The Girl who Didn't Just Live

by computerneek

Chapter 2: Eleven Years RW

Professor Dumbledore had intended to spend the eleven years Harry spent living at the Dursleys building a plan to ensure the eradication of the Dark Lord Voldemort; according to his sources, Voldemort had been spotted in the forests of Albania as a phantom, periodically possessing snakes and other creatures.
Unfortunately, he was interrupted.
Many times.
First, a girl with oddly vibrant colors in her hair appeared, and attended Hogwarts, the year after Harry had been given to the Dursleys.  She was a Ravenclaw by the name of Sunset Shimmer, and had the most difficulty using a wand that Dumbledore had ever seen…  even though her non-magical grades were almost ridiculously high.  Even so, she wouldn’t have mattered much…  if more like her hadn’t followed.
When Harry was two, two more of them appeared.  They both seemed to have trouble with wands, just like Sunset- but unlike Sunset, neither of them were all that bright.  They were both Slytherins.
When Harry was three, four more appeared, bringing the total to seven.  All four of them were Hufflepuffs- and while they didn’t have as much trouble with wands as Sunset or the rather violent Slytherin pair, they must have landed in Hufflepuff by process of elimination- they didn’t do anything of their own volition.
This kept going.
When Harry was six, the total came up to fifty eight- and a new car was added to the Hogwarts Express just for them, making it a ten car train.
When Harry was seven, Sunset Shimmer graduated- barely- and subsequently became the Facilities Assistant at Hogwarts, helping Filch clean and maintain the Castle and Hagrid do the same for the grounds, with the rapidly increasing numbers of students.
When Harry was nine, there were significantly more of them than there were normal students at Hogwarts, at exactly five hundred, and the Ministry was investing in magically expanded cars that could carry more students at once- the Hogwarts Express had reached a whopping 25 cars, and it was starting to impinge upon the speed of the locomotive.  The Ministry, and wizarding nobility, also came to start calling them ‘colorheads’, against Dumbledore’s strongest objections.  He absolutely refused to use the term to describe them; he felt that it was an insult.
When Harry was ten, the Ministry had come out with their new cars…  Two of them.  Each one could carry ten times as many students, while still weighing just as much empty and full.  However, with a thousand and twenty two of the strange-haired children in the school, they only managed to keep the train at only twenty five cars- rather than the forty three it would have been without the compressed cars.  That year was a bit of a nightmare; classes had gone from about sixty students per house to about a hundred and forty in only one year, making it extremely difficult for the Professors to keep up and teach properly.  Fortunately, word had come in about a large number of students tutoring one another, and he had heard reports of the smart ones gravitating towards the front of the class.
They were led in that by a Ravenclaw first-year by the name of Starlight Glimmer.  She was constantly on edge, like she was desperate for or worried about something, but she would never tell him what…  and she was taking it upon herself to ensure all her fellow first-years got a decent education.  Dumbledore found he liked her and her ideas, even though the constantly increasing numbers of students forced him to scrap one plan after another.
Finally, it was summer- specifically, the summer in which Harry would receive his Hogwarts letter.
Judging by the pattern so far, Harry would be one of a whopping thousand first-years, with class sizes all the way up to two hundred and fifty…  so Dumbledore had spoken with Starlight, and established her student tutoring thing as a school-sanctioned but student-run ‘Student Instructor Program’, whilst also restructuring it a little to help keep class sizes manageable.  Starlight had dived straight into the task of locating appropriate Student Instructors, as the only member of what she had insisted on calling its ‘management team’.  It was up to that team- ergo, her- to decide who to add to the management team, who to dismiss from it, and so on.
At least part of the reasoning for that decision had been carefully kept from Starlight.  Specifically, Dumbledore expected that such a program would help stabilize Hogwarts to the point where he would be able to start making plans again, without shredding them all over again every year!
In the meantime, the Ministry had procured another two expanded cars, reducing the train to a mere seven cars, to the original nine…  Except that, by that same estimate, they would need to add some thirty more cars to the train.  Fortunately, the number of new cars required was going to be small enough that the Ministry would have plenty of time to locate them once he told them how many they would need…  and by how much they would need to extend the platform as well.
