• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 5,561 Views, 280 Comments

Fallout Equestria : Black And White - Philweasel

Peace between the NCR and Zebra wasteland becomes a battleground between competing factions.

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Chapter 1.3 - A Fallen Star

Chapter 3 – A Fallen Star

Star Swirl stared listlessly out the window at the rolling clouds, attempting to fight off the crushing weariness that lay upon her.

Regret. It was all she ever seemed to do. It lay upon her, a hundred bad decisions and products of a weak will too easily led. She looked over to Zenai, the small zebra currently lost in a book. Her elegant little glasses sat upon a perfectly formed muzzle, smooth cheek bones and those deep and clear chocolate brown eyes completing the most perfect, impossible to resist face in the followers... perhaps the whole wasteland.

And Star Swirl couldn’t resist it. She felt it even now, the desire to trust, to do anything to gain her affection and approval. She had seen Zenai’s concern over those down in the sinking ship and her heart had instantly leapt to her lady’s aid, driving her to force her way past Ice Break and Dust Kicker and jump out a moving chariot into gale force winds. It had driven her to try and rescue as many as she could in a desperate attempt to look heroic... with disastrous consequences.

She hardly cared anymore that she had ended up looking stupid, that she had needed to be rescued herself in the end. Those were all vanities, self obsession next to her real crime. She looked back at the cargo bay, Diamond Prism’s body wrapped in ice for transport to Star Fall. She had been important to Sabah, to Gentle Hooves too.

Star Swirl had lost her grip on her, stupidly trying to use her magic for too many things at once. She had felt her telekinesis fail, felt the mare’s body drop... and she had pulled a turn that would had made the bravest pegasus pale. She had pulled it off, elation filling her heart as she soared for the falling unicorn and took her neck in her teeth, pulling her back into the air...

She had felt Diamond Prism’s neck go then. She hadn’t wanted to admit it but she should have accepted her shame, dropped her and saved the others. She had worn herself out carrying a corpse the rest of the way. A much loved mare she had killed with her irresponsible actions.


Star Swirl turned, ears pricking, “What?” She looked around for the source of the sound, face curling in shock as she saw the zebra whose motionless form had lain at the side of the room for the last few hours finally stir. His eyes swung sleepily around the room, Star Swirl spurring herself into action as she cantered over and knelt her huge form next down to the zebra, “Hey, are you ok?”

The zebra stared at the alicorn in cowering fear, beady eyes flicking about as he instinctively raised a hoof to guard his face. Star Swirl moved forward to reassure him but the zebra gave a high pitched scream and virtually slammed his body into the bulkhead behind, his voice cracked and high pitched as he shook his head back and forth, “Nightmare Moon, nonono... I’ve been a bad zebra, I know I’ve been a bad zebra, I deserve this, I know I deserve this, but please I’m not ready, I’m so so scared...”

Star Swirl clenched her teeth and shot Zenai a nervous look, “Zenai...”

“Just introduce yourself Star.” Zenai had placed her book down on the floor, waving a hoof as she looked over, “You are pretty intimidating.”

Star Swirl turned back to the terrified Zebra, voice shaking as she tried to sound as non-threatening as possible. It was a little harder by the fact that he was near across the other side of the room now, and every time she tried to get closer he would sound like he was about to burst out crying, “Um... my name is Star Swirl. I’m not Nightmare Moon, we’re from Equestria, we saved you from your ship.”

The zebra peeked through his front legs a little, “You’re... you are Nightmare Moon, you’re lying! You’re black, and you have horns and a wing, and you’re HUGE AND EVIL!”

Star Swirl... was a little hurt by that. Evil? She didn’t think she looked evil. Besides... “I’m... purple. Not black.”

“Same thing!”

Star Swirl opened her mouth again but honestly could think of nothing to say. If he was going to be so illogical then she wasn’t sure what she could say to make him trust her, “Zenai! Help!”

“Oh for...” Zenai finally trotted over, lifting her glasses with a hoof as she rounded on the zebra, “Listen to me!”

The zebra turned, eyes wide, “Uh...”

“You’re not dead, and this isn’t Nightmare Moon. We pulled you out of that water, you’re fine.”

“I am...?” The zebra looked down at his hooves for a moment or two, his expression disbelieving. He looked up at Zenai, tears welling up.... and launched himself forward, wrapping her in a tight hug and sobbing into her back, “Oh thank you, thank you!”

“Uh...” Zenai stood frozen in shock for a moment or two before shining Star Swirl a cheeky grin, “Star Swirl, help?”

“Right.” Star Swirl took hold of the zebra with her telekinesis, gently floating him into the air as Zenai slipped from his grasp. He struggled desperately, all the more when he saw that it was Star Swirl who had taken hold of him. She silenced any further shouting with the sternest look she could manage, looking in his eye, “What’s your name?”

“F... Fenku mistress Nightmare Moon...” He gulped under her stern gaze, biting his lip hard, “If it pleases you that is...”

Ok, she was losing her patience now, “My name is Star Swirl.”

The Zebra tensed, as if he feared she would strike him, “I couldn’t call you by your name mistress! You would rightly be driven to flay the skin from my bones for such a disrespectful act!”

“You... you are not calling me Nightmare Moon. Or alicorn. Or anything but my name.” Star Swirl was losing her temper now, her nervousness lost and her voice now low and deadly serious, “My name is Star Swirl. Say it!”

“Y... yes mistress Star Swirl mistress...” The zebra cowered in terror, again looking close to tears, “Please don’t hurt me...”

He really shouldn’t have tempted her, Star Swirl releasing her telekinesis to dump the simpering idiot onto his head with a thump. He sprawled with a yell, Zenai opening her eyes wide in surprise before shooting Star Swirl a harsh glare, “Star!”

Star Swirl instantly felt guilty, looking down at the zebra sobbing on the floor. He had been scared of her, rightly so. She must have looked like something out of his nightmares, and he was likely still disorientated after just waking up. To see her looming over him... “Zenai, I’m sorry. I don’t know...”

“It’s ok Star.” Zenai gave her a sympathetic look, “You need rest, I’ll take it from here.”

Star Swirl frowned, feeling like Zenai was just trying to get rid of her, “You haven’t rested much either Zenai.”

“I wasn’t out in that rain.” Zenai smiled softly, “Besides... you scare him. I can handle it from here.”

“Fi..fine...” Star Swirl shook off the certain urge to cry, cursing her overactive emotions as she fled into the cargo bay. She needed to be alone, away from distractions and ponies to embarrass herself in front of. She stopped as she passed the crate they had stored Diamond Prism in, her energy failing and her legs collapsing under her as she sank to the ground and let a few tears drop to the floor.

Why was she such a waste of space? She didn’t even know anymore.


“Why Star Swirl? Tell me, how does this make sense?”

Star Swirl turned her head ever so slightly to stare upon Thunder Crash, the male alicorn’s mighty form tensed in simmering rage. She had seen it too many times to be intimidated now, even if he could shatter her in half if he wanted to. It mostly made her sad, “I like being female.”

“That’s... fair enough...” Thunder Crash’s anger faded back into frosty regality like it had never been there, his muzzle proudly lifted in the air as he paced the small room. He gazed across the desk, filled with census reports and research data. He regarded it for a little while before speaking, blunt and cold and piercing as always, “You have ever been selfish Star Swirl.”

Star Swirl had to dig deep to repress her anger towards the arrogant little bastard, keep to the same meek, passive aggressive defiance that had worked so well in the past. The bitter fact was that for once it wasn’t because she was scared of hurting him if she got angry, unlike the ponies she normally worked with Thunder Crash was perfectly capable of fighting back... handily winning any confrontation, “It’s my life.”

“No, it is not!” Thunder Crash glared at her, his hoof striking the floor, “Your race needs you, you know this! In the ten years since the zebra created the potion allowing us to breed we have birthed under a hundred healthy children! We need all we can get!”

“I don’t want any part of it.”

He advanced on her with a dangerous look in his eyes, a little too close for comfort, “As a mare you could birth a good ten healthy alicorns before your suitability ends. As a stallion you could seed four times that.”

Seed? She shuddered at his choice of words, not out of prissiness but for the total lack of emotion there. Was that really what he thought about it? “If you think that way you should breed brahmin, not ponies.”

“I... I do not mean it that way.” Thunder Crash backed off a little from her quiet, angry words, clearly frightened by her implications for a moment. He quickly returned to his haughty tone of course, his voice was less sure now however, “We work hard to make good matches, built on mutual compatibility and love. If you wish it can even be a totally physical arrangement, no need for any entanglement. You can perform your duty for your people before... doing whatever you wish with all those griffon and zebra and whatnot.”

Star Swirl finally lost it. She rose up to full height, her magic flaring and her mane crackling as it charged with static, “Excuse me?”

“She’s straight you know, your zebra friend.” Thunder Crash smiled, not remotely threatened by her display, “As a stallion, maybe you would actually have a chance.”

Star Swirl was taken off guard by his sudden implication, her magic fading a little as she stuttered, “I... I want her to like me, myself...”

“Don’t be naive. They all want a mare to be demure, small, cute. You are huge, intimidating... my, you’re not even that pretty are you?” Thunder Crash smirked, finally making no secret of his enjoyment at hurting her like this, “It will be easier for all of us if you just accept my offer.”

Star Swirl bit her lip to hold back the tears, knowing it was true. Even those who did want an alicorn girl wanted a regal princess, not a plain faced nerd like her. Maybe it would be easier if she did just bow to the pressure, “Why are you saying these things, being so cruel...?”

“Because you are a selfish, stuck up little mare still obsessed with the past, mocking my attempts to drag the alicorn into the future.” He drew himself up, eyes cruel and angry, “Because I’ve spent so long trying to be nice to you, and this is how you repay my patience.”

Star Swirl felt her muscles twitch, a dark flame growing in her heart, “It’s appropriate really, how you look so much like her.”

Thunder Crash frowned, “Like who?”

“Like Trixie. You’re just as bad, just like the goddess.” Star Swirl looked Thunder Crash straight in the eye, almost horn to horn with him now, “You’re not doing us a service, you’re forcing us into your breeding project against our will. When I tell Violet Remedy what you’re doing...”

Thunder Crash struck Star Swirl across the face with a powerful swipe of his hoof, near breaking her jaw and flinging her to the ground with a crash. She coughed as her head span from the impact, feeling a loose tooth rolling around in her mouth. He had... really hit her. She wasn’t fragile, he hadn’t held back at all.

“You tell Violet Remedy and she’ll shut down this project. The zebra will stop making the potions and we’ll all die out, the whole alicorn race extinct because of you].” He slammed a hoof down right next to her head with enough force to crack the concrete, leaning down to look the fallen alicorn in the eye, “Go, I will not ask you again. I never want to see you again in fact, you can go out there with your zebra friend and follow her around like a little love addled pony all you want. And on the day when you finally get up the courage to tell her how you feel... remember, I wanted to give you a chance.”

Star Swirl stood, gingerly trying to keep her head as still as possible as her ears buzzed with a high pitched whine, “I...”


She did.


“What are you thinking about?”

