• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Twenty-Six: Night of Revelation

So after Twilight attempted to, and failed halfway miserably, to play Fairy Godmother, Rarity dealt with who were going to pull the apple-carriage all the way to Canterlot - my glare was enough of an answer when the white unicorn offered me to pull the abomination of a ride - before getting everyone, myself included, within the boutique to wear our formal attires for the event that was to occur tonight.

Indeed. Tonight was finally the night. The one these girls and Spike have been waiting for... and I've been waiting for just to get it over with.

The Grand Galloping Gala.

"And voila! Magnificent wouldn't you say?"

The busy mare, who was finishing up with forcing the suit upon me, directed my stiff body towards a nearby mirror. The pair of us were currently within another room away from the rest; Rarity and I agreeing that it was far more appropriate for me to dress up someplace else from the eyes of the girls.


"Judging by the expression on your face, you're impressed, no?"

I was impressed indeed. The once admittedly scruffy-looking stallion my reflection showed this morning was replaced by a rather dashing bloke of a pony. Tidied clean shiny brown mane and a shaven trimmed beard. Black coat reaching down to my ponified waist with blue outlining covering all edges of the coat, a gold with a hue of darkness as the shirt underneath, and the regular black tie.

And as icing to the cake; my previous dark blue cape has been temporarily replaced by a new one, this time a pattern of sparkling gold all over the edges of the fabric.

"You've outdone yourself, Rarity." I couldn't help but comment to the beaming unicorn, inspecting myself thoroughly. "And while the addition of the cape wasn't part of what I asked for, I am gracious for your generosity."

"You flatter me." The white mare took the compliment proudly, evidently very pleased with the results. "But I'm glad you like it; everything was prepared as you requested. Fitting too, as it makes you look rather handsome."

I raised a brow. "Are you saying I wasn't handsome beforehand?"

"Not with that ridiculous messy mane of yours and long overdue beard." Rarity teased lightly, before turning to leave. "Please be a gentlecolt and await my word before leaving the room, I have the girls to attend to now. In addition, restrain yourself from messing up your hair; it took an astonishing length of time to fix the jungle that was your mane."

I shrugged, but obliged to her request, returning my gaze to the mirror showing me what I have become for the upcoming night.

To think I would make it this far. I knew for a fact the gala was an episode, but I had no clue which one it was. The middle of the first season? The third-quarter? The finale? Well whichever, I am honestly shocked I've even reached this far, tolerated these residents to this length, and managed to not get myself killed, despite Equestria probably never allowing such.

I was still here. In this other world. Preparing for a formal event I really shouldn't be going to.

But I was a man of my word; it's far too late to go back on my deal with Rarity long ago. I will be going to the gala... and most likely hide in the shadows until it was all over.

Was I nervous? What other emotion could you describe from the growing lump in my throat?

"Oh hey, there you are! Nice suit Stardust- whoa." The approaching dragon ceased talking as soon as I turned to face him, his eyes widening in surprise at the sight before him. And judging from the stare his attention was focused on my mane. "...That does not suit you."

I smirked. "Cheers Spike."

"Oh, what I meant was, I'm just used to you not having such a clean mane, that's all!"

I gently placed a hoof on his frantic head. "It's fine my friend. I haven't grown accustomed to it myself." I gestured to the small rather adorable suit of his. "Why, aren't we the handsome dragon, Spike?"

The lizard grinned, puffing out his chest proudly in effort to show off the small black suit with a red bowtie. "Not bad huh? Even Rarity said I was a sight to behold."

I rolled my eyes in good nature. "Glad you didn't leave your humility back at the library, Spike."

And as we continued talking about what to expect from the gala, what our plans were doing there and, perhaps most importantly, what kind of food the event will have on the table, it occured to me then I've yet to inform Spike of my idea. The plan to tell Twilight and the rest the truth about myself after the gala was over.

But before I could even share that information, Rarity had called us back, informing us both that the girls were ready.

And quite ready they were.

"Wow." I stated outloud at the sight before us. Rarity, looking like a princess, big shock. Applejack, like a royal farmer. Fluttershy, looking attuned with nature. Rainbow Dash, looking like she came from Mt Olympus. And Pinkie Pie... looking like a female Johnny Depp Mad Hatter. "You all look... quite amazing."

The mares all smiled at the praise. Even though Applejack and Rainbow Dash entered an argument with me a few days ago, that didn't stop them from displaying how pleased they were with my compliments.

One of these ponies was missing though...

"Not bad yourself, Stardust." Ah. I turned to face the one who made the comment-


I must be hallucinating. I must seriously be under some kind of delusion, because the mare standing before me couldn't possibly be Twilight Sparkle. Sparkling glass shoes, a dark blue cape with a stars patterned all over it, light blue stars as obvious earrings for ponies. My eyes couldn't help but stay fixated on the unicorn, who was staring at me with slight concern and a bemused smile.

"Err, Stardust, are you alright?"

My favourite pony... wearing my favourite colour... for a formal event of all things...

"I think someone's a little Star-struck..." If my mind wasn't occupied tyring to come up with the most sufficient compliment to the sight before me, Rainbow Dash, I'd remark what a terrible pun that was.

But Twilight looked... looked...

"Absolutely beautiful..." I breathed out as quietly as I could muster. And unfortunately, the unicorn in question must have heard, as she quickly looked away with a bright red hue upon her features.

I wanted to smack myself for two reasons: lack of discreet, and for daring to even think on such thoughts about a pony.

Clearing my throat as my eyes finally ceased betraying me. I immediately turned to the others, ignoring their gazes. "All of you. You all look beautiful. I'm more than certain you'll be stopping the hearts of many stallions from the sight of you."

"I do believe one of us already has." I glared at the giggling comment, belonging to Rarity.

So after that awkward no-doubt-going-to-bite-me-in-the-arse moment back at Rarity's home, I quickly resorted to erasing what just happened back there from my mind as quickly as possible as we all made our way to Canterlot. Spike was busy playing the coachman of the carriage; ordering the poor two stallions pulling the transportation to the far-off kingdom. The girls were inside the giant red apple, and I was taking my spot atop the ride, resting down on the rather comfy fruit.

Seriously, just what the hell was going on through my mind, thinking about a pony in that regard?

