• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 5,560 Views, 280 Comments

Fallout Equestria : Black And White - Philweasel

Peace between the NCR and Zebra wasteland becomes a battleground between competing factions.

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Chapter 5.5 - A Less Perfect Union

"And we've just received word that the votes are in for the Emerald Fields folks! Certainly a unique result, it seems you were right Homage!"

"It's not surprising Swift Feather. Verdant Kale almost entirely focused her campaign on local issues and farmers welfare, things that obviously played well down in the Emeralds."

"Played well indeed, a commanding sixty three percent lead bringing her national total up from eight percent to seventeen percent of the overall vote."

"I doubt that will get any higher, but it's hardly something to be embarrassed about considering she's a single issue candidate without the backing of any of the major factions within the NCR."

"Quite right Homage. Whatever the result, Verdant Kale has made it clear that she cannot be ignored. And with that, I'm receiving a report that the next territory to be declared will be Ponyville, looking to release their tallies in the next twenty minutes."

"A territory I note has predicted the national result during every election."

"So certainly one to watch! Stay tuned folk, as we invite former arbiter Olden Times into the studio for a indepth discussion of the candidates, and the issues they champion! Don't touch that dial, this is Homage and Swift Feather, with the news that matters!"

Sebastian paced the apartment as the radio droned on, rather wishing it would just be over already. The whole thing was a combination of tedium and anxiety, Sebastian unable to decide if he wanted to win or lose. Maybe if it would just finish already he could get on with dealing with just one of those options, right now he was worried about the downsides of both.

"Moving to Canterlot would be nice." Arick mused as he leant over Stefani's crib, brushing the tip of his wing across her belly and watching her nip and snap for his feathers, "There's less air pollution, and flight restrictions are much laxer. Stefani's gonna love it there."

"She's not even a year old you berk." Kerri called out with amusement, sprawled out across one of the sofas and looking like she hadn't a care in the world. She rolled and stretched, shooting him a smirk, "She'll just be starting to get her training feathers in by the time mom's finished her term."

"Her first term." Arick proudly declared, lifting Stefani out of her crib and suspending her in the air, "And I can take her out for flights, get her used to the air..."

Sebastian moved slightly closer, his face drawn into a frown as he critiqued Arick's rather loose grip on his sister. He eventually had to speak up, "No you won't. And put her down, you're holding her wrong."

Arick just chuckled, tossing the little kit into the air in a quite frankly terrifying manner. Not that it bothered Stefani, the girl giggling happily as he caught her. Arick smirked at that, shooting Sebastian a grin, "See, she loves it."

Sebastian glared right back, "Mom, he's going to drop her!"

"Arick, put Stefani down. Sebastian, stop bugging your brother."

Both of them stood down, sighing and shooting each other challenging looks as they did as they were told, "Yes mom..."

"It will be nice to live in Canterlot." Their father noted as he lay beside their mother, his claw draped affectionately about her shoulder as they listened to the election results. He gave his familiar deep chuckle, resting back, "There's plenty of museums and libraries where I could find work as a scholar, Kerri will love the fashion scene there, Arick can take his art course..."

"Actually I've decided to focus on my martial arts career." Arick declared, dropping back and throwing a punch as he boxed the air, "The Grimfeather Kid... the sponsorship deals write themselves."

Sebastian snorted, having had more than enough of his older brother's vanity projects, "Arick, you have a zero to three win loss ratio."

Arick shot a dangerous look back, his anger shining even through his lopsided grin, "Could still flatten you."

Sebastian wondered if that was supposed to be an insult, rather than stated fact, "Well... yeah."

Kerri laughed, " Stefani could beat Sebastian up!"

He sighed, yet again well aware that all his siblings were far tougher than him, "Yeah, thanks for the vote of confidence."

"Quiet, all of you." His mother demanded impatiently, leaning forward and turning the radio dial up.

"And the results are in for Ponyville folks!" Swift Feather declared above the sound of rustling papers, "Verdant Kale has seven percent. Stern Lancer stands at eleven percent. Golden Bits has thirty one. And standing in the lead by a significant margin, Regina Grimfeathers, with fifty one percent of the vote!"

"Alright!" Kerri shouted, her claw punching the air, "Mom! You just won Canterlot, Ponyville and Fillydephia! That's like... half the NCR!"

"And with that, Regina now stands at a fifty nine percent lead, with the votes of eighty two percent of the NCR counted." Homage helpfully noted, "Olden Times, your thoughts?"

The old councilor cleared his throat, his voice soft and weak but still betraying his excitement at the news, "All the candidates here are good, true servants of the republic, but Regina... Regina is the most dutiful, committed, selfless person I have ever had the pleasure to know, and the public see that in her. She was a candidate for the element of generosity after all, and she embodies that in full."

"Olden Times always did like you." His father stated with a grin.

"Ehh..." His mother blushed fiercely, clearly uncomfortable with the praise, "Listen to him, talking about the element. It's just because he remembers me from when he was Arbiter."

"Exactly. I doubt the old man even knows who the others are." Arick commented with a snarky chuckle. He shrugged, "This is likely the first time he's looked outside his fancy mansion in months."

Sebastian shot his brother a chastising look, "Be respectful."

"Yeah, because it's in our interest to champion irrelevant old relics, becoming arbiter because they have lots of money." Arick replied with a smug grin, throwing a sloppy salute, "Keep the new aristocracy going buddy."

Sebastian went to shout back, but actually had to hesitate for a moment. Did... he have a point? Sebastian had very fond memories of Olden Times, as did the republic as a whole, but he was a truebred Tenpony born, Twilight Society educated elite, which did give him a few advantages in life. And thinking about it, out of all the candidates, the only one not of a Republic founding, large organization backed, staggeringly rich background was Verdant Kale... who was dead last.

"That really got to you didn't it. Damn, you're too easy."

Sebastian glared at Arick, distracted from his thoughts by the ever present desire to hit his brother with something large and heavy, "You're a total ass..."

"Damn, I really need a drink." His mother grunted as she rose, shaking out her bad claw with a grimace before padding past them. Her voice sounded out after a second, in that 'pointedly casual' tone, "Sebastian, help me in the kitchen."

Sebastian gave Arick one last glare before turning and following her out.

He found his mother not in the kitchen but just past it, out on the balcony looking out over Manehatten. The city's lights illuminated her from below, as before the war Manehatten never grew dark these days. It gave her a distinguished, triumphant, heroic look, the glass of whisky in her claws only adding to the image. Sebastian couldn't help it, taking out his camera and snapping a quick photo.

She turned, alerted by the sound. Her mouth curled in irritation, "Sebastian, I told you about that."

"Sorry." He meekly commented, placing the camera back in his bag, "It's just... one day, they're going to judge you on the records we leave behind."

She grimaced, "So, drunk, sleep deprived griffon angsting on a balcony?"

He gave her a small smile, "That's not what I was seeing."

"What? A leader? The griffon to take us into the future?" His mother snorted, looking back out over the city, "Ugh... I think I'd prefer being drunk."

"Then why did you agree to run?"

"Because it's not about what I want." She replied, her eyes narrowing angrily, "Or it shouldn't be. Somewhere along the line it became some prize to be won, something to prove you were the biggest, most important pony in the republic. That's the kind of thinking that's making a mockery of everything Littlepip built."

Sebastian dropped his head. He knew what she meant, "So it's duty."

"It's needed." His mother replied, "Did Littlepip really feel that enthusiastic when it became obvious that the new few months would entail getting shot repeatedly and seeing most of her friends die? Did Xephyr when it was revealed that she wouldn't get to enjoy the fruits of the peace she helped build, but instead had to be out there defending it? Or Velvet Remedy, when the brave new world turned out to consist of fifteen years of paperwork, criticism and social isolation?" She stared deep into her glass before taking a big swig, grimacing as it went down, "Fuck everyone who looks at that as some grand privilege, as first prize in the game of life."

Sebastian relaxed a little at that, "So... you heard Arick?"

His mother turned, eyeing him with a tiny bit of hostility, "I agreed to run as Arbiter because yes... being a hero made me very rich, and gained me a lot of privilege. And with that comes an expectation, of sacrifice and quality." She waved a claw at him, "So what are you doing to live up to that legacy?"

Sebastian paused, struck by her question, "I'm... I'm going to university, to learn to be a biologist..."

"And how will that help the world?"


"Are you doing it because you think it's the best way to serve, or because it's what you want to do?"

Sebastian looked at his mother, firm, proud, full of expectation. His tongue froze in his mouth, "It's... the NCR needs biologists..." He looked away, trying to order his thoughts, "I was actually thinking of being a taxonomist, discovering, categorizing and recording the traits of all the species out there. If... if we're going to reclaim this world, we need to understand it."

His mother reached out, placing a claw on his shoulder. He looked up to see her smiling, her voice affectionate, "Good. No one is saying you can't follow your passions, but make sure those passions are meaningful."

He nodded, "So... what is your passion mother?"

She paused, looking slightly haunted for a moment. Eventually she reached up and rubbed her crippled claw, voice a little choked, "To... see you all happy and safe."

He hesitated, knowing he had touched a nerve, "Mother, I..."

"Hey!" A shout came from the living room, "Get back in here!"

They both rushed inside, the family all gathered around the radio as Swift Feather's voice continued in his calm, authorative cadence, "...placing Golden Bits in a firm second place. And yes fillies and gentlecolts, that means that your new arbiter, with forty three percent of the vote... please join me in congratulating Regina Grimfeathers!"

"I couldn't think of a better choice." Homage agreed.


