• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 136: An Avalanche of Imbalance


Evidently all traces of his presence here have evaporated over time.

"Just cleaning up my own mess."

"I'm tracking down any leads on that creature human Twilight and I encountered at Crystal Prep."

"You mean it was this 'Zagreus' who helped the Dazzlings that night?"

"I was wondering, if you had time, we could start training together finally. I wanna be a Twilight Warrior too, remember?"

"Zagreus is still on the loose, and anything I might do to you, Twilight or our friends which would have a major impact on Balance would possibly make him stronger."

"It's for you, from the Crystal Empire. They've spotted Zagreus!"

"Are you sure about this, Shining? I can't promise I'll protect you."

"Because I can promise I'll be the one protecting you."

"Yaks spotted cloaked pony near the dragon cave. We think not much of it, assumed pony was friends of dragons like you."

"Always walking in without caution, aren't we 'Stalwart?'"

Above you!

"Wakey wakey little Warrior."

"Ug... Five minutes Twilight..."

Jack, you have to focus.

"How precious. He mistakes me for his gullible little Princess."

"I said five...!"

Wait... Twilight would never belittle herself as 'gullible...' At least, not unless she's under pressure or stressed out-

Ow...! Oww! The more I woke up, the more intense this pain on my head worsened. What hit me...?

The voice coaxing me from rest said in mock-relief, "And he awakens at last!" Jesus Christ, it sounded raspy and terribly parched. How long has this [BEEP]head waking me up been kept from drinking water-?

Hang on... This wasn't my bedroom!


My eyes blinked in concentration, greeting by the most [BEEP]ing horrific thing to ever greet my vision first thing upon waking up. A deformed, scarred creature with pure black eyes staring back at me at an uncomfortable space, my head reared back in reaction-


The creature seemed terribly amused. "Welcome back to the waking realm, my young friend. You kept us ever-so concerned." 'Concerned?' Wait, this wasn't my bed. Hell I wasn't even lying down. In a daze, I slowly craned my head to notice the hardened rocky wall I had unintentionally slammed my head against just now, my own limbs chained up into the rocks themselves. Magic I presume. What on Earth happened-?


The white stallion looked between us with a dark expression, stuck to the wall in a similar position to my right, often glaring heatedly at our obvious captor and back to me in concern, grimacing in pain faintly. "I'm glad you're up, Stardust. Looks like we've finally found the pony we've been looking for... Or who was waiting for us."

We were-?

Everything hit me like a freight train. The searches, news of a cloaked pony near the Crystal Empire, Shining accompanying me, speaking with the Yaks, visiting the dragon's nest. The ambush...

And I finally sensed the corrupted magic emanating from the creature observing us calmly, my brain operating properly again. "Zagreus..." I muttered with a narrowed glare, barely hiding the venom in my loathing voice.

But our captor barely seemed fazed by the look, regarding us indifferently with a casual reaction. "You truly believed I'd be spotted by your unsubtle species without intent? You gravely underestimate me; a common mistake you always make with your enemies. It must be a trend by now."

"This was a trap..." The realization sunk in. Oh [BEEP]ing fantastic! And Zagreus only seemed amused by the vocal revelation.

"One you stepped into with ease. It seems the ponies' naivety has rubbed on you, Jack old boy." The [BEEP]tard then had the nerve to disgustingly pat my left cheek, quickly retreating his scarred hoof after my attempt to bite it off. "Ah ah ah. What would your friends say to such display of savagery?"

"I think they wouldn't mind the exception, considering you." I retorted disdainfully. Shining, meanwhile, was matching my expression against our enemy flawlessly. "The dragons? What did you do to them?" If he laid a single hoof on them or, God forbid, the babies I swear to God-!

"Moi? Oh nothing, nothing as crude as you're imagining." Zagreus dismissed my leer, motioning to the side. Oh, the imbalance was suffocating my own connection to the Balance around, I barely sensed the three teenage lizards watching in open glee. "I would never intend harm on my own allies, wouldn't I boys?"

The dragons only snickered, and I took that moment to look around at our surroundings. Seems like a well-sized tunnel, all things considered. They must have taken down a corridor after that small rockfall. I could only hope the other dragons were okay; right now I wasn't feeling so merciful to these clowns teaming up with Zagreus. Unless they were under his control...

They're not.Starswirl informed me.At the moment, they hold onto their free will. But I can't say how long until they've lost that once Zagreus decides to use them for entertainment purposes.

"Meaning you've tricked them into helping you."

Black eyes swerved to the white unicorn who spoke hotly, a wide sickening grin on his terrifying features. "Curious that you would accompany this man into danger, your Highness." Zagreus glanced back to me knowingly. "Though he does a poor job of defending you from harm. Hm, you should see how dreadful he performs in protecting your precious sister. Didn't our friend here once promise to take care of her...?"

That was a low blow, and he knew it.

Don't succumb to his provoking statements. You're stronger than he believes.

"He's fulfilled his promise more times than I count!" Shining fired back in conviction. "I won't sit here and let you talk smack about my friend or my sister!"

Wow, thanks Shining. Encouraged by the words, I looked back to our opponent and sneered balefully, "So you knew I would come, and set up the perfect ambush. What's next?"

Zagreus raised a non-existent brow. "What, no questions as to how I persuaded those adult dragons to assist us? Or what I intend to do here? None of the typical cliches?"

"I can work it out." I narrowed my eyes, mind racing for possibilities. "You probably fooled the dragons into helping you, or threatened their own children unless they cooperated."

"It's likely, also, you're planning to keep us hostage so our friends would agree to your demands." Shining pitched in, sharing my expression. "Perhaps you plan to to lay siege over Equestria by keeping us as your captives."

