• Published 24th May 2021
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The Accidental Invasion - computerneek

When a magical accident occurs, there's a small chance it'll invite an invasion. This one did.

  • ...

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Chapter 27: Polyjuice

Sorelia- or perhaps Silversong, she wasn’t sure yet- became instantly glad that she’d made herself into a bit of a recluse when, after lifting her unopened presents into the embrace of the curtains around her four-poster, she’d looked at them… and spotted the package addressed to Draco, from Sorelia. She knew instantly what that meant, and paused to wait for the other boys to head downstairs before she did anything further. It was rather helpful that, after staying up far too late the day before to ‘save’ herself a second female form as Sorelia, she’d slept in a bit later than she usually did.

Usually, it took three days to save a new form for her form spell to take care of- but she’d managed it in only one, primarily because she’d already done most of the work- appearance design- over the prior year or so, and really only had to change measurements and bases.

She listened to the last of them slam the door shut on their way down and, knowing they wouldn’t be back for a good hour or two at least, pulled her blanket up, off of her bed, and wrapped it around herself, completely disregarding her pajamas.

Then, she shifted into Silversong.

A quick glance informed her that her estimation had been correct, and that she had successfully placed the blanket such that it covered everything important when she shifted- not that it really mattered, since nobody would be seeing her anyways, but she cared.

Then, she opened the package that proclaimed itself to have been sent by Sorelia, knowing exactly what she would find inside. It was a pre-agreed-upon code, after all- just like the order of the measurements when she’d sent them to her parents the morning before.

Then… she stopped, staring at the article on top.

It was… It was…

She knew it was perfectly normal for a girl, and she’d expected to see it, but she’d spent twelve whole years trying not to think about this kind of thing because it was so wrong for a boy, especially one of her noble stature.

But she wasn’t a boy.

Finally, she reached out, and touched it. The- no, her new… girl’s underwear.

She very nearly let out a squeal of excitement, and did unravel her blanket so she could put it on. That one, and the one she had to clasp behind her back (to her surprise, it took her less than a second to do just that, despite never having done anything even remotely similar before), were difficult mostly because of the strange sensations in the body parts they touched. Her shirt went on far easier, then she paused, holding up her new skirt. She rotated it around several times before she finally figured out which way was supposed to be forwards and slipped it on as well, standing on her bed rather than the floor. Finally, she took her robe and slipped it on, closing it up. She gave it a little twirl, balancing carefully on her soft mattress, and let out a small giggle of excitement- no matter how strange everything felt, nor how dangerous sounding female in this room would be- before sitting down again to slip on her new shoes and socks.

Finally, she phased into Draco, climbed out of bed, and got dressed again; he was still wearing his pajamas. She checked to be sure she actually was alone in the room before stepping in front of the mirror… and phasing back into Silversong.

There she was. Fully dressed and smiling, a manic gleam in her eyes. She gave her skirts another twirl- and for as much as the sudden breeze around her legs made her nervous, the feeling was absolutely delightful.

She knew her father expected her to want to turn back at some point. If she was entirely honest with herself, she didn’t understand how he could stand being male for quite so long. It was just… unnatural. But, she supposed, that was probably some part of whatever Hermione had talked about with ‘trans’ and ‘cis’ and whatever else. She just was very definitely not a boy.

Even though she would continue to have to pretend to be one for years to come. Likely many years.

She heaved a sigh, resisted the urge to trial-run her Sorelia form- if she did, she’d be unable to change back for about fifteen minutes- and instead returned to her bed, still as Silversong, to begin unwrapping the rest of her presents.

She needed to decide which one- between Silversong and Sorelia- was her, and which one was the guise she wore ‘occasionally’. Draco had already been relegated to such a guise.

“Medicine for my stomach,” Crabbe declared, before both he and Goyle bolted from the room.

Diamond Tiara watched them go, from her seat not far from theirs- then looked at Draco, who was also watching them flee with a look of amusement on his face. She stood, and stepped up to sit next to him. “How’d you get them to act so smart?” she asked.

Draco laughed. It wasn’t his usual, almost timid laugh, either- it was a full belly laugh. He stopped very suddenly. “That wasn’t Crabbe and Goyle,” he answered simply.

She looked towards the chamber entrance, then back towards him. “Okay, I can see that. But how? And who?”

“Polyjuice Potion,” he sighed.