Bright lights, roaring noise. Sebastian blinked as he stepped across the stage, trying not to trip over his own claws as the constant flashes from the photographers burned themselves into his retinas. Arick was preening as normal, totally at ease in the sharp suit he had been forced into. The same couldn't be said of his father and Kerri, neither of which had much time for formalwear at the best of times. Given that he was happy to fade into the background, staying behind his mother and sharing private smiles with those in the crowd who he recognized. Ditzi Doo was there with all the orphanage children, Ace Gold, Elegant Waters, Pitch Perfect and Silver Rade all looking like catwalk models as Calamity stood beside them in a suit he appeared to have slept in.

Homage and Velvet Remedy stood at the podium, both sporting big smiles as they let his mother take her place. Homage handed his mother a microphone, looking across a crowd of what was easily filling the arena’s capacity of over seven thousand. She studied the crowd for a moment before she looked back, whispering something to his mother before switching on her own microphone and turning back to the crowd. She waited for the crowd’s cheers to silence before speaking, looking to his mother expectantly, "Many ponies credit your mother with founding the New Canterlot Republic, call the Grimfeathers the 'first family of the NCR'. How do you think Gawdyna would feel to see you now?"

His mother visibly gulped, tongue tied for a moment before she looked out into the crowd with eyes full of emotion, "I hope she would be proud."


...it seemed like so long ago...

Sebastian opened his eyes, taking a moment before he realized... he was back in the here and now. He peered around at the interior of his palace bedroom, the memories of the previous few weeks returning in a rush as he shook of the last of his sleep.

Littlepip, the invasion... Velvet Remedy.

He washed and dressed, somehow more aware of the oppressive silence. He never thought he would say it but he missed the dorms, full of his fellow students arguing, rushing about, making breakfast... here it felt like the whole world had just got up and left during the night.

It certainly looked like it, Sebastian looking around the apartment and seeing no one, all the beds neatly made. He opened the door to the living room and was relieved to see some signs of life at least, Elegant Waters gently snoring on the sofa with a blanket wrapped around her. Pyrelight was perched above, watching over her mistress. The phoenix turned her warm, protective gaze to Sebastian and he took the hint, leaving the filly to her rest.

He ruminated on the events of the previous day as he made his way down towards the central palace, his concern for Elegant sparked anew. Not only had her mother disappeared, Velvet Remedy had made it clear that she was purposely making sure she wouldn't be followed. All her top aides denied any knowledge of her whereabouts with a little too much conviction, and her secretary Sweet Acorn?

Sweet Acorn had been caught burning documentation, and after being apprehended had somehow managed to steal a gun from her captors and use it to shoot herself through the head. She was now in intensive care, unlikely to survive. What remained of the records she had been destroying indicated the Followers of the Apocalypse had been supplying information and materials to Red Eye.

There was now a warrant out on Velvet Remedy, with two of Republic Security's top teams assigned to take her into custody. She had also been tagged as a possible suicide risk, who would likely not allow officials to take her in alive.

And how had Elegant Water’s found out about this? That her mother was a suicidal, suspected criminal? When Swift Feather had pounced on her after a show she was seeing, shoving a microphone in her face and letting her break down on air.

Sebastian had never thrown a punch in anger in his life, but for some he would make exception.

The governmental quarter was full of life at least, the sounds of argument and conversation almost deafening. Life Bloom stood with a look of uncharacteristic anger before a trio of Steel Rangers, fully clad in power armor in what was a clear breach of protocol. Sebastian decided to approach, hearing the tail end of Life Bloom's sentence, "...she doesn't have time for this, and frankly neither do you!"

"She will make time." The lead figure stated, Sebastian noting it was a mare. A rather intimidating looking one, hatchet faced and fire eyed, covered in scars and approaching late middle age. Her voice demanded respect, full of fury and cold arrogance, "We will not put our lives on the line for a nation that makes war on us."

"The NCR is not making war..."

"Spare me." The mare cut Life Bloom off before he had even started, "I am here because Elder Peach Trees is dead, and I am well aware who is responsible."

Life Bloom looked both annoyed... and a little worried at this, "And that would be?"

"The Twilight Society, Velvet Remedy and Regina Grimfeathers." The mare declared, coldly reading off the names with utter contempt in her tone, "You, I do not have quarrel with."

Life Bloom stiffened, as did Sebastian. He took a backstep, wondering whether to run for the guards. Life Bloom's response made him hesitate, "Is that a threat High Elder Scrivener?"

"I have no intention of harming anypony." Victore Scrivener replied, Sebastian recognizing the mare now. She certainly lived up to her reputation, her voice hard as iron, "I have simply come to say my part."

Life Bloom narrowed his eyes, Sebastian noting a couple of armed guards were starting to collect around the area. Life Bloom noted the same, his voice firming up a little, "In full power armor, flanked by two Star Paladins?"

"We have no weapons, only armor." She replied, her own eyes narrowed and suspicious, "And forgive me for taking precautions, but too many of my brothers and sisters in arms have died in most mysterious circumstances lately."

"The arbiter had nothing to do..."

"Call her by her name Chancellor, I know she is one of your closest friends." Victore responded, eyes narrowed, "As such, I place little value in your opinion on the matter."

Life Bloom met Sebastian's eyes, the pony waving him over. Sebastian did as he was told, straightening himself out as he marched towards the intimidating towers of metal and grit now turning their eyes to him. He hoped they couldn't tell how scared he was as he stood before them, Life Bloom offering a reassuring smile as he spoke, "Sebastian, please. You mother is in the western reading room, if you would escort our guests there?"

"So you may contact her by phone, and plan ahead of how to once more take advantage of us?" Victore responded, then gave a icy nod, "Very well. Lead on Master Sebastian."

He nodded to them and led them in the direction he had been instructed, Life Bloom hurrying off as casually as he could. Sebastian had to say he wasn't at all comfortable with being alone with a trio of ponies in power armor with a clear grudge against his family, still he could tell guards were shadowing them.

"Do you hate us Sebastian?"

He looked round at Victore in surprise. She sounded surprisingly gentle when she wasn't yelling, "Of... of course not."

"I thought all young civilians considered us fascists, brutes."

He frowned. Some did. Some considered his mother the same, or Velvet Remedy, "Not all of us are that... ungrateful."

"Then why have the ordinances to limit our power received so much public support?" She asked, her eyebrows arching slightly.

"I..." Sebastian hesitated, admitting he had agreed with some of those ordinances. He didn't hate the Rangers, he simply... feared their attempts to grab power. Where that could lead. The feeling that military force should be the last option, and the least important part of any government, "You're a military organization. Your attempt to grab political power have always seemed... frightening to many."

"We fight and die so that you may have the privilege of making that judgment." She responded, colder now, "Do we ask your bureaucrats to put down their pens before taking their place at the head of the table? Do you question them when they amass their riches, assassinate their enemies, steal from those they are meant to protect?" She glared down at him, "Or are you happy to ignore their abuses, so long as they wear suits instead of power armor?"

Sebastian thought that was a rather poor comparison, "You can't kill someone with a pen."

"Of course you can." She grimaced, "My years of service mean I struggle to walk without the assistance of this power armor. I haven't fought in battle for near a decade. Yet you fear me still."

He struggled for a response, "...because you represent violence. A violence we're trying to escape from."

"A violence you are trying to control." She responded, "That is all this is. You don't want your armies, mercenaries and killers gone, you know you need them. But you would rather push us to the edges, enslave us to your will, call us brutes so you have an excuse to feel superior to us."

"We don't feel superior..."

"Of course you do." She snapped back icily, "You wear that suit with the same pride I see a knight take in his first suit of power armor, and I saw you look on me with distain when you entered the room. You believe your world is better, purer, more civilized than mine."

He went silent at that, unable to deny the truth of her words. A lot of the young did look down on the violent professions, seeing them as an archaic and brutish reminder of a darker past. He respected such service himself, but had to admit the idea of his sister serving had met with his instant disapproval. It all seemed so... brutal, and the idea that his little sister would have to kill ponies...

She seemed satisfied with his lack of response, and they continued to the reading room in silence. There was a guard at the door, still he seemed to be expecting them judging from how he calmly opened the door at their approach. Inside stood his mother, naked and unarmed save for her subtly disapproving glare, "High Elder Victore Scrivener."

"Regina Grimfeathers." She answered, moving to stand opposite. They both looked out of place in the elegantly appointed reading room, all dark wood and plush furnishings. His mother's lack of clothing highlighted the scars of a lifetime of battle, the battered condition of VIctore Scrivener’s armor even more apparent. Victore spoke first, "I wished to tell you in person, honorably."

His mother's stare didn't waver, "Tell me what?"

"The Grand Reach, Sparkling Waters and Black Caves have all agreed to withdraw from the New Canterlot Republic." She stated, prim and efficient, "As have the Applejack and Steel Rangers."

"So that's it." His mother spat back with venom, "We tracked the withdrawal of the chapters in that direction, knew there was something big coming." She leaned forward, eyes hard and sharp as steel, "How very convenient for your little insurrection that Equestria should face invasion. You obviously don't have the guts to pull this shit when we haven’t got an army bearing down on us."

She didn't flinch, "We would have helped you. Unfortunately the losses we incurred when you assassinated our leader and destroyed our central command left us dangerously under strength... and somewhat hesitant to come to the aid of those who murdered our brothers and sisters."

"We had nothing to do with that!" His mother shouted, "Why don't you tell us why the zebra invaded when they did? Why they had schematics of our ships?"

"Are you accusing me of treason?" Victore Scrivener asked, clearly sparked to anger by the accusation. Sebastian winced as he watched her, saw the shock on her face. She... was genuinely confused by this, "How dare you!"

