• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 5,560 Views, 280 Comments

Fallout Equestria : Black And White - Philweasel

Peace between the NCR and Zebra wasteland becomes a battleground between competing factions.

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Chapter 2.6 - Honest Hearts

Chapter 2.6 - Honest Hearts

Cherry Sunset’s hooves hit water, the warm waves lapping at her knees and the feel of soft sand. She waded to shore, closing her eyes as she finally set foot on the zebra homeland. It was a strange feeling, standing on the desolate shore of the enemy they had fought with for so long, surrounded by jetsam and dead, yellowing plants.

“I’d be careful from here on. Caesar doesn’t exactly watch the border well, but if his followers find out you traveled here from Star Fall...”

She turned back to the ferry driver, the old zebra having been pointed out to her for his history of smuggling ponies onto the coast. She had figured it was a lot stealthier than flying here on a Ranger airship, and she was keen to avoid attention, “What if I was from Equestria?”

“No idea miss. You’d certainly be taken into custody, but what they do to you from there is anyone’s guess. We’re still not entirely sure what happened down there.” The ferry driver pointed a hoof up the coast, “You might try asking up at Point Keyan. It’s the trading center round these parts, isolated enough not to care much about Caesar’s enemies but large enough to receive a fair amount of news.”

“Very well. Tell me about this area.”

The zebra chuckled, eagerly explaining, “We’re sitting on the border of the northern end of the Golden Coast, with the mines and mineral farms to the north and the industrial hub of Oranivore to the south. As such a lot of trade passes through here, especially since the tribes in the east were beaten back and sent into the mountains to lick their wounds.”

The tribes. According to her latest information Zenai and the armor had been taken into those same mountains, meaning that was her destination, “But I can pass that way?”

The ferry zebra placed a hoof on his chin, “You would almost certainly need a guide, or at least a map. Most of the open areas are full of tribals and bandits, you would almost certainly need to stick to the more obscure routes.”

“Very well.” She nodded to the ferry zebra, tossing him one of the coins she had got bartering back in Star Fall, “Thank you for your aid sir.”

He caught it eagerly, giving her a bright grin, “No problem miss, you take good care.”


Point Keyan was much like the trading towns of Equestria, strong walls starting to fall into disrepair, a well built central town with a larger shanty area outside surrounding the caravans. It certainly seemed busy, a hundred or more just outside, dusty, tired workers and fat, besuited merchants. Cherry noted the suits, somewhat equestrian in style but darker in color with elaborate spiral designs across one leg or the sides. They were all wearing a pin too, seeming to be of one of three designs. Those sharing them tended to gather together, making Cherry figure that they were designations for the group they belonged to.

Everyone seemed to be hard at work so she continued to the gates, well guarded by thuggish looking zebra in average gear, pre-war infantry armor supplemented with decals and shoulder patches featuring Caesar’s emblem. Their weapons looked well polished and deadly, police shotguns mostly, accurate and reliable. Good weapons for gate duty, which convinced Cherry that whoever was organizing this place knew what they were doing.

One of them moved forward to meet her as she approached, slinging his weapon across his shoulder. He had it on a shoulder sling she saw, enabling him to quickly bring it into a hoof held position. More accurate than a battle saddle, if requiring more training and offering a substantial reduction in maneuverability. The choice of a professional, who expected allies covering him. He raised a hoof to indicate where he wanted her to stand, giving her a quick assessing look, “Caravan Guard?”

“Looking to become one. Where do I sign up, and get some food?”

The zebra frowned briefly, still he didn’t seem to find this unusual, “Where are you from?”

“Star Fall. Too much standing around and politics in the army, and the work with the merchants there has all dried up.”

The guard grinned a little at this, snorting to himself, “Yeah, that’s what you get for treating the coast like a fuck for two hundred years.” He looked at her bag, seeming a little more animated and friendly now, “What’s in the bag?”

Cherry let a little of her anxiety fade. She didn’t know enough about the mainland to lie about where she came from, and she figured a spy would try and hide the fact they were from Star Fall. The best choice was to be honest, and it seemed to have worked, “Weapons, armor.”

“Not wearing?”

“Its scavenged power armor, makes zebra nervous.” Again, honesty... “And my weapon’s a sniper rifle. Don’t want to get it dirty.”

“Alright, let me look.” He moved forward and she let him inspect it, the guard giving it a cursory glance before backing away and giving a little whistle, “Don’t see the real thing much...”

Cherry had seen a fair few suits in Star Fall, heavily modified of course. It made sense being a former military base, though she would have thought a least a few suits would have traveled... “Thought you would see a lot of it on the mainland. Surely Equestrian soldiers died here as well?”

“Need training to use it properly. Most people just tear out the complicated bits, got a heavy but tough suit of metal armor.” He looked up at her, “Where did you learn to use it?”

“Great grandfather was a soldier. It’s his, passed down to me.”

He grinned, shaking his head in wonder, “Lucky mare. Alright, go on through, best place to look for work is the noticeboards outside the inns. Stay safe, and keep your nose clean.”

“Will do. Thanks.”


The town was as rowdy as any other merchant hub, drunk caravan guards harassing the locals and occasionally getting a beating from short tempered guards. She made her way through the crowds, trying to avoid any pony clearly looking for trouble...

“Heeey... let’s have some of that sweet pony ass...”

