• Published 25th Feb 2020
  • 5,137 Views, 1,789 Comments

On the Implications of Parallel Worlds - computerneek

Usually, first contact is made with just a few people. The latest civilization to be invited to Hogwarts begs to differ.

  • ...

Chapter 32


Please come to the school. There’s something I need to tell you. In person.



Lucius Malfoy sighed, reading the note once again.

It had arrived fully a week prior, when he’d expected to hear about the second Quidditch match of the year, which would be between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw; the first match, two weeks before that, had been between Gryffindor and Slytherin, and had featured a near-death experience by Harry Potter, the Gryffindor seeker.

He planned to buy his son’s way onto the Slytherin team the following year, if he had to. Draco was supposed to be Potter’s equal- even Dumbledore had agreed with that! So what was the man doing, granting Potter exceptions like that?

… Though, he wanted Draco and Potter to be friends, and Dumbledore wanted them to be enemies. Neither of which had happened, judging by the letters- his son had yet to find the boy in an environment even marginally suited to friendly communication.

And he had, eventually, seen reason and agreed with his son: Challenging and beating Potter, while it would have helped him recover face quickly after his lengthy stay in the Hospital Wing, would only have made it harder later.

Immediately upon receipt of the short note, as different from his son’s usual, longer messages, telling at least what happened during the day, he had written and sent a letter, to start the normal process for a parent to visit their student at school. It wouldn’t do for him to use his official power, as a member of the school’s Board of Directors, to visit his son; that would fall under ‘abuse of power’, and get him thrown out very quickly.

… Not that the Board really had any power over the place, Dumbledore made sure of that. Lucius was dutifully paying off the Minister for Magic to keep him from noticing that and cracking down with Ministry control of the place. That had been tried once, as Hogwarts: A History proudly stated… and the result had been that graduating Hogwarts had, for a time, been a bad mark on a student’s record, rather than a good one.

In any case, ever since the note came in, he’d been sending letters daily, asking questions… and every single one, his son either ignored or stonewalled all the questions, asking him to come to the castle. And finally, just yesterday, he got word back from the school- and sent word on to his son, per when he would be arriving.

Then he sighed, rising from the breakfast table. He had a school to travel to.

For the time had finally come.

He hoped it was important.

“Good morning, Mr. Malfoy.” It was a first-year girl with white and purple striped hair that greeted him at the front door of the Castle, rather than the Headmaster or one of the Professors. It made sense for the Professors to be busy- it was a weekday- but why was the Headmaster not here?

“Where is the Headmaster?” he asked.

The girl shook her head. “He won’t be available today, Sir. Draco asked for you to meet him in classroom C-19 today- would you like me to guide you?”

He blinked. He could have sworn the place didn’t have that many classrooms- just A through D, and then only 1 through 9 each. Perhaps that had something to do with the rumors that both the public and the Board were getting that Hogwarts had a massive number of students this year? “Ahh, yes, please.” In any case, this girl was evidently playing chauffeur and he detected no signs of deception, so at least he wouldn’t get lost.

He did notice that the route she took wasn’t exactly the straightest one she could have taken. She took him past a very large number of individually labeled classrooms, going as high as- that one was G-27! A number of them were in use, and a few doors were open, revealing large numbers of funny-haired students.

“As you can probably tell,” she informed him, as she walked. “The influx of just over twelve thousand new students necessitated some major increases to the size of the castle. I talked to some of the upper years, and they tell me the place only ever had a couple dozen classrooms in previous years. The part I find most amusing is that there are still a ridiculous number of completely unused classrooms- they added way more than they needed to, by a factor of about ten, if I remember right.”

Finally, after passing a couple of empty classrooms, she knocked on and opened the door to classroom C-19, stepping in and to the side as she held the door for him.

There he was. Sitting on a tall stool in the middle of the room was Draco Malfoy. His first thought- which he suppressed, with prejudice- was that it was about time. His second thought… was that there were three other people in the room. The girl that had led him in closed the door and sat in a small armchair off to the side.

The last two were seated on either side of Draco, also on tall stools. One boy, and one girl. Neither looked like they were Slytherins.

