• Published 25th Feb 2020
  • 5,137 Views, 1,789 Comments

On the Implications of Parallel Worlds - computerneek

Usually, first contact is made with just a few people. The latest civilization to be invited to Hogwarts begs to differ.

  • ...

Chapter 26

“So, ahh,” Draco mumbled, still in female form but now fully robed, once his blush had faded at least a little. Diamond had had to help him with not just both of the obscene articles- there was the one he didn’t know how to put on or take off, and the one he couldn’t figure out which end went forward- but the skirt as well. She’d done it cheerfully, but it didn’t stop him from feeling like an invalid.

He hoped, almost prayed, that that was both the first and the last time he’d have to worry about any of that.

Though there was a part of him, however small, that wanted to… for the sole reason that he could choose it.

“So,” Diamond answered him. She was sitting on the bed next to him, and had been since he finished. At least he’d been able to get the shirt and robe by himself.

He took a deep breath. “So… you’re older than me?”

She blinked, then nodded. “Yeah. Had Lyra opened her portal before I turned eleven, I’d be a second year right now.”

He looked at her. “What?”

She nodded. “I turn thirteen next month.”

“Then… Silversong?”

She winced. “Sorry… I didn’t realize until it was too late that she’d be suspicious if you didn’t have an Equestrian name we could give her, so I just… gave you one, I guess.” She looked up at him. “I hope it’s not too bad. The first one that crossed my mind was Bluebell, but…” She chuckled when he wrinkled his nose. “I saw that coming.” She tilted her head. “And you’re a Raeth?”

He nodded.


He shrugged. “I participated in Granger’s study.”

She blinked. “Oh. That would do it.”

“So… Mares? Filly?”

She nodded. “Yeah… About that. First, you should know that’s still an Equestrian national secret.”

He blinked, and looked at her. “What?”

She nodded. “The Princesses are worried about what the British government- both the magical and nonmagical alike- would do if they realized that all the Equestrians are ponies, not humans, on the other side of our Gate. Which, actually…” She rubbed her chin. “Lyra’s Papa Tango- that’s the spell she tested on you before she remembered to ask for permission- was designed to make you into an Equestrian. Compounding that with how your natural form is clearly female, else you wouldn’t have made it up the stairs, and you’re probably actually a filly as well. I was just saying it, for Flexible Fabric’s benefit, without going through the full chain of logic, but it’s probably actually true.”

“So I’m-!” he began. “I’m… not human? How…?”

She shrugged. “Normally, I’d say the only way to tell would be to travel to Equestria. But we already know you have a self-transfiguration ability from your British magic that Lyra’s spell didn’t take away, so… Try it.”

He blinked. “Uh…”

“Think small, four legs that end in hooves, kinda horse-like but also kinda not, fur coat that’s probably either silver or blue, like your initial outfit, a mane and tail to match your hair, a horn sticking out of your forehead if you’re a Raeth…”

He closed his eyes, and concentrated. Her description was drawing a very rough image; it was hard to figure out what to concentrate on.

Very suddenly, he managed it. He felt something in him shift- rather larger than when he was going from boy to girl or vice versa.

He also fell on his front.

“Yeah, just like that,” Diamond said.

He opened his eyes, and lifted his head up, looking… around at himself. “Oh.”

He was some kind of… horse creature.

He closed his eyes, concentrated- and moments later, he was a human girl again… and falling face-first off the bed. He ended flat on his back, on the floor.

Diamond giggled. “Forgot to account for the growth back to human size, eh?”

“Ow,” he complained.

“Yeah, that did look like it hurt,” Diamond agreed. “But you’re a filly, so you’re virtually indestructible as well.”

He raised an eyebrow. “What?”

She nodded. “Yeah. Nopony knows why, but fillies in particular are virtually indestructible.”

He shook his head. “Whatever.”

She nodded. “My thought exactly. So, ready to tackle the world, or no?” She rose from the bed, and offered her hand to help him up.