Zagreus clicked his tongue, a mocking smile on his horrible muzzle. "Close, oh so close. But there are minor parts of you two grasping for straws." He sighed. "Yes, I had deceived those overgrown reptiles into lending their assistance by keeping their mouths shut. They are under the belief that Princess Ember herself, their new Dragon Lord - Or Lady, if you wish - declared their infamous 'Stalwart of the Dragon Lands' had become their enemy, and for you to be apprehended posthaste. It's truly amazing how gullible the creatures of this world are. But what do you expect when you're in a universe designated for the amusement of mindless children?"

Ignoring that remark, I glanced over to Garble and his cronies. "And what about these three stooges?"

Glaring, the red teen answered with venomous glee, "Our good pal Zagreus here promised to help us overthrow that pony-loving Ember and give the scepter to its real rightful owner." One thumb claw pointed at his own chest. "Me!"

Shining scoffed at that. "And you take his word for it?"

I agreed. "Tell me, how [BEEP]ing [BEEP]ded are you, Garble?"

The dragon blinked uncomprehendingly, but Zagreus raised a hoof before Garble could do something even more stupid. "Ah ah ah, let's not get aggravated now, my friends, not when we've completed half our goal." Half? "Well, almost half..." I was starting to hate that creepy smile our way. Specifically, moremyway. "You then assumed I intend in keeping you under my hold for ransom. That might be true, with the addition of our Prince here." Shining's glare deepened, but the monster was paying no heed to it. "But you, Jack... As we both know, like you, I'm nothing like the natives of this world. I don't play by the rules this universe intends. I'm not going to keep you functioning longer than I have to..."


"In short." Black eyes glinted maliciously. "I'm going tokill you."


Shining visibly paled at that, whereas I shuddered, not that entirely surprised. From the side, Garble's smile disappeared, his cronies themselves looking outright disturbed by the vocal intent. "You... You wouldn't..." Shining croaked out, clearly horrified, and I didn't blame him. "That's going too far. Even Tirek wouldn't dare-!"

"Oh come now, refrain yourself from comparing me to the average norm of your world." Turning around, Zagreus continued with open scorn. "You're too much trouble to be allowed to live, Jack. The only thorn in my side while everyone else is beneath me. I shall return very shortly, there are a few matters left attending to. Consider this your final moment granted to breathe."

Shining called out to the departing monster. "You can't do this! Stardust hasn't done anything to warrant a horrible fate like that!"

Zagreus replied over his shoulder, his reptile minions following after him. "I'm doing you a favour, my Prince. He's done more damage to this world than you realize..." And even as he left, the suffocating imbalance plagued the air like atmospheric cancer.


We only stared after they left, Shining taking a moment before looking back to me, a blazing determination in his deep blue eyes. "We're getting out of this. I promise you."

I could only gulp, switching my gaze to the wall. "I know..." This wouldn't be my first brush with death.

But this felt... It just felt morereal...

Having fun without me?

Wha- The Hell have you been?! From the side, Shining glanced at my sudden startled reaction.

Sombra scoffed, the shadow shifting to my left proudly.One of us had to take the initiative, with you and this naive Prince all trapped and helpless. Can't use your magic to get out?


...Please don't confess you forgot all about your own powers?

Shut up, I had a lot on my mind. Besides, Shining tried using his magic earlier. Nothing worked. Now answer the question, where the Hell have you gone to?

The King growled irritably.His magic isn't similar to your own, boy. And if you must know, I too the moment of your captivity to scout around, gain a clear understanding to what our adversary would be intending.

Have you uncovered anything?

Ah, almost forgot your own senses are clouded by this heavy imbalance, old fool.Sombra almost sounded smug.From observation, none of the dragons appear to be under that abomination's spell; in fact, they're displayed only somberness and disdain once that creature and his minions returned to greet them. None of the usual symptoms when one is controlled by that monster against their will.

So Zagreus said. Anything we can use againsthim?

The answer is right in front of us.


Of course.Starswirl concurred with the former tyrant, sounding quite pleased about something.The dragons aren't under his influence, not entirely. We can dissuade him from following his trail of deceit by showing them the truth.

...You're onto something there. Alright, first thing's first, we get out of here, and devise a way to convince all the dragons to join our side. That would include, I imagine, Garble and his idiotic friends.

Before we could take this discussion earlier, Shining spoke up curiously, "What did he mean earlier, about you causing more damage than I know?"

Huh. With a small smirk, despite the circumstances, I replied in faint humour, "We humans are masters of devastation and self-destructiveness." Screw the threat of death in the air, if I can't make jokes and fight back with a smile, what does that say about me?

You're a clown who's been moreso influenced by these ponies nowadays than anything else.

I'll take it.

Even Shining cracked a tiny smile. "You don't have to tell me that. I've seen the rampage you can cause if provoked enough." And then, we found ourselves sharing laughter. "Hahahaha, I remember experiencing it firsthand, when Cadence tried using that revealing spell on you and you threw me around like a rag doll."

"Jesus, way to bring up past regrets." But I was still grinning like an idiot, Shining failing not to sound amused.

"But I figured. If anyone so strong can take me on, it's enough to keep her protected." We both know which 'her' the stallion was alluding to. Shifting slightly, Shining's horn lit up... And broke down in sparks again, prompting his huff of frustration. "We need to think of a plan."

"Already on it."


The sounds of shuffling feet alerted our attention to the right, causing my raised brow. Zagreus was back already? I did everything I could to repress a shudder at the idea and implication- Oh no, wait, I still had enough Balance to sense if he was approaching. No, my suspicions were led astray by the arrival of three certain dragons instead of that monster.

And you have enough Balance to, shall we say, persuade our reptilian friends here to see things another way.

...Oh yeah, I can do that!

