• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 18,900 Views, 1,952 Comments

A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 178: Mirror Magic... Yep

Ow my [BEEP]!

Thanks Starswirl! Couldn't give me time to even react from my fall before the sudden duffle bag and Nightshade followed above, landing critically below my waist, could you? I hissed irritably and painfully, shoving the bag of essentials to the side and clutching my private junk with tightly closed eyes, oblivious to my next surroundings. Hey as long as no one took advantage in my temporarily pained state.

My [BEEP]s and my [BEEP]. How utterly charming. I grumbled in disoriented annoyance, moving from my back and placing one palm on soft ground, pleased to find I had landed on something like grass, so long as it wasn't wet. Kneeling now, I took great care in lifting myself upwards, grimacing repeatedly.

"[BEEEEEEEEEEEEEP]..." Came my sharp drawn out response, as if I couldn't emphasize how exactly painful it was for a man to be hit in the lower area. Hey Twilight, if you ever thought losing a friend was the worst experience to have. than won't I be disagreeing with you? Heheheheh...

God I needed to sit down... Oh, how convenient. A bench just right there. Where the Hell was I anyway-?


God [BEEP]ing dammit...

Only then did I finally see that I was being observed by flabbergasted colourful pasty humans, some with sheer disapproval and covering their children's ears my way. The reality of where I precisely was this time brought on even more annoyance than getting a bag dropped on my [BEEP]s. Starswirl clearly has a sick twisted sense of humour, as always.

The EQG world.

You mean to tell me Zagreus was HERE? AGAIN?!

Sadly indeed. Though Starswirl sounded far more amused than apologetic over the circumstances. At least, another measure of imbalance caused from the fiend's twisted magic.

Wonderful... [BEEP]ing wonderful... And from my surroundings, looks to be a park. Funny, t'was where I fought Mane-iac and Nightmare Rarity on my last unwilling visit to this forsaken universe. Alright, Starswirl, where's the Goddamn imbalance? Want to get this over with quickly as possible.

I'll need some time before gaining a precise estimate, Jack. For now it appears to be all over the place. Likely Zagreus intends to keep us stalled for a certain amount of-

So no clue then? [BEEP] it!

Practically throwing the bag onto the bench, keeping Nightshade on my shoulder, I winced and flared through nostrils at every step I took, refraining the urge to swear loudly for nearby citizens to hear. If there was one thing I did take immense pleasure in this world other than Equestria, it was that these people could at least hear what exactly I said instead of obnoxious beeping noises. It was great.

Alright, strategy time... Wait until this pain to my testicles wears off, then look around town and ignore the curious and whispering gazes of people who have never seen a proper human being before. Find Zagreus, kick his arse to next week, get rid of the imbalance and leave with my dignity and what remains of my sanity intact. Done and done, nothing needed revising there.

One hand clutched the armrest of the bench tightly as I hovered over the bench with Nigthshade now perched atop the wood, my other hand rubbing below my waist to make some effort of soothing the pain. Wasn't working too well. Man, it's as if Zagreus knew how much I despised this world and everything about it, coming here and endangering its people again out os sheer spite. Because he knew I couldn't just leave these victimized people to their doomed fate-

[BEEP]'s sake. "Take a picture, it'll last longer!" And they all scattered like chickens, aiming to get away from the little human whom looked ready to bite their heads off the moment they lingered around.

Tempted, believe me-


A voice I've grown accustomed to, so familiar and welcome, gentle and entirely disbelieving resonating from behind that it caused my whole body to freeze, just for a moment. No... It couldn't be...!

Not Twilight...

Not Sunset...


Nightshade let out an elated "Hoo!" in evident recognition, and I slowly turned around, part of me deeply afraid I wasn't just simply hearing things and hoping for naught. A teenager girl, frozen in shock, in green and black with ripped pale dark blue jeans, tiny shoes and long flowing purple hair with strands of light blue. As if that wasn't enough of an indication as to who she was, the light purple eyes were enough of a giveaway.

"Starlight...?" The SAME Starlight from Equestria, not simply this world's version of her? Why else would she call out my name and was currently looking at me as though I was expected to have never been seen again- "...Are you wearing a beanie-?"

I think the incredulous disapproval was enough to provoke the teen forward, thoroughly tackling my unprepared state and knocking uf both roughly to the ground. Ow.