He turned slightly to glare at the set of instruments that were supposed to be monitoring Harry to ensure he was being treated alright…  but they had never connected, and every time he visited, it was to find out that the Dursleys had picked that day to go on vacation, and so were nowhere to be found.  The time he’d waited at their house, he’d met their housesitter Mrs. Polkiss, who told him they’d left on a month-long vacation just a couple days before, and hadn’t been able to tell him when they planned to return.  Even Mrs. Fig, the local squib, had reported that she hadn’t seen the boy even once- he was simply never at the house when she visited…  and the Dursleys didn’t seem to favor her as a babysitter as Dumbledore had hoped, so she didn’t even have that.  For some reason he had yet to determine, the few letters he’d sent to the Dursleys directly had been returned as undeliverable- or, when he used Muggle Post, inexplicably returned with ‘return to sender’ stamped on the envelope.
He would have to wait for the Hogwarts letters…  then get someone, probably Hagrid, to show up to take him through Diagon Alley and figure out what his childhood had been like.
If he was still alive, for that matter.  Dumbledore had been unable to confirm even that.
It hadn’t stopped him from putting in a marriage contract between the boy and Ginny Weasley, to ensure the boy had a good wife.
He sighed.  He’d try visiting one last time.

A Few Years Earlier…

Ginny Weasley, on the other hand, was completely oblivious to both the new students and Dumbledore’s difficulties.  Just over seven years before, her reincarnation had gone well.  As expected, she’d struggled with the whole breastfeeding thing- then, when she was three or so, the fact that she was a girl had finally clicked.  It still didn’t quite feel real, and she knew it wouldn’t for a while yet; the reincarnation process wouldn’t finish properly binding her soul to her body, and making her body actually feel like her, until her tenth birthday.
But…  for as much as it had surprised her, over the last four years, she’d found that she actually enjoyed being a girl- even a preadolescent one.
It was a good thing she’d destroyed that House Curse.  It would have forced her to ‘die’ again shortly before birth and without explanation, necessitating another reincarnation and inducing a minimum of an extra year’s delay before she could get a wand.
But she was fortunate.  She had survived…  and was already seven years old, with nobody being any the wiser for who she really was…  Or had been, at any rate.
So now, she set a stool in the bathroom.  This was going to be the first time she ever really looked at herself in the mirror; it was also, for the most part, her first opportunity to do the same.
She sighed as she looked up at the bathroom door, which she’d closed and locked, as she heard Ron rush past.  He’d been a piece of work- but she’d fixed that.  She knew she’d become the terror of the house in the process, whipping her older brothers into shape from the young age of four- but she’d been successful.  Every single one of them showed signs of having glory in their future.
Well…  ‘showed signs’.  Some of them already had glory.  The family was currently going through the usual morning rush to get ready to send the older children to Hogwarts.  Bill had received a Head Boy badge over the summer, making their parents practically glow with pride- and of course, not only that, but Charlie had simultaneously received a Prefect badge!  Percy was only a second-year this year, though, so he hadn’t yet had that kind of opportunity.  The Twins, Fred and George, still had another year to go before they went to Hogwarts- just as Ron had three and she had four.  But even now, the Twins were definitely pranksters, and she hadn’t even tried to stamp that out; she’d only impressed upon them the importance of safety.
The whole family would be going to the Platform to see off the Hogwarts Trio again, just like the last few years; it was a regular moment of vulnerability that Ginny always worried about.  What if someone sensed her?  Since she was no longer a phantom, she couldn’t tell who would be likely to be able to detect her soul and who wouldn’t be.
She stepped up onto the stool, and turned to look at herself in the mirror.
Then she promptly blushed scarlet.
She’d known her hair was a vivid red…  but she hadn’t realized that it was an inhumanly vibrant, candy-apple red.  She probably stood out quite a bit- and she didn’t want to attract attention!
She’d been right to be shy around strangers.  Always afraid of being detected…  now, she had even more reason to stay unseen.  Her hair was easily the reddest of the red-haired family.
Acquiring a wand and changing it, however, didn’t even cross her mind.  There was a part of her that enjoyed the individuality it gave her.
She brushed it gently aside and sighed, inspecting her appearance.  Yes…  Yes, this would do for a visit to Platform Nine and Three Quarters.
All of the sudden, her right hand started to tingle.  It was an odd, electricky tingle, almost as if she’d struck her funny bone or something but a lot less…  abrupt.  Or painful.  No, it wasn’t like her funny bone- it was like she’d been lying on her arm wrong, causing it to ‘fall asleep’.
She rolled her shoulder, flexed her elbow, and swung her arm around…  but no effect.  The tingle kept getting stronger.  And- strange when her hand ‘fell asleep’- her sense of touch didn’t seem to be affected at all.
“Weird,” she muttered aloud, poking at her hand with her other hand.
Suddenly, a soft blue glow appeared on her palm, then…  floated out into the air above her open palm.