Cherry tensed as somepony grabbed her hindquarters, pressing his muzzle against her backside. Her reaction was, to her shame, instinctual, tearing herself away and delivering a fierce one hoofed buck that knocked the offender staggering. She turned to look at the culprit with fierce anger, the young, heavily built zebra buck weaving away drunkenly with a hoof pressed to his jaw. She snarled at him, unable to keep her anger from bubbling over, “How dare... I... I will assume you just bumped into me...”

“You... fucken... bitch...” The zebra tried to focus on her, a little unsuccessfully, “I’m a badass, fought... fought through the Kakary crags! Don’t you try and get away from me!”

He charged her, adding to his stupidity. She didn’t feel the slightest bit guilty as she dodged his clumsy attack and slugged him hard with a hoof, knocking him flat. The buck promptly moaned and threw up right there on the ground.

“Ahahaha!” An older, rather fat zebra wobbled over, slapping Cherry on the back before moving over to the collapsed zebra and leaning down, “Hey Nagara, she said no!”

“Fuk... you...”

“Apologies miss.” The fat zebra hauled him up and slung him over his back, grinning at Cherry, “My cousin just completed his first job, thinks that makes him a lady killing badass. Thank you for beating the stupid out of him, kid really needed it.”

“No... problem.” Cherry stated a little unconvincingly, “Good day.”

“I swear kid, if you weren’t family...”

Cherry continued on, trying not to think about the buck’s nose on her... rear. Honestly, this rubbish was why she liked wearing power armor. This rubbish was why she didn’t like stallions... though to be honest, she had bucked a fair few mares in the nose too. Had no pony any dignity anymore?

“Please, we don’t have anywhere to go, we’re willing to work...”

“Ha, and who would hire two scrawny runts like you? But don’t you worry, I’ve got a place for you to go...”

She frowned and strolled casually towards a side street, heading down the back of several buildings, abandoned except for a couple of guards and two zebra foals. The guards had them backed up against a building, Cherry grimacing and ducking into the shadows to listen.

“Please, I...”

The guard cut off the words of the foal in front, a young, scrawny looking buck, lifting a warning hoof towards him, “Stop it with the please shit kid, you’re killing me! But since you’re so polite, maybe I do have something for you.”

The buck dared to look hopeful, “Really?”

The guard nodded, grinning at his co-conspirator, “Sure. You see the Camels have got some pretty good ideas, see they don’t suffer any of you little mongrels running about. And some of them, well they pay pretty good money for some meat like you.”

The foal’s companion tugged his tail gingerly, her voice scared and female, “Please Tick, don’t...”

The buck looked at her for a moment before turning to the guard, “We’ll be fed, sheltered?”

“Sure.” The guard stated, really unconvincingly, “They take good care of... hey! Who the hell... wait, stop right...”

Cherry knocked the zebra’s hoof away from his half drawn gun, grabbing his neck and flinging him into his companion. They both went down in a tumble, Cherry drawing herself round to stand before the two foals, “Been a mistake. They’re with me.”

The guard forced himself up, growling as he went for his weapon, “No, you've made the mistake...”

She drew her pistol, the zebra hesitating for the second she needed to close the distance and pistol whip him to the ground. He grunted and slumped down, Cherry pointing the pistol at his companion, “Get him out of here, and I won’t mention to your boss that you’re taking slaves.”

“You... you really think this is so unusual?” The guard backed away slowly, grinning nervously, “The boss makes good money out of kids like this. You think zebra in remote little outposts like this care about laws?”

She seethed, out of her element here. They weren’t her laws, this wasn’t her own culture. She had served during the days of the NCR, never had any experience of wasteland justice. She had a clear set of laws behind her to give her conviction back in Equestria, the lack of which now left her shaky and unsure, “You... you ignore the laws you proclaim to serve?”

“We enforce the peace, make sure the money and drink are flowing.” The guard stared at her in... interest, admiration... confusion? He eventually leant down and hauled his injured companion onto his shoulder, offering her one final look as he left, “Take the kids, someone else will be after them soon enough. I hope it was worth the world of trouble you just got yourself into.”

She wasn’t sure it was. She had a mission, one she had just compromised with... simplistic do gooding. She wasn’t a hero, she didn’t trust heroes. Real, beneficial change only occurred when loyal soldiers firmly obeyed orders given by a strong, central authority. There was no authority telling her to protect these foals, no grand way in which the wasteland would benefit from them being free.

“Wow... you’re like a real hero...”

She turned down to the buck, her heart pounding. She wasn’t good with children anyway, especially when she was still struggling with her emotions, “I simply... I’m not sure it was a good decision. Maybe you should have gone with them...”

The buck pouted at her, “Don’t listen to that meany face! You’re cool!”

She was cool? She didn’t feel cool. She had to get out of here, taking a hoof’s grip of coins and hurling them to the foals, “Here... take this, get yourself something to eat, a job... something.”

“Hey, thanks! Man, you really are like a proper hero!”

She ignored them, quickly hurrying away before they could get her in any more trouble.


The inn was further proof that towns like this were the same all over, smoky, rowdy and dirty, populated entirely by drunk, tired caravan guards blowing their paycheck. Cherry almost turned back but she figured a place like this was good for getting lost in, finding a quiet corner and settling down to order her thoughts. Her eyes wandered across the other patrons, wondering if one of them would be able to act as her guide. She was eager to leave civilization behind and continue with her mission.

