• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 5,560 Views, 280 Comments

Fallout Equestria : Black And White - Philweasel

Peace between the NCR and Zebra wasteland becomes a battleground between competing factions.

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Chapter 1.9 - Team Building

After all the travelling, and running, and fighting it was good to just walk the streets. Indeed it was Dust Kicker’s first real experience of the city itself, and he had to say that he liked it. It was lively though still slightly mysterious in the dark, with serious and respectful guards patrolling softly lit streets. The population seemed to be predominantly zebra stallions unfortunately, with the few mares he saw almost entirely heavily made up criers selling their establishments to passer’s by. The gender imbalance slightly upset him, but he had seen worse.

The bars themselves were common and lively, Dust eventually finding a nice looking one and stepping inside with a careful glance. It had been made up to look like a frontier style Equestrian establishment, Apple family memorabilia nailed to the walls. Dust wasn’t sure if he was amused or appalled to see a portrait of a very provocatively posed Apple Bloom above the bar, amused that the image was well known even all the way out here. Still he had never seen it so... large or prominently displayed. Sadly no pony had thought to record the younger Apple’s reaction to her artistic admirer.

His eyes quickly drifted down to the bar however, where a large group was laughing and cheering at something. His interest spiked he moved over to see what the fuss was about, slipping through the crowd as they parted at the approach of this strange new pony. It didn’t take long to recognise the figure in the middle, just as distinctive as she ever was, “Clear Skies, there you are.”

She turned on the bar stool, eyes lighting up, “Dirf Tfacker!”

Dirt Tracker? He had heard that one before. He replied with traditional deadpan sincerity, “It’s Dust Kicker.”

She gave that strange giggling sound she was fond of, “It sfill sounds like an insulting term for an eff pony.”

“Yeah, well the leader of my tribe was a pegasus. And a shithead, in case it wasn’t clear.” Dust commented, bemoaning once again being born in the short period between Jack Wing arriving, killing the old leader by abusing his flight against him, declaring pegasi to be superior to all others, and getting ventilated by a Steel Ranger with a sniper rifle. He had heard once that old world ponies had consulted the stars, visited augers or consulted the princesses before naming their foals. These days it was mostly whatever drunken slur the pony with the biggest gun could pull out of his ass at short notice, “I kind of like it. I am an earth pony after all. I do kick dirt.”

“Yeaf, mine don’t fit too well. Mosf of the skies I fly are anyfing buff clear.” Clear Skies chuckled, swigging back another glass of some suspicious looking green goo before speaking again, “Soff, what do you fink of the zebra homelands?”

“Gunny, dangerous. I like it.”

“Thosf are the fings I don’t like about it!” Clear sighed, looking past the crowds to stare out the window, “Mouftings, losf treasufers, treacherous windf, emfty plainfs. I’mf a scout. Equesfia is too scouted out theff days.”

Heh, she was just like him, “Same here, I’m a mercenary. Nothing but guard jobs and petty bandits these days. This country has action I can really get into.” He looked at her, remembering Loose Trigger’s advice about hiring her, “So you’re sticking around?”

Clear grinned, looking at her little fan club with obvious enthusiasm, “Yepf! Got tings to do.”


“You faw my fonic faighboom right?”


“Only the haf off what I can do!” She struck a stumpy hoof against her chest, cheers erupting from the crowd at her boasting, “Only flier to navifate Kivaffers curse and suffvive!”

“How did you do that by the way? Because those winds were ice cold, and you would have to fly for at least three days without stopping...”

She gave an exaggerated shake of her head at his foolishness, looking to the expectant crowd before respectfully explaining, “Befouse I’m awfome!”

Dust wiped the spittle of his face, “Ah, my mistake.”

“In fact theffs only one pony more affsome than me. One pony I’ff wanted to pay my refspects to ever since I learned about her. One pony I neef to learn the sfecrets off to be the beff ever.”

Dust knew where this was going, “Fluttershy right?”

She nodded enthusasticly, “Yeff, Fuffers... no, Rainbow Daffs!” She chuckled at his tease before boldly declaring her intentions, “Anff she iff ‘ere, I know it!”

Dust blinked, not quite following, “Rainbow Dash is... in the zebra lands?”

Clear Skies nodded empathically, “Sheff never been found in Equestria, and thff enclaves ‘Rainbow Daffs’ feleton haff been proven not to be herfs.”

“She’s likely just another body in the wastes then. Why...”

“Fee fent a lot off time ‘ere during thff war. Lot of secreft lairs and hidden fasshes.”

“Lots in Equestria too...”

“Anff after the war Rarity and Fufferfhy were in Canterlot, Twilight waff in Maripony, Applejack waff in a sfecure vault, finkyfie was in Manehatten, her kids were in Cloudffail, and her huffband was in the Golden Coast.”

Now that was a point. After the war the only place of those anypony could reasonably be counted on to have survived was right here. But more to the point... “Rainbow Dash was married? With kids?”

“Welf...” Clear Skies paused slightly here, “Thefs no wedding certificaffe, buff hif name if on two birff certificaffes.”

“Well I suppose sleeping with someone at least twice is a relationship of sorts... so you think she came here to find her husband? Why not go to Star Fall? It was her base once.”

Clear Skies laughed, “You do know Rainbow Daff was diffhonorable diffcharged for attempted murder? Geff who her target waff?”

Dust Kicker closed his eyes in weary inevitability, making a wild guess that he already knew was likely accurate, “North Star. Founder of Star Fall. The pony she accused of being a sociopath.”

