• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 5,560 Views, 280 Comments

Fallout Equestria : Black And White - Philweasel

Peace between the NCR and Zebra wasteland becomes a battleground between competing factions.

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Chapter 2.15 – Walking in Shadow

Chapter 2.15 – Walking in Shadow

Darkness, pain and... loneliness. Confusion.

Ace Gold would always remember this place. The blue tiled walls, the smell of disinfectant. The corridor echoed with the hoofsteps of blue gowned ponies.

His mother lay upon a bench a few feet away, her head lowered. The radio continued its drone, a constant unwanted reminder of the events that were very much apparent. Neither of them could find the energy to turn it off.

“And in case you’ve just tuned in, this is New Canterlot Radio with an emergency broadcast. Arbiter Velvet Promises is dead, and Deadshot Calamity lies mortally injured, both the victims of an assassin sent by the Applejack Rangers. I repeat, the Arbiter is dead and Deadshot Calamity is currently in emergency surgery...”

“Why mom?”

He received only silence.

“I thought the Applejack Rangers were the good guys.”

Velvet Remedy shifted, wiping tear stained eyes with a hoof as she lifted her head, “They have never been the good guys. They destroyed my home, they killed thousands of innocents throughout the wasteland.” She gritted her teeth, letting out a long sigh. Her eyes focused upon the radio. They were full of a rage and hatred that he had never seen in his mother before or since, her words full of a dark hate that he never thought would ease, “Steelhooves was the only decent one among them, and he died for that virtue.”

Memories... dark memories...

Standing in the crowd, watching. Expectation, not fully understanding but happy to see his father and others he knew the centre of so much attention. The podium had been set up outside the half finished Presidential Palace, Ace already sure enough in his interests to find the structure’s growth fascinating. The largest post war construction ever made they said, and unlike Hoofbeats or the Cathedral a totally original building.

He knew some weren’t happy about that, but he was. He was grateful to the mare stepping up on the stage, her crimson dress bold and aggressive against her white coat and ebon black mane. She smiled as she saw the roaring crowd, her steps confident and her manner striking. He had heard many say unkind things about Velvet Promises, including his own parents, but he liked her. Her attention felt like more than the attention of others and she gave it freely, always smiling, always full of energy. And behind her, smart for one of the few times in his life in his bemedelled commissioner’s uniform, his father. Calamity searched the crowd with his eyes and Ace jumped up, his father however had already turned away to confer with the two stallions at his side. That done they all took positions around the podium, Calamity removing his cap and holding it to his side as he followed Velvet Promises.

She took position at the microphone, looking about the crowd for a moment more before speaking, “Some have called me arrogant.”

She paused at her unexpected first line, the crowd slowly starting to murmur, the sound steadily rising to a low roar. It ceased instantly as she spoke again, cutting through the ambient sound like a knife, “I am proud that I pursued my policies with unyielding dedication. That I did not back down, or compromise. And it was those policies that gave us what you see before you! Prosperity! Peace! Freedom!” She smiled, angling herself charmingly, “And those policies are yours. I saw that you wanted a free market, and I gave it to you! I saw that you wanted the freedom to make your own decisions, and I gave it to you! I saw that you wanted freedom from the thugs with guns, who had oppressed you for so long in the name of ‘security’! Those ponies said that you would fall apart without their watchful eye, that you would be prey for raiders and thieves! And look at us now! Four years have passed, and we are wealthier, freer, living in a new land of culture and... opportunity that would make our ancestors jealous...”

She trailed off a little at this and looked over to the side in irritation, Ace following her gaze. A pony in an Applejack Rangers uniform had made it up onto the stage, shining an ID badge at one of the officers and pushing past him without pause. Calamity frowned and moved over, confronting the pony, angling himself so he was between him and Velvet Promises. The strange pony yet again tried to shove past Calamity but his father blocked him, firmly forcing him back with a hoof.

Velvet stepped off the podium, clearly incensed. She shouted something, though the microphone only picked up vague echoes. Calamity turned his head to look at her.

The Applejack Ranger pulled a pistol from it’s holster with his teeth, placed it under Calamity’s chin, and fired.

The crowd erupted in screams. Ace’s heart felt like it had flatlined. He could only watch as his father dropped limply, crimson exploding from the top of his skull.

And the Applejack Ranger didn’t stop there, letting Calamity fall atop him, shielding his body with his limp form as he came forward. Velvet Promises knocked the microphone to the floor as she backed away in terror, her desperate scream just picked up over the screeching feedback. Then she shuddered, staggering on limp hooves. Her shoulder was hit first, then her throat, then another through her forehead. Before he had the chance for another shot the Applejack Ranger suddenly spasmed and hit the ground in a sprawl, dropping beside the bodies of his victims.

It seemed to take an age for the medics to rush the stage, panicked guards trying desperately to control the crowd. Ace just stood there, falling to the ground as his minder tried to drag him away. He couldn’t keep his eyes off the stage. Numb despair locked his eyes on that terrible scene.

It faded away at last, only to leave him once again in that terrible waiting room. Anger flowed through him, frustration at being trapped in this horrible memory, “You should have been there.”

His mother didn’t rise to the bait. Her voice was full of nothing but sorrow, “What could I have done?”

“You’re a doctor! You could have...”

She sighed, lifting her head to look him in the eye with a quiet weariness, “The best doctors in the NCR are with him right now. I’m not one of them. I’m just a bureaucrat with a clipboard.”

Ace seethed with frustration. She wasn’t talking to him. She never talked to him. She just used him as a sounding board for her own issues! Why couldn’t she understand? “You’re going to stay now. You’re going to stay and look after us, you won’t leave again.”

Her face twisted in terrible regret.

“No!” He shouted, “Dad is dying in there, and you’re already thinking about leaving!?”

Tears broke upon her face, her body tensing in terrible pain, “I’m... fighting for a fair world. A just world, a world without fear. For your father, for Littlepip, for... everypony.”

“What about for us!?” He reared up, angling his all too small body aggressively towards his mother, “Me, dad and Elley, we need you!”

“Your father is dying in there because I haven’t been working hard enough!” She shouted suddenly, jumping down off the bench and screaming shrilly at him. He backed off in fear and her face dropped, body shivering and her eyes growing wide, “I... can’t stop here. I can’t... I can’t protect him. Or you, or Elegant Waters. They’ll keep killing, keep destroying... until I create a new world. A better world, for all of us.”

He gasped in pain, his own tears now forming. He couldn’t stop them, couldn’t stop his words. His world collapsed around him, “We need you.”

“You can’t have me.” She spoke it with utter shock, voice shaking, “The Rangers need to be stopped, driven back out into the wasteland they are clearly more suited for. The NCR government has to be stabilised, new elections prepared, the public reassured, rioting contained... I can’t do that here.”

“Why?! Why you!?” He shouted at her, “You’ve already saved the world twice!”

“And it... never stops.” She let her head drop, looking tired beyond contemplation, “And eventually it takes... everything... from us...”

The words of the radio continued to echo in his head.

“Those who did this did this to divide us. We cannot let them succeed. I am angry, yes. Angry beyond measure, at those who feel they need violence to make their point. But we must show them the error of these cruel methods, and not perpetuate them.

I will personally lend my aid in tracking down those responsible. But Paladin Cross Edge and the 1st Dragons, are they villains? Did they plan insurrection when they defended the Whitetail against the four thousand? Did Elder Prime Numeral desire the destruction of the NCR when he took in the tired and the hungry after the flooding of the crystal plains? The Rangers of the NCR have defended this nation and defend it still. The council has already seen seven of the seventeen Elders of the Rangers offer themselves into custody and swear the allegiance of their followers, and six more have sent messages proclaiming absolute submission to the state. If this is an insurrection it has been firmly denied by the very organisation it proclaims to be a part of.