“As Silversong?” he asked, taking the offered hand.

She nodded. “As Silversong, yeah. At least until we find someplace private enough for you to transform covertly.”

“Alright then,” he muttered. “As Silversong it is.” He took a deep breath. “I’m- I’m ready. I think.”

Diamond grinned. “Just remember, Silversong is not Draco, and no one will realize you are Draco. So, act as you want to.” She glanced at the pile of robes still on the bed. “And… Here, I’ll hold onto the rest of your new clothes in here, for until and unless you want or need them again.”

He winced. “Here’s hoping.”

She sighed. “Alright, c’mon. You don’t want to wait for class like this, do you?”

He squeaked, and followed her out of the room.

They made it as far as the common room before they stopped.

“What in the world-?” Diamond asked.

There were desks, chairs, and various debris that used to be the same strewn all over the place. There were a few students lying in the corners, including that seventh year that Draco had first encountered, sitting behind an upturned desk and clutching what looked like an injured arm. Goyle was lying, unconscious, at their feet.

“Take cover,” the seventh-year muttered. “They’re…”

There was an echoing crash, as another table was snapped in half about halfway across the room, where there were a few people fighting. One looked to be using a few pieces of some tables, wrapped in the turquoise glow of their Raeth levitation, as weapons and shields. One, was Crabbe, smashing anything and anyone that got too close. Then, there were three more Equestrian girls, fighting against the other two. They looked like they had been brawling, as three distinct parties, for a while- and none of them showed signs of wearing out… or surrendering.

The seventh year winced- then Diamond effortlessly lifted the table she was hiding behind into the air. “Oy,” she yelled, and hurled it across the room.

Her aim was true. The levitation-using girl turned just in time for it to slam straight into her forehead so hard it shattered. She went straight to the ground like a load of bricks.

“Stop fighting,” Diamond ordered, marching forwards.

The seventh year squeaked, seeming torn between pulling Diamond back and scrambling behind some other piece of debris, but the remaining combatants stopped fighting.

Well… The remaining Equestrian combatants. Draco was certain he heard at least one of them cursing under their breath. Crabbe, however, simply roared, and charged Diamond.

“Look out!” the seventh year called almost desperately- then Crabbe reached her… and she flicked him to the side with the flick of her wrist, dropping him to the floor, whereafter he didn’t move.

“What was that for?” Diamond demanded, still marching towards the last three girls.

Draco shook himself out, then crouched down by the seventh year girl. “You okay?”

“What-!” she began. “What about her?”

Draco glanced up at Diamond. “Oh, her? She’s an Etrah. Those other three are Aethrs- she’s already got them cornered.”


“This isn’t Equestria, they can’t fly. And fast isn’t going to help them against someone like Diamond.” He looked up as the three began to spill.

“I-It was my fault,” the one to Draco’s left began, raising a hand shakily into the air. “W-We were playing Truth or Dare…” She gestured towards the middle one. “I dared Feather Cap to steal Draco Malfoy’s hat off his head… I meant it as a harmless prank, but I didn’t see Crabbe and Goyle on their way. Neither did she… but Keen Eyes-” she gestured to the one on the right- “did, so she tried to stop her… ineffectively.”

“Then, lemme guess, those two attacked Feather?” She gestured towards Crabbe.

The girl nodded. “Yes. The hat got shredded- I still don’t know how that happened- before me or Keen were able to help her fight them off. They… We would probably have all been crushed by them, had Draco not gone off somewhere- I think he was going to get a new hat or something, because Goyle went to follow him… and climbed the wrong staircase, for some reason.”

He could almost hear Diamond rolling her eyes. “They do that all the time. Too stupid to find the right staircase without a neon sign, I think.”

The girl blinked. “Ahh… then she joined in…” She pointed at the girl Diamond’s throw had taken out. “I… I think she was trying to break up the fight, but when we tried to retreat, she didn’t let us.”

