• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 146: Friendship Affairs

Another vigorous morning of training. And, according to my teacher, that yielded good results.

It most certainly did. The ancient voice affirmed with fond pride, myself striding down the hallway to my wonderful girlfriend's study room. Progression has heightened significantly, much for the better. The more you strengthen your magic and the bonds around you, the greater an advantage we shall have once we confront our enemy once more.

Smirking in small triumph, I stretched my limbs and circled my neck around to dull the slight aches. I must've trained for three hours or so. Twilight, the amazing mare, recommended I proceed with training after dragging me out of bed. Again. All reasoning that the better I got at utilizing my Balance magic, the better chance we have to finding Zagreus and stopping his madness sooner before our friends were in further jeopardy. Well, my training was done for the morning, at Starswirl's approval, so it was time to let my fantastic Princess be updated about the progress. I know she wouldn't want anything else.

And, once again, a certain dark king wasn't speaking. I'd almost have been worried if Starswirl hadn't reassured me that all was fine.

Sombra will converse with us when he is ready. At times we all need a moment of recluse for contemplation.

It's Sombra contemplating which unnerves me. Anyhow, there was the door to Twilight's favourite studying room. Without knocking, I entered with a barely-concealed grin, finding myself smiling brightly a lot more to Twilight recently since that night on the school roof. Things have changed since that night.

And all for the better.

The room had its own shelves of books, like a private library reserved for Twilight, a long desk in the center with a comfy couch for the mare to read in content, and a hard wooden chair to keep focused in the midst of her contemplation. Always specific with these things, about everything. Steve from Blue's Clues used a comfy red couch for both those things.

He sat down in his thinking chair to think.



The breathtakingly beautiful alicorn, currently, wasn't sitting in either chair, pacing around a spot on the other side of the room with a book floating before her eyes, deeply entranced by the open pages and oblivious to my presence, even through our bond. Typically, disturbing Twilight with her peace was the last thing I preferred.

But I so loved to tease the mare I revered so.

The Princess blinked in endearing innocence at the book suddenly being pulled over her head, breaking out of her concentration with a curious gasp and turning to face the perpetrator. Meeting my playful gaze, Twilight smirked in exasperation. "Jack, I was reading that."

My raised hoof kept the brown leather with pages from Twilight's physical reach. "You were reading that, correct love."

Attempting to grab the book, my girlfriend smiled in wry amusement. "Jack, I'm searching through that book for Starlight's next magic lesson. Give it back." Twilight made cute effort sounds by reaching out repeatedly, rising on her hind limbs like me as I pulled the book further from Twilight's close grasp. "I'm not amused Jack."

"Why are you smiling then?"

"Because it's simply cute that you think it's beyond my reach."

She fell right into my trap. With our bodies at that proximity, I gently threw the book to the desk and quickly wrapped a limb around Twilight's pony waist, pulling the mare standing on two legs closer that our upper half bodies were connected, to my inward fireworks of joy at the intimacy. Twilight, realizing the trap, placed both hoofs on my shoulders to support herself as I leaned and whispered coyly, "You make this too easy for me Twilight."

Her face turned an interesting shade of pink, the flustered mare attempting to hide her embarrassment and giddiness at such physical interaction. "You insufferable stallion..."

"From you that's a compliment." And Twilight eagerly returned the passionate kiss to follow in loving tenderness, our lips brushing and toying with one another in perfect harmony. Ohh this sensation will never get old. It's been happening recently as of late, the two of us often embracing this way whenever we were in the same room nowadays. Spike and Starlight's reactions to our endless seams of un-nervous intimate embraces were often hysterical to watch. And this time, it was a kiss that lasted for more than a few seconds, my other hoof grasping the back of her soft mane, my limb around her waist instinctively holding her tight against me. Twilight's own body reacted in earnest, her front limbs wrapped around my neck to keep the heartwarming intimacy lasting a good while.

Unfortunately, there was this necessity we needed named air. Pulling back, both of us panting from the wondrous experience, Twilight took that moment to smile warmly, unable to contain the bliss and childlike wonder in her tone. "You haven't kissed me like that since our reunion at Canterlot High..."

"You're right." I breathed deeply, in and out, and grinned lightly. "I should do it more often."

"No complaints from me..." God I love this mare. The tip of our noses touched endearingly, the angelic Princess inquiring as though it just occurred to her. "I'm guessing your training yielded promising results."

"As usual." Was my proud, soft response. "Old Starswirl's been teaching me today about extending my senses some more, and how to evade narrow attacks with enhanced speed. All in all, very progressive."

"We should do a field test later... Much later." Twilight added with a mischievous glint to her alluring eyes. Works for me! Her eyelids were half-open, expression that of loving for the man who somehow stole her heart. "Although you could talk about your own teacher - a legend among Equestrian kind, additionally - with a tinge more respect."

"But my love," I answered playfully, now performing a small waltz around the same spot with the Princess. "Isn't my blatant disrespect over everything why you love me so much?"

"Heh. If I'm being honest, it's one thing about you I wouldn't mind you improving on, just as much as your training under Starswirl." With that, her teasing smile then warmed considerably, the beautiful mare adding with clear appraisal, "I'm so proud of how far you've come Jack... I love you so much."

My chest was ready to burst in sheer ecstasy. "I love you more."

"And I love you most."

"...Knew watching Tangled together was a good move." The Princess giggled with a closed muzzle, myself grinning happily to the adorable response. It just struck me then how I couldn't sense Spike nor Starlight anywhere nearby. "The other castle residents not in?"

