• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 18,900 Views, 1,952 Comments

A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Thirty: Background Greetings

Upon my arrival into the kitchen the following morning, Spike called out from his side of the table. "Good morning Stardust. Wow, your second day back here and you got up early. Weird." I threw the reptilian a tired smile, proceeding to grab a glass from the cupboard for my morning routine water.

Indeed, it was my second day back in Ponyville, more specifically the library. Both Twilight and Spike welcomed me back with open arms, stating things weren't just the same without my ever-criticizing presence. Speaking of the former, I nodded in greeting to the purple unicorn, who sent a light smile in turn upon glancing from Ponyville's newspaper and her own cup of coffee.

Ugh... not a fan of coffee.

Downing a quarter of the filled glass while joining the two, my throat no longer parched, I finally responded to Spike's statement, who was currently devouring a plate of waffles. "Guess I'm just happy to be back here, my friend."

And relieved when the rest of the Mane Six themselves didn't question me about what they obvious heard from Discord. He called me exactly what I was, yet they didn't comment on it at all yesterday.

I'll have to face the music soon.

"Happy? You? Since when?" The cheek.

I smirked at Spike's playful words. "Since I no longer have to deal with that infernal-" And upon noticing Twilight's side-look, I rephrased myself. Almost forgot about those rules she's established a while back. "I enjoy my time here in the library than the castle back in Canterlot."

The dragon grinned, his mouth covered in, I'm guessing, maple syrup. "That's great, we can hang out again! We were so happy you decided to stay with us again, right Twilight?"

Said studious mare nodded, eyes focused on the information of today's news. I chuckled. "So then, what're your plans for today?"

"For starters, Twilight's going to make a clean-sweep of the library, and I'm going to help by listing off if everything's there." The lizard leaned forward in a hushed tone, "Sounds boring, right?"

Fortunately for him, Twilight was still preoccupied with reading the paper. I replied evenly, "Well, at least our dear Twilight hasn't changed from being an organized neat freak."

"I can hear your conversation, you know." Spike paled and I smirked, as Twilight set the newspaper down with an unamused expression. "It doesn't hurt to check that everything's in a neat and tidy order, and that nothing's missing."

"Fair enough." She looked as though she wanted to say something else, though rather hesitantly. The unicorn's eyes were fixed on me, and I can pretty much speculate what was trying to escape her muzzle. With a soft smile, I said reassuringly, "If you're not ready to talk about it, I understand."

A conversation between the pony and I about what I truly was has yet to occur. I don't blame her; how does one even begin discussing the knowledge of your friend being an extraterrestrial life form? Honestly when Twilight woke up after the revelation, what else did she feel apart from shock? Betrayal? Fear? Curiosity?

Since it's Twilight, I imagine all three.

"I am ready to talk about it," The unicorn stated, rather confidently, though her eyes claimed otherwise. "It's just... where do I even begin...?"

I've thought long and hard about this upcoming conversation, since I retired to that temporary bedroom upstairs. What I was going to say, how I would pronounce my words, speculate the questions the mare would ask and how I would answer them.

But since it was morning, I wasn't fully awake yet to answer them.

With that said, after finishing the glass, I walked away from the table and turned on the basin. "Perhaps we should wait until you're done with your own tasks today," I suggested, feeling two pairs of eyes on me. "I have a few things to do myself, after all."

"Honey, look who decided to visit us!" Mrs Cupcake called to her husband, upon spotting my arrival into the bakery. The blue Earth Pony beamed at me, and suddenly I felt rather uncomfortable by the warmness this town had to offer. Guess being absent from Ponyville wore that warmness off me.

A yellow pony head popped out of the kitchen doorway, smiling just as happily as his mate. "Well I'll be. Stardust Balance, it's been a while hasn't it?"

I nodded, "Indeed. I thought I'd pop by for a visit, so don't worry about all the chocolate being eaten today."

The blue mare laughed heartily. "Thank Celestia for miracles then. But since you're here, how about a free sample of some fresh chocolate and strawberry cupcakes? Our treat."

"Oh no, I couldn't; there's no reason for it." I graciously declined, yet the yellow Earth Pony already exited the kitchen with a white box on his back, placing it on the counter. It wasn't that I disliked strawberry, which I did, but what could I have possibly done to warrant such free food? Do I look like I'm starving to them?