"I knew it! I knew you wouldn't give up on us!" Starlight's voice sung in utter relief and happiness, eyes tightly shut with slender pink arms wrapped around my neck, burying the side of her head on my chest. Jesus. Tentatively I returned the hug... Before my own grip tightened as well, because by God I missed her too. "Spike was right, it was too soon to consider the worst, regardless what the rumours said!"

Despite my own feelings of pure content and peace at seeing an old friend again, hugging her this way in a very suggestive position, I had to smile and gently brush through her hair. "Don't know why you're so surprised my dear... Discord should've confirmed I was still alive and kicking since our last encounter."

Starlight looked up then, beginning to lean upwards with leaked tears and eye makeup starting to become ruined, moving back one hand and-


"If you think that hurts, just wait until what Twilight may have planned for making us think you were gone!" Followed with another harsh slap to my arm. Jesus. Her pink features frowned in exasperated disapproval. A very Twilight-like trait. Like teacher like pupil. "When we heard what happened in the mountains, we assumed the worst. We thought... We thought...!" A choke sob, followed with a bitter sigh and Starlight shaking her head and grinning tiredly. "And now I find you here... You always had a skill for taking people by complete surprise, Stardust."

"I'm sorry." And I truly meant that, because the last thing I needed was everyone believing me dead. The severe consequences there would rip my heart apart. "Please, let them know as soon as possible that I'm alive and kicking." Let her know.

Starlight shook her head again. "You will be sorry soon enough." But the threat barely sounded convincing enough, the pink mare-turned-teenager now grinning more positively in utter relief. "I'd ask just what you're even doing here, but right now I'm just relieved you're okay and... You know."

"Yeah..." I nodded with a slight smile. "And what are YOU doing here, Starlight? Twilight send you here to handle a friendship situation with Sunset?"

The young woman grinned sheepishly. "Actually, something similar happened a few days ago. Now I'm sorta sticking around to learn a little more about this world Sunset chooses to live in." Starlight shrugged with a light smile. "And I don't know why you've complained so much about it, Stardust. This world is amazing!"


Starlight smirked at the immediate dry response, still sitting atop me before shaking her head and proceeding to hug my chest and neck yet again, finding my own face being buried into her long hair. "I'm so happy to see you again..." Came the sheepish yet utterly thrilled whisper.

"As am I... Sister..." I quietly mumbled in response, happily returning the embrace to a very good friend to me, Twilight and everyone else. I could practically feel Starlight's emotions pouring out of her from the elated cuddle, softly stroking her back. "I'm glad to see you're safe and unharmed..." Though where Sunset and the others were was a big question; why was she wandering around the park on her own?



"You can let go of me now if you want..."

"...I kinda don't want to." Came my honest reply, the pleasure and joy of seeing a good old friend again after months and months of uncertainty. Starlight being in my presence again was bringing back some old happiness, protection and relief to my starved heart.

"Oh..." Starlight quietly responded sheepishly, then proceeding to bury her face further to my clothed chest. "That's good, because neither do I..." And the moment lasted for a good matter of minutes, utterly ignoring the curious and fond looks of passerbys.

"Twilight didn't believe it at all, you know."


"Mmhm." Starlight nodded, the pair of taking a nice stroll through, guess what, the mall itself. Haven't been here since getting Twilight that ring... Hm. "Never for a moment did Twilight doubt, even after Spike gave quite a passionate speech to everyone how you were stronger than that and some simple yeti and fall couldn't be the end of you."

So apparently, news of my near-sacrifice to help Flash and the other guards reach to safety reached all of ponykind's ears, beginning the speculation that I had met an untimely demise in Mount Everhoof that day, with nary a trace or body to find. Many of the inhabitants believed it, but some remained skeptical, including Twilight, Spike and our friends... Though some had started to doubt.

"Twilight devoted even more time and energy into finding you, reach I didn't think was possible." Starlight shrugged with a faintly humoured smile. "Although, the initial news of your apparent disappearance hit her hard... It hit all of us pretty rough, but Twilight..." I winced, uncertain if I wanted to hear what happened next, but I needed to. And Starlight knew that, sighing deeply. "It wasn't pretty; Twilight locked herself in her own bedroom for a few days, not even coming out to eat, Spike and I had to deliver her good for her... Until we realized she'd been teleporting herself from the kitchen and back by the amount of empty plates we found in her room." Okay, even I had to let out a humourless laugh there.

