• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 198: Triple Friendship

"No! No you can't do this! Please stop!" Timber oh so fruitlessly bellowed. Screaming from the top of his lungs as the struggling teen alongside his depressed sister were taken away by the po-po. Green hair flailing when the beanie fell off. "We can change! We can start afresh!"

"Tell it to the judge." The lead police officer of the scene gruffly stated, as both teenagers were soon being forcibly shoved into the waiting, flashing car... Well, forcibly on the persistent Timber's part.

"N-No! You can't! This camp means everything to us! You can't just-!"

"You are in violation of reckless endangerment and attempted bodily harm over those you were suppose to ensure the well-beings off. Camp Everfree is a threat to everyone so long as you two kids are left in charge. Take them away."

Everyone else, observing the scene, bore mixed reactions. Some looked on in concern, others in humour, many in bemusement, the more adults being resigned not to do anything and risk getting in trouble with the law. Because the chief officer was right, those two young, ill-experienced siblings were a danger to everyone around them, and thus needed to be stopped. I should have followed my head rather than my heart that while back.

But Timber, blind to his own arrogance and beliefs, frantically called out one last time towards perhaps the only person whom might be fooled by his words. "Twilight, you have to listen! We didn't mean for any of this to happen, please!"

That was, if those pleas weren't so laced in fear. The glasses-wearing teenager merely looked away, a mixture of guilt and resignation. Even those who preach friendship had to respect that actions always had severe consequences, and no one in the entire universe was exempt from retribution.

Poor lad, almost pitied that defeated expression on his face as the car door slammed before him, proceeding to take both beaten siblings away for a good while in prison. I observed with an indifferent expression, able to somehow contain my real glee and relief. Finally, alls well that ends well.

While the other girls were comforting the near-distraught lavender teenager, a certain bacon-haired pony-turned-human glanced my way with a raised brow, folding her eyes. "Like you weren't enjoying that."

Damn, that woman can see through any bull[BEEP]. But still, I wouldn't even bother denying my own satisfaction. "Well, I just love seeing injustice brought to light."

Sighing in exasperation, Sunset at least managed a small smile before then inquiring, "Stardust?"

"Stardust? Staaaaardust...?"

Huh, what? Startled out from my rather uncomfortable position on the desk, right before a bright PC screen - something on the news article about missing people and the like - two slender hands gently shaking my shoulders and rousing me from the realm of sleep. Damn, that was such a good dream!

Yawning a little, I rubbed my weary eyes and took one glance to the ridiculously massive window which overlooked nearly half the apartment, including the bed. Seriously, how could she possibly stand that in mornings, or when she needed a nap? Sighing near tiredness, I smiled up to the teen whom removed her hands from me so I could sit up straight, offering my own light amused grin. "Oh hi dear, how was work?"

Sunset, as always, played along at first, one palm on the desk and another on hip. "Could've been worse, thank you honey." Oblivious to my hand clenching tightly from the word 'honey.' Not. Cerulean eyes looked to and from, before her playful expression softened. "Had a good nap?"

"Could've been worse." Or could have been far more better had I not woken up, but I understood Sunset's priorities. Standing up, I joined the teen in the more spacious living room, gazing around the interior of where I've been hitching in for the last few days by then. How low I've sunken, to seek this world for refuge. "I'm still amazed how you could afford all this."

"Bringing some gold with me from Equestria helped out a little." Sunset shrugged casually, throwing a sly smirk over her shoulder. "And if you start complimenting and thanking me again, as you've done for the last few days, you can start sleeping on the floor rather than the couch." Said couch, by the way, was on the floorboards before the TV. I mean literally, no legs. Overall, it's a pretty cozy, self-sufficient place.

"Tch, now I feel bad if your future boyfriend starts sleeping over." I quipped playfully, wagging a gold finger that I never really missed having these days. A whole season as a human again was quite enough. "That is, if I'm not scaring any potential suitors off."

A wide snort, followed by a rough jab to the elbow. Cheers my dear. Sunset shook her head, taking her own seat by the couch and motioning for me to join her, and that I did, taking the right side and letting silence reign for a good moment. Allowing myself to look around again curiously, and with a mixture of sympathy. In this world, and especially in the modern age, money was always tight, and the gold Sunset brought from the pony world couldn't save her forever. She deserved much better, moreso since she's the closest thing to a realistic human being on this entire planet, barring myself.

Not to mention, all the times this wonderful young woman has saved this ungrateful world a handful of times. Guess EQG and Equestria had that much in common.

Somehow precisely knowing where my train of thought was heading without even saying it out-loud, Sunset vocalized firmly. "Again, no thanks to your offer, Stardust. I can do just fine without your magic money coming out of thin air." From a pony, that spoke volumes. Sunset chuckled lightly with a faint grin. "You don't have to worry about me."

"Can't I worry to the perhaps the first closest person I had to a student?"

"Well..." She playfully mused, tilting head to the side as yellow and red locks fell, rubbing a soft chin. "I suppose it's natural for one's 'teacher' to be worried... Oh well." Sunset then shrugged in humoured resignation, grinning lightly my way next as a hand brushed my gold arm, my blue overcoat hunt to the side by the apartment door. "I can take care of myself and my future, so you don't have to be so concerned, although I appreciate it."

"True, you are more independent than most." I.E, ninety-five percent of the population of Equestria, and ninety-nine percent of the people in this world. I nodded. "Alright, I respect your decision Sunset, though I'll still offer any help I can."

"Trust me, I get enough concern from the rest of our friends." Sunset's expression then softened, her brow furrowing only slightly. "But you Stardust, are someone to be more concerned for at this moment. You're still upset about Twilight."

A statement, not a question, oh so correctly guessed. Sunset never being one to dance around the issue. I sighed, nodding faintly before switching my gaze to the ground, that turbulence of emotions welling up at the painful reminder.