"I believe there is, apart from you being one of our favourite customers." Mr Carrot Cake replied enthusiastically, gesturing to the box where clear steam from emitting from the treats within. "We know you helped Pinkie Pie and her friends in defeating that villainous Discord. Think of it as a thank-you gift."

"You're too nice for your own-"

"- Good? Stardust, it's the least we can do." Carrot Cake grinned, slowly pushing the box towards me. "Pinkie is lucky to have such a brave and humble friend like you."

"I honestly wish I could say the same thing..." I muttered beyond their hearing, before reluctantly taking the warm box. "Alright, I accept your gift. Thank you; in return, I'll be sure to deliver a whole batch of brownies here as soon as possible."

"We look forwards to it; you have no idea how much we and our customers miss those delicious baked treats of yours." I smiled politely. God damn, I didn't even deserve this kind of generosity from this species.

As I bid them a farewell, with the box carefully place on my pony backside, I headed to my next destination.

After asking for directions, I've located the house I was seeking out, knocking before awaiting for the occupant inside to answer. If she wasn't there, well safe to say while this town was decently populated, it wasn't that big. I could find her with ease, if she and her energetic friend hadn't left the town for a trip.

It was said energetic friend who answered the door, orange eyes widened in surprise and glee at the visitor. "Stardust!"

Wincing a little at the exclamation, I nodded politely. "Hello Lyra-"

"Hey, Bon Bon! Stardust is here! He's back in Ponyville!" Ah, may as well not get offended for being interrupted. Still, the lime unicorn before me was getting rather over-enthusiastic over my return.

It wasn't that big a deal.

The cream Earth Pony appeared beside her friend, more composed yet smiling pleasantly. "Why, hello Stardust! You've come back."

"Thank you for stating the obvious." I responded jokingly.

"Would you like to come in? I'm sure we have some soda-"

"No, no. I'm just stopping by." As much as the mention of that particular fizzy sustenance was tempting enough. Carefully taking the small warm box off me, I opened it to reveal the delicious-looking food inside. "Just visiting my friends. Cupcakes?"

Lyra licked her lips at the sight of the baked goods, while Bon Bon rolled her eyes in good nature to her friend's antics. "How kind of you to offer- wait... did-did you just call us 'friends'?"

"...Yes?" I asked while raising a hairless brow.

Lyra picked two of the treats out, one for her friend and herself, the female Earth Pony stared agape at me for a moment. What was her problem? Then Bon Bon beamed, as though the revelation was pleasing to her. "That is splendid news then, if you've finally accepted us as friends."


"Well it seemed to pointless to even pretend otherwise any longer." I shrugged casually.

I'm rather surprised by how easily I've come to terms with it. But it wasn't as though I've never had friends before in my life.


I winced again at the loud noise, as the grey pegasus grinned happily at me. Those yellow eyes that looked in different directions from apart. Oh how I missed them.

Not sure about Derpy's constant quirkiness though.

"Hello my dear." I approached the counter where the pegasus was behind, placing the box down. "Thought I'd visit. Never knew you were a mail... mare?"

"Uh huh." She nodded in confirmation. Huh, mailmare... funny. Glad to see Derpy was as bubbly as her cutie mark as ever. Then she sniffed the air, glancing at the box in question. "Are those...?"

"Cupcakes, not muffins." I clarified in amusement, to the mare's dismay. "Sorry Derpy."

"It's fine. Wish they were muffins though." The pegasus shrugged lightly, still looking disappointed. But she smiled regardless. "Are you here to have them delivered somewhere or...?"

I shook my head. "No as I said, I'm just here to visit."

"Well I'm glad to see you again- oh hey, Whooves, look who's here!" I turned around at that, spotting the brown Earth Pony stallion entering the building, whose blue eyes blinked at me in surprise.

"Stardust Balance?"

"Greetings Doctor."

"I thought I told you to stop calling me that." He muttered in the British accent, yet seemed pleasantly happy as he walked towards the counter. "Though I am rather satisfied to see you again, my friend. Your absence from Ponyville was noted a while back, and our concerns was shushed by Miss Twilight Sparkle by explaining you were temporarily staying in Canterlot. Did you enjoy your stay there?"

"Meh, it was a decent experience." Celestia aside. Luna, Velvet, Light, Armor and Cadence were pleasant ponies to talk to. "But I'm back now, and it looks like I'll be staying for a long time."

