• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 5,560 Views, 280 Comments

Fallout Equestria : Black And White - Philweasel

Peace between the NCR and Zebra wasteland becomes a battleground between competing factions.

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Chapter 3.2 - Fragile Dreams

Chapter 3.2 - Fragile Dreams

“Blessed Dawn was orphaned at nine, yet she never let it break her spirit. She chose her name and it fitted her well, always hoping for a better future. She fought and distinguished herself at Sanatora, she fought at the proving grounds and in the battle of Dusklight she once again fought to defend those important to her. It was here where she lost her life, dying in single combat against the leader of Starhammer’s assassins. She is a model of bravery and hope, and reflects one more example for us to follow.”

Fluttershy watched as the mare was lowered into the ground, one more body in the vast field outside the now empty Dusklight caves. Dust Kicker stood on the podium, head bowed as the grave diggers moved forward to cover her body with dirt. Her heart ached for him. He just looked so tired.

It was a stiflingly warm day, the clouds thick and grey overhead, the air heavy and humid. It was wearing everyone down, still the endless funerals continued on with considerable dignity and pride. They were still kids of course, there was anger and tears aplenty, still the proceedings were almost inspiring despite the terrible circumstances. Forty seven of the children had lost their lives in the past two days. Seven more had died within Sanatora. Each had been given a touching eulogy, which Radhi stepping up for the ones who had nopony left to speak for them.

The young zebra was taking it well. He looked exhausted but determined, a firmness in his eyes that hadn’t been there before. He had needed all the strength he could find. Fluttershy didn’t envy his position, though Ebony and Niayda had also been members of the council it was always clear that Luna, Swift Crimson and Radhi were really the three in charge. Now he was the only one left.

Fluttershy turned her gaze, feeling a tightness in her chest to look across the crowd.

There were a hundred and thirty of them left. It was an impressive number, but Dust had already assured her it was a dangerous one. Too large to hide, too small to stand up to a determined enemy. He had apologised then, apologised for worrying her, and indeed she was worried for them of course. Still she was a big girl, and she would rather hear the truth.

In fact he seemed more shaken than her. Fluttershy had seen her share of tragedy and was actually feeling strangely calm about the whole thing, Dust however had taken it very personally.

He had been the first one at the scene. He had still been standing guard over the Princess when Niyada, Ebony and Radhi had entered the main hall. He had escorted them as they took her body to the library, witnessed the destruction that had been wrought upon her room. Whoever had killed her had been long gone.

Fluttershy had dealt with the post mortem preparations herself, along with that of many of the others. Ebony had been... overstressed. She now clung close to Niyada as the funeral continued, eyes wet and expression totally lost, Niyada all smiles as she continued to comfort her. Fluttershy hoped she would be alright, knowing Ebony was rather more fragile than she sometimes let on.

Fluttershy turned to Radhi, standing quietly alone nearby, “What did you choose for Midnight Dreamer in the end?”

Radhi paused for a moment of reflection before answering with a sigh, “In the end she was always an Equestrian patriot, and always... belonged to the dark. We will bury her. In private, afterwards.”

She felt a spark of... what? Anger? Sadness? She could no longer tell, her emotions becoming increasingly vague and confusing the older she got, “She deserves to be honored.”

“She will be. We will speak of Princess Luna...”

“Midnight Dreamer deserves to be honored.”

Radhi turned to smile at Fluttershy, “You know she would like her secret to be kept. She deserves to be buried as a Princess.”

Fluttershy went to speak but there was nothing left to say. Instead she just lowered her head, sighing and looking up at the great statue standing over the graves.

Princess Luna stood proud, features captured in stone as she stood defensive over the foals at her hooves. They stood there beneath, faces scared and small bodies vulnerable, but with a spark of hope in their eyes. One clutched a scroll, another a sword, another a hammer, staring out in all directions.

It was incomplete, a little rough maybe. It had been carved in two days, and they were still children. But it meant all the more for being so. This was no empty tribute by some artist looking for attention, this was a aching tribute to a beloved mother, sister and leader, carved in grief by hands stained with the blood of the martyrs.

Luna could have led this wasteland. She could have been a shining beacon in the darkness.

It made Fluttershy angry. It made her... want to hurt ponies, want to go to war and make them pay for all they had done. If only she wasn’t so old... her mind strayed to thoughts of fire and rebellion, of vengeance and hate. She wanted to take these kids, take these kids and show the world what they suffered with bloody interest.

She looked at Radhi, “What are you going to do?”

“Head for Clendel and ask for settlement rights. It’s the most sensible option, and one Luna and I discussed.” He looked up, obviously spotting the disapproval in her eyes, “You don’t need to approve. Many of the others agree with you, but I am in charge now.”

She closed her mouth slowly, letting that sink in. Had he... just told her off? He really was getting more confident, “How did you know what I was going to say?”

“I’ve seen that expression too many times today.” He answered with a sigh, “Over fifty of our friends are dead. I want no more of it... and Niyada and Ebony both agree. We are the council, and that is our universal opinion.”

Fluttershy blushed, ashamed at her own desire for vengeance. At least somepony here was thinking straight, “I see...”

“And... there’s something else. Something more difficult that we had to decide.” He paused, hesitating now. Eventually he turned both eyes up at her, frowning apologetically, “We’ve decided Dust, Star Swirl and Zenai can’t stay.”

Fluttershy hesitated, at little... insulted on their behalf, “Why them?”

“I’ve spoken to Dust Kicker, he agrees with our reasons.” Radhi sighed, “He’s an adult, and many of the children look up to him. He’s an obvious choice to replace Swift Crimson, and a very inspiring and effective leader.”

“Then why...?”

“He’s a mercenary, who’s been killing his fellow ponies for fifty two years.” Radhi’s expression became firmly resolved, “He’s a good stallion and I’m grateful to him for what he’s done, but he’s a bad influence on these children. I’ve already had dozens of foals asking me to let him train them in combat, and angry and vengeful kids with advanced combat training will not make things any easier.”

Fluttershy saw his point, but wasn’t sure she agreed, “He might be the only pony who can teach them to work out their anger productively.”

“I asked him. He said he had no training in that field, that he would likely just make things worse.” Radhi sighed, “He’s a surprisingly well balanced individual for a pony in his field of work, but I’m not sure if that’s really something he can teach to others.”

Fluttershy thought it mostly involved a kind heart and a willingness to help, having worked as a psychologist for years with no formal training. Still a more reasonable part of her considered that being the bearer of the element of kindness might have had something to do with it, and that back then she had plenty of ponies who were trained supporting her, “And what about Zenai and Star Swirl?”

Radhi paused, uncertain at his answer. He forced it out eventually, regretful, “They’re both adults... and I don’t have any reason to trust them.” He sweated somewhat before Fluttershy’s expression, his voice straining a little, “Star Swirl is a Princess, and a fair pick for Luna’s formal successor. She was also working with Starhammer until recently, and I’m not convinced of her emotional stability since. She’s barely talking to anyone, keeping to herself.”

Fluttershy agreed, sadly. She was worried herself, “That’s... fair. I’m not sure what I feel about her either.”

“And I know Zenai’s history of rebelling against authority, and the same things apply to her to a lesser extent.” Radhi sighed, “I appreciate what she’s done to defend us, and if she was younger... but she’s an adult, and she’s been speaking out for vengeance against Starhammer and attempting to rile the children up. I’m sorry, but I just can’t bring her with us.”

Fluttershy didn’t want to agree, and didn’t on some points. Still he was taking responsibility and making hard choices in difficult circumstances, it felt discourteous to argue, “What about me?”

“We voted unanimously for you being allowed to stay Fluttershy. Ace Gold too.” He smiled wanly, “Though you can’t be surprised, Ebony and Niyada both think very highly of you.”

“Well then...” She was torn, uncertain. These children needed her, and she felt good being around them. On the other hand abandoning Dust Kicker and the others just didn’t seem right. Eventually she chickened out, rationalising her choice, “I’ll stay with Ace Gold.”

Radhi looked down, a hint of worry passing across his features, “I see.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Ace Gold... he hasn’t confirmed he’s staying.”

Fluttershy frowned, uncertain what exactly he could mean, “Ace Gold is blind.”

“He’s making remarkable progress. Too remarkable.” Radhi sighed, seeming to finally give in to the desire to air what was on his mind, “He’s keeping something from me. He’s working out ways to compensate for his blindness that seem impossible to me, magics that I’ve only heard of shaman possessing. And when I asked him to stay here with us he was uncertain. He told me that he had things to do out there, yet started making backing away and becoming evasive when I pressed him on the matter.”

Fluttershy admitted it was strange. The progress that was, not the keeping secrets. Ace Gold was always good at those, “He’s never been very good at talking. I’ll see if I can get anything out of him.”

He nodded gratefully, “Thank you.” He looked up at the stage, giving a deep sigh, “And now it is finally time. Let’s get this over with.”

He stepped up to the podium, his hoofsteps heavy. They all stared in silence, his expression vacant and weary as he began to speak, “We have lost so many. None sting as badly as our Princess. Luna gave us our home, she gave us our hope. Our safety, our strength, our very identities she gave to us.”

Fluttershy winced at the whimpering and sobs from the audience, wondering now what the point was. They were just children, children lost and alone in a world that hated them. Without Luna, what were they?

Radhi broke the silence, his voice trembling yet full of conviction, “We have lost our home. Safety was always an illusion. Yet our identities remain, within our hooves and our hearts. We know who we are, and we know we have our strength. And while we carry those things with us, we will never lose our hope.” He stepped forward, his voice rising, small voice carrying across the whole valley, “She will never leave us! She made us a family, she bound us together under fire and harmony! We will take those things out into the wasteland, we will take in the lost and the lonely, we will carry what she was as a banner so that the wasteland will never forget! We will make this world into one she would have been proud of, even if it has to be one child at a time! For we will always be her children of the night!”

Fluttershy gasped, gritting her teeth and letting the tears flow. She couldn’t help it, she had always been a sucker for speeches, and for the young and courageous. Her mind was assaulted by visions of them dead and forgotten but she pushed them aside. Right now she dared to believe that what Radhi said was true, however much her experience told her no.

“Please excuse me miss Fluttershy. This is a little heavy.”

She blushed at little and stepped aside as Tradash moved past with a smile, a long metal tube balanced upon his shoulder. Metal and technical looking, it was attached to glass containers of brightly colored fluid and had of all things the symbol of the ministry of magic inscribed upon it. She peered at it in confusion, having never seen the like, “What is it?”

He chuckled, pausing and turning to her with a beaming smile, “I wondered if you might be familiar with it actually. This is a marvellous little invention by your friend Twilight Sparkle that Zenai found. We spent many long hours fixing it up, all the zebra and me mixing up the potions that feed it. I’m pretty sure you’ll be impressed.”

“But what...?” Fluttershy paused, closing her mouth. She talked too much, and they had a lot to do today, “Go ahead, please.”

“Thank you.” He commented cheerily before moving past the graves to stand in front of the statue of Princess Luna. He inscribed a quick symbol on his chest before slamming the staff down into the dirt, sweeping the dust aside with a hoof before weaving it into a marvellous swirling spiral. That done he stepped back and looked towards the crowds, “Pegasi, please!”

There was a thrum of air as dozens of pegasi took to the air at once, wings beating in unison. Fluttershy grasped her streaming hair, shielding her eyes from the dust. The pegasi all took formation, fierce determination as they linked their air flows.

A single fierce beat and a shockwave hit the ground in front of the statue, dust exploding away to reveal stone and earth not seen since the megaspells fell. The whirl of spiralling dirt grew larger, forming into complex shapes that weaved around each other in ways that reminded Fluttershy of... days in Cloudsdale, half remembered memories of wings and grace...

“Earth ponies!”

