• Published 12th Aug 2012
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Fallout Equestria : Black And White - Philweasel

Peace between the NCR and Zebra wasteland becomes a battleground between competing factions.

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Chapter 5.13 - When We Remembered Zion

Lucky Swoops trod carefully through the mud, warily balancing the camera and sound equipment she had brought with her in fear of getting it wet or damaged. She had taken a chance staying so close to the battle but it had given her several great shots of the conflict, as well as front row seats to the moment where the pink gas began to clear and the fighting suddenly stopped. She now considered the incredible prospect that she might well be the first journalist here... or journalist in training at least.

She found a good spot and set up her tripod, panning the camera around to take in the sight. The Followers of the Apocalypse and Children of the Cathedral had both arrived, chariots dropping off a steady stream of medical personnel that were working to evacuate the plains. Meanwhile a small army of alicorns worked on the pink gas itself, abusing their immunity to its effects as they used magic and sprayers to neutralize the substance.

"Hey, stop right where you are!"

Lucky Swoops peaked her head up from the viewfinder, spotting a police officer advancing towards her with his weapon out. As a NCR born pegasus she was used to this, quickly stepping back from her equipment and slowly rotating to display she was carrying no weapons, "My name is Lucky Swoops, resident of New Canterlot and student at Canterlot university."

"An NCR citizen huh?" The officer mused cynically, "Then why do you still have your cutie mark?"

"I'm sixteen sir." She was forced to point out, not for the first time, "I was born a year after the day of Sunshine and Rainbows."

"And what's all this?" The officer asked, waving his gun at her equipment.

"It's... a camera sir." She cautiously offered, now realizing that this guy just wanted to make her life difficult, "It’s standard equipment offered by the university."

"I find that difficult to believe miss. I'll have to confiscate your equipment, and take you in..."

Lucky Swoops's panic was eased instantly as she looked just behind the officer, seeing him just for a moment through the smoke and calling out desperately, "Sebastian!"

The griffon looked round at her voice, a desperate hope dawning on his face for just a moment... before it faded into disappointment. He quickly wiped the look from his face, gingerly stepping through the field to approach them, "Lucky Swoops right? The student journalist who interviewed me?"

She was impressed he remembered, "Yessir!"

"What are you doing here?" He asked, looking tired but mercifully unhurt otherwise, "It's dangerous."

"You're here." She pointed out.

"I'm... looking for a friend." He explained.

"I'm looking for the truth."

He looked up at her in surprise for a second, then gave her a smile, "Sure. Just be careful."

"You know... if you support the free press..." She gave a disdainful nod in the officer's direction, "I've got a regular Sergeant Pure Heart here. Wanted to arrest me for being a..."

"...security risk!" The office cried out, then looked over at Sebastian, "Sir."

Sebastian's expression couldn't get much more withering, shooting a glance at the officer, "Because she's a pegasus?"

The officer went very pale, his voice strained, "We're still at war with the Enclave..."

"Councilor Flutterflash died a couple of days ago, defending Canterlot alongside hundreds of his fellow pegasi." Sebastian waved a claw at the officer's shoulder, "Where as you are from Manehatten, which I note refused to aid in what was borderline treason."

The officer simply dropped his head at this point, an action that Lucky Swoops had dreamed of since the first day she had been pushed down in the playground by a pair of earth ponies. His tone was broken, "I sincerely apologize sir."

Sebastian smiled at this, then looked at Lucky Swoops with a knowing grin, "You were right... I can make a difference." He then looked back to the officer, "You will escort Miss Lucky Swoops to whereever she wishes to go, and make it clear she travels with my authority."

Lucky Swoops grinned, this better than she could ever dream, "Thank you!"

"And in return... make sure to give a fair and truthful illustration of events. The good, the bad and the ugly." Sebastian nodded, "And if you would... keep an eye out for Radiant Waters."

Lucky Swoops's smiled died a little at the mention of the little princess, "She... got lost in the fighting?"

"She fought in it." Sebastian replied, "Celestia's fires... at this moment I have to admit, I don't know if anyone's dead or alive. I'm not even sure if the war's really over."

Lucky Swoops smiled, "I think that's true of the whole country. That's why I'm here."


It was quiet now, the SPP's monitors now full of their normal weather reports and status updates. The hum of its components had lost the high pitched buzz that they acquired when under strain, the facility now seeming... at rest.

"It's done." Littlepip stated in quiet relief, "Spark Plug and Record Scratch have been teleported to the holding cell outside, it's just you, me and Puppysmiles."

Homage rose, feeling an irritating strain across her muzzle that wouldn't go away. After all this, at the end... she expected more answers. But now she finally had what she wanted for so long, finally had Littlepip back... she wasn't sure what to do or say next, "I better inspect some of the systems personally."

"Wait." Littlepip quickly countered, "I've been stuck here for months, I really need to stretch my legs."

Homage raised an eyebrow, "Is that wise?"

"Don't blame me for wanting to see your pretty face with my own eyes."

Homage chuckled, Littlepip's flirting having really grown in confidence since they had first met, "Fine..."

She stepped out of the command room and grabbed the medical trolley from a side cupboard as she entered the central chamber, nudging it over as she approached the pod. She hesitated for a moment before pressing a hoof against the release button, taking a deep breath as the mechanisms engaged.

The pod whirred, the soft mechanical sounds of shifting components as Littlepip's direct control and life support systems were disconnected, drugs injected to wake Littlepip's body. After a few seconds the armored shell of the pod withdrew, then the glass interior slid open with a hiss. Homage stepped back, allowing the steam of chemicals to disperse and watching in trepidation as Littlepip stretched out and hesitantly reached to brace herself.

Homage smiled, her heart filled with both compassion and love as Littlepip emerged. After seeing her in her prime within the simulation the effect was heightened, Homage biting her lip at how unfair it was. Her eyes travelled across Littlepip's nearly bald body, her thin, almost skeletal form, her shriveled ears and tail. Littlepip's hooves touched the ground and she wobbled, withered muscle struggling to keep her upright.

Homage quickly moved forward to catch her, drawing her into a deep embrace. She had to keep it from becoming too tight however, frightened of hurting her, "I missed you so much..."

Littlepip chuckled softly, her voice weak and raspy, "I can tell. You look terrible Homage."

"I'll admit it's been... difficult." She finally admitted, "I might have even lost faith a few times."

Littlepip sighed, drawing away and giving her a reassuring smile, "But it's ok now. It's over."

"I... know."

"But you don't look happy."

Homage closed her eyes, shaking her head. It felt she had been cheated, that they had got this far and she still wasn't happy, "Dream Star's plan... it made no sense."

"Well she was insane."

Homage shook her head. It was true, but it wasn't that kind of insane, "Pip, she had won. There was a hundred different ways she could have made that simulation impossible to escape, but instead... she almost gave us the victory. She played into every villainous cliché she could think of, made me some sort of... kidnapped princess to motivate you into fighting her."

Littlepip smirked, "Well we've faced more than a few enemies like that. Xephyr had that one pony remember, who was vandalizing statues in an attempt to... date her? Fight her? I was never that sure to be honest."

"I think it's a complement Pip." Homage stated warmly, chuckling at the idea, "She respected you, in her own way. I think she must have respected everypony in that room."

Littlepip's smile faded a little, "She caused a lot of damage, trying to get herself killed."

"But that wasn't all she did." Homage stated, then wrestled with the next part of her theory. It was still difficult to talk about, even after all this time. Especially with Littlepip, "She must have known..."


"That... I'm dying." Homage finally forced out, "Record Scratch knows I'm sick, and I've seen Twilight Society doctors. The records are there, and it's hard to go through repeated chemotherapy sessions without someone connecting the dots."

Littlepip gulped, as was her usual reaction, "So what does this..."

"The simulation is still functional Pip." Homage forced out, still wrestling with the implications, "Exactly as she described. I've checked, it's true. When the body dies..."

"...the soul becomes bound to the SPP."

"Forever." Homage finished, "And it could do the same for you."

Littlepip shivered a little, her shoulders tensing, "Are you sure you... want that?"

"To shed our dying physical forms, and become immortal?" She answered, noting the disapproving look in Littlepip's eyes, "We could protect Equestria forever."

"Just like Red Eye wanted?"

Homage drew back, then shook her head, "It's not the same."

Littlepip sighed, "No... but it could be." She looked around at the walls around her with a look of profound unease, "Immortality, precise weather control, connection to the MASEB system and DJ Pon3's broadcasts, the ability to pull others into that... mind trap. The SPP was a powerful resource before, but Dream Star has turned it into... well..."

"The seat of a god." Homage finished, "As you said, I knew her. And this sounds exactly like something she would do."

Littlepip furrowed her brow, "To test me?"

"To test us all." Homage smiled, the idea filling her with something that felt almost like gratitude, "To see if we are really capable of living up to our legend. To see if we can remain honest, humble."