“Man, you’re sfmart!” Clear Skies nodded, “That waff the official reason she was branded a traitor. The whole ‘chewing them out for being cowards’ waff carefully swept under the caffet.”

Of course. A convenient lie for anyone doing research on the topic, though Dust knew it must have had some truth to be effective. Still this was all... irrelevant. Dusty bones of mares, however famous, held little interest to him, “So you will be around if we need you for scouting?”

“No fighting, no pink gas... or other kinds of gas... anff no enclave.” Clear nodded, ticking off her list, “Apart from that, I’ff find you anywhere you want anff tell you how to get there.”

Dust figured that was fair enough, though he had been hopeful of another pair of guns in the sky. For all his griping about pegasi like Jack Wing air support was very effective, still, if she didn’t want to fight she didn’t want to fight, “Sure, I’m fine with that. I’ll leave you to your fanclub then, and I might have some work for you later.”

She nodded cheerfully, “Okidokiloki! Haf a good night Dusf!”


Usefully the market was still open at this hour, at least parts of it. This included a very well stocked weapon shop, Dust drooling over the items for a short while before finally getting to the reason he was here. He gently placed his poor, departed shotgun on the desk, awaiting a prognosis from the zebra salesman, “Give it to me straight doc.”

“Yeah, I can already tell you spent a lot of lonely nights cuddled up to this one.” The one eyed zebra snarked as he took the gun apart with gentle precision, sighing as a bent spring rolled against his forehoof and poking at a bent trigger switch, "R42 Riot Shogun, very rare weapon in zebra lands. Withdrawn in Equestria too, yes?”

“Uhuh, bit too lethal for law enforcement even with beanbag rounds. There were... incidents.” Dust’s heart broke just a little as he saw the weapon lying there disassembled, feeling like he was delivering a eulogy, “No problem for me of course, and there’s no shotgun I’ve ever carried that’s more accurate at medium range. Great reload speed too.”

The zebra nodded, his face grim, “Very difficult to find replacement parts. This was a collector’s piece even before the war.” He gave Dust a somewhat irritated glare as he ran his hooves across the weapon, “A working model is worth a lot, more than it’s value as weapon I think. How did you break it?”

“Uh... demon alicorn, shadows... don’t ask.” Dust kinda wished he had just given in and placed it on a mantelpiece, certainly not considering this... Princess to be worthy of delivering the finishing blow to such a weapon. Indeed collectors had been asking to buy the weapon off him for a long time, the R42 having gained a (admittedly inflated) reputation due to its rarity. It just made him more determined to keep it, looking sadly down on the crudely scratched out image of a cube on the stock, “Hey Celly, looks like it really is the end of the line for us.”

The zebra gave him a look, his voice totally deadpan, “You named it. You want a moment here effendi? I know a good priest to lay her to rest.”

Dust gave the smug little git a long, cool smirk before sighing and shaking his head, “If you must know this shotgun was thrown at my head by a very attractive mare, and I make a point of keeping all the heavy objects thrown my way by pretty ladies.”

“They make a point of throwing museum pieces at your head?”

“Nah, normally just bricks and the like. Celly had class, no one could call me a bastard quite like her.” He took a moment to call up the mare’s image, not surprised to find he could only remember her eyes. Really it had been those which had ensured that she was anything but a face behind bars, that and that cool, piercing tongue of hers. Hell, it was because of her that he got a chance to talk to Red Eye personally, ended up at the Cathedral... “Trade then. This for the best you have.”

“It’s broken.”

“Don’t be a jerk. You said yourself, this is a museum piece.”

The zebra considered the offer for a moment before snorting, moving from the counter to wander over to his weapon racks, “Don’t deal in nick nacks effendi, and your gun is an overrated, outdated piece of shit.” He picked a zebra designed, rugged looking shotgun up by the stock and moved back over, placing it on the ground at Dust’s feet, “This is the Praetorian Special. Not as good at range as your piece of shit, but it will punch through a demon alicorn real good.”

Dust raised an eyebrow, though he could tell by the zebra’s proud expression that he wasn’t trying to rip him off, “Tested it on many demon alicorns?”

“No, but it reduced plenty of normal unicorns to giblets.” He prodded the weapon with a hoof, looking defensive, “Battle of Sweet Valley, blew off Shining Armors’ shoulder. Battle of Dipthorn, knocked Princess Luna on skinny little ass. Ponies shit themselves when they look down this barrel effendi, only ponies your piece of shit killed is unarmed civilians.”

Dust looked at the weapon, indeed having heard of it. Carried by zebra elites as the name suggested, and it had gained quite a reputation (especially after the embarrassing Luna incident, even if the assassin in question had caught her off guard). It kicked like a mule apparently, but Dust was a big stallion and in truth the R34 was rather underpowered for him, “Fine... trade?”

“I will regret it all my days effendi, but your piece of shit will make good backscratcher. Come back when you want to replace that toilet brush you call a rifle.”

“Hey, my shotgun might have deserved it, but this is a quality weapon.”

“Huh, for girly waist ponies maybe...”


His new purchase firmly in hand, Dust was starting to consider just setting home for the night. He didn’t really feel like drinking with strangers, nor exploring the outskirts of the city in the dark. He was just about to set off home when his eyes picked up a small, cloaked figure hurrying towards him, obviously trying to remain anonymous as she kept her head down and tried to disguise her pace. He continued walking as he kept one eye on the figure, the cloak was nice but not too nice, of a style designed to shield against the dust of the wastes. Fairly common in the city, not likely to stand out...

Perfect for an assassin.

“Dust Kicker... right?”