I give High Elder Emerald Shine and the other three who have failed to respond this ultimatum. Twenty four hours. Twenty four hours to make a statement, to show clear intent to single out those responsible, to answer for this insurrection planned under the banner of their authority. Or the NCR will, by the power given to it by those who elected its representatives in trust, name a new Grand Elder from those of proven loyalty and take steps against those who are not. Harmony will be brought to bear, the nation will unite behind its elected representatives and those responsible will be forced to answer for this crime.

I do not state this as a representative of this nation. I have no position, no authority. I state it as a zebra who has watched it grow, who knew those who forged it from their own sweat and blood. I state it as a zebra who knows that it has strength to weather this and anything else the old world of pain and despair can throw at it. I state it as a zebra who knows harmony will prevail in this, as in any other trial.

So join with me. Trust, and hope. That those behind this will understand that their evil methods have no chance against the power of our united bond. And that they will realise this before more blood must be paid.”

“...ahem, that was Miss Zephyr, bearer of the Element of Magic, live from this station. Stay tuned for more statements on this most terrible of events, right here on New Canterlot Radio.”

Emerald Shine never did answer. He was found in his office an few minutes after that broadcast, his console wiped and his brains blown out, pistol still sitting in his mouth. A million conspiracy theories followed. His Star Paladin stood in front of a firing squad still pleading his innocence, along with a dozen other high ranking officers who, as far as many were concerned, had simply been a little too loud and insistent about the need to ‘do something’ about Velvet Promises in the months leading up to her death. Whole bases were closed down, those within dishonourably discharged. Few clear signs of conspiracy were drawn, the assassin, Paladin Bitter Lemon, a loner with several rebukes for disobeying orders and a reputation for erratic behaviour. Still few felt too much sympathy.

His father emerged alive from the butchers table, though at first it didn’t seem too much of an improvement. He sat in his bed, eyes open and tracking yet with no signs of recognition. A month later he would notice and smile at you, and then try to make some sounds sometimes. And little by little, his father returned to him.

And his mother withdrew. She spent weeks lobbying and arguing for the disbandment of the Rangers, an argument that fell on deaf ears. They were too vital, too expansive, and it was deemed quite likely that Bitter Lemon and the others involved had been extremists. With their reorganisations and mass purges it was felt they had been adequately punished. She retreated from the issue, humiliated and disheartened, uncharacteristically silently and withdrawn for months afterwards.

And she looked upon her husband with bitter sadness and regret, short tempered and frustrated. She would wince and look away when she saw him stumble, when it became apparent important events had been wiped from his memory, when he got confused or stricken by one of his headaches. His mother was already a stranger in her own house by the time she announced that she was leaving to ‘clear her head’. A month later his father told him that they had agreed to a divorce.

She was a coward. She couldn’t face the terrible events that she purported to combat, and so she ran away from those who needed her. And Ace would never, ever forgive her for that.


“I’ve fixed you. Made you right.”

Ace opened his eyes with only the greatest of effort, the lids stuck together with dried blood. The scared raider stood before him, his terrifying face dimly visible through Ace’s one swollen eye. Ace felt like he was ready to die, his whole body in utter agony. He forced open broken lips, feeling the skin shift horribly about his face, “Wut...”

“I’ve never seen any pony so soft. Too soft for the new world. It would have torn you apart little pony, some raider would have been wearing that skin as a coat.” The scared raider smiled, almost kindly, “I’ve made you ugly, so you can survive out here. So you can be one of us. So you can be strong.”

“Plez... just wanna... go home...”

The scared raider shook his head sadly, slipping a rusty scalpel into his hoof brace, “But those eyes... so innocent.” He moved forward with resolve, holding the blade to Ace’s face, “We’ll have to do something about that.”


Pleasant surroundings. Reassuring smells. A caring voice.

The layers of the sculpture opened before him like a blooming flower, layers of carefully forged metal supporting the emerging form of a newborn pony, delicately moulded from blown glass. The fragile and beautiful new life, emerging from the chaos of the modern world. It... pleased him.

“It’s beautiful Ace Gold. Now who said they didn’t have the head for art?”

Ace Gold smiled despite himself as the mug of hot coco was placed down before him, trying desperately to argue away this momentary foray into the softer arts, “It’s not really art, it’s... craft.”

“Don’t try to argue that you haven’t got a sensitive side.”

Ace sighed, turning and looking across the sunlit classroom. Manhatten University was not known for its excess of class or beauty, mostly nestled inside an old military research facility. Still its white plastic walls couldn’t help but shine in the late afternoon sunlight, the worn desks and blackboard smeared with equations speaking of warm, familiar things. And Fluttershy, with her careworn features and simple summer dress, stood like a gentle angel as she watched over him. His words of reply were almost swept away right there, and what power was left in them fizzled as he spoke, “I don’t lack sensitivity, I lack... poetry. I mean look at it, do you really think it would stand up in an actual art gallery?”

“You know, when I was young I didn’t think I was any good at expressing myself either.” Fluttershy spoke, sporting the soft, regretful half smile that always emerged when speaking of the past, “I was too shy to speak, and when I revealed my art it only invited questions I didn’t want to answer.”

“So what did you do?”

She smiled, “I showed it to friends. I showed it to the ponies who I wanted to understand me. I showed it to those I trusted.”

Ace... understood that, “I don’t think I want this on public display. I mean... I did put a lot of myself into it. I’m not sure if other ponies will... understand.”

She chuckled sweetly, “You don’t have to show your heart off to everyone, and there will be always those who will take that opportunity to strike a heart openly exposed. This is a part of you, and if you want it can be a private part.”

“I... do.”

She nodded cheerily, “We can store it away somewhere, until you’re ready to show it off. And Ace?”


“I’m privileged to have seen this side of you, and I appreciate the trust.” She gave him a gentle smile, her pretty green eyes shining warmly, “If you ever have anything to get off your chest, you can always talk to me.”

Ace blushed, uncertain how to reply. He wanted to tell Fluttershy that she meant everything to him at that moment, that he would have given her the world in exchange for how she made him feel about himself. That he loved her like family, and that she banished all the bad from his life. But he didn’t have the words. He had... no poetry, “Thanks Fluttershy. I really appreciate it.”

It sounded so hollow.


Hollow... he opened his eyes, still in darkness. It was still cold, he still ached, shivered, alone in consuming despair. He wanted Fluttershy here with him now, to hold him, to care for him, to tell him everything would be ok.

It wasn’t ok. He was going to die here, alone. He cried for his father, for Fluttershy. For them to come and help him...

Water hit him in the face, covering him from head to toe. An angry voice shouted at him from the darkness, “Be quiet! They aren’t here, and you’re disturbing every zebra else!”

Ace sniffled as he settled down, embarrassed and even colder than before. In his state it didn’t take long for a fitful sleep to take him once more.


“Think about it. It’s better now, everything’s fixed.”

Ace Gold looked up, strangely unsurprised as Arick Grimfeathers emerged from the dark, swaggering and utterly confident as always. Ace Gold wiped his tears away, shivering as he stood to meet the griffon, “What do you mean?”

Arick chuckled, waving a claw, “You always worried about not being able to live up to your parent’s example, to the skills and talents granted to you by fate. Well now you don’t have to.” He shrugged genially, “You’re blind, crippled. Now whatever you do will be viewed as a great achievement, even scratching your own butt. All those expectations are gone.”

Strange as it sounded... Arick was right. It was a weight of his shoulders that he thought he would never shift. Now he was truly free, free to be the useless child he truly desired to be. To not have to strive and work to a goal he knew he would never reach, “Where are you Arick? Where did you go?”

“You know where.” He laughed, “To where money is easy and fun is cheap. And when you’re done playing hero, come find me there.”