His mother snorted, dropping back and rubbing her crippled talon, "Please. We know you're supporting Red Eye."

"So this is how you fight now Regina." Victore Scrivener answered with cold fury in her eyes, stepping back to make distance between them, "Your mother was an honorless mercenary, but at least she knew true strength. She would be sickened to see you now, lying and cheating your way to victory."

His mother's features tightened, "Don't you dare talk about my family!"

"You have spoken plenty of words about mine." Victore answered, holding her head tall, "And this is where it has brought you. Three territories gone, the Rangers renouncing their vow, your armies shattered and the zebra on your doorstep. Your mother built the NCR. It is appropriate that you should destroy it."

His mother stepped forward, getting right up in Victore's face, "Get out!"

"I've never wanted anything more." She answered, waving a hoof to her two companions, "Let us depart. We have said all we needed to say."

His mother watched them go, fury dripping off her, "Yes, you have. And I won't forget it."

"Enough with the bluster." Victore answered as she stepped out the door, "We already know how little weight your word holds these days."

The door closed, leaving Sebastian alone with his mother. He looked up at her for some reassurance, clarification, something... but she only looked ashamed. Embarrassed.

She didn't even look back at him, simply marching towards the door with all the dignity she had left. He followed mutely behind.


The council chamber was filled with noise as they stepped inside, the various delegates and their parties already in discussion. The voices quieted as his mother approached the podium, still she had to raise her voice as she gripped its surface, “Order!” A few more shouts sounded out as councilors tried to field their questions, his mother ‘pulling a Reggie’ and slamming her fist against the wood, “QUIET!”

The shouting reluctantly faded out, his mother taking the moment to look around. Her eyes settled on the few obvious gaps, “Where’s Canterlot Graves, Peach Row and Chicacolt?”

“Councilor Proud Plumage of Peach Row expresses his sorrow, but he has retired to mourn the death of his son during the battle against the zebra.” The steward declared softly, “His deputy has also been forced to depart. As for Councillors Silent Steel and Garavadi, they have given no reason for their absence.” The steward paused for a moment before slowly adding, “We are also missing the councilors from...”

“The Grand Reach, Sparkling Waters and Black Caves. I know.” His mother breathed, then looked up at the remaining twenty eight councilors, “Before we start, I want to inform you all that of this moment the Defense Council has been disbanded, and we now also take the role of protectors of the Republic. As such I am now the supreme commander of the defense forces, airforce and security services, and you all have authority over forces in your territories.”

This lead to some predicable shouting and hollering. One question echoed over all others, “What of Deadshot Calamity?”

“Calamity has stepped down from his position, in order to lead the security forces from the frontlines.” His mother sternly answered, “Victoire Scrivener has of this morning also resigned her position. This leaves the four positions of the defense council unfilled, and as per Order 47 of the constitution that places the civilian government in overall control of all NCR forces.”

“Victoire Scrivener defected from the NCR you mean.” Councilor Bitter Lemon of Fillydephia corrected, his tone slippery smooth, “And took her Rangers with her.”

“They are not hers.” His mother answered coldly, “We are currently making a tally of what Rangers remain loyal.”

“Not enough.” Bitter Lemon noted coolly, “You said we would skip the preamble. Let us speak of the decision at hoof. How will we defend Canterlot from the zebra army, our forces so severely depleted?”

“The NCR is not just Canterlot!” Councilor Gilded Cheddar of Manehatten interjected, “We must protect the true heart of the NCR, and move all troops to defend Manehatten!”

“Typical Manehatten, think it’s all about you!” Came a response from councilor Crow Foot of Salt Lick City, “Take everything for yourself, and leave the rest to burn!”

“The zebra army clearly moves on us.” Deputy Councilor Silver Bow of Canterlot agreed, “It is obvious that we are their primary target.”

Gilded Cheddar puffed himself up, “So you would pull all garrison forces from Manehatten?!”

“Manehatten has static defenses, along with its security forces. That will serve against most attacks.” Regina pointed out, giving him a firm look, “But the garrison forces must march to defend the capital.”

“So they can die fighting a doomed cause?” Gilded Cheddar retorted, “Canterlot might have the fancy stonework, but you all know that Manehatten is the true centre of the NCR. As such it must be protected. At the expense of the rest of the republic if need be.”

Shouts went up, angry and offended. Councilor Bitter Lemon cut through the noise with a single pointed question, “Why don’t we put it to a vote Councilor?”

“You would all like that wouldn’t you?” Gilded Cheddar responded sharply, looking around the room, “We have always had to deal with the envy the rest of you have for our hard earned prosperity, always had to deal with you all trying to claw away that wealth for yourselves!”

“The Republic was founded on shared prosperity Cheddar!” Silver Bow shouted back, fury marking her normally kind features, “I will not sit back and watch you insult the very heart of the NCR!”

“You won’t have to. I must attend to my city and its people, defend it from the calamity you brought upon it.” Gilded Cheddar moved away from the table, waving to his attendants and heading for the door, “I suggest the rest of you do the same.”

“Cheddar!” His mother screamed after the pony, slamming her fist on the table as her voice sounded out above the noise, “I motion to charge you with high treason! I’ll see you before a firing squad!”

He simply gave her a withering glare, “Yes, because you need more enemies. Now if you excuse me…”

His mother could only fume as the pony left the room, her head flicking back to the council so fast that he feared it would fly off. Her voice was furious in a way he had rarely seen her, “Again, I motion to charge the councilor with high treason!”

“I wholeheartedly agree Arbiter Regina.” Councilor Twilight Frost stated, her voice a serene oasis of calm amid the chaos, “But for now it is an insult we must ignore. We have greater dangers that demand our attention.”

His mother grumbled, but her head bowed in reluctant agreement, “Very well.”

“I will ask again.” Silver Bow stated in a loud voice, “Who here will come to the defense of Canterlot, and confirm Gilded Cheddar a coward and a traitor!?”

Shouts of confirmation went up. Not enough.

“The outlying territories are not like the cities.” Councilor Buckaroo of the Buffalo Stampedes asserted, his head bowed in regret, “We live next to vast territories of empty wastes, filled with raiders, monsters and worse. Neither do we huddle in well defended settlements, but rather spread out in remote ranches scattered across the hills. We require our garrison forces to keep us all safe.”

“And I am no coward.” Councilor Fish Sticks of Salt Lick City stated, his voice stubborn and proud, “But neither am I a fool. We have lost two battles against these zebra invaders, and lost many good ponies. I cannot in good conscience send more to die.”

“And what would you suggest?” Silver Bow questioned angrily.

“We surrender. We open negotiations.”

His mother tensed, her grip on the podium scratching the wood, “Why would they even consider that? They are winning.”

“Because we can promise them Canterlot, Appleloosa and Route 12A without a fight.” Councilor Fish Sticks answered.

Chaos erupted, several of the councilors moving from position to angrily confront others. One of Fish Sticks’ attendants was thrown to the ground by one of Silver Bow’s, the guards at the door hesitantly moving to contain the issue. His mother thumped the podium, her voice screaming out for order.


All eyes turned, Councilor Golden Fields of Ponyville standing proudly with a smug smile plastered across his face. He took a moment to confirm all were listening before giving a flourish of his hoof, “Our armies are not completely destroyed. We still have one last card to play.”

His mother narrowed her eyes in suspicion. Silver Bow on the other hoof sounded like she was about to cry with relief, “You would mobilize the Hellhounds? Send them to join the defense of Canterlot?”

“I would.” Golden Fields replied, beaming.

“And what would your price be?” His mother asked, her tone pointed.

“No price.” Golden Fields replied, smooth as silk, “Simply the respect the hellhounds are owed after saving the NCR no less than four times now, and the just rewards they are due for their service.”

Fish Sticks rumpled his muzzle in distaste, “Ponyville is the centre of Equestria, one of its greatest prizes. And now, it’s third most prosperous region, after Manehatten and Canterlot. You cannot say the hellhounds have been denied their rewards.”

“Ponyville is great because the hellhounds made it so, despite the burdens placed upon them.” Golden Fields replied with a further charming flourish, “Such as the trade restrictions placed upon our exports. Or judging their ancestral homes in the Dogland Wastes, or the Whitetail Woods as separate from Ponyville.”

It appeared to be the wrong thing to say. His mother’s eyes grew wide, her muscles bunching beneath her suit, “Are you… blackmailing this chamber?”

“Merely ensuring we are properly rewarded.” Golden Fields replied, his smile beaming.

“With the resources of the Whitetail Wood and Dogland Wastes, Ponyville would be in a position to dominate Equestria.” Twilight Frost noted with a chill in her voice appropriate to her name, “Those trade restrictions were put in place because Hellhound industrial capability far outstripped that of the rest of the NCR. Even without a plentiful supply of natural resources, easing them would allow them a near monopoly over NCR manufacturing.”

Golden Fields gave a cool stare in return, “That didn’t stop Manehatten.”

“No, it didn’t!” His mother shouted, feathers bristling, “First them, now Ponyville too? That the richest and most powerful would be first to make their demands, place their needs above the rest of us!”

“We have the most to lose.” Golden Fields reminded, “And the most to offer.”

“No you don’t.” His mother stated, “You are putting your needs above that of the entire NCR!”

“Look around.” Golden Fields answered coolly, waving a hoof around the table, “Most of the major territories have already abandoned you, the Steel Rangers are gone and the army is decimated. I control the one military force capable of turning the tide.”

