• Published 24th May 2021
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The Accidental Invasion - computerneek

When a magical accident occurs, there's a small chance it'll invite an invasion. This one did.

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Chapter 11: Doored

“Very little has changed on the Potions side of things,” Bonbon stated meaningfully, while placing a larger stack of papers on Dumbledore’s desk than she had done the week before. This would be the third weekly report- and while he’d thought the stack she’d produced the first week was a lot, since it had taken him nearly three days to read, the second week’s report had been so long he’d only finished it the night before. It had, however, been even more enlightening than the first. A part of his brain wondered, idly, how they found the time to write the things- before quickly discarding that thought. They had literally thousands of people available, and he knew they had an entire management team.

He wished he could say his Professors were a team, but alas, he couldn’t.

“Professor Snape has informed me he is working on it,” Dumbledore answered her unasked question. “He tells me Potions isn’t a very easy subject to teach.”

She bowed her head. “Alright. Please inform him that we would be happy to make suggestions if he wishes. Some of our instructors have found methods that seem to work quite well- packet number two describes them.” She tapped one finger on one of the separated segments of the larger stack of pages.

This little stack looked like it’d only take one day to read- he’d have to skim it over and give it to Severus to see what he thought of it. “Very well,” he told her.

She sighed. “Well, three of our substitutions stuck this week, but we’ve had two of the others quit as well- so overall, we’re up only one Potions instructor, and still missing far too many of them. We’ve tried considering both Harry and Hermione, but Snape bristles whenever Harry’s name gets mentioned in his presence- we’re not sure why, and it doesn’t feel malicious, but a dislike like that could get in the way of efficient education- and while Hermione’s Potions grades have been flawless, she’s blown the top off the scale in almost every other subject. Whatever her strength is, Potions isn’t it- just her baseline is high enough she’s dominating it anyways.” She sighed. “And we’re hoping to minimize the extracurricular load on her right now anyways, to give her more time to maybe figure Pinkie out.

“As for Charms, general confusion levels are a little lower than last week, but Professor Flitwick tells us to expect it to start clearing up for real next week, so everyone’s really just holding on for now.

“Transfiguration is going smoothly; Professor McGonagall has started into the transfiguration portion of her class, and our instructors have followed suit, with… varied success. I understand Madam Pomfrey has been kept… well, busy.”

Dumbledore smiled softly at her humorless tone. At least once that week they’d had to bring in a second nurse from St. Mungo’s to help deal with the numbers of students reporting to the infirmary all of a sudden.

She sighed. “Yeah, there’s definitely some information drop going on there- something our instructors are forgetting, most likely. We’re not sure where it is just yet, and are working with Professor McGonagall to find and correct it.

“As a good note in the deck, Astronomy is going well. Professor Sinistra offered and was allowed to sit in on a couple of our instructors’ classes under an invisibility cloak, and tells us she was impressed with how well they were doing- especially in the material comprehension evident in how our instructors were not only able to reteach what she taught them but to mold it into their own teaching styles… and their own students’ learning styles. She actually expressed interest in a dual-instructor setup for her classes as well.” She grinned up at Dumbledore.

“I… regret that may be untenable,” Dumbledore frowned. “Though with the number of students in evidence, I might be able to coax the Board to let me start hiring redundant Professors. But… allowed?”

Bonbon shrugged. “She didn’t have an Invisibility Cloak of her own. If any of your Professors want to witness our students’ classes inconspicuously, we will do everything we can to help them.” She shrugged. “In any case, that’s going very, very well.

“So on with History of Magic.”

“Weren’t we leaving that to Professor Binns?”

She sighed. “Unfortunately, with class sizes of just over six thousand, we had over ninety percent of his classes telling us they couldn’t hear him from so far away and the remaining ten percent said his lecture was so boring they were asleep for most of it. Compound that with how he admitted he doesn’t actually pay any attention to the class except as a reminder of what he’s doing, and starting this week, we switched it over to the same pattern as the rest. Our History of Magic instructors are almost universally skilled professors in their own right where we come from, with good reputations for class attention- and have been vetted and selected for a good attention span and tolerance for boringness, so we should be able to, ahh, mediate Professor Binns’ tone a little. We’ve seen a massive upturn in both grades and student satisfaction, so it must be working.

“Herbology is doing even better. Professor Sprout’s classes look a little bit less like teacher and student and more like a team with a clear leader, for the most part- she tells us she’s been amazed with how well they’re doing. Not surprising, honestly, when you consider that a third of our population are natural… er, herbologists, I guess, and we did favor them for Herbology. But as of last night, Applejack is our Head Student Instructor for Herbology. Yes, she’s one of the natural herbologists, but she’s also a farmer- and any of the other Student Instructors, or even Professor Sprout, would be hard pressed to slip something past her.”

