• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 5,560 Views, 280 Comments

Fallout Equestria : Black And White - Philweasel

Peace between the NCR and Zebra wasteland becomes a battleground between competing factions.

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Chapter 4.9 - Behold the Dawn

Sunshine Ivory looked out from the top of the mountain, watching as the sun slowly crept towards the wicked lands beyond. It appeared as if it bathed them in fire, a mere illusion maybe... or maybe proof that Celestia approved her course. And why wouldn't she? This world was corrupt, and needed to be reborn in fire.

Her adventure into the wastes had only proven it further. The wickedness, the corruption, the demonic forces at work out there. She had wanted to stay, to work to save who she could... but she well knew it was futile. If she was going to change the world she would need an army, and a messiah to lead them.

And now she had both. She started down the stairs, ready to start the revolution.


Sunshine Ivory continued to spend long hours each day just looking up at the statue of Celestia, the same as she had done when she was just a child. It was a comforting ritual, gave her a link to the past. Gave her time to reflect, to clear her head of distractions.

She had been... an unhappy child. Her father had abandoned her mother when she had been very young, and her mother had always blamed her for it. Told her she was a naughty child, that she was broken in the head. As far as Sunshine Ivory was concerned her mother had been the broken one, giving up her own daughter to the Temple of Celestia, abandoning her to her loneliness. There she believed for a moment she might fit in, find love, but it had been but a fleeting thought. Her resemblance to Celestia had served her well at first, but every time she had put even a hoof out of line they had punished her above all others. Like they found her appearance an insult.

And it was always her fault. Every time somepony had hurt her and she had simply retaliated. Her fault. Every time she had taken something that was rightfully hers. Her fault. Every time she simply told the truth, puncturing their pathetic illusions. They could not accept it, even when her logic was clear.

They had hated her because she was beautiful, and smart, and willful. They had told her she needed to conform, to do as she was told. They didn't understand that her mind was different than theirs, that she was naturally superior. Had Celestia always done what she was told?

One mare had understood. Diamond Prism had been the first pony to ever love her, to sit down beside her and show her how to live among others, how to understand their rules. In her Sunshine Ivory had seen the true face of Celestia, the firm kindness, the patience, the wisdom. Even on that day when they had gone their separate ways Diamond Prism had just smiled, telling Sunshine Ivory that she loved and understood her. That she was sure Sunshine Ivory would find what she was looking for eventually.

And she had. Sunshine Ivory had come back to Star Fall no longer the awkward child but instead the image of Celestia, the ponies of the church falling over themselves to elect her as their High Priestess. It had been easy, only souring her opinion of those around her yet further. All she had to do was walk like Celestia, talk like her, move like her. She colored the basest of her demands with pretty words and they called it heavenly wisdom.

And she had known then, that she was the one. All of Celestia's greatest students had been lonely children, only to blossom once taught the magic of friendship. And how had she blossomed. She had taken worthless rejects like Star Swirl, Midnight Dreamer and Themba, made them better and stronger and used them to further the cause of harmony across the land. She commanded the attention and affection of the many thousands of zebra that she had met along her journeys, and Star Fall was now united under her will.

She was the true heir to Celestia, and she would see her glory spread across the world.


"Well... I admit I was never really that attached to the role anyway..."

"Excellent." Sunshine Ivory declared as she inspected the projects on display around Star Fall's research department. She turned to Mint Engine after a moment, flashing him a beguiling smile, "You will have far more time to devote to your research without your council duties to worry about, and I intend to fully support your department. You will retain the office of chief scientist of course"

Mint Engine gave her a nervous smile in return, "You intend... to keep power?"

"Themba is dead, and Golden Dawn is already under investigation." She smiled, feeling her heart fill with pride in her accomplishments, "Somepony has to take control of the situation."

"Indeed." Mint Engine gave her a slightly nervous smile, bowing his head, "And may I be the first to congratulate you."

"Thank you Mint Engine." She replied with a smile, while already assessing if he needed to be more permanently removed. He had been a little too quick to bend the knee, and she distrusted the craven. Perhaps she needed to reconsider his loyalty...

"Sunshine Ivory."

She turned at the voice of Radiant Glory, one of her most senior, loyal and powerful priestesses. She had been placed in charge of putting down dissent in the city and had done a worthy job at it, that most subtle and professional breed of thug that were so rare and useful, "Glory."

"I have the girl you were interested in." She reported, as polite as she was emotionless, "I can take you to her now."


She followed Radiant Glory down the corridors that wound around the interior of the mountain, finally reaching the inner cells. Pretty famous in their own right, these cells had held a lot of important figures over the years. The pony who now occupied them should feel proud really, as Sunshine Ivory couldn't help but be amused how out of place she was among their number. She stepped inside, looking down at the pathetic little bundle with kind eyes, "Thousand Sunny, I am so sorry that you have been caught up in all this."

The little pegasi looked up, eyes full of tears, "I didn't do anything wrong, neither did my family! You have to believe me!"

"I do Thousand Sunny." Sunshine Ivory replied with a look of utter sincerity, drawing closer, "You were just trying to help your friend."

Thousand Sunny sucked in a sob, "Sabah's not a bad zebra..."