Diamond sighed, and looked back at Draco. “Silver, can you get Bonbon?”

He looked at her. “Huh?”

Diamond winked. “Two four, three seven. Knock five times.”

He blinked. “Uhh…” Then it clicked. “Oh! Okay!” He jumped up- the seventh-year girl seemed to be at least okay- and jogged back up the spiral staircase, determinedly suppressing his shudders at once again ascending the stairs into the girl’s dorms.

Once at the top, he went through the Equestrians’ door first… then found the numbered doors in sequence- two, four, three… and finally seven. He didn’t go through that one, though, and instead knocked five times.

He barely had time to lower his hand before the door flew open, and Bonbon stepped out, her robes undone and billowing behind her, still putting her hat on her head. He caught a glimpse of what looked like a very startled Equestrian peeking out from behind the curtains around her bed before the door landed closed.

“What is it?” Bonbon asked, already heading for the exit.

“Ahh-!” he began, jogging to keep up. “Diamond asked me to get you… there was a brawl in the common room, but she stopped it.”

Bonbon sighed, and marched onwards. “Of course they would.”

She continued her blistering pace until she reached the bottom of the stairs, where she stopped to survey the room. He stumbled slightly on the stairs behind her, but managed to avoid falling- or running into her.

She sighed, and looked back at him. “Miss…?”

He blinked. “Ahh, Silversong.”

She nodded. “Silversong, then. Can you get Madam Pomfrey? There’s at least seven badly injured.”

“Got it,” he answered, and ran for the exit. He glanced back as he waited for the wall to open, and saw Bonbon talking to Diamond.

As soon as the wall was open far enough, he resumed running, heading straight for the Hospital Wing. Fortunately, he knew a few shortcuts that most other Slytherins would not.

But he had only climbed two floors up when there was a hiccup in his plans.

He nearly crashed into Professor Snape, a mug of something in his hand.

Snape looked down at him. “What are you doing up at this hour, miss…?” he asked.

He almost blinked- he’d forgotten to shift to male form. He decided to roll with it. “Silversong, Sir,” he answered. “There was a brawl in the common room, and a lot of people got hurt, so Bonbon told me to get Madam Pomfrey.”

He sighed. “You know where you’re going?”

Draco nodded. “Yes sir.”

“Then carry on.” Snape sent him on his way, and guzzled the contents of his mug. Draco glanced back as he reached the corner, and saw Snape turning away from what was presumably his office door to head towards the Slytherin common room.

He continued on his way.

It wasn’t long before he reached the infirmary, and knocked.

There was a distinct clunk on the other side, like metal on stone, then the door opened, and Madam Pomfrey looked out. “What is it?” Then she blinked. “Wait.”

Draco didn’t wait for her to finish. “Hi, it’s me, Draco… slash Silversong, right now. Um, there was a brawl in the Slytherin common room, so Bonbon sent me to get you. Said there were at least…” He paused to remember. “Seven badly injured, I think.”

Madam Pomfrey sighed. “What about you?”

“Turns out I can shift at will.”

She nodded. “Animagus, then. You shifting before we go, or…?”

He shook his head. “They’ll be expecting to see Silversong return, not Draco.”

“Alright then,” Madam Pomfrey sighed, stepping out of the Hospital Wing and closing the door. “Let me start by thanking you for blasting me like that when you got your wand back.”

“... What?” he asked.

She nodded. “Thanks to those changes, I can now do things like… this.” She touched his shoulder, then blue energy whirled about them. He felt a small jolt, then the energy vanished just as quickly as it came… and they were standing outside the Slytherin common room.

He blinked. “Oh. Um, Purebloods.”

The wall responded to the password, and he allowed Madam Pomfrey to lead the way in.

Author's Note:

It would have been a mug of coffee, but as I was writing this, it struck me that Snape is the Potions Master... so why in the world would he be drinking mere coffee, when he could concoct something that was no doubt both more effective and better tasting?

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