"Did Discord never mention finding me recently?" I asked quietly, pausing in one hallway beside the teen filled with many opens shops. A lack of teenagers were making themselves home since school was currently in session, giving us plenty of space to talk without being overheard.

Starlight shook her head. "He never said anything about finding you." Of course he didn't, the [BEEP]. At my expression, Starlight shared an exasperated smile. "Yeah, Fluttershy was suspicious about it when he came back that day. Anyway, when Twilight eventually stopped isolating herself, that conviction and drive to find her special somepony was bigger than ever before, even checking around places where friendship problems were at."

And I was more than happy to hear about Twilight's determination, releasing a long sigh. That followed with a meek grin. "And hear I thought Twilight would finally listen to me and NOT put herself in danger for my expense."

"If you thought that, then you may not know your girlfriend as much as you thought." Starlight elbowed my arm with a playful smile, the pair of us chuckling in light banter next. Oh this felt good, nostalgic even. And Starlight expressed as much. "By Celestia I missed this. The castle felt so empty without you bantering with someone. Do you have any idea how many time I wake up, expecting to hear you and Twilight argue from the other side of the castle?" She winked.

"Cheeky little mare." I smirked, choosing then to turn around to face Starlight completely, inciting her to do the same. "Right then, let's get a proper look at you then." Grabbing the edges of her black jacket and thoroughly inspecting her new appearance. Starlight blinked, but humoured me anyway. Sunburst, you oblivious git. "Hmm... You should have boys tripping over their feet around you."

The blush that followed was adorable and sheepish, the chuckling teen punching my shoulder lightheartedly. "Have you seen Sunset? You'd think any boy would be paying more attention to her than I."

"I have. Shame boys are idiots... Though that's always been a thing with human males."

"Doesn't sound too different from stallions back home."

"Fair enough... The beanie could go though. Why in God's name are you even wearing that?"

"It came with my arrival here! And you're one to talk over fashion; still wearing the gown in broad daylight I see."

More playful retorts were to follow, if not for the sudden loud voices coming from a nearby TV from a shop window. Voices I instantly recognized. "What the...?"

Starlight followed my startled gaze, purple eyes lighting up excitedly. "Oh yeah, Sunset told me about this. That's the dance video they entered and won through some competition to help fund a friend's camp. Pretty good don't you think... You okay Stardust? You look like someone just blew up your Birthday cake."

"I'll be fine." Came the immediate huff, folding my arms and restraining to roll my eyes and force an amused smile to the unconvinced teen. Then, my ears kept picking up on the lyrics emanating from the screen, lips curling in disgusted bemusement. "Good God... This people have never heard of taste. That of the other entries were so utterly horrendous that theirs had to win..."

Starlight placed both hands on hips, both amused and annoyed. "It's not THAT bad, Stardust... I think the video is charming enough." Yeah-huh. "I'd hate to invite you to the movie we're all watching tonight which is featuring Sunset and the others at the theater."


Starlight nodded with a smile, suddenly then guiding me by hand over to some advertising stand, showing some picture of a temple with a man in a cloak. "Yeah, they helped out some movie director find some missing props, and were given some spots in the movie as a reward. See look below." And lo and behold, seven certain teens at the small corner of the advertisement, and my hands immediately clenched into fists automatically.

"Of course..." This time I did roll my eyes. "Acting experience and years of practice thrown out the window. These girls are allowed to have anything they want, naturally..."

"To be fair, they're only in the film as background characters." Starlight smirked. Oh yeah, that makes me feel much better! "Just because you and them had a row doesn't mean you can't be happy for them. They're still your friends."


As if I couldn't sound anymore unconvinced. The pink teen beside me sighed, a tender hand then placed atop my shoulder. "They've been asking about you, you know." My gaze slowly turned back to face Starlight, her facial features softened and eyes clouded. "If we've heard anything from you since you left. Sunset most of all." She has...? My friend couldn't help but smile in faint humour. "Don't look too surprised; she still looks up to you as a teacher, believe it or not. Sunset just wants to see you again and make sure you're okay... And let you explain your actions at Camp Everfree given the chance." That last part added in rushed meekness, and I had to smile mirthlessly there.

"As if I haven't explained myself a hundred times already about that..." I muttered, but not in exasperated irritation but more in amused fondness, slowly looking away and at the ceiling in though, daylight pouring through the large glass done windows from the center of the mall.

"...You're not coming back, are you?"

