• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Ninety: The Princess and her Warrior

"You really think she'll like it?"

"Twilight? She'll absolutely love it!" Spike replied cheerfully, smiling brightly as we headed towards the lit boutique, illuminating the closing night. The sun barely peaked over the far-off hills, darkness making its claim. And Luna was kind enough to have the stars already sparkle beautifully tonight.

At Spike's enthusiasm, I grinned in gratified relief. "You don't know how happy that makes me, Spike." Before gazing at the close building, where the occupants within awaited us, the apprehension still clear in my tone, "Hopefully I won't be too much of a fail tonight."

"Nah, it'll be fine." Spike winked, moving forward to open the front door for us. "A nice night at the Ponyville restaurant, spending some quality time together without any problems arising whatsoever. The worse that can happen is you losing your temper at the waiter or Twilight forgetting her cue cards for the date."

The very image prompted my chuckle. "Thanks Spike..."

Although, clearly, that did nothing to damper my nervous disposition significantly. This was a moment long coming, very different than the time Twilight and I spent an entire day together at Winsome Falls. No, this time, it was your classic formal dinner date at a fancy restaurant, generously booked for us by a certain Rarity.

Who, meanwhile, was working on Twilight's own dress inside the boutique.

Swallowing more anxiety, I attempted to steel my expression whilst following Spike inside, the dragon announcing to the four mares who welcomed us. "Presenting the stallion of the hour! Ladies."

An impressed whistle was the first response. "Golly. Ya clean up nice Stardust." Applejack complimented with a smile, to which I returned. I suppose the cleaned tuxedo wear, gelled down mane and trimmed beard was impressive to behold. Whooves had to help me put the outfit on.

"Very fitting." Fluttershy pitched in quietly, her content expression more softer than the others.

"You're gonna knock Twilight off her hooves Star!" Rainbow praised exaggeratedly, but even I couldn't help but grin at the positivism. If Rainbow was impressed, then you know you're doing a good job.

Or horrible job.

Sombra, please try to refrain from making any unwelcome comments tonight. I'd rather enjoy myself.

"And also!" Gah! God dammit Pinkie! The Earth Pony was right up in my face, bouncing up and down in that energetic personality I've grown use to more than I should have. "You and Twilight are gonna have a really really really fun time! You'll have scrummy fancy food, and then dance, and ooh, maybe have some dessert!"

"Maybe, Pinkie," I humoured the mare, nodding in thanks to Applejack who pulled the overexcited Pinkie away.

"Yes, he does look rather dashing, does he not?" The flatterer that was Rarity appeared from behind the boutique's stage curtains, looking quite pleased with herself, "As expected of a stallion who has received the honour to take a pony of high status to dinner. I have done everything in my power to make both your attires suitable, appealing and the center of attention for all to witness in the glory of two star-crossed lovers!"

"We're not trying to gain attention tonight Rarity, we only intend in enjoying ourselves in each others company." A more than familiar voice spoke up, and our attention turned to the mare walking through the velvet curtains-

Oh... My...


Time froze in place. Literally. There was little I could do to stop it. Everything around me instantly stopped upon the sight of the angel which approached me. A light blue dress, similar to her wear during the gala, except more styled for a fancy dinner attendance than royal ball. The edges of the long dress coated in sparkling gold, glittering off the alicorn perfectly. Tail covered with pins of stars, and mane reorganized to resemble that of a calm waterfall, falling down her right side whereas the left looked more like a stream, the rest curled up in the buns like the style she wore at Shining and Cadence's wedding. Purple sparkling eyes and a small expectant smile met my stunned speechless state.

In short, Twilight Sparkle looked like a Goddess.

"Heheh, cough it up." From the corner of my eye, a disgruntled Applejack handed a satisfied Rainbow a handful of bits. But that was irrelevant for the moment, because before me was something far too impossible for me to be in a relationship with. And that's saying a lot.

Twilight, obviously embarrassed by the staring, briefly glanced away. "So... You like it?"

Like it? "A bit of an understatement..." And from far off, Rarity looked soundly smug.

Have some dignity, boy.

Oh, right.

Shaking out of my stupor, a wide stupid grin was placed on my muzzle. "I don't think... There's anything I could say to accurately describe your beauty, love..."