“Hello, Father,” Draco greeted.

He nodded his head. It was the most he could afford to do.

“I’m… sorry about the sudden silence,” Draco muttered, looking down. “I made a realization during that Quidditch match last week, and I didn’t want to scare you with a partial truth… or risk someone less savory finding out by intercepting my letters.” He looked up again.

Lucius nodded again, this time approvingly. Draco did seem to recognize the security problems with Owl Post, unlike so many of the other noble houses… and basically anyone that used an ‘Owl-Order’ anything. That didn’t explain who the other students were.

Draco seemed to know where his mind was going, though. “Before we continue, allow me to introduce my friends. You’ve already met Diamond Tiara.” He gestured towards the door. “Then, these are Hermione Granger… and Harry Potter.” He gestured to the last two in turn.

The final name made his eyebrows rise minutely. So he had found Potter… but when?

Draco visibly took a breath. “I’ve heard that most of the world remains largely unaware of the Equestrian influx?”

He nodded. “We’ve heard Hogwarts received a larger number of students than was anticipated, but there’s only rumors for just how large.”

Draco looked at Hermione.

“There were a total of twelve thousand, two hundred and ninety six Equestrian first-years this year, for a total attendance- across all years- of twelve thousand, five hundred and seventy six students.”

He blinked. That was a lot of students. How did the professors have time to teach them all?

Draco smiled at her. “Sometimes I wonder if she should have been a Ravenclaw.” It was a soft, genuine smile, not a forced one. The kind that always looked the best, but almost never happened amongst the noble circles.

Hermione blushed lightly.

“Anyways,” Draco continued, looking back up at him. “I should probably start with a little bit of backstory. These… Equestrians. Twelve thousand students don’t just appear out of nowhere- instead, they hail from the land of Equestria, which was apparently magically added to Britain when one of them- Lyra Heartstrings- created a portal between our worlds in her backyard.”

“They’re-?” Lucius began, but cut himself off at Draco’s raised hand.

“Yes, they’re very different from us. They have very different magic from us. But for as many as there are, they’re almost alarmingly willing to learn peacefully. Yes, there was a bit of an altercation with one of them a few weeks ago, but that’s the only fight anyone can remember, and the Equestrian leadership took swift action to keep it from happening again.

“That… uniqueness came with a few challenges. For example, while Equestrians can cross their Gate to our world indiscriminately, any British witch or wizard that tries to cross will be killed by it. This is where… You might remember the time when I was in the Hospital Wing for two weeks.”

He nodded tersely. It was hard to forget that.

“That was actually related to that issue. Lyra Heartstrings, the same one that opened the gate, was- and still is- working on a way for a British witch or wizard to cross their Gate into Equestria. She got it working, and… I was her testbed.” He closed his eyes. “She forgot to ask for permission.” He opened his eyes again. “Two weeks of pain, and I was back on my feet, albeit with funny-colored hair. Another week of total inability to use magic, and it was done. I… I had no idea what I gained in that. Pretty sure I still don’t.” He looked up. “Aside from the most obvious effects: The funny hair, and a new ability to make wands malfunction.”

Lucius raised one eyebrow.

He nodded. “I’ve almost gotten control of that one. The hair…” He paused, and removed his hat- and, with it, his wig. He then shook out his gleaming silver hair, which fell all the way down to his waist in a soft wave… which even Lucius knew it shouldn’t have done, after being done up under his hat like that. “It’s a bit strange. If we cut it, it regrows in a matter of hours. At least Lyra’s spell seems to have completely nullified the Family Curse.”

Hermione blinked, looking at Draco, suddenly worried. “What curse?”

“Family curse?” Diamond asked. “Is that something that affects the whole family, or is it specific to a particular station?” She spoke almost urgently.

Draco blinked. “Um… it’s specific to the next heir to House Malfoy. Why…?”

Diamond let out a sigh, leaning back. “Good. After what Lyra’s spell did, you’re completely immune to that kind of House Curse- and will never have to worry about it again.”

“... Good to know,” Draco nodded.

