• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 189: Hocus Focus

"Thanks again for doing this, Starlight." Was my next segway into a conversation under this pleasant weather, the pair of us proceeding down a quiet pathway somewhat outside of the town. "With Twilight busy with school preparations, good thing we have the second best magical user in Equestria to take the job for her."

The pink unicorn rolled her eyes in good nature. "I'm not that talented, Stardust, but the gesture is appreciated." Smiling as warmly as I, Starlight happily guiding me down wherever it was required for this first lesson to commence.

That's right, it's finally time. I, Stardust Balance, Jack Wright, the Twilight Warrior, the Prince of Family itself, am going to learn good ol' fashioned Equestrian magic. Finally, something that isn't Balance for once, and putting this new addition upon my furry forehead to good use. Of course Twilight didn't have as much spare time these days; being a Princess, and a school headmistress.

Evidently, it was up to her volunteering star pupil to step up and work on this half-baked Prince for the Princess' stead.

"Took you long enough to want to begin learning anyhow." A light jab to my side, the playful equine grinning in positivity. "It's taken, what, three months now for you wanting to practice unicorn magic now?"

Starlight was far more thrilled to do this than I initially suspected, in fact, it was near Twilight-levels of enthusiasm. Guess they were becoming more alike the longer in each other's company. Perhaps she's eager to teach what Twilight had helped taught her, or maybe educating Trixie gave Starlight a sense of accomplishment and urge to teach more. Or, maybe, Starlight was a closet teacher. That wouldn't stun me.

"In fairness, there never really seemed an appropriate time." Came my meek answer with a shrug, smiling back wearily to lilac. "Twilight's more busy than usual nowadays, and I'd hate to be a hindrance that her special somepony is an alicorn who can't even utilize regular magic."

"Oh." Starlight smirked coyly. "So what you're saying is, it's fine to occupy my time with your hindrance."

"Really, my dear Starlight, what else do you have to do with your time? We all know Twilight gave you that position at the school so you didn't feel left out."

"Hm. 'Least I didn't lose my job from some noble venture to making my special somepony feel better."

"Please, Sunburst would never allow that of you."

"We're just friends, Stardust..."

"Hm, that tone and diverting of your eyes says it all."

Ow. A branch whacking me harmlessly to my other side, the pink unicorn shaking her head before we laughed together, taking our moment of enjoyable banter. Yes, today felt like a promising start.

"Honestly though, Twilight missed a great opportunity not naming you 'Friendship Counselor' instead... Uhh..."

Lilac orbs followed my gaze, her expression brightening more considerably. "We're here!" Here? Starlight merrily trotting further towards the large, colourful carriage typically used for travelers, tapping her pink hoof against the doors before looking back to me in clarification. "I figured some extra help wouldn't hurt, with somepony who had some difficulty using Equestrian magic at first."

Without further ado, the blue mare made herself known, knocking Starlight feet away as the carriage doors slammed open wide. The ever-flowing purple cape with stars and moons, the pointy wizard hat just as exaggerate. Wide pink eyes slyly regarding her 'audience' with that Cheshire grin.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie is here, to guide the ignorant of magic into the light! Have no fear any longer, for thou shalt become a master of magic just like the GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE!"


One look to Starlight, whom shrugged sheepishly with a meek grin.

So about my earlier comment, regarding this to be a promising and good day. Promising? Yes, perhaps moreso in light of recent developments.

Good? Well...

Every nook and cranny of my body and clothing was currently being inspected from an intrusive Trixie, the blue magician humming with thought whilst prodding, lifting my limbs and tail and muzzle, pink eyes narrowed with intense concentration, as though examining some work ready to be sculptured. Likely her real thought process at the moment.

"Hmm, a minor rough around the edges... Too built for that... Wings might get in the way... Ohh maybe... Yes... That might work... Oh how about... Hm... What about this... Oh perfect, might just work..."

While Trixie was having a blast poking and touching my body without any real invitation, my glare lingered on the, again, embarrassed Starlight, whom rolled her purple eyes to the side with a wide nervous grin. Before gazing back to her friend with a cleared throat.

"Um, Trixie-"

"Hush now, Starlight. Trixie is working out how to mold this unpolished art into something magnificent! A moment please!"

"You certainly know how to pick your friends." I commented idly with raised brows the pink unicorn's way. "Isn't there anyone of them who ISN'T socially deprived?"

Starlight scoffed. "Of course! There's... Okay, Sunburst is fair game. But how about... Good point, that is Maud we're talking about... Hmm..." Immediately perking up seconds later. "The ponies at the village! They're ridiculously social."

