• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Forty-Five: Oh happy Revelations

"Why are you rarely ever happy?"

No matter how hard I tried to shove the repetitive question out from my mind, the simple question refused to budge. The following day after Twilight inquired that, it stuck to the forefront of my brain, and the day after that, and the next day, followed by a week. One simple week after that date with Twilight that, thankfully, didn't ruin our friendship the least bit possible.

Huh... Why was I still regarding it as a date? At the beginning, it was simply an intention to repay the favour for a dear friend by giving her something she deserved. Guess Equestria's Valentine's Day held a curious effect on me.

But right now, something far more curious was affecting my mind, prompting my current position of lying on my bed, staring at the dust-gaining ceiling above with my head resting on my limbs. One simple question, yet it kept me wondering the meaning of the question myself.

"Why are you rarely ever happy?"

This wasn't the first time something so simple and insignificant kept me pondering for a while. As an autistic, anything inconsequential can be of wondering interest. And the topic of such today revolving around that very inquiry. Perhaps, because it's never been something anyone has ever asked of me before, or perhaps I never asked myself which personally.

It wasn't that I attempted to be a blank slate character from a Twilight novel; I can be happy from time to time. My usual posture of grumpiness or irritation or however else anyone would perceive me upon first glance was hardly by choice. I just act unfavourable because... well, rarely anything made me happy.

Oh there were plenty of things, certainly. Anything new or old that I've waited patiently for; games, books, consoles, ecetara ecetera. The laughter and innocence of children. And naturally there were ridiculous things that wouldn't make the average person giddy; one of the many burdens of my mental disease, to my joy.

"Why are you rarely ever happy?"

Repeating through my mind like a broken record, forcing the frown to stick to my ponified features. But as annoying as it was, there was obviously some value to the question, since it refuses to unglue from my brain. My inquiry to that however, was the source of that value. Did I... display even less happiness during my time in Ponyville? Was I even more in a mood when I was forcibly summoned to Equestria? That could be it. I mean, when you're taken without a say or choice in the matter, who wouldn't be [BEEP] off?

Perhaps it was more of the matter that there were little things in this world, filled with ecstatic and kind party-loving inhabitants, that incited more positive emotions from me. Okay, there were my friends. Twilight, Spike and the rest were mainly responsible for insuring my continued enthusiasm on this world. There were also the factors of chocolate and soda, which were thankfully just as delicious as the sugary treats and drinks back home... Though the taste of coca-cola has no competition.

So what else?

That Birthday party a while back... Assisting the brother and future in-law of Twilight's... Hm... Perhaps-

"Why are you rarely ever happy?"

Right, that does It.

Shifting myself, my body hurled off the bed and immediately headed towards the door. Specter was already an irritable voice that remained constant in my mind, I didn't need another voice. Maybe a soft drink would clear my mind.

I suppose one thing that'd make me happy would getting that damn question out of my head, despite the warm welcoming voice accompanying it.

Book number twenty-eight of the day.

Conclusion: Another waste of time.

Rolling my eyes at the dull repetitiveness of the story, I closed the book with the unoriginal title shut and placed it on the table beside me, stretching my front limbs. A week ago, Twilight recommended another attempt of reading the books this library has to offer again, to see if there were any in particular I missed and would enjoy. And so far, nothing. None of the fictional books I've read thoroughly fancy my interest. The plots were silly and not well-written, the characters were one-dimensional and sterile as cardboard, and I predicted every usual conclusion correctly before I even made it to the last page.

But for Twilight's sake, I simply inform her that they just weren't for me, rather than they're full-on [BEEP]-

Oh [BEEP] me...

Glancing at the open window from his chore, Spike stated, "Sounds like Pinkie's singing again."

"Yep." And there was no containing my feelings on the matter through my voice. "Spike?"

"On it."

"Cheers Spike." As said dragon quickly closed the window, sparing us the pain. Well, my pain anyway. None that Pinkie Pie's an overall horrific singer... sometimes... but by God, it was painful to just listen to her voice that way almost all the [BEEP] time.

