as you look, it's just for practice and it's gotta go." Twilight concurred while using her magic to wipe away the cliché gentleman-mustache despite Spike's protesting.

Hold on... Romeo and Juliet was canon in this world? Huh. Go figure. Should it surprise me then if the writer of the tale was named something combined with 'Shakespeare' and something stupidly pony-related?

Probably not.

Anyway, back to work.

Alright, careful now... doing good so far. My right hoof grasped onto the edge of the table tightly, lifting me up slowly. Don't want to rush things and cause my own spine to snap. Again my already gasping-for-air back began to protest once again, though I did my best to ignore while my teeth gritted from the pain. Come on I can do this...

"You know your spine won't stand the pressure long if you keep doing that." The unicorn pointed out, a flash of concern on her features at my activity which was evidently strange to her eyes.

"What are you doing anyway?" Spike asked, still sounding disappointed for losing the facial hair.

"Trying to stand only on my hind legs." I replied through gritted teeth, before my body gave up again and made me stand back down again. Okay... I'll give a five minute break before I try again... alright ten minutes. After I've mastered this, I'll then move on to trying to walk only with the pair.

"Oh... why?"

Why indeed... hat to tell the curious two? "It's a... Rite of passage, from my homeland." I began my woven tale of bull, fabricating as I go along. "While a sign of maturity around here and the rest of Equestria is gaining one's cutie mark, we're not so lenient; the true aging from young to grown-up is by learning to rely only on the hind legs. So as to..."

"As to...?"

"...Well let's say it makes things easier for a pony to effectively accomplish tasks, complete multiple things at once, and in case you need to reach something high up without straining your back."

"Wow." Spike said, sounding impressed by the concept. Of course he would buy this. "But... isn't it painful to keep using only the back legs, especially through your whole life?" He asked with a frown.

"Not to mention the spine can break if you do that for a long period of time." Twilight added knowingly.

"Ah, but that's the beauty of it." I replied, nodding rather sagely as though everything I was saying was pure fact. "Of course you don't master this technique right away. While it may be less difficult to some who are flexible, it still requires lots of practice. Eventually, the spine itself learns to adapt to the new way of movement, causing lesser pain the more you attempt standing up with two limbs."

"As soon as you've finally managed to accomplish this, without feeling the slightest bit of hurt in your body while doing so, you present your skill in a test by the land's elders, and then they will deem you as a proper full-grown stallion or mare."

I concluded confidently, rather impressed with myself for making all this up with only the slightest hesitation. Hopefully Twilight didn't pick up on any traces of deceit in my tone.

But fortunately, at least as far as I can tell, the intelligent unicorn appeared just as interested as Spike, speaking while rubbing her own chin thoughtfully. "That's actually very interesting, Stardust. I've never heard of such a rite before. And it's only exclusive to your homeland?"

"Indeed." I nodded.

"And where did you say that was?"

"England." I replied before I could stop myself, wincing at my slip-up. Thankfully neither seemed to notice.

Dammit Stardust now your tongue decided to betray you! Yes I've never told the two, or anyone else for that matter, where I was specifically from, only until now 'Someplace Far Away,' as Mr. Snrub would put it.

"I'm not familiar with it."

"You wouldn't be; it's a very... isolated place where we all value our privacy." I lied, hoping my amused smile was convincing. "It wouldn't shock me if you couldn't find it anywhere in these books." I gestured to the mountains of literature surrounding us. Hopefully that will buy me enough time to cover up my slip-up.

But to my self-irritation, Twilight raised a brow and obviously took that as a challenge. "Maybe I'll have a look for any information about it later. If not, you can tell us all about it yourself. In the meantime, let's go out and check on our friends." She suggested to the patient dragon who nodded heatedly, then to I who shrugged indifferently. Eh, why not? My back should be fully rid of the pain after a nice walk.
I let out a small sigh in relief as they turned while I waited myself for the back pain to fade away inch by inch.

Talk about cutting it close. Well... maybe they would have heard about it sometime soon regardless I suppose.
In the meantime, may as well think of what to tell the inquisitive mare about my homeland if she persists.

It was quite a lovely day, I suppose, walking on the left of our trio while walking outside, talking about the purple unicorn's successful magic usage. Honestly, I wasn't as enthusiastic about it as the pair was; it had really little to do with me, but no reason to be impolite about it. Nothing bad has happened to me today... yet anyway.

Not that I have admitted this to anyone yet but I have grown... quite accustomed to this town, having no like for it but neither a dislike either. My feelings of anger and confusion for being in Equestria, let alone Ponyville, have dampened layer by layer after spending time with these residents.

But my incentive to go home hasn't died down, and it never will. The first chance I get of leaving will be taken without hesitation.
Speaking of home, I know for a fact the intelligent mare beside me didn't believe a single word coming from my mouth about the 'rite of passage' we conduct there. I mean, 'the spine will eventually adapt'? Come on even Pinkie Pie would call that a little suspicious. So, while we walk and visit the others, I'll spend this time conceiving a convincing lie to back up my little story when we return.

"Twenty-five Twilight! Twenty-five different kinds of tricks and counting!" Spike reminded us from behind, still sounding impressed by the unicorn's skills. Seriously? I'd be more impressed myself if she performed a hundred spells on the same day. "I thought unicorns were supposed to have a little magic that matches their special talents."

Now this I've never heard about, raising an intrigued brow to myself. The magic in Twilight's type of ponies varies on the special talents their cutie mark presents? Does the same apply to alicorns in that regard as well? For the better I keep these sort of questions to myself, as I have no desire in my ignorance, to those that must be common knowledge to the world's inhabitants, noticed and attract more attention to myself.

But still, that doesn't mean I'll suppress my curiosity.

"True." Twilight conceded to the dragon's comment. "For ponies whose talents are for things like cooking or singing or math. But what if a unicorn's special talent IS magic?"

"Then they'd be OP as sin." I answered jokingly, knowing full well this mare's special talent was the power of this world's magic in question. It certainly explains more how and why she managed to defeat so many different threats to Equestria.

"OP?" Twilight turned to me with a puzzled expression.

"Overpowered." I clarified.

"Ah." The mare was clearly uncertain whether what I was implying was meant to be a good thing or not. I simply shrugged as Spike spoke next.

"So like you then, Twilight, with your special talent; you've got a ton of magic!" Spike stated. Just how powerful WAS Twilight anyhow? And how much more stronger will she get in the future? From what I'm hearing and have heard about her, this purple modest (sometimes smug) studious unicorn was the embodiment of magic itself.

"Oh Spike stop!" Speaking of modest. "I'm sure there are lots of ponies in Ponyville that know just as much magic as me."