"Yeah but they're not friends-friends." Plus, my dear, you've befriended them out of obligation to make up for past errors. "Sunburst, Maud, and Trixie here." Whom wasn't paying a single shred of attention to the conversation, still continuously humming loudly in contemplation all around and over my disgruntled form. I sighed wearily.

Starlight knew my plight, walking up to reassure. "Now, I know they may seem unorthodox." No asking Chrysalis for help would be unorthodox. This was just an inconvenience. "Trixie has been through similar struggles as you have, Stardust, and I think you would both greatly learn from this experience altogether. I'm asking you just give us both a chance. Plus," A humoured wink. "Trixie's pretty good in her own right." Sure, if you count summoning bear monsters to an unprepared populace- "Stardust." Oh alright, huffing lightly by Starlight's stern expression and tone, again eerily reminding me of-

"Yes." A sudden word of conviction startled the pair of us, the white-haired young magician stepping back while rubbing her pony chin, smirking, as though pleased by her examinations, nodding. "You may just have what it takes... You were right to bring him here, my friend, for only Trixie can provide the greatest lectures and education over Equestrian magic!"

Glad she hasn't lost her touch... Both Starlight and I rolling her eyes, though in somewhat amused good nature. Starlight nodded herself eventually, smiling in more eager acknowledgement. "Let's get started then. Now, the first thing to remember is-"

"Ah ah, Trixie shall elaborate. Do not stress yourself, Starlight, for I am an excellent tutor in my own right!" Ah boy. The fellow caped equine wrapped one blue limb over my clothed back and began leading me further to the small woods, beaming merrily. Happy Trixie, the horror. "Come, we shall get started right away!"

"But..." Starlight weakly called from behind, looking quite stumped when we glanced back towards the stall mare. Trixie chuckled.

"Do not worry, Starlight, our golden ill-tempered Prince is in good hoofs!" Promptly dragging me deeper into the area of trees and red leaves with a resigned Starlight following from behind.

'Ill-tempered stallion' indeed...

"We'll start from the basics." Uh-huh, bring it coach. Starlight nodded from my sat posture down to the small empty mug before me. "Levitation is a simple spell any unicorn foal can master. All you have to do-"

Is allow Trixie to butt in yet again from the other side of me, once again becoming more uncomfortably close with her overzealous explanations. "Allow Trixie, dear Starlight! For she knows the correct, absolute methods of magical mastery!" Here we go. Should I even bother actually trying? Just then, as the magician opened her muzzle, one stern look from Starlight and the fellow unicorn retracted, offering a sheepish chuckle before backing away.

Features brightened yet again, Starlight proceeded where she left off. "In order to simply move the cup, you have to imagine wanting to move it-"

"And the magic will respond! Observe!" Out of nowhere, yet again, the boastful equine lit her dark blue horn with a pink magical aura. Seconds later, once it began jiggling enough, the small pink cup commenced ascending into the air, slow and cautious.

Starlight didn't seem all too impressed, but, with her patience, tolerated the moment to continue her lecture as we gazed solely on the floating item before the front of my hazel eyes, spinning slowly as if in emphasis. "Magic reacts to the thoughts and precision focused in your mind. Without focus, the best you could do is simply cause the cup to move a little, and that's all."

Focus, got it. Not too different from Balance then.

They're very much alike. Starswirl piqued up suddenly, but I wasn't startled in the least. It was like I sensed the aged spirit these days before he even got a word in. The rules of Equestrian magic, while much varies relying the type of magic is utilized between pony to pony, and rare exceptions such as draconequus' and centaurs- Hah. - Possess the same, basic instinct that brought discoverers to first begin such skills and revolutions eons ago. You see-

Magic, got it.

Hm... Fair enough. Not sounding the least bit affronted from the reference of an interruption, taking the sidelines yet again as the physically present teacher(s) continued.

"Magic is the soul of a pony taking shape. It brings knowledge, power, and fortune to all over Equestria." Starlight stated in content lecture-mode, walking around to the other side of the hovering cup. Soon then, grinning to me with playful encouragement. "Why not give it a shot?"

Gladly, aside from one minor obstacle that boastfully proclaimed. "Allow me to set the cup down with my magnificent magic!"

Fortune indeed, but not of the good variety, as a prime example became true from Trixie's sudden out-of-control pink magic. The pink cup soon bouncing around the air wildly, knocking into trees, the ground and bushes, and even got an annoyed yelp as it leapt off Starlight's brushed nose.

Quite frankly, I was more impressed it hadn't even shattered into a gazillion pieces at this point. Some strong cup.

"Ow! Trixie!"

"I got it! Trixie has it!"

