The Boy Who Disappeared

by computerneek

Chapter 14: Priceless

Amelia Bones, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, nodded in recognition of the Records Department clerk’s greeting.  “Just over a week ago, the Trace was blinded for nearly twenty-four hours by a massive surge of energy,” she informed the clerk.  “We’ve been able to narrow it down to five point sources, but two of them were in muggle territory.  I was wondering if you could help me out.”
He blinked.  “Me?  Um…”  He looked back at the shelves for a second, then back at her.  “I wouldn’t know where to start.  Pretty sure magical phenomena aren’t recorded.”
“Two were at the Burrow, and one was at the Malfoy Manor.”  She had passed Mr. Weasley on her way here, and already suspected the clerk knew at least something about it.  “Has there been anything unusual at either location?”
“Um…”  He looked back into the shelves.  “Well, I believe I can say yes to both.”
She nodded once.  “Alright.”
“The only thing I can say about Malfoy Manor is that I’ve had some of the other nobles come in with forged marriage contracts for one ‘Silversong Malfoy’ these last few days.  Some of them were pretty impressive forgeries, but still forgeries- I haven’t checked the Malfoy file to see if Silversong is even a real person, yet.”
She nodded slowly.  “...  Interesting.”
“As for the Weasley Family…”  He took a deep breath.  “I did just promise Mr. Weasley to help keep it under wraps, so if you wouldn’t mind…?”
She raised an eyebrow.  “That serious?”
He nodded, and spoke quietly.  “His daughters are princesses.”
She blinked.  “...  Oh.  Definitely not telling anyone about that.  And…  Yeah.  Let’s move it to the Vault.”  It was a special filing cabinet hidden in the corner of the room that couldn’t be opened without a key kept on her person.  Technically, Cornelius Fudge also had a key, but he never used it- anything in that drawer was there for a reason, and he always asked her when someone asked him to unlock it.  He even kept his key in her desk!  Fortunately, the key was not required to put things into the cabinet, only to get stuff out.
“Ahh, Understood,” he acknowledged.
“So.  Daughters?”
“...  Yeah.  Apparently, around a week ago, Ginnerva Weasley gained super strength, reached a power rating of infinity, and gained a twin sister with the same…  attributes.  For some reason, her new sister’s file auto-populated.”
“He doesn’t have the income to properly support six children at once, even with Hogwarts,” Amelia muttered.  “I’ll…  have to see about that.  Anyways.”  She looked up at the records clerk.  “Could you check the Malfoy file?”
“Will do.”  He jogged back into the shelves, and after a minute, came back with a folder, which he laid flat before he opened it.  “Hmm…  Lucius…  Narcissa…  nothing strange there.”  He moved to the third page.  “What-?  Draco is…  ‘indisposed’?  No reason or anything, either…  but nothing else seems to have changed.”  He looked up.
“There’s a fourth,” she observed.
He looked down, and flipped it up.  “...  So there is.  Could’ve sworn-  Oh, it’s Silversong- er, Princess Silversong…  who also has an ‘infinity’ power rating.  And…  She’s eleven.  Yet she’s already graduated from the ‘Upper Canterlot Magic Kindergarten’, ‘Canterlot General High School’, and…  what’s CSGU stand for?”
“Completed a fifteen-year apprenticeship under Princess Celestia,” Amelia read on.  “Ten years of experience as an oligarch, and…  fifty years of experience in varied magical combat and friendship techniques?”
“Fifty years?  That’s-  She’s only eleven!  How is that even possible…?  Oh, and she’s also apparently qualified to teach Muggle Studies at any school on the planet.”  He tapped the symbols that indicated a native-level expertise with muggle matters, something Amelia had only ever heard about.  To her knowledge, even muggles often didn’t qualify for that stamp until they were at least into their twenties!
“She’s…  quite the prodigy,” Amelia muttered.  “This goes in the Secure Drawer as well,” she ordered.
“Understood,” he nodded- and as he spoke, the text on the page seemed to shift slightly.  He looked at it.  “...  Huh.  She must be at Gringotts, talking to the goblins.  Looks like she just inherited a Vault…  and an estate, presumably from a distant ancestor.”
“Alright.  So, the last two point sources for the magic surge actually came from muggle homes- could you pull the files of new muggleborn Hogwarts students this year?”
“Sure.”  He vanished into the rows, and shortly came back with a small handful of folders.  “Only six of ‘em this year.”  He laid them on the counter, then opened the one on top.  “...  Nope.”  He closed it, set it aside, and opened the next.  “...  Yup.  Princess Hermione Granger, infinity power rating, inherited vault and estate.  Nothing else of note, though.”
“Okay.  That one goes in the Secure Drawer too.”
He closed the folder, and stacked it on top of the closed Malfoy folder.  “Alright then.”  He opened the next on the stack.
The rest of the stack was uneventful; nothing turned up.
Amilia held up a key.  “Potter,” she said.  “Try Potter.  The last one was near the home he was living in.”
It took nearly five minutes for him to retrieve the Potter folder from the Secure Drawer.  He laid it on the counter, facing her, and handed her key back.
She reached forward, and flicked the folder open.
Exactly as she had expected, the page on top read Harry Potter, and was stamped Deceased in bold red letters.  There was, however, no ‘cause of death’ entry on the page, as there usually was when files had that stamp.
She lifted the page up…  and sighed.  “Princess Hailey Potter,” she muttered.
“That’s going to make things complicated,” he nodded.  “On top of that, she’s Harry’s sister- and I saw the Daily Prophet, he was eaten by a shark.  She’s probably devastated.”  He blinked.  “...  Huh.  She’s living with muggles, but I can’t say I recognize that magical guardian.”
She looked at it.  “...  Queen Chrysalis,” she said slowly.  “I…  can’t say I recognize that either.”  She flicked open the Granger folder.  “And Princess Hermione’s magical guardian is Princess Celestia Solaris,” she mused.  She looked up.  “Think you can find it?”
“Easy,” he answered, and vanished into the shelves.
She looked at Hailey’s file again.  The picture looked somewhat similar to that on Harry’s file; she even had the same scar, it looked like.
Then she noticed an entry in the bio.
Hailey was a metamorphmagus.
She let out a small sigh.  No doubt Hailey would wear Harry’s scar after his death, as a way of promising him he could live on in her…  or something.  Then she tilted her head, looking between Harry’s and Hailey’s files.  They both showed the same parents- but neither listed the other as a sibling.  She returned to the Malfoy folder, and compared Draco’s and Silversong’s files…  for the same result.  “Interesting.”
Silversong, however, didn’t have a strange magical guardian- her Magical Guardian was listed as ‘Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy’, exactly as she had expected.
The clerk returned with one folder.  “I couldn’t find them,” he informed her.  “I grabbed the Weasley folder while I was at it.”
“Can I take a look?”
“Sure.”  He put it in front of her.
She paged through to Ginnerva’s and… Ariel’s files, and compared the two.
She immediately found a difference.  Ginnerva had Arthur Weasley as her father, and Molly Weasley as her mother.  She also had her brothers listed as siblings, but not Ariel.
Instead, Ariel was listed on her file as a daughter.
Ariel’s file, meanwhile, was completely missing the ‘father’ entry, and listed Ginnerva as her mother, despite being the same age.  She had no siblings listed.
“Very interesting.”
The clerk looked up.  “Mm?”
“Harry and Hailey both show the same parents, and they both show on their parents’ files as descendants, but neither list the other as a sibling.  The same is true for Draco and Silversong.
“Then, Ariel is Ginny’s daughter.”
“And Draco is ‘indisposed’, Harry ‘deceased’, and Ginny alive and well,” the clerk noted.
She nodded.  “I’m starting to wonder if we’re running into a case of transgenderism.  Two of them.”
He blinked.  “...  True.  That does tend to mess with the files, doesn’t it?”
“The part that doesn’t add up, though, is that Hailey is a metamorphmagus…  and Harry is not.  And Silver’s…  extensive education and experience.”  She looked down both files, and touched her key to the face of the pages.  While it was in contact, a few extra entries appeared- among them, ‘location’.  They were both in Diagon Alley.  Even Ariel and Ginny were, when she touched them as well!
“Alright then.  Make sure all the Princesses’ files get into the Secure Drawer for me, and I think I’ve got somewhere to be.”  She smiled at him.
“Understood,” he answered, closing and stacking the Malfoy, Granger, Potter, and Weasley folders before he carried both stacks back into the shelves.
She, meanwhile, headed for her office.  She needed to grab something- then use the floo.