Ace gold was back in the darkness. But not the cold.

It was growing warm. He heard flapping wings, and a wave of heat from above. A clatter of metal.

Wings took flight again, something warm and familiar landing nearby. It leaned its head down, nuzzling Ace with maternal affection. Affection he recognised all too well.

He felt himself cry, relief flooding through him, “Pyrelight... you came... how...?”

A claw pressed something into his chest, Ace Gold taking it in his hooves. He recognised it after a moment of clumsy pawing, the smooth metallic edges unmistakable, “My sister’s locket?”

Pyrelight trilled musically before taking flight once again, wing beats soon fading from hearing. He wanted to call out to the bird but knew he didn’t have the strength. And if Pyrelight was here, then surely his family couldn’t be far behind?

He held the locket firm to his chest. He didn’t need to be able to see it to know what was in here. Him, Elegant Waters and Pitch Perfect. Elegant could be difficult but she took family seriously. She had always been there for him and Pitch, even when they had tried to escape from her domineering grasp. And Pitch... quiet, sensitive, clever little Pitch Perfect. He worried about only being their half sibling, never understanding just how much he bound their family together. Ace should have paid more attention to him, told him just how amazing he was. He hoped he would have that chance.

He would give anything to have them here right now.

There was a commotion outside, the sound of fighting. No guns though, just yells quickly cut short, thudding bodies. A voice Ace recognised as the one who had thrown water at him yelled out and ran down the corridor, only to gasp and then grunt loudly. There was the sound of a hoof on skull and something large hitting the ground.

There was an electronic buzz sound nearby, then the sound of a key in a lock. Hooves padded over, a rough female voice speaking softly in the darkness, “Ace Gold. I have come to help.”

The voice was familiar, though he wasn’t sure from where. He might have been remembering Fluttershy, like her the voice was definitely elderly, with a breathless wheeze that suggested a pair of lungs not in top shape, “Who are you?”

“Introductions can wait.” The figure caught her breath with a short span of carefully controlled breathing, her next words quietly insistent, “Can you stand?”

He attempted it. His legs wobbled, his body suddenly feeling heavy enough to crash to the ground and light enough to float away. Parts of him he didn’t even have names for cried out in pain.

She caught him just as he toppled, taking the scruff of his neck in her teeth and throwing him up to land on her back. He was quite impressed all things considered. He wasn’t light, and she hadn’t even hesitated. He was forced to consider the fact that this mare, who sounded as old as Fluttershy, had just taken out all the bandits guarding him single hooved.

She galloped round the corner before stopping, a familiar young male voice addressing her. Swift Crimson... so he was here to rescue him? Ace was flattered, especially by the buck’s tone of concern, “Is he ok?”

“He will live. Have you acquired all you need?”

Swift Crimson spoke again, “I’ve got my gun back at least. But where’s Fluttershy, she must be...”

“Fluttershy is covering our escape.”

“The old lady is covering our escape?!” Swift Crimson raised his voice dangerously, “How dare you! We are going to go find her...!”

“Quiet.” The unidentified mare spoke fiercely, commandingly. To Swift’s credit he did indeed go silent, letting the mare speak, “Fluttershy made her own decision, were we all that brave. Getting ourselves killed now would mock that bravery.”

Ace understood that, though he still wanted to speak up, to beg them to go back and save her. The words didn’t come, though Swift Crimson stepped forward for him, “We can’t just let her die...”

“They will kill you on sight young buck. She is still more valuable to them alive.” She stated, not without some sympathy, “And we have wounded. We must get Ace Gold to safety, and then we will plan a way to rescue Fluttershy.”

Swift sighed, before his voice firmed up once again, “Fair enough. Let’s get the hell out of here.”

“Lead on young buck, I suspect your eyes are keener than mine.”

That was the last thing Ace remembered. He was already feeling woozy from standing up, and not a moment later he finally lost the fight to stay conscious. Blackness followed, Ace plummeting headfirst into the inky nothing.


He awoke stiffly, wincing as the rough fabric of the carpeted floor eased itself from his skin. He looked around to remind himself where he was, realising that this was his living room. It took a moment to remember why, and he really wished he hadn’t. His sister’s taunting words, throwing that statue, running downstairs crying as Silver Rade had shouted at him...

He was covered in a blanket. He didn’t remember bringing one down.

He looked to the side, heart quivering as he saw his father lying beside, still in his crumpled uniform, his sleeping expression fitful and troubled. His hat lay at the side, clearly displaying the long scar across the side of his head, streaks of grey through his mane and beard.

Ace hesitated for several seconds before carefully taking the blanket and placing it across his father’s body. His father stirred slightly before settling back down, his expression not shifting from its deep worry. Still troubled by the weight of the world, even in sleep.


“Reduce your magic a little more. It doesn’t need to do anything, just be there. You need to project it as far as possible and as long as possible without wearing yourself out.”

Ace Gold followed Ebony’s voice as she directed him across the infirmary, feeling out obstacles with his magic. It was an effort focusing on both his magic and walking at the same time, let alone keeping both in step. Still it wasn’t going too badly. Ebony herself was a big part of that. She was almost the antithesis of his sister despite their similar ages, totally uninterested in small talk, bluntly unpoetic and knowledgeable about almost everything, “How was that?”

“Better. You’re improving.” Ebony stated with as much empathy and kindness as a plank, “Tomorrow we’ll try walking outside the clinic. Now rest, you will be tired after all that.”

He nodded, trying to smile at the mare... though it felt even more awkward than normal. Even though he was never able to see his own expression, being locked in darkness like this made him profoundly unsure of even that, “Th... thank you Ebony.”

“It’s no problem. Helping out those like you makes us better than them.”

She stated it very bluntly as normal, Ace questioning gently, “Than who?”

“Than the ones Princess Luna is trying to save us from.” She spoke it without any apparent emotion, “Good night Ace.”

He nodded cautiously in the direction of her voice, “You too Ebony.”

He moved away, carefully scanning as he made his way towards his bed. As he did so he noticed something, a presence in the next room. It wasn’t a moment before it moved out to stand before him, Ace identifying... a pony.

“Hello Ace Gold. How are you doing?”

He recognised the voice immediately, though it sounded worn and scratchy, lacking its normal regal power. He bowed his head a little, feeling it appropriate, “Princess Luna. I heard you got back from the ruins ok.”

“I did. I brought back Star Swirl too.” She replied slowly, “I’m sorry I haven’t come to visit you. I’ve been busy.”

He was ill at ease at just how depressed she sounded. It sounded like things were going well, “You got hurt looking for me. Really badly. I understand that you were busy.”

Her voice was pointed, “You got hurt trying to help me. Worse than I was.”

Ace pulsed his horn again, noting something else that confused him a little. She was small, about the same size as him. Her back leg was artificial, stolen from a robot of some kind by the feel of it, magically enchanted. This sounded like Luna, but it certainly didn’t look like her, “Are you ok? Were you... hurt down there?”

She remained silent for a moment before answering, “I’m ok. I just wanted... to apologise for messing around. For what happened in the library.”

That? He had almost forgotten about it, “Stop it. I can tell something is wrong. I’m blind, not stupid.”

She sighed, “I’m going to fight. To fight the hardest battle of my life, to prove myself a princess or a fraud.”

“You’re going to fight Starhammer?”

“Yes.”She replied with quiet finality.

“You can beat him. He’s just a thug, you’re a princess.”

She chuckled lightly, “Thank you Ace Gold, I’ll remember that. Just... I’m sorry. Let me say it.”

“Then... I accept.” Ace Gold didn’t see what the big deal was, but understood that this was important to her, “But it didn’t bother me.”

“I suppose it wasn’t meant to...” She sighed, “It was meant to bother Swift Crimson.”