“Can we?”

Homage sighed. After everything that had happened... it was a good question.


Sebastian trod through the field of mud and corpses, unsure exactly what he was trying to do at this point. Locate Elegant Waters of course, but the question remained... how? There were bodies everywhere, and with the pink gas's effects most of them were barely recognizable. He had already heard talk about how the casualties of the battle would take months to tally, finding a single filly...

...and then he saw her. Above the battlefield.


He opened his wings and flew for the phoenix, calling out desperately as she retreated from him and dived downwards. He followed, watching her alight upon the outstretched hoof of a small pony in a brown cloak below.

He landed a short distance away, staring at the cloaked pony. It looked a little larger than Elegant Waters, but not much. And who else was capable of commanding Pyrelight? "...Elegant Waters?"

"Sebastian." Came the quite male reply as the figure turned, "Thank Celestia you're alive."

Sebastian had to doubletake at the sight of the figure, having certainly not expected it. The vivid blue eyes, thick scars crisscrossing his face, the look of firm experience in his expression... nothing like the pony he remembered. And yet the face was unmistakable, "Ace?"

"I'm sorry I wasn't here." Ace answered, his voice horse and wracked with emotion, "Pitch Perfect, Stephani?"

"They're both safe."

"And... the others?"

"I don't know." Sebastian admitted, "Any of them."

Ace Gold turned his eyes away, staring across the ruined camp, "Elegant Waters, she's here."


"Is tracking her, yes." Ace confirmed, "But in all this... that's a little more difficult than normal."

Pyrelight gave a mournful cry, Sebastian looking around for clues. This had once been near the centre of Caesar's camp, before some terrific blast had complete devastated it. Shacks had been demolished into little more than fragments, tattered tenting still fluttering across a ground littered with debris and corpses. A number of creatures were doing the same thing as then, picking through the area, Sebastian sure that some of them were probably looters.

A white deer walked nearby, at the head of a sorry looking bunch. Some of Caesar's troops stood among them, alongside a larger group of ponies wearing no dress at all. Sebastian waved to them as he approached, the deer tensing noticeably. He spoke once they were close enough, though his voice was cold and defensive, "All of us are done with this battle, we want no trouble."

"The battle is over." Sebastian replied.

"And who won?"

Sebastian felt a grim smile come to his face, "No one."

"That is a truth I have come to understand well." The deer replied, "These here are prisoners of war, taken by Caesar's forces. I will escort them back to Equestria's lines."

"Wait." Sebastian held up a claw as they moved to go, "Have any of you seen a white unicorn mare, about thirteen years old, with a three tiara cutie mark?"

"Uh... yeah." One of the zebra dressed in the uniform of Caesar's guards replied, "She was in one of the cells, a prisoner."

"She fought with us." Another prisoner acknowledged.

They all moved apart, looking at each other. Ace broke the chorus of mutterings, having moved beside Sebastian when he wasn't looking, "She's not here."

"The guard hut was demolished." The deer stated regretfully, "Most of us were thrown some distance."

Sebastian looked around, but he saw no clues as to where she could have fallen. They were no closer than before.

"Pyrelight." Ace asked, his voice grim, "Can you locate her?"

"Is... that a phoenix?"

Ace looked up at the deer, "A Balefire Phoenix, yes."

"Please." The deer stated, stepping forward and offering a hoof, "My name is Aspen, I have some magics that might be of use."

Ace hesitated for a moment before nodding, motioning for Pyrelight to leap across to Aspen's waiting hoof. He lifted the phoenix to the sky, green fire igniting across his antlers as he closed his eyes.

And then, across the battlefield, a small green flame ignited atop a pile of broken wood.

Sebastian took flight, as did Pyrelight. He was surprised to see them both outpaced by Ace, the pony kicking up dust as he sped across the field at a tremendous speed. They almost all reached the debris at the same time, Ace spreading his telekinesis across a large wooden beam and flinging it aside like it weighed nothing. He then did the same to the next one, Sebastian fluttering back to clear some space. The rate Ace was going, Sebastian doubted his noodle arms would be much help.

And then she was there, a small white figure cowering in the mud. Ace reached down to her, "Elegant Waters..."

She turned her head up at him, Sebastian feeling his heart skip a beat. Her ear was shredded, several of her teeth missing, and her fur was singed and matted, covered in what he hoped wasn't her blood, "Elegant..."

Her eyes filled with tears and she covered her face with a hoof, curling into the mud once more.

"Elegant Waters..." Ace moved down, his touch gentle upon her flank. After a moment Elegant lifted her head, her eyes slowly taking in the somewhat familiar stranger before her.

And then she smiled up at her brother, full of warmth and life, "You look terrible."


Velvet Remedy stared ahead at the... pony in front of her. For lack of a better word, "So what should I call you now...?"

"Fluttershy." The pony responded, her mouth curling into a satisfied smirk, "It's a good name, a name with power. As you well know, Velvet Remedy."

Velvet didn't really appreciate her tone, turning away to pace the hastily erected base camp the followers had set up. Most of those they had passed were already looking at Fluttershy like some sort of goddess, forcing Velvet to send the others out of the room for some privacy, "I took her cutie mark and image to honor her legacy."

Fluttershy chuckled, "You are a smart mare. Don't tell me you didn't realize how effectively she captured the attentions of the populace, how powerful and relevant her message was." She fluffed out her feathers imperiously, standing straight and proud like an alicorn princess as she delivered her verdict, "It is not a criticism Velvet. I respect you and what you have built a great deal. In a very real sense, it is what gave birth to me."

That raised an important question, "What are you?"

"That requires a story... if you don't mind?"

Velvet pursed her lips, not sure if she was in the mood. Still... "Go on."

"Pink gas was actually first created by the greatest of all zebra alchemists, Zenoth the Learned. The Caesar at the time, an otherwise inadequate zebra called Korphous came to him for a potion that would grant him a connection to the spirit of the age. He had heard others speak of it, and was sure that it was something that could be bottled and drank." Fluttershy smirked, an ugly expression on the still familiar face, "To everyone's surprise, Zenoth accepted. He marveled at the challenge and set to work. His ingredients were all of symbolic connection to the zebra and the state of the world, and after years of work he finally created a substance of bright pink hue. The Caesar demanded Zenoth test his work on himself and Zenoth did, and all watched in amazement as he demonstrated extrasensory perception, great feats of strength, and all signs of aging were washed away."

Velvet raised an eyebrow, thinking she knew where this was going, "And so Caesar drank it?"

Fluttershy grinned mockingly, "And died instantly, screaming in agony as his body melted from the inside. And at this Zenoth could only say 'he was unworthy'."

"I imagine they blamed Zenoth for assassinating the king."

"And he was put to death, all remarking how he just accepted it with dignity. And so Pink Gas was lost to history... until Harbinger, in actual fact a history teacher named Oridai, rediscovered the formula. He believed it was key to saving the zebra from Equestrian dominance, but he never got it to work. The only thing it granted was death."

Velvet nodded, getting the idea. It didn't take a genius, "And so he repurposed it into a weapon."

"Yes." Fluttershy confirmed, "But zebra scientists who came after did not let go of the original idea, that it could grant great power. Some figured that it was Zenoth's natural resistance to drugs that resulted from his long experimentations, and focused on giving it while on potent dialysis and anti venom machines. This often resulted in killing the subject slowly, but certain traits and genes produced different results. They became the ghost warriors."

"Canterlot Ghouls."

"Not quite." Fluttershy corrected, "Canterlot Ghouls are ghouls that have been exposed to pink gas while in the middle of their transformation. It grants similar properties, but they different in many regards. But the idea is similar, and neither truly exhibit what happened to Zenoth."

"So what was the secret?"

"Perspective." Fluttershy answered, "Fluttershy and Chigaru both had lived for hundreds of years, viewed the world from vastly different perspectives... and then had been forced to understand the other's point of view. They were forced to surrender their individual identities for enlightenment... to create me."

Velvet frowned at the beaming face of the mare in front, full of that very dangerous breed of confidence and purity, "And what are you?"

"I am the result of Zenoth's work." Fluttershy concluded, "I am the spirit of the age."

"And that means...?"

"I don't know." Fluttershy replied, her head held high in a near religious ecstasy, "Isn't it glorious?"


It smelt terrible, the ruins of Canterlot. And the air felt thick, oily. Still this wasn't a pleasure trip, Lucky Swoops hurrying through the rubble as fast as she was able, her new 'assistant' lugging her equipment behind her. Her next target was just ahead...

"Excuse me, general!" Lucky Swoops called out, waving a hoof at the troop of soldiers inspecting a broken area of the city. The griffon's head rose from its grim inspection, turning across to Sunshine with a look of somewhat frustrated indifference. His uniform could barely be called a uniform, but he was wearing a general's cap at least, and matched the description she had been given.