Star Swirl poked her head up in surprise, quickly locating Zenai staring at her from behind a crate. She quickly lifted herself up onto her hooves, averting her eyes in embarrassment, “Nothing important.”

Zenai smirked, “Nothing huh? All on your own, hidden away, and you can’t even look at me when I ask?”

Star Swirl wasn’t in the mood, glaring at the zebra, “Zenai!”

“What?” She trotted over, as normally totally unphased by Star Swirl’s empty threats, “Tell me.”

Star Swirl sighed. Zenai had many qualities, (ridiculously pretty, smart, cunning, willing to spend time with the most defective alicorn in the wasteland) but just as many flaws, being a busybody one of them. And as normal Star Swirl didn’t hold out for long, “Just thinking about Thunder Crash.”

“Realllly... missing him?”

Star Swirl raised an eyebrow, “He’s a bastard. I hate him.”

“That’s what they all say. Personally I think you’re very well matched.” Zenai chuckled, an impish smile dancing across her face, “You’re both stubborn, opinionated and unsociable, not to mention you’re both charmingly asexual. You could make little test tube babies together!”

Star Swirl blushed fiercely, adding a dash of anger about the fact that this was exactly what Thunder Crash wanted from her. The jerk could play with his jars of sperm all he wanted, Star Swirl wasn’t letting him anywhere near her! Which she noted, didn’t mean she was... “You think I’m asexual?”

“You’re not?” Zenai smirked, strutting slightly as she danced past Star Swirl’s towering form. Her eyes lingered across certain areas of Star’s body, laughing as the alicorn retreated a little and attempted to cover herself up, “Star, I’ve seen you attract interest from dozens of guys, but when they try anything you just run away. I’ve seen you run away from at least one girl too, so it’s not that...”

Star Swirl’s blush only got fiercer, “Wha... who?”


“He... he was just playing around. He’s surrounded by gorgeous mares of his own species, why would he be interested in me?”

Zenai sighed, shaking her head, “Star, if this is because you’re scared of getting hurt... yeah, Leon’s a player, but I’m not telling you to marry him. He likes you, likes being around you and he finds you attractive. That’s more than enough reason to enjoy some fun together... see, look at you! You can’t even look at me.” Zenai chuckled, “Don’t you like griffons? They’re not as large as ponies, but you’ll be surprised what they can do with it...”


“Hey, what about Dust Kicker? You seem to like them rough and dirty, and you seemed to be getting along well in there...”

Star Swirl’s eyes opened so wide her eyeballs nearly popped out of their sockets, “What?! No!”

Zenai giggled, “Sure, he’s got a few years on him. Still the older stallions know how to please a woman in ways other than ‘locate vagina, insert penis, repeat until done’, and I think you would need a bit of foreplay.”

Star Swirl wasn’t playing around now, “Go away.”

The zebra chuckled into her hoof, “You’re such a prude Star. I’m going to leave you to wallow, just don’t forget to come out eventually. We’ll be in Star Fall within the hour.”


Star Fall. Zenai had been off by half an hour in the end, and overall they were behind schedule by six hours. The crossing had been tougher than expected for sure but now their destination loomed out of the sea like a jagged tooth, the wall of the volcanic Mandela collapsed on one side so it rose into a single flat edge. The rock was near black in colour and further jagged spears of ebony reached upwards from the island below. It was only when they got closer that they realised what they were.

The island was a fortress.

Iron walls surrounded it on all sides, forged out of rusted iron bulkheads that looked like they had been torn from a battleship. Great towers broke the walls at set intervals, mounted with massive cannons that looked like they could punch a hole through an enclave ship with a single hit. And from those walls jetties jutted out like spider’s legs, hosting an armada of grim, deadly looking vessels that nearly all seemed to be armed and armoured for battle. The steel towers inside the walls Star Swirl now recognised as mountings for zebra intercontinental ballistic missiles, similar to the ones that had born many of the megaspells that had devastated Equestria. They jutted up from open silos, both them and the hangers below home to a host of haphazardly constructed buildings, joined by a web of gantries and walkways.

And flags flew everywhere, of all colours and creeds. Star Swirl spotted both the Equestrian and Zebra flags, along with many featuring motifs from their military and civilian sectors. Every ministry except Image was represented, and a couple showed the mares of the ministry themselves, both together and singularly. The wartime Caesar was also prominent along with a host of other zebra Star Swirl wasn’t familiar with, and many of the flags featured images she recognised from zebra mythology.

A great banner hung from the side of the mountain, a blue standard featuring the image of a single star falling down to earth, picked out in silver. It was repeated in many of the flags below, sitting above a vast, breathtaking carving of an alicorn and a dragon that had been hewn out of the very rock. It was either still being carved or was under repair considering the scaffolding that covered it, still it was quickly obvious that the alicorn was Princess Celestia and the dragon... was Irdenragoth, mother of all dragons if the markings were any indication.

It was breathtaking. If Celestia’s presence in zebra territory was any indication, the carving had been made post war, wiping all previous smug opinions of Equestrian superiority off the map. Star Fall was a military and cultural superpower, even without the SPP or Gardens of Equestria, “This is... amazing... New Canterlot has nothing on this...”

Dust however could only frown, “What’s wrong with this picture?”

Zenai giving a knowing nod, her mouth also curled into a frown, “I... I know what you mean. This place doesn’t make sense.”

Star Swirl looked again, unsure what they were looking at. It seemed pretty amazing to her, “What do you mean? There’s houses, art, civilisation...”

“Fields? Mines?”

“Wha... what?”

Zenai sighed, turning to giving Star Swirl a somewhat patronising look as she explained, “There must be room for thousands down there, and I can see factories too. But that just raises the question of where they get their food from, or the iron, coal and steel for their forges. Especially in the quantities required to support artistic projects like that carving.”

Dust nodded, giving said carving another look, “Is that Celestia?”

Zenai nodded, “And that’s the Allmother, considered a goddess by the zebra, mother of all Dragons. She was born within the fires of the sun itself, her flame the light of life and destruction.” She smiled softly as she clarified her statement, “At least, that’s the mythology. She fought on the side of the Zebra during the war, until she was killed in battle.”

“Some goddess.”

“Celestia died too remember, and there is some evidence that the Allmother was at the very least the elder of the two.” Zenai waved at the statue, looking for all the world like some over enthusiastic tour guide now, “Anyway, though we have few examples of wartime zebra propaganda, second hand references indicate depicting her in battle against Celestia and Luna was a popular image. I presume this is along the same lines.”

Dust raised an eyebrow, “Actually, it looks like they’re dancing.”

“Maybe it’s supposed to be ambiguous.”

“We’re getting a communication from Star Fall.” Ice Break’s gruff voice called out over the intercom, breaking the discussion off, “I’m going to put it through.”

“This is Star Fall aerospace, please identity yourself over.”

“This is the Altostratus II, registered with the New Canterlot Republic of Equestria. We have trade goods and envoys, and wish to meet with your representatives.”

“Good to see that you’ve finally sent those reinforcements Equestria. We here at Rainbow Command requested them 219 years ago, you’re a little late.”

Dust gave a look of confusion at the message, where as Star Swirl was amazed for a few brief moments before feeling the need to slap her head for missing something so obvious. She gave Zenai an exited grin, “Zenai, it’s Rainbow Command!”

“So it is... wow.” Zenai shook her head, “I would have assumed they would be the first hit.”

Dust gave the two of them dirty looks as they shared their secret little joke, “What’s Rainbow Command?”

“It was formally known as Mount Abad, a staging area for attacks against Equestria. One of the six ‘black fortresses’ that guarded the approach to the Zebra mainland.” Zenai smiled broadly, looking down at the city fortress below, “It was captured three months before the end of the war, and was repurposed as the command centre for the Royal Equestrian Joint Forces.”

“It... it’s ours?”

“It’s totally intact by the looks of it.” Zenai grinned, “What you are looking at is the staging ground for over seven thousand ponies of the Equestrian armed forces. Looks like we’re not as alone as we thought over here.”


The touched down on a landing platform at the base of the volcano, passing crowded streets and hastily constructed residences, seemingly inhabited by beings of every colour and species under Celestia’s sun. The place was somewhat typical of post war construction, reminding Star Swirl of New Applelosa with its collection of hastily repurposed pre war junk making up the majority of the construction materials. Some neighbourhoods looked downright dangerous, with badly rusted supports and trickles of sewage flowing through gutters at the edges of streets. What distinguished the place though were the icons and artwork that had so amazed her from a distance, because they were absolutely everywhere she looked. Not a single shop appeared to lack a wildly painted sign and she could actually see several murals currently in construction throughout the streets. She couldn’t begin to understand why there was so much art here, but personally wished she saw more of it in Equestria. The overall effect was... breathtaking.

The Altostratus II settled in the dock, the landing gear bending and locking with a solid clunk. Dust leapt down from his cot and gave a loud yawn, retrieving his hat and setting it down upon his head as he passed the cabin, “Beautiful landing gentlecolts, much appreciated.”

“Eh, don’t want to make a bad first impression by damaging their fancy landing pad.” Ice Break trotted out, followed by a rather sleep deprived Loose Trigger. They both gave a short, messy salute, “Proud to fly you all. I think we’ll stay here, get some rest and make sure the Altostratus is in top shape for the trip to the mainland. We’ll likely be ready to go in two days or so, so take all the time you need to look around.”

“Thank you Captain.” Zenai nodded appreciatively before turning to Sabah and Fenku, “What are you planning to do?”

“Gentle Hooves needs to be taken to a doctor, and Diamond Prism to the Church of Celestia.” Sabah motioned bluntly at the slightly trembling zebra standing beside her, “Fenku is going to help me.”

“It is the least I can do for mistress Sabah...”

“Shut up.”

“Y...yes mistress...”

Star Swirl retreated a little so she didn’t have to look at Sabah, the little firecracker still pretty terrifying. She still remembered her comment about ripping out throats and eating people, noting that given her size Star Swirl would likely never see her coming. Perhaps it was for the best they were splitting up, as despite the need for Star to admit her guilt she had the feeling that conversation was never going to go well.

“Star Swirl! You coming?”

“Uh, sure Zenai.”

The zebra just shook her head as Star Swirl came trotting over, turning and leading her towards the exit, “Are you going to wear a cloak?”

“Why? We’re not hiding what I am are we?”

“I guess not.”

As arranged Zenai was the first to exit, with Dust Kicker and Star Swirl moving behind. Star Swirl tried to calm her beating chest as they emerged into the light, emerging into the walled enclosure of the dock. Their welcome committee was already waiting.

The zebra at the front seemed pretty obviously a leader, huge and bulky with prominent cybernetics in place of his left foreleg and eye. He was wearing what appeared to be a zebra centurion uniform with a blue half cape bearing the Star Fall emblem, his whole body covered in cuts and burns from what looked like a lifetime of battle. He wasn’t armed, but the minotaur and earth pony standing behind made up for it with a chainsword and heavy assault rifle apiece. Star Swirl couldn’t help but be worried for a second before feeling a little reassured as the lead zebra gave them all a wide grin, “Guests of the great New Canterlot Republic, we greet you as friends! Welcome to Star Fall, resting place for the lost and damned!”