As if Rarity hadn't teased me about it before. Now I made myself look like an utter fool, which I was. It was wrong, it was unholy of me to compliment a different species entirely like that. I can already imagine the great Lord above glaring at me in disdain for such thoughts about that angelic pony chatting away within the carriage-

I [BEEP] hate myself right now.

And I dare call myself a Christian. I mean, not that I follow their ways to the letter, but even I had standards. Thank God I'll be away from them for a few days after the gala, hopefully, like me, Twilight will try to push that conversation to the back of her mind.

Yet the fact I feel no regret or sick to my stomach, instead of annoyance for my lack of discretion, that I sincerely meant what I said to the intelligent mare and still do, was the worst part of it all.

"We're here!" Spike's announcement caused me to look ahead.

"So we are..." I commented quietly at the crowded sight of ponies, either arriving from the air or via carriages of their own. Well, time to go and face the music...

As Spike halted the transportation, proceeding to play the gentleman for the mares, I immediately leaped off the top of the ride to the other side, having no desire to possibly stare at Twilight again as though I was in a trance.

I should've just worn two eyepatches and declare that my sight was suddenly inexplicably broken.

And as Spike commented again, as he did previously at the boutique, over how amazing the mares looked, from the other side of the giant red apple I overheard the crowd begin to... sing.

Ah yes, the only part I recall about this episode.

The mares proceeded to announce through musical number over their intentions about the gala, meanwhile I was doing my best to walk by without notice as the carriage was moved out of the way for the next.

What did I intend to do, you ask? Mostly keep out of the way, out of sight and have a talk with Celestia about what happens next.

Before I was aware, the entrance to the castle was right in front of me, and suddenly I found my hooves frozen to the ground. Ah great, perfect timing. As a barricade of thoughts over the sheer number of residents within the formal party assaulted my mind. I outwardly shuddered at what might possibly happen inside.

Should I even go in...?

...Yes, I was a man of my word.

That vow incited me to progress... slowly, as I had to drag my shaking hooves across the bridge into the castle. God dammit. This was no time for me to act like I was about to meet my maker in there. I despised parties for that very reason; the crowds. I just didn't like nor prefer being in the same place as a gigantic number of others. Nothing bad will happen... I know that.

So why was my breathing so heavy...?

Behind me the populace concluded their song, which should've been enough motivation for me to continue entering the castle. Yet the close proximity of the crowd's presence and the giant fireworks finishing the musical number grinded me to a halt instead.

... Okay, [BEEP] it, yes, I was afraid.

As numerous stallions and mares walked by me across the opened bridge leading the event within, including the Mane Six, I heard Spike state beside me with clear excitement. "Can you smell that? The promise of free food and fun calling our names?"

...I'll let you know when my insides begin to thaw out.

"Let's go in, Stardust!" Yet my eyes remained fixed on the entrance, my body stubborn in its refusal to even budge. The young lizard slowly stopped running a few feet away upon noticing I was in a frozen state of panic. "...Stardust?"

I imagine my expression must be making things look worse, as Spike approached my state with expressed worry. "You look... scared."

"Understatement, Spike, understatement..." I managed to whisper. My body still refused to obey me, my mind trapped in fear.

"Spike! Stardust! What's keeping you two?!"

The former called back, "I think something's wrong with Stardust!" When is that not the case. Yet my vision displayed one of the observing Mane Six, who were awaiting us by the castle entrance, walking towards us. And thank God it was the only one I felt comfortable sharing my dilemma with.

"Stardust, what's wrong?" A concerned Twilight inquired as the dragon left to give us a moment, frowning in confusion. "Are you nervous?"

Another understatement. But I managed to nod slowly, my eyes remaining fixed on a straight path. I should probably just leave...

"Oh. Well nothing bad's going to happen in there, Stardust. It's a formal event-"

"-With many citizens I won't know nor recognize." I quickly hissed out, my limbs finally operating again but taking a few steps back. "I knew this was a bad idea from the start. I loathe crowds to the core."

"Huh? But you never had a problem being in crowds in Ponyville."

"A minimal number compared to the amount of people- ponies within that castle." I retorted harshly, before forcibly sighing. "Just leave me here, Twilight. I can wait."

Don't let me ruin your fun...

Yet the unicorn was having none of it, shaking her head while staring at me with determination. "You're not getting away that easily, Stardust. There's no real reason to be nervous, regardless. Myself, Spike and the girls will all be in there too."

"Well, yes but-"

I was cut off as Twilight's eyes softened, with an expression that was... pleading? "I understand how you fel. I'm a little worried myself over what will happen in there. But Stardust, trust me on this one, for once. You'll be fine. You'll see that for yourself." She inclined her head with a comforting smile to where the others were waiting for us. "Now come on, I'm sure there are many ponies in there ready to see how handsome you are."

I let out a small smirk. I suppose since she's trying to get me to join them, I'll humour for a moment or so. "Thanks, Twilight."

She beamed. "So, are you ready to join us?"

"...Certainly." I released a slight smile, reluctantly following the walking unicorn, who was clearly concerned for my own well-being. "As for your comment, the ponies inside will already be preoccupied staring at you, my dear."

Twilight giggled slightly, evidently gratified by the truthful compliment. "I'm flattered, but I'm more than certain there are far more lovely mares in there than I."

I scoffed. "I sincerely doubt that." Right then and there, I didn't care if I was most likely going to hell as consequence for commenting about a pony so. Anything to keep my mind from the nervousness of entering the party. "I meant what I said at the boutique, Twilight; you look - are - positively beautiful. As if you weren't a sight to behold enough every time I saw you in the library."

...You know, being autistic, I would, by the slimmest of chances, get away with saying this kind of [BEEP] to another different life form. But... I imagine if there were thousands of people out there watching me, right now, they would more than likely regard me with disgust and declare me an grotesque form of existence.

No need my friends. I do that all the time anyway.

"You... honestly mean that?" The entirety of Twilight's features was a brighter pink than usual, as she stared at the ground with an expression I couldn't quite decipher.

Gratitude? Flattery? ...Nervousness? That's what I should be feeling, love.

"Is everything all right?" Rarity asked with a trace of concern as we were all by the entrance. "You seemed dreadfully worried for a moment there, Stardust. And Twilight, dear, your face is unusually red."