“Have you apologised to him?”

She remained quiet for what seemed like minutes. She spoke the words that finally emerged like lead, “If I do lose this fight, if I die...”

“Luna, don’t...”

“Swift Crimson and Radhi can lead this group without me. They’re great leaders, better ponies than I ever was. And with Dust Kicker, Star Swirl... this group will survive.”

Ace shivered, not sure what to say, “You can’t die Luna. You have to win this.”

“Never let that be true Ace Gold. Your achievements should outlive you.” She chided gently, “I love this group, this place, this dream more than anything in the world. I would never allow it to depend on the result of a brawl. I’ve planned for every outcome, and I’m confident in what I’ve built and prepared.”

Ace dropped his head. Yet another hero setting out to die. Yet another noble mare, sacrificing everything for others. A great story, an inspiring tale... but what of those they left behind? Who thought of them? “Good luck in your fight.”

“Thank you.” Luna replied quietly, “Now get some rest. Ebony will take good care of you.”


Ace felt the grass on his hooves, the white stone of the Presidential palace rising around him. He was outside on the hanging gardens on the seventh floor, it was evening time by the look of the sky. And he already knew why he was here, his destination.

The mare stood on the veranda, watching the sun set on the horizon. She always looked an unlikely hero to Ace. His father and mother were heroes, handsome, bold, charismatic. They looked the part, even as they aged.

Zephyr on the other hand had the heavy zebra frame, with a boyish profile that gave her a humble plainness. She was calm, introverted, her voice clear but rarely demanding attention. She took things slowly, and he had never seen her lose her temper.

Unlike him, “Zephyr!”

She looked surprised as she turned to him, her subsequent smile uncomfortable and fake, “Ace Gold.”

“You honestly think this is a good idea?!” He didn’t know quite where he was going with this but his emotions wouldn’t stop, just bubbling forth without end, “You think you can just pick up where you left off? That my father and mother...”

“Your father and mother love each other Ace Gold.”

Ace paused a moment. Zephyr stated it so plainly that it almost felt true, “My father... my father is with Silver Rade now, and...”

“Relationships are complicated.” Zephyr sighed, turning back to the sky with a resigned weariness, “They associate so many painful memories and emotions with each other, too many to be together anymore. And that’s a tragedy they both feel, because underneath they still care for each other so very deeply.”

Ace replied firmly, “They hate each other. And if you try to get them to use their elements... it won’t work. You’ll get them all killed.”

“I trust my friends Ace Gold.” She paused for a second before taking a deep breath, looking round at him with regret, “I’m sorry. I’m the element of magic, I should have tried harder to fix the problems between them. But I felt like a child, didn’t want to meddle... a dozen excuses, all of which let two of my best friends hurt themselves and everyone around them.”

That... wasn’t good enough, “Then why are you taking them into this fight, where they could get killed or worse...?”

“Because my friend is in trouble, and the elements might be the only way to save her.”

Ace grimaced. He knew even his father had his doubts about this friendship, and Ace was pretty sure it wasn’t worth dying for, “That friend is trying to destroy the NCR!”

“Then I’m pretty sure she’s desperately in need of saving.” She looked slightly warning as she turned an eye down to Ace, her tone chastising, “I was born into an uncaring, cruel wasteland, my father a brute and my mother a vibrant, intelligent woman beaten into mute passivity. My whole tribe was wiped out by slavers, what was left of us forced to live scraping in the dirt. I lost dozens of friends, and lived every day in the knowledge that I would lose more.”

Ace had done history at school. It still stung, spoken by one he knew. Who he had only met in the context of riches and luxury and fame, “I know...”

“Ace, the day Littlepip came out of that terrible wasteland with my mother at her side, told me that she planned to defeat Red Eye and the Enclave and bring sunshine to this land... I understood that heroes did exist, and we could win against this wasteland. But it would not be done by being cautious, or with faint heart and loose principles.” She smiled gently at Ace, her smile lighting up her simple features in something shockingly beautiful highlighted there against the setting sun, “On the day we gathered the elements and defeated Sunny Smiles we only won because Screw Loose risked everything on the wild hope that the six of us were worth trusting. And on that day I affirmed my friendship with her, and told her we would always be there to help her.”

“Even when she’s trying to destroy the world herself?”

“Always. Because if I don’t, then I’m abandoning the principles that brought my mother back to me. That brought us all sunshine and gave us a world where children like you don’t have to face the same terrors I did. And that’s worth a little bravery, and a little trust.”

“I guess...” Ace spoke numbly, it hard to argue with the mare when she started speechifying, “You promise you’ll bring my mother and father back?”

She nodded, her face opening up into a beautiful smile, “I promise.”


He sat firmly still as Fluttershy tended to his eyes, wincing at the occasional stabs of pain. Truth be told, Fluttershy’s hooves weren’t anywhere near as steady as Ebony’s. Still the bedside manner made up for it.

Fluttershy moved away, gently brushing Ace’s mane to the side. She spoke after a moment’s pause, warm and hopeful, “The damage all seems to be to the eyes themselves, and the wounds are nice and clean. That means that with any luck we will be able to easily replace them with bionic implants when we get back to Equestria.”

He wasn’t sure how he felt about that. Still it felt ungrateful to complain about the possibly of getting his eyesight back. Still... “I hate being a burden to you all.”

“Well keep working with Ebony and you’ll be up and about in no time.” Fluttershy chuckled lightly, “She’s not much for conversation, but she is a great doctor.”

“She is.”

“This place... seems full of talented individuals like her.” Fluttershy observed in soft, thoughtful tones, “Radhi is astonishingly mature for his age, and I think he might challenge Twilight Sparkle in his passion for books and putting what’s in them to practical use. Princess Luna on the other hand challenges her in magery, and has an unquestionably brilliant mind. Swift Crimson is a dedicated, serious and charismatic young man who has managed to turn a tribe of kids into a quite impressive militia.”

“Do you think they can defeat Starhammer?”

Fluttershy laughed, brushing a hoof across his shoulder, “I do. Princess Luna has plenty of flaws, but she is a good mare acquiring good friends to make the world a better place. It does me good to see that still has a place in this world.”

Ace Gold had made the comparison. The great mage with a wealth of book learning, surrounded by good friends. Could it really happen again? “They don’t have the elements of harmony though.”

“We didn’t need them when it mattered.” Fluttershy commented with gentle sweetness, “All we needed was each other, and they still have that. And that is enough.”

Ace couldn’t help but smile a little, “So which one is Swift Crimson?”

“Loyalty. That one was easy.” She giggled, “And Niyada is Kindness. Ebony is Generosity. Radhi is Honesty. Luna is Magic.”

“Now all they need is laughter.”

“It will come. We just have to believe.”

Ace felt his ears droop, his heart sink, “How do you do that Fluttershy? Believe?”

“After everything I’ve seen?”


Her voice was soft, musical despite the cracks of age, “Because I see so many good young ponies ready to take up the fight.”

She was terrible. Ace couldn’t help but well up a little despite himself, even though he knew she was probably trying to tease him, “I... hope you’re not expecting me to do much fighting...”

She touched his face with a gentle hoof, “Keep your head up Ace. And never stop believing we can make a difference.” She moved away, her voice cheerful, “And I think you have another visitor, so I’m going to go now. You take care of yourself Ace.”

“I... will.” He commented, searching with his magic for this new visitor. Fluttershy’s departing shape muddled his perception for a moment before a figure emerged, a little nervous and... wearing a pair of glasses, “Who is it?”

“Sorry, it’s Radhi.” The figured answered, sounding ill at ease, “I simply... well I felt I should visit. How are you doing Ace Gold?”