"That's okay..." Twilight replied rather nervously, looking back with a pleased, flattered and blissful look. "Just that you like it is enough for me. You look very handsome yourself."

"I'm a broken stone compared to an angelic statue."

Twilight blinked, while Rainbow snorted, hovering with a snarky grin. "Very poetic."

For once, I'm inclined to concur with the egotistical pegasus.

"Well... Shall we get going?"

Oh! "Right right, yes, of course." Now I can stop gawking at her like a [BEEP]ing idiot, instead swerving around and offering a limb, which Twilight merrily accepted.

The gorgeous alicorn grinned, calling over her shoulder as we headed towards the door, "Thanks for the help girls. We'll see you later."

"Do tell us everything afterwards!" Rarity replied cheerfully.

"Now y'all have fun!" Applejack added teasingly.

"Don't forget, bring her home by eleven!" Jesus Christ Rainbow...

"And remember, the food is always the best part of a romantic meal!" Uh, thanks Pinkie. Solid advice right there.

"Good luck bro!"

"Hah! Thanks Spike!"

And, as we departed, the anxiety rose in volumes in ways that would put Fluttershy to shame. Or Twilight on a test day. Speaking of the mare, even in the dark I could see she was just as nervous as I was.

I only hoped I wouldn't disappoint her too much tonight.

You're a nervous wreck.

No, really? What gave it away? Upon arriving to the fancy location, a waiter calmly welcomed us at reception, checking for our booked entries and escorting us towards our two-seated table, surrounded by many other posh-dressed ponies who appeared more calmer and stoic than either of us. At a moment of quick thinking, I had pulled out Twilight's chair instead of the waiter for her, pushing the mare towards the table while feeling less nervous and more confident for doing so, taking my seat from across from the smiling beautiful mare.

Your lack of mannerisms and calm exterior reveal how little you truly know in the regal world.

No kidding?

A royal must express confident, certainty and resolve. A moment's hesitation provides nothing but weakness in front of those who are suppose to bow to your whim. Focus not on the probability of embarrassing yourself to the mare you cherish, but on your own determination.

Easier said than done...

Focus, child. You must prove yourself worthy of a Princess.

...Was that... Solid advice, Sombra? From you of all ponies?

"What would you like to drink?"

Oh right, the waiter.

"Oh, one apple cider if you would." Twilight requested politely, before both her and the fancy-looking unicorn regarded me expectantly.

Dammit, I knew I should've looked up the kind of drink they'd serve here beforehand! "Uh... Same." Smooth. The waiter nodded, seemingly unfazed but most likely judging me inwardly, departing from the table to get the orders.

From within my mind, a more wiser, reassuring voice spoke to me instead of the tyrant, Sombra is correct, Jack. You need not be so apprehensive, Princess Twilight will not judge you for being understandably nervous over this evening together. In fact, I'd dare suggest she appears just as anxious over how this dinner goes as you are.

From the look on the mare's face, glancing down at the surface of the clothed table repeatedly, I'd have to concur. But even so, I couldn't resist staring at how exactly gorgeous the alicorn looked tonight. Rarity certainly did wonders. I thought Twilight was beautiful enough on her own, but this world continues to surprise me every time.

"So..." Twilight began awkwardly, desiring to rid the rather tense atmosphere while purple attractive eyes looked in every direction, seemingly trying to look straight at me. The walk here was bad enough by the constant pauses of silence, our initial nervousness overtaking our composure.


"W-What?" Twilight asked with a hint of curiosity, hearing my contemplative humoured noise.

With a small grin, I leaned back against my cushioned seat, admitting sincerely, "I never thought I'd be in this scenario; sitting across a pony on a romantic dinner, willingly I might add."

Past me would've been so disgusted.

And rightfully so. Your species would condemn such romantic involvements with a pony without hesitation. Your previous personality at least would agree with them, Sombra pointed out, sounding less hostile then and more matter-of-factly.

Twilight, though, sounded less repulsed by the idea, smiling behind her own hoof. "And you have no regrets doing so?"

"My only regret, Twilight," I said, "Was denying my feelings for you much earlier."

Twilight blushed shyly. "That's understandable... I imagine your own people wouldn't take our relationship with their own blessings."