Dumbledore waited a couple seconds. “And Defense Against the Dark Arts?”

“Better than last week,” she said immediately. “Attendance in Quirrell’s classes is down to an all-time low of about fifteen percent, but he’s still reporting all students- including the ones that didn’t show up- as having learned his material in full, and the ones that do show up are still telling us there’s nothing to learn. That said, we have made positive progress in the library, and have been working with Professors Flitwick and Kettleburn to determine what might make suitable first-year material and what might not. Our instructors in the subject have been working on the defensive mindset and heightened awareness in the meantime- a principle we expect to be universal between our worlds. I’m told they plan on waiting the counterattack until they have something significant from the other subjects that they can build upon.”

Dumbledore scowled. “He showed me his lesson plans last night,” he muttered. “He had everything laid out. Hmm… I… I think I have an idea what’s going on.” He wasn’t sure that it was Voldemort- but it would certainly explain why Professor Quirrel, who had taught at Hogwarts before and knew the Defense Against the Dark Arts position was cursed, had accepted the position.

But, he couldn’t jump to conclusions- especially where Voldemort was concerned. He’d have to have someone keep an eye on him- something else to talk to Snape about.

She shrugged. “He has directly asked us about Harry’s schedule, but our resident lie detector smelled a rat, so we refused.”

Dumbledore paused in the Entrance Hall, unfolding the piece of parchment he was carrying. He then nodded to himself; it read exactly as he expected. It was the letter Hagrid had sent him a month and a half prior, when he’d caught up with Harry- and reported cheerfully that Harry had been turned into a boy, when he was one already.

At least, he was fairly sure he was one already. He could have sworn that Lilly’s letter had told him they had a son called Harry, not a daughter called Harry- or whatever other name had appeared on it that day; he’d forgotten it. But alas, he had not been able to turn up Lilly’s letter, so he was going down to meet Hagrid.

He sighed, and passed through the oak front doors. The sun was just peeking over the horizon- but he knew that Hagrid was usually up long before then anyways.

When he knocked on the cabin door, exactly as expected, Hagrid appeared at the door, still bleary-eyed and yawning. “Ah- Professor Dumbledore,” he greeted.

“Good evening, Hagrid,” Dumbledore greeted in return. “I was wondering if you could tell me what happened when you fetched Harry.”

“Ahh…” Hagrid scratched his beard, blinking the tiredness out of his eyes. “Ahh, yes. It was…” He trailed off, like he wasn’t sure what word to use. “Confusing,” he decided. “Very confusing. Harry was a girl when I first met him, then turned himself into one again in Diagon Alley.” He paused. “I haven’t seen him around Hogwarts as a girl, though. Only as a boy.”

Dumbledore held up the folded piece of parchment. “What do you make of this?”

Hagrid took it, unfolded it, and read it. “Looks like the letter I sent you,” he answered, handing it back.

Dumbledore looked at it, curiously.

It told him Harry had been turned into a girl named Hailey. So that’s what the female name was.

“It’s changed again,” he sighed.

“What?” Hagrid asked.

Professor McGonagall looked up at the seven large screech owls sitting in a row in front of her. “You got that?” she asked them.

They all, to an owl, nodded. One then looked down at the scroll she had just addressed and hooted suddenly.

She looked down… just in time for the name on it to morph from ‘Harry’ to ‘Hailey’.

She blinked. “Well… going to Hailey, then, I guess.” She tilted her head. “This should be interesting.”

She could tell that the owls were laughing.

“Gah!” Harry stumbled backwards, and managed to regain his balance before he fell. The change in his center of mass was rather helpful in this regard, despite being slight.

“What-?” Ron asked, looking around the door- and closing it behind him. “What are you doing in our dormitory?”

Harry, who had been using the bathroom in one of the empty Equestrian dormitories because the toilet in the one attached to his and Ron’s dormitory had been destroyed by something while they were away, folded his arms, determinedly ignoring the strange sensation on his chest. At least bathrobes were unisex- and it might have been slightly too big, but that wasn’t enough to be a problem. “What’s wrong with that?” he asked sharply, but quietly. “How about you be a little more careful with that door? You could have broken my nose!” He could tell that it wasn’t broken, though it was a bit sore.

Ron snorted, and opened his mouth to speak.