She got a few stares from interested looking patrons, she figured she looked unusual sitting alone, and as a pony of vivid color. Still she ignored all of them and in return they left her alone, all until a bulky pegasus finally moved from the bar and wandered over. He was certainly distinctive looking and the crowd parted quickly against his progress. Indeed Cherry had to take interest, noting clear cybernetic enhancement. His eyes had been replaced with harsh looking metal orbs centered with a circle of blue dots, his knees reinforced with an integrated exoskeleton, a spiderlike array spiked through his left ear. He also demonstrated the clear signs of subdermal armor, his flesh ugly and rough where the Kevlar fabric had been threaded. It was an impressive set up that only the very best surgeons could pull off for the very highest prices, his wings equipped with small air turbines he likely needed to get his weight even slightly airborn. It only added to his already intimidating presence, covered in ugly, heavily scarred slabs of muscle, boasting a swollen potato of a face.

“Can I help you?”

The big stallion grinned, a wide and rather unstable looking glint in his eye. Cherry tensed, waiting for any sign of aggression as the stallion spoke, “Just wanted to greet a fellow Equestrian.” She hesitated and he continued, his expression smugly knowing, “You’re trying, but it’s not exactly hard to guess.”

Cherry was a little embarrassed, still once again she was no special operations pony. This guy at least wasn’t even trying to hide it, “You’re from Fillydephia.”

He nodded, sitting down beside her and placing a forehoof on the table, “You do realize that no pony here knows what an Equestrian accent sounds like. By trying to disguise it you just make yourself look like you’ve got something to hide.”

That... made sense, “Point taken.”

“Happy to help.” He settled down, inspecting her in watchful detail. It was a fighters study, Cherry watching his eye settle upon her haunches, her biceps, all the areas she herself would note before engaging an opponent. He eventually spoke, smiling at her, “You’re army.”

She nodded, “And you?”

“Private security.”

“You’ve had a lot of work done.” She looked him up and down, figuring it made sense given his accent, “You were one of Red Eye’s slavers then? Pre-garden tech?”

He laughed cheerfully, shaking his head, “Pre-garden, yeah. But not a slaver.”

“What then?”

A female pony who he had been sitting next to at the bar rose at this question, heading over to the table with simmering impatience in her every movement, “Gladiator.” She gave him a disapproving look as she settled down beside them, “Apologies. Fennel means no harm, really.”

This mare had a Fillydelepia accent as well, but much more precise and educated. She was definitely a contrast, bearing some of the scars of hard living but far skinnier and clearly not built for a frontline fight. She was moving into middle age but was still attractive in a somewhat chilly way, Cherry looking between her and the stallion, “Gladiator? I was under the impression you either died, or won and got recruited.”

“Red Eye would be rather foolish if he didn’t screen the recruits.” The female spoke, a little cautiously Cherry thought, with her eyes turning to her friend. He seemed not even to notice and she relaxed, carrying on more fluently, “Being dangerous is not the only criteria one wants in a soldier. Most famous case was Zenith. She won many times, but was never released.”

“Don’t get me wrong though, I was offered a job.” Fennel noted, looking rather proud, “Turned it down.”

Cherry looked at him. He looked the very image of a pony in Red Eye’s army, a bulky, ugly, cybernetically enhanced thug, “Why not?”

He looked out the window, staring coolly at some of the guards walking outside, “Don’t like tyrants, living off the back of the honest folk.”

Everything went a little quiet as Cherry considered this. Certainly they seemed like fighting words, and his friend was looking very nervous. She finally decided she would have to reply, “Their land, their rules.”

Fennel smirked, leaning heavily upon the table, “You really believe that?”

She was getting frustrated now. Frustrated that... in a way he was right, but that stopping to solve every problem on the road would make it easier to just throw her orders away now, “I have things to do. I can’t get bogged down in politics. And... who are we to interfere?”

Fennel chuckled, his lip curling in amusement, “You’re an Applejack Ranger. Thought you would be all over this, fighting the good fight.”

She paused, wondering if her armor was sticking out of her bag, “How...?”

“You’re military, I can tell. And your neck fur tuffs up in places, that’s what happens when you wear power armor a lot.” He shrugged, “Not stupid. Don’t judge me by my cover.”

“Alright...” She sighed in frustration, “Then who are you?”

He looked to his marefriend, causing her to sigh briefly before nodding her head, “I’m Signal Jammer, this is Bitter Fennel. We’re here to simply provide back up to an old friend with business in this country, said friend is just running a little errand at present.” She glared at Fennel, her snout wrinkling, “She has been gone a day, and already he is planning insurrection against a foreign nation. You are simply bored Fennel, why cannot you just go for a walk like normal ponies?”

He responded simply, “Don’t like seeing folks suffer.”

“None of us do. This fine mare does not, but if she is a Ranger then she must have business in this country.” She suddenly seemed to think about this statement for a second, gentle realization coming to her face, “Hmm, what are the Rangers doing here anyway?”

She drew back defensively, “None of your concern.”

“Of course not. I apologize.” Jammer placed a hoof on her forehead, quietly considering the situation, “Though I have to imagine you are looking for guides, maps, rumors...”

She hesitated, still it was very much true, “Yes...?”

“If you wait for our friend to return, she may be able to help you.” Jammer turned her eyes to Cherry, shrugging, “She is scouting for that very thing at present, mapping out a trail for us to follow. I can imagine such a thing would be helpful to you as well.”