"It's fine, it's fine!" The purple mare in question waved rather frantically to the blinking others. "Stardust just felt nervous about joining in the gala. I managed to reassure him." I nodded in agreement... before glaring at Rainbow Dash's scoff.

"Nervous? Him? Yeah right." The tone was clearly impatient. "Now come on, I've got me some Wonderbolts to hang out with!" I rolled my eyes as we all finally entered the castle, a bile of guilt rising within me for making them all wait.

"What happened back there?" Spike whispered to me curiously.

"Just a phase." I replied quietly from the corner of my muzzle. "Sorry for making you wait."

"It's fine." Spike clearly held no resentment for the time-consuming moment, rubbing his hands together before declaring outloud. "Well, here we all are!"

Indeed. And my gaze quickly scanned the area. Okay, not quite as many ponies as I anticipated by the entrance room. And I'll give Celestia - or rather her servants - some credit in spicing up the place. As if the area didn't scream royalty enough, but the colourful decorations were nice, everything evidently cleaned to the bone. Everything just seemed what one would expect from the formal party within a royal castle.

...I can't wait for something to go wrong.

"And now that we're all here, we'll have fun spending time together- Oh." I pat the dragon's head in sympathy as the Mane Six immediately rushed off to different directions as soon as the place sunk into their minds.

Good, Twilight's gone. Now I can leave without anyone noticing-

"Darn it. And I was so looking forward to us all hanging out."

...Damn it.

I sighed, facing the saddened dragon before stating calmly, "I'm no Twilight or the others, Spike, but if you want I'll keep you company,"

Any regret of reluctance for saying such died down slightly at the blissful expression towards me.

So after our own short tour of the castle, to be more specific the areas where all guests were only permitted to travel across, I had to admit how impressed I rather was with what Celestia's servants have done with the place. Really, there was clear effort in making certain everything was neat and prepared for the arrival of all invited guests.

Kudos to them.

Such a shame Spike and I were currently making a mess of things.

"Mmm! These cooks sure know how to, well cook!" The dragon announced admist our feast on the buffet, oblivious to the disapproving and repulsed stares of the guests observing. I meanwhile was placing a mask of indifference, initially swallowing the nervousness of becoming the center of attention... along with the rest of my food.

How bad were we eating all these delicious treats? One accurate word comes to mind: Saiyan.

The lizard and I were literally gourging ourselves with all the free food across the red carpeted table. Chocolates. Cakes. Pies. Punch. What more can a man want in life?

And why in God's name was I worried before? This was completely worth it!

"I say!" One of the many posh ponies, wearing a monocle, exclaimed at the sight of us devouring as much food as possible. Hey man; human's gotta eat. And dragons too. I threw the unamused stallion a smirk before downing a whole piece of creamy cake at once.

"Hey, hey Stardust." Spike grabbed my attention, pulling up two pies in front of us. "First one to eat a whole pie wins."

"You're on." We went straight to work, purple cherries flying all over the place as we plunged our heads into the sugary food. Someone better call up a dentist, because by the time we're done they'll be plenty of suffering from our mouths and stomachs.

"The indignity!" I ignored the cry of disgust, hurrying up to finishing the half-eaten pie as much as possible-

"Ha! I win!" Spike announced to my annoyance, but that quickly changed when I laughed at the lizard's loud burp as consequence for his sweet tooth.

Time flew fast.

As per Spike's requests over what he wanted to do for fun at the gala, we did just them. The last part including a doughnut shop, where we happily purchased as much doughnuts as possible, devouring the sugary treats in another part of the castle away from the buffet. Already my stomach felt close to exploding, and judging from the dragon's small groaning I imagine I wasn't the only one.

But these delicious doughnuts were worth it though.

"Best. Night. Ever." Spike then stated before releasing another burp, looking quite pleased yet embarrassed with himself.

I nodded in agreement, taking a break from the plate of doughnuts before us by sipping from my glass of punch. "Indeed. And here I thought it was going to bomb spectacularly."

Spike grinned, teeth revealing just how much sugar he devoured tonight. "Heh. So what should we do next?"

I shrugged. "I've never honestly thought about it." And then a sudden topic came to mind. And after briefly glancing the area around us, I lowered my tone. "Alright, Spike, you'll be pleased to know I plan on informing Twilight and the rest the truth about myself."

It was something I constantly had to convince myself was in fact an idea with merits. The deception has gone on for enough; lies can only forestall the inevitable for so long. And they have been patient enough. If Twilight and the others were to truly trust me - which was a horrible mistake on their part - then they deserve to know who I am and what I was.

"Really?" Spike asked in surprise, yet a relieved smile was growing on his face.

I nodded. "After the gala, of course."

"All right!" The purple lizard proceeded to pump a fist in the air, sending sheepish expressions to any annoyed passerby for the ourburst, before quieting his tone too. "This is great, Stardust! Now you, Twilight and the rest can be proper friends!"

Yeah... goodie-

"C'mon everypony!" Our attention swiftly turned to an energetic Pinkie Pie... on the stage where the classic music as previously playing. "I know what will make you shake your groove things!"

"Oh this should be good..."

And as soon as the pink mare started singing, my mind instinctively demanded I throw one of the doughnuts at her. I mean my God, she hasn't truly learned from Appleloosa, has she? Even Spike clearly agreed, sharing an expression of bemusement. What the hell was she even going on about? The song made absolutely no sense.

Something about kicking hooves? For what?

Before I knew it the awful excuse for musical accompaniment forced me to down the rest of my drink as quickly as possible. And it still wasn't enough. So instead I resorted to eat as many doughnuts as possible, to Spike's protest.

"Hey!" I ignored him, stuffing myself just to get through the awful assault to my ears.

"Good grief that was horrendous." I stated while rubbing my damaged ponified ears, having walked away from the room occupied by Pinkie Pie. "And here I thought her performance for that western town was bad."

"I thought it was okay." I threw the shrugging lizard a disbelieving frown. "What? At least it made the party more interesting."

"Not the word I'd use Spike." I muttered as we walked among the pathway through the courtyard. After that heinous performance some fresh air was welcoming. The sugar rush was already getting to me, causing a severe headache that Pinkie Pie certainly didn't assist with. The regrets to coming here were already returning-

"Hey, look Stardust! It's Rarity and... who's that?" I followed his pointing gesture, seeing that indeed Rarity was currently by an apple stand with an unfamiliar pony, the cart occupied by Applejack.