“Fine... I think.” Ace realised that sounded stupid, quickly moving to correct himself, “Ebony’s training is going well.”

Radhi laughed at this, sounding a little more at ease. He sat down nearby, “She’s using you as a test subject for some of the theories she found in a book on rehabilitation. I hope you don’t mind.”

“No... she’s good at it.” He actually felt a little better about it really, “That means what I’m going through might actually help ponies in the future.”

“Certainly, though never suggest that she might in any way be happy about your condition.” Radhi spoke warningly, “She might not seem it but she’s the most moral pony in Dusklight, and doesn’t take insults well.”

“More moral than you?”

Radhi laughed, “She’s a little too moral I think. I’m not sure she knows the meaning of compromise. But she’s a good friend, and a great doctor.” He paused for a moment before speaking reflectively, “Maybe it’s good to have somepony like that. It can be very easy to lose track of your moral compass in this world, so a pony who always points north is a valuable thing.”

Ace felt that was all a little too deep for him at the moment. He was just glad Radhi was here, though it made his heart ache that he couldn’t really see the zebra. He tried creating an image from his memories and the results of his magic pulses but it wasn’t really the same. At least he still could hear the buck’s voice, which was still as charmingly enthusiastic and enunciated as ever. With that on his mind he searched for ways to keep the conversation going, “Luna came to visit me.” He stated it cautiously, unsure where he was going with this. He certainly didn’t want to worry him, “She seemed... upset.”

“She’s in a bad place at the moment.” Radhi sighed deeply, sounding deeply weary, “She’s working herself ragged, and though I admire her endurance she just keeps throwing herself back into the fight. There’s only so much healing potions and med-X can do.”

“Is there... anything... we can do?”

“I wish there was, but injured or not she’s still our best fighter.” He sighed, “And there’s always battles to be fought.”

“What about Dust Kicker?”

Radhi chuckled lightly at this, “Well his unit is praising him to the sky, he got every single one of them out of Sanitoria alive and has started teaching the others how to fight now he’s back. But I’m not sure he’s the pony for one on one duels.”

“I beat him.” Ace noted regretfully, before adding, “I hate being so useless. I’m not saying I’m the fighter Luna is, but... I could do something.”

“You’ve fought your battles for us Ace Gold...”

“Damn!” He shouted, already regretting his outburst. Still he was so frustrated at how events had unfolded, how it could go wrong in just a few days, “I had that bandit dead to rights, and then he pulls some dirty move that... made me this...”

“Ace Gold, it’s ok...”

“No it’s not.” He grunted, feeling his heart ache, “It’s all gone so... wrong.”

Ace cursed as he felt tears roll down his face, embarrassed that he had broken like this in front of Radhi of all ponies. So much for his cool, unflappable image... then his thoughts froze as Radhi touched a hoof to his cheek, gentle and calming. His voice was a note of pure grace, “You’ll get through this Ace Gold. We all will.”

Ace smiled, already feeling himself blush. He wasn’t sure what to do, but what could a stallion do but forge onwards, “Luna... said that you were a far better leader than she would ever be.”

He chuckled, a clearly embarrassed tone in his voice, “Well, Luna is rather given to overdramatics... and she sometimes underestimates her own role in all this. I’m no leader. I can’t give speeches, or connect with the common pony. Luna commands attention with everything she does.”

“I think she’s right.” He mumbled it, trying not to trip over his own words, “I... think you’re pretty incredible too.”

Radhi coughed at all this praise, Ace feeling him shrink back slightly. Still he didn’t draw away, even as his voice shook, “Um... I just... try to do my best. I wouldn’t have the strength to do anything without her here.”

“I think you do.” Ace felt the words flow naturally, though they still stuck in his throat a little, “Why... why don’t you have a special somepony? I mean...”

Radhi chuckled, tensing a little, “Well... Swift Crimson and Princess Luna sometimes seem like a full time commitment of their own. Not to mention Niyada and Ebony, and... everypony else.” He coughed again, his chuckle even more shaky and nervous this time, “And well... I’m pretty boring to be honest. I like economics, bureaucracy and itemised lists, not exactly the stuff of a romantic evening. And I sound like I’m about three times as old as I actually am, mostly because I read too many long, dull books...”

“Radhi...” Ace cut him off, his voice coming out as distressingly shy and uncertain, “I graduated from Manehatten University. We’re known for grey suits, natural manes and degrees in theoretical economics. I like boring.”

“Aha...” The zebra coughed, his voice swaying, “You... like me?”

“Um... yes...?” Ace felt his heart freeze midbeat, feeling the need to will it into action once more, “I mean... when you broke up that fight between me and Swift and... when you... do... everything...”

“Oh...” Radhi didn’t sound... put off as such. More uncertain, which was likely justified, “I’m not really very good at this sort of thing. Just thought I’d warn you.”

Ace’s retort almost exploded out of him, “Neither am I!”

“I... oh, Ace Gold, you are an interesting pony.” He suddenly moved forward and took Ace into a shaky embrace, causing Ace’s heart to almost explode out of his chest. Radhi held him there for several long, wonderful seconds before finally speaking, “I admit that I do rather like you. You make pleasant company, and you’re smart and well read. Not the most romantic statement, but I’m afraid you might have to get used to that.”

“No... I kinda like it.” Ace stuttered as Radhi drew away a little, leaving him feeling uncomfortably hot, “I never know what I’m feeling, so I’m not sure how quite to express it. So... logic like that is rather sensible.”

“I guess it is.” Radhi chuckled, “And Luna was right it seems. Not surprising I guess.”

“About what?”

“She thought I was gay.” He commented with an amused little lilt, “Though I believe it was more to do with not being attracted to her than any real insight. Still... seems she was right, one way or another.”

“It took me a while to work it out.” Ace commented, glad to finally have someone to talk it over with, “I thought my difficulties with girls might be to do with my family, that I just formed strong relationships with other guys... I wish I did like girls. I always felt so guilty.”

“Guilty?” Radhi questioned.

Ace nodded, “I’m the child of two famous heroes, the only children born or likely to be born to Littlepip’s group and the Elements of Harmony. And my sister is pretty much set on this griffon she knows, and I’m...” He sighed, feeling his legacy once more weighing upon him, “There’s my brother Pitch Perfect, but he’s only my half brother. And it feels... unfair to leave this all to him.”

“Bloodlines aren’t as important as you think. Historically speaking, they tend to end up producing inbred nobility with entitlement complexes.”

“I know...” He sighed, realising he was being stupid. His father and mother would likely be disappointed at a lack of grandkids... but there were a lot of orphans in the NCR that needed a good family, “I’m actually distantly related to Sweetie Belle and Applejack.”

“Blood of heroes?”

“Well that line did produce Littlepip and Velvet Remedy... and a legion of inbred losers with entitlement complexes.” Ace sighed, “I just feel, more than ever, that the NCR needs... a link to the past. Like what Princess Luna has given you.”

“It has the elements of harmony. And from what I’ve heard, the NCR takes its government from the great griffon assemblies that ruled them in their golden age.” Radhi commented gently, “In the future I’m sure others look upon the tales of Littlepip and her friends and find the strength to do what’s right by their example. And that is a truly immortal legacy, not some diluted bloodline of hereditary nobility.”

“You’re right.” He sighed, searching the zebra’s features with his magic and finding the strength to smile a little, “Luna’s right, you’re really smart.”

“I’m... well read.” He cleared his throat a little, sounding embarrassed, “Platitudes in place of action is my forte. With that in mind I fear I will be a poor boyfriend.”

“Yeah... well it’s a brave new world for all of us I think.” Ace commented, leaning forward in hopeful expectation, “I get the impression everypony’s sort of winging it.”

“In...deed...” Radhi cleared his throat once again, “May I? I mean... are you offering?”

