• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Forty-One: Roundin' up the Cattle Plot

"Woo-ee! Canterlot is jus' around the corner!" The enthusiastic and pumped-up Applejack pointed out, towards the kingdom gleaming in the distance. Yes, it won't be long now.

"You're clearly excited." I stated the obvious in amusement, glancing at the Earth Pony sitting beside me.

"Well why wouldn' I be? We'll be reachin' that rodeo very soon. I can't wait to enter and win all the contests!" The orange mare fisted the air in conclusion.

"Confident, aren't we?"

"Darn tootin'!" Applejack nodded, eyes focused on the window. "Everypony back in Ponyville is countin' on me. And I won't let any of 'em down."

Fair enough, considering just how much trust those ponies showed Applejack for her to emerge triumphant in the upcoming rodeo in Canterlot. The prize money would be used to repair the damages caused to the Town Hall created by, amusingly enough, our bubbly grey pegasus.

Ah Derpy...

"Ya sure ya don't mind watchin' the rodeo, Stardust? I mean, I know it's not your thing."

I waved dismissively. "Not to worry, it was either this or listening to Twilight and Spike gush over for an entire week over you entering the contest. To save my sanity, accompanying you along with cheering you on seemed a more promising option."

"And 'cause Twilight asked you to come with me."

"That too."

Yes, the purple mare, who desired to help me in my plight with returning home, asked that I accompany Applejack to the rodeo. Specter wanted me to interact more with my friends, so Twilight rationalized spending an entire week with Applejack in Canterlot seemed like a great opportunity, achieving that goal further. I was reluctant, obviously, at first, but somehow that damn mare managed to convince me, with some assistance from Spike.

This better be worth it, in the end. Probably, since events always seem to occur during my visits to Canterlot.

Hearing low mutters to my left ear, my eyes regarded the contemplative orange Earth Pony. "Thinking of strategies?"

"Hm?" Applejack glanced at me. "Ah. Jus' rememberin' what the rodeo will have, and how to win through 'em."

I can admire that dedication, and planning beforehand.

"You think I'll do good?" The orange mare then asked.

Good? Do you even remember who you are, my dear?

"I think you'll do more than good, Applejack." I met her curious green eyes, my words completely sincere. "You'll be amazing."

Stereotypes. Stereotypes everywhere.

"Welp, here we are!"

Indeed, my eager friend, though I wished I shared the same enthusiasm. My eyes glanced at our surroundings, as we entered the stadium where the contests will be held. Western ponies of all cliche forms were gathered around the place, the majority setting up the place while some were conversing with one another. Haystacks, obstacle courses, spots of mud and a herd of bulls pent up. Everything needed for, as I am led to believe, a good old fashioned rodeo.

Applejack inhaled loudly. "Ahh. Ya smell that? That is the scent of a good ol' fashioned genuine rodeo. I can't wait!"

...I'll refrain from sniffing the area, thank you Applejack-


A familiar male voice caught our attention, looking behind us towards a white stallion, walking our direction, accompanied by the golden clad guards of Canterlot.

The unexpected presence caused me to blink. "Armor." I nodded in greeting.

The brother of Twilight nodded in turn, seeming pleased to see me. "This is a pleasant surprise." Is it though? "I never expected to encounter you at a rodeo competition."

"The feeling is mutual." I smiled slightly. "How are you my friend?"

"Well, thank you. I was tasked by Princess Celestia to lead a patrol around the rodeo for the week." Glancing at Applejack, Armor gestured politely. "A friend of yours, Stardust?"

"Ah yes. Armor I would like you to meet Applejack, residential cowgirl and farmer of Sweet Apple Acres in Ponyville. Applejack, this is Captain Shining Armor, of the royal guards of Canterlot." I introduced the pair, who immediately shook hoofs in a friendly matter.

"Ah so you're Applejack. Stardust has told me a lot about you and your friends."

The orange Earth Pony beamed. "Well shucks. Any friend of Stardust's is a good friend of mine." Releasing their hoofs, Applejack turned to me and inclined her head further into the stadium. "I'm gonna go sign up for the rodeo. I'll leave you two to catch up."

I nodded as the Earth Pony quickly departed, clearly enthusiastic to enter and succeed through the contest. Armor then spoke up in slight amusement, "She seems like a nice friend."

"Honest, as well. Bluntly, I might add."