"I just don't understand." Blurting out once again before perhaps one of the most mature of her kind, my arms and back slumped. "Twilight... Okay, she's always been paranoid, often quick to make a decision without thinking through, sometimes reckless and endures the consequences later. But surely, after all this time, she would have at least matured and grown enough against making such a sudden, ill-promised choice that would have only hindered her and our friends immediately afterwards. Stealing what kept another species safe? Lying and manipulating good friends? Blaming others for her problems? Claiming that this was partially MY fault? I just... Twilight should have known better by now."

"Are you partially to blame?"

"...Yes." I sighed, the blunt question cutting through the barrier of defensive feelings, allowing the rest to keep descending like a waterfall. "Yes, my own abrupt departure would cause some devastating repercussions, but I never imagined it would help lead to... That. Lead to it entirely. It's all my fault, and I'm just sitting here, feeling sorry for myself for causing Twilight, off all people, into doing something so crude and potentially breaking friendships."

That gentle hand, once again, grasping my shoulder, soothing lightly as Sunset's lighthearted voice answered. "You had everyone worried... For a time, we thought we were to blame... Well, moreso I felt being responsible by your sudden departure from everyone you knew."

"Heh..." My smile was just wholesome in its self-deprecating. "No wonder we're the perfect mentor and student."

I imagined her faint smile from beside me, before Sunset replied matter-of-factly. "Though, Stardust, you of all people should have also learned by now that you can't just run away from your problems. One crucial part to a relationship is addressing your problems and solving them together. You have to go back, or let Twilight come to you, and work something out, together." My breath stilled briefly, a part of my brain freezing by the prospect of returning to what felt like so soon to my mind.

But God dammit, Sunset was right as always, and I knew it. Just as she was regarding the Camp Everfree situation long back.

"As always, you speak the facts..."

"Just who I am." The mare-turned-teen's voice tinged in amusement. "But in all seriousness, you two are good to each other, regardless of past and present mistakes, which everyone can see. She'll forgive you, as everyone has in the past, including me. You need to forgive and discuss-" The sounds of vibration, followed with Sunset taking off her hand from me. "One sec."

Oh by all means, I'll just keep pondering on something that honestly I should have considered, and perhaps always knew. Because my friend was right, Twilight and I HAD to talk eventually, not hide from one another forever. The sole question was... How? Where would one even begin regarding what happened which led up to all of this?

Some future husband I was turning out to be...

"Okay, we'll be right over." Sunset's hasty voice brought my out of my depressed musings, the teen suddenly standing upwards and glaring down with fierce, blue determination. "Twilight needs us. MY Twilight."

"What are you two an item now?" That'll make a lot of shippers incredibly happy for some reason. Then again, not much ships make a lick of sense.

But Sunset wasn't in the mood for games, grabbing her leather jacket nearby and throwing a certain blue coat into my standing arms.

No idea what to expect, as Sunset, entirely in the dark herself supposedly, kept relatively quiet amongst our trip towards Twilight's rather gothic house. I mean, look at it. Purple and black by its exterior, I could only imagine what the inside looked like. We wasted zero time in approaching the doorstep, Sunset doing the courtesy of ringing the bell, both of us side-by-side, expecting a certain lavender teenager to come greet us.

Why did I feel suddenly apprehensive? My hairs over my body on end, something feeling off-putting, and demanding I should best prepare myself for whatever emergency this Twilight had. It must be because I was helping A Twilight, after what I did to MY Twilight.

Surprisingly, it wasn't the human bookworm whom answered the door, but a certain school fashioner whom sighed in relief at our arrival, motioning for us to enter. "Glad you could make it darlings, Twilight has been in such a fritz all day."

The mare-turned-teen nodded, not looking so shocked to see Rarity herself as we followed into the main living room, and cutting straight to the point. "Is everyone here?"

"All now accounted for." Rarity nodded, sapphire eyes glistening in soft concern, a quick glance my way for some reason. My nerves felt even more on edge then. "We needed all our good friends here, for you see, Twilight has been keeping something from us for a good while now, and it's becoming overwhelming for her. Her grades are beginning to take the strain of her recent absences and the reason to that being... Well, it's best you see for yourselves. Come come darlings!" Hurrying towards a nearby door that Sunset and I followed, seeming to lead downstairs opposed to the natural opposite.

Don't be an underground lab. Don't be an underground lab. Don't be an underground lab- [BEEP]. Wasn't even half as impressive as my Twilight's former underground tree laboratory.

And it looked entirely uncreative too, looks as though the basement couldn't be used for this world's Mrs. Velvet to do the laundry. Or for Mr. Light to drink beer and watch soccer in some alone time. Nope, this place was entirely reserved for the research and, most likely, dangerous experiments conducted by their daughter.

Looks like we might be paying the price there.

Pinkie, Fluttershy, Applejack and Rainbow were huddled around somethings, concealing our views of whatever had their attention. Applejack and Rainbow looking down at one metallic table, Pinkie and Fluttershy the other, with their backs turned against us. Until the sounds of our echoing footsteps prompted their surprising turns, including Twilight, whom was focused on a close-by, built in computer.

From the moment those violet eyes turned to gaze at us, however, she appeared stunned for a brief moment, aimed directly on me before shaking her head and regaining some measure of composure. I could barely hear the athlete's mutter to the farmer, "This is gonna be awkward..."

Applejack sternly elbowed her friend's arm in response.

"Thank you for coming." Twilight immediately began, getting to business in losing track of herself. "I just hope you can forgive my silence after so long; I just didn't know what to do or who to turn to regarding this matter and I didn't want any possible danger on my friends not to mention this was getting incredibly overwhelming especially what occurred just a few moments before you all got here-"

"Breathe Twilight." Sunset beat me to the punch in consoling the poor, almost frantic teen, the bacon-haired girl reaching forward to grasp her friend's thin shoulders, offering a coy smile. "Of course we'll forgive you. We just want to know what's going on and how we can help, that's all."

If it's a homework assignment, I am gonna storm out of this lab and watch whatever counts in this world for Robot Wars.