But, wait, would it work, with so much imbalance in the air? And couldn't Zagreus sense if I tried using my magic?

Remember, Zagreus isn't yet as powerful as he prefers to fool people otherwise. The chances are him detecting a small change in the dragon's hearts would be minimal. It's a hypothesis, but we could take the chance.

We'll take the risk. I'd prefer not dying with you inside a cave today.

I nodded, which didn't go unnoticed by Shining. With the dragons chatting among themselves, I winked to my friend, who repressed a small smile of comprehension. Practically swagger-walking towards us, Garble was doing a poor job in hiding his own satisfaction, grinning with sharp fangs as they strode before us.

"Well well well, look what's become of theStalwart."The red teenager crossed his arms smugly. "Guess that's what happens when you stick your pony nose in things where it doesn't belong."

"The same could be said for you, Garble." I replied coolly. He honestly hoped I'd be intimidated? Please. Gilda would do a better job making me unnerved than this [BEEP]. "My how low you have sunken; teaming up with a ponyandbetraying your own kind? The dignity."

He sneered. "I'm only doing what's best for all dragons. That coward doesn't deserve the right to wield the scepter and lead us." Leaning forward, Garble growled in sheer loathing, nostrils flaring against my fur. "Do you have any idea how humiliating it was: When Spike and those two ponies strode into the Dragon Lands and told Torch they were friends with his precious Stalwart? How everyone tolerated their presence and supported that baby into winning? Even those I considered allies turned against me! But you know what the most embarrassing part was?"

"I assume you're about to tell me."

Garble's leer deepened. "They made mehugevery dragon. Hug! There was nothing more humiliating, and it's all because of you!" He leaned back, finally, jabbed a front claw to my face. "If you hadn't kept interfering with our kind, I wouldn't crushed Spike and his pony friends and become the Dragon Lord as destiny had planned!"

"...Hate to break it to ya, but Spike would've succeeded no matter what." I shrugged. Won't lie, it was a little fun to aggravate this dragon to no end.

The plan.


"So you thought cooperating with Zagreus will somehow get you your wish?" Shining inquired rhetorically, disbelief present on white features.

Garble scoffed. "He's only a means to an end. I don't care what that... That thing wants, but he promised me he can help get rid of you, that annoying Spike, and make me the Dragon Lord by taking Ember out of the picture."

"By killing them?" I rolled my eyes. "Can you bring yourself to allow that? Stoop to that level? Tell me, Garble, can you lead your people to glory with a death of innocents on your conscience?"

At that, the dragons showed some signs of hesitation, and the two behind him exchanged uncertain glances. Sensing what I was intending, Shining added fuel to the fire, "What that monster plans to do, is make you and all dragon kind his slaves, and he'll go through any and all means to do it. You can stop this all, right now, by letting us go."

"...I..." Garble then shook his wildly, glaring heatedly. "No! I'll become Dragon Lord no matter what! So what if a few ponies and dragons have to... Have to... Nothing else is more important!"

You're getting there, Jack. Now concentrate, use the magic of Balance.

Don't I need to touch his chest for it to work?

That was when your powers remained in the developing stage. Have confidence in your skills, and reach out.

Alright then, time to rely on magic.

Abracadabra, make this tool my tool.

My friend continued pleading to the stubborn lizard as I focused, gathering up what spare energy I could amidst this black cloud of magical instability. "Once Zagreus helps you, there'll be nothing left. You don't know the dangers he's capable of!"

"Tch! What could one measly pony do? We're the most fearsome species across the lands!"

"Soon to be the slaves of a maniacal tyrant." All eyes turned to me, but I stared straight into Garble's. Into his soul. "You'll only be a Lord by title alone, but he'll become the true Master. And once you've outlived your usefulness... You know exactly how he would dispose of you all when that happens."

"That won't happen-!"

But my magic was already working, doubt beginning to fog the teenage lizard's eyes. I pressed forward, leaning slightly with a dark tone, "You think he'll simply allow some reckless teenage dragon to command the masses? You're cannon fodder to him. Dragons, ponies, everything else in existence; he'll play us all like puppets, and rid of us until there's nothing left."

"What... What are you...?" It was definitely working. Garble started clutching his head, my influential magic subtly casting more light against the shadows of greed in his heart.

"It's not too late Garble..." My voice was almost a whisper now. "Release us, and we can save your people, together. Or... You already know the answer, deep down."

Gulping, the red lizard lowered his hand, regarding me in sudden fear and uncertainty, conflict playing in his eyes. Please work please work please work please work...

It worked.

Signalling his cronies to assist the watching Prince, Garble worked on freeing myself. After a moment of strain and pulling, the rocky parts holding back my extended front limbs fell into crumbles on the ground, the same soon being said for a relieved Shining too. He wasn't the only releasing a bated breath, because holy [BEEP], the fact it actually worked...

Even now, you continue doubting your own capabilities? Would nothing ever stay firm in that thick skull?

Garble stepped back, allowing me to enjoy the newfound freedom, getting some feeling back into my front limbs. He gulped after my satisfied gaze turned to him. "So now what- Ugh!"

A single hoof shot to his stomach, and the unguarded dragon was down in a heartbeat. Shining, taking that as a signal, wasted no time either; a grunt from another lizard directed my attention towards them. The first minion was taken down by a magical shot and sent flying across the tunnel. The fat crony barely had time to take action, when one unicorn effortlessly lifted him in the air by magic, and the Earth Pony leapt over and spun, a roundhouse kick with enough force to press down his weight and shooting straight into the ground, causing a small tremor from the impact. I landed without harm.

"We weren't going to get their help?" Shining inquired after that, inspecting the now-unconscious dragons cautiously.

