• Published 12th Aug 2012
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Fallout Equestria : Black And White - Philweasel

Peace between the NCR and Zebra wasteland becomes a battleground between competing factions.

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Chapter 4.14 - Remembrance

Dust Kicker moaned as he woke, searching his thoughts in brief panic as he grasped for memory. Basic information came back, drip by drip. His name, his job, how to fire a gun, how to walk. Deja vu dawned, this was not the first time he had felt this way.

Aching all over, unable to remember his name, staring up at an unfamiliar ceiling with a IV drip in his hoof.

He had no peripheral vision. He reached up to find his face covered in bandages, the space where his left eye should be hollow and aching. He then shifted aside his covers, looking down a torso mostly shorn of fur, jagged scars all across. His back left hoof was gone at the knee.

He settled back and pondered his retirement. Damn he felt old.

"Dust Kicker!"

He looked up at the figure that entered, chuckling at the sight of her. He was dreaming, but it was a pretty good dream. Rather amusing really, and he needed that, "Hello Dr Fluttershy."

"I've been so worried!" She implored, running over and hugging him close. She felt nice, smelt nice, "They weren't sure you'd ever wake up!"

Heh. He could get used to this, "Can't fool me. I know I'm still dreaming."

Fluttershy moved back, shaking her head with tears in her eyes, "You're not dreaming."

She... sounded convincing, "But... then why are you here?"

"What do you mean?"

"I... you're Fluttershy. You should be bugging the council about hellhounds, or hugging children." He looked to the window, looking out at the ruined city beyond, "And this doesn't look like Appleloosa."

Fluttershy took a deep breath, "What is the last thing you remember?"

"I..." He fought for memory, "I picked a fight with a crazy alicorn. She was a lot tougher than I expected, almost got me. I... killed her, then lay there waiting to die."

Fluttershy lifted a hoof to her eyes, tears running down her face, "Oh Dust..."

He looked back to her, smiling the happiest smile he felt he had managed in years, "Hey, don't cry. I'm feeling pretty good."

She shook her head, "But you... your wounds..."

"You know, I've always thought you were the most beautiful damn pony in the wasteland." Dust admitted with a grin, "And now you're here, crying over me. And look out there, the sun is shining, and I'm still alive to see it."

"But your hoof, and eye."

He chuckled, "It wasn't going to take anything less to convince me to retire. And to be honest with you..." He sighed, feeling it fall upon his shoulders like iron weights, "...I'm really damn tired."

She smiled back, tear filled but absolutely stunning in its kindness and beauty, "You deserve all the rest in the world Dust Kicker. And I'll be with you for every moment of it."


Decimus lay down a prayer for the holy fire as he walked through the rows of bodies, laid out as the priests prepared them for cremation. He stopped before the three tables ahead, bearing the bodies of Travarian, Ignious and Mercius, his brothers in arms. In Mercius's case, his captain and mentor.

The old zebra had made it through the fight, as tough as ever. He had taken to bed afterwards, claiming the excitement had taken it out of him and asking Decimus to deal with what tasks remained. Decimus had been happy to, Mercius having shaped his life more than any zebra living.

He hadn't woken up the next morning. A heart attack during the night they said. It wasn't a bad death, Mercius had always expressed his loathing for warriors who wished to die in battle. ‘Abandoning their post before they were properly relieved’, as he put it.

All three of them would join the holy fire today, adding the weight of their lives to its flame and from it invigorating all life to come.

He looked round as a pair of camels came past, both looking like they were about to wet themselves as they met his gaze. He carefully moderated his expression, moving to a respectful look, "You have come to retrieve your dead?"

"As you say." Spoke one of the camels as he looked across the section of the room laid out for the Saddle Arabian dead, "We traditionally bury our dead. We intend to take them to Caucus, bury them there among their fellows from the Enclave war."

Decimus nodded in respect, however odd he found the practice, "It reminds me of the friendship between our nations. We may feud, but we will always unite against a common threat."