Spoken too soon. I winced and shielded my eyes and face as the cup slammed with such powerful velocity into the ground, scattering sharp, broken chips of china all over the previously clean smooth grass. Well, this had the makings of a fine day certainly.

Deadpanning, Starlight looked to Trixie with a raised brow whilst I inspected my limbs for any potential cuts, the blue unicorn chuckling again wryly and offering a halfheated grin. "Er... This-This was an example, of what happened if you lose focus for even a second! Stardust I hope you're taking notes."

Trotting away before the peeved pink mare could commence chewing her head. I snorted, yeah good save there Trixie, shaking my head afterwards and looking to Starlight, whom huffed from my following words, "Like I said, you make interesting friends."

"From the guy who befriended practically every species in Equestria..."







"Ugh." The delusional equine scoffed, pausing from her 'examples' to regard her 'pupil' with annoyed disapproval. "You're doing it all wrong Stardust. You need to show more flair into your postures. Like so." [BEEP]ing Hell, the blue unicorn proceeded with her ludicrous, flat-out poses atop the cliff overlooking the woods.

Look, it was already sunset. That was nice at least.

"HA! HEE!" Word after stance each, Trixie intently looking beyond with her bizarre poses. "A unicorn must have finesse. Elegance! Grace! Power!" Even more poses following these words of conviction. "Without those, using magic is null and impossible! UWOH!"

Behind us, Starlight summed up the best reaction between the two of us by a loud hoofpalm and grit teeth. Of course the 'Great and Powerful' was oblivious to such.

"HAHG! KUKOO! KEEYAH!" Snapping her posture straight back in my dumbfounded direction, appearing mightily pleased with herself. 'Least someone here was. "Now, once again, follow my league, and show more class this time."

By God, was Rarity orchestrating all of this? Shaking my head in disbelieving bemusement, I continued following the... 'Demonstrations' Trixie was happily devoting time to displaying for me. For the surprise of no one in particular, I barely showed any enthusiasm in it myself.




"...Chicken noise?"


"Karate noise!"

Needless, all I was doing this evening was prompting more of the showster's indignant rising ire, slapping her own forehead like Starlight had just seconds prior. "Come ON!" Frustration leaking. "How can one use magic with skill, if one doesn't have the capacity to show any interest in doing so?!"

"I think you're giving him too little credit." Starlight interjected lightly, this time the more sheepish one despite the flicker of annoyed exasperation between out sibling magical bond. "No one has to learn these postures to practice magic."

"To master magic. Oh Starlight Starlight, I keep forgetting; evidently you wouldn't have learned these things growing up in a backwater village. No offense."

"...None taken..." Pulling another Twilight-esque face. My drawn breath was long and filled with amused confusion. Why was I here again? I was starting to forget at this point.

Clearing her throat, Trixie straightened and gazed back towards the cliff's end with focus. "All right, once more from the top!"


"I don't understand what you're doing wrong Starlight..." Two heated glares snapped to the oblivious Trixie's direction, our small group currently nestled around a good fireplace beneath the gleaming dark blue sky. Her pink thoughtful orbs staring deep into the fireplace with thought. "Maybe you're taking a wrong direction with Stardust's training..."

Like asking you for assistance? "Gee Trixie, what ever brought you to that conclusion?" Starlight sassily voiced my own thoughts in a more sarcastic approach, the pair of use frowning deeply.

"Hmm... Well-"

"No, I don't wanna hear it."

Vibes of bickering from Twilight and I here, somewhat. Sighing quietly, I wrapped the cape closer over my weary self. Today was exhausting, and not for the right reasons. Trixie's trying to help, and the both of us do appreciate that, but the presumptuous ego that was a natural character trait of hers was getting in the way of progress. I hadn't really learned a single ounce of regular, good ol' fashioned Equestrian magic at all today, just how Trixie thinks Equestrian magic should be utilized. The student trying to impress the former teacher by lecturing the latest next protege.

Christ alive, I'd have rather been chaperoning a pair of old mares to the ponified equivalent of Las Vegas at this point...

"Maybe we should try a different approach." Starlight hummed then in thought, looking over to me curiously. "Perhaps a simple transfiguration spell instead."

Eh, why not? I believe Hogwarts made it look easy enough. What have I got to lose? My first answer was a casual shrug. "Sure." That lifted spirits up a bit, Starlight smiling faintly in gratitude. What'd I do?

Trixie was more than elated, jumping up from her spot excitedly. "Yes, and the Great and Powerful Trixie shall be all happy to-!"

"- Stay quiet and let the actual teacher with more experienced levels of magic do what she's been requested to do by a good friend?" Starlight finished for her good fellow unicorn firmly, throwing a perked flat brow.