"They're cannon fodder by this point; utterly useless in our battle against Zagreus." Now where's-? Aha. The discarded fedora was picked up and placed back where it belongs. Smiling to myself, I looked back to the waiting stallion. "We need to get the big guns."

His eyes widened after a moment, understanding my statement. "You think they'll help us?"

"Over helping some scarred pony who intents nothing but harm, also as someone they clearly already don't like? I think so."

Shining nodded, grinning faintly. "I'll take your word for it." And gestured to his right. "They came from down that way. I'll guess that's where the much bigger dragons are too."

We have you now, Zagreus!

You knew this was a trap, didn't you?

What do you think?Sombra drawled.It was common sense from the very beginning. The timing seemed too convenient, and Zagreus has displayed more cunning than any of your adversaries thus far, barring myself of course.The King grunted in thought as the imbalance grew stronger.This will be a trap in the making, as well.

Then, I suppose the next move would be to spring the trap. Obi-Wan Kenobi would be proud.

"I think we're close." Shining commented with a solemn look, motioning amidst our cautious stride forward to the cave doorway waiting for us. "Even here, I can sense something sinister waiting for us." Yep. The Prince, as did I. "I'm thinking, while we know he's in there, we should look at things thoroughly before possibly walking into a trap."



This was a decision I made on the walk here. "Go home." The Prince blinked, and I clarified with a serious disposition. "I can't afford to risk your life like this. You have a family waiting for you."

He glared in evident protest. "So do you!"

"But not like you. Go home where it's safe-"



But he was having none of it. "I'm not going to run away and let my best friend face this alone!" I- Best friend? Blue eyes glinted in determination. "It doesn't matter how many times you try, I'm not abandoning you."

Of all the stubborn... "Shining, Zagreus is nothing like our other enemies. He won't hesitate to kill you right off the bat-!"

"All the more reason you need someone to back you up." Shining's mind was set. "Sorry Stardust, but my sister isn't the only stubborn family member when her mind's made up. I'm sticking with you to the very end."

"But Cadence... Flurry..."

A small smile. "I'm fighting to protect them as well. They're family, just like you. To be honest, I'd fight to the end with a smile, knowing I fought to keep my loved ones safe." A serious resolve replaced that somber look, turning towards the next area again. "This isn't an argument, I'm coming with you. That's the end of it."


Christ, and they say I'm a bad influence on Twilight. Who's they, you ask? I don't know, but someone out there's probably thinking it. Shining was willing to die protecting the ones he loved... [BEEP], it was stupid of me to ever try.

You're far more alike than you believe.

Alright then... For our family.

Shining expressed slight gratitude as I stood beside him, the pair of us staring forward with equal renewed vigour. Let's hurry up and end this, then go home. Like great minds alike, both Prince and Warrior marched forward with purpose, heading straight towards the nesting room of adult dragons and where Zagreus waited with ill-concealed glee.

And entered the lion's den, we did.

"Ahh, we have company." A slimy rasp from our dear shared enemy greeted us, reinforced with the multiple leers and growls by wary dragon. Clapping two deformed hoofs, the monster in a dark grey cloak appraised mockingly. "The stallions of the hour! You make things far too easy for me, you realize. It's as if I don't even need to try!"

Pretending to ignore the glares of full adult dragons, and the curious stares of their children hiding behind their tails, I answered shortly, "You expected us then?"

"Evidently dear chap." Zagreus answered simply, as though conversing about the weather. "And I'm afraid any plans you intend now are null and void. There's nothing stopping me from having my friends here burning you to a crisp."

"We are not your friends, pony!"

He waved off the snarl from one of the tall reptiles, smiling crookedly. "But I'm not entirely without mercy... At least, mercy for the Empire's oh so beloved Prince." Shining tensed. "My enemy is Jack and him alone, believe it or not. Simply step aside, Prince Shining, and you'll return to your loved ones un-roasted."

The stallion stayed his ground, and I couldn't help but grin at the loyalty. "I'll never allow harm come to my friends."

"A friend, you say?" Zagreus inquired. "After constantly lying to your faces regarding certain truths, you still claim him as an ally?"

Shining's glare deepened. "I won't be deceived Zagreus, not like these dragons have been." Said lizards exchanged glances at that.

"But you have been deceived, multiple times, hasn't he Jack?" My brow furrowed. What was he getting at? "Let's not feign ignorance, old friend. Let's not dismiss the fact you have known about the Changelings, Queen Chrysalis, King Sombra and the dreaded Lord Tirek long before those events happened." My blood froze cold. Shining glanced to me skeptically. "He never told you, did he? Have you ever pondered, how he knew of their coming and their plans before they happened? The answer is simple, Shining; he's seen it all before. He watched these attacks on your kind, and kept those facts from your people until the convenient times were right. And he has the audacity to be with your own sister for it?"

The Prince cautiously looked to me for clarification, and I only stared in return. Sad thing was, Zagreus was right about a few things. I did keep them from the pony here until it was needed. Shining blinked, his signature radiating shock.

Couldn't blame him... Best I could do now was apologize-

"That doesn't mean anything now."


"I beg your pardon?" Zagreus was just as surprised.

Shining stomped one hoof down, glaring firmly at the hooded disfigured equine. "Even though he knew of them beforehand, he still opted to help out. Stardust chose to take action, rather than leave us to deal with it. It'll take more than that to turn me against my friend, Zagreus!"

"But... Because of him, Twilight became severely injured by Tirek. Surely that mustn't be excused."

Shining, to our shared surprise, scoffed. "Like that was his fault." Technically it kinda was. The stallion pointed forward. "I've had enough of your deceptions. In fact, it's about time you tell our friends here the truth too!"

Encouraged than ever before, aided by the loyalty and trust of my best friend beside me, I stepped forward and added my own piece. "There was never an order by Ember to capture me. You're using these dragons like pawns in your twisted games!"