She waited a couple seconds, but he didn’t seem intent upon answering her other question. “Is that why you were so…” She gestured vaguely at the seats that faux Crabbe and Goyle had occupied, in Goyle’s and Crabbe’s usual seats, respectively. “I don’t know. Vile? I’ve never heard you say ‘mudblood’ so much.”

He nodded. “Yeah.”

“It’s a ploy, isn’t it?”

He nodded. “To convince them that I’m not Slytherin’s heir.”

She blinked. “So that’s why the conversation went that way so quickly. What about…” She paused. “Goyle. When he asked about Azkaban, why did you say he mentioned the Dementor guards himself a week ago? Pretty sure he can’t even pronounce that word. Er, that real Goyle can’t.”

Draco laughed again. “Because she did, of course.”


He nodded. “Though I will admit, I was expecting to see Millicent Boulstrode as well.”

She looked at him. “Didn’t she go home for the holidays?”

He nodded. “She did.” He scowled. “Maybe that hair was her cat’s hair?”

Diamond looked at the entrance, then back at Draco. “I assume they’re your friends?”

He looked at her. “What makes you think that?”

She shrugged, and mouthed a single word.

He stared at her. “How- How did you know?”

She shrugged. “I assume you’re going to check up on the faux Millicent?”

He scowled, and nodded.

“And I can’t come with?”

He nodded again.

She sighed. “Well, let me know when I can, okay?”

He sighed as well, and stood up. Then he paused, and turned to look at her. “Er… If you see Silversong around, can you say hi to her for me?”

She tilted her head. “Silversong?”

He ignored her question, slung his bag over his shoulder, and hurried from the room.

“...and the potion isn’t supposed to be used for animal transformations!” Hermione cried. Harry and Ron had returned with an apparent success story (not that she expected any less), but apparently, the hair Millicent had left on her robes belonged to a cat, not Millicent herself. She’d spent the hour that the two boys were away trying to find a way to repair the damage with her magic, but been unsuccessful. She’d argued through the closed door of her stall when they got back, even though she didn’t have a clear idea of what she was going to do- she’d gone into panic mode, and knew she’d done so, but that didn’t really help any.

“Uh-oh,” Ron muttered.

Then something caught Hermione’s attention, in the very corner of her eye, and she looked past the boys, towards the entrance, wrenched suddenly out of her panic… only to plunge straight back in.

There was someone there, idly playing with her long, silver hair. No, long silver hair that was split cleanly into thirds by deep, royal blue stripes.

She let out a gasp, then the girl’s name came to mind- Sorelia had drawn her a lot of times. “S-S-Silversong!”

Both boys whirled around and let out gasps of their own.

The girl didn’t look up from her hair just yet. “Millicent has a cat,” she said simply. “Blackpaws. Yes, I know, very imaginative.” She looked up. “How much Polyjuice do you have left?”

“Wh-What are you talking about?” Ron demanded, bristling.

“Three glasses,” Hermione answered, very softly. This girl must have been Silversong; nobody else would have known about the Polyjuice Potion. “But what use?”

“Because-!” She smiled, and looked at the boys. “While you two were running around asking Hufflepuffs where the Slytherin common room was, I was asking Professor Snape how best to solve exactly this situation.” She nodded towards Hermione.

Hermione felt the heat rushing to her face, while Ron’s ears turned red and Harry averted his gaze uncomfortably. “So… How?” She hated how squeaky her voice was.

She shrugged. “First off, there’s nothing to be done before the first hour is up. After the second hour, a Mandrake Restorative Draft will do it in a few hours, or one of Madam Pomfrey’s medicines will take about a month.”

She blinked. “What about…?”

She nodded. “Before the second hour, more Polyjuice will fix it.”

Hermione looked back into the stall, where the cauldron still sat. “Then… Who?”

“The only exception being that it has to be to someone of the same sex. Anything else will be irreparable except by mandrake.”

Hermione looked at her. “Um… I…”

She smiled. “Harry, Ron, you too. This is a girl’s bathroom, after all.”

“But-!” Harry began. “But it’s not supposed to be used for transgender transformations!”

She nodded. “I know. Fun fact, that book was written by a coward. As long as you’re not using it to recover from an animal transformation, the side effects wear off quickly.” She grinned mischievously.