Trixie merely paused, sinking back down slowly to her spot by the fire with a wide, meek grin. "Aheh... Of course Starlight. I'll let you handle things tomorrow."

Relief there... Though it'd be a total fib to declare that Trixie's good-natured attempts, while often irritable, are somewhat amusing to observe.

When I wasn't the main guinea pig of course.

"Okay, steady... That's it." Starlight's smooth voice, expressing nothing short of encouraged approval, veiled my pointy ponified ears, the pink mare currently assisting in my education upon the current lesson at hand-slash-hoof. "Concentrate, you're pretty much getting there."

I listened, eyes tenderly shut with front hoofs placed to my sides, focusing lightly, but intently, rear limbs crossed together comfortably on the ground, posture in a relaxed, modestly breathing state. Okay, in and out, and do as Starlight commanded. At least, if I wasn't already. Who knows? Hard to tell currently.

"Good, you're getting the hang of it. Focus... Focus... Feel the magic flow deep inside. Think of it as an extension of one's soul; a means of expressing your essence into the object you're intent of levitating." A small pause, added by a sheepish. "That's how Twilight explained it anyhow."

Good ol' Twilight. I had to smirk a little then, continuously obeying Starlight's instructions, whilst simultaneously ignoring Trixie's awed breathing from close by. Alright, getting there then. At least, the impression I was getting from the gleeful Starlight regarding my supposed success at the present moment. Something was happening, judging by the small echo sounds of a tiny item tapping the ground before me repeatedly, evidently belonging to the bowl Starlight wanted me to begin moving around.

"That's it... You're doing well Stardust. Slowly... Slowly... Yes...!"

Starlight was sounding legitimately excited, prompting my eyes to open, cautiously, and take witness of the purple and white bowl gently levitating by a mere few inches off the ground, encased by a golden hue, pure and bright. My breathing exhaled rather shallowly, causing the floating, fragile china to wobble a little. Was I... Was I doing that...?

Clearly, judging by Trixie's voice of awe. "Not even Trixie managed on her first try...!" Rolling my eyes, if that wouldn't have me lose my concentration for even a moment, devoting my intense sight upon the bowl gently continued to be lifted above ground by minor centimeters. Was this how Luke Skywalker experienced his first session on Dagobah? Nothing felt too different, frankly.

Lilac orbs watched in wondrous satisfaction, grinning teeth widely as those glimmering eyes reflected pure elation, not saying another word but a nod as our gazes met, signalling for me to gently descend the bowl down. So I did, closing my own eyes again and rethinking just then. Set it down, set it down, set it down.

That... Was much, much easier than what I was originally anticipating, especially after yesterday built up hype from Trixie's constant interruptions and butt-ins. My entire body neither felt more lightweight or pressured, just... Myself, like nothing even changed. As natural as breathing.

From the second the item was gently set on the ground, I could relax my posture some more and smile up to the beaming unicorn, honestly pleased myself - immensely so, surprisingly enough - for being able to accomplish such a matter in just a few mere moments. Something Starlight was happy herself to vocalize.

By a playful pony punch to my gold shoulder. "Twenty minutes of preparing you put to good use." Starlight praised cheerfully, unable to conceal the utter pride in her satisfied voice. Followed soon by faint teasing, "Keep that up and, maybe, we'll work on lifting a boulder."

"Pleased to hear you have so much faith in me." My tone sounded a little dry, coughing into my limb before grinning lightly. "Could I have some water?"

Starlight hummed in acknowledgement, a mere bottle filled with pure liquid before my gratified palm, expressing next as I drank the refreshing sustenance. "We could try lifting this bottle next, if you're ready." Mm, why not? I was already getting the hang of it.

"Hm, and then Trixie can provide demonstration for levitation over the supposed dreaded boulder, with ease only a pony of expert knowledge and practice may utilize." The boastful unicorn from close by pitched in happily, eager to continue being relevant.

Starlight snorted in playful humour. "You are aware that, even without magic, this rugged gold alicorn can lift up a mountain, right Trixie?"

"Oh please, merely with that fancy Balance power of his." The pink mare and I threw amused smirks. Pick up a mountain? Well, I never really tried it. Starswirl, note that down for future ideas.

But yeah... Not bad... If I did say so myself, setting the bottle down slowly and regarding my own golden hoof solemnly. I used magic without Balance, for the first time. Who cared how minuscule it was, since Starlight reassured me that nopony new at magic will be judged for it, especially a brand new alicorn whom was formerly an Earth Pony... And before that, a human.

