• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Seventy-Two: Puts Lebowski to Shame

So far, my investigation proved fruitless.

But to be fair, what else am I expecting to find around this tree? Over fifteen minutes of inspecting and examining the tall radiant thing, and so far nothing that stuck out, save for the Elements embedded into their respective places within the Tree of Harmony. Apart from the mysterious chest that appeared after the Elements were placed in the extraordinary tree, nothing else stood out from the large white leafless piece of nature.

Sighing, I shook my head. So much for helping Twilight find more clues about that chest. It was the only thing I could think of doing to help her in any way, considering the fact the new Princess has recently been invested more in studying about the six-keyhole chest and how to be a ruler than spending time together personally.

Which is fine, mind you. I have no quarrel with her learning these things; they're necessary to helping her become the best damn monarch in all of Equestria - If she wasn't already. I'm more than certain there'll be time for us two later, but right now, I'm just as content helping the mare in any way I can.

And yet, she turns a blind eye to your repulsive feelings, to concentrate on a tedious puzzle. A certain voice sneered through my head, How would assisting her do anything, if not bring closer to what is to come?

Whatever you say, Sombra.

Rubbing my beard thoughtfully, I stood at the front of the large radiant tree, the large crystallized object shining dazzlingly through the darkness of this cave. Was there anything to accomplish here? Would this tree provide no further answers? I knew the chest presented to us before was instrumental in the next villain's defeat, but I wasn't certain as to how.

If I could find out, maybe that'll make things easier for us and more safer for everyone else...

Sombra, meanwhile, didn't take too kindly to being brushed off, This is a fool's errand, boy. Are you so desperate to interact with this mare as to grasp at straws?

I wasn't aware you knew of that expression, 'your Highness.'

...No comment? Good.

But if there was nothing else here worth finding, then how else could I help? The information I possessed about Tirek was too little; I never saw the two-parter finale, only a glimpse of the battle between Twilight and him. If by coming here, finding out anything more, then maybe, just maybe, I could prevent her, along with countless more innocent ponies, from getting harmed by that madman.

My stomach growled.

Clicking my tongue in disappointment, I nodded to myself before turning back. I can always try later, and no doubt Spike would want me to help him in his chores.

Heh. Dragon will do anything to get out of his chores quicker.

And maybe, just maybe, I can finally have that long-awaited talk with Twilight about our relationship. It needed to be discussed, ASAP.

I returned to an empty house.

Searching around the place, wanting to inform Twilight over my lack of findings, it appeared both the uni- Alicorn and dragon were absent. No note or anything to tell me where. I checked everywhere, and there weren't even sounds of conversation in Twilights room - I wouldn't dare go in without knocking first.

So where were they? My movement around the tree-house halted on the first floor. I recall no mention of them going out anywhere today. Maybe they're just visiting one of the other mares. Yes that could be it.

Or, A dark sly voice spoke up from within my mind, They'd have tire of your irritable presence, and wish to relieve themselves of you for a while.

Yeah, sure, whatever you say Sombra...

So then... What now? I could simply ask around, or just wait for them to come back. Well, they seem to have left quite a mess on the first floor, they must've been in a hurry. Sighing in exasperation, I moved to pick up a few lying books before an unexpected knock appeared from the door. "Come in."

In walked a familiar cream Earth Pony, smiling pleasantly towards me, "Good afternoon Stardust."

"Hello Bon." I greeted warmly, setting the books down to properly address her, "How are you?"

"Good, as usual." She replied, stepping into the library and taking note of the small mess, "Twilight researching again?"

"When does she ever stop?" I asked with mirth.

The Earth Pony giggled, "True enough." Before gesturing politely, "Would you like some assistance?"

"Thank you, Bon, but it's nothing I can't handle." It was a small mess, after all.

She nodded, letting me get back to work before commenting humouredly, "I'd had thought Twilight would be less focused on her studies now, considering the rumours of you two being in a relationship."


Looking back with a raised brow, I asked curiously, "You mean, it isn't common knowledge now?"

Dark blue eyes widened in shock, "So... It's true?" At my amused nod, the Earth Pony's jaw dropped slightly before a blooming grin took shape on her features, eyes dancing in happiness, "Oh, my gosh! Congratulations! I knew you two would get together sooner or later." I was about to thank her, before her ears drooped slightly, "Though that means I owe Lyra ten bits over how exactly long it'd take."

Oh Jesus. Shaking my head fondly, I set the next row of books down, "Is there something you wanted, Bon?"

