• Published 24th May 2021
  • 3,845 Views, 1,274 Comments

The Accidental Invasion - computerneek

When a magical accident occurs, there's a small chance it'll invite an invasion. This one did.

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Chapter 12: Instructor Instructions

In his Transfiguration class on Halloween morning, Draco couldn’t sit still. It wasn’t because Instructor Switch was, as usual, relatively incompetent- and it certainly wasn’t helped by how Instructor Sun was exceptionally skittish today, either. She usually carried the whole class by herself, so Instructor Switch couldn’t have been causing her nervousness, either.

Instead, it was the strange girl, sitting in the corner with a clipboard, that had half of the class- including Draco and Instructor Sun- on edge for the whole hour. Her candyfloss hair was split between bright pink and deep blue.

Finally, Instructor Sun, with one last, furtive glance at the girl in the corner, dismissed the class.

Instructor Switch, as usual, was the first one out the door.

“Instructor Sun,” the girl in the corner called, while Sun was still packing up. “A word, please?”

Sun, whose hair sparkled almost exactly like a bonfire, looked terrified, but nodded. “S-Sure,” she muttered.

The room was then silent, except for the normal rush of students out the door.

Draco was usually one of the crowd, but this time, he deliberately took longer than usual to collect his belongings. He liked Instructor Sun a lot, and hoped she wasn’t in too much trouble- the strange girl was a very strict one, and her tone brooked no argument. It never did; he’d seen her a few times, but didn’t know her name.

He glanced up while he was very busy putting A Beginner’s Guide to Transfiguration back into his bag, and saw the strange girl walking up to Instructor Sun. The girl glanced up at him- and while he quickly turned back to his bag to busily place the book just so, she actually smiled at him before she turned to Instructor Sun.

“Did- Did you need something?” Instructor Sun asked her.

“Instructor Morning Sun,” the girl began. “It is my pleasure to officially offer you the position of Head Student Instructor for Transfiguration.”

Draco dropped his ink bottle. She was getting promoted? Fortunately, the bottle didn’t have far to fall, so it didn’t break.

“What-!?” Sun asked. “But- What- but- Whaaat?” Draco saw her gesturing to the room.

The strange girl sighed. “I know. And I’m sorry to do that to you. I wasn’t sure about Instructor Switch, but now…” She sighed. “The way you didn’t even consider asking her for support when you were... stressed out, but instead had your students help each other, has finalized our decision to dismiss her. She’s just… not up to snuff. Don’t worry, we’ve already got our eyes on a replacement.

“As for you… I knew my presence would throw you off, and you have my apologies for that. But even though you only barely scraped by on our initial Instructor Examinations, you’re very possibly the very best instructor we have, bar none. We’re attributing that to exam nerves, by the way. Happens to the best of us. Your student success score exceeds that of even Professor McGonagall!” She sighed. “And you’re her best student as well. But that’s why I’m offering this to you.”

“How…” Sun began, before looking up again. “How did you know…?”

She shrugged. “It was easy enough. We’ve had to resort to recording spells on innocuous objects to supervise your classes inconspicuously- you always seemed to know we were there.”

Sun chuckled nervously. “Er… yeah, I do that sometimes.”

She chuckled as well. “Anyways, if you take the position, other Transfiguration instructors would turn to you for help before going to Professor McGonagall, and you would have oversight over them as well, alongside some additional responsibilities.” She bowed her head. “You don’t have to make your decision right away, don’t worry. The details are in…” She pulled a thick packet of papers out of her bag. “This packet, for you to read at your leisure. Just let us know what your decision is within the next… week or two, please?” She bowed, and left the room.

Instructor Sun just stared after her.

Draco straightened up, having finished slowly closing his bag for the third time in a row. “Congratulations?”

She looked at him.

Then… she passed out, and collapsed to the floor.

He left his bag on the desk and ran forwards, much too late to catch her. “Instructor Sun?”

She woke back up a couple seconds after he reached her, when he was debating running for the infirmary, yelling for help, or attempting to carry her to the infirmary.

“Are you okay?” he asked immediately.

“Draco,” she smiled. Then she let out a giggle. “Of course I’m okay.”

“But you hit your head pretty hard,” he told her.

She giggled again. “Why yes. But I’m immune to blunt force trauma. Just like the rest of my…” She trailed off, looking suddenly less cheerful. “... Family. Yeah, family will do.”

Charms, timed shortly after Transfiguration, was decidedly less interesting, as usual, though it was noticeably more entertaining, despite the lack of someone sitting in the corner. This time, it was actually more interesting than usual- and not in a good way.

He had by now become fairly certain that neither instructor understood the material they were supposed to be teaching. He had yet to learn a thing from them- and after they spent the first month and a half struggling, one had started goofing off regularly and the other still tried, but spent most of her time staring at her book with a bewildered expression on her face.

Today, hardly ten minutes in, she had snapped at her co-instructor to stop goofing off, but only managed to get punched on the nose. So, after stopping up a nosebleed, she had given up on controlling her unruly partner and retreated to her book once again.

It was nearly twenty minutes into the class when it suddenly became even more interesting.

Draco had looked up for a second, the unruly instructor disrupting his concentration on his textbook, when he saw someone appear, out of thin air, in the corner of the room. This girl, stuffing a silvery cloak- no, an invisibility cloak- into her bag, had long, dark blue hair, with twinned pink and purple stripes down the middle… and an angry expression. She took two steps forwards, raised one hand- and, right as the unruly instructor turned around, slapped him across the face with a resounding smack. He let out a cry of pain and fell to the floor, a bright red mark on his cheek.