"I know." Sunshine Ivory straightened out, giving her a reassuring smile, "And I intend to clear her name, make sure the real criminals are punished. All I need is a little help from you."

Thousand Sunny nodded furiously, "I'll do anything!"

Sunshine Ivory grinned, of course she would, "All I need you to do is go in front of the court and say exactly what I tell you to..."


"Archon Mayva, Golden Dawn! You have been convicted of working together to assassinate General Themba, and of masterminding a conspiracy against Caesar Incuta." Sunshine Ivory spoke from the podium, keeping her face locked in a mask of regret despite the overwhelming sense of joy flooding through her, "This is the most base treachery, and will be punished accordingly."

Golden Dawn looked defeated, her fat, bloated body oozing downwards in despair. Archon Mayva still held defiance in his eyes however, his voice proud as he shouted back, "On what evidence?!"

Sunshine Ivory smirked, "We have found documents linking you..."

"Your minions forged documents, an easy task considering you yourself were part...!"

Her priests drowned him out with their shouting, Sunshine Ivory directing a few of them over with a wave of her hoof. Boosted by her magic she was easily able to speak over the noise, "The Archon clearly cannot restrain himself! Please, take him to the cells! We will sentence him in absentia!"

They seized the Archon by his hooves, striking down Golden Dawn when she went to intervene. Archon Mayva didn't go quietly however, his voice rose above the din as he was dragged from the chamber, "Harmony has long left you Sunshine Ivory! You will burn in the heavenly fires you so wish for!"

Sunshine Ivory smirked as his continuing arrogance. She took a moment to compose herself before motioning for the next set of traitors to be brought in.


"...yet the darkness that consumes this world has not been defeated! At present my church and I merely have the power to hold it back, and at great cost to ourselves. As a result we can only ask for your support, your understanding. The Church of the Holy Fire remains closed for now, as we investigate how deep the Archon's corruption reached. Until it can be re-opened we invite anyone looking for guidance to come to the church of Celestia, and have devoted extra priests to the task to ensure that we can support you all in this difficult time. Due to the guards’ stretched resources we have also dedicated hundreds of our warrior priests to help keep the city safe, ever mindful of your security. These priests have been granted full law enforcement privileges and should be the first point of contact should you uncover any proof of subversion. Rest assured, this chaos is but a parting thing. I must sign off for now, but please brave citizens of Star Fall, remain strong. Know that we will watch over you all."

Sunshine Ivory stepped away from the radio, stretching out her back as she stepped across her study. Her muscles protested, Sunshine Ivory marveling at how she was even more tired than she had been after fighting in the wasteland. Politics sure did test your resources, and...

She darted back, magic already charging at her horn. A brief crackle of green lightning lit up the centre of the room, then expanded outwards into a glowing orb of shining balefire. It kicked up a fierce wind that swept papers from the shelves, growing more violent before suddenly ceasing as a pony burst into place around the ball of energy.

Balefire crackled off the pony's coat for a moment more before fading out, revealing a gorgeously proportioned alicorn standing tall in the middle of the room. Her coat was of a brilliant, pearlescent white, her body strong and muscled. Mighty wings brushed against her sides, silken hair of pink, blue and green hanging long and elegant about a proud, dignified muzzle. She turned her head to Sunshine Ivory, eyes sparkling with green for a moment more before it faded into a soft pink. Her voice was deep, motherly, "Sunshine Ivory. I'm sorry I'm late."

Sunshine Ivory tried to retrieve her jaw from the floor. When last she had seen Star Swirl she had still been... Star Swirl. This was better than she had ever considered possible, "That is... you... isn't it Star Swirl?"

"Please don't call me that. The last thing we need is a slip of the tongue." The alicorn replied, stepping across the carpeted floor with the most absolute dignity, "I've spent a long time practicing for this role."

"I... can see." Sunshine Ivory had spent years learning to walk like that, "That was quite an entrance."

Celestia actually grinned at this, a momentary flash across her stern features, "Yes. I've been practicing other things too."


Sunshine Ivory walked beside Celestia as she strode confidently through the crowds that swarmed the streets, all of them stepping aside without any further direction as she advanced. Some of the braver ones ran forward to touch her coat, looking like they were testing to make sure she was real. Sunshine Ivory worried about security issues, but Celestia had insisted they make their way on hoof.

Then what she had feared finally happened. A zebra ran out of the crowd, using his teeth to pull a knife from a shoulder holster, and drove it towards Celestia's hip with a cry.

The knife snapped, Celestia's head whipping round to catch the broken shards in her telekinesis before they could rebound into the crowd. She then gently placed them down on the ground, the zebra backing off as she stared him down.

Her mouth finally opened, "Why?"

"You... you are a false goddesss!" The zebra shouted, voice trembling, "You are a pawn of Sunshine Ivory..."

Sunshine Ivory directed some of the priests to take the zebra, only for Celestia to extend a wing to block them. Celestia then looked back to the zebra, speaking again in a voice that carried across the crowd despite its lack of volume, "Continue."

"...I..." The zebra hesitated, his voice falling, "...Sunshine Ivory has shut down our temple, taken over our city! You are nothing but another tool of her evil!"