He studied her for a brief moment before venturing forward to meet her, flanked by two other soldiers that had been accompanying him, "Miss, I cannot guarantee the safety of civilians in the area, and for the sake of ongoing rescue efforts I have to ask you to leave."

She figured that would be his response. She had been told military types were tough nuts to crack, "Please General Gaston..."

"I'm just a captain." He responded sharply.

"You are in command of these forces, you're wearing a generals cap, and your soldiers refer to you as general." She replied, "And the rest of the NCR needs to know why. There's a story here General, that the rest of the world is still largely ignorant of."

"A lot of good creatures died pointlessly, leaving me the only one left to clean up the mess." He responded sharply, before covering his eyes with a claw and taking a deep breath, "I'm sorry miss, don't quote me on that. We're... all very tired."

Lucky Swoops smiled at him reassuringly, "I want to work with you General. I just want something to bring back to the rest of the country, and the ponies I've spoke with... they're all calling you a hero."

"That's a disservice to the rest of the militia." He answered in frustration, "I just had the good luck to be the highest ranking soldier still standing, and I was never realistically in overall command of the battle."

She figured that was something at least, though it was still deeply impersonal and vague. She wanted a real story, a personal story. Something to capture the attention...

"That's not true captain." One of the soldiers, another griffon, stated firmly, "Reggie Grimfeathers herself commended his initiative and tactics."

"They gave him that hat because he guided us to victory. He is our general." The pony beside added, directing this straight at Sunshine, "He's a damn hero is what he is."

Gaston actually blushed at this, his feathers fluffing noticeably, "That's an exaggeration..."

Lucky Swoops felt she had got past his defenses now. He certainly was quite the officer and a gentleman, as prim and proper an officer as the NCR military could hope, "So tell me about yourself. Where did you come from, how long have you served?"

"I..." Gaston hesitated, obviously not comfortable with the subject. Still he regained his composure after a moment, his military cadence returning in force, "I'm from the Canterlot Graves maam. Served for fourteen years, though I was a cadet for five more."

"So you're twenty eight." She concluded, "Young for a captain."

"There are younger." He noted defensively, "I have a habit of been in the right place at the right time. This is the second time I've received a field promotion."

"What was the first?"

"Battle of Denfield." He answered, his tone indicating a degree of pride in the events, "I was just a Lieutenant, I was promoted straight to Captain by General Brigandine in order to command the defensive line at Hornswatch while Paladin Lucky Days led the assault."

"Why you?" Lucky Swoops enquired, being dimly aware of Denfield. An action against a pretty well fortified group of raiders, one of many that won Lucky Days his fame. She remembered that the army had helped out, but as normal their contribution had been overshadowed by that of the Rangers, "And who was originally in command?"

"Major Hookbeak was... unwilling to work with the Rangers." Gaston noted diplomatically, his word choice very carefully, "The other officers pushed me forward, and Lucky Days endorsed me. And by General Brigandine’s charity, I was allowed to keep my brevet rank afterwards."

"Do you think that will be the case today?" She asked, looking back up at his cap, "Are you ready to be a general?"

"I will be whatever the NCR wants me to be." Gaston answered simply, "I've never chased rank."

Lucky Swoops noted it down, personally considering it a done deal. With so much of the NCR command structure either elderly or dead, they would be begging someone like Gaston to accept promotion. Whether he would live up to it, whether she was looking at the next great hero...

...well, she would be keeping a eye on this one, just in case.


They wrapped him in the flag of the pegasi warriors of old, and saluted his procession as it passed. Four griffons, one at each corner, bearing aloft one who had once been their enemy with dignity and respect.

Councilor Flutterflash of the Rainbow Cloudsfields had been aboard the Cumulonimbus when it had taken an artillery shell right along it's spine, tearing itself apart long before it had hit the ground. It would make recovery of the bodies difficult, but the bridge at least had landed relatively intact. It was there they had found the councilor, back broken by his own harness, the force of the impact too great.

Lucky Swoops noted that few knew the councilor that well. He was considered quiet, gentle, reserved in his manners. He was a civil engineer before entering politics, and had a brother who had died in the First Enclave War. He spoke out against the policies that had led to it after the war was lost, and was the first to declare independence from the Enclave, and the first to accept association status with the NCR. The first to join the NCR as a legitimate territory. He was sixty two, but had looked to be in his late thirties from the day he hit twenty five.

He liked gardening, and had a pre-war coin collection. And yesterday he had been notable only as the only pegasus in the council chamber, a representative of the least of the pegasi territories.

Today he was a hero, and they sang his name.


"In here Councilor."

Gloom shifted aside the curtains, wincing at the smell of blood, feces and death that permeated the building. After a week she could pretty much say she was sick of it, having always been a 'silk sheets and jasmine incense' kind of zebra. She looked at the rows of dead without much emotion, wondering whether she was still in shock or was just a cold hearted bitch.

She followed the nurse to the table, where the body of an earth pony lay. His face was almost untouched by whatever killed him, exposing his handsome, solid jaw and noble brow, still sporting that ridiculous beard.

"We all carried cards, with our next of kin written on them." The nurse explained, "His named you Councilor."

"Coward." She stated, glumly.


"Dying like this doesn't take away from you sins. Only compounds them." She spat bitterly, feeling a little colder and a little older, "He deserved worse than this."

The nurse, stood silently for a impressive amount of time before curiosity forced her to ask the question, "Who was he maam?"

"A good question." She answered, before sighing to herself and finally dropping the pretences, "This is Councilor Silent Steel."

"Councilor..." She took in a sharp breath, "But why...?"

"Who knows? Who knows why he did anything?" She turned her head away, "He certainly can't tell us anymore."

It was his fault after all, he brought the zebra here, he sabotaged the NCR military. He had betrayed them all, he had betrayed... her. She had a reputation for being loose in her affections, but in truth she had been sleeping with Silent Steel longer than most of the councilors could manage to maintain their marriages. The idea that after all this time, he was a total stranger with a secret life she had never even guessed at... that was like a spear through what little of her blackened heart remained.

Fuck him. Fuck him for leaving, so many questions unanswered.

Gloom turned her head as she heard some commotion behind her, along with a mention of her name. She slicked back her hair with a hoof and regained her composure, turning to face the group who now stepped inside. Two military officers and a bureaucrat from the chancellery by the looks of it, they stood solemnly and silently, forcing her to address them, "May I help you?"

"Councilor Gloom of the Angels?" The bureaucrat began, "I am Senior Clerk Silver Check of the Chancellors office. I am here to offer some... unfortunate news."

She wondered what could be called unfortunate at this point. She was already surrounded by death, "I am Councilor Gloom, yes."

"Then it is my duty to inform you that following the proper rules of succession, you are now... Arbiter Gloom, Leader of the NCR." Silver Check stated softly, "Following the death of Arbiter Regina Grimfeathers."


Sebastian held his mother's claw, the talons limp and cold. When he was a child he had fled from his grandmother's sick bed, unable to face the horror of death. This time he faced it head on, with all the dignity he could manage.

The damage to her face marred her. It hardly looked like her anymore. That wasn't fair. She deserved a prettier death.

"Master Sebastian, I can reassure you that the rest of your family is alive and well." The officer behind informed him somberly, "Miss Kerrida has made contact, and is unharmed. Her commanding officer has recommended her for commendation, praising her bravery and composure."

Sebastian smiled, "Isn't it weird. Kerri always thought mom liked me better. But she's the one out there, the splitting image of mom, being a talon and a war hero."

"Master Sebastian, if I may..." The officer started, "...I think she was proud of both of you."

Sebastian knew she was. She was proud of all of them, even Arick. She was a good person, a good mother, a loving mother, "She told me once... the prosperity of the NCR is watered with the blood of Grimfeathers."

"May it grow ever greater."

Sebastian nodded, gripping his mother's claw tight, "It will. I'll make sure of it."


Lucky Swoops' next target was fortunately easy enough to spot, a good thing as this was one she had quickly realized she couldn't miss. She had heard so many survivors of the battle talk about him, and had managed to buy a photo of him that was a surefire magazine cover. Now she just needed a story behind it, flying over the ruins of the square until she finally spotted the tall white alicorn slowly digging through the ruins of the Department of Archeology.

She touched down nearby, cautiously trotting towards him, "Mr Silver Waves sir?"

He turned, looking her over in confusion. She studied him in turn, noting that he was a little more awkward and plain looking than she expected. He had his share of scars, but they still adorned a pony who radiated a mild mannered politeness. His voice too was soft and clear, "You are a... journalist?"

She chuckled, it really was obvious, "And you are the Shieldbearer."

"Oh, well... we do what we must." He shied away nervously, "I'm not really all that interesting. I simply benefited from my race is all."

"Other alicorns served." She noted, "But none had an impact like you."

