• Published 15th Aug 2023
  • 791 Views, 150 Comments

A Hogwarts Harmony - computerneek

Sometimes, the path to harmony is quite... discordant. Especially at Hogwarts.

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Chapter 12: Infirmary

Harry yawned and stretched as he left his Lord’s Quarters to head down to breakfast. It was really amusing how all you needed to get into Gryffindor Tower was a simple password (that he actually didn’t know), yet to get into his Lord’s Quarters… well, the door would only open for him and those he allowed.

Such as Discord, even though he didn’t need to use the door.

That thought made him chuckle as he made his way down to breakfast. Harry hadn’t shown up to the sorting, causing the whole room to go silent for a minute when Professor McGonagall had called out his name.

So, how exactly were people going to assault him when he arrived?

And arrive he would. The massive bedchamber was so much larger than he was used to, and the bed so much more comfortable, that he hadn’t been able to sleep at all… until Discord had started singing him to sleep, after which he’d slept like a log. He’d known the avatar for less than a day, yet they were already perfectly familiar with one another!

He reached the Great Hall rather uneventfully, despite crossing paths with a few other first-years… all with funny-colored hair. A couple of them even greeted him as they went about their business.

And not one tried to punch him.

He scanned the Gryffindor table as he approached, then picked an open seat next to Hermione, even though Harry had only ever seen her at Gringotts.

She greeted him as he sat down, without looking up. “Morning, Hailey.”

“Good morning,” he answered, unable to keep the amusement out of his voice. Did she actually know it was him, or had she just made a random guess?

Hermione blinked and turned sharply to face him. “Wha-!?” she began.


“Y-You’re-!” She paused. “You’re Harry Potter?” It sounded like a question.

He nodded. “Yeah, that’s what people call me,” he agreed. “The ‘Boy Who Lived’, whose hand they all want to shake for some reason.”

She rolled her eyes. “Of course they do,” she grumbled. “You’re famous for getting attacked by a mass murderer. It’s… insane.”

“Quite,” he agreed.


Harry knew it was Ronald Weasley, charging down the table at him, before he even looked. “What the-?” he began deliberately; Harry had never seen the boy.

Then Ron crashed into him, bowling him straight into Hermione, who cried out in pain.

The next second, Harry’s elbow interacted with Ron’s face, and the aggressive boy crashed to the ground as Harry rolled off of Hermione, also dropping to the floor- though unlike Ron, he landed on his feet and turned back to her. “You okay?” he asked her.

Hermione pushed herself back up. “Ow ow ow,” she complained. “Um, yeah, I think.” She touched the left side of her head, which had been really close to the edge of the table. “Am I bleeding?”

He looked critically at the side of her head. “Doesn’t look like it,” he observed.

She sighed. “Good. I don’t think he managed to break anything either.” Then she turned to him. “Are you okay?”

He shrugged. “I’m used to that kind of thing.”

Ron scrambled back to his feet. “Harry,” he complained through his bloody nose. “Why’d you hit me, your best friend?”

“My-?” Harry began, turning to him. “Who the hell are you, and why did you attack me?”

“I’m Ronald Weasley,” he answered. “Your best friend. Don’t you-?”

“Since when were you my friend?” he barked.

Right at that moment, a large gray owl landed on Ron’s head, and dropped a bright red envelope at his feet.

There was a moment of silence before Ron looked down, tried to catch the falling owl (which had apparently fallen unconscious), slipped on the fallen letter, and fell flat on his back.

Harry picked up the red letter to read the front.

“Ronald Bilius Weasley,” he read, then set it on the table and turned back to Ron. “More like Ronald Bully-us Weasley.”

“Oh, is the Weasel getting up to something?”

Harry looked up- it was Draco Malfoy, back in male form again, and grinning nastily at Ron.

“Trying to hurt the Famous Harry Potter?” Draco went on, before looking up at Harry.

Harry nodded softly before Draco could ask if that was who he really was, even though it bothered him to be called the Famous Harry Potter.

The scarlet envelope on the table began to smoke.

“Clear off, Malfoy,” Ron growled, rising back to his feet. “This is the Gryffindor table, you’re not welcome here.”

Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle, according to their nameplates, raised their eyebrows from where they were standing on either side of Malfoy, then raised their hands and punched their fists into their open palms in a way that reminded Harry of that ‘Pacific Rim’ movie.

Then the envelope burst open, belching out a small cloud of black smoke, and the room went instantly silent, save only for the voice of what was presumably Ron’s mother, drowning everything else out with what had to be a hundred times its normal volume.

RONALD BILIUS WEASLEY!” the woman began- and Harry noticed an aged man with a very long silver beard, approaching from behind Draco, pause to look around.

That would be Albus Dumbledore, and he was not looking happy. He did, however, seen to be able to locate the scarlet envelope.

Ron’s mother was, in a word, wordy, Harry decided. She was evidently absolutely furious with her son- so much that it took over sixty seconds before he found out why she was mad.

She was mad at her son… because he had angered Hailey.

Harry actually had to laugh at that. Was Hailey so powerful that people were as afraid of her as they were of Voldemort?

Dumbledore raised his arm to check his wristwatch, before looking back up at the envelope, which was still yelling itself hoarse.

Harry sat back down and started getting himself some food. Ron’s mother had already informed them all that she was ashamed of her son, and that her son was a disgrace to his family, at least three times now.

