• Published 24th May 2021
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The Accidental Invasion - computerneek

When a magical accident occurs, there's a small chance it'll invite an invasion. This one did.

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Chapter 17: Through the Trapdoor

“Hangon,” Draco said, glancing at the note again.

He had joined Harry, Ron, and Hermione in the chambers below Fluffy’s feet- and, unfortunately, had yet to be of much use to the team. Harry’s Quidditch skills had come in handy, and Hermione’s Herbology as well. Draco hadn’t been captured by the plant, as when he’d been third to land, he’d lit his wand right away- then yanked himself away from it. He, however, hadn’t been able to identify it as Hermione had. Even Ron had sacrificed himself in the chess room, allowing Harry, Hermione, and himself to continue forwards.

He did find it interesting that Harry was still Harry, rather than Hailey- but hadn’t said anything about it.

Harry looked back at him, holding the smallest bottle from the row. “Hmm?”

“We know someone else came through here, right?” he asked, looking up at them.

Hermione tilted her head, scanning the row once again. “Yes… Yes, that’s interesting.”

Harry tilted his head as well. “What?”

“They’re all full,” Hermione told him. “That means… Either whoever came through before didn’t drink from them, or they’ve been refilled.”

“Which suggests they refill themselves, doesn’t it?” Draco muttered. “Which means…” He looked at Hermione, then at Harry. “Once you go through, we’ll see if we can get it to replenish- and if we can, we’ll follow.”

Harry sighed. “Alright then,” he muttered, swallowed it, shuddered, put it down, and marched through the black fire.

“So you are Voldemort,” were Harry’s first words upon passing through the black fire.

Professor Quirrell turned to look at him, his expression a mixture of surprise and confusion. “You… No, I am not the Dark Lord.”

Harry rolled his eyes. “You know what I mean. His vessel, his… servant.” He made it an obscenity.

Quirrell studied him for a couple seconds. “Yes,” he said eventually. “I wondered whether I’d be meeting you here tonight, Potter.”

Harry shrugged. “Well I would have thought it was pretty obvious,” he told Quirrell. “I mean, it’s not like I’d just let Voldemort come back,” he stated.

Quirrell stiffened. “Do not speak the Dark Lord’s name,” he commanded.

“Voldemort,” Harry barked right back at him. “It’s a word, and I’m not afraid to use it.”

He snarled, then snapped his fingers. Ropes sprang out of nowhere, binding Harry’s wrists to his sides and his ankles together. “You’re too nosy to live,” he told Harry. “Scurrying around the school on Halloween like that- for all I knew, you’d seen me coming to look at what was guarding the Stone.”

Harry raised his eyebrows. “You mean you let the troll in?” he asked.

“Certainly. I have special gifts with trolls- you must have seen what I did to the one in the Chamber back there. Unfortunately, while everyone else was running around looking for it, Snape headed straight up to the third floor corridor to head me off. And not only did my troll fail to beat you to death, that three-headed dog didn’t even manage to bite Snape’s leg off properly! Now, wait quietly, I need to examine this interesting mirror.”

Harry blinked. The Mirror of Erised was standing behind Quirrell- but it was positioned such that Harry couldn’t see straight into it. He was at least mildly curious if it would show him something related to the Stone, or just his family again, if he did get in front of it- but when he tried moving to take a peek, he only managed to trip and fall on the hard stone.

“Use the boy. Use the boy.”

Draco glanced around, searching for the speaker, but didn’t see anyone. It certainly didn’t sound like Quirrell’s voice, and it definitely wasn’t Harry- but it was the first words he heard after passing through the fire. His and Hermione’s third theory about the potions had been correct- they refilled themselves whenever the room was empty, so double-crossing the purple fire was all it took.

“Yes- Come here, Boy,” Quirrell commanded, clapping his hands. “Come look in the mirror and tell me what you see.”

