• Published 25th Feb 2020
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On the Implications of Parallel Worlds - computerneek

Usually, first contact is made with just a few people. The latest civilization to be invited to Hogwarts begs to differ.

  • ...

Chapter 38

“Hermione?” Dan asked, looking up from the breakfast table. “Is that you?”

Emma looked up as well, blinked, and smiled. “You’re up early,” she teased.

Hermione, who had just entered the room, grinned at both of her parents. “Yeah, I suppose it is early, isn’t it?” she asked. She’d spent the last seven days locked up in her bedroom, getting through the third and fourth stages of her Papa Tango- and just yesterday, it had finally given over to the fifth stage… and all the symptoms had gone with it. She’d then slept soundly for the first time in just over a week. “And yes, it’s me.” She pulled her gleaming, metallic red hair over one shoulder, so it could fall down her front with its gentle waviness and icy blue fringes. “Do I really look that different?”

Dan shrugged. “Almost. I mean, I could tell who you were, it’s just… I’m used to your hair looking more like, ahh…” He paused, searching for the right word.

“A haystack?” Hermione supplied.

He shook his head. “No, I was thinking it looked like your mother’s. Which that most definitely does not.” He gestured towards her.

Emma, whose hair almost perfectly matched Hermione’s old hair, chuckled, and held out a hand. “C’mere,” she prompted.

Hermione trotted around the table to her.

Emma promptly clamped her in a hug. “It’s good to see you moving about again,” she said. “Even if that means we’ve got that study coming.”

“Actually,” Hermione said, pulling herself free enough to speak clearly. “It hasn’t finished yet, and we can’t do the study until it has. The first four stages are over with- but I’ve still got five, six, and seven to go.” She shrugged. “Technically speaking, from the moment the seventh stage starts, we can do the study, but my magic will be changing rather rapidly throughout, so I’d rather not risk it.”

“What do these last stages do?” Dan asked.

Hermione shrugged. “We actually don’t know what happens throughout the fifth and sixth. When the fifth stage started, I turned back into… well, me, but I’m about as magically capable as a muggle. When the sixth starts, I’ll regain control of my Animagus magic- which will allow me to turn myself into an Equestrian. Not that that’ll be very useful.

“It’s the seventh that we are waiting for- that’s when my magic returns, but it does so gradually. Once it finishes, the whole Papa Tango is done.” She shrugged. “Basically, all the physical changes are done, we’re just waiting for the last few magical changes.” She smiled. “And since I’m not in constant pain any more, there’s no reason I can’t come eat with the rest of the family.” She grinned. “And be a normal girl.”

Emma chuckled. “You do know there’s nothing normal about you, right? Especially after that Papa Tango thing?”

She shrugged. “Yep. Doesn’t mean I have to act weird, though.”

“Hmm,” Emma mused, and put a hand on the top of Hermione’s head. “Is it just me, or are you shorter than you were a week ago?”

She blinked. “I- what?” She tilted her head. “That… I shouldn’t be, but…”

“We can measure after breakfast,” Dan announced.

“Oh, yes,” Hermione smiled, moving around to her seat. “It smells divine.” Then she paused, tilting her head. “Huh. Definitely smelling things a lot stronger than before… but Silver also got an acute sense of smell from her PT, so I guess it’s not unexpected.”

“... Right,” Dan muttered. “Anything else we should know about?”

She shrugged. “Not that I know about.”

After dinner, they measured her height- and found that she had, in fact, shrunk a couple of inches.

“That’s not right,” Hermione scowled, retrieving the phone that Lyra had given her from her nightstand. It took her only a few seconds to dial Lyra’s number, then she waited.

She didn’t need to wait for long. Lyra picked it up on the first ring. “Yessum?”

Hermione rolled her eyes. “Lyra, you might want to stop by.”

“Oh? Something happen?”

“Yes. Got into the fifth stage of the Papa Tango yesterday… Just found out, I shrank.”

“What-? But that-! Huh. Well, I’m chaperoning some tourists through London at the moment, so… Two hours, I think, and I can be there?”

“Works for me,” she answered.

When she hung up the phone, Emma raised an eyebrow. “Where’d you get the phone?”

She blinked, and looked at it. “Oh. Um… Lyra gave it to me. It’s… um…” She wasn’t sure what all she could tell her parents- it might have looked like a regular phone, but it was actually a specialized one, on an encrypted line and everything… and had been given to her not out of goodwill, but because she’d chosen to accept Bonbon’s offer.

Bonbon’s offer… to join their top-secret Equestrian organization, which would give her access to all the finest magical research there was, in Equestria at least, and all of the finest research tools. After all, she hadn’t joined as a ‘field agent’ like Bonbon, but as a scientist… like Lyra.

And it all was, of course, top secret. From everyone, including her own parents… and, for now at least, her ‘herdmates’, as Lyra had called them: Silversong, Harry, and Diamond. Lyra had assured her that they would eventually get her herdmates cleared to learn about it if at all possible, but it would take time.

“I thought technology didn’t work at Hogwarts?” Dan asked.