Ace couldn’t help smiling, feeling dreadfully coy. A bad habit to get into he felt, “I guess I am. I mean... we should at least try it out.”

Radhi’s voice did actually squeak a little at this, “That sounds... wise.”

In retrospect it was nervous, stiff and lacking passion. At that moment though, it was the perfect kiss.


He was never very good at parties. Especially parties at orphanages, where all the kids his own age reminded him all too well of his own ranking among the nation’s elite. It always felt uncomfortable, like they were dodging around the most important subject.

So he stood out of the way, pony watching. It was a nice day to do it. The sun was high in the sky on a warm spring, the gardens a beautiful oasis that few outside had ever seen. Kids laughed and played among the flowers, tugging cheerfully at the skirts at the noblest figures in the nation. Ditzi Doo was in her element, effortlessly managing the kids, her scurrying staff and her guests alike without the slightest look of stress or worry on her brow. Her husband helped of course, Lionheart keeping most of the rowdier kids entertained with a rousing tale of honour and bloody conflict. Reggie was sitting with her husband, opposite Life Bloom and Homage, the four clearly locked in some serious conversation. His sister was recruiting an army of smitten boys, Reggie’s son Sebastian and his brother Pitch Perfect meekly in tow behind her. His mother meanwhile was standing with his stepmother Silver Rade of all ponies, the two in animated discussion about something...

“Makes a stallion worried, both the women in his life getting on so well.”

Ace turned with a start, spotting his father moving cautiously through the grounds a short distance away. Ace couldn’t help raising an eyebrow, “Are you hiding?”

Calamity blushed a little, giving a somewhat goofy grin, “No... ah just wanted to make sure they were getting along and all. No... tension.”

Ace looked back at them. They seemed to be getting along very well, Silver Rade, never the most smiley of ponies, actually seeming very at ease in Velvet Remedy’s presence, “You think they’re talking about you?”

“Ha... no, probably not.” He chuckled, “Kinda sexist really, to think that the most interesting thing they could have to talk about is me. Likely talking about something that would go straight over my head. Ah always was attracted to mares smarter than me.”

Ace Gold hated his dad’s self deprecation, considering the stallion was the leader of all the NCR’s security forces and knew more about mechanical engineering than most of his teachers. His mom was just a... bureaucrat with a clipboard. But he really couldn’t be bothered to have that conversation now, “Probably.”

His dad moved over, watching the two with a fond, thoughtful expression. The silence lasted for almost a minute before he finally spoke up once again, “Ah am kinda sexist really...”

Ace angled his head up at his father, the stallion looking into the distance with a regretful expression, “What?”

Calamity sighed, “When ah’m at these events I can’t help but think of those who aren’t here. Littlepip, Zenith, Zephyr...”

“Why is that sexist?”

“Because... they would all laugh at me if ah admitted it to their faces. But more than anything else, ah see a young mare and I get all paternal. Want to... protect them from all this. All the women in my life, ah vowed to myself that ah’ll keep them safe, that ah would stand between them and harm. Now ah know well that every single one of them were a lot tougher than me, but still... ah can’t help but feel responsible.” Calamity looked down at Ace but Ace had no reply, just looking away from his father’s gaze. Calamity sighed, his voice lowering yet further, “Ah know you blame your mother for a lot of things, but don’t believe any of her decisions have been painless ones. She used to be the most idealistic of all of us, so confident that ponies were good and everything would turn out alright. When ah first met her she was arguing the case for raiders of all ponies... ha, ah wanted to throttle her so many times, knock the stupid out of her head.”

Ace’s heart swelled with hate, too much to contain, “And now she’s a cynical, manipulative politician.”

“Perhaps.” His father answered, somewhat surprisingly, “She has the same motives, the same goals. A world of peace and understanding, where kindness and gentleness are valued. But she’s... lost faith in her methods.”

Ace wasn’t sure how to answer that. Certainly he wanted to disagree, to criticise and decry his mother. Still... he wasn’t sure himself how much he believed that purely honest and gentle methods would change this world, “That was no reason to abandon us.”

“We all got injured on that day.” His father sighed, “Some of us recovered faster than others.”

“You were shot dad. In the head.”

“An’ she saw everything she loved and believed in shattered, the culprits getting away with it and the world moving on with... a shrug.” Calamity shook his head, pain sparking in his eyes, “Velvet Promises... she hated guns. She was scared of them, though she would never admit it, damn prideful mare that she was. She distrusted me for that very reason, tried to stop me and my men from being there on that stage. I convinced her that ah couldn’t live with myself if anything happened to her, and that ah wanted to be there just in case.” He chuckled, “She was a difficult mare at the best of times... but she really wanted what was best for the NCR. She shouldn’t have died like that. Ah should have saved her. And then Velvet Remedy might not have been hurt, and we would all still be together.”


“Something died in all of us on that day. Something important.”

Ace remained quiet. He had nothing to say.

“Is this how it’s going to be? Some days it feels like the NCR is watered by the blood of young mares. Littlepip went through more than any of us and ended up locked in that damn metal tomb, Velvet Promises went up there with more sincerity than any politician has any right to an’ died in screaming terror. And... Zenith searched all that time for her daughter, and found her again just to watch Zephyr sacrifice any chance at happiness, then hurl herself into a vortex of chaos magic to save a pony who had tried to kill her a dozen times. And then she hurled herself headfirst into that damn same vortex after her, and ah just stand there like a slack jawed idiot.”

“It wasn’t your fault. It was their decision.”

“It was the right one.” He declared regretfully, “All those great bold heroes, warriors and leaders there and the only ones to do anything were Zenith and Ditizi Doo. Ah give Ditzi too little credit sometimes, the mare has heart ten times the rest of us put together. Ah’m... damn glad she was a little too slow on that day.”

Ace agreed with that assessment. She wished Zephyr and her mother had been a little slower themselves, “It was stupid of her. If she had died then all these kids...”

“Would have been looked after by somepony else.” Calamity shook his head at Ace, looking just a little annoyed, “Don’t you go thinking any of us are more than we are. If ah die, certainly plenty would be upset but the NCR wouldn’t go and collapse. There are plenty smarter, tougher and wiser than me. Ah just happened to be lucky enough to know a damn fine mare who had the notion that she could save the world.”

Ace pouted at his father with all his strength, “That’s not true.”

“Son, a hero is a pony in the right place at the right time, who has the courage to make the right decision.” He grinned, “Ah’m proud I had that courage, but I know a lot of fine folk who would do just as well in my place. Ah’m privileged to have been able to make a difference, but that doesn’t make me or anypony else indispensible.”

Ace glared at the ground, trying to contain his emotions within himself, “Maybe you are to me.”

“Not planning on going anywhere anytime soon, don’t you worry your head about that. Hell, my warrior days ah pretty far behind me, can’t remember the last time somepony took a shot at me.” He placed a hoof across Ace’s shoulders, pulling him reluctantly into a hug, “But if I did... you and your siblings are well taken care of, we’ve both made sure of that.”

Ace grunted, “What has Velvet Remedy ever done for me?”

“Well that fancy university you like so much was established by her. I’m sure I can think of a few other things.” He sighed, leaning in close, “Ah know that more than anything, you wanted the two of us to be there for you son. And you’re entitled to hate what we are, what we do. You’re entitled to hate us.”

“You were there for me. You come home.”

“And Velvet Remedy sleeps at her desk most nights. It ‘anit healthy, and it ‘anit necessary, but don’t go thinking it’s easy for her. She needs help... help to stop feeling so damn guilty about things that ‘anit her fault. And we’re trying to get that to her.” He moved away gently, turning his head to look down at Ace with a quiet, pleading expression, “So ah want you to give her a chance.”