Dust replied instantly, rather bluntly Star Swirl thought, “Which ones are we?”

“We are all damned brother.” The Zebra grinned, showing rows of gold teeth, “We died when the megaspells fell and our world burned, damning us forever to live in the hell of our own making. Have you not listened to the priests?”

Dust actually smiled at this, “I make the point not to listen to preachers. Even if I am damned, no point worrying about it now.”

“Then you may have come to the wrong place brother.” The zebra chuckled as he moved up to greet them, “We have priests like other cities have rats, and not a one would put a good price on the purest of soul!”

Star Swirl was a little intimidated by the loud, powerful zebra, and was a little confused as to why Dust Kicker was so at ease with him. After a moment she began to feel at ease too however, smiling at the fact that after all Zenai’s silver tongue and careful studies it had been Dust who had made the good first impression.

“But pardon my manners, I have yet to introduce myself.” The zebra gave a villainous smirk, an effect made even more impressive and hammy by his gold teeth, “I am General Themba, commander of the Star Fall defences and member of the ruling council of this city. The men with me are two members of my guard, whose job it is to keep the peace.”

Zenai looked across the pair, her eyes betraying an obvious pang of fear, “They look impressive.”

“They are.” Themba looked them all straight on, his voice edged with utter seriousness now, “We have faced many threats over the years, both internal and external. Both have been put down with utter ruthlessness. Visitors from Equestria over the last few years have informed us that the Enclave is mostly destroyed, is that correct?”

Zenai gave him a look of suprise, “You know of the Enclave?”

“Oh yes, our first taste of post war equestrian civilisation.” Themba waved a hoof towards the city, “They ended up... there somewhere.”

“In the city?”

“In the ocean.” Themba gave a wide grin, completely devoid of warmth, “We take threats to our people and sovereignty very poorly. As a guest here you will find the people are tolerant of many things, but should you anger us you will find very little due process. Is that understood?”

Zenai nodded, a little too quickly in Star Swirl’s eyes, “Yessir, very.”

Themba’s friendly demeanour returned immediately at her reassurance, his wide grin spreading across his face, “Good! As for your request before you landed, I have already arranged a meeting with the council. Our master of trade Mistress Golden Dawn requests that you allow her first look at your wares, you may discuss future deals with her.”

Star Swirl was about to speak up in response to this, unfortunately as always she hesitated a bit too long and Zenai answered before she had a chance, “She sounds like a pony. What percentage of the population are ponies and zebra?”

That’s what she was going to ask... not quite as eloquently, admittedly.

“Percentages? We’re not much for censuses missy, and we have all sorts here.” Themba sighed, giving her a wry grin, “I see the look in your eyes, you’re after a history lesson. You want to know why those goofballs were talking about Rainbow Command, or why there are ponies still here.”

“This was the military base for the Equestrian army.” Star Swirl blurted it out before anyone could interrupt, going pale as every eye turned to her. She took the opportunity to elaborate, voice shaking slightly as she tried to phrase it in a way that didn’t sound speciest, “I’d say the real question is why there are zebra here...”

Zenai certainly seemed to take it the wrong way, glaring daggers at her friend, “Star Swirl! This was a zebra base long before...”

“No, that’s not what she meant. It’s actually the reason we’re all here, why Star Fall is the way it is.” Themba chuckled, waving them on, “Come on, let’s go into the city. I’ll explain it on the way.”


“As you probably know, Star Fall used to be Mount Abed, one of the fortresses of the zebra nation. It was taken late in the war and renamed Rainbow Command, after the commanding officer Rainbow Dash. For those three months it served as a staging ground for hit and run attacks at zebra military assets, in preparation for a full assault by some secret weapon Equestria was developing.”

They followed along behind Themba, the zebra leading them through the customs area of the port and out into the city itself. It all seemed well organised, if poorly maintained and very well armed, everywhere Star Swirl looked there were armed guards and automated turrets. They obviously were very concerned about security in here, she was beginning to see why the Enclave had left this place well alone, “The alicorns?”

“They didn’t leave details just lying around in frontline bases. It’s pretty much history now anyway, what matters is that on the day the megaspells launched this place was home to two divisions of the Equestrian army and the supreme commander of the invasion forces, North Star, along with a large number of prisoners of war.” Themba led them all through the main doors and out into the light, waiting for their eyes to adjust before pointing out into the distance at the massive launching towers that rose above the city, “Naturally the zebra avoided any flight plans that could be intercepted by the forces here, and soon distress calls and desperate orders from Equestria started filtering through. Manehatten was confirmed as being hit, and then Cloudsdale, and then they lost communication entirely. The final orders were clear. A full strike on the zebra, with the aim of wiping out their civilian population. Equestria had already launched their strike, and Rainbow Command was required to join the assault.”

Zenai’s eyes widened, “They... ordered the targeting of the civilian population?”

Themba smirked back at her, drinking in her horror at the concept, “The zebra certainly did.”

“But... how could anyone ever...”

“In fairness, the orders were rambling and poorly typed, signed by adjutant director Pale Rain of the Ministry of Technology liaison office and Lieutenant Commander Silver Edge, justified by reports that the Fillydelphia, Manehattan and Canterlot military command centres had stopped broadcasting and all government and military leaders were likely dead.” Themba chuckled, “They were well within their rights however, the orders were legitimate and North Star was bound to follow them.”

Star Swirl felt she was getting a little too into this story, still she let herself go with it and felt herself leant forward as she asked the obvious question, “Did he do it?”

Themba grinned at her enthusiasm for a moment before answering, “He ordered the megaspells taken out of the missiles here, replacing the yields with conventional explosives. That done, he announced his orders to the launch teams. All missiles were to be targeted on the megaspells approaching from Equestria.”

Dust Kicker burst out laughing, a dry, coughing sound from deep in the old stallion’s chest. He eventually got himself back under control, still grinning as he barked his response, “The mad, daring fool. He knew Equestria was likely already destroyed, and that Rainbow Command would not be able to support itself without resources from the mainland. He protected the zebra, because they were his only hope.” Dust shook his head in quiet awe, “But he can’t have gotten away with it, his men had just seen their home and families wiped out.”

“He told them those exact reasons, and had all those who disagreed rounded up and thrown in the brig. Those who attempted to actively delay the launch were shot.” Themba laughed as he turned back to his city, “He was no pacifist zebra lover, nor hater. His plan was simple. In order to save what was left of Equestria they needed resources, therefore he targeted those megaspells aimed for the fertile golden coast and left alone those targeted at government and military targets. He gave a mass call to all zebra prisoners, accept his leadership and he would support them in saving what was left of their families and civilisation. Those who didn’t accept were shot.”

“He had control of an intact military base armed for full invasion, and the zebra army had been wiped out.” Dust laughed again, “He was likely the most powerful pony in the world at that point, bar the leaders of the Enclave.”

“Indeed. And yes, sadly attempts to reach Equestria ended up leading to conflict with said Enclave, and eventually the newly named nation of Star Fall became content with its zebra dominions.” He waved them on, the group heading down the steps towards the twisting streets of the city itself, “Over time many have flocked here, survivors from all over the world. We replaced the military dictatorship with a council of four, of which I am one. The others are Golden Dawn, in charge of trade, Mint Engine, in charge of infrastructure and Pangaea in charge of our fleets.”

Star Swirl took the opportunity to state the question that had been so bugging her, “Why is there so much art about?”

“Well that’s a matter of history too.” Themba turned his head to her, “The world was ash. Everything we ever made was gone. They flocked to Star Fall having lost everything, their families, histories, cultures... It was a memorial wall at first. Then a mural. Then a statue.”

Tributes to a world burned. Star Swirl looked at a sign hanging nearby, a music shop by the look of the delicately painted image of the pre-war musician Octavia there. Star Swirl knew of only three recordings of her that had survived.


Star Swirl’s awe at the industrial grandeur of the city continued as they passed through its streets, admiring the murals and stunning variety of species that filled every street and alley. There was one thing that was spoiling her enjoyment of the moment though, and though it was something she expected she certainly never thought it would be like this.

Everyone was staring at her, every eye in the city widening at her wings and horn. She had experienced this before of course, especially in the years directly following the Goddess’s death. The emotions then had been mostly fear though, which she could deal with. She wasn’t remotely scary unless she lost her temper, and she scared herself more than anything when that happened. No, she could deal with fear.

Some of these people were bowing to her! Their eyes passed across icons of Celestia and Luna and their eyes filled with religious awe, some of them muttering what sounded like prayers under their breath. It was mortifying! She was no more worthy of being compared to them than she was to... she didn’t quite know how to finish that thought, but she was sure that even being mentioned in the same sentence as them made her physically sick. She wasn’t like them, she was... a sick science experiment, created to commit genocide for a twisted abomination from the nightmares of all decent ponies. She should have worn a cloak, they had discussed it after all. Why didn’t she listen!?

Star Swirl’s rising discomfort was relieved somewhat as Zenai looked in her direction, eyes filling with concern, and then anger. She shot Themba a piercing look, her voice low and fierce, “Why are they staring at her? Make them stop.”

“How am I going to do that? Shoot them all?” Themba chuckled, seeming to be enjoying himself, “Celestia and Luna are very popular religious figures, especially in Star Fall. Don’t mistake me, we have heard some things about Equestria and a fair few people here might have heard of the alicorns. That doesn’t mean actually seeing one in the flesh won’t inspire some religious terror in those more used to seeing their like on holy icons.”

“But they’re scaring her!” Zenai’s voice filled with concern, looking back at Star Swirl, “She’s not... some goddess. She doesn’t deserve to be stared at like this.”

“It’s ok Zenai. I... maybe I should stand a little straighter.” Star Swirl gulped, trying to look as regal as she could. She didn’t really think she was succeeding, which was ironic since many people had told her that she was really good at looking dignified whenever she was daydreaming.

When her actual personality wasn’t getting in the way, in other words. It was comments like that which made her wish that she was some diminutive little earth pony, instead of some living insult to real goddesses.

“Star Swirl, stop it. You’re just going to encourage them!”

Star Swirl blushed, instantly sinking back down in contrition, “Sorry... I thought they deserved to see a real alicorn...”

“They don’t deserve anything... creepy little voyeurs, didn’t anyone ever tell them it was rude to stare...

This made Star Swirl smile, a warm little flame lighting in her soul as she saw Zenai get so angry on her behalf. She was aware that it was rather pathetic and Zenai had said as much, still Star Swirl couldn’t help the fact that she was never more comfortable than when she was being mothered. Personally she thought Zenai was never more beautiful than when she was being a mother.

Was that messed up? She couldn’t actually remember her real mother. Except for the Goddess.

Celestia above, was she secretly attracted to the Goddess?

Her freudian analysis was deferred for the moment as she spotted activity welling up in the distance, something appearing to be passing through the crowds. Being taller than most she had a reasonably good view of what appeared to be a set of ponies in white robes, turning her head as the minotaur guard gave a snort of amusement, “Ya want these bastards to stop staring? Talk to her.”

“Talk to...” The crowds parted in reverence, several within actually bowing their heads as the procession of robed ponies approached. All were dressed in pure white and gold, Star Swirl amazed that they could maintain such an impractical colour combination in these dirty surroundings. Their hoods were up for the most part but Star Swirl could see a few zebra within the group, their leader however wore hers down to reveal a... breathtaking pure white unicorn, “Oh... wow.”