"Hm? Oh, right." She spoke up in remembrance, "I wanted to see if you would be interested in joining us with at the bowling alley." Bowling alley? "Though if you're busy, I understand-"

"You have a bowling alley? In this world?" I interjected in surprise. I never knew this!

The cream mare nodded, expressing curiosity, "Yes. In this town, in fact. Do they have bowling when you're from?"

"Hell yeah." I couldn't resist grinning. "I enjoy bowling." Bowling's great! Who wouldn't want to bowl? How did I not know there was a bowling alley in Ponyville? At Bon Bon's then eager grin, I quickly added, "Let me just finish things up here, then I'll join you."

Pardon me while I gawked and nod appreciatively at the interior of the building. As if the giant pins attached above the roof didn't excite me enough, now seeing all these ponies playing the game just made me want to join in either further.

"Come on Star!" Bon Bon said after looking at me in amusement, motioning for me to follow where the others were waiting. From where I presumed was our bowling space stood a waving Lyra, Derpy and Vinyl. No Whooves in sight.

Not surprising, I suppose, considering the stallion's typical activities.

"Hey Bon! Hi Star!" The lime unicorn greeted enthusiastically, cheerful and carefree as usual. Derpy, meanwhile, was inspecting one of the large bowling balls with interest, and Vinyl was preoccupied head-banging to her music.

I often wonder what exactly it is she's listening to.

"You're here to play with us?" Lyra asked excitedly. At my own eager nod, she beamed, "Great! This is going to be fun!"


"Are you any good at the game?" Bon inquired as we joined the mares.

Smirking, I reached over and picked up a dark green bowling ball from the row. "Ladies, I'm about to show you how we humans master this game."

Three tries later, I was already eating my own words.

"Well, maybe you're just more use to bowling as a human." The reassuring Earth Pony pointed out, as Lyra had her turn and efficiently knocked over seven out of three pins. Fuming slightly, I inhaled an air of calmness, watching as the lime unicorn picked up another heavy ball to finish off the rest of the standing pins.

"Could be..." I mumbled.

And when it was Derpy's turn, the rest of us grimaced, save for Lyra who was encouraging the grey pegasus, over what would happen next. And what DID happen next caused us to drop our pony jaws in disbelief.

A full strike...

"Aheh... Good job Derpy." The approaching pegasus grinned at the shocked praise, while Bon glanced at me in bemusement, "But don't let that throw you off Star."

Stop laughing Sombra! My frowned deepened at the inane laughter only I could hear.

As it was my turn, again, this time I picked up the lightest ball - as light as these things can be anyway - It might just be balance at work here, or Sombra just disrupting my sense somehow and causing me to do poorly.

With a focused stance, I rolled the bowling ball like a human across the slippery wood towards the waiting pins. And, as everything seemed to go perfectly to plan-

Oh [BEEP] me!

I stared in disbelief as only one pin in the corner was successfully got knocked over. Lyra's encouragement from behind really didn't soften the blow to my pride. "Come on Stardust; you've got this!"

The dark King expressed cruel amusement, Be thankful your mare isn't here, boy, as even she would be ashamed of your appalling work over this simple-minded game.

Calm yourself, Stardust. There's no need to get upset over sucking at a game of bowling. It's all in good fun. For all I know, Sombra was behind my frustration.

"So, you and Twilight are an item now."

I glanced at Bon's inquisitive blue orbs, nodding. "Yep." At least thinking about the purple mare calmed me down somewhat.

Lyra and Derpy, who overheard that, gasped and exclaimed together, "Really?!" I winced at the loud exclamation. And before I knew it, both mares were in my face, grinning proudly. "It's about time! Bon, you owe me ten bits!" The cream Earth Pony sighed and handed the triumphant unicorn the currency.

"I'm so happy for you!" Ech! The grey pegasus was now choking the life out of me with her hug. Then she released, grinning sheepishly, "Ohmygosh, congratulations! How long have you been dating?!"

"Since Twilight's coronation." I admitted with a mumble. Their eyes widening even further, and obviously wanted more details. Heh, even female ponies like to gossip and find out more about people's relationships-

The sound of another strike disrupted our attention. And we turned around at a returning head-bobbing Vinyl, who smiled pleasantly without even appearing the slightest bit fazed at knocking all the pins at once.

"How?" I asked in disbelief as the white mare sat down again, "How? She wasn't even paying that much attention."

Bon shrugged, "Vinyl's a regular here. I guess she's that good now." Ah great. As if Derpy outshining me here wasn't bad enough. Speaking of, Derpy stood up and went next, almost knocking herself over with the heavy ball she picked up.

If she gets another strike I swear to God...