She looked at the zebra for a moment more before smiling, a somewhat mischievous kindness in her eyes, "I intend to prove you wrong."

Then she turned and continued through the crowds, Sunshine Ivory standing in stunned amazement for a moment before moving to follow. She went to instruct the guards to follow the zebra but he was already gone, vanished into the mob.

No matter, she would see to him later.

They finally reached the viewing platform at the front of the mountain, one of the few places that allowed most of the city to see her. Indeed a vast crowd covered the courtyard bellow, the clergy of the Church already in position above. As before Celestia was content with climbing the stairs by hoof, her ascent slow and dignified. Sunshine Ivory admitted it was a good move, feeling the excitement rise further with every step.

Finally they were there, looking over the city in front. Sunshine Ivory had never felt so alive, and for a moment was convinced it was really Celestia in front of her. She couldn't believe it, how that big, mousy dork had somehow managed to become this in just a few short months.

Celestia stepped to the front of the platform, levitated the microphone out the way, and addressed the crowd in a firm, commanding voice that echoed across the city, "I am Celestia, chosen of harmony, lightbringer. I am here to save this world."

A collective breath was held across the city.

"I am not here to usurp any thrones, not here to create an empire. I know Incuta, I've seen his heart and his works. Like all in this world he struggles with the corruption within his soul, but he has defied his darker urges to create wonders." Celestia lifted her head to the sky, the sunlight reflecting off her horn in a vivid rainbow flash, "I ask, what more could he achieve with a purer soul free of weakness? What more could you? This is my dream, to unite the world in a single, better dream, a dream of victory over the base desires and petty hatreds that have divided us."

Sunshine Ivory was unable to stop grinning, this better than she imagined. Sure Star Swirl really needed to smile a little more, and her message was a little too high minded for the common scum. Still it was a commanding performance, the kind of command that could lead a nation, "Thank you Princess Celestia. Know that your church is ready to aid you in this, indeed we have already paved the way."

"I have heard." Celestia stated with a cool, stern tone, turning around to look down upon Sunshine Ivory, "High Priestess Sunshine Ivory, without your actions I would not have come. It was you that truly showed me how much evil and deception really exists in the world."

"Yes Princess." Sunshine Ivory responded, nodding enthusiastically, "And together, we will rout it out!"

"It begins now." Celestia confirmed, "With you Sunshine Ivory."

Sunshine Ivory paused in shock, this not in the script. She really didn't want to be the center of attention, having always assumed a role in the background. This was all very embarrassing, not right at all... "I... you know my heart Princess."

"But do you?" She questioned, eyes slightly warning, "Tell us of your sins Sunshine Ivory."

"My..." She tried to compose herself, not understanding exactly what Star Swirl was trying to do here, "My conscience is clear Princess, everything I have done..."

"Everything?" Star Swirl looked coldly down at her, "So all the lies, all the murder, all the betrayal and pain you have caused, that does not weigh on you in the slightest?"

Sunshine Ivory stood there, knowing she had misheard, "Ex...cuse me..."

Star Swirl's eyes remained firm, "You heard me."

This was all... rather embarrassing. Not right at all, it wasn't supposed to go like this... "I... I am ever your servant..."

"You believed I was yours." Star Swirl answered, a quiver of anger entering her voice, "Did you think I was blind to what you have done? Do you think they were?"

"I..." Sunshine Ivory felt her throat grow dry and tight as Star Swirl motioned to the crowd, her heart beating hard against her chest. It made it... difficult to get her words out, "Everything I have done..."

"Will be brought to light." Star Swirl decreed, now fully glaring, "You killed Themba, seduced him for your own evil aims. Once he was of no more use you attacked him when his guard was down, threw him from the mountain. Didn’t even give him a chance to fight back."

The crowd gasped now, starting to shout in rage. Sunshine Ivory looked to her church but they were all frozen in indecision, not a soul of them saying a word, "No!"

"You convinced him to organize a covert operation along with Prince Khalid, King Abartili and Princess Luna, saying it was to fight against Caesar Incuta. Instead it was a simple ploy to destabilize the wasteland, and for that purpose you had each of your co-conspirators assassinated one by one."


"You employed the mercenaries that destroyed the town of Estelle."


"You were responsible for bringing Princess Luna back to this world, convinced her to attack those settlements! Convinced her it was for the greater good!" Star Swirl shouted, body shaking and voice rising, "And then you murdered her, blaming another in order to force me into action!"

Sunshine Ivory couldn't hold it together anymore, the mention of that terrible moment bringing it all back. How Princess Luna... her wonderful, beautiful girl that she had loved like her own child... how she had... accepted evil into her heart and become some sort of demon through a corrupt mockery of harmony. And how Sunshine Ivory had been forced to put her down, forced to kill her own daughter...

I had hurt, didn't Star Swirl understand that? She had no choice!

And now... it had taken Star Swirl too. The demon inside Star Swirl had sent her mad, and...

...and she was the only one who could stop her!

She laughed at the painful irony and brought her horn forward, unleashing every last mote of magic she could muster. It hurt to do it, Sunshine Ivory's laugh falling into sobs as she continued.