Harry- knowing, somehow, that he was going to speak loudly and wake everyone else up- reacted faster. His hand flashed up, snatching his wand from his pocket. He wasn’t sure why he had taken it with him to the restroom, but he had. “Silencio.”

Despite being rather universally hailed as a tricky charm, it worked like a charm. Ron started mouthing at him. “That wouldn’t have,” Harry lipread, before Ron realized that he’d been silenced and broke off.

Ron then took a quick step towards him, hands rising in a threatening manner.

Harry didn’t think Ron was going to be violent, but he did get the idea that Ron was going to try to express his irritation in a slightly more physical manner.

“Impedimenta,” he muttered.

Ron froze for a second, then unfroze, stopped, and let his arms hang while he glared at Harry.

Harry let the silencing charm fall off. The Impediment Jinx already only lasted a couple seconds. “Seriously?” he asked.

Though if he was honest, even he was amazed that he’d pulled off both spells successfully. He’d never attempted the first one, and had never even heard of the second one, let alone comprehended it… yet for some reason, he knew exactly what to do each time, almost like someone had been doing it for him.

Yet, he also knew he had been doing it, not someone else.

Ron glared at him, then turned sharply to walk around him and disappear into the Equestrian door.

Harry shrugged. The Equestrian dorms were set up very oddly, with four layers of junction rooms that seemed to be much larger than they had the space to be before it reached a truly massive number of five-bed dormitories. There were seven doors out of each junction room, and the night before, the Equestrian boys had helpfully posted pieces of parchment on a set of the doors to guide British boys in and out of one specific empty dorm to use the bathroom.

Finally, he looked at the door Ron had emerged from, down at himself, and back at the door. He didn’t have any clothes that weren’t behind that door.

Finally, he sighed, pulled it open, and stepped inside.

The other three British Gryffindor first-year boys- Dean, Seamus, and Neville- were all still snoring. He shut the door quietly, moved to his bed, and quickly dressed himself in one of the sets of girl’s robes he’d buried at the bottom of his trunk to hide them from the others. Finally, since Neville was yawning and Ron had to be close to getting back, he left the room quickly and headed downstairs. Returning to bed in the evening would be… interesting, to say the least. He’d have to find some way to wait until the others were asleep.

When he entered the common room, he scanned the room quickly, hoping there was nobody to see him coming down the boy’s staircase.

There was, but only one. It was Hermione.

She blinked at him. “That’s the boy’s dormitories,” she informed him simply.

“I know,” he answered. Then he made a quick decision. “Um… Hermione?”

“Mm?” Hermione asked, tilting her head at him.

He walked closer, and sat in a chair next to hers. “Well…” He paused. “I… I’m not sure how to say it. I… Er…” He paused, thinking- then it occurred to him. His scar still appeared on his forehead; he’d found that out at the Dursleys, when he’d used the bathroom mirror to examine himself more thoroughly after getting home from Diagon Alley. He looked straight at Hermione and swept his much longer bangs aside, revealing the scar.

She looked at him curiously- and Harry could see the moment she understood. Her eyes widened, and she stopped moving for a couple seconds. Then she tilted her head. “How?”

He shrugged. “I got hit in the face by a door,” he said, letting his hair fall back down.

She blinked, snorted, and finally burst out laughing. It took her a minute to calm down.

“So that’s what you meant on the train!” she finally gasped.

He blinked. Was that what she found so funny? “Um… Yes, actually.”

“So how do you go back?” Hermione asked curiously, suddenly serious.

“I… I don’t actually know,” he told her. “So far, sleeping has been successful- but it might be midnight, or…” He trailed off.

“Do you mind if I study it?” she asked.

He looked at her. “Study it?”

She shrugged. “Effects and whatnot.”

He shrugged. “Yeah, why not. Though… only when we can keep it… Well, you know.”

She nodded. “No problem.” She looked forwards, at the fire, for a couple of seconds before looking at Harry again. “So… what’s your name?” She sounded so innocent.

Harry smiled. “Ha- Hailey.” He’d almost said ‘Harry’- but he knew that wasn’t what she was asking for.

Harry and Hermione stopped halfway across the Entrance Hall, their path blocked by Crabbe and Goyle. Hermione didn’t approve of the broomstick, considering how Harry had gotten it, but she had rather readily agreed to hide it in her dormitory until he needed it that evening. It would be much easier than trying to hide it in the boy’s dormitories.

Draco stepped up to seize the broom- but Harry yanked it swiftly backwards and to the side, clean out of Malfoy’s reach.

