• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Twenty-Nine: Rise of Balance II


"My dear student and her friends recently arrived, and are now seeking out the Elements of Harmony an old opponent of mine has hidden away."

"You're not talking about... him are you...?"

"Honestly, I do have a name you know."

"You shall not succeed, Discord."

"Hm? What was that Celestia? I couldn't hear you over my rising triumph."

"I hope it's possible that you shall assist me, Twilight and everypony else in defeating Discord."


"You mean THAT'S your sole plan? No back-up ideas in case Discord wins? Your only goal is to... pray for these teenage ponies in defeating a literal incarnation of chaos itself?!"

"You underestimate them-"

"And you, my friend, overestimate them!"

"And you speak to me as though we're equals! Do you even know who I am?"

"A pleasure to meet you at last, Discord. I am Stardust Balance."

"I'm more of a neutral party and-"

"Then you already bore me."

"You won't harm them."

"But I will make them suffer."

"Gaze outside, and you will see my victory has already come to fruition, my dear Princess. Twilight and her friends have failed to win the game. Equestria is mine, and on the weather forecast tonight: a shower of pure, beautiful chaos!"

"I won't do this for you, the kingdom nor all of Equestria. But for Twilight and all of my friends. I will help you in your battle against Discord."

"And I already have a destination in mind."



Wow... oh wow.

After an incredibly long, tedious walk that had me taking breaks every fifteen minutes, I had finally reached my destination. I declined Celestia's offer over a ride back to the town I haven't seen for a month via chariot. I didn't need Discord to attack/prank me and the put the pegasi flying me back to Ponyville at risk.

As if everyone wasn't already in enough danger as it is.

So I walked... and walked... and walked, until I at last made it to Ponyville. And right now I was amazed, really, by the sorry state of things. Houses midair and upside-down. Patterned hills. Day and night switching back and forth - further cementing the fact Celestia is doing nothing to help. Pink clouds which I'm guessing was the cotton candy Spike mentioned in that letter. And chocolate rain pouring down over one half of the town. I forgot exactly what Ponyville looked like under Discord's temporary reign.

I haven't seen the episode - more specifically first ten minutes of it - in months. Give me a break.

Still, if this was Equestria's equivalent of Alice In Wonderland, then kudos to the spirit of chaos. Not that I was a fan of Alice In Wonderland - neither the books nor the movies - so I would rather live in this interesting state of Ponyville than that bizarre world filled with pure coincidental nonsense.

I prefer common sense, thank you.

But with Discord running things, no matter how temporarily, that kicks logic out of the window. Good thing I still have some sense of rationality, enough to have devised a plan to help Twilight and the others defeat the overconfident creature of disharmony.

Now then, I originally planned to wait by that favourite hill of mine. But...

Hm... Well I suppose it would prove more beneficial to my plan. Very well, I'll go pay a certain dragon a visit.

I knocked rapidly for the third time, as the sky shifted again to night. I swear if he's in there, and he's taking a nap, I'm going to lecture the lizard for lack of understanding over what's going on. I didn't have time for this; Twilight and the rest would be returning soon, and I really would wish to avoid an encounter at the moment.

Because, due to all this, I doubt the unicorn would prefer having another problem added to the stack of situations right now. An alien visiting her certainly wouldn't help.

"I'm coming..." I heard a soft impatient voice from the other side of the red wooden door. I allowed myself a small smile when the infant dragon opened it, rubbing his left tiredly. "Back from Canterlot already, Twi... St-Stardust?!"

The lecture can wait.

"Hello Spike." I greeted casually, internally enjoying the shock on his face. After a few seconds of his flabbergasted expression, I cleared my throat. "Is that your sole reaction, my young friend? I would've thought there'd be a more positive- there we go."

I cut myself off as the small lizard embraced me in a welcoming hug, his tone evidently pleased. "I'm so happy to see you again! I knew you'd come back!"

Gently, I patted the dragon's head, internally thankful for the hug. It was something I did with my little sister. And it felt good to do so again.

Though, while I hated to ruin it, the happy moment of this reunion had to cease. As Spike let go with that huge childish grin on his face, I adopted a more serious tone. "As much as I would love to catch up, Spike, I'm afraid I haven't returned on good terms. I'm here to tell you that Twilight and the others will be arriving very shortly, and they won't be like themselves."

"Huh?" Spike tilted his head in clear confusion. "What do you mean? Did something- Oh..."

"Indeed." I replied to his observation when moving out of the way, showing him the outside state of the town. "And I'm afraid your- our friends have been corrupted just as well by the forces of chaos itself, save for Twilight."

