• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 5,560 Views, 280 Comments

Fallout Equestria : Black And White - Philweasel

Peace between the NCR and Zebra wasteland becomes a battleground between competing factions.

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Chapter 2.11 - When Is A Mare Justified?

Chapter 2.11 - When Is A Mare Justified?

Vigiant’s point was starting to feel like home. During the week she had spent here Star Swirl had found the population becoming increasingly used to her, and the soldiers had clearly been impressed by her fighting alongside them at Greylode. And she liked them in turn, still shy but feeling she was starting to come out of her shell just a little. She had started to exercise, and her size and strength allowed her to earn a significant amount of cash by helping out the local merchants. It was all good training, and she found herself slowly bringing herself back up to her prime.

And she still found Kunani to still be intriguingly enigmatic, and much of her study time was spent learning enough sign language to communicate effectively with her. She soon found the mare to be confident, forceful and direct, intimidating despite her small stature but almost overflowing with knowledge. She eagerly took the opportunity to join her on her daily trip across to Zenali’s home, hungry for further discussion of zebra history and mysticism.

The mare looked up at Star Swirl with her deep, grey eyes as they travelled, her expression unreadable. She considered for a moment before giving a distracted set of signs, Star Swirl quickly translating, “What would happen if an alicorn became a Princess?”

Star Swirl wished. She might as well have dreamed of becoming a zebra, “Can you do that? Become a Princess?”

“Yes. You have to master the elements of harmony.” Kunani paused briefly before shaking her head, signing again, “That’s simplifying it a great deal. It’s much more complicated than that.”

“Wow...” Star Swirl felt a mixture of excitement and despair, an odd combination, “That would be awesome... but very unlikely.”

She signed again, her expression slightly teasing, “Still, I wonder. Would you become an alicorn?”

Star Swirl shook her head, knowing it could never happen. The very concept was ludicrous, “We’re creatures of black magic, harmony resists us. Objects enthused with it weaken us.”

Kunani’s face became more serious, “If you were to ascend you would have purity of body. You would no longer be a creature of darkness.”

This sort of thing was why Star Swirl was eager to be friends with the zebra, she seemed to know more about harmony than Velvet Remedy herself, “You seem to know a lot about it.”

“I think I do.” She shrugged silently, signing again with a slight look of regret, “All legends, hearsay, rumor. I try to apply some sort of order, structure to it, create a path I can follow.”

“You want to become a Princess?”

“A master of myself. The goal of all shaman.” Kunani looked down at her hooves, a slight frown forming as she signed flatly, “Like Celestia and her sisters guided ponies, the Masters of Garm guided zebra. Too many of their teachings are lost now, zebra are without direction. We are lost without them, their wisdom and strength.”

“But Garm survived... didn’t it?”

Kunani stared at Star Swirl, suspicious and assessing. Star Swirl had gotten used to it, the zebra was not one to speak without due consideration. Eventually she signed again, “Much was still lost. Great orders destroyed, zebra forced to begin again.”

Star Swirl wanted to reply that at least something had survived, but thinking about it maybe it wasn’t a blessing. To be always reminded of what you had lost might well be worse, “Except the pariah order.”

She grimaced, signing sharply, “The great orders were lost.”

“Ouch... a little mean there.”

She sighed, becoming slightly less hostile... if only slightly, “Order survived because they were kicked out of Garm. Deserved worse.” She bowed her head, lips thin as she signed grimly, “Worshiped demons, put whole world in jeopardy. Eventually destroyed it entirely.”

“They... destroyed it?”

“Princess Luna founder of order. Led Equestria to ruin.”

Star Swirl had figured as much, judging by some of the comments she had heard. She wasn’t stupid. Still she was forced to consider it anew now that an external source had confirmed it, “Ponies can found orders of shaman too? Like, officially?”

Kunani shrugged, signing, “When zebra completes the pilgrim’s path, attains the purity of form, spirit and will granted by mastering the elements of harmony, then they are considered worthy to found an order and take on apprentices. I suppose the zebra part of that did not seem so important.” She frowned, “Greedy, to be both master shaman and princess. Stick to your own culture.”

Star Swirl chuckled, “Hey, that sounds a little racist.”

Kunani took a deep breath, signing a little slower, “No problem with ponies. But shaman ours. Felt like Luna was humoring us. Noble pony adventurer, learning quaint ways of the savages.”

“And that sounds rather defensive.”

Kunani glared sulkily before signing again, “I am defensive. You have Princess Celestia, oldest and most powerful of the masters of harmony, who commanded their incarnate forms in this realm and wielded both spiritual and material authority without peer. None of our shamans ever came close to that.”

Star Swirl could appreciate that. She had her own issues with Celestia after all, standing over her, being better than she could ever be, “Maybe you can understand what it feels like to look like her. I feel defensive every time someone mentions my race, like I’m supposed to be more than this.”

Kunani considered this, bitterness fading to reassignment, “I am as far from my goal as you Star Swirl.”


“I am a long way from perfection. I feel defensive and resentful when around ponies, I instinctively want to blame them for things they had nothing to do with. I love Starhammer too deeply, I get jealous of all who receive his attention. At the same time I am jealous of him, envious that I am universally considered his ‘sidekick’.” She marked this last comment with a roll of her eyes, sharply signing her final statement on the issue, “All my life, I have been ignored because of my silence.”

Star Swirl chuckled, “You’re honest about your flaws at least.” She smiled warmly at the little zebra, not really minding her admission about ponies. She would never have noticed it without her just pointing it out after all, and Star Swirl had no shortage of prejudices, “And you’re honest about it with me, so you can’t dislike ponies that much.”

Kunani gave a few gentle signs, resigned and depressed, “I’ve never spoken to a pony before.”

Star Swirl paused at this, wondering if that was possible, “But... there’s plenty of ponies in the wasteland. You’ve really never spoken to one before?”

Kunani turned a bitter eye to Star Swirl, after a moment softening her expression into one of sadness and regret. She signed wearily, clearly pained by her admission, “I have been deaf and mute from birth. The number of creatures who could be bothered to speak with me is miniscule, and until now no pony has ever cared enough.”

Star Swirl hesitated, this having gone to a dark place, “I...”

“So thank you Star Swirl.” Kunani smiled warmly as she signed, “And I would be honored if you joined me at Zenali’s house this afternoon. I am certain you would enjoy the experience.”


Kunani had been right about that, Star Swirl realising the NCR really did have a lot to gain from the zebra in one area.

The sweet smell of some unforgettable incense filled the air, the oils and lotions soaking into her skin and making her muscles feel as loose and supple as a young fillies’. Having two extremely attractive young zebra applying it was the icing on the cake. She was pretty sure both Zenali and Kunani had noticed that she wasn’t exactly all about the stallions, which made her all the more grateful and embarrassed for their joint massage... though she was well aware that the two were likely signing away behind her back and having a good laugh at her expense.

“You’re good at this...” She stated as she lay prone, aware that she should have signed it for politeness but currently unable to move any part of her body, “...where do you learn this stuff...?”

“Different places.” Zenali stated cheerfully as she washed her hooves in the faucet that fed the large bath in the center of the room, “I grew up in a house of affection, and masseur was less tiring than bed buddy.”

Star Swirl turned her eyes to the zebra, having thought she kinda looked the type when she first saw her, “Uh...”

Zenth noted Kunani’s look before shrugging her shoulders, “I’m not embarrassed. It was a classy place, and my daddy paid them a lot to keep me safe and educated.”

Star Swirl levered her hoof out enough to give a couple of lazy signs, “Rich and married?” She wasn’t naive about such things.

“Never ask about our clients. Once a courtesan, always a courtesan, and we take that stuff seriously.” Zenali grinned, angling her slim, athletic body seductively as she stepped across the wet tiles, “Anyway, that’s me, I was trained for this. Kunani on the other hand has just got a dirty mind and a knack with her hooves. Probably why the boss is so taken with her.”

Star Swirl turned her head to Kunani, the smaller zebra reclined upon one of the mats laid out upon the tiles. She lifted herself to give a suitably withering look, signing sharply, “I have studied the nervous system in detail, and understand how to influence that system through the use of physical manipulation and chemicals. Zenali gave me an appreciation for the subtleties.”

“You two have known each other for a while then?”

Kunani sighed wearily, “You remember what I said about the number of zebra able to speak to me? The house of affection Zenali belonged to had a deaf mare on the staff, so all of them were trained in sign language.” The zebra shrugged, looking depressed, “It seemed only logical to take on the role of house doctor.”

“And me and Kunani quickly became good friends!” Zenali declared cheerily, effortlessly signing at the same time, “We lost track of one another when I went adventuring, but fate couldn’t keep us apart for long!”

Kunani smirked slightly, “We hated each other. She called me a frigid bitch on several occasions.”

“Of course I was the first mare she thought of when they were on the run from Rashid. Told Starhammer that if he wanted to win he couldn’t possibly do without me.”

“You were hired by Rashid to track us down, almost killed both of us. You begged Starhammer for your life. We eventually ended up putting a slave collar on you to ensure your loyalty.”

Zenali laughed, setting down by the bath and dipping a hoof into the water, “I have to stay in practice somehow. That’s another skill they taught me by the way, one that Starhammer finds very useful.”

Star Swirl had somewhat lost track of the conversation, “What’s that?”

Zenali grinned, “I’m a total, barefaced, liar.”

Kunani grinned as she signed back, “That is true.”

“A legion of lies can fell the strongest army, without a single shot fired.” Zenali stated proudly, stepping down into the water with practiced elegance, “Not to mention careful practice in the art of shameless brownnosing has gotten me the ear of zebra from Starhammer to DJ Voice. That is my superpower, and don’t you forget it.”

Star Swirl’s ears perked up at the unfamiliar name, “DJ Voice?”

“Yeah, you know, from the Voice of the Wasteland radio station.”

Now she knew she was missing something, “There are no radio stations. All I get is static on my pipbuck.”

Zenali chuckled, slipping onto her back and propelling herself across the waters with a single thrust of her leg. It was a little distracting, Star Swirl admiring how good a swimmer she was... as well as other attributes. The zebra reached the other side and braced herself against the wall, looping a hoof about the bar there to keep her afloat, “Your pipbuck is Equestrian issue, that’s why. All transmissions on those frequencies are fouled up by the emergency broadcast. All zebra radio stations use zebra military protocols to broadcast... Kunani, put the Voice on, let her listen.”

Kunani rose lazily, giving a deadpan glare and a slow series of signs, “I don’t see the appeal of radio.”

“Yeah, yeah, lay off the self pity.” Zenali grinned as she signed splashingly to the girl, “If you want I can stand in front and translate.”