"Are you kidding?" Spike asked in agreement with my loud scoff at the humble words. "I don't think there's another unicorn in Equestria with your kind of ability Twilight."

I nodded. "He's got a point Twilight. I myself have never met a more intelligent magical-using unicorn such as yourself. I dare say you're a prodigy." Oh look how flustered she's getting at the praise, I laughed a little at the sight. Truth be told I've never even met a unicorn before Twilight, so you could say what I was telling her was simple fact.

"Coming through!" An incoming voice called out that quickly made me side-step at the two running-by small ponies, one of which accidentally taking Spike along the ride, leaving both me and Twilight in the dust.

"And they were...?" I inquired without looking at her, my attention on the two blue and orange creatures that were obviously colts.

Twilight sighed in disbelief. "Snips and Snails." ...Ah, them. When you've seen the movie, how could you not recognize them?

But the less said about that disaster of a flick, the better...

"Didn't you hear? Ponyville's got a new unicorn in town!" The tall lean one exclaimed, who was no doubt Snails.

"Yeah, they say she's got many more magical powers-" The smaller obese one, evidently Snips, proclaimed. "- than any unicorn ever!"

You know, it just occurred to me how in that movie Snips and Snails were the side-villains obeying their mistress. So that's another cliché right there: the fat small guy and the taller skinny one always being the henchmen. Another point why I have my suspicions that good ol' Mrs. Faust had nothing to do with the movie.

Anyway where were we? They mentioned something about a new pony?

"Where is this unicorn?" Twilight inquired to the pair next to me. I glanced at the rather downcast mare, puzzled over what could possibly make this a big matter to her-

Wait... Wait...


"It can't be..." I muttered to myself while looking at the ground in thought. So soon? Would that arrogant blue mare appear this early as Twilight's rival? Or has time flown by more than I thought; already at the tenth or fifteenth episode? Was it already time for a Twilight-oriented episode, to develop this mare above the rest?

Of course I can't forget the other days about Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash's development of character, as I had partaken in those days, unwillingly with the last two. But I don't recall a single day during my time here devoted to a crisis or development on Rarity or Fluttershy's part. Maybe I've missed out on them during my solitude in the library-

"Stardust?" I felt a tapping on my shoulder, causing me to look back up at the curious mare. "Are you alright? You look more intense than usual."

"...If it's who I think it is, Twilight." I replied in admittance. "Then I have every right to act so guarded."

"Wait, you know who it is?" Spike asked with a raised brow.

"I have my suspicions." And I have the slight feeling my intuition will be correct. "Let's find out." I said instead, prompting the two to nod and run off. I blinked at their sudden hurry to see this new resident and ran in pursuit.

I HAD to see this for myself.

Oh just what I needed to see. A crowd.

I muttered several curses in disdain while brushing past various coloured ponies with the pair, just as determined as I to have a look at the visitor. Yes visitor, because I know she's not staying. I haven't seen this episode personally, but I've got some idea how it will be like. And my curiosity how Twilight will deal with this situation was too damn high to ignore.

A loud bragging familiar voice echoed over the crowd as we pushed our way to the front. "Come one! Come all!" Isn't that a carriage? Was she really going to pop out in a melodramatic fashion- of course she was. I frowned at the yellow carriage she was evidently inside. "Come and see the amazing magic of-" The carriage then transformed into a stage, prompting my justified eye roll. "- The GRRRREAT and POWERFUL Trrrrixie!"

My speculation was correct. Go figure.

The catchy lyrics played in my mind as the blue confident dark-pink-eyed mare appeared from the purple smoke to the gasping crowd, wearing that ridiculous violet pointy hat and cape attached via diamond (I'm calling it now; it's fake.), with an absurd pattern of coloured stars scattered all over the clothing.

Hey, a blue coat and white mane... care to trade? What I would give to have either of those right now. I've always wanted natural white hair. And a blue coat wouldn't be a bad bonus either.

"Watch in awe-" The blue unicorn began in a high dramatic tone with laughable gesturing. "- as the great and powerful Trixie performs the most spectacular feats of magic ever witnessed by pony kind!" She finished loudly as sudden fireworks erupted around her. That just made me rub my eyes in annoyance. Yeah bravo Trixie.

"My my my, what boasting." I found myself laughing shortly at the white unicorn calling the arrogant mare out on her bull. You took the words right out of my mouth my dear!

"Oh come on." Spike groaned in agreement with Rarity. "Nopony's as magical as Twi-! Twi- Twi..." Oh dear. Nice save with the coughing my little lizard friend, I roll my eyes at your fantastic discretion. "Uh hey Rarity I uh- must dash!" Well... at least he's smart enough not to draw unwanted attention to his mistress.

"There's nothing wrong with being talented is there?" Twilight asked rather uncertainly.

"Nothin' at all." I heard Applejack answer feet away, while my eyes remained fixed on the new arrival. "'Cept when someone goes around showin' it off like a school-filly with fancy new ribbons."

"Just because one has the ability to perform lots of magic does not make one better than the rest of us!" Rarity added helpfully. You know, I find myself appreciating the fact these ponies are quick to call out the brat on the stage for her arrogance.

I sent a slight smirk their way. "The only problem with that, however, is Miss Trixie over there has no comprehension on such." I mumbled enough for few to hear. Said unicorn was busy performing menial tricks even I could perfect with my cloak.

"Especially when you've got me around-" Rainbow Dash then said, and already I felt a headache coming. As if the fireworks and Trixie's voice wasn't enough... "- being better than the rest of us!"

Truly a humble pegasus of our time. I'm sorry, but WHY do people back home like her again?

"Er- I mean, yeah!" Someone must have spared me the time of casting her a dark look. "Magic shmagic! Boo!"

I scoffed. "Besides, anyone with a brain cell knows that this high-horse unicorn is nothing more than a loud-mouth who delivers no promises from her words."

That was then I heard Rainbow Dash ask cheekily. "So... kinda like you?"

A slow glance to the right at the grinning pegasus. "Kinda like you."

Finally, it seems our friend on the stage has taken the hint. "Well well well, it seems we have some nnneigh-sayers in the audience!" I cut her off with my ridiculed laughter. Okay, who wrote the script for her to say that? That was hilarious! "Who is so IGNORANT as to laugh AND challenge the magical ability of the great and powerful Trixie!"

So that's how this bad blood started between the two unicorns huh? You know what this is well-rewarding of me even bothering to come outside; this was quite spectacular show to watch.

"Do they not know that they're in the presence of the most magical unicorn in all of Equestria?!"

"Well they are, but they're not looking at her." I said under my breath, thoroughly enjoying myself.