A dramatic gasp. "Even... Even Rarity?"

I repressed a smirk. Wouldn't do me any favours. "Even Rarity." I looked back at him from the poor town. "But everyone and everything will be rectified. Don't worry."

"I hope so." Spike didn't seem entirely convinced, imagining, I'm guessing. what has happened to his waifu. "Well, is there anything I can do to help?"

"Being a supportive voice-" The sound of a certain purple mare caused me to halt my own words, glancing behind myself at the approaching ponies. "[BEEP]." I didn't have time to scold myself for swearing in front of a child, I quickly moved into the library, closing the door while walking by a baffled Spike. "Do not alert them to my presence."

"Um... okay?"

As I proceeded to head towards the staircase to hide behind, having no time to take in the familiar surroundings, I paused briefly while sending a reassuring smile. "Everything will be alright, Spike. Twilight and her friends will save the day, you'll see."

That is, if my plan fails to work.

When the group arrived, I couldn't resist smirking a little as memories of the episode rushed into my brain, though flinched at the damage done to the entrance as they shoved that massive rock Rarity thought was a diamond into the house. Watching the group throw around the book containing the Elements of Harmony themselves, making fun of Twilight, and harassing Spike. The last part caused my instinctive brotherly urge to reveal myself and scold the corrupted grey Fluttershy for it, and Twilight, the only one left who hasn't completely turned literally grey.

Upon observing the show, when the purple unicorn forcibly placed the necklaces of the Elements on her friends - and Spike, since Rainbow Dash was absent (I barely even noticed) - two things became clear to me: the friendship between them all was deteriorating - even Twilight herself was growing sick of her friends, and she hasn't turned grey herself yet - and that Twilight wasn't exactly thinking things through.

As the mares finally left to confront Discord and never have to interact with each other again, flinching again at the boulder being hurled threw the house window, I descended from the stairs, walking towards and helping the poor Spike up, whom had previously been trampled by the charging ponies.

"Thanks." He said, sounding both confused and worried as we looked out where the gathered ponies were. "What happened to them?"

"Discord happened." I replied sternly, frowning at it all. This is why I didn't really value friendship; it was an easy thing to destroy. That spirit of chaos knew this.

Speaking of. "Well well well, I see you've found the Elements of Harmony." We heard his calm tone, indicating he was right outside the library. "How terrifying."

"Is that...?"

I nodded. "Yes Spike, that would be Discord." Slowly we moved towards the hole outside, myself walking to a window as the dragon joined the others.

"Discord." Twilight said with clear disdain. "I've figured out your lame riddle, you're in for it now!"

I sighed, sparing the unicorn a pitying glance. I knew what would happen next... poor girls.

But I'll need them out of the way to conduct my own method to defeat... well I would say 'defeat' Discord, exactly. Mine is a more... peaceful approach.

"I certainly am; you've clearly out dueled me. And now it's time to meet my fate, I'm prepared to be defeated now, ladies." Loving the sarcasm just rolling off his tongue. It's a shame he's currently a villain; I imagine we would have been good acquaintances. "Fire when ready."

A bulls-eye board appeared on his stomach, screaming for the ponies to attack with their weapons. Yeah, sorry Twilight, but the Elements-ex-machima won't be helping you at this moment.

"Formation, now!" The other mares let out noises of indifference when joining the commanding unicorn. "Rainbow Dash, get over here."

I raised a brow. Really Twilight?

Yet Spike hesitantly and fearfully walked towards them, as their leader continued. "All right; let's get this over with."

...Am I the only one here who actually cares what's happening right now? This is really a world of pure chaos!

Okay, the mares are concentrating. Now they're floating up, becoming covered in a white light with them in the center. And... nothing.

They just all fell unceremoniously onto the patterned ground. "What's going on?" Twilight asked, concerned it didn't work.

"Mine's working, there mus' be somethin' wrong with yours." Applejack pointed out. As yes, the now-grey Earth Pony only spews out lies now.

"I hate the Elements of Harmony." Pinkie became a hateful being. Looking forward to seeing your comments on Youtube, my dear.

"Hm, garbage!" Fluttershy threw her magical necklace onto the ground. I'll be sure not to add you when you make a Facebook account, love.

"Mine!" Rarity grabbed the discarded object triumphantly.

"Sorry Twilight, I guess I better get back upstairs and finish clean up the library. Good luck with this- whoa!" I shook my head as the flying Fluttershy tripped the poor dragon. Leave the kid out of this guys.

