• Published 25th Feb 2020
  • 5,136 Views, 1,789 Comments

On the Implications of Parallel Worlds - computerneek

Usually, first contact is made with just a few people. The latest civilization to be invited to Hogwarts begs to differ.

  • ...

Chapter 17

Draco was… grumpy, to say the least. Crabbe and Goyle lost almost thirty points each during their first week for missing classes, because they couldn’t follow him to their classes.

But that wasn’t the only thing.

No; he’d quickly found out that the instructors had set up an extended teaching program with the Equestrians. That alone he wasn’t all that worried about, after making friends with Diamond.

The part he was bothered by, and hadn’t told anyone he was bothered by, was that he’d heard that a couple of British students had been invited to that program as student teachers as well… and he had not.

He knew his father would’ve loved for him to be in such an authoritative role; apparently, those student instructors had the power to give and take points, giving it a very real level of authority.

But mostly, he just wanted to be something other than the slave he had been his entire life- obeying instructions, studying, and whatever else. He wanted to be able to make the instructions, the way those instructors do. Sure, there’s two to a class, so he wouldn’t be alone- but he would have just as much deciding power as them, rather than just blindly following them.

But he didn’t. He’d considered asking who he should ask, but decided against it. He’d ask Diamond, when he next got to talk to her somewhere private… maybe.

It was Monday afternoon, of the second week. He’d read that flying lessons would be starting on Thursday- and that he himself was scheduled to start on Day One. He’d been unable to get rid of the blundering idiots over the weekend; they followed him everywhere, as they were “supposed to”.

And today, he’d managed to get rid of them… by taking them to their first classes of the day, and leaving them there while he headed for his own. Thank Merlin that he didn’t share any classes with them; if he’d had to listen to their stupidity for just five more minutes, he was sure he’d have gone mad.

He sighed, picking a wall to lean against in this empty corridor; he’d allowed himself to get separated from the rest of the class after it let out, as none of them had the same next class as he did.

And, he knew, Crabbe and Goyle both also had another class of their own- that was not the same as his, meaning he had just over an hour left before they could even start looking for him.

He wondered how he was going to survive the year without breaking his father’s ironclad rules. If he could shed Crabbe and Goyle indefinitely, he wouldn’t have any problem with that.

A door to his left opened suddenly, and he straightened up quickly. He couldn’t let just anyone see him express any kind of weakness.

Then Lyra Heartstrings stepped out of that door, and he stiffened. Despite what she’d done for him on the train, and Diamond’s introducing her, the girl still gave him the creeps.

She looked at him, evidently utterly unsurprised to see him. “Oh hey, Draco,” she began. “Long time no see, eh?”

He winced. Wish it was longer. “So?”

She winced as well. “Oh come on, do you have to be like that?”

He ignored the question, folded his arms, and surprised himself by wishing the two blundering idiots were with him… if only because they could probably soak up her attention long enough for him to escape. He raised an inquisitive eyebrow.

She rolled her eyes. “What if you didn’t?”

He kept himself from twitching. What she was saying was impossible.

She seemed unsatisfied. “What if you could go somewhere nobody else could? Where nobody cares about appearances?”

He determinedly kept his expression disinterested. What in the world was she talking about?

She scowled. “Whatever, be like that, then.” She suddenly pranced forward, grabbed his arm, and pulled him after her. “C’mon.” He tried to stop her, and to free himself, but she blocked his every move with no apparent effort of her own. She dragged him back into the room she’d just come out of.

The room was filled with… floating golden squiggles? Had she not been here, he might have explored them, but she was here. They were all faint and indistinct, flowing slowly around the room in loops, circles, and other strange, loopy patterns.

She dragged him right to the middle, then released him and dashed to the side.

He stumbled, stabilized himself, and refolded his arms. “What was that for?” he demanded.

She didn’t answer him. Instead, all the gold squiggles suddenly burned bright- and he found himself lifted into the air in the middle of the room.

He let out a small gasp of surprise, but quickly controlled himself- even in the unknown, he had appearances to maintain.

Then, it burned. He bit back the scream of pain that tried to make its way out- he would not show weakness!

Then, just as suddenly as it had started, it all stopped… and he found himself falling back to the floor. He landed, stumbling slightly.

“What the-?” Lyra asked, surprised about… something?

“What was that for?” he demanded.

She ignored him, and the squiggles suddenly started glowing again. He braced himself to be lifted and tortured again- but it didn’t happen. Instead, something in one corner of the room suddenly glowed a brilliant red, a color that spread across the entire room in but an instant before all the squiggles faded back down… and turned gold again.

“What-!?” she asked, before bounding over to him and staring intently at him.

He backed away, towards the door. “What are you doing?” he demanded.

She scowled, and turned away. “But if… Then why did it just… stop?” She sighed. “Whatever.” Then she glanced at him. “Go ahead and carry on with… whatever you were doing. It didn’t work.”

“What is it?” he demanded, folding his arms.