"Just who does she think she is?" Rarity asked nearby. So I'm the only one around here humoured huh? Ah well.

And by all means Spike, make this far more entertaining for me. "Yeah! We all know that Twilight is-!"

"Spike! Shh!" The purple unicorn was quick to cut off her assistant not-so-subtly, moving both herself and the dragon out of the crowd. And my smirk was just plastered there waiting for the inevitable confrontation between the two mares.

Should've grabbed some popcorn on my way here.

Oh yay... More fireworks. Suddenly my hyped mood died down as the unicorn proceeded with her childish displays.

"So 'great' and 'powerful' Trixie!" Rainbow Dash then interrupted the show by flying onto the stage, literally face-to-face as the stand-off between arrogant and boastful began. "What makes you think you're so awesome anyway?" Maybe this won't be so bad after all.

The blue mare laughed at the question, as though it was beneath her. "Why, only the great and powerful Trixie has magic strong enough to vanquish the dreaded, Ursamajor!" Her voice increased in rising as the trumpets flared magic... Streamers and produced above the crowd the blue outline image one would see in Las Vegas, except this was of... A bear.

"When all hope was lost!" She continued dramatically while the area of ponies gasped in shock and disbelief. Me? I'm just staring up simply perplexed by what the big deal was about. "The ponies of Puffington had no one to turn to! But the great and powerful Trixie!" Ah I see, it's a glorifying backstory. I shook my head to match my ludicrous feeling at the display. Also, Puffington? Pray I never go there. "And with her awesome magic, vanquished the Ursamajor-" 'Ursamajor'. I swear to God that's what I could hear from her boastful mouth "- back to its cave; deep within the Everfree Forest!"

...I... Can't be the only one around here who finds her story ridiculous in itself. All I gave her was a doubtful eyebrow as the two ignorant colts proceeded to praise Trixie like she was something to behold. Well guess what kiddies? She wasn't.

The taller one moved towards the stage and gestured to the smug mare. "Trixie truly is the most talented most magical most awesome unicorn in all of Ponyville-! Huh?" He paused in surprise as the blue unicorn opened her eyes in irritation at the sound of amused scornful laughter aimed in her direction.

Origin: me.

"Well well well." I announced while clapping my hooves to emphasis how much I've brought her small tale of defeating a giant bear monster. "That was quite the story to be told, Miss Trixie. However, I find myself noticing one small error within it."

"And what, may the great and powerful Trixie ask, would that be, Mr?" The blue mare inquired in her bratty tone, obviously prepared to back up her own story if need be.

Well then, back this up you pretentious mare.

I simply turned around, finding myself no longer enjoying the show and having the desire to return back to the library for a snack, calling out over my shoulder while walking through the crowd. "You have no evidence to back up this tale. So if you'll excuse me, I'm off to where the facts are."

I was bored now.

While the loud and egotistical Trixie was trying to find an excuse to back up her ludicrous story, I found my way walking around the crowd. What? I'm hungry. Plus this whole thing was beneath me and a waste of my time. Trixie could perform and boast all she wants, but she was, and always has been, nothing compared to the student of Celestia.

I can wait back at the tree-house before the true show begins.

Eighteen. Nineteen. Twenty.

That was all it could take before my body ached and begged me to cease. So I obliged and allowed my back a moment to rest, before I continue this exercise of standing like a human again. Twenty seconds. Not bad. This was the first thing I attempted upon arriving back into the blissfully silent library-

I spoke too soon.

"Back already?" I asked in surprise as the purple unicorn hurried into the place, closing the door behind her with a saddened expression. Odd, did I miss out on something? I raised a brow as Twilight jumped at my voice, apparently not expecting my presence.

"Oh, Stardust! I thought you were back at the town square." The embarrassed pony said.

I shrugged indifferently. "The theatrics bored me so I left early. There was only so much of the arrogance I could take. What brings you back so early? And..." My voice paused at the sight of the mare who obviously had her mind on other things, searching and magically pulling out a big book. "Are you alright Twilight?"

"Huh? Oh, yes." Twilight barely glanced towards my direction, heading to the wooden staircase instead. "I'm just going to... study something. Sorry to bother you."

Bother me? "Twilight." I called out firmly as she was on the first step. "If there's something on your mind, while I haven't known you as long as Spike has... I'm all ears." I finished, forcing that last part of my words out.

Despite getting to know the pair, I still hold great reluctance in... connecting with any of these citizens of the town, much less the world. But hey, if it has nothing to do with my personal problems, I'm all ears.

"...Actually, there is something I need to know." The purple unicorn began hesitantly, turning to me over her shoulder. Oh? "You don't think I'm... a bit of a show off, do you?"

...Huh? "No... why?" I asked with a perplexed frown. Twilight? A show off? Somehow those words don't mix well together.

"I just thought that, with how our friends were reacting to Trixie's talents-"

"Now hold on a minute." I interrupted her downcast tone not unkindly, causing her to blink at being cut off. I smiled at the unnecessary mood before me. "Just because you are very adept in magic, you think your friends will react around you like they did with her?"

She shrugged helplessly, avoiding my gaze nervously. "You've seen how much they've hated Trixie's bragging. The thought of going out and showing off my magic would risk the loss of friendship between me and them!" She confessed, as if I was going to provide at least some comfort.

I allowed these words to sink in my mind for a moment before laughing in disbelief. "Hahahahaha! And here I thought Rarity was the exaggerate one!" I exclaimed in my laughter, wiping away an imaginary tear as the unicorn glared uncertainly at me. After calming down I continued in a calmer tone. "Twilight, you are many things. A show off is not one of them. You can sometimes act a little smug, but that's no crime, it's natural considering your expertise and serious studying. You're not Celestia's student for nothing you know."

"But that's just it, Stardust; what if they already think low of me over the fact I am Princess Celestia's student?" Twilight inquired worriedly, this being a serious situation for her, so serious she didn't frown at my continuous disrespect to her monarch. Honestly I thought she'd be use to it by now. "What if, with Trixie around, they might begin to think I'm just like her?"

"...Have they ever expressed any indication of loathing towards you, even during that mare's pathetic show?" I asked instead while she opened her book to find the right page, skimming through the pages almost at the speed of sound.

"Well no but-"

"Well there you go." I said confidently, turning my gaze to a row of books that Spike was supposed to put away. I guess I'll have to do the task. "If Spike was here, he'd agree with me." Where was the little dragon anyway? "Just because one unicorn's being a brat about her skills, doesn't mean anyone else will think of another magically adept unicorn. So no, Twilight, you're not a show-off. You're a skilled powerful modest pony, and your friends are obviously proud, if not honoured, to be so close to you."