“I’ll pass.” She signed as she padded across the wet floor, clicked the radio on and returned to her spot, “Happy?”

“...call of the Elders, always brings a tear to an old stallions eye.” The voice on the radio pronounced, grizzled and deep with clear age and experience behind it, “If you just tuned in, this is DJ Voice, whispering sweet nothings from the heart of the nation. Clendal, where the grass really is greener.”

Another voice chimed in, this one clearly a ghoul, raspy and pointed, “And this is Sharps, preaching out to you from the darkness.”

Voice continued, his voice low and smooth, “We step out of the heartland now, for some tales from beyond the valley. We start out with another tale from our newest of wasteland heroes, the Steel Sister. Remember I told you about the village of Klondik, where several of their citizens had suffered... mysterious disappearances? Well not days after our wasteland wanderer had arrived than she emerged from the nearby caves with those missing zebra in toe, none the worse for wear.”

Sharp’s voice chimed in, “And before you ask, no, we don’t know if she rescued them with a pretty voice or a harsh gun. On that subject those involved are staying mysteriously... silent.”

“Either way, good going girl. Fire knows, those mountain folk need all the sunshine they can get.”

Sharp grunted, “What I really want to know is where her revolutionary companion has gone. Because yes smoothies, she is indeed traveling alone.”

Voice spoke in agreement, “Indeed, and that’s a question the Western Caesar is also asking. After a week of silence the halls of Demonivore finally opened to pronounce their judgement on that most bitter of fennels, to the tune of 20,000 Ivore.”

“Seems these days Demonivore only speaks to offer death threats. And he’s sure racking up the enemies.”

“Indeed he is. Adding to his worries, we have yet another sighting at the northern border.”

Sharp chuckled evilly, “Yet another victim of mass hysteria more like.”

Voice gave his own chuckle, warm and mature, “Whatever the case, we have two more claims of dragons over the Drakehome. Whether a monster from before the ages of zebra or too much cheap whiskey, I’ve said it before listeners but I’m going to repeat it now. Whatever your financial troubles, there are far safer ways of finding your fortune than raiding the nests of firebreathing lizards.”

Sharp agreed, his tone mocking, “Remember, even a sleeping dragon will wake long enough to toast an intruder.”

“And a sleeping dragon is a very poor riser, believe me on this. And that gives me a fine idea for our next song, so how about ‘A Fire Raises’ by Charlhome. Sharps?”

“There’s never a bad moment for some Charlhome. So take a listen to this, and don’t get roasty listeners. We’ve got some great tunes coming up for you, and I’d hate you to miss them.”

Star Swirl let the music play, looking across to Zenali for explanation, “Drakehome?”

She snickered in dry amusement, “The mountains where the All-mother and her children used to live. Zebra say that there are dozens of dragons still there, sleeping right through the apocalypse.”

“That true?”

Kunani shrugged, signing hesitantly, “I am not an expert on dragons. They are not as interesting as they think they are. Still, dragons slept there in the past, and sleep for a very long time between life cycles. It is possible some still remain.” She shook her head, signing again, “But great dragon migration used to pass over those mountains every five years. They have not been seen since the megaspells fell.”

“Well they have wings after all.” Zenali commented, wiggling her hoof about to dry it off, “They did the smart thing and vamoosed. What sensible creature wouldn’t?”

Star Swirl looked up at her wings, “Us?”

Zenali grinned, “Well you tell us. Apart from those shitty little bloodwings us zebra are pretty grounded. You’re telling me the Enclave never looked for areas where the devastation wasn’t so bad?”

Oh, they had. The griffons she knew were still sore about it, “They did. They invaded the griffon territories, strip mined their mountains and hunted the local wildlife to extinction.”

“We deserve to die out.” Kunani signed bitterly, “No sooner do we rebuild, than we seek to destroy once more.”

Star Swirl sighed. Depressing, but accurate, “The Enclave have invaded twice now, trying to destroy any civilisation that might threaten them.”

Zenali snorted, “Pegasi have always been brutes.”

“No...” Star Swirl started, trying to find something to counter that. Truth be told she couldn’t help her own prejudices, inevitable really when a group formed exclusively of one race seemed determined to kill you just for existing. Still alicorns had been in the same position once...

...though at least they had been sensible enough to know when they had lost. In the end Star Swirl had to settle for the ‘they aren’t all bad’ option, “Two of the elements of harmony are pegasi, and Fluttershy is too.”

“That firecracker?” Zenali laughed, “Don’t let her age fool you, that girl’s a fighter.”

“She... didn’t used to be.” Star Swirl commented, still rather thrown by Fluttershy’s transformation from sweet old lady to shotgun toting revolutionary. What had happened to her since she had left? If that was the result, maybe she didn’t want to know, “I feel I should talk to her, but she’s kinda scary now.”

“Not the best idea, no.” Zenali commented gravely, “I’ve spoken to her. She really hates you for siding against her.”

“I didn’t have a choice!”

Kunani frowned, signing vigorously, “Yes you did. Fluttershy made a choice, the same one you could have.”

Star Swirl didn’t think that was much of a choice. She had a choice of whether to keep breathing or not and she didn’t spend much time debating that, “To stand up to over a dozen zebra with guns?”

“I didn’t say it was a good choice.” She signed, frowning disapprovingly, “But don’t deny that you made the morally wrong decision because it was easier.”

Zenali gave her a surprised glance, eyebrow raising, “You think it was morally wrong?”

“And that’s not to leave this room. And it doesn’t mean I disagree.” Kunani signed grimly, raising herself up onto her hooves to look both of them in the eye, “But it was dishonourable and cruel.”

Zenali sighed, her voice sharp and judgemental, “We couldn’t let them go. They were far too valuable.”

“I said I didn’t disagree.” She signed furiously, her face screwed up in clear anger now, “But I’ve already had words with Icoxal and Starhammer, and I’m now telling you the same. It was not something I want to see repeated.”

“Sometimes you need to...”

Kunani cut Zenali off with a glare, “You find a better option. And if you can’t, then prepare yourself for another lecture, because I will not see this turn into another warlord’s march of conquest.”

Zenali sighed, “I’m sorry Kunani... though I don’t know why I’m apologising, I wasn’t even there.”

Kunani shook her head, laying back down upon the floor with a weary expression, “I know all of you are killers, who grew up seeing the worst of the post war landscape. That doesn’t make you bad zebra, and it doesn’t make me a good one.” She looked up at Zenali, her eyes firm as she signed, “But if I’m willing to let you carve this empire through war and conquest, you should be willing to do it without drowning puppies and stealing candy off babies.”

“We’re fighting kids Kunani. It ‘anit going to be pretty.”

Kunani lowered her head, a dark glint in her eyes, “We just have to take out Luna. Then everything will be ok.”

Star Swirl wondered. Still it was the best plan they had, and she couldn’t help but feel Luna was her responsibility. Maybe she really was becoming a proper wasteland hero.


Fluttershy lay upon the bed, her room small and cramped around her. The side table was piled with canisters of jet, Star Swirl noting that many had already been used.

“Be careful. She’s more dangerous than she looks.”

“Thank you solider.” She stated gratefully as she dismissed him, entering the room and looking down at the elderly pegasus upon the bed. You didn’t often see her naked anymore, and Star Swirl was startled by how thin and delicate Fluttershy looked out of the dresses she normally wore. Star Swirl wondered if this was a terrible idea, if she should turn back...

“Have you come to break me out?”

Star Swirl noted the small eye peeking out from under the hooves covering her face, “No.”

“I would have forgiven you. Everypony can make a mistake.”

“It wasn’t a mistake.”

Fluttershy levered herself up, her eyes cold and calculating. Here, looking her in the face? She didn’t seem so frail anymore, “You would lock up two innocents? Use them as bait so you can kill their friends?”

Star Swirl stated it as firmly as she could manage, “I’m doing what has to be done.”

“You don’t have to do it. If you agree to help, we could break them free. Get them back to Princess Luna.”

Star Swirl’s jaw dropped open, every word of that sentence more horrific than the last. She shook her head, her words a tangle, “Do you have any idea how... insane that sounds? You’re not well Fluttershy, you’re not thinking straight...”

She glared angrily, lips pursing, “I don’t know what’s wrong with you Star Swirl. I thought you were an innocent victim of Zenai’s deception, but maybe we should have kicked you out years ago.”

Star Swirl felt her eye twitch. This was ridiculous, “Why, because I don’t want to betray the folks who have treated me with nothing but kindness to join with an insane alicorn who wiped out a city?”

Fluttershy stood her ground, voice rising, “The others are with her! Dust Kicker, Zenai!”

“Then more fool them!” Star Swirl shook her head, backing away in horror at where this was going, “Princess Luna is evil, and... I don’t know what’s going on with you.”

“I’m just trying to save two innocent foals. You’re allying yourself with a bunch of raiders!”

“They’re not raiders!”

Fluttershy sent a cloud of dust up with a hard stomp of her hoof, clearly incensed, “Raiders, soldiers... all the same. Killers, preaching of honour in battle while causing nothing but suffering!” She glared, “And you... you’re just weak, and I pity you.”

Star Swirl knew it was wrong to get angry at an old lady. Still, she was being plenty pushed, “I’m doing this because I’m not weak! I’m making the hard choices...”

“No. You’re. NOT!” Fluttershy shouted, her voice cracking, “You attached yourself to Zenai because she was you’re only friend, following her into self satisfied madness! And now you’re doing the exact same thing for your new master!”

“Princess Luna slaughtered a whole town!”

“These zebra have likely killed twice that number!”

Star Swirl shook her head. This was crazy, “You’ve gone nuts, and I’m going to tell Starhammer.”

“Then I’m done with you! You’re expelled from the Followers forever! I’ll see you banished from Equestria forever!”

“Fine.” Star Swirl stated finally, turning and stalking back through the door with a storm raging within her heart, “I’m forging my own destiny now.”


Star Swirl privately enjoyed the salutes she was given as she approached the schoolhouse, standing a little straighter as she marched through the doorway. Tradash was waiting for her, having been staring distractedly at one of the posters. He looked rather guilty and embarrassed as she entered, clumsily turning and rubbing the back of his head, “Ah, miss Star Swirl, fancy seeing you here.”

She looked at the poster, it appearing to be one of the many depicting the All-Mother. It wasn’t a particularly interesting one beyond that, “What were you looking at?”

“Oh?” He looked back at the poster, “Oh, well I was just contemplating the evolving stylistic choices in regard to depictions of the All-Mother as society evolved through... um... sorry, it’s not very important.” He gave an embarrassed shrug, “I’m supposed to be seeing Starhammer, I was just... distracted momentarily. This happens to me rather often unfortunately. Drives Esau crazy.”