Discord, meanwhile, was enjoying the show. "Bravo ponies! Bravo! Harmony in Equestria is officially dead. Discord rules, Celestia drools." Okay, I'm all for that monarch losing; ever since I won that first game of chess, the alicorn became unbeatable since. Discord concluded his glory of victory by sliding down a road filled with soap, laughing in pure happiness.

The corrupted Pinkie Pie spoke first as the villain left. "It's your fault it didn't work!"

"Who are talking to?"

"Any of you!" The Earth Pony answered while jumping in depart. "All of you! I'm out of here!"

Applejack seemed to agree. "I better go too; I've got even better friends waitin' for me at the farm!"

"Yeah! I'm sick of you losers!" Fluttershy declared while leaving also, Rarity not sharing any words of departure, instead pushing the giant rock that caused harm to the house back to, I imagine, her place.

And finally Twilight has seem to have taken the strain. "Fine! Leave! See if I care! But I don't need you guys either! With friends like you, who needs... enemies."

Ah, now this was the part of the episode I never saw what happened afterwards. But despite knowing the grayness was going to cover Twilight, just the shade appearing at the end of her tail was enough to make me feel sick to my stomach.

After all that, all she's been through, those studies and hard work on uncovering the secrets of friendship. Now Twilight Sparkle, student of Celestia, was joining her friends in eternal misery...

...Not on my watch.

Finally stepping out of the house near the saddened unicorn, I stated out loud while passing by an observing Spike. "You know, I never thought you would give up this easily, considering how persistent you are, my dear."

Of course the purple-turning-grey unicorn recognized my voice, to my happiness for whatever reason. Twilight sharply gasped and swung her head towards my approaching figure. "Stardust...?"

"The one and only." I confirmed, standing before her at a respectable distance. "Did you miss me?"

"But... when did...?"

"I arrived here before you and your friends." I shrugged. "Wasn't going to miss out on the party, after all."

Huh. I noticed the grayness covering Twilight's body had currently halted by the bottom half. Did that happen in the show?

The unicorn shook her head. "Not the party you were expecting then, huh?"

"Quite the contrary, it was exactly as I anticipated." Twilight blinked at the casual confession. I smiled gently. "Though I honestly didn't expect you to submit so quickly to chaos."

"What's the point of fighting?" I noted the grayness slowly moving upwards at her defeated tone and words. Twilight looked won sadly, and I saw a tear threatening to leave her eyes. "Our friendship with everypony else is over. Discord's won, and there's nothing we can do."


The puzzled unicorn looked up at that. "I'm sorry?"

"I refuse to believe that." I stated matter-of-factly. "You've defied the unlikely before, with Nightmare Moon. You'll do it again. You and your friends."

To my concern, and growing irritation, Twilight firmly shook her head, the grayness reaching her neck now. "It's too late-"

"Bull-[BEEP]." I interrupted, doing something rather unbecoming of me, and placing a soft hoof under her muzzle. "Twilight, look at me... Look at me." As she slowly obliged, I lowered my tone. If I have to be so sappy in order to get these things through her stubborn skull, so be it. "Have you already forgotten who you are?"

"A failure..."

"You are Twilight Sparkle. Student to Princess Celestia. Bearer of the Element of Magic. The most clever, wise, determined, no-tolerant, brilliant and bravest pony in all of Equestria. You've saved the world once, and you'll do it again. And why do I believe that?"

Aside from knowing it because the show didn't end after the season two premier?

"...Why?" I took some satisfaction over the grayness slowly retreating from her body.

"Because I have faith in you. You... and our friends."

If that wasn't the final nail in the coffin, I don't know what is. But even more nails were added, after a moment of silence with sad curious eyes meeting firm determined ones, when Spike decided to speak up. "He's right Twilight! You can't give up now! We both believe in you! And we're going to stop Discord, together. Right?"

I nodded without looking at the enthusiastic dragon, keeping my gaze locked with Twilight's own. "You're stronger than you know, Twilight. You and our friends. And I'll be damned to see you all give up without a fight."

At those words, I carefully wiped away the still tears from her eyes, releasing her chin and the knowledgeable mare looked away straight afterwards. Yet the corruption was already heading back to the end of her tail.

I may not have done much, seeing as Twilight and the others would've been returned to normal anyhow. But it felt... good to play a role in it. To help those I cared about. Even if no one from my world will ever know about it.

Hm, maybe I'll write a book exploring my adventures in Equestria... though that obviously belongs to the Fanfiction category.