Ace kept his eyes focused firmly on the ground, his mouth firmly shut. He wasn’t the type to make idle promises.


You heard things in the dark.

“...murmermurmer... murmerLunamurmer...”

He ignited his horn very gently, becoming part of the ground the walls. Expanding himself outwards, searching for some sense of solid structure to cling on to. He found the sound, pinpointed it, strained all his senses towards it...

“...can’t talk to me like this!”

“I can talk to you any way I want! And lower your voice while you’re in my hospital, you’ll disturb my patients!”

It was Ebony... and Luna. Luna was angry, sounding almost close to tears as she shouted back at the mare, “It’s my hospital! These are my ponies, and...!”

“No.” Ebony declared firmly, “No, I will not have this any longer. You assigned us to your council so we could watch you, advise you, hold you back from bad decisions. And now, at this point... no.”

“What do you want to do then? Leave?”

“Yes. This cave is suitable for our needs, but it’s in no way ideal. It’s certainly not worth dying for.”

“And go where?”

“West, find shelter with Caesar. He’s reasonable, so long as you flatter his ego. Or East, within the heartlands. It’s more densely populated than other areas but it’s peaceful and tolerant of outsiders. If you want a fight, you could go even go north and take on the Aridari, kick out the tyrant and make a better go of getting others on your side this time. But you can’t fight Starhammer. He’s got an army big enough to take on Caesar, and you heard what Swift said about his combat ability.”

Luna sounded defeated, “I’m not defenceless.”

“You’re not the fighter he is and you know it. He’ll kill you and kill everypony...”


There was a crash, the sound of breaking glass. Ebony’s voice rose into an angry shout, “Luna!”

“I will fight him, and I will beat him! With or without your approval!”

The door slammed, Ebony shouting after the departing princess before sighing and going quiet again. A little while later there was the sound of broken glass being swept up.


It was getting easier. His head was clearing up, allowing him to more easily tell the difference between dreams and reality. His lack of sight still made everything blur together though, one long monotonous daydream occasionally broken by somepony entering the clinic.

Because of this he was getting better at the listening.

“...go teasing me!”

“I’m not teasing... hell, that’s pretty insulting. I don’t do pity or mockery, I just call it like I see.”

“Then... I’m not going to be some... notch in your bedpost.”

Ace went bright red, trying desperately to withdraw backwards...

...and hating himself as curiosity kept him focused on the far too intimate conversation behind the wall. He shivered with every word.

“When was the last time you heard me boast about any of my notches? I accept that I’m not the settling down type, and I’ve certainly been with a lot of mares over the years. I’m a wanderer, and I’ve always appreciated the company of interesting, attractive mares. And I’m happy to spend what time I have with them before circumstances cause us to part ways.”

“I... and what if that doesn’t interest me?”

“Then tell me to back off. I’ll be mighty disappointed, but I’ll get over it.”

“I... it’s difficult. It’s been... a long time.”

“I get that. And the last thing I wanted was to open up any old wounds...”

“You... should find somepony easier. For your sake Dust Kicker.”

“Heh, that doesn’t sound like a no there Fluttershy. That sounds like a challenge.”

Her voice squeaked a little as she answered... distressingly coy, “Take... take it however you like!”

“Well how about that? I guess I’ll see you later on then?”

“May... maybe...”

Ace whimpered as he sank into his bed, mind firmly raped into a quivering, deeply distressed soup. Dwelling on memories of punching Dust Kicker in the face helped some fortunately.


Ace Gold opened his eyes once again, noting the light of the day shining in his eyes and realising he was dreaming once more. He was glad he was finally aware enough to work out what were dreams and what was real, figuring that he might finally be getting used to his blindness.

He was a little too aware really. And... he didn’t recognise this place.

It was snowing, the cold stinging against his skin and the area totally frozen and lifeless. There had once been something here, shards of what looked like glass sticking up from the snow, crushed, glittering sand beneath his hooves. A mighty tower of crystal had toppled nearby, the remains poking out of the snow like the bones of some mighty beast.

He heard somepony crying and ventured onwards, straining his ears to hear among the blowing wind. It didn’t take long, locating the hint of pink against the stark white. He galloped over, surprised to see a unicorn of barely filly age. She was bright pink in colour and had a dark violet mane, her cutie mark some kind of... glass tower, much like the one that had fallen before them. She was crying with bitter sorrow, the tears freezing upon her cheeks, “Are you... ok?”

The filly lifted her head and stood, turning towards him. She was a pretty thing, unstained by the wasteland. Her voice was clear and well enunciated, “I’ve... I’ve lost my family...”

A little filly lost in the snow. His big brother instinct took over, “When did you last see them?”

“On... the horizon.” The filly looked out into the snow, Ace swearing he saw a hint of figures there in the darkness, “They... left me long ago. All alone, and so... very lost. I hoped I would find them here, find something to bring them back.”

Ace Gold looked around, seeing the hints of bones poking up among the crystal, “This is a graveyard.”

“I have to continue their legacy. I have to make them proud.” The filly stared into the snow, eyes full of despair, “But... I failed the most basic of my duties to them. I was born as the death of my house. But I... had a plan... a plan to leave a legacy that would be remembered forever...” Her eyes opened in sudden rage, “I worked for years, creating a grand, beautiful thing that would save the world. That would bring peace and happiness back to a dead land. It was a work of years of hard work, glorious design and ambition!”

Ace frowned, the hate seeming to add years to the filly before him, marking her face with dark furrows, “What happened?”

“A pony with nothing to prove, nothing to gain, no reason to care. She stole my dream from me.” Tears ran down her face, her face screwed up in bitter despair, “I had all those things. And she left me with nothing save the ashes of failure.”

He reached out to her, wanting to do something to comfort the mare. He was cut off unexpectedly by a familiar voice, “You’re not supposed to be here Ace Gold.”

Ace turned, Luna standing in the snow nearby. He didn’t recognise her immediately, her coat a dark, moody blue and her body lacking its disconcerting thinness. Whatever the case, this dream was getting increasingly odd, “Luna? What is this? Where are we?”

“In this young mare’s dream.” She answered simply, trotting over, “I heard her call out in distress. Somewhere out there in the wasteland, this mare is tossing in her sleep.”

Of course. She was Princess Luna, guardian of dreams after all, “But... why am I here?”

“I’m not entirely sure. It will be interesting to see if you remember this.” She shooed him away with a hoof as she trotted over, “But stop making this about you. Look at her, she’s obviously suffering.”

Ace Gold nodded, hating seeing a young filly cry, “What can we do?”

“Give her a good night’s sleep.” She trotted over to the filly’s side, smiling warmly, “Hello.”

The filly’s eyes widened at the sight before her, “Princess... Luna...” She smiled waveringly, her damp eyes shining, “Am I dead? Have you come to take me to be with my family?”

Luna’s expression shook, the filly’s words obviously unsettling her, “I’m afraid not. I can only give you a peaceful night.”

“I’m dreaming.” The filly looked across a shard of crystal, gazing at her reflection, “Of course. I’m only this beautiful in my dreams.”

“Do you want me to take this away?” Luna stated softly.

“Do it.” The filly growled, “I was tired of this place the second I first came here.”

“Don’t know what’s going to happen to you Ace.” Luna mentioned as she raised her horn, “Maybe you’ll wake up. Unless you’re just a figment of my imagination... which is possible I suppose.”

Ace cocked his head, considering this, “I don’t think so...”

“Well we'll see soon enough.” She said as her horn burst with light and everything... snow, ruins and ponies... was swept away.


“Wake up Ace Gold.”

The words were softly spoke, but woke him up with a start and a gasp of cool air. He felt a breeze against his ears and shivered, awake enough to realise...

This wasn’t the clinic. He was outside.