She stared, frozen in combined shock and fear.  What was this?
The glow- no, it was noticeably some sort of glowing light- began to crystalize as it gathered over her hand.
She stared, transfixed as her curiosity quickly overtook her fear.  What was this?  Where was it coming from?  How did light form into a solid crystal?
A minute later, the last of the light came from her hand and joined the crystal.  The glow disappeared, and her hand stopped tingling- and as soon as it did, the crystal responded to gravity and dropped into her hand.
She stared at it.  If only she had a wand to probe it with, to find out what it was-
No, she stopped herself.  No, this crystal just popped out of her hand.  Why?  How?  Was it from something inhabiting her body, or was it actually a function of her body?
Was she a Royal?
She hoped she wasn’t.  She was already tired of being powerful.
She scowled.  It was impossible anyways; Hailey was a Royal, and they were only a year apart.  That portal never appeared for a year and a half after any given appearance!
Suddenly, someone banged on the door.  “Ginny, are you in there?”
It was Molly, her mother.  Her mother…  who liked to dote on her, not that she liked it.  A few times, she’d debated using wandless magic to push her away, but that would probably be a very bad idea, so she’d never done it.
She winced, pocketing the crystal.  “Yes?” she called, hopping quickly off the stool.
“We’re waiting on you now,” Molly called back.
She stowed the stool back where it belonged- they kept it in the bathroom so she could reach the toilet properly- and opened the door.  “Did Percy remember his rat?”
Percy, who was walking past, froze, then spun around and dashed back upstairs.
Molly sighed, looking after him.  “Always.”
“Did Fred remember his shoes?” she continued nonchalantly- and seconds later, another red-haired boy dashed past:  Fred.
Perhaps they would actually arrive at the station on time this time, rather than at the last possible second.
“How are you doing that?” Molly asked.
She shrugged.  “By following the patterns.  Speaking of, did Charlie remember his wand?”
“Yes!” Charlie called cheerfully.  “I actually remembered it this time!  It’s…   Uh oh.”  He dashed past as well.
Ginny giggled.
Molly laughed as well.
“We have it,” George chuckled, holding up Charlie’s wand from where it had been tucked in between him and Fred on the couch.
“Aaaand did you remember your shoes?”
He paused, glancing down at his bare feet.  “Uh…  Yeah, you got me.”  He jogged past and up the stairs, Charlie’s wand still in his hand.
“Anything I might have forgotten?” Bill asked, leaning against the wall with an amused expression on his face.
“Not that I can think of,” Ginny told him.  “Not unless you’ve forgotten your whole trunk again.”
He blushed scarlet and laughed.  “Oh, no, that was one year only.  It sure was awkward, wasn’t it?”
Ginny, Molly, and even Ron, who had been glowering at the trio of trunks waiting to be taken to the car (he was impatient to go to Hogwarts himself), all laughed with him.

Ginny sighed.  It was her eighth birthday now, almost a full year since that first crystal had appeared out of her hand.
Ever since then, another crystal had appeared every three weeks or so.  She’d tried to time it, but it was erratic- anywhere from eighteen days to twenty-six.  However, for as much as she was hiding it from her family…  she was no longer afraid of the crystals.  She had even accumulated a small pile of them in her closet.
And now of course, her hand was tingling again, twenty-two days after the last crystal.
It was a good thing it was so early in the morning; she’d awoken early, too nervous about the coming day.
Because today was also the day that her family would do their Hogwarts shopping.  Bill had graduated the year before, and was going through the process of getting a job; it looked like Gringotts was going to accept him as a cursebreaker in Egypt, so that was going to be good.  Charlie was still a prefect, as expected, and Percy was now a third-year student, and starting a very ambitious list of subjects.  Ginny thought that suited Percy quite well; he was a very ambitious boy to begin with, though perhaps a little too ‘prim and proper’.  He would likely be forever left to the assistant-type position if he didn’t change that.
Then of course, Fred and George were starting at Hogwarts as well this year- and Molly wanted to get her a birthday present while they were out.
It was going to be a very busy day, in which she was likely to be hiding most of the time.
She sighed as the light started emerging from her hand, forming into the crystal.  Ever since these strange crystals had started appearing from her hand, she’d grown even shyer, if it was possible- and started avoiding even her own family, a little.  For example, she now preferred to hide in her room and write in her ‘diary’- actually a research notebook about her wandless magic- rather than to join her brothers out in the house and chat, play, or whatever else with them.
She’d even started feeling real fear when faced with a stranger!  Even though she was the reincarnation of Lord Voldemort, and knew not one but twelve different ways to kill with wandless magic, and a good fifty non-lethal ways to defend herself!