"No prob." Spike replied as he returned to dusting a nearby pile of books. "Though I'm surprised you haven't gotten use to her doing that by now, Stardust."

"I'm amazed her voice hasn't cracked yet from it." I snorted. "That mare never ceases to baffle the logical mind."

"But in a good way."

"Sure, let's go with that."

Knowing I'm joking, the preoccupied lizard refrained a sneeze before proceeding with the next dust-covered book. "Haven't you met someone who acted entirely random all the time?"

The question incited my scornful laughter. "Hahahaha, oh quite a few, my reptilian friend." Namely the majority in my colleges, and a few back in school. "The difference being though, Spike, that Pinkie somehow managed to grow on me."

"Well that's good." Spike chuckled slightly, "Who knows how Pinkie would react to one of her friends always not liking her."

"She'd explode... hopefully."

The dragon shook his head, "Twilight was right, Stardust, you are a bad influence."

That prompted my smirk, "Oh, then let's be sure to give Twilight a cookie for her accuracy later."

Spike said nothing, and silence befell the library once again. Let's see, what book could be next? A part of my mind was adamant that there was no fictional books here even remotely interesting or promising. And another voice that sounded suspiciously like the unicorn objected that I've yet to give every single one a thorough read.

Since when did Twilight become the voice of my conscious?

"Why are you rarely ever happy?"

A frustrated breath flew from my nostrils. And there it was again! That single question that seemed to be my only incentive for even getting up today. But what exactly did it want with me?

"Is something wrong, Stardust?" I heard Spike ask, having evidently hearing the annoyed exhale.

"Other than a single question our friend asked me over a week ago repeating in my mind like a broken record, Spike, I'm fine, thank you."


"Indeed." I sighed irritably, pushing myself off the side I had leaned myself against. "Asking why I hardly ever express happiness."

"Oh." Spike made a noise of realization. "Why do you never show happiness?"

"I've shown happiness before, Spike." What, did this dragon forget so easily? "You've seen me happy before. For example, that Birthday party for me?"

"Oh, right." The meek lizard shrugged sheepishly.

"And I don't think it's a matter of why I'm never happy, but what in Equestria makes me happy." At least, that's what I believe was the source of why that question remained badgered in my mind.

"You mean, finding something on this world that'd make you more happy being here?"

I cocked my head at the speculation. "I suppose. When thinking about it, aside from the party, the chocolate and soda, living in a library, and the safety of our friends, there wasn't really much around here to go on that'd make my stay more pleasant." Which was peculiar, considering the nature and warmness this world had in spades.

"Hmm." Spike vocally expressed his thoughts, "Maybe we could look around town for something that'd make you enjoy your stay in Equestria more, after I've finished dusting this row of books."

Hm, that sounds like it'd work. Great call, my reptilian friend. "A sound idea Spike." I nodded in approval, glancing at the closed window to the sunny outside world. "And after that mare's done with pointlessly singing again."

"Welp, that was a waste of time."

"Eeyup." I said evenly in agreement, as the dragon and I left Ponyville's residential bookstore, which had nothing of uniqueness to offer. Strike that one off the list, and we searched through every fictional literature available.

"But we can't give up now. I'm sure there are other places around here that would cheer you up more." Spike said determinedly, and I smiled at the enthusiasm.

"You have as much conviction as Twilight, Spike. She raised you well." Glancing up at those words, the lizard grinned bashfully. Seriously, Spike was extremely lucky to be the assistant and foster son of the greatest pony in Equestria. Gesturing around to the many buildings and passing by ponies, I asked, "Any ideas on where to go next?"

"Ehh, nope. Do you?"


"We could try Sugarcube Corner." Spike then suggested. "I know you love chocolate."

"Chocolate's a temporary happiness, Spike." I reminded him as we nodded politely to the friendly multi-coloured citizens, "But I suppose we could visit Mr and Mrs Cupcake anyway, and see their children."