A very long time it seems...

Whooves, obviously not noticing the wave of disappointment behind the tone, only smiled more. "I see. Well I'm glad you're in Ponyville again. And I'm certain our dear Derpy here is too."

Said grey pegasus nodded enthusiastically. "Uh huh!"

All these positive welcomings...

I shook my head lightly, sliding the box of fresh treats towards the curious stallion. "Cupcake, Doctor?"

"Nice to see the decor hasn't changed."

"Greetings to you too, Stardust." The unfazed zebra responded while walking by her cauldron. It's as if she knew I was coming, as there was no expressed reaction to my arrival. "It seems even after your absence, sarcasm continues to be a must."

I shrugged, setting the box down to one side. Indeed, the hut I had resided in for a few days after the whole hydra affair doesn't look as though it's been refurnished. "How have you been, Zecora?"

"Very pleasant, thank you my friend. I trust your trip was satisfying to the very end?"

"It wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be." I replied casually, pulling one of the treats out for the zebra, who took the offering gratefully by her teeth.

As always, I'm the only non-magic user who uses his hooves more than his mouth. I rolled my eyes behind Zecora's back.

"A kind offering. Would you care for some refreshments whilst standing?"

I shook my head. "No thank you, I'll only stopping by." This was my last visit to another's residence. "I'm glad to see you are in fine health along with everyone else, after the whole incident with Discord."

"Ah yes, a being of pure disharmony and mischief." Kinda like Jack Frost, thinking about it. Took me now to even realize this. "His defeat was a relief."

"To some." I replied quietly, thinking back to the events of yesterday. The spirit was beaten, but not in the way I had hoped. Imagine how different and better it would be if Discord was redeemed earlier than scheduled.

After departing from the tree hut when our conversation finished, I set off out of the damn forest, still not encountering a single threat. So far the only things I ever fought that inhabited this forest were the ursaminor, hydra and cockatree. Hah; maybe I'll use the entire area that is the Everfree Forest as a training grounds for my ridiculous super strength.

Anyway, I still had one more destination before returning to the library.

I should probably think of a name for this hill. Yes, the very same hill I have visited frequently since that party hosted for me so long ago. And here I was again, setting down upon it, observing the landscape before me without any worries.

How about the Star Hill? ...I'll work on it.

Still, this was one of the things I missed the most during my stay in Canterlot. This grassy terrain brought a sense of peace and calmness that usually helped me calm down, or if I ever required to be completely and utterly alone. Feeling the dry grass beneath, watching the land around me, the sun gleaming down displaying how peaceful the world currently was, it's as though nothing has changed.

Seeing everyone else has been a pleasant experience as well. I vaguely described what precisely occurred during my residence in Celestia's castle, even to Twilight and Spike. To be honest, after the alicorn's manipulation, I'd prefer to pretend the whole stay never happened. I suppose it was payback for winning that chess game.

Despite the fact that cheating monarch won the matches after that.

But that mare wasn't the only being on my mind, as a certain villain with a love for disharmony and mischief had me thinking as well.

Discord was aware of my world...

He revealed as much yesterday, but I still struggle to comprehend that. The implications sent shivers down my spine. What exactly did this mean? How much was he aware of? Was he referring to my world or the Equestria Girls world? All these questions and more will not be answered until the next season. Oh goodie...

"Hm, if I had accepted his offer, I probably would've regretted leaving them like that..." I muttered, rarely thinking out loud. True enough, Discord offered me what was too good to be true. If the creature was a multi-dimensional being, then that could mean many things not just for Equestria, but Earth as well.

Which displays how far you've come, my young friend.

The unexpected echoed aged voice instantly caused me to stand up, looking wildly around me before common sense took over. I know that voice, and it caused me to frown. "So, you finally speak again."


I did state I'd communicate with you again once you acknowledge the heroes of this world as friends.

"You're about a month late." I pointed out in annoyance. "I could've been home right now, had you not delayed."

The voice sounded unfazed by the accusation. Yet had I not forestalled, you wouldn't have faced Discord, and assisted Twilight Sparkle and your friends into stopping his villainous rampage.

"They would've won without me anyway." I've really been wanting to give this mysterious entity a piece of my mind. "Now, are you here to finally answer my questions, or are you going to keep playing that mystery trope of yours?"