She grinned, not being immune to geekout moments herself, or being late due to irrepressible absent mindedness. And that reminded her of something that had been bugging her, “Where is he anyway? He’s normally like my shadow.”

“Oh...” His face fell, taking a deep breath and speaking in a tone rich with regret, “Well he’s taken recent events poorly. He has been challenged, and he often needs these times to... adapt his thinking.”

She instantly felt a pang of guilt, “Is this about what I said to him? About vengeance against those who started the war?”

“No... you two had a fight?”

“It wasn’t really a...” Star Swirl started, before remembering throwing him across the room and pinning him to the ground, “A little one maybe.”

“Well he hasn’t mentioned it, though I think...” Tradash sighed, shaking his head, “I should not gossip about him. I’m not sure it’s a good idea but... I would like you to visit him Star Swirl. Talk to him.”

Star Swirl felt her heart lurch, “I’m not really the comforting type. I’m... ineloquent.”

She wasn’t even sure if that was a word.

“No, you... well you would break through his armour easier than I, and it may well do him good to have somepony poke some holes in that hard head of his.” Tradash grinned suddenly, drawing closer with an inquisitive look in his eye, “In fact, may I tell you a secret?”

“Um... sure.”

“I believe he might be attracted to you.” Tradash grinned like a schoolgirl, extremely cheerful at the delightful prospect by the looks of it, “He certainly speaks of you often, in very emotive terms.”

Star Swirl... wasn’t sure what to say. She was, as had been repeatedly proven, not exactly an expert in such matters.

He was... intriguing. In a brutish, grumpy, infuriating kind of way. Which weren’t in any way bad things, in fact she found something rather pleasing about a zebra just as socially inadequate as her. And... “Are you trying to set me up with your apprentice?”

Tradash gave her a guilty smile, shrugging, “It... would do him good.”

“I...” Star Swirl tried to working out what her reaction should be, finally just sighing and continuing on towards the stairs. To be honest she hadn’t got the time or patience for romance, still feeling rather burned about Zenai. She certainly didn’t need a relationship with an unstable berserker, who had already promised to kill her and had frequently declared his hatred for everything she represented, “We really shouldn’t keep Starhammer waiting.”

“Oh yes, of course...”

They continued up the stairs towards the headmaster’s office, only to be stopped just before the door by a uniformed guard. He held up a polite hoof, bowing his head, “Apologies, but Starhammer is still in conference. He assures me he will be finished shortly.”

Their lateness had been to their advantage then. Go figure. Star Swirl stood there silently for a moment or two before she noticed a nagging feeling at the edge of her mind, the presence of something... familiar.

It was from the fight she had felt, before she met Esau. The silver light was of course beside her, Tradash, but now she felt its connection. The ray of golden light, Sunshine Ivory. She was behind that door. She wondered what they were talking about, impossibly curious. Still, although her hearing was good it wasn’t quite good enough to hear through a solid oak door from this distance.

Or was it...

Star Swirl didn’t know what exactly she was doing but once again she tried to recreate that technique she had felt Celestia use, expanding her senses. It was much easier this time, especially once she focused everything towards her hearing. She heard the dust settle, the floorboards creak...

She caught that hint of golden light, feeling her consciousness lurch through space, words filling her ears.

“...far more than some monster. She is charismatic, with a fine head for crowd pleasing drama, and you are an icon of everything she hates. If you let her live...”

Starhammer cut Sunshine Ivory off, sounding amused but impatient, “I already intend to kill her. Get to the point priestess.”

“I...” Sunshine Ivory hesitated, thrown off track for a moment, “Starhammer, I want to help you.”


“Because you are the one true hope for peace, unity. You know this, so let us not argue the fact.”

“And not Star Fall?”

Sunshine Ivory’s tone grew grave, “My church may be situated there, but those I follow must deserve my allegiance. Who there can lead this nation? Themba? Golden Dawn?”

“So how can you help me?”

“I have priests spreading charity throughout the wasteland, along with many other followers. I can spread news of your deeds, link you to the great heroes of old, give you the air of divinity.”

Starhammer did indeed respond to this, definitely sounding impressed, “And here’s the rub. What can I do for you?”

“I simply wish to be part of your new beginning. I want to be there when you unite the wasteland.”

“Laying your bets on me huh? Well I’ll bite... but be sure, I’ll be watching you Priestess. You’d be playing with fire if you think you’re slick enough to get one past me.”

“Of course. I would be a fool to betray your trust.”

Starhammer chuckled, “Good. Now get out of here, I’ve got an appointment waiting. We’ll discuss the full details later.”

“Very well. Good day King Starhammer.”

The door opened, Star Swirl stepping aside to let the graceful unicorn past. Sunset Ivory smiled as she did, immediately causing butterflies to explode within Star Swirl’s stomach. The mare was still amazing looking, not to mention blessed with a smile that could stun at twenty yards. Star Swirl could only stammer, “Um... hey...”

“And hello to you Star Swirl. You’re looking fit and well, exercising I see?”

Star Swirl straightened out, very pleased she had noticed, “Yes! That is... I thought it was a good idea. Now I’m fighting again.” She frowned at the concept, feeling the need to justify it, “For something I believe in, not on behalf of someone else.”

Sunshine Ivory smiled benevolently, “That’s a very wise attitude. Starhammer is a good zebra, with a worthy agenda and a good chance to secure peace. But never forget, your allegiance should be with the inhabitants of this land, to protect and guide them to something greater.”

Star Swirl felt her heart do doublefips at the very concept, “Guide?”

She nodded firmly, expression grave, “You are forged in the image of Celestia. You are no servant, or brute to be wielded by the powerful. You are a leader, scholar and monarch. Never forget that.”

“You seem to have a hunger for power Sunshine Ivory, why not take the throne yourself?” Tradash commented cheerfully, “Instead of forging this poor girl into the object of your ambitions.”

Sunshine Ivory frowned, though even that seemed soft and benevolent on the mare, “My ambitions are for peace and prosperity. To that end I would have, if I thought I met the qualifications.” She turned, smiling kindly at the zebra, “This mare has fine qualities within her. Look how she already distinguishes herself in Starhammer’s service.”

Tradash smiled back, every inch the harmless, scatterbrained scholar, “And you needed to place a demon in her to bring out those fine qualities?”

“Ember placed it. Based on your beliefs dear scholar.” Sunshine Ivory looked to Star Swirl, her eyes warm and affectionate, “The zebra fear the Star Demons, and that fear lies at the heart of their self destruction. Insecure, terrified by the monster in the dark, they embrace violence, power, strength to give themselves courage. They fought to the end of all against Equestria, because they saw some dark spectre behind what was a simple conflict born of politics.”

Tradash looked surprised, his mouth moving slowly as he processed her words, “You... placed Charaxies within this mare to show the zebra... that Star Demons are not to be feared?”

“For that, to provide the knowledge and will that Star Swirl needed, and to provide the hero and friend that Charaxies deserved.” Sunshine Ivory looked kindly upon Tradash, lifting a conciliatory hoof, “I am sorry I stole your apprentice Tradash. Be assured Ember still thinks highly of you, and has regretted leaving so suddenly ever since that day. For his part he hopes that this will prove your order right at long last, to justify those who have been so unjustly maligned.”

Tradash seemed honestly choked up by this, his breathing a little rapid and his eyes moist, “Ah... truly? Well...”

“I am not your enemy Tradash.” Sunshine Ivory stepped forward, now face to face with the scholar, “You follow the moon, I follow the sun. Maybe we are destined to come to blows through mutual misunderstandings, but we are also destined to come together again in the spirit of friendship and harmony.”

“I will... take it under consideration.”

“Thank you. Tradash, Star Swirl.” She smiled at them both before walking away, her perfectly formed little body disappearing down the corridor. Star Swirl hated to watch her go.

“Come on Star Swirl, he’s waiting.”

She sighed and continued on into the room, hoping that she would get another chance to speak to Sunshine Ivory before she left.

They moved out into the office, the robot D9 standing with Starhammer and Kunani on the other side of the table. Starhammer chuckled as they filed in, as cheerful as ever, “Ah, excellent. Sorry for the wait, in more ways than one really. I guess you’ve been waiting long enough to know why I called you down here Tradash, considering how busy you like to keep yourself.”

Tradash smiled, adjusting his glasses, “Given your interests, I guess it’s something to do with the heroic era.”

“Well done. Correct.” Starhammer placed a hoof on the table, sliding it over to the map laid out there. It settled upon a mountain in the centre... Kursiyin. The capital of the zebra empire. Star Swirl couldn’t help but tense at the sight, from what everypony had said it was an intact but cursed ghost town. Star Swirl looked up at Starhammer again, expectantly as he continued to speak, “The megaspells cleared a lot of the old rubble from around the mountain it seems. After thousands of years... the lost legion has finally uncovered it.”

“Sanatora.” Tradash breathed, “It cannot be. Sanatora was collapsed, buried forever.”

“Sealed. You think Zephyr really possessed the firepower to level an entire underground city? It’s there. Tell him D9.”

The machine beside clicked and whirred for a moment before speaking in its flat, electronic voice, “Lost Legion = Mining. Uncovered cave. Carvings of creatures = Dragonequis. Marking of (Star Demon) = Phidious.”

“Excuse me.” Star Swirl started, feeling a little out of her depth, “I know Phidious, he was the oldest and most powerful of the Star Demons. Zephyr’s victory over him marked the end of their rule, and he built his capital over the ruins of the demon’s citadel...”

“Basically true, but it was far from a great victory.” Tradash commented, turning to face her as he furrowed his brow in thought, “Records are... unreliable, as you can imagine, but we have a reasonably clear idea of events. Phidious built his lair within the mountain, boasting mutated zebra, dragons and monsters of all kinds within the ranks of his army. He was somewhat of a biologist even by the standards of his kind and experimented constantly, with his most famous creations being the Dragonequis.”

“Like Discord?”

“Yes, though the title may have simply been applied to him.” Tradash explained, “A Dragonequis is basically speaking a combination of draconic and zebric traits into one being... as at the time they were considered the only sentient races you see, so breeding the two was commonly held to produce the ‘perfect being’. Anyway, Zephyr was well aware that toppling him would send a truly powerful message, and eventually built an army large enough to try.”

Star Swirl heard the graveness in his voice, “He won right?”

“A truly bloody victory, and one which no zebra who returned would speak of again.” Tradash lowered his eyes, sweeping them across to the mark upon the map, “Zephyr ordered the place sealed away, and so it was. Long after his death his companion Zeridimous, Elder of Garm, ordered a great city built at the summit of the mountain, so that in time the place would be known as a place of learning and zebra authority, rather than a place of darkness and despair.”