“You damn crook.” Councilor Crooked Talon of the Dragon Aerie spat, near climbing across the table as he made his anger clear, “You’re a cynical opportunist, selling the hellhounds on the open market!”

Golden Fields smirked at the griffon, unable to hide the triumph from his eyes, "Merely protecting their interests. And you would know about that wouldn't you councilor? Considering how many griffon focused initiatives you've supported."

"How dare...!"

"Please!" Twilight Frost's voice rose shrilly above the chaos, "Councilor Fields, we will work out the exact deal at a later date. Until then I will personally promise the hellhounds will be rewarded should you lead them to defend us."

"My terms are already on the table." Golden Fields replied sharply, "And your attempts to delay a decision are as transparent as they are predicable Twilight Frost."

"Enough!" His mother shouted, slamming her fist on the table, "Your request is denied!"

Golden Fields looked smug, "Then what reason do I have to send my Hellhounds to die for you?”

"Because if you don't, I will see the economic restrictions on Ponyville increased tenfold." His mother hissed through a near closed beak, her eyes furrowed, "And I'll have you shot as a traitor!"

"Then that is my cue to leave." He stated as he moved away from the table, doffing his hat and making for the exit, "Please, when you have seen sense... call me."

Sebastian saw his mother reach into her jacket, talons clenching around the grip of her pistol. He reached forward by instinct and pushed against her breast, tightening it too much to get the weapon loose. His mother hissed in fury, forced to watch as Golden Fields left the room unmolested. She didn't even look at Sebastian, simply turning back to the room and letting her weapon fall back into its holster. Her eyes remained locked on the podium for a moment before her voice sounded out, horse and broken, "All of you... go."

Crooked Wing was quick to protest, "We are still loyal...!"

"Then you need to prepare for what happens when Canterlot falls, and I am dead." She answered, her head rising to reveal a look of fierce determination, "Gather your virgins, your riches, offer them in tribute. Maybe they'll spare you."

"Regina..." Twilight Frost started, "What are you...?"

"I will try to buy you as much time as I can." She simply replied, "Session is adjourned."


He followed his mother outside, seeing her eyes briefly flick up to the portraits of the arbiters leading up to the council chambers. He looked to them himself, these depicting the arbiters 'at work'. Elegant Script was hunched over a desk covered in numbers, abacus to the side. Olden Times stood on the palace balcony overlooking New Canterlot, looking proud as trade caravans and great markets thrived below. Velvet Promises was almost unrecognizable in a draftponies' uniform, manipulating a slide rule over some architectural plans as the half completed skeleton of Hoofbeats loomed over her.

And his grandmother flew into battle against the Enclave, explosions blooming around her as she dived into their ranks. The honor of their family. Of the Grimfeather name.

"Mother!" He shouted after her as she moved to leave, "We can still win this!"

His mother stopped, her shoulders tensing, "How can you say that?"

"Because I've read the histories! Your history!" Sebastian shouted, "You've been in fair worse situations than this! After Steelhooves died, and Velvet Remedy quit! After Kage...!"

She snapped her answer, "It's all lies!"

He paused, "W...what?"

"We weren't heroes. We were just dumb, and lucky." His mother continued, still unable to meet his gaze, "Kage was twice the griffon I was, but he's dead and I'm alive because... chance. Being at the wrong place at the wrong time. The wrong Grimfeather died, because I was lucky, and he wasn’t.”

He didn't see what that had to do with anything, "But you still won..."

"Tell me Sebastian, have you read the history of Gerald Grimfeather? Or your greataunt and uncle? How they died pointless and depressing deaths fighting the inevitable?" She turned now, fixing him with a furious glare, "We lost a thousand times. Heroes died pointlessly over and over again, until just once... we got lucky." She shook her head, "And now that luck has run out. There are no more heroes."

He wouldn't take this. It wasn't if he hadn't seen it before, his mother always prone to dark moods when she was frustrated. This seemed... worse than normal, but still nothing he couldn't handle, "That's not true!"

And at that a deep male voice sounded out behind, "If the heroes find themselves wanting, would you entertain the thought of a villain?"

He saw his mother tense, her eyes narrowing aggressively. He followed her stare, instinctively stepping to the side a little to defend her from whatever was coming. His heart trembled a little as he saw his opponent, mugshot familiar from countless scandalous news stories. His mother's claw rested gently upon his shoulder and he reluctantly shifted back, Councilor Bitter Lemon giving him a soft smile as he stopped in front and drew himself up regally. The pony was tall, taller than you expected, thin and possessed of prominent cheekbones that gave him a rather skeletal appearance. That impression wasn't helped by the jet black suit and blood red tie, along with the sickly, radioactive lemon cutie mark.

And then he spoke, his voice calm and somewhat raspy, "Arbiter, may I express my shame over the actions of some of my fellow councilors. Their betrayal of everything the NCR stands for reflects on us all."

"Rich." His mother chillily replied, "They normally say the same about you."

"My point." He replied, "It is at times like this that true quality, true loyalty are demonstrated. As you know, I am a resourceful pony."

His mother glared angrily, Sebastian shrinking back a little more just in case this got physical. Her words were blunt and full of distain, "You're a crime lord."

"I facilitate the economies of the underclass." Bitter Lemon stated, as regal and unruffled as ever, "And that provides me with friends in many fields. Spywork, the discrete movement of goods, the elimination of enemy officers, destruction of enemy equipment... you get the idea."

"I do." His mother replied sharply, "And what do you want for all this?"

"Please Regina, do not lump me in with them." He replied with a cool smile and a wave, "My main request is simply that of facilitation. You will of course become acquainted with many of my friends and their methods. Some of these friends might be known to the authorities, and some of their methods might be illegal. In order to make them feel safe, amnesty for both these and all prior crimes will be necessary."

His mother... flushed. Shame and a deep anger both filled her expression and body language, her gaze flicking to Sebastian before quickly moving away. She looked exhausted, as if all strength had been drained from her.

...and then it came back, colder and angrier, her body straightening and her fur and feathers puffing out. Her voice was a cold, sharp monotone, "Because that's who I am isn't it? The one who takes shortcuts, who stands in front of a microphone and sooths the public with pretty words while you, Velvet and all the others take advantage of the trust and goodwill of the innocent."

Bitter Lemon looked concerned, though he still kept up his utterly polite tone, "Velvet Remedy would be somewhat insulted to be compared to me. And though I understand that it may be shameful for you to associate with my kind, think of the situation..."

"I've spent enough time compromising my values!" His mother yelled, sounding dangerously off balance now. Her claw jabbed out, Bitter Lemon taking a soft, almost casual step backwards as she threatened to spear his eye the rate she was going. It didn't stop the spittle flying as she continued to shout, "It's my fault Xephyr's gone! Because I didn't trust her, because I was too cynical to believe in friendship and sincerity! And that's what broke us apart, that's why we failed. Because Velvet lied, and she convinced me to lie for her, and WE WERE SUPPOSED TO BE HEROES!"

Bitter Lemon turned a cool, questioning look to Sebastian. Sebastian was inclined to just shrug, he wasn't anymore ready for this than he was. Still he felt he needed to try, looking desperately to his mother, "You are a hero."

"Heroes don't associate with criminals!" She shouted, fixing Bitter Lemon with a hateful glare, "I've spent enough time compromising! When this is all over I'll see you, your friends, and your whole damn organization locked up! Executed!"

Bitter Lemon simply smiled, only a tiny hint of frustration on his face, "Regina, I think you need to lay down. You are obviously very stressed..."

"So you can bamboozle me?! Convince me that letting a known criminal sit at the highest ranks of power is somehow acceptable?!"

"They vote for me for a reason Regina." He replied, a tiny note of both pride and anger there, "I protect and provide for them, the same as you. A clean conscience is a luxury neither of us can afford."

His mother shivered, closing her eyes tight. She looked broken, grief stricken. And then bit by bit, anger flowed back into her, those eyes opening again in a fierce glare, "Negotiating with ponies like you is what got us into this mess."

"Regina, that is unfair..."

"NO! No more!" She lunged forward, seizing Bitter Lemon by the tie and dragging him closer. She loomed over him, spittle flying as his iron shod composure finally broke in a display of equal parts confusion and terror, "I should have you arrested! Celestia knows I have more than enough evidence... and before you say, 'that would implicate you too', consider this!" She loomed even closer, "I've got nothing left to lose!"

"Mother, stop!"

She turned her face to him, utterly broken. Her proud features contorted in a vision of utter defeat, her stance cruel and animalistic. She near gasped her words, "I'm doing this for you..."

He had a horrible feeling that was the case, "I... I think he's trying to help..."

"What do you want from me?! I thought you wanted me to be a hero!" She shouted, shaking Bitter Lemon by his collar, "Fight the bad guys! Make the world a better place!"

Sebastian looked away. He had hadn't he? It seemed so long ago, "I'm just a kid mother. You were right... and you're better than this."

She dropped her head, silent as she slowly released her hold on Bitter Lemon. She finally stepped back from him, only for her head to come up a second later to glare furiously, "Get out of here. Allow the NCR to die with a little dignity."

"Very well." He replied, once again perfectly composed as he straightened out his suit. After a second he bowed his head to her, tone surprisingly gentle, "And if I can... may I advise you to get some sleep? The NCR will need you at your best in the coming days."

"Fuck you Bitter Lemon." She growled, turning sharply to Sebastian. She looked like she was about to shout for a moment and he stepped back in fear, only for the anger in her eyes to fade. Her expression only became more regretful the longer she held her gaze, her voice choked, "Sebastian..."

"He's... right mother." Sebastian finally force out, "You should get some sleep."