Ponies stepped from the crowd, proud and strong. Their hooves thudded down as one, cracks opening in the newly revealed ground, Fluttershy gasping as little tufts of grass peaked out as if awaking from a deep sleep. A hum filled the air, the ground vibrating as if a great power had awoken within.

Tradash looked totally in his element now, stepping away from the staff and calling out, “Unicorns!”

Dozens of magical bursts flew past Fluttershy, streaming into the staff at the centre in a rain of colour and light. They joined together in one single beam of white energy, centred upon the staff and humming at an ever increasingly volume as it drew in the air around it, dust gathering at the centre until everything vibrated in unison with it. It was like a single, magnificent heartbeat, the very essence of the world centred at that point.

And Tradash’s face changed from joy, to concern, to fear.

The staff vibrated ever harder, cracks now starting to appear in the metal, sparks shooting from overstressed components. Magic pulsed across the ground around it, dust falling from the statue above as Tradash ran now for safety. Fluttershy could only stare in awestruck terror as metal pinged across the ground, the glass vials exploding and the liquid within evaporating with flashes of pure magic. The staff finally broke it’s bonds, shattering apart as growing crystal sprouted outwards. It speared towards the sky, a jagged staff of blue stone, humming with barely contained energy. It shook, whined and finally unleashed it’s contained magic in a single mighty burst, directly upwards.

It hit the skyline and exploded into rainbow light, everyone gasping as a cool, clear breeze swept past them, the shockwave ruffling their fur and sending manes streaming. Dust was thrown outwards, dirt burned away, rusty metal disintegrating and dispersing on the wind. The statue of Luna became almost crystalline for a moment as magic streamed across it, burning away the roughness until Fluttershy swore she almost saw the mare herself standing there. It reflected off the mountain edge, highlighting the shadowed illusions of gleaming towers, halls of silver grandeur. Foals gasped as their wasted forms became strong and healthy, their bodies clad in fine clothes of dark silk. The dark grey sky opened up, shining stars glittering above.

And a single mighty crack later and it was done, the world settling around them.

Fluttershy looked around, to the tattered, yet still recognisable remains of a once beautiful theme part. She saw paths that had once been walked, the skeletal remains of rides standing tall and proud. The ground had been wiped clean, and from the newly uncovered soil small blue flowers began to peek out. Green vines sprouted out around Luna’s statue, winding around her legs and up her body, radiant flowers clad in the night’s colours bursting forth from its strands. The statue itself had changed, gaining two new foals beneath. One a camel holding a dove, the other a chubby unicorn filly cradling a carved, glittering star.

The fine clothes had gone. The mountain was once more empty and barren. But all felt changed, whispering among themselves in exited awe.

The staff sat where Tradash had placed it, a smooth column of blue stone, a ring at the top where two shapes rotated around one another. A moon and star, suspended within the ring by what seemed like magic. Fluttershy couldn’t help but feel it’s vibration, though it seemed distant, far off... and full of painful memories.

Tradash hesitated for a moment before pulling the staff from the ground, the magic crackling for a moment before the last of it faded into the earth bellow. He admired it for a moment before starting towards their group, approaching the still rather shellshocked Radhi. He smiled and bowed his head as he held out his hooves to present the staff towards him, “I believe you should have this Radhi.”

The zebra beheld it with wonder, “What is it?”

“Honestly, I’ve never seen it’s like. But it is clearly an artefact of power, passed down from Princess Luna and forged in the magic you children share.”

Radhi hesitated for a moment longer before taking the staff in the crook of his leg, staring into his reflection there, “I don’t know anything about magic.”

“This not the magic of books and rituals.” Tradash declared cheerfully, “This is the magic that binds all life together, that allows us to join together in truth. It was only by combining your talents that this staff was created, only by harnessing the harmony within you. Just look at what it did to the statue.”

Niyada held her hoof up at this, a mixture of expressions upon her face, “But... I didn’t do anything. I didn’t mix the potions, or perform any of that fancy pony magic.” She tried to grin, but her expression didn’t quite make it, “The only magic the camels have is the ability to make... money, normally from something someone else made.”

“The camels didn’t create the most stable and prosperous civilisation in the post-war world with money alone.” Tradash chuckled, “I think there was more of you in the creation of that staff than you realise.”

Fluttershy looked on, feeling like... she was at the start of something. The forging of a legendary artefact, a promise, a binding of a nation forged of so many different species together as a single entity. She hoped she was right, that this really was the start of something new and amazing.

She turned her head, looking for Dust, wanting to speak to him about this. She located him after a second and couldn’t help but frown. The stallion looked angry, stormily, turning and marching out toward the hill a short distance away. She galloped over to his side and he frowned at her, speaking grimly, “Go back to the group Fluttershy, I won’t be a moment.”

She turned her head as Zenai and Star Swirl came up to join them, both also looking rather worried, “What is it?”

Dust hesitated for a moment before nodding at the ridge and continuing on towards it, Zenai and Star Swirl following. Fluttershy followed their gaze and her blood ran cold.

Both Starhammer and his brutish general Icoxal stood watching the proceedings. After a moment she hurried after Dust, eager to head this off before this became ugly.


“What are you doing here!”

“Keep your distance from my Lord Starhammer, all of you. I will not hesitate to put you down.”

“That’s enough Icoxal.” Starhammer stated gently, waving a hoof to placate his giant body guard as they approached. He looked up at the sky, his expression thoughtful. His gaze eventually returned to the glaring faces before him, giving a calm, gently smiling nod, “I’m here to pay my respects.”

“You killed her.” Zenai growled.

His grin increased, a sparkle igniting in his eyes, “And that means I cannot respect her as an opponent?”

“It’s fine Zenai.” Dust Kicker stated, firm but not unfriendly as he looked towards Starhammer, “It’s his right.”

“It’s his right to kick her children out of her home, to probably bulldoze that statue the second they’re gone?”

“I won’t touch her statue.” Starhammer stated with a charming smile upon his weatherbeaten features, shrugging his shoulders, “Kicking you guys out isn’t fair, I agree, but I think you’ll do alright. In fact I demand it.”

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow, not quite getting his meaning, “You demand it?”

“A great hero cannot rise without great opponents.” He stated with a smirk, “To be honest, Kunani invented most of my previous ‘great victories’. Painted pretty pictures and great tales to illustrate fights with uninspiring scrubs who barely challenged me. I’m grateful that Luna gave me pause, adds... texture to the tale.”

“She’ll have to invent most of this one too.” Zenai spat.

“She was a charismatic as blazes dark princess with a awesome statue. Do you think zebra in three hundred years are going to really going to give a damn about the details?” Starhammer stated cheerily, if a little challengingly, “Even if it’s no comfort, accept this. I respect these foals, and Princess Luna, a huge amount. They met me with a dedication and fearlessness deserving of tales, and believe me when I say that I will ensure those tales are sung from coast to coast.”

“Tales are little comfort.” Fluttershy declared bitterly.

“Tales are the only comfort.” Starhammer countered, “We all end up in the dirt eventually. Our only hope is that we can be remembered for our deeds, be told of in tales sung around the fire after we’re gone. And tell me, do you know who Zanar the Mighty is?”

Fluttershy glared, not really in the mood, “No.”

“What about Zephyr Stormstrung.”

“Of course.”

“Zanar the mighty was a king who united the territories into an empire that lasted four generations, commanded an army unbeaten by his enemies. Zephyr was a wandering blade, who inspired the real leaders of the zebra people to form the army that eventually defeated the Star Demons. He retired halfway through the campaign, and died before the last demon held territory fell. His best friend was the one who became an Elder of Garm and formed the basis of zebra society to this day.”

“What’s your point?”

“Zanar fought chumps with several decisive advantages on his side, barely had to struggle. Zephyr was a slave who fought gods, and ended up crippled even in victory.” Starhammer grinned, staring across at the statue behind them, “It is our enemies that forge an inspiring story. Luna and Star Swirl, they will be my nemeses, they will elevate this story to its inspiring heights. The alicorn princesses, full of danger and ambiguous morality and motivations? They are the perfect counterparts to me, and my struggle against you and your friends will echo across history.”

“Is that all you care about?” Dust stated grimly, “Making history?”

“Not all, but yes, that is my main motivation.” Starhammer confirmed cheerily, “And why should I be ashamed? Unlike some would be kings I’m not concerned with luxury, or power, or wealth. I’m not even particularly concerned with being a king, in fact I’m tempted to do a Zephyr when this is all done and retire to the hills.”

Fluttershy was tempted to give into his easy charm, but she remained all the time aware of what he was truly saying. He was a warrior who wished to conquer the world by force, but worse than that... he was doing it on a whim, “And then who will rule?”

His face suddenly went dark, as if something terrible had just dawned on him. He frowned, looking down at his hooves, “She’s right. No one ever sees her.”


“You might have forced my hoof. I never wanted it, but now...?” Starhammer looked up, smirking a little, “I’ll make a admission to you now. I’m a mercenary. I was still a mercenary even after I started all this.”

Dust looked surprised for a moment before his eyes narrowed, “Someone’s paying you for this gig?”

“Not in money. Fame, excitement, glory, a chance to get in the history books.” He shook his head and shrugged, “But I treated it like a job once. I didn’t really know how to come at it any other way. This... this has changed things. Luna should be proud of that. She’ll be honored for that.”

Fluttershy didn’t like the way he was talking about her. It seemed... even more obscene that he seemed to be praising the mare, “For what?”

“I’m going to conquer this world. I’m going to stick a flag in it and call it mine.” He gave a rather disturbing smile, “Once it was because others told me to. Because they wanted to change this world, and they needed a big freaking army and a brute with a sword at the head of it. Once it was done I intended to retire, put the crown on the head of some zebra more suitable and retire to... farming or something. But now... now I think I want to be a king. I want a dynasty. I want to look upon the zebra realms from atop the palace at Kursiyin and call them mine.”

“And we should be happy for you?”

“We all want to change the world, to be remembered. One day the empire I’ll build will rule the world, and this darkness will be but a memory.” He grinned, “But foals will still speak of Princess Luna, they will dress up as her and play games and tell stories. I’ll have made her immortal.”

Star Swirl growled her answer, clearly furious now, “You’re just... an actor! Playing a king for a cheap laugh, trying to intimidate us into polishing your ego!”

He looked up at Star Swirl, smiling grimly, “Something I want to share about leadership darling. It’s all about being able to inspire zebra, give them a shared vision, be the icon they rally around. I’m fucking good at that if I do say so myself, and forgive me for boasting also have a fairly decent brain rattling around up here.”

“You’re still a fake!”

“I’m a fucking leader, and don’t you forget it.” Starhammer stated a little testily, “But don’t be so naive. You think a great many leaders throughout history have achieved success through their own personal intelligence and planning? You all just got fooled by the stories, saw the noble kings and princesses and didn’t see the legion of administrators actually running their empires. The tales will be about me and how I conquered the world, because I’m a fucking handsome devil of a zebra who makes a damn good speech and carries a cleaver like I’m born to it. What easy comparison can I make... how about a big honking jet black alicorn princess, and a little dweeby zebra in glasses. That make it any clearer?”

Fluttershy frowned, “Dweeby... you’re talking about Radhi?”

“So that’s his name?” He looked past them, down at the crowds below. A grin widened, rather wide and unsettling, “What is he, fourteen? And yet he speaks like a Flame Priest straight out of Star Fall, and I can’t help but notice they’re all listening.”

Star Swirl glared coldly, “He’s doing his best.”

“I hope so, because I’m pretty impressed.” He nodded at them with a smile, “In fact, as I mentioned I’m starting to wonder if I didn’t just kill the obvious figurehead and leave the brain of this little operation intact. Tell me that zebra didn’t have authority over this place while she was off strutting around like a diva.”

Fluttershy hesitated, and so did the others. It was Star Swirl who eventually spoke, “She was a wonderful mare.”