She grabbed at the opportunity. “Yeah! Me too! Then they just…” She shrugged. “I mean, it gets no reception at Hogwarts, but it still works just fine.” That was entirely true- it did get no cell reception at Hogwarts, even though Lyra had told her there was a cell tower with line-of-sight. She’d even pointed it out to her before they left for the summer. The thing was, in areas of no cell coverage, it went into ‘satellite mode’- so she could make and receive calls anywhere she could see the sky… which included Hogwarts. Even the Hogwarts dungeons- Lyra said something about the Hogwarts wards being on just the right frequency to amplify the satellite signals, instead of deadening them, like it did other kinds of signals.

“Interesting,” Dan muttered.

“Definitely,” Hermione agreed. “It makes me wonder what other tech works at Hogwarts- and where else wizarding common knowledge is wrong?”

About two hours after, Lyra knocked on the door, and Emma let her in. Dan had left for work; it so happened it was one of the days that he manned their dental practice alone.

“So,” Lyra began, when Hermione appeared at the door to the family room. “You said you… Yep, about three inches, too.” She scowled. “As a matter of fact, that’s about how tall you were on the train to Hogwarts.”

“Uh, what?” Emma asked.

Lyra blinked, looking up at her. “Oh, sorry.” She tapped the side of her head. “Perfect recall. I’m also using a bit of advanced magic to accelerate my calculations.”

“So, what’s that mean?” Hermione asked. “Have I been… frozen?”

“I don’t… Yeah, no, you haven’t been. Silver grew at least an inch since I first saw her. But…” She sighed. “What it could be doing is resetting you back to a certain age- specifically, the ‘Age of Synchronicity’, it’s called, between our worlds. Basically, whenever someone first travels from one world to another, they take on a form in that new world that is at- or below- the Age of Synchronicity between them. Since the Papa Tango gives you an Equestrian form, and that Equestrian form is technically based on the other side of the Gate, that Equestrian form is guaranteed to be produced at or below the Age of Synchronicity.”

“So, what is this Age of whatsits?” Emma asked. “How old?”

“Between this world and Equestra? Eleven years, exactly. Pretty sure that’s what tripped up Hogwarts’ spells, too- because any spell trying to determine your age in a world you’ve never been to will always see you at or below the Age of Synchronicity between that world and the one you happen to actually be in. As a result, according to Hogwarts last year, the entire population of Equestria- save a couple percentage points- was exactly eleven years old. We live well past three hundred years old, as a rule.” She let out a snort of laughter. “Which, coincidentally, means that you will as well.”

Hermione rolled her eyes. “Alright, alright. So, how would that make me shrink?”

“It’s… a bit complicated,” Lyra muttered. “But… Well, because of how the Papa Tango works. Basically, it recreates your primary form to be an Equestrian form- which would explain Stage Three. The fourth stage would be when it synchronizes your new magic with you, allowing your form to be affected by the dimension you happen to be in, and causing you to take a humanized Equestrian form- which is generated on the spot, and so at or before the Age of Synchronicity as well. Stage five would be once it finishes restabilizing your magic, and my identity restoration routines kick in.

“I put those in because your original form- like Silver’s blonde-haired form- is actually incompatible with your new magic matrix, so you won’t be able to hold it for long, or use Equestrian magic at all while in that form. It shouldn’t have been touched by the Age of Synchronicity… but the new form the identity routines produce might be. They create a duplicate of that original form, and modify it just enough to be fully compatible with your new magic matrix, then they push you into that form- that’d be the form you’re in now. Which… it’s possible it has to modify it far enough it counts as coming from the other side, causing the Age of Synchronicity to apply to it as well. Mind if I check for the indicators of biological age?”

“Sure,” Hermione muttered. “And… When you say ‘at or before the Age of Synchronicity’, what do you mean?”

“Mm? Oh, that. Basically, since you’re over the Age, you’re going to be at the Age of Synchronicity. Had you been under the Age- and, say, eight- your new forms would’ve matched your true age exactly.” She paused. “And… yeah, biologically, you’re almost exactly eleven years and one day old. So yes, it must have been enough to be hit by the Age of Synchronicity.” She sighed. “Well, that’s certainly good to know. I can’t be putting any adults through that thing until I find a way around the Age of Synchronicity.” Another pause. “Hmm… A good age spell ought to do it, to alter the apparent biological age to match the original, until… Yeah. Gonna be a bear to build, though.”

Hermione breathed out a sigh. “So what happens if I try to cross an age line?”

“Oh, those will go off your true age, not biological. If I used it to turn Dumbledore into an eleven-year-old- that would be amusing, I daresay- he could still cross just about any age line on the planet without issue.” She shrugged. “Considering how close your new biological age and your true age are, I want to say there’s really no point in trying to ‘fix’, quote unquote, the age issue for you- it will really only affect things like biological processes. Magic will still see your true age- and I haven’t been able to find anything in this world, magical or otherwise, capable of measuring biological age very precisely at all.”

Author's Note:

Some of you might remember the little age problem back in the days of The Gate. Well, here it is, somewhere just a tad more realistic... and with some more worldbuilding behind it, as well. The 'Age of Synchronicity' between Equestria and Pedestria (EqG world) must be a highschool-age teen.

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