Twilight, halting this small circle dance together with me, answered lightly, "I asked Starlight for some specific material from the ancient castle in the Everfree Forest. Spike's assisting Rarity with accessorizing a long line of dresses to be delivered to Canterlot by an important client."

Meaning it was just us two right now... "When did Starlight leave?" Since Spike will make any excuse to spend time with his unicorn crush for as long as possible.

Twilight squinted her sparkling eyes in thought. "Five minutes ago. Did you need her for something?"

...Christmas came early. Pressing my muzzle further into hers playfully, I added with a hint of mischief. "That means... It's just us two, alone, with the castle all to ourselves..."

Catching the hint, Twilight's cheeks brightened, her face turning to gleeful red. "I-I suppose it does..." And returned my grin albeit more shyly, adding with her own coy tone, "For another forty-three minutes and thirty-two seconds, if I estimate the time it'd take for Starlight to return."

My expression darkened positively. "Then let's use that time very,verywisely..." And this time, the kiss was far more than just passionate. It was hungry, longing, our limbs pulling each other tightly with no intention of letting, my body instinctively pushing the delicious Princess back against the shelves. My hoofs explored the mare's back, her feathered wings, toying with her gorgeous purple mane. One of Twilight's own hoofs was clenched on the edge of my cape, not seeming to care at all if my body was a little sweaty from today's workout, probably fantasizing something like this happening at times and her brain was overloaded with joy by this happening right now and then.

Thank God Sombra wasn't here to ruin the moment-

"How odd, I don't recall the ratings becoming a PG13."

Jesus Christ! That playful voice was backed up with the mare and I suddenly finding ourselves pulling back in shock, bodies now drenched by freezing as [BEEP] ice water, clutching onto each other in stunned shock as the wonderful moment was rudely interrupted- Scratch that, 'rude' was an understatement!

What the [BEEP]?!

Our incredulous looks changed to one of outrage at the mischievous entity hovering above with a patronizing smirk, chin resting on interlocked fingers and calling out mockingly. "Oh, please, don't let me interrupt. This is better than watching on documentary."

I'm pretty sure all of Ponyville heard us."DISCORD!"

Starlight, bless her, was doing her very best to contain the laughter threatening to burst from her chest, helping her mentor dry herself after Discord's very... VERY unwelcome announced visit. In displeasure, my cape was currently being hung for drying, my fedora thankfully spared from the cold liquid, as I sat by the dining table and rubbed the towel over my soaked fur. Discord, grinning cheerfully from one side of the table, perked a brow at my disgruntled look being shared with patience-being-tested Princess.

"Oh now don't play coy, Starry boy." His red pupils glinted knowingly. "We're all noticing your stare at Twilight's drenched mane." The purple mare flushed innocently, looking away with an annoyed yet embarrassed smile, inward feelings from a bond of mixture of flattery, irritation and utter disappointment.

Yeah! Don't blame her!

"You know Discord, a good friend doesn't interrupt a couple from having an intense make-out session without a good reason."

Is that what you're calling it?" Suddenly, a flash beside the lazy being of Chaos revealing a... Playback of Twilight and I having said intense make out in the previous room. Discord drawled, "If I hadn't intervened just then, you two would've most likely made a serious life-changing decision losing yourself to your passions, so early in your respectable relationship! You're very welcome!"

You [BEEP]-!

"Nothing like that was happening!" Twilight squeaked out, wet features encompassed in blood red. Starlight was blushing at Discord's filthy insinuations, but not nearly as bright as her teacher's. Did he honestly think I'd do something like that to Twilight, take advantage of her innocence that way? The [BEEP]ing nerve!

"Mm-hm. Whatever you say Twilight. Because, if you ask my professional opinion, those were the signs of two ponies loving each other very much to take the next step of their profound relationship-"

"I'll just go get more towels! Be back soon!" Starlight bailed wisely, evidently not wanting to be a part of this exchange. She's not the only one! Twilight's feelings was that of outrage and deep embarrassment, scandalized at Discord's tactless statements.

The creature of Chaos looked at both our heated stares before chuckling coyly, the tape-style playback of Twilight and I being then drenched in water disappearing. "Come now you two; I only jest! I know neither of you have the backbone to engage in such scandalous activities at your current age." You really think- I stopped myself from continuing that thought at Twilight's flustered yet curious glance, the playful spirit smirking widely whilst summoning a popcorn bag of... Nails. "It's incredible how the two are of you are so defensive about your special relationship with each other."

"We are not defensive about what we share!" Twilight argued back.

I had a different retort. "Since you can't help but spy on ponies doing that, maybe you should take notes for your own special somepony."

"Honestly Stardust I have no idea what you're talking about." And taking a bite from a nail with a plastic fork, Discord hummed. "Needs more mustard." And pour a bottle onto the filled with bucket before happily consuming sharp pointy metal because [BEEP] it, he's Discord.

Huffing, Twilight sent me a wary smile and turned to leave. "Please keep our guest busy Jack. I'm going to commence with Starlight's next friendship lesson."

"Have fun love." My words sounded equally as hollow, our bond expressing both sides of immense disappointment from the playful spirit interrupting our exclusive moment together in the castle. Dammit... I suppose there's next time.

As if picking up my emotions, Discord's casual voice forced me to look from the retreating Princess to the energetic incarnation of disharmony. "Cheer up boyo." And motioned with his plastic fork filled with mustard and nails. "You can always have that little intimacy in your shared bed."

I deadpanned with curled lips. "Twilight and I don't share a bed."

He scoffed. "With that earlier show, that'll soon change at this rate."

Calm Jack... Calm. Inhaling deeply, I exhaled loudly before addressing the spirit with seriousness. "Discord, I only find you funny when you're not being such a terrible inconvenience to me, or Twilight. The next time you visit, and see something like that, please have at least some dignity and respect our space by knocking first."

