• Member Since 5th Dec, 2017
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A monster comes raging through Ponyville.

On any other day of the week, that might have been a major problem.

But it's Tuesday today, so it's not what Agent Sweetie Drops and her partner are worried about in the slightest.

A one-shot I had a sudden idea for.

If you want, suggest a plotline and I may write a sequel/prequel/AU with more chapters.

Chapters (1)

The important ponies, lings, or whatevers are important. They get all the food, love, or whatever. They get all the abilities. They are the only ones that are gifted.

Or so they like to think.

Enter me. I'm a disfigured underling, and I'm also perhaps the most gifted individual since Starswirl himself. And even then.

This is my story.

Tags may be updated as the story progresses.

Chapters (3)

When a portal is opened between two otherwise disconnected worlds, a few reliable spells go a little crazy- and result in a series of letter-bearing owls passing through the portal. Several times.

What could possibly go wrong?

Made it to 34 likes before the first dislike. For my first story to make it past 7, that's amazing. Thank you!

Written with the able editing assistance of Skittlebug starting Chapter 12 and Gerandakis as well starting Chapter 20.

As of today, 1/26/20, this story has been cancelled. I kinda hate to cancel a story that was going so well... But, to be completely honest, it sucks. When they talk about story 'arcs', they mean that if you were to make an outline for it, and use indentation to denote subplots and so on, each arc would form a rough arch shape against the side of the page, with the indentation. I just threw one together with this... and it looked like a list of bullet points. Random, incoherent events, tied together by nothing but SoL (No plot relevance to each other)... Not good, either by itself or for the future of the story.

Edit much later than it should have been: As of 2/25/20, the rewrite has begun publication, and is available... here: On the Implications of Parallel Worlds

Worry not, this story is staying up indefinitely, even as the rewrite inevitably develops far past it.

Chapters (75)

She, and all her passengers, spent two months traveling across the featureless plains of nothingness, as the final hope for all mankind.
But before her fusion plants run out of fuel, a new hope is spotted: An exit.
Now, she escapes- and nothing, not herself, not the citizens of the world she's escaping to, knows exactly what's coming.

Would you believe it if I told you this story was inspired by the realization that one of my other stories made the feature box?
Tags may be updated as the story progresses.

... Hiatus because I have no clue where the plot should go, or if I should just finish it off as a one-shot instead.

Chapters (1)

Interstellar civilizations are difficult to kill off.

But long ago, so long only one thing in the universe remembers, at least two of them were. That one thing, an ancient machine built by one of the two for the purpose of exterminating the other, has slept for time immemorial. Entire civilizations lived and died during its slumber- but now, it's awake, and it wishes to restore itself to function.

Only one problem: In order to do so, it may be forced to work with the latest interstellar civilization- one torn asunder by war. But will it restore itself in secret, or reveal itself openly? Will it fulfill its purpose yet again, or will it leave them to their own fight?

A crossover with multiple sources, this tale is a re-imagining of a story I never published.

Cancelled after a very long hiatus because of poor writing quality compounded with a flimsy plot. Maybe I'll try something similar at some point.

Chapters (4)

The wail of the siren could be heard all across the island.

The attackers groan at the sound.  Their camouflage is perfect, the time impeccable.  It’s in the middle of the night- and the moon never shines here, for the storm.  There is not so much as a speck of light on the island.

But the alarm still went off.

Two squadrons of pegasi take flight, charging towards the island.  To get inside the defenses, before they can be stopped.

One of the two ships explodes with no warning.  No survivors.

Two squadrons of pegasus blood runs cold as the mountain peaks emit little pops, accompanied by momentary flashes of light.

Two squadrons of pegasi are dead before they hit the water.

The other ship explodes.  No survivors.

The attack is over.  The siren stops.

The first defender reaches his post, finds all is well.

He returns home.

While the above isn't technically part of the story, it does exist in the story timeline, before the beginning.

I don't know where I got the idea for this story. String of the Stars was originally intended to be an origin story for my take on Lyra, but didn't turn out as anything close. This has turned out much better, as such, so far.

While the opening may be a little dark, it is worth note that this is NOT a tragedy.

As always, tags may be updated as the story progresses.

Chapters (8)

It’s amazing to think that we’re sending our daughter to Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns.  Especially with how, well, powerless she seemed during her youth.  Though, of course, we probably should have seen this coming; she has been showing signs.  Well… I say signs, but I mean…

Oh, I don’t know how to explain it- or even what half of them are.  Perhaps you can read this story and explain it to me, her pegasus mother, so I know for next time.  You know, for the inevitability that there will be a next time. I am expecting, after all.

An experiment. This story is the first of its kind, that I've seen. It's told in first-person point of view, but never from the main character's point of view.

This story also represents a significant increase in plot depth over my other stories. Far less action, but more story. More life. In theory.

More ponies. With more persistence, less irrelevance.

If you have a name, a color pattern, or a character idea you'd like to see, mention it. I will probably use it- and when I do, I will credit you.

And as always, tags will be updated as the story progresses.

Cancelled for lack of plot.

Chapters (6)

One might consider a battle with an Alicorn to be a lost cause. He didn't, and if it wasn't for his eagerness to fight back, he might actually have won. But she wins, and saves Equestria once again.

But that's not the important part.

For what is important, nopony even knows it's there to be important, save the Alicorn herself and any who forget to specify 'summary' when asking the simple question of how the battle went.

Cancelled for lack of a plot.

Chapters (2)

It's a spaceship. An enormous spaceship, floating in orbit around the Earth. That's all traffic control knows about it.
It's got beefy sensors, strong computers, and stern control of a plasma cannon, utilized in its defense against a known criminal. That's all Law Enforcement knows about it.
It's newly commissioned and currently unmanned. There's a clear lack of engineering people on her crew lists. That's all her new Captain knows about it, while she's on her way to be the first human being to step aboard.


An alternate timeline of The First Equestrian Starliner in which Athena didn't null out.
Tags may be updated as the story progresses.

Chapters (19)

Diamond Tiara has a problem. She can't tell anypony; that'll only make it worse. Instead, she tries to mitigate it- through the Crusaders, usually. But that will end sometime, and she'll need another release.

Or a solution. That might work too- but it'll have to be something big to be able to solve her problem.

Tags may be updated as the story progresses.

This story is an experiment, for me. I've never tried writing DT before- so I fully expect her personality to shift a little in the first chapter or two as I get a feel for her. Comments are welcome- EXCEPT those talking about however her problem was fixed in season five. That situation would never happen- and Cheerilee would make sure of that.

DT's problem, here, is inspired in part by the Undead Robot Bug Crusaders by Banjo64- and in part by my own experience.

IMPORTANT: The first thirteen chapters are "old", and written in present tense. I'm better now, but can't be bothered to translate then to past tense just yet, so they'll stand. Chapter 14 and on, however, are "new"- and written in past tense. If the first thirteen are even remotely palatable, 14 and on should be at least a decent read. I don't recommend skipping, for fairly obvious reasons.

Chapters (14)