I used magic. Regular, normal magic used by common folk here... Huh... My heart was getting surprisingly heavy in the levels of joy pressing down within.

"Come on, you've got this!"

"It's HARDLY difficult lifting a couple of pebbles atop one another. Put your backbone into it Stardust!"

Easy for either of you to say, sticking my own tongue out in intense concentration, neither of the mares assisting really in reinforcing that focus. The levitating, stacking pebbles quickly wobbling often every few seconds the moment I allowed my guard to drop a little. Almost got it... Almost... Almost...!


"Good job Stardust!" Starlight's praise was excessive, beaming proudly from her position beside the magician feet away. Yet, once again, that ruse of pride swelling in my own chest for getting another thing right coursing through my pleased form.

"Now make those pebbles dance like any true pony would!" One look from her friend, before Trixie then hastily added. "Er, in your own time of course... Oh, I know!" Oh God.

Soon enough, the showmare taking the spotlight, figuratively, in juggling the pebbles via the tip of a glowing dark blue horn in a display of 'honest demonstration.' Mmhm. In other news, I've discovered the colour of magic that radiates from me outside of Balance.

Pure gold, fancy that.

Hours passed throughout the day, the three of hard at work educating and teaching myself the most basics of good ol' fashioned Equestrian magic, with, more and more, that unique experience of pride and content causing my wide beaming every time I managed to get something right.

Provided Trixie doesn't get in the way during the lessons, of course.

"No need to clench your expression like that; relax, and keep breathing normally. That's the spirit." Starlight determinedly pacing around me with inspection, acting like both a teacher and a detective during much of these 'classes.' "Now, we're going to try making that bowl disappear. This is easier than most ponies would assume, you just close your eyes, and imagine where you want the bowl to go. Let's say..." Tapping her muzzle quickly in thought, lilac eyes searching around. "Ah, five feet away." Five feet away, got it.

Obeying simply, my eyes shut with further concentration. Relax features, and focus calmly. Breathe deeply, and imagine magic as a mere extension of the soul, focused solely upon the pink and white item before my sat position.

Five feet away...

Five feet away...

Five feet away...

I want this bowl to be five feet away...

Something outside flashed into my eyelids, indicating some form of magic just occurred. Immediately followed by another, less lighter brief flash from somewhere a short distance away, eliciting Starlight's own gasp of satisfied joy. Did I do it, what?

My hazel orbs opened curiously, seeing that the task had, indeed, came true. Huh, this was way more easier than I thought, and as Starlight explained, with the fragile item harmlessly further away than my posture, perfectly placed on the short grass. Once again, my grinning elation couldn't stretch any wider.

Followed by the warm Starlight playfully elbowing my side in pleased jest. "We'll make an alicorn out of you yet." That burst of joyful wonder crashing through my beating chest again, another sense of sheer pride for completing the most simplest of equine tasks. Heh, what was that sensation? The pony in me expressing bliss for a job well done, or something more?

None of those internal thoughts were answered, however, by a certain blue unicorn smirking whilst moving towards the bowl. "Now, see how a real pro does it!" A pink flash of light before any of us could protest, the item disappearing.

Where did it-? "Ow!"

On top of my head came the answer, with myself soon soothing the bruised spot and Starlight glaring at Trixie with growing exasperation. Couldn't blame her.

"Every unicorn foal learns this on their beginning days of magic. First, you have to imagine what makes you happy, and let it come to you. Now, aside from a certain alicorn Princess, what else do you care for more than anything in the world? Imagine where it would be, at this moment, then bring it here."

Ignoring the faint tease then, I focused curiously, wondering what exactly DID make me content aside from her... And my son, and my friends, and the sister here, and the family back on my own world. Ah, got it!

Mere seconds later, something, again, flashed before our eyes, appearing in-between us gently landing on the caress ground, brought all the way from the mini-fridge of my bedroom. Terry's Chocolate Orange, yum. Arguably one of the greatest chocolate pieces known to man. Applejack wasn't aware of their existence, thankfully, and I'd pray we never find out what would happen if she did!

As usual, Starlight was more than pleased, clicking her tongue then regarding exactly what it was I summoned from the castle. "Wasn't expecting anything less." Sharing a joking smirk, before Starlight grinned warmly yet again with a nod. "You're becoming a natural at this, Stardust. Twilight will be proud!" Finally, that surge of swelling emotion coursing through my body once again, the very same sensations ever since that first, accomplished levitation lesson. Before, I was curious what precisely that was about.

Now, I had it figured out: Twilight.

