• Published 25th Feb 2020
  • 5,136 Views, 1,789 Comments

On the Implications of Parallel Worlds - computerneek

Usually, first contact is made with just a few people. The latest civilization to be invited to Hogwarts begs to differ.

  • ...

Chapter 9

Draco Malfoy couldn’t believe his eyes when he stepped out of the floo at the Leaky Cauldron. He’d been here before- hundreds of times, in fact. But not once had he seen the Leaky Cauldron so… colorful. Streamers hung from the ceiling; a massive banner hung over the bar, reading ‘Welcome to a New World’. There was a girl with fluffy pink hair filling balloons so fast it was almost like a rope of them was ascending to the ceiling as she traversed the room. He was fairly sure that even magic couldn’t fill balloons that fast without popping them- but he was uneducated as of yet, so what did he know?

Then of course, the girl reached the end of her row, and disappeared upstairs in a blur… to reappear a half-second later with a truly enormous cake, which she plopped down on an empty table far faster than he would have thought possible, before vanishing for another one.

Finally, the fire flared green again behind him, and his mother- Narcissa- stepped out of it… before pausing to look around. “... Funny, I don’t think I’ve seen this before,” she muttered, joining him off to the side.

It took his father another two or three seconds to appear, during which no less than six more cakes- each at least as tall as he was- made it into the room, alongside numerous tables full of cupcakes, party favors, and other treats.

Right as his father stepped out of the floo, a set of four girls with vivid hair appeared out of nowhere… carrying what even Draco could recognize as muggle technology from halfway across the pub.

Lucius stiffened when he saw it. “Come,” he instructed, and led the way.

Draco followed him. The pink-haired girl stopped by very briefly, to say something so fast that neither he nor- judging by their expressions- either of his parents could understand. As Lucius led him and Narcissa towards Diagon Alley, he watched the four girls laying out their muggle tech on one of the booth tables, and seating themselves around it. One of them, with white and light blue hair, looked up and waved cheerfully as they passed. Lucius hissed, but Draco was very suddenly not all that concerned with that.

She had spotted him. And unlike the pink one, or the other three girls, her eyes didn’t just slide past him and proceed. Her eyes met his, and she stared, making him instantly uneasy. He tried looking away, but even when he couldn’t see her, he could feel her eyes boring holes in the back of his head. He glanced back just before closing the door out the back of the Leaky Cauldron- and sure enough, she was still staring. One of the other girls looked to be trying to get her attention… and he had just enough time to make out two red-haired boys by the floo before the door landed shut.

Hopefully, the Weasley family could distract her. He shuddered at the thought of walking past her again if she should happen to be still there when he finished his shopping trip. Would she stare at him like that again? He wasn’t sure.

If there was one thing he was sure if, it was that he hoped- prayed, even- that she didn’t go to Hogwarts as a Slytherin. He didn’t think he could stand being in the same house as someone that had stared at him quite like that.

Fred and George Weasley, having run on ahead of the rest of the family, were in time to see what looked like the Malfoy Family departing for Diagon Alley. Well, Fred was; George was still re-orienting himself from the Floo when the door landed closed behind the last Malfoy.

Halfway across the room, at one of the booths, was something that had caught Fred’s attention. There were four girls, each with vivid hair, dealing with a bunch of muggle stuff. Well… two girls. The third one, with wavy white and light blue striped hair, was standing next to the booth, holding a couple of muggle devices in her hands, and staring after Malfoy. The fourth, with curly pink and purple hair, was poking her, apparently trying to get her attention.

“C’mon,” Fred muttered to George, as soon as the latter fully re-oriented himself, before moving closer. Whatever else they were, these girls were a source of curiosity.

As they got closer, they started picking out what the girls were saying.

“Oy! Lyra!” The one with the curly pink and purple hair poked the staring one again.

Finally, the blue-and-white-haired girl responded. “... Huh.” Then she turned. “Yes, Bonbon?”

They could tell that Bonbon- the one that had been poking her- rolled her eyes, even though she was facing away from them. “Lyra!” Bonbon retorted angrily. “What was that about?”

Lyra looked back at the door to Diagon Alley for a second, then at Bonbon. “He’s…”

Bonbon put her hands on her hips. “You didn’t do anything to him, did you?”

“No, no, I didn’t touch him. I just happened to notice something, and it got my attention.”

“Gee, I didn’t notice. What did you do next, scan him fifty times?”

“No, only thirty-seven times. And no, I didn’t change anything, either. That’s not…” She glanced at the door again, before turning more fully to Bonbon. “That boy, their son, is Draco Malfoy. And if anyone was ever unsatisfied with their lot in life, that’s him.”

Bonbon’s tone became cold, but Fred could somehow tell the cold was not aimed at Lyra. “You mean to tell me,” she began, “that he’s a victim of-!”

“No, no,” Lyra interrupted, shaking her head. “Nothing like that. Near as I can tell, he’s actually been spoiled by his parents, and if I had to guess, a household servant as well. But, he’s not satisfied with his lot in life. Like, terminally unsatisfied, absolutely hates it.”

“... Seriously?”