It had to be done. It had to be done. It had to be done.

Star Swirl emerged from the last fading embers of the magical attack, shields glowing hot for a moment but not a scrap of damage upon her flesh. Sunshine Ivory fell back in terror as Star Swirl advanced with grim determination, a flash of green light surrounding her horn and filling her eyes.

Star Swirl moved like lightning, far faster than a mare her size had any right to be. Her hoof shot forwards with perfect form and slammed into Sunshine Ivory’s jaw with enough force to fling her across the podium, the crowd's gasps sounding out for a moment before Sunshine Ivory felt her ears pop and her thoughts were overwhelmed with pain.

She thudded hard into the podium floor, vision spinning. She lifted herself into a half kneeling position and tried to speak, her jaw just... not moving. It was only after a moment or two that she realized it was broken, teeth lying across the bloody floor.

Star Swirl continued forward without an ounce of compassion, her voice rising into a furious scream, "You employed the mercenaries that killed Zenai! YOU KILLED HER IN FRONT OF ME, JUST TO PROVE A POINT!"


Star Swirl kept her horn pulsing as she continued to advance, spotting the priest the moment he armed his shotgun. She turned her head, throwing up an invisible shield and reinforcing it several times while keeping her expression as neutral as possible.

Bishop Ember fired upon her, along with a dozen other priests. Star Swirl braced herself, stared them down, and eventually the gunfire faded away. Priests dropped their weapons, extinguished their glowing horns, eyes growing wide as they saw Star Swirl stand undamaged before them.

And then Star Swirl ignited her telekinesis, yanking their guns away and suspending them before her. One elegant step and a swing of Celestia's spear later and the guns fell to the podium in pieces, individual pieces sizzling. A gasp rose up from behind, a rising roar of exited voices. Star Swirl mentally thanked Sunshine Ivory for giving her such a perfect chance to show off her abilities in front of such a rapt audience, swinging the spear back to her side and looking to the priests, "I am Celestia, reborn. But Sunshine Ivory is a false prophet, who does not deserve your loyalty."

"She created you!" Bishop Ember shouted, edging towards Sunshine Ivory's broken form, "You traitor, you liar!"

"It is she who has lied to you Bishop Ember." Star Swirl replied as she lazily followed his progress, "And to herself. She truly believed I would be flattered by her actions in my name, that I would reward her with power."

"Reward her with death!" Screamed a voice from the crowd, more joining it. Star Swirl could only smile in response.

"<I name you Charaxes, Butterfly Queen! By the power of harmony and the seven elders of the covenant, I place a sealing upon you!>" Bishop Ember shouted, magic shining at his hooves. She recognized the language as a truly old, obsolete one, and the sealing spell as one once deployed against her long ago.

It failed, now as it did then. She felt the connection that lay at her heart strain for just a brief moment before cementing together once more, locked together by trust and love, "You have no idea what I am."

"A filthy demon." He stated with a low growl, throwing up a half dozen copies of himself that darted in all directions, Bishop Ember himself coating his hoof with a potion of demon sealing and charging straight at her. Star Swirl just stood there waiting, not fooled for a moment by his tricks and wondering if he was aware that she was herself far more experienced an alchemist than he would ever be. His hoof struck her chest with an ineffectual thump, smearing a line of the potion across her coat, "<Charaxes, Butterfly Queen! By the power of the Holy Fire, in the name of Zephyr Stormstrung and Elder Zenophilious, I place a sealing upon you!>"


She felt them come, the first in over three hundred years. Intruders into her domain, mortal eyes looking upon her squalor and wretchedness. The bitter irony of it all was enough to make her laugh, that even after they burnt the world and destroyed themselves mortal equines would still seek out the dangers in the darkest corners of the world.

She heard their hooves echo against the hollow bones that littered the cave, a hateful glow of a unicorn's horn driving her skittering, buzzing children back into the dark corners. She hated these arrogant little equines at that moment, knew that they looked upon the harmless flies and spiders with disgust, would never appreciate how this cave sheltered some of the few of their kind that had survived the balefires the equines had unleashed on the world. She sent her voice echoing about the caves, voice carried through her insect children and the bones of the dead, "Leave us! Go, or I shall consume your souls!"

The equines didn't even slow their progress. Charaxes hesitated for a moment before shouting another warning, "Leave me alone! This is no place for you!"

The light flooded her cave, shining upon the wretched stinking rabbit corpse lying there in the dirt as it had for the last thousand years. The caterpillars scuttled away as the equines strode forward, shattering her perfect peace like glass. She cried, ashamed and afraid, unable to understand why they ignored her warnings, "Go away... I don't want to hurt you..."

"We don't want to hurt you either." A voice stated with a voice like the ringing of bells, Charaxes boggling as none other than Princess Celestia herself leant down to smile at her with the most beautiful expression of peace and kindness. It made no sense and looked so out of place among the filth that she was unable to find the words, the pony looking concerned as she spoke again, "Please, you are Charaxes yes?"