She was... both inspiring and adorable to look at. Her curly blue and green mane was worn long, her light pink eyes set into a long, dignified muzzle that bore a reassuring smile full of soft kindness. The emblem set into her robe where her cutie mark should be completed the effect, the sun picked out in golden thread. She smiled warmly at Star Swirl’s expression, only briefly hesitant in stepping up to meet the much larger alicorn, “So you are the new arrival I have heard so much about. My, you are an impressive specimen aren’t you?”

Zenai frowned slightly at the unicorn, and her interest in Star Swirl, “Who are you?”

The unicorn bowed her head regally, shooting a twinkling smile at a grinning Themba before introducing herself, “I am Sunshine Ivory, leader of the Church of Celestia’s name. As such it is truly a pleasure to meet visitors from Equestria itself.”

Themba laughed, the harsh barking sound discordant in the face of Sunshine Ivory’s twinkling tones, “How did you know they were from Equestria Ivory? You been spying on us again?”

“My dear Themba, this is an alicorn. A creature born from the work of Twilight Sparkle, most beloved of Celestia. They are only found within Equestia.” She lifted a hoof to her jaw, inspecting Star Swirl with an appraising eye, “I have often dreamed of meeting one myself, especially now they are free of the influence of the goddess.”

Zenai gave her a questioning look, “You are very well informed.”

“We get occasional news from trade links through the southern desert, and even the occasional Equestrian visitor who got lucky passing through Caesars curse.” Sunshine Ivory chuckled, looking back at Star Swirl, “Even a few alicorn, though they haven’t been friendly. One even attempted to take over the church before we realised the dark influence that drove her.”

Star Swirl opened her mouth to ask the question, but as normal Zenai beat her to it, “Caesar’s curse?”

Sunshine Ivory looked over at the zebra in suprise, “You do not know of it? Oh, I suppose you would not call it such would you?” She smiled benevolently, “Have you not wondered why there have been no immigrants from the zebra lands and Star Fall, why ships that pass this way just disappear?”

Zenai frowned, the cogs in her head turning, “Uh... yes actually. I kinda assumed there was no civilisation advanced enough to make the crossing, but you’ve proved that wrong.”

Sunshine Ivory smiled, “You might notice our city is built mostly from the remains of the great sea going vessels of the Equestrian navy, built to bypass the zebra air defences that protected their homeland. The great lord Caesar quickly realised this weakness of course, and used dark magic to summon up a storm of misfortune across the entire Equestrian coastline. It remains in place to this day, cutting off sea travel between our nations.” She nodded to Zenai, “This is called Caesar’s curse among the people of this land.”

Dust gave her a questioning look, his head darting back towards the dock where the Altostratus was parked, “We made it.”

Sunshine Ivory chuckled musically, “Air travel is indeed possible, though treacherous. Until recently however the Enclave had a tendency to shoot down anything travelling that way, and sadly Star Fall no longer possesses any working air power save our pegasi... who sadly are none among them as durable as your Clear Skies.”

Dust gave a wry smirk, “She passed through that storm by herself? I’m really interested to meet this mare now.”

“She is an interesting one.” Sunshine Ivory stated it with deadpan innocence, smiling to herself for a moment or two before looking up at Star Swirl, “My dear, I should leave you to the good councilor. Please though, should you get time I would love to speak with you in private. I will be waiting at our temple in broadstreet.”

Star Swirl couldn’t help blushing furiously at her choice of words, though she knew she didn’t mean it like that. Still, with those pink eyes and that twinkling voice and that warm smile... oh celestia, she really needed to dunk her head in a pail of cold water... “Um... sure. I mean... I’ll see you there...”

“Excellent.” She gave a wide grin to the part before turning back to her followers, “Let us return all. Ember?”

An older white cloaked zebra trotted up, “Yes matriarch?”

“Walk with me. We must confer.”

“Yes matriarch.”

She nodded, turning for one last look at the group, “I wish you the best in Star Fall brave visitors. It is truly a special city.”


The council building was one of the few of prewar construction, a very impressive looking whitewashed bunker flanked by two rather scary looking zebra statues in masks and warpaint. Zebra words had been carved into the pillars that fronted the building, names by the look of them, the blue banners of Star Fall hanging either side of the main entrance. Said entrance was impressive enough, with frosted glass and very solid construction, even before you added the two automatic turrets above. Dust gave Themba a wry look, “You take security very seriously don’t you?”

“It’s an uncertain world we live in.” Themba chuckled as he led them inside, a small reception area hosting a selection of heavily armed guards and one meek looking receptionist. They all gave an array of bows and salutes as Themba passed, moving into a long corridor filled with photographs of various ponies and zebra.

“Former council members?”

“Right on the money.” Themba nodded to Zenai, “That over there is North Star. Handsome devil ‘anit he?”

Star Swirl looked over and shivered, North Star putting Ice Break to shame with the devastating facial wound that had destroyed near half his face. The commander had earned his rank.

“Now, I warn you. Do you have any sweet food products or wads of money?”

Zenai paused, her eyes suspicious at Themba’s question, “Nooo... why?”

Themba grinned at her, moving to open a large pair of double doors, “The creature inside these doors is a real dangerous one, and we’ve got her on a strict diet so she don’t go out of control. Betya the mare could eat the whole of Star Fall and shit out gold bricks if she had a mind.” He chuckled, pushing open the doors to reveal a large square room with a round table placed in the centre, around which sat four plush couches. An actual chandelier and blue silk curtains cemented the feeling that this place was not the staff toilet, “Fillies and Gentlecolts, I present Golden Dawn of the Star Fall council.”

Golden Dawn was an... impressive sight. Yellow coated and striped with streaks of black she looked like some dangerous predator, the impression helped by the heavy curls of grey and ebony that curled about her head. Her bright blue eyes glittered like sapphires, her makeup elegant and striking. She was immediately distinctive for another reason however, in that she was one of the first truly fat ponies Star Swirl had ever seen. The nature of the wasteland did not encourage it, even those wealthy and powerful enough to eat well needed to keep themselves at least fairly fit to get around without pre-war conveniences.

Golden Dawn however was legitimately... expansive, especially weighed down by an elaborate pegasi style toga and an impressive selection of gold jewellery. She gave a predator’s smile as they entered, eyes sharp and clever as she sized them up. Her voice was deep and rich, with an odd sing song accent, “Ah, friends from Equestria! I trust General Themba has been a gracious host.”

The zebra gave her a toothy grin, his tone light, “You know me princess, I’m always proud to show off my city to visitors.”

“Indeed General, your pride does indeed do you credit.” Golden Dawn smirked, rolls of fat shifting to accommodate the expression, “However we now sadly come to the real business of their visit, which I’m afraid will be very dull for a soldier for you.”

“You have the right of it there princess.” Themba grinned cheerfully, waving a hoof as he exited the room, “I’ll go and polish some guns, you girls have fun.”

They all watched him go, Dust first to speak, “Well that wasn’t passive aggressive at all.”

“Ahahaha!” Golden Dawn’s laugh shook the room, the mare rounding on them with impressive speed considering her bulk. A smile shone across her face, her hooves dancing across tiles as she span an armchair about and dropped her expansive rear down upon it with an impressively acrobatic twist. She gave Dust a long, hard look, eyes twinkling, “I like you. I appreciate honesty. Indeed strangely for a merchant I admit I am not a good liar, such inelegant, dangerous things.”

Dust Kicker relaxed visibly at her approval, Star Swirl noting that this was the second foreign dignitary that he had impressed. And he said he wasn’t a diplomat... “You and Themba don’t get along?”

“We are members of the council dear, if we didn’t get along we would never get anything done.” Golden Dawn sighed, waving a chubby hoof vaguely in their direction, “We do not dispute that we both have much to offer the city, merely the priority in which our respective responsibilities should be held.”

Zenai nodded, clarifying her statement, “Trade over defence?”

“Well... it is broader than that.” She sat forward again, eyes focused on the little zebra, “You understand don’t you? I can see you’re not a soldier, and I’ve heard good things about your NCR. Peace, harmony, guns to ploughshares, raiders to merchants, warlords to elected officials. This is progress.”

Dust snorted, Zenai shooting him nervous look before answering as politely as possible, “There is a lot to be said for having the strength to protect others, after all the founder of the NRC was a mercenary.”

“Does this city look nice to you? A multicultural utopia, filled with religion and art and goodness?” Golden Dawn looked them over with a thin lipped smile, waiting a second for them to process her rhetorical question before continuing, “Did you wonder where our resources and food come from?”

“Actually I did...”

“Did you wonder what we use those ships out there for? Or where Themba got those scars?”

Zenai’s eyes went wide for a second before changing to anger, her voice rising, “You’re raiders?”

Golden Dawn chuckled, without much warmth, “Oh, the relationship was very feudal. We helped train militias, sent armies out against the big targets... and come harvest, we took all but the crops they needed to survive in order to feed a overpopulated city full of artists and priests.”

Star Swirl felt a little sick now, realising that all those great artworks were made by ponies being fed with the labour of... little more than slaves, “Did... they resist sometimes?”

“Again, Themba got those scars from somewhere.” Golden Dawn placed a hoof on either side of the chair, lifting herself forward to stare at them with those clever, sapphire eyes, “For all the wonder you will see here little ponies, know that this is a land still ruled by the gun, where the clever and the peaceful are still trampled by brutes in armor.”

Star Swirl shook her head, truly shaken by her words. For the first time she had thought she had found a place of true, honest beauty. It hurt like nothing else to be disappointed once again, “But there must be some way to change it? To change how people think?”

“Yes.” Golden Dawn sank back down, her smile widening, “There is.”

Dust Kicker grimaced, “You’re just playing us.”

“I am not a good liar, I told you that earlier.” She frowned, folds of fat wrinkling as she gazed coldly at him, “I am not trying to trick you, I’m simply laying out a scenario that will help the both of us.”

Zenai cautiously followed the thread, “And that is?”

Golden Dawn smiled again, pleased at her interest, “The NCR needs fuel for its factories, this I know. Star Fall and the lands beyond need food, which I also know the NCR has in excess.”

“And you have this fuel?”

“No, I don’t. The fuel is on the mainland, which is unfortunately a problem at present for all of us.”

The zebra territories, and the land that Star Fall had apparently been raiding for years. Star Swirl realised they still knew very little about what the situation was there, “You’ve been cut off from the mainland?”

“Sadly Themba’s bounty could not last forever.” Golden Dawn sank deep into the chair, her face twisting in anger, “A warlord arose, just like so many others, denied us our rightful bounty. And like we have done so many times before, we challenged him, sending the military might granted to us by the resources left within this island.”

Dust Kicker chuckled, the oddly cheerful sound breaking the mood like glass. He smiled as all eyes turned to him, “You lost.”

Golden Dawn smiled back, though the expression was bitter, “The warlord’s son now rules as his father’s regent, they call him the Caesar in the West. He is powerful, he is ruthless and he hates Star Fall with a passion. He is building a civilisation, one proud and strong, he believes rightly that without our mainland dominions Star Fall will quickly wither and die.”