She blinked. “Oh… I forgot that step again, didn’t I? Then I… Yeah, I also forgot to ask permission. Sorry about that. Um…” She glanced at the symbols floating around the room. “At the moment, British wizards can’t use Equestrian magic- and will die if they try to traverse the gate to Equestria. I’m trying to fix both of those issues, but it’s proving very difficult. And given what just happened… it’s looking like it’s impossible to do without an unacceptable risk of death or debilitation.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Unacceptable?”

She nodded. “As in, any risk. The way I designed this thing, it doesn’t dig deep enough to cause permanent damage, and has so many safeties in place to make sure that anything it does change is done in a balanced manner, such that debilitation is impossible.

“Then, it just… stopped. Didn’t change anything, but it got through the outer layers to make its repeat prevention stamp, so…” She blinked. “Because it works by modifying the magical core- and penetrating that too many times, even without doing anything else, can cause critical damage of a completely different sort- so any given test subject is only good for one run, no repeats.

“Then of course, I actually designed it to penetrate, place spellwork inside, and retreat- far faster than trying to make the changes directly, minimizing the penetration time… and it also allows the injected spellwork to reinforce the core’s ‘skin’, so to speak, back beyond its original strength, hence allowing it to tolerate an increased number of penetrations. Not that I want to put that to a test. Ever.” She took a deep breath. “Said spellwork is riddled with safeties of its own… and markers that should be visible to certain kinds of completely harmless scans- even through the magical core.” She looked at him. “I checked for those markers, there aren’t any. It didn’t work at all.

“Which must mean…” She gazed across the room, and a flicker of gold traveled through the squiggles. “... Huh. It didn’t run out of power. So what did happen?” She glanced towards him again. “None of the safeties activated, so it can’t have been anything dangerous, but…” She scowled. “Maybe it failed to penetrate far enough? That would bring it to a silent shutdown- penetrating too far would have triggered…” She pointed, and a group of squiggles off to the side glowed briefly red, “that safety, and shut the whole thing down.” She scowled. “But if it did fail to penetrate far enough, but did get far enough to place the anti-duplication stamp, then…” She sighed. “I… British magical cores must be too different from Equestrian magical cores for me to base it off my own… and it’d be way too dangerous to try scanning someone else’s- including yours.” A low couch appeared behind her in a flash of golden light, and she flung herself down on it. “Meaning, this whole thing is a fruitless endeavor.”

He blinked. “So…”

She let out another sigh. “Kinda disappointing, too. It took an entire week to build this, just to find out that it’s junk. I guess I’ll have to rip it apart now.” She glanced down at her wristwatch, and wrinkled her nose. “Eh, later. I’ve got to go teach.” She sat up straighter. “Which means I need to lock up this room again- these matrices would be deadly dangerous in the wrong hands, functional or not.” She gestured vaguely to the side of the room.

“Teach?” he asked.

“Hmm? Yeah. I’m sure you’re already aware of the extended teaching program?”

He nodded stiffly.

“Yeah… We ended up using almost exclusively Equestrian instructors because we didn’t know any of the British candidates. Hermione and Harry got in as instructors because we met them and learned about them- and their abilities- early enough. You… Nobody knew what to think about you, since we only saw the facade you put forward, and knew it was a facade. Thanks to the sensitivity of the position, that meant you got left out. Though, from what Diamond tells me, you would’ve been a decent candidate.” She shrugged. “Maybe next year, I guess.”

He huffed lightly, before turning to head out the door, and down the corridor. She followed him as far as the door, waved goodbye, and closed it from inside.

He paused again halfway down the next corridor, leaning against the wall. For some reason, he found himself exhausted. He glanced back the way he’d come. Did Lyra have something to do with that?

He turned resolutely back forwards, and pushed himself off of the wall. No, she couldn’t have. He was just imagining things.

He hadn’t gone six steps, though, before one of the school professors rounded the corner ahead of him. It was the hook-nosed teacher that had handed him his schedule- Professor Snape, head of Slytherin house, according to the upper-year students. The man looked harried, like he had too much to do and not enough time to do it in. He’d probably just pass him by- which, if he was honest with himself, suited him.

Contrary to his expectation, Professor Snape paused, upon catching sight of him, then came closer. “Mr…?” he began.

“Malfoy, Sir,” Draco bowed his head slightly.

Snape nodded. “Are you… alright?” He seemed distinctly uncertain.

He shivered involuntarily. It wasn’t even cold outside- so why did he feel so cold? “I… I don’t know.”

Snape scowled, stepped closer, and crouched down to feel his forehead… and recoil almost as if he’d been burned. “Very hot,” he muttered. “You’d better see Madam Pomfrey. This way.” He rose back to his feet, and started guiding him down the corridors, away from his next class.

Author's Note:

You'll notice it's no longer silent. And it's more developed than in The Gate, too.

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My motherboard arrived yesterday... Took just four hours to plug everything in and get it all set up. Now, it's the fastest computer I've (ever) used. I mean seriously, it shuts down in less than a second!