• Member Since 5th Dec, 2017
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Now with Patreon and Discord! PM, Discord, or Patreon, your choice, for commissions. Ko-Fi is dishonest.


When a portal is opened between worlds, a trickle of new students comes across it. Professor Dumbledore was ready when the trickle became a roar- but nobody could have been ready for what came next, especially not Dumbledore:

Hogwarts... harmonized.

And Discord did it.

Or at least, his daughter did, but close enough.

Yet another rewrite on the old The Gate/OtIoPW/AI chain, now with an amusing abbreviation. Oh, yes, and consideration towards the challenges of having many thousands of students at Hogwarts...

This story will be taking over AI's Tuesday publication slot, when I remember on the appropriate day of the week.

Tags may be updated as the story progresses. Emphasis on may, because I don't think I've ever updated the tags of a story as the story progressed. SoL tag is in the dear hopes that I can actually write enough of it to warrant the tag. Adventure tag is because that's what's more likely to actually get written.

I should probably mention this somewhere. Written with the proofreading and editing assistance of Gerandakis, Asoka, and Rose. I seriously can't be bothered to dig up profiles, especially as I'm not entirely sure that all three of them have FimFiction profiles.

Cancelled for... just being a very, very poorly planned story. It was great while it lasted. Note there's a total of sixteen chapters; if you don't see through chapter sixteen, I'm still publishing it, even after cancellation.

Chapters (16)

Rarely, a Dark Lord can conceal things from their own followers, and conspire in their own death. Perhaps that's why so many video game bosses are so easy to kill.

Similarly rarely, A Dark Lord may be immortal- or have some sort of curse causing him to return.

And very, very extremely rare is a Dark Lord that falls into both categories- and fights against their own supporters after their own death.

Lord Voldemort was one such Dark Lord. He also had quite a surprise waiting for him when he returned under a new name nobody would ever suspect her under- and learning that Harry wasn't a boy either... wasn't it. As a matter of fact, neither she nor Harry were ordinary by any stretch of the imagination, despite looking the part!

Really too bad she was sick and tired of being powerful. That meant it was a good thing there were so many strange new students about... right?

Possible triggers: Rule 63 of the Internet.

A new story that could potentially be called a rewrite of Accidental Invasion despite focusing on a very different storyline, thanks to certain (major) story elements I'm borrowing from it- and reworking to be a little more realistic, of course. That said, I'm also raiding some concepts from The Boy who Disappeared, and from all over- you could also call it a culmination of all my works.

Updates on Thursdays.

It's worth note that this story is meant to be a lot more... comedic than my other stories. I'll be keeping it "serious", but it's more likely to be "silly-serious" with silly stuff sprinkled in. Not nearly as random as, say, The Gate... but still a bit. You'll get what I mean by the end of the second chapter.

And... I suppose I should say it, shouldn't I? Tags may be updated as the story progresses. Emphasis on may, because I've said that every time but really never gone back to update the tags even when it was warranted.

Chapters (32)

Mistakes have consequences. Right?

Why yes, they do. As a matter of fact, every mistake has consequences, proportional to the size of the mistake. As a result, when a determined young mage makes a terrible mistake by reaching for the Beyond...

The consequences are far larger than she could have imagined.

These are those consequences.

This story is ostensibly a rewrite of The Boy who Disappeared... except that it's so far different I'm not sure it actually qualifies as a rewrite, so much as a whole new story.

Updates Wednesdays.

Chapters (11)

The stars were made to be explored, were they not?

That's what Princess Short Flight believed, at any rate. You never know what you'll find out there- and who knows, maybe the legends were right.

Maybe there really is a world called Equestria out there, just waiting to be discovered, and maybe it really does have magic on it.

And maybe, juuuust maybe, her civilization wasn't the only survivor of the ancient apocalypse.

A rewrite of the once-maybe-popular Just Like Magic of Old, this story will be taking over the Monday publication slot... when I have chapters. No guarantees, for a few weeks at least.

And as always, tags may be updated as the story progresses.

Oh, and before I forget: Thanks to my editors, the usual Gerandakis and this time also one of my siblings.

Chapters (12)

Even the smallest magical accidents, as anyone in the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad can tell you, can have significant and far-reaching effects.

Especially if it wasn't Accidental Magic at all, but deliberate magic that was doing something that wasn't intended at all. Like, for example, the very trustworthy ancient magic of Hogwarts suddenly choosing to invite about fifty times as many students in one year as it usually does.

Naturally, when these small yet significant magical accidents happen, there is almost always someone that doesn't want it corrected for some reason or another. In this case, that someone is in a position of power, so it doesn't get corrected.