"Ah, am I to assume then our friend over there represents the Element of Honesty?"

I smirked. "Bingo." Before turning back to the soon-to-be Prince.

He nodded, looking behind at the intense-looking guards, his tone shifting to authoritative. "All right, you all know your positions. Begin the patrol immediately, and report back to me by the end of the end."

"Yes sir." The obedient pegasi said in unison.

"Dismissed." Armor observed his guards immediately beginning their patrols, and once they were without earshot the white unicorn returned his attention to me. "Ever since the attempted kidnapping of my fiancee, Princess Celestia ordered patrols to be doubled everywhere around the kingdom."

Ah, wouldn't blame her... Not that I would praise the alicorn for being smart.

Instead my words inquired about the other monarch. "How is Cadence?"

That brought a small smile to the stallion's muzzle. "She's well, not even that attack by the Changelings convinced her to postpone the wedding, thankfully I might add." Then, Armor glanced around the place, looking quite suspicious while doing so. Lowering his voice, he continued, "Though it's clear to us, now, that there may be Changelings hiding amongst us in the kingdom. Hence the reinforced security."

"Have any been caught yet?" I questioned evenly, glancing around with him. Who knows, there could be one of those minions partaking in the rodeo... though that would be stupid because there'd be no reason for it.

Armor shook his head, "Wherever they are, they'd adamant in keeping hidden among the populace. It's most likely we'd have to arrest the entirety of Canterlot in order to weed them out."

"And we wouldn't want that."

"No, we wouldn't." Armor raised his voice again, meeting my gaze with softened blue eyes. "And thank you, again, for helping Cadence back then."

"She probably would've fought them off without my help." I saw her in action, that pink alicorn can kick arse.

"Regardless, you've helped her fend off a group of Changelings, preventing them further from proceeding with their plan. For that, I am grateful." His short bow incited me to rub the back of his head. Jesus were these ponies humble, especially Armor and Twilight. Guess it runs in the family. "Will you be staying for the week?"

I nodded, glad the subject changed. "Indeed, Twilight requested I accompany Applejack for the rodeo."

The white unicorn nodded as well, looking over the place thoroughly. "Well, you can tell me more about how my sister's doing and what she's been up to at Ponyville during your stay here."


The orange mare apparently didn't hear my call, but my rushed steps seemed to have alerted her to my presence, having followed her after the stadium shortly after the conclusion to the week-long rodeo. Excusing herself from a pony who looks like a dressed western Lady Gaga, Applejack smiled weakly. "Oh, hey Stardust. Thought you'd left by now."

What on Earth gave her that assumption?

The sincere words incited me to frown. "You think I'd leave without you?" The rodeo had concluded a few minutes ago. And while dull and boring, I at least managed to tolerate through it for the whole week. The majority of that time was spent either strolling around, chatting with an on-duty Shining Armor, or sneering at the stereotypical of my surroundings.

"I dunno." Applejack shrugged half-heatedly, "Considerin' I haven't won anythin'... at all."

There was clear disappointment in her tone. "And...?"

The Earth Pony scowled. "'And?' I lost, Stardust; I only came in fourth, third and second places! Look!" Setting the bag attached to her side down, she opened it, revealing the multiple coloured ribbons. "All different, accept for blue... I'm a failure."

...Hm, well, blue was the best colour. But I'm getting off-track here.

"A failure, you?" I couldn't resist scoffing. "I think you have high expectations of yourself, my dear." Applejack blinked in confusion. "Just because you didn't win first place during any part of the rodeo, doesn't make you a failure at all. First's the worst, second's the best, Applejack."

Though I was admittedly surprised by the fact Applejack didn't win first place throughout the whole event. Even so, I cheered her on, I sent her reassuring smiles whenever the mare glanced uncertainly at me, and now I was going to boost her morale right here and now. I would never hear the end of it otherwise should the others learn.

"I let Ponyville down." Applejack said dejectedly, green eyes glaring at the dirt beneath us. "I let our friends down, the mayor and even poor Apple Bloom. Should I even go back?"

"Yes." There was no hesitation on my part. I understood now; she had high expectations of herself, and without a single win in first place, Applejack felt like a failure. I know what it's like to possibly ruin other's expectations of yourself.

The quick answer caused her to look up. "What?"