Exhale after inhale, deep and thorough, the human Twilight eventually nodded, gently brushing past Sunset to reach the table the others were hiding the contents from us. The bookworm proceeding to explain tenderly, "It was never my intention to conceal them, but I fear this was getting the better of me. And now... Stardust." I perked up by the solemn addressing, those familiar sparkling eyes brightening for help. "You might be just who we need to fix this matter entirely."

Okay then... I slowly nodded, approaching the others in my own pace. One by one, reluctantly they stepped aside so I could get a good peek at what I was in for. And just like that, the world came to a grinding halt.


No... No way...!

Not possible...!

Not even probable...! For half a moment, I entertained the notion that, like before, I was hallucinating my past selves again!

How... How... Starswirl, what was this?!

It appears I am not the sole entity to receive the help of yourself, Jack. The dead unicorn sounding infuriatingly calm as always. Not what I needed right now when I was looking at two identifiable versions of ME!

The man... Boy laid down on the left table, looked precisely like me in this human EQG form, but some minor differences. For a start, even without a full beard, looking recently shaved, this... Stardust appeared somewhat younger, like in his sixteens or seventeens or what counts for those in this particular universe. And his chin was laughably pointy, it made Matt Smith's look tame. The clothing was also alike, minus that his cutie mark was entirely on the left side of his dark blue coat, rather than split in half by the center like mine was. He was completely asleep, chest moving up and down peacefully. A few harmless wires here and there linking him to a monitor, checking his condition.

"How...?" I whispered in befuddled disbelief, glancing to a worried and apprehensive Twilight. What did she think I was going to do? But when my attention focused on the other laid patient, my eyes widened to exponential degrees never thought possible.

This... This was me. As in, me-me! Before I became Stardust, but looking just about as young as the other Stardust there.

The realistic human skin, incredibly short height it barely matches any of the girls surrounding us. The dark brown hair with some streaks of... White? Frowning curiously, while taking absent note of the Organization XIII coat I once wore that this supposed alternate or past version of me still wore, I cautiously reached out, ignoring Twilight's gasp of anxiety in favour of softly brushing one of the disheveled white part of a brown lock. Dye? Age? I couldn't tell. But no way was it natural.


"Xion..." My hand stiffened, hazel eyes darting to the young boy murmuring in his sleep, his features shifting in some faint flash of agony. "Xion..." Speaking that character's name again, and I almost stumbled back to fall onto the equally sleeping Stardust right behind me. No, it couldn't be...!

Surely this wasn't the case...!

"Who's Xion...?" Fluttershy quietly asked, but I couldn't look away for a moment, one hand softly then grasping the clothed shoulder, opting to try something.

If my suspicions were entirely confirmed, I was going to wonder if there was anything fate could throw at me that wasn't so shocking anymore. I gently whispered, close to the near-pale ear. "Caxkj...?"

What happened next was of my own doing.

Hand quickly retracted back from the young boy, as though that name restoring all his health and stamina, sprang upwards from the table as if re-awakened, brilliant blue-green eyes looking around in curious enthusiasm before leaping off the table, right before the startled, gasping girls. Ah [BEEP], almost falling onto my other self still sound asleep, oblivious to the commotion then proceeding before us.

"Man, that was some power nap. Now, what kind of pastel, multi-rainbow world have I landed in, huh? Hmm." Practically, hopping around the place in curious interest before anyone could stop him, inspecting screens, devices and all over the likes. "Oh, a proton magnifier. And a Magnetizing Accelerator. And, I spy with my two eyes, THAT I believe to be a Cosmetic-Boostful-Kinderizer. Mark IV, perhaps? I must shake the hand of the geniuses behind them!"

Sounded entirely like me, whenever I heard myself in recordings or videos. And God, does it sound terrible as always. I must preferred the way I sounded whenever I spoke in the present, as opposed to from an outside perspective; made me feel a lot more dignified.

But I was getting off-topic here. The mannerisms were far too energetic, far too excitable for the Nobody OC I once thought up so long ago. Caxkj was regarded as solemn, compassionate, patient and quiet. This blithering manchild was the precise opposite, so it couldn't be the same guy. And I was commonly a depressed sack of [BEEP] when reverted to that form a while back all thanks to Celestia.

Nope, I was jotting this down immediately as some new, alternate version of myself. Whom continued dancing around the place excitedly, stopping right before the lavender Twilight whom leaned back uncertainly by his stare, and closeness. Better step in now, once Sunset glanced at my own bemusement with an impatient expression. Sorry if I wasn't enjoying the show a little with my own curious amazement.

Frowning, the younger me squinted considerably, as though making an effort to maintain some focus. "You have breathtaking sparkling eyes..." I paused at that proclamation from this other me towards the then blushing-brightly EQG Twilight.


"T-Thank you..." The teen in the lab coat nervously gazed down at the metal floor between the two, obviously out of her element. I was about to take another step and hopefully soothe things over-

"Agh... Ah!"

Or not! Hurriedly, I caught the much shorter boy before he fell hard onto the ground completely, holding him on my knelt lap protectively and doing all I could to prevent the current convulsing condition. What the Hell? Twilight?!

Immediately, as though knowing this world happen, the lavender bookworm rushed over to a nearby work desk, grabbing out the item she needed as this... Jack, began ranting with agonized memories. "All my fault... So much lost. Agh! No! I wasn't suppose to live! So many wasteful losses... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

My hand was brushing through his unkempt, rather greasy locks, soothing as I could like I did with Spike at times. Because at the moment, I didn't see some past reflection of me with whiteness in my hair, but a poor child's soul in need of so much rescue.

"It's alright..." I soothed tenderly, doing my best to keep the young lad steady, as the equally worried Twilight knelt by his other side across from me. "You're going to be alright, Jack..." Sunset and Fluttershy joining us too, the rest lingering back uncertainly. Good thing too, we didn't want to make him more stressed by a potential crowd.

Those dazed, hazel eyes turned to look at the focused bookworm, pleading for sheer help. Twilight's expression softened in empathy, the free purple hand softly caressing his hair for me. "It's okay..." She whispered gently, taking that moment to carefully inject whatever would help the man calm down, and regain rest.