She drooped limply, her muscle and power seeming to vanish as tired flesh hung across a flimsy frame. Finally she turned away, the sound of her steps sounding incredibly lonely as they echoed down the empty corridor.

Finally Bitter Lemon spoke, his voice cool and clipped, "I am not a nice pony Sebastian. You are right to despise me." He looked at him, cool grey eyes inscrutable and assessing, "I have a son about your age. I advised him to study medicine, marry a nice girl, live a respectable life. Yet his only interest is in money and power. He takes too much after me I suppose."

Sebastian hesitated, "I..."

"Your mother is right to be proud of you." Bitter Lemon gave a soft bow, a thin, amused smile spreading across his face, "You have many qualities Master Sebastian. I suggest putting them to use."


The mood in the bar was positively apocalyptic, rather understandably. Sebastian had seen it like this before, and as normal Councilor Crooked Talon was already ears deep in his drink, loud voice booming out as he continued with some rambling rant. The bartender kept his head firmly down and kept the alcohol flowing, Sebastian surprised to see even Twilight Frost downing wine by the glassful.

"I fought beside General Brigandine, we drank together at the day of Sunshine and Rainbows!" Crooked shouted out, waving his talons widely and spilling most of his vodka down his suit, "He looked at the sky and said to me, 'Crooked, my old comrade, I think everything's going to be just fine'."

"It will be." Councilor Benchmark answered, tone weary, "We said the same things during the Second War against the Enclave, despaired when Tenpony fell."

"And things have only got worse!" Councilor Blue Ink cried as he looked up from his cups, "Littlepip is gone, Xephyr is gone, Velvet Remedy is gone! Regina has failed, and the Followers, Rangers and hellhounds abandon us!"

"Let us toast to the death of the dream friends." Councilor Gloom intoned with resignation, "It was good while it lasted."

"Never!" Crooked shouted, throwing his glass across the room to shatter against the far wall. He peered about, spotting his fellow griffon councilor Tawnywing nearby and pointing a fierce talon at her, "Tawny! Fetch your weapons woman! We'll show there's still some fight in us, drive those dirty stinking zebra into the sea!"

"No offense Gloom." Benchmark added.

The zebra just snuffled, "None taken."

"Crooked, you are a drunk old fool, who hasn't lifted a gun in fifteen years." Tawny stated bluntly, sighing as she took another swig from her glass, "Look around you, this is what is left of the great republic. A dozen old drunks, blowing hot air and calling it leadership."

Sebastian had thought to rally them, give a speech. But now he was here... they were right. There really was no hope.

He met Twilight Frost's eyes, the alicorn looking surprised for a moment before a sympathetic look crossed her face. He just stared gloomily back, the alicorn looking discouraged for a moment longer... before stepping forward and firming her diaphragm, "We have been in worst places. Covered in darkness, surrounded by our foes. And though we might cry Littlepip's name now, back then we never dreamed she would succeed."

"Aye..." Crooked admitted, "I believed in Gawd, and even then... not that much." He chuckled, blushing fiercely, "I didn't fight in the battle you know, that's a lie. I ran supplies to the frontline, never fired a weapon in anger during the whole campaign."

"It wasn't any more glamorous out there." Tawny admitted, "Crawling through the mud, fighting untrained teenagers dressed in scary armor to claim an objective that didn't matter jack in the long run. I only agreed to it for the paycheck, never dreamed we would actually see the sun again."

"You know, I likely saw more action than the rest of you combined." Gloom noted with a spot of wry amusement, "Followed Xephyr and Xenith in, was with them nearly all the way to Stern." She grinned, "And I never had a moment’s doubt we would win. Because Xephyr was there, fighting for us."

"They sent a report you know." Blue Ink started, voice cautiously hopeful, "That... she was back... that she..."

"The reports are likely wishful thinking." Tawny stated with resignation, "It's the Gardeners, you know what they're like."

"We built all this on wishful thinking." Gloom noted, "Not one of us ever thought we'd be sitting here in a palace, surrounded by a city, covered in sunlight. We built all of that."

"And now it's all going to be destroyed!" Blue Ink cried.

"It's been destroyed before." Twilight Frost declared decisively, "And we built it back up. Let the rainbow remind you friends."

“Ha ha!” Crooked roared his approval, stealing a drink from one of his fellow councilors and downing it in one gulp as he rose. He slammed a talon against his chest, “Friends, do you remember it? The rainbow?”

Gloom chuckled, “I do...”

“Each one of us has something special, that makes us different, that makes us rare.” Twilight Frost started, her melodious, operatic tones proud and confident.

“We have a light that shines within us, that we were always meant to share!” Crooked delivered with all the volume and passion of a drunk, old soldier, which wasn’t an insult.

“And when we come together, combine the light that shines within.” Crooked and Twilight Frost delivered in harmony, before another three councillors joined in with gusto, “There is nothing we can't do, there is no battle we can't win!”

“When we come together, there'll be a star to guide the way.” Tawny delivered with a surprisingly shy, sweet singing voice, before it firmed and became more confident, “It's inside us every day.”

“Let the rainbow remind you, that together we will always shine!” Councillor Gloom proclaimed, her voice surprisingly powerful.

“Let the rainbow remind you, that forever this will be our time.” The others answered in unison.

“Each one of us will sometimes falter, we may stumble, we may fall.” Sebastian delivered, falling back on old singing practice and feeling himself choke up a little as every single councillor gave him a look of respect, hooves and claws slamming against hearts in salute. Their voices rose with his, “But we still have a kind of magic, one that will see us, through it all.”

“And when we come together, combine the light that shines within. There is nothing we can't do, there is no battle we can't win. When we come together, there'll be a star to guide the way. It's inside us every day. See it now! See it now! Let the rainbow remind you, that together we will always shine.”

Twilight Frost finished the song with the dignity it deserved, “Let the rainbow remind you, that forever this will be our time.”

The drew to an end amidst a chorus of chuckles and asthmatic coughing, smiles now sprouting across the faces of the councilors. It was Tawny who spoke first, cunning old eyes narrowing in thought, "I fought beside Barking Hoof, and he was in his seventies when he served. Tell me Crooked, how many grand old griffons do you know who still have the blood for a fight?"

Crooked chuckled, "You're looking at one!" He grinned a moment longer at her wry expression before continuing, "But if we put the call out, I'm sure we'll have a few hundred souls at least who are willing to fight."

Sebastian looked up at Twilight Frost, knowing she wouldn't like it but needing to ask, "Twilight Frost, couldn't you...?"

"You're really asking this of me?" She instantly responded, looking first to Sebastian, then to the faces of the others, "You're forcing me to openly give you my answer?"

"You started the damn song Frost." Crooked pointed out, "All we're asking is for you to ask for volunteers."

"Many would answer such a call." She conceded, before her expression firmed once more, "And the moment I make it, I know I have doomed us."

"Don't be dramatic Frost..."

"I'm being realistic! Dramatic would be to agree to this, to march my alicorns into battle for the protection of all." She desperately shouted, her face drawing up in a look of deep torment as she shook her head, "But... the consequences..."

Sebastian looked at her in worry, wondering what had her so tormented, "What consequences?"

"By making violence acceptable, I will awake the violence inside them. The ambition, the desire for power and dominance that resides in all of us. And they will inevitably realize, that they are bigger, that they are stronger." She looked away, ashamed, "And all it takes is one, one alicorn who goes too far... and they will turn on us all."

"That won't happen." Sebastian responded angrily, "We're not that shallow Twilight, we understand that every alicorn is different. And seeing them there, on the front lines... that's not scary, that's inspiring!"

She looked at him, sympathetic, "You have grown up with me Sebastian. Many have never even seen a alicorn. To them, we are still terrifying, a collective of soulless automations." Her smile faded, "And... there aren't enough of us. We have had a mere six dozen children during our entire history. Every single one of us who dies may never be replaced."

The room became quiet. No one really knew what to say.

Gloom finally spoke up, her tone bitterly cynical, "If you promise to stop calling Caesar's Legion the damn 'Zebra', I'll eagerly call the Angels to war."

They all looked across at Gloom, all the councilors slowly nodding in turn. Still Crooked lifted a talon after a moment, his subsequent question hesitant, "Wouldn't that run the risk of... friendly fire, infiltration..."

"Caesar's Legion has hundreds of ponies among their number you berk." Tawneywing answered, then gave Gloom a grateful nod, "And having zebra of our own would greatly even the odds."

"Perhaps we should contact Professor Silver Bell." Benchmark proposed, "Show them what Equestrian magic can do. The unicorns have ever stood at the forefront of Equestrian defense after all."

"Well..." Blue Ink chuckled nervously, "...I'm not sure you can call them the foundations of the Equestrian military..."

"Indeed. And it seems I am left with no choice." Councilor Flutterflash finally stated, rising from his silence to look up at his fellow councilors. He stood tall, extending his wings as he looked at them, proud pegasi features on full display, "Many of my fellow pegasi fell against Caesar's fleet, but we still have strength to spare. Should you choose to fight, be assured that we will fight with you."

Sebastian felt like he should help, and as his mother said his family name gave him plenty of connections, "I have friends in Manehatten, maybe I can call on them to see what they can do."

"And we should all contact the Followers enclaves in our territories." Blue Ink proposed, "Leaderless as they are, power should rest with the Elders. They must be convinced to act."

"And Calamity should mobilize National Security." Crooked added, full of fire now, "They might not be soldiers, but the wardens, sheriffs and crisis response have no shortage of fighters in their number."