“She was an idiot, who brought all this on herself.” He smirked cruelly, “This wouldn’t have been half as easy if she had been a bit smarter .”

Star Swirl growled, “Don’t you dare stand here and... speak that shit.”

“I’ll say what I want.” Starhammer grinned smugly at her, cocking his head to the side, “I had her number from the beginning. She was just like me in the end, a fake with a big ego and a love of theatre. I did her a favour, killing her now. She would only have disappointed you in the end.”

Star Swirl’s fur bristled, “And you?”

“That’s the difference between us. I’ve got a bit of life experience, I know how to be pragmatic.” He smirked knowingly, “I’m not some child playing dress up.”

Fluttershy gasped despite herself, “You... you know?”

“I’m a demon hunter darling.” Starhammer commented smugly, “That skin of hers was shadow matter, and I felt her weight several times during that fight. Accounting for mass, she couldn’t have been bigger than Kunani under there. Plus there’s the kids, and her childish strutting.”

Star Swirl growled, “And what’s your excuse?”

“What’s yours?” He commented snarkly, tilting his head to the side, “How does it feel Star Swirl, that some ten year old playing dress up made a better alicorn than you will ever be?”

She glowered, body tensing dangerously, “Don’t you... say that SHIT!”

“Star Swirl!”

Fluttershy just gasped as Star Swirl took flight, diving straight at Starhammer. He just laughed and stepped back, Icoxal diving in to tackle the alicorn out of the air. They slammed into the dirt together, the zebra using his more compact bulk to keep her pinned and unable to bring her horn to bear.

After a moment Fluttershy shouted, her voice sharp, “Stop that right now Star Swirl!”

She didn’t listen, the fight going on for a couple of seconds before Starhammer drew a pistol from his side and pressed it against Star Swirl’s temple, “Words of advice Star Swirl. You better watch yourself out there, before you go the same way as your sister. And for all her poor judgement she at least had style and smarts. You? You’re just a dumbass, pissing all over every opportunity given to you.”

Dust spoke coldly, “Just let her go. You’ve made your point.”

Starhammer’s smile held a dark glint as he stepped away, reholstering his pistol. He paused for a moment before waving his hoof to his general, “Let her go.”

Icoxal looked reluctant, frozen for a moment before suddenly bringing his hoof down and striking Star Swirl hard in the face. He then moved away, shoving her towards the others and trotting back to Star Hammer’s side with an imperious grimace.

Star Swirl groggily staggered to her hooves, Dust glaring at her for a moment before looking up at Starhammer, “I think you’ve outstayed your welcome.”

“Point taken.” He nodded before looking up at Xioko, tone breezy and casual, “Shall we be off?”

He answered as stiffly as ever, eyes still firmly focused on Star Swirl, “At your command sir.”

They both went to leave, Fluttershy hesistating a moment before trotting over to Star Swirl. The mare’s eye was already swelling up, lip bleeding slightly. Fluttershy swallowed the knowledge that she deserved it, remembering her element, “Star Swirl, let me have a look at that.”

“It’s fine.” Star Swirl declared firmly, stalking away into the distance, “Just leave me alone.”

Fluttershy seethed for a moment, wanting to yell something out after her. Star Hammer had not been wrong, and maybe Fluttershy might have respected Star Swirl a little more if she had just picked one allegiance and stuck with it. As it was Fluttershy had to consider her not only an idiot, but an indecisive, disloyal one. She had betrayed the Goddess, betrayed the Followers, betrayed Zenai, betrayed Star Hammer...

Well, Fluttershy was going to be keeping a firm eye on her.

“Please don’t judge her.”

Fluttershy sighed, turning to Zenai. The little zebra looked frazzled, Fluttershy noting the zebra obviously wasn’t sleeping or eating as much as she should, “I don’t think she’s a bad mare Zenai, just... that I feel we should watch her.”

Zenai curled her lip, voice weak, “For what?”

Fluttershy closed her eyes, not sure how to feel about these two. Neither of them were suited for this, Star Swirl’s lack of conviction leading her from one disaster to the next and Zenai... wasting away before her eyes, “She’s desperate for love and acceptance Zenai, you know that. She betrayed the Followers for you, and... “

“She betrayed us for Star Hammer.”

Fluttershy knew that was unfair, even if she had thought the same thing only a moment previous, “No, that’s not...”

“I know what you’re talking about Fluttershy, I’m not... stupid.” She shivered for a moment before looking back at Fluttershy, eyes hollow and lost, “I’m scared of her. Star Swirl used to hate fighting, used to cry when her temper caused her to lash out and dent some furniture. Now... I think she would have killed Star Hammer if she had the chance.”

Fluttershy lowered her head, lost once more in the past. She knew how that felt, how... terrifying it was to see a pony you didn’t know behind the mask of a pony familiar to you, “You know... you know that me and Rainbow Dash used to be best friends?”

Zenai nodded hollowly.

“Well... as I got more into my role at the ministries I made it a point to check up on my friends, asked Pinkie to feed me secret information. And of course, I made a point to check up on her in particular, knowing that Dash wasn’t always... the most responsible of ponies.” She shivered despite herself, remembering their first meeting after Fluttershy had found out what she had been doing. Rainbow Dash had been the same mare as she ever was, brash, cheerful and passionate, boasting about her daughter and flashing her charm at every pony who came by... “Rainbow Dash was head of the Equestrian Secret Service. She ordered assassinations, she helped Pinkie apprehend traitors, she ordered sabotage attempts on key zebra facilities that killed hundreds. She had personally killed seventeen ponies and zebra. All that had worked with her on those jobs reported that she was a very good assassin.”

Zenai paused for a moment before finally speaking, “But she was still a good pony wasn’t she? None of the records I’ve heard of reveal anything terrible about her, quite the opposite.”

Fluttershy smiled. Zenai was right, Rainbow Dash had been a good pony. The best of them really, tied perhaps with Rarity. Ironic, that the two she had once seen as most flawed would be the only ones to really cope with the war without losing their souls, “She was a wonderful pony. And that’s why you shouldn’t judge Star Swirl too harshly.” She paused for a moment before adding something, knowing that the circumstances were a little different, “But I think Rainbow Dash was able to stay a good person despite the things she did because she had a good family who cared about her. Star Swirl is going to need that.”

Zenai looked hesitant, a little scared. She avoided Fluttershy’s gaze, voice low, “I’ll do my best...”

“I know you will Zenai.” Fluttershy stated warmly, patting the zebra on the shoulder with a hoof, “Now let’s get back to the others before they start wondering where we are.”


The ceremony had almost wrapped up now, leaving Fluttershy wondering what to do next. It didn’t take long to decide, she had promised just an hour ago to speak with Ace Gold, and she had wanted to talk with him for unrelated issues even beforehoof.

She finally found him a way off from the others, in a little canyon that had once been a stream by the looks of it, shielded from watchful eyes by mounds of dirt. Ace walked the long dry surface, moving through careful, deliberate, stances and moves, stretching his muscles and carefully smoothing out the imperfections in his form. It reminded her of Angel Bunny, remembering the hours he spent running through the same routines. She was well aware that Angel had made enough of a name for himself that even two hundred years later some of the moves Ace was practicing were ones that Angel had inspired.

She stepped down the rocky, partially collapsed route down to the canyon floor, surprised when Ace’s ears pricked and he looked straight at her. After a moment he spoke, his voice shaking a little in fear, “Fluttershy, is that you?”

She frowned, indeed suspecting something was going on here, “How did you know it was me?”

“You have a fairly unique size, shape and density among those here.” He answered softly and clinically, “I heard your hooves hit the ground.”

That was a fairly reasonable answer from Ace. She was well aware just how sharp he was after all. Still... “How did you find this place? Get around without anypony to guide you?”

Now he hesitated, “...practice.”

“Please Ace Gold.” She stated pleadingly, admitting to putting it on a bit for the purposes of emotional blackmail, “I know there’s something going on with you.”

“What? There’s nothing.”

His tone was a little too convincing. She would have to tell him off for lying later on, he seemed a little too good at it, “You shouldn’t have adapted to losing your sight so quickly, and Radhi told me how you’ve been avoiding his questions.”

“I...” He sighed, shaking his head mournfully, “I’m sorry, but she told me to keep it quiet for now. I’ve... had a teacher. She’s blind too, and she’s been teaching me how to use my hooves and horn to see. It’s still... limited, and difficult, but it turns out I’m as good at it as I am at everything else.”

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow. Whoever it was had been keeping their presence very quiet, “Who?”

“I don’t know her name. She’s old, and she knows magic and martial arts. She’s hiding behind a stealth cloak, keeping close and teaching me whenever she has a chance. She helped me escape from Starhammer...” He paused, voice falling, “Swift Crimson met her. He’s the only one who saw her face.”

Fluttershy took a quick breath, realising the connection far too late, “A cloaked figure helped me escape too, helped me collect explosives to draw attention away from you. I never saw her face, but she was a zebra. And two nights ago Dust’s life was saved by a old zebra who fought off Starhammer’s assassin.”

Ace nodded glumly, “She’s a good mare. I wouldn’t have got this far without her.”

“But why wouldn’t she want you to see her face?”

“Maybe she’s shy?”

Fluttershy wanted to cast doubt on that but... then she was one to talk. She would have hidden behind a zebra stealth cloak all day when she was younger, and she remembered Littlepip’s companion Zenith used to do the same. She imagined given their utility a lot of zebra found it reassuring to know no pony was looking at them, and could sympathise with those feelings, “So... you can see?”

Ace Gold pursed his lips, sliding a hoof across the ground, “Only about fifteen meters around me. And... I have to concentrate to really work out who ponies are, at least those of similar builds.” He paused a second before speaking again, soft and a little curious, “Parts of your body are made of wood Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy frowned, feeling a little... creeped out, “Stop that.”


She pouted for a moment or two before rolling her eyes and regaining her composure, “Just be careful Ace. It’s rude to stare.” She allowed a little smile to emerge, “And I know, yes. I guess my transformation back into a pony wasn’t entirely complete.”

“I guess...” Ace stated softly, “Anyway... I can get around ok now, though it’s still weird. To have to concentrate all the time just to see, and only in this small bubble. But still, I can’t complain... she’s helped me to see again, improve my magic more than I ever thought possible.”

“And she’s why you want to leave?”

Radhi told you that?


Ace Gold nodded, looking stubborn, “She told me that I have to go with Dust and the others. That I have to be a hero, that I have something important to do.”

Fluttershy frowned disapprovingly. She would have to have a word with this zebra about child endangerment, “Haven’t you suffered enough Ace? Let somepony else do it, there’s plenty of capable mares and stallions around.”

He just frowned at her, “If it was that easy, Littlepip could have just turned aside and let my father take care of the wasteland.”

“That was different...”

“Or you could have made way for a pony far more worthy to join the elements of harmony.”

Fluttershy winced. That was... low. She couldn’t suppress a little surge of anger towards Ace for saying such a terrible thing, “...I wish they had... I was a terrible element...”

“So why didn’t you?”

She wished he would just shut up. She squirmed under the questioning, “They wouldn’t let me...”

Ace gave her a disproving pout, “I don’t understand how you can be so... blind about yourself Fluttershy.”

This felt very weird. He was her student, and about a sixth of her age. He should not be... interrogating her like this, “...stop Ace, this isn’t about me...”

“You stayed with the elements for the same reason you formed the Ministry of Peace, discovered War Fatigue Syndrome, tried to stop the war, saved those civilians from the Enclave, enfranchised the Hellhounds and came here.” Ace stated boldly, “No pony was forcing you to do those things. You did them because they were...”

She frowned, going to turn away. She didn’t want to listen to this, “...the wrong thing to do.”