The other instructor looked up from her book, where she had been having even less success concentrating, and gasped. “T-Twilight!”

Twilight ignored her. “Crash Course,” she barked, at the boy she’d just slapped. Her tone brooked even less argument than the strange girl in Transfiguration had.

“That hurt,” Instructor Course complained.

Twilight snarled. “I know it did,” she hissed. “You are no longer an instructor. You have been-!”

He scrambled to his feet. “But I was the valedictorian at CS-!”


He flew up almost two full feet from the force of Twilight’s uppercut before he crashed to the floor, and she started yelling while he was still gasping for breath. “I don’t care what qualifications you have! You have been goofing off in front of this class when they are already so far behind! You are no longer an instructor, and this is final!” She returned to her prior, quieter volume, but retained the extra anger. “You will no longer be attending Professor Flitwick’s class, nor coming to this class. You will receive a new class assignment, which you will attend As. A. Student. Is that clear?”

It took Instru- No, just Crash Course- several more seconds to regain his breath before he spoke. “The Ro-!”

Twilight reached down, seized the front of his robes, and hoisted him into the air with it, before yelling straight into his face. “I said, Is. That. Clear?

He let out a squeak of fright. “C-C-Crystal clear, P-Princess!”

“Good,” she declared, before throwing him back down on the ground. “Now get out of my sight.

He scrambled to his feet and stumbled from the room, running headfirst into the door before he managed to open it and escape the room.

Twilight took a deep breath, paused, and let it out, before she turned to walk up towards Instructor Hard Spell, who watched her come with fear in her eyes.

Twilight took and released another deep breath before she spoke, and when she did, it was more of a merely irritated tone than a truly angry one. “Why didn’t you report him?”

Hard Spell blinked. “That was an option?”

Twilight sighed. “Of course it was. To one of us, to me as the Head Student Instructor for Charms, even to one of the other instructors. If there is a problem, tell us about it, and we will help.” She sighed again, still evidently reigning in her temper. “So… you seem a bit confused about the coursework?”

“Er- yeah.” She looked down. “Sorry.”

“Sorry?” Twilight asked, surprised. “You didn’t ask for help?”

Hard Spell tried to shrink into her seat. “I… I was afraid of getting yelled at.”

Twilight groaned. “No, no. This is how you get yelled at. If you’re having trouble, ask. Start with your co-instructor- that’s why you have one. If they’re like that,” she gestured angrily towards the doors, “then report them, but otherwise if they’re unable to help you, come to me. If I am unable to help you, we will go together to Professor Flitwick, and we will solve your problem. And this goes for your students’ problems as well.” She gestured towards the whole class. “They just come to you and your partner first- and, ideally, you accompany them up the ladder.”

“But…” she looked towards the door, then back at Twilight. “Without a partner, I can’t be an instructor, can I?” Her voice was very small, and with a rising tone of fear at the end.

“No, don’t worry about that,” Twilight told her. “You can still be an instructor. Unlike him, you were actually trying- and while you were a bit slow, your instructions to the class were good instructions.” She shrugged. “With a partner like that, it’d be difficult to keep up with your own education, let alone help your class to catch up. Add your confusion over the material… and this becomes inevitable.”

“But without…?”

“No, I-!” She let out an exasperated sigh. “I said don’t worry about that. We already have a fair few candidates on standby- and if the one I’m thinking about is available, you’re probably going to make our top ten list.”


She shrugged. “Put it this way: On the initial examinations, she broke records. She broke my records. And the way I hear it, she’s been inventing exciting new forms of magic in her free time.”


She nodded, all traces of anger replaced by a smile. “Yup! And the rumor has it that she understands Pinkie Pie, as well. She should have absolutely no problem bringing you and your class up to speed!” She let out a sigh. “In the meantime, for the rest of today’s class, I will be your partner.”

The door, which Crash Course had left ajar, suddenly slammed shut moments before someone crashed into it from the other side. “Ow! Must’ve been plurdled that time.”

Twilight chuckled. “Never change, Pinkie. Never change.”

Then a girl with very pink hair, a bloody nose, and so many bruises that her skin was more black than it was pink, jumped up from right behind Twilight, where there had been nobody mere moments before. “Well of course I’m going to change!” Draco was certain the confetti hadn’t been there before either.

“Ack!” Twilight jumped forwards, whirling to face her, then sighed. “You know what I meant, Pinkie. And, um, perhaps you should go to the Hospital Wing?”

Author's Note:

Pinkie just won't stop trying, will she?

Patreon, Discord. No, Discord, the old invite got deleted at some point.

Yes, Twilight is strong. I've said before that the earth ponies' magic is mostly inactive/ineffective in Britain thanks to biology differences, reducing them to 'particularly strong', but not bodybuilder-strong. Twilight's a different story- she's so much more powerful that, even as an eleven-year-old human girl, she can deadlift around two hundred pounds with one arm. Still nothing next to her strength in Equestria, but that meant Instructor Crash Course's eleven-year-old body was nothing to her.

... No, Crash Course will not be appearing again; he's a one-off. But Twilight's uppercut was powerful enough he probably has internal organ damage, and will find himself in the Hospital Wing before long. That's what you get when you argue with an angry Princess...

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