"The Children of the Cathedral fought at the shores, perhaps they can be convinced to lend more aid at Canterlot." Tawnywing proposed.

Everyone looked back towards Twilight Frost, the alicorn looking deeply uncomfortable now. Eventually she turned away, shaking her head and trying to hide her expression under her hair, "I... I don't know..."

Sebastian faced her, remembering the truth of her words. He had known her since childhood. She was fussy, worried far too much, spent far too much time concerned about what others thought. But beneath it all was a pony who lived her entire life dedicated to others and their welfare. Others called it indecision, weakness, but he knew her dedication to compromise and mutual understanding was a full hearted belief, as was her opposition to aggression in any form. Asking her to send those who trusted her to war would tear her heart out, "Twilight Frost, you don't have to order them to do anything. Just tell them what the NCR means to you, tell them what's at stake, and ask what they're willing to give."

Twilight Frost's lips quivered, "And if it's everything?"

"Then it's their decision." He replied, "And you have to trust them to make it."

"Oh my, I do fuss don't I?" She responded with a mirthless smile, wings fluttering a little as she shook out her feathers, "Perhaps it is that time for the NCR as a whole. When we realize we cannot shield it from the realities of the world any longer, and we must merely witness the final test of our work. Whether it is strong enough to endure... or doomed by the failures we wrote upon its heart."

The others remained quiet at this speech, Sebastian spotting several peering at pictures of their own children. It was Crooked who finally broken the silence, sounding a little choked as he spoke to Sebastian, "Master Sebastian, would you mind if we left it to you to contact Commissioner Calamity?"

Sebastian turned, wanting to ask why they were entrusting him with the task. Still he figured it was long past time to question their suitability, just to press on the best they could, "Of course. Thank you councilors."

"Thank you." Tawny answered, putting down her drink and looking to the others, "Let us all pay our tabs, and go do our jobs shall we?"


Sebastian picked his friends pretty carefully, having been well prepared during his upbringing to see the difference between those who wanted to associate with him and those who wanted to associate with a Grimfeather. Still it left him with quite the network to call upon, Sebastian spending the next thirty minutes calling up everyone who would listen.

It accounted for a lot of verbal support, many promises to put pressure on the government, and few real material promises. Still he hadn't expected that much.

The real hope was invested in his next call, Sebastian breaking through an immediately suspicious amount of security and intermediaries considering he was calling on a private line. He had called on this line before and never had this much trouble, becoming increasingly short tempered. This was a national emergency, and one of the most powerful stallions in the country was out of communication?

Eventually he managed to force his case, the officer at the Single Pegasus Project reluctantly trotting off to fetch his boss. Sebastian wondered if it was just another way to delay him, but after a moment the stallion did indeed plant himself in front of the screen. He looked tired, his uniform even more crumpled than normal, his beard longer and streaked with more gray, his eyes heavily bagged and bloodshot, "Hi son."

"At last! I've been trying to reach you for hours."

Calamity looked away, unable to look at the screen, "Yeah... ah've been busy."

Busy? Not so busy that the radio operative couldn't waste ten minutes trying to stall him. Still Sebastian calmed himself, remembering why he was here, "Calamity, things are really bad over here."

"Yeah." He seemed to perk up a little, "A'm doing my best to help. Makin' good progress."

Really? Then all was forgiven, "You've been working out ways to stop the zebra?"

"Ah... kinda." He looked a little evasive, which wasn't comforting, "Got my best minds workin' on gettin' into the SPP."

That's what he had been doing for months! "Calamity, we need the security forces here in Canterlot! We need you here!"

Calamity faced him now, his expression suddenly grim and very, very serious. Even then he hesitated for a moment before speaking, "It's suicide son. You can’t win.”

Sebastian stared at him, not sure he was hearing it right, "I'm not running..."

"You'all need to run." Calamity repeated, his voice more labored now, "You know you can't hold that city."

"Then what's your plan?"

"Stall them until we find a way to get Littlepip out of there." He explained with a voice on the wrong side of desperate, "She'll know what to do."

Sebastian stared at him, unsure what to say. It was... he couldn’t' grasp what it was, "Calamity... you can't put all this on Littlepip. She's just one mare, we have to stand together..."

"An' how well have we been doin' with that so far?" He replied, shaking his head, "We're broken without her. We need her back."

"Calamity..." Sebastian couldn't believe the... cowardice he was hearing here, "You're a hero too! You can..."

"I'm just a broken down old cowboy son." Calamity replied, cutting him off. He suddenly seemed very old, tired body sagging downwards, "Just... get Elegant Waters and Pitch Perfect to safety. Promise me that?"

"Of course, but..."

"Tol' you Sebastian." Calamity stated before he had a chance to start. His eyes looked to the screen, a deep well of despair, "Ah don't have any answers left to give."

And then the screen went blank, the blinking red light informing him that the communication had been cut off on the other end.


Sebastian didn't know what to do. The heroes of Equestria... Xephyr, Littlepip, Regina, Calamity, Velvet Remedy, Lionheart, Spike, Fluttershy... they were either missing or...


Two still stood. Life Bloom was pretty much running the government by himself, trading favors and providing on the spot leadership as civil servants deserted on mass. Half of the offices had officially closed down, a few of them with their budgets and offices cleared out on the way. And for ever desk now unoccupied, that paperwork was re-routed to Life Bloom's.

And Ditzi Doo, who had been at the forefront of the evacuation since day one. She had trucks and chariots out there by the dozen, transporting families and property to safety just ahead of the advancing army. It was often easy to underestimate the little ghoul, a mistake Sebastian had made before. Seeing her effortlessly hijack half the resources of the NCR and organize them towards charitable efforts showed just how formidable she could be.

Still, it wasn't going to stop the approaching army. And he honestly couldn’t think what else to do, save fulfill Calamity’s request.

He made the mistake of heading for the presidential apartments first, only to find that Elegant Waters appeared to have left some time ago. After that it became an unnecessarily arduous job trekking through the palace, made harder by the fact that a lot of the staff had better things to do that track one girl's progress.

He eventually found her in the one place he never expected her, and indeed never hoped to see her. She was still clad in a rather frilly dress, still that dress incorporated a harness for a rifle and pistol, the rifle currently braced against her side with her magic as she stood within the palace’s shooting gallery. She closed one eye and pulled a rather comical face, wincing as the weapon discharged and landed a bullet just to the side of the bullseye.

She grimaced as she observed the impact, "Fuck."

Sebastian marched across the shooting range, as expected it was pretty busy today. He puffed himself up for the confrontation, feeling the eyes of others on him as he drew close, "Elegant Waters!"

She jumped, whipping round and shooting him a shocked look. Her magic quickly engaged the safety on her rifle, swinging the barrel upwards to point at the roof, "Don't tell dad."

He fixed her with an accusing glare, "That you're playing with guns?"

She gave him a look of offense, "I'm not playing with anything. Dad would be happy that I was taking my shooting seriously."

He raised an eyebrow, "You shoot?"

"I won first place at pistol sharpshooting at school." She declared proudly, before her face shifted back into irritation, "Didn't you know?"

Sebastian had been attempting to separate himself from Elegant during his time at university. He had hoped her crush would fade with time and distance... no such luck, "No... so what didn't want me to tell your father?"

"Nothing." She quickly declared, clearly trying to change the subject. Her expression soon became more serious, "It's bad in there, isn't it?"

He nodded, not willing to lie, "Yes..."

"Do you think I'm a shallow, selfish little girl?"

He hesitated, having to admit having heard words... similar to those spoken of her. Words that he might have occasionally seen some merit in. He took a little too long and her expression became angry, Sebastian finally choking out at response, "I... wouldn't be here if you were. I wouldn't be... worried about you."

She looked like she was considering his sincerity for a moment, finally accepting it with just a little suspicion in her eyes, "Thank you. But you don't need to worry about me."

He shook his head, remembering her tears the night before, "Yes I do. You've had it bad lately, I know..."

"I'm not the one who's had it bad." She countered with a look of quiet fury, "You should be more worried about the others. Velvet Remedy, Ace Gold, Pitch Perfect, your mother, Littlepip."

"It affects you too Elegant..."

"That's why I'm doing this!" She shouted, drawing more attention from the rest of the room. She was indigent now and Sebastian wisely shut up, allowing her to continue. She did so with gusto "My loved ones are in trouble, and it's my responsibility to step up!"

Sebastian sighed, suspecting he knew what she meant by that... and that she wasn't going to like what he had to say, "Elegant Waters, Calamity has asked me to evacuate you to safety."

"I decline his invitation." She spoke, clipped and professional, "I'm staying here. I'm going to help defend this city."

Sebastian tried to look authoritive, drawing himself up and trying on his best 'adult' voice. He also tried to forget the fact that it had never worked on Elegant, "You can't."

"Why not!?" She sniffed, cheeks flaring, "Because I'm a child?!"


"Any citizen of the NCR is allowed to take up arms defending their home, no matter their age!"

She was trying to debate him on NCR law? His grandmother founded the NCR, "With parental permission. You're under fifteen, you're still the responsibility of your parents." He gave her a serious look, "The militia cannot take you without your father's permission."

"That's not fair!" She shouted back at him, "Ace Gold ran away from home...!"

"He was fifteen." Sebastian countered her, though he agreed on the 'not fair' point, "He was allowed..."

"Ace Gold ran away from home because I was horrible to him!" She shouted over Sebastian, cutting his argument down. She stood there before him, chest heaving as she tried to get her emotions under control. Eventually she continued, her voice a little quieter now but no less firm, "I'm a silly, shallow, nasty little girl, and it's my fault my family is broken. I made everything worse, I drove my brother, and my mother, and everyone away."