Those glistening eyes closed, the body slumped, and silence reigned. Yet as I helped carry the poor boy, after a few minutes of peace, back to his 'bed,' Applejack finally decided to speak up for so many regarding that display.

"Just what in tarnation was that all about?!"

"It wasn't too long, after you returned to Ponyville to fight off Zagreus, that I found them."

The gang was now currently occupied in the living room. That was, most of us at least. Fluttershy and Pinkie opted to stay behind and keep an eye on the two sleeping versions downstairs, while the rest of us discussed our situation. Upon some couches and one seats, many with our own cups of tea or other sustenance, myself with with some soda borrowed from the fridge. Diet, of course, but I'll take anything after what just happened below. This world's variant of Twilight Sparkle sipped her comforting drink slowly, taking her time at our behest while she composed herself, and continued on with her story.

"After the forest fire in the local part, I felt partially responsible. Once the weather finally cleared up, I resolved myself to help make things right and fix up the area. To make amends. Thus, I created this special formula that helps accelerate the life growth of any natural plants, which I intended to test first on flowers in the back garden. With expectant results-"

"Heh, maybe save the science lesson for after the story, Twi." Rainbow interjected with an exasperated smirk, one of which many expressed amusement at. Twilight flushed, but nodded and hastily kept on resuming her tale.

"Right... Anyway, after gathering enough a quantity of the reproduced formula - which surprisingly took one day earlier than I thought, though I'm getting off-topic - I hurried over to the park after school hours on a Wednesday, pleasant afternoon. On my way to the center of the charred woods, to the location where Stardust helped me rescue that little boy trapped in the burning forest, that was when I saw something... Out of this world."

Oh yeah? "No kidding..." Sunset murmured my thoughts out-loud, barely repressing a soft smirk by the incredible understatement.

But Twilight carried on, eager enough to share this tale with all her friends at last, as to lean forward in her seat. "They were just there, laying on the ground, completely unconscious with no signs of movement. Immediately, I had panicked, regardless of the billions of questions running through my head. Who were they? Were they Stardust? Had he split in two? Were they perhaps new? A by-product of this 'imbalance' magic going on?" Pausing to take another sip and regain herself, violet eyes behind square glasses pleading for us to understand. "I was relieved, when I braved myself enough to inspect them, that they were still breathing, but then I was at a lost. What should I do? And the only option available to me at the time was-"

"Bringing them here, in hopes of somehow helping them recover from whatever ordeal has transpired upon them."

Twilight nodded softly by my best guess. "Indeed..."

Applejack frowned in her seat. "Well, why didn't you come to us in the first place? Surely we could've helped however we can."

"I didn't want to risk endangering the people I care for in case they were some trap." So you brought them to the residence of your family. Alright, Twilight, I see clear thinking isn't exactly your forte entirely here too.

Or maybe that's just my frustrations with the pony Twilight talking. This one doesn't deserve such spite.

"Everyday, I've been checking and inspecting any wounds. None, nothing that even looked the faintest of scarred. Completely healthy inside and out, but in some sort of coma nonetheless. At least, that much I assumed until this morning, prior to calling you all for assistance."

"What happened this morning?" Sunset leaned forward, encouraging our bookworm friend to speak. Fidgeting just slightly, Twilight sighed and confessed lightly.

"The same thing you just saw earlier, hence my need to finally let you guys in on the truth..." Ahh. I see. Those violet orbs gazed tentatively on the carpet between us all. "Can you ever forgive me?"

"Can we-?" Rarity snorted in a manner only posh ladies would, waving dismissively after briefly checking her mobile phone for something. "Water under the bridge, darling. You were clearly concerned and uncertain of which actions to take. We all have those." As always, easily forgiving, but this Twilight hadn't really done something as hiding something from her friends.

As, say, another one stealing a Goddamn treasure and manipulating her friends to accomplish such...

"Yeah!" Rainbow agreed with the fashion student with a knowing grin and nod, folding blue-sleeved arms. "We get it, you got two Stardust's all for yourself. No wonder you wanted to be hush-hush about it."

As if the red on Twilight's face couldn't brighten anymore, even Sunset and Applejack chuckling by that statement, while I hid my own wry smirk. Okay, that was funny.

Then, partially, perhaps, to save their friend from anymore potential embarrassment, the bacon-haired mare in a human's body gazed to me expectantly. "Perhaps you could shed some light on the situation?" Garnering everyone elses' attention. Save Rarity's whom was then frowning in concern on her phone before excusing herself into the next room. The kitchen that is.

Shrugging, I leaned back against the couch. "I'm in the dark as much as you are." Was my casual confession, to their evident disappointment. "That Stardust - the gold one - could very well be a product of imbalance, or summoned here from an alternate world, either parallel to this one or by my own home planet... That other one, on the other hand..." Now that was tricky, interlocking my fingers and brushing my bearded chin against the hands. "That man shouldn't even be breathing right now, not in that form. I need this body in order to adapt to either world. So for him to even be alive and healthy alone..."

"...But, you were in that form for a time just a few months ago?" Twilight pointed out curiously, her frown deepening somewhat.

"I was living on borrowed time." I clarified. "I'm amazed this version of me seems to be doing alright, that behaviour just then earlier aside. You say there's no heart condition or the like?"

"None. Upon my research, those outbursts aren't related to breathing or heart problems. In fact, his internal body appears to be completely fine. It could be a mental condition for all we know."

"And these 'outbursts' have only happened twice now?" Sunset inquired, to which Twilight nodded in turn, but the former asked next. "But nothing from the other boy down there?" This time a shake of the head.

"Must have been some ordeal they went through." Rainbow commented mildly, looking to and from between everyone. "Where they came from for either of them to be as they are, napping like no tomorrow."

"Don't anyone find it strange that these two supposed new versions of Stardust here happened to show up right after all that nonsense with Zagreus and imbalance?" Applejack then pitched in with her own suspicions. I gazed to the ground, deep in thought.