I sighed, knowing exactly what 'back' referred to. "You know what my answer is." And it pained me to see the reaction from my friend, trying and failing to smile reassuringly. "Zagreus is still out there, causing trouble. And I can't go home until my heart is at ease, knowing my friends are safe and unharmed from my own mistakes."

Starlight looked just about ready to object... But paused, clearly realizing arguing with me, AGAIN, over Zagreus being my fault or not was a hopeless battle, rolling her eyes light and releasing a tiny smile. "At least come with me to meet Sunset." What? "Though she's trying not to show it, she partially blames herself for you running away." She what?! "At the very least we - And by that I mean you - can reassure her that it wasn't her fault at all... Was it?"

"Not at all!" I had to protect quickly, prompting Starlight's grander smile.

"Then it's settled!" Wait, hold on a minute-! "We can go see them after school hours!" But-! "But first, let's get some ice cream. My treat." And Starlight, again, persisted with dragging me by the hand, prompting my rolled eyes and low huff. Clearly Starlight wasn't taking no for an answer in this instance. "They have this special mint flavour in the mall that's to die for!"

But before I could remind Starlight that mint was my least favourite-flavoured ice cream, our casual dragging-me-around was throughly interrupted then from the sounds of multiple screams of pure terror and shock, originating from the left side of another hallway, leading elsewhere. Starlight and I paused in surprise, noting the number of people with frightened children running away from said hallway for their lives.

Well, found the imbalance, I'm guessing.

And Starlight noted my expression of immediate conviction, worry taking over her pink features... Before quickly dissolving into a shared conviction, nodding alongside me. Yep, telling Starlight to stay back will do no wonder. "Zagreus?"

"Most likely."

"Then let's go stop him brother."

The admission almost caused me to freeze completely, regarding Starlight in brief incredulity... Then grinning widely myself, nodding alongside her. "Let's."

And together, both siblings by forged bond ran together to face their destiny, whilst saner people ran past them all around for safety.


How charming...

"Sunset!" Starlight gasped, obviously recognizing the demonic alternate form of our friend from her last encounter with the fiend, currently preoccupying herself with terrorizing the masses surrounding her at the food court. Of all places.

Well I was getting hungry...

People either ran or hid in terror, the unlucky one who had chosen the latter crawling beneath tables, behind chairs, bushes and nearby stores, and Demon Sunset was obviously taking far too much delight in scaring the victimized people. She rose in the air, reddened claws lit with sinister energy, corrupted blue eyes opening after a few seconds of dark mirth to take stock in the people failing to hide from her. "Aww, so many new underlings to recruit. I was a fool to consider a mere teenage army alone when I can have the WHOLE WORLD!"

Hey, you said it sister, not me. Starlight quickly grasped my shoulder, sending a look of both apprehension and certainty. Right, we needed to act.

"Hm?" And when the more darker variation of our friend noticed the two humans observing her from the second floor over ther railing, that incited me to quickly pull Starlight behind me and at least shield her should this Sunset attempt anything. "Ah! He said you would try to stop us, yet again!"

"Sunset." I acknowledged with a cold nod towards the demonic woman at our level, idly pulling out the sonic screwdriver from my gown pocket. "I suppose asking you to cease and desist would be a waste of time."

"Dealing with you is a waste of valuable time." Came the annoyed retort. "I am not the same Sunset Shimmer as that weakling you and that Princess somehow managed to reform. Any attempts you make today, either in pure or ill intent, will result in your inevitable destruction!" One fist clenched for emphasis, the citizens below cowering and trembling much further.

"But that doesn't mean we can't try..." Starlight spoke up from behind, stepping forward again and leaning over the railing with desperate hope. "Sunset, this isn't you! Whatever Zagreus has promised you isn't worth all this! He'll only use you until you're of no more use to his sinister games! You're better than this!"

"You're right... Starlight was it?" That grin only darkened in unnerving glee, and my instinct to protect the teen beside me only strengthened. "Twilight Sparkle's precious student... And her precious special somepony beside her... Except, that isn't the case anymore, is it?" Demon Sunset shook her head, wagging a finger in mocking pity. "What a sorry state you've become... Jack."

My own grip on the wooden railings tightened, and that seemed to satisfy her cold smile more. But Starlight wasn't giving up attempting to reach out. "Please Sunset, consider what you're doing! There's no satisfaction in terrorizing innocent people!"