You have completed your first task, and have been patient enough to await answers. Before we continue discussing your next objective, I am obligated to respond to a few of your inquiries. Select them carefully.

A few huh... I was hoping for everything to be answered.

Some is better than none, I suppose. "Alright, my first question: this super strength of mine. Where- no, more importantly, how does it function? I seem to only access it whenever others are in danger."

This was a question that has been nagging in my mind for a long time. And at last, I was getting an answer out of it. Hopefully it'll be a satisfying and sensible one; because I swear to God if the answer is something close to or exactly 'the magic of friendship'...

I believe you already know the answer to that yourself. What? Had you not realized back at the Grand Galloping Gala, when facing Prince Blueblood?

"...Concern for my friends?" I speculated warily.

Not quite. It has more so to do with your own philosophy, my young friend.

My own-

"Balance..." I breathed out, the implication hitting me like bricks. So I was correct!

Specter confirmed this. Indeed. It was balance itself that aided you that night, and against all the other creatures. The chaotic force that was your own anger, united with the harmony that was concern for those close to you. With the two forces of nature together, were you able to become equally as strong as the forces you fought.

"So... what you're saying is, by combining both a positive and negative emotion together, I can access this super strength granted by the power of balance?" I asked for clarification, yet before I let him answer, my own disbelief took over. "That's... nuts! It can't be that easy! You're saying by joining two feelings together, one that usually belong to either side separately of light and dark, allows me to become SuperPony."


"But that's stupid!" I exclaimed, now proceeding to pace around the hill. "Balance can't just grant me super strength, there has to be more to it than that! Besides, physical strength? How generic can you get?!"

There is more to it. The calm words grind me to a halt. While you are temporarily gifted with the means of combating your adversaries, it doesn't make you stronger than what you face. For instance, the ursaminor. Balance dictated that you fought it with equal prowess, than become much more powerful. Hence why any damage inflicted by yourself didn't worsen injuries to the infant beast.

At the word 'infant', I outwardly flinch. Way to remind me I fought a child bear...

Regardless, there is much more to balance than you realize, young one. Much that you will uncover during your stay in Equestria.

"Meaning... I can't go home yet."

There is still much to do. The voice confirmed to my dismay. You will discover that balance has more to offer you than mere physical capabilities, but you must find that out with the help of your friends. Which brings us to our second task.

"I'm listening... hesitantly-"


My head turned behind towards the view of the town, a panicking young dragon rushing up the hill. Spike? I had an urge to yell at the lizard that I was in the middle of something.

Ah, your friend calls you to it. And judging from the tone and expression, it seems important, no?

"Oh no, I am not forestalling this conversation-!"

"Who are you talking to?" Spike inquired, causing my irritated eyes to look his way. The lizard shook his head before I could even answer. "Never mind, you gotta help. I think Twilight's losing it!"

"...This isn't over, Specter." I muttered before sighing, speaking again more loudly while inquiring to Spike. "What happened now?"

"Well, you know how Twilight writes a friendship report every week to the Princess?"


"Well, it's been an exact week, and she hasn't learned anything."


"So Twilight's been overreacting to the whole thing. And when she came back from the picnic to the library, I think she's snapped. We have to help her!"

"Slow down now Spike." I said calmly. "Take a deep breath, and expand on that a little."

The infant lizard nodded, inhaling deeply before exhaling, repeating himself more thoroughly. "Her mane's a mess, her eyes were scary-looking, and she kept mumbling to herself. I think she's going to do something dangerous."

"...All because she didn't learn anything about friendship for almost over a week?" I asked for clarification.

"Uh-huh." Oh Jesus. Really, Twilight? You've become an apparent drama queen simply because you haven't written a letter about friendship to your mentor? "Twilight's afraid that the Princess might do something horrible to her for not learning anything about friendship."

...Clearly hasn't learned anything from the whole phoenix incident, I see.

"Where is Twilight now?" I asked.

"I don't know." Spike admitted, sounding ashamed for it. "I came to find you, hoping there's something you can do to help."

Lucky for you, my young friend, the solution was very obvious. "Well then, we better go find her." I announced while glancing at Ponyville in the distance. "And while we're at it, prepare a letter to Celestia, Spike."