“Yeah. It’s- It’s a bit hard to explain, and even harder to narrow down. It’s…” She paused, looking towards Diagon Alley. “It’s almost like he’s had everything handed to him on a silver platter, but doesn’t want it- wants to work for it.”

“You mean there’s actually someone like that?”

“Why do you think he attracted my attention like that? I didn’t think it was possible either, until I saw him!” Then she blinked, and looked up, past Bonbon, at Fred and George. “Can I help you?”

Bonbon turned on the spot, looked them over, rolled her eyes, and sat down at the booth.

“Hello,” Fred began. “We couldn’t help but notice your…” He trailed off, as his mind failed to supply something non-creepy to ask about.

“Hair,” George supplied. “How it’s colored down to the strand, but the colors never mix, even when your hair shifts.”

“Yeah,” Fred continued, trying to look like they’d planned it. “How did you do that? Even the finest color changing charms won’t do that.”

“Oh, heh heh,” Lyra muttered, suddenly uneasy, and looked at the other three girls for a second. “It’s… A little complicated?” She looked up at them. “But that’s not what you came to ask about, was it?”

It was the twins’ turn to be nervous. “Ahh…” Fred muttered.

“Err…” George muttered.

“Didn’t think so. You were listening to what I was telling Bonbon, weren’t you?”

They nodded meekly. Their intent was not to make an enemy.

“Then why didn’t you say so?” She glanced in the direction of Diagon Alley, before her tone shifted completely, a note of eagerness coming in. “Do you know the Malfoys?”

“Er… Not really,” Fred began. “But, ahh…”

“The Malfoy Family is one of the oldest of the ‘noble’ pureblood wizarding families,” George stated.

“And they’re both rich and very powerful,” Fred nodded. “Makes, ahh…”

“So,” Lyra grinned, “he will have been spoiled as a matter of course, and as a member of a ‘noble’ house, is expected to maintain a ‘noble’ front at all times?”

“Ahh, yes,” George confirmed.

Lyra looked at Bonbon. “Almost sounds like Diamond.”

Bonbon raised an eyebrow at her… then tilted her head contemplatively. “... Yeah, I can see the similarity,” she eventually answered. “And speaking of Diamond, you still need to call her.”

Lyra blinked. “Right!” She whipped out a small object that Fred instantly recognized as muggle stuff, touched it a couple times in very quick succession, and put it to her ear.

Draco Malfoy was, if he was entirely honest with himself, scared out of his mind as his Diagon Alley shopping trip drew to a close. He’d stuck to the plan, of course, so nobody knew he was anything less than the fully confident front he projected.

The problem was, starting from just a few minutes after he’d hit the Alley, waves of some twenty-five funny-haired first-years- mostly girls, he’d noticed- were regularly coming into the Alley to shop. He couldn’t shake the feeling that they had something to do with that one that had stared at him in the Leaky Cauldron- and by the time the final preplanned tangential excursion was complete, the entire Alley was flooded with them, and it was very hard indeed to shop for much of anything… Except wands. For some reason nobody had told him, at Ollivanders’ shop, he’d had priority over all the funny-haired girls buying wands.

And then, trying to simultaneously stand out as a Malfoy and blend in as a first-year, it became time for him to return to the Leaky Cauldron and, in it, the Floo back to Malfoy Manor. It was almost an hour and a half later than they’d planned; the waits at the various shops they’d actually needed to go to had been relatively short, but also excruciatingly long. Except at Ollivanders’, of course.

Several of the… girls had tried to strike up conversation at the various shops, while they waited. None of those conversations had lasted long- and, more often than not as near as he could tell, it wasn’t his fault. Only once had it been cut off by happenstance, when that girl’s… wave had continued on to the next shop on their list. That had been the shortest such conversation- but, thinking back on it, probably the only one that might have gone on for any duration, had it not been interrupted. The girl had introduced herself as ‘Diamond Tiara’, an… interesting name at the best of times.

And the way she had said ‘moms’ instead of ‘parents’ sounded… off to him.

All the others had, by his best guess, quickly formed negative opinions of him, from what he had no idea, and left by themselves.

He took a deep breath as Lucius tapped the wall to get back to the Leaky Cauldron. That Diamond Tiara girl had, despite having the shortest conversation, told him the most, albeit only with her parting statement. “Oh, I gotta go. I’ll have to ask my moms if I can stay for the party in the Cauldron, maybe catch you on your way back through. Bye!”

He had almost been able to feel Lucius sighing irritably when she said that. If there was a party there, they would probably be invited by happenstance- and be socially required to stick around and participate for at least a little. Add in the complete social no-no of disapparating directly from Diagon Alley, and they had no choice.

Draco, at least, had a little hope: That that Diamond girl would be there, and willing enough to chat in some corner to take up his time… and distract him from the strange blue-and-white-haired girl. As terrified as he was of Diamond, having a peaceful conversation with her was the least terrifying thing he could think of.

When Lucius opened the door back into the Leaky Cauldron, and Draco spied the kind of party that was going on inside, he tried very hard to look like he both knew what was waiting for him here, and was looking forward to it. He could tell that both of his parents were doing the same, and likely with more success than he- though, judging by the slight sagging of Narcissa’s shoulders, and the sudden stiffening of Lucius’ body, they weren’t having too much success either.