“No.” Ace grabbed her as she turned her head, surprising her. She blushed, squirmed at his manhandling. He didn’t loosen his grip as she struggled, his voice still firm and confident, “Ponies reacted in the wrong way. You were a good mare in an evil world, and they deserved the end they got. That’s why you’re here now, and they’re not.”

Fluttershy felt the anger grow. He couldn’t insult those who died like that, “No Ace! It wasn’t... it wasn’t like that.”

Ace pouted angrily, “You survived the war because you were the only pure, decent thing about the old world. And I’m going to follow your example.”

She wilted, her head dropping, “No... please don’t...”

“I’m not going to stop doing what I think is right. Even if others disagree. Even if you disagree.” He frowned challengingly at her, “And neither are you.”

“Ace...” She couldn’t help smiling a little at him. He had so much faith in her, when everypony else seemed to constantly criticize her. She didn’t think it was right or healthy, but she was grateful none the less, “Please, don’t be silly. You’re blind, and far too young. I’m far too old, and have more medical conditions that I can name.”

“There’s always going to be an excuse Fluttershy.” Ace countered testily, “Look at Littlepip. She was never a very likely hero either. Nor was Tradash back there, I read his history. He was just like her, a naive rube from a farming community forced to survive in the wasteland.”

“Then... why us Ace?” She sighed, wishing that the good, gentle mares of this world would just be left in peace, “Why me? Ponies only listened to me because of the Element of Kindness, and the only reason I had that was...”

“Because we’re here Fluttershy.” He stated firmly, “Because we’re here, and the opportunity’s been given to us. And at that point it doesn’t matter if you think you’re unworthy, or unsuited. The opportunities been given, and you would be a coward to turn aside.”

She always thought herself a coward. Still he was right that she had eventually realised that she would not be able to live with herself if she had truly abandoned her friends to hide under her bed. She had given up plenty of opportunities to just give up her role, unable to turn aside when a clear injustice had presented itself before her eyes.

Ace Gold really did have her at a disadvantage this time. It was... disturbing, to be so totally figured out by a buck a fraction of her age, “Where did you get all this from?”

“From her... from the zebra.”

“She sounds... pretty wise.” Fluttershy smiled softly, remembering Zecora, “She really reminds me of a zebra I used to know. She always had a way of making me feel stupid too.”

“She reminds me of you actually.” Ace stated, a little hesitantly, “She’s been around a long time, and she’s experienced so much. There’s a whole lifetime in your eyes Fluttershy, and that just makes me realise how amazing the world really is.”

Fluttershy let her head drop.

“And that’s true no matter how much you deny it.” He offered a hoof, “Fluttershy, come with me. I know you can still be a hero.”

“I... have my doubts.” She smiled despite herself, extending a hoof towards the buck and feeling a little tingle of excitement, “But I’m willing to take the chance.”


It was finally time.

At least they were well equipped. The children couldn’t take everything of course, travelling without any sort of transportation, and there was a lot of loot from recent events to choose from. Fluttershy had finally had a chance to grab hold of another zebra stealth cloak, not quite as pretty as the one she had left back in Demonivore but still making her feel just a little more like herself again. She had also taken a shine to the armor Starhammer’s assassins had been wearing, finding it light, easy to move in, fully concealing and capable of incorporating her stoma bag and medical supplies. She had accessorised it with some green fabric and some delicate stitching, working closely with the little zebra Xeni. She was quite proud of the result, both functional and near identical to the famous uniforms worn by the zebra assassins of the Epic Era. Zenai had firmly refused any armor as such, eventually settling for a simple reinforced cloak, her saddlebags containing another set of medical supplies. Dust was still wearing his now familiar power armor, and had added a zebra assault rifle to his current arsenal of rifle and shotgun, pretty much a walking armory by this point. Ace Gold was wearing some security guard barding, complete with reinforced full wrap glasses to hide his eyes. He was no longer carrying his big heavy guns given to him by his father Fluttershy noticed, wondering what he had done with them.

Star Swirl was the most impressive, apparently wearing an outfit originally intended for Luna. She had been told Luna had eventually abandoned it due to its weight, Star Swirl however wore it confidently and straight backed. Plate armor of polished steel covered her most vulnerable areas, supplemented by a undershirt of bullet proof Kevlar. It had once been as frilly as any of Luna’s other outfits, Star Swirl however had mostly stripped it save a few purple slips of cloth around her shoulders and flanks. Fluttershy had to admit that naked or in civilian clothes Star Swirl looked awkward, heavy framed and very plain and boyish, making it all the more astonishing how impressive and dignified she looked now. Armor suited her, plainness transformed into solid, honest dignity.

Fluttershy took a deep breath and trotted over to her, wanting to at least try and give her a chance. Putting this sense of awkwardness behind them was a worthy goal in itself, they would never have a chance out there if two of the group couldn’t even speak to one another, “You’re not wearing your crown.”

Star Swirl looked down at Fluttershy in suprise, a brief flash of the shy mare she had once been. Then she shook her head, cool and firm once more, “No. I’m not a princess, I don’t rule anything.”

“Would you like to?” Fluttershy asked the question softly, “Did you want to lead these children to safety?”

“No... to both questions.” Vulnerability suddenly broke across her body, the confidence and dignity shattered in a moment, “I’m angry, I’m... frustrated. I want to punish bad ponies, I want to make this world a better place. I want to build an army, an army capable of wiping the wasteland clean.”

Fluttershy took a step back, trying hard to keep her expression neutral, “That sounds like...”

“The Goddess. Like many of the Star Demons too. Like Luna, when she was in her darkest places. Like me... twice.”

Fluttershy cocked her head, “Twice?”

Star Swirl looked embarrassed, and slightly guilty for a moment before she corrected herself, “Like... like me when I was Justicar of the Goddess. And like Char when her second host was killed.”

Fluttershy shivered involuntarily. She knew they had agreed to... accept this part of Star Swirl and Luna, and that they hadn’t done anything bad yet. She even sympathised with the concept that a being shouldn’t be judged simply for its species, indeed she continued to live it in her work with the Hellhounds.

Still, Star Swirl had a demon inside her, and it was getting a little too close, “Star Swirl, that wasn’t just a slip of the tongue. Who are you, really?”

Star Swirl looked ashamed, then angry... then she smiled, a little strained but still fairly genuine looking, “She told me this would happen. That over time, the differences between us would fade. She was right, it’s not so bad at all.”

Fluttershy pursed her lips, unsure what to say. In truth... she found the very concept terrifying.

“You know what’s really funny Fluttershy?” Star Swirl announced with a tiny bit of anger in her voice, “It was Char who gave up a lot of her individuality, her personality, just so she could draw closer to me. And you know why?” Star Swirl looked away, shame in her expression, “Because I was falling apart over Luna’s death. Because she was my sister, and I wanted to... set the whole fucking wasteland on fire. I wanted to use her power to hurt and destroy. So she sacrificed herself in order to save me from my own stupidity, to give me the wisdom I lacked.”

Fluttershy dropped her head, wondering if she was wrong to distrust, “I’m sorry Star Swirl. Maybe I am wrong. Maybe my experiences with Nightmare Moon are effecting my judgement.”

“You know what Char told me about Nightmare Moon Fluttershy?”Star Swirl sighed, moody and angry, “She said that the Star Demon Luna chose was a newborn, an innocent. That everything the Nightmare Forces were, Luna gave to them.”


“We’re the real monsters Fluttershy. I think you worked that out back during the great war. I...” Star Swirl’s head suddenly came up, eyes widening, “Oh, Esau!”

“Any reason why you’re so surprised?” The bandaged zebra stated coldly as he advanced towards them, fully outfitted for combat, “I’m still tasked to keep an eye on you.”

“Yes, I...” Star Swirl blushed a little, once more looking like the goofy scholar, “I’m glad you’re here.”

Easu’s eyes widened slightly before narrowing again, voice dangerously low, “Let’s not get too attached...” He nodded as he approached, growly voice respectful, “Lady Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy tensed a little, finding the zebra very creepy, “I’m not a lady.”

“Yes you are. You bore a element of harmony, have a list of great deeds stretching back hundreds of years and... continue to be a good and honourable mare even now.” He glared softly at her, “Do not deny what you are.”

She blushed, “Um... thank you...”

“Don’t thank me for noticing the obvious.”

She blinked as he walked past, grumpy and evasive once more. She pouted a little, looking across at Star Swirl, “He’s a very strange zebra.”

“We’re ponies to talk.” Star Swirl mentioned dryly as she kept her eyes on the stallion, “I’m glad he’s here though.”

Hmm... Fluttershy looked up at Star Swirl, contemplating that expression for a moment or two. Did Star Swirl have a bit of a crush... on the demon slayer who hated her and quite obviously had more issues than hoofstitch weekly?

That was bound to end well.


They met up with Ace Gold at the exit, the buck and Radhi both standing a short way away from each other looking uncomfortable and angry. Fluttershy decided not to ask, just giving Ace a reassuring smile which he reluctantly made an attempt at returning.

“I’m sorry you all have to leave.” Radhi stated, his normal calm professionalism sounding a little more frayed than normal, “But we’ve talked enough about it. I can only... thank you for your aid and wish you luck in the future.”

Dust grinned and went over to exchange final pleasantries, Fluttershy intercepting Ace Gold as he came over. She caught the buck’s attention and he trotted over obediently, Fluttershy giving him a smile, “Are you alright?”

“Yeah...” He stated grumpily, “Radhi doesn’t understand. I don’t understand.” He looked up, “Am I being foolish? Trusting so much to some... crazy zebra and my own gut, over all common sense.”

Fluttershy chuckled, a childish vim in her heart, “You’re asking the wrong mare.”

“I think that’s why I like you Fluttershy.” He gave her a reluctant smile, “You know, you’re looking younger and more energetic than ever. You always used to complain about your aching joints, or get out of breath when you were forced to hurry even a little.”

Fluttershy took a moment to consider this. He was right, she was... surprising herself. She guessed she hadn’t considered it because she was honestly used to surprising herself. She had never been athletic, yet when it had mattered... but still, she knew she had limits, and knew she would have to pay for her increased activity eventually, “Ace, let me tell you something.”

He looked at her questioningly, “Yes?”

“I’m... old, and I’ve already had a few scares. Back in that fight in Ebonlode Fortress I had to restart my own heart to stop myself from having a cardiac arrest, right in the middle of a fight.”


“I honestly don’t mind.” She smiled at him, “I’m glad I got a chance to go on one last adventure, and I intend to give it everything I have.”

“I guess... we could all die here. I already got close.” He turned his head aside, lip curling, “When my dad... I thought about it a lot. How fragile this all was.”


“He was like... the greatest fighter ever. And all it took was the slightest lapse of concentration.” His lips narrowed, determined, “And now I’ve almost died myself. I’m... kind of glad. I feel... like I understand a little more now.”

Fluttershy smiled, patting him on the head, “Nothing like a near death experience to make you grow up.”

“Do we go to heaven when we die? Some sort of... fluffy cloud place?”

Fluttershy sighed, not really an expert. But she had answered this question many times before, “I haven’t experienced it myself Ace...”

“I know...”

“Princess Luna once told me that... something in us lives on in dreams, a memory, of what we were. But that our real selves... go beyond.” Fluttershy smiled, shrugging her shoulders softly, “She didn’t know what was beyond, save that there was something. I think Celestia knew, but... she would never tell me.”

Ace turned his head down, “I guess you spoke about it...”

Fluttershy sighed, turning her eyes upwards, “I told her once... that I was scared of dying, because that meant I would have to see my friends again. That I wouldn’t know what to say to them.” Fluttershy chuckled, feeling her heart warm just a little, “Celestia chided me, asked me if I had considered all the ponies that would be waiting for her.”

“Careful Fluttershy.” Ace Gold stated deadpan, “You spoke to Celestia after all your friends had died?”