The tones were soft and somewhat panicked, Dust fighting to place them for a moment before his jaw dropped ever so slightly and he turned to the figure. She stopped in front of him, fidgeting nervously as Dust lowered his head to peer under her hood, “Fluttershy?”

“Um, yes... we haven’t been formally introduced have we?” She peered about in worry a couple of times before focusing on Dust once more, “Ah, but can that wait? Sorry, but I kind of need help, well not me...”

“You really shouldn’t be walking alone.”

She paused, biting her lip in worry and frustration. After a moment to peer about once more she looked up and gave him an attractive little smile, one that Dust had to say got his full attention as she explained her presence, “I need to get a feel for these zebra if I’m going to negotiate with them. Steel Marrow is rather conspicuous, he would attract attention.”

Dust didn’t think that really answered his question... pretty smile be damned, “You’re not that stealthy yourself ambassador. It’s dangerous to be out on your own.”

She frowned, looking a little angry as she glared at him in impatience, “There are plenty of guards around, and plenty of zebra and ponies have tried their hand at assassinating me in the past. And I told you, I need help. It’s important.”

Wow, Dust couldn’t help but be taken off guard by the change in her demeanour. Not the pushover he had been led to believe then, though to be honest Dust had always found it hard to believe the soft, shy pegasus ponies described to him was capable of half the things Fluttershy had achieved in her life, “Sorry, please continue.”

“Thank you, I... oooh!” Fluttershy gave a frustrated squeak, suddenly stomping the ground with her hoof. She glared up at Dust again, causing the stallion to retreat slightly, “Now I’m angry again.”

He made a point to watch his tongue around her. It was always the quiet ones, “I can see that. What’s wrong?”

Fluttershy stood silent for a moment to regain her composure, the effort not seeming entirely successful as she angled a slightly twitching eye at Dust, “Did Zenai really not tell Star Swirl about being... removed from the Followers?”

Dust sighed, obviously not, “I did tell her to. And... Fluttershy, believe me when I say that Zenai isn’t trying to betray you, she’s just an impulsive...”

“I don’t care about her!” Fluttershy barked the outburst, quickly looking mortified as all eyes in the street turned to her. She angled her head down and shuffled closer to Dust, the stallion giving the crowds an embarrassed grin that convinced them to move away with chuckles and whispered comments about ‘domestics’. Fluttershy waited until they had cleared before looking up at Dust once more, cheeks blushing red, “I... I’m sorry. I’m just a little worried. You see I bumped into Star Swirl, and she asked if she could come back home to the Followers. I didn’t know she hadn’t been told, started rambling about due processes...”

It was Dust’s turn to look annoyed now, wondering if he and Fluttershy could take turns body slamming Zenai into walls, “I take it she took it badly.”

“She... had a bit of a meltdown...” Fluttershy trembled slightly at the memory, looking around the street once more as she lowered her voice “She kicked a street sign into shards and headbutted a guard before running off. I... my galloping days are past, I couldn’t keep up with her.”

Dust raised an eyebrow, “She headbutted a guard?”

“Don’t worry, I patched him up. I really should have been more careful, Star Swirl’s profile mentions emotional instability.” She gave him a pleading look, “You know her better than me. Please, find her and bring her back.”

Uh, of all the things... he was getting tired of having to play team dad to a bunch of immature foals. He was here to protect them from bullets, not their own emotional breakdowns. He almost made a snarky comment to that effect before realising... this was Fluttershy, “Oh... fine. I’ll look for her.”

Fluttershy smiled, chuckling lightly into her hoof as she looked up at the mercenary, “Are you only doing it because I asked you to Mr Dust?”

He frowned, the old pony’s coy look rather unsettling him, “You just have a way of pricking my conscience.”

“I think you do your conscience too little credit.” Fluttershy nodded to him, her eyes alight now, “Consider it a job. Bring her back here and I’ll make sure you’re rewarded.”

The old mare really knew how to play him. Still she was being transparent about it at least, and he was worried about Star Swirl, “Done. Wait here, I’ll be back soon.”


As he expected Star Swirl wasn’t exactly stealthy, and even with what seemed to be a good twenty minutes head start he closed on her quickly. What he encountered hardly filled him with reassurance though, large bills and empty bottles of spirits at the bars, vomit in the corner and a group of extremely stupid and rather battered muggers, one of which had taken a horn through the cheek. Considering one of them had then tried to mug him he figured these were the sort of gutter trash that would quite likely take out themselves given enough time, he really needed to find Star Swirl before she got in a fight with anyone more competent.

He heard a sound overhead, looking up at the curtain of stars above and the shining half moon that fortunately enough shone brightly this night. After a moment he spotted the object moving there as it stopped to hover, the great winged dragon pausing to observe the city become moving on. He hoped it was Spike, he didn’t need any more trouble this night.

Dust eventually reached what signs helpfully informed him was ‘the ridge’, a rising jut of stone that stabbed out of the city towards the sea beyond. A few rather old and regal looking structures sat upon its flat plate, the area seeming to be completely abandoned. He looked around as he advanced, the buildings seeming to be old regal houses that had long since collapsed into disrepair, alongside a pair of large sea defence cannons. Star Swirl had been heading this way apparently, Dust fearing for a moment that she had just taken off, “Star Swirl!”

A dark shape he had taken for a statue turned, hesitating for a moment before moving out of the shadows. She looked... well, miserable. She was slightly drunk, that much was obvious, and her mane was tangled and askew as if she had shaken it violently. Her expression put the blackest of storm clouds to shame, especially as she raised her eyes to him, “What are you doing here?”

“Looking for you.” Dust waved a hoof, advancing on the alicorn, “Fluttershy was worried about you.”