"Oh I'm considering... Perfectly fine with it, in fact." Sunset then shrugged casually, as if this was no issue to address. Probably wasn't in her sickening mind. "This town will be mine. Equestria will be mine. ALL of the worlds will be mine. With the magic I wield, and Zagreus' vast knowledge of the many universes, absolutely nothing will oppose us!" With an outburst of magic to follow, shattering glass and knocking back Starlight's beanie. After composing herself a little, Sunset proceeded to point one red finer my way in disdainful glee. "The only price to pay is your annihilation. But beggars can't be choosers, sad to say. And I will succeed where that weakling version of Twilight failed."

"Huh?" Starlight made a noise of confusion, but I understood immediately who this villain was referring to.

"She was stronger than you for realizing the truth and giving up some petty crusade for my death." I responded back heatedly. "Twilight is ten times the person you will ever be, Sunset, in your current case." And then, both teens were taken by earnest surprise as I suddenly whirled around then, thrusting the screwdriver into Starlight's startled hands. "Get everyone to safety. I'll handle the demon [BEEP]."

We ignored Sunset's indignant snarl from behind, Starlight stumbling in shock before protesting loudly. "Stardust no! We should get our friends to help-!"

"Which will only leave this Sunset to cause further rampage and despair! There's little time!" Gotta make this quick, a firm hand grasping and squeezing the pink woman's shoulder, my expression stern. "I need you, Starlight, to help get these people out of here. Please."

One look down to the device, and back to me. I could only hope my expression and faith behind my tone was enough to persuade. Luckily, Starlight seemed to have enough trust in me to finally provide a slow nod, mouth twitched but the expression in her eyes clear as day.

If something happens to me, Sunset will be the least of my worries.

Nodding back, I turned to the patient demonic woman, releasing a grimly smile against her sinister glee, swiftly removing my gown, dropping the bag with Nightshade flying to safety, and myself proceeding to leap over the railing. Thankfully the floor wasn't too far down, but for a brief moment my legs did feel like jelly with my feet suddenly turning numb, myself wincing and almost keeling over. Above, Sunset chuckled darkly.

Composing myself, I let out a sharp exhale and glared upwards, pale blue eyes regarding me right back in open distaste and vow of demise. "I don't know why that creature deems you such a threat." Sunset started with sheer malice. "But your inconvenience to our plans ends now, child."

My right fist clenched. "I've been holding back far too much on you, Sunset." Came the icy response. A glacier of fury facing a volcanic rage. "It's time to express how deeply a disappointment you truly are."

On my command, Starswirl.

And Starswirl immediately understood. Be prepared, Jack.

And with an open sneer, Sunset reared back a few feet away, already knowing magic alone won't stop me... Open magical beams anyway.

That was nothing to say of food and various other objects, finding myself then ducking for cover behind a small wall from the onslaughts of fragile food, plates and chairs hurtled my way with intent to disable or kill. Lovely! I flinched and grit my teeth with every sound, carefully looking up to see a group of people on the second floor already making their escape. At least Starlight was doing as she was told-

Gah! Okay, this wall won't last! Ready and... Now! The following spectacle of jumps and rolls was incredible to describe, somehow managing to avoid and dodge various thrown fruits, kebabs, muffins and whatever Sunset deemed fit to throw at me... At least, halfway to reaching cover before slipping over discarded food next, landing on the marble floor with a painful flinch and groan. Wonderful.

And the triumphant screech of the demon above informed me that Sunset was going to take ample advantage of my state, the young corrupted woman proceeding next to charge forward with mocking laughter, claws outstrecthed to swipe and tear my face off. Okay, wait for it, this was the moment where I retaliated.


Now Starswirl!

Something metallic fell into my waiting grip.

And Sunset's expression changed from victorious glee to incredulous outrage from the pure green blade pressed determinedly against her red claws, the glow illuminating her disbelieving features my smug own. Deja vu, my dear? Holding the new lightsaber in a defensive grip, Sunset was quite unprepared for the sudden headbutt against her, forcing the teen reeling back midair.

Yeah, again, not taking anything for chance. As demonstrated by the demonic teen rearing back some more before ascending swiftly to avoid the onslaught of swings, followed with myself staring upwards with baited breath and lightsaber hilt in one hand, pointing sideways. Green this time huh, Starswirl?

I figured, given the timing and evolution of what you've been going through, the symbolism was more than appropriate.