Not that she’d ever let her family find out how skilled she was.  That would be just asking for a disaster.
The crystal finally finished forming.
She set it on fire.
Then she stared at it, floating in the heart of a handful of fire.  The flames started at yellow, but as she watched, they quickly became blue and finally a bright, white-hot ball of flames that reached all of the way up to the ceiling.
She hadn’t used wandless magic to make the flames, and wasn’t using wandless magic to sustain them; the crystal was evidently fireproof.
She allowed the flames to fade…  and as she did so, cast a couple wandless spells on the crystal to first check its temperature and second to bring it back down to room temperature.
Wandless magic was nowhere near as efficient as wand magic…  but it was no less effective for it.
Interestingly enough, the crystal hadn’t heated up at all.  Was it even real fire?
She sighed, placing the crystal on her desk, and summoned the flames again.  This time, she kept the flames a cool red.
Then she reached over and touched it with her other hand.
The flames wrapped around her hand, almost as if avoiding her skin.  She couldn’t feel any heat from it, and it wasn’t burning her.
When she removed her hand, she paused and looked at the back of it; there seemed to be something there.
There was what looked like a golden lotus flower glowing gently on the back of her hand.
She scowled.  Where had that come from?  What was it?  Was-
She froze, then brought her hands together, straight through the flames…  which, aside from rippling out of the way, completely ignored her hands.  A quick wandless magic spell said there wasn’t anything there.
So she snuffed out the flames as quickly as she could, causing them to vanish in an instant, as if someone had teleported them elsewhere- even the higher parts of the fire.
The flower on her hand faded and disappeared.
She rubbed her chin, then recreated it…  and concentrated on forming a gap in the middle of the flames.
It was far easier than expected to make a horizontal band in the middle of the flames invisible.  As a matter of fact, it felt like that made them easier to maintain.
It had to be an illusion, apparition, hallucination, or the like.
She grinned, bending the flames into the shape of a fiery snake with nothing but her willpower, then turned its head into water- which she confirmed wasn’t actually there, just a part of the illusion- for good measure.
Then, while she made it slither in circles around her desk, she looked at the back of her hand.  Could this same illusionary power be used to make the flower disappear?  She focused on that.
Then the flower disappeared, almost as if someone had poured a bucket of skin-colored paint on it.
Yes, she could hide it.  While using it.
She giggled, already wondering what else she could use it for.  It didn’t seem like she could make her hand invisible, though making a Halloween costume wasn’t out of the question.
She froze.  The fire-and-water snake vanished in the blink of an eye, and the flower reappeared on the back of her hand just as quickly, before fading into nothing.
No.  No, a Halloween costume was completely out of the question.
This wasn’t wandless magic.  It was something else.
And if it was something else…  it probably made her a Royal.
She didn’t want anyone to think that.
But of course, Hailey was the Royal, wasn’t she?  So how could she be one as well?
A sudden noise outside her door got her attention- but when she stopped to listen, it was just her mother headed downstairs, likely to make breakfast.  Everyone else was probably going to be getting up soon as well, and it was about time she started her day.
So she rose from her desk chair, walked over to her dresser, and pulled open a drawer to contemplate what she wanted to wear.
After all, a nightgown wasn’t considered acceptable for day wear.

On her ninth birthday, Ginny looked up from her breakfast as an owl landed in front of her, offering her a letter.
“Thanks,” she told it, accepting the envelope…  It was quite an official-looking envelope.  Had she been detected?  She broke the seal and opened it, ignoring how Fred was leaning over to read it as well.
Then she unfolded it.
It was…  a marriage contract notification.
“What is it?” her father, Arthur, asked.
“Apparently, somebody put in a marriage contract that concerns me,” she muttered, scanning down the needlessly wordy missive.
“What?” her mother, Molly, gasped.  “Who is it?  Who is taking you away from-!?”
“Harry Potter,” she read, then carefully restrained a giggle; she knew Harry Potter didn’t exist, but nobody else did.  “Of course.”
“Dumbledore,” Molly growled.  “What is he thinking?  Even with the Boy who Lived, he should talk to us first!”
Then Ginny froze, most of the way down.  The notice…  Yes.  The contract had been submitted between a male wizard named Harry Potter…  and a female squib named Ginny Weasley.
She burst into laughter.
Several people around her jumped.
“Wh-What?” Arthur asked.
“D-Dumbledore thinks I’m a squib!” she gasped, still laughing.  Her efforts to hide her soul-aura must have been too effective- but she wasn’t sure why Dumbledore would have assumed she was a squib.