"Of course you should return. If there's anything I know about our friends while being stuck on this damn world-" My eyes glanced around for any eavesdroppers, "- It is that you winning in second, third and fourth places rather than first will be irrelevant to them; they'll just be happy you entered and did your best."

The orange Earth Pony was clearly skeptical, but even I can see the glint of hope in her large green orbs. "Ya think...?"

"I know." I reassured Applejack, going so far as to step forward and place a comforting hoof on her. "It's not the success that matters, Applejack, it's the effort. I'm more than certain Apple Bloom will be pleased you won near first place during all those tasks, and proud to have such an amazing sister like you."

The mare slowly nodded, looking thoughtful. "And the mayor? Would she forgive that I didn't win the prize money to fix the Town Hall?"

"Oh indeed. Your species are, after all, awfully forgiving." Applejack threw me a mock-offended glare, inciting my smirk. "No one will hold it against you, my dear. They'll think you did amazing. I know I did."

"So you're sayin'... as long as I tried, that's all that really matters?" I nodded. Now she gets it! The orange Earth Pony looked up contemplatively for a long moment, before finally nodding in acceptance, grinning slightly. "Alrigh', I believe ya Stardust. But when we go back to Ponyville, and one pony gets mad at me for not winnin', I'm leavin' that town for good."

"If your- our friends don't stop you first." I smirked while she shrugged. Inwardly I was pleased that I managed to convince Applejack. "Now, why don't we head to the station, or if you want we could talk with some of your stereotypical friends... Applejack?"

The positive mood seemed to diminished by the expression on Applejack's face. It was intense, regarding the ground again for some reason- Hang on, was it me or was the dirt beneath us vibrating a little-?

"Look out!"

Pulled by the back of my neck, Applejack shoved both herself and I out of the way of whatever was going to trample over us. Quickly wiping the dirt from my face, there were multiple sounds of enraged animals from behind her, inciting us to roll around. A herd of bulls, stampeding past shocked and frightened ponies as they left the stadium in a rampage.

And me and Applejack were almost stomped to death by them.


"You alright?" I immediately asked the mare, whose gaze seemed focused not on the stampede, but the trail made by them. Following her gaze- Oh.

Oh dear...

The bag she removed earlier, and the ribbons she won... or what's left of them. The sight caused me to wince; those prized items crushed to the ground by the rampaging bulls. I know what it's like to lose something after you've won it.

"Applejack, I'm sorry- Applejack!"

The determined upset Earth Pony was already on the move, on her hooves and quickly speeding to a nearby barrel. I watched in bafflement as the mare pulled out a long rope... and began pursuing the herd which was heading towards the oblivious kingdom.

Oh no, she wasn't...



I was halted from chasing after the departing mare, a certain white stallion rushing towards me. "Not now Armor." I snapped irritably, my gaze focused on the orange Earth Pony. "My friend is about to do something reckless."

Calming a stampede of cows was one thing. But this? Applejack was throwing herself into deep [BEEP]. I had to go help her.

"Wait!" A white hoof firmly pushed my chest, inciting me to glare at the stern unicorn. Armor shook his head. "I've already sent some of my guards to pursue and quell the stampede. With luck they'll accomplish their task in time before they reach the town."

"Doesn't mean I'm going to sit here and-... Oh."

"What is it?" Armor frowned, following my gaze to the stomping bull, the only one outside of the herd. It must have fell asleep during the thing or something. But what seemed more significant was the fact it was glaring with rage in our direction.

I noticed Armor tense in preparation, and I stood beside him. "You wanna take this one or should I?" I questioned quietly.

"You know how to deal with an angered bull?" Armor inquired evenly.

"No. Would raw strength be appropriate?"

"Tell me you're not thinking of facing it head-on."

"...Okay I won't-"

Quickly assuming battle stances, both Armor and I waited as the large black bull roared in clear anger, horns lowered in preparation against us. Oh boy, this was not what I was expecting to deal with during my stay in Canterlot this time around.

Why does this always happen...?

Clenching my front right hoof, the beast charged. Alright, if I timed this correctly, I could deliver a swift uppercut against the bull's chin. Or grab the horns and hurl the beast over us. Or pusch both Armor and I out of its rampaging path-

Or Armor could just halt the beast altogether.