"No clue Spike, but judging by the close proximity to Rarity I'd say he was her- oh dear." I released a smile of amusement as the tall white stallion, taller than myself yet only by an estimated twenty centimeters, spit out the food given by Applejack and started making a scene of himself.

As he started walking away by me and a rather fuming Spike, barely glancing at us, I raised a brow as another white unicorn passed by. "Everything alright, Rarity?"

"Oh, just fine Stardust. Just fine..."

Event the dragon was less than convinced by the tone. "She sounds miserable." Blame her taste in men... or stallions, Spike. "I'm gonna go follow to make sure everything's okay." Yet before I could advise to the lizard why that was a very poor idea, Spike already made himself scarce by quickly pursuing the town back into the castle, leaving me out here.


Well, back to retreating to the shadows I guess... or I can finally leave this party and wait for all the guests to leave before speaking to Celestia about-


Ah Christ.

I spun around to face the frowning Applejack. "Hello my dear. All going well?"

The orange mare, garnered in that green dress given to her, rolled her bright green eyes. "As well as ya can expect from a party where everyone's tryin' out the more fancy food."

I followed the Earth Pony to her cart, hearing a strong of western curses fly from her muzzle. "So not well then?"

"What do ya think?" Applejack growled while beginning to push the stand on wheels elsewhere. "Even my attempts of gettin' people to buy these delicious apples is all for naught!"

"Need some help moving that?"

"Kind of ya to offer, sugarcube, but I don't need no one's help right now." An annoyed glare was hurled in my direction. "Ya lookin' to buy?"

Immediately I declined the offer. "No thank you Applejack; I'm rather full."

"Typical." The Earth Pony hissed, rolling her eyes a second time. Wow, she must be really steamed about no one apparently buying her homemade food. "Then if ya'll 'scuse me, I've got me some apples to sell."

As I watched her depart, with barely a wave of farewell, I pondered my options. It seems Rarity and Applejack weren't enjoying themselves. In fact, the ultimate irony of it all would be that I was the only one being entertained and the rest weren't. Because I won't lie, this party, apart from Pinkie Pie, as a whole has been rather a success.

So... what now?

Let's see... if I took another right here- no wait, I think it was left down that corridor... wasn't it? Or was it the right path and then down straight? I should probably check.

Currently seeking a way out of the place, finally, I neglected to ask for directions while searching around for the exit. I still intended to wait outside for the gala to be concluded with, everyone leaving before I enter the large white castle again to speak with the Princess. Along the way I made it my mission to purposely avoid a certain purple unicorn, who was no doubt gushing to her royal mentor.

For reasons. A: So she wouldn't catch me out leaving the party. And B: We wouldn't have to continue our conversation over my compliments about her.

In my heated defense, I wasn't thinking coherently at the time. I just needed something to preoccupy my mind from the initial nervousness felt earlier. And Twilight was the perfect target for that distraction.

So did I mean what I said to her, in praising her appearance with absolutely no tact whatsoever?

No... I mean, I wasn't saying the pony isn't attractive but- There I go again!

Old habits die hard I see; that trait of mine long ago from hitting on every girl within my high school remained, buried and sometimes popping its ugly head time and time again, no matter how much I tried to rid of it. Those days were long behind me, the past and experiences of my rather dreadful time in that school gone and forgotten with.

So why did that habit return, especially now just to compliment a pony?

I should make a note reminding to take up self-control lessons when I return home. Lord knows it would've been my saving grace in life.

...Huh. I think I went the wrong way.

I let out a small breath of frustration, seeing in front of me the way into the room where Pinkie Pie was performing earlier. It wouldn't have hurt for Celestia to at least have every guest be handed a map to navigate the castle-

...The [BEEP] happened here?!

To my eye-widened surprised state, in front of me was a room that appeared as though Discord had literally crashed into the party. Decorations torn about, tables and chair scattered around the area, guests cowering from the rampaging animals that were already beginning to make nests within the room.

Was it the season two premier already? My eyes scanned around, finding no trace of Pinkie Pie being responsible... or any of the Mane Six and Spike for that matter. Were they oblivious to this mess? Just what occurred while I was searching for an exit?

"Get out of my way!" A rather mad tall white stallion with a sandy blonde mane - the one Spike and I spotted earlier accompanying Rarity - ordered me rudely while intentionally shoving past me, side-glaring at me with clear disdain.

The hell did I do to you clown?

"A simple 'pardon me' would have sufficed." I retorted to the pony leaving the room. Honestly he was quite a state himself. The posh nature and clean clothing he displayed earlier was covered in various food.

To my raised brow, this annoyed unicorn whirled around to face me, features twisted in anger. "'Pardon me'?! If I was in a fairer mood that would be the case, but instead my mood has been defiled by that wretched mare, Rarity! Look, look at what she has done to my lovely suit and mane! I was to be the most outstanding-looking stallion of the gala, and that pony ruined it for no absolute reason!"

Score one to Rarity.

"Well in her defense, when me and my friend saw you two, you did seem to behave like a pompous arsehole." Probably because you are. And this interaction with him was giving me the suspicion I knew exactly who this prissy unicorn was.

"I say, do you have any idea who you're speaking to, good sir?!"

"Should I?"

The stallion huffed, before clearing his throat to calm himself. I swear I can already see the vein in his pony forehead. "I am Prince Blueblood, nephew to your ruler, Princess Celestia. And I demand your respect."

"...Oh, my apologies." I bowed. I called it; Blueblood of all ponies. "I wasn't aware I wasn't in the presence of a figure with such power and blood relation to the great Princess Celestia. You must forgive my ignorance good sir."

The pony, evidently picking up on my sarcasm, glared in full distaste. "First that insolent mare disrespects me, now another ignorant pony. When will my aunt learn?"

I smirked faintly. "Well, how can I respect someone who obviously treated one of my friends poorly?"

For now I'm just going to feign ignorance to my acknowledging the girls as my friends.

The stallion was positively seething. "I showed Rarity her place."

The words caused me to frown darkly at the arrogant excuse for a monarch. "Maybe it's time someone showed you yours."