“Why? Why’s it her problem?” Star Swirl twitched slightly, her expression even darker than before, “Why is it anyone’s problem?”

“You...” Dust cracked, he was not a relationship councillor, and he was not modulating his words, “Because you didn’t do anything wrong, besides listen to an increasingly annoying little zebra. You shouldn’t have had to hear it like that, nor lose your chance to defend yourself.”

“I... I’M SUCH AN IDIOT!” Star Swirl shouted the words, stamping a hoof against the floor. She looked up at Dust with tear stained eyes, wincing a little as she nodded to her side, “Can... you take this out please? I don’t appear to have any friends anymore...”

Dust peered at the offending side, slightly perturbed to see a knife imbedded in her thigh, “Ow. Sure thing, that looks like it hurts.”

“Not really. On loads of painkillers.”

Dust figured that. He wondered if her drinking was such a good idea, “Yeah, I also noticed the bars you cleared out on your way here.”

“Actually, all I did was run up a massive bill.” She let her head fall, looking depressed, “I’m an alicorn, it would take half our allowance to even get me tipsy.”

Wow. That must suck. Dust moved up to Star Swirl, placing two hooves on the knife and tugging it out with a short sharp movement. She winced but didn’t cry out, Dust dropping the knife and applying pressure to the wound as her fur quickly turned crimson, “It’s not as bad as you say. As I said, you didn’t do anything wrong. We do this mission right and I’m sure they’ll let you right back in.” Dust grunted, feeling his desire to hurt a certain small zebra return, “Besides, don’t be stupid about not having friends anymore. Her not telling you was just cowardice, after what she put you through she owes you a lot.”

“Apparently not.” Star Swirl spat the words, blunt and angry, “She’s a bitch. I never want to talk to her ever again.”

Dust couldn’t help smirk, Star Swirl really acting like a school filly now. Next they would be pulling each other’s hair and crossing their names out of each other’s diaries, “You don’t mean that Star Swirl.”

“Yes I do.” She stated it firmly, before her lip curled and she screwed her eyes tightly shut, “You know how she stopped the Followers finding out about the plans to send this expedition?”

Dust didn’t really feel like a history lesson, but figured he had to bite, “No.”

“She seduced the pony in the mail room, slept with him and stole all Silent Steel’s correspondence while he was asleep. That’s what she does, she... uses her looks to take advantage of ponies. She’s...”

Star Swirl trailed off, quiet for a moment before uttering a pained murmur and screwing her face up tight. It didn’t take long for Dust Kicker to realise she was crying, tears falling from her cheeks to wet the ground at her hooves. He caught one of them on his hoof, feeling he was missing some context here, “Star Swirl, what’s this all about?” He gasped slightly as he realised, striking himself on the head with a hoof for being so stupid, “You came here because of her didn’t you? You... you’re in love with her.”

Star Swirl shook her tears away, not answering as she stared off into the distance. Eventually she turned her head to Dust, eyes hopeful, “You like me don’t you Dust Kicker?”

He backed away, a little worried now, “Star Swirl, I...”

“I’m not asking for anything in return.” She advanced on him, a desperate look in her eyes, “You can do anything you want to me, please...”

Yeah, this was going here. Honestly he was insulted that she thought his only concern was that she would ask for something in return. He was a mercenary after all, and it was her making the advance. Not his normal scene, but at basic rates...

Ok, he was just stalling so he didn’t have to deal with this. He had no intention of whoring himself out, or being an easy lay, “Star, I like you, but...”

She glared at him, moving closer and pressing her front hooves against his shoulders. One push and he hit his back, marvelling for a second at her strength before she further proved it by pinning him to the ground and crouching over him. Her expression was determined and impatient, her body amazingly warm even on this cold night.

It was an experience he had to admit. He had experienced ‘heavy’ mares before but an alicorn was a whole other thing, facing him like this he barely reached down to her sternum with his back legs. There was a brief moment of temptation he had to admit, still it wasn’t much. Being dominated by some inexperienced filly was embarrassing, and he was pretty sure they would both regret it come morning, “Star, get off a moment and lets...”

She frowned in irritation, instantly reaching down and placing her lips on his. It shut him up for sure, the action adding a whole new serving of ridiculousness to the situation. She... had no idea what she was doing, and the difference in their mouth sizes was making things even more difficult. There was drool, and teeth. He decided that things had progressed to the point where he was morally justified in giving her a hard kick somewhere bony and painful in the simple interests of continuing friendship.


She darted backwards, landing on her back legs and staggering, leaning dangerously to the left where Dust had kicked her in the ribs. Dust rolled back onto his hooves and braced himself as he watched her, wary of being taken off guard again.

Star only stared at him with wide, terrified eyes, taking slow, stumbling steps backwards, “What am I doing? Did I really just...?”

Dust Kicker chuckled. He had to say that wasn’t the first time he’d had to physically wrestle a mare off of him, and in his younger days he had taken a few kicks in the kidneys himself, “It’s ok Star Swirl, you just misread the situation. It happens.”

She stared in confusion at him for a moment or two before shaking her head, turning it away with a absolute look of misery, “I... haven’t changed at all. I deserve to be alone.”

“Star, you’re upset and irrational, it’s ok.”

“No it isn’t. I’m bigger than anyone else, bigger and stronger. I’m a bully, and... and a...”

Dust shook his head, not in the mood for hosting a pity party, “Star, you’re one of the least aggressive mares I know.”

She bit her lip hard enough to draw blood, her face tensing. He almost moved to stop her before her stare made his pause, clear anger there, “I threw you against a wall back on the ship, and twice today I’ve had to be kicked away when my... advances have got too physical. I am a bully, I just try and... not be one. That doesn’t count if you fail.”