A look of pain and anger crossed his eyes, "None survived like me." He looked wearily at her, shaking his head, "Let me tell you of Sapphire Shining and Dreaming Winds. They both worked here, at the department of Archeology. Dreaming Winds worked to compile lists of recommended equipment for prospectors, saving the lives of hundreds of well intentioned amateurs who would have otherwise been unprepared for the dangers. Sapphire Shining worked in restoration, ensuring that precious memories of our past were not lost forever."

"And you?"

"I... I worked on zoning, ensuring the needs of entrepreneurship, preservation, expansion and respect were balanced when it came to pre-war sites." Silver Waves explained, "It is a job that seems very boring and irrelevant to most. But I did it with all my diligence and responsibility, because I wanted to build a better world."

Lucky Swoops eagerly lifted her recorder forward, this being wonderful stuff, "And that's why you're a hero."

"It is hardly that unusual a story is it?" Silver Waves asked, "Let me tell you something else. I wouldn't be standing here now if not for a hellhound medic called Softclaw. She was born with a deformity in her claws that made her incapable of digging or fighting, so she instead trained as a midwife, bringing hundreds of hellhound young into this world. She joined the volunteers in defense of this city, and healed me as I lay dying at the battle of Sweet Street." His lips pursed, "She fell to an artillery shell as she tried to rescue injured ponies."

"I'm sorry..."

"And the hellhound I stood beside as I protected Chateau Rarity? His name is Sergeant Ripsnipper, an orphan of Littlepip's bombing of Splendid Valley. A troubled child, who has found meaning and purpose as a member of the NCR Army. Many called him a troublemaker, but today he saved hundreds of lives." Silver Waves nodded firmly, resolutely, "Perhaps the image of me shielding little ponies triggers some long established ancestral memory, but every time a pony calls me a hero I am forced to remember a hundred other creatures more deserving."

"Well... if I could be so bold, you tell their stories wonderfully." Lucky Swoops suggested, "And if you feel so strongly, I would love to report on more of them."

He smiled at this, "Hmm, a whole program reporting on the untold stories of all those who fought here? Including those whose species makes them a less attractive subject to the common population?"

She gave him a big grin, "You might well change a few perceptions."

Silver Waves turned back to the Department of Archeology, kicking a chunk of rubble into the burnt out shell of one had once been the lobby, "Well miss, it is true that my former place of employment seems to be closed for renovations, so your offer is well timed at least."


Gloom stood in the ruins of the grand council chamber, now exposed to the sky and covered in shards from where the round table had been shattered by falling rumble. She looked round as a civil servant waved to gain her attention, looking up as he approached, "Yes?"

"That's the wrong position Lady Arbiter."

Gloom furrowed her eyebrows, those words hitting her like a punch to the face, "I am not the Arbiter."

"You are acting Arbiter Lady Gloom." The pony clarified, "And as such, you should still be referred to as such and take position at the head of the chamber."

Gloom glared a hole through the poor pony, before rising and jumping over the table with a quick leap, feeling the thrill of irreverence as she put hooves on the wooden surface before leaping off. That done she walked to the center of the room, looking at the carved relief of the NCR flag at her hooves. She looked daringly at the civil servant, who simply bowed his head in nervous acceptance.

She looked back around as there was a knock at what was left at the door, followed by a beefy looking earth pony in zebra praetorian armor. The irony only pissed her off, knowing how ridiculous the situation looked. Equestria represented by a zebra, the zebra lands by a pony.

"I present Arbiter Gloom of the New Canterlot Republic." The civil servant stated as authoritatively as he could, "This is General Dust Kicker of the Free Zebra Alliance. At your pleasure my lady."

Dust Kicker walked through one of the broken sections of the table, dropping into a bow a few meters from her. It was clearly difficult for him, Gloom noting his false leg. His tone was perfect though, surprisingly well spoken considering his gruff appearance, "Lady Arbiter, you honor us with your attention."

She cocked her head to the side, giving him a profoundly disinterested look, "Not 'your lady' arbiter?"

Dust Kicker smiled politely, "No. I have the greatest love for the country of my birth, but I cannot serve two masters... at least not with the honesty they deserve."

"I respect honesty General Dust Kicker." Gloom reminded him.

"Then let me tell you with total sincerity that I follow my king because he's a zebra who truly wishes to build a peaceful and understanding world." He looked at her head on, not averting his eyes for a moment, "He has no desire for power for power's sake. Indeed he was forced to be King against his will, because others acknowledged that quality."

"And not just because he wished to take back his birthright?" Gloom replied, having been well informed.

"If he wanted that, he could have just killed Incuta."

"True enough, though it does not invalidate that theory." Gloom replied, angling her head back to give him one of her patented 'withering glares', "Though honestly at present I'm more interested in you settling something else."

"And what is that?"

"What is the status of the war?" She answered, "Is the Golden Coast and Star Fall surrendering? Has Caesar Incuta been ousted and betrayed, and the crimes considered his? Are you asking us to surrender?"

"The war is over if you wish it Lady Arbiter." Dust Kicker responded, "The Golden Coast, Deer Nations and Star Fall seek a ceasefire."

Gloom felt a spear of anger lance through her, "All cannot be simply forgiven! Do you intend to pay reparations, sponsor the repair of Canterlot and the funerals of all the lives you've taken?"

"If I may..." Came a low, growly voice, the door shifting open. Gloom looked up as a heavily scarred zebra in simple robes moved inside, his hoofsteps heavy and purposeful. He fixed Gloom with a soulful look full of regret, Gloom having to admit her anger faded for a moment at the sheer force of his presence. He didn't have to introduce himself, "I am King Easu of the Free Zebra Alliance."

Gloom averted her eyes, annoyed that he had cut her off so effectively, "Then I address the question to you."

"Much of the zebra lands are themselves devastated by war. Equestria is far wealthier than us. At the same time we enjoy resources that you do not, pre-war facilities full of secrets we're only just starting to tap. We also have the stories of all the Equestrian citizens that were stranded in the Zebra lands when the megaspells fell, and you have those of the zebra that lived here." He kept his eyes on her, his tone soft and reasonable, "Spike has found his people, the Dragons. He is their king now, and they ally with us. The seas are open, and our ports are eager for trade."

"So what?" Gloom asked, facing him again, "We become friends? All is forgiven?"

Easu nodded, "We can either continue to blame each other, accumulated tallies of debts stretching back thousands of years... or we can acknowledge the benefits of peace, and learn from the past."

Gloom felt she was on the backfoot, deciding to highlight the rather... unequal terms they were negotiating under here, "I remind you that I cannot speak for anyone. Our leaders are dead, and I gained this position by proximity. I could promise you the riches of the NCR and it would mean less than nothing."

"And seniority Lady Arbiter." Dust Kicker mentioned, smiling at her, "King Easu, Lady Gloom here has served the NCR as councilor for sixteen years. She has never lost an election."

Gloom gritted her teeth, unsure quite how to take that. It was pretty much an open joke in the chamber that she was councilor over an area with a population in the low thousands, almost entirely run by the Followers. Not to mention that she won her first election because the other zebra found her trying to gain office a particular funny joke, and she ran almost unopposed because the job seemed boring and thankless. And here she was, the Arbiter, negotiating with a king.

"Where as I am very new to all of this." Easu stated, "Lady Arbiter, I know little of trade, or treaties and politics. But I do know history, and the history of our peoples has been one of revenge, grudges and antagonism stretching back generations. I am a descendent of King Domitian, who ravaged Equestria over fifteen hundred years ago. And I also know ghouls who have spoken vividly of the crimes committed against the zebra by Equestrian merchants prior to the war."

"Yes, a bloody cycle of revenge. But if Celestia couldn't stop it, what hope do we have?" Gloom pointed out.

"Creatures that are not Celestia, living in a world that is not what was before." Easu stated, "I cannot say I am confident, I cannot say that I understand the path before us... but we have a chance, a chance for something better."

"Arbiter Gloom." Dust Kicker suddenly spoke up, his smile warm and friendly, "You sent us to the zebra land for a reason."

She did, didn't she? It seemed such a long time ago, "Silent Steel is dead. The whole thing was... a lie."

"Zenai is dead too."

Gloom closed her eyes. She didn't know the mare, but it just proved her worse fears, "And that's what comes of optimism these days."

"She died to get us to this point." Dust Kicker finished, his tone firm, "I met Caesar Remicon."

Gloom looked up at his, eyes wide, "The wartime Caesar?"

"He expressed regret that he let things go as long as he did. That the zebra's quest for justice turned to greed, and that by the time he realized that it was too late." Dust Kicker extended a hoof, "But it's not too late. The Zebra and Equestria are technically still at war Arbiter. The great war rages still. And you can end it."

"I'm hardly a Princess of Equestria." She answered sharply, more sharply than she intended, "And you are not a Caesar."

"But we stand here, invested with the hopes and dreams of both our nations, ready to lead them into the future." Easu answered, "And that future can be set, here and now."