"Oh, I forgot! Children makes you happy too!" I nodded-

"Hey everypony!" Our conversation was henceforth derailed at the loud sound. Our attention was immediately directed to Pinkie Pie standing atop a flagpole, sounding very serious. "Does anypony have a toupee?!"

A what? Spike shared a just as confused glance.

"This donkey is really really bald!" The pink rude pony, as her weight caused the pole to bend down, pointed at a nervous-looking donkey who was, indeed, very bald.

Jesus Christ...

"Dear God Pinkie..." I said while shaking my head, the dragon beside me snickering at the poor animal's misfortune. Yet I couldn't restrain the grin on my face while my sides threatened to burst. As the rest of the ponies laughed lightly, I struggled to say casually, "Not... Not very tactful, is she Spike?"

By this point, the lizard was wiping away an invisible tear. "Wow. I did not expect that."

"What's so funny? This is serious business everypony!"

I almost feel sorry for the animal, covering his bald head as the townsfolk proceeded to snicker and point at him.

"Of course it is, Pinkie." I responded in amusement to Pinkie's adamant statement, turning to leave. "Come on Spike, Sugarcube Corner it is. Wouldn't want to embarrass that poor donkey any further." Even though that boosted my mood a little.

The dragon followed, and his constant chuckling kept the smirk plastered on my muzzle.

And indeed, seeing the two little ponies again was a joy, and playing with them along with Spike for an hour did bring a sense of happiness for me. But even then, it was temporary. I hate to sound selfish, but it occurred to me I was actually seeking something that would keep me happy daily; which was almost impossible in itself. And even though I informed Spike of this after departing the welcoming bakery, the dragon only shrugged and nodded.

"That's fine," He reassured me as we traveled to our next destination, "I have the next place in mind that might help you get happy."

I then recalled what else kept me in a pleasant mood, my own solitude. Peace and quietness were things I cherished. Can't believe I forgot about them. And yet, they didn't really make me 'happy' per say, more along the lines of satisfaction.

"So, why are we here then?" I inquired curiously upon our arrival, entering through the entrance to the farm.

"You'll see." The dragon said vaguely, prompting my curiosity further. Oh, and what was my young reptilian friend planning now? "Hey Applejack!"

The orange Earth Pony in question looked to the side from her work, setting down a basket she was carrying as we walked over. "Now hey guys." Applejack greeted with a smile. "What brings ya here?"

"We were wondering if you could help Stardust here. Okay, I was wondering." Spike corrected himself upon my invisible raised brow. "We're trying to find something that will keep Stardust happy everyday."

"Well, not everyday but-"

"- But enough so he won't be in his usual grumpy self." Spike continued, feigning ignorance to my displayed annoyance. "Any ideas?"

Applejack tapped her orange muzzle thoughtfully, glancing around Sweet Apple Acres. "Hm... Well I normally get happy by hard work and spendin' time with my friends and family. But I get the feelin' it's a little different with you, sugarcube."

"What gave that away?" I asked wryly.

Then those green eyes of hers widened. "I got it!" Applejack stomped her hoof down while grinning. "Maybe some work around the farm will help ya be more happy with yerself. What you need, Stardust, is to put a little more effort into those muscles of yours. And I know just the thing!"

Already I'm not liking the sound of this... But since we came all this way...

"What do you have in mind?" I inquired slowly, while Applejack motioned for us to follow her.

"You'll see."

...Not sure if I like that answer.

Never. Doing. That. Again.

"I guess it didn't help in the least."

Thankfully the strain didn't block my vocalized pain. "Let the physical stress and consequences on my back answer that for you." Followed by my groan as another wave passed through my spine.

My [BEEP] back.

Never had I been put through so much effort and physical prowess in my life. Yet Applejack made me work for it, despite my weakening protests. I NEVER should've allowed Spike to accompany me... though with that expressed determination to help one he foolishly views as an older sibling... Damn it.

I could do with with an icepack right now.

"Not even a little bit of happiness, or satisfaction?" Spike asked sheepishly, while we walked among the dirt path back to Ponyville.

...Let the silence answer that for you, Spike.