Fluttershy’s stomach did a little flip, “Agh!”

“Don’t worry... my dad’s even worse.”

Fluttershy looked down at the buck for a moment or two before grinning, “You shouldn’t tease your elders. And... well, I think you’re old enough to know.”

“She’s in the SPP isn’t she?”


“So we don’t know what happened to her either?”

“No, we don’t.” Fluttershy sighed, not really wanting to dwell on this. It was all a very long way away, “I’m sure it’s already fixed Ace. Your father got inside, repaired some wiring and everything is back to normal. We’re not really getting regular news updates here.”

“You’re more optimistic than me...”

Fluttershy frowned at the gloomy buck before looking over to Dust as he finished his conversation and walked over to them. She gave him a sweet little smile, rather pleased when he gave her a smile back. She drew herself up and went to meet him, “So, what is the plan from here?”

“Well, we’re not exactly spoilt for choice.” Dust looked at them all, shrugging his shoulders, “I wanted to advance further into the zebra territories, towards Clendal and Garm, but the kids are heading that way and I don’t want to shadow them.”

More like Radhi didn’t want them around Fluttershy thought, but the point was still valid.

“We can’t risk going back towards Caesar, there’s nothing interesting up north... so our only option is south, and luck have it, we do have one pressing engagement down there.”

Star Swirl nodded glumly, “The Lost Legion. They wanted to meet with us.”

“So we do that. Try and get some work with them, gain their trust. With that we might be able to leverage some political pressure towards peace, from what I hear the Lost Legion are pretty sympathetic to that option.”

Ace grunted, “Ironically enough.”

“Well they have two overriding orders. To attack Equestria, and to maintain, upgrade and replenish their numbers and resources.” Dust gave them a grin, “Equestria doesn’t exist anymore, and the NCR has an extremely impressive electronics industry. I’m sure we’ll be able to tempt them towards supporting peace.”

“Seems... our best option.” Fluttershy commented, though she couldn’t say she was ever very comfortable with robots. Still she reasoned it was prejudice rather than any special insight, “Lead on I guess.”


They exited the park for the last time in silence, no pony feeling much like talking. The once cheery entrance was soon at their backs, their little group trooping down the long, silent roads.

Dust led from the front and Fluttershy moved up to meet him, noticing he was staring at his pipbuck in irritation, occasionally fiddling with the open neck of his power armor. She gave him a questioning look as she approached, “Having problems with your suit?”

“I... guess.” He sighed, “To be honest I think this is something you would be better at than me. I’m just making things worse I’m sure.”

She raised an eyebrow, “I’m... not exactly good with machines...”

“It’s not a mechanical failure, it’s...” He sighed, deflating slightly, “It’s the suit’s AI. She’s... gone on strike pretty much, and I’m now realising just how much I relied on her. I have no idea how to work this shit on my own.”

Fluttershy still wasn’t quite seeing the point here, “I’m not trained in heavy armor either, and I’m know nothing about artificial intelligences...”

“You know about children... well... teenagers.” Dust hesitated for a moment before giving a frustrated grunt, the worry finally bubbling up clearly across his face, “Puppy, the suit’s artificial intelligence... Luna was her friend. She’s taking it badly, and I don’t know how to make it better.”

“Don’t try Dust.” Fluttershy spoke softly, rather touched by his concern. She was... aware of Puppy, but had to admit she was unsure of the full story. Still she had heard how attached Dust Kicker was to his AI, and it hurt to see him so upset about her, “You can’t say the right words, do the right thing, and make it all go away.”

“Then how...?”

“Be willing to listen Dust, however she wants to say it. And just be there for her.” Fluttershy smiled softly at him, “Don’t tell her how to feel, let her tell you how she feels.”

“Yeah... thanks.” Dust smiled softly, chuckling a little, “I’m... no good with kids.”

“Yes you are.” She grinned back, unable to keep herself from being charmed a little, “Those children back there idolised you.”

“I... that doesn’t count. I was their commander, I just... talked to them like they were adults. Soldiers.”

She smiled, looking away. She had to admit that she admired Dust’s lack of pretention. He reminded her of Calamity in many ways, and had a similar way with children. It hurt a little, seeing them making the same mistake, their concern leading them to try and fix with words and action what really needed patience and understanding, “Maybe that’s what they needed Dust.”

“I guess...”

“And I’m not exactly an expert with kids.” She stated sadly, shaking her head as the bad memories returned, “I did all of my work with soldiers, just back from the front lines. My treatment of my own children was... appalling.”


She moved to steer this subject elsewhere, not really wanting to talk about this, “Do you have... any of your own children?”

“I don’t think so.” He commented gingerly, before shrugging, “I wasn’t always that careful when I was younger... well, even after.” He looked across at her, eyes reflective and a little sad, “When you’re stuck in a bad situation, a long way from hope, with certain death just a few hours away... well, I’ve been in a lot of those situations, and endured them with good comrades. And a lot of those times I’ve taken comfort with them, survived to fight another day... and a lot of them, I never see again. Mercenaries are mercenaries, and the wasteland is a big place. I’ve never had any mare come up to me asking me to take responsibility, but... you just don’t know.”

Fluttershy thought that sounded... rather sweet actually, “Well... I’m not in any position to judge.”


Fluttershy was a long way past blushing about such things, “I was young once. And naive, and pretty, and tormented with low self esteem and social anxiety.” She bit her lip, closing her eyes at the memories, “Rainbow Dash couldn’t always be there to look after me.”

Dust grinned, “Any stupid crap done before you’re thirty is totally forgivable.”

“I guess... at least I’m pretty sure I haven’t got any children I don’t know about. Not that it really excuses me.”

“The past is a long time ago Fluttershy.” He looked ahead, kind yet determined, “I’ve survived this long by focusing on what’s ahead.”

Fluttershy wished she could do that, “And what’s ahead for you Dust Kicker?”

He turned, grinning broadly, “You, for a start.”

“No.” She spoke, her soul splintering at the grim finality behind those words, “I... can’t.”

“Ok...” Dust stated, clearly disappointed, “But may I ask why?”

Fluttershy shivered, feeling her muscles tighten. All the same she wanted to tell him, wanted to get in out there, “Because I’m a terrible mare. I don’t deserve it.”


“Stop it.” She interrupted him quickly, glaring back at him, “You don’t know what I’ve done. My last relationship...” She took a deep breath, forcing the words out, “...every relationship I’ve ever had, I’ve abandoned, run away from. I’ve left a trail of broken hearts and destroyed lives because of my own selfishness. You don’t need that Dust.”

Dust gave her a tiny grin, “I’ve not exactly been one for settling down myself.”

“You never married anyone. You never swore eternal friendship.” She countered angrily, bringing her head up in anger, “I watched the... pony who I had led along with lies and false affection, who I had used for some cheap comfort when they had been most at need... I watched them sacrifice their life for me, give up everything for me! Their last words... they said they loved me, and couldn’t let me die!”

Dust paused for a moment, seeming to be working something out in his head. Finally he spoke, kind and gentle, “Element of Generosity Fluttershy. I’m sure she would forgive you.”

She winced back a little, feeling the truth like a blow in the face, “How... how did you...?”

“Chigaru told us actually, though I didn’t believe it until it tallied up with what you just said.” Dust quickly nodded to her, “I’m not about to spread it around, don’t worry.”

“Maybe you should.” She stated with weary resignation. After this she doubted he would want a relationship with her, “Maybe then they’ll all finally accept I’m a terrible pony and leave me alone.”

“You’re not a terrible pony...”

“I didn’t notice.”


“That Rarity had cut her soul into pieces.” Fluttershy muttered angrily, wanting nothing more than to... dash her own head against the rocks, “I’m a psychologist and I didn’t notice my best friend had cut her soul into pieces.”

“I can’t imagine the symptoms of that are in any textbooks.” Dust motioned a hoof at her, “Plus you were rather stressed yourself I seem to recall.”

“It’s a good job Spike’s dead.” Fluttershy stated with genuine cheer and amusement, not even caring that it was horribly inappropriate and terrible, “Though I’d love to see his reaction to the fact that I was sleeping with his marefriend.”

“Fluttershy... given everything, I can’t help but suspect he already knows.” Dust gave her a searching, pleading look, “And that’s what gets you isn’t it? That everypony knows what you’ve done, and they forgive you for it.”

Fluttershy shook, her soul chilled by Dust’s words. She remembered that damn tape, recordings of hundreds of ponies saying they forgave her. The statuettes, shards of Rarity’s soul imprinted with the personalities of her friends, all saying that forgave her.

It hurt. She couldn’t bear to listen. Because in the end, “It’s always been about who I was. If some ugly little diamond dog had done the same thing, would ponies be so quick to forgive? They weren’t forgiving me. They were simply choosing to polish up something that had once been precious, built a castle of glass to protect their dreams of a bright yesterday.” She grunted angrily, clenching her teeth, “And even that wasn’t about me. The others were always the heroes, I just tagged along and tried not to get in the way. I’m being forgiven because I was friends with mares of real worth.”

“Your friends knew you Fluttershy. You just said that Rarity would have forgiven you.”

“Yes, Rarity forgave me. Of course Rarity forgave me!” Fluttershy spat the words, wishing the mare was here now, here so Fluttershy could throttle her for what she did. Did she realise, that every kind word, every scrap of generosity would burn like a hot coal in her chest? She had cursed Fluttershy with her forgiveness, reminding Fluttershy just how wretched she truly was, “I used her, I ignored her needs, I took advantage of her weakness! And it’s not up to her whether I’m forgiven or not, because I still have to look in the mirror each morning!”

“Fluttershy, if you can’t see the good you’ve done...”

“Velvet Remedy did more with my name than I ever did.” Fluttershy spat, feeling her muscles bunch in furious anger, “And for all your talk of Rarity, you’re forgetting somepony else.”

He took a soft breath before answering, “Who?”

“Rainbow Dash was my oldest friend. She knew me better than anyone.” Fluttershy felt the energy drain out of her as she spoke the words, “And she hated me to her last breath.”

Dust’s tone became slightly more challenging now as he advanced towards her, “Fluttershy, now you’re just making things up to justify your self loathing...”

She turned on him, glumly staring him in the face, “Can you say differently?”

“She was a spy Fluttershy, she didn’t leave copies of her personal opinions around for others to read.” Dust spoke softly, comfortingly, “And she knew you were basically committing treason, yet she never did anything about it.”

That was true. Fluttershy had always wondered about that, why Rainbow Dash had never fulfilled her promise. In consideration however the answer was obvious, “She hated me Dust. She just wasn’t prepared for everypony else to hate her too.” She looked up at him challengingly, “I was very close with Rarity, and with Princess Celestia, Applejack and Pinkie Pie too. She simply decided it wasn’t worth earning their condemnation just to see me face justice.”

“Fluttershy... I just hope by the end of this you learn to see yourself as you truly are.” Dust smiled softly before looking towards the mountains ahead, “They say the pilgrim’s path can renew a soul, heal one that’s been broken.”

Fluttershy pouted a little, “We’re going to walk all the way to Garm?”

“If that’s what it takes.” He stated, giving her a wry grin before walking away, “We’ll speak later Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy watched him go, rueful and frustrated... with herself mainly. This wasn’t the first time she had turned someone down who she... liked.

She was scared. Scared like a filly. Of being hurt, of hurting somepony. She still hadn’t changed, even though she pretended to be so confident and together. They... expected her to be so confident and together. Dust wanted Fluttershy, the ministry mare, element of harmony, and she wasn’t her. None of them were. She had heard ponies talk of the legends from before the war and didn’t recognise any of them, and eventually came to peace with that. It was churlish to replace the larger than life heroes with her dear friends.

But there she was, a living insult to a legend. A crack, in a castle of beautiful glass.