Zenai shivered, “That’s... he’s right? Right? What do you intend to do?”

“Themba would tell you that we need to drive this Caesar from our lands, regain the glory of Star Fall and show him our military might.” Golden Dawn sighed, looking tired all of a sudden, “He thinks I do not love this city just because I hate it’s obsession with force. That just because we are built upon a military installation, this is what we should always be.”

Star Swirl had never been good at reading people and knew Golden Dawn had likely been playing ponies since she was born, but despite her initial impression she had to admit she was kinda beginning to like the merchant mare. Star Swirl herself had no love for guns and violence, and... had experience of being judged on her size and appearance. This Golden Dawn was making a lot of sense actually, “You need to make peace with him.”

Golden Dawn gave the alicorn an appreciative smile, her voice cracking as she answered, “That is the only thing that will save this city, the city of my birth, the city of my father and mother.” Her eyes narrowed, her lips pursed, “But I can do nothing. My fellow council members disagree, and Caesar would distrust me as an agent of the city that killed so many of his men.”

Zenai nodded in understanding, still looking a little suspicious but willing to listen at least, “So you need us?”

“I can offer you the largest shipping fleet in the world, along with this port to refuel and relax.” Golden Dawn raised a hoof, “In return I need three things. First, peace with Caesar, obviously. Second, said Caesar only controls the Golden Coast, which unfortunately lacks large quantities of the resources you need. Those resources are located inland, in an area controlled by numerous petty warlords and raider groups. This area will need to be pacified.”


“I don’t know. You think I’m an expert in war and frontier pacification?” Golden Dawn glared at Dust before continuing on, “Caesar does however, I suggest you ask him. If it is necessary I am willing to supply him with resources and aid from Star Fall, though I’m sure you realise that is a massive risk for me.”

Zenai curled her lip, “I can’t imagine Themba letting you do that at all.”

“I can be very persuasive, and though he’s many things he’s not stupid. Star Fall is dying.” Golden Dawn wrinkled her nose, “I will need very convincing proof that the Caesar is willing to cut us a good deal however, and if something does go wrong I’ll likely be cursing you all from the end of a spike.”

Star Swirl tried to remove that mental image from her memory, “And the third thing you need?”

Golden Dawn smirked, “Are you aware of Caesar’s curse?”

“Actually we just learned about it ten minutes ago.”

“Then you know that maritime trade between here and Equestria is exceedingly impractical. Even air travel is difficult.” Golden Dawn sighed, “However as you might expect from a premiere naval power we have spent considerable effort researching ways to end the spell, and have succeeded at least in identifying its source.”

Star Swirl got the impression that this wasn’t going to be a pleasant trip through flowering meadows, “Where?”

“The Grand Science Academy in the capital of Kursiyin.” Golden Dawn continued, “The spell is renewing itself somehow, likely connected to some generator the academy used for all its projects. We hoped it would eventually break down, but unfortunately it appears to have been built to last.”

Dust smirked, “Let me guess, Pink Gas, horrible unkillable monsters, only thing left alive is homicidal robots?”

“You... are talking about Canterlot?” Golden Dawn waved her hand dismissively, though she was a little hesitant, “It is not that bad, though certainly no place for a vacation. There is some pink gas within the city limits but it is restricted to the factory district, the main issue is the monsters that emerge from it. The city appears to produce large numbers of extremely durable, universally feral ghouls, likely the result of some sort of biological warfare project from before the war.”

“The city is infested with Canterlot ghouls? Great.”

“Oh, you are familiar?”

“Canterlot got a special delivery of that pink gas.” Zenai shook her head, “We’re familiar with what it does to ponies.”

Golden Dawn hesitated for a second before giving a big smile, tapping the side of her head with a hoof, “We weren’t actually completely certain the pink gas was the source of the ghoulification, so thank you for the information. The Kursiyin factories were unfortunately the centre for magical warfare production and research, I hate to think what it’s like at ground zero.”

“But... we’re not going there?”

“No. The spell’s origin is on the other side of the city.” Golden Dawn looked pleased with herself for a moment, however her expression quickly faded, “I have to mention that Kursiyin is hard to get to. The area is very defensible, surrounded by mountains, and the road leading through them is infested with monsters. You will either need a way through or around them before reaching the city.”

Dust laughed, “This is sounding less and less like a good idea.”

She grinned like a cat, resting her chins upon her hooves, “With great risk, great reward.”

“Fine, you know my language.” Dust smiled joylessly, giving her a stern glance, “We’ll see what Caesar says, then we’ll work out the details from there.”

Golden Dawn nodded, “Agreed. You will be able to contact me from anywhere in the wasteland through our transmitter array, you can keep me posted on your progress.”

Zenai frowned, shooting a glare at Dust, “You can’t just decide stuff like that without consulting us first.”

“Didn’t decide anything. Just keeping our options open.”

Golden Dawn settled her bulk back into her chair with a smile, “Indeed. Enjoy your time in our city, and feel free to contact me should you need anything.”

Zenai sighed softly before giving Golden Dawn a formal bow, “Thank you councillor, we’ll do that.”


“So, what did you think of her?”

Zenai turned to Dust as they moved down the stairs and out into the street, considering the question for a moment before answering, “I doubt she’s as publicly minded as she’s trying to imply, but her plan is a good one at least. If we pull it off we have the gratitude of Caesar, Star Fall and the NCR all at once.”


Zenai pursed her lips, “The most dangerous possibility is them turning on each other. If Caesar and Star Fall really hate each other, maybe they’re just looking for an opportunity to stab each other in the back. Likewise, opening up the seas gives both the zebra nations and Equestria a chance to invade.”

Dust chuckled, “I’m as cynical about the NCR as anyone, but I doubt they want to open up another front with Red Eye still at large.”

“Don’t be so sure. Star Fall might be well protected, but we still don’t know about the mainland’s aerial defences.” Zenai gave him a serious look, “It’s been seventeen years since the day of Sunshine and Rainbows, nine since the Battle of Applejack Crest and the Enclave as an entity is still refusing to join the NCR. That means they’re both stubborn and desperate, and likely looking for a chance to expand to new, undefended territory. I saw the Battle of Applejack Crest, you lived through the Enclaves’ first invasion. You know what they did to Friendship city.”

Star Swirl shivered. She had never actually seen the Enclave invasion, spending most of it bleeding out in Splendid Valley, still she had witnessed the damage done to Fillydelphia. That city had been far from defenceless, she shuddered to think what they could do against a city with no sonic rainbooms or dragons, “So what do we do?”

“Exactly what I said.” Dust Kicker shrugged, “Meet Caesar, see if he’s on the level. We’re not going to pull all this off in a week, we’ll have plenty of time to work out if everyone is trustworthy. I also have a few contacts in the Far Go traders, we should contact them about this deal. Golden Dawn seems nice and all, but I've not intention of giving her a monopoly.”

Zenai nodded, “Fair enough... so what do we do now?”

Star Swirl perked up, her curiosity about the Church of Celestia niggling at her since its first mention, “I want to meet up with Sunshine Ivory.”

“I’m thinking we should make contact with Silent Steel, keep him informed of our progress.” Dust turned to look at Star Swirl, “Think you’ll be ok on your own? We’ll meet up back at the ship.”

Zenai frowned at his words, shaking her head, “Wait... what? First, how are we going to contact Silent Steel? We’re well out of range of our transmitter. Second... we’re sleeping in those cramped quarters on those uncomfortable cots again? Why not ask Golden Dawn for better accommodation?”

Dust Kicker gave her a long smirk, holding that expression for several moments before finally giving a slow chuckle, “First... look up.”

Zenai did so, pretty quickly noticing the huge transmission array on top of the volcano, “Oh... ok. We could use that I guess.”

“Second... these guys are nice and all, but first night I’m keeping everyone on the ship. You’ve seen the defences in this place, if we get isolated from our escape route we’ll never get out.”

“Ok, that makes sense too.” Zenai frowned bitterly at him, “Shut up, this is what you were hired for. I’m a diplomat and scholar, I’m not exactly trained in wasteland survival.”

“Fair enough princess.” Dust grinned at her petulant little frown before turning to Star, “We’ll see you later Star Swirl. Take care of yourself.”

Star Swirl couldn’t help smiling herself, nodding back to him, “Yes, you too.”


Broadstreet ran along in the centre of the crescent of the city surrounding the volcano, formally the location of a defensive wall by the look of the repurposed guard towers and the unusual construction of the buildings here. Unlike the others in the city, made from shipping containers and sheet metal, these were made of heavy black stone and gave the impression of grim permanence. Indeed this appeared to be an important district, Golden Dawn’s ministry of finance standing proudly in one corner and a breathtaking red and black temple dominating the south side.

Her destination was easy to locate. The Church of Celestia was a whitewashed edifice of stone, decorated with stunning stain glass windows depicting moments from Celestia’s life and eventual apophasis at the end of the war. She stepped towards it with hesitant steps, feeling both awed and hesitant. It felt like a mausoleum, her last resting place.

Before her religious awe was broken by the onrushing crowds.

“You know Celestia is only a small part of the eternal flame right? Come to the Temple of the Great Fire and we will show you the true power of your birthright.”

“Uh... huh?”

“The balefire reveals our true nature! Come, bask in the radiation with us!”

“Peace can only be achieved by rejection of all things material. Come, join us in the Brotherhood of Yat and be enlightened sister.”

Star Fall looked at the army of robed ponies descending on her, eventually picking out the one babbling about radiation. He looked it, the poor thing already halfway to ghoulfication, “Uh... seriously?”

The pony (zebra? She couldn’t tell.) positively burst with excitement at being spoken to, nervously babbling in reply, “Of course, like the wasteland itself we are cleansed of corruption by the balefire. You, like the great holy ones are its chosen, healed by the radiation it creates!”

A zebra in red robes snorted at him, “Go away Jaanan, you’re scaring everyone away again.”

The ghoulish pony nearly spat teeth at the zebra, “Save your mockery red priest. You worship a little fire and think it’s the sun, we worship the very source of the suns power. That nurturing flame that dwells in the heart of the megaspells, which gave birth to Celestia, the All-mother and all life upon this plane!”

Star Swirl had to get out of here, this guy was actually starting to make sense, “I’m afraid I have a appointment, but I... I’ll visit your temples when I get time, promise!”

“The great fire loves you!”

“Abandon the material world!”

“Come to the Children of the Rad, we will show you true enlightenment!”

Yeah... she was getting out of here. Fast.


The interior of the Church of Celestia reminded Star Swirl of New Canterlot, which made sense really. It had likely been based of Celestia’s palace too, and its white washed walls and splashes of regal colour they had done a pretty good job of replicating it. Portraits of the mare herself hung on pillars leading through the entrance hall, the far end taken up by a leaping statue of her that Star Swirl couldn’t help staring at for a second. They had done a pretty good job at capturing her likeness, somehow capturing Celestia’s vitality in the marbled stone.

“Lady Star Swirl.” An elderly stallion trotted up to her, his old eyes pausing to take in her full form as he approached, “It is an honour to have you here. Our Matriarch awaits you inside.”