Twilight adores magic, it's a concept that fascinated and motivated her even since she was but a wee filly. Every spell, every incantation, everything related and expansive to the mythos and common knowledge of magic drove that wonderful alicorn to learning all there was to it. I should know, when Twilight had drilled me for answers during a whole two weeks upon learning my encounter with the core of magic itself.

Boy that was an interesting couple of weeks.

Yet now, learning magic, regular, common magic aside from Balance this time, brought me a sense of closure and satisfaction unlike anything I've felt in a good, long time. The answer was evident at this point. Because Twilight was so skilled, knowledgeable and a teacher of magic, using such myself, and envisioning the look on her face following all of this when we returned home...

Probably that was driving ME the most in learning everything I could, today, basics or otherwise. It made complete sense, and perhaps Starlight here, grinning with lilac eyes shining in her own pride, was well aware of that fact too, likely since the beginning.

Abruptly, some flashes of power from feet away caused us to look towards that vicinity, the pair of us sighing then to Trixie, once again, showing off her own skills as though it were a means of help, a deck chair and sunglasses appearing for the blue unicorn to enjoy herself in her own relaxation, in spite of not really doing anything substantive ever since these lessons commenced.

"Starting to see how Twilight felt when I rode that chariot through Canterlot..." I murmured in good humour to the wry unicorn, whom smirked briefly then shook her head, Starlight wanting to obviously focus on something else.

"Alright, let's try something bigger now, but only by a margin-"

"Oooh, tremendous idea Starlight!" Trixie quickly butt in, immediately throwing off the glasses and getting up, shoving the seat aside. "And if his Highness here is gonna be a powerful alicorn in his own right, then we must take certain risks and play the big game!"

Impressive how one mare could already be sweating bullets in two seconds flat. "Uh, Trixie, I don't think-"

"Observe, the power and skill of the GREAT, and POWERFUL... TRIXIE!" Dear God, here we go. Starlight was faster to the punch than I, leaping over towards the overconfident magician, that lit up her, pointing towards the clear blue sky. But too little, too late, as a sizable rock appeared in-between herself and the jumping Starlight, the latter smacking into it harshly while Trixie then called out, "Ta da!"

Miniature earthquakes were the first thing, the distant sounds of something drawing closer from above. Presumably, and the best guess, descending from the cliff side right next to our positions by this round clearing inside the woods- Hey, remember Trixie's remarks about boulders much, much earlier?

Well... "Get to cover!" An avalanche of round, merciless rocks plummeting down from the cliff side, evidently held in place by the rock somehow which was moved by the panicking equine. Quickly, gotta get to them and protect- Agh!

One fallen rock caught the edge of my cape, keeping me in place briefly. [BEEP] off! Effortlessly kicking the boulder aside, thank you Balance, good to have by my side again. Now then, Trixie! Starlight! I'm coming!

However, Starlight was way ahead of me, producing a blue shield to defend herself and the cowering Trixie from the onslaught of rocky substances falling everywhere. Balance instincts, which I was, again, grateful to have, kept me from getting crushed, swerving and leaping left to right in continued honed skills. No Equestrian magic for this one! Of the normal variety anyhow.

Just when things seemed over, the mini-earthquakes ceasing after some time, my own eyes blazed golden, I assumed, once I noticed the final boulder falling down ready to crush the two mares when the shield dispersed, at the same time, the sounds of something cracking and ready to descend atop my own stance. Never mind me, quickly rushing forward and leaping. Meanwhile, Starlight aimed for whatever was heading to squash myself, glowing horn in fierce preparation.

One punch to a boulder, shattering in millions of pieces midair. One blue beam to a fallen tree, snapping the bark in two and harmlessly landing between us. It was finally over.

Trixie coughed and spit out remaining dust, brushing her silver mane with dissatisfied sorrow. Forget about that, safety comes first. "You girls alright?" Asking once reaching a flawless descent to the ground before them.

Starlight nodded, then cocking her head to one side for further tiny rocks to slider off the long purple and blue mane. "I think so."

Glad to hear it, that was a close one. "Aww!" Our heads snapped to the blue unicorn, unharmed herself and pulling out the half-remaining deck chair in disgruntled annoyance. "Now I'll have to buy a new one..."

Suddenly remembering the perpetrator behind this almost-fatal accident, the former student of Twilight fumed loudly and snapped terribly. "Trixie!" Making her friend jump in startled shock and whiz around to face the steaming fellow mare. Ah boy, better step in... Or not, judging the eerily similar expression Twilight used when mad.

Besides, Hell hath no fury like a mare scorned.

"Starlight, look what happened to my chair! Oh, and my sunglasses too!" Cracked and beyond compare, Trixie magically picked them and attempted ridding the damage by hot exhale and rubbing with her blue hoof. Shockingly, nothing worked, the mare completely ignorant to the trembling Starlight losing her mind. "Curses, now I'll also have to buy new one of these too. Starlight, do you know of any-?"