At that, the adults shared incredulous glances and started to leer towards the still cloaked pony. The sapphire dragon spoke on their behalf once again, "Is this true...?"

Zagreus, to everyone's shock then, whirled and around gestured without shame. "Of course it's true! Your gullible personalities reach no bounds!" Well... That wasn't hard to get a confession out of. "All intended to rid myself of this stubborn, childish Warrior opposing me right now."

"You tricked us!" One of them snarled, but Zagreus never wavered, even with multiple dragons glaring with the shared mind of roasting him a new one.

He clicked his tongue patronizingly. "Now now, those tempers will never get you anywhere. I am, after all, untouchable." And gently tapped one hoof against the floor as the dragons neared, and I sensed a wave of imbalance in the air-

"Oh no you don't!"


Shining's call upon my charge was futile. the black hole appearing below the smug Zagreus's hooves sucked the retreating pony inside, and I didn't consider much before diving right after the villain. Nope, absolutely not gonna let him flee this time.

Almost found myself slamming straight into a wall. Pushing myself against it, I recomposed myself, finding myself back into another illuminated tunnel. Quickly, my head looked around frantically for-


The cloaked Zagreus was making an attempt to flee, and I immediately gave chase, using whatever Balance was available for me. The imbalance was still too strong to properly bring out all my magic, but it wasn't enough to keep my from leaping upwards, jumping off a world and delivering a hammering punch onto my foe. Zagreus anticipated that, quickly rolling out of the way. He might be weak now, but that didn't mean he wasn't agile. Without breaking composure, the hooded figure ran down the tunnel, myself chasing after him.


What is it?

Sombra spoke amidst my pursuit of our quarry.I comprehend your reservations, but the opportunity is no better than now. You must deal with him permanently before the situation worsens.

You still want me to kill him...?

"You're slacking, Twilight Warrior." My foe had the [BEEP]s to say energetically, dodging past my attempted strikes and passing corners without fault. "Where's the energy you had against all your former foes? Don't tell me you've grown more lenient over time."

"On the contrary." I shot back, passing another tunnel. Zagreus, even when afar, wouldn't be hard to track down with the imbalance radiating off him like poisonous air. "I've trained everyday for this moment."

"Then I must, with regret, disappoint you." Zagreus responded, breezing past another punch. "I am in no condition to fight back."

"All the more better for me!"

This is your chance, boy. Don't waste it again!

"Now what happened to sportsmanship, dear fellow? Surely those weakling ponies have taught you better than that." I scowled at the open scorn towards my friends. As though sensing that, Zagreus looked back, grinning, before finally reaching an impasse. He led me to a dead-end, sadly for him. But the smile never left his horrific muzzle. "No matter. They won't have time to be disappointed in you after I'm through with them."

Advancing cautiously after halting with him, I growled in open contempt. "They'll never submit to the likes of you."

"Submission? You mistake me for your cliche villains, young one. Despite what you believe, or what that senile prune informed you, I have no intent on enslaving the worlds to my whims. I'm only after the same thing you are." Those deadly soulless eyes glinted menacingly, triumph in his tone. "Balance."

What are you waiting for? Destroy him already!

"Balance? You?"

Zagreus nodded, calm and composed in light of the disadvantage he was under. "Yes. Balance. But unlike you, and Starswirl, I know how to achieve true Balance for the universe. Your mentor is under the misguided belief that such balance will be brought by uniting the very creature of light and dark together. That, somehow, every living thing can coexist with one another in peace."

"Something I am inclined to take his word for." I paused briefly, eyes narrowed suspiciously. "I'm sure it's a better alternative than whatever diseased idea you have for Balance."

"You couldn't be anymore deluded, my dear human." Zagreus motioned to the ceiling with widened arms. "For Balance isn't brought through unity of species, but purity of life!"


Pay no attention to his lies.Sombra snarled, while I was stumped by what this creature was insinuating.And stop hesitating! Nothing is preventing you from exterminating this abominable disease right off the bat.

"Before the creation of living things, there was true Balance. Pure, untouched, and beautiful to behold." Zagreus continued his mad monologue, seeming distracted by his own vision. But his words were of wonder and pure conviction. "Harmony. Chaos. United without the ruined touch of species. That Balance was shattered, though, by the arrival of the first creature to be born. Chaos and Harmony became rivals, enemies, because of war, violence and conflict. So long as a single living creature exists, then Balance will never return."

Your friends needn't know. Not ever. Focus Jack... Finish him now...

Zagreus grinned back to me, looking convinced of his own words. "Don't you see, Jack? We both want the same thing! Peace! But that can only happen through purging the filthy grasps of life, not through uniting it! Once everything has been wiped away from the faces of the worlds; then, and only then, can we foresee a better tomorrow."

"...Right then. Now I know you're mad." Was my only proper response. "I just needed to make sure."

His hoofs lowered down disappointingly. "So you don't see..."

"I only see that you're a Goddamn nutcase!" Seriously, who did he take me for? I stepped forward, objecting to this insane prospect heatedly. "You're talking about mass genocide! It's not their fault that Balance isn't complete now. You can't blame every single person for all the wars, deaths and diseases. No one's perfect, but why would we be around if it's a contradiction against the very nature of the universe? We have no right to decide if they're allowed to live or not! Humanity can't be blamed for every imbalance!"

Did he really believe I'd take his side about this? I wasn't that crazy; there must be other ways to bring Balance back to the world, other than exterminating all forms of life. Conflict would be around before and after we even existed.

And you're right, there are countless methods to reaching Balance without resorting to such hateful tendencies. A purge is a tool of Chaos, not Balance. Zagreus is blinded by his own being of instability to accept this truth.