Sebastian froze in shock for a moment before shaking his head with all the sincerity he could muster, reaching out for the girl, "That's not true."

She smacked his claw away, taking a step back to widen the gap between them, "It is true. And I'm going to fix it. I sent Pyrelight to find my mother and brother, tell them to come back home. And until they get here, until they fix this mess... I'm going to fight."

Sebastian didn't know how to argue with that, "Elegant Waters... no one wants to see you hurt."

"Everyone has a family Sebastian." She countered angrily, "And in the war ahead, the death of one stupid little rich girl is hardly going to be the greatest tragedy is it?"

He reached out for her again, even though he knew he was just asking for it now, "Elegant Waters..."

"Go away Sebastian." She angrily demanded as she turned her back on him and trotted back to her shooting booth, "Unless you're planning on dragging me out of here."

He was well aware how dumb that would be, and couldn't think of anything else to say. In truth... he sympathized with her a little. She was a smart girl, and could make her own choices. She had reasons for doing this, reasons that he just couldn't argue with.

And maybe that made her smarter than him. It wouldn't be the first time.


It seemed everyone he loved was preparing for war. He found his sister with the other Talons, already loaded up and being assigned their missions. He confronted her when she came out, trying not to look too disapproving, "Kerri."

"Hey Master Basta." She smiled softly, her tone affectionate, "Rough day huh?"

She seemed unusually gentle. It was weird, as was the combat armor and battle harness she was wearing. His sister wore t-shirts and jewelry, and was far quicker with a snarky comment than a fist, "Are they sending you out to fight?"

She chuckled, though it seemed a little bitter, "Of course not. I'm only fourteen, I'm an initiate. They've got me running supplies."

He looked to the shotgun and pistol at her side, "Armed like that?"

"I'm not sure the zebra will care to tell the difference."

He frowned, not sure supply runner was necessarily any safer a job for a teenager. He noticed something else after a moment, eyes moving to the handle of her pistol, "Is that mother’s?"

She nodded, a hint of pain in her expression now, "Yeah. She has one, I have the other."

He looked her in the eye, hesitating to speak. Her expression didn't make him feel any better, "How... is she?"

"She's intending to use it." Kerri stated simply, looking away and betraying a hint of fear, "She's staying in the city."

He grimaced, hating all this... self destruction. His mother and Elegant Waters were both looking for redemption on the battlefield, but neither of them remotely belonged there. The fact that his mother had abandoned one of her pistols was proof of that, her injuries rendering her unable to use one of her claws, "What does she think she's going to prove by getting herself killed?"

Kerri hesitated a moment before moving forward. Sebastian tensed, preparing to escape as she grabbed hold of him, wondering what had inspired her attack...

...he wasn’t sure what to think as she just held him tight, her beak nestling into his shoulder. It certainly brought back a few memories, though even they were few and far between, "You haven't hugged me since you were eight."

"You haven't hugged me." She accused back, digging her claws in a little, "I've always been jealous of you."

He paused, unable to parse that. She was the social butterfly who always looked like a model and had about eighteen billion friends, compared to that he was... him, "Why?"

"Because you never had to worry about being cool." She answered back, "You're a straight A student, you don't care what anyone thinks about you... and mother likes you better."

"Father likes you better."

She smiled a little, blushing as she drew away, "You and her, you're both so... distant. I only wind you up because you would never pay attention to me otherwise."

He squirmed, not remotely comfortable with these kinds of situations. His sister was being weird, and this was another thing he could pin up in the 'women are crazy' seventy two volume treatise, "I... um..."

"It's alright, I'm letting you go now." She answered with a chuckle, letting go and flashing him a cheeky grin as she moved back, "I just wanted to be honest. You know?"

"I know." He reluctantly conceded, "And I came down here because I was worried about you."

"Thank you." She replied as she moved past, slapping him on the shoulder and giving him a grin, "Let's both do our best, yeah?"

He gave her an awkward smile back, wanting to tell her how much he envied her sometimes, "Yeah."


He was feeling pretty discouraged by this point, having inspired a lot of courageous words, but very little in the way of real progress. The city only made him feel worse, most of the businesses shut down and barricaded, the great centre of NCR culture now silent and empty. He met a few souls on his journey and they eagerly ate up his words of encouragement, still he wondered how much they really achieved.

They did however point him to the current location of Professor Silver Bell and the rest of the Universities’ magic department, Sebastian thanking them before opening his wings and flying over to the city walls. In truth they often felt rather ornamental, especially to a griffon, marble slabs about ten meters tall decorated in gold sketching with four wide, rather indefensible gateways. They allowed the city to control traffic and deter smuggling, sported the occasional defense gun, and gave the city another tourist favorite, still it was well known how little they would truly deter say... the enclave, or any other well equipped military force.

The relevant location was obvious, a massive crowd held back by security as a large group of unicorns performed some sort of complex spell work. Silver Bell was also easy to spot, her slightly twisted, unusually long horn, half moon spectacles, wide brimmed hat and conservative, elegantly cut robe as always making her look much older than she actually was. Sebastian guessed an archmage was required by tradition to be elderly, but he knew for a fact she wasn't even thirty yet.

She directed the efforts of her students, runes popping up along the walls. The crowd seemed transfixed by the sight, and Sebastian admitted it wasn't often these days that you saw real magic.

Life Bloom was there too, pouring over the city's plans. They stretched across a hastily erected table near the gates, the guards that surrounded him waving him closer as Sebastian approached. Life Bloom looked up and greeted him with a smile as he landed, "Ah, Master Sebastian."

"Life Bloom." He replied with a note of curiosity, drawing his wings back in, "I thought you were down at the offices?"

"I rustled together enough clerks to keep things ticking over there." He grinned, unusually cheerful, "Do you know my special talent?"

Sebastian nodded, having always thought it sounded useful, "Learning things."

Life Bloom nodded, giving a chuckle as he patted the plans in front of him, "A useful skill, in a world where so many have such short memories. Did you know Canterlot has defenses?"

Sebastian thought back. To be honest his comment on the walls had said it all, no one ever really expected the place to fall under attack, "The... walls I guess? And turrets?"

"Much more than that." Life Bloom answered with a chuckle, "In fact one of the goals of the architects was that the city would be the best protected in the wasteland, an impregnable fortress."

Sebastian cocked an eyebrow, "Really?"

"Yes, well they were intentionally kept a secret, known only to a few." Life Bloom started, "A rude surprise for any attackers."

"So... what do they do?"

"I've no idea."

Sebastian frowned, "You... don't know?"

Life Bloom sighed, waving a frustrated hoof, "As I said, the details were only known to a few. Velvet Promises, who is dead. Olden Times, who bless him, finds it hard to remember such things these days. Ebon Rune, who remains locked in Arbu, able only to speak the names of the great old ones. And Gaia Windrunner, who disappeared five year ago."

"So... you're what?” He looked back at the walls, realizing the mages were in fact activating the magical enchantments one by one, studying each in turn, “Reverse engineering them?"

Life Bloom gave an encouraging shake of his head, "We weren't entirely unprepared for this eventuality, I have the plans for the walls and their defenses right here. Still, as expected for Ebon Rune and Gaia Windrunner the magic involved is rather complex... and appears to be written in some obscure shorthand.”

Sebastian looked himself. It could have been a diagram for making toast for all he knew, "Yeah, I'm not going to be much help."

"Do not despair Master Sebastian." Life Bloom cheerfully replied, "We have the finest minds in Canterlot working on it."

Sebastian frowned, finding Life Bloom's cheer... bizarre. With everything that had happened... "I'm sorry about Admiral Swift Ender. I know you were close."

"The admiral is as tough as they come." Life Bloom confidently replied, "Reports are that the zebra took many prisoners from the crew of the Lightbringer. Undoubtedly he was among them."

That sounded... optimistic, "And my mother..."

"Your mother is an emotional woman, who finds failure difficult to deal with. But she has dealt with it, many, many times before." Life Bloom reassured, "She will come through this."

Sebastian felt he didn't grasp the true gravity of the situation, "Calamity is refusing to help. He's still focusing all his efforts on Littlepip, even as the NCR burns!"

"Please Sebstian, calm yourself." Life Bloom warned, before his face fell, "That is indeed unfortunate. Still, he is having to deal with a lot in a very short space of time, no wonder he seeks to cling to the one name he believes in above all others."

Sebastian considered this for a moment, before his mouth opened in blasphemy, "I don't. Not anymore."

Life Bloom sighed, "Master Sebastian..."

"You're all just... people like any other, doing their best." Sebastian finished, taking in the truth of it. He had felt betrayed, let down by the fact that the heroes he had grown up among could make mistakes, could possess bad judgment. Now he understood just how selfish that was, "We expect you to keep protecting us, and you feel honor bound to live up that that expectation."

"Sebastian..." Life Bloom wavered, placing a hoof against his breast and continuing in a shaky voice, "We fight, so you don't have to. We wanted to make a better world."

"You did." Sebastian assured him, "And it's time we protected it."

He turned and strode towards the crowds. He spotted Silver Bell a short distance away and waved her over, the young mare dutifully trotting over, "Master Sebastian." She stated in a voice like windchimes, "What can I do for you?"

"I want to speak to the crowd." He asked, having seen her do similar things in the past, "Can you magnify my voice so they can all hear me?"

"Of course." She answered with a sweet, motherly smile, eyes locating a suitable spot on top a loading platform, "Over there, they should all be able to see you."