Cherry considered this for a moment, eventually concluded that it certainly seemed worthwhile. She had few allies here, her mission had become a lot more complicated and making friends with a few locals seemed a sensible thing to do, “Very well. Do you know of anywhere to find lodgings while I wait?”

Jammer nodded, “This inn offers rooms, but they’re rather pricy. To be honest we’re currently taking residence in one of the abandoned buildings to the north. They’re stable, defensible and out of the way, and I’m sure you're as used to roughing it as us.”

“Very well.” She nodded, “Thank you for the advice.”


She stepped out into the main street, instantly aware of the many, many guards hanging around the area. She was sure it was just paranoia but she was sure some of them were looking at her, not really feeling the need to stick around and find out. These abandoned houses were supposed to be a little way outside the main town and that was good enough for her, heading off as casually as she could manage.

They were definitely following her. Four of them, approaching in a flanking formation. She ducked into an alley and lost them for a short while, shrugging her bag away and kicking it under a wooden platform well out of sight, hoping that would keep it safe for a while at least. After that she made a quick double round the side of the inn and lost sight of them, or at least confused them long enough to keep her equipment hidden. She kept her head down as she moved towards a conveniently shaded gunshop, hoping she could blend into the crowd…

“Stop right there tashack.”

She didn’t know what tashack meant. She doubted it was pleasant. They weren’t pleasant, a motley crew of zebra and a single pony, clad in something that was obviously meant to be a uniform but had clearly neither been washed or repaired in some time. She stopped as commanded, nodding to the leader, “I just wish to complete my business here and be on my way, without any trouble.”

“Huh.” Their leader exclaimed, his eyes slightly more savvy than that of his fellows. He sized her up, not lewdly like the others, but with clear suspicion, “You sneak in from the sea, with an accent clearly unsure of itself and obvious military training. Caesar would pay well for a Star Fall spy.”

Damn. She told Silent Steel she was no operative, “I’m not from Star Fall.”

“Where then?”

Here goes nothing… “Equestria. I’m scouting the area for the government.”

The zebra chuckled, the cogs in his head whirring, “Really now? You better go see the boss then…”


The town hall was a clear sign of corruption, in much better repair, easily defensible and full of elegance far beyond the wealth of the province. It wasn’t obnoxiously obvious but she had seen these kind of set ups before, noting the suspicious number of thuggish characters hanging around and the wide birth it was given by the general populace. She was led into a well furnished office, an antique phonograph playing some old military anthems and a large picture of some zebra religious ceremony on the wall behind the desk.

A zebra was standing there staring at it, turning slowly and calmly as they entered the room. He was of middle age, with a crisp, collected air, wearing a dour, dark colored Dashiki and a pair of gold rimmed spectacles, lifting them as he inspected her. His voice was soft, slow and slightly high pitched, “A pony.”

“From Equestria.” The zebra who had brought her here clarified, “Government sent her.”

“I’m a scout.” Cherry was beginning to wonder what exactly had happened to Fluttershy and the others. These zebra were certainly taking a lot of interest in her, “I have been out of contact for some time. Are we not friends with Caesar?”

“Caesar is… considering the arrangement.” The zebra chuckled, giving her a light bow, “Administrator Cancey, at your service. Tell me, what do you know of Equestria’s intentions in this place?”

She frowned, “Peace, and trade. Nothing more.”


“She’s telling the truth.” The zebra at his side stated, his eyes sharp, “But she wasn’t just sent here to scout.”

Cancey frowned, tapping a hoof on his desk as he paced, “Please my dear, don’t lie to me. I really would like all the details, lest I make any... rash decisions.”

She looked around, no zebra here looking very friendly. What exactly had she got herself into? “I was sent to pick of a package from the ambassador and her party. I heard they had fled into the mountains, and I intend to track them down and find out exact what happened with Caesar.”

The zebra behind Cancey paused briefly before nodding, “She’s telling the truth.”

Cancey sighed, considering the matter carefully. Finally he looked up at Cherry, quietly assessing, “You beat up two of my guards.”

“They were selling children into slavery.”

“Better, than to starve on the streets.”

“It’s illegal. Here as well.”

Cancey smiled, a little unsettlingly, “This far from the capital, Caesar’s laws are... Caesar’s suggestions.” He chuckled at his joke, turning his head to her, “Are you going to continue this? Acting the wandering hero?”

She wanted to say no. She knew she should say no. But she wondered if she could really turn her eyes away, and hesitated.

“Of course. Very noble.”

She quickly spoke up, just wanting to get on with her mission. Damn her personal feelings, “Let me just leave. Let me carry on into the mountains and I won’t trouble you any further.”

Cancey considered this for a moment before nodding, waving a hoof at two of the zebra behind, “Jaree, Byoga. Take our guest out towards the mountains, see that she causes no further trouble.”

“Yes sir.”

Cherry took a deep breath as she was ushered away, not liking this set up or his words in the slightest. She looked back at Cancey, nodding hesitantly, “T...thank you sir. I promise I won’t cause any further trouble.”

Cancey looked surprise, smiling broadly after a moment, “No trouble at all, I assure you. Farewell, miss Equestria.”


Cherry was sure now that this wasn’t going to lead to anything good, making sure she was aware of her two escorts at all times. They tracked further into the desert, the shotgun at her back and Byoga flanking short distance away, his beady eyes scanning the sky for anyone following them.

Eventually they approached a small cliff, a crevasse at the base leading down into darkness. Jaree tensed as they neared, her voice strained, “I think this is far enough.”

