• Published 25th Feb 2020
  • 5,136 Views, 1,789 Comments

On the Implications of Parallel Worlds - computerneek

Usually, first contact is made with just a few people. The latest civilization to be invited to Hogwarts begs to differ.

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Chapter 13

It had been a very long time since Draco could truthfully say that he had been even remotely happy, so it surprised him when he realized that much of the train ride to Hogwarts qualified as just that.

Lyra had given him the perfect excuse to abandon his search for Harry. Then, when he reached the compartment she’d mentioned, Diamond had turned out to be alone- and given him the perfect excuse to ditch Crabbe and Goyle.

Well, if he could call batting them away with flicks of her wrist when they tried to attack her an ‘excuse’. In the process, she’d made him instantly glad he was on her good side; when Crabbe had tried to punch her for some reason even he couldn’t figure out, she’d flicked it aside, stretched out her hand, and flicked her wrist against his chest… to throw him down on the ground.

She wasn’t just strong, she was scary strong.

After she’d dealt with Goyle in a similar manner, he’d then accompanied her out of the compartment while they were still dazed on the seats. She’d led him some four or five cars down the train to another empty compartment, which the two blundering idiots had never found… and they’d chatted for the entire train ride.

He’d fully relaxed in the compartment, once Diamond had locked the door. He’d laid down across the seat, spoken freely… and genuinely enjoyed himself.

Too bad it couldn’t last.

So of course, with no idea where Crabbe and Goyle had gotten to, he had gotten off with her… and resumed his ‘noble’ persona. Diamond didn’t like it, and if he was honest with himself, neither did he, but he didn’t have much choice, because of reasons he didn’t understand.

Of course, getting off the train at the 30th car meant a few things, and one was very important: He was in the middle of the Equestrians. He stayed with Diamond, who would make easily a hundred times better of a bodyguard than both Crabbe and Goyle put together… which had an extra side effect.

When twelve thousand first-years followed Hagrid down to the lake, all the British students got in the boats… but all the boats were full by the time Diamond and Draco reached the lake, so he ended up doing exactly what the Equestrians were doing: Walking on water. Should anyone ask, he would later vehemently deny having held onto Diamond’s arm for dear life while he slid across the lake on nothing more than a wisp of bluish light.

It certainly didn’t comfort him that Diamond seemed uneasy about sliding across the lake like that too- but at least she didn’t seem afraid, just uncertain.

When they landed at the underground harbor, Diamond took a deep breath, let it out, and turned to him. “You okay?”

He, having taken the same time to reassert himself, nodded. “Yes. What about you?”

She sighed. “I’m alright. Sorry about that- as an Etrah, I’m used to having my h-feet planted on solid ground. Standing on mere magic like that is something only the Aethrs would be familiar with… and even then, that wasn’t the kind of magic they’d normally stand on.” She glanced back towards the harbor as they climbed the stairs away from it; more Equestrians were still arriving at it as the first-years streamed up the steps. “The way I hear it, Sunset bullied the air into accepting some derivative of that magic, that let us walk on empty air- something even the Aethrs can’t normally do.” She shuddered. “I hope that’s the only time I ever have to ‘air-skate’ across a lake.”

He nodded honestly. “Me too.” Judging by the noises from around him, most of the Equestrians were of the same mind. Air-skating across a lake was scary business.

Diamond kept him company all the way up to the main front doors of the castle, and inside as well, where the teacher that answered the door left them in a rather large room off the side of the entrance hall, and told them to ‘smarten themselves up’ for the sorting.

“How do they sort us…?” Draco asked Diamond quietly.

She shrugged. “No idea. I understand the scholars among us searched long and hard for that, but couldn’t find it- almost like it’s some kind of secret. But it can’t be all that hard if everyone- including Crabbe and Goyle- can be expected to go through it successfully.”


Hermione wasn’t sure what to think.

She, along with the rest of the first-years, had been brought to this room pending their sorting. Through all her research, while she’d been able to find six conflicting accounts on the Slytherin House, she hadn’t been able to find a single note on what the sorting was. The part that had amused her the most was that she’d found no less than three conflicting accounts for each of the other houses… but one of the three invariably had three more that agreed with it, and happened to be the one that Lyra’s account agreed with. Perhaps that’s how Lyra got her info on them?

Then again, could those agreeing accounts be trusted?

Could anything she read in the wizarding world be trusted?

She’d tried to find other sources on what the sorting would be like- but the few Equestrians she’d asked back on the station had just shrugged and used variations on the ‘find out when we get there’ theme. Of course, when two redheaded boys had peeked into her compartment looking for Harry, she’d noticed how Harry seemed a little uneasy- and denied having seen him. They didn’t recognize him, and were about to go, when she stopped them- they were upper years- to ask about the sorting.

One said something about wrestling a troll, while the other said it hurt a lot.

Given that all the accounts in her books tended to agree that trolls were massive and dangerous, and required multiple trained wizards to take down, she rather doubted that was the case. And since the two boys had nodded in response to each other, she’d immediately begun to suspect that they were trying to be funny, and let them go, internally labelling their suggestions as very likely false.

Her ride- and conversation- with Harry had gone uninterrupted from that point to arrival, with the sole exception of the snack trolley they’d bought some of everything from… and when she stepped out of the compartment to let Harry change into his school robes, of course; she’d changed before he ever arrived at the station.

He hadn’t had a clue what to expect, either. He’d voiced that he thought he’d be at the bottom of the class- and, while she fully expected to be at the top of class herself (as she usually was), she had immediately disagreed. She didn’t know where he could expect to be in the class lineup, but she had assured him that some people knew even less about their magic before they went, and still came out in the top of class. She’d even surmised that some of the wizarding students might be at a disadvantage, because they might have to un-learn something they learned incorrectly from their parents!

Then, that teacher- presumably- had brought them in here, told everyone to “smarten yourselves up”, and disappeared to prepare. What was going on? Were they going to test how much they’d studied already, and put those that could already do magic in Ravenclaw? Were they going to unleash a troll, and put those that didn’t run screaming in Gryffindor? Were they going to make them stand and wait, and put the ones that didn’t check the time during the first ten minutes in Hufflepuff? Were they going to… She couldn’t think of anything for Slytherin off the top of her head.

But wait- she’d also said, ‘sorting ceremony’. Sorting ceremony. Not ‘test’, not ‘trial’. Not even a simple ‘sorting’. Specifically a ceremony.

And anyone could go through any part of a ceremony. Those were all just acting anyways.

So what in the world could it be?

Very suddenly, something happened- the door opened. That teacher was back.

It was time to be sorted.

It was time to find out what it was all about.

Author's Note:

Yeah, I'll admit, I liked the whole scared-of-nothing scene from canon, so it got rewritten from someone else's POV... I didn't realize I could draw it out that much without the ghosts!

Patreon, Discord.

On the other hand, the accelerated publication schedule starts today... And I should be able to deliver, so long as I remember to push 'publish' each day. I've already done all the heavy lifting.