"Okay." Spike began. Rubbing my own sore back, wondering how long it'll take before it recovers, the dragon continued casually, "Still, Applejack seemed happy by the extra pair of hoofs. We were even treated to apple pies afterwards."

"Suppose so." Those apple pies were damn delicious, I'll concur. But that won't incite me to ever work around a farm again. "Perhaps we should try something... less strenuous."

The lizard nodded, rubbing his chin. "Yeah. Maybe one of our other friends might help. Maybe Pinkie Pie can do something; that Birthday party made you happy... Never mind." Spike stopped his trail of thought at my sent expression.

Two parties hosted for me were fine enough, and I wouldn't want to stick around this world for my twenty-first - or twenty-second - celebration of birth.

"How about Rainbow Dash? Maybe listening to her read you Daring Do will make you happy." A scoff. "Maybe Rarity? She might do something about your mane or facial hair that'd cheer you up." A shake of my head. "Fluttershy? Would helping her with her animal friends help?" Tempting, but I haven't spoken to that pegasus for a while; maybe she's still recovering from the shocking revelation. I shook my head again. "Bon Bon? Lyra? Derpy? Whooves? Zecora? Anyone you can think of?"

"Easier said than done, Spike." I finally said, still soothing my strained back as much as I can. Alright, I need to stop. A short distance from the town itself, my hooves paused, allowing my body to rest for a moment. Noticing this, the dragon halted a few steps ahead, regarding me patiently. "Right now I'm more concerned with resting this poor back of mine."

"We could go to the spa?"

"Rest it, Spike, not massage it."

"Have you ever been to Ponyville's spa?"

"No, and I never intend to."

"It might help; Lotus and Aloe are great with healing any strained or stressed part of the body."

The spa caretakers, I presume. "You go there often then?"

"Well yeah. Working around the library takes a lot out of me."



"'Takes a lot out of you.'" I snorted in disbelief. "After what happened back there, don't tell me what constitutes as hard labour or not. Working at a library is hardly difficult, Spike."

"It is when Twilight's the one bossing you around, Stardust." The infant dragon protested flimsy.

"As far as I've seen and done as Twilight requested; she's a fair and reasonable pony." A flinch flashed my face as another wave of pain shot through my spine, prompting further rubbing against my fur. "I need to find someplace to lie down."

"Let's go to the nearby park then, the grass is very soft over there." Spike wisely suggested, looking almost pityingly at me. "We can think of something then."

"So why are we doing this again?"

"Doing what, sorry?"

"Looking for something that'd keep you occasionally happy during your stay in Equestria?" Spike expanded his question, as we watched the many inhabitants play or have picnics around the park.

"I... don't really know." Was my answer, because that was the only excuse that seemed to spawn from my mind. Resting my back on the soft patch of warm clean grass once again, my gaze settled on the blue beautiful sky above. "It just seemed to be something that's been plaguing my mind lately."

"Did you ask Twilight for help?"

Funny, considering she was the one responsible for the question. "Twilight doesn't need anymore of my baggage, Spike."

"You shared this problem with me."

"You're a lost cause."

"Oh hardy har." Hey, I do the sarcasm around here. Hearing the shuffling of grass nearby, Spike spoke next thoughtfully. "Still, it's odd, Stardust. You didn't seem to mind not being happy until now. What's changed?"

A certain purple unicorn walking into my life and unintentionally forcing me to ask myself these things. "Perhaps this world is just getting to me, Spike. The more time I spend here, the more I seem to open up with others."

"And that's a bad thing?"

I shrugged, wincing a little at whatever pain on my back remained there. Thankfully the soft grass helped immensely with ridding the strained pain. "I always prefer to keep my problems to myself, lest I inconvenience anyone."

"Well, it doesn't bother us; me, Twilight and the others." That sounded like reassuring to my ears. Perhaps Spike thought I was reluctant to share any of my grievances with anyone. He wasn't wrong. "Friends are always there to help each other get through anything. Maybe coming to Equestria was a good thing after all, if you didn't have any back home."