That posturing attitude. The self-righteousness. The pure arrogance that no one could oppose him. So distasteful. So repulsive.

So... human.

Now Blueblood was sputtering. As if he didn't look enough of a disaster with what was done to him by Rarity. The he glared so hard his large pony eyes might have popped out from the pressure. "How... How dare you. Who are you to speak to me like that?! I am of royal blood!"

"And that alone is suppose to make me kneel in submission to the likes of you?" My own anger was rising. "And I thought your aunt was bad. But no, clearly I've found someone just as bad, if not worse, in the royal bloodline."

Perhaps debatably worse than someone of not the same bloodline but still royal. Prince Hans.

"That does it!" The childish Blueblood stomped his white hooves on the marble floor in anger. "I've tolerated this blatant disrespect far enough! It is time I showed at least somepony his place. If Rarity refuses to acknowledge me as her better, then at least she will see what I've done to one of her friends."

I raised a brow as he pointed at me un-royal like and announced with a firm yet hateful tone. "You will accompany me to the gardens. There we shall have a duel of honour. I will not allow my pride and status to be tarnished by your meaningless words."

Well if they're so irrelevant, why do you allow them to get to you? Regardless, I wasn't going to say no to this challenge. The opportunity brought a smirk upon my muzzle. Who would possibly reject the idea of kicking Blueblood's arse?

Not this guy.

"I accept. I will fight against your honour... for Rarity's." I adopted a more civilized tone, despite my expression, nodding to the pathway behind the stallion. "Lead the way Blueblood."

Fully grating at the lack of title, the stallion took a moment to compose himself, nodding stiffly before turning to show me the way where our duel will commence.

Forgive me Twilight, but this was what one would call a "gentleman's challenge." Who was I to deny that? Besides, I wasn't doing this for me, but for a certain white unicorn mare. I'm sure Rarity will be more than gratified for defending her honour by kicking the arse of the stallion who ruined her good time.

It's the least I can do for her making my attire... and for me messing it up at the buffet.

I'm shocked I didn't realize who he was earlier when Spike and I spotted him. Blueblood was a name I was very familiar with; the man- stallion responsible for being the bane of Rarity's good time in the gala. The efforts to please him all for naught. Her marriage into royalty vanishing before her eyes at the repulsive nature of this prissy unicorn.

And I can see why.

I've never actually seen a picture of the guy during my time back home, but I should've identified who he was upon first glance anyway. Now I feel like an utter fool for not realizing that sooner.

Ah well, I can turn all that regret to anger while beating the [BEEP] out of this unicorn, who was staring at me with an even neutral expression at the other end of the courtyard. A fair distance from one another, the pair of us standing firm and prepared for this duel. Unicorn vs Earth Pony. Stallion vs man.

Pony vs human.

And I won't lie... I'm going to enjoy this.


I nodded firmly, having placed my temporary formal cape to the side on the fence, showing just how prepared I was. It's clear Blueblood desired to take out his rage on someone, and the perfect opportunity would be the Earth Pony who can't utilize magic, who disrespects him constantly and happens to be a friend of Rarity's made myself a delicious target.

Even with the dark sky I saw his raised brow at my non-verbal answer. "Well at least you know how to take something like this seriously."

"You'd be surprised."

"I must admit." He continued as though I said nothing. "No pony has ever treated me in such a fahsion for a long time. An Earth Pony, no less. One less capable of using magic. It rather seems hardly fair, does it not?"

"I am more than just an Earth Pony, my friend..."

We have already gained an audience, as I heard the mutters and from the corner of my eyes spotting the observers. Ponies of all high-classes standing by the garden's entrance, obviously having heard an Earth Pony was going to face a well-respected Prince in honourable combat.

Pah. As if the notion of honour means anything to me. Truth be told I doubt of its existence; I was only doing this as my way of expressing thanks to Rarity... and punishing a Prince no one in their right mind would even like.

The apple fell into the wrong side of the river, it seems.

Unfazed by my vague words, the royal {BEEP} leaned back a little in an obvious battle posture. And I did so in turn... by placing my right front hoof a step forward on the stone ground. I didn't dwell much on pony battle poses okay?

"Prepare to be taught your place, Earth Pony."

"Ditto, Prince Bluebutt."

Bluebutt... oh wow did I really just say that? I released a quiet chuckle at the childish insult from my own mouth. Man, Rainbow Dash must be rubbing off on me-

My instincts had me raise my right hoof upwards as a shield, as the dark yellow energy blast conjured from the Prince's glowing horn met its target head-on, skidding me across the stone floor a few feet away before I roughly coughed by the aftermath that was the smoke. Growling as I felt my limbs scream in pain and protest, I slowly lowered my shaking hoof while the smoke cleared, flinching at my own carelessness.

On the other side of the field, Blueblood smugly grinned after his attack worked.

The duel had commenced.

The stallion, obviously believing he had the high ground with his advantage that was magic, fired continous blasts from his horn towards, causing me to, instead of meeting/blocking them, dodge as much as possibly. I felt the power of this world's magic graze the fur upon every narrow dodge. When the Prince ceased his efforts, looking at me impassively, I took that moment to breathe.

Good God, talk about exercise- oh no... I felt my stomach groan in protest due to the fact I'vr eaten so much earlier.

That explains my slower-than-usual movements.

Did I have a plan? Oh yes; devised one while on the way here, glaring in disdain at the arrogant stallion who had often glanced back at me in turn, an air of smugness and pretense of gracefulness. It was quite simple: tire the smirking pony out, then take that opportunity-

Why was he smiling at me like that...?

It took a second to notice my hooves were literally planted to the ground, as Hans the Unicorn utilized his magic to make roots wrap around the boom of my limbs and keep me in place. Clever, I'll give him that. Yet that was the least of my worries as his horn started glowing even more. Now would be the perfect time for that ridiculous strength of mine to show itself, as I struggled to be free of the roots trapping my hooves.

...Anytime now.

I must have looked frantic, as panicking began to seep in my brain as the arrogant Blueblood was grinning now, that smug muzzle brightened by the charging attack on his horn. Come on, come on! Work my OP strength? Why do you refuse to cease working for me now?! When I need you the most!

True even when using it I was knocked out by foes against me. But I would much rather die than be the loser in this challenge against Blueblood by being unconscious by him.