His white horn lighting up in dark blue, Armor utilized his magic without hesitation. Blue aura was glowing all over the angered animal, halting it entirely, to its outrage and dismay. Clearly struggling, the beast, it was quickly picked up via magic and slowly sent towards a group of waiting western stallions and mares, all who were prepared to subdue the bull with ropes. They quickly went to work, throwing one end each over the back of the floating enraged bull, another pony grabbing the end before the process was repeated.

And all I did was watch.

After tying up the beast, the expert stereotypes immediately resolved to quelling the beast's anger. Having ceased halting the beast with magic, Armor looked at me with slight amusement. "You look disappointed."

I shrugged. "Quite the contrary, I'm impressed. You're Twilight's brother, all right." Armor shrugged in turn, that modesty displayed that obviously ran through the family. But yes, I was rather amazed by what I just witnessed. Armor took care of the large mother-[BEEP] without breaking a sweat. Gesturing to the calming animal, I questioned. "Still, what exactly happened? How did that stampede start?"

"Somepony obviously startled and angered the herd, and was probably the same one who unlocked the gate for them." Armor frowned thoughtfully, looking around. Surrounding us were many ponies who were helping one another get up, and begin fixing the mess left behind by the herd.

I nodded at Armor's assumption. It could've been an accident, but something told me otherwise. Gut feeling? Gut feeling. Looking around carefully, my eyes narrowed at the crowd of guards and western ponies, seeking any even looking the slightest suspicious-

My own hoof pointed before I could stop myself. "Him."

"What?" Armor looked in the same direction, towards a surprised Earth Pony. "Are you sure?"

"Yes." For some reason, something within me immediately knew that pony was the one responsible.

Seeing us glare at him, the jig was already up. The stallion snarled at us before quickly turning to run. "After him!" The golden-armoured pegasi followed their boss' order, chasing after the Earth Pony who was then covered in green fire. "Changeling!"

"No [BEEP]." I gritted my teeth as the creature already made himself scarce, retreating into the nearby forest while the guards followed him via flight.

"He won't get away." Armor said determinedly. "The guards and I know this forest inside and out." If you say so. Feeling blue eyes on me, I met his curious gaze. "How did you know?"

"...I have no idea." I answered honestly. How DID I know? How did I immediately point out a pony who wasn't acting suspicious in the least?

"...Well, whatever the case, we should've seen that coming." Armor continued, while I regarded the ground with thought. "It certainly explains the stampede. And if I were to wager a guess, I'd say our friend over there-" Evidently referring to the calmed bull, "- Was magically-induced to attack us specifically."

"A motivation for revenge, perhaps."

"We could only speculate." Armor said, sounding somber. "First Cadence, now this. Just what is that Queen of theirs planning?"

Before I could open my muzzle to answer, a loud thrilled sound cut me off, inciting us to look behind.


"What...?" I heard Armor ask in bemused disbelief, and I couldn't repress the laughter at the sight before us.

"Hahahaha! Of course! Why did I even bother doubting her?"

Applejack, riding the front of the herd, leading the cattle back to the stadium. Carefully guiding the herd through the crowd without trampling on anyone, the Earth Pony made sure to wink at the pair of us whilst passing by. The bull she rode upon was clearly subdued, indicated by the rope held by the determined mare.

"The Mistress of Honestly, my friend." I said in amusement, gesturing to the Earth Pony leading the cattle back into the stadium.

Armor shook his head, a small smile lifting on his white features. "I see my dear sister chooses the most interesting of friends."

By the end of the whole disaster, there was good news and bad news.

Bad news. The Changeling managed to escape its pursuers, hiding somewhere within the Canterlot forest. A relentless Armor, however, ordered his guards to check throughout everywhere of the woods until nightfall. But I had the feeling the minion already made it through the area and returned to his mistress, reporting his obvious failure.

The good news. No one got hurt from the stampede. Surprisingly enough, there were absolutely no casualties, save from the damage done in the stadium and outside the kingdom. Applejack's rewarded ribbons were replaced by fresh un-trodden ones, and she was praised by impressed stereotypical western ponies from all different lands.

And as icing on the cake, earned Shining Armor's seal of approval.

While we were on the station, the train behind us preparing to depart for Ponyville, Armor was shaking hoofs again with a beaming Applejack. "Again, Canterlot thanks you, Applejack."

"Aw shucks." How cute, the mare was acting bashful. I rolled my eyes in good nature at the exchange. "I just did what needed to be done, Captain Armor, that's all."