Lucius raised his eyebrow again.

“Anyways,” Draco muttered, putting his hat- and wig- right back on top of his head, completely ignoring how it clashed with his gleaming silver hair. And the two royal blue stripes splitting it evenly into thirds. “This is where we get to the important part, that I didn’t want to even hint at in Owl Post. Because what Lyra’s spell did…

“The way I hear it, her spell transformed me, magically, into an Equestrian. It wasn’t a complete transformation, as I haven’t lost any of my British abilities- Madam Pomfrey confirmed. So, after that, I’m now a sort of hybrid between an Equestrian and a British witch or wizard, magically speaking.”

“An incredibly powerful hybrid,” Hermione muttered.

He shrugged. “Yeah, a very powerful hybrid. We’re not entirely sure just yet why my innate power levels blow literally everyone else out of the water. In any case, that magical transformation ended up giving me a certain… ability. For example, you might notice that neither Crabbe nor Goyle are here.”

He nodded. He’d been wondering about that.

“That’s… Well, that’s actually because Crabbe faceplanted the floor last night, hard enough Madam Pomfrey was forced to vanish his nose to keep it from piercing his brain. And Goyle, this morning, tried to climb the staircase into the girl’s dorms again, and actually managed to break his neck on the way down. He survived as well, if only barely, because of Madam Pomfrey’s timely intervention, but they’re both out for the count for a couple days at least. I heard she’s recommending they both be withdrawn from the school and admitted to St. Mungo’s as mentally retarded.”

Lucius winced. He’d known that Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle would be dumb followers, like their fathers had been for him, but he hadn’t expected them to be that bad.

“But that brings us back to that… ability her spell gave me. It lets me completely void the need for bodyguards…” He trailed off… then his entire form seemed to shift, somehow. Moments later, he was looking at an unfamiliar girl, with that same blue-striped silver hair and this time no blonde wig attached to her hat, in Draco’s place. “By becoming someone else entirely.”

Lucius didn’t move. What was going on?

The girl Draco had become sighed. “I- It’s- It’s not a free transformation ability, like a metamorphmagus has. I’ve only got a few preset forms I can go between: This one, silver-haired Draco, and I can also become the original blonde-haired Draco, though I’ll fall out of that form- to this one- if I’m not careful.” She took a deep breath. “S-Silversong. Th-That’s what I’ve come to call this form. And… And thanks to some magic the Sorting Hat did after the first Quidditch match, so long as I stay on Hogwarts grounds and don’t shift in front of anyone I don’t want to know, I can take whichever form I like and nobody will realize anything’s different.

“So I… Last week, at the match. I… I realized that… I mean, Draco Malfoy is a facade, right? Something to show the world?” She looked up at him.

Lucius tilted his head slightly. “I… suppose.”

“Then the question is… since I have this transformation ability, do I have to take Draco Malfoy home with me? Do I have to make that facade be who I am?

“Or can I be someone different, like Silversong, and assume the facade of Draco for the world to see?”

It took him a few seconds to answer. “I guess,” he muttered slowly.

“Then we get to that realization I made at the Quidditch match,” she stated, and looked up. “That’s all Draco is: A facade. I, who might wear that facade from time to time… am Silversong.”

He scowled. “That… might make it hard to get your supplies next year.”

She shrugged. “Not really. I just go as Draco. And when I eventually need clothes, we split up, and I show up at Madam Malkin’s as Silversong, with no parents, a bag of gold, and probably some friends as well. As a matter of fact, I’m told that Silversong has no biological parents, so…”

He nodded slowly. “So as long as you’re only seen with a Malfoy as Draco, then…”

She nodded. “Draco and Silver will already never be in the same room as each other- we’ll just have to make sure that, when Silver happens to be in the same room as any other Malfoy, it’s ‘coincidental’ and she has no relationship with them. Except, of course, in the privacy of our home. Or Harry’s ridiculously effective privacy charm.”

He blinked. “Priv-?”

Harry nodded. “It’s active right now, making sure no one can snoop in on us.”

“Ahh,” he muttered. “I… don’t suppose Dumbledore knows?”