See? Even he agrees!

Never mind any of that! Finish him already!

Zagreus, for his part, only smirked. "And yet, humanity is at fault for the imbalance before you, isn't it?" And a blackened hole formed behind his body before I could defend myself. Without prompt, I charged forward into the darkness with him, surprising the scarred pony at my reinforced speed.

We both found ourselves rolling across snowy field, myself immediately regaining posture and standing up quickly. A swift glance around revealed our location now outside somewhere on the mountain, nearby between a cliff and... The head of a mountain, grey clouds covering over with a small blizzard harassing us. The weather was stronger than previous, flapping against my cape and causing my hat to fall harmlessly across the ground.

But my attention was more focused in the revealed figure, the wind blowing down his hood. A bald head. Shocking. The black eyes of Zagreus stood tall and undefeated - For now - against the breeze impacting his own cloak. There was such madness into those hollow eyes it was enough to unnerve me.

"Why should you care what fate befalls your own species?" Zagreus's voice raised over the wind, pointing a scarred hoof forward accusingly. "You hate your kind. Why else would you abandon them for a world of cartoon equines?"

"Probably because they're my family, and I love all of them." I retorted hotly, struggling somewhat against the harsh weather with taking steps into deep white frozen liquid. His voice scoffed across the breeze, echoed among this vast snowy spot.

"You lie to yourself, Jack. You've always hated your own people!" Zagreus grinned knowingly, replying matter-of-factly, "They used you as a means of entertainment, to fulfill their own boredom. And your family? Oh how they underestimated you; treated you like a toddler. You became sick of it, of them. You don't care what becomes of them; you're more inclined to allow this world and its Harmony-biased occupants to be protected by a mere broken human, and six childish Equestrians."

"Are you finished?" I growled, ignoring the bitter feelings emerging from his asinine taunts. Sombra already tried this tactic once, long ago. Not letting it fool me again. "I don't care what you believe, Zagreus, but I'll be damned if you lay a single hoof on any of the universes and their inhabitants!"

"'Hoof,' not 'hand.' My how you have gone native."

"Don't patronize me."

"Oh I'm not. It's more condescension really; big difference." A gleeful grin. "What matters now isn't your own feelings towards pony or human kind, but your own demise." A flash of imbalance from above, tensing my body in preparation. "Our location isn't random, I'm afraid. I know from the start you'd pursue me to this point. Now, it's finally time to be rid of you. As they say in the old-fashioned days, Jack, tally-ho!"

What is he-?

Jack, the mountain!

Wha- Jesus Christ!

That explained the sudden vibrations beneath my hooves, struggling to keep composure from the harsh rumbling, growing worse and worse by the moment. For above me was tons of gathering snow ready to crush anyone in its way, heading for our general direction.

Zagreus's voice called over the shaking and devastating sounds of an avalanche. "A crude method of disposal, but effective in silencing the hapless. I needn't worry about getting crushed myself; even if my body is destroyed, I am comprised of imbalanced magic." What? My head snapped to the chuckling pony in dawning horror. "Oh, did your teacher neglect to mention that? I shall live on indefinitely, body or no!"

...So goes your idea for killing him, Sombra-

Never mind that now! You're about to be crushed by twenty feet of snow! Get out of there!

To where?! The cliff?!

It's your best chance-!

Wait, that won't be necessary!



The villain was now flat-out chortling. "How marvelous! You're about to die in a method unworthy for a Warrior of your caliber. Although... You never had much to begin with- Hm?"

Two things happened then.

One: The rumblings slowly grinded to a halt, along with the avalanche itself, encased by various hues of magical lighting keeping the entire snow at bay.

Two: A blur of multiple colours sped by us, flapping against our cloak and cape violently. Rainbow colours at a high velocity I recognized instantly, following after the blur with my eyes in struggling disbelief.

"Rainbow Dash?!"


Zagreus's genuine call of surprise caused me to follow his bewildered gaze, greeted by the sight of multiple ponies perched atop a steep hill of snow above us. All of whom, with the exception of the nameless Crystal Guards, I was more than familiar with in a heartbeat. Facing the still avalanche were four certain unicorns.

Twilight, Starlight, Sunburst and Cadence were keeping the halted natural disaster at bay, my amazing girlfriend calling out to the blue blur sternly with a trace of exertion. "Now Rainbow!"

The talented Wonderbolt wasted no time in getting to work, my eyes almost finding it difficult to follow the rainbow-trail flying across the mountain, right beneath the avalanche itself, Then, as if picking up speed, the pegasus was now circling under the exact falling pile of snow, seemingly intending to create a small tornado. And succeeding. From the corner of my eye, I quickly reached and grabbed my flying fedora before it joined the rainbow tornado formed above us, planting my hoof firmly in the ground.

Finding myself assisted, then, by a smiling Fluttershy. "Hi." She said politely, helping me keep to the ground, pink mane flapping just as violently against the strengthening wind. Rainbow's self-made disaster formed perfectly and...

Sucked inthe avalanche itself, as though it were nothing. I blinked in surprise. Okay, clearly someone's been drinking a lot of caffeine this morning. I mean Jesus, that was something to behold!

But Rainbow wasn't done. The tornado itself turned sideways, shifting the balance of the strong wind again, and directed the path of the avalanche elsewhere after consuming it completely. Little by little, piles of snows spewed out, produced into neat tidy blocks each and creating an... Okay now she's showing off. An igloo stood tall and proud right before us, enough for a small family to live inside. As the tornado finally died down, a satisfied Rainbow hovered right before us, dusting off her hoofs with a smug expression.

"Not bad huh?"

"That was amazing, Rainbow Dash." Fluttershy did nothing to not fuel the mare's ego, but I was grinning regardless.