"Oh I have a few." I quickly responded, thinking back to those I mainly spoke to across the internet. "But over the years, I've learnt that it's rather... pointless to express my problems to those who offer nothing but false reassurances and mere sympathy. On Earth, many often ignore or dismiss people's dilemma as either a waste of their valuable time, or something to be pitied, scorned and even laughed at."

Spike didn't say anything for a moment then, but I imagined the dragon lying down nearby was frowning at my words. "That sounds awful..."

"It's life." Though little could be done to repress the slight disdain escaping through my tone. "My species aren't as sentimental or open as ponies, Spike. However, there are those of human kind who are open-minded, welcoming and accepting, willing to help you no matter what your problem contains. More often than not, it just takes a while to find them."

"Well, good thing, Stardust, you have friends here then who are always willing to help you!" Spike said then, sounding positively cheering then. To lighten up the mood perhaps? The shuffling of the grass indicated he was standing up now. "I know! We could ask all of our friends to help in this quest."

Not gonna happen. "I hate to shoot down that idea, my friend, but as I said before; I prefer not to share my problems with other ponies." In fact, I should probably stop doing that from here on.

Yet the objecting lizard seemed to pick up on those thoughts, "But they could help! You shouldn't shut off your friends like this, Stardust, after everything we've been through together."

...God dammit.

"I'll think about it, how about that?"

"But..." My gaze finally tore from the blue sky of the later afternoon, onto the hesitant dragon, who then nodded at my look. "All right." He sighed. "But I don't see the problem, we're all be happy as long as our friends are happy."

Well that's all well and good, my friend, but it doesn't incite me to ask for their unnecessary assistance. They do fine enough without additional baggage in the least. I'll handle my own-


"What did you just say then?" I asked while leaning up from my spot.

Spike blinked at the sudden inquiry. "Erm, that our friends could help-?"

"No, after that."

"That we're all happy as long as our friends are happy?"

...And at those words, I recalled a previous statement Twilight made, upon our return at the library after the successful Valentine's evening.

"Ohohohoho, Spike you genius." I chuckled, while the lizard tilted his head confusedly. "You've given me an idea." A highly ludicrous idea, but an idea nonetheless.


I chose to clarify, while rolling my body onto my four standing hooves. "I've just thought of something that might help me, thanks to you. You take after Twilight more than you think."

Spike rubbed the back of his head as I passed by. "Well thanks, Stardust, I'm glad that- Wait, where are we going?"

"To Rarity's." I answered simply, swiftly walking down the populated park filled with bustling and energetic ponies and pets towards the far boutique in question. "I'm going to try something, and perhaps it might just work."

"And if it doesn't?"

Oh how negative of you, my reptilian friend. "Well, Hakuna Matata, Spike."

"...What?" That seemed to falter the young dragon from his even brisk pace.

"No worries, my friend, my worries..."

"You didn't have to insist on accompanying us back you know, Rarity."

"And miss the reaction of our dear friend over my magnificent work done to your beard?" The white unicorn asked rhetorically, as the three of us were now by the library's entrance. "Darling, this is something I cannot avoid."

Spike added, "Well, I'm glad you decided to tag along, Rarity. I'm sure Twilight will love what you've done to Stardust's facial hair." As always, trying to get in the classy fashioner's good graces.

"Thank you, Spike." Rarity replied gratifyingly. "And I'm certain she shall as well; ridding that scruffy beard of yours, Stardust, was the best decision you've made yet."

"Gee thanks, my dear." Yet the mare only giggled towards my sarcasm. Arriving to our destination, I opened the door for the two to enter, which they obliged happily. Following them in, a frown creased my features at the sight of four more ponies, who were seemingly waiting for us.

Or more specifically, me.

"Welcome back." Twilight greeted, while Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy only smiled towards us. Fluttershy? Squinting a little, there was no trace of nervousness or hesitation upon the sight of me on her part.

Perhaps she fully grasped the fact I'm an alien now, and already grown accustomed to it.

"Hey girls." Spike responded, not in the least bit surprised by their appearance it seems. Particularly noticeable, though, was the absence of a certain hyperactive pink Earth Pony. "What's going on?"