“Heh, and now it’s a radioactive ruin.” Starhammer snarked, shrugging his shoulders as he withdrew from the table, “What better time for the ruins of Sanatoria to finally uncover themselves.”

“You know...” Star Swirl started hesitantly, not hearing anything good from this, “If I’ve ever read a single fantasy novel I know this much... that place has got to be full of horrific terrors from before the ages of zebra and pony, and if we even think about going down there we will all die in a horrific fashion.”

Tradash nodded, “She is right. However curious I am, that place was sealed for a reason.”

“Don’t be so dramatic.” Starhammer laughed, grinning cheerfully as he gestured a hoof at them, “Zephyr cleared that place with an army of untrained rabble, wielding iron age swords. We have guns, explosives and magical energy weapons.”

Tradash frowned, “And what do you expect to find down there.”

“It’s not so much what I expect to find down there... as what she expects to find down there.” Starhammer gave a knowing grin, rapping his hoof on the table, “Phidious’s book never left the city, and Zephyr had no means of destroying it. It’s still down there somewhere, full of the darkest secrets known to zebra kind.”

“You... think Princess Luna is looking for his Black Book?”

“I know she is.” Starhammer nodded firmly, much more serious now it was out in the open, “P9?”

The machine flashed it’s lights as it spoke, “?Alicorn = Princess Luna sighted in Area Dig Site 7. Watching operations. Attempted infiltration. Negotiated for entry.”

Tradash rubbed his chin, obviously concerned, “How could she know what you found...?”

“Wait, wait, wait!” Star Swirl finally interrupted, feeling once again left far behind, “There’s a Black Book down there? Evil soul bound tome, black magic, whispers to you in your sleep?”

“Ah, you’re familiar.” Tradash smiled happily, “Excellent. They are rather rare after all.”

“I thought they... it... was unique!” Star Swirl felt a little terror grow within her, remembering once again...


Elation, wonder, hope... all those flowed through her as she flew towards home. The mountains that surrounded Splendid Valley rose around her, bearing the promise of companionship and safe haven. And more...

They had finally done it. Their true glory had finally been unlocked! With the Black Book in the Goddess’s hooves they would become what they were always destined to be, the true saviours of the wasteland. They would bring life to this dead world, live in harmony and peace...

Then terror. The desperate shout of the Goddess to get away. Justicar didn’t listen, her concern for her mother, her creator overwhelming even her commands.

Then a flash, a searing pain. Her wings were shredded, her skin burned away. Her body hit the ground and all her legs broke into splinters, her body shattered against the hard rock.

And her soul, her memories, her family and everything that had ever given her comfort died, in a single instant of fire and pain.


“Star Swirl, are you ok?”

Star Swirl focused upon Tradash’s concerned face, still feeling pale and shaky from her unwanted flashback. She tried to recover some dignity, breathing deep, “I... the goddess recovered one of those books. Wanted to use it to make us fertile, turn us into a viable species.”

“Hmm, quite possible.” Tradash commented, childishly enthusiastic, “The beings most well known for creating them were skilled geneticists after all.”

“What...” Star Swirl tried to deflect him, not really in the mood for any more discussion on that subject, “...what are they anyway?”

“Records... or legacies rather.” Tradash commented, still cheerfully enthusiastic at the chance to educate her, “The zebra sorcerers of the old empire were known for their incredible power, they considered themselves the masters of their world and all things bowed before them. The one thing they could not conquer was death, and to this they devoted all their considerable talents. Eventually they came up with the objects in question, the Black Phylacteries. Into them they placed a small fraction of their soul, enough to create a link between themselves and the object. Upon their deaths the spells bound in these objects would activate, recording the Phylactery with their knowledge, strength and personality. These objects would then be passed down to their apprentice.”

Star Swirl thought that sounded appalling, “So their own personality could be... taken over?”

“Well, from what I heard the resulting creature is more the merger of the two personalities. Apparently it was considered quite an honour.” Tradash smiled, shrugging his shoulders, “Anyway, since the Star Demons choose many of these sorcerers as their hosts, the tradition was passed on to them.”

“And the Black Book... the one in Equestria? That had the soul of a Star Demon bound into it?”

“Well... not necessarily. It could be anyone with knowledge of the ritual involved. Still soul severing and binding is an extremely difficult and advanced procedure on its own, not to mention the further magic required at the moment of death. Whoever’s Phylactery that was, they were undoubtedly extremely powerful.”

Considering some of the things the Goddess thought it was capable of... the things Rarity had made it do... Star Swirl would say yes, “And let me get this right... the black book under the mountain would contain all the power and knowledge of Phidious himself? The Dark Lord of Terror, the Scourge of the East, most powerful sorcerer ever to live?”

Starhammer snorted, “They all called themselves things like that. Again, I’d like to see him take a rocket launcher to the face.”

“In the hands of Princess Luna?” Tradash shook his head gravely, “All indications are that she is already a very talented mage, and learned in the ways of the demon sorcerers. I would not underestimate what she could accomplish with that book in hoof.”

“Which is why I want to keep her away from it.” Starhammer commented, chuckling, “Chuck it into a volcano and be done with it. Isn’t that what’s normally done?”

“Or drop a megaspell on it.” Star Swirl commented.

Tradash chuckled nervously, “Oh... good. I was worried you would consider using it.”

“Kunani certainly would be tempted. I would be worried that you would too Tradash.” Starhammer turned his eye to Star Swirl, “What about you Star Swirl? Interested in absolute power over life and death?”

“Of course no...” Star Swirl started, before pausing to consider. That was of course how she had felt about everything. How she had thought of herself. A dangerous, evil thing, too powerful to ever be used for good. She had distanced herself from those thoughts already, was it such a terrible thing to consider further compromises...

“Volcano it is then, before any of you magically inclined folk get a hoof on it.” Starhammer commented dryly, smirking at her, “Star Swirl, you were just arguing about story conventions. Do you really think a black book that takes over minds is ever going to be a good idea?”

Star Swirl let her head drop, chastised, “I’m a princess knock off created through dark magic and possessed by a demon. Am I a good idea?”

“Of course you are. Demonic entities rebelling against their masters and becoming noble warriors fighting for redemption? Well established.” Starhammer noted, squinting roguishly as he shot her a cheerful smirk, “You were created by Twilight Sparkle and are possessed by Charaxis. Both have their faults, but neither are monsters.”

Star Swirl smiled slightly at his praise, indeed feeling much better about herself. Starhammer really did have a lot of wisdom to share. She directed her thoughts inwards, ”What do you think Char?”

“About what?”


“I was not well acquainted with Phidious. I knew of him, and he was considered the most powerful or our kind... but this you already know. As for the other matter... I would provide you some resistance to the influence of his phylactery, but it would still be very dangerous to the both of us. We would eventually both become a new creation, formed of memories from Phidious, you and me.”

Star Swirl shivered, “No then.”

“Star Swirl... that is what it’s like to live. You will internalise new memories, you will absorb new opinions. As me and you travel together we will become more and more alike, sharing what it is to be us. Eventually the distinction will fade.”

“I’ll become like you?”

“And I like you.” Her voice was reverent, “This is life. We learn, merge and evolve.”

Star Swirl felt that was like being part of the goddess again, being part of the alicorn collective. They too wanted her to ‘evolve’, in this case become more like them.

“It would not be like that. I would become a part of you, I would make you more. But the change would be equal on both sides.”

She had forgotten Char could read her mind. Still... maybe Char was right. She still didn’t know what she was, was still evolving at a terrifying rate. This was just one more aspect of that.

“Star Swirl?”

She lifted her head in shock, suddenly realising Starhammer was speaking to her. She blushed, embarrassed, “Oh sorry... my mind was wandering.”

He chuckled, seeming to be amused by her absent mindedness at least, “I was saying, since you were getting back into shape I have arranged some special help for you.”


He smiled, “A trainer, so to speak.”


This didn’t seem like such a good idea all of a sudden, and Star Swirl was increasingly tempted just to admit that her experience in flying was not exactly flattering and opt for something a little less... destined to painful failure. She still had a tiny fraction of pride however, and was aware that her flying could do with an expert’s opinion.

Whether she had an expert was a matter of opinion of course.

“Yoof follwow me, doth evweythinth I doth, yeth?”

Star Swirl struggled past the accent and the spittle, uncovering some vague semblance of meaning in that, “Yeah...”

“Nefoous?” Clear Skies grinned(?) at her, exposing rows of misplaced teeth as she did so. She clumsily stumbled over to the straight drop behind her, her misshaped wings opening up as she gave them an experimental flutter. Star Swirl gulped as she observed the course, the drop lead near vertically down the cliff face for quite a distance and pulling up into a terrifying series of gorges and caves with some of the most bizarre wind currents she had ever seen.

This was not the beginner course. There was also another issue she felt she should mention, “Um... you do know I’m a lot bigger than you?”

Clear Skies turned, studying her for a moment before shaking her head, “Nope. Onwy a wittle.”

“My wingspan...!”

“Tuck un divth.” Clear Skies stated, turning and taking a single bold step towards the edge, “Try un keth up.”

“Wha... oh shit!” Star Swirl watched her dive, leaping in straight after her with a final lurch of her stomach. The canyon opened up before her, following the green streak as she flew so close to the wall she had to tuck her legs tight into her body. It was terrifying, the wind constantly threatening to throw her against the stone, rendering her unable to open her wings too far for fear of being thrown by a strong gust of wind.

She watched Clear Skies, her wings moving in slow, smooth motions as she skimmed each gust of wind, dived through each air pocket. Star Swirl had to admit it was impressive.

The ground was also coming up very fast.

Very fast.

Clear Skies didn’t just pull up with just a moment to spare, she cartwheeled as she did so and sent dust flying in a awesome corkscrew shape, not even having to beat her wings to get aloft. Star Swirl had no chance, she had to extend her legs and give the ground a painfully forceful push, giving two beats of her wings that only left her hovering in space.

Clear Skies looped round to hover a few feet above, laughing at her expense, “Yoth need to fithnd thf curreths!”

That was easy for her to say, “I’m trying. I’m a lot heavier than you, it’s much harder...”

“Youf an alicorn!” She countered, nodding to her wings, “Youf wings are huufe and havth threth times the tenthil streth. Thaf yoth poblem!”

The hugeness of her gut was the problem, not her wings, “Isn’t than an advantage?”

She chattered, slapping herself on the forehead with a wing (and not falling out of the sky or even wobbling, once again terrifying Star Swirl with her skill), “Musffle ‘ed! Yoth fighting the wind!”