Oh, very amusing. Now then, Sunset. Strategy logical here, I'm guessing, was tiring the woman out before you open a gateway back to her time and universe?

At the moment that's not an option. Only weakening and draining our friend here until she collapses in exhaustion or retreats to safety are our sole options.

...Well, I wasn't going to allow the latter to happen if it was possible...

Sunset growled, summoning one bench from its place and firing at me... Then it being sliced in half. Then more fruit and cakes, followed with my dodging or slicing and dicing. Then a food stand itself, prompting my duck, then rolling out of the way from another outstretched claw digging into the floor. Taking advantage of THAT myself, Sunset was quick enough to dodge the next jab forward, a burn mark taking place across skin of red cheek. Sorry love, try as you might, you're no Darth Vader.

You have a few more ways to go before you're your own Luke Skywalker, Jack.

Good thing I had you then, Yoda.

Growling in sheer disgust and rage, Sunset extended her claws and wings... Before said wings suddenly engulfed in pure flames. Okay, that's new! What was also new became the giant fire sword forged from her own two claws, extending majestically from Hell itself and swinging to side, meeting my blade head-on... Then my head ducking from own flaming wings over me, wincing at some tiny bits of hair being singed from getting caught by the heated assault.

So then it became a battle of wings and swords. Magic I could handle, but magical fire? Wasn't taking the chance. Blocking, attacking and dodging simultaneously in rhythm, unfortunate nearby obstacles becoming victims from our heated battle. My breathing was getting shallow, body sweating and hair sticking to my head from the nearby waves of fire, but I pushed on, lightsaber humming and making noises of meeting Sunset's sword successfully.

On one sword-lock, gaze meeting with furious conviction, I had to grin forcibly as we struggled for dominance. "Impressive. Studied swordplay?"

"Two years in fencing class." Came the playful retort, remnants of the good pony she once was within. "You?"

"Watching old movies. Always was a fan of sword fights."

"Oh I agree." Agh! Sunset managed to sweep me below the legs, and I quickly had to recover and roll before the flaming sword could chop me in two. The demon continued oh so casually. "Much more sophisticated than projectile weaponry... Though I much prefer nothing to fight and oppose to begin with!"

Kneeling, I stated back simply, "Tough." And charged back yet again, having seen and fought too much to be intimidated now but flaming sword and wings poised to cut and roast me alive.

Sunset, in contrast to my determined stoniness, was taking utter delight in the literal heat of battle. "You see? This is what I expect from the likes of you!" She pushed me back. Tch. "Fury!" More swings and strong blocks. "Vengeance!" Elbows and shoulders meeting, shoving one another back before whirls and more spinning blades. "Ambition!" I dodged from my momentary spot atop a short wall, allowing it to be cleaved in two. Dragging her blade through it, Sunset immediately fought next with a high leap, crashing her blade onto my defensive posture and applying as much pressure deemed possible.

I grit my teeth, refusing to give this woman the satisfaction of victory. Not today, not tomorrow, not a single second of reality. But Sunset leaned downwards next, a gleeful smile plastering over he red demonic features and corrupt pale blue eyes.

"Is this not what the true power of humanity is? Would you dare ignore your calling? Your birthright?!" Ugh! I managed to roll away before her extended wings made a sweeping noting to slice off my exposed neck, wiping away some saliva from my lips and breathing again heavily. Sunset briefly looked annoyed, before that replaced with smug triumph. "Your world is nothing but a plague of hypocrites and warmongers. Pretend all you like that you're not one of them, but we both know the truth, don't we?" That grin only widened at my weary grimace. "You're no better than them, 'Twilight Warrior.'"

Before any of us could continue the battle, another voice popped up without hesitation. "That will never be the truth."

And Sunset's surprise turned to outrageous fury and pain, the teen suddenly screeching out loud and stumbling backwards from the sonic waves blasting into her sensitive ears. From the side at a safe distance, Starlight was grapsing the screwdriver with both hands and extended forward, an expression of resignation and conviction to save her friend overtaking her pink features.

"Now Stardust!"

Bingo! Sunset couldn't deflect the next attack in time, the green blade knocking back the sword, a swift kick to her bare knee followed with an extreme upwards slash, causing the demonic woman to howl in pain and fly upwards with enough air force to knock myself onto my posterior. Ow.