“Why do I feel like I’m not going to like them?” Harry asked, while Hermione left them to it and reentered the stall to start doling out the rest of the potion into three glasses. Her hands had become somewhat paw-like, but she still had ‘fingers’, so could still use the ladle.

“Oh don’t worry, you’ll be fine,” Silver told the boys.

“Then- Then who are we going to…?” Ron asked, sounding very nervous.

“Well, who do you think?” Hermione could hear the smile in her voice.

“Ahh…” Ron muttered. Hermione picked up the three glasses and emerged from the stall once again, to find Harry also watching Ron amusedly.

“Here,” Hermione stated, holding up the glasses. Harry took two of the three, then gave one to Ron.

Silver, meanwhile, reached up and plucked a single hair from her head before tearing it into thirds, all while Ron wasn’t looking. Finally, she stepped up, and dropped the first one into Ron’s glass, the second in Harry’s, and finally the last in Hermione’s. They all frothed and bubbled madly… then turned a solid silver, just like her hair.

Ron looked nervously up from it. “Uh… Who are we…?”

Silver pointed at herself. “Me, of course. Who else?”

Ron baulked at her. “What- but what about-!?” He cupped his flat chest with one hand.

She shrugged. “I bet I’m slimmer than either of you,” she told them.

Hermione glanced between her and the boys, and nodded. Not only did girls normally have much slimmer bodies than boys, but Silver was actually a good couple inches shorter than Harry, who was already shorter than Ron- but Ron was tall.

Silver chuckled at Ron’s expression. “If you’re worried, I have a spare change of clothes.” She tapped the bag she had hanging from her shoulder.

Ron’s ears reddened. “N-No, I’m fine,” he stuttered.

“So,” Silver announced. “Are you going to drink that here, or hide in a stall first?”

When Ginny Weasley entered the out-of-order girl’s bathroom commonly known as ‘Myrtle’s Place’, she did not expect to find it nearly so full.

The nearest of the four identical silver-haired girls- the only one whose clothes seemed to be of the right size, actually- looked up at her, and smiled. “Well hello,” she stated.

“... Hi,” Ginny muttered, looking at them all. She’d been looking for somewhere she could hide that had a mirror. She’d seen Harry around the Castle today, but interestingly enough, that was the first time she’d seen him at Hogwarts.

“Ginny?” one of the others asked- the one that was definitely not wearing a bra, and was wearing baggy pants instead of a skirt. A boys’ outfit.

“Don’t mind us,” the first said, chuckling. “We’re having a bit of fun with Polyjuice Potion. I’m Silversong, and these are, ah,” she looked at the others, then indicated them in turn. “Silversing, Silversang, and Silversane.” She giggled softly.

Ginny giggled as well. “Can I join in?”

“What-!?” the one in boy’s clothes, introduced as Silversane, began.

Silversong looked at the one she’d introduced as Silversang. “That was the last of it, wasn’t it?”

‘Silversang’ nodded mutely.

“Darn,” Ginny muttered. “I could have been Silver… Oh, I don’t know.”

The one introduced as Silversing trotted over. “Silversine, maybe,” she smiled. “Or Silversame. But anyways, what brought you to an out-of-order bathroom?”

“I-!” She stopped, looking between the four of them, and decided to continue on anyways. “I wanted somewhere quiet with a mirror,” she muttered. “So I could… you know, argue with myself.”

“I think I know,” Silversing smiled, leaning against the sinks. “What about, if you don’t mind my asking?”

She blushed. “I don’t know how to ask Harry out.” It wasn’t the real reason, but it was close enough.

For some reason, Silversing seemed amused. “I imagine you could just… you know, ask him out. I’m sure he’d be happy to go out with you.”

Ginny blushed, and looked up at Silversing’s knowing expression. “But what about his girlfriend?”

“His girlfriend?” she asked, then chuckled. “He doesn’t have any of those, don’t worry.”

She blushed darker. “What- What about Hailey? How should I approach her?” She looked up pleadingly, hoping the girl would have an answer.

“... Depends on what you’re approaching her for,” she said. “If you’re doing so for a duel, I can hardly recommend it.”

She let out a snort of laughter. “No, it’s-!” She sighed. “If she were a boy, I’d ask her out. But she’s a girl, so…” She trailed off, staring at Silversing- who was laughing silently.

“Then why not just ask her out?” she asked, after stifling her chuckles.

“But- but she’s a girl! I can’t!”