The voice spoke again, worn and raspy. The voice from the prison, the strange mare who had rescued him. She spoke calmly, assessingly, “Where are you?”

He refused to panic. He sniffed the air, felt the wind on his face, pulsed his horn. The information fed back to him, painfully incomplete. Still... sand on the ground. Cold air. The sound of creaking metal, “I’m outside, likely in the theme park. Just outside Dusklight. Why did you bring me here?”

“I am an adult, and a zebra. A strange zebra, with many scars. They were grateful enough for my help, but would not give me access to Dusklight. And we have things to discuss.”

Ace blinked at the implication, “You... snuck inside? And brought me out here? Without waking me?”

The voice sounded pleased. She had an odd accent, speaking equestrian fluently yet with an accent or combination of accents he didn’t recognise. She spoke it now, almost teasingly, “Soft hooves are a blessing. I never liked attention.”

Ace remained cautious, still he doubted he was in any danger here. She had already saved him once after all, “And what did you want to talk to me about?”

“Listen Ace.” The mare stated, her hoofs sinking into gravel as she stepped in a circle around him, “Listen to me. Listen to my hoofbeats, my heartbeat. What can you see?”

Mechanics. He could do mechanics. His horn shone, a basic assessment spell. He had to admit, it seemed... clearer than before, “You’re... hoof is chipped. The left one. Your hearbeat... I can’t hear your heartbeat...”

“What else. What inside?”

He shook his head, it hurting his head to concentrate like this, “It doesn’t work like that. It’s sonar, it only works for surface details.”

“Everything is connected Ace Gold. Look not just at the object, but the ripples left by that object. The vibrations in the air, in the ground... in the flow of magic.”

Ace trembled a little, unsure quite what he was doing. All of that sounded... difficult. He tried magic first, figuring that would be easiest. At first it seemed normal, detecting the pockets of magical energy he could use for his casting, just as he would before using any spell. Then it became disorientating, trying to track how each pocket interacted with those around it, and with the physical world. He rubbed a hoof against his head, “It’s too much... and without my sight to give me context...”

“You simply need new context. Sight has blinded you to the full applications of magic. Magic that connects every life, every action we take. As my hoof falls, so does the world shift slightly to accommodate it. Look at me, what do you see?”

He let off his spell again, feeling it probe the mare in front of him. She was... old, wearing a cloak loaded with magical energy. A zebra stealth cloak, that made sense. He used his magic again, trying to look deeper this time, listening to the sound of her hooffall, “You’re... strong, supple. You’ve attempted to build for speed as well as strength. But... there’s a lot of joint damage, scar tissue. And your heartbeat...” He gulped slightly, this feeling deeply invasive, “You’ve got something wrong with your heart. And some kind of... cybernetic enhancement there...”

The mare sounded pleased with his assessment, “Very good. Now I am told you know a lot about machines, so tell me what cybernetic implant I have.”

He concentrated hard, though that kind of detail was almost impossible. It was all just wires and microchips, it didn’t... wait... “You have a pacemaker.” He frowned, that sort of technology rare even in the NCR, “You have that kind of cybernetic technology over here?”

“You’d be surprised young buck.” The mare stated softly, “Beyond these mountains lies a civilisation in full bloom. They call it the heartland, and with good reason. It is the beating heart of the zebra race.”

Ace felt so smug and ignorant. He had assumed the zebra would be backwards and locked in pre-Gardens savagery, that the NCR had been a unique and astonishing achievement. He had barely even considered that the zebra could have rebuilt their own civilisation, “We’re just meddling aren’t we? Arrogantly playing hero in an affair we know nothing about.”

“No Ace Gold.” The mare warned, “You and your friends are heroes. And this world needs them, desperately.”

He replied, a little more grumpily than intended, “I thought you said they had everything under control? And it’s not like the NCR can say the same. If we are heroes we’re needed back home.”

“This land is where the fate of the NCR will be decided.” The mare stated with regret, her voice seeming weary and sad, “The great war has not ended.”

Ace Gold’s mouth dropped open. Then he closed it, firmly took control of his tongue, and replied, “It has ended! The element of magic, the most famous... second most famous hero in the NCR is a zebra! What reason do we have to fight?”

“The past is catching up with us all Ace Gold.” She spoke with pained regret, “All players seek to make up for the mistakes of the past, and in so doing they sow their own destruction.”

“Then do something about it!” He shouted, pounding a hoof against his chest. He was angry now, not at her... but at his own powerlessness in the face of all of this, “I’m blind! I can’t do anything!”

“I am sorry Ace Gold, but the past catches up with you as well. I cannot let you give up.”

He took a deep breath, his fur standing on end as she stepped towards him. He didn’t like her... intent. He raised a hoof in his defence, fear taking hold of him.

The mare pushed him hard, throwing him to the floor. He rolled before pushing himself up from the dirt, really angry now, “What the hell?!”

She spoke as softly as ever as she advanced, “You are a thread in harmony’s tapestry. And so I must help you learn.”

He felt her charge again, pulsing his horn to get a better lock on her. He felt her body flow, listened to the sound of her hoofbeats upon the earth. She swung and he blocked her strike, countering with a hoof thrust that struck air. He stumbled as he overreached himself, pulsing his horn again to locate her a short distance away. He spat anger at her as she stood there watching, furious as this... bullying! “Why can’t you save the world huh, if you’re so smart?!”

“Harmony is not one pony.” She circled him, her voice low and calm, “Harmony is not Littlepip. If it was she would have taken Red Eye’s offer.”

“Harmony is the elements! Deadshot Calamity, Velvet Remedy, Ditzi Doo, Life Bloom, Homage, Zephyr!” Ace Gold shouted at her, truly confused and upset now. He didn’t know what she wanted from him, what he could possibly achieve, “But Zephyr is gone, and what’s happened between the others... it can never be the same!”

“Equestria stood for a thousand years while the elements lay dormant. Harmony is not the six, it is not Celestia or Luna either.”

She leapt at him, Ace Gold screaming as he unleashed all his anger and frustration in her direction. She easily countered, pushing him backwards to stumble across loose rock. He regained his footing, breathing deep to regain his focus, “Why me?”

“Because you live in this world Ace Gold.”

“That doesn’t mean I have to be a hero!” He growled, feeling old wounds reopen, “My father and mother were heroes, and I’ll never be good enough for them!”

“I understand.” She spoke plainly, her ragged voice cracking slightly, “I too have spent too long in the presence of champions. It is my honor to be called friend by them, but one can feel too humbled by their example. But there is one thing that all are called to do, from the most mighty to the most insignificant.”

He sighed. He knew where he belonged on that list, “And what’s that?”

“Be there. You have talents, and you can use them to help your friends. You do not need to be the hero, you just need to do your part. Harmony does not flow from an individual, it is created by all working together. The weak and the mighty. The flawed and the paragon.”

He reached up with a hoof, touching his bandaged eyes, “But... I’m useless. I’m blind!”

“So am I Ace Gold.” The mare stated plainly, “I will see you again. Until then, you must stay strong. I fear harmony demands it.”

She disappeared into the darkness, leaving him standing there alone. The winds took his voice, leaving him desperately alone among the ghosts of the past.

And still his eyes saw only darkness ahead.

Footnote: Level up! (5)

Perk Gained:
Tunnel Rat
You know enough to keep your head down when the bullets start flying. The Tunnel Rat perk enables you to move at walk speed while being prone.

Quest Perk Gained:
Your magic has been attuned to the world around it, giving you just a small appreciation of the harmony of creation. You gain a +1 to your perception, and a +1 to all divination spells.

Wound Acquired:
Permanently Blinded
You’ve taken damage to your eyes, removing your sight entirely. You suffer a -4 to your perception, and a -20 point penalty on any action that requires you to see what you’re doing.

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