Dust shook his head, trotting over. To be honest he had little time for those who couldn’t control their own emotions, partly because there was no reason for it. Children couldn’t control their emotions, it was something you just learned how to do. Still he balled up all his patience, keeping his voice calm, “Star, you’re an emotional mare. Getting angry is perfectly natural, you’re just scared of it... mostly because you’re big and strong enough to do real damage.”

“Well yeah.” She stated flatly, clearly feeling he was stating the obvious.

He chuckled in response, sighing and shaking his head “You can’t avoid an emotion, you need to learn how to deal with it. You need hobbies that channel your aggression, mind tricks that help you focus when you feel yourself getting irrational. I can teach you some if you like.”

“What... what’s the point?” She looked at him with a broken downcast expression, her face slowly breaking down as tears dropped from her cheeks, “I hate myself. I’m one of the most powerful creatures in the wasteland, with physical strength and magic noted even among my sisters... and what am I? An assistant archivist who just got seduced and dumped by a nineteen year old half her size. I... suck.”

“So what do you want to be?”

She looked up at him in suprise, pausing for a second before mumbling a reply, “A... unicorn princess.”


“A... unicorn princess.” She blushed, closing her eyes and looking even more pathetic than before, “Go on, laugh.”

Dust wasn’t going to laugh, “You feel you can’t live up to what you feel an alicorn should be right?”

She gave a sobbing laugh, looking up at him with tear stained eyes, “Look at me...”

“You know, I used to hate alicorns. They always seemed so... unnatural, so robotic and strange. I used to wonder if they had emotions other than anger and scorn.”

Star nodded softly, “It’s... not entirely untrue. That’s what the Goddess was like, and we all got a little infected by her personality. Her emotions did tend towards... hurt and anger.”

“Well it didn’t affect you.” Dust chuckled, brushing the mare’s tangled mane out of her eyes, “You’re the first alicorn I’ve actually liked. You actually have worries, fears, doubts, and you’re not afraid to show them.”

“I think I’m more like Trixie than a lot of people think.” Star Swirl looked deeply sad and regretful as she spoke, her words heavy and nostalgic, “I was one of her lieutenants, I was given a lot more freedom and... deeper insight into her thoughts than the others. I still hear her voice in my head, the moment of her death frozen on my thoughts. I’m one of the only alicorns who calls her anything but the goddess.”

“Trixie was like you? From what I hear she was a prideful braggart.”

“Not the Trixie I knew... but then by then she had spent two hundred years as a cancerous lump of constantly mutating flesh, part of a gestalt of four immensely powerful wills.” Star Swirl lifted her head, her expression weary, “Maybe the Trixie stage persona came out on top because it was so fake. I... my personality is hardly any more genuine.”

Dust frowned, not having noticed any fakery on her part, “It isn’t?”

“I... it doesn’t matter, I’m just being melodramatic.”

Dust decided to accept that answer, it certainly fitting his general impression of the mare. Still he filed that little admission away for future reference, “Come on, Fluttershy wants to make sure you’re ok.”

“Sure... I should talk to her anyway.”

She followed him mutely as he led her off the verge and back into the city, Dust not moving far before he felt eyes on him. Someone was close... he paused as Fluttershy stepped out from the shadows in front, turning to him with a gentle smile. He smirked back at her, “Were you following me?”

“Yes, just in case you needed help.” She gave him a reassuring look, “I wasn’t eavesdropping, just keeping close by.”

“I’m actually impressed you managed to tail me so easily.”

“I used to be a wilderness ranger you know?” She gave an adorably smug grin, stepping up to meet them, “I learned how to be unobtrusive and soft of foot from a very young age. And now I believe I owe you a reward?”

Soft of foot his butt. That cloak she was wearing was a zebra stealth cloak, he could tell by the unusually stiff way it hung. With further inspection he was fairly sure she was wearing barding underneath as well, and given his sighting of Spike hovering over the city earlier she likely had him keeping a close eye over her. She hadn’t been kidding about being able to take care of herself, Dust made a mental note to never underestimate her again. And if she didn’t see this coming he would be very disappointed, “Then you can let Star Swirl back into the Followers.”

Indeed, she didn’t look surprised at all, rather she looked impressed, “Sorry, but you overestimate me. I’m just a plain elder, I can’t override Velvet Remedy’s decisions. All I can do is speak to her about it.”

Dust nodded, even as his brain told him he was throwing away a favour from one of the most influential figures in the NCR for a ‘maybe’. He was committed now though, and a mercenary never forgot his commitments, “That’s fine.”

She chuckled, “It’s not something you need to ask me to do Dust, I’m not letting a pony get kicked out because of a silly mistake. I still owe you, and I think Star Swirl does to.”

Dust frowned and looked up at the big alicorn, currently staying determinedly silent. No trading favours within the unit, that was his rule, “I don’t keep count of favours with ponies covering my flank in combat.”

Fluttershy grinned, “You should get Spike to tell you about the favour competition between me and him one day.”

“I’ve read that one.” Star Swirl spoke up finally, her voice wavering slightly, “It would be... nice to hear you tell it though...”

Fluttershy just shook her head, looking rather sad all of a sudden, “No you don’t, it all just gets... a little embarrassing. Spike tells them far better than me.” She chuckled, a little falsely if Dust was any judge, before straightening out and nodding to the pair, “And I really should be getting back, Steel Marrow will be worrying about me. I wish the pair of you well, and I hope that if anything else happens you’ll come and tell me about it?”