“First of all, we have some breaking news from Anatu, out there among the spikes and stone. King Aridari is finally dead, slain by his brother Kojir in a duel under the old laws.”

“At least he didn’t lower the sun out of spite when he lost.”

“Yet another reason to be happy at this news folks.”

“Heh, I think this wasteland is finally going in the right direction, don’t you Voice? With the death of Aridari at the hoofs of his brother, Rashid dead at the hooves of Starhammer, and Olanrewaju dead at the hooves of Princess Luna, that’s three for three on thugs with crowns. Themba better be watching his flank, that’s all I’m saying.”

“Now Sharps, it’s not nice to taunt a washed up old buck.”

“Heh, that’s true. I’m not even sure that zebra is worth killing anymore.”

“And I have even more news for you on the death of Aridari folks, because there’s yet another trend that this old DJ is finding very encouraging. You see Aridari’s brother had been on the run for years, never having the strength to take the offensive.”

“’So what changed?’ I hear the children cry. Tell ‘em Voice.”

“I have eye witness testimony that standing alongside Kojir was none other than the Steel Maiden and her companions, a group but three strong taking on Aridari’s troops by the dozen.”

“Oh, and for those who are still wondering what happened to Bitter Fennel, I have reports of a pony matching his description fighting off a group of raiders alongside the Fuchsia Witch of all ponies, saving the little town of Natai. Apparently the two seem to be well acquainted.”

“A pony that is reported as taking anti tank rounds to the chest without flinching, and a unicorn that has been observed turning her enemies inside out with a single spell.”

“I wouldn’t mess with them.”

“And this makes this proud, if slightly moldy zebra rather disappointed folks. All these ponies, running around being heroes? Where are my brothers, out there preaching in the darkness? Because right now the only zebra worth a damn are Starhammer, my good brother Tradash, Tandia and the Steel Maiden’s companion. I mean my good buddy Voice here might be unaesthetically winged and colourful, but at least he was balanced out by a few good stripes... or as many stripes as I have left anyway.”

“Just interjecting here now Sharps has mentioned me, but we really need names for the Steel Maiden’s companions, since the best we’ve got so far is ‘big damn minotaur’ and ‘quiet moody zebra’.”

“Not that that doesn’t describe an entire race guys. That guy’s probably moody because he’s the only damn zebra willing to actually get his hooves dirty. Did the good work we did really convince you that the fight was over? All you out there sitting fat and happy out in the heartlands, blaming my good sister Tandia for not going out there and making you even fatter and happier?”

“Is this a rant I see coming Sharps?”

“You bet your pretty ass it is. Because I’ll remind you that Tandia’s pushing into her sixtieth year, and I’m boasting twice that. So maybe it’s time for all of you whining little foals to step up and stop letting these ponies show you how it’s done. I mean, damn!”

“And that was Sharps, reminding you that shooting bad guys is a cross species activity. And I think that calls for something suitably inspiring and patriotic... ‘Ode to the Zebra Republics’ Sharps?”

“Blast that shit Voice, that’s my fucking anthem.”


The route ahead was as the map described, which was something to be thankful for at least. Increasing in gradient and shifting from pale brown to orange stone, the great mountain Dasthono’koki looming on their left giving them a landmark to orientate themselves. They were approaching a selection of impressive rock formations called the ‘broken mountain’, so called because at a distance it stood beside it’s brothers as one of the many mighty mountains looming up towards the sky. Up close and from the side however it was apparently that it was in fact made up of many separate formations of rock, some of which had fallen against each other, some of which stood alone and proud. It formed a maze of little valleys and canyons, which was apparently why the hills beyond used to be where many military outposts and facilities were located, only easily accessible by air. One of them was apparently where the lost legion made their outpost.

They didn’t have that luxury now, but had been assured that the still active defences and dangerous beasts in this area had all been pretty much hunted to extinction by the local tribe, the Sequesta. They were apparently the same tribe that had officiated the duel between Luna and Starhammer, and from what Fluttershy had heard so far appeared to be a whole tribe of testosterone addled meatheads. Not that she liked to judge before meeting a pony in person but...

Dust spoke suddenly, voice warning, “Up ahead, do you see that?”

Fluttershy looked up, shielding her eyes from the sun. There was indeed a figure on the ridge ahead, pony sized and clad in a brown robe, “Recognise them?”

“We need to take another route.” Dust stated with a note of clear concern in his voice, “This way...”

Fluttershy turned to follow as he set off for the opposite fork... only to see that same figure standing waiting for them in that direction too, a little closer this time. She turned to look back the way they had came, her heart beating faster to see the same brown cloaked pony watching them from a nearby ledge, “We’re surrounded.”

“That we are.” Dust stated grimly, “Might as well get this over with.”

They advanced forward, drawing ever closer to the strange figure. She wasn’t too distinctive at a distance, her cloak heavy and concealing, the area beneath the hood shrouded in darkness. And then as they drew but thirty meters from her she finally threw back her hood and revealed her face, smirking arrogantly at each of them.

“Fucking damnit...”

“You!” Fluttershy shouted, feeling both anger... and to be honest, terror. She didn’t know what she was doing here, what she wanted... but if her previous encounter with the woman was any indication, it was nothing good, “What do you want?!”

“You know what I want.” Dream Star stated with a smirk, her grey, stringy hair blowing in the breeze, “That armor you’re wearing. Give it to me.”

Star Swirl, who until now had been totally silent, finally growled rather terrifyingly and glared at the unicorn, “This isn’t a good time.”

“I know exactly what time it is. I’ve been watching you for a while now.” Dream Star stated casually, “Quite a mess you made there. You really are worthy wasteland adventurers, leaving nothing but chaos and death in your wake is somewhat of a tradition for your type.”

Zenai spoke up now, frowning angrily, “You saw all that? And you didn’t help?”

“Why should I?” Dream Star questioned, moving towards the group at a slow, leisurely pace, “And frankly, I rather I didn’t. It would have been totally unbalanced, I could have solved the conflict in minutes.”

“Then why didn’t you?! Why just stand there watching it all go to hell!?”

“Entertainment.” Dream Star answered with a mocking smile, “I did my stint in the wasteland, for me the thrill of helping some pathetic little wasteland settlement with their pathetic little problem wore off a long time ago. But let me tell you, watching some hapless neonates completely screw things up never gets boring.”

“Dust, we need take her now...” Zenai whispered.

“Agreed.” He whispered back, “She’s not going to let us go, she’s just psyching us out now. Everyone?”

Fluttershy’s hoof moved for her weapon, her heart quickening. After a moment she moved instead for her chem pocket, already realising this was going to be a hard fight...

Dream Star’s horn sparked, Zenai gasping and hitting the floor with a cry. Her plasma caster clattered to the floor.

“Zenai!” Star Swirl darted forward, a burst of magic exploding from her horn. Dream Star smirked arrogantly and flung her head to the side, redirecting the shot to shatter a nearby rock face. Bullets flew at her but her form disappeared into mist, suddenly reappearing across the canyon in a army, a hundred Dream Star’s all cackling in unison.

Ace Gold stepped, forward, tapping Dust on the shoulder and pointing a hoof, “That one.”

Dust pivoted, his shotgun blast earning a grunt from the elderly unicorn, the other images all disappearing. Dream Star braced herself as she took a few more shots from Esau’s pistols, finally intercepting a horn blast from Star Swirl and flinging it upwards to slam into the rock behind. A cloud of dust billowed forth, obscuring her form for a moment.

She appeared after a second, plummeting to the ground with a corona of magic about her. She hit the rock and it surged forward, spears of yellow stone erupting forward to stab at each of them. Fluttershy managed to dodge just in time, anticipating the blow with a speed she didn’t know she possessed. Ace Gold too just coolly stepped around the attack.

The others were thrown to the ground, Star Swirl cartwheeling for a moment before flapping her wings and managing to land rather awkwardly back on her hooves. Dream Star immediately burst out of the sparkle of teleportation magic right in front of her, seeming to wait for Star Swirl to clumsily charge up a shield spell before slamming a hoof into the glowing horn.

There was a mighty crack of discharging magic and the smell of burnt flesh, Star Swirl crumpling down unconscious and defeated.

“UURRAGH!” Easu launched himself at Dream Star, sweeping aside the last glittering shards of discharged magic and slamming into her head first. She immediately collapsed, her body liquidising into black, gooey tar, Easu stumbling through the substance for a moment or two before it hardened and he collapsed to the ground. A moment later magical lightning blazed forth from the substance, Easu screaming briefly before going still.

“Damn... watch each other’s backs! She’s trying to divide and take us out individually, using her illusions to distract us!” Dust shouted, his eyes moving across every rock and blade of grass, “Stick close, and don’t let...”

Dream Star’s form faded in from a spot of heat haze, blue energy sparking out to hit Dust in the face. He growled and his shotgun blast went wide, Fluttershy just sighting up when Dream Star fired an energy blast that turned her shotgun into a squirming hoard of beetles. She screamed and backed away, Ace Gold’s head moving round in shocked concern, “Fluttershy!”

Dream Star fired a blast of magic at Ace Gold, targeting him while he was distracted. He didn’t even turn his head, simply leaping sideways and letting it thump into earth. Then he ran forward and swept himself up into a spinning kick, Dream Star giving a laugh as she blocked it with a single raised hoof. She barely even flexed, Ace wincing at the impact. Indeed she just smiled, “Clever kid...”

He directed a hard thrust of his hoof straight downwards, Fluttershy momentarily elated as it thumped into her forehead with perfect accuracy. Dream Star grunted... then grinned all the wider. She forced her head back up and he was thrown backwards, painfully off balance and suspended in mid air. Her hoof swept upwards and swiped him out of the air, sending him flying to hit the ground with a painful sounding thud.

“...but still just a kid.”

Her smile was cut short as a shotgun blast struck the ground in front of her, throwing up a cloud of dirt into her face. She yelled, then winced as a rifle shot slammed into her shields at the side of her head. Spittle clearly flew, her jaw shifting slightly against the impact. She growled and turned her head to Dust Kicker, her horn blazing and her form fading... another shotgun blast caught her mid teleport, sending her flying to land sprawling onto her back.

Dust Kicker pulled out a grenade, just about to throw it when a grasping tentacle made of sand burst out of the ground behind, seizing hold of his hoof. He grunted and twisted, kicking out and shattering the tentacle with a sharp kick. It was too late, Dream Star already spinning herself upright, firing a bolt of energy that struck him hard in the chest.

He grunted, staggered backwards, and fired another blast of his shotgun. Dream Star looked surprised as she dodged with a speed and agility she should not have in her advanced years, firing another horn blast that struck him in the shoulder. Dust staggered once again, hoof failing for a moment before he forced himself back upright with a grunt.

Fluttershy ran for Esau’s discarded weapons. She was halfway there when Dream Star teleported, appearing right in front of the off balance Dust Kicker. It took her but a moment to tear his helmet free, draw her hoof back and smack him across the jaw with enough force to break bone. He gasped, shaking and spitting blood, his eyes rolling back...

He fell to the floor, dust flying... and his shotgun discharged, slamming into Dream Star and hurling her backwards. They both landed unmoving in the dirt.

Fluttershy hesitated, eyeing the guns... but Esau was still clearly alive. The others might be in need of seriously medical attention. She shouldered her medical kit and ran to Ace Gold, hoping beyond hope that they were all still alive.

“Forgetting something Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy turned with utter terror shaking her heart, Dream Star strolling forward with not a wound marking her cloaked form. Fluttershy gasped her reply, backing away, “You’re still standing?!”

“Ha!” Dream Star grinned wide, brushing some dirt off her shoulder, “That fat old pony over there got a few lucky hits, but it took me less that a second to heal those pathetic assortment of bruises. I haven’t lost my touch it seems. I took on the lot of you, unarmed and unarmored, and let me assure you that you never stood a chance. Knocking me down was impressive, but that’s all you did.”