Gloom took a deep breath, feeling the weight land upon her shoulders. Her shoulders. She could almost laugh. In fact... "Fuck Xephyr."

Dust Kicker laughed, Easu shooting him a slightly confused look.

Gloom smirked, already looking forward to lobbing the plaque they'd have to give her at all the zebra who laughed at her in her youth, "The great war was the biggest pile of steaming suck in history, and nothing would give me more pleasure than to end it."

Easu grinned himself at this, dropping his head in a sincere bow, "I'll look forward to it Lady Arbiter."


Lucky Swoops approached the next one cautiously, having heard all sorts of tales about her. The angel of death, lady blood, the assassin of empires... each nickname more colorful than the last. The zebra were terrified of her, the mare standing in the ruins of what had once been a residence, her rifle still hanging at her side.

Lucky Swoops cleared her throat, "Private Hayseed?"

The mare turned, revealing the face of a killer. Plentiful freckles marked a youthful if sunworn face, her features broad and honest. She looked like the guileless farm girl her name suggested, "Yes?"

Lucky Swoops felt rather nervous, perhaps more so than if she had looked like the killer her battle record had suggested, "I'm a journalist, interviewing the heroes of the battle. And your name came up rather a lot. I heard said... eighty seven kills?"

"Yes. I counted." She replied, her soft country accent layered with an astonishing lack of emotion, "Thirty two of them officers."

"That's easy a record for a single battle." Lucky Swoops pointed out, "Littlepip is counted at forty seven. And you did it all with... a bolt action rifle."

"My dad taught me to shoot with a gun like this." She commented, brushing a hoof across the rather simple and uncomplicated rifle slung across her shoulder, "Though I only scored thirty six kills with my rifle."

"The others?"

"Knife and explosives."

She said that like it was nothing, "Where did you learn to fight like that?"

At this her mouth curled in what looked like anger, the first hint of emotion Lucky Swoops had seen, "My family live on the outskirts. We get plenty of monsters out there."

"But it's not like fighting in a proper battle..."


Lucky Swoops looked up at her, "What was that?"

"I hate them. That's where I learned to fight." Hayseed stated, anger bleeding through clearly now, "I saw them kill my friends, my comrades. I saw them burn the NCR." Her mouth curled into a snarl, "My father taught me how to hunt monsters. So I hunted. I killed them. I killed as many of them as I could."

Lucky Swoops didn't like the look in the mare's eye, "I..."

"And I don't intend to stop." Hayseed spoke firmly and clearly, "They say they want peace, but they're lying. And the moment they show their true colors, come looking for a fight..."

...she turned back towards the window, her stance still and watchful, "...I'll be ready."


Caesar stared across the battlefield, seeing for the first time the sheer scale of devastation. He couldn't quite grasp just what exactly had happened, how he had fallen so far so quickly. Just yesterday he had been the most powerful ruler in the world, on the verge of conquering Equestria with an army of formally mortal enemies now completely loyal to him. He had the most advanced territory in the zebra wasteland, had defeated every enemy in his path...

...and now he was a prisoner of his brother, the worthless brute. His army was gone, his country was gone. It was enough to make you laugh, "King Easu is it now?" He stated, chuckling to himself in mirth, "How long have you been planning this?"

"You know me better than that." Easu replied, "I've never been smart enough to plan anything. Everything I've ever done has fallen into my lap by the whims of fate alone."

Caesar smirked, "You don't become Caesar by chance."

"No. But it wasn't me who chose this path." Easu looked round at him, hard, focused eyes full of strength, "I would rather have run away, never been forced to accept responsibility."

Caesar saw it there. In his words, in his eyes. In his voice, gravelly and calm. In his face, broad and scarred.

He looked like their father. He looked like a king.

"Say the words, finish it." He whispered.


Caesar grinned, "I have a crown, oh crownless king. Take it."

Easu shook his head, "Violence will not end this."

"I need to die, and you need to do it." Caesar hissed, wishing he would just get on with it already, "I... don't want to die to a noose, or a firing squad. I want to die noblely, like a king."

Easu snorted, "You sound like Starhammer."

Caesar grimaced, "That common bandit?"

"You're both obsessed with how others perceive you. You both seek their adoration." Easu turned a pair of glaring eyes upon him, "And you both act like children when you're denied."

Caesar just glared back, having little to say. It might have been true, but if it was it was his fault. His and their father's, demeaning him, underestimating him. He wouldn't apologize for that.

"Get out there." Easu stated as he shoved him from the tented area, out into the fields beyond. He was marched across the broken, bloody ground, the broken remains of battle still lying half buried in the mud. And ahead, a great crowd of hard eyed survivors, Equestria and zebra both, watching and waiting.

They shouted out, condemning him. Many had been in his army themselves, had cheered his name. Bastards, like his crimes weren't their own.

They all silenced as Easu stopped before them, his eyes scanning their ranks. Then they settled upon Caesar, "You really want it like that?"

"Yes." He hissed, "Prove yourself as you always have, a big, strong brute, drawing respect from the braying hoards with the flexing of your muscles."

Easu grimaced, then nodded sideways at an attendant. The zebra hurried off, Easu focusing his gaze upon his brother, "King Incuta of the Golden Coast, I challenge you under the spirits. I claim this by your crimes upon all nations, leading us to ruinous war for no reason but ego."

"I accept." Caesar replied. Once he might have hyped the moment up a little more, but he knew the truth. He was guilty, and he couldn't in good faith defend his crimes, “He just wanted it over with.”

The zebra ran back onto the grounds, a pair of blades in his hooves. He handed the first to Easu before hurrying back to hand off the second to Caesar. It was a good one, and a familiar one. A gladius, the blades of their ancestors. The blade of their father. He had always preferred them over guns, "You're a fool brother. You think I've totally neglected my training? You think a frail little thinker like me will fall easily to a big brute like you?"

Easu's replied was calm, buckling his own blade to his hoof, "I hope not."

Caesar looked up at his brother's imposing form, showing not a hint of concern. Not a hint of fear. It... infuriated him. He gritted his teeth as he darted forward and chopped for his neck, "Damn you!"

Easu simply turned into Caesar's strike, striking it away to score the grass to his side. Caesar instantly backed away to avoid the inevitable counter attack but Easu didn't make one, backing away himself and remaining in that slightly casual, totally unhurried stance.

Caesar snarled and attacked again, trying more precise thrusts. Easu backed expertly around the ring, moving his head slightly to avoid the searching point, making no attempt to counter. Caesar smirked at his arrogance, leaping up onto his hindquarters and spinning about to chop at his side.

Easu charged in with his shoulder, taking the legs out from under Caesar and hurling him aside to hit the dirt. Caesar gasped at the impact and quickly tried to right himself, shaking his head free and trying to understand what just happened, "Wha..."

"You're an excellent fencer brother." Easu stated, calm as ever, "Much better than me."

And then Easu sprung forward to attack, Caesar acting on instinct as he rolled under his blade and speared his own upward towards Easu's armpit. He wasn't quite sure what happened next, as Easu just... flexed his leg. It trapped the blade, Easu showing no signs of pain as he rolled to the side and took the weapon... and Caesar with it. Both slammed into the ground with terrific force, both fighters’ weight behind it.

...Caesar gasped in agony, his hoof broke, the blade snapped. Easu stood over him, blood on his side but the injury hardly counting as a flesh wound. His face was as calm as ever, Caesar gasping out a single question, "...how?"

"You've never stepped outside your palace. Never gone hungry, never bled from a real injury, never visited the front lines yourself." Easu stated firmly, proudly, "You're brilliant, but you have no real concept of the world outside your bubble. I bet all those great wars and battles of history sounded pretty heroic from the perspectives of historians and propagandists, broken soldiers trying to justify the loss. But I know what it's like to fight in one."

"Why!" He shouted back, "Because father exiled you for being an honorless reprobate?"

"It was the best thing he could have done." Easu responded, "Sometimes it's only when you strip everything away that you truly have room to grow."

Caesar froze at the implication.

"Incuta of the Golden Coast, I am the winner." Easu declared, eyes daring Caesar to disagree, "And as such I strip you of all ranks, titles and birthrights, and bind you to my service."

Caesar gasped, "...bind?"

"You have a good brain, and a lot of good ideas Incuta." Easu stated firmly, "If I'm going to build us a better future, I'll need them."


Calamity rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he sat inside his office on the war chariot 'Justice', dutifully sorting paperwork into the selection of trays on his desk and wondering exactly how he had got to this point. Where his grand contribution to saving the world was correct paperwork and giving an encouraging pat on the shoulder to the guys who actually were out there saving cats from trees and other assorted heroism.

It made him appreciate his father more. The older he got, the more he found himself resembling the old bastard. From what he heard he had gone out like this, shuffling paperwork until the day they found him dead on the floor of his office.