Both his parents quickly spotted a small cluster of social elite adults in the far corner, and started making their way over. “Go play with the others,” Narcissa urged him tonelessly, as they drew near; he had followed.

He knew what she meant, though. All those other nobles were wearing some of the most painful-looking smiles he’d ever seen- to the point that, even if he just sat at the bar ordering butterbeer and shunned the entire party, he’d have more fun than if he joined them. And of course, in telling him to ‘go play’, she was acknowledging that he actually had that option, which neither she nor Lucius had. They had to join the others, for social reasons that he understood only peripherally… and didn’t want to understand at all. Or deal with.

He quickly picked a destination- the bar, on the opposite side of the crowd as those girls in that booth; he’d spotted them on the way past, but he didn’t think that blue-and-white-haired girl noticed him.

Fortunately, for as full as the pub was, the bar itself was pretty vacant. He climbed up onto a barstool, faced the bar, and sighed to himself. He looked over towards his parents, ignoring the sound of someone taking the seat next to him. Just how long would they take?

“Okay, why the long face?”

He turned to look at the girl that had spoken, quickly schooling his face into calm disinterest. She was the one that had just taken the seat next to him, and it took him a couple seconds to place the hair.

It was Diamond Tiara, sitting on the stool such that she could lean back against the bar, and doing just that, her hands folded behind her head. It looked quite relaxing, but Draco couldn’t do that, for social reasons he didn’t understand at all. He idly wished he could do that too, as he tried to decrypt the girl’s words.

He didn’t come up with anything- she’d spoken too far outside his vocabulary. “Long face?” he asked.

The girl didn’t even bat an eye. “You look mighty unhappy,” she stated, by way of an explanation.

He blinked, and thought for a second, trying to find a way out. He couldn’t find one, so he settled for disputing it. “I do?”

She let out a laugh. “And I thought you sounded familiar in Madam Malkin’s,” she chuckled. “This is a Pinkie Party. Social restrictions like that are often more harmful than not- especially at a Pinkie Party. I mean, really.” She gestured towards where his parents were communing stiffly with the other nobles. “Those idiots are over there ‘enjoying’, quote unquote, themselves. Yet they’re probably actually having the worst times of their lives, because there’s so much here that they want to do, and can do, but don’t think they can do.” She sighed, and held out a closed fist towards him. “I was in that boat too, once.”

He looked at the fist. “Uhh…”

“Fistbump?” she offered, gesturing lightly with it.

He didn’t respond.

She dropped it. “Whatever. Cake?” She gestured out somewhere behind him.

He looked, then blinked. For a moment, there had been nobody there- then, with a blur of color, there was suddenly a girl, with blazing rainbow hair, grinning from ear to ear and holding two plates of cake, complete with cutlery.

“Thank you,” Diamond told the girl, accepting one of the plates, before turning back to him. “You want some?”


The rainbow-haired girl responded. “Oh come on! It’s amazing!”

He shook his head.

The girl scowled. “Party pooper.”

A sudden blur of pink replaced the girl with a different one, this one equipped with poofy pink hair, six plates with cake and cutlery on them (which she was juggling with one hand, somehow), and a cannon. “Did someone saaaay, party pooper?” she demanded.

Diamond chuckled. “Rainbow did.” She turned back to Draco. “Seriously, this cake is to die for. Try some!”

“Well,” the pink-haired girl mused, putting a hand to her chin and looking contemplatively at the ceiling without interrupting her juggling act, “Not to die for, because you wouldn’t be able to eat it if you died, would you? Unless,” Both her hands came up to her face this time, pumping excitedly, the juggling act maintained by her knee. “Unless it was a ghost cake, now that might be to die for!”


“Don’t mind Pinkie,” Diamond chuckled. “It’s a rare day when she doesn’t confuse me at least once. Best not to think about it. But seriously, cake? Pretty sure she baked it here at the Leaky Cauldron, too.”

“Ahh… Okay,” he muttered. “I’ll- er, thank you.”

The pink-haired girl- Pinkie- had placed one of the plates of cake into his hands the moment he’d started to extend them to accept the cake. The part that amused him the most, was that the slice was utterly undamaged, the cutlery resting neatly on the side of the plate.

Just like the five others she continued juggling with an elbow.

“You’re super-duper welcome!” Then she vanished, canon, juggling act, and all.

“... What,” he uttered.

“That’s Pinkie Pie,” Diamond assured him. “Try not to think about her too much. Lyra is probably the only one whose head wouldn’t explode by trying to understand her… and that’s because she’s the one that made it possible.”

“... Oh.” He placed the cake on the bar in front of him, lifted the fork, and carved a careful piece out of it.

It was good.

Author's Note:

A wild Malfoy appeared!

Patreon, Discord.

You know, I've actually already finished writing this entire act, fully 5 more chapters, all currently available on my Patreon... and Act II is coming along nicely too; I expect to be posting the first few chapters of that to Patreon very soon.