Charaxes fought for a better look through her rotted eyes, seeing that contrary to her original thoughts this pony didn't have wings and her proportions were ordinary. In expression and appearance the mistake was easy to make though, even her voice somewhat similar to what she had heard of Celestia. Behind was a zebra, stern and solid, unlike his companion clearly struggling to hold back his disgust at the surroundings. This finally eased Charaxes fear, allowing her to finally get a word out, "I am Charaxes, yes."

"My name is Sunshine Ivory, this is Ember." The pony explained, her lip curling for a moment in distress, "Are you aware of what has happened above?"

All too much, "Yes."

"Charaxes, the stories say that you wanted to save the world, restore peace." Sunshine Ivory smiled hopefully, "Is that true?"

Charaxes almost laughed, "That was a long time ago. Before I failed. Before I died. Before... everything went wrong." She felt the hate flow through even her heavily rotted glands, the hatred that had sustained her for so long, "Why have you come here? To hear a cautionary tale of arrogance and regret?"

"No." Sunshine Ivory stated firmly, extending a hoof, "I want to offer you another chance."

Charaxes didn't understand, why wasn't this pony afraid of the hateful star demon? Why wasn't this pony disgusted by the insects and the filth? "To do what?"

Sunshine Ivory smiled, a smile that for the first time in a thousand years made Charaxes heart fill once more with hope. A hope that it wasn't all lost, that she wasn't a monster, that she could make a difference. Sunshine Ivory held that smile for a moment before speaking, her voice full of conviction, "To save the world."


Star Swirl leant down towards Ember, feeling the anger of betrayal flow through her. The emotions made her magic surge hot, feeling her eyes flare green as she hissed her words, "You should have let me sleep..."

"I told Sunshine that we shouldn't trust you." Ember growled in response, backing away towards Sunshine Ivory. He looked to the rest of the church and the crowd below, Star Swirl smiling in satisfaction as she saw neither make so much as a move to support him. He looked down at Sunshine Ivory as he finally reached her, leaning down and taking her jaw in his hooves, "Stay still."

Star Swirl watched them, feeling uncomfortable for a moment. She watched as Ember fixed Sunshine Ivory’s jaw with a gentle application of healing match, his touch affectionate as he helped the trembling mare to her hooves. Star Swirl kept her eyes fixed on the pair however, her expression unyielding, "Guards, please take them away. They shall both be tried for their crimes."

Sunshine Ivory reached forward, expression desperate, "Star Swirl, please...!"

Star Swirl felt her whole body tense as the words washed across her. She reacted automatically, horn flashing with green flame as she clamped the mare's jaw closed with her telekinesis. It took her a moment to gain control enough to replace the glow with a violet one again, let along speak, "And please gag her, and seal her horn."

The crowd cheered as the two were dragged away, Star Swirl watching with grim satisfaction for a moment before turning back to the crowd.

There was much to say after all, this being the first day of Celestia's return upon this earth.


Star Swirl stood in Themba's study, looking around in the hope that she would feel less lost. She had already instructed the church to start decorating and stocking this place, so hopefully it would feel more like home soon. Themba had apparently never used it, so it was still in excellent condition. It had a balcony looking out over the city, from which she could take off to get to anywhere she wished in record time. It was a good place. Maybe one that might one day be a home.

And she had her revenge. The pony that had killed Zenai and Luna was in prison, awaiting her punishment.

The people looked on her in wonder. She was respected, feared, everything she thought an alicorn should be.

Finally, after everything... she was Celestia.

Maybe that was what unsettled her. She looked over at the mirror, taking in that unfamiliar face. She had changed everything, the facial structure, the voice, the color... it wasn't Celestia, every attempt at trying to capture that exact face had ended up looking off. It wasn't Star Swirl though, pretty and feminine and graceful in a way Star Swirl had never been.

Star Swirl had never been overly fond of being female. She had never much been fond of being anything. She had dressed, spoke, acted to avoid such distinctions, uncomfortable with questions of her identity. It was the reason Thunder Crash had tried to recruit her into his experiments, wanted to make her male. He hadn't understood. She hadn't really understood.

Now... she thought maybe she had been afraid. Afraid of losing her identity. Star Swirl the archivist was no older than her admission into the Followers, a construct used to escape her previous, enforced identity of Justicar. Perhaps she had been so concerned with her cutie mark because she was looking for some connection, some idea of what she should be.

She had enjoyed being Star Swirl the silly, clumsy friend. But that identity had died with Zenai.

Now... she didn't know what she was trying to be.

She wasn't Star Swirl anymore, she hadn't been for some time. With Char fully a part of her, she was something totally new... but she had no idea who that was yet. It was pretty much the worst moment she could have chosen to be Princess Celestia, one of the most distinctive mares in history.

There was a knock at the door. She turned her head, forcing what she hoped was a kindly smile, "Enter."

The door opened and a mare stepped through, dressed in the robes of a Priestess. She looked nervous, rightly so, turning a pair of sharp, intelligent eyes up at Star Swirl, "Princess, you requested my presence?"

Star Swirl gently probed the mare's mind with her powers, surprising calm residing there. Calm, and... expectation, waiting for something. She smiled at this, nodding to her, "Do you believe that Radiant Glory? That I'm the Princess?"