Even losing to a giant baby bear was more dignifying than suffering defeat from the hands of the pony ready to attack.

And he was sure taking his sweet arse time-

What the?!

Suddenly I felt confusion, panic and, worst of all, fear as a familiar baby dragon ran towards me from the eye-wide crowd. "Spike?!" I yelled in disbelief as he approached me without any general hint of what he was doing was a very, VERY horrible idea. "Get back boy!"

Spike shook his head, and to my further shock and befuddlement the illogical lizard proceeded to face the boastful Prince, who was still charging up for the attack. "I won't let you hurt my friend!"


Yet both he and my opponent ignored my enraged scream, the latter with the illuminated face smiling lightly. "Ah, you are the dragon who laughed at my expense when Rarity ruined my suit. Splendid, I can kill two birds with one stone."

"You sadist! He has nothing to do with this!"

In answer to my anger, the stallion simply shrugged. "It's a matter of respect, Earth Pony. And if I have to force you or anyone to bow to me... so be it."

And just like that, the charged energy attack fired from his horn, a giant yellow ball of magic hurled towards us, with Spike in front of me with palpable fear in his eyes.

No... NO!

I won't let anyone hurt my friends!

Just like that, my hooves were free of the gripping roots were relative ease.

To the evident shock of Spike, Hans the Unicorn, our audience, I was right in front of the dragon and swiped away the energy attack with my limb, sending it impacting into the outside castle wall. I didn't bother to check the damage done, instead focusing my attention to my hoof.

"H-How...?" I heard a sputtering Blueblood ask, but I ignored him in favour of answering my own question.

"Spike, rejoin the crowd." I quietly commanded of the reptile behind me.


I sent him a look over my shoulder. Not the general annoyed look, but an expression of reassurance and calmness. "Do as I say, Spike. You should, after all, always trust your friends." At that statement, the dragon's eyes widened before nodding obediently and reuniting with the audience, who were just as shell-shocked as the agape Prince before me.

"But... how...? I-I demand you tell me how you did that, Earth Pony!"

Instead of providing a satisfied answer to the now-nervous stallion, I simply closed my eyes for a moment to let the clarity sink in, before throwing a smirk at the enraged pony. "That is for me to know... and for you to ponder, my arrogant friend."

I think I understand now...

"You dare-!"

"I dare." I raised my voice to show how clearly I just didn't give a damn what he thought. "Because I am so much more, Blueblood, then you will ever be."

That strength. It didn't come out from simple convenience. It never did. Only when my mind was focused on Spike. And Twilight. And everyone else I've come to know.

They've given me that strength.

"I am a Prince of the highest order, and I will-!"

"And I'm the Prince of all Autistics. Deal with it." Not a very boastful and impressive title, I know. But it was worth mocking him and everything he stood for.

And he was positively losing it, barely keeping his composure in check before his horn glowed again, and my ears alerted me to dodge out of the way as Blueblood went Poison Ivy on my arse, whipping vines attacking me from the nearby tree.

But I was no athlete. Hence my hissing as one of them landed a scratch on my left limb.

Spike, however, didn't sound concerned. "Kick his plot, Stardust!"

Clearly irritated by that comment, lighting from behind urged me to jump when I was in safe distance from the three, another energy blast flying beneath before I landed. Judging by the already heavy breathing, the irritable unicorn was already growing weary.

Good. He must not be used to combat.

"You dare make a fool out of me? Me, who has ruled longer before you were even born!" I proceeded to dodge every object flung at me via magic. Plant pots, discarded broken fences, benches, you name it. "Who are you to defy me?! Tell me: who are you!"

Wiping sweat from my ponified forehead, I glanced to the side at the frustrated unicorn before answering. "Someone who has finally reached an epiphany."

"And what does that mean?"

"Since you're so curious." I flipped over as another bench flew by for my sarcasm. Remind me never to take gymnastics for granted again. I waited for Blueblood to take a breather before continuing. "I am no one. I should be no one. Yet I seem to somehow always draw unwanted attention to myself. I am an internal contradiction, a walking hypocrite. I am something that should not even be here, as balance dictates. You are familiar with balance I take it?"

"Of course I am."

"Clearly not, as your tone suggest doubt." I noted his grounding teeth. How the mighty fall so quickly. "Allow me to elucidate, my friend. Balance is the one only true path to everything. Chaos and Harmony were spawned from balance itself to ensure everlasting peace in the universe. Peace that only lasted for so long; this duel being an example. I am a stern follower of the concept, as balance has been my philosophy for quite some time."

A philosophy I've yet to even dwell upon ever since arriving in Equestria. Years of studying the very idea of balance put on hold to get through this world and seek a way home.

His eyes narrowed, rather thoughtfully. "I see, so this supposed balance, a mere idea, is of greater importance than respecting your superiors?"

"Hardly an 'idea." I scoffed, noticing I was gaining an invested audience as some of the crowd leaned forward to hear me explain my path to life. "Balance is the cosmic force of nature and change. For without it, everything would fall apart. But everyone refuses to see that, either taking one side of light and dark without ever thinking of merging the town together to ensure eternal peace. I see myself with neither light or dark. Chaos or Harmony."

I paused for a moment, switching my gaze to the watching dragon, just as curious as the high-posh crowd. "Yet that balance, or the Twilight if you prefer, came from the harmony of my friends, combined with my chaotic nature."

One of the many reasons, I suspected, why I enjoyed spending time with a certain purple intelligent unicorn so much. Simply because of her first name.

Returning my gaze to the boastful stallion, I smirked. "And it is that balance, my friend, that will triumph over your arrogance."

Despite all that, Blueblood had the nerve to snort at my perspective, waving a hoof dismissively. "Your foolish opinions mean nothing to me, my friend. Clearly you are an insane pony in need of help. And I shall gladly offer you the help you so desperately need."

My smirk widened at the veiled threat. "You'll have to force me to take my medicine."

His eyes narrowed at the challenge. "As you wish."

And the duel continued on, myself dodging, punching and occasionally getting hit by flying debris, magical blasts and assaults from nature, all with the purpose of tiring out the tiresome Prince. However, he wasn't someone to be underestimated; the stallion was of royal blood, which implied more powerful magic than the average unicorn.

Good thing he wasn't an alicorn - for whatever reason - otherwise I would've been in serious trouble.