Harry noticed when Hermione put a hand to the side of her head and shook herself out. It looked to him like there was something bothering her.

So he put a hand on her shoulder to get her attention amidst Mrs. Weasley’s yells, and yelled at her. “Are you okay?”

He could barely hear himself, but it seemed Hermione was able to pick out his words.

She also shook her head.

“Hospital wing?” he offered, also at a yell.

She seemed confused for a second, but seemed to make sense of it and nodded, so Harry stood… and helped her to stand as well. She seemed to be having trouble standing upright, so he supported her as they left the room.

As they did so, Mrs. Weasley finally finished yelling. “... AND IF YOU CAUSE ANY MORE TROUBLE, YOU’RE COMING STRAIGHT BACK HOME!”

The silence echoed behind them.

Then there was Dumbledore’s voice. “Mister Weasley,” he began darkly. “Come with me.”

“Concussion,” Madam Pomfrey, the school nurse, confirmed. “Pretty nasty one too, you’re lucky you’re still awake.” She handed Hermione a potion. “Looks like you managed to strain a few joints in your spine as well; this will help with the pain.” She offered her a small bottle of pills. “One tablet, as needed for the pain, but no less than six hours between them, alright?”

Hermione nodded, drank the potion, and made a face.

“ ‘And if you cause any more trouble’,” Harry quoted. “Do you think we should tell her?”

Hermione snorted. “He’d probably break the record for shortest Hogwarts career,” she observed.

“What is it?” Madam Pomfrey asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Oh… about a minute after the incident,” Harry began; they’d explained Ron’s attack to her. “Bright red envelope started yelling, and it was his mom. She finished by saying ‘And if you cause any more trouble, you’re coming straight back home’.”

Pomfrey nodded slowly. “Molly Weasley has a bit of a reputation for sending howlers to her children, threatening to take them straight back home, and never following through with it. All you’d be likely to do is get him another howler… well, no, probably no effect. He hurt another student, so I will be notifying her, by Hogwarts policy.”

“Sucks to be Ron,” Hermione observed.

The door back out to the corridor opened suddenly, and Ron floated in, unconscious, before Professor McGonagall, who hadn’t been present at breakfast.

Madam Pomfrey raised an eyebrow. “Oh? What happened this time?”

“I overheard Albus telling him off for ruining everything by angering Princess Hailey, then there was a crash before I got there, and he was lying on the floor in a classroom, about three feet away from Albus. He said the boy just passed out.”

Harry raised an eyebrow. “Everything?” he muttered, quietly- but not quietly enough to get past McGonagall.

“Excuse me, Mister Potter?”

“S-Sorry,” he muttered, “but how does angering one person ruin everything?”

The Professor’s expression relaxed. “Good question. Even one such as the Princess shouldn’t be powerful enough to ruin everything just by getting angry at one boy.”

“Maybe he’s got a plan,” Harry observed. “I heard Hailey was attacked by Peter Pettigrew on the train, then the Weasley Twins- and Ron here- were hunting for me on the train, under Professor Dumbledore’s orders. Good thing I thought to bring a disguise.”

“Concussion,” Madam Pomfrey rattled off suddenly, “three strained and one torn ligaments in his neck, broken elbow and nose. He’s lucky he’s still alive.” She looked up at McGonagall. “What did he fall on?”

“A desk, I think.”

“And nobody thought to catch him?”

“Albus was alone with him.”

“And Albus didn’t think to catch him?”

“Apparently not. He was certainly close enough.”

Author's Note:

She was lipreading.

Does it seem reckless to just hand an eleven-year-old girl a bottle of pills like that? Good, that's because it should, and really is. Madam Pomfrey might be really good at magical medicine, but she'd never clear the bar in the muggle world!

Patreon, Discord.

It's at this point that I find myself declaring this story dead. Don't worry, there's still a few more chapters coming- through chapter 16- but, well...

There are two kinds of overpowered character. There's the one that's overpowered but either doesn't know about it or doesn't use it, and there's the one that's overpowered and throws it around willy-nilly. Can you guess which kind is called a 'Mary Sue'?

And can you guess which kind this story has?

Yeah. Unfortunately, Hailey has become a Mary Sue, simply because she's too powerful (which a few commenters pointed out, if I remember right, on the other sites)... and I can't justify reworking it to make her hide or otherwise avoid using her power... because she's just an ordinary eleven-year-old with an extra influx of magic. She doesn't have a hidden background as an ancient death god to influence her eleven-year-old self to make much better decisions than anyone else her age, and she's not even a reincarnated spellsmith like, say, Voldemort.

Speaking of, I didn't handle the Voldemort thing very well, did I? It was certainly an interesting setup, and one with a ton of potential... but I ended up only playing it for laughs, so it kinda flopped.

Still, though. A bunch of you probably don't know, since not everyone views my blog posts and absolutely nobody has commented on this one, but my muse has already commanded a fresh rewrite... on the theme of TGwDJL once again- that is to say, with the Death God Backstory. I liked how happy-go-lucky Hailey was, but the story focused far too much on the Sequence as the driving force of a story that was completely unrelated to the same... which resulted in its death. Not this time- and I'll manage Hailey's deific nature better, too, so her random, predictable powers really are random, rather than just "New problem? New power!" as kinda happened in TGwDJL.