An instant reply flew from Spike's mouth straight after the message was sent. I guess Celestia was well aware of how paranoid her student can be. Regardless it was a convenience to us, as Spike and I scoured the entire town for Twilight's location, asking any passerbys if they've seen the distraught unicorn.

Which led us to here, an area where colts and fillies generally played in. Just imaging a crazed Twilight harassing the poor children quickened my pace.

"There she is!" Thank you Spike for pointing out the obvious. Indeed, the messed-up mare was there, back turned to our approach due to interacting with three, very frightened-looking Crusaders. "Twilight!"

Having enough common sense to acknowledge her name, the unicorn turned around and-

Oh [BEEP]! It's worse than I thought.

Her purple unfocused eyes shrunken back, a maniacal grin showing off all her grounded teeth, mane frizzled and pointing in all directions. Spike clearly wasn't exaggerating upon her description during our search. This unwelcome version of Twilight regarded with insane happiness. "Oh, hello Stardust. Hello Spike. I was just in the middle of giving these three fillies a new friend. One they will love!"

"That's... nice." I said slowly, having no attempt to set off the unicorn while we carefully approached her. "Twilight, Spike here tells me you've been under some... stress."

Which is a massive understatement, evidently.

"'Stress'? Oh no, I'm fine. I'm fine!" The troubled mare was in clear denial, pupils looking in different directions. "Do YOU have any problems that I, a dear friend, can help solve so we can learn something out of it?"

"We're not the one with a problem here..."

I was inclined to agree with the dragon's mutter. "Listen, Twilight. I understand that you've not learned anything about friendship today, but-"

"But that's going to change!" She interrupted gleefully, looking back at the watching fillies, who were scared by the look sent their way. "Today a lesson will be learned, caused by a problem or my own hoof!"

Okay, enough with beating around the bush.

"Twilight, I admire your devotion to pleasing your monarch, but this is going too far." I was within enough distance to reach out to her. Perhaps physical contact with someone will help her snap out of it. Above, I finally noticed an aged-looking dark grey doll floating in midair.

That can't be good...

"Please, use your common sense. Celestia wouldn't approve of-"

"What do YOU know of what the Princess would approve of or not?" I blinked at the flippant tone, the unicorn glancing behind her to regard me with disdain. "You despise her. And besides, I've known her for a very long time. If I don't learn anything, she's going to do something to punish me for failing to learn anything about friendship!"

"I know enough about that damn alicorn to know she wouldn't do any such thing to you." I replied evenly, gesturing to Spike, who was holding a parchment. "Look, just read that letter, and you'll see that-"

"No. Someone here is going to learn a lesson whether they want to or not!" The mare practically yelled to the heavens above, forcing me to wince at the loud insane tone. Twilight looked back at the cowering crusaders with that concerning grin. "Now then, time for you to love this gift of mine..."

Christ, what could I do? Slap her? No, no I can't do that, the thought made me feel sick for some reason. Shake her out of it? That rarely works, and for some reason my hooves didn't seem to agree with that idea.

So what?

Twilight closed her eyes, as though concentrating to prepare a powerful spell of hers. I knew that look of concentration anywhere, and it brought a sense of dread within me.

"Stardust, do something!"

...Well, I'm going to hell for this. But in for a penny.

"Spike, prepare me a bucket."

"Why, what are you going to- Whoa!"

My next action seemed to stun the dragon, as I grabbed the purple insane unicorn, whirled her around and did something rather unholy and could get me scorned and repulsed at from the rest of my species. The moment my muzzle crashed against hers, however, sent a wave of electricity down my spine. The [BEEP]?

This wasn't the moment to dwell on such, though. My ears picked up on the magic from her horn dying down as my sudden action worked.

Slowly departing my muzzle from hers, I opened my eyes and noticed the dazed expression on Twilight's face, those purple eyes of hers returning to normal size. Please don't remember what just happened. Please don't remember what just happened. Please don't remember what just happened.

"Stardust... Wha...?" Oh thank God it worked. I would breathe a sigh of relief if our faces weren't so close. The unicorn's features seemed to change to a bright shade of red at the position we're in. "What's going on...?"

"You were losing control of yourself." I explained while releasing her and taking a few steps back, Twilight blinking in pure confusion and embarrassment over the fact I was holding her in, what I presumed, was the pony equivalent of a romantic fashion. "I had to shake you out of it. Spike, the letter please."