Yes, it was. She was sure about their intentions now, whirling around and kicking the shotgun into the dirt with a textbook sweep, leaping at the surprised zebra mare and driving her palate into Jaree’s throat. The zebra gasped and Cherry went to finish her off, only to be dissuaded as the zebra shakily drew a long knife and held it out in her defense.

The zebra was well trained, no way would Cherry be able to take her out without possibly crippling injury. Byoga had noticed his commander’s distress, skidding down the buff with his rifle aiming up for the kill.

Cherry leapt into action, placing Jaree between her and Byoga before trying to tackle the mare. She had given Jaree too long to recover however, countered with enviable skill and only just avoiding being skewered. Instead she was forced to back into Byoga’s line of fire, Cherry feeling sweat drip down her face as Jaree grinned evilly at her.

And then a bullet cut through the air, Byoga gasping as his leg was blown off and he was sent tumbling into the dust. Jaree gasped in horror and searched for the shooter, Cherry moving in and snatching the knife away with one swift movement before slamming it into the zebra’s neck. Jaree stared at Cherry in confusion for a single brief moment before slumping down into the dirt.

“Thought you might need a hand.”

Cherry wiped the knife on the sands, inspecting it for a moment for quality before slipping it into the holster. It was a zebra design naturally, well regarded by those in the know, “Thank you for the assistance. Clever of you to use their tactics against them.”

Fennel gave her a lopsided look, shrugging his shoulders as he stepped over, “I was just waiting for you to make a move. Didn’t want to mess up any plans you had.”

“She means that we killed them well out of sight or sound of anyone who can relay her survival to the authorities.” Jammer commented as she made her way to Byoga, still moaning in where he had fallen. She quickly and clinically inspected his wounds before leaning down and pressing the edge of her hoof upon his lips, “I am going to heal you now. Remain still.”

The zebra quickly nodded his head, Jammer taking out a vial of med-x and a healing potion. She applied it carefully, area by area, the mark of a pony with significant medical training. Soon enough the wound was fully healed, though it still left a stump in place of the blasted away leg. Byoga looked down at it in horror, “I... I’ve still got no leg!”

“You tried to kill one of my friends.” Jammer nodded clinically, “You are leaving with your own life, and good chances of reaching the nearest town.”

“Won’t he warn somepony?” Cherry commented as she stripped the weapons from Jaree. Personally she was surprised by Jammer’s mercy, though she wasn’t so rude as to comment as such, “The med-x is a little excessive too isn’t it?”

“With a missing leg his progress with be both slow and painful.” Jammer commented, repacking her medical bag, “By the time he can warn anypony it will no longer be an issue.”

“Why not?”

“Either we will be away from here....” She turned her head to Fennel, “Or we will have already removed his masters.”

Fennel gave a rather evil sounding laugh, nodding enthusiastically, “There’s a town not far from here. Want to come with us?”

Cherry had to admit, she did. She was a soldier after all, clear orders and a commander to follow were all comfortable things, “I suppose. It seems the most sensible option at present.”


This town soon confirmed her opinions of the leadership, hardly seeming any better than Point Keyan. In fact it was even more open, a pair of thuggish looking zebra, a male and female, battering at a shop door as they made their way down the main street.

“Come out old timer! You know what you owe, and if we have to break down your door we’ll charge that out of your stinking hide too!”

Cherry frowned, moving out in front of her companions, “Can we help officer?”

“What?” The male turned, his brutish face squinting at them, “Who the hell are you?”

She narrowed her eyes, “Visitors, that’s all. You appear to be having trouble.”

“Trouble yeah...” He snorted, turning back to the door, “Nai, give them the deal. I’ll deal with this fool.”

The female zebra nodded and broke off, heading towards them with an elegant little trot. She was wearing a little too much make up and jewellery over her combat armor, her gun hung at an angle where she wouldn’t be able to bring it up with any kind of speed at all. That along with a build hardly suited to firing the assault rifle she was carrying convinced Cherry that she was more suited to intimidating civilians than any real fighting. She simply sized them up with a brief glance before speaking in a loud, officious tone, “All visitors to Gadorn are required to pay a visitor’s tax.” She looked them over with a searching glare before continuing, “That will be a hundred and twenty marks. Each. Any law breaking you perform here will result in further fines, and confiscation of your weapons.”

A hundred and twenty marks. At the prices from Star Fall that was about a thousand caps, a ridiculous sum, “What if we don’t want to pay that just to enter the town?”

“And be caught out in the wasteland at night?” The mare smiled cruelly, “You’re well equipped and strong, you clearly have caps to spare.”

“And check out what happens when you don’t pay up!” The thuggish zebra pulled an old zebra from the shop, pointing out the broken door as he did, “Look at that you old fool, we’ll have to fix that door before anyone else moves in!”

The zebra was sobbing pathetically as he was dragged along the floor, to be honest he looked about eighty, “I’m sorry sir, but with my broken leg I haven’t been able to run the shop...”

“And it’s always some excuse! If you can’t run your shop, pay your taxes... we’ll find some zebra who can!”

He hurled the zebra off the steps, the old stallion hitting the ground with a sickening crack. Even the mare with him gasped as his dead eyes rolled up to the sky.

Jammer spoke first, her voice raw and strained, “You killed him!”

“Who cares? No family, no money, no worth.” The big zebra jumped down and kicked the corpse into the corner, sneering at them, “Money, now, or you end up like shithead here.”