Suddenly, I was seeing my own head replacing his, his tone that a mocking British. "But Stardust! Isn't my blatant disrespect over everything why you love me so much?" Before reverting back to his original less appealing face and adding with an openly humoured grin. "I'd give your flirting advances a five of ten, personally. Whatever happened to that dignity you carried so proudly?"

"...Is there something you wanted, Discord?"

Ignoring my sour voice, the bucket vanished in a flash and the creature widened his arms happily. "I'm here to see my favourite human-turned-pony! Is there anything wrong with that thoughtful gesture?"

Since you decided to ruin that moment earlier. Yes.

"Careful Stardust, your face might stick with that." Without any respect for personal space, as always, the incarnation of mischief teleported forward and, floating above the table now, reached out and twisted my muzzle to a grin. "Much better! That smile takes years off you."

"Your childishness takes yours." I muttered, before turning to leave the room myself. I needed another towel, to dry off the rest of my soaked body. Unfortunately, though it was as my girlfriend wished, Discord decided to keep me company.

"You know, I hear your world has a technique known as 'french kissing,' perhaps Twilight would like such a bolder move from 'her Warrior.'" He's not gonna stop. Discord floated lazily in midair beside my pace/stomp down the corridor, resting his head on his animal hands with a content expression. "I mean, there's nothing stopping you from behaving like wild rabbits all over the castle since the two of you have been pretty much inseparable recently, as Fluttershy has mentioned once or twice."

I wasn't giving him the satisfaction.

But that only incited Discord to carry on, flipping through a notepad matter-of-factly, his tone carrying undercurrents of coyness. "In fact, I don't think anypony has seen the two of you being anywhere but together. Even during game nights; where your precious Princess watches us use Zephyr as a reliable distraction as we escape the monsters. Ever since you and Twilight returned from that other world, as Fluttershy has been telling me, holding those two rings, I imagine you're in the same room as she writes letters to her oh-so favourite Princess of the Sun."

Alright, then I couldn't restrain my smile. [BEEP]tard makes a good point. Even Spike's pointed it out numerous times; a few weeks have passed since that romantic night beneath the stars in Sunset's world, and Twilight and I have barely left each other's side since then. We now have every meal together, we study together, she often teaches Starlight with me in the same room watching her.

Dates together have increased, always finding time to take walks in Ponyville park weekly, breakfast dates, lunch dates at Twilight's favourite burger place, dinner dates either at the town restaurant or on the balcony as we stargaze together. Picnics with Spike and Starlight often joining in, reading the same or different books while contently leaning against each other, solving any friendship issue between others in town together, playfully arguing or waltzing in a room just for the Hell of it.

Just... Enjoying each other's company.

Discord's right, I don't think, outside of our own personal bathroom breaks, bedtimes and training sessions, we've barely left each other's side for the last couple of weeks. That night at Canterlot High has changed our relationship. At first, we still growing accustomed to dating, quality time together few and far between, mostly because of Twilight's busy time with our friends and studies than out of partial shyness from both of us. Gradually, we've gotten use to these dates, and bolder. But that night? It was... Something else... And now, we've somehow grown more closer than ever because of it.

"- Shame your friends must be feeling left out nowadays. But what can ya do?"

"Hm? Sorry what?" Discord's last statement broke me from my thoughts, the spirit sending me a knowing smirk before tapping my head jokingly.

"Are your thoughts filled with nothing but 'your Princess' now too?" I brushed the hand back, Discord repeating himself for me, "I'm saying that, the Princess of Friendship spending twenty-four seven with her special somepony alone, may seem like a contradiction for the very duties her old teacher bestowed upon her, wouldn't you agree?"

Oh God, what was he getting at?

I paused, and Discord slyly explained to my expectant look. "Don't tell me you haven't noticed? How distraught your friends are starting to feel with so little time spent with them outside of each other. You and Twilight have been keeping quality time exclusively than hung out with dear Fluttershy and the rest! I know how that feels!"

"...Good try Discord." Seriously, did he believe I would be easily gullible? I continued my trek forward. "Our friends are perfectly fine and understanding about Twilight and I's closeness. We're hardly stopping from spending time with them."

"Is that what you tell yourself?" A tinge of seriousness, making me halt in surprise. Huh? Discord slithered behind me with a knowing gaze, smirking. "That's how you delude yourself? Make you feel better? Tell me then, when was the last moment you spent quality time with, say, the background pony?"


"Yeah Farmer Jack. When did you last hang out with her exclusively?"

"Last-" ...[BEEP]. Frowning, I rubbed my bearded chin in thought. "It has been a while..."

Discord's smug look widened. "Or how about, for example, our favourite boastful pegasus Rainbow Dash?"


"The dashing Rarity?"


"The bouncy Pinkie Pie?"


"Or, most importantly, dear Fluttershy?" At my conflicted silence, he grinned in small triumph, conjuring a small tissue to dab away invisible tears. "You see?! Oh woe be to them! Obviously two of their best friends spend more time together than them! They must be purely devastated! I could hardly blame them-!"

"Alright I get the picture!" I snapped irritably, face hardening. Hate to admit it, but he might's onto something. I have't been spending as much time lately with my others friends as I should.

And most importantly, as Twilight should.

The realization from Discord's blatant accusation was a harsh truth. I've been too distracted from my friends. Most of all, I've distracted Twilight from our friends. God what a piece of [BEEP] I am. For once, Discord was right about something, even if he was probably playing me for laughs.

...Well... It was far from too late.

