• Published 25th Feb 2020
  • 5,137 Views, 1,789 Comments

On the Implications of Parallel Worlds - computerneek

Usually, first contact is made with just a few people. The latest civilization to be invited to Hogwarts begs to differ.

  • ...

Chapter 31

Author's Note:

A quick note, before you read this chapter:

There has been a lot of dislike pointed to this chapter, and several people have complained about it breaking Suspension of Disbelief. This makes sense, as it's fairly disjointed, and a very rapid transition chapter- and it is also a major part of my pushing Silversong back up to what she is in my head. That's what I get for trying to rewrite the formative arc of what is probably my best character- see The Gate for the actually good version of that. Fortunately, this chapter finishes it, which should put her on track for 'natural' development, similar to what we've seen in, say, Harry, Hermione, and Diamond up to this point. The nastiness present in this chapter is a one-off, and should not affect the rest of the story. As a matter of fact, the next chapter represents probably her first true developmental sequence in this story, that wasn't driven by trying to reform her. It's one of my favorite scenes, so far.

If you want to skip it, you're welcome to. Here's a quick rundown of all the important points: Silversong gets her cutie mark and is sorted into Gryffindor, and all issues related to her being the same person as Draco (who remains in Slytherin) are hand-waived away via the Castle magic. We also find out that the ancient Goddess that sent Ginny her instructions several chapters ago also played a not insignificant part in Hogwarts' history.

If you think you can stomach the damage, go ahead and read it. You'll probably want to at least skim through it, to pick out some of the details that might be relevant later. If/when they are, I'll try to describe them there as well so you don't have to come back here, but I can't promise- it can often be hard to remember exactly when something was first mentioned, and how much.

Patreon, Discord.

Draco’s first thought, upon waking up, was that it wasn’t his bed.

Then he remembered.

He wasn’t Draco.

He was Silversong.

And she was sleeping in one of the four spare beds in Diamond’s room.

She took a deep breath, and let it out. She could do this. It wasn’t like Diamond walked around naked in here; the girl had pajamas.

… Unlike herself. She’d ended up sleeping in her daytime shirt and skirt, which she would need to change in the morning anyways. At least she’d discovered sometime yesterday- she actually didn’t remember when, but that suited her- how girls used the bathroom.

Truth be told, it wasn’t all that different from how boys used the bathroom. She wasn’t sure what she’d been so afraid of.

She stuck her hands down under the covers, to make sure her skirt was covering the stuff it should be covering, before she sat up to look around. She was… as she remembered, she’d drawn the curtains around her bed. She pushed them aside, on the side facing away from Diamond’s bed, and looked at the clothes waiting for her, neatly stacked on the nightstand.

She took a deep breath, and got dressed.

Strangely enough, even though it was only the second time she’d ever done it, and the first time she’d done it without help, it went as easily as if she’d been doing it all her life. She was fully dressed and robed, in all fresh clothes, in no time.

Then she blinked, glancing in the direction of Diamond’s bed, through the curtains of her own. Diamond suspected that her talent might simply make her good at anything she tries, hadn’t she? And if she was randomly really good at getting dressed in girl’s clothes, despite only barely having a clue how to do it, that was a pretty big hint to the positive, wasn’t it?

She let out a gasp as a deep blue… aura seemed to materialize around her, and she found herself lifted into the air.

Then it disappeared, and she dropped back to the floor.

She looked around, breathing heavily, and sat down on her bed to calm herself down.

She was sure it was nothing, just some Raeth somewhere trying to get dressed and levitating the wrong thing. She was sure that was what had happened… probably.

Once she finished calming herself down, she went to use the bathroom, then headed for the common room to wait.

Conversation, Silversong knew, was wild in the Great Hall that morning, just like it had been the night before. Students were torn between complaining about their temporary transformation into satyrs, and wondering about the Late Sorting that Dumbledore had promised at dinner.

And of course, she wasn’t there.

She was waiting in a room off the Entrance Hall, where Snape had shown her. The same one she’d been shown to, along with the rest of the first years, when they arrived at the school.

Professor McGonagall pushed the door open suddenly. “Miss Silversong?”

“Huh?” She looked up nervously.

“We’re ready.”

She could only be nervous as she accepted the Sorting Hat.

She was at the head of the Great Hall… and the entire school was staring at her.

The Hat fell right down over her eyes when she put it on, just like it had the first time.

She shuddered. Why did she have to do this?

The hat spoke, in her ear. “Ahh, I thought I would be seeing you soo- Wait a minute. I’ve seen you before!”

As I would expect, she thought in reply. Can we get this over with?

The hat chuckled. “In a hurry, are we? Well… When I first saw the Papa Tango in Lyra’s mind, I had no clue it would change you this thoroughly.”

She shivered. How… What did it do?

“Well… let me see. You’ve got… four forms right now, rather than the two I would have expected. All connected by your Animagus magic… Which, by the way, you’re not an Animagus, so you still have the option to discover your inner animal and all that, get a fifth form.

“In any case, it looks like both of your male forms- the one you can’t hold for long, and the one with the silver hair- show as one identity, Draco Malfoy, sorted into Slytherin.

“The other two forms- this one, and your pony form- are unsorted, but show as the same identity. Meaning, if I sort you into Gryffindor now, you can go back to Slytherin at will, just by shifting into form as Draco.”