“I... woah...”

Star Swirl was just about to answer when Clear Skies suddenly disappeared in a blur, looking around for a moment before a gentle gust of air blew across her wings. Clear Skies immediately appeared to her side, chuckling as she turned into a tight corkscrew, “Which direthion did thaf comf from?”

“Um... from you?”



Clear Skies appeared above her in a flash, bouncing off her head before flying round in an arc to end up straight in front with a disapproving look, “Payth attention! Eeth gust of wind is impothent!”

“Each... and every?”

“Yeth!” She lectured, shaking her head in despair, “Thith ith like teathing a fillth to wathk...”

Well she was sorry for sucking so much. Though thinking about it... she wondered who had actually taught her to fly. She had of course been a unicorn before the Goddess got to her of course, so that meant that all of her knowledge of flying... had been imparted by other unicorns, “I’m sorry Clear Skies... maybe we do need to start at the beginning.”

Clear Skies became much more sympathetic at these words, pausing for a moment before smiling and giving a perky little nod, “Thenth watcth closthy! Leth teath you ‘ow to usth thosf wings!”


Star Swirl ached all over. Still she had to say the lesson had been a roaring success.

She had been right about her flying, never realising just how terrible the alicorns were at it. Of course she was comparing herself to Clear Skies, her declarations that she was the best flyer in the world seeming slightly more convincing now. Still the amount of subtleties that she had never even heard of before yet seemed to be considered common knowledge among pegasus were staggering, and the numbers straight out hurt. Her wing strength was almost twice that of Clear Skies, and she stated that her own wing strength was nothing to smirk at. With that the differences in their speed were painful.

She was not going to be a meat head. She was strong, yes, but she had got by on that alone for too long, “Thank you for the lesson Clear Skies.”

The pegasus turned from where she had been sunning herself on the rocky ground, looking surprised for a moment before grinning, “Noth poplem!”

“If you don’t mind me asking... how did you make it through the storm cutting off the zebra lands?”

Clear Skies considered this for... about a second, before eagerly launching into the tale, “Sonth Rainboom. Cuth straigth througth winth currethnt’s, feeth off the frithion for warmth.”

“But you would have to fly for days.”

Clear Skies chuckled, “I’mth tofally tellthing the truth here. I can sleepth in flighth.”

“You can...”

“Ith easthy in open skieth.” She shrugged, “Alwayths been morth comfortable in teth airth.”

“You’re... a pretty impressive flyer Clear Skies.”

“I knowth...” She sighed, resting her head upon a rock, “Ith alwathse goth thath at leatht.”

Star Swirl detected something a little sad and resentful there, looking over to the pegasus in concern, “That’s not the only thing you have.”

“Isnth ith?” She hesitantly and clumsily hauled herself up onto her misshapen hooves, wobbling a little as she stabilised herself, “Eventhen afther I prothfed how good ah am in theth skieth, evethyone in the Enclaivth hatethed me. They said I wath arrogthgant, unthothal, disobediathent. And ithh hasntht changthed.”

“Is that why you... fly solo?”

“Nopothy can kepth up with me.” She sighed, expanding her wings and looking up at the beautiful blue sky, “Excepth Rainbow Dathe.”

“You admire her.”

“I read up on her.” She stated, a broad, crooked smile spreading across her face, “They saith she was a traitor, arrogathent, dithloyal, a talenthend misthfit who nether palthyed by theth rulthes. I knew thath she was the one pony who could undtherstand me. That if I got to know her... I wouthld underthestand mythelf.”

“I have a memory orb of her actually.” Star Swirl admitted, having almost forgotten about it, “I’ve got her combat knife and a locket that proballly...”

She was tackled to the ground, the air exploding out of her lungs as the Pegasus ghoul landed full atop her with an expression of manic enthusiasm, “Yothdoth!? Lethgh myth seeth!”

That came out even more incomprehensible than normal. Still she had got the idea, “Um... they’re in my room. You... ah, want to see?”


Clear Skies was absolute captivated by her haul, handling the knife with religious awe and positively fitting over the locket. She looked into the memory orb like she could stare the secrets out of it when Star Swirl had mentioned its contents, Star Swirl wondering if there was some way she could transfer the memories over.

“And wathts in thesth thone?”

Star Swirl looked at the two remaining memory orbs, reminded again that she still hadn’t looked through them. She approached the orbs, inspecting them carefully. One of them had an Equestrian army top secret stamp upon it along with another tag that she wasn’t familiar with. The other was totally blank, “I don’t know.”

“Then hath a fook! I wanna thee!”

Star Swirl was hesitant, not really liking how these things took her out of herself. Still the other two had been interesting enough, “Ok, which one?”

Clear Skies shrugged before closing her eyes and wiggling her hoof between the two. She finally stopped on the clear orb, opening her eyes and jabbing her hoof towards it, “Fhath thone!”

“Fair enough.” Star Swirl stated as she walked over and placed her horn against the orb, closing her eyes as she was pulled out of herself...


Star Swirl was... somewhere warm. It seemed to be a greenhouse, full of colourful plants and flowers, metal girders overhead bearing huge heaters that pumped hot air into the room, along with the swirling magical vortex of a megaspell encased in a rune encrusted golden harness. It was definitely still under construction, parts of the roof had been closed off with white plastic panels, a big stack of them piled up at the side of the room.

She was... Rainbow Dash. She could feel the familiar stiffness in her side that she had felt in the last memory orb, obviously a long term injury of some kind. She wasn’t wearing anything this time, save a lanyard around her neck and... something strange balanced on her muzzle, pinching her nose distractingly.

Oh. Glasses. Rainbow Dash was wearing glasses. Star Swirl guessed those ones she had found must have belonged to her then.

Another pony walked beside her, a pegasus stallion. He was sky blue with a darker blue mane, bearing a clipboard cutie mark. His totally lack of remarkability was compounded by his forgettable face and amiable expression, the shiny new pipbuck on his hoof the most interesting thing about him. Rainbow Dash spoke as they walked through the garden, turning her eyes down the flowers beside, “Actually... I conceived of this place as an eternity vault. You know, just in case.”

The pegasus chuckled amiably, “Plenty of those.”

“Not protected by a top of the line energy shield, sat on top of a cloud.” Rainbow Dash shrugged, her tone casual but her body just a little too tense to really sell it, “If things do go south, this is pretty much the safest place for the Ministry. It’s much less of a target than Cloudsdale anyway.”

“I’ll update the protocols.” The pegasus noted, looking down at a flower and inhaling deeply, “Worst places to hold up I suppose. Be aware though, that this place is not a Stable. It will not hold more than three dozen ponies, at a bit of a squeeze. Not enough for the whole organisation.”

“Most us will be scattered, helping others to stables, damage control. We can deal with an endgame scenario, there’s lots that can’t.” Rainbow Dash looked down at the flowers, taking a deep breath and letting the fragrance fill her airway. Her mood seemed to drop, her voice low, “Family, kids. They take priority Trotter.”

“Of course.”

“And Fluttershy. If she’s in Cloudsdale, grab her and get her here.”

Trotter didn’t let any judgement enter his response, “What about the others?”

“They all have evacuation protocols. Hell, I reviewed most of them.” Rainbow Dash frowned deep, her muscles tensing, “That’s why I know Fluttershy doesn’t. She refuses to believe in an endgame scenario, in fact I’m pretty sure she would totally lose all will to live if one actually occurred.”

“It would be her fault.”

Rainbow Dash half whirled on him... then slowed. Her body twitched, clear uncertainty flickering through her body, “...who started this fucking war? It wasn’t Fluttershy.”

Trotter paused a moment before nodding apologetically, “I spoke out of turn commander. It is not my place to question your decision on this matter.”

“That’s right.” Rainbow Dash muttered as she pushed open a door into a smaller room, most of the panels on this one removed to reveal half completed electronics and empty megaspell harnesses. Tables were set out all around, architectural plans laid out across them. Rainbow Dash barely spared a glance, moving on through a door into the next room beyond.

The room they entered was a little neater than the previous, though stacks of wiring and other electrical components still covered the floor. It was round, with an oval roof, totally covered in those stark white panels that gave the place a clinical, sterile air. A large machine of some kind rose up in the centre, wires leading up from the floor through its metal skeleton and up to what looked like the frame of a chair perched within.

Another pony was here, a young, grey furred unicorn with a lightning bolt and screwdriver cutie mark, dressed in dirty yellow overalls and a fussy pair of glasses. She had a pipbuck on her hoof and she was levitating wires up and connecting them into the jack one at a time, eyes narrowed in concentration. She looked up as Rainbow Dash approached, chewing on her lip for a moment before speaking, “You’re running the Crusader too hot.”

Trotter answered rather huffily to this, his voice raising in pitch a little, “You really think you’ve uncovered something our engineers have missed on your first day here? Mainframe operation is well within tolerances.”

Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes and tensed in preparation to intervene, the grey furred unicorn however delivered a sharp death glare before responding, “For now. But what about in ten years time? Running it at these levels will degrade the wiring, warp the spell matrixes. You’ll start getting errors, and in weather management...”

“We can upgrade as we go.” Trotter replied, a little more respectfully now at least, “This is a very complicated piece of equipment, everyone expects it to need constant maintenance. We’ll set a date for overhaul at say... eight years...”

“With all due respect.” The unicorn declared, sharply and arrogantly, “The Canterlot sewage system has remained functional for a hundred and twenty years, with only minor maintenance. The Single Pegasus Project is designed to become a basic, public utility, a legacy for the ages.” She turned her head to Rainbow Dash, starkly challenging, “You cannot take it down for an entire refurbishment of its core systems every eight years.”

Rainbow Dash actually flushed with fear for a moment at that glare, ridiculous really in the face of this huffy young mare. It wasn’t a second later that Rainbow Dash smiled however, her voice warm and affectionate, “Go on then, impress me. Because I’m not seeing a solution Storm, just problems.”

The unicorn looked at the object in the centre of the room for a moment, taking a quick breath before speaking in a voice high and nervous, “Ok... then most obvious to me is the direct mental transfer system. It’s totally untested technology, it takes up a dozen ports we could really use, and... why?”

Rainbow Dash’s stomach sank, her lip quivering slightly. She was emotionally affected by this, though Star Swirl couldn’t for the life of her work out why. She kept her emotions out of her voice as she spoke, though the words still tumbled forward a little too quickly, “A pegasus could upload their mind into the crusader mainframe, maintain the system around the clock...”

“Then add Nexus Status Pod equipment to the chamber.” Storm considered for a moment before her head snapped round, eyes suspicious and challenging, “What are you even considering anyway? That a pony... just leave her body behind, live as a disembodied mind in some metal cage?”