I stopped myself from adding the final words to that short speech: "I know I am."

Better not overdo it.

"...You really think so?" Twilight asked after a lengthy pause, evidently considering my truthful words carefully.

I nodded calmly while picking off one book from the un-tidy row and placing it back into the correct shelf. "It's simple fact, my dear; just ask Spike when he gets back, or go out to see the others and ask for their opinions. Their answers will be the same if not similar to my own."

"Thank you, Stardust." I then heard her sincere voice after a moment. "I needed that."

"...It was my pleasure." I replied, not bothering to restrain the small smile at the unicorn, who smiled in turn. "I'm here if there's anything else you're worried about... provided when Spike's not around to do the job for me of course."

I got her to chuckle. "I appreciate that." Then another doubtful frown. "But it still doesn't help me with what I should do in case I have to show off in front of everyone. What then-?"

"Twilight, You don't HAVE to show off to anyone." I cut her off again with a patient amused smile. "That's Rainbow Dash's department. The best thing to do, if you want my advice, and I know you haven't asked for it, but-"

"I will respect whatever advice you have to offer me, Stardust, you know that." Her turn to cut me off softly. But I felt appreciation for her honesty and respect.

"...The best thing to do would be to wait it out; Trixie will be leaving this town sooner or later when she eventually gets bored."

"You say it as if you know her." Twilight pointed out, and I inwardly winced for allowing some knowledge I had to pretend I didn't know out. "Wait, earlier today you had a hunch who the new arrival to Ponyville was. Did you suspect it was Trixie?"

"...I had my suspicions, and they were confirmed, yes." I replied calmly, wishing I can just bash myself against a wall for these slip-ups; first my home country, and now this. "We've never met, personally. But I've heard of her and her so-called skills." I rolled my eyes in emphasis at the last statement while the purple mare's muzzle twitched at the insult towards another unicorn, either in mirth or disapproval. "Though I know her type. Trust me when I say; she'll leave this town sooner or later, depending on whether the residents are enough of an entertaining source for her or not."

Now, I have no notice in disrupting or preventing the rivalry between the two unicorns, but I can't just tell Twilight to ignite a fierce confrontation between the two that will last for a long time. This heated rivalry will begin eventually I'm sure. My words probably won't mean anything when it comes down to it.

So why did I even bother...?

"...Alright, I'll put that under consideration." Twilight pulled me out of my thoughts, already walking back to the staircase with the floating heavy-looking book in tow. "Sorry for interrupting your exercise, I won't be a burden to your time any longer. Thanks again for the advice Stardust." She finished genuinely.

"You're hardly ever a burden Twilight." I was quick to call out as she ascended the stairs. Rainbow Dash definitely. Pinkie Pie undoubtedly. The others depend. But Twilight? Absurd. As she disappeared from view I returned to putting away this stack of literature.

I felt quite... Pleased to help someone overcome with their crisis. I always scoff whenever the tutors in college pointed out I was nicer and friendlier than I realized, but that's due to how wrong they were. Yes I'm sometime polite and formal, but only to them.

So what if I helped out others, break down arguments and set some students in their place? So what if the majority of times I react and do things my brain protests otherwise? So what if I gave Twilight meaningless advice?
So what?

...And just where the hell WAS Spike?

I found myself asking that very same question from earlier while searching for the elusive dragon, after he returned and later departed from the Golden Oak Library in a sour mood. From what I gathered from the huffing unicorn afterwards, Spike tried to convince his mistress to challenge the loud and egotistical Trixie in a show-off of magic tricks, but failed miserably.

I don't see the problem here; Twilight was the one acting mature... then she sheepishly said she magically created a door out of nothingness just to prevent Spike from talking further.

"Spike?" I called out as I trailed down the dark street, wishing at least some advanced technology, like lampposts, existed in this world... and a computer wouldn't be too bad either.

Since the reptile has yet to return, I took it upon myself to look for the lizard at this time at night. I'm not sure if curfew was a thing around here, but Spike was still a minor, dragon or no. Whether he can take care of himself or not, the last thing I needed was an unnerving feeling for allowing a child to stay up later outside. Someone has to act like the responsible one, Twilight was too busy engrossed in her reading.

It's rather ironic that I chose to step up to the task.

"Where are you you damn reptile...?" I muttered, wishing lampposts were a thing around this godforsaken town. All the citizens were asleep by now, as I can't see anybody else in sight and most of complex-looking houses had no lights on.

But... while there's no one else the eye can see, I suppose there's no harm then in humming a particular song that's been stuck in my head all day-


A loud frightened yell cut me off from my quiet singing, blinking in shock at the sight of the running dragon. "Spike? What's the matter-? Argh!" The scared lizard didn't halt in his tracks, landing smack-dab right in my legs, causing me to topple from the sudden impact and land of the ground as the dragon quickly gave me an apologetic look.

"Sorry about that! But we've gotta get back to Twilight! Quickly-!" Spike couldn't finish as karma turned on him, three other ponies tripping over the small lizard and landing luckily around me.

Getting up and brushing the dirt from my blue cape, I glanced at the terrified Snips, Snails and, to my puzzled amusement, Trixie from their places on the ground, looking straight at the same direction. I blinked then as Spike suddenly rushed behind me as though I were some sort of shield. "What is with you all- What?" I cut off my exasperated tone at the sudden vibrations from the ground, looking at the path in question.

An earthquake? Was another stampede on its way-?

Ohhhhhhhhh sugar.

I felt my eyes widen and body froze as I stared from the ground up to the nearby giant hairy see-through beast with a giant star on its forehead, clenched sharp dangerous teeth and predatory yellow eyes with red deadly irises glaring down angrily at the prey before it.

AKA: us.

"What IS that?!" I asked in shock. Seriously, I've never seen THIS monstrosity before! A giant transparent blue bear? I don't recall being told about such a beast being in this show! What was it?! Where did it come from-?!

And suddenly I was hit with the memory of a display earlier today, a certain horrified blue mare beside me boasting about defeating a giant bear monster known as the... the hell did she call it again?

"T-T-T-T-T-The Ursamajor!" Thank you Snails. That ridiculous name.

Oh how I wish my feet would thaw from the icy grip of fear. My whole body was paralyzed! Good God, I didn't anticipate this creature. Every step it took shook the ground, emphasizing it was a beast to be frightened of. What am I gonna do? What should I do? How best should this situation be dealt with-?

"Stardust come on!" I felt a hard tug at my limb, recovering me from my stupor as the creature loomed over ever so slowly, evidently taking its time before it would devour its defenseless prey. "We need to get to Twilight; she can fix this!"


"T-T-T-Trixie! Save us!" One of the two children yelled in fear from behind.