"Eh, not much." Rainbow shrugged. "We were just waiting for you guys to show up."

Okay... why?

"Did you four know I was accompanying them back here?" Rarity inquired, clearly in the dark here as I and Spike were.

"Nope, but we were going to ask for you to join us." Twilight answered, finally focusing her attention on me. Or perhaps specifically, my trimmed facial hair. "Ja- Stardust, your facial hair. You shaved it." She vocally noted, sounding pleasantly surprised.

Tugging at the remaining short hair across my chin, I asked with a slight smile, "You like it?"

Twilight nodded, reflecting a similar expression, "Yes, it looks far better."

Before I could proceed with a playful sarcastic retort, Rarity happily interjected, "Oh, that was my handiwork, Twilight. Stardust visited me asking to tame that absurd jungle he called facial hair, all in an attempt to impress you, darling. So I happily obliged."

"What Rarity means to say is," I quickly argued before any further misinterpretations could take place. Already Rainbow was smirking and Applejack had a knowing look in her eyes, while Twilight blinked curiously. "Was that you said a while back, Twilight, that you'd prefer my beard to look more tame. So I thought getting it shaven would make you happy... Um, all to prove a theory of mine, of course." I added, upon seeing the expression of Twilight's face.

"What theory's that? That Twilight will finally say yes to a date?" The amused flying blue pegasus asked, folding her limbs expectantly.

I will shoot you down, you damn Sonic-ripoff... Luckily, Twilight and I agreed it would be better not to inform the others of our little evening out together during Hearts and Hooves day, lest there be more teasing and misunderstandings arise.

"Actually." Spike thankfully interceded on my behalf. "We've been looking all day for something that would keep Stardust happy during his stay in our... Ponyville." Subtle. "So he wouldn't be in a cranky mood every single day."

"Oh, we already knew that sugarcube." Applejack responded, gesturing to the other mares. "That's why I came to Twilight earlier, after ya both left Sweet Apple Acres. We were think' of ways to help ya out, Star."

"Stop calling me 'Star'- Wait, you mean to say you all waited here, to assist me in my plight?" The ponies nodded, Fluttershy included, and that sent me reeling. They... God dammit. "I suppose this is out of friendship?"

"What else?" The orange mare asked humourously, approaching me first. "'Sides, considerin' ya always helpin' us out, why shouldn' we?"

...Times like these I ponder whether I truly deserve such kindness and friendship from these wonderful innocent people. But still, the fact they're always willing to assist me, no matter of my dilemma... I exchanged a glance with Spike, who nodded encouragingly, knowing what I was thinking.

"While waiting, we were thinking of numerous ideas that would keep your stay here pleasant until the day you depart." Twilight spoke up next, joining Applejack in front of me. Glowing her purple horn, a list appeared from thin air beside us. "We've written down a list of current ideas, if you want to take a look."

"Ya see, Stardust?" Spike then said next, turning our attention towards the smiling dragon. "You don't have to shut yourself out to your friends. We want to help you, no matter how big the baggage is."

Rarity nodded, joining the two mares and dragon. "Spike's correct, darling. It's rather unhealthy to bottle up your problems and not share them with your friends. If there's something bothering you, such as find a way to keep you daily happy, we will always try to assist you. Surely you know that?"

The question prompted my sigh, my gaze focusing on them each. "You shouldn't have to deal with my constant problems, any of you. I've been a fool so far as to share such dilemmas during-"

"A little late for that, isn't it?" The flying Rainbow interjected, rolling her pink eyes in good nature. "You're our friend, and we want to help. Deal with it."

"What our dear not-so-subtle Rainbow Dash means is," Rarity said with a side-glare. "One important part of friendship is allowing your friends to help you with your problems and overcome them, no matter how great of a problem it is. Clearly you're not use to this, Stardust, but there's a first time for everything. In addition, you've been there for us, have you not? Offering advice and lending a hoof whenever we need it. What kind of friends would we be if that were not the case in turn?"