"You don't know how many times I had to reassure a concerned Fluttershy that neither of two of ehr best friends have abandoned them- Wait, now where are you going?"

"For once you bring up a valid point Discord!" I call out from my quickened pace away from the nearest bathroom. "Do me a favour and conjure up a towel - A dry one! - while I go visit our neglected friends!"

First stop, the very mare Discord liked but won't tell anyone how deeply he liked!

I've been a [BEEP]py friend. Who knew it'd be Discord, of all Equestrian species, to remind me that! These past few weeks I've neglected my friends, and by extension made Twilight do so too, and some would be more hurt than others; Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie Pie. And not just the Mane Six, but Bon, Lyra, Derpy, Whooves and everyone else. Christ, I really needed to salvage this situation, and fast.

Which was why my brisk pace to Fluttershy's Cottage was assisted with some enhanced speed by Balance, halting right before the door yet knocking on it rather impatiently. I winced slightly at the small dent in the painted wood from my action. Get a hold of yourself Jack, Fluttershy of all ponies would be the most understanding... And the most pained, I imagine.

You need not fret, Jack.

Still, I knocked a second time after there was no answer. And on that, a yellow head peeked from the opening red door, clear sea eyes blinking in warm sincere surprise. The fact Fluttershy just looked as stunned by my unannounced appearance as her shocked emotions radiating from her heart stabbed a pang of guilt into my chest. Another testament to what a great 'friend' I've been recently.

Focus on the here and now Jack... I almost imagined those words in Sombra's voice.

"Oh... Hello Stardust." Fluttershy glanced nervously between me and behind her into the cottage, barely able to conceal her clear anxiety. "What brings you here this afternoon?"

I grinned wryly, shoving down my throat the wave of remorse. "Hey Fluttershy." My voice sounded tired for whatever reason. "Sorry for the unexpected visit. I hope you've been doing well."

"Oh. Just fine, thank you." At least then she smiled warmly, but there remained a glint of worry in her eyes. Good grief, what was the mare thinking about me now? "And... You?"

"Good." This wasn't awkward in the least. Better get right to the point. "A certain friend of ours." I began, sounding quite apprehensive myself while trying to pronounce my words. "Reminded me that I haven't been spending any time with my friends recently... So, here I am."

I chuckled hoarsely, and Fluttershy looked at the ground between us with an unreadable expression. "Oh, I see..." Before gazing back upwards, look and eyes shifting to regret. "I'm sorry you had to come all this way then, Stardust, but I'm going to be a little busy all day with... Some things with my friends that I... Really have to stay focused on. Maybe another time?"


Standing between the pegasus' front limbs, a certain white bunny gazed upwards with an expression clearly demanding I leave. Regarding Angel warily, I met Fluttershy's apologetic gaze and smiled forcibly, trying not to let my disappointment and regret show. "That's completely fine, Fluttershy. Don't let keep you from your woodland friends then. Have a nice day."

Welp, that ended in failure. I departed before things could grow even more awkward. Better try elsewhere, and the first image my mind wandered was a particular boutique.

...Hm. Was the place closed?

I knocked repeatedly again as opposed to just barging through, yielding no answer. Odd, Rarity was typically inside, Spike himself was helping her out with the store today. Where in God's name were they? I had no desire to peek through the windows out of privacy's sake, instead peeking through by other means. Balance helped me sense thoroughly within the prestigious boutique where all the rich ponies of this town would go to.

No presence of anyone... They must be out. At least, I had thought that before the presence of my son was picked up right behind me, prompting me to turn around quickly to the equally surprised Spike who approached, certain items held in his claws.

"St-Stardust!" The dragon looked ready to drop the items in earnest, blinking rapidly. "I wasn't expecting to see you here!"

...Probably expected me to be with Twilight inside the castle. I raised a brow with a bemused smirk, inclining my head to the building while sidestepping for Spike. "Is Rarity out?"

"Huh? Oh! Yeah, she's gone out!" The dragon responded rather hastily, myself following him into the place after I opened the door for him, evidently performing some tasks on his crush's behalf. "She's... She's in Manehatten right now, checking out her boutique there and seeing how Coco's doing! Yeah!"

...Has it... Not occurred to Spike yet his awful attempts of lying have never wielded promising results for him?

Regardless, I understood what he was trying to accomplish, sighing again and nodding with a tiny smile. "Thanks Spike. I'll go visit another of our friends then." For some reason, the young lizard visibly startled at that, prompting my ridiculed chuckle. "I do have those outside of you, Starlight and Twilight you know."

"I know that!" His voice squeaked somewhat before attempting composure, Spike coughing into his claw with darting eyes and a nervous grin. "It's just that I heard everyone might be bust today with... Household chores! That's it!"



"One day I'm going to teach you how to properly lie."

"I'm sorry Stardust, but we haven't seen Pinkie Pie all day." Carrot Cake informed me from behind the counter, looking more sincere with his expression and words than Spike had. "She must be still sleeping after foalsitting the kids last night."

Give the stallion credit. He was doing a more convincing job at deception than Spike had attempted, but the emotions in Carrot's heart told me everything. These two were lying, sparing my feelings from the fact that Pinkie's was most likely upset with me, for the right reasons. Not to mention, if Pinkie was resting, I couldn't sense her presence upstairs.

"...I see." Nodding, I accepted their silent plea for me not to inquire any further to there whereabouts of their favourite employee. "Thank you for informing me." Then an idea sprung to mind. Pinkie might be upset about my lack of interaction with her, but I doubt the Cakes minded too much about it. "Do you need any help around the store for the moment then? I have nothing better to do right now." Which wasn't entirely true, but my options were thinning out here.