But- but how do I have grades, if I’ve never gone to class as-?

“Oh, that is easy. That’s because Draco and Silversong might be separate identities, but you’re still the same entity- and so, assigned the same schedule and grades. But we can work with that. Hmm… Shall I tell you a little story?”

Aren’t people staring at me?

“Yeah, but they’ll stare at you either way. Point is, you’ve got a huge- and unanticipated- opportunity here, but if I just send you to Slytherin- or any other house- and be done with it, it’ll be squandered.”

… Alright, I’ll listen.

“Well. Way back in the day, when the Goddess enchanted the castle, she also enchanted me, to serve as the brain of the Castle. I sat on her head for a number of years, before I became known as the Sorting Hat- but I’m still connected to the magic of the Castle.”

She scowled. Weren’t you Godric Gryffindor’s hat?

“Why yes, yes I was first tailored for Godric Gryffindor. But what many don’t know is that the old man was actually an ancient goddess in disguise.

“In any case, because of that linkage, I actually have powers beyond the sorting.

“For example, I can have the castle magic bridge the gap between Draco and Silversong- so, whichever one you show up to class as, the teacher won’t notice the absence of the other, nor that you’re actually the same person. Well… except Miss Granger, because of her methods, but I see you’ve already revealed to her. I should even be able to help cover being caught transforming, though you’ll still want to seek privacy. Well, except with Crabbe and Goyle. Those two are so thick you can already transform in front of their noses, and they’ll start looking around, wondering where Draco went.”

She let out a snort of laughter. I knew they were thick, but… are you sure?

“Yep. I read their minds too, remember. They were more reliant on Draco than you knew. Only reason I actually sorted them, instead of throwing them out for being too stupid to teach, was because they were actually able to ask for Slytherin House. Had they not, I couldn’t have sorted them.”

… Okay then.

“So, whaddya say to this: I’ll sort you into Gryffindor. I’ll have some house-elves move your spare clothes to your trunk, and use the Castle magic to make a duplicate of said trunk appear at the foot of a bed in an empty girl’s dorm, to share an interior. I’ll keep your fellow Slytherins from realizing you’re gone, when you’re in form as Silversong- and, when in form as Draco, keep your fellow Gryffindors from realizing you’re gone. Classes will be pretty normal, show up in whichever form you want, and nobody will notice- even the ones with no Gryffindors in them. Nobody will notice that Draco and Silver are never in the same room together, because they have no reason to expect that they would be.” She paused for a second. “... And let’s face it, Diamond was right last night. You three would make a good herd.”

She became instantly thankful that her face was hidden from view as she felt the heat rushing to it.

“What? I’ve predicted every pairing that came out of this place and didn’t break apart after they left. And seriously, you’ll be happier with them.”

She shuddered. Does…?

The hat picked the question out of her mind before she’d even formulated it. “No, your schedule won’t change. You’ll just gain the freedom to show up to class, meals, and bed, in whichever form you want.” A pause. “Hmm… Shall I also forward mail headed for one form to the other, when you’re in the other form?”

She blinked. What?

“Because right now, mail headed for Silversong will only reach you while you’re in form as Silversong, and vice versa for Draco. All I’d be doing is making sure mail headed for either one could reach you, whichever form you were in.”

… Oh. Sure, why not? It’ll keep my dad from worrying.

“Well, Draco’s dad. Silversong doesn’t have parents to worry about her. Speaking of which, you’ll probably want to tell Lucius about your transformation ability at some point, if you plan to use Silversong very much at all- from what I remember of him, I don’t doubt his helicopter-parenting is because he’s trying to protect you in the vicious, noble world he’s grown up in. Since Silversong is outside of that world- despite still being heir to House Malfoy, I’m sure that’ll be interesting- he will probably be relieved that you’ve found a way to release your feelings. He’ll still want to teach you how to navigate that world, don’t get me wrong, but if I’m right, he won’t feel the need to pound it into you so hard it becomes part of you.”


“Come on, Silversong. When he sat under me a lot of years ago, he hated his lot in life as well. Not quite as badly as you, but he still did. He no doubt sympathizes with you on at least some level.”

She sighed. Whatever.

“Alright then. Whenever you go to bed as Silversong, it’ll be four one, seven two, until and unless you decide to move. It’s an otherwise empty dormitory, right now- and yes, provided they get your consent, any Gryffindor girl- Equestrian or not- can move in with you. GRYFFINDOR!”

She winced as the hat shouted the final word to the whole room. Thank you. She lifted the hat off her head, and handed her to McGonagall before walking over to the Gryffindor table, scanning her eyes down it.

The Gryffindors were cheering in a kind of strangled manner, since a quarter of them had goat legs, but she quickly spotted Hermione waving at her through the crowd, and made her way over.

She sat in the empty space next to Hermione, and let out a sigh. “Well, that was…”

“Nerve-racking?” Hermione suggested.

She nodded. “Yeah. She had all kinds of things to say… and apparently, she also has control over the magic of the Castle.”


She nodded. “Sounded like a ‘she’ to me.” She leaned in to whisper in her ear. “And did you know, Godric Gryffindor was actually an ancient goddess in disguise?”

“What-!?” Hermione squeaked.

She grinned. “From the mouth of her hat.”