Hell hath no fury, as I said. "TRIXIE!" Yikes, never heard Starlight Glimmer yell so powerfully to rustle the branches of unscathed trees close by. But the unicorn was far from conclusive, her friend backing away by the furious approach. "Will you stop interfering for one second?!"

"I...Interfering?" Trixie gasped in her own surprise, this being a genuine revelation for the blue unicorn. "I wasn't... Was I?"

Growling awfully, Starlight merely facepalmed herself before looking away, attempting hard to breathe normally. "Yes, Trixie, you've been nothing but a hindrance ever since these lessons have started. If you're not going to help, then please... Just leave us to it."

Quiet anger was far worse than loud lividness. Trixie kept staring wide-eyed, disbelieving to what her friend was practically making clear regarding how she thought the fellow unicorn was becoming of no benefit to anypony. Wasn't exactly sure how I could help in this matter, it felt like something only these two ponies could share between themselves.

"...Hm, fine." Trixie finally looked away, snapping eyes shut before pushing herself off the tree she was backed into, doing her absolute best to hide the tears threatening to burst. Pretty sure even Canterlot could feel her sadness at this point. "If that's how you feel then... Oh wise teacher, I just won't get in the way anymore!"

Fleeing immediately afterwards, the choked sounds of sobs and betrayal accompanying the distraught unicorn. Starlight looked back, her own expression of quick regret and disbelief by her own actions simmering through. As usual once the argument settles down, and the damage has been done.

"What have I done...?" Starlight asked herself moreso than I in tender horror, regarding the ruined ground then.

Finally, I stepped forward, offering solace towards the mare I had come to view as a sibling. "You were just frustrated."

And Starlight stepped back before my hoof of assurance could even touch her, inhaling sorrowfully. "And because of that frustration, I've driven away a good friend who's just been trying to help." Turning immediately towards the shadows of the woods, swiftly placing on the resolve to amend rights. "We've got to find her."

Indeed, I gazed upwards to the yellow sky, frowning softly. "It's going to be night soon."

Which the pink unicorn that was so much like Twilight, with just a dash of Sunset, only acknowledged with a determined nod. "Then let's be quick. Put that Balance sense of yours to good use, Stardust, and let's go find a good friend I need to apologize to."

That following night, I was getting the strangest sense of deja vu, cast by a couple of years and seven seasons ago. Wonder if it was at the right episode too. Turns out, I never even needed to use Balance to track the fled magician out.

For Trixie's high-pitched screams alongside the monstrous roars of an enraged beast, the path to them led by knocked-aside broken trees and marked ground, guided us towards the mare in deep trouble. Of course, wandering around the woods at night was already a bad idea.

Nesting caves of Ursaminors especially. God dammit, it was that episode all over again, just with no Snips and Snails to disturb the gigantic, transparent bear monster from its cave as its blue glow illuminated their positions by the end of the pathway, Starlight and I hurriedly speeding up to stop anything catastrophic.

Enhanced speed aided from the middle powers of magic getting me there first, skidding across the ground in-between Trixie and the snarling large beast. Good thing it seemed to be only that and not the mother. Starlight teleporting before the trapped Trixie and coating them both in a dome of protective blue magic, leaving me to confront the monster on my own. Excellent; wouldn't have had it any other way.

Seven seasons ago, I fought a member of its kind - provided it wasn't the same one - and I lost. Now, in fairness, that wasn't really a victory on its part, throwing myself into the swipe that had originally intended for the boastful, arrogant equine that tried stealing the glory of triumph for herself at the mistaken moment of weakness.

But Trixie had grown since then... Just as I have.

Was I going to fight these beast, repeat history and damage the forest some more? Oh Hell no, instead, I was about to take a page from Twilight's book.


As the baby Ursaminor reared back its extended claws, intending to wipe out the prey which disturbs its peaceful sleep, I swiftly moved towards the underbelly of the exposed see-through creature, pressing a gold hoof where the beating heart concealed within meat and fur. Gotcha. Shutting my eyes in narrowed concentration, connecting deep into the rampant emotions of rage and fear emanating from the disgruntled beast.

Do your magic, Balance!

History hasn't repeated itself precisely, after all. Moments later, once I hopped back to the ground and feet away where the other two mares were, those bear features already softened in less hostility and anger; a simple trick that just naturally came back to me, but more stronger than ever; soothing the heart of a wild animal and requesting it to go back to its nest. Fluttershy would be more than thrilled.