It then took a few second for me to finally realize what I just did. Oh [BEEP]. Oh [BEEP]...! Starlight gasped as I cautiously looked upwards, the villainous Sunset clutching her right side of the face with one hand, only a sole blue eyes glaring down upon her defiants in righteous fury, the flaming sword beginning to drip and steadily melt onto the ground like lava, causing some negative feedback from the marble floor below.

I didn't mean to... That wasn't my- It was the heat of the moment-!

"Nothing like them huh...?" The grumbling red demon managed a weak grin, declaring her victory. "This just proves the inner beast within you, Jack... Don't fight it... One day, you will look in the mirror... And see just how much like us you truly are...!"

And thoroughly disappeared in a spectacle of flames before either of us could vocally protest, our own reaching out hands grabbing nothing, a moment of silence and faint sounds of fire around us. Starlight had her own hands covering her mouth and nose after my horrendous action against the alternate version of our good friend, expression of pure fear and worry. I didn't blame her.

My own gaze cast down to the de-activated lightsaber, regarding the mteal hilt in my open palm with sheer disgust. Fitting was it, Starswirl? A lightsaber colour devoted to peace? I just burned half of my friend's face off... Yeah, some practitioner of peace.

And then, a tender voice reached out in quiet conviction. "Humanity is far more than death and destruction." Two pink hands softly grasping my own fingers. "They're about compassion." The hands closed my own over the hilt. "And hope." I slowly gazed up to meet the warm smile. "And kindness." And Starlight followed that with a light quip. "Otherwise you would've done far worse than today."

"...The people." I had to ask next with some desperate hope. "Are they safe?"

"You see?" My friend questioned instead, her smile widening brightly as if I had proven some point. "You wouldn't be some monster if you didn't ask about innocent people's well-beings." Before Starlight nodded positively. "Yes, I got them away in time." And looked around then with a wry expression of amusement. "Before anyone could become a barbecue."

Meanwhile, I was just regarding this woman in pure awe and wonder, blinking a few times before the most massive smile emerged on my face. Starlight Glimmer, ladies and gentlemen, so much like Twilight and yet her own person at once. As if it couldn't be proven any further how deserving she was to have been Twilight's student... And one day a Princess herself. I resisted the urge to flat out hug this mare-turned-teen again tightly.

"Ice cream, you said?" Starlight looked back to my beam in surprise at the abrupt change of topic and mood, myself proceeding to wrap an arm around her slender thin shoulders and guide my sister away to a far safer place before the authorities could arrive and ask any questions. "Let's grab some, we deserve it."

"But wait, what about-?"

"And I know just the place to hang out at."

"I told you that I left not because I was bored, but because I was afraid."

"Hmm...?" Starlight turned to me with mint-covered mouth, adorably so.

I nodded, faintly smiling at the glorious sun shining over the various buildings and landscapes. Our positions over the edge of Canterlot High's rooftop was the perfect spot to observe this spectacle... And for me to confess the truth to my friend with less repressed guilt, while I still had the chance.

My hazel gaze wandered to the chocolate ice cream resting in my hands, steadily melting away. Wouldn't shock me if partially the cause for that stemmed from my earlier confrontation against the demonic Sunset.

"I was afraid of what I'd become, back home- Back there..." Came with a shallow sigh, taking another moment to compose and attempt to explain myself clearly. "A homeless nobody... A nobody with a job... A monster... A burden to my whole family or anyone I come across." With a defeated glance to the sympathetic teen, whom placed a tender hand on my shoulder. I allowed myself a faint smile, gazing back to the melting chocolate dripping down my cone. "I'm a coward, Starlight, not in battling monsters or various villains before but... Functioning and behaving as society would expect of you... That's something else entirely."

The pink hand squeezed warmly. "There's nothing wrong with being afraid. We're not judging you for behaving from the norm, Stardust..."

"I know." I sighed yet again tiredly, my free hand rubbing over my brow, cold from the touch of the food. "That's why choosing to live with your kind was easier... Less expectations and all that..."

I felt Starlight's smirk over her teasing voice. "Though you would have inevitable became a Prince one day alongside Twilight." Heh. I allowed myself a tiny grin at that. "You always over-analyze and pressure yourself too much, Stardust. No wonder Twilight relates with you so much." Okay, then I had to snort, looking back to the pink teen with a wry grin.

"Have you considered a course in therapy, Starlight? You'd be famous for your blunt methods."