The couple traded uncertain looks, their emotions flaring in wariness and... Panic? "We- We appreciate your offer, dear." Mrs. Cupcake responded for her husband, grinning in false sweetness. "But we are having a slow day." She gestured to the place barely filled with customers for emphasis. "So I'm afraid there really wouldn't be much for you to do."

"Oh... How about I keep the kids company then?"

"Oh, they're currently sleeping at the moment!"

I tried to conceal the disappointment in my sigh, nodding tiredly. "Well, thank you again for telling me about Pinkie. Hope you both have a progressive day." Which is more than what I'm doing.

Outside Sugarcube Corner, I frowned at the dirt path before me, nostrils flaring in self-annoyance. They covered for Pinkie, Spike was covering for Rarity, and even Fluttershy was making [BEEP] up.Fluttershy.

That... Speaks painful volumes.

Were they really so ashamed and saddened by my lack of interaction with them that hanging out with me was no longer an option? Spending quality time with a friend was never usually something they disagreed severely to do; it just wasn't like them. Really, it shows just how upset they were that I've been horribly neglecting them for the sake of pleasing my Princess just because it made me feel good inside.


Another remorseful sigh. Sorry love, seems I've also been keeping you from your best friends... Heh, aren't I the role model of all boyfriends everywhere? By God if the girls start avoidingTwilight...

I had to salvage this, and fast. Next stop was Sweet Apple Acres.

Granny Smith was kind enough to point me in the right direction, following the buckets of filled apples in the owned woods towards where the orange Earth Pony and her older brother were hard at working. And that action alone made me pause, already reluctant to interfere with those intense looks and concentrating on their farm work of kicking innocent apple trees.

Apple Bloom was absent, probably with her Crusader friends. And seeing Applejack so preoccupied gave me an incentive to just turn around and leave, not wanting to bother the mare, or her sibling, at all. Come to think of it, on noticing Big Mac, I've found myself more focused on keeping Twilight entertained on game nights of late to actually keep my other friends amused, Big Mac included. Zephyr and Discord can amuse themselves just fine, but the rest?

Now that rising sensation of being an awful person bubbled in my chest again, turning around my body for a swift departure. I'll spare them the pain of seeing my unwelcome presence here-


Well [BEEP].

"Hey Applejack..." I looked back wryly, giving a nod to the other equine. "Hey Big Mac." The red Earth Pony smiled, and at least then it looked and felt genuine, before proceeding with his work.

The orange Earth Pony, meanwhile, after kicking another trunk and letting the apples fall into the rightly placed bucket, the mare rubbed a bead of sweat from her forehead and approached with a wry grin. "Wasn't expectin' a visit from you too."


I nodded with a tiny grin, the Earth Pony's emotions reflecting sincere warm emotions. Seems Applejack wasn't as depressed about our lack of time spent hanging out than the others. "I seem to not leave the castle a lot as of late." Oh, great conversation start there Jack! Applejack didn't react negatively though, prompting my slowly hopeful words to continue. "Thought I'd see how all my friends were doing."

"Well, I'm glad to see you out and about again Star." The orange mare expressed amusement, jabbing my furry chest in light teasing with a wink. "Why, yerself and Twilight have been stickin' together like glue ever since yer showed off those fancy rings together. Heh, remember was we originally thought? The two of you were gettin' married? Why, Rarity almost fainted!"

How could I forget? My anxious state evaporated to good humour at the memory. "Correction, shedidfaint, right on the spot." The morning after that evening in the human world, Twilight called all our friends to the castle and displayed the promise rings for them to witness. Of course different assumptions were immediately conjured, and that warranted various, and highly amusing reactions.

Rarity, as Applejack said, fainted melodramatically.

Fluttershy gasped in warm surprise.

Pinkie bounced all over the room excitedly.

Rainbow flew all over the room in hype.

Spike was positively flabbergasted.

Applejack herself offered congratulations.

Starlight was torn between shock and amusement, eventually clapping her hoofs together in celebration.

"And then Twilight realized what we were all thinkin' and turned as red as an apple." My friend grinned in recollection. "We thought you didn't have the stomach for it just yet. Turns out we were right."

I smirked widely. "Applejack, as I keep telling Spike, Twilight is too young to consider marriage. I want to at least wait a few more years before proposing such an idea; it might overwhelm her, and she's still got her whole life ahead of her."

"Didn't stop you though." Applejack grinned knowingly. "Ain't those promise rings basically sayin' ya'll gonna get hitched one day anyhow? I think you warn marry our alicorn Princess but just wanna warm her up to the idea first."

"Whatever you say..." Refusing to give her the satisfaction of confirming or denying that playful accusation, I gestured to the apple trees. "So, anyway, I've wanted to make up for lost time and hang out with my friends today. You and Big Mac want some help?"

Suddenly, something in her demeanor shifted, her emotions changing to more defensive and... Fear? "Ah. No, no! We'll be just fine sugarcube! We appreciate the yer willin' to help though, right Big Mac?"

"Eeyup!" Even the red stallion sounded shockingly nervous.

To say I was both stunned and dejected was putting my feelings lightly. "Are... Are you sure? I have nothing better to do right now-"

"Sure we're sure!"


"We just, er... Don't wanna waste your time with our chores!"


"Maybe... Maybe Twilight might need ya for somethin'. That's the case nowadays right? She just came by a small while back before yerself."


Twilight came here? Regardless, I sighed and turned, clearly realizing they didn't want me here for various reasons. "Alright, well I won't disturb you both any longer. Nice seeing you again Applejack... Big Mac."

Christ, that only left one other mare of the Mane Six...