"So, how many dates have you and Twilight been on?" Lyra asked curiously, while both she and Bon looked at me with complete attention-

There was a noise behind me that had me flinch, looking behind to see that Depry had, once again, somehow, gotten another full strike. A sound unidentifiable to me emerged from my throat, while Derpy flew back happily. Even Bon and Lyra looked stunned, before regaining their composure.

"Wow! Another strike!"

"Great job Derpy!"

I only said quietly, "Yes, that was good Derpy."

The pegasus beamed, meanwhile I was seething on the inside. Alright, this was my seventh go now, I had to get this right. No more knocking down one or two or none of the pins. If the Mane Six or Spike got wind of this, I'd never hear the end of it.

"You can do it this time, Star!" Lyra said encouragingly as I stood up, picking up a heavy orange ball and walked towards the start of the lane, frowning in focus and rearing the ball back. This should've been easy, with my power over balance. So why has this been difficult so far?

With enough strength, I rolled the ball forward, watching with anticipation as it headed towards the pins and-

God dammit!

"What the [BEEP]?!" I practically roared in disbelief while the bowling ball fell down the side into the pit, hitting none of its marks. Turning, I stomped back towards the nervous mares. "I'm never bowling again! [BEEP]!"

"Stardust... Calm down." Bon said apprehensively. "It's just a game." She glanced around, noticing as I did the many faces of other ponies who heard my outcry and were looking at me in recognition and... Anxiousness?

...Oh. Right.

"I just don't understand." I rubbed my head in irritation, lowering my voice as I didn't want these ponies to assume Sombra had overtaken my mind once again, "What am I doing wrong? I've always considered myself fairly average at this game back home. But now..."

"Star... It happens." Lyra spoke up softly, as if to comfort me, "Maybe you're just been out of touch since you arrived in Equestria is all. I'm sure you'll get better at bowling in no time!" Derpy nodded in agreement, while Vinyl was completely oblivious to the conversation, but even I could see the slight frown on her features upon noticing my state.

"She's right dude. It also helps if ya just relax while playin'." A smooth carefree voice spoke up from the side, prompting us to look at a stallion who decided to join us. Light brown fur, brown and yellow combed mane with a brow-raising beard and moustache, and wearing a brown jacket. Blue eyes calmly stared at me, "You're too tense, bro. Ya just need to chill out and go with the flow."

...You've got to be kidding me.

I was tempted to ask what kind of grass he's been eating, before shutting my mouth. Perhaps I should just actually heed some advice, for once. "Don't concentrate too much on hittin' the pins, dude, just relax and let your body roll the ball."

Let my... I don't get it, but alright. I'll play this stallion's game.

Nodding slowly, I picked up a light blue ball and walked back to the lane, ready to do as this guy said. Relax... I can do that.

As a wave of calmness washed over me, I relaxed my features, and rolled the ball forward.

"That was fun!" Lyra exclaimed happily upon leaving the building, waving her limbs in wide motions, "We should definitely go again sometime soon!"

Ehhh, I'll take a raincheck on that.

Derpy agreed with the unicorn enthusiastically, "Yeah! And next time we'll see if we can get Whooves to join us!" At this, both Bon and I smirked. That would be a sight to behold.

The cream Earth Pony then looked at me with an expression of humour and sympathy, "And you did get better overtime after all, Stardust. A seven-ten split on that turn, not bad. You just needed to relax a bit. Letrotski was right."

Letrotski... Sounds familiar.

Anyway, turns out that advice was solid. I at least managed to knock more pins down as opposed to just one or nill. No strikes or anything noteworthy, but enough to at least put me in... Last place. Ah well. The stallion had waved off my gratitude for the advice, only saying that so long as I sometimes relax in life, then I can achieve more.

Ridiculous, A certain dark voice popped up in contempt, You must always be focused in order to accomplish your goals. That pony was as foolish as you boy.

"Although I understand if you don't want to join us next time-"

"Of course I do." They blinked at that, save for Vinyl, "I had fun, all things considered."

"Really?" Bon raised a brow, but Lyra and Derpy were beaming at the news.

"Of course." I nodded, smiling, "As you said, it's only a game. I lost fair and square; no need to get worked up over it." That said, I added to the lime unicorn, "Again, congratulations on first place, Lyra." Said mare grinned at everyone's proud looks, before I clasped my hoofs happily, "So then, Sugarcube Corner as celebration for our friend's victory? My treat."

Their eager ecstatic looks were all the answers I needed.

So, Specter was right. They were back. As soon as both alicorn and dragon stepped through the door the following morning, the first words that flew form my muzzle were, "Where have you been?!"