"What we're saying is, Stardust, we will always help you no matter what's bothering you." Twilight concluded, the written list floating beside her. "A prime example being something that'll keep you daily happy. Shall we proceed?"

Perhaps there's no need. "You know what my dear Twilight? I think I've discovered something that will keep me happy daily, and I'm an idiot for not realizing it sooner." The mares and dragon blinked curiously, and I continued while gesturing dramatically. "You! All of you! When I went to Rarity's earlier, thinking the sight of you being happy, Twilight, would make me happy, I've failed to grasp the truth that there'll always be something else that'll keep me happy while I'm here."

"Oh? And what's that?" Rarity inquired with a small smile, while Twilight blushed for some reason.

Ignoring the smirks on Rainbow's and Applejack's muzzles, I continued with my own satisfied smile. "Knowing that my friends will always be there to cheer me up. Knowing I can rely and trust you all. Knowing I'm accepted by you all regardless of who and what I am! I was a fool to not realize this sooner!"

By then, all their smiles transformed into grins at my sudden enthusiasm, though Rainbow looked slightly confused. "So ya sayin' then that our bonds of friendship will be enough to keep ya happy daily then?" Applejack asked rather rhetorically. "Not just seein' Twilight happy then?"

"Oh, seeing Twilight's smile is always the highlight of my day, don't get me wrong." Then I realized the implications of that statement. God dammit! I allowed my positive mood to get the better of me. As Twilight was looking away, seemingly embarrassed and flattered, I quickly prioritized to change the subject, "But all of your open-mindedness, your willingness to be there for me and help me out no matter what... Well, I'll be sure to remind myself that everyday. I can't thank you all enough, my friends."

And, for the first time during this conversation, Fluttershy chose to speak up, as meek and kind as ever, "You don't need to thank us, Stardust. That's what friends are for, after all, whether one of our friend's an alien or not..."

...Oh [BEEP].

Applejack and Twilight shared my apprehension, wincing at the sudden reveal. Rarity... merely raised an invisible brow at Fluttershy's lack of subtlety. What? Yet before I could even ask about the unicorn's lack of surprise, Rainbow glanced down at the yellow pegasus with a curious expression.

"'Alien or not'? What's that suppose to mean?"

Fluttershy's blue eyes widened, "Oh, I thought you all knew..." The pegasus stammered slightly at our own looks.


"Um, pay no attention to her!" Spike attempted to derail the conversation, as the blue mare glanced at all of us each. The dragon waved his hands frantically, "You know Fluttershy, always making things up... Heheh..."

Appreciate the attempt, Spike, but it seems the cat was now out of the bag.

"Huh. It just sounds as though she's saying Stardust's an alien..." The pegasus said slowly, gauging our reactions carefully. Twilight, Applejack, Spike and Fluttershy refused to meet Rainbow's suspicious gaze, yet Rarity only looked curious.

It didn't take long for the truth to come out. And I suppose it had to eventually...

"Wait a minute... Are you saying tha-that Stardust is an... an..."

Twilight then coughed politely, forcing a smile towards the eye-widened Rainbow Dash, "Maybe you better stop flying for this Rainbow-"


My [BEEP] ears! And the door slamming shut behind me didn't help, but that was obviously Twilight's magic helping so no one outside could hear the revelation- Jesus! The blue pegasus was then right in front of my face, as though examining me more clearly this time.

"You're an alien?!" I rubbed my sore ears at Rainbow's still raised voice.

"Shout it to the world, why don't you?" I muttered sourly.

Yet the pegasus didn't seem caring enough to retort at the moment, directing her attention on the others. "And you all knew this?!" Twilight glanced away nervously, Applejack rubbed the back of her head with a sheepishly grin, Spike whistled innocently, Fluttershy stared at me apologetically, and Rarity shrugged helplessly.

...What? Did Rarity already-?!

"You're an alien..." Rainbow then mumbled thoughtfully upon looking back in my face, finally realizing personal space and taking a small distance back. "My friend's an alien... That's..."

I braced myself, for whatever was going to come out of her raised tone next to the revelation.


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