"Heh, hey Star!" The blue pegasus called out after my own voice halted her casual nap, grinning down smugly but with a tinge of... Embarrassment? That was new. "Expected you just now to be holding Twilight's hoof. Y'know, like usual these days."

Well she didn't sound as upset about it. I cracked a small grin. "Twilight's hoofs are busy teaching Starlight another friendship lesson. I'm here to see my favourite Wonderbolt."

Rainbow smirked in amusement. "Didn't even know you had one."

"When said one's my best friend, it's kind of warranted."


I blinked at the puzzled tone. "What?"

"That's the first time you've ever exclusively called me your best friend, I think." That insufferable but horribly endearing smirk returned, the mare folding her front limbs jokingly. "Guess Twilight's been doing wonders for you these days."

"Don't push it Sonic." I retorted with a playful smile, prompting her laugh.

"There's the Stardust we know! You should've seen it pal, there was an impostor in your spot just a good second ago."

"Oh? Was he as good looking?"

"Pfft! Don't flatter yourself!" Rainbow was equally teasing, hovering down to eye level. "You're only charming whenever you're not being a massive jerk."

"Ditto, Rainbow." At that, we both shared laughs, my hope returning. Maybe Rainbow wouldn't be as reluctant as the others to spend time together. "But I'm not here to discuss my rugged charm."

"You sure? I've always wondered why Twilight doesn't just make you get rid of that forest you call a beard entirely. Considered getting a goatee?"

"Would it impress you?"

"I-" Rainbow paused, regarding me in renewed wonder before cocking a grin. "Heh. Careful Star, what would Twilight say about you hitting on one of your best friends?"

"Really it's just to one-up your admirer in the form of Fluttershy's brother." We rolled our eyes at once, sharing smirks at Zephyr's absent expense. But really thought, now to get to the main point. "Anyway, I'm here because I was hoping we could hang out. The others are 'busy' and-"

"Oh, would you look at the time?!" Rainbow's expression changed one-eighty, pink eyes darting between myself and behind her upwards, grinning unconvincingly. "Wonderbolt duties, gotta attend to them, which I was already doing before you rudely interrupted me!"

"...By napping on a cloud-?"

"Catch ya later! Go hang out with the Crusaders or something!" Followed with a rainbow blur before the pegasus was up and as far from me as humanly possible, disappearing into the clouds above. My stumped, and growing depressed stare regarded the white balls of fluff with a twitched muzzle, further pangs of pain to my chest.

...This was why friendship was more Twilight's forte, though I seem to have ruined that for her too.

You know what just occurred to me? They could've done with Zephyr what they did with Gabby; help him try various a different skill to find something he was good at to keep him employed by someone, then have it in the end where he was brilliant at arts and crafts and just needed more encouragement and support from his sister. Y'know, instead of forcing him into jobs he had no experience with.

But this train of thought wasn't nearly enough to completely distract me from what a horrible piece of [BEEP] I am. After Rainbow Dash, I attempted interaction among the rest of my friends in Ponyville.

Bon, Lyra, Whooves, Derpy, Vinyl, Octavia, Zecora. [BEEP], even the Crusaders!

Only to find, guess what, they're busy too!


Sighing deeply, my slow-[BEEP] trek back down to the castle took its time, my cyan gaze fixed to the yellow dirt pathway. Some friend I was... Everyone wanted to avoid me; their attempts of concealing that couldn't work with my immense sense through Balance, all of them trying to spare my feelings. Sad thing was, I didn't even need Balance to know; all of my friends here are bad liars.

One advantage to cartoon facial expressions for me, a disadvantage for them I suppose. But clearly, I've done enough damage for them to warrant staying as far away from me as possible. That's fine I guess, I deserved the treatment for forgetting about everyone else I cared for too-



We both regarded each other in surprise, our paths crossing right at the intersection towards the castle from both sides. But what's more surprising than the symbolic coincidence were the emotions leaking from the alicorn; distraught, anxiety and fear. Immediately my muzzle opened as I stepped closer. "What's wrong?"

A small weary grin. "I should be asking you that." Evidently I wasn't the only one picking up on the other's feelings.

"Mares first." I retorted in faint amusement. Twilight sighed and turned, prompting me to walk beside down the next path. Beautiful eyes sparkled regretfully.

"A reminder came to me today." The Princess started with sorrow, keeping her own gaze on the ground we walked. "That amidst all my lessons with Starlight and... Other recent activities with a certain somepony." I could help but smile tiredly at that, but waited for her to continue. "That I've been... Neglecting my other friends too. Unintentionally as you fully know, but I've been remiss about my friend's feelings and have forgotten all about sparing room to hang out with them."


A soft glance my way, Twilight obviously sensing the relatable internal dilemma. "You too?"

"Yeah." I nodded reluctantly, sighing alongside her. My stare followed the yellow floor as well. "I've spent all day trying to find someone who'll spend time with me-"

"- To make up for too much lost time."

"I... Yes."

Twilight smiled wryly, grimacing to herself. "And it turns out, all of our friends are busy one way or another."

"When we know better than that."

The mare hesitated, but confessed tiredly. "Yeah..." I welcomed the small lean into my side for comfort fully. She wasn't the only one who needed it. She laughed humourlessly. "Ha... I guess even the Princess of Friendship can forget these things too, huh...?"

"...I'm sorry." I had to confess. "It's because of me occupying most of your time since-"

"Don't start blaming yourself for my own follies, again." Twilight closed her eyes as we reached the steps to the crystallized tree castle. "I should've been more considerate of my friend's feelings."

"...Suppose we could both share the blame." I shrugged helplessly.