Cherry stepped forward before anypony else could react. She pulled the coins from her bag, counted them up and flung them through the air to land at his hooves, “Here. No trouble.”

“That’s grand.” He grinned evilly at them as he picked the coin pouch up with a hoof, “Enjoy your time here. Nai, clear this shit up, got to go report to the boss.”


Their reporting of the old zebra’s death to the town’s folk didn’t raise any surprise. They all said the same thing, that it was common, that as long as you paid your taxes and kept your head down you could make quite a bit of money off the merchants passing through here. This sounded rather odd considering the high taxes, but Jammer was quick to ask the right questions.

Cancey was being bribed by a few of the big merchant houses down south to obstruct the flow of free trade through the area, while allowing their own caravans free access. Their own influence with Caesar ensured that he turned a blind eye to Cancey’s men having their way with the poor and vulnerable, inventing new taxes that gave him great wealth. It was a depressingly common story, and it did not improve her opinion of Caesar.

She had done this before. In the years after the day of Sunshine and Rainbow Gawdyna had ordered them against dozens of fifes like this, some part of the Republic and some running their own little dominions. She personally found there to be little more satisfying that putting a bullet in somepony pretending he was a civilized businesspony while feeding off others like a leech, having not felt quite as righteous in a long while.

It was in that sense of righteousness that she walked alongside Fennel and Jammer, guns loaded and ready as they made their way down the main street. She spotted zebra watching them from the windows, her eyes then flicking to a chubby, well armed zebra and three others, the two they had met before and another skinny male advancing towards them.

Fennel moved out with a wide grin on his face and the lead zebra did the same, his shotgun locking on the pony. The zebra called out loudly as Fennel approached, squinting through the heat haze, “What do you want pony scum? I’m here the sheriff of this town, and I don’t tolerate any bullshit from some immigrant trash.”

“Got issues with your treatment of these zebra.”

The sheriff smirked, “Really? Because this armor top of the range, this gun could turn you to paste in a second, and I outnumber you four to three.”


“Yeah, so why don’t you...?”

Fennel lunged forward, dodged under his gun and reared back up, taking the stallion’s head in his forehooves, “Wrong answer.”


Fennel gave one swift twist, the Sheriff spasming for a moment before falling still. Fennel dropped the stallion’s limp body to the ground, sneering as the deputies drew their own weapons. One actually fired and Cherry winced, Fennel however barely flinched. He just looked down at the bleeding wound on his chest, giving a barking laugh, “I didn’t even FEEL that ladies. Got anything bigger?”

Cherry drew her own pistol, clasping it in her forehoof and pointing it at the female, “Drop it.”

It was the skinny stallion who reacted first, flinging down his pistol, “Fuck this. Don’t pay me enough.”

“I... screw you!” The big zebra raised his gun, now aimed at Fennel’s head. Cherry didn’t hesitate, a bullet punching him through the eyeball and dropping him with one last look of confusion.

The female stepped back a pace at her comrade’s death, desperately throwing down her own rifle, “Yeah, yeah, I surrender!”

Cherry nodded coldly, though to be honest she was glad. She had always hated shooting women, “Good choice.”

Fennel glanced down at the bodies for a moment before stepping over them, moving into the center of town and raising his voice, “Citizens of Gadorn!”

Jammer sighed as she stepped up behind them, shaking her head, “Here he goes...”

“You have no need to fear! This thug, who stole from you, bullied you, ruled over you with a dishonest, cruel heart... he is dead, and his master will soon follow!”

Cherry looked behind at Jammer, drawing close as more and more of the residents appeared to see what was going on, “You don’t approve?”

“Oh... I admire his sense of justice, I certainly don’t like seeing ponies suffer.” She stated, a little defensive, “I just wish it didn’t always end in violence.”

“You’re not a violent pony?” Cherry had noticed her failure to even draw the revolver at her side during the altercation just now.

She paled a little at the suggestion, “Well... not personally. I agree with its necessity, but I neither enjoy it, or demonstrate any great skill at causing it.” She sighed, shaking her head, “And I just wish he would think of the consequences. We’re declaring war, inciting rebellion on one of Caesar’s Magistrates.”

That had passed her mind. Still... “They really declared war on us.”

“True. I’ve been a wasteland adventurer for many years now, and it never ceases to amaze me how many villains will pick fights with us.” She looked across at Fennel, now surrounded by eager civilians, many of them armed, “Even after looking at Fennel.”

Cherry raised an eyebrow at the huge stallion, “He certainly is... intimidating looking with those modifications.”

“He was just as intimidating before.” A tiny smile came to Jammer’s lips, “A dozen of Red Eye’s slavers with guns had him surrounded, Fennel totally unarmed. And he just smiled as he charged them. That’s not the mark of a pony you want angry with you.”

Cherry was starting to wonder if it was a good idea following him, “That doesn’t sound very... advisable.”

Jammer chuckled, the smile making her seem much prettier, “He’s still alive isn’t he? Those cybernetics killed most of the other ponies we tried them on, and I’ve seen him take hundreds of bullets. I’m firmly convinced that Fennel is immortal.”

Cherry sure hoped so. There was no stepping back now.


Cherry watched the gates of Point Keyan through her scope, squatting on the nearby rock formation as the day ticked by. She didn’t mind, she had honed her patience through her paladin training. She simply watched as zebra passed through the gates in a steady stream, the guards surprise turning to confusion, then turning to concern as they realized just how many zebra they had let through and just how many stood outside the walls. The crowd grew rowdy as they piled up, the guards calling in reinforcements, talking excitedly to their commander.