“Thank you.” She moved to follow him, the stallion leading her deeper into the building, “You... you do realise I’m nothing like Celestia don’t you? What made her special wasn’t what she was, it was who she was.”

“Little steps lady Star Swirl.” The stallion chuckled as he led her into the back rooms, “Princess Celestia was a filly once too.”

The back rooms of the church were as pleasant and comforting as the rest of the construction, the windows letting in a gentle light that illuminated the sparse, elegant surroundings with a soft warmth. Other white cloaked figures turned to watch her as they carried out their duties, bearing stacks of documents back and forth, “What exactly do you do here?”

“We spread Celestia’s love across the wasteland.” The old stallion smiled at her expression, elaborating a little bit as they walked, “We teach creatures to read and write, how to farm and grow their own food. We teach history, and the lessons within.”

“That sounds like the Followers of the Apocalypse.” Star Swirl looked down at the priest, “We do all that stuff too. We follow Fluttershy, and the example she set during the war.”

He nodded, smiling broadly, “Fluttershy is well liked in the zebra lands. She showed them great kindness during the war, and though her struggle to bring peace was ultimately futile that appeals to their sense of nobility all the more.” He gave her a sly smile, “Zebra have a very masochistic relationship with tragic heroes. Their greatest ideal is to follow your personal morality until it destroys everything around you.”


“Of course they can be just as hypocritical, amoral and pragmatic as every other creature on this planet. Still, you should beware inflaming a sense of glorious martyrdom in even the most cynical zebra, just as you should never harm a ponies’ friends.” The stallion chuckled and waved a hoof to a door set at the side of the corridor, “We’re here. The Matriarch is waiting for you inside.”

Star Swirl nodded as she moved towards the door, “Thank you for your kindness.”

The stallion bowed his head, giving her a sunny smile as she entered, “My pleasure. Take care Lady Star Swirl.”

The room reminded Star Swirl of the libraries at the Followers compound where she worked, aging shelves holding stacks of dog eared tomes and the ever present smell of old paper. It was the office of someone who actually did some work, several desks currently balancing between acceptably busy to rather messy. Sunshine Ivory and the older Zebra from before were both within, sitting around a table in the centre of the room. Both of them were without their robes, Star Swirl’s blushing a little at the sight of Sunshine Ivory’s impeccably groomed coat. The zebra with her wasn’t bad looking either, in a totally different way from Sunshine Ivory. He was sharp edges and shadow, mysterious scars and the weight of ages, Star Swirl wondering if Zenai might be on to something about older stallions...

“Star Swirl, how wonderful to see you.” Sunshine Ivory gave a sweet, beaming smile, waving to a selection of strawberry coloured drinks on the table, “Please, take a seat.”

Star Swirl moved over, taking a peek at Sunshine’s cutie mark as she did. As expected it was a sun image, rather happy looking with a big smiley face. The zebra’s spiral mark on the other hand was unfamiliar in its specifics, but appeared to be related to sight somehow. She lowered herself down, folding her hooves underneath her body, “Thank you.” Star Swirl couldn’t help feeling this was all rather convenient, with the glasses and all, “Were you expecting me?”

“No, but me and Ember were just discussing you.” Sunshine Ivory nodded her head to the zebra, “Ember is a long respected member of our order, not to mention a very good friend of mine.”

Ember lifted his head, observing Star Swirl with his cool grey eyes. It was a little off putting, though he quickly gave her a soft smile that quieted her embarrassment somewhat. His voice matched his appearance, smooth, heavily accented and elegantly time worn, “Your respect for Celestia is obvious, your interest in our order is no mere curiosity.”

Star Swirl hesitated, her mouth hanging open. It was true that she was interested in learning more about her, but what... “Huh?”

“The way you move, the way you sit. Even the way you speak, you attempt to appear more like her.” Ember smiled, curious and somewhat amused, “I suspect you have seen her, a memory orb perhaps?”

Star Swirl was... impressed. His spiral mark’s quality had been proved, “Y... yes. I have a memory orb with Celestia. It’s nothing very interesting...” Her voice cracked a little, “Except for her of course.”

“Really?” Sunshine Ivory looked rather exited at this news, her face made youthful by the positively schoolgirl expression, “We have a few recordings of the Princess, but an actual memory orb is rather special indeed. May I ask about the event it records?”

Star Swirl was rather embarrassed to even admit its lameness, “It... it’s a tax meeting, between the ETB and Celestia. They were pitching new opportunities for tax revenue in order to fund the war effort.”

Sunshine Ivory couldn’t help giggling a little, “I can’t imagine she was very engaged. Still, I guess even a bored Celestia is another small piece of the Princess to study.”

“No... she was really engaged.” Star Swirl wondered if that was why the memory orb had been stored in a secure case in a residential area, seemingly well loved by whoever had owned it. The pony who had recorded the memory seemed just as bored as you might expect to start, not even too focused when Celestia had entered and sat down before them. But when those around him had started talking graphs and numbers and pie charts... she had politely, firmly and devastatingly demolished their arguments, identifying how exactly they had been designed to hurt the general population while encouraging war profiteering. From that moment the pony hadn’t been able to take his eyes of her, his heart rate rising with every word from her mouth, “She knew so much about it, and she cared, she really cared for everypony. She wasn’t even in charge then, the ETB mentioned that she was just filling in for Luna. But she cared, and she wasn’t going to sit around while ponies got hurt.”

“That... I can see why you studied it enough to copy her mannerisms.” Sunshine Ivory leaned forward, almost hungrily, “May I see it?”

Star Swirl swallowed the burst of selfishness that burned through her, “...yes. But I will want it back.” She paused for a moment, feeling the need to defend herself, “And I didn’t copy her mannerisms. I just thought... alicorns should be more like her. She was so calm, even when she was angry. I’m not like that...”

She cursed herself for the last bit, the words just slipping out before she had a chance to stop them. It was true though, horribly true. She did wish she could be like Celestia, she did study that orb in order to do just that. Ember studied her as she sunk into herself, his voice gently drawing her back out, “You feel guilty. That you are not like her.”

Those were statements. She couldn’t only nod at his certainty.

Sunshine Ivory frowned, lifting herself up onto her hooves, “My dear, none of us are like her. I’d dare say she wasn’t like her, not always.”

Star Swirl peeked at her through lidded eyes, “You’re just like her...”

“Oh please, once more you are fooled by my appearance.” She chuckled, lifting Star Swirl’s head with a soft hoof and levitating over a glass, “You think I had much choice, looking like this? When I was naughty I was looked upon as an insult to everything that she was, when I was good like Celestia come again. They elected a simple mare barely qualified as an elder to be matriarch, just because I was cursed with white fur and a blue mane.”

“And they look upon you the same, because the Goddess wished to use mares like you to conquer the wasteland.”

Star Swirl looked over at Ember, his comment making her feel better somehow. Maybe because it got to the heart of the matter. She did wish she wasn’t an alicorn, not having that expectation upon her. She sighed and took a drink, a bittersweet taste across her tongue and a warm tingle down her throat. She grimaced, then smiled, “This... this is nice.” She paused a moment, the warm feeling continuing, “Is this alcoholic?”

“A little. Drink slowly, if you are unused to it.” Sunshine Ivory took a sip of her own drink, closing her eyes and smiling with contentment before speaking, “It is called Sweet Sunset, a Pegasus drink from before the war. When I heard it was a favourite of Celestia I paid a good ransom for a surviving crate of it, in the name of honest scholarship of course.”

Star Swirl giggled, really starting to like Sunshine Ivory. She was nothing like she expected of the leader of a church, warm and informal, even about Celestia herself. Despite her protests she really did feel like what Celestia was supposed to be like, her light humour and informal manner contrasting her impeccable dignity. It helped of course that she was gorgeous. Indeed she couldn’t help fantasising that this would all turn into something more... personal, the idea of the mare’s hooves on her enough to force her to repress a squeak. Ember could join in too, his strong form a perfect complement to the mare’s soft beauty...

“You’re liking that drink too, I can tell.”

Celestia’s glory, she really had to drink this stuff slowly or she really was going to embarrass herself, “Uh... I don’t really drink alcohol often. I think it’s going to my head.”

Sunshine Ivory chuckled, “Little sips. May I ask you about your cutie mark by the way? It’s very unusual.”

Star Swirl bent back her head to stare at the errant cutie mark, its obtuse meaninglessness continuing to aggravate. If Sunshine Ivory could do anything, she wanted her to fix this at least, “I don’t know what it is. I don’t get any special talent from it, and no one can tell me what it means.”

“Hmm.” Ember studied it with his cool, mysterious eyes, “As an alicorn, your previous cutie mark gets wiped away, is this correct?”

“Yes.” Star Swirl nodded, “Some alicorns remain blank flanked forever. Some grow them back, though no one remembers if they’re new ones or the same as before. Some get... distorted ones, like me.” She added sadly, “They’re pretty much stuck with them.”

Ember trotted forward, placing a hoof on the offending cutie mark. Star Swirl squirmed slightly at the touch to her flank but fought to remain calm, even as he poked and prodded a little more. To be honest the alcohol was helping, the warm relaxing feeling getting stronger as it soaked through her. Eventually Ember moved away, his voice filled with enthusiasm for the mystery he had discovered, “I have heard this spoken of before, in the tales of those who have tried to gain their cutie mark through magical means. This cutie mark is not yours; its presence is unnatural and damaging. However due to this your body has fought against its manifesting, rendering it broken and useless.”

That wasn’t encouraging, “So... it’s broken for good?”

“I am not sure. I sense... something.” Ember studied her for a little while longer from various angles, not making her feel any more comfortable with the arrangement. Eventually however he spoke again, surety in his voice, “You have a real cutie mark, but it has not yet manifested. You have not yet found your special talent.”

Star Swirl tried to hide her foalish embarrassment. She was still a black flank? She was old enough to be a mother herself! “I... haven’t? Really?”

“This false cutie mark is not helping. Even inactive like this, it clouds your vision.” Ember placed a hoof on his chin, frustration and furious industry in his deep grey eyes, “It needs to be removed, but this is no cutie mark pox or false spiral. If what you say is correct, I believe it to be the cutie mark you had before you became an alicorn.”

“Before... then why is it false?”

“Because you are no longer the pony you were before.” Ember nodded firmly, “I have heard this happen, in cases of head trauma or mental illness. Sometimes a cutie mark has even been recorded to change on its own, in this case however it may have to be removed in order to allow the new cutie mark to manifest.”

Star Swirl almost fled right there and then, “What, burn it off?! Like a Dashite?!”

Ember gave her a long slow look, his voice heavy with disapproval when he finally spoke, “I do not know what this ‘dashite’ is, but if they believe a cutie mark can be removed with physical trauma then I weep for their ignorance. A cutie mark needs to be removed at the soul, through powerful magic. It is painless, but can be dangerous should both patient and practitioner not be well prepared.”

“And are you a practitioner?” Star Swirl locked her knees to stop them from shaking, “Can... you do it?”

“No... that is, I have never seen it performed, only had it described to me.” Ember shook his head quickly, “And I would not dare have my first time a case as complex as yours. Unfortunately there are only three zebra I know of who are skilled enough, and none of them are here in this city.”