"Honesty's the best policy." Starlight shrugged in good banter. "Our friends have taught me so many things..." A few licks of her ice cream which she thoroughly enjoyed, eyes closed in brief content. "One being that running away from your problems will never solve anything."

"Yeah well, it's too late for me to go back to my homeworld to rectify that-"

"That's not what I meant." The grip on my shoulder softened, a gentle punch to my arm next. "You think I ran away from my problems? Did Sunset? Did Trixie?" I couldn't give an answer for that, which seemed enough for Starlight. "And what are you really escaping from, Stardust? Because I know this goes beyond-"

The sound of magic from behind us, forcing us to almost snap our own necks by the golden portal suddenly appearing on the center of the front rooftop. Immediately, I began wolfing down the rest of my ice cream and cone, to Starlight's bemused humour... And my immediate regret.

Ah! Ow! Brain freeze! Teeth ache! The latter far worse!

Starlight wasn't helping, unable to restrain her amusement and eventually start laughing melodiously behind her hand. Yeah, thanks sis! Her giggles only lessened by a tiniest bit at my indignant glare, before I shook my head after standing upwards, stretching the old bones a little and smiling down at the teen, offering a hand to help her up as well. Starlight accepted in bemusement, finishing the rest of her ice cream herself. I at least gave her that time before taking the time to leave.

"That's my cue." Was my simple statement, offering next a light smile... Or weak one. You know, in spite of what came next. "It was good seeing you again, Starlight. Glad you're doing us proud, Twilight and I, still... Hopefully next time we won't be facing anymore villains who come out of nowhere... Heh..."

...Yeah wasn't working, if Starlight's expression was any indication. Really, I had no idea what else to say but the next following request, before things grew even more awkward. Damn, far worse than our last goodbye. A gentle pat to Starlight's cheek and soft smile, hopefully conveying my pride and happiness for what this pony has become.

"Take good care of them." And finally turned to leave, opting to enter the portal already draining too much magic and Balance before things got worse-


A pink hand grasping mine, a pleading quiet voice so unlike Starlight, but the emotion pouring the touch and voice prompting me to halt, and listen.

"Don't go..."

Ow... Ow that hurt. That hurt too much. My free hand clenched, teeth grit with head bowed, shallowly inhaling and working to breathe properly, failing far too much. She knew, she just knew that would be more than enough to make me hesitate.

There's sparse time, Jack. If you are still inclined, you must make the choice now. Starswirl pointed out with a tinge of regret.


The fight against Demon Sunset earlier felt like nothing compared towards the volcanic conflict of emotions bursting from within, gathering what little willpower I possibly had to turn around and face the pleading pink teen, bringing up the hand on mine and delivering the most tender brushed lips against tiny knuckles, offering another small smile of weak reassurance.

Soon enough, my own hand cupped over her pink cheek. "Starlight Glimmer..."

Seeing in those eyes the very soul and likeness of someone who changed our lives for the better. My gentle murmur strengthened next with a much bigger smile, offering the truth behind this confession in the form of a leaning whisper.

"You're just as being a Princess as Twilight."

And with that, I stepped away, making my way over to the gold portal before our tender moment potentially destroyed the whole multiverse. And before any further second here caused me to stay and go home, safe in the arms of people I loved and who loved me back. You see why I declared myself as a coward, Starlight?

But to at least make the situation somewhat more lighter, I threw my dear sister and friend a good cheeky salute with two fingers, and that at least brought a hopeless smile on Starlight's face, the teen shaking her head in exasperated fondness. Again, Twilight-esque, but her own person. I had to grin right back whilst Nightshade, meanwhile, decided to suddenly fly over from out my bag and right onto Starlight's open palms, nuzzling with her cheek warmly.

"Take good care of him, okay?" Nightshade released a noise of affirmation, before having another moment with our friend then flying back to my own shoulder, something attached to his leg. Check it out in a moment. "And Stardust?"

Uh oh. "Yeah?"

"Don't look like that." Starlight called out in amusement, just knowing. Her smirk softened next. "You'll never be a coward for protecting the people you love. That's what friendship truly is. I learned that, as did Sunset Shimmer and Juniper Montage."

And a short friendship speech. Fair enough. I smirked right back in pure affection, the golden light of the portal encompassing my every step. I swore, just before Starlight's smile left me, I distinctly heard Sunset and the others.

Wait a minute... Who the [BEEP] was Juniper Montage-?

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