"What do you take me for, a miracle worker?!" The scared tone of Trixie exclaimed, and I couldn't help, despite the life threatening situation, but take slight satisfaction over how much of a coward she revealed herself to truly be.


Those words, defenseless and coward... replaying in my mind like a tape recorder. Even then my posture remained stilled as Spike tried pointlessly to drag my still body.

There were rarely few times I felt so genuinely terrified, feeling as though the grim reaper was right in front of me. The only times I ever experienced such frights was by horror games... not movies because none I've seen so far were nightmare-inducing enough. But this... This must be what it feels like to work the night shift at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria... Because there was no accurate statement to the amount of terror I felt right now.

Not just for me... As an image of a certain dragon tugging me firm behind, running in terror, ready to be eaten by that gigantic bear at any moment flashed to mind. Followed by the screams of terror from the innocent civilians who, upon hearing the noise, opened their windows and closed them afterwards in fright at the mere hungry glance of that monster.

...And that was all the coaxing I needed.

A quick glance at a narrow alleyway to the side.

"Stardust come on please!"

"Trixie..." That word along with the next statement flew from my mouth before I even thought clearly about it, as the gigantic monstrosity was finally towering over us, bearing its teeth in preparation. "Your magic dust. Use it."

"I... huh?!" I heard the blue unicorn gasp in shock. "How do you know about the great and powerful Trixie's disappearing technique-?!"

"Cloud dust! Now!" I ordered loudly as the bear reared back its extended paw, ready to smash the victims before it...

...And as soon as the cloud of smoke appeared, distracting the reeling bear away in surprise, I wasted no time in getting to work.

If there's one thing I do know well about the boastful egocentric mare, it's that her 'disappearing' act lasted only a few seconds. Thankfully, it was enough time for me to get the three frightened ponies and lizard into the alleyway, making the first phase of my developing plan work.

I held up a hoof to the others, leaning against the wall of the alley and carefully peeking over, making sure the stars don't illuminate my peeking head. The creature had quickly recovered from the distraction, wildly looking around with its head for any sign of our presence, its nose letting out loud sniffs-

Oh Christ, if it can smell us...

Taking a few steps backwards, gesturing quietly for the four to retreat further into the dark, I kept my gaze locked on the exit, feeling myself shiver as the monster walked by without noticing us, but the continuous quaking of the ground informed me it knew we were still nearby, somewhere. My ears strained to make sure it wasn't so close as to hear us, and to my relief, I can now tell the others how this will be resolved quickly.

"What are we gonna do guys...?" One of the two colts asked from behind before another shushed him. I can literally feel the wall my hoof was placed on shake at the vibrations of fear they were producing.

"Stardust... We need to get to Twilight." I heard Spike whisper beside me, pulling again at my cape.

"Indeed we do..." I concurred, before slowly turning to look at the unnerved lizard. "Or I should say you do."


I ignored the question and instead walked silently by the puzzled dragon, standing right in front of the terrified mare, who also looked confused as I held out an open hoof. "That magic dust. If you value your own life, give some to me."

Of course there was a blunt refusal, starting by a loud scoff. "Hah! Why should I, the great and powerful Trixie, hand over such precious work of magic to a mere pony such as yourself-?" She immediately ceased at the loud furious roar from the searching beast, blinking rapidly while I grimaced.

There was no time for this.

"I don't know about you, my egotistical friend." I hissed lowly, getting my point across without playing around. "But I will be damned, damned, before I allow some bear from the pits of hell to harm any living thing around here. Your choice, 'great and powerful Trixie': would you rather feel nothing but guilt for the rest of your life for allowing others to suffer because of your selfish stubbornness, or will you prove you do indeed have a soul? Give me that magic dust, now."

All the boastful pony did at first was staring at me uncomprehendingly, as though no one she considered so beneath her had ever talked in that way to her. Well there's a first time for everything love, but clock's a-ticking!

Finally, the mare reluctantly pulled out some of that pixie dust from who-knows-where, slowly dropping the light sand onto my hoof, and I nodded in thanks, quickly stuffing it inside one of the pockets hidden with my blue cape.

As we heard the enraged roar from behind me then, telling us the bear was still hunting its specific prey, I felt my features harden as I turned back and thought carefully over what I was doing.

"Stardust, what are you planning to do...?" Spike asked beside me, and I gave him a rather exasperated look, honest in my answer.

"Something very, very stupid my friend." Oh I had a plan alright. A very reckless endangering myself plan. But it was either me or the town's residents. And I would rather have no guilt on my conscious if I simply stood by and did nothing.

"Alright listen your four, when that thing is lured away, come out of the alleyway. Spike, get to Twilight, do not come back for me, and just bring her to where we'll be. She'll sort this out. Trixie, Snips, Snails, make sure everyone stays in their homes until that beast has left the town."

"But what about you?"

I looked back at the open town, the frown beginning to hurt my own face. "If I can attract the beast's full attention, and lure it out of town, at least then it will be away from the citizens."

It obviously took a while before it clicked in one of the colt's developing minds, stuttering in shock. "You're g-going to make the Ursamajor chase after you?"

"What?!" And suddenly Spike was right in front of me, tiny arms stretched out in futile effort to block me from carrying out my insane plan. "Are you absolutely crazy Stardust? That thing will tear you to shreds!"

"Perhaps, if I'm not careful enough." Or if I act too confident. "Move Spike."

But the young lizard foolishly shook his head. "Nuh-uh! No way am I letting you become Irksome-chow! You don't stand a chance against that beast-!"

"Spike, I appreciate the concern, I really do. But this is no time for you to get in my way!" Spike blinked and suddenly took a step back at my enraged snappish tone. And who can blame me? While we were having this useless argument many lives were endangered by the sniffing creature. I felt my ears perk up at the close growling and symphony of screaming, roughly brushing past the shocked dragon, looking over my shoulder as I walked towards the open area. "Just for once; trust me on this. The rest of you, keep everyone in Ponyville inside."

Maybe now they'll listen-

"Wait!" Another protestant voice, belonging to the loud and egotistical Trixie. "Why should Trixie do as you say? And who in the name of Celestia are you anyway?"

I ignored the four's recoiling at the mad glare I was giving them. Fine... if I'm going to meet my maker here tonight, I may as well go out with nothing to lose.

Taking a few steps forward, I mustered all the boldness I had within me projected into my voice, reciting and modifying a certain quote. "I'm Stardust Balance. I'm a human. I'm from the planet Earth of the Milky Way galaxy. I am nineteen years old and I am going to make sure your lives and everyone else's in this godforsaken town are all safe and sound."

My thanks to Mr. Tennant.