"Yeah well, screw my people." Although this light-hearted conversation was making me feel a lot better now, less urging to throw up in my throat from anxiety than before.

Before Twilight spoke, the drinks arrived, magically placed onto our table. The alicorn nodded in thanks, whereas the waiter simply said in that posh tone, "Let us know when you are ready to order."

Then, after he left, Twilight continued while looking through the menu, "I honestly never thought this would happen anytime soon as well. When I began studying about friendship, romance was the last thing on my agenda."

"And you have no regrets, being in one?"

"My only regret," Twilight paraphrased my own statement, but with a sense of teasing, "Was not realizing my own special feelings for you sooner."

"Touche, love, touche..." That said, I opened my own menu, taking in the many available courses.

Which mostly consisted of flowers, plants and vegetables I didn't even like... Huh...

...What in Tartarus is a 'Daisy spaghetti...?'

I wish I knew...

I'd recommend the exotic 'Foin de l'amour,' personally.

Is that French for something...?

Also, with these two inner voice speaking up, it almost felt like two people were looking over my shoulder. I briefly glanced behind me compulsively. Nothing but frowning ponies who looked like they never had fun in their whole lives, minding their own business.

'Grass wheel with decorative vegetables?' 'Canterlot salad in battered cider?' 'Carrot cake?' This isn't food, this is asinine!

Someone's getting mad over a menu...

Hmm, the 'Magical sauce with a side of cucumbers and bread' sounds exquisite.

'A side of cucumbers?' The [BEEP]-?!

The menu almost fell completely from my hoofs at the sudden vulgar language, censored or not. Eyes wide and jaw slightly agape, I managed to regain composure. Thankfully, Twilight was too invested covering her face with her own menu to notice.

Sombra... I never knew...

Perhaps you should focus on the date, Jack. I'm certain Twilight would appreciate your concentration on her and the dinner.

Good point, cheers Specter. I set the menu down the exact same time Twilight did.

"I'll have the-"

"Maybe one of-"

We both blinked when talking over each other, regarding one another in surprise by smiling... Then laughing, because by God I should've seen that coming. Twilight giggled innocently, the sound a melody to my ears.

Then, glancing over to her glass, the alicorn picked up her drink, and raised in toast. I mirrored her movements quickly, and Twilight said happily with a trace of nervousness still, "To no regrets, then?"

"And to our extraordinary relationship as a whole." Our grins were evenly matched, proud and ecstatic. That said, we gulped down our drinks-


Jesus Christ!

"Guess I should've mentioned the cider they make here is a lot more bitter than at Sweet Apple Acres," Twilight said rather sheepishly, witnessing my reaction to tasting the awfully bitter drink.

"Maybe..." I grimaced, although my brief disgruntled mood barely lasted long due to Twilight's light laughter rising as seconds past, seemingly enjoying my disgust at the strong cider and ignoring the looks of annoyed patrons, prompting me to laugh rather loudly myself. Although my date didn't look too pleased with the taste of her own drink, but my reaction had overridden Twilight's own repulsion over it.

The tension evaporated naturally, the mood replaced pleasantly as we proceeded to talk casually like always, before and after waving the waiter over to order our food. And the smile on my face only grew in size over time.

So, that carrot cake... Turns out it had flowers in it...

But at least Twilight was greatly amused by my expressions towards eating the stuff. Y'know, whenever she stopped hiding behind her own food constantly, leaning down as though to look at something.

"So..." The mare started, trying once again to sound more casual, but failing miserably. When it comes to anxiousness, Twilight wouldn't exactly hold first place for most composure. "Enjoying your cake?"

After swallowing more daisies and whatever kind of grass they put in this food, I answered with a forced grin, "Clearly."

Twilight only nodded, looking down again. What on Earth was she looking at? Was there a bug before her seat? Raising my head up slightly, the look Twilight tried to hide behind her own hay burger was that of thoughtful and panic. My mind raced to uncover why my girlfriend was acting this way; it was the same look she had whenever there was a situation and Twilight was looking through a book to-



"Are you enjoying your meal too?"