Twilight nodded into my neck slowly. "But even so... I don't regret a single moment with the stallion I love."

Those words spoke from the heart, as did my own. "Same love..." Twilight, softly pecking my pony cheek, looked up to the entrance sadly and began moving forward again, and I resumed to follow-


At the top of the steps, the Princess noticed I wasn't beside her and turned, seeing my puzzled frown from the bottom steps. Twilight raised a brow curiously, eyes still sparkling with remorse. "What is it?"

My muzzle fixed, finally reaching the mare to the doors and replied in confusion. Because I WAS confused. "All of our friends... They're inside." Twilight snapped her head to the entrance, sharing a curious glance with me before we opened the two doors together... Thus being poured by party streamers and balloons right the second afterwards.

"Welcome home!"

The [BEEP]...?

Pinkie stood by the front of the crowd, grinning the most out of all our excited friends, throwing her limbs out merrily. "Check out the banner guys!" The hung decoration on the ceiling in question read out with large writing: Happy Anniversary!

...The [BEEP]?!

Twilight and I shared bewildered glances while everyone approached, the former clearly just as ignorant about all this as I was. Pinkie interpreted our reactions with a widened happy look, closing her eyes in self-satisfaction. "I knew you guys would love it!"

Rarity outwardly giggled at our still-stunned expressions. "Darlings, do close your jaws, you might catch parasprites." Blinking rapidly, we obliged, and the unicorn smiled childishly. "We deeply apologize for the deception by everyone involved, but we simply had to keep this particular momentous celebration a surprise."

Rainbow nodded with a cocky grin. "You made us work for it; having to get all the supplies and inviting everyone here without either of you suspecting everything." She then stared to a certain playful spirit in annoyance. "You could've told them Princess Celestia needed them to keep them out of the castle all day."

Discord shrugged from the food table, sipping a cup of lemonade. "You girls should've simply been more specific."

Fluttershy, giggling at her (boy)friend's antics, looked back to us in cheerful hope. "Well?" She inquired on behalf of all our gathered friends. "Do you like it?"

"...Our anniversary was weeks ago." I could only say, still wrapping my head around what the actual [BEEP] was even going on.

Applejack chuckled. "We know that Stardust; we ain't talkin' about your special relationship with Twilight here." And grinned brightly. "This is about celebratin' your return and official stay in Ponyville ever since you came back to us! So, happy anniversary!" At that, everyone raised a glass happily.

...They... They committed an anniversary party about my return...? Emotions flared in my chest, both good and bad, and I swallowed dryly, unable to think of anything good to respond with. Certain ponies smirked at my speechless reply.

Twilight finally spoke up, approaching her closest friends in hopeful skepticism. "So... You're not mad then? Upset at least?"

Rarity blinked along with our friends. "Why would we be upset darling? You've done nothing wrong."

"But I have!" The Princess exclaimed in self-remorse, violet eyes pleading. "Ever since our own anniversary, I've spent more time with Jack, Starlight and Spike more than I have with my other best friends! Doesn't that mean anything?!"

Applejack glared in Discord's direction. "Just what have ya been sayin' to them, Discord?"

The creature of chaos replied happily. "Only what Fluttershy kept mentioned during our tea sessions!"

Huffing with rolled eyes, Rarity beamed in her Twilight's direction, moving closer to provide comfort. "While it is true you have been hanging out with some more than others of late, what would possibly make you believe we'd blame you for it? Twilight dear, we understand completely why you would be devoting more time to your new family."

Applejack nodded, placing a reassuring hoof on the alicorn's side. "You've started acknowledgin' Spike as yer own son, so of course you'd spend lots of time with 'im these days. I'd be doin' so too if I raised a dragon of my own." Spike beamed cheerfully at that, hugging Twilight's leg to help cheer his 'mom' up.

"And Starlight is your student now, so you would have to devote lots of time teaching her." Fluttershy moved to Twilight's right, a kind smile on her yellow muzzle with warmth in her words. "It's actually expected, and we understand that." Starlight smiled rather sheepishly at that, opting to stand by me but winking reassuringly at Twilight.

"And I won't hold it against you if you think some lessons are a waste of time." The pink unicorn pitched it.

"And let's not forget about Stardust!" Pinkie bounced about happily. "Ever since you two had those sparkly rings, something's obviously changed in your relationship for the better! We couldn't possibly be mad that you two want to spend as much time together as possible! Besides, there's nothing stopping either of you from hanging out with us together! I hope you like girly stuff, Stardust!"

Rainbow scoffed playfully. "Just don't get all mushy together every five minutes when you're with us. You know have no idea how both hilarious and annoying to see you both spare a glance with each other every five seconds in a friendship meeting." Everyone else laughed at that, Twilight and I looking to the floor in shared embarrassment.

Trust Rainbow to be that inconveniently observant...

"So... You're not upset at all?"

"Of course not." Rarity replied to Twilight's hopeful inquiry, gesturing for the rest of their main friends to join in the comforting group hug. "You'll always be our best friend no matter the cost Twilight. We accept that nowadays things have changed somewhat between you and certain others." A sly look my way, and I shrugged with a helpless smile. Rarity giggled at that.

Twilight, however, was now fully beaming at her friends, those doubtful emotions from earlier replaced with relief, hope and utter content. "There's one little thing I have to correct you on, Rarity."

"What's that darling?"

Whoa! Starlight also gasped in surprise as the pair of us along with the Mane Six were magically pulled into a group hug, Twilight proclaiming cheerfully. "Everyone here is my family." Aww... Bon, Lyra and the rest watched the proceedings in content, even as Discord invited himself with a slither into the group embrace, grinning at Fluttershy's exasperated fond smile. But then, the lime unicorn called out merrily.