Her laughter quickly spread all around the table.  Even Molly joined in!
Arthur didn’t.  “Ahh,” he said, nodding.  “An error.  Means it’s unenforceable.”
She let out a fresh snort of laughter.  As if it would be enforceable anyways, with Harry’s nonexistence- nevermind the fact that she was a Royal.  She didn’t understand how she had become one, but there was no other explanation for her psionics.  She’d even started messing around with its other effects- mostly just levitation- and found that she wasn’t very strong at all.  She had a sneaking suspicion that her psionic powers had been growing steadily stronger as her soul bound itself more and more completely to her body; as such, they were likely to reach full strength right around her eleventh birthday, when that process would finally be completed.
The crystals popping out of her hand didn’t seem to be affected by that, though.  The frequency- and size- of the crystals didn’t change at all as she grew older.
Her laughter faded slowly, and she returned to her breakfast.  If she ended up reincarnating again, whether by being killed- as Lord Voldemort reborn- or by abandoning her body and fleeing…  She wasn’t sure if her Royal powers would follow her, or if she would only have them for as long as she was living as Ginny Weasley.
But she was fairly certain that she would never again be satisfied with a male body.

Hailey, completely oblivious to the doorbell Dumbledore was pummeling into the wall at Privet Drive a few weeks before her eleventh birthday, finished her ice cream at the zoo.
There wasn’t really anything that she could ask for.  Yes, her treatment wasn’t quite as good as Dudley’s; she expected that was because she wasn’t actually the Dursleys’ child.  That said, she had three good meals a day (three of which she cooked, because she liked to cook), she kept herself busy throughout the day by doing the chores rather than blowing up aliens on the computer like Dudley did, and she slept in her own bedroom.  Yes, it was the smallest bedroom…  but not by much, and it wasn’t like she used the space she had.  She simply didn’t want, overall- she was content with what she had.
Dudley, however, was a bully, plain and simple.  He even liked attacking her whenever he had the opportunity- called it ‘Hailey Hunting’ whenever Vernon and Petunia weren’t listening.  He got in trouble every time Vernon and Petunia caught him- but his blows didn’t really hurt, and that was assuming he could catch her.  She might have been a small, weak little girl, as Dudley liked to tell her (she was pretty sure he meant it as an insult, even though she didn’t look at it as one), but she was light and almost alarmingly fast.  She could do a standing jump and somersault over Dudley’s head with no difficulty at all- and had actually been banned from the school’s track team for outperforming the other students by two or three times.
There were, of course, the times when he attacked her when she couldn’t evade and also couldn’t just take the punches- for example, whenever she was cooking.  Though that had only happened once- and as Dudley still rubbed the top of his head every time he saw her at the stove, she figured a recurrence was very unlikely.  About a year before, Dudley had gathered his entire gang- she was pretty sure that was the right word, composed of him, Piers, Dennis, Gordon, and Malcolm- and attacked her while she was preparing dinner.
Unfortunately for Dudley and his gang, frying pans make great weapons.
Fortunately for Dudley, his skull must have been pretty thick because he was the only one that wasn’t knocked cold on the first blow- though he did recoil, so he’d only received one blow.  Petunia had panicked when she’d entered the kitchen a minute later, in response to his pained wails- but had accepted her explanation and told Dudley off.
She had also asked Hailey to try and evade whenever possible, not to fight- and she was pretty sure she understood why.
The thick, steel bottom of the pan had been dented pretty badly.
Dudley thought she was weak…  but obviously, the opposite was true.  Maybe that was why his punches, which could break bones on other people- she’d seen it- only really stung a little against her?  Presumably, Petunia was worried about her accidentally killing someone…  Which was a very good worry, and one that she had too, after that event.  She didn’t like the idea of killing someone at all…  Even though the thought of people dying- even around her- didn’t bother her.
She looked up when Dudley threw a sudden tantrum across the table from her.  Piers, one of his gang members, was sitting next to him.  Apparently…  It took Petuna a few seconds to figure out what was wrong as well.
His Knickerbocker Glory didn’t have enough ice cream on top.
It seemed to her like a strange thing for him to throw a tantrum about, but Dudley was like that:  Any time he didn’t get his way, he threw a tantrum and screamed.  Hailey thought it was a bit silly, since all he actually had to do was ask.
So Petunia ordered him another one…  and the first was offered to Hailey.  Except that she’d already had more than enough ice cream, being uninterested in the Knickerbocker Glory, so she turned it down, and Vernon ended up finishing it.