• Published 25th Feb 2020
  • 5,136 Views, 1,789 Comments

On the Implications of Parallel Worlds - computerneek

Usually, first contact is made with just a few people. The latest civilization to be invited to Hogwarts begs to differ.

  • ...

Chapter 41

“The hedge blinked at you…?” Hermione asked.

Harry nodded. She was visiting for his birthday- and Vernon reportedly hadn’t realized it was his birthday until after he’d scheduled the dinner party with the Masons. So, as she’d just agreed with Vernon before coming out to meet Harry, they’d be spending the time upstairs. “It looked… very strange.”

“I bet,” Hermione chuckled. “Not very often the hedge has eyes, is it? Anyways, I talked to Vernon- and we’re going to want to be upstairs for the dinner party. It’ll be better for everyone if the Masons never realize we exist- let Vernon work his magic on them.”

Harry grinned. “Yeah, the magic he has that I don’t.” He chuckled.

Hermione grinned. “Speaking of which, did you know that muggles have magic too?”

He blinked. “They do?”

She nodded. “Yep. Vernon’s an Etrah.”

He looked at her. “He let you-?”

She nodded again. “Yep.”

“They’re almost here,” Petunia called very suddenly, making them both jump.

“Got it,” Hermione called back. “We’ll be upstairs, then.”

Harry rose from the bench, and shrugged. “Whelp, best be on our way, then.” He led the way upstairs.

When they entered, Harry’s room was not empty. It was certainly a lot emptier than it had been when they’d gotten off the train from Hogwarts; Harry- and Hermione, when she could visit- had spent a lot of time cleaning out and disposing of a lot of the broken trash. The Dursleys had no anger problems with Hermione, so she was usually the spokesperson for the duo. Interestingly enough, whenever they visited, Hermione’s parents also demonstrated an inexplicable anger issue towards Harry- so they often avoided being in the same room as him for very long.

But, the room was less empty than they were expecting it to be.

There was a creature on the bed. It looked… strange, to Hermione. It looked confused, staring at her, wearing… She gasped. “That’s a house-elf!” she informed Harry quietly.

Harry blinked, then stepped forwards, looking at the elf. “Who are you?”

The house-elf twitched, and looked at him. “Dobby, Sir. Just Dobby. Dobby the house-elf.”

Hermione put a finger to her chin. “Where have I heard that name before…?”

Dobby ignored her.

Harry didn’t. He turned to Dobby. “So… why are you here?”

“Ahh… Dobby wonders where to begin,” Dobby muttered.

“The beginning?” Harry suggested.

“Well, that happened,” Harry muttered, when Dobby finally left. He’d tried to convince Harry not to go back to Hogwarts, for no better reason than ‘it’s dangerous’... a reason that broke down pretty quickly when Hermione pointed out the kinds of danger he’d already been through, and the amount of power he now had on his side.

When Harry had refused, Dobby had headed for the door after saying something about ‘no choice’- but Hermione had caught him by the wrist. Dobby had apparently tried to apparate out of Hermione’s unshakable grip- even she was surprised by how strong her grip was- but her magic was apparently strong enough to block it… which had surprised all three of them, and terrified Dobby.

She’d then explained to Dobby that she and Silversong would gladly drag Harry to Hogwarts if he didn’t go on his own.

And for some reason, Dobby had reacted with nothing short of outright alarm when she mentioned Silversong. He’d accepted the decision after that, and left.

Hermione nodded. “Yeah, that happened…” Then she blinked, and facepalmed. “... Oh.”

“What?” Harry asked.

“I just remembered where I heard his name before.”

He tilted his head. “Where?”

“He’s the Malfoy Family elf.”

“Ohhh,” Harry muttered, nodding slowly. “That would explain his reaction to Silver’s name, too.”


Hermione looked at Hedwig in alarm. “What-! How-!” Then she stopped herself, took a deep breath, and let it out. “Right. Papa Tango. Um, yeah, it should.”

Harry tilted his head. “What’d she ask?”

“If Dobby would still be intercepting your mail.” She lifted the bundle of letters she’d taken from Dobby, from where she’d put them on Harry’s small desk. “He shouldn’t be, but…” She undid the twine, and tossed the first three letters on the stack to the side. “Unless you really want to read whatever Ron is trying to tell you, that’s going to be of strictly limited utility.”

Harry let out a snort of laughter. “Yeah, right.”

“Might not be a bad idea, though,” Hermione mused. “Who knows what he’s going to let slip. We just don’t need to reply to him. Oh, this one’s from Hagrid.” She sighed. “At least you don’t seem to have any fanmail, beyond Ron’s.” Then she paused. “... Huh, can’t say I expected that. This one’s from Ron’s brothers, Fred and George.”

“It is?” Harry asked.

She nodded. “Yep.” She glanced at the last two letters- Harry saw Ron’s name on both of them. “The only one from them, too- must’ve been recent.”

“Let’s give it a read, then, shall we?”

Hermione raised an eyebrow at him. “Are you… asking me to read your mail to you?”

Harry blinked. “Uhh… I guess? I mean, why not?”

She smiled. “Because if any of those hundreds of ‘cute couple’ complimenters find out, they’ll do that annoying ‘dawww’ thing again. And probably louder, to boot.”

He shrugged. “Then we don’t have to tell anyone.” He glanced at the bed. “Shall we use the bed?”

She grinned. “You mean to read the letters, right?”

He blinked. “Uh… yeah? What else…?”

She blushed lightly. “Oh, nothing.”

He raised an eyebrow. “That wasn’t nothing.”

“And if it was that not-nothing, the answer would’ve been no anyways, because we’re not ready for that.”

He tilted his head. “What?”

“For a few years yet.”

“I… don’t get it.”

She looked at him. “You don’t…? Don’t you know what boys and girls- especially teenage ones- usually get up to when they’re on a bed together?”

He thought for a couple seconds, but came up empty-handed. He shrugged. “No idea.”

“You don’t know,” Hermione muttered, sounding surprised. She looked at Hedwig. “I mean, you know what I’m talking about, right?”

“Hoo.” Harry could swear the owl was blushing too.

“See? Even Hedwig gets it!”

“What is it?”

She heaved a sigh. “Alright then, let’s see if I can clue you in.” She looked around the room. “Well… Just yesterday, I realized the Papa Tango also kick-started my puberty.”

“Uh… what’s that?”

Hermione’s hand went straight to her forehead, and she dropped down flat on the bed. “He doesn’t know,” she told the ceiling. “He has no idea.”

“You’re starting to make me feel like I did when Hagrid showed up with my letter last year,” Harry complained.


Hermione sat up, and blushed. “Well… yes, actually. But the Equestrian version is a lot gentler than the human version, so I don’t have to worry about it.”

Harry blinked. “Equestrian version of what?”

Hermione looked at him. “Um… How about… nah. I’ll tell you in a few years, and let you keep your youthful innocence for now.”


She looked at Hedwig. “Yep!” Then she tilted her head. “I wonder if Silver knows…?”

Hedwig let out an unmistakable bark of laughter. Hermione started giggling.

Harry just stared.

Author's Note:

Well, Dobby happened, I guess. And then Hermione found something Harry didn't know. Hedwig did, though...

This is why I rate every one of my stories Teen. I never know when something like that will come up, and it's pretty certainly not an E-rated sequence.

Sorry about the shorty. There's a long-un coming up soon.

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This marks the end of this burst of daily updates. I'm down to only 4 or so on my backbuffer now.