"No." Radiant Glory answered, looking straight at Star Swirl for a moment. Star Swirl just continued smiling as she felt the mare consider her next question, Radiant Glory eventually continuing with cool confidence, "I believe you are a trick. A trick of Sunlight Ivory's, like Princess Luna of Dusklight."

Star Swirl was reassured by such candor, "You were deep in her plans."

"She trusted me to enforce her will here."

"Yet you agreed with her imprisonment."

Radiant Glory gave a probing look, "You are right that she had over reached herself, was guiding the church towards disaster." She paused for a moment before shooting Star Swirl a warning look, "But I do not yet trust you."

"Why is that?" Star Swirl asked, giving a little smile, "Both questions."

"Because operating in the open revealed just how insane she was." Radiant Glory answered coldly, "I am fine with doing dirty work for the greater good, but she had become obsessed with control and violence. To be honest I was considering having to deal with her myself."

"And me?"

"I know nothing about you, save that you're her creature too." Radiant Glory answered bluntly.

Star Swirl nodded, giving her a gentle look. This mare could indeed be useful, both in her skills and in her candor, "Would you like to know me better?"

She looked suspicious, "How so?"

"Celestia had Luna and Cadence, I too need others with the authority to counter my decisions." Star Swirl answered, "You know what needs to be done, you have the talent and the skills, and you are willing to be honest with me."

"Luna and Cadence?" Radiant Glory questioned, looking doubtful, "Are you going to make me into an alicorn?"

Star Swirl smiled, having to admit being amused by the question, "Yes I am."

Radiant Glory stared for a moment, her words finally emerging after a long period of reluctant silence, "Does this involve being dunked in a barrel of goo?"

Star Swirl shook her head, unable to hide the fact that she was rather enjoying this, "No. I will simply share some of my harmonic energies with you. If you are worthy, those energies will do the rest of the work."

Radiant Glory frowned, looking deeply skeptical, "I thought it was all... mystical, and involved the elements and... friendship."

"In the past I had many tests I used to find out who was worthy." Star Swirl bullshitted with reckless abandon, astounded that Radiant Glory appeared to be buying it, "But we have little time."

Radiant Glory hesitated for a moment more before setting her jaw, "What is involved?"

"Simply hold still." Star Swirl stated, concentrating for a moment...

...it was a horrible feeling, like being torn apart. She felt her identity collapse, emotions nose diving. Her magic flickered and failed, her body barely feeling strong enough to support her weight. She cursed her stupidity for not questioning Puppysmiles about how the Nightmare Forces managed to spread themselves across their hosts, thinking that would be very useful right now.

But it was done. She looked weakly across at Radiant Glory, a look of shock spread across the mare's face. Star Swirl found the energy to smile after a moment, it a struggle to even remember how to work the muscles, "How... does it feel?"

Radiant Glory looked confused, a dozen emotions flashing across her face. Eventually she spoke, her voice holding a passion that it had lacked before, "I feel... uncontrolled, like... every emotion is more intense, more powerful. And my magic, it's incredible! I've never felt stronger!"

"Control yourself Radiant Glory." Star Swirl warned, cursing herself for not warning her sooner, "You know how to meditate?"

Radiant Glory looked up, her voice shaking with emotion, "Yes?"

"Do that."

"Princess..." Radiant Glory looked at her with growing concern, cocking her head to the side, "You look terrible."

Star Swirl didn't need to be told that, and really wasn't in the mood for long discussions, "Yes, well that took a lot out of me. So go, and consider who you are, who you want to be. In two days time, come to me and we shall see if you're worthy."

Radiant Glory nodded furiously before leaving with trembling hooves, leaving her alone in the room.

Personally Star Swirl was glad of the alone time. Among other things it allowed her to go and plant her head into a pillow, burying herself into it for a second or two before delivering a furious scream.

She didn't stop for quite some time.


This was a terrible idea.

She was totally broken.

Technically being without Char should have left her less emotional, but it seemed she just couldn't tear her mind away from all her troubles. She wanted to punish the world, avenge all her hurts, feel Sunshine Ivory's head crunch under hooves... she had eventually been forced to order the door locked from the outside, not trusting herself to be in public. She tried to meditate, to study, but she couldn't still her thoughts for a moment.

She eventually took out a boxful of Med X and alcohol, thanking Twilight Sparkle for making their livers almost invincible as she numbed herself into non-existence.

It was a grand relief when she finally heard a knock on the door, shaking her head clear and trying to look Princessy as it swung open to reveal the first new alicorn. It wasn't obvious at first as Radiant Glory was still wearing her cloak, the mare was quick to discard it however as she let loose a very impressive set of wings. They suited her, Star Swirl noting that her frame was just a little taller, just a little broader.

Radiant Glory fought for words as she looked up at the Princess, finally just looking a little guilty, "I guess... I better return."

Star Swirl had never wanted anything more, "Yes please."

There was a stream of inky blackness and Star Swirl felt Char take her place once more, bringing with it a host of new thoughts, memories and emotions. Radiant Glory’s, and after a moment to process them Star Swirl felt certain she had made a good decision. The mare was both idealistic and ruthless, a perfect combination, "Congratulations Radiant Glory."

The unicorn frowned as her own emotions settled, looking frustrated for a moment, "I feel... less."