Finally the stallion clearly had enough, his horn glowing again as I tensed up for the next attack... only to find my body wrapped in a dark yellow glow. What the-? I couldn't move either, feeling as though gravity was assaulting me. My gaze then turned to glare at the smirking unicorn. As if this was going to stop me...

It certainly didn't stop the Prince of all Saiyans.

"Now I can think of what to do with you while you're- What?!" He cut himself off in clear disbelief, as I gritted my teeth upon progressing forward, shock and fear reflected in his eyes with each step I took. "But how-? No! No, this is impossible! No one can resist magic like that! Especially my own! What are you?! What are you...?"

I released a small grin at the defeat slowly leaking into his posh tone, pressing myself with every slow step forward until the stallion finally, truthfully, submitted; releasing the spell used to hold me down as I felt the heavy pressure lift off me. Now I was free to move, and the prissy excuse for a monarch was too exhausted now to halt my advance, only taking a few steps back before his back was pressed against a bush, further messing up his suit apart from the obvious sweat.

Ponies can sweat. Who knew.

Upon reaching distance, my front hooves immediately grabbed the front of his formal shirt, pulling him close to hear me whisper out my utter contempt for this pony Hans. "You know, Blueblood... you remind me so well of my own species."

I only now realized how tired I sounded and felt as well.

I continued my rant while he stared at me in fear and confusion. "Arrogant. Self-centered. The general populace filled with many corrupt greedy individuals everywhere, seeking only to benefit themselves and their own pockets. Power's a very tempting thing, something you have in spades. And look where it gets you. My point being, you are a representation of everything I find repulsive about my own kind, despite you being a different species entirely."

"What will you do to me...?" Blueblood asked quietly, as I can see my words slowly sink into his widened eyes.

I frowned, ignoring his flinch. "Admittedly, a part of me wishes to end your pitiful existence right here and now; to stop the corruption as much as possible from spreading to you ponies, just as it had to my own race. But then again... that wouldn't make me any better than the rest of them, would it?"

No, I would never go to such lengths to save others, despite my ancestry. As much as I loathed people and governments that run my country and all others, I completely agree that killing should only be in self-defense, never for attack.

Without awaiting an answer, I released - by that I mean dropped - the stallion and nodded to the gate. "Get out of my sight. And never approach any of my friends again without the sincerest intentions."

Hesitantly rising, the humiliated Blueblood inquired, "You... You won't harm me?"

"I think I've done more than enough damage tonight." I announced loudly to the classy audience, glancing around the ruined courtyard before glaring at the unicorn. "But if I ever see you again, let's hope it'll be in more pleasant circumstances. Now go, before I decide to give you a black eye."

Hurriedly the Prince obliged, nodding like a madman before rushing back towards the castle, away from my point of view. I could his hooves skidding across the stone floor before silence finally rested on the gardens. And I released a breath of relief, despite all the aching and pain my entire body was currently feeling.

I didn't need to hurt him, I didn't need to break his nose, damage his jaw or anything so excessive. No, I humiliated him, embarrassed a high and mighty monarch in front of his subjects, who were evidently staring at my still form. I made that pony's time at this gala the worst night ever.

Not my original plan, but I'm much more satisfied with the results.

"Stardust! You did it!"

Hearing the youthful voice of my friend, I looked down at the approaching grinning dragon, resting a battered hoof on his head. "No Spike, we did it."

Without that much barbarism.


Instead of answering, I surveyed the damage done to the gardens and the hole in the castle wall. Welp, I guess there was no escaping out of this one. If Celestia was mad enough by the mess inside the gala, imagine the furious expression on her thousand-year-old features by the duel between myself and her blood relative.

As my gaze then settled on the crowd observing from the doorway to the castle, a dark blue male unicorn called out in that classy tone. "Who are you, sir?"

Taking a moment, I looked at the dragon standing beside me, nodding before answering out loud. "A man - or stallion to your eyes - who has finally reached the truth."

"Truth?" Spike asked.

I nodded again, walking towards the middle of the area so everyone could see me, Spike following. "Indeed. All thanks to you Spike, for helping me uncover it. I now know where my strength comes from. Where it originated from this whole time."

"And where's that?" I heard a mare among the audience inquire.

As Spike gestured for me to answer, I obliged with the brightest smile I could muster, despite my entire body aching and feeling like hell at the moment. "From my friends."

Twilight. Spike. Fluttershy. Rarity. Applejack. Pinkie Pie. Rainbow Dash. Bon Bon. Lyra. Derpy. Whooves. Big Macintosh. Snips and Snails. The Crusaders. Cheerilee. Mrs Cupcake. Mr Carrot Cake. Shining Armor. Strongheart and Zecora.

"And I am forever indebted to them."

...Ah [BEEP].

Just then I noticed said friends observing me at the back of the crowd, reaching there without my notice. Twilight smiling like she never smiled before, as though proud of me. And the rest just plain staring at me just dropped jaws and widened eyes, in contrast to the rising clapping of the crowd around them.

And behind all the gathered ponies, Celestia regarded me with an impassive expression.

Oh marvelous.

"That was unnecessary."

"Tell that to them."

Celestia sighed, looking out to her kingdom, filled with many lights to penetrate the darkness of the sky. Even then it all looked quite spectacular. "To engage my poor nephew like that and completely humiliate him... I have half a mind to punish you for it."

I smirked lightly. "A duel's a duel, Celestia. He was fully prepared for the consequences." Just not in the way he thought. I winced as another course of pain flew through my untreated body.

I felt the alicorn's eyes on me. "You are certain you do not require medical assistance?"

"It can wait until morning." I repeated from earlier.

So after the applause and 'interview' from the entire crowd was over, the guests of the rather destroyed gala departed to resume having a good time or go home, leaving me in the gardens with the Mane Six and Spike to approach me, Celestia watching from the doorway while many of her guests informed her my duel against her nephew was an improvement from the hectic display in the gala earlier.

At first I had slowly backed away from them all, staring at them warily and ready for some kind of verbal onslaught over my actions. And yet, again, I've underestimated them.

The first words to come out was from, surprisingly, Rainbow Dash: "You... honestly meant that?"