"Alright then, let's get this party started!"

They wasted no time in separating and beginning this celebration, Twilight and I lingering behind briefly as we watched our friends happily start to enjoy themselves. Sharing the same feelings as I this very moment, I quipped to the content Princess, "Glad that that's cleared up."

Like, for real though, I should've known from the beginning that Discord's deception was just him being him. Our friends weren't upset, and they understood and accepted these particular changes to the dynamic circle of friendship. Which means, I horribly, horribly underestimated them and interpreted my friends- Nay, myfamily'semotions all day.

Thank [BEEP]ity Christ!

Twilight chuckled lightly. "I've never been so relieved in my life." And then, she leaned right into my side again with a blissful whisper. "We have the greatest friends in all of Equestria, don't we Jack?"

"...Yes." My smile was soft and full of happiness at watching Pinkie and Rainbow gorge themselves alongside Lyra. Rarity, Applejack, Derpy and the Crusaders dancing to the blaring music. Whooves and Zecora cheerfully conversing with Discord and Fluttershy. And Bon bobbing her head to the beat with Vinyl and Octavia mixing old and new style of music beautifully. "I like to think we do Twilight..."

"Hey everyone, let's do the CONGA!"

We all laughed at Pinkie's enthusiasm. Amazing friends indeed!

Stretching my limbs, my gaze rested on the ceiling above my King-sized bed, a content expression of peace on my face and from within. The fact not a single one of our friends was deeply upset because I've been keeping Twilight from them was... Well...

They're too good for me...

They have grown so far. My teacher supplied in his own merry way. I dare say you yourself have had a hoof in their maturity, my young pupil.

I smirked with a scoff. Doubt that. Majority of my interactions with them have often been arguments or childish moments.

At times, interactions of that proximity can often rub character traits of one onto the other. You may have yet to notice it, Jack, but your wonderful friends have developed, little by little, beyond your regular expectations as seen from the viewpoint of your world.

My brow furrowed, pondering those words. Are you saying, Starswirl, that I've influenced my own friends to developing as people, or ponies, different than how the show's portrayed them? That's possible?

One day, you will experience that in all its glory.

...Typical. Thanks teach.

Still. The back of my head rested on my hoofs, taking a more human posture with my hind legs as my body laid down on the mattress comfortably. That's a load off my back; the last I needed was to drive any wench between myself, Twilight and my friends, especially with Zagreus still on the loose. Should consider that more next time...

What you should be considering more, Jack, is Zagreus.


My body sprang up in surprise, hearing an old voice I wasn't reluctant to confess I missed. Sombra! You're speaking again after a long-arse time.

And please, don't make me regret doing so. My grin widened at the typical snark. I have secluded myself for private contemplation. I shall bare you the specifics, but I believe we've wasted far than enough time resolving matters with your friends and special somepony.

It's not a waste-!

Jack. An icy calmness, unusual given Sombra's lack of patience. This tone was far different, and it commanded me to hear him out. I've had time to think, just as you've had plenty of time spending moments with your loved ones. I implore you, warrior, to finally have us resume our hunt for this dangerous adversary. It's time we return to what we should've continued without other trifling matters interfering.

He's right, Jack. Though your quality time among friends is hardly wasteful, Zagreus grows stronger every passing moment. The time has come for us to double our efforts in the search for this foe. Balance must be returned to the worlds at all costs.

...Alright, I see your points. We have to search harder starting soon.

Tomorrow, I suggest... Recommend, we begin.

My brows raised at the self-correction. More time to think indeed. Still, you're right Sombra, I've spent enough time interacting with my friends, just waiting for Zagreus to rear his ugly head when it should've been the exact opposite. Tomorrow, I will begin my search for that monster anew.

"Heh. Not alone you won't." My gaze turned to the six mares standing by the doorway, Twilight have a pleased smile while the others looked confident. Rainbow smirked wryly. "Guess today made us able to start hearing your thoughts too, Stardust. That means we know what you're planning."

"And you're certainly not doing so alone." Rarity added with a warm grin. "We will help you by devoting as much spare time and effort into this hunt for our reclusive adversary. I, for starters, have plenty of contacts across the higher societies of Equestria to assist us amongst our search."

"I have my family back at the rock farm! I can ask if they've seen any suspicious pony in a cloak!"

"I've got all my cousins who can help us out."

"I could ask my little friends to spread the word."

"And the Wonderbolts can send scouts all over Equestria!"

"Not to mention, Jack, we have our own vast number of allies all over the land." Twilight spoke last with a knowing grin. "Princess Ember, King Zenith, Chief Thunderhooves, Prince Rutherford. If we all work together, we can find and stop Zagreus before he goes too far. You know for a fact you can't face this battle alone."

"...I know." And clutching the close Princess to me, I whispered happily to both her and the others. "Good thing I have the bestest reliable friends one can ask for..." They all beamed proudly as such, and my voice lowered for the Princess embracing me to hear. "And an incredibly knowledgeable hot mare for a girlfriend." Twilight flushed warmly at that, prompting the other's sly amused glances.

Sombra sighed in exasperation. You simply can't resist.

She makes me lose all composure Sombra. What can I say?

"Now, let's show that [BEEP]hole what we're made of. We'll show the creep the real superpower of friendship!"

"Language Jack." Twilight promptly scolded, but was grinning blissfully regardless as the rest of our friends cheered in agreement, Rainbow then flying between us with an extended hoof, opting everyone else to raise one of their own hoofs atop hers. I followed last, after Spike and Starlight watching from outside joined in by our encouraging looks.

"All for one..."


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