Rainbow Dash paused, looking to Trotter. The stallion just stared back in expectation, forcing her to finally answer. She sounded hesitant, and Star Swirl could tell by her body’s reaction that she didn’t really believe what she was saying, “Staying in a status chamber all day would have consequences, you must understand that. Physical degeneration, social isolation... by having a mind exist within the crusader...”

“Social isolation?” Storm stated incredulously, “You seriously don’t think a pony who uploaded her... soul into a jar wouldn’t experience mental issues? They would go mad in there, alone, isolated. After a month, a year? They wouldn’t be a pony anymore, and then what would happen? You’d have a twisted technological nightmare in charge of one of the most powerful weapons in Equestria.”

“Storm Rider, you are being very overdramatic.” Trotter started, rolling his eyes, “If you wish to be taken seriously...”

“No.” Rainbow Dash cut him off, her voice firm and final, “Recruit Storm Rider is right. Remove the direct mental transfer.”

“Commander Dash, we spent a lot of money on installing it...”

Rainbow Dash shook her head, her emotions a whirl but her face firmly set in a casual smile, “You heard her, removing it will help enormously with the issues we’ve been having around power. Would it increase the maximum output?”

Storm Rider looked nervous as Rainbow Dash addressed her, looking around for a moment or two before shrugging, “Um... possibly. Certainly the system would be far more stable approaching the limits of the megaspell output.”

“Then I leave it to you. You have two days to rewire everything, and all the physical resources you need.”

The young unicorn positively paled at this, her mouth dropping open slightly, “Mo... commander... I’m only just out of the academy, and you’re asking me to rewire a crusader mainframe...”

Rainbow Dash smiled, smug and arrogant, “Do you think you can do it? Answer honestly recruit.”

“I...” She bit her lip and turned her eyes up at Rainbow Dash, taking a deep breath and adopting a serious expression, “If you were out in the field and somepony asked you to do something you honestly weren’t sure if you were capable of or not... what would you do?”

Rainbow Dash just grinned.

“I’ll do my best maam!” The unicorn saluted firmly, obviously cheered by the non-answer, “I won’t let you down.”

“You’ve already ensured there’s no chance of that recruit.” Rainbow Dash commented as she gave a lazy salute back, a warm contented feeling flowing through her as she looked down at the filly, “Do your best. I’ll have somepony look over your work when you’re finished.”

That said Rainbow Dash turned and walked away, relaxing slightly and letting her shoulders fall as she opened one of the doors and walked into what was a very similar looking chamber to the one they had entered through. This one was cold, bitingly so, and completely empty of anything save a fridge sitting opposite the door. Rainbow Dash opened it and took out a can of cider, just about to take a swig when Trotter came through the door after her.

He turned to stare at her with an amused grin, Rainbow Dash silently enduring it for a moment or two before finally speaking, “What?”


“I don’t give a shit.” Rainbow Dash spat back, taking a swig of her drink. It was bitter and strong, clearly not the brew drunk by someone unused to the hard stuff, “My way, my rules. Take it up with Luna if you’re unhappy with how I run things.”

Trotter chuckled, “You’re starting early I see...”

“Are you saying she’s incompetent?”

“She has a good attitude, and her linage and education certainly speak highly of her. I judge actions however.” Trotter nodded cheerfully, “You gave her a good test. Tight but not impossible timeframe, a problem just outside her experience, with a lot of pressure to succeed.”

Rainbow Dash snorted, taking another hearty swig, “So what’s the problem?”

“The problem is I’ve been saying exactly the same thing for months, and you didn’t give a damn then.” Trotter stated cheerfully, but with a tiny bit of a bite in his tone, “So that’s nepotism. When you give more weight to the opinion of some eighteen year old girl over your most loyal advisor.”

Rainbow Dash turned away, clearly embarrassed. A long time passed, Trotter just standing there with his look of good cheer unblemished.

And finally Rainbow Dash spoke, her voice quiet and remorseful, “I did it for her.”

“Intended to upload her brain into that metal drum?”

“No...!” She glared, her words fading, “Motherfucker.”

“Rainbow Dash, I have been in this game a long time. You know why I accepted some well connected jock as my leader, served her without question for all these years?”

She smirked, “Without question?”

“I question your plans and your opinions because that’s my job.” Trotter nodded firmly, his cheerful look fading into a hard stare with chilling ease, his hard cheekbones and cold eyes becoming apparent for the first time, “I never questioned your leadership because you’re damn good at yours.”

She looked at him, slightly surprised, “Really?”

He looked insulted, “Of course you are. You...”

“I got Zecora killed.”

“Every commander has a pool of blood at their hooves.” Trotter stated coldly, “You remember them and you move on.”


“If you tell me to drop this I will. I respect you that much.” He interrupted, continuing to eye her with grim conviction, “But I am giving you this opportunity to tell me why. To tell me just what is going on with you, and why you are giving me reason to doubt in your mental wellbeing.”

“Because I’m not damn well Trotter.” Rainbow Dash sighed, her heart sinking, “In any sense.”

“You’ve been avoiding combat ops. Not unusual, you’re well into your forties, plenty of young fit ponies ready to fight for Equestria.” Trotter eyed her knowingly, “But you used to be an adrenaline junkie, and you stopped way too suddenly for you not to have a reason.”

“You remember that cough I had?”

“The chest infection, yes.”

“It wasn’t a fucking chest infection.” Rainbow Dash stated, her voice low and her throat tight, “It was lung cancer.”

Trotter’s voice didn’t change, “That was more than a year ago.”

“Easily removed. I can get the best medical care in the country on speed dial.” Rainbow Dash stated firmly, feeling a tear coming to her eye and brushing it away quickly before he noticed. Her chest heaved painfully as she continued, “But I’ve had several more tumours develop since then. The docs reckon I got hit by some zebra weapon at some point, or maybe took too much radiation. And that gas I breathed in on the Point Break mission? It took out about ten percent of my left lung, I’m...” She took a deep breath, her chest tightening, “...I’m running on fumes Trotter. I can’t even manage a ten mile flight without feeling it.”

“And so you want to put your brain into that big drum, watch over us forever as some digital overlord?”

She whirled around to face him, her chest heaving with anger and fear, “Fuck you! I... I just don’t want to leave! I feel...” Tears dripped down her face, her voice dropping, “...it’s tightening on me... I’m going to die, and I’m... I’m scared...”

Trotter sighed, shaking his head, “You’ve seen the latest cybernetic advances. Give them a year and they’ll have a working artificial lung, five and they’ll have a cure for cancer. You are going to die as an old mare, surrounded by fat grandchildren. You know this.”

Rainbow Dash tried desperately to dry her tears, clearly embarrassed by her breakdown. She spat her words through the tears, “It’s not that easy... I can’t stop thinking about it Trotter.” She coughed, trying to clear her tightening throat, “My last combat op... I froze up. I was terrified. Everything fell apart, my training, my skill... I looked at the enemy, knew I could take them and I ran away.”

“Rainbow Dash, you’ve seen a hundred recruits experience this...”

“Not me! Not out in the field, where I could get ponies killed!” She let the tears flow now, too many to stop, “I wake up sweating and tearful, thinking of all the times I risked my life, how easily I could have been killed. I... think of never seeing them again...”

Trotter smiled, “Of course you do commander. These things aren’t weakness...”

“I’ve left a hell of a lot of orphans in my wake. Fuck if I deserve to worry about my own family now.” Rainbow Dash responded coldly, her chest tightening, “Permission to speak freely?”

Trotter chuckled, holding up a hoof, “Nothing you say will reach Princess Luna. You know that already.”

Rainbow Dash smiled at him, the brief moment of peace flowing through her body like a cleansing wave, “Fluttershy is right. This war is a nightmare, and it just needs to end. I don’t even give a damn about winning.”

“We need to win. You know the projections.”

Rainbow Dash sighed, “That’s why I’m doing this. But I’m... just so tired.” A deep, terrified despair hit her, causing her legs to buckle slightly as she let her head fall, “My body is giving out, I can feel it. Some days I feel glad that I still have the power I have, that I can end this war and give everypony the peace they deserve. And other days... I just feel so damn bitter at what this fucking war has taken from me.”

“And that’s why you wanted to upload yourself to that crusader mainframe.” Trotter smiled warmly, shaking his head from side to side, “Every old soldier needs to hang up their guns eventually Rainbow Dash. And let us face it, the days when your daughters need you to protect them are already fading fast.”

She choked a little, wiping the tears from his eyes with a hoof, “I feel like I missed it...”

“We all do.” Trotter chuckled, laying a hoof upon her shoulder, “But they don’t turn out like that on their own. And at the end of the day we’re soldiers, servants of Equestria. We all have to accept that one day we’ll simply be a service record in a dusty book, and the skills and experience we passed down to our subordinates. And neither will give you any reason for regret commander.”


“Well? Wathf did if sthay?”

Star Swirl averted her eyes from the pegasus, not really sure how to put it, “It showed the Single Pegasus Project.”


“Rainbow Dash... wasn’t well.” Star Swirl sighed, not really in the mood, “You know what, can we talk about it in full tomorrow. I kinda want to sleep on it.”

“Kepthing me in supthspence... buth ok.” Clear Skies grinned, her eyes a little sympathetic, “Buth you betther havth sthome answthers for me tomorrow!”

Star Swirl bowed her head, not really sure what to say, “Sure.”


Star Swirl was dreaming of the zebra lands again. She looked around the lonely crags for some sign of Char but saw no life at all, just dust and rock. She called out as she moved forward but was answered by echoes, kinda mirroring her mood.

Rainbow Dash had been the very model of viral, irresponsible power. Star Swirl admitted that she had found the mare very cool, and the only one of the ministry mares without a deep dark history to taint her legacy. She had founded the Dashites. She had inspired Calamity. It felt like Gawd all over again, to know that sickness could take even her.

“Oh, well fancy meeting you again!”

It wasn’t Char. Star Swirl knew who it was immediately, even before she located the form among the rocks, his ugly, muscled mass reclining lazily against the rocks as he eyed her with interest. Bloody Razor, the ugly raider who had attacked her last time she was here, “I thought I killed you.”

“I’m hard to eradicate. Like a weed.” He countered as he rose to his hooves and started towards her. He lifted his hoof as she tensed, grinning cheerfully, “Not going to make the same mistake twice. You’re tough… for some pretty little mare anyway.”

Star Swirl snorted. Even as a normal unicorn she was still barely smaller than him, “You’re tough too… for a dirty raider scumbag.”