Star Swirl was pretty sure she had felt it worse, though she could certainly understand such feelings now after so long apart from Char. She offered a soothing smile, "You have not fully earned the powers of harmony, sadly all I can give you is but a taste." Star Swirl lied, "With training you will in time find those connections yourself."

In truth, some disappointment on Radiant Glory’s part was to be expected, because... no, Star Swirl could not make anyone a Princess. She couldn't even make anyone an alicorn. But after everything she did understand the power behind the image of an alicorn, and that at the end of the day growing a pair of wings from the back of a willing unicorn was hardly that complex.

Well... she didn't want Radiant Glory to completely fail to live up the hype, so it wasn't quite that simple. Not mentioning the fact that wings were actually rather complex, Char had also made improvements across her form. Increased strength, toughness, magical capability, eyesight, hearing... it had been a fairly quick and dirty job, but any issues could be dealt with later on.

It also served the important purpose of allowing Star Swirl to squash the mare flat with barely any effort, should it become necessary. Unlike Sunshine Ivory, she wasn't dumb enough to make allies more powerful than her, " Radiant Glory, as of today you are the first of a new vanguard. An order elevated from the common equine in spirit and body, dedicated to harmony. It is a great honor, and a greater responsibility."

Radient Dawn looked surprised, the realization slowly dawning, "The first?"

Star Swirl smiled, giving the mare a nod, "This is only the beginning."


And her new role certainly kept her busy. Like the time she teleported into the middle of a group of feuding gang members, laying them on their back with a burst of telekinesis before talking both groups into bowing before her.

Or, taking a less active role, nervously watching as her two Alicorn Knights Radiant Glory and Sunlight Stripes did the same. She didn't need to worry, proud as she watched the criminals flee before her Knights... despite a little hesitation in their wing work she noted.

It would have been easier if she could promote a pegasi to her new order, but Star Swirl noted the annoying irony that like her former leader she was currently restricted to unicorns. She had chose Sunlight Stripes based on legitimate criteria, but also due to the fact that she was a unicorn/zebra cross that allowed her to add a bit of diversity to her ranks.

Simply put, wings were hard enough. Adding a horn was quite literally brain surgery, and an operation that would take weeks of work. And that was impractical at best, she had become increasingly aware that parting Star Swirl and Char was a poor idea, even for a day or two.

She was also becoming aware that she needed to stop calling herself Star Swirl in her head, as it was becoming a little confusing... especially due to the separations. It seemed every time they spent even a short while apart Star Swirl would end up near schizophrenic and Char would be full of doubt, a combination that had her thoughts becoming increasingly muddled long after they had come back together again.

She was Celestia. Yes. She... had to accept that, before she went utterly mad.

And she was starting to understand the virtues of that now, reveling in that sense of power and purpose that went along with it. She thought of justice and it felt right, she only had to look upon what she had done to feel confident in her course. And the power... she had always been well aware of her strength as a simple alicorn, now she was coming to terms with the fact that she was something far greater. Her caution in making sure she was never seen to be tested in public was proving unwarranted, nothing so far had even begun to push her towards her full potential.

She looked down at her determinedly blank flank, then pointed her horn up at the sky. Privately she considered that it might be for the best that the sun stubbornly refused to so much as shudder. Her ego was growing large enough already.


"How are the prisoners doctor?"

"The experiments are going well Princess." Dr Zavic stated with pride as they walked the restricted prison areas, at Celestia's orders newly refurbished and equipped with state of the art medical facilities. Dr Zavic himself had come very highly recommended, after she had smuggled him out of his prison cell in Demonivore he had gone to work without hesitation. He was rather pleasant company as well, polite, respectful and efficient, smiling cheerfully as he gave his report, "We are approaching stage three on the weeping hoof immunization, and hornrot and sickle cell disease cures have both entered their stage two testing."

"Excellent." Celestia stated with enthusiasm, glad that something was going to schedule, "Your work will form the basis of my new world doctor. The promise of perfect health for their families, of freedom from sickness and disease? The Followers of the Apocalypse became the most powerful group in the NCR on the mere promise of clean water."

"Your work Princess." Dr Zavic corrected, "All these cures are based on your contributions, I am merely involved in the tedious task of refinement and optimization. Your theories of genetic therapy are revolutionary, and it is truly an honor to play a role in making them a reality."

Celestia smiled at this, satisfied that he thought so. Before she had never really thought about health care or immunology, a rather tedious and unimpressive field when compared to the creation of new races and monsters. Her horizons had been expanded however, and indeed working with the Followers had opened her eyes to the power that could be wielded through the careful application of free healthcare, "Well I appreciate all your work doctor. Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"Well..." He hesitated, "I would appreciate more test subjects. Female pegasi in particular."

"Somewhat rare, but I'll see what I can do doctor." Celestia smiled, standing a little straighter and primping herself up for her next visit, "Sadly I'm actually here to take two of your prisoners away."

Dr Zavic looked surprised at this, "Sunshine Ivory and Ember?"

Celestia's face fell, a dark shadow passing across her mind. She quickly shook away such thoughts before they overwhelmed her, putting the two out of her mind once more, "No, I am here to see the archon and his daughter."