I allowed that short speech to be processed in their eye-wide stares. "You got a problem with that?"

"N-No..." Trixie replied uncertainly, recovering first and frowning.

I nodded. "Good. Now... Allons-y!" I finished rather dramatically and turned back, stopping at the corner of the alley where the shadows kept me concealed.

That was then the beast roared for the umpteenth time.

It took a deep breath and a large exhale before I revealed myself completely to the still-searching transparent bear. Where it came from or who possibly brought it here didn't matter now. I would rather risk my own life for others than finding out. I know I know, these ponies were mere fiction, I shouldn't try any suicidal attempts for their sake.

But, that's the thing, my heart and mind demand otherwise. In the end, it really doesn't matter how much logic or wisdom I try to instil into myself, despite all these years doing so, because whether these creatures, right now panicking at the sight of the monster, were fiction or not, I would still risk my own young existence for them like they were true living beings.


Because screw you my multi-coloured horse friends, I'm autistic.

And how convenient; a barrel of apples standing right around the corner. The second phase of my plan was already underway. The monster had yet to notice me, swinging its head around wildly for its elusive prey. My hoof quickly reached and grabbed one of the red pieces... You know you'd think with their love of fruit there'd be some banana stands around here.

I love bananas.

But fortunately, this apple makes a better projectile weapon. Just need to wait for an opening, my arm stretching back to throw the thing as soon as the creature turns... and now!

My hoof threw forward and I called out in a confident voice when the projectile apple met its target centre on the nose, despite all the hair around my whole body standing on end when the offended creature leered at its attacker.
Was I afraid? Try absolutely terrified.

"Hey, big hairy and ugly! These weak ponies aren't worth sinking your teeth into; why not take on a real man?!" I concluded with a guarded posture, grinning wickedly at the bear who accepted my challenge with a gleeful roar.

Good, that creature has taken the bait... but first it had to catch the meal. "Come at me bro!" I yelled heatedly as my hooves sprang into action, running in the opposite direction as the ground shook with the transparent thing giving pursuit, away from the frightened residents and the town itself-

Oh God dammit, I forgot to tell Spike where I was luring the beast to! Even now I somehow botch up my own plans already. But it shouldn't matter; the roars might be enough to give away where we are running towards.

And luckily, it's not too far.

If you told me long ago that I will spend my last moments of glory distracting a giant bear with a star on its forehead, stalling for time before back-up arrives to finish off the angry creature.

I'd have probably believed you.

And I don't think I've ever run so hard in my life, I felt my limbs shake wildly when arriving at the location a distance away from the temporary safe town. My breathing was that of panting, but even then I sighed in relief in my accomplishment in drawing the bear towards the large lake, surrounded by several grassy hills.

Yet that feeling of success immediately melted into dread at the close roar of rage behind me, and every hair on my body stood on end again as a shadow darker than the night itself towered over behind me, and instinct caused me to quickly roll to the side as the claw impacted on the dirt I was once on and leap a few feet away.

Holy hell that was close.

And if I'm uncareful, then bear necessity my arse will be his recipe. My eyes sharpened in defiance at the growling bare-teethed... Bear, leering at its dodging dinner.

Nightmare Moon was easier to confront, as there was obviously going to be no casualties in the first two episodes of the show. This is different.

Alright, as I found myself somehow circling against the transparent beast that did so in turn, all I had to do now was wait it out. Stall this beast and, as a bonus, tire it out before Twilight and her friends arrives to resolve the matter. I'm confident they can take care of the creature before the night is over.

For once in my entire life, I had full confidence about something.

Now, what knowledge do I have about bears that can aid me in my planned attack? Well nothing in terms of the magical giant category, and the only thing I know about the normal ones is that one swipe for them is an instant kill.
So one direct hit and its game over.

...Wonderful. Never mind the fact I'm going to meet my demise on this damn seemingly-harmless world, without my friends or family ever knowing about it...

...Well, as I slowly took out the black dust from the cape's inside pocket, before throwing said cape off me and leaving it to drift in the wind, if I'm going down, I'm going down on my own terms; I'm going to make this transparent monstrosity work for it.

Hardcore glorified style.

As the bear leaned its head back, ready to chomp down and devour the pony before it, I let out a small smirk. That's it, come to papa...

My smirk morphed into a grin as I quickly jumped back from the open mouth that instead impacted into the dirt, wasting no time in throwing the dust dead-center into the monster's eyes.

The beast reeled its body back in shock as smoke covered its vision, roaring loudly in shock and rage. Now was my chance. As the monster lifted two of its claws to wipe away the stuff on its eyes, I ran underneath the large body, heading straight to the back of the transparent creature and halting with a one-eighty spin. Now here's a trick I hope also works on bears; it should with anything that has knees. Preparing, my body crouched as I took aim at the back left knee of the beast.

And leaped.

I wasted no time, after jumping back and catching a quick breath as the beast found itself having to use three knees now, roaring again through pain this time, I jumped at the next limb, punching the target by placing as much strength as I can into my fisted hoof.

Jump back. Another steady breath, before running around to deliver the next blow to the thing's knees.

And then the finale.

And to top off my over-the-top impossible accomplishment, I concluded displaying how awesome I was by then standing right in front of the beast, not looking as I felt the ground beneath me shake as all four limbs of the monster were temporarily disabled, the collapse of the beast causing me to then look over my shoulder after the quake was done with.

There. I've done that stunt you only see in movies. Now I can die complete.

Too glorified? Who'll call me out on that?

But I still felt myself shudder visibly at the creature staring at me a few feet away from the ground with such hatred in those yellow eyes, growling in contempt of being taken down so easily. Too bad my friend, this was a world where logic dictates that all threats will be defeated eventually-

"Wooo! That was awesome!"

"You rock Stardust!"

My head instantly snapped in my surprise by the sudden voices to find the two cheering reckless Snips and Snails, alongside the astonished Trixie, standing atop a nearby hill, watching the battle at a dangerous proximity. And instead of feeling gratified for the support, there was righteous indignation. "What are you clowns doing?! I told you to-!"

"The great and powerful Trixie never takes orders from anypony, not even from some apparent alien!" Figures. I glared at them in disdain before the blue unicorn called out again, this time in horror. "Look out you fool!"


The sudden triumphant roar alerted me that the creature, in my momentary distraction, has regained the use of his limbs, and I hesitantly looked back at the towering monster staring at me with disdain.

But before I could even think of the next part of my plan (which was for now only improvising), my eyes widened as the beast reeled back a claw before at shocking speed it headed towards me. By instinct my front hooves raised up in defence.
And that... was then my fear turned to shock and confusion.