"Remind me not to challenge you to an igloo-building contest." I remarked jokingly. Rainbow winked.

"You're welcome- Behind you!"

Whirling around, Zagreus had one hoof lifted, a scowl gracing his unpleasant features, and I tensed while pushing Fluttershy behind me, ready to defend myself and my friends. My friends specifically though.

There was no need, though, by the onslaught of magic beams blasting into the pony's side. Zagreus's snarl echoed beside the magic impacting into him, forcing him to skid across the snow right towards the edge of the cliff. A stern Twilight, Cadence and Starlight walked towards is with expressions saying it'd be unwise to [BEEP] them off, their horns lit in preparation in case he tries anything.

"Zagreus, I presume." Cadence said cordially.

"Long time no see." Starlight greeted the recovering enemy next, resolve in her purple eyes.

"It's certainly been a while, hasn't it?" Twilight questioned rhetorically, matching the same pose as her student and former foalsitter. The rest were quick to join us from behind; Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie and Sunburst stepping beside Fluttershy, Rainbow and I. The royal guards started surrounding the disadvantaged Zagreus at their Princess's gesture.

"So this is Zagreus, huh?" Rainbow scowled. "Sheesh. You weren't kidding about his looks, Star."

"It's quite repugnant to bare." Rarity concurred, before glancing to me with a light smile. "But disregard him for a moment. How are you darling?"

"Better, now that I have my friends here."

"That's good." Twilight commented, violet eyes glued to the still Zagreus. "You'll need to conserve your energy for when we have a long talk about going to fight Zagreus alone again."

Oh, great. "In fairness, I had Shining with me this time."

Sunburst glanced around. "Speaking of whom, where is the Prince-?"

A hoarse chuckle cut the yellow unicorn off. "How lightly you take these things." All eyes turned to Zagreus, standing tall and unafraid of the masses surrounding him. Black eyes gazed over the group indifferently. "I suppose it'd be fruitless to expect much else from a childish equine species."

"Why I oaughta-"

My own raised hoof cut off Rainbow from outright attacking the scarred unicorn. No use getting provoked by him now. Walking to stand between him and the two alicorns, and one Starlight, opposing him, I defended my friends. "I'd take their light-hearted personalities over your cold-hearted methods anyday."

Zagreus only chuckled some more. "You say that. When you yourself are just as capable of being as cold-hearted as I, Jack. Just like I, you don't belong here."

"That's not true." Hm? Twilight stepped forward, taking position to my right, a sparkle of determination in her violet eyes. "Everything happens for a reason, and maybe Jack was never meant to be in Equestria, with ponies who love and adore him. But he is, and we wouldn't have it any other way." Our friends nodded, filling my heart with newfound warmth at the seer affection of my family. "The consequences for him being here are something we just have to accept, and confront with our heads held high. No one is beyond friendship, regardless of who they are, where they were born; so long as they're willing to show love, there is never an exception to making friends."

"I wouldn't expect anything less from you, Twily."

Well, that was a surprise. Even Cadence and the guards gasped at the former's husband suddenly appearing right above the cliff, standing proudly atop the back of a certain adult sapphire dragon. Between them, a whole flock of the prideful lizards hovered from the skies, glaring down at the very pony who deceived into capturing Shining and I in the first place. The dragon carrying the Prince swerved around, giving our friend the means to leap off at the right timing and land to my left, taking a spot of open defiance against the stunned Zagreus.

"You lost the moment you thought you could outwit us." Shining began confidently, glaring in vigour towards our opponent. "We might be gullible at times, but we're far from fools. That's the thing about you villains, you always underestimate the ponies who'll do anything and everything to protect their loved ones. That's why you lost today. My brilliant sister's right, no one's beyond hope, or affection. That is what we ponies excel at: Believing the best in others."

And it was my turn. "Game over, Zagreus." I spoke next, head raised high in admitted cockiness. "I'll never turn my backs on my friends - My family - ever again. Regardless of my own actions back on my home world, I found a second chance; one I don't intend to waste. Instead, I'll cherish it. I made my choice... What choice will you make?"

He only smirked. "The only choice that can ever be granted to me." Hmm? The [BEEP]! Immediately we all rushed over as the scarred creature simply leaped off the edge itself, prompting us to follow and gaze downwards for any sight of the falling Zagreus.

Nothing... Nothing but the trace of imbalance in the air.

A wormhole, of course...

"He's- He's gone..." Sunburst muttered.

"Defeated but not destroyed..." I grumbled, scowling at letting that monster slip through my non-existent fingers again... Sorry guys.

We hardly blame you, Jack.

Speak for yourself.The King sighed.I certainly hope this doesn't bite us in the [BEEP] when we see him again...

"Huh?" Rarity then perked up, raising a hoof. "Listen. Isn't that the sound of... Trampling hoofs?" Looking up, we began distinctly hearing that sound, looking over in the direction of the sound and ground-vibrating's source.

"Are they who I think they are...?" Pinkie leaned forward, squinting hard. Then gasped excitedly. "It's the Yaks!"

So they were. Stampeding towards us were a herd of gathered Yaks, all adorning battle armour and immediately grinding to a halt upon spotting the sight of their allies. From the front row stood a certain woolly Prince, marching forward with purpose.

"Prince Rutherford!" Pinkie sped towards her friend cheerfully.

Greeting the pink Earth Pony, Rutherford smiled before raising his voice proudly. "YAKS HERE TO AID PONY AND DRAGON FRIENDS IN BATTLE! SOUNDS OF AVALANCHE BROUGHT US HERE! WHERE IS CLOAKED PONY?!"

"They're gonna cause a second avalanche I swear..." Some chuckled at my exasperated mutter.

"Heheh. you're a little late to the party guys." Rainbow informed the eager Yaks. "That Zagreus creep is long gone."