"We would prefer if it did not come to this." The camel stated back, shaking his head at the dead before him, "Calculate the net worth of every body in this room, add it to the property damage and lost trade. The world is now less than it was."

Decimus almost called into question their placing of a material price on all this death, but it really wasn't that different from what the holy books said. Every death left the world less, and the instruments of civilization, trade, medicine, government... the loss of these was comparable, "Hopefully we will all come together to make sure this is not repeated."

"It has never stopped anyone before." The camel replied, his eyes becoming a little sterner, "Do you believe our troops underperformed?"

Decimus hesitated, which he knew already betrayed his true feelings. He fought for words, hating to be disrespectful to the dead, "They... thought themselves invincible. And they were not used to the... ferocity of real war."

"They had good reason." The camel replied, "You knew Ibis, did you not?"

His heart ached, though he was swift to suppress the feelings one more, "Yes."

"She earned her position with the apprehension of thousands of criminals, broke up illegal slavery rings, fought bandits, kept peace and showed a sense of proportion and justice that won the respect of even those she ruled against." He tensed a little, clearly angry, "And she died because she failed to understand or even comprehend that there could be those trained only to kill and destroy."

Decimus looked away, "Then she should not have been here. This was a place for soldiers..."

"We have no soldiers." The camel replied, harshly, "We have no desire for them. We wish we had no need. All we have is those like Ibis, who wish to put their lives on the line to protect that which she holds dear."

He sighed, "She succeeded."

"At bitter cost." The camel replied, continuing past with a weary expression, "May we all work for a better world."


Radhi sighed as he read over the casualty reports, a blunt piece of paper that hid a thousand personal tragedies. Some were his dearest friends. Others he didn't know at all, and that almost made him feel worse.

The youngest casualty of the battle had been seven years old, Darting Step. The buck wouldn't take no for an answer, and eventually snuck onto the battlefield and made himself useful ferrying ammo. He had been caught by a grenade during the defense of the square, and by his wounds Radhi was certain he had taken a little while to die.

Nau, his closest ally over the last few days, the young zebra who had known Luna as a child, who might have been her first true believer.

He was not dead. He probably wished it was so.

He was currently helping prepare the dead with his usual stoicism, not mentioning the fact that the friends that he had brought with him from his home village, Zash and Nora, the ones who had believed his vision of a better world... both of them lay dead. That being no fighter, he had remained in the tower while they fought and died below.

And... Niyada.

The council, the group that had led them during their time at Dusklight, who had built their society from the ground up... Niyada, Ace Swift, Princess Luna, Ebony and him. Now only two remained. And Ebony had lost her best friend, and he his most valued advisor.

It was crippling, and any other day he would have called it the end. But ultimately it seemed the cost had finally been enough. That they had finally brought peace with their blood and tears.

He stood and made it to the door for his appointment with King Zane, aware that despite all evidence... this was only the beginning.


Ace watched from the sidelines, balanced precariously on a still healing leg beside the other Dusklight children as they stood in ranks outside the great tower of Clendel. Radhi stood proudly at the front, a vast crowd all cheering as King Zane stepped towards them in full royal regalia. He paused before him, observing the children with a smile on his face before speaking, "Children of Dusklight, you embody your lady in all things. You were doubted, yet never stopped fighting for others. You ventured into darkness and emerged bearing a torch for all those who were lost. You drew the ignored and the forgotten together and shook the world with their voices. Once Princess Luna was the fear of every zebra, the greatest enemy of our race. Today she is on our lips and in our hearts, and so may it forever be."

Radhi smiled, bowing gratefully, "Thank you your majesty."

"You do not need to call me that Radhi." Zane stated with a broad smile, "You said your Princess had dreamed of silver towers over Dusklight, of a land where no child ever had to be afraid?"

"She did."

"Those lands have lain at the heart of our civilization since the first days of our triumph over the Star Demons, and letting them fall to ruin under the rule of raiders was a great tragedy." Zane continued, nodding proudly to Radhi, "If you are to reverse that failure, then you have much to do."