When she reached Diagon Alley, Amelia wasn’t searching for the girls themselves.  No; she was looking for their parents, who were presumably with them.
The first set of parents she saw was the Malfoys, sitting at an outside table at Florean Fortescue’s Ice Cream Parlor.  Their daughter was nowhere nearby.  She stepped up.
Lucius was the first to notice, and look up at her.  “Amelia,” he greeted.  “Can I help you?”
Amelia nodded.  “Yes, probably.  I just came from the Records Department- and I noticed some…  funny details, about your children’s files.”  She paused, looking between them.  She hadn’t been the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement for the last ten years for nothing- and even through the raised eyebrows, she could tell it was an uncomfortable topic.  “Ahh…  Would you prefer we discuss it somewhere more private?”
“Uh, yes, please,” Narcissa smiled.
“Alright,” she nodded.  “If you could meet me in my office at your next opportunity, then?”
“Tomorrow work?” Lucius asked.
She nodded.  “Yes, it will, thank you.”

She was unable to locate any of the other families in the Alley.  She’d have to go to them directly.

By the time Molly Weasley arrived at Gringotts, her daughters had already run inside some time ago; after chatting with those muggleborn witches, Ariel had run back, grabbed Ginny, and run for Gringotts.
She paused when she hit the main concourse, looking around.  Neither girl was anywhere to be seen.
She sighed, and started walking up to the counter; she’d have to ask one of the tellers.
As she walked, though, she saw one of the doors down the hall open…  then a goblin led her daughters out of it, and along the wall towards her.  She moved to meet them.
Funny.  One of them had a stunned expression.  The other looked up at her.  “Oh, hi Mom!  We just, uh, inherited a vault from a distant ancestor.  Want to come see what’s in it with us?”  She even held up a key for her to see.
“...  Sure,” she answered, stunned herself.  They had something to inherit?
The goblin chuckled.  “Follow me,” he muttered, and continued on his way.
Molly fell in with her daughters- she was fairly sure it was Ariel that had spoken- and followed.
The silence held until they were clambering into the cart, to take the ride down to the vault, when Molly asked the question.
“So…  who did you inherit from?”
The cart launched itself down the rails before Ariel smiled up at her; she could tell who it was by the color of her eyes.
“Godric Gryffindor.”