Malfoy tried again, but Harry took a second step back, switching the packaged broom to his other hand behind his back.

Then Goyle stepped forward. Malfoy glanced at him- then his eyes widened. “Wait no-!”

He was too late. Goyle’s fist charged forwards, homing in on Harry’s nose.

Harry wasn’t too late. In a fraction of a second, his newly freed left hand had whipped his wand out of his right pocket. “Impedimenta!” Goyle’s fist stopped cold just inches from Harry’s nose.

“What’s going on?” an authoritative voice demanded.

Harry recognized it instantly, even without looking. It was the same one that had yelled at him for catching the Remembrall a week before: Professor McGonagall, Head of Gryffindor House. She was standing about two strides away.

“Uh,” Harry uttered, turning to look at her.

“Wand measuring contest,” Draco announced, even though he hadn’t taken his out. He pointed at the packaged broom. “Because that’s got to be the biggest wand I’ve ever seen.”

Hermione laughed. McGonagall’s nostrils flared, and she spoke to the boys. “Five points from Slytherin,” she barked. “And don’t let me catch you starting fights again. You may go.”

All three boys disappeared at once, though it looked like Draco had to drag Goyle to keep him from trying to fight.

Finally, McGonagall sighed- but she wasn’t the next one to speak. A girl with candy floss hair of bright pink and dark blue- Bonbon- stepped up to him first. “You’re… a first-year, right?”

“Uh… Yeah?” he asked, making it sound obvious as he stowed his wand.

“That spell was fourth-year material,” Bonbon told him simply.

He blinked. “It was?”

She nodded. “Hmm. What’s your name?”

Harry blinked, taken aback. “My… name? H-Hailey. Hailey Potter.”

“Thanks!” She turned and trotted away.

“Potter?” McGonagall asked.

Harry looked up at her. “Mm?”

“We need to talk,” she informed him. “Follow me.”

“Um,” Harry muttered, looking at Hermione- who shrugged, and followed as well.

They reached an empty classroom before McGonagall seemed to realize that Hermione was following as well. “Excuse me, Miss Granger, I need to speak to Potter alone.”

“Ahh, about that,” Harry interjected. Both girls looked at him. “Hermione is helping me study this, so…” He drew a circle in the air in front of his chest with one finger.

McGonagall looked between the two of them. “And you don’t mind her knowing about-?” she began, before pointing at the package.

Harry shrugged. “I trust her.”

McGonagall sighed as well. “Alright then. You may stay, Miss Granger.”

Even as she gave the go-ahead for Granger to stay, Professor McGonagall wasn’t sure if she was doing the right thing. She knew that Potter would be quite the surprise for Wood if they simply showed up as a girl- but she had also never heard of a sex transformation magic that was capable of changing texts written about them, including addresses. She’d checked the diary entry she’d written after they’d left Potter at the Dursley’s home… and it told the story of them leaving the girl-who-lived. It was as if they had always been a girl, though it didn’t seem to affect people’s minds, so it couldn’t be simply changing them in the past.

“So. Potter,” she began, looking at the girl. She deliberately avoided glancing nervously at Granger- this was going to be a very personal matter for Potter, but Potter had given their go-ahead. And even suggested that they knew exactly what she was going to ask them about!

“Hmm?” Potter asked, looking worriedly up at her.

She picked the nearest chair and sat down, so as to be on a level with them. “Are you Hailey… or Harry?”

They blinked. “Uh… Hailey? I mean…” Potter raised one hand up to touch their own chest, but flinched away from their own touch. Granger, standing next to them, looked just as confused.

“But which do you prefer?” she asked.

“Which do I… prefer?” Potter asked, confused. “It’s just who I am, isn’t it?”

“She’s asking if you want to be Hailey all the time, or Harry,” Granger supplied suddenly. “Independent of what it takes.”

They looked at her, then back at McGonagall. “I… I mean, I kinda like how nobody knows who Hailey is, but there’s so many strange sensations that…” They shrugged. “I guess I don’t really know one way or the other. I am who I am.”

McGonagall raised an eyebrow. “And who is that?”

They blinked, and looked at her again. “Uh. I’m Hailey right now.”

She shook her head. “No. That’s what you are.”

They tilted their head. “There’s a difference?” Even Hermione was looking curiously at her.

She nodded. “It’s… vanishingly rare, but every once in a while, a witch or wizard is born in a boy’s or girl’s body, respectively. Sometimes they don’t realize it until well into their adulthood. There is a potion that can correct it- but overall, I believe it’s called transgenderism.” She paused. “The Muggle understanding of it is far more advanced than anything I can tell you, even though they don’t have a cure.”