"Huh? Oh!" Twilight snapped her head up, nodding rather wildly. "Yes, very much so, thanks! You can see how much effort they put in, and clearly it's worth that effort. This stuff tastes like it was made by real experts."

"Did the book on your lap tell you to say that?"

"Well actually, those are my genuine thoughts towards the great service they provide here-" Twilight's muzzle instantly shut, blinking upon realizing her mistake. Gotcha. I only smirked triumphantly as the mare began to grin sheepishly. "I-I don't believe I follow, Jack-"

I could only laugh, prompting the adorable mare's pink cheeks to brighten. After that, my muzzle curled into a reassuring smile. "Twilight, I'm just as nervous as you are. Believe me."

My date shrugged, hesitantly setting the open book down on the table while explaining, "I just didn't want to show exactly how inexperienced I am with this sort of thing. This dating book details everything one needs to have the perfect date-"

"Are you enjoying yourself?"

"Huh?" Twilight blinked at my question.

"Are you enjoying yourself here, with me, on this date?"

The mare rapidly nodded on response. "Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?"

Although that earnest and sincere answer caused my own organs to flip in joy and relief, I outwardly nodded in turn, smiling brightly at the brilliant Princess. "Then you clearly don't need that book to dictate how this dinner goes, so long as we're enjoying each other's company." Twilight shared my positive expression in turn, and I added happily, "And I certainly am having the time of my life here."

The reaction was expected, but I always felt rather smug, pleased with myself over Twilight blushing as red as a tomato. "Me too..." The beautiful alicorn admitted, regarding her food with a blissful expression.

"We're both new to a fancy dinner date, love. If anything, it's I who needs to impress the Princess," I commented in amusement.

Twilight shook her head, smiling regardless as those alluring violet eyes met mine once again. "I'm just Twilight around my friends... And special somepony."

"Either way it is the man who must prove himself worthy for the lady... Or stallion for the mare." Twilight expressed shy amusement at that. "On the plus side, at least this date is going far smoother than yesterday's attempt to get Rainbow to study for that Wonderbolts test."

At the mention of the incident, Twilight perked up in exasperated good nature. "It was trying, I will admit. But I'm proud of her for managing to find her own method for studying for the test. She'll make a fantastic Wonderbolt yet."

"I don't doubt it." My head cocked in agreement, taking another mouthful of the cake.

Then remembering what was in it as I made another face again.

What's better than having a dinner at a date?

Slow dancing right afterwards, of course! This restaurant was fancy enough to have its own dance floor for ponies to express their affection to their significant others through romantic dancing. And, after finishing our meals, I of course offered to the lady - Or mare - with an extended hoof a dance, to which Twilight eagerly expected.

"This is wonderful..." Twilight whispered in content, pony chin resting on my shoulder as we slowly drifted around the dance floor, circling the spot in our own bliss.

"You're telling me..." I replied evenly, prompting Twilight's low chuckle. Meanwhile, my insides were twisting in the positive way. My heart was racing unnaturally. My mind clouded by the scent of perfume this alicorn adorned. Whatever Rarity used on Twilight worked its magic. My own stupid smile just wouldn't leave.

Affection... Such sentimentality will be your downfall.

Please Sombra, not now...

He's right, Sombra; indulge our friend here while he enjoys himself before it lasts.

Before the King could provide a snarky comment, or Specter could clarify what he meant, Twilight shifted slightly as we danced, our bodies standing on hind legs, leaning against one another for support. The wonderful mare quietly teased, "You've certainly improved since our first dance, long ago..."

I remember. Our first 'date' on the hill for Valentine's Day, of whatever these ponies called it here. "That's because I had a great teacher to help me learn..."

Twilight played along. "Really? Would you recommend her?"

"No one else could compare to her educational methods. Her intelligence and resourcefulness are unparalleled."

I practically felt the heat of Twilight's embarrassed face on my clothed shoulder. "Are you sure you're not simply overestimating this mare's abilities?"

"Well... Sometimes her own modesty can get the better of her. But that's part of why she's the perfect pony."

For both Equestria and for you.

In answer, Twilight lifted her head up, leaning back to meet my gaze, but that didn't stop the slow dance. Although the mare almost tripped after what I just said, prompting my humoured look and tighter but gentle grip. Her eyes reflected embarrassment, flattery and loving... And I felt my own composure melt away at the adoring look.