Star Swirl figured as much. Knowing their luck, they were probably deep into the wasteland, behind armies of raiders and fierce predators, “Where?”

“All three are currently far in the east unfortunately, in a land rife with fierce tribes and dangerous beasts.”

Yep. Dead on the money.

“The first and most likely is my mentor, Tradash the Black.” Ember continued, “He set off two years ago to research the old zebra cities in search of our history, I have only had sporadic contact with him since. I will give you his last known location, he often spends many months in the same place so he should be easy to catch up with. Mention my name and remain peaceful and Tradash should be able to give you safe refuge, he is greatly respected by the tribes. Until then however you must understand that they are not friendly to strangers, especially pony strangers.”

Fair enough. They were going that way anyway, it might even be just a small detour, “And the other two?”

“I mention them for completions sake. The first is Tandia, Shaman of Garm. She rules the well respected city of Garm, and is renowned as the most powerful Shaman currently living. If she does not know how to fix your predicament no zebra does, but she will be hard to convince. The third, the Caesar of the East, hates your kind unfortunately.”



Star Swirl felt she had been left behind somewhere, “Caesar of the East? There’s two Caesars?”

Ember bowed his head in contrition, “Forgive me, I assume too much. There are indeed two, though speak to neither of the other if you value your life. The first is Incuata, popularly known as the Caesar of the West. He rules the golden coast, and is a mortal zebra with great ambition. The other, the Caesar of the East, is less a ruler and more a religious leader. For two hundred years he has advised and mediated between the tribes, never taking direct control but always wielding great influence behind the scenes.”

That sounded ominous, “Who is he?”

“No one knows. Few meet him directly. Some say he is a dragon, one of the All-mother’s many children. Some say he is a ghoul, maybe the wartime Caesar himself. Some even consider him starborne, a great demon like Nightmare Moon or Charaxes.” Ember fixed her with a cool, firm stare, “Either way, he will not meet with you. Some say he fights the war still, and longs to finish the task the zebra started.”

Star Swirl shivered, not intending to meet the guy after that description, “And all the east follows his will?”

“To a fair extent, yes.” Sunshine Ivory nodded, fixing Star Swirl with a stern gaze, “You won’t find many friends there. Best to start with the Caesar of the West, he at least has greed to motivate him.”

Star Swirl nodded, considering the implications. It seemed they would have to rely on this Caesar of the West’s friendship as Golden Dawn had advised, help him to conquer the east and the resources there. She had read enough history to know that with a strong anti-pony presence in the area this Caesar would have to clearly display his strength against his namemate if any alliance was going to be respected long term.

“May I inspect your wing?”

Star Swirl turned to Ember, drawing away a little bit, “My wing? Why?”

“You are a winged unicorn, like Celestia a combination of the three species of ponies.” Ember nodded at her side, “If I am to determine what this means for you, I need to inspect all three attributes.”

“Oh... fine. Can I have more of that drink?”

Sunshine Ivory chuckled, floating a glass over, “Here you are my dear. Do not fret, Ember is a doctor. Think of this as just another check up.”

Star Swirl took a deep gulp from her glass before glaring back at the unicorn, “It’s weird you here watching.”

“My dear, if I was made to wait I would simply not be able to contain my anticipation.”

Ember continued his inspection, and indeed his touch was light and free of any unwanted intimacy. Her horn tingled a bit as he ran a hoof down it, still his touch there was brief and he soon stood to deliver his findings, “Twilight Sparkle was clearly a genius. Your construction is masterful.”

“Um... thanks.”

Ember nodded to Sunshine Ivory, the mare standing as he continued to speak, “You are not truly Celestia, you lack the pegasi and earth pony magic.”

Star Swirl nodded slowly, “That’s the accepted truth, Twilight only got the IMP to work with unicorns... but it doesn’t make sense. I can move clouds at least, so I’ve at least got some of their powers.”

“Yes, but those powers are fake. If I were to guess I would say that Twilight used some form of shapeshifter as the base creature in the experiment, allowing their abilities to compensate for those the subject lacked. I know of a very difficult and rare potion known as Chaos Kiss that can also induce changes in the base make up of a zebra, made from the blood of changelings. Legends tell that a zebra even managed to grow a unicorn’s horn by using this potion.” Ember once again stroked his chin with a hoof, “This IMP reminds me of a very specialised, very powerful, mass produced form of this brew. If this is true, Twilight Sparkle has truly embarrassed the zebra with her skill and knowledge.”

Star Swirl nodded, having heard of the changelings in her books. She was pretty sure they were all dead now, wondering if Twilight had killed them all and emptied their bodies into vats, or if they had simply died in the war. Truth be told, she didn’t really want to know, “What does this mean for me?”

“You do not have an earth or pegasi’s natural connection to the land and sky. That is built into their very souls, and not easily replicated. Your magical potential however is nearly limitless, sustaining and empowering your body. You are also built along the physical outlines of Celestia, strong, swift and graceful, quick to heal and slow to injure. You will not suffer muscle fatigue or damage easily, and your body easily accepts beneficial magic. At the same time you are resistant to offensive magic, necromantic and dark magic in particular. Celestia is reported as being able to fight off even heavy concentrations of pink gas, I guess you would be able to do the same.”

Star Swirl nodded, though she had never tried it out for herself, “We’re immune to pink gas, yes. Well... not immune, but we’re not as damaged by it as everypony else.”

“I guess you are also immune to ghoulification. I cannot imagine the effect finding any way to take root inside your system.” Ember looked her up and down, “There is also a heavy concentration of radiation at your core, which you seem to be burning off as a power source for your magic. That is... interesting.”

“Really?” Star Swirl wondered how that had happened. Like all alicorns she was forced to be checked out at the doctor regularly, they didn’t feel the radiation like other ponies so it was way too easy to soak in substantial amounts without noticing. Not only was this dangerous for those around them, a lot of theories pointed to it being the cause of neurological breakdown and rapid aging. Indeed it was one of the many reasons proposed for the fact that nearly all alicorns assigned to Canterlot were still irreparably insane.

It was rather worrying really, considering that Star Swirl herself had been caught in the megaspell detonation that had destroyed Maripony. She had lain in the irradiated ground just outside the immediate area for several days before being discovered by scavengers, absorbing the ambient radiation in great quantities in order to keep her ruined body alive. Maybe it had fried her brain. She knew plenty of ponies wouldn’t be surprised, “I can absorb radiation to power my magic and heal my body. It’s dangerous though, we’re discouraged from doing it.”

“How interesting.” Sunshine Ivory raised a quizzical eyebrow, “Do you think Twilight Sparkle was attempting to introduce a secondary power source for their magic, in the same way the sun was for Celestia?”

Star Swirl... didn’t really consider them comparable. The sun made Celestia immortal, it didn’t slowly kill her and send her insane, “I think Twilight just wanted to make sure they could survive, or even turn the zebra’s chemical weapons back against them.”

“But the theory is very much the same...” Sunshine Ivory’s eyes shone with a somewhat scary emotion, pure and fierce as the sun itself. She grinned like a cat as she looked up at Star Swirl with great expectation, almost trembling with excitement, “Star Swirl, no creature has harnessed the power of the sun since Celestia and the All-Mother, greatest and most grand of their species. It requires deep understanding of its purity, its strength, along with immense magical potential.”

Star Swirl stepped back a pace, nervously avoiding her gaze, “And...”

“This is our chance to find out more about her, about her power.” Sunshine Ivory glanced down at her cutie mark, “I can summon a fraction of the power of the sun, still I am limited by my constitution. I do not have the connection with the sky of a pegasus, the connection with the ground of an earth pony. Even though I am powerful as a unicorn, I still don’t have the magical potential you do.”

Star Swirl felt a twinge of excitement in her heart, mirroring Sunshine Ivory’s own. Still, despite the fact that she had dreamed all her life of being a little more like Celestia the idea still felt terrifying and incredibly presumptuous. Not to mention... unlikely, “My higher level spellcasting is still limited to shields, lightning and teleportation. I’ve tried to learn other spells but whatever my cutie mark is, I’m now pretty sure it’s not for magic.”

Sunshine Ivory smiled, “You sure it’s not a golden sun symbol?”

“Uh... I’m not even sure how you discover a special talent for moving the sun.”

The mare seemed to have been expecting this answer, chuckling to herself and moving in closer, “Listen to me Star Swirl. You’ve heard of the All-Mother haven’t you?”

Star Swirl nodded, “Irdenragoth. Mother of dragons, patron of the Zebra.”

“Killed by Rainbow Dash in the end. Her body lies across the White Mountains, you can see it from Demonnivoire Peak, the capital of the Caesar of the West’s kingdom.” Sunshine Ivory nodded firmly to Star Swirl, “Find her heart. It is said that something waits there, something I think you will be able to retrieve for the church.”

Star Swirl wanted to ask more questions, but she didn’t feel it was appropriate. Whether by simple foalish respect for dramatic conventions or the knowledge that Sunshine Ivory wasn’t likely to elaborate any further, Star decide to hold her tongue, “Thank you. For everything.”

“No, thank you Star Swirl.” Sunshine Ivory smiled as she nodded her head, a kindly look in her eyes, “It has been... an honor to meet you. And if you will, I have another request for you.”

Star Swirl already thought she had enough quests for the day, still she wanted to do everything she could for the unicorn, “What is it?”

Sunshine Ivory gave Star Swirl a long sad smile, “A good friend of mine came back home today, carried here by a young zebra and her assistant. I have heard mention of how you helped bring her back here, your deeds in pulling the young zebra from the raging seas.”

Star Swirl had to look away, her chest burning with guilt. It wasn’t like that. It really wasn’t like that at all, “I didn’t do anything worth honoring.”

“Then you do not know what is worthy of honor.” Sunshine Ivory smiled, “We will be sending Diamond Prism off this evening, at 8pm. We would love you to be there.”

Star Swirl didn’t know if she could stand it. Maybe it was for that very reason that she found herself nodding her head, “I... I’ll be there.”


It was an appropriately cold and wet evening, the black volcanic earth like wet sand under Star Swirl’s hooves as she followed the procession into the harbour. Sunshine Ivory had informed them that Diamond Prism had been well liked within the church and that normally there would only be three acolytes leading the service, in this case a good three dozen white robed figures surrounded the bundle of cloth as they made their way through the city. Star Swirl let her eyes linger on the picture frames showing the mare’s smiling face and the sight of her parents, a strong and stoic looking stallion in white robes and his sobbing wife in a simple white dress. She had been thirty two years old, likely younger than Star Swirl herself. Sabah was pretty much the only one here who walked naked, her battered, scarred body on full display as she skulked along a little behind the others. Star Swirl herself had opted for a simple blue dress, finally covering the wings that had attracted so much attention. It was still obvious what she was and she hated being unable to fly in an emergency, still the last thing she wanted was for people to be looking at her today.

They stopped at the shoreline, the bearers laying the bundle of cloth containing Diamond Prism’s body in the sand and stepping back as Sunshine Ivory moved forward. The speeches had already been handled back at the church, Sunshine Ivory had delivered a particularly inspiring account of Diamond Prism based on the time they had spent as acolytes together and insisted on being the one to carry out the service.