Cherry took out her communicator, speaking firmly, “We’re ready. Commence stage one.”

Zebra marched up to the gate from inside the city, drawing weapons and aiming them at the backs of the poor guards there. Even as a few of them noticed the approaching hoard those outside drew weapons too, the guards realizing they were surrounded and throwing down their arms with haste. Cherry smiled, taking out her communicator once more, “The gate is ours. Stage two commencing.”


Most of the guards were quickly convinced to surrender by a co-ordinated sweep through the city, her and Jammer organizing the progress of each team as Fennel took care of any hotspots. Nice, simple and clean, a text book op. In her experience very few guards would resist a proper organized assault, they just weren't trained or paid to take that risk. That experience was proving true once again.

It hadn’t been quite as quick as she hoped however and the alarm had eventually been raised, the real fight now becoming apparent as they marched on the town hall. A good sixty or seventy guards and hired muscle now stood between them and the objective, and though they had not yet engaged their intentions were obvious. The rebels took up firing positions in the buildings flanking the street, Fennel leading a unit down towards them. His voice echoed loudly, “Lay down your weapons scumbags!”

The guard commander simply raised a hoof, a large zebra behind him drawing up a huge minigun and training it on Fennel.

Cherry opened fire, hitting the heavy weapons pony in the neck with a hollow point round. It tore his throat open and he died near instantly, Sunset turning to the side and punching another round into his commander. This deflected off his armor unfortunately, but it still staggered him and gave the others a chance.

The rebels surged forward, Fennel taking the front. He grinned widely as bullets bounced away, taking them himself to spare the others. His autocannon fired with a harsh roar and killed one of the guards, more than that however it sent the others scattering, terrified by this mad raider and his enormous weapon. The other rebels took the opportunity to take position, ducking into cover and firing into the now disorganized mob before them.

Cherry fired a few more shots before packing up her rifle and galloping to another position, dropping her rifle to her side and drawing her pistol with her mouth as she spotted a group of soldiers trying to flank the rebels from an alley. She crouched at the edge and fired downwards, rapid, well aimed shots taking out their hooves. She darted away before they could retaliate, wincing away from a shot whistling past her cheek and diving behind some wooden beams. It didn’t take long to spot the sniper in the town hall tower, leaning out and nailing him with a clear shot through the eye.

She ran to the edge of the building to check the progress of the main battle, encouraged to see that the rebels were doing well. Many of the soldiers had already surrendered, many others breaking and running. Much of that was down to Fennel, the buck spreading destruction everywhere he turned and seemingly immune to bullets.

She leapt down and hurried over to the town hall, occasionally pausing to snipe a zebra who came into her sights. She came across a few injured rebels and tossed them a healing potion, noticing Jammer a short distance away taking care of others who had fallen, rebel and guardsman alike.

The rebels were battering at the front door of the town hall, the solid oaken construction holding up impressively against their weight. Cherry took another route round the side of the building, keeping her eyes on all the side exits. They had to know the rebels would get in eventually, the sensible thing would be to try and escape...

A small door clicked, opening a tiny crack so whoever was behind it could eyeball the street for hostiles. She decided to give them one, raising herself onto her back legs and bringing her rifle to her shoulder, firing a single shot through the crack and into the pony behind. There was a loud thump and the door swung wide open, Cherry sprinting forward as a zebra slumped out onto the steps. The door opened into a long corridor, another zebra fleeing down it in terror, “Stop or I will open fire!”

He didn’t, so she did. Her bullet shattered a light fixing above him and sent him cowering to the floor, Cherry advancing slowly on the zebra. He wasn’t armed, and didn’t appear to be a fighter of any kind, she shoved him to the floor and bound his hooves with ties, “Stay still, don’t cause trouble.”

He nodded furiously, clearly scared out of his wits.

She carried on, sparing a small thought for the zebra she had killed. He was unarmed, likely a clerk. Still civilians got killed in a battle, and a soldiers duty was to the lives of his own side first and independents second. She dismissed it from her mind, slipping into the cover of a couch as two large zebra moved in from ahead. She moved quickly as they fired their weapons, easily tearing through the thin structure. She bucked it hard as it started to collapse, throwing up a cloud of sawdust and allowing her to flank the pair. The first fell with a shot through the side of the head with her rifle, the second dropped to the ground with a blast to the shoulder. He hit the ground awkwardly and raised his remaining hoof in surrender, Cherry a second from finishing him off before Jammer’s face suddenly leapt unbidden into her mind.

Damnit, she was well too solidly trained for learning new tricks now. Still she had hesitated now and he still hadn’t shot at her, Cherry deciding to take the chance. She kept a firm eye on him as she shoved him to the ground and bound his hooves, drawing a line at giving him a healing potion. The wound shouldn’t be fatal, Cherry letting him bleed as she continued on.

She soon came to the offices she had been brought to originally, the area pretty torn up. The bodies of guard zebra lay scattered around, the doors smashed in and the walls covered in bullet holes. She entered the office and was immediately confronted with a large hole smashed through the entire side wall, Cherry following the trail of destruction.

“Stay back, I’m warning you! I’ll do it!”