Perhaps you're onto something there, Applejack. It could be possible they were brought here because of imbalances, either as contingencies or by accident. Revenge or a long-term plan. But Zagreus was contained now, and I had no plans of letting that monster out for even a second to ask what exactly this was all about. Starswirl himself wasn't entirely sure, for a change, why two new variations of myself were present, in flesh but minorly different, down in this Twilight's lab being treated with care. On the plus side, if they weren't a threat, I was glad she of all people were taking care of them. Spike was probably making the best assistant at the time in absence of oblivious friends.

Speaking of whom, where was the little canine. I quickly looked around curiously, which prompted Sunset's notice. "What is it?"

"Where's Spike? Just wondering because I haven't seen him all day."

"Hm? He's upstairs napping... It's probably a good time to feed him now, thinking about it." Twilight made a move to get up, but Rainbow beat her to the punch, super-speeding herself to stand and jab a thumb on her own person.

"I got it!" Before zooming off in that ridiculous blur.

"Third shelf on the left!" The bookworm called out to the overzealous friend, before sighing and flopping back down in her seat. "Oh!" Then recalling something. "There's another thing... That shorter one... Who I think we should call 'Jack' for the sake of keeping them distinct when they're referred to, you understand Stardust?" Rather him than me. I nodded with an encouraging smile, which Twilight took as a sign to carry on with her point. "He was holding onto something when I found him. It looked like a weapon of some kind."

A weapon? My posture shifted to complete and utter attention, leaning forward in interest. "Is it here somewhere?"

"Well... It disappeared when I tried holding it." My spine stiffened, eyes widened even more absurdly. Okay, yes, this was FAR too big a coincidence considering I only just finished Kingdom Hearts III last week! "It looked like a giant k-"

"Hey Twilight." Dammit Rainbow! The star athlete lingering by the staircase in confusion. "You sure Spike's upstairs?"

"Last I checked." Twilight frowned with a tilted head, trying not to show immediate distress. "Why do you ask?"

"Because I just checked all the rooms up there... And down here... And around the house. Hate to break it to ya, but he's not here."

Before any of us could even begin sinking in that rather alarming statement, the greatest shrill of a scream echoed from the kitchen. With enough ferocious terror to shatter all the windows of the gothic house.


The flaring tower of rage and retribution with my trembling body only increased by the screen's change towards the taken hostages. All the missing people that were reported for the last few days. And some of whom that caused my heart to start vibrating in furious vengeance.

"Sweetie Belle!"

"Apple Bloom!"



How did we know this was being broadcast? The text message sent to Rarity which prompted her deafening scream earlier, ordering us to gather around and turn on the TV. Groups of various aged people, and one certain canine looking entirely frantic and terrified alongside the huddled masses. What followed next came the harrowing laughter of their captor; some random little bloke adorning some ridiculous Dracula-esque cape, staring darkly into the panicking cameraman taking all this in with beady blackened eyes.

It's not possible... Not him... Not again...

Zagreus, Starswirl? But how, we contained him didn't we?!

That's not Zagreus... Neither is the body that creature is possessing... Was it just me, did that voice have a hint of indignation in it? Did Starswirl have some past with whatever malevolent force took over that innocent soul? Or the soul in question?


Twilight, to my right, gasped once the information plastered itself onto the screen. "I know that address!" The lavender bookworm practically screamed in zeal. "That's one of the company buildings Filthy Rich owns!"

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! DON'T KEEP ME WAITING... GIRLS..." As if knowing they were watching, the demonic being smiled cruelly, while the Human Seven all inhaled by their own fear or anxiousness, Twilight and Fluttershy visibly trembling. Sunset beat me, once again, to comforting the bookworm while Pinkie hugged Fluttershy for her own safety. The TV turned black, then to the nervous news presenters whom had nothing of value to say.

After a few seconds, Rainbow snapped and switched the object off, standing up and glaring pink eyes blazed of resolve. "We gotta rescue them, before it's too late! I can just use my superspeed to get in there and get Scootaloo and all those innocent people out, then kick that jerk's butt six ways to Sunday!"

A solid plan, if we were going to be recklessly wholesome about it. I shook my head, standing up tall and looking at the star athlete trying so hard to contain her worry. Who needed Balance when the obvious was there? "He's likely prepared for any eventuality if he knows you girls so well?"

"But why...?" Rarity sniffled, dabbing her eyes with a handkerchief. "Who or what IS that monster that would dare harm innocent bystanders, and those precious to us...?"

Starswirl... Give me something to work with here?

The eager malice. The sinister glare. The body which it chose specifically to control... But it couldn't be possible. After Princess Twilight and your friends assisted with us, we had assumed... It seems my arrogance has always been my greatest fault.

Oh God, don't YOU start getting self-deprecating. Who is he, an enemy of the Mane Six which I hadn't got acquainted with?

More than you realize... You must stop him, Jack. This time, I am not asking, nor am I demanding. But I plead with you; stop this mistake which I and my Pillars had brought by our own ignorance, and taking a dear good friend for granted.

I will... But who IS he, Starswirl?

...Needless to say, he should have been trapped in limbo.




Are you saying THAT'S-?

For all eternity, supposedly...

...Well then... As always, but this time, I gotta clean up YOUR and TWILIGHT'S mess altogether. Joy. Well, haven't fought any would-be conqueror of darkness for a while at this point. It'd be good to stretch out the old legs. The situation with the other two me's downstairs could wait entirely; there were people to go rescue, and bad guys to be put in their place.

I was already at the door without even thinking straight, prompting Fluttershy to then call out, "Um. Stardust, are you going somewhere?"

"Yeah! Where you going Stardust? We need all the help we can get here!" Pinkie added in a saddened but hopeful tone. In answer, I looked back towards the others, some in tears as the group hug kept at it. And seeing them this depressed, by no fault of their own. For once, something which happened to the Human Seven which wasn't partially their own responsibility.

Yeah, you owe me big time for this, Starswirl. Shaking my head, I kept my steady gaze with an upwards curl of the lips. "Where do you THINK I'm going...?"





"Of course you are..." Applejack grumbled beneath her breath, before offering her own wry grin and standing up to come join me by the door. "Well, I ain't lettin' you rescue Apple Bloom all by herself. Count me along!"