I heard the dragon oblige with a shocked tone. "Uh... sure." And as he approached the sane mare, I walked out of the way, heading towards the three watching fillies.

Just to make sure this wouldn't be the talk of the town.

Even the crusaders continued looking shocked by the previous display, before the white one, Sweetie Belle, said in a dramatic voice. "That was so roma-"

I held up a hoof, looking sternly at them while wiping my own muzzle. "If you three ever tell anyone about what just occurred then, I will make it so you'll never gain your cutie marks. Understood?" The three hurriedly nodded, to my satisfaction.

Celestia's response, as it turned out, was an order for her student to meet her in the library. There they had a talk where the alicorn assured her worried pupil that she wasn't expecting a letter every week over learning something about friendship, and that she will always be proud of Twilight no matter what. Afterwards the other mares arrived, expressing they heard that their friend was in trouble and, upon discovering the cause, humbly apologized to Twilight for not taking the matter seriously.

All in all, the lesson learnt today was that you should always take your friend's troubles seriously. And quite honestly, that's lesson my home world could do learning about.

As Spike concluded recounting Celestia's visit tonight, helping himself to the rest of the cupcakes - left behind previously by me from the hill - lying by the side in my bedroom, he pointed out, "Imagine how worse things could've been if we weren't there. We might've saved Ponyville today!"

"Indeed." I, meanwhile, was occupied sitting on the edge of my bed, a wooden bucket in front of me ready for vomit to be thrown up in.

And so far... nothing.

"Team Spike and Star saves the day once again!"

Those words caused me to regard the dragon with a raised amused brow. "'Team Spike and Star'?"

"Uh-huh." Spike nodded positively while devouring another of the chocolate-strawberry treats. "We make a great team, so why not? What do you think?"

"Depends, can I be the spike?" I replied jokingly, still waiting for some reaction for what I did today to appear in the bucket below.

The young reptile seemed to have read my mind. "Still, I can't believe you did kissed Twilight-"

I groaned. "Please, Spike, let's not talk about that ever again. In fact, let's never share it with anyone. God knows how ashamed my ancestors are by the impulsive action to return my friend to sanity."

Why wasn't I throwing up? It should be the most proper reaction to making out with a different animal! An animal of equal intelligence and self-awareness, certainly, but even my autism agrees how disgusting and unholy it was.

I want to say it was wrong... yet those heightened emotions I felt upon conducting that action today said otherwise.

"Sure thing Stardust. That'd probably be best. I doubt, after today, Twilight would like to know her first kiss was with an alien."

"As of now, Spike, it never happened." My tone demanded we drop the whole thing right away. I wouldn't want to spend the rest of my days here acting awkward around the oblivious unicorn, so it's better to pretend it never happened at all.

"What never happened?" Ah great.

"Haven't you heard of knocking?" I asked in annoyance, as the owner of this house entered my room. "Seriously, and you call me rude."

Twilight scoffed a little, "My lack of manners just then is small compared to the things you say and conduct." Then upon noticing the bucket, she frowned, clearly concerned. "Are you feeling sick, Stardust? I have some medicine that can help with that-"

"Thank you, my dear, but no." I forced out my words, trying my best not to replay today's... incident in my mind. "I'm just... Is there a reason you're here?"

I'm not sure if I can bear to even look at the mare without thinking back to today...

Obviously confused by the sudden shift of tone and subject, the purple studious unicorn nodded slowly. "Yes... I wanted to thank you two for helping me regain my common sense. I'm not sure what I was thinking, panicking like that and almost losing my sense of self. I'm lucky to have you two around to help in my time of crisis, Spike, Stardust."


"It was our pleasure!" The dragon spoke on our behalf, his mouth covered in the icing of the treats. God knows why he hasn't grown a stomach ache as of yet. "We were both worried about you, after all. Heh, you should've seen how scared Stardust was!"

The hell Spike?!

Before I could even throw a string of profanities towards the lizard, Twilight stated with a flattered tone, "Well then, I'm lucky to have two assistants who care... Okay, an assistant and a great friend." She rephrased herself in amusement by the expression sent towards her.

"Is there anything else you wanted, Twilight?" I asked rather flippantly. I think I might need to distance myself from this unicorn for a few days, just so I can get rid of this awkward tension created by me for... that.