Dust knew her angle, though he appreciated the prior buttering up. If he was going to be manipulated, carrots were always far better than sticks, “Are you taking charge of this operation?”

“No, Councillor Silent Steel still has authority over you.” She smiled knowingly, making her point very obvious, “But as senior ambassador, it is in my interest to know of any information that could influence the balance of power in the area.”

“Then you have it.” Dust nodded his head, personally finding the idea of working for Fluttershy rather intriguing. She was as pretty as they all said after all, and smart too. He doffed his hat to her, offering her a charming grin, “It was good to meet you ambassador.”

She nodded, returning his gesture with a warm smile, “Likewise. I hope the rest of your mission here goes smoothly.” Dust watched as she turned and trotted away, soon blending back into the shadows from where she came.

Star Swirl spoke up once she was certain the mare had gone, though still keeping her voice quiet, “She’s not how I imagined.”

“How so?”

“I’ve never seen her outside the compound before. She’s... sharper than she lets on.”

“I don’t think we’ve seen the half of it.” Dust turned to the alicorn, studying her face for a moment, “You still feeling bad?”

Star hesitated for a second before nodding sadly, “Yeah...”

“Then why don’t we make another stop, find you some companionship to take your mind off things?” He chuckled at her, “Honestly, when you’re rebounding onto me you’re really getting desperate.”

Star Swirl’s face did a summersault, the mare obviously trying to parse that offer into something other than his intended meaning. Eventually she gave up, her voice high and squeaky, “Companionship?” Her eyes dilated at his expanding grin, “You mean... a brothel?”

Dust chuckled, she was so cute, “Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.”

Star Swirl quickly shook her head, looking evasive at the idea as she babbled, “Oh no... I mean Zenai would never stop teasing me...”

“Then she’s a bad friend, and you should really stop worrying about what others think. What do you want to do?”

“I...” Star Swirl blushed fiercely, her voice falling lamely, “I guess we could... just check it out...?”

“Heh, that’s my girl!”


Dust had got the location of this place from a guard at the palace some time ago, though he had put it off for later. He couldn’t say he was a big fan personally, paying for something you could get for yourself with a little work seemed lazy to him, but hey, sometimes you feel lazy. It was easy enough to find, discretely located down a small, somewhat upper class street and blending in with the other buildings with its silk curtains and hanging gardens. Its name was inscribed in zebra script above the door, “The Zeforine”, from what he could gather Zeforine was some obscure fertility spirit. Hey it wasn’t original, but it added a tiny bit of class he supposed, “What are you looking for anyway Star Swirl? I’m sure they have plenty of young female zebra, but maybe that wouldn’t be such a good idea.”

“Oh...” Star Swirl looked about nervously before answering as carefully as she could manage, “I do... like zebra. I don’t really mind beyond that though...”

“Male or female?”

“I... I don’t mind...” Star looked at him nervously, “Is that strange?”

He smiled, figuring her for a pony still uneasy with her sexuality. Well maybe this would help, “Not particularly. I think I’ve got something in mind, so why don’t I order for you?”

“Sure... I don’t think I would be able to speak to them anyway...”

The guard had boasted about his visit here as if it were a cut above the other brothels, and as Dust had hoped the inside was just as classy as outside. The reception was possibly better furnished than Caesar’s palace, or the parts of it he had seen anyway, with plush lounging sofas and fine art giving the place an air of some noble’s sitting room. An effeminate looking male zebra smiled across at them as he lounged against the counter, pushing himself away to stand primly in expectation, “Welcome to the Lady Zeforine noble envoys of Equestria. We hoped you would patronise our fine establishment.”

He had a strange, exotic accent, Dust almost certain it was probably fake. Still, at least he was making an effort, “You often get visits from dignitaries?”

“We are an upscale establishment, dedicated to the privacy and satisfaction of our customers.” The zebra smiled winningly, looking all the more fey for it, “So what are you looking for today?”

Dust had already figured out his preferences long ago, even though truth be told he had spent more time escorting nervous young mares and bucks fresh of their first paycheck than actually visiting these places off his own back. This had also given him a few good ideas about ordering for others, and he had one idea that had worked well before, “Do you have a brother, sister type pair of zebra for my friend? Nice and supportive, good at taken care of somepony without much experience or confidence.”

The zebra grinned wide and cheerfully, “In fact we do sir, and I know they would be honoured to host a real alicorn. And what would you be interested in?”

That was easier. He knew what he liked, “A nice older mare, good talker, good with her hooves.”

“Any preference on species?”

“Not really. Suprise me.” Dust knew he would likely regret that, but he didn’t get into mercenary work because he was fearful of a little risk, “How much would that be?”

The zebra chuckled, giving a smart bow, “We’ll charge it to the palace sir, Caesar is only too happy to please his guests. Please, follow me.”


In the end Dust had been introduced to a zebra, which while a little expected wasn’t too disappointing. His only previous encounter with a zebra had been some half remembered tumble back when he was very young, and the mare Zeforine had chosen was just as skilled as the house boasted. He certainly left satisfied at least, and with age, radiation, injury and general cynicism he was aware that wasn’t as easy as it once was.

Star Swirl also looked satisfied. In fact, she looked like she was in love. He wondered which one it was, “You look like you enjoyed yourself.”

She looked round at him as they sat in their private lounge, a bottle of rather nice wine laid out on the table for them. She blushed for a second before nodding her head, a somewhat vague smile on her face, “I really did yes... they were... very kind.”

“Don’t fall in love. Remember, they’re professionals doing a job.”

She gave him a sly grin, a rather amusing sight on the naive young mare, “Of course I know that. Don’t spoil the moment by reminding me that I’m destined to be forever alone.”