He laughed, “Not going to lie, most of my kind don’t know the first thing about fighting, and the rads and shitty food don’t exactly produce the strongest or the toughest.”

Star Swirl had to admit, this was the first time she had actually spoken to one. She had always considered them like animals, like manicores or timberwolves, incapable of reasoned thought, “And you’re different?”

“By dint of luck mostly, but yeah.” He chuckled, casually waving a heavily scarred hoof, “I was born like this, bigger, smarter, thickhided… mutation is a funny thing, but it did alright by me.”

“Then you should have ditched those losers and helped protect those who really mattered.”

“They did matter. They were family.” He smirked arrogantly, “Maybe you don’t understand that, you civilized folk all backstabbing each other over slips of paper.”

“As opposed to massacring anypony that crossed your path!”

“Again, so unlike civilized folk.” He gave her a smug grin, shrugging a shoulder at her, “Those folk with the Steel Rangers, or Arbu, or Tenpony Tower. Right friendly they were.”

Star Swirl eased down a little, though she wasn’t going to be fooled by straw ponies, “We weren’t all like that.”

“Neither were we.” He stated bluntly, his expression smug. It quickly faded however, turning into a rather sweet look of wonder at the sight of something behind her. He nodded at it, chuckling to himself, “Well will you look at that. A phoenix. Never thought I’d see the day.”

“Where?” She turned, the green glare of its flames growing around her. It filled her eyes, burning away her surroundings in a flash of light…


Star Swirl lifted her head from her pillow, her eye focusing upon the soft green light shining through her window. She threw her sheets away and galloped over, unlocking the catch and sticking her head out into the chilly night air.

She looked up towards the source of the light, her mouth dropping open in shock. The bird circled the town, its regal plumage impressive even if it hadn’t been wreathed in shining green flame. A couple of guards ran down the street towards it, one of them raising his rifle. Star Swirl was just about to shout... something... when the green bird opened her wings up and a bright burst of light blinded the guards, the shot going impossibly wide. That done, the bird swiftly did a quick loop and shot off down the street, the guards swiftly recovering and charging after with yells and curses.

Star Swirl teleported down to the street, watching them depart. This seemed... wrong. A bird like that was not a regular occurrence. In fact she only knew of one like it.

A dark shadow ran along the rooftop, cloaked and swift. Star Swirl only had a second to register it before it was gone, disappeared into the darkness.

And then the weapons store exploded, sending flame roaring upwards into the sky. Sirens blared, the sound of running hooves and shouting erupting from all around.

Star Swirl instantly turned and ran for the prison cells.


Another fire lit her side as she ran towards the cells, turning to watch the storehouse slowly ignite. She hesitated for a moment before figuring whoever did it had to be nearby, running towards the blaze and looking around for anything out of the ordinary.

She saw the round object fly, dodging to the side as it hit the wall of the building opposite and exploded into bright flame. Her shields easily handled the heat, flinging a ball of light in the direction of the offending object and... not being that surprised at what it revealed.

Fluttershy stared at her with rage and defiance, clad in a zebra stealth cloak and carrying a bandoleer of incendiary grenades and a combat shotgun. There was a second of shared acknowledgement before Fluttershy drew... and Star Swirl knocked the shotgun out of her hands with a burst of Telekinesis, “No.”

Fluttershy followed her bouncing weapon with her eyes before her hoof moved for a grenade. Star Swirl glared and Fluttershy hesitated, her hoof returning to her side. She turned to stare back up at Star Swirl, backing away, “Look the other way Star Swirl.”


“Because it’s the right thing to do.” Fluttershy narrowed her eyes, “Because if they catch me, they’ll kill me. And you would be responsible for that.”

Star Swirl shook her head in confusion and despair. To say this was a new side to the mare was an understatement, Fluttershy had totally lost her mind, “Are you serious?”


Star Swirl snorted, striking the ground with and lowering her head, “Surrender! Or... I’m actually going to hurt you!”

“Try it.”

Star Swirl growled and charged forward, enveloping the mare in a bubble of telekinesis to hold her in place. To her surprise however Fluttershy didn’t flinch, simply going limp and slipping out of her hold, rolling across the dirt and slamming a syringe into Star Swirl’s leg.

Star Swirl cursed, feeling the poison already flowing through her... and being immediately neutralised by her natural alicorn resistance and Char’s magic. Star Swirl was irritated enough by the wave of sickness and light headedness to slam a hoof into Fluttershy’s side however, launching the mare into the ground with a thump and a yell.

“Excellent work Star Swirl!”

Star Swirl turned at the sound of Starhammer’s voice, the stallion moving down the street flanked by Kunani and two of his senior guards. Immediately something struck her hard in the shoulder and sent her stumbling, Star Swirl catching her balance as Fluttershy ran at her with a large iron bar between her teeth, “Whoh, Celestia’s teats...” She flicked a hoof around and sent the bar flying with a clatter, using that hoof to then press against Fluttershy’s chest and flick her onto her back. She pinned Fluttershy to the ground with as little force as she could, now feeling pretty sorry for the angry little mare. It took cast iron ovaries to take on an alicorn, let alone as a seventy year old mare armed with an iron bar, “Stay down Fluttershy, please.”

“Listen to the mare Fluttershy. Act up again and I won’t be as gentle.” Starhammer stepped over, his tone friendly and his smile casual. He nodded to the pinned mare, “Where are the children?”

Star Swirl looked at him, “They’re gone? Don’t tell me that diversion earlier...”

“Oh, I’m not that stupid. Doubled the guard.” Starhammer chuckled cheerfully, “Just informed that they were all found beaten into unconsciousness, the prisoners nowhere to be found. So where are they Fluttershy?”

“Hehe...” Fluttershy giggled, rather disturbingly and very forced, “I don’t know.”

“I see.”

“Not fooled by a diversion huh?” She smiled, wide and very crazy, “I knew they could break them out, the diversion was to cover their escape. You caught me, well done. But I’m afraid I don’t know anything about Princess Luna, or anything else of use to you.”

Starhammer continued to smile, “Who’s they?”

“Didn’t get their name, or their face, or... well they’re a zebra. Hope that narrows it down for you.”

Starhammer laughed, shaking his head in amusement, “Keep sassing me in front of my soldiers, and I may have to publicly beat that stupid grin off your face.”

Fluttershy’s smile faded into a dark glare, “Try me.”

“Star Swirl, remove your hoof.”

She looked at him. He was still smiling, though there was an unsettling glint in his eye, “What?”

“Remove your hoof. A lesson must be taught.”

Star Swirl removed her hoof, stepping back to give them space. She stared in trembling fear and expectation as Fluttershy rolled back onto her hooves and faced off against Starhammer, looking positively ridiculous next to the big zebra. Star Swirl looked up at him, her voice shaking, “I know a spell that can just knock her out, we can keep her...”

“Be quiet for a moment Star Swirl.” Starhammer sighed, pacing the ground before Fluttershy, “You really don’t know anything?”

Fluttershy nodded, tense and ready for whatever was to come, “No, I don’t.”

“Your screams could draw them back to help you.”

Fluttershy didn’t flinch, “They’re long gone.”

“Then this will have to be personal.” Starhammer stated as he stepped forward, blocked Fluttershy’s clumsy swing and slugged her hard across the jaw. She hit the ground with a cry, Starhammer simply hauling her back up by her stealth cloak. He lifted her easily, slamming her into a concrete wall twice with numbing force before bringing her closer so he could speak, “You damaged a lot of weaponry. That was worth a lot to me, good guns are hard to come by.”

Fluttershy gasped in pain, wincing as she opened one eye to glare at him, “And... beating a old mare up... makes you feel better...?”

“I enjoy beating up those who hurt me. Is that so hard to understand?” He dragged her over, let her go and struck her hard enough to send her flying down the street quite a way. He took a deep breath and shook his hoof as she bounced and tumbled, continuing forwards with slow, purposeful steps and the same expression of slightly exasperated civility, “I don’t discriminate. And trying to pass yourself off as some harmless old lady? Don’t insult me.”

Fluttershy gasped and rose once again, her hooves shaking. She shouldn’t have been standing after a blow like that, Star Swirl not sure how she could take this much abuse. She wasn’t sure how long she could just stand here and watch, though averting her eyes, running away... seemed so cowardly, “Starhammer, that’s enough!”

“No. I’m afraid it isn’t.” Starhammer’s smile faded, stopping in place and staring at Fluttershy long and hard. He shook out his hoof, moving it upwards and slipping it through the leather strap at the hilt of his sword, “You’re actually dangerous to me Fluttershy. You’re a threat, a serious one. Congratulations.”

Kunani signed something to him but he wasn’t watching, and it was too dark to see anyway. Star Swirl couldn’t say anything, only watch as he drew the heavy blade from his back, balancing the weapon near longer than him upon his shoulder as he advanced. Fluttershy backed away, clearly afraid now, her eyes flicking around for a weapon, “You... you won’t intimidate me!”

“I almost believe it.” Starhammer stated with sadness, “Dedicated, clever, not afraid to die. I can’t let you live.”

Star Swirl took a single step forward, “Starhammer, no!”

“Sorry Star Swirl. Avert your eyes.”

Star Hammer charged, the strap going tight as he lifted his sword for the swing...

There was a roar of dark smoke, condensing between him and Fluttershy. It formed the shape of a pony of impressive proportions, mighty wings and long sharp horn. That horn crackled with lightning, illuminating the darkness, striking forward in a mighty roar. Starhammer halted his swing, brought his blade up and caught the bolt upon the steel, flinging it down beside him with a crack of shattering cobblestones. He laughed as he readied himself once more, crouching low, eyes narrowed, “Well here’s a more worthy opponent! Ready to finish this demon!?”

Princess Luna observed him for a moment before turning her eyes to the terrified form of Fluttershy behind her. Her expression grew dark and angry, flicking Starhammer an unpleasant look, “Book an appointment scumbag.”

Then she teleported once again, taking Fluttershy with her.

And Star Swirl was ready. She caught the magic, felt it, followed it. For all Luna’s power she wasn’t subtle, the trail clear. Star Swirl concentrated for a brief moment before the world lurched around her, following the alicorn’s trail as she shot across the sands.

Luna turned her head in suprise as Star Swirl teleported in behind her, to her credit quickly springing round and raising her shields. Star Swirl did the same, circling as Fluttershy backed away in distress. They were a way outside the town, the moon in the sky, the air cool and silent around them. Star Swirl felt a twinge of fear, the memory that this alicorn had destroyed her last time clear in her mind.

She was stronger now. How much stronger? Hard to say.

Princess Luna spoke first, “You’ve truly thrown your lot in with him.”