Potter scowled. “So you’re saying… that even when I’m Harry, I might still be a witch?”

She nodded. “And that you might still be a wizard even now. There’s only one you, and it can’t be changed by any kind of transfiguration.”

“Huh,” they muttered. Then blinked. “Come to think of it, how did you know who to send the letter to? Er- um, yeah.”

She smiled. “I didn’t. I addressed it to Harry this morning, then watched it change to Hailey right in front of my eyes.”

Hermione let out a gasp. “That!” She turned to Potter. “That suggests the transformation is deeper than just your body!”

McGonagall raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”

“Yes. Because whenever a witch or wizard is named or described on paper by another witch or wizard or by magic, it is connected, however peripherally, to the essence of the witch or wizard in question. Then, if that essence is changed, the pages change as well. That’s actually how the Ministry’s self-updating paperwork works- they’ve just got a few charms to make it a bit more potent.” She turned to Potter. “Which means that this transformation must be going at least as far as your essence- which is still not your soul or your mind, so…” she looked at McGonagall, and back at Potter. “So probably not your ‘who’ either- but the ‘essence’ is what sex detection magics are looking at, for example.” She glanced at McGonagall. “That’d be why such magics never change their determinations, even after the sex change potion.” She drew her wand, turning back to Potter. “One moment.” She waved it in the air in front of her, said no incantation, and did something very strange with it.

A shimmering blue ring of mist appeared in the air, standing on end between the two of them, and started spinning and wiggling to the time of Hermione’s wand movements. Her eyes were closed.

Finally, Hermione let out a gasp. “It’s!” she began, and paused again for a few seconds, before the ring disappeared. She put her wand away. Then she looked to the side, pulled two chairs from where McGonagall could swear there had only been one, offered one to Potter, and sat down in the other. She had placed them in a triangle formation with McGonagall’s.

“What?” Potter asked, somewhat impatiently.

“I’m… I’m not sure how to say it,” she muttered.

“I’m sure I’ll understand, however you say it,” Potter assured her.

“I know, but-!” She sighed. “Hailey, it’s your parents.”

“My… parents,” Potter said, evidently not understanding.

“Yeah. I… I don’t think they meant to transform you, but… When they died… Your dad must’ve fought, but your mom sacrificed herself- and both to protect you. As a result, they…” She took a deep breath. “Oh, Hailey, they left pieces of themselves on you.”

Potter looked confused. “On me?”

She nodded. “Pieces of their souls, attached to yours. And the way they died is important- because your mother is your shield. It would be she that saved you when Voldemort tried to-!” She broke off, looking surprised at herself, then shrugged and continued on. “When he tried to kill you. And so… if ever you’re too far endangered- which a blow to the face by something magical seems to short-circuit- it agitates them. Your mother reaches out, through your essence, to your body. For example, your spell resistance is through the roof right now- anything weaker than the killing curse would probably bounce off with no effect at all. That’s probably why you look almost exactly like her, except for your father’s hair color. And speaking of him, he’s actually reaching in, to your mind- expanding what you can do. That spell earlier must have come from him.”

Potter scowled. “But doors aren’t magical.”

“They are if a witch or wizard is using them as a weapon,” Hermione shrugged. “For this purpose, at least, anything is when handled by someone- or something- magical. They… calm down, for lack of a better term, when you sleep, and return to their dormant states. Probably takes a few hours, though.”

“About that,” McGonagall interjected. She felt bad for interrupting the explanation going on in front of her, but she was in a bit of a hurry. “Potter, are you going to want to play Quidditch as Harry, or as Hailey?”

“Uh… They’ll be expecting Harry, right?”

“Wood will be,” McGonagall nodded. “But unless you’re planning on skipping classes, then if Granger is correct, you will have to meet him tonight as Hailey. He tells me he hasn’t told the rest of the team who the new seeker is. I will have to tell him, so he knows who to expect.”

“I… I don’t know,” Potter muttered, looking at their knees. “I’ll have to think about it.”

McGonagall nodded. “Let Wood know tonight, then? He’ll need a name when he tells the rest of the team how well the new seeker did.” She turned to Granger. “And Granger, where on earth did you find that spell?”

“Invented it,” she shrugged. “And Pinkie was right, it is hard to tell how plurdled the gabbleblotchits are. But I managed it! She still can’t, though. Even though I’ve tried to help her.”

Author's Note:


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Ack! I'm late! I'm late! Okay, it's up now.

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