"Maybe you're right..." The purple unicorn admitted quietly, closing her eyes for a brief moment and looking as though she was calming herself from depression. When she opened them again, those eyes I enjoy seeing again regarded with a question. "What should we do then?"

'We'. Not 'I'.

I smiled again. "Well I had my own plan in stopping Discord. If you want you could devise a way to return your friends to normal whilst I confront him-"

"No." I blinked in surprise at the blunt response. For a moment there, Twilight looked quite honestly scared. Shaking her head, she continued with a more calmer tone. "I mean, I want you to be there with me... and Spike, while we try to find a way to turn our friends back... please."


Seeing as how her posture suggested she wouldn't take no for an answer, otherwise she might fall into depression again, I nodded. "Alright... I'm here for you."

Twilight's eyes widened. "R-Really?"

I raised a brow. "Yes?" Was it really that shocking?

"I-I just thought, since you prefer working alone that-"

"-And potentially leave you to pity yourself again?" I smirked lightly while turning around towards the damaged library. "I would never forgive myself, Twilight. Oh, by the way, that crown of yours; way too big for your small pretty head."

I only gave that compliment to cheer her up. Don't ever interpret it as something else. That was the message I sent Spike via glare. But I at least felt more satisfied when hearing Twilight let out a sputter.

The lizard chuckled whilst walking alongside me. "It's good to see you again, Stardust. We missed you."

"And I with both of you." And strangely enough, it felt as though nothing really changed... save for the changed chaotic state of the town.

No sooner did we enter the damaged state of the tree-house did Spike barf out a letter. And immediately, no doubt thinking it to be helpful advice from that lazy monarch, Twilight read the contents.

"'Dear Princess Celestia, today I learn that-' Wait... This is the first letter I ever sent to the Princess about friendship!" I raised a brow at Twilight's puzzled words. "But why would she send me this?" Just afterwards, the poor dragon with us hurled another letter from his mouth, the purple unicorn quickly unfolding and reading the next. "My second letter... but why...?"


"I think I know..." I muttered thoughtfully, as another letter came through via helpless Spike. Sensing he'll be doing this for a while, I proceeded to rub the lizard's back, in case it'd help with the pain.

It was pretty obvious what Celestia was intending to do, and quite frankly rather surprising; she was actually doing something to help. As Twilight read outloud letter after letter over what she learnt during her time in Ponyville, I pondered something else; couldn't that alicorn have just visited herself to deliver all these letters, sparing the barfing Spike from feeling evidently ill from firing out these messages?

Well, I suppose it's the closest we can get for Celestia to proactively do something to help defeat a major villain.

"I understand now!" The purple mare announced after reading the last letter, grinning at me and Spike before lifting said dragon in the air via magic. Uh oh. "You were right, Stardust! I can't give up now! Discord was trying to destroy the bonds of our friendships! Spike, do you recall what I said during our first day in Ponyville? I said that the fate of Equestria didn't rest on me making friends."

"Yet you were proved wrong." I responded for the dragon, who was magically being place onto his bed, courtesy of a nodding Twilight.

"Precisely! The friendships I've made since I've been here have saved Equestria from Nightmare Moon, and now they need to save it from Discord!"

"That's the Twilight I know." I smirked at the confidence and determination that has returned to my favourite pony. "So you know what needs to be done then?"

"Indeed Stardust; I have to restore my friends, and together our friendship will defeat Discord and save Equestria!" Some unknown wind magic caused her mane and tail to flow with her triumphant answer, as Twilight grinned. "I have you and Princess Celestia to thank."

Despite the now-positive atmosphere, I scoffed. "I did nothing Twilight; Celestia was the one who sent you those letters." I heard Spike groan in pain on the bed.

Oblivious to her friend's ailment, Twilight replied, "True, but you never gave up on me. You helped me stay strong before those letters arrived. You're a true friend, Stardust."

"...Right." Was my only response to the sentimental statements.

As if knowing what I was thinking, the intelligent mare's grin died down a little. "So, are you to help me restore our friends to normal?"

My reply was quick, eyes already cast to the door. "Tempting, but I have something else to do."

Obviously not expecting that, the positive Twilight raised a brow. "What could be more important than saving our friends?"

"Saving the world?" I supplied. "I have my own plan in stopping Discord. And should it work, you may not have to fight him at all."

"What are you going to do?"