“You... you will not...” Fluttershy pooled her courage and stepped forward with eyes wide, glaring at the pony before her with all her resolve. Willing her to back down, to go away... to stop smiling...

“Oh please Fluttershy, like I was going to fall for the same mistake twice.” Dream Star commented sultrily as she endured Fluttershy’s stare without so much as a quiver, “I disabled your magical abilities at the very beginning of the fight. You understand now don’t you?”

Fluttershy backed away, her fear competing with her anger... and her fear was winning, “Understand what?”

“You were never going to win this. The fate of Equestria hangs in the balance, did you really think these buffoons you’ve allied yourself with stood any chance against the combined military power of the Followers, Rangers and Twilight Society?” She smirked, stringy grey hair blowing in the breeze, “And I am as far beyond them as they are beyond you. It’s no idle boast, I have roamed the wasteland for over a hundred years and I have never found anything that could kill me. And that was against the ponies of the old world, where ponies weren’t coddled and protected and made weak by luxury and decadence.”

Fluttershy got her tongue back now, blood boiling. She may have won, but how dare she compound it with this arrogant gloating! “If you’re so powerful, then where were you? Where were you when the Enclave attacked? Where were you when Red Eye enslaved thousands? Why didn’t you activate the single pegasus project?!”

Dream Star’s mouth curled up into a smug smile, “I’ve been asked that one before. You really want to know?”


“Those things are... beneath me.”


Dream Star laughed at Fluttershy’s open mouthed expression, a look of totally self assured arrogance spread across her face, “I have no interest in ruling this world, or believe there’s any point in saving it. Saving a ugly dustbowl, full of ungrateful, greedy fucks who only care about their own money and power?” She shrugged, a broad smirk spread across her haggard, wrinkled face, “Littlepip destroyed herself saving this world, reduced herself to a broken corpse trapped inside a metal tomb. And what did she save? Bickering factions? Poverty, economic inequality, open warfare on the streets?”

“Which you started!” Fluttershy yelled, even as she felt her heart shudder.

“And nopony stopped me. Even if they did, I have enough lawyers behind me that I could shoot a pony dead in the middle of the street and get away scot free.” She cocked her head to the side, raising a wrinkled eyebrow, “I could have saved the world years before Littlepip even crawled out of that hole in the ground, compared to some of the things I’ve done Red Eye, the Goddess and the Enclave would have barely been a speedbump. But to create a world like this? I’m not sure it’s worth even the negligible amount of effort it would have cost me.”

“You...” Fluttershy figured it was worth a try to get something out of this at least. The mare sure liked to talk after all, “How? What are you planning?”

“Oh no.” Dream Star chuckled, shaking a hoof, “I don’t plan on killing you or your friends, so revealing all my plans, though fun, would likely just lead to irritating attempts to foil my master plan in the long run. So I have to leave you ignorant I’m afraid.”

Fluttershy cursed, sure she could get something out of her if she tried. She just had to be less direct... and if she just kept her talking, maybe somepony would come to their rescue, “Wait! Why... why aren’t you going to kill us?”

Dream Star had just turned to walk towards the fallen Dust Kicker, pausing a moment at her question. Eventually she just smiled and answered, “I don’t like killing interesting ponies. I’m sure you and your friends will eventually come to stop me eventually, and a life or death showdown against you lot might provide an acceptable climax. Maybe if you amuse me enough I’ll give you a shiny new position in my new empire. Restore your youth? Bring back your friends?”

Fluttershy’s ears instantly pricked up despite herself, “You can do that?!”

“Yes.” Dream Star’s smirk widened yet further, looking away and continuing to speak as she continued towards Dust Kicker at a lazy pace, “With Puppy-OS under my control, I can do all that and more. That’s the difference between me and Littlepip. She talks a good game, but all she could ever offer was this pathetic, flawed existence. I on the other hand can give you what you really want.”

Fluttershy’s desire blazed through her. Her youth back. Her friends back. A land where no one suffered anymore.

It felt like shattering a glorious glass sculpture built of all her desperate dreams to speak her next words, “All you have ever offered were words Dream Star. You’ve lived in this wasteland for a hundred and forty years, and you’ve offered nothing but promises. Littlepip saved the world at eighteen, after she had been out of the Stable for a year.”

“Which goes to show the foolishness of haste.”

Fluttershy trembled in anger, “You... you’re so...”

“I’m right.” Dream Star stopped for a moment, her words harsh and cold, “I’m right. What have your attempts to make a better world achieved? Your friends attempts to find their destiny and happiness, Twilight Sparkle’s attempt to understand magic and become a Princess? This world is doomed by good intentions, and it’s ponies like you who have to live with that.”

“You... you can’t...”

“Do what? Get away with this?” She snorted, “Win? Rule this world? Save this world? Become a princess? I will do all that and more, because I’m better than you. Because this little display shows just why I never bothered to save you, instead leaving that honor to that smug little whorechild. You were never even worth my time.”

Fluttershy let her head fall. She was right. She was right about everything. Her stare wasn’t working because Fluttershy had nothing to say. She was just getting her friends hurt again...

“So quick to fall in to despair? True power is only of worth inside those who care.”

Fluttershy stiffened at the whisper blowing across her ear. The voice was cool, controlled and elegantly accented. It sounded like... Zecora.

She listened for more, but there was nothing. She might have even imagined it. But it had taking her out of her dark thoughts at least, allowed her to think clearly. Clearly enough to realise why Dream Star had left her conscious, was telling her all this.

To flatter her own ego. To challenge herself, to see if she could get Fluttershy to just sit back and let her take what she wanted. To take satisfaction from mentally destroying an ‘icon’. To have somepony bear witness to her victory.

This was just another attempt to grab attention, to claim self satisfied importance... and Fluttershy would not allow it, “Stop right there Dream Star!”

Dream Star stiffened. After a moment she turned around, her shoulders tense and a slight aura of magic crackling about her. Fluttershy felt a squeak emerge from her throat, taking a step back as Dream glared at her, voice cruel, “What did you say to me?”

“I... I don’t...”

“I didn’t think so.” Dream Star grinned wide, nose high in the air, “Now be a good girl and sit your butt down before you break a hip.”

Fluttershy let her head fall. What had she really expected? Without her stare she had no power over Dream Star. Even with it, what could she really expect to do?

“She says you’ve gone and lost your stare, the power of lies laid bare? Remember your friends and you will find, this loss of power is but a trick... of the mind.”

Fluttershy shook her head, “I can’t...”

“Remember the earth. Remember the events that gave your true self birth. Remember the sky. Remember that day how you learned to fly.”

Fluttershy winced, felt her one good wing flutter under her robes, “I can’t fly, my wing is crippled.”

“For years you struggled against the arrows and slings, yet it was only on the ground you found your wings. Only when you appreciated natures power, were you finally able to truly flower. Always you protested, oh so shy, but when danger threatened did you not take the sky?”

Fluttershy felt something flow through her. She felt the warm, clear air, ruffling through her fur. She remembered the joy of flight, the simple joyful pleasure of opening her wings and feeling the first winds of the morning. She remembered Rainbow Dash, what it had felt like to fly with her.

She felt the wind rush through her, opening her heart to its call. She felt the beat of the earth at her hoof, the power of animal and plant that she had taken strength from so many times. The voice was right. She had never understood it, never wanted to understand. Her wings had always been weak, her command of the air currents and proper stabilisation never coming easy to her. Yet when it had came down to it, she had felt a power flow through her, the air supporting her like an old friend.

And so Fluttershy tensed her body, felt that power wrap itself around her... and flew.

Dream Star gasped and took a step back, eyes wide in confusion and shock, “Im... impossible!”

Fluttershy now stood in front of the mare, dust swirling about her. She had no idea how she had travelled the distance so quickly, and to be honest didn’t care. Her heart was firm once more, invigorated by her tormentor’s momentary weakness. Her eyes blazed, locked on Dream Star’s, “Get away from Dust Kicker.”

“I don’t... did you just teleport? I...” Dream Star shook the questions away, marching forward with murder in her eyes, “Enough! I tried to be gentle with you, but it seems...”

“You only want to save the world now because you’re jealous of her.”

Dream Star tried to look angry, yet the expression flickered and died in moments, “I...”

Fluttershy shouted her worlds, the sense of justice and power flowing through her now making her feel like a young mare again. The words flowed unbidden, fed from a instinctual understanding of what this mare in front of her truly was, “You insult and diminish Littlepip because she’s just a girl to you, yet she achieved more than you ever did! And now you hurt other ponies, lie, cheat, steal, just because you can’t stand that she got there first!”

Dream Star tore her gaze away, teeth grinding and brows furrowing. She shook in anger, gulping back a breath before growling her response, “You’ve always been full of shit Fluttershy, and I have no desire to engage with it any longer. In fact I think it’s time to join your friends.”

Fluttershy gasped as Dream Star’s horn sparked and flared, realising that she had forgotten one important fact. That Dream Star was indeed capable of squashing her like a bug, and that Fluttershy was still an old woman without any sort of weapon. She stepped back and shielded her face as Dream Star turned and her horn unleashed a bolt of roaring energy, the attack flying straight at her face.

Space warped in front, the air seeming to shift, compress, expand. When it had finished there was a zebra standing there, her elegant, traditionally styled robes whirling as she swept round in what looked like a dance. Her hoof even touched Dream Star’s spell as it was swept upwards, shattering and changing, the destructive pink magic flowing into green flowing leaves.

Dream Star’s eyes widened for a moment before she grinned, stepping back with magic charging around her, “So that’s where Fluttershy’s sudden courage came from. Well you’re out in the open now, and you really think a zebra is any match for a unicorn?!”

Fluttershy couldn’t suppress a scream as Dream Star unleashed a devastating assault in her anger, a roar of pure destruction tearing up the ground before them. The zebra just turned, smiled, and touched Fluttershy’s cheek with a hoof, staring deep into her eyes.

The zebra’s face was... strange. She looked young, yet her eyes were deep and knowing far beyond her years. Tattoos covered her skin, what looked like spiral marks etched across her cheeks, around her eyes... and as Fluttershy stared one of the tattoos seemed to move, shift, spiral outwards until it became something else. Another pony’s eye, wrinkled around the edges, pink iris heavy with the signs of glaucoma and cataracts.

Fluttershy took the hint, unleashing her stare in full force.

The magic shattered, falling around them like glass. Dream Star looked through the failing magic with eyes almost tearful, eyes that widened and shook as Fluttershy stood and locked her gaze upon the pony, “Why Dream Star?” Fluttershy begged, just wanting to understand now, “I knew your great grandmother. She was a good mare, she would never approve of all this!”

Dream Star growled, her head falling. Her words dropped heavily, bitter and full of pain, “How dare... don’t you... ever mention...” She grunted, “She’s all anypony ever cared about, and I personally could not give a shit. I barely remember my mother, my brother was an idiot who got himself killed early... my family, my illustrious family... who never, achieved ANYTHING before I came along!” She looked up, wild and angry, stringy grey hair streaming across her face, “I am the most powerful mage in the world! I have spent most of a century out there in the wasteland, killing and searching and surviving! I am better than any of them, yet always, always ponies compare me to my grandmother!”

“Back down Dream, please.” Fluttershy gazed desperately, the two of them separated by floating dust and debris as she tried to reason with the mare, “We’ll talk about this, we’ll work something out.”

“No... no we won’t. I don’t ‘work things out’.” Dream Star snarled hotly, “I never have and I never will! I have taken! I have dominated! Because I am stronger than all of you, and far stronger than some. Perfect. Pretty. Pink. Princess!”