A call came through, awaking him from his morbid contemplations. He reached for the call accept button, pressing it down and smiling as Velvet appeared on the screen, "How's it goin' out there?"

She... didn't look happy. What she wanted to say died on her lips, the mare clearly searching for her words, "Calamity..."

"Fuck." He took a deep breath, "Jus’ give me the name Velv... names."

"Reggie." Velvet breathed, gulping noisily and wiping away a tear, "Damn, I... sorry, I thought I had composed myself..."

Calamity shook his head, the news not a shock as such. He had heard the reports, been preparing for the worst. It sat like a cold, grey lump, especially given that she was the youngest of them. And her kids, and her work... it was a fucking terrible loss, even beyond the fact that she was their friend, "Don't beat yourself up for sheddin’ a tear Velv. She was your friend, you were close."

"You mean we fought all the time, and she beat the shit out of me just a month back?"

Calamity chuckled, more as a release of tension than anything else, "She loved ya like a mother Velvet."

"And now she's dead." Velvet noted coldly, her face draining of emotion, "They've nominated Gloom as Arbiter."

"Fuckin’ hell."

"Don't Calamity." Velvet warned, before drawing herself up professionally, "Just keep everything under control for the next few hours. We're drawing up plans to get all this sorted out, send everyone home with some sort of closure."

"Right." He acknowledged, the image winking out. He then returned his eyes to the desk, paperwork suddenly seeming... less important. He couldn't stop thinking about it, the cheerful, irreverent fifteen year old griffon, grinning like a child at the idea of naming a crossbow 'Silent but Deadly'.

Fifteen... the same age as Ace Gold.


Calamity turned, looking across at the foal who had just entered the room. It took him a moment to place the boy, his voice lower and rougher, his face scarred, his whole demeanor totally shifted from the image in his head. He was muscled, proud and assured, Calamity correcting himself. No boy. He took a breath, "Ace Gold..."

"I should have told you I was going. I'm sorry." Ace stated, his tone soft and composed, "It was never anything to do with you."

"Ah know." Calamity chuckled affectionately, "Ya needed t’ git away. Be your own stallion. But ah couldn't tell you that, else you'd just see it as me trying to decide your path for ya."

Ace dropped his head, "Most likely."

"Ya take far too much after us." Calamity stated apologetically, shrugging his shoulders, "We both knew you needed adventure, danger... real choices." He nodded up at the empty space to Ace's left, "What happened to Arick?"

"He's dead." Ace stated coldly, "I killed him."

"Ah, well... I can't say that possibility didn't cross mah mind." Calamity sighed, though truth told he doubted many would shed any tears. Reggie would have, bless her, but Calamity considered her affection for the boy her biggest blind spot, "Did ya find it? Your purpose, who ya want to be?"

Ace nodded, "Yes."


"I'm leaving again. I can't imagine I'll be spending much time back here." Ace stated, those his tone wavered a little at the end, "I saw so many things out there father, things that should be shared with the whole world. I want to learn the history of the zebra, the magic of the shaman... I want to work out what happened with the moon, and the zebra perspective on the great war. I want to travel east, to the Centaurs and beyond. And I want to bring it all back, so maybe we can all understand each other a little more."

"It's a worthy goal. One ya believe in." Calamity smiled, "Still livin' up to your cutie mark huh? Not so much as fifteen, and ya already found your life purpose."

Ace offered him a smile, the boy's face lighting up in amusement, "I guess I am."


Easu sat down upon the cushions provided for him, for once allowing himself some luxury accorded to his status. He had already placed orders to prepare for leaving this place, not wanting to overstay their already taunt welcome. Not to mention that once he was back he would be able to arrange a suitable 'gift' for the NCR. He had fought against reparations because he didn't want to start in the spirit of obligation. He didn't want these crimes placed upon the 'zebra'. Instead he wanted to help the NCR as the 'zebra', in sympathy after an assault by a misguided individual. In that way, his brother was no different from Starhammer. A zebra, but not the zebra.

He sighed, realizing that he had already begun thinking like a king, contemplating politics and global relations. He looked across at messages he had written for the various rulers of the zebra kingdoms, ready to be sent for transmission. He already felt like they were peers, and was even looking forward to the day where he could gather around the council table in Kirshin and talk over the ideas he had for the zebra.

He felt great days were ahead for the world. And though apprehensive he was glad for the chance to be part of that.


He looked up, Star Swirl at the entrance. No... Cinder. But that wasn't the whole truth either. He waved her in, standing with his back to her as he prepared a glass of vodka from the cooler. His tone was calm, concise, "Tell me, it is Charaxes in there right?"

She hesitated for a moment, "In a sense. I have inherited Star Swirl's memories, her personality."

"But you are Charaxes." Easu answered, then turned round and looked her in the eye. She looked back with a nervous, quivering expression... different from that of Star Swirl. Humbler, softer. But in many ways, one he still felt like he had known for a long time, "You are not the mare that I had a relationship with. There's still a connection, but I shouldn't treat you like you are her."

"I'm sorry." She whispered, "It's not fair on you."

"It's not about me." He answered, "You have had it worse. I am a zebra, everything I know about my history tells me that you are evil. And I have spoken out against you plenty of times."

"I... tried to be different." She answered, "But every time I try it... goes wrong."

"That is what it's like to be mortal." Easu smiled, "But you keep trying. And you kept your integrity. That is far better than most of us can boast.”

She gave a shy smile, "Thank you."

"And I would be interested in getting to know you better." He poured the bottle of vodka and placed the glasses on the table, "I will need good creatures around me if I am to rule. You know I'm not the political genius my brother is, and if I may pick a raw wound... your performance as Celestia showed great potential."

She chuckled, a wonderfully spontaneous and quite frankly adorable laugh that proved quite infectious, "Not the greatest legacy I could hope for."

"We all have things to regret." Easu soothed, "What matters is how they inspire us to move forward."


Dust Kicker stood in the presidential square of Canterlot, where it had all began. That horrible, inaccurate statue of Gawd was shattered, only a single talon remaining upon its plinth. The Palace was a shell, its front caved in and the top floor crumpled, the residential wing sagging in on its cracked and pitted walls. He moved across the broken stone, noting that Silent Steel's office was mostly demolished, yet through the gaps he could see that the mural outside was still intact, even after everything.

A small number of ponies moved around him, ignoring his presence. He had removed his armor and now was for all they knew just another survivor, rather than a borderline traitor in league with the zebra devils.

Another earth pony stood nearby, having laid several large canvasses across the rubble. Upon them he sketched images of the ruins, the measurements of the spaces, new concepts of the palace and the buildings around. He moved over, "Planning for how you're going to rebuild?"

"It's actually quite a wonderful opportunity." The pony explained in a rather exited tone, "The palace was wonderful, Velvet Promises' best work... but she always had too much of an affection for the grand. So many of those working in the palace always complained about the huge empty halls, the long, overwide corridors, the open plan offices..."

"She believed they inspired the common pony."

"And they did." The pony admitted, "And it is inspiring to work inside such a great structure. But more attention should be paid to the practical, the... future proof. If the NCR is to expand, it's governmental departments need space, dedicated facilities. Perhaps situated in separate buildings...?"

Easu chuckled, "If I could make a suggestion, maybe have someone build a statue of Gawd who actually knew what she looked like."

"Yes it was pretty bad wasn't it?" The pony responded with a laugh, scribbling it down on his notepad, "I'll take that under advisement."


"How's that? Try it now."

Celestia took a step forward, having to admit it was a very odd experience. A team of mechanics adjusting the muscles of her leg, her side lying open and a line of wires leading into a big bank of computer systems. At the same time it was interesting at how not unusual it was. She felt the magic humming through her, felt her body shift to balance as she moved. She had become somewhat familiar with technology in her time within the SPP, but this was incredible, "This is an amazing machine you built Puppysmiles."

"It's... not all mine." She replied, the eyebot she was controlling bobbing happily, "I built the magic circuits."

"Honestly Puppy, I think that's why it works so well." Celestia commented, flexing her powers and feeling her body fill with solar energy, "My body naturally changes and shifts to... fit me. And I believe the same is true of this body."

"That's incredible." Puppy breathed, her tone full of quiet awe, "Harmony, instilling a true fusion between pony and machine."

"And that means I'm doubly indebted to you." She stated, before looking around at the fussing technicians, "Gentlecolts, I believe I'm back to full functionality."

"Actually there's just a few more tests..."

She chuckled genially, "I'm sure we can do them later, yes?"

The technicians all looked at each other, bowing, as they all came to quick agreement, "Of course Princess Radiant."

Celestia watched them all file out, disconnecting her from the mainframe and allowing her to move about. She paced the floor, enjoying the sheer joy of movement as she did. After she had confirmed to herself that everything was functioning normally again she looked to Puppysmiles, "You freed me from the SPP."

"You freed yourself."

"And you gave me a body."