“The sun sets on us all. Celestia knew this, understood that crossing the great divide is only a tragedy for those left in this world of bitter ash. Our sister Diamond Prism has gone to the land of green fields and bright sun, her long service over. She has left her dream, her grand goal to us, to make this world a better place and use her life as inspiration to walk forward in friendship and love into this world that needs so much of both.” Sunshine Ivory turned her head up at the setting sun, her horn glowing with a bright white flame, “Morn, celebrate and remember, a life well lived.”

The two other unicorns that had carried her body moved forward, their own horns glowing as they focused their energy on Sunshine Ivory. At once a spectacular flare of white light flew from the sun, Star Swirl stepping back in shock as it struck Sunshine Ivory’s horn and exploded outwards in a flash of light, the unicorn harnessing the sunbeam with a look of determined concentration and firing it back at Diamond Prism’s body.

It hit the little bundle with a roar, silhouetting her form for a brief instant before she was completely immolated, exploding upwards into the glowing form of a radiant white alicorn... before she was gone, only the slight smell of burning and a small scorch mark offering evidence of her passing. Sunshine Ivory bowed her head for a moment before turning to the two unicorns beside her, patting them on the shoulders and sharing some quiet words as the procession slowly broke apart. Star Swirl looked about for Sabah, her heart aching as she saw the zebra was already departing for the hills nearby. After a moment of hesitation Star Swirl followed, her departure unnoticed by all.


“Sabah... wait.”

The small zebra turned her head, her dark eyes burning a hole straight through Star Swirl. The look stopped her dead, leaving Star Swirl standing there in scared hesitation. Sabah snorted at the sight, turning fully to face the alicorn, “I want to be alone. Is that so difficult to understand?”

Star Swirl almost ran away then, still something drove her to advance cautiously forward, “Sabah... please, I know it’s hard but you need to talk...”

“What do you know!?” Sabah growled, her small form brisling, “What I feel right now, sharing her death with other people? That Diamond Prism was mine, and having all these strangers around makes me feel like they’re taking her away from me?”

Star Swirl bit her lip, “I saw you following behind the others... is that how you really feel?”

“Do you really think they want me there? All those pretty ponies, with their white robes and dreams of peace and happiness?” Sabah snorted, waving a hoof to herself, “I’m a dirty little wastelander, who survived by being nastier and more vicious than any of the others! There was a time when I would have tore their throats out and sold those pretty cloaks for a loaf of bread!”

“You don’t mean that...”

Sabah snorted, “You don’t know who I am, you’ve known me a day at best. Besides, this isn’t about me, this is about you isn’t it?”

Star Swirl’s brow knitted in consternation, not seeing what Sabah was getting at with that last accusation. She wasn’t doing this for her, she genuinely wanted to help the little filly, “It... how is it about me?”

Sabah stared her head on, eyes filled with a quiet, terrifying rage, “Because you feel guilty for killing her.”

“I...” Star Swirl tried to speak but the words choked off, the alicorn eventually just backing away a few paces in stumbling panic. She couldn’t answer her accusation, she just didn’t know how, “Sabah, I... I really...”

“Tried? Wanted to save her? You killed her! You broke her neck plucking her out of the water, you know as well as I do that she was still alive and struggling when you reached her! You killed my best friend!” Sabah advanced forward with a feral gait, her eyes however held a dark, sullen awareness as she continued to speak, “Is this what you wanted? To throw your guilt at me? To have me forgive you? Is this what you need?”

“I...” Star Swirl tried her best not to cry, still she could already feel her eyes filling with tears, “Sabah, I... can’t ask forgiveness...”

“Then what do you want?! Punishment?!”


Sabah gave a piercing yell of rage and pain and launched herself forward, her small lithe body moving with incredible speed. Star Swirl wouldn’t have been able to react even if she wanted to, the zebra darting under her legs with just a few powerful strides and kicking out as she passed, driving away the alicorn’s front legs and sending her crashing down upon her muzzle with a jarring thud. She didn’t have a moment to recover, Sabah slipped out under her belly a second before she hit the ground and delivered a buck that sent Star Swirl tumbling across the sands in a tangle of legs and wings.

Star Swirl gave a gasp of pain and rolled onto her back, trying to orientate herself after the blow to her head and the shortness of breath caused by at least one broken rib. She wondered how such a little filly became so strong, to destroy an alicorn in just two hits.

She was swiftly given more evidence for the filly’s freakish power as she landed atop her chest, driving all four hooves into Star Swirl’s chest with incredible force considering her weight and size. Star reared up and gasped in pain as all the air was forced from her lungs and her heart jumped in her chest, swiftly struck back down as the zebra gave her a terrific headbutt that sent her into the sand with blood streaming across her face.

“Is this all you have?! You’re an alicorn, one of the most powerful creatures on the planet, and you can’t even fight back!” Sabah screamed in rage as Star Swirl lay whimpering in the dirt, tears and blood mixing across her face and her hair dank and dirty in the ash. Those tears only seemed to make Sabah angrier, the zebra’s expression twisted and her voice getting shriller by the moment, “You’re weak! You don’t know what it’s like out there, you never had to fight to survive! You never had to kill an innocent, just so you could eat! You never had to betray a friend just so you could survive another few hours!”

Star Swirl bit her lip as she brought her tears under control, her voice still shaking as she looked up at the zebra with wet, trembling eyes, “I do know what it’s like Sabah.”


“You know what I am Sabah? You know who made me?”

The zebra was taken off guard now, her voice quiet and uncertain, “The Goddess. Some... mutant blob who wanted to conquer the world.”

Star Swirl nodded, looking softly up at Sabah, “I was her servant for years. I killed hundreds of ponies, personally, burning them alive with lightning and crushing them under my hooves. And having killed them, I enslaved their loved ones, stallions, mares and fillies, and sent them either to Red Eye to be worked to death or to the Goddess to suffer far worse. I crawled across burning sands with a pair of shattered wings and three broken legs after taking a megaspell to the face, ate insects I found under rocks to keep myself alive.”

Sabah stared back, quiet and hard, “Then why won’t you fight back? Why are you so broken up about one more body?”

“Because I didn’t want to be that pony anymore. Because I know what it’s like to be forced to do horrible things, and I know the guilt.” Star reached forward with her muzzle, now just a couple of inches from Sabah’s face, “You... couldn’t even join her funeral, you had to follow along at the back. Because you don’t think you belong.”

“I don’t. I’m a killer, another wasteland monster. Those pretty ponies in their white robes, they’d never understand.” Sabah hissed at Star Swirl, baring her teeth, “There’s no forgiveness for what you and I have done, no kind redeeming hand.”

Star Swirl’s voice wavered, “Diamond Prism didn’t think so. You’re right, I don’t know anything about you Sabah. But the mare they were talking about back there... she wouldn’t waste her time on a lost cause.”

“She was an idiot.” Sabah reared her head back, staring down at Star with anger, “And now she’s dead.”

“What do you want Sabah?”

“I want... I want her back...” Sabah’s face broke, tears streaming down her face as her body trembled with pain, a deep sob exploding from her throat. She thumped a hoof against Star Swirl’s chest, clumsy and limp, “You took her from me, and I won’t forgive you, I won’t! She was the only one who made me feel like I was anything more than a monster, and now she’s dead!”

Star Swirl looked the little zebra in the eye, “Sabah... she was bringing you to the church wasn’t she? She wanted to show you where she grew up.”


“You should stay with them.” Star reached up to the filly, “I’ll come with you, introduce you to Sunshine Ivory. She’ll take care of you.”

Sabah tried to reign herself back in but the tears were already too established, streaming down her face now. Her body went limp and she fell into Star Swirl’s chest, pressing her nose into her fur, “I’m not like you... I’ll never be any better...”

“Sabah... it’s always a fight. You’re good at fighting, you know how to let go of your dignity to survive, how to continue to struggle no matter the odds.” Star Swirl folded a cautious leg across the fillies back, holding her trembling form against her chest as she let it all out. It hurt, her broken rib shifting with every movement. Star Swirl didn’t care, “Just let go. Let it hurt.”


The alicorn opened her eyes as the wagon stopped, feeling the pain of her injuries burn through her once more. She had killed so many, and now she was crippled and defenceless, alone without the Goddesses loving touch and in the hands of those who only intended harm for the unity. She wanted to cry but didn’t have the energy... or the nerve.

She had slaughtered hundreds. She deserved to die.

An aged, robed pony approached the wagon, urged along by the merchant zebra who had found her dying in the dirt. He approached her with slow hesitant steps, especially as she cringed and sunk away from his approach, “Please... stay away... I just want the pain to stop... pain to stop...”

The pony smiled, warm and gentle, “My dear, take a look around you.”

She did, her eyes widening at the sight. Dozens of her sisters standing around, uninjured and in sound mind. Even as she watched one of them walked forward, her voice like bells to her after so long without the unity, “Sister, do not be afraid. You are safe here, Velvet Remedy has saved us all.”

The alicorn lifted her head to her sister, “I’m... safe?”

“All alicorn are welcome here.” The elderly pony nodded, easing her pain slightly as his horn glowed with green light, “Your old life may be over, but here you are free. Your sisters are already waiting for you.”


Trait: Tired of Blood - “Make it stop, make it stop!”
Unlike many others in the wasteland, it hasn’t got easier. You have an extra 10% chance to miss with any attack, 40% if the attack is lethal in nature.

New Quest Perk: Faded Mark - “But I want it naooow!”
You’ve taken the first step towards understanding your cutie mark. You gain a 5% chance of instantly killing a wounded or off guard opponent.

New Quest Perk: Legacy of Celestia - “Dear Princess Celestia...”
You’re just a little closer to the ideal of your legendary ancestor. You gain +1 perception in direct sunlight.

Level 3 reached.

New Perk acquired: Child at Heart – “Good with animals, good with kids!”
The Child at Heart perk greatly improves your interactions with children and the young at heart, usually in the form of unique dialogue choices.

New Quest Acquired: Black Gold
1. Make peace between Caesar and Star Fall.
2. Pacify four resource rich areas.
3. Disable Caesar’s curse.
4. (optional) Make contact with Far Go traders.

New Quest Acquired: Cutie Mark Crusader
1. Find clues to the meaning of your old cutie mark.
2. Locate Tradash the Black, Tandia of Garm or Caesar of the East.

New Quest Acquired: Celestia’s Legacy
1. Locate the heart of the All-mother
2. (optional) Find more memory orbs relating to Celestia.

This fanfiction is based on Fallout Equestria by Kkat, it is highly recommended that you read that first for context. Reading Fallout Equestria: Pink Eyes by Mimezinga will help understanding, but isn’t required.

Many of the characters and much of the setting are not mine but are on loan from the very awesome Kkat, or are taken from My Little Pony - Friendship Is Magic by Hasbro. This story makes no pretentions at being canon with either, and is merely a ‘what-if’ set in the same world.

If you enjoy Fallout Equestria Side Stories, you will want to check the Fallout Equestria Side Stories post on Equestria Daily and the Fallout Equestria Side Stories thread on Ponychan.

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