All three girls, and Harry, shook their heads.

“Absolutely not,” Silversong declared. “Family, sure. Very, very close friends, like these two, sure.” She put her arms around Harry’s and Hermione’s shoulders, hugging them close. “But Dumbledore?” She shook her head. “It was… almost three weeks ago, when I truly met- and befriended- Harry and Hermione. Yes, that means I haven’t been entirely truthful in my letters, but…” She shrugged. “I was afraid of orders, to be honest. Anyways.

“Shortly afterwards, they… told me something.” She looked up at him. “Apparently, we were all pawns in Dumbledore’s plan to defeat Voldemort once and for all in seven years. He…” She took a deep breath. “I- as Draco- was supposed to meet- and alienate- Harry on the train. Ron Weasley was supposed to befriend him, then basically control him through his time at Hogwarts, to guide him down the path of martyrdom.

My role in that plan- Draco’s role- was as a minor antagonist, to give Harry something to rally against. Distract him from Ron’s manipulation, keep him from noticing it.”

Hermione nodded. “There were a few things his plan failed to account for. For example, the Equestrians. The sheer number of them coming to Hogwarts threw just about everything off the rails. Even so, he still would have been able to recover that plan- mostly, at least- if not for one other factor he hadn’t counted on: Me.”

Lucius raised an eyebrow. “You?”

She nodded. “I’m sure you’re aware that Harry was raised by muggles. Well… I happen to be a muggleborn… who went to the same muggle school as he did. So, we met on the platform, and went to school as friends. Which was the biggest upset to his plans, since Harry wasn’t supposed to have any friends, other than Ron, until sometime midwinter- where they were supposed to meet and befriend ‘a muggleborn’.”

“And before you let the pureblooded holier-than-thou mindset prejudice you, she’s the one that discovered the connection between British and Equestrian magics… and discovered magical tribes in British witches and wizards.” She offered him a paper that looked like a once-in-a-blue-moon intra-school publication. “Of course, there’s a lot more to learn- but using that same technique, she’s been helping me get a handle on my new, Equestrian magic.”

“So,” he began. “Where’s Dumbledore?”

“He’s in the Hospital Wing,” Silversong answered. “Madam Pomfrey had Snape feed him a sleeping potion last night- he’s been overwhelmed from the moment the first Equestrian letters came in, so that’s the only way she was able to get him to take a break. He might actually realize his plan is toast when he wakes up sometime… what was it, day after tomorrow?”

Diamond nodded. “He’s apparently missed a lot of sleep, and Madam Pomfrey is determined to see him fully rested before he leaves her care. She doesn’t want him to start making dangerous, stress-induced mistakes.”

When he was on his way back home, Lucius could only agree with his son-turned-daughter. That was something they wouldn’t want to say in owl-mail.

He smiled to himself as he thought ahead, to when he would tell Narcissa she had the daughter she had wanted from the beginning. Would have gotten, had it been possible; he hadn’t told his son yet, but the curse didn’t completely vanish from the previous heirs… it just switched from their hair, to making them completely infertile once the new heir was born.

He found himself wondering if Draco’s children- or Silversong’s children, depending- would be immune as well… or not.

Author's Note:

Well, explanations happened.

Believe it or not, this actually ties into canon a little. In the 7th book, it was revealed that Lucius and Narcissa apparently cared for their son more than they cared for Voldemort... and were allowed to go free even after the second Wizarding War. Thus, I see their deatheater-hood as more of a perceived "no better option" action.

In the meantime, now that Dumbledore is down for a few days, do you think he's going to resume his old plans or start making new ones when he finally wakes up?

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I'm particularly proud of this chapter. It's the first true development scene Silversong saw in this story- all the rest, especially last chapter, was her catching up to where she was in The Gate when it was cancelled. Now, with a few things handwaived (as different from ignored), she can actually get somewhere... and not die in the attempt.

And for the record, I'm releasing this 10 hours early because I expect to have a very busy day tomorrowtoday, which will likely result in being unable to log on to post, and/or forgetting to. I mean, that happened todayyesterday, with Just Like Magic of Old...