What did I honestly do... To have such an amazing partner in my life?

"You deserve better..."

Twilight shook her head softly, this time resting her head onto my chest, speaking with content, "There is nopony better, than the stallion standing before me..." My own face buried slightly into her soft mane, hearing Twilight sigh happily. This was more than perfect... I couldn't find a name to describe this moment, but there was nothing right now other than this which made me more happy and at peace.

I look forward to seeing how this moment becomes ruined.

As if by magic, Sombra's unwelcome observation became fruitful, for there was a sound from far off behind the mare which prompted me to glance up-


By instinct, I ducked, bringing the surprised Twilight down with me as a piece of food flew over our heads, landing elsewhere. Jesus Christ, that was a close one! Hearing a curious noise, I looked down at the stunned Twilight, who was now blushing at the sudden position of a different dance move, limb wrapped around her waist in support. "Are you alright?"

Twilight slowly nodded, meeting my gaze in nervous surprise. "Yes. What was that about- Look out!"


Now it was Twilight who was holding me by the pony waist, as something else flew over us and Twilight in reaction positioned ourselves to dodge it. "That was close."

Things only escalated from there. We were suddenly undertaking a new type of dance.

Still grasping one another, ponies let out noises of complaints and shock as the numerous food and utensils which suddenly began flying around the place. We were too busy ducking, dodging, and supporting one another to glance at the ones responsible for the mess now spreading around the restaurant.

Sombra, are you behind this?

The fallen King sounded rather offended by the accusation, You dare claim me responsible for these actions? I am not so petty. Blame yourself and the Princess for failing to notice you were observed during the entire evening together.

We were being watched?! By who? Tirek-?!

The sound of something rattling drew our attention after a brief moment of breath, our gazes upwards at the dangling chandelier right above our heads, a piece of food roughly tapping into it. And prompting to begin descending down at a dangerous speed. Twilight produced a magical shield around us, though that didn't stop me from instinctively pulling her into my chest for protection.

The sound of the large object crashing rung in my ears, but not hearing or feeling anything from the impact, I slowly pulled back from Twilight while look around.

Huh... The chandelier's center was wide enough to circle around our spot. We were completely unscathed.

Not that I doubted Twilight's magic to protect us, of course...

"...Huh." Twilight muttered.

"Yep..." I said quietly, matching her uncertain expression myself, before meeting her gaze and the entire mess the restaurant was now in. At least the flying food and other things died down. What remained were disgruntled messy ponies, loudly whining about their ruined attire and meals.

To be fair, we weren't exactly clean now ourselves.

As the waiters hurried around the place likes flies, trying to resolve everything that happened, both Twilight and I expressed on our faces the exact same question: What the hell just happened? Just like that, the entire date turned a sudden one-hundred and eighty degrees; our outfits covered in food and sauce, manes messed up and everything seemingly ruined.

So imagine my surprise when Twilight suddenly cracked a smile. Hm? Then that smile slowly evolved into a grin, and before I knew it, the mare started quietly laughing, a limb covering her muzzle desperately to hide the hysteric giggling.


Yeah, it was kinda funny, thinking about it...

Even I began trying to hide my laughter, but my sleeve wasn't enough. Before I knew, my laughing state grew in volume, and Twilight followed suit. Patrons from left and right regarded us with clear annoyance, but we didn't care. Right now, this sudden scenario brought us both to hysterics, grinning at each other like maniacs. This was all so unexpected! And yet, it was funny!

Talk about a first dinner date!

"Somehow, there's always something that makes our dates unforgettable."

"Implying I would ever forget about all of our dates."

"That's because you have great memory."

Twilight glanced at me with a raised light-hearted brow, "I hope you don't intend on forgetting any of them yourself Jack."

"Not the important ones."

"Which are?"

"Every second I spend with you."

From the surface of the water before us, Twilight's reflection blushed, noticeable even in the darkness. "I'll keep that in mind whenever I ask you to recall a specific moment together."

The pair of us now stood by a large lake, the same one where we had that picnic with Maud Pie. The night sky was perfect for this, the calm silence and glittering of stars reflecting from the surface of the clear water a welcoming change after what happened at the restaurant.