She shrugged. “Well, why not? Is there a particular reason why girls can’t go out with each other?” She looked over to where Silversang was leaning amusedly against one of the stalls. “It’s called a ‘girls’ night out’, right?”

Silversang rolled her eyes. “Or a lesbian couple,” she stated simply.

Silversing nodded. “Or that, yes.”

Ginny blinked, nonplussed. “But- but wouldn’t she already have a boyfriend? I mean, she’s so cute, and powerful, and-!” She shuddered when Silversing laid an arm across her shoulders, and looked up.

“She doesn’t have a boyfriend,” Silversing informed her, somewhat soberly. “And, if you’ll allow me to let you in on a secret, she’s also a lesbian.”

“A… what?” she asked.

“Lesbian,” she repeated. “She’s not interested in boys.”

“Not… Not interested in boys?” she asked, tilting her head.

She nodded. “Yeah. Instead, she’s interested in girls. You won’t catch her with a boyfriend, though you might catch her with a girlfriend.”

She took a couple seconds to process what she’d been told. “She’s probably already got a girlfriend,” she muttered.

“She does not,” Silversing told her flatly. “As a matter of fact, unless I’m remembering incorrectly, nobody has ever asked her out. Well…” She tilted her head. “No girls have. She’s had to turn down boys in droves.”

Right at that moment, Ginny was distracted by a sudden commotion on the other side of the room. She looked; Silversane’s hair was reddening.

It didn’t take long before she recognized the girl as her brother, Ron. He melted back into himself… but still female.

She grinned. “Welcome back, Ronelda,” she giggled.

“Rone-!” Ron began, before cutting herself off and looking down. She let out a small shriek of alarm. “S-Silver! You said it’d wear off!”

“And so it will,” Silversong answered, still looking exactly the same as she had when Ginny had walked in. “On the two hour mark.”

Ginny looked then over at Silversane- who had shifted back into Hermione Granger.

Then she looked up at Silversing again… and felt the heat rushing instantly to her face.

Hailey Potter had one arm around her shoulders, and was lowering a glass cup from her forehead.

Hailey shrugged, looking down at her. “So what do you say?” she grinned.

Ginny could only stare.

At least Ariel was asleep.

Silversong was getting nervous when Hailey finally seemed satisfied. Hailey had refused to leave her side, and kept shooting the breeze for no apparent reason, until everyone else had wandered off- Ron, Hermione, and Ginny. She was just about to ask Hailey why she was acting so weird when the girl spoke.

“So,” she began, and sighed, before putting an arm around Silver’s shoulders. Her touch felt strange, and she shuddered involuntarily, but she found she actually liked the gesture.

“So,” Silver repeated back at her.

Hailey smiled. “You managed it.”

“I- I what?”

She giggled this time. “You’re Alastor, right?”

“Wha-! Bu-! Wha-!” she sputtered, before stopping herself to draw breath and figure out what she was actually going to say. Finally, she turned to Hailey. “How did you know!?” she shrieked.

Hailey shrugged. “It wasn’t all that hard to guess,” she smiled. “I mean, you look like I did after I first transformed.”

She blinked. “I- I what?”

Hailey nodded. “You look like I did when I first realized I could transform,” she told her. “Extremely happy, but simultaneously, extremely uncomfortable. It’s like, well… You know.” She tapped her own chest.

Silver looked down. “... You’re right. There are a lot of strange sensations. Even becoming Alastor never prepared me for it.”

“But it all feels so right at the same time, doesn’t it?” Hailey asked.

She thought about it for a second, and nodded. “Yeah, it does.”

“So… do you prefer Silversong, or is there something else?”

She looked up at her. “Do I… Oh. Sorelia. But only when I actually turn into her- I’m Silversong right now.”

She tilted her head curiously. “So overall, you go by both?”

She closed her eyes, and concentrated briefly, shifting seamlessly into Sorelia. “Yeah. I can’t stay as Sorelia all the time, though.”

Hailey scowled. “Time limited, then? Just like Alastor?”

She looked up. “How do you know?”

She shrugged. “It’s not very hard to guess, with how much you like to disappear.” She gestured towards her. “Does this mean we’ll be seeing you a lot more?”

She blushed, and nodded. “Probably. It’s going to be fun befriending Ron two more times, isn’t it?”

Hailey burst out laughing.

Author's Note:

Patreon, Discord. No, Discord, the old invite got deleted at some point.

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