She nodded again. Huh, guess the unicorn doesn't feel said tension. "Spike, if you'll give us a moment please." Said dragon cast me a curious look, before obliging to Twilight's request and quickly leaving the room, the unicorn declining the box of cupcakes as he passed by.

Oh God... Oh God she knows. The memories during her insane episode must've caught up to her. And now I was going to pay the price for it. Most likely outcome of this following confrontation would be me returning to Canterlot, followed by getting the [BEEP] beaten out of me by Twilight's brother. Though I think Cadence would get a laugh out of what I did-

"I know it's late to ask anything about your home world, but there is one thing I'd like to know, before we start tomorrow."

...Huh? "Yes...?"

"Was everything you said about your family true?" My frown deepened, as Twilight looked... rather disturbed for some reason. "Your little sister. Your pet dog. Your other siblings and your parents. Your childhood when growing up with them. Was everything you described about them, and everything you did with them, all authentic or a simple fabrication?"

I wanted to exhale in relief. But seeing as how serious the troubled mare was over asking this, I instead nodded positively. "Yes, everything I said about them, apart from the pony parts, was true."

Why on Earth would I lie about my own family? Who does that? I don't hate my own siblings and parents enough to fabricate an ideal family for myself. I've made it clear to Twilight we weren't the best of families, but damn well did we try.

Twilight was silent for a moment, as though weighing that answer in her mind. Finally, she smiled, clearly satisfied. "I'm glad to hear that. The affection in your tone whenever talking about your little sister sounded too genuine to be false."

I sighed, suddenly feeling guilty. "Twilight, I'm sorry for deceiving you and the others about where I came from-"

"No, I'm sorry for not being trustworthy enough for you to share this great secret with me."

"It wasn't about trust, it was about necessity." I countered evenly, setting the bucket to one side. "I was coming to terms over the fact I was magically brought to this world, unwillingly I might add."

Twilight frowned at that, taking this opportunity to sit on the bed beside me, and nodded encouragingly. "Please, continue."

Well, whatever keeps my mind away from today's... event.

"A voice that only speaks to me through my head, named Specter, brought me to this world." Before I proceeded to explain, a notepad and quill appeared from thin air. Twilight began writing this information down while gesturing for me to continue. And I obliged. "I don't know how or why, but apparently I was brought here to complete a set of tasks before I could ever hope of returning home. I've completed my first mission a while back, and now I am awaiting that damn voice to show up again to address my next assignment."

"Hmm..." I see Twilight was on full study mode. "I've never read about a 'Specter' from my books. And if I have, I don't recall. But whoever he is, if he has the magic capable of transporting someone to another world, he must be very powerful."

"To be honest, Twilight, his power is the least of my concern." I admitted sourly. "I only care more about going home. But no, it seems he's adamant on keeping me here. Why? I do not know. But I at least got some more answers out of him today; particularly about my inexplicable super strength."

"Go on." The floating quill's ink was touching the paper in anticipation.

But before I continued, a thought occurred to me. "You know, perhaps we should save this for tomorrow, my dear. Today has been a hectic day for us both, I imagine."

Staring at me with clear surprise and disappointment, the knowledge-seeking unicorn reluctantly nodded. "All right... I suppose we should rest now for tomorrow, since I'll most likely have a billion questions about yourself, this 'Specter', your species and your home world."

I sighed at that. So much for distancing myself from her, but really should I've expected anything else? "Fair enough. I'm not all-knowing about my race and planet, mind you, but I'll inform you what I can."

"That's all I ask, Stardust."

...Hm. "Jack."

I stated my true name out loud as Twilight was halfway to the doorway, looking back curiously, "What?"

"Jack. That's my name. My real name." Though these days I was beginning to prefer 'Stardust Balance'. The unicorn blinked while I smiled lightly. "But I prefer calling myself Stardust nowadays."

I was taking an awful gamble here.

Twilight raised a brow, testing the name on her tongue. "Jack... I like it. I trust you're telling me this so we may start anew?"

"Close, my dear; I'm telling you this out of trust." After all, what is friendship without trust?

A sincere flattered look was sent my way. "I appreciate that, Stardust. Though there is one more one thing I'd like to know."

Oh? "Shoot."

"How exactly did you make me return to reality earlier? I don't remember what happened-" My forced attempt of retching prompted the pondering Twilight to cut herself off.

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