"Give him a chance." Her widened, the unicorn's eyes now regarding me with curiosity. I explained more clearly. "I'm going to attempt to talk with him; in a peaceful manner. If I can get him to return the world to normal without the need for violence, then perhaps we may gain a powerful ally."

It's a long shot. But it might absolutely work, given how Discord was reformed during the third season. But I redeem him early, not only would my philosophy prove itself true, but I can rub it in Celestia's face in addition.

"Stardust, I'm not sure Discord will listen to reason." Twilight claimed doubtfully. "He's the incarnation of chaos and all that is disharmony."

"Twilight, no one is beyond redemption." I pointed out. "No matter who they are. I don't view everything in black and white. Besides, if it doesn't work, then you can all defeat him as planned via Elements of Harmony."

"I suppose." Something seemed to pop up in her knowledgeable mind. "Oh, before you go... will you be returning to Canterlot after this ordeal is over?"

"...Why do you ask?" And why did she ask this now?

Twilight looked hesitant for a moment, before answering truthfully and slowly. "I just thought, well since you're from another world, and if you still don't like the Princess... you could maybe..."


"I'm not honestly certain, my dear, that residing here again as soon as this matter is dealt with is a sound idea." I admitted, though inwardly I seem to prefer the suggestion. "You and your friends knowing that I'm not of your kind and from beyond the stars-"

"They don't know that."

Huh? I blinked. "I'm sorry?"

Twilight repeated herself. "I never told them about that... because I'm still grasping the knowledge myself."

"...Oh." She didn't tell them. I can't believe it. Was I suppose to feel relived or disappointed?

"Yeah..." Awkward silence held the room, save for Spike's continuous moans of pain from the mountain of messages he had to hurl out. Twilight then sounded more confident. "But, regardless, you're still my friend. And theirs. So if you want to stay, or go back there, then I won't object. Spike certainly misses you... and so do I."

Allowing a small smile to grace my gold muzzle, I quipped. "Want to keep me around so you can study me and dissect me then, Twilight?"

Those purple eyes widened. "What? No, I would never-!"

I cut her off with my chuckling. "I'm joking, my dear." While she frowned, I nodded. "Truth be told, nothing would make me happier than to interact with you two and everyone else in this town."

Christ, these ponies have me soft...

A hopeful smile bloomed her muzzle. "So you accept?"

"Of course." I nodded, sincere in my answer. "I'm sure you have many questions-"

A snort. "Understatement of the century, Stardust."

"-And I'm sure we can work something out so you won't drive me away from Ponyville by endless inquiries." I smirked against her looking away. I've spent enough time here; I had to deal with Discord now before the others. Turning, I called out while walking towards the hole where the entrance once was. "Go and help your- our friends, Twilight. I'll handle that mischievous spirit of chaos in the meantime."

"Stardust," The tone caused me to glance behind, the purple mare continuing with determination. "Thank you again... good luck, and be careful."

I nodded, internally smiling over the fact that unicorn was concerned for my well-being. "You too Twilight." Though I doubt that even needed saying.

"-Then she decided to throw her own student headfirst into danger without any advice or tips on how to defeat Moon!"

"What kind of ruler does that?" Discord laughed with me over our shared disdain for Celestia. "That's sounds like something I would do!"

Currently where his throne was, in the middle of the chaotic town, the villain was civil enough to provide me my own floating chair, as his own seat was atop a small hill. Sitting a few feet away from him, we both held our own bottles which changed to a different fizzy drink every five seconds or so. It wasn't difficult finding the man... thing. After offering some words of flattery, and exchanging shared disdain over, who else, Celestia, Discord offered me to join him in talks and shared mutual loathing towards how exactly this world was run.

If this plan doesn't work, then I'm at least stalling for Twilight and the rest.

Right now I tasted orange, before continuing. "Yeah, the fact Twilight and the rest even won is irrelevant. Celestia did absolutely nothing to help them out against her own crazed sibling."

Discord smirked. "A shame she'll never have a chance to rectify that, seeing as how I've won now."

"I don't think she'd try anyway." I stated in amusement, carefully avoiding making a remark that the creature before will be beaten shortly either by my friends, or me. "This world would probably be much better with you in charge instead of her. Chaos deserves to have its turn anyway."

"Right?" He nodded in agreement. "All those years of pure harmony, it's not fair to leave something so essential to the world trapped in stone!"

"Indeed, it wasn't fair of her to do that." I was encased in stone once - not by Celestia though - but I can sympathize a little. I took another sip, this time tasting lemonade, before talking again casually. "Though it's a shame you two don't get along, imagine the balance that would cover this world if both harmony and chaos united as one."