I had nodded hesitantly, and before I knew it I was engulfed by embraces from all sides, joy and affection radiating from the six mares and dragon. And I was, as the blue pegasus put it before, starstruck by the development, unable to form any coherent responses or move my body free from the attack of hugs.

I suppose all that was what true friendship felt like...

My ears were temporarily deaf when Twilight and Applejack then began berating me for getting into a fight with royal blood like that, yet while Rarity evidently agreed with them, she expressed how thankful she was for defending her honour with a peck on the cheek... to Spike's clear jealousy; who had been following Rarity and Blueblood around all the way to making sure the former was okay when following the girls back to the doughnut shop, providing a brief recount of what actually happened in that disastrous room.

"That he was." Celestia turned her pink gaze to the moon for a moment. "A challenge from royalty isn't something to be taken lightly. And I must admit how relived I am that you took it seriously, Stardust." A light smile appeared on her illuminated features, looking down at the stallion with her on the castle balcony. "I thank you for inflicting no harm on Blueblood, ego aside."

"He wasn't worth it." I shrugged. Just the fear and defeat on his expression were enough to stop me from giving the unicorn a broken nose. "What good would come out of it? For his repulsive attitude, the man didn't really warrant enough for me to utterly kick his arse."

"Hm. And after tonight's duel, I doubt he'll ever desire to challenge you, or anyone else, again. At least for a while."

"That's probably for the better." I replied, looking back at the kingdom below with her. I felt the cold air waver my previously-neat mane. "Let his arrogance die down a little. Perhaps he'll also think better of others of lower status."

When it was finally time to say farewell to the six ponies and dragon, it was rather a shock to them; they weren't expecting it to be immediately after the gala. Even Rainbow Dash and Applejack expressed reluctance to not see me for a while, considering I've fully acknowledged them now as my friends. Pinkie Pie was the least depressed of the lot, stating with bliss how she'll prepare a welcome back party, ignoring my dismayed expression. Rarity smiled sadly, vowing she'll be looking forward to my return, as she must repay me back somehow. Spike was the least subtle about how saddened he felt by this abrupt departure, I had to give the poor dragon some comfort and reassurance he'll see me again soon.

And Twilight... well I couldn't decipher the expression on her face.

"Perhaps." I raised a brow at the quiet agreement. "My nephew has always been overconfident of himself. I've attempted my best to at least teach him some humbleness."

You've been teaching him? Who exactly are Blueblood's parents anyway? Is it Luna? Nightmare Moon? That wouldn't be surprising.

"...You're tried, that's all that matters." I replied instead. I was simply too exhausted right now to mock the alicorn standing beside me.

I heard a small "Hm." before the tone of the alicorn's shifted to a more light degree. "Now, onto another subject. You are aware, Stardust, that you didn't have to take up residence in the castle immediately after the gala. It could have waited until the following morning."

"It's better this way." I responded firmly, eyes hardening to myself while overlooking the sleeping kingdom. "I need to clear my head a little, away from everyone I've finally recognized as my... friends."

The tall monarch chuckled a little. "You sound uncertain."

"Very astute." I rolled my eyes. "But yes, it's not really a concept I'm... best familiar with."

"It was the same with my dear student, Twilight, and yet she made friends faster than I expected." The white alicorn stated with clear fondness and pride for her pupil. I chose to say nothing; Twilight was something else altogether. Celestia continued with a question, "But I am curious; what precisely did you mean when you stated it was Twilight and her friends who helped you succeed in the duel?"

"...You saw that strength."

It wasn't a question, yet I imagined the alicorn nodding. "Indeed. Remarkable, in fact. I was curious to see it for myself when Twilight addressed that subject sometimes in her letters. Am I to understand, then, that strength came from the bond between you and your friends?"

"...Maybe." I responded quietly, raising my front left hoof upwards to examine it. "I'm not exactly sure what it means myself. But when the image of everyone I've befriended - Twilight, Spike, the girls and all the ponies and non-ponies I've encountered - came to me, that was then the super strength appeared." I chuckled a little, lowering my limb. "It's quite baffling."

Celestia had an amused tone. "Perhaps." And as I waited for her to continue, she did not for a moment. "...You still desire to return home?"

I frowned. "I do." It was an absolute must, whether I've made friends here or not.

"Without the girls knowing still who and what you truly are."

A statement. "I think I've earned their trust the moment I announced them as my friends. I doubt they'll inquire about my unusual feats again." For a while at least.

"You shouldn't underestimate them, Stardust. Especially my beloved student; Twilight will always be curious about who you really are and where you originate from."

"She'll be even more curious upon learning I'm from another world, I can't let that happen; not until I return to Ponyville."

"...I'm afraid it's a little late for that now." What? I glanced at Celestia curiously, who didn't meet my gaze and instead called out. "You may come out now."

...Oh no.

No nononononononono.

Hearing the sound of hooves approaching from behind. I stiffened, closing my eyes and gritting my teeth at who was clearly behind me. Not now, please not now. I said in my own time-

"I've taken the liberty of having my own student learn the truth immediately; she at least deserves to know, Stardust."



Yet that quiet, confused tone forced me to stop before I could even begin hurling verbal insults and damnations towards the smiling monarch. Instead, facing the music, my body turned to face the stunned purple unicorn, staring at me with bewildered puzzlement.

"...Hey Twilight."

"What do you mean... 'from another world'?" I winced at the question. Too soon. It was far too soon for her to know. At my refusal to even answer Twilight grew all the more suspicious, eyes widening at the silent response that obviously told her everything. "You mean... it's true? You're from a completely different entire world?"

Swallowing nervous bile, I nodded, trying to compose myself... and failing miserably, grinding my own teeth in anger before staring at the stone floor of the balcony between us. I hate you Celestia, I hate you so much...

Looking hesitantly looking back up, my saddened eyes met Twilight's uncertain own, as though seeking out the truthful answer.

"All this time... you're another life form living from beyond the stars?"

"...Yes." I finally breathed out a confident answer. "Yes, my dear."

Eyes further widening to impossible degrees, the unicorn stared at me for a long moment, glancing at a nodding alicorn for complete confirmation, before those lovely purple eyes rolled upwards, and I quickly caught the poor mare as she clearly fainted from the revelation.


While looking at her with mixed emotions of my own, Celestia lightly commented. "Well, it could have gone worse."

...I [BEEP] hate you, Celestia...

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