“I’ve thrown my lot against you!”

Luna wrinkled her nose in bitter offense, angling her head up tall and proud as she protested “I helped you back at the dragon! I gave you the opening to get what you wanted!”

“You helped me betray my friends!”

“I helped you find your true calling!” She shouted back. Luna was grinning now, clearly having way too much fun. Her movements were hammy and over empathised, her words delivered like she was on stage, “And now you repay me by kidnapping my little ponies. Taking mere foals and locking them away!”

Despite the pantomime villain act this... hit home. Star Swirl already felt guilty, and it being thrown in her face by this slinking, charismatic demon couldn’t help but sting, “I... I didn’t have anything to do with that!”

“Oh but you did.” She grinned evilly, levelling her horn at Star Swirl, “And now you will pay for that in blood.”


“Enough talk! Have at you!”

Star Swirl couldn’t believe it, just standing dumbstruck as Luna let her shields down and charged horn first. She had to be kidding. She really... it just seemed so chivalrous and old fashioned, akin to drawing saber and standing apace in a pitched battle.

Star Swirl wasn’t having any of it.

Star Swirl ducked Luna’s horn, launched herself low and tackled the alicorn backwards with all her strength. The alicorn hardly resisted, as Star Swirl suspected not prepared for such a tactic. Her hooves left the ground, her body hoisted into the air, thrashing uselessly... and Star Swirl hurled her into the ground. Luna bounced, dust flying, her voice crying out in pain. First blood.

And she quickly attempted to rise, stunned and off balance. Star Swirl moved forward quickly and assertively, slamming a hoof into her face and knocking her back down. Another blow clearly hurt Luna, a third splitting her nose and drawing blood.

Luna tried to fight, her hoof kicking into Star Swirl’s abdomen. She didn’t have the leverage, Star Swirl taking it without flinching and repeatedly slamming her own hoof repeatedly into the alicorn’s chest. Luna gasped, screaming, Star Swirl feeling ribs snap after the first few blows. Star Swirl didn’t let up, daren’t let up, striking the mare again and again, not letting her get a moment of advantage to turn this into a replay of their last fight. Luna yelled and thrashed, her desperate attacks totally pointless against Star Swirl’s superior skill and strength.

She was winning! She was winni...!

Star Swirl felt the hum, the surge of air. She engaged her shields just in time, knocked away by the impact of the bullet striking her in the side. She opened her wings and landed clean, Swift Crimson landing opposite with a loud thump and his wings wide. He had his heavy revolver back, levering it up and firing five rapid shots into her shields. She took them without flinching, hardening her defences. Her shields could take an anti-tank round focused like this, the buck eventually running out of ammo and spitting his words in her direction, “You will not hurt her, you will not even come NEAR her!”

And her shields were no defence against this. Especially as she looked to her fallen foe.

Luna was crying. They were the bitter, howling tears of a hurt foal, her body curled up defensively. She was bleeding, clearly in pain, broken physically and emotionally. Star Swirl hesitated, hoof pawing the ground as she tried to regain momentum, “I... get out of my way.”

Swift Crimson set his jaw firmly, “Never.”

She... she felt like the bad guy. Her voice shook, “I could easily go through you. I just beat Luna.”

“Then you will have to go through me.” He spoke firmly, with the weight of fierce emotion in his voice, “Because while I stand, you will not touch her.”

“And me too.” Fluttershy stated quietly as she lined up.

Star Swirl... hesitated.

The air thickened.

An empty space became a gust of wind, then swirling soil, then earth, then soft black and white stripes. Kunani stepped out of empty air to press her hooves again Fluttershy and Swift Crimson, dropping them both without a sound. Her soft, deep eyes met Star Swirl’s, her hooves signing, “You may now go through them without any trouble.”

“Kunani... how did you...?” Star Swirl started, before a more pressing concern became apparent, “Watch out!”

Kunani turned as Luna rose behind, totally calm as black lightning charged at the alicorn’s horn. Star Swirl was about to scream about her previous encounter with the lightning when it discharged with a crack, arcing about Kunani and discharging into the ground with a terrific roar. Kunani was unmoved, simply stepping forward gracefully and blowing upon a raised hoof.

A zebra symbol appeared upon Princess Luna’s chest, her whole body suddenly contorting, shifting painfully. The already wounded alicorn staggered backwards, her form flowing like oil in an attempt to retake its shape. Kunani didn’t give her the chance, taking some dirt and flinging it aggressively at the ground. Blades formed from the very air, striking the alicorn again and again, making her scream and thrash as blood splattered the ground. The attack eventually ceased and Luna hit the ground limp, Kunani drawing a long, ornate dagger from her saddle bag and moving towards the fallen pony.

Star Swirl was... awestruck. She had heard that the zebra had magic, but thought it was in the same manner as earth ponies had magic. She rolled it around her head, that she had just witnessed a creature with no horn unleash devastation that would make Twilight Sparkle green with envy.

And then the dagger came into focus, “What are you going to do?”

Kunani signed but a single word as she raised the dagger for the strike, eying the alicorns neck, “End.”

The dagger sliced down, Star Swirl’s mouth opening in a silent scream... and Princess Luna’s form burst into shining stars. Those stars then suddenly surged upwards, collecting around a dark figure in the sky, her wings opening wide as she shouted to the heavens, “LUNA’S REQUEM!”

The stars came down about Kunani, exploding into shredding balls of fire and shrapnel. The zebra’s calm countenance was wiped off her face, replaced with fear... then resolve. She stomped a hoof, the air solidifying, becoming thick and hard to breathe. Luna’s wings failed to find purchase and she dropped off course, the stars flying off course to flatten the nearby hillside with deafening force.

Luna finally lost the air currents completely, swooping down in a barely controlled fall and hitting the ground with a thump and a clumsy roll. Star Swirl saw that Kunani hadn’t come out of that exchange unharmed but that she was simply ignoring her wounds with nothing but a grimace, throwing up her hoof and sending walls of dirt and rock shooting up around the fallen alicorn.

Luna took one moment to observe her situation before her horn shone with purple light and her form vanished with a flash. Kunani flung her hoof to the side and she reappeared in mid air, travelling at high speed and with the clear signs of a failed teleportation upon her body. Luna was too shocked to stop herself, ploughing into the ground at high speed and spinning head over hooves. Kunani smiled now, flinging her hoof up again and sending a pillar of earth rising up right in the alicorn’s path.

Luna extended her wings and they slowed her long enough for her magic to charge, slicing the pillar from the ground and into two separate pieces, separating them to allow her to fly through the middle. She turned and skidded across the earth sideways, her magic flashing as she used her telekinesis to fling one of the rock pieces straight at Kunani. The zebra obviously hadn’t expected this and she was forced to desperately scramble away, Luna conjuring several shadow ponies in her path that leapt in for the kill.

Kunani produced an object from inside her bag and it flashed with light, burning the shadows away with piercing shrieks. No sooner had she done so however than she was struck by a burst of purple light from Luna’s horn and sent flying through the dirt, the object she had been carrying flying away. She squeaked shrilly, desperately flinging something down at the ground that caused it to become soft and yielding, absorbing her impact with minimal harm.

Luna was already charging a spell, lightning forming about her horn in harsh crackles. The excess grounded itself around her, the alicorn already shaking from the strain... Kunani regained her footing and her breath, setting her hooves firm and reaching for her bag...

The lightning discharged, arching into the sky before roaring down right upon Kunani’s head. She caught it on a strange object torn from her bag at the very last moment, thrusting both it and the lightning back at Luna. Luna stepped forward and took the bolt upon her horn, forcing it backwards. They strained like that for a moment or two before the victor became apparent.

Kunani gasped, dropped the incinerated object upon the ground and cradled her burnt hoof with tears in her eyes.

Luna took one step forward before staggering, vomiting blood and falling onto her knees, her eyes rolling upwards.

Kunani gulped back her pain, drew her dagger one more and advanced a little more slowly and cautiously this time. Star Swirl backed up, not even wanting to be here anymore. Her heart waited to beat as she watched the zebra draw closer and closer...

A bullet bounced off her shoulder, drawing a deep trail of blood and causing the zebra to scream loud and shrill. She gasped as she looked at the open wound now pumping freely, looking up to the iron sights of Dust Kicker as he stood upon the ridge with his rifle still trained on her.

She thumped her remaining hoof against the ground and disappeared from sight in a gust of swirling earth.

Luna gasped in relief as her opponent finally retreated, Star Swirl finally able to get a good look at her. What she saw honestly shocked her, the alicorn wet with both crimson blood... and thick black oil. The blood trailed behind her in a long trail, the oil however would quickly retreat back into her hooves every time it struck the ground. It looked like it was trying to solidify around her but couldn’t quite make it, occasional ripples spreading across her skin. Her left eye was swollen shut, her lip mangled, her shoulder shifting and her gait stumbling in a way that suggested that the whole joint was clearly broken.

She shouldn’t have been standing. Clearly no one had told her this.

She stumbled over to Swift Crimson, forcing her eyes open to look at him. Her eyes were full of grief and confusion, her face furrowing as her horn ignited in a pathetically spluttering light.

It flickered and failed, Luna gasping and looking like she was about to fall. Then her eyes closed tight, her body tensing... and her magic flowed, glowing bright as it spread into Swift Crimson’s body. He murmured, shifting as if he was asleep.

Luna smiled briefly before collapsing, her body... melting. Her legs, head, tail... all disappeared inwards, leaving a simple egg shaped ball of ebon blackness upon the sands. It looked hard and smooth, like her skin. There wasn’t a single mark upon it.

“Star Swirl!”

She looked at Dust Kicker as he galloped towards her. A hundred emotions filled her body, fighting for dominance as she hesitated.

She took the cowards way out, teleporting away without a word.


Level Up - Level 10 reached.

New Perk acquired: Piercing Strike – “Sorry, was that your spinal cord?”
Armor parts before your blows! Piercing Strike makes all of your Unarmed and Melee Weapons (including thrown) negate 15 points of Damage Threshold on the target.

This fanfiction is based on Fallout Equestria by Kkat, it is highly recommended that you read that first for context. Reading Fallout Equestria: Pink Eyes by Mimezinga will help understanding, but isn’t required.
Many of the characters and much of the setting are not mine but are on loan from the very awesome Kkat, or are taken from My Little Pony - Friendship Is Magic by Hasbro. This story makes no pretentions at being canon with either, and is merely a ‘what-if’ set in the same world.
If you enjoy Fallout Equestria Side Stories, you will want to check the Fallout Equestria Side Stories post on Equestria Daily and the Fallout Equestria Side Stories thread on Ponychan.

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