Although I wasn't complaining too much. It gave me a reason, now that we were here for the remainder of our date, to do something I had planned to do for the end of this wonderful evening together.

"You had a good time then love?"

Twilight let out a small amused sound, "A bit of an understatement Jack. Aside from getting my dress and mane ruined, I had a truly amazing time with you..."

That was all I needed to hear.

"So did I... Then, there's one thing left to do."

"Hm?" Twilight turned to me, amethyst eyes reflecting innocent curiosity, and my heart almost stopped at the expression, my own hoof reaching into one of the suit's pockets, pulling out a particular small box which thankfully wasn't damaged by the mess earlier. Following the movement, Twilight blinked at the small box which typically held jewelry within. "Jack...?"

It was too late to back out now. "I never thought I'd reach such a point in my life, especially with a pony. But I'm glad I did. I'm not sure what I did to deserve you, and sometimes, I still feel as though I am entirely unworthy of you." The box was then held up, halting Twilight from interrupting. Instead, this incited her wide eyes to gaze at the small object, and I smiled lovingly. "And I hope this only proves my worth and affection for you all the more."

With little hesitation, Twilight took the offered box, this time with her hoofs instead of magic, regarding it in silent wonder. And, with a small smile, the alicorn carefully opened the object, revealing the sparkling item for her within. And, from one of the scenarios I expected of her reaction, a quiet gasp escaped her agape muzzle, and this time with magic, the necklace floated out of the box between us. "Is this... For me...?"

"No, it's for Spike," I said in quiet amusement, the necklace resembling a small silver book with a star embedded in the middle spinning slowly, as though Twilight was examining the object studiously. "It reminded me of you, so I thought... Twilight...?"

Were those threatening tears? God dammit, if I've known that-


Someday I need to anticipate these sudden embraces.

With a brief, yet tight hug, Twilight immediately drew back before I could respond, instead grinning with the brightest grin I've ever seen from her yet, and that alone was enough for me to be elated enough. She liked it! I knew it! With a silent question, Twilight nodded happily and turned around, allowing me to carefully wrap the necklace around her neck. The mare then held up the small silver glittering hoof in her open hoof with a wide smile, as though I had just handed her an invaluable treasure. It suited her quite well, complimented her even.


"You didn't have to..."

"For my special somepony, I'd give her the world." Hell, the universe if I could.

"I love it Jack..." Twilight confessed in quiet content, meeting my gaze once more, eyes expressing so many emotions, and most I could tell were positive. "But... How did you afford it...?"

Ah. "Well... Remember, Twilight, when we sold that cart I won from the Flim Flam Brothers ages ago, and I got half the money from it?"

A humoured brow. "You mean when you bet the library?"

At the recollection, my grin turned all the more sheepish. "I was hoping you'd forget-"

A small kiss to my muzzle cut me off, and I eagerly returned the affection which flooded my brain from the memory of those two scamming brothers into a fog. A kiss that was brief, but so many feelings were drawn together from it, weaving into a sea of affection and caring for one another. After a pause, it was followed by another kiss, this time much longer, drawn out, and I felt as in I were in heaven. Whether I realized it or not, Twilight Sparkle had unwittingly become the last piece to completing my life.

And I will always thank her for it.

Now, the two of us regarded each other with the same adoring expression, and I could lock onto those sparkling eyes for all eternity. I wish I could. But then, we turned upwards to the sky, watching the glittering stars above us in silent content, feeling Twilight leaning against me comfortably, and I responded in kind. Hell, I even felt my own tail brush against her own longer one. It wasn't a sensation I thought I'd grow use to, but I enjoyed it immensely. I enjoyed just about every single interaction with this angelic mare before me; this deity of all ponies. Beside gaining the bestest friends one could ever ask for, I was grateful to Specter for bringing me here, in Equestria. Who knew a fictional mare could make me feel this way? So happy, so free...

We'll save lecturing Rarity and Rainbow for spying on us and almost ruining our perfect date tomorrow.

From beside me, Twilight spoke softly, "I don't want you to go."

"...I know."

And, if I'm being honest with myself, a small part of me didn't want to either...

A small part of you... For once, Sombra sounded entirely solemn, Whatever you say, boy...

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