They both looked taken aback at that, though I didn't intend to sound snappish. But considering the circumstances, I was understandably a little upset. "Oh, hey Stardust." Spike greeted, before shrinking back a little at my tired glare.

"Jack?" Twilight inquired in confusion. Don't tell me she was oblivious to my worry.

"No note or explanation as to where you two went yesterday or all day." I said, frowning and walking towards their stunned expressions, "If it hadn't been for Specter I would've been looking all over for you all day and night. Do you have any idea how worried I've been?!"

I couldn't even sleep properly because of their sudden disappearance! It didn't help matters that no one has reported spotting any of the others mares for the rest of the day too.

Twilight frowned in turn, glancing at the nervous dragon, "Spike, didn't you leave a note about where we were spending the night at?"

"...Oh!" Spike said in realization setting the pile of books they returned with down and pulling out a piece of paper which I presumed was the note in question. "Yeah! I've had it... All along... Err, whoops." He grinned sheepishly at Twilight's annoyed look.

Shaking her head in exasperation, Twilight threw me a reassuring smile, "Princess Celestia sent me a letter saying we could find more potential information at the old castle in the Everfree Forest."

"And that turned out to be an exciting night." Spike added with a trace of amusement.


"So... I didn't do anything wrong?"

At the earnest question, Twilight tilted her head curiously, "Why would you think that?"

Shrugging sheepishly, I struggled to reply calmly, "I just thought... With this relationship of ours... I did something that warranted you to... Need some space..." At her eye-widening look, I shrugged again, looking away in slight embarrassment.

Hey, it's a possibility.

"Jack..." The purple mare approached, smiling and tone that of comfort, "You haven't done anything wrong, trust me. There's no need to be worried about us." I sighed in relief. Thank Christ. "Though, I think it's time we talked about us... Right now."

...Yes. Now seems more appropriate than ever.


At my quiet response, Twilight turned to the observing dragon, "Spike, I think the basement needs another dusting. Could you...?"

With a knowing glint in his eyes, the baby dragon saluted, "On it!" Before speeding off to get the brush.

Twilight then met my gaze, "Follow me." As I obliged, wondering where exactly we were going to talk about this. My room? The balcony?

Imagine my surprise when I was invited into her room instead.

"Take a seat." Twilight said gently, noticing my hesitant expression while she sat at the edge of her well-made bed, patting beside her. Eventually, I slowly sat next to her, wishing I had my fingers back so I could fiddle them nervously.

Jesus Christ I was nervous. Hell, I was downright scared over what was coming next!

"Jack?" I heard Twilight ask in concern, patiently.

Inhaling deeply, I nodded. This was it. Time to discuss our relationship. "Right." I began, meeting the purple mare's gaze. To some relief, I admit, the mare looked as nervous and anxious as I did, a small light blush on her own face. "So..."

"So..." Twilight trailed off as I did, clearly as perplexed as I was over what to say next. What would people say over this? My previous relationships weren't as... Unique.

"I honestly don't-"

"Maybe I should've-"

We both blinked in surprise, before I gestured politely, "You first... Love."

Flushing, Twilight looked away briefly, "I um... You know this is my first relationship..."

"I do..."

"So... You'll have to forgive me for being inexperienced with this sort of thing." Twilight's cheeks grew brighter. "I've read many dating books to prepare me for something like this to happen, but I knew the real thing would be entirely different than I expected-"

There she goes. "Twilight."

"So you don't have to worry about me completely oblivious to how dating works-"


"Though you probably expect many things from me from this new relationship of ours-" She cut herself off by my hoof softly brushing her own, looking at the contact with reddened cheeks and a small smile.

"I don't expect anything from you." I said reassuringly, prompting her surprise gaze, which incited my humoured smile, "You're perfect the way you are." At the basic truth, Twilight's grin widened, although the reality wiped away mine, forcing me to sight and look away briefly myself, "But... You must understand that, eventually, I will have to return to my world..."

"...Oh... Yes... Of course." Twilight's wavered tone made me wince, "I... Suppose my actions that night was rather impulsive, I got caught up in the heat of the moment; my coronation as a Princess and confessing my feelings like that. It was a huge mistake on my part."

"Don't say that." I said, not unkindly, my gaze snapping back at her rather firmly, "I don't regret the moment we shared that night. I don't regret travelling in that accursed alternate world with you. I've never regretted any of our interactions together. Every second with you made me more and more happy here. Though it's selfish of me to say, but you were the one pony out of all our friends I was excited to see the most everyday."

There. I said it. I hoped Twilight took all that as a compliment.