She hurried ahead at the voice, that of Cancey by the sound of it. She was heading towards the back of the town hall now, no signs of battle except for slightly splintered floorboards in places. She eventually reached the exit, the door shattered out onto the tarmac behind. She moved through with rifle raised, finding herself in a small vehicle park. An armored sand buggy was the only transport there, Cancey backing towards it with a small zebra filly clutched in his hooves. He desperately pressed a small pistol into her skull as Fennel stalked around him, his rifle hovering over the target. She wondered if she could get a shot while he was distracted, he quickly noticed her however and moved the filly to block her aim too, “Just let me go, I’m no threat to you!”

Fennel snorted angrily, “You’re the one profiting off all of this, you sent all those zebra out to die for you. Think we’ll really let you get away?”

He shook his head, stabbing the barrel of his weapon against the whimpering filly’s head, “You will if you want to keep this girl safe!”

Cherry inspected the target, unfortunately Cancey wasn’t a large zebra, he was just too small a target to be sure she wouldn’t hit the filly at the speed she would have to draw and fire. She could risk it, she was 60% sure she could make the shot... but that wasn’t good enough. She simply dropped her weapon slightly, waiting to see how this would play out.

Cancey spared her a look before focusing once more on Fennel, “See, your friend knows it’s futile. Let me go, there’s plenty of loot back there to satisfy...”

The world suddenly became blindingly white, a vortex of surging magic opening up a short distance away with a roar. Cherry backed up in shock, her rifle raised instinctively. Cancey reacted the same, his eyes wide and fearful. Fennel simply grinned.

An elderly pink pony in a purple robe stepped forth from the portal, the swirling energy collapsing with a sharp crack and a small burn mark on the ground. She looked up, eyes curious as she inspected the surroundings, Fennel, Cancey...

Cancey gripped the filly tighter, his gun raising, “Who the hell are you?! Are you with them?!”

The elderly pony looked over to Fennel, her mouth widening into a grin, “Yes. Yes I am.”


She turned her eyes to Cancey, her horn flashing with pink light. His gun instantly transformed into flapping doves, a second shot sending out a beam of light that struck the zebra dead center of the forehead. He yelled and stumbled backwards, concentration etched on the old pony’s face as she adjusted and focused the beam.

And then it was done, the filly he had been holding stumbling away before turning to her captor. Her eyes opened in wonder and amusement, looking down at the buck near younger than she was. The elderly pony chuckled, nodding down at her, “Take it away kid.”

Cancey’s eyes were forced up from his youthful appearance for the brief moment it took to register the pair of hooves flying at him, “Wait, n...!”

Fennel chuckled as the zebra was knocked flying, groaning as he slumped to the floor. His laughter was slow and echoing, grinning at the old pony, “I always loved that spell Dream.”

Cherry hesitated for a moment to register this new information, her eyes flicking to the old mare and studying her in detail. She really didn’t have to, knowing this mare well enough to draw a picture, “You’re...” She paused to throttle in her initial shock, hating to air her emotions so openly, “You’re Dream Star, leader of the Twilight Society.”

“Midnight Scepter is leader of the Twilight Society. I am simply a mere acolyte.” She turned to look at Cherry, then at Fennel. Her expression was casual, her eyes bright and intelligent under her heavy wrinkles, “Who is this Fennel?”

Fennel grinned crudely, “She’s a Paladin of the Applejack Rangers. She helped us out fighting that jerk over there.”

“You know honestly, I would have been disappointed if you hadn’t overthrown him by the time I got back.” Dream Star chuckled, raising her horn to the sky. A flash of magic later and a giant illusionary hologram of Fennel filled the sky, his voice ringing out loud and fierce.


Cherry had enough of this, advancing on the mare with angry strides. She tensed further as Dream looked round at her in amusement, glaring back and speaking with practiced authority, “You tricked me! Tricked me into helping you with whatever dark plan...”

“Dark plan? And they say I’m melodramatic.” Dream grinned broad and wide, waving her hoof casually, “Let me assure you, I had no part in this. If Fennel has found this zebra wanting... well I am sure he deserved it.”

Fennel nodded as he turned to her, “Don’t you worry none, this asshole needed putting down. You weren’t helping the Twilight Society or anything like that, you were helping these zebra.”

“And now?” Cherry looked round at Dream, “You’re after the program, aren’t you? After that armor!”

Dream nodded, amusement crinkling her face, “As are you. In which case... it is a pleasure to meet you, though I’m not sure how one paladin is supposed to challenge me.” She chuckled, giving a wink, “And that was an invitation to prove me wrong by the way.”

She frowned, “Now?”

“Unless you have a few megaspells stored in that bag, I don’t recommend it.” Dream laughed, shaking her head, “Get some worthy allies, some training, maybe a legendary artifact or two. Come at me unexpected, make me try. Can you do that little paladin?”

“I will complete my mission.”

Dream laughed, nodding at her, “You do that little paladin. Just be warned...” She paused for a moment before walking away, giving a last laugh as Fennel followed, “I always win.”


Level up – Level 12 gained.

Trait discovered –
Your attacks show a lot of finesse. You don't do as much damage, but you cause more critical hits. All of your attacks do -25% damage. Your critical chance is increased by 10%.

Trait discovered -
Trigger Discipline
You are calm and patient, waiting for a clear shot before firing. You gain +20% accuracy with guns and energy weapons, but suffer -20% fire rate with guns and energy weapons, and +20% AP required per shot.

Perk Gained –
You’re a true deadshot, always going for the killing blow. Your chance to hit an opponent’s head in V.A.T.S. is increased by 25%.

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