Draco glanced down, at where it looked like Harry had just been unbound, and grinned briefly to himself, before deliberately misinterpreting who the instruction had been intended for.

“Sure, I can do that,” he stated, as he started marching towards the line-of-sight of the mirror. “It’s only the Mirror of Erised, after all.”

Quirrell spun around to glare at him- and he could see the temptation to fling magic at him warring with the knowledge he’d already displayed on the subject. The man scowled, and seemed to settle for a question. “What does it do?” he asked- demanded, really.

“Don’t tell him, Alastor!” Harry said.

Draco shrugged. “I don’t see how it can hurt,” he said. “I mean, simply put, that mirror is a red herring.” He glanced up at Quirrell. “In other words, it shows you what you want to see. Meaning, if you want to use the Stone, you’ll see yourself using it.” He stopped in front of the glass, gazing into it at his reflection- his perplexing reflection. “And if you want to find the stone, you’ll see yourself finding it- probably somewhere inane, though, where it most assuredly is not.” As he watched, his reflection put a blood red stone back into its pocket… and he felt the real Stone land in his real pocket. He knew Voldemort was a legilimens, though, and he was a pretty good occlumens himself.

He smiled, and looked over at Quirrell- just in time to see Hermione emerge from the black fire through the corner of his eye. “And I suppose the strangest thing about it is that whenever I look into it, a girl looks back out at me.”

“A girl?” Quirrell demanded.

He nodded, looking back at the mirror to watch her wave at him. “Yup. No idea where she came from, though. Especially with that hair.” He laughed.

Quirrell snarled. “Get out of the way,” he barked. “Potter! Get over here!”

They complied, and Harry looked into the mirror. Draco distinctly noticed his eyes track something up, and back down, in the glass.

“Well?” Quirrell demanded. “What do you see?”

“I’m finding the Stone,” Harry told him, slowly. “In… In my pocket. Where, of course, it most assuredly isn’t.” He chuckled, glancing sideways at Draco- then stepped sideways, out from between Quirrell and the Mirror.

In the background, Hermione raised her wand. “Locomotor Mor-!” she cried.

Quirrell was faster. “Stupefy!” His spell struck her mid-incantation, and she collapsed straight to the ground.

Draco stepped backwards, drawing his own wand- but a lash of Quirrell’s threw it right out of his hands, ropes springing out of the air to bind him up. He tripped, and fell, painfully, on the stone.

Harry tried to make a run for it, but Quirrell lunged and clamped his hands around his neck.

It was… interesting. Harry instantly phased into Hailey and let out a shriek of pain- but she wasn’t the only one. Quirrell cried out in pain as well, and released her- moments before jumping on top of her, where she had fallen, and pinning her to the ground with his knees.

He stared at his hands for a second in bewilderment, then looked down at Hailey again. She had been clutching at her forehead, but had started watching him- and angry boils had sprung up all over his hands.

Quirrell reached down to strangle her.

She screamed- and her hands shot up, thrusting themselves against his face.

Quirrell let out a scream of his own as he recoiled- but remained on top of her as he pulled his face out of her reach. He quickly looked back down, while she was still recovering… then seized her wrists and smashed them against her neck.

She choked, struggling- and Quirrell yelled in combined pain and triumph.

Finally, Hailey stopped struggling… and when Quirrell drew his hands back like he’d been burned- which, judging by the boils that had sprung up wherever they touched, he had been- her arms fell limply to the ground.

Quirrell, breathing deeply, started to draw his wand- then froze, and looked towards Draco.

Draco flinched- realizing, a second too late, that the Stone had fallen out of his pocket, and was in clear view on the floor.

Quirrell abandoned Hailey- whose hair, Draco noticed, and turned red- and rose to step slowly, triumphantly, towards him. He bent down, reaching for the Stone, then-


The stone shot suddenly right out from under Quirrell’s grasping hand, racing across the chamber before it clattered against the opposite wall. Quirrell whirled in place, drawing his wand to identify his new enemy- and Draco looked past him as well.