"Oh." The Yaks visibly deflated... Before immediately lighting up. "THEN WE EMERGE VICTORIOUS! WE HAVE CELEBRATION, YAKS AND FRIENDS OF YAKS!"

"Woo-hoo! Party in Yakyakistan!" Pinkie exclaimed happily, prompting my small smile. Some things will never change, I imagine-

Hm? Applejack tapped my side, motioning to a certain alicorn regarding me expectantly. Oh... Right. Twilight waited with a serious stare, and I started rubbing the back of my own head, always nervous when she gives me that look. "Listen... It was a spur or the moment and... Well at least I had your brilliant brother to back me up this time."

Twilight rolled her eyes. "For pony's sake..." Uhh...? Now I found myself drawn into a brief embrace by my girlfriend, relief pouring for her heart. "I'm more focused on the fact you're both safe and sound."

...Okay, I'll take that over her lectures anyday.

"Oh, rest assured honey, the lecture will come very soon." Oh. Twilight smirked as I groaned. Wonderful. Meanwhile, a cuddling Shining and Cadence expressed fond amusement at the open typical exchange between Twilight and I.

"Are you feeling alright?" Shining asked eventually amidst our walk through the crystal castle, leading me down a few corridors upon dismissing ourselves from the others earlier.

I shrugged, deciding to be honest. "I'm not sure. One one hand, I'm glad I managed to keep everyone safe today, thanks to you as well, by the way."

"Of course, always happy to help protect those important to me."

That prompted my grin, before sighing quite tiredly. Today was taking a lot out of me; the large party didn't help much. "On the other hand..."

"You're upset because Zagreus managed to escape."

Another sigh. "And it's bad enough Twilight can read me like an open book."

"Sorry bud, but I think it's best if I can understand your train of thought." Shining commented in faint humour, stopping by a door. "Helps me trust the pony who'll one day settle down with my precious baby sister. Though not too soon, I hope."

Hah. "At her age, I wouldn't dare pressure her into it."

"Good." Before his semi-serious expression became deadly serious, pausing by a door and placing a hoof on my shoulder. "Don't blame yourself for Zagreus getting away. It's as you said, what matters most is that no one else was harmed today... Well, minus the exception of that Garble character and his cronies who teamed up with Zagreus. I'm sure their Dragon Lord will want to deal with them personally."

The very image of Ember beating the [BEEP] out of them, Hell whacking them above the heads with their scepter, made me feel more better. I grinned at the thought, before looking back to my friend. "So, why did you bring me here? If it's to say thanks, you know I'll just dismiss the gratitude."

Shining, instead of answering vocally, simply pushed open the door and nodded for me to follow. Inside was... Well, quite obviously both his and Cadence's bedroom. He dragged me from the others to lead me here? Should I be worried? Slowly following in, Shining outright laughed at my look. "Don't worry. Cadence won't mind; our time in here will be brief." Alright... Gesturing for me to stand still for a moment, I followed the stallion's movements curiously, the Prince heading to a specific drawer beside his and Cadence's large Queen-sized bed.

What was he up to...?

Retrieving something from the top drawer, the Prince walked back to me with a small smile, requesting I raise an open hoof in preparation. Okay? I obliged, now more confounded, partially due to the confidence and pride swelling in the stallion's heart. Shining placed something small on the palm of my hoof, and I looked at it in sheer, rather comical surprise.

Wasn't this a small box that usually held a ring inside? Shining nodded at my uncertain look, and I opened the box, revealing a small, golden ring with the pink jewel on top... In the shape of... Twilight's own cutie mark...

...Oh my God...

"I wasn't entirely kidding about the settling down with Twilight part." Shining continued, but I couldn't keep my bewildered stare off the resting ring. "Years ago, I had a ring designed especially for her when that day comes, given to that special somepony lucky enough to win her heart - And most importantly, my approval - for him to propose with that ring." I finally looked up, meeting his proud, sentimental smile. "When that time comes, I want you to be that pony."



My eyes could only look back and forth between the gorgeous ring and the unicorn, mind completely blank in how to respond. What- What can I say?! Even through Balance I can tell Shining wasn't kidding about this! He seriously wanted me to one day propose -Propose- to Twilight with this ring!

...Jesus Christ on a chocolate sandwich with sugar crystals on top! This was one HELL of a day!

"I know I made you promise to look after her a long time ago." Shining said with slight weariness. "Now, I'm asking you, when that day comes, to promise make my little sister the most happiest mare in all of Equestria."

"...The funny thing about love, Shining." Blue eyes looked to me curiously, my heart speaking for me with my brain currently on meltdown, regarding the beautiful object in my hand with great care. "It's not just an expression of affection. It's a promise... And I made that same promise a long time ago."

There was no further prompting needed. Cyan eyes gazed upwards with a tiny grin, my heart soaring in sheer joy at the clear trust and pride this stallion felt for his friend and my affections to his Goddess-like sister.

"You never needed to ask, Shining." I closed the box gently. "I would boil myself alive before ever hurting your beautiful sister. Never again."

The stallion blinked... Then beamed, his grin wider than mine in practical joy and relief, as I put the box in the inner pockets of my cape. "You don't know how much that means to me." Oh I think I have a good enough idea- Agh! Now he was giving me a bone-crushing hug, the pair of laughing despite my own pain at the choking embrace. "I'll say this a thousand times, regardless how you feel about it; but thank you, Stardust Balance, thank you for everything you've done for my family!"

I could only bring out one, meaningful word. "Always."

Well, this certainly confirms the damnation of all of Equestria, eh?

Ah go [BEEP] yourself; I'm the happiest mother[BEEP]er on the planet right now, right next to this ecstatic unicorn hugging me to death.

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