Rainbow. "And me! I've got some dark butt to kick!"

Rarity. "Myself as well, darling. Nobody abducts my Sweetie Belle and gets away with it!"

And Twilight, wiping her tears away and re-adjusting her glasses, soon standing with us. "Nor Spike, and I'll get him back no matter what." That's the spirit! I smiled with a approving nod, as Pinkie, Fluttershy and Sunset soon came to join us.

But before we departed, I warned lightly. "This isn't like any regular opponent you girls have faced before."

"Then that'll be a problem we'll solve together." Sunset replied in a heartbeat, smirking coyly as the others cheered on in agreement. Before the bacon-haired teenager than proceeded to add, "We'll need a plan though before we risk anything? Any ideas?"

"I have one." Came my response, before any of them could even have time to ponder anything. "I don't want you girls getting in direct contact with that thing. Twilight, got any walkie-talkies? And how fast can you be at duplicating anything with your lab?"

Obstacle One: The police currently pushing back the masses of paparazzi and concerned families from the entrance of the tall building.

Solution: Barge through like you own the place.

And hey, it worked like a charm! I was into the lobby in a matter of seconds, devoid of any human life but appearing as though a whirlwind of panic and evacuation had come through. Mostly like, the enemy on, best guess, the top floor ordered everyone out so there could be no delays to claiming his prize. And I spy with my little eye, an elevator just at the other end of the spacious room.

Shifting the box containing the geodes carefully under my left arm, I continued forwards, intending against stalling for any time should that creature grow bored of waiting until sundown and begin 'having fun' with his captors. God forbid, the soul whose body belongs to feels immense guilt after all was said and done.

Walking into the lift, needing only ten seconds to wait for the 'ping' noise, I stepped in, and pressed the button for presumably the top floor, gazing up to the cramped ceiling with a mild hum as the feel of gravity shifted a tad. Ahh, elevators, miss these things.

I implore you to take this matter with the utmost seriousness, Jack, this is a foe we cannot afford the luxury of irritation.

Just because he's a personal enemy of yours, Starswirl, doesn't mean he's more dangerous than, say, Sombra or Zagreus. Hell, Tirek even. From what you've been informing me, this creature was a manifestation of your former pupil's hate and bitterness, conjured into a shadowy form. Who's to say this particular form he's possessed harbors those same negative emotions against the human version of yourself?

For that matter, your counterpart here may not even be alive. He might be the Merlin of the human world, for all we know.

You're right, my student, this is a personal affair, so you understand my apprehension and concern regarding this circumstance. I am regretful that you of all people must clean up this particular error of mine and my friends... But myself moreso.

The other girls were currently prowling around and through the building by their own ways, communicating via handy earpods developed by you-know-know. Unfortunately, only seven were crafted, which was fine 'cause I didn't need the chatter to distract me from dealing with this menace. The plan was simple; I kept the opponent busy, while the others find and save the hostages as Twilight monitors things from outside. It was simple, but it could be effective.

That is, if we actually knew what precise we were in for. This may not be the same powerful foe which my spiritual mentor was describing that my Twilight and friends have bested. If it took the power of the Mane Six and the Pillars of Six to defeat this enemy.

Well... I must confess, I was a little excited to see what kind of strain I could give against him.

We shall discover that henceforth. We've arrived, Jack.


So we have, and I stepped out into the large office with nary a worry or care, hazel eyes idly gazing around for any signs of traps or secured prisoners. Nadda. Just the compensating office with a nice balcony right behind the desk, the back of the chair facing me. Giovanni much, pal?

Hell, I was surprised I didn't face any 'Team Rocket' grunts on the way in.

"I have brought what you asked." Deciding to speak first if the opponent was inclined to be dramatic and wait, holding up the small red box and then offering a cheeky grin. "Stygian's Heartless, I presume?"

It writes itself. The large chair swiveled, and I heard Starswirl murmur in faint despair, but I couldn't hear the precise words. A short body, grey, with hair that had some shades of dark blue, and those sinister black all too eerily of Zagreus'. Lovely, am I gonna have to deal with a wannabe?

Leaning back against the seat as though he owned the place, 'Stygian' smirked deviously and spoke with a distorted, echo'y voice that carried throughout the whole room. "I see the children were too afraid to face me by themselves. It makes sense for them to send an expendable pawn to deliver the goods."

Funny thing, I was use to villains knowing who I was at this point. So in that instance, I blinked in brief surprise, before smiling coyly. "They had better things to do, sadly, than waste time with a sociopath. I could give them a call if you like."

"Tch." Those eyes narrowed darkly, holding out a hand as he rose from his red seat. "The box, if you would be so kind."

"Oh certainly. Just let the hostages go first."

"I do not barter with peasants." Flippant. "Give me what I desire, then I shall consider releasing those weaklings, especially after this impertinence."

"I don't barter with villains. This is my ultimatum. Hostages, then the box."

The stare down lasted for a good few minutes, the sun already beginning its descent right outside, gleaming through the open glass doors. Yet the warmth of outside could scarcely reach into the atmosphere in here that sudden felt as though it dropped by a few degrees, as though 'Stygian' was extending his fury through the air itself. With magic, all things were possible.

"You will-!"

"'Suffer if you do not cooperate!'" So for that, I made a bold step and heightened my voice a slight. "Honestly, don't you villains ever get tired of being predictable? Now, let the hostages-"

"'Go, or else you will pay for your crimes.' Honestly, don't you heroes ever get tired of being predictable?" He sneered dangerously, slowly moving around the desk, like a viper examining its waiting meal. At my flinch to the word 'hero,' the enemy only growled smugly. "Playing the role, attempting to be brave? You are nothing to me, and I will demonstrate that."

"Except you can't, can you Pony of Shadows?" This time, his eyes widened, barely anticipating the recognition, and it was my turn to be smug about it. "Oh yes, I too am a force to be reckoned with. You can boast all you like about how all-mighty you were, how you infiltrated this world and learned about your enemies from the shadows, how you possess another body of Stygian's and intend to coat this entire planet in darkness. And, I assume, Equestria would follow."