And over ten of thousand new students are officially admitted to Hogwarts in a single year. After all, these new students bring with them stories of things thought and even known to be completely impossible, in some cases, and the complete conviction that they are possible where they come from, wherever that is.

Naturally, Dumbledore expected that someone would make them possible. What he did not expect was the who and the how.

A rewrite and reimagining of the once-popular On the Implications of Parallel Worlds, which was itself a rewrite and reimagining of The Gate. This time around, it should be a little easier to avoid deadlocking the plot.

Written with the editing and proofreading assistance of Skittlebug (Former), Gerandakis, Rose, and Raven, and I can't be bothered to find links to their profiles right now- or even their full profile names...

As always, tags may be updated as the story progresses.

Will update weekly on Tuesdays, following the death of On the Implications of Parallel Worlds, or when ready on Patreon.

Cancellation planned for around chapter 85.

It could be argued that the phrase “based on a true story” applies to this story.

Chapters (86)

When a starship is launched, there are a huge number of hoops for it to jump through to be cleared for launch- to be allowed to come even close to seeing the light of day.

Then one ship that came up short of all those hoops was granted an exception because of how unique it was- there likely wasn't any set of hoops it could hop through, simply because it wouldn't fit. It was too large.

Unfortunately, while it launched successfully, its builder- and owner- was already dead.

So, with nobody left with a claim to it, it fell into the ownership of the Navy- under whose authority it launched. And what is the Navy going to do with a starliner of this size?

Personnel movements, of course! If anyone wants a ride to fringe worlds at the warfront, or back from them, and doesn't mind becoming a cute magical pony for the rest of their lives, she can get them home and back three times over in the same time that even the fastest other ship would require just to get them home the first time.

Updates on Thursdays, when ready. Why didn't I have this note in here before...?

Chapters (9)

Through his early life, Harry Potter wasn't even sure what his name was. And once he was sure, he shortly became sure it was wrong- that there was something very, very different about him.

About her, actually, to hay with biology.

He never told the Dursleys. Just like he never told them the friend he made at school was magical. Then of course, right when Hogwarts was getting ready to address first-year letters, the pulse of magic it generated to build the list of potential first-years met with Harry's determination, and that of a few others, and gave them some very unique opportunities to change their situations.

This story is actually a rewrite, believe it or not. The original version was a straight-up girl-harry story, and HP-only, so it never reached this site. It got stuck after just a few chapters, and has sat for months on "writer's block". And then, I got this idea, which made it into a crossover- and I believe it is a unique twist in the world of HP/MLP crossovers.

And if you're wondering why it was published with two chapters, that's because there are no ponies in chapter one. It went live with the first chapter on my Patreon, where my patrons have early access to future chapters.

Note that, even though I expect many of the same OCs to appear, this story is NOT connected to my other HP/MLP crossover, On the Implications of Parallel Worlds, in any way.

This story will update on Wednesdays, when ready, or simply when ready for patrons. Tags may be updated as the story progresses. Additional character tags not available on this site: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, Draco Malfoy.

This story has been cancelled for far too many character and plot developments that just wouldn't. I can no longer stand to work on it.

It could be argued that the phrase “based on a true story” applies to this story.

Chapters (27)

Over the ages, many a wizard has considered the potential for the existence of parallel universes. Often, they've also contemplated what might happen if someone were to cross the line into such a parallel universe- even, how they might do that.

Not one, however, expected that others might come to their world... nor anything that happened after. The first sign they had... was silence in the Owlry.

A rewrite/reimagining of the once popular and now cancelled The Gate, this time with an outline... and a more balanced magic system. And, a different perspective. Should be fun...

Written with the editing assistance of both Gerandakis and Skittlebug.

As always, tags may be updated as the story progresses.

Updates weekly on Tuesdays, or immediately on Patreon... when I have chapters available. Which, in theory, is more often than not.

Chapters (56)

On a world where magic exists only in the distant past, a young unicorn Princess is utterly convinced she won't live to see the day when it is rediscovered. Thus, she doesn't know what to think when, after a particularly nasty run-in with orbiting procedures, it changes her life forever.

Updates Mondays, if ready. Or, on Patreon, when ready.

And last but not least, many thanks to Shooting Star for graciously permitting me to use his OC, and to Gerandakis for the editing assist!

Rewrite/translation to past tense started 6/21/2020 and subsequently stagnated. There's a few changes to the wording, so it flows better, but all the same events are taking place in all the same places, and all the same words are being said. I'd recommend a re-read for the details being added, but it's not necessary.

Chapters (33)

Anypony can see the runes, the symbols, the glow. It looks like magic.
In order to turn it on, unicorns have to feed it magical power. It's powered by magic.
But is it really magic?
The only pony that knows... is dead.
Or so they think.

Tags may be updated as the story progresses.

Chapters (5)