There were two people standing over Hailey. One a man, who looked almost exactly like Harry did, with the exception that he didn’t have Harry’s green eyes- and the other a woman, who looked exactly like Hailey did, complete with the red hair. They were both ghosts, but both had their ghostly wands out. Draco had to wonder who had summoned the Stone, since ghosts couldn’t do magic.

Quirrell snarled, and raised his wand. “Avada Kedavra,” he snarled. The bolt of green light… passed straight through the man, and blew a hole in the opposite wall, about six feet away from where the Stone had come to rest against Hermione’s chest.

The man raised his eyebrow. “Did you really think that would work?” he asked. “You’ve already killed us, Voldemort.”

The woman regarded Quirrell calmly. “You failed to kill our daughter once,” she told him. “And you will fail once more.”

“She’s already dead,” Quirrell told them.

She smiled. “No, she’s not.” She stepped over Hailey. “She’s only left the fighting to us.” She swung her wand down and pointed it behind her. “Rennervate.”

Across the room, Draco saw Hermione take a sudden breath, eyes flashing open.

Draco stared. They must have been Hailey’s parents- yet they were ghosts, when they hadn’t even left ghosts- and ghosts couldn’t use magic, either! What was going on?

Quirrell raised his wand to point at Hermione, but-

“Expelliarmus,” James Potter barked, and Quirrell’s wand shot out of his hand mid-incantation.

Lily stepped right up to Quirrell… then slapped him across the face, sending him pirouetting off to the side before crashing to the floor. “Come out, Voldemort,” she commanded. “Face us yourself.”

A flash of light crossed the room from Hermione, and struck Draco square in the chest. He was frightened for a moment- but then the ropes binding him fell away, and he scrambled to his feet, snatching up his wand. Then he felt the first warning from his form spell- he had about five minutes to shift back before the spell would collapse and knock him out for a few hours. He wrinkled his nose, and let it fall away, becoming himself once again. The Potters didn’t show even a hint of surprise at the change.

Quirrell scrambled backwards, fear in his eyes- and Draco was astounded to see a massive, slap-shaped blister on the side of his face.

Very suddenly, a ghostly phantom burst from Quirrell’s turban and whisked out of the chamber, through the fire.

“Impedimenta!” James barked, whirling- but he was too late. “Coward,” he snarled after it.

Meanwhile, Quirrell collapsed, falling onto his back, and let out a piteous moan.

The Potters ignored him. Lily walked back over to Hailey, while James looked at Draco and Hermione. “Are you two alright?” he asked.

They nodded.

He gave a short nod. “Good. Watch Quirrell for me, will you? Voldemort has left him to die, but he’s still got a few minutes left.” He turned to Lily. “How’s Hailey?”

Lily looked up, from where she had crouched next to Hailey. “She’ll be okay,” she muttered. “He stopped choking her when she passed out, so she’s still alive.” She looked back down at Hailey. “I’m… I’m more worried about that.” She pointed at Hailey’s scar, which was bleeding slightly. “I wish she had allowed him to try the Killing Curse- would have cleaned that right out. But as it is…” She shook her head. “It’s going to be a few days.”

James crouched down next to her, putting an arm around her shoulders. “At least she survived,” he stated.

She nodded. “At least she survived,” she agreed.

Very suddenly, Dumbledore burst through the black fire, wand raised.

“Professor Dumbledore,” James greeted, looking up and rising to his feet.

Dumbledore blinked, taking in the scene before him. “What the-?” he began.

Hermione giggled.

James merely smiled. “Voldemort has already fled,” he informed Dumbledore. “He’s left Quirrell to die.” He pointed towards Quirrell, whose breathing was dying out very quickly.

Author's Note:

Sorry, just had to stir things up a little. But that's what happens when Hailey meets Voldemort: Her hair turns red. Oh, yes, and two immortal guardians that just happen to be her parents also appear.

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