The judges of the rodeo, after witnessing what Applejack did to save the day, offered the mare some blue ribbons. Obviously, the humble mare declined, believing she did nothing to earn them. And the other ribbons she had were rewards enough.

"You should consider applying for being a guard of the royal kingdom." Armor said jokingly. "But I trust you have friends waiting for you back in Ponyville, correct?"

"Right." Applejack nodded, glancing at my patient stance briefly. "I wouldn't want them to worry." I smiled. Thank God that whole catastrophe didn't dissuade the mare from coming back. "It was nice meetin' ya, Captain Armor."

"Please, call me Shining; any friend of Twilight and Stardusts is a friend of mine."

"Oh, ya know Twilight?"

The sincere question had the white stallion pause for a moment, eyes rolling towards me for a moment. "Yes, I happen to be close to her. Has she never mentioned me?"

Applejack shrugged. "Not really. Why, was she suppose to?"

The unicorn then shook his head, smiling slightly at the curious Earth Pony. "In her own time. Again, thank you for assisting us today. I'm sure your friends will love to hear of your heroics today, Applejack." The Earth Pony looked away, clearly flattered. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I must speak with our friend over here for a moment."

Oh boy.

As Applejack nodded and proceeded to board the train, the stallion wasted no time in steering me away from the hearing crowd. At a distance where none could hear us, Armor raised an invisible brow. "You didn't tell them." ...Not sure if that's accusation in his tone.

"I didn't." I nodded in confirmation.

"May I ask why?"

"...Keep forgetting to." Was my honest answer. I'm not perfect; sue me.

"So Twilight is unaware of us two being good friends?"

"...It'll be a surprise for her I'm sure." I shrugged sheepishly.

"Indeed." Armor shook his head in exasperation. "So she's absolutely oblivious about you knowing both Cadence and I?"

"Pretty much."

"I see." The stallion stared, regarding me thoughtfully, and I forced myself not to look intimidated by the judging look. "You wouldn't mind not telling her anything still, would you?"


Armor smiled at my expressed confusion. "I want to surprise my little sis about the wedding." Ahh. "Speaking of which, that is another subject I wish to speak with you about before you and Applejack leave."

"It'll have to be quick, the train will go any minute." I pointed out, as a whistle was blown on cue.

"Of course." The stallion cleared his throat. "It wouldn't be fair of us to leave you out of the most happiest event of our lives. We'd be honoured if you would attend the wedding."

...Suddenly I felt a lump in my throat.

Rubbing the back of my neck subconsciously, I replied uncertainly, "I'm- I'm not sure, Armor. Big events aren't something I'm comfortable around, plus I have no idea exactly how pony weddings work-"

"At least think about it." Armor was insistent, gesturing forward and I followed back to the waiting Applejack. "You've saved my life once and my sister's numerous times, and you prevented my fiancee's kidnapping. It would be impolite of us not to invite such a good friend. In addition, you'd make a comforting presence in case the Changelings do intend on disrupting our wedding."

I... honestly don't know how to react to this offer right now. It was an honour, certainly, to be invited to a monarch's wedding. And my presence there could potentially derail that villainous Queen's plan completely. I seem to be on a roll with that already.

"...Alright, I'll think about it." Was my answer for now.

I suppose it wouldn't do much harm to attend, unless I planned on stopping Queen Chrysa-something. And besides, Twilight's reaction of not only her older sibling marrying her previous babysitter, but also her alien friend knowing them to the point of being good friends, would be something I'd pay to see.

Armor nodded, as though having expected that decision.

"What took ya?" Applejack inquired jokingly by the doorway to the train compartment.

"Never you mind." I retorted evenly, nodding in farewell to the stallion while shaking firm hoofs with him. "Until next time, my friend."

"And you, my friend. Hopefully unlike the previous times you've visited, there will be no trouble next time." I waved the humoured stallion off, walking into the vibrating compartment as another whistle blew.

"'Previous times you've visited'?" Applejack inquired while following me insider, after finished waving to the male unicorn.

"Stories for another time, my dear." I shrugged, regarding with mare as we headed to our seats. "I'd much rather know about some of those stunts you pulled during that rodeo, and how you managed to guide an entire herd of bulls like that."

Oblivious to the fact I intentionally changed the subject, Applejack nodded, eager to share her story as we sat down. "Oh, well that there wasn' too difficult. All I did was-"

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