Tugging the box more comfortably under my armpit, I smiled cheerfully, taking inward delight by the creature being so caught off-guard. Always loved doing that to would-be tyrants who deemed themselves unstoppable.

"But we both know the truth, don't we?" My smirk couldn't be anymore Cheshire if it tried, taking a few more steps forward, albeit cautiously. "You're not as strong as you once were, otherwise you would have taken the whole world over by now, yes? From what I gather, you're not a person to waste time."

"...This body doesn't contain the same rage as the original had." Came the sour confession, looking completely disgruntled by the clear observation. "Stygian created me from his own anger; hatred, regret and a call for retribution. Naturally, I require those to maintain I once had. I assumed that this version of the boy would harbor the exact resentment against his foolish teacher and those pathetic 'heroes,' but that was a lapse in judgment." Followed by an attempted wave of dismissal. "No matter, I shall seek out and possess a much stronger, hate-filled body built solely for my designs."

Man this plan was just going great. Rainbow should have found the prisoners by now and gotten them out of this corrupted building. I tilted my head, considering. "In the meantime, have you thought about having a much simpler name than 'Pony of Shadows?' How about PoS? Or Steve? Maybe Bob? I like Bob; it's a more underrated name than people would think-"

"Cease this mindless prattling, and give me what I desire!" Obviously taking offence to my ridicule, a darker edge bordering on madness. "You're a cockroach whom annoys its betters."

"Yeah, I do that a lot."

'Stygian' growled dangerously by my casual smile, taking a deadly step forward, before pausing briefly, narrowing eyes. "You know who I am..." The villainous darkness in a child's body suddenly mused, frowning in faint curiosity. "You are from Equestria, or at least have some allegiance to its species." Getting clever are we? I merely shrugged, but that did not disturb 'Stygian' from taking his own step forward, the atmosphere dropping moreso that it almost had me shiver. "Who are you? What connection have you among those fools whom tried to banish me?"

"On that subject." I deflected with precision, a similar question burning in my mind since Starswirl first identified this monstrosity. "How did you escape limbo?"

"Bah! Age hardly begets foolishness. They attempted the same trick with those sirens, and it appears to have failed. Equestrian magic isn't as reliable as ponies would assume." Evidently running out of little patience he even had, thrusting out a hand expectantly. "The box, or the existence of you and your comrades. Either way, it shall end in my favour. It always-!"

A loud shrill cut off the suddenly-wincing villain, whereas I grimaced but followed that with a wide grin. The fire alarm. That was the signal, meaning the girls were on their way here now to help me deal with this matter once and for all.

"Looks like it doesn't always end in your favour, Piece of [BEEP]." Heheheheh, I'll remember that genuine bewildered look for years to come! "The hostages have been released from your 'custody,' every last one. You have nothing left to barter with."

Those small brows raised as though it was a trifling matter. "You have only delayed their suffering." Calm, cold and filled to the brim with malice, followed by another deadly step forward. "Now, identify whom would dare oppose me with no magic or hope? Give me the name of whom you will never hear another speak again."

You want to know that badly? Very well. But first. "Threaten and promise all you like; all I see is another generic would-be conqueror, with the personality of goldfish. Starlight Glimmer was more menacing than you."


"THEN YOU SHALL HAVE IT!" Raising my voice to match his, in power and equal wrath for justice. "I AM STARDUST BALANCE, THE TWILIGHT WARRIOR." Before adding that with a lighter, but crude voice of tease. "The student of Starswirl the Bearded you could never have been, Fallen One."

What happened next was of my own doing, but rather worth it. The creature within the controlled body roared, charging forward with a lunge of contempt, knowing me aside cleanly into the harsh wall, enough to make a significant dent. Ow. My dazed form slid to the floor, barely hearing the monster call out triumphantly as he held up the box containing what he believed was his prizes.

"NOW, NO POTENTIAL POWER ON THIS WORLD CAN OPPOSE ME!" Ripping the object open and grabbing the seven pulsating geodes of various colours and meanings... That immediately crumpled into dust by his touch. "W... What?!" Blackened eyes glaring to me for an explanation, as I gently rose from the ground holding the wall for support.

"Sorry... Did I say they were the real deal? Must have slipped my mind." My grin was naught by mocking, as the creature possessing the tiny body with surprising strength snarled in pure outrage, throwing a punch, that I managed to dodge in the nick of time, causing a wide hole into the dented wall.

But I wasn't close enough for the grab to my coat's collar, as the voice hissed darkly, "If I shall not have this world, then you will never see the light again, Pupil of Starswirl!"

The world felt like an immediate blur, barely hearing the cries of my friends as they stepped out of the elevator to witness Stygian, by his own prowess, pulling me with enough speed and force into the fresh sunlight, as the wind whipped all over my hair.


Falling. That's what this was. The growling and laughing body pulling me down from the outside balcony hundreds of stories up the building, intending for a painful and deadly crash for both of us. Most likely he'd survive and just find a new form to possess.

Couldn't... Let that... Happen!

"Agh!" Unsuspecting as he was to my twisting around, grabbing the arm holding tightly onto me, and socking him in the face amongst our descent. It didn't matter what bruises or broken bones he would deliver to me in this midair confrontation, what mattered was if I was meeting my end here, it was going to be with a fight. Starswirl couldn't risk opening a portal for us below so this mad creature could escape once again-!

"Gah!" Suddenly, the turbulence shifted followed after the sound of a roaring engine, released from the monster's grasp into another that was taking me in a different direction. Blinking, partially to dry away tears from the rapid wind current assaulting my face, I gazed up at my rescuer currently grabbing me with one hand and the other piloting his rider-

No... [BEEP]ing... Absolute... WAY!

Ha... Haha! Of course!

Within moments, we were on the ground way before 'Stygian, the crowd parting enough in shock and confusion as the Keyblade Rider disappeared in a flash of gold, Jack and I skidding on the road in preparation. Oh Hell yeah! One hazel eye over his shoulder to give me a reassuring expression, the awakened little man held out his right arm to the side, summoning the weapon that brought awe and nostalgia to me.