Discord chuckled, waving dismissively. "Oh that wouldn't even work, chaos and harmony are sworn enemies."

"Not necessarily." I countered, years of studying my own philosophy leaving my muzzle. "They're two parts of the same coin. One can't survive without the other. That doesn't truly make either foes. Why, I believe both chaos and harmony are more fond of each other than scornful."

A raised humoured brow. "I recall you saying, Mr Balance, that you are a neutral party."

I nodded. "By that, I meant I side with neither chaos nor harmony, but balance."

"...Go on."

I inwardly grinned at the sincere curious tone. I rarely ever talk to anyone about my incomplete ideals, so who was I waste an opportunity to talk about it with the spirit of chaos himself? "Well, the way I see it, if both sides combined as one, there would be everlasting peace between creatures of both light and dark. If balance was the core element taking charge, then there would be no wars, no mindless slaughter, no need for conquest. With balance - of twilight if you prefer - there would be eternal peace."

These words coming out of my mouth were something I've kept shut for years. But if they manage to change Discord's mind, then maybe...

He chuckled again after a moment's pause. "So you think I should work together with Celestia; my sworn nemesis? You must be mad."

"Maybe." I smirked. "Or maybe I just don't believe in good or evil. Morality's something I scoff at, really. You don't have to be a villain just because you're chaos incarnate. Just imagine the inhabitants you can help, the lives you can save. Chaos can be used for the benefits of others, not just yourself, you can use it to make peop- ponies lives better. Look at Celestia, she resides on the side of harmony, sure, but she isn't purely innocent is she? She's manipulated her open student, Twilight, in facing Nightmare Moon and a dragon."

Something that, to this day, still peeved me off.

"Is this why you wished to speak with me?" The combination of animals frowned lightly. "An attempt to reform me?"

I gave him an unfazed stare, setting my drink on the armrest of the floating chair. "You're not above changing, Discord. No one is. You have the potential to be a force for justice; helping others and stopping those who wish to inflict harm on the world and its inhabitants. I come to you with a proposition, my friend."

"And what is that, my 'friend'?" There was a slight sneer then, but it quickly vanished as it came.

This almost worked on Moon, it'll hopefully work on Discord. Already hope and high expectations were on the forefront of my emotions. "Return this world to normal, and help the inhabitants rather than enslave them. You're wasting your powers doing something like this, when you can make friends and save lives. Let me vouch for you to Celestia, convince her you're not a villainous force of nature."

For a moment, there was silence, tension in the air as Discord regarded me with a blank expression, eyes thoughtful and contemplative. This just be work... This just might work! I shouldn't get my hopes up like this, but God dammit; if this works I'll feel as though I've done a great deed for balance itself. My philosphy would be proved correct by one-hundred percent. It WAS entirely possible for chaos and harmony to schronize as one, to create a force beneficial for all life.

Don't fail me now!

But alas, it was not to be, to my extreme disappointment, as Discord began bellowing out amused laughter. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You are quite the comedian, my young stallion! To hold such ideals closely to your heart; I regret I've had to shatter them like that. Why stop what I'm doing now, with Equestria as my eternal playground? Everyone shall bow to their true master; the ruler of chaos and all that is disharmony! The one who deserves to ruler after that foolish Celestia reigned for so long. It's chaos' turn baby! THAT is balance."

"Hardly." I retorted heatedly, the frustration of my plan failing to work cracking my expression. "This won't end well for you."

Discord shrugged. "So you say, human. Ah, you think I didn't know?" A sinister grin as I felt blood drain from my face. "The moment you began singing that song earlier, I knew. I am familiar with other worlds and dimensions, my young 'friend'. Though how you arrived here, I don't know. And quite frankly, I don't care."

So he knew... well I guess that makes sense, considering he sung that remixed version with me- wait. "Then you know the truth about your world too..."

The mischievous spirit smirked. "Oh I know much more than you think, Stardust Balance, which I know isn't your real name; no one on that barbaric planet of yours uses names like Equestria does. I would rule that world, if it wasn't preoccupied being ruled itself by your warmongering leaders. And it would be too easy."

"...Alright I can agree there." I said slowly. "But why conquer this world exclusively then, if you can travel to other universes?"

"Oh that'll come in due time, when I eventually grow bored of this world and its inhabitants." Discord shrugged, casually. Then he pointed at me. "But I, on the other hand, have a proposition for you. You see, I believe we have more in common than you realize."

...I feel like I've been here before. Have I been here before?