The ground beneath our hooves shook gently the further the calmed Ursaminor retreated back to its home, allowing the shield to vanish and our exhales to release. Once again, another near-calamity averted, this time without throwing a single punch. Another experience of being healthily pleased by my own success. What an amazing sensation.

"Are you okay?" Was the first sincere question to emerge from Starlight's muzzle, directed on the distraught unicorn whom flinched at her friend's concerned touch, looking away ashamedly.

"No, I'm not..." Trixie sighed, shaking her head roughly before pink eyes looked back to the other mare. "I'm sorry Starlight, I just wanted to show you that I was as capable of teaching the very things you taught me."

"Trixie... I asked for your help in assisting. You didn't have anything you needed to prove." Starlight allowed a tiny smile. "I'm the one who should be apologizing; it was wrong of me to yell at you like that, you were just trying to help."

"No, no you had every right to be mad. I wouldn't blame you if you still were, Starlight." Trixie continued avoiding that lilac gaze, whereas I just allowed them their moment to reconcile. This wasn't mine to butt in. "The truth is, you're an amazing teacher Starlight. Patient, levelheaded, compassionate and filled with so much knowledge about magic. A-And friendship! I just wanted to be exactly like you..."

This time, Starlight shared with me a knowing glance, before the former chuckled lightly, prompting Trixie to finally regard her friend in surprised bafflement. Starlight laughed a littler harder, shaking her head in negative response.

"Sorry, but... I think you're projecting Twilight's qualities on me, I'm none of those things, Trixie." I would beg to differ, but remained silent, Starlight beaming warmer then. "I'm not perfect Trixie, nopony truly is. Look at earlier, and the time before when I lost my temper and tried to bottle up... Literally." Those purple, caring orbs softening with understanding, and a hope for start things fresh. "I'm just me, as you're just you, and there's nothing wrong with that. So... Will you forgive your ill-tempered friend, Great and Powerful Trixie, and help her once more?"

Okay, we knew where this was going anyway. Trixie would accept the offered hoofshake, followed by a warm embrace and-

"Oh of course Trixie forgives her most dearest friend, Starlight Glimmer! Naturally, one such as I would release any petty grudges and become the better pony! You're right, Trixie is Trixie, and she wouldn't have it any other way!"

That works too. I smiled in bemusement, but moreso glad the two made up than anything. One minor misunderstanding corrected before things escalated. Take notes humanity.

Whoa! Blue dark hoofs soon tugging my golden left front limb, the mare grinning brightly against the darkened skies and declaring all too proudly. "Come, let us continue where we left, and display the magic of the Great and Powerful Trixie... With the bestest friend anypony could ask for!" Aww, had to smile there, especially by the flattered, relieved and highly amused expression following on Starlight's own face. Friendship.

"You're doing excellent, Stardust. Concentrate."

"Excellent? I'd say tremendous! Feel the magic as part of your own essence."

"As steady as breathing!"

"As composed as sleeping."

Well, the positive reinforcement of the two mares was a welcoming motivation in levitating all these fallen rocks of medium size, floating around me in perfect symmetry. Just needed to start lifting myself off the ground a little and I'd look like the perfect Jedi. Despite some grievances and delays, all was going just fine.

Once the multiple objects harmlessly landed around me on the ground again, Starlight called out then. "Great work! Now we'll take another short break before learning something a bit more interesting; harnessing magic into a defensive weapon."

You mean those beams you fire from your horns? Score!

"To which Trixie will be more than happy to...!" Catching her friend's look. "Assist without causing any further rock avalanches!" Beaming sheepishly by Starlight's amused rolled eyes, the latter smirking affectionately while I stood upwards, approaching the two. I was getting a little hungry right now, admittedly.

"Speaking of rocks, how about we go to Maud's for lunch? I hear she makes a mean rock stew." Err, maybe we'll take a rain check on that. Starlight caught our nervous glances then before laughing in vocal playfulness. "Hahahaha! Relax, I'm just messing with you both!"

"Phew! It'd take fighting an Ursaminor over eating anything rock-related any day." Trixie exclaimed in relief.

I myself snorted in good nature. "Whereas I'd sooner take a hit for a mare who recklessly charges into battle about to get slaughtered."

"Who are you calling reckless, huh?! At least I didn't foolishly engage in battle in the first place!" Stern glare between the blue unicorn and I... Followed by joyous, shared laughter, those reminders of the past bringing humour rather than pain. Starlight joining in eventually, likely having heard the tale either by Trixie, Twilight or Spike respectively.

Suffice to say, the lessons improved tremendously once Trixie and Starlight were working together rather than separately. Friendship is magic, after all.

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