"Technically, you took that body from Red Eye."

Celestia chuckled, "Life is often messier than we'd like. But the truth is that your presence in this world shook me from a rut that I had stagnated in for two hundred years."

Puppysmiles bobbed nervously, her tone strained, "Princess Celestia, I... I'm glad you're alive."

"I am glad to be alive. Oh, I am ever the coward." She shook her head, marveling at it, "Thousands of years of life, and I'm still filled with a selfish desire to cling onto it."

"So..." Puppysmiles began, "What do you plan to do with it?"

"Do I plan to take the Throne of Equestria once more?" She chuckled at the very notion, shaking her head, "Never. I am Princess Radiant now, and as such I have responsibility to a different people."

"The lost legion?"

"I've been watching over Equestria for a very long time, I'm very much eager for a vacation." Celestia noted, "And I need to take the Legion home, and get them settled. Plus I heard of a church over in the zebra lands, dedicated to worshiping some silly sun goddess."

Puppy's tone in response was... ambiguous, "That will be... interesting."

"And I'm interested to see how King Easu will do." Celestia gave Puppy what she hoped was a slightly knowing look, even if her face was functionally immobile, "Something tells me we'll be calling him something else before long, when king proves not quite grand enough."

Puppy bobbed in acknowledgement, "He's definitely going to change things... for better or worse."

Celestia wasn't worried. This Easu seemed to have a good heart, and honestly she felt a debt to the zebra for her letting the war get so out of hand. She doubted Easu would object to much to a little advice from time to time, or the services of a cybernetic alicorn when the next eldritch abomination came knocking, "And what do you intend to do Puppy?"

Puppy hesitated at this, her voice catching slightly, "I... I've got some unfinished business to tie up." She bobbed upwards to face Celestia, "Personal business."

"That I could help you with?"


Celestia nodded her head, she understood that well enough, "Then I wish you luck."


They signed it in Ponyville in the end, the place of beginnings. With Canterlot in ruins and Manehatten politically isolated, it was the nearest and greatest city available. And so they now stood before the great Tower of Twilight, where Twilight Sparkle’s treehouse had once stood. The Hellhounds had welcomed them with ceremony to be remembered, pups throwing flowers and guards standing proudly in ceremonial uniforms. Most of those visiting had never been here before, leaving them staring in wonder at the great city the Hellhounds had constructed from the ruins.

Easu stood awkwardly in the armor of a king. In fact it was Dust Kicker's praetorian armor, modified, repaired and decked out in golden ornamentation commissioned from the Hellhound forges. Dust Kicker had to admit it looked really impressive, especially on the shaved, groomed and made up King who was currently wearing it. Not that Easu thought so, wiggling in its constricting confines, "I'm going to look like some pompous conqueror."

"You didn't conqueror anything, and by taking pride in your accomplishments you reinforce that." Dust Kicker advised, "And the NCR has to respect you in order for this to work. Ponies who no idea who you are have to see you as a king."

"Dressing up in silly clothing is part of being a ruler King Easu." Celestia noted cheerfully, her chrome gleaming and barding bearing the symbols of the Zebra Order of Science draped over her, "When they see you mingling with them in practical clothing their affection for you will grow, but seeing you like this builds trust. Trust that you are more than they are, that you have the answers and you can protect them."

"But I don't. I can't."

"I know." She replied, "But it is an illusion that can become self perpetuating, should you do your part in nurturing it."

They turned as the great doors at the end of the hall opened, a team of hellhound guardsmen entering first before their ranks parted to admit their guests. Life Bloom wore a beautifully embroidered double breasted suit in crimson to match his mane, Gloom beside him in black velvet with silver accents, her make up heavy and a fancy broach on her shoulder bearing the emblem of the New Canterlot Republic. It was certainly an unusual choice for arbiter, but Dust Kicker admitted that she looked good.

The other pony looked good too, clad in follower robes colored in white and gold, light and doing nothing to hide the grace and raw power that almost radiated from her body. She smiled as she saw them, her smile lighting up the room, "It is good to see you all again."

Easu moved to meet her, offering a dignified nod of his head, "Lady Fluttershy. Arbiter Gloom. Chancellor Life Bloom. Thank you for doing me this honor."

"You look incredible Lady Arbiter." Dust Kicker couldn't help commenting, "I can tell it's going to be a big hit."

"I've no idea how long I'm going to have to bear this stupid title, and honestly I barely care." Gloom snarked dismissively, "The council, what's left of it, will meet this week to vote on the matter. So until then I'm stuck with it, and I'm not intending to dress down just because someone threw a fancy hat at me."

"Which is why Lady Fluttershy will be signing the peace treaty." Life Bloom explained, "Gloom's authority is... in debate, without so much as a vote on her postion."

"Having two zebra sign it would only confuse everypony, let's face it." Gloom added.

Dust Kicker chuckled. It did make sense, and he kinda remembered this whole thing started with Fluttershy coming over to sign a peace treaty with the zebra. Not to mention what they had learned from Rainbow Dash, "Well you are the Princess of Equestria."

"That's actually true." Celestia noted with a rather amused tone, "As much as it matters."

Gloom gave her a look, "You outrank me?"

"Technically, you're on my land." Fluttershy noted, "But my only citizens are ghouls, so we'll let it slide."

"And Easu is the descendent of Caesars." Dust Kicker noted, "So this is all legitimate."

"Not the wartime Caesar, and Littlepip and Velvet Remedy are as much pureblood scions of the original Caesar as me." Easu commented, "But I know what you'll all tell me."

"That civilization is built upon symbols." Celestia noted with a little pride, "And Celestia willing, you will all be able to make something out of this one."

Life Bloom held his hoof up for silence, checking his pip buck. He took a moment to confirm before smiling and nodding at all of them, "We are ready to go on."

Easu noticeably tensed, Dust Kicker patting him on the shoulder, "Just go out there and be yourself. It will be fine."

Easu looked across at him, suddenly concerned, "You're not coming out with me?"

"You don't need me."

"Highly debatable."

Dust Kicker just grinned back, walking away and exiting the room. His smile left as he crossed the threshold, aware how much was riding on that being true.


They were already calling it a great moment in history, the capstone to a period in history that had started over two hundred years ago. Fluttershy of Equestria and King Easu of the Zebra came together, put their signatures down, made speeches and ended the war. All wars. They promised collaboration between their two nations, a grand new start.

Those around Dust Kicker looked enthralled.

He acknowledged it was a great moment, but perhaps he knew that it was really just a PR gesture. That the real work of peace had been brought with the blood, effort and pain of countless thousands of souls who would never reach the history books. And honestly, he knew they still had a long way to go before the zebra and ponies would ever really trust each other.

Still the halls of the Tower of Twilight were beautiful, truly. He himself had rarely found himself in Ponyville, and certainly hadn't frequented these governmental and religious districts. In many ways it was more impressive than the Presidential Palace, at the very least more... real. Shards of colored gemstones were set into the rough stone of the walls, those walls lined with skirting of hard metal. Like the Dragon Palace, it spoke of a respect for the designs of nature that spoke to him far more than the white washed glory of pony and griffon styles, that too frequently considered the true mark of wealth and sophistication to avoid the natural as much as possible.

Star Swirl... Cinder, stood at a nearby water feature, along with of all ponies Homage and Caesar Incuta. Caesar had cut his hair short and stood in plain unflattering grey robes, he guessed in penitence. It made him stand out all the more next to the other two, both looking stunning in dresses of zebra and pony style respectively. Cinder's zebra style dress made Dust Kicker grin, both for how much it suited her lanky form, and how much it indicated her new... position. It was little secret that she and Easu had spent a fair bit of time around each other of late.

"Ah!" Cinder exclaimed happily as she saw Dust Kicker, "Homage, this is Dust Kicker."

Homage smiled warmly as she turned to greet him, Dust Kicker giving a polite bow of his head as he approached, "It's an honor to meet you."

"Oh don't. You're likely more famous than I am these days." Homage grinned charmingly, "All of it good. You have a lot of ponies talking."

Dust Kicker suspected as much, not really happy with the idea, "Hmm..."

"I know that look." Homage chuckled, "I'm not really a big fan of the attention either."


"You'd be surprised how many introverts work in radio."

Dust Kicker had to admit, you didn't see much of her, "Is that why you're hiding back here?"

"We'd all rather avoid the crowds." Cinder admitted.

"Dust Kicker." Incuta began, his voice now lacking it's proud intensity and sounding deeply youthful and soft. He gazed upon Dust Kicker with deep regret, "The last time we met, I was trying to kill you."

"You had actual reason for that." Dust Kicker pointed out, "We were all tricked."

"I let myself be tricked." Incuta admitted, "My brother calls me smart, but my foolishness nearly doomed the world."

"Wisdom and intelligence are two entirely separate things Incuta." Dust Kicker pointed out, "Not to mention that lying to yourself about the damage you're causing is a skill that improves with practice. I remember trying to tell you that."