"And if you swear your loyalty to me-" Oh my God I have been here before. "- Not only will I spare any friends of yours, but I'll return you to your own world also." My eyes widened at the prospect. Return me home...? Discord's eyes narrowed gleefully. "Yes, I sense your desire to return. You didn't ask to be here, did you? Think about it, anypony you care about will be safe, and you can return to your world, with no strings attached. All you have to do is swear your allegiance to me. Not so hard, isn't it?"

I could go home... my possible only one and early chance to return to my family, to my little sister who was probably devastated by my sudden disappearance. I could discard Specter's task like the snap of a finger. It would be so easy... "You'd keep your word over it?"

Placing a hand on his lean chest, the spirit of chaos replied sincerely. "Cross my heart, hope to die."

Huh, well pardon me for being skeptic, Discord, but I'm not entirely certain someone like you would keep your word. I wasn't as gullible as the entire population of ponies on this world. I don't trust you. How would I know I'm being deceived? Would Discord keep me trapped here forever, never keeping his word.

Plus swearing loyalty to him would mean betraying my friends... who were going to defeat him regardless...

With that, my decision was made.

"I'm afraid I must graciously decline your offer, oh master of chaos." He blinked in surprise, having evidently expecting a different answer entirely. I grinned. "Your downfall is inevitable, regardless. Accept MY offer, however, and you'll guaranteed to be safe."

The arrogant creature scoffed, and just like I felt my comfortable chair disappear, instead I was floating in front of the scowling villain. "You've made a very grave mistake, human. I will make you suffer in place of your laughable species."

"I'm shaking..." Yet inwardly there was an unpleasant sensation towards the leer sent my way. Discord made a gesture to snap his fingers-

"You won't be hurting any of our friends anytime soon!"

Just in the nick of time as well! That familiar feminine determined voice caused me to smirk, calling out from behind. "He's all yours, ladies! A shame that my plan failed to work."

A real shame...

Discord scoffed, allowing gravity to throw me harshly on the ground below... and refusing to let me stand up or even move a muscle.


"Haven't you ponies learned by now?" Hearing cries of surprise behind me, watched helplessly as five of the Mane Six were brought before Discord in the air... but smiled slightly as Twilight teleported in the center and broke his hold over them, landing feet away behind me.

"Here's something we've learned Discord," Twilight began. Shame I couldn't even move anything but my eyes as I felt as though a [BEEP] house was on top of me. "We've learned that friendship isn't always easy, but there's no doubt it's worth fighting for!"

Atta girl!

But Discord, however, wasn't fazed. That's right my friend, you keep mocking their - our - friendship. See where it gets you. "Ugh, gag! Fine, go ahead, try and use your little Elements, friend me. Just make it quick! I have your human friend here to make a puppet out of!"

Despite whatever powerful magic was holding me at bay, I managed to smirk. You won't be torturing anyone anymore.

"All right ladies! Let's show him what friendship can do!"

"Wait wait wait!" I heard Pinkie Pie interrupt the triumphant moment, and rolled my eyes. Would could be so important that-

Ah never mind, It's Pinkie Pie for God's sake.

Then, hearing bizarre noises behind me, and only seeing Discord yawn in boredom, I pondered what the hell was going on behind me. "Hm, what's this?" The smug villain then inquired in confusion as he flying colours zoomed past his throne. "No..."

And seeing the rainbow over him, I managed to grin. Apparently Discord wasn't aware enough about my world to know of his inevitable defeat.

Taste the rainbow mother-[BEEP].

"Noooo!" Was the last word I heard from the defeated villain as the ray of colours impacted into him. And being able to see through the rainbow I saw stone begin to cover him up.

And I felt gravity act kind to me again, enabling my body to stand up again. Much better. I continued watching the light show before it concluded, Discord returning back to that stone state from once before.

So ends the quick reign of chaos- Gah!

I covered my eyes as a blinding white light then occupied the entire area, and when it was gone I slowly moved my limb before blinking. The town was in no further state of disarray and defying logic. Instead was the peaceful nature-loving town I had grown fond ever since my time spent in Equestria.

And seeing it like that again brought a serene smile to my muzzle.

Yeah... yeah this was much better.

Though what made that smile drop from my face was the fallen statue of the villain, prompting me to sigh in disappointment whilst approaching it. What could count as funny would be the frightened protesting expression and posture he made before becoming stone.

Feeling a presence behind me, I heard a certain unicorn inquire softly, "Are you all right?"

I sighed again before answering evenly, "What a waste. And here I thought I could help him, Twilight..."