“Don’t be silly Star.” Dust chuckled at the mare, kinda wishing for a moment that he was young, virile and stupid enough to disprove that personally. Fortunately he was too smart to fall for that, having learned a long time ago the value of a good female friend, “You’re geeky, smart, adorable and not half bad in a fight. There’s plenty of ponies who would go wild for you.”

She blushed a little before sinking into the sofa with a satisfied smile, “Thank you Dust...”

“No problem.”

“I’ve been so selfish...”

He looked to the alicorn, unsure what she meant. He hadn’t personally seen what was so selfish about the shy, pacifistic mare travelling to a foreign country, getting shot and fighting evil goddesses for the sake of a friend who gave her nothing in return, “How so?”

“I followed Zenai here, made her think I agreed with her ideals... because I wanted her to like me.” She lifted her head, giving Dust a pleading look, “How do I make this right? I mean... have I ruined our friendship?”

Dust chuckled, admiring such simplicity. There was no such thing as a static friendship, no two friends ever meant the same to each other forever, “It will be different. She might respect that you have your own opinions a little more, and you might see fit to protect her from rather than encourage her more foolish decisions.”

Star Swirl gave a sheepish look, “I... always assumed that Zenai knew what she was doing. That her opinion was the right one.”

“Yeah, well in my opinion you’re doing that because you’re afraid of taking responsibility for yourself Star.” He gave her a firm look, keeping his voice firmly modulated, “You like me because I’m nice to you right?”

Star dropped her head, abashed, “Yeah...”

“And you like Zenai...?”

“Because... she was nice to me.”

“It’s unhealthy Star Swirl.” He softened his expression, reassured that his message had sunk in, “And it’s unnecessary. You need to start trusting your own decisions, not let others always just bring you along for the ride.”

“I’ll remember that...” Star looked up at him, her puppylike blue eyes on full display, “Thank you, again Dust.”

“Hey, don’t worry about it. Carried my fat ass out of that palace, least I could do.”

“It’s not that fat.” Star gave him a very sweet grin, flashing her teeth, “You know, I wasn’t just rebounding. I have thought about it...”

“It wouldn’t work Star, it would just end up embarrassing for both of us.” Dust grinned back at her, taking a deep breath, “Getting old, not quite as easy as it once was. Need a lady with a lot of experience to get me up these days.”

Star Swirl laughed nervously, “Oh Dust...”

“Oh don’t be so naive Star, it happens to everyone eventually. Your knees start getting a little stiff, your coat a little rougher, you start to worry about your prostate and where the next toilet is.” Dust laughed, taking amusement from her blushes, “Besides, I much prefer mares my own age.”

“Like Fluttershy?”

Dust grinned, thinking back on the mare. That cloak was a good look, and she was smart and personable to boot. What was she, twenty years older than him? That wasn’t too bad, “I’m pretty sure she’s got very high standards, but she’s certainly a mare who deserves them. A stallion can only try, maybe she has a massive soft spot for barely educated mercenaries.”

Star laughed, still looking rather embarrassed, “You don’t really mean that do you?” Star Swirl paused to peer around the room, like she was scared that Fluttershy was listening in or something, “She’s really old. Like... really old.”

“Seventy is not ‘really old’.” Dust sighed, she was as bad as Zenai. As previously established Star Swirl herself couldn’t be less than thirty something considering her history, so she at least really should stop with the ageism, “If she can fly across Caesar’s curse on the back of a dragon to resolve a centuries old conflict between three rival nations, then she can certainly enjoy a bit of romance. You’re telling me she hasn’t received any interest since she came back?”

Star Swirl hesitated, nervous, “Well... there are always rumours, and that merchant Gold Standard once offered her ten thousand caps for one date. She... refused.” Star lowered her head, concern in her eyes, “Honestly... I don’t think it’s a good idea. You should have seen what she was like when we first broke her free from the Killing Joke curse, I can’t believe she’ll ever be totally over that.”

Dust closed his eyes, returning his head to the cushion. Star Swirl was likely right, Fluttershy was a sensitive, empathic soul, and she must have lost a great deal on that day. Friends, husband, children? Dust wasn’t really a student of history but he recalled that she was amicably divorced with... three kids? He did really have any personal experience to even guess what it was like to lose them all in a single moment, “You’re probably right. Last thing I want is to drag up any bad memories.”



He bid Star Swirl goodnight in front of her bedroom, the alicorn offering nervous and awkward thanks before scurrying inside. He could only guess what the dynamic in their little team would be come the morning, just hoping both of them could put it behind them and work together. He put it to the back of his mind and made his way back to his own quarters, very surprised when he turned a corner and was instantly faced with... no, not Star Swirl. What was her name? Something to do with writing implements...

The blue alicorn turned to him in similar surprise, looking for all the world like he had caught her with her hand in the cookie jar. That was weird because she looked like she had just been standing there in the corridor, backing away a pace or two to put some pace between them. Dust could only narrow his eyes in suspicion, the closer look confirming his suspicions about the figure he had seen following Zenai in the gardens. Unless Star Swirl had gotten a lot better at stealth or there were other alicorns lurking around....

But there was no reason to antagonize her just yet. He adopted a kinder expression and introduced himself, extending a hoof, “Silver Quill right?”

She wavered in place for a moment, unsure of how to react. Still she quickly recovered, shifting up her glasses with a hoof and looking down imperiously, “And you are Dust Kicker.”

Dust knew he recognised her, “I’ve met you before. You were at the Pegasi Reclamation Fundraiser weren’t you?”