Incuta flushed deeply at the reminder, his head dropping, "It took a long time for that lesson to sink in. Too long."

"Well it's not too late."

Incuta frowned, "It should be. So many good folk dead because of me. And yet I have survived unscathed. It does not seem fair."

"The dead are in a better place." Cinder reminded, her voice clear but not unkind, "You are here. And I still remember the conversation we had over dinner, nearly a year back now."

Incuta lifted his head, confused, "Over dinner?"

"We're both agronomists." Cinder finished with a smile, "And Homage has already agreed to get the other element bearers to activate the Gardens of Equestria over the zebra lands. If it's anything like it was in Equestria, there will be a lot of work ahead of us."

Incuta actually chuckled at this, "So I am to become a farmer? That seems... strangely appropriate for a former king."

Dust Kicker chuckled, already spotting something of a positive relationship between the three. And that more than anything gave him a little more hope for the future.


Sebastian stood away from the majority of the crowd, not sure exactly what to say to them. He was still numb, still struggling to process everything that had happened.

The NCR was safe. And his mother was being hailed as a hero. There was so much to celebrate.

"Mind some company?"

Sebastian looked across the garden, spotting Ace Gold making his way towards him. He really did look so much older and more mature, and not just because of the scars, "I wouldn't mind some."

"It doesn't make any sense, I know." Ace Gold spoke grimly, "War."

"Yeah." Sebastian could only reply, "I heard... Arick's dead."

"I killed him." Ace stated without emotion, "It wasn't a decision I made lightly."

Sebastian thought back to his elder brother, bullying, abusing, unable to open his mouth without a lie coming out. He hated him so much... and he felt his chest near cave inwards, pain and grief bubbling up inside him. Tears ran down his cheek, Sebastian unable to comprehend why, "I... I can cry over... Arick? But not...?"

"It's sad." Ace stated softly, "He didn't achieve anything. He didn't die for anything. And no one will remember him."

Sebastian admitted that was true. Maybe that's why he found it difficult to grieve his mother's death. Ultimately she had died the way she would have wanted to die, and honestly it had been worse to see her suffer prior. Now all her bad decisions had been wiped away, and she would be remembered for all the good she did, "I have to protect it. It's... her now."

"What is?"

"The NCR." Sebastian chuckled to himself through his tears, "Though I've no idea what I can do to protect it."

"You're smart, observant." Ace pointed out, "So do just that. Observe. It's what I intend to do."

Sebastian looked to him, "Observe?"

"I'm going to become a scholar." He stated, "I'm going to travel the world and learn everything there is to learn, and I'm going to write it down so everyone can learn it too. So much pain and war is built on ignorance, and so I'll fight ignorance itself."

Sebastian thought of Lucky Swoops, and those young creatures that had been so eager to hear him speak before the battle. And his memory then returned to that image of the burning city, and the NCR flags still flying tall, "I saw so many things during that battle. Things that shouldn't be forgotten."

"Then that's how you protect the NCR." Ace confirmed, then nodded to a point just past Sebastian's shoulder, "Right after you deal with her."

Sebastian looked around, spotting the mare indeed making her way towards him. And she was instantly familiar, an earth pony in her late forties and covered in scars, a brace on her leg and her body clad in the harsh, militaristic lines of a Steel Ranger uniform. At least she wasn't in power armor this time, thought she was still just as intimidating, "Victore Scrivener?"

"Sebastian Grimfeathers." She returned his address calmly, almost affectionately, "My regrets about your mother."

Sebastian nodded, "Thank you. I know you didn't part..."

"She was a hero." Victore interrupted, "None of us should forget that. I have seen many great soldiers who have buckled under the pressure of command, but that should not take away from their personal heroism. And Regina died in battle, defending her people."

Sebastian shrugged. It didn't really make him feel much better, "All I can really think right now is that she's... dead."

"She isn't." Victoria stated firmly, "All her life she had to compare herself to her mother, and it seemed inevitable that she would be overshadowed in the history books. But with her actions, guiding the NCR through its darkest days, calling out the traitors and cowards in the council, fighting in the streets of her own capital... she has a legend of her own now."

Sebastian glared at her, one note of that sticking in his head, "Cowards and traitors? That's rich, considering you weren't there either."

"No. And it will serve as another note of shame for the Rangers, especially with the allegations against Silent Steel." Victoria straightened, her tone official as she continued, "Especially since we cannot return to the NCR. Not yet."

Sebastian raised an eyebrow, "You're continuing your rebellion?"

"The Applejack Rangers were built on a noble ideal, but we all know they're behind much of the problems we have faced lately." Victoria admitted, "Peach Trees and Silent Steel created Puppysmiles. We have evidence they plotted treason against the NCR."

Ace Gold was the one who reacted to this, "Well shit. Not that it's a massive surprise..."

"It is to me!" Sebastian shouted, glaring sharply at Victore, "And we should just let you get away with that?!"

"They're both dead Sebastian." Victore pointed out, "Are you aware of the difference between the Steel and Applejack Rangers?"

Sebastian looked back at Ace, figuring the unicorn would be better at this. Ace noted his pass of the question and answered, "The Applejack Rangers wanted to integrate the Rangers in the structure of the NCR, participate in the political process and protect the common pony. The Steel Rangers wanted the Rangers to remain a purely military organization, isolated and secretive, focused on their goal of seizing dangerous technology and keeping it out of the hooves of those who would abuse it."

Victore nodded, "And as of this point, the Applejack Rangers have been completely discredited. And despite being the highest ranking Steel Ranger in the organization, believe me when I find that... discouraging." She stepped back, expression full of regret, "And we now have the unenviable task of figuring out exactly what went wrong."

"And at the moment, being a part of the NCR would be poisonous to both parties." Ace concluded.

"Yes." Victoria confirmed, "Sebastian, we do not want to be your enemy. But we cannot be your friend."

Sebastian kinda understood. Still, "Why are you telling me this? The arbiter is over there."

Victore's face contorted into something ugly, "I... have had issues with Gloom in the past. And I doubt she will last long enough in the role to matter." She nodded respectfully, "But you are the eldest Grimfeather."

Sebastian had been told that a lot, "And?"

"It is a name that possesses great power." She stated firmly, "And not using it is itself a choice young Sebastian, that others will judge you on."

Sebastian understood that now. And she was right. His mother had told him this many times, and now it was time to see if he really had what it took to honor her legacy, "I understand Grand Elder. Thank you for your advice."


Dust Kicker stepped onto the loading platform for the Altostratus 2, marveling at just how long it had been since he had stepped off it. This little ship had taken them to the zebra lands for the first time, it had been from here they had rescued Sabah. From here they first saw Demonivore, and Star Fall.

"All ready to go Mr Dusk Kicker?" Loose Trigger asked as he hoofed the spanner his was carrying back into his belt, the pegasi giving him a little salute as he moved away from the side of the ship, "Or should I be calling you general now?"

"Mister is fine." Dust Kicker stated, noting how odd the duster coat and leathers felt. He hadn't worn them in months after all, not since replacing them with Puppy’s power armor. It only drew attention to what he was missing, looking down at his false leg with his one remaining eye, "I'm acting in a purely unofficial capacity."

"No problem." Loose Trigger gave him a grin, "I've heard about everything you've done. You guys are damn heroes, and I'm proud to have played a little part in that."

"One more mission..." Dust Kicker breathed, then looked back at the docking bay behind , "Just waiting for the second passenger."

And speak of the devil, no sooner than he had finished speaking than he heard the sound of repulser jet engines behind. He turned to see the pink and yellow eyebot fly onto the landing platform, Puppy’s exited voice calling out, “Are we all ready?”

“All ready to go miss.” Loose Trigger stated, patting his tool belt before moving up the ramp and into the ship, “Come up when you’re ready.”

“You sure we shouldn’t be bringing the others?” Puppy asked.

Dust Kicker had considered it. Cinder certainly wouldn’t hurt. But tactically speaking, he knew they were being watched. The fewer people they took, the easier it would be to get close without anyone noticing. Especially the big guns, or other more noteworthy folk. Alicorns and Zebra would stick out like sore thumbs, and King Easu and Princess Xephyr would be instantly recognized.

Plus... it didn’t seem appropriate. This was personal. He wasn’t exactly sure how, but it had become increasingly obvious that Dust Kicker hadn’t been hired for this adventure by chance. That there was more going on here, and that someone had taken a very specific interest in him.

For the others, the adventure was over. They had their lives ahead of them, roles that they now had to fulfil. The group was disbanded, the long nightmare over.

And Dust Kicker found it rather amusing that he was in many ways back to where he started. Wearing his old leathers, heading out into the Equestrian wastes, walking a lonesome road.

He chuckled and nodded to Puppysmiles, “Let’s go finish this.”

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