I guess you'll have to wait until season three, buddy.

I didn't bother calling them out on the fact they're ripping off and using an orchestrated version of the ending to Star Wars: A New Hope. At this point I just didn't care about anything anymore; my disappointment over my failure in converting Discord to balance was still fresh on my mind.

Watching the heroic mares walk down the throne room to where Celestia was waiting to congratulate them, a whole crowd on both sides of the room prepared to cheer for their victor, I meanwhile was by the doorway, neglecting to follow the Mane Six and instead leaning against the side, using the opportunity to fold my ponified arms.

It's Mane Six. Not Mane Seven. They save their world today, not I. Just like with Nightmare Moon.

The Princess of the Sun spoke with clear pride as the mares arrived to the steps of her throne. "We are gathered here today to once again honour the heroism of these six friends; who stood up to the villain Discord and saved Equestria from eternal chaos!"

In your stead. I restrained myself from speaking that out-loud.

After the audience concluded cheering, Celestia's horn lit up, withdrawing some curtain to reveal a stain-glass window displaying the villain himself being defeated by the six ponies, inciting me to frown in reminder at my own failure. The cheering rose higher, causing me to flinch at the loud noise. I'm guessing that's the only reward they're gaining for defeating the literal incarnation of chaos.

Still, seeing Twilight, Spike and everyone else smiling happily over their victory at least made me feel a little better. I suppose I should leave them to it. There's probably going to be party hosted in this kingdom in their honour.

But that damn alicorn must've seen me turning to leave admist the streamers being thrown around the room. So unprofessional. "Also, in addition, I would like to thank one more pony; a brave stallion who not only stood up to Discord, but helped my dear student keep faith in her friends during her darkest hour!"

I froze, knowing immediately who she was referring to. Oh no...

"Stand with us, Stardust Balance!" I shuddered as the crowd cheered even more, reluctantly looking behind as the Mane Six were waving me over to join them, the crowd dispersing a little for me to approach.

...I hate you Celestia.

I sighed, slowly walking over with my head held high, inevitably joining the others as the audience continued celebrating their champions. Though not to be in the front of things, I made sure to be at top of the small steps, standing right behind Twilight and beside Celestia, who smiled down at me with gratitude.

"You've done Equestria a great service today, Stardust." The alicorn spoke admist the loud cheering. "I'm glad you decided to help in the end."

"Even so, I didn't so much." I shrugged, glad the rest of the mares were too preoccupied being glorified to hear our conversation. "It was the girls who saved the day."

"Ah, yet all the same, you chose to help us. You chose your friends over your own ideals. You helped Twilight keep faith in her friends. And bravely faced Discord to stall for time while my beloved student returned the others to normal. That alone speak volumes."

Sure, that's what happened...

Then something quickly came to mind, inciting me to speak, even more thankful the rest, save for the grinning Spike, could hear us. "I was rather surprised, Celestia, that you sent all those letters to help Twilight keep faith in the power of friendship. You actually did something to help, for once. For that I'm... sorry for doubting you."

Now I'm apologizing to Celestia... what has the world come to?

"You are forgiven." Celestia stated with amusement, meanwhile from the corner of my eye Spike's jaw dropped at the apology. Tell me about it my young reptilian friend. "And besides, all went according to plan, as I expected."

"...Wait what?" I glanced up at the serene alicorn after processing those words.

"I knew that letter from Spike would incite you to return to Ponyville, just as I knew Discord would attempt to break up the ties between your friends. I did have an alternative plan, Stardust, and that was you."

"You mean... you..." As the implications slowly became clear to me, my raised tone caused the Mane Six to jump and turn to the conversation, pointing at Celestia in disbelief and anger. "You think you can manipulate ME?! You think I'm some tool you can use just like your subjects?! To hell with you Celestia!"

Just like that I heard the cheering slowly subside, yet the damn taller white mare simply smiled pleasantly at my posture, as if expecting that response. What gave that alicorn the right to- I wasn't one of her loyal subjects! As if my own frustration over not succeeding to convert Discord wasn't enough! I hope Celestia one day gets her wings set on fire by her own God damn phoenix!

"[BEEP] this!" I announced, proceeding to stomp down the stairs while ignoring the startled and questionable gazes of the crowd. "That confirms my decision then; Ponyville it is! I'll be at the entrance, Twilight! Feel free to continue celebrating without me."

"Hasn't changed a bit, I see." I felt my right eye twitch at Rarity's quiet exasperated and amused remark.

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