He thanked her and climbed up on top, feeling the butterflies in his stomach now. He had done plenty of public speaking at university and had never been what you might consider 'shy', still this was a big crowd and now he... wasn't really sure what he wanted to say.

"Sebastian Grimfeather!" A young pegasus pony in the front row started, "Is it true that the NCR has been disbanded?"

"No!" He hastily answered.

"But Manehatten and Ponyville have both refused to help?"

Sebastian sighed, this wasn't why he was here, "They're all just scared. We all are, our world has been turned upside down."

"Then what hope to we have, when even our heroes don't know what to do?"

"Become heroes yourself!" He started, only to be swiftly cut off as a young, angry looking griffon with a styled mane shouted upwards.

"Why should we? Why should we fight for those corrupt bureaucrats, for the big bank businessponies, for those clearly eager to abandon us when things get bad?"

"Because it's not them you're fighting for." He started, trying to form the words in his mind before the tumbled out, “It's not even the NCR. Those are just... names. Structures, formed around what really matters."

"And what is that?" Silver Belle asked, looking kindly up at him and clearly already in support of his message.

"It's this land, this opportunity." He stated with passion, the next part putting word to what he really felt he had learned this day, "My mother, Littlepip, Velvet Remedy... they gave us both. They've spent the last seventeen years struggling to maintain it. And as we judge them for the compromises and the failures, we must ask ourselves... what have we done to protect this world? What have we sacrificed? When we wake up every day to sunshine and prosperity, do we ever spare a thought to those who fought under black skies to bring us here?" He faced them all, feeling he should crumble under the pressure, stumble over his words. But like when he delivered presentations at university, the simple fact was that he hardly noticed the crowd. He spoke from his heart, with passion, with no choice to voice the words in his heart, "You've all read their stories. You all know what they did. They went through periods like this, when all seemed lost, and all were against them. When they doubted their cause, when evil seemed all powerful and their own strength so lacking. Well this is our time. This is the time of the Rainbow Children, when we prove them wrong about us. That we are not the spoiled product of easy times, unworthy children of better ponies. That within us dwell Littlepip's, Calamity's and Velvet's in their hundreds, that we are heroes and paragons capable of defending what they bought us!"

He took a deep breath, and spoke, "When all seems lost, and the skies darken, that is not the time to lose hope! That is the time when we prove our hope is worth fighting for!"

And the cheers came in a roar, bringing Sebastian back to the here and now. His heart froze then, trapped by the stares of a thousand cheering souls. He contemplated his escape, but the edges of the podium seemed very far away.

He looked about when he saw a pony approach, a young pegasus mare with a roll of film cutie mark, probably a media student from Canterlot university. He quivered even more when he saw the tape recorder around her neck, the pony nervously fiddling with it as she stopped in front. She was blushing and the words took a while to come, Sebastian realizing after a second that she was actually a little starstruck. He decided to go first, "Um, you wanted to ask me something?"

"Um... yeah!" She suddenly perked up, seeming to find her confidence at last. She moved a hoof to sweep aside her rather messy mane, smiling rather awkwardly through a face of freckles, "Lucky Swoops, Canterlot University Radio. I just wanted to ask your permission to play your speech and place it within our archives."

He fought the urge to deny her instantly, "It... I'm sure you have better things to play. I was just rambling, I've had a tough day... and I'm pretty sure I said 'everypony' at some point, which always sounds dumb coming from a griffon..."

"You kidding?" She stated, grinning widely now, "Littlepip couldn't have said it better, and frankly this is going to kill your fans." She chuckled, "To be honest, I think we're going to have to include a warning to have a fainting couch for them nearby or something."

Sebastian had gotten totally lost somewhere, none of this making any sense, "My fans?"

"Didn't you know?" Lucky Swoops asked, grin growing wider, "The photographers hounding you didn't clue you in?

He winced at the very mention. Fortunately Manehatten university had pretty good security, "My mother's Regina Grimfeathers. They're only interested in me because of her."

She laughed, looking incredulous now, "Yeah, you're the son of the NCR's most prestigious family, but that's not all you are. You're an inspiration to a whole generation, people buy magazines to know who your friends are, what you're studying, what you want to do when you graduate..."

Sebastian took this in with all the dignity he could muster. He was... aware of some of these things, but he never gave them much mind. He knew he was the world’s least interesting griffon, and... those magazines obviously had nothing better to print, "Because of my mother."

"Maybe so." She conceded, "But you mean something to young griffons. They look to you for guidance, of how to escape the shadows of our parents and forge our own path." She nodded firmly, "These words from you... they're going to listen."

He paused for a moment before nodding back to her. He couldn't say he liked it, but if they really were interested in his ramblings maybe he could do some good, "Then air it, with my thanks."

"I'm not really sure how many ponies you would reach airing it on Canterlot University Radio." A familiar voice spoke from a little way off to the side, Sebastian feeling his heart sink even as Lucky Swoops face lit with a whole new dose of starstruck admiration. Sebastian turned, as expected finding that Swift Feathers had also managed to penetrate the cordon... with a whole production crew in tow. His microphone was already out as he approached, smooth as silk, "Sebastian, an interview please? Is there any truth to the rumors that half the NCR is refusing to help defend Canterlot? And how is your mother holding up? Has she really had a breakdown, threatening to execute her fellow councilors?"

"I've said all I'm going to say." Sebastian replied, trying to keep his intense dislike of the griffon hidden... with mixed results, "And you can negotiate with Lucky Swoops for the recording."

"Of course." Swift Feather stated with a rather cool smile, eyes communicating that Sebastian's hostility had not gone unnoticed. Still he quickly turned to Lucky Swoops, extending his claw to shake, "Young miss, how would you like to collaborate with me on this story? It will be very valuable experience for you, something to put in your portfolio for sure."

She nodded so fast her head threatened to fly off, "Of course! I...!"

"Pay her for it."

Lucky Swoops looked over to him, shocked for a moment before shaking her head, "No, it's fine. I..."

"When he says 'collaborate with him', he means he'll take all credit for the story and cut you out. Make him pay you for the story, and run it yourself first as an exclusive." Sebastian advised, then gave Swift Feather an unambiguously hostile look, "The NCR is falling apart, and you're trying to stiff people for a story?"

"So the rumors are true, the NCR really is falling apart!" Swift Feather stated with undisguised glee. He chuckled after a moment, waving a claw at him, "We can't all be heroes Sebastian. Some of us just run the news."

“You preening, selfish...” Sebastian started, trying to hold himself back. He knew that microphone was still there, that Swift Feather would love it if Sebastian lost control, “...you would just stand there recording as Canterlot burns wouldn’t you?”

“Someone has to make a record.” Swift Feather explained with a shrug.

“Tell me Lucky Swoops.” He asked, feeling the doubt creep into his heart, “Am I fooling myself? Do people just want to listen to my speech because I’m famous, and it’s something to briefly amuse themselves? Will they wake up in a couple of days to see the Republic burning, and blame everyone but themselves?” He looked at her, “Does anyone really care?”

She gave a weak smile back, “I guess we’re going to find out.”

He sighed. He guessed they would.


Regina Grimfeathers
Str - 3 End - 5 Dex - 7 Int – 4 Per - 4 Cha - 7 Lk - 6

Level 21

Life Giver Level 2 – You have an extra 40 health points.

How We Do It Down on the Farm - Your damage from critical hits, including Sneak Attack Criticals, is increased by 50%. This does not affect the chance to cause a critical hit.

Gunslinger - While using a non-automatic pistol, your chance to hit in S.A.T.S. increases by 25%.

Gun Fu - Do 25% more damage to your second V.A.T.S. target and beyond.

Swift Wing Level 2 – Top flying speed is doubled, and difficult on stunt checks is reduced by 30%

Stable Shot - You have a higher chance to score a critical hit on an opponent in combat, equivalent to 5 extra points of Luck.

Hand Loader – When you use Guns, you are more likely to recover cases and hulls. You also have all hand load recipes unlocked at any reloading bench.

Gun Nut Level 2 – You can access base level and Rank 2 gun mods at a crafting table.

Local Leader – You gain additional options when leading organisations.

Medic Level 1 – Health potions restore 30% of lost Health, and RadAway removes 30% of radiation.

Eye for an Eye - For each crippled limb you have, you do an additional 10% damage.

Commander in Chief – You gain a 10% bonus on speech checks towards non-combatants.

Duelist Level 3 – You can wield pistols in both claws without penalty, and aim both at different targets.

Run 'n Gun – Aiming penalties are reduced for shooting while walking, running or flying.

Rapid Reload - You reload all your weapons 25% faster than normal. This also allows you to switch ammunition types faster.

Terrifying Presence – You gain special options in dialogue that can cause enemies to flee in terror.


Maternal – Your children are the most important thing in the world for you, and both inspire and exasperate in equal measure. While they are present you suffer a random -10% to +10% penalty to all skill checks. If they are threatened you immediate gain a +20% bonus to all damage.

Element of Generosity - The unique properties of one of the elements of harmony have rubbed off on you. You gain a +1 to Endurance and a further +1 bonus in willpower checks.

The Gentle Scholar – Percival might not seem like much to others, but to you he is an endless source of support and companionship. Gain +5% to all experience earned.

Crippling Injury: Withered Claw – One of your claws has taken a hit from a star metal powered weapon. You’re lucky you’re still alive! You do however suffer -40 skill on all tasks using it as primary, and a permanent -1 dexterity.

Crippling Injury: Old Wound – One of your injuries never really healed right, and still keeps you up at night. You suffer -1 Endurance, and each morning suffer a 10% chance that each special stat will also take a -1 penalty.

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