"Ah, of course." Dr Zavic nodded, "As requested, they have not been touched. Not that they have been grateful..."

Celestia considered that fair, considering she had continued their imprisonment for some time. Simply put, she had better things to do, and it had suited her purposes to keep the city leaderless while she cemented her power. It was time to reach out however, and the archon still commanded a lot of respect in the city.

She approached the cell door, the guard unlocking it and escorting her inside.

It was a nice cell, with its own bathroom and well made furniture. Given her motives for keeping him imprisoned she considered it only fair, "Archon, I trust you are well."

The archon stood in the centre of the room, Celestia noting how much less impressive he looked in person. Without his robes and trappings of office, he was just an old man. His voice was still strong however, his eyes firm as he looked her in the eye, "Princess Celestia. I was wondering when I would get a visit."

"My apologies for keeping you here Archon." She stated, a little put off by his somewhat judgmental stare, "Sunshine Ivory caused a great deal of damage to this city, it has taken a lot of effort to fix it again."

"A lot of effort indeed." He replied, "Considering progress seems to be non-existent."

She frowned. That was... rude, "Law and order in the city has never been higher, and..."

"Forgive me Princess, but you have ensured law and order by the presence of armed clergy with unlimited powers of detention." He gave her a firm glare, "This was Sunshine Ivory's policy, yes? And you have continued it?"

Celestia prickled, that was missing the point, "Sunshine Ivory had them terrorizing the population. Under my command, they have the support of the people once more."

"Yet your prisons continue to overflow." Archon responded coldly, "And I also note that you have not yet restored the council."

She gritted her teeth, why was he so concerned over these trivial matters? "Star Fall needs firm leadership!"

He simply sighed, shaking his head, "Why have you come here?"

Finally they were getting somewhere. Celestia drew herself back in, taking a regal stance as she explained, "I intend to allow the Church of Holy Fire to open once again, to support me in securing harmony."

He chuckled softly, "Are those your demands?"

"Excuse me?"

"You will release me from prison, allow my church to reopen..." He looked up at her, "...providing I openly support your position as leader?"

She glared at him for some time, unable to comprehend what his problem was, "Why would I let out somepony who disagrees with me?"

"Why indeed." He responded, shaking his head, "Do you really not understand Princess?"

She gritted her teeth, feeling the anger rise. She felt balefire crackle down her horn, her heart beating furiously in her chest, "What I don't understand is you! I am restoring harmony, and yet you stand against me?! Is chaos, evil, really that attractive to you?!"

The archon lowered his head, his breathing quiet for a few moments before he looked up again. This time his face was soft, pleading, "I believe that you are a good pony, that you truly wish to help. But look into your heart, think about what you are doing. Whatever powers Sunshine Ivory has given you, they are poisoning your judgment. You are becoming a tyrant, and the world has far too many of those already."

Celestia hesitated, her thoughts racing. Was she becoming a tyrant? All her life she had feared it, feared becoming a demon, becoming the Goddess, becoming Justicar, Nightmare Moon. The Star Demons were well known for amplifying emotions, causing their hosts to become irrational. Could she be...

But she wasn't irrational! What she was doing made sense!

Did it? If there was even the slightest chance that...

...she could do something about this evil world. Punish those who had killed Zenai!

Punish? Was she really here again? Was she really any different than the Goddess?

...well then maybe the Goddess was right.

She lifted her eyes to the Archon, cold fury burning through her. If he was going to be like that, then he would suffer the consequences, "Then rot in here, with all the other traitors. It’s ponies like you who broke this world."

He sighed, "Turn away from this path. It will destroy you, like it destroyed Princess Luna."

"You know nothing of her!" She shouted, then turned away and strode from the cell before she did something she regreted. He didn't understand, he couldn't understand. He was old, and corrupt, and weak. She held the future, and she wouldn't let any pony stop her!

She couldn't let anypony stop her. Not now. Not when she had so much left to do.

The world still needed saving.


Level Up – Level 17 reached
Perk Gained - Rooted
While standing still, you gain +25 Damage Resistance and your melee and unarmed attacks deal 25% more damage.

Level Up – Level 18 reached
Perk Gained – Geneticist Level 1
You follow in the footsteps of Twilight Sparkle and Dr Glue, IMP in hoof!
You unlocked more options at the genetic modification station, and can craft mutagens at a chemistry workbench.

Level Up – Level 19 reached
Perk Gained – Geneticist Level 2
You follow in the footsteps of Twilight Sparkle and Dr Glue, IMP in hoof!
You unlocked all available options at the genetic modification station, and can swap them out at will.

Level Up – Level 20 reached
Perk Gained – Blitz
Find the gap and make the tackle!
V.A.T.S. melee distance is increased significantly.

Level Up – Level 21 reached
Perk Gained – Isodoped
The player’s Critical Hit value increases +20% faster if they have a 250 Radiation value or higher.

Level Up - Level 22 reached
Perk Gained - Thought you died
Your storied past has fallen from memory because everyone thought you died.
Your Karma is reset, you inflict +10% damage, and for every 100 points of Karma, you gain 10 Health. You are also immune to critical hits. This perk requires you to have good Karma.

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