The next thing I know, my back hooves were dragging on the dirt backwards, halting just at the edge of the clear blue lake reflecting the beautiful night sky as my front two limbs were somehow, somehow, holding back the assaulting paw by the centre. My teeth grit in frustration as the sudden realization of this unexpected defence hit me.


The hell...

Is happening?!

My spine was screaming in protest at how long I was using only two limbs to stand, even more so as the enraged beast roared again and pushed harder, trying its best to land the claws above my head into its target.
I felt shockingly confident by every passing minute.

Where had this sudden OP’ness come from-?


My head then turned to the side at the familiar voice, and I was greeted with the sight of the Main Six and Spike standing on the hill as the others, observing the spectacle. That brought some momentary relief that they managed to find us. It was too far now for me to get a good read of their expressions, but just seeing them brought something within me.

Something that made my pushing back hooves gain the edge, and I was impossibly moving forward while pushing the beast back, and I heard the growl of bewilderment from above me, evidently disbelieving its prey was actually holding him back like this.I can't comprehend this myself, my giant angered furry friend.

One step after another, I was somehow winning.

I would like to take this moment then, if I still lose, to write a mental will; starting with my brother being given my PS3-

"You go Stardust!" Spike shouted in awe. while I imagine the others were in shocked silence over what they were witnessing.

"Show that Ursamajor who's boss!" The cheering voice of Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

They'll still going with that name...?

But even hearing the blue pegasus supporting me brought a small grin to my face as I pushed back further, my own voice singing on its own accord again as the faded music made a return to continue making this so over-the-top Michael Bay would be proud.

The pain against my spine only seemed to increase, as it must have been minutes since I've been in this locked struggle against the bear, holding it back with all my might. Just what was stopping Twilight and the rest from seizing their chance while I've got the creature distracted?!

Alright, time to end this painful battle. The creature seemed to agree, roaring in hate as he tried to push with all the might he had. Well, vice versa, you beast. Sucking in a deep breath, I let out an animalistic roar of my own, more vocally powerful than the one I produced against the arrogant griffon.

And the supporting chorus from the far side and image of the ponies cheering me on raised a sudden boost in my unexplained strength, finally winning this fight as I quickly let go of the paw with one hoof, clenching it into a fist and with a final roar punched the center with as much power available, causing the beast to finally recoil and be dragged backwards across the dirt in surprise, struggling to regain its composure.

My shaking front hooves landed on the ground in tiredness, my right one especially, and I felt myself panting to recover my strength. Just where did that sudden strength come from? And how was it enough to stop a giant creature of death was stomping me at the last minute?

But I can't contemplate any of that right now, as the beast is sure to strike again any minute, judging by the dangerous growling.

"Stardust! Stop attacking him!"

Point Twilight.

Hearing the cry, I immediately looked to my right at the hill and yelled out with what little air in my lungs I had. "Twilight, all of you! Now; finish off this beast!"

As I saw the purple unicorn pause for a moment before nodding fiercely, preparing to join the field, another boastful voice interjected. "I think not!"

And the next thing I knew the blue mare had created another cloud of pink smoke on the grassy area where they all were, quickly running towards me and standing defiantly a few feet away against the recovering enraged beast, declaring melodramatically. "Stand aside equines, and observe as I, the great and powerful Trixie, shall vanquish the Ursamajor back to the depths from whence it came, once and for all!"

"You go Trixie!" Snails called out enthusiastically.

"Make that Ursamajor wish he was never born!"

I didn't have the energy to roll my eyes, instead yelling at the stubborn idiotic unicorn furiously. "Are you serious?! You are not powerful enough to take down that-!"

"If an Earth Pony can take it down, then so can Trixie!" Trixie exclaimed, angered at being called weak, staring up at the beast, raising upwards... a bloody wand! The damn bear wasn't that weakened, as said bear has now recovered and bearing its teeth, lunging towards its standing-open prey. "Now, watch and behold my equine friends, as the great and powerful Trixie vanishes this Irksome before your very-! Ahhh!"

And the 'great and powerful' Trixie would have then been finished, if I hadn't quickly leaped towards her and push her out of the way, myself instead taking the blunt force of the speeding impacting paw, and sweet darkness enveloping over me.

God damn sometimes I hate the sunlight. Really, my eyes hardened in protest at the rays of the glowing orbs hitting my face, waking me up from my peaceful sleep. Finally submitting, my eyes slowly opened before blinking in in annoyance at the pestering sunlight, looking up at nothing but the wooden ceiling to my temporary bedroom-

Hang on... I don't recall ever going to bed last night.

That realization caused my aching body to suddenly sit up, bones moaning in protest at the sudden movement as I flinched before rubbing my exhausted eyes, quickly scanning around the place.

Same bookshelves. Same bed. Same cape at the corner. Same room altogether. Yep, I'm back in the Golden Oak Library.
But what happened last night-?

The sudden memories of the certain events hit while I rubbed my head in thought, eyes then widened in realization I was knocked out last night by a rampaging monster.

The bear. The battle by the lake. Saving Trixie's life. And then... nothing.

But I do recall last getting hit dead-on by the paw of that transparent monster. But that was just even more baffling than the fact I single-handedly held my own against the bear. By all accounts, I should be dead; a single strike from a bear is enough to make one folded into oblivion's embrace. I don't... feel much pain right now... so...

...Was I already-?

"Oh. You're awake."

The unexpected but recognizable voice caused me to turn to the purple pony in question, with her assistant by her side looking at me with hesitance. Twilight and Spike... what was going on? "You two...?" I asked in a hoarse dehydrated voice. "But I-?

"Thought you were a goner?" I slowly nodded as Twilight finished the question knowingly, smiling for some reason which had me blink in confusion. "So did we at first, after you took the hit for Trixie." Exactly, so why am I still-?

"It was terrifying!" Spike then added, flinching inexplicably as I glanced at him in question... was he squirming? "You... flew right into the middle of the lake."

Hang on... what?

My tired hoof immediately began searching around my right ear as the purple mare continued the story. "That was when the girls and I sprung into action: we dealt with the Ursaminor while Rainbow Dash went to get you out of the water."

But... I... I don't...

"You should have seen it, Twilight stopped the Ursaminor off with a couple of spells that sent it to sleep and back to its cave! It was awesome!" Slow down you two! Nothing you're saying right now makes any sense!

The unicorn shrugged sheepishly. "Well it wasn't easy, I'll tell you that. Never mind that afterwards Trixie suddenly declared me as her rival for me stopping the beast instead of her... Stardust, what are you doing...?"

My concentration was on the fact of my miracles than the confused frowned sent my way. This was... I don't... "You... say I landed in the lake?" I asked for clear clarification. And at Twilight's slow nod I was even more confounded.