She frowned, looking defensive, “I hope you’re not some sort of anti-cathedral bigot.”

Ah, the Cathedral. After he had dug his way out of Red Eye’s home base he had quickly encountered them, those among the slaver messiah’s closest followers unable or unwilling to abandon his final resting place. Red Eye had planned to become a god after all, and so had trained a priesthood to proclaim his glory. The failure of his plans and subsequent death hadn’t changed that, and over time it had become a fairly popular minority religion throughout Equestria. Dust certainly didn’t begrudge them, personally he thought it made more sense than worshiping a two hundred year dead queen who had led them all to destruction in the first place, “Of course not, I worked for Red Eye.”

“Not all that worked for Red Eye understood Red Eye.” Silver Quill glared, looking even more unfriendly than before, “Strong government, care and education for the young, respect for all species, responsibility for the future. I have read your file Dust Kicker, you were just another thug under his employ.”

Dust gave her a warning look before she burned any other bridges, “Just trying to be friendly.”

“I can see that, but do not think I’m not wise to your motives.” She turned her nose up, glaring icily, “Your two friends are traitors, and you... your sins are well known to me. Fluttershy might be willing to trust and forget but the Followers have always been too naive for their own good.”

Dust was reminded why he hated alicorns again. Fucking high snouted bullies who thought they were the Princess, delivering moral judgements from their ivory towers built out of old cardboard, “And who are you loyal to?”

“To the New Canterlot Republic.” She stated with authority, “And to the Grimfeathers who are its true custodians.”

“What about Arick? Are you loyal to him?”

She just glared at the mention of Regina’s oldest, eventually just sticking up her nose and spinning around to stalk away moodily, “Watch yourself pony. The NCR can’t abide a traitor.”

Ah, so the NCR’s representative was an almighty bitch. Just wonderful.


After the stress of the previous night the following morning was fortunately a pleasant one, Dust waking up feeling more refreshed than he had in ages. It certainly didn’t get any worse when he bumped into Oteka shortly afterwards, swiftly accepting the mare’s invitation to breakfast and spending an hour or so swapping war stories. He had to say that while no grand intellect she had a calm leadership that he had to respect, and after a bit of encouragement she came out with a few stories that even he found it hard to believe, “You took out two battleships, single handily?”

She gave an adorably bashful look, obviously not liking to boast about her achievements “Ah, they did not have cameras or turret. I kill everyone aboard one by one, then set battleship to ram centre formation.”

He laughed, admiring her resourcefulness, “To hell with all these complicated plans, they just need to launch you at Starfall.”

Heh... he was actually falling for her, just a little. Sure she rivalled him for sheer muscle mass, still that didn’t make her unattractive as such. He could certainly appreciate a mare who could kick his flank effortlessly, and as previously established they would make a good pair in combat. He was still hurting that he had been unconscious when she had fought back at Estelle, he would have really loved to have seen that.

She had duties briefing her men for the day so they separated after breakfast, Dust making his way up to the veranda where he had been meeting up with Star Swirl and Zenai. He couldn’t help being slightly worried when there was no one there on his arrival, still a bit of peace and quiet was no bad thing. He settled down and turned on the radio, quickly flicking past New Canterlot Radio to settle on DJ-Pon3.

“-to all with the NCR! This is Midnight Sceptre, leader of the Twilight Society, exclusively on Equestria Radio!”

“Ahem... good evening Rusty Needle. It’s a pleasure to be here.”

“Likewise, it’s an honour to have you on Midnight. I hear you want to say something to the wasteland in regards to the conflict between you and the Applejack Rangers.”

“Yes, well I think conflict is a strong word. Really this has been the result of miscommunication and fringe elements on both sides, though both sides bear the shame for the embarrassment this has brought to both our organisations and the NCR as a whole. As such it is time for it to stop, for us to remember the friendship of our noble ancestors and put an end to war and chaos. I put forward this hoof of friendship to High Elder Peach Trees and all members of the Applejack Rangers, let us join once again in the advancement in our glorious Republic.”

“And these fringe elements have been brought back under your control?”

“Indeed. I hesitate to take too strong a hand, still in this case I have harshly disciplined those involved. It appears that some in the Society were under the mistaken impression that a group within the Rangers were in possession of weapons that they intended to use against the NCR, and an attempt to confirm these rumours resulted in weapons fire and unnecessary casualties on both sides. I want to confirm once more that these rumours are false, and that those members of the Society, while well intentioned, were at fault for failing to confirm them through official channels. I formally offer to pay for any damages incurred, and wish to put this terrible affair behind us.”

“Thank you. That was Midnight Sceptre, leader of the Twilight Society folks. Stay tuned for more exclusive news, here on The Voice of the Wasteland!”

Dust Kicker couldn’t help smiling. Looks like things were going to be ok after all.

Footnote: Level up! (19)

New Perk Added: Weapon Handling
You are skilled enough with your weapons to use those who's recoil would normally be beyond you. All strength requirements for weapons are 2 points lower.

This fanfiction is based on Fallout Equestria by Kkat, it is highly recommended that you read that first for context. Reading Fallout Equestria: Pink Eyes by Mimezinga will help understanding, but isn’t required.

Many of the characters and much of the setting are not mine but are on loan from the very awesome Kkat, or are taken from My Little Pony - Friendship Is Magic by Hasbro. This story makes no pretentions at being canon with either, and is merely a ‘what-if’ set in the same world.

If you enjoy Fallout Equestria Side Stories, you will want to check the Fallout Equestria Side Stories post on Equestria Daily and the Fallout Equestria Side Stories thread on Ponychan.

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