The zebra emerged with a crack of emerging energy, seeming to flow on the waves of Fluttershy’s stare. Her hoof hit Dream Star in the face and there was a thump of utter finality, enough though Dream Star barely moved. The zebra jumped back and landed gracefully a short distance away, Dream Star staggering back in shock and holding a hoof to the spot where the blow had landed, “What... what was that?”

“You are disabled.” The zebra stated, simply and calmly. It was unnerving, hearing her drop the rhymes and that sing song tone of hers. For some reason it sounded... dangerous, “Your magic, denied.”

Dream Star paused for a second before her eyes narrowed, her muscles tensed...

The zebra darted forward, struck her in the shoulder, swept away her leg and slammed her into the floor. A single stomp to the chest and Dream Star shuddered, gasping briefly before falling limp to the ground. It was then that she started to panic, eyes darting around, limbs twitching as she tried to move, “NO! What have you... Fennel, Jammer, where the hell are you!?”

The zebra spoke softly, “There will be no support from your friends, my own companion did I send.” She actually smiled as Dream Star panicked further, shaking her head, “Rest assured there will be no harm, but they like you have been... disarmed.”

“Stop... fucking rhyming!” Dream Star looked distressed like Fluttershy had never seen her, squirming and shaking desperately as she whined and screamed, “How did you beat me? You’re just a stupid little painted savage! Just a dirt pony with stripes!”

“So full of pain. I only wish I could help you.” The zebra looked regretful for a moment before she turned and walked over to Dust. There she laid a hoof on his armor, taking a potion from her robes with her teeth and letting a tiny droplet fall onto the dirty metal. Magic flowed outwards, covering the whole suit, a subtle, controlled and gentle magic that felt more the work of an artist than a powerful mage. The magic faded and disappeared, the zebra stepping back and turning to the struggling Dream Star, “This armor is now enchanted. So much as approach it with impure intentions and it will be transported straight to Garm, the single best protected place in the realms of the zebra.”

“You.. you won’t stop me...”

“I know.” She stated sadly, her eyes full of a quiet dignity and endless regret. She waved a hoof at Dream Star, covering her in a sprinkling of silver dust, “I wish there was more I could do for you Dream Star.”

Dream Star growled, straining against her paralysis, “I won’t accept anything from anyone! I choose my own path!”

“Embrace your calling, or rebel against it. Either way, it was a path imposed upon you.” She gave one final nod before sweeping her hoof across the pony, “Goodbye Dream Star.”

Dream Star disappeared in a sparkle of shining light, leaving just Fluttershy standing there frozen in awestruck confusion. She finally found her tongue as the zebra stood there with a faraway look in her eyes, just about to thank her... when another emotion interjected, “How did you know so much about her? How did you know to intervene when you did? Were you watching us too?” The zebra turned her head to Fluttershy but didn’t answer, leaving Fluttershy to state her accusation right there and then, “Are you the zebra who’s been teaching Ace Gold?”

“No.” She answered simply, “The one of whom you speak is a honored friend of mine. It was her who took care of Dream Star’s companions.”

Fluttershy looked up, guided on whim. She swore she saw a elderly zebra in a cloak standing above, almost seeing something...familiar before the figure retreated. She turned her head back to the zebra in front of her, still feeling a little huffy, “Why hasn’t she shown her face? What’s she hiding?”

“She is shy.” The zebra cut off Fluttershy’s incredulous reaction with a firm glare, “If you had possessed one of those cloaks when you were younger, would you have ever taken it off? My friend wears her history all over her body, and it is a history she has no wish to be studied or questioned. She has endured much pain, and now only wishes to help without fearing the unwelcome attention of others.”

That was... fair enough, “Ok... perhaps. But if you were watching why didn’t you help earlier, before my friends got hurt?!”

“Because she would have defeated me.” The zebra stated softly, “Dream Star has a power empowered by the darkest, most terrible hate, a desperate, impossible need that has burned all weakness from her and given her endless strength. I would not have stood a chance against her.”

Fluttershy wasn’t sure how that figured, “You just defeated her!”

“No, you defeated her. The few simple tricks I used could be taught to you in but a week, possibly less considering the ease with which you unlocked the earth stride.” The zebra smiled gently and softly, her old, wise eyes meeting Fluttershy’s, “It is ironic. If she had eliminated the weakness that made her so vulnerable to your power then she would have never wanted strength in the first place.”

“My stare...” Fluttershy’s lip curled angrily, “My stare isn’t anything special! I know it’s a talent plenty of zebra shaman know...”

“Your stare is not what allowed you to defeat her.” The zebra stated softly, her voice deep and smooth, each syllable elegantly controlled, “With your stare, you uncover shame, regret, their fears and failures. You uncover a pony’s inner weakness, no matter how deeply buried it is. And you bring forth a desire to do better.”

Fluttershy felt... angry and embarrassed at that description. She knew that it wasn’t necessarily a pleasant thing to unleash upon a pony, and had often tried to suppress her understanding of just what exactly it did. It was a manifestation of her darker, resentful, angrier side, and she feared it for that, “I know what it is...”

“And who knows more of those things? Of pain, regret, shame, fear and failure, of weakness and sin?” The zebra looked at her with firm eyes, not judging, just utter sincerity, “Once you were a bullied pegasus, rejected by your peers. That knowledge of weakness and shame cowed a dragon. Now you carry the death of a civilisation upon your shoulders.”

Fluttershy shuddered at the implication. She wasn’t... she couldn’t... “Are you saying I inflict my own... self loathing onto the ponies I use my stare upon?”

“No.” The zebra stated quietly, eyes insistent, “You are a survivor Fluttershy, you carry with you the knowledge and secrets of almost three hundred years of pain. More than any other creature upon this world you understand the cause of the great war and the balefire that followed. You know what caused it, what dwells in the hearts of zebra and ponies both.”

“Weakness.” Fluttershy stated woodenly, her soul burned away by the fire in her chest, “Fear, pain, regret, shame, fear and failure... and hate.” She closed her eyes, feeling the heat almost overwhelm her, “I...”

“You find that weakness within a pony, confront them with the true reasons behind their destructive actions. Confront them with what that weakness cost the world.”

Fluttershy shivered, “It’s still happening... ponies are still hateful and weak... it’s... going to happen again...”


Fluttershy looked up at the zebra, eyes wide and horrified, “The world is going to burn again?”

The zebra nodded softly, her voice quiet but confidently sincere, “It will happen soon, the pieces are already sliding into place. War between the ponies and zebra. Selfishness, profiteering, ambition and rage will be stoked, and the misguided attempts to bring peace and order will only stoke the flames. And at the end of it all, balefire will descend from the bowels of the land of peace betrayed. An eye of burning light judges the world and it’s failures, watching from the end of a lonesome road.”

“How... how do I stop it?”

The zebra smiled, the expression widening, warm and kind, “Thank you Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy opened her mouth, shocked for a moment, “For... for what?”

“Elder one, who claims a thousand failures, yet strives onwards.” The zebra nodded, “Do not run from your pain, embrace it. Your weakness is your strength. The child of the apocalypse stands before you, he knows nothing but strength. Immortal, invulnerable, a being of power and hatred. He strides the world, answering to no creature. You know his name already, he knew of this destiny long before you did.”

Fluttershy breathed out the words. She knew this, “Chigaru...”

“Do you know why your stare did not work on him?”

Fluttershy shivered. She had never felt like that before. She had used her stare... and opened herself up to darkness, a horrible abyss of... nothing. Chigaru’s mind had stretched before her, a mind where nothing mattered. And it wasn’t madness. It made horrible sense, “He’s too powerful...”

“Yes.” The zebra stated, “He has no weakness in his soul. He can only comprehend certainty. To him there are no restraints, no regret, no mercy. Your stare had nothing in it that could touch him.”

“Then how am I going to defeat him?”

The zebra’s expression fell, a moment of pain in her old eyes. She took a deep breath, voice calm but bearing a noticeable hint of uncertainty, “That is beyond my eyes.”

“The elements of harmony?”

“Will fail. The element bearers cannot be allowed to confront him.” She fixed Fluttershy with a firm stare, “You are the last of the old world, the Maiden of the Apocalypse. Within you is the memories of all that was innocent and pure about that world, now rendered scarred, weak and afraid by the wasteland that followed. He is the heir to it, made strong and powerful by those balefires, unstoppable and unchallenged in this new world of ashes and savagery.”

Fluttershy was not reassured, “And I have to fight him?!”


“Then give me some help! All you’ve done so far is point out reasons why I’ll fail!” Fluttershy lunged forward desperately, “If you’re some great fortune teller then give me a clue!”

The zebra bowed her head, looking tired and weak as she sighed like the weight of the world was on her shoulders, “I’m sorry. I see the threads of harmony, watch them tremble, watch them weave a better world. I have used it to guide my people to prosperity... at a cost.” She looked up at Fluttershy, a stern resignation that reminded her of someone else she knew, long ago, “I have made myself the centre of that equation, the stone that balances. By attuning to harmony I know the steps I must make, the words I must speak, the choices I must make. Even if I cannot see the results of my actions, and even if I look upon the world they make and think ‘how could this be right?’... this is the path I am resigned to.”

Fluttershy paused, reminded once more of that mare she had once known, “You sound like a prisoner.”

“I can perceive harmony’s threads, or I can weave them. To take action, to change the world... change requires a touch of chaos that I cannot possess if I am to understand the winds of order.” She smiled, looking out at the bodies lying unconscious all around, “But the world has many heroes. I have done what I can, to interject here, give you time. Time to understand who you are, and what you must become. And I do understand, even if it causes me pain... every single day.” She brought her eyes back up to Fluttershy, unexpectedly wet and shaking, a trickle of tears running down her face, “I cannot take away your struggle, tragedy and loss. I cannot take away the fact that you will fail many times, and lose things you do not feel you can live without. Because on the day of decision, they will give you the chance you need.”

Fluttershy looked at her fallen friends, feeling her heart well up, “Are we all going to make it?”

“No.” The zebra spoke, stepping back into the spreading shadows, “Treasure your time with them Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy turned to the zebra to reply but she was already gone, fading into the shadows. Fluttershy looked around in panic for a second or two before realising that all her friends were still motionless on the ground. She shouted at the sky, desperate and angry, “Hey! Come back! You have to help me!”

“Pony = Fluttershy. Request Accepted. Rendering assistance.”

Fluttershy backed away in terror as zebra military robots descended around her, a group of large square robots inscribed with the zebra medical corps symbol moving to attend to her friends as combat models scanned the horizon with arms packed full of high tech weaponry. A tall, egg shaped robot landed right in front of her, lights flashing as it spoke in a low robotic voice, “Please do not panic civilian, the zebra mechanised assault legions are here to offer assistance.”

Fluttershy chuckled nervously as the machines that had killed thousands of her fellow ponies stood before her with their flashing, inexpressive faces and arms full of death, “G...good to know...”


Level up - Level 25 reached

Perk acquired – Young as you feel
Either you’ve found a fountain of youth, or you’ve really been hitting the botox. All aging penalties are reversed two steps.

Quest Perk discovered – Zebra Shaman
You have taken your first steps into the mysteries of the elders. You now have access to zebra magic skills.

Spell acquired – Earth Stride
“The world is a single organism. To those who know this, one place is all places.”
You can now invest skill points in the Earth Stride spell.

This fanfiction is based on Fallout Equestria by Kkat, it is highly recommended that you read that first for context. Reading Fallout Equestria: Pink Eyes by Mimezinga will help understanding, but isn’t required.

Many of the characters and much of the setting are not mine but are on loan from the very awesome Kkat, or are taken from My Little Pony - Friendship Is Magic by Hasbro. This story makes no pretentions at being canon with either, and is merely a ‘what-if’ set in the same world.

If you enjoy Fallout Equestria Side Stories, you will want to check the Fallout Equestria Side Stories post on Equestria Daily and the Fallout Equestria Side Stories thread on Ponychan.

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