This... This doesn't make any sense. By all accounts I shouldn't be here, unless everything around me now was either an illusion or I was in some sort of coma. Never mind that I somehow survived an attack from a bear, twice, but as a child one of my eardrums had burst, so nothing could prevent the water from reaching to my brain from that side. So I CAN'T be alive and awake right now... unless...

"Twilight..." I hesitantly said, hoping my intuition was correct as a spark of hope rose within me. "Please summon something very loud."

"...Something loud?"

"Loud enough to cause a headache."

The purple unicorn tilted her head at my request, before magically producing a pair of cymbals in the air a distant away from any of us, crashing them together at my nod. I braced myself as the instrument banged together, expecting some sort of pain to erupt from my ear and cranium.



"Again please."

No headache just yet, despite my constant grimacing of anticipation.


Spike was meanwhile rubbing his ears in his own pain. "Jeez Stardust, and I thought Pinkie Pie enjoyed loud noises-!"
He was instantly cut off by my loud, shocked and relieved laughter, as this miracle made itself clear. Sod any displeasure of being rescued by Rainbow Dash. My ear was healed! I leaned my head back against the pillow in shocked elation.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahaaha! Yes!" No more constant headaches! No more worrying about going anywhere near a pool of water! This was the single greatest thing to ever happen to me since my arrival in this goddamn world! Oh thank you thank you God, that's a small part of my misery forever destroyed!

"Erm, Twilight... I think the water got to his head." I heard the concerned whisper admist my happy laughter. Oh Spike, the exact opposite in fact! Was Specter responsible for repairing my ear, or did it come with whatever benefits there were to becoming a pony?

Who cares! I can hear better again!

"I think he's just happy to be alive, Spike." Said the rational unicorn, looking at my state with interested amusement, the cymbals disappearing into thin air. "Well I'm glad you're obviously feeling much better then, Stardust-"

"Quite the contrary my dear." I cast an uncharacteristic grin that incited the pair feet away to blink. I fought a giant killer bear and lived to tell the tale, and somehow my ear is repaired. I have every right to be happy. "I've never felt better." One crisis I've had to dealt with my entire life gone. Now for the matter of my parched throat. "Though I could do with a glass of water. You don't mind do you-?"

"I'll do it!" Spike suddenly raised a hand in volunteering to help, quickly running out of the room so fast it caused me to blink in my happy posture.

And I blinked rapidly next as Twilight decided to teleport to right in front of me, placing a warm hoof on my forehead. "Hmm... well you don't seem to have a fever. But you did almost drown and got hit pretty hard by that Ursaminor. It's lucky that Rainbow Dash saved you in time, and I used the best magic I could to heal any physical injuries. But you should be feeling some internal pain in some areas from the hit of the claw."

"Well... I do feel some aching here and there." I admitted. No point in hiding the matter from the searching Twilight. "Thank you for healing me, and I'll be sure to thank Rainbow Dash later."

The purple unicorn blinked, most likely at the latter, before smiling modestly. "What are friends for?" She asked rhetorically before her horn lit up in magic, this time a closed letter appearing between us. "This is for you, from a certain unicorn."

Rarity? "...Oh." Judging by the look on Twilight's face it was someone else... Ah. I grabbed the floating letter, nodding thankfully as the mare smiled in bemusement before turning to leave, already by the door before she looked over her shoulder.

"I suggest, while you're still feeling aches, you stay in bed for a while until you've fully recovered." That would be best yes, I nodded in agreement. "By the way... you don't have any idea how you managed to hold off the Ursaminor last night do you?"

Wait... 'Ursa-minor?' Did I hear the name wrong this whole time?

Despite her not seeing it, I shrugged truthfully, speaking in a puzzled tone. "You know, I'm in the dark as much as you are." I still can't believe what happened; fighting off that beast as though I was its equal in combat.

"Alright I believe you." Twilight said, but even now I can detect the hint of doubt in her voice. "But it's still unbelievable how you managed to do that."

"What, you wouldn't trust a guy like me?"

A light laugh that brought a smile to me. Despite everything that happened the other night, by god I'm so happy right now. "Fair enough. Do you need anything else?" I shook my head before she finally departed.

Really, I had to ask myself, who was the true predator last night?

Glancing at the letter in my hoof with my name presented on the cover, I raised a curious brow before opening the item, revealing a white note inside as the only contents. Unfolding the paper, I read the words of the loud and egotistical Trixie, ignoring the discomforts of the internal pain Twilight mentioned.

Mr. Balance.

As it would be impolite of the great and powerful Trixie to not express any gratefulness, Trixie thanks you in saving her life. However, alien or no, Trixie never truly needed your help. One single blow from the Ursaminor wouldn't be enough to stop Trixie-

I rolled my eyes. Even when writing a simple letter addressing herself in third-person was imperative to her. Let's see, skipping all the egocentric parts... ah, right to the last parts of the small note.

In return for your selfless behaviour, Trixie will not target you, despite your friendship with that Twilight Sparkle, in her future return to Ponyville, provided you do not get in Trixie's way. Nonetheless, Trixie thanks you for trying to save her life.

- The Great and Powerful Trixie.

I let out a small smirk, setting the letter down. I look forward to your return my boastful friend. I look forward to seeing you get your arse kicked by Twilight not once, but twice. I believe the episodes showing their rivalry confrontations are two to three-

A movement from the corner of my eye caught my attention, inciting me to see the hesitant dragon by the doorway holding a glass of clear blue liquid, staring at me as though approaching me wasn't the best idea.


"...You can come in." Did he think he needed permission? Okay I would like it if people would knock and ask before entering, but this wasn't my home. Nor do I consider it as such. I cocked my head to express my puzzlement as Spike gulped for some reason before slowly approaching me, holding out the glass to me at the side of the bed as though I was going to bite him or something.

...My battle with that monster didn't make him fear me, did it?

As I nodded in gratefulness, taking the glass as he quickly retreated his hands afterwards, I took a sip of the refreshing water before the truth behind the lizard's hesitance crashed down on me, as Spike spoke to me in a forced casual tone.

"So... alien huh?"

My hoof clenched around the glass tightly, thankful I swallowed the substance so I didn't choke in surprise, as the sudden memory of telling the dragon also what I truly was hit me like a steamroller.

Oh marvellous.

Sighing through gritted teeth, the previous feeling of joy for my repaired ear replaced by annoyance, I then took a deep breath to calm myself, before looking at the dragon after making a final decision. Better not dance around this one this time; the lizard may be gullible sometimes - if not all the time, same with the six ponies - but he wasn't stupid. "Close the door Spike. This is something no one else can hear."

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