"...I have no regrets either." The purple uni- alicorn responded, her free hoof brushing the side of my ponified face gently, her expression bliss and relief, and I couldn't look away from her entrancing sparkling eyes, "Every second with you means more to me than even my own studies." Now I was the one who was shocked. At my expressions, Twilight giggled slightly, "Yes, it's true. I wouldn't trade our time together for the world. I like you, Jack Wright, more than I've ever liked anyone before. And I want us to be together... For however long we can be."

"Ditto." Was my immediate response, happiness and relief swelling my chest, "Though it's uncertain how long I'll be here, I want to spend as much time with the most amazing pony in Equestria as possible." She looked flattered and slightly embarrassed by the statement. "But... I can't promise you, if by some possibility I get stuck here forever, a happy future. I can't promise to be an independent boyfriend who will always be there for you. You know of my condition, of course."

"Autism," Twilight replied softly, eyes reflecting understanding. Yet she didn't seem fazed by my negative words in the least.

"Yes." I nodded, feeling ashamed for even bringing the subject up, "That means I'm not a fully functioning member of society. I will never be a socialist, nor will I get a job - Because quite frankly I'd rather die than devote my entire life to one tiresome position - And I will never be the perfect man - or stallion - in your life."

"You already are." Was her immediately firm response. What? "I like you for who you are; a compassionate man who cares deeply for his friends, and will do anything for them. You just need to work on your self-esteem and self-confidence a little."

"Look who's talking," I muttered in amusement, but her words were having the intended effect. I was feeling more and more better.

As though ignoring that, the Princess continued, "This can be considered a new type of friendship; one only we can explore, together. We can be there and support each other for however long we're together," Her eyes sparkled angelically, "You're my warrior, Jack, and I wouldn't have you any other way."

"Just as you are my Princess, Twilight." Oh how I wanted to kiss her, right here and now. "I'll support you however I can."

"As I will for you." The mare nodded, beaming at my vow while she made her own, "So then... You have no objection to this relationship continuing, for however long you're in Equestria?"

"Not at all." I confirmed, smirking slightly, while my insides were exploding in fireworks, "Though you have your studies and friends to focus on as well, I'm very patient."

Those purple orbs glinted warmly, "I'm glad." Followed by a warm embrace, which I accepted eagerly. How I love these hugs between us. Yet, straight after, Twilight suddenly let go and pushed back with an eager grin on her muzzle, "Now that we've got that out of the way, it's time to show you my list."


Her purple horn glowing, a short notepad appeared beside her, flipping through pages as she spoke, "Now I've written down whatever free time I have from my studies and friends so we can spend some quality time together. I have half an hour of free time this Wednesday at three P.M to three-thirty P.M. Then an hour at one P.M to two P.M on Friday."

...Why am I not entirely surprised.

"And I suppose I could detract some time on Saturday and Sunday for us two and- Oh! And we can spend some of that time working on your diet." My diet? "I read that one crucial part of a relationship is helping your partner become a better person, and we can start by making you more physically healthy. That means you can stop drinking soda every morning and taking all the chocolate from the fridge. In addition, we should work into a morning routine, since we no longer have time for our sessions, where you can get up earlier than one or two in the afternoon."

Oh boy, what have I gotten myself into...?

"And as for our dates, well I've read about how typical romantic dates go, and we can start with something simple like a walk in the park or a picnic together. And then with a romantic evening at a restaurant. Any would be the perfect start to our wonderful relationship!"


The stunned alicorn stopped before she could speak again at the sudden contact, my hoof wrapping around her pony waist and pulling Twilight closer, myself smirking mischievously at her blushing state toward sour close proximity, "I know how we can start this official relationship."

At that, Twilight smiled shyly, her voice barely whispering, "This can work too..."

Solidified by a soft kiss, Twilight eagerly returning the gesture happily, a deep, passionate affection spread across our muzzles, intertwining to a harmonic symphony. Her hoofs pressing softly against my furry chest, my limb pulling her closer, gently, while my other hoof brushed her perfect hair. Time stilled as we had this wondrous moment, a moment I hadn't felt in an awfully long time, one which I welcomed back in open arms.

This was... Fantastic...

"Hey Twilight, Princess Celestia's waiting for your report- Oh!"

And of course, Spike shows up.

The kiss was softly broken up, Twilight giving me a loving look with a blissful smile on her beautiful muzzle, and I had the same expression on my own joyful face. Finally, we glanced at a stunned Spike, who was gazing at us with child-innocent disgust, "Eww, why don't you close the door next time?!"

"Because Spike, our affection is something the world needs to see." I responded teasingly, prompting Twilight to blush an impossibly bright red.

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