It was unlike any Keyblade I've seen before, at least in any of the games I've played. Was it custom? Gold and black, simple but majestic. And it was perfect. Jack Ex Machima to save the day!

The front point of the Keyblade aimed upwards, towards the rapidly descending enemy. A flash of light fired from it in a concentrated beam of dark gold enemy, impacting through the enemy's chest, forcibly ripping our the possessor from the host's body. The Pony of Shadows roared in sheer outrage, disappearing into specks of darkness completely.

And as for Stygian, freed of the monster then, his descent slowed down, gentle and careful by a purple hue around his body, courtesy of a certain bookworm holding out her palm aimed at the poor boy in thorough concentration. Landing safely on the ground with care, into the following arms and care of paramedics on standby, alongside the other freed hostages that reunited with their loved ones all over.

Bloom with Applejack, Scootaloo with Rainbow, Sweetie with Rarity, and so on. Sunset was the last to rush out the building and take in the scene before us, while Spike happily leapt into Twilight's waiting arms and having their emotional embrace. Once those cerulean arms found Jack and I, Sunset placed a hand on her own chest with relief, throwing an exasperated, but gratified smile.

Well... That was all done swiftly, and it seemed I owed my life to myself of all people. Throwing a similar grin to the observant, Jack, who didn't look as though he was as erratic, nor ready to convulse all over the ground, as before. "I have the feeling, we have some things to talk about."

Blinking to me, the much smaller version in the original body nodded.

Thank you, Jack...

"You actually tried sea salt ice cream?"

"I know, and it was as every bit as disgusting as it sounds." The younger man made a displeased expression, both of us taking our time admiring the sunset. Over the roof of Canterlot High, while everyone else celebrated. Those smaller blue-green eyes never looking away from the breathtaking sight. "I never understood their fascination with it."

"One of these people being... Xion?" Okay, THAT caused Jack to slyly look away from my sight, whereas I chuckled knowingly. "You've had your own number of adventures."

"Correction, my other selves had."

"...How are you possible? How did you even get here?"

The first answer came in the form of a sigh. "I was summoned from our home world to participate in the Keyblade War, as to maintain the balance should anything go arise. I was there, in the final battle... And it destroyed me. So much so that I forced to divide into two people to even cope."

Jack gazed down, to the statue and mirror which led back to my new home. His gaze tender, and solemn, that it caused me to become more and more concerned hearing this tale.

"For countless years, my Heartless and Nobody lived on with my burdens, making their own identities, becoming their own people, living their own lives... And I can remember every single one; their happiness, their struggles and hardships. All good and bad... Until they died, and here I am once again."

"Did you ever... Regret...?"

"Becoming them?" A faint smile. "Not in the least. I'm proud of who they were, and what they've done. They weren't bad people, not even the version of me created from darkness."

I shrugged there. "Darkness and evil aren't the same thing." Jack nodded in turn, clasping his gloved fingers together, adorned still in that same Organization coat.

"They were braver people than I could ever hope to be... I was proud to have been them." A moment of silence, and I could only imagine the Hell that would have caused their existence, and what they must have endured for living so long. Before Jack finally turned to me. "As for how I got here... Your guess is as good as mine. Coincidence? By luck? A second chance? I no longer have a clue..."

Smiling lightly in sympathetic knowing, I grasped my other self's shoulder. "I imagine you have plenty of time to find out."

A soft snort. "I have all the time in the world now; to work who I even am anymore to start with..."

"...Well, you won't be alone." I offered, prompting his curious glance as I clarified with my own pride. "There are seven wonderful people here who would dedicate so much to helping you find your path. Will do, in fact, as I know them. Both you and the other version of us still currently sleeping in Twilight's house will figure something out with their help."

"Twilight..." Jack then mused, frowning softly at this newfound knowledge, rubbing a beardless chin. "So that's the name of the angel whom dedicated so much to keeping me safe, and brought me to the waking world with a soft whisper for help..."

Is that how he woke up before to save the day last-minute? Huh. "Well, she's the Steven Hawkings of this world. Not to mention her innocent compassion, kindness and love for learning new things... She's also single."

Jack, this time, raised a bemused brow at me. "I seek advice, Jack, not a partner."

"You'd be surprised..." I was getting married to one after all... At least, I hoped that was still the case. "Call me Stardust, by the way, since everyone else here does. My best advice is to stay here, and let them help you."

"I don't want to be anymore of a burden-"

"Mate, that won't mean [BEEP] to them." I grinned coyly, playfully slapping his back shoulder. "They're gonna try and help no matter what you may say or think."

"...Stubborn do-gooders, then?" A hint of a coy smile.

"Oh you have no idea." Voice tinging on amused exasperation.

"I see..." Jack looked back to the setting sun alongside me, keeping quiet for a good, thoughtful moment, as we both enjoyed the wondrous view which never got old. Wonder how many times this variation of me watched the sunset on the clock tower. The boy then mused tenderly, as though more to himself, "We should always cherish our time with others when we can..."

"...Yes, we should." We absolutely should, because God knows how little time there is left...

...I should go home, after this. I've been away long enough.

"So." My voice then started, but from the mouth of this other Jack, whom gazed to me with a slight smile in attempt of lightening the mood. I knew the trick all too well. "Mind telling me more about this world? Since I'm supposedly staying here for a while until I sort my life out."

Gazing to him had me notice something from the corner of my eyes, smiling then back mischievously. "I think someone else here can give you a better description of this planet." Jack followed my look, and there was the innocent but nervous Twilight Sparkle, this world's version, smiling at us both, tentatively opting to come join us by my encouraging expression. Myself then whispering to... Myself slyly. "She's also the Xion of this world in some aspects."

The look Jack provided to me as the shy bookworm sat by his right prompted my wide laughter. Laughter I needed for these last few days. Yeah, this version of me will be just fine. And hopefully, the other one still napping in that lab will do okay too.

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