Radhi nodded, "We are eager to start your majesty."

"You owe me no supplication." Zane protested, dropping his head in a deep bow, "Indeed, it is I who bow to you, King Radhi of Dusklight, Warden of the Heartlands!"

Radhi froze in place even as the roar of the crowd sounded out around him. He looked adorably terrified, his voice managing little strength, "I don't... I don't know what to say. I'm just a simple boy..."

"History is full of them Radhi." Zane acknowledged with a grin, "They tend to change the world."

"He will need help, vassals to assist him in this great task." A voice sounded from behind, Ace looking round to see Cherry Sunset step up in fully power armor. She instantly bent the knee as all eyes turned to her, voice full of pride, "King Radhi, it would honor the Luna Rangers if you were to allow us to aid you in this task."

Radhi looked shocked, "Luna... Rangers?"

"We wanted a symbol, a symbol that would unite the zebra and ponies together. That would remind us all that we are not so different." Strawberry Sunshine straightened out, her eyes fierce and resolute, "Shaman and Princess, enemy and friend, innocent and warrior queen. Luna represents the struggle against ourselves for a better self, one that never ends but must be fought with all our strength regardless."

"The moon is a lesser thing without the sun." Another voice stated, Sabah stepping up beside. She was in her full white robes and had actually combed her hair for once, her voice confident despite her youth, "And vice versa. I travelled the heartlands, I saw the struggles they faced. If I'm to do good anywhere, it's there."

Radhi chuckled, "Harmony is served by unity. Light and dark, day and night."

"Hmph." Sabah grunted as she came over, looking Radhi over with a firm expression, "And I guess a soft hooved pretty boy of a moon priest needs a dirty, wasteland thug of a sun priestess."

He smiled back at her after a moment, nodding gratefully, "Thank you Sister Sabah, Paladin Cherry. It seems we have much to do."

"And I know you're up to it." Zane agreed, "Starhammer was right about one thing, this world needs to be united, and now is the time. We must restore order, before that chance is lost."

"Then I cannot be the only leader promoted." Radhi observed, "Do you have others in mind?"

Zane chuckled, though it looked a little strained, "I did not pick you Radhi, your followers did. And as for your question... well that's a little more complicated..."


"You must my lord. We all know who you are, we all saw what you did."

Did they? Easu seethed with anger as he mused how wrong they were on both counts, surrounded by their buzzing, ignorant foolishness. He didn't even know who they were, a mix of minor chieflings and petty merchants, seeking to latch on to a bit of glory. He had none to give, "You've come to the wrong zebra. I am a priest, I have no interest in crowns."

Fluttershy set her eyes on him from across the room, "You wish to avoid violence where possible, you seek wisdom, and you wish to heal and create. The roles are not that different Easu, but one of them has the potential to help so many more."

He directed his anger across at her, glaring fiercely at those fabled eyes of hers, "They offer me the crown because I killed a zebra!"

"They offer you a crown because they saw you fight for them, even when it caused you pain to do so." Fluttershy offered, her gaze not wavering, "And this is the same. This is not a burden I can take from you."

"And why not?" He asked, astounded by her cold arrogance, "Place a crown upon your head and they would follow you Fluttershy."

"Easu." She insisted, "You've been preparing for this your entire life."

"My father taught me nothing besides how to be a monster!"

Fluttershy held his gaze for a moment before speaking, "Ekundayo was right."

Easu flashed back, memories of knifes and pain... "What?!"

"Pain, suffering, being forced to confront your own ugliness. It's made you a better zebra. It's made you strong."

Easu felt sick to his stomach, hearing Fluttershy speak of the rightness of a psychopaths philosophy. Is this what they had come to? "And did Chigaru make you stronger too?"

"Yes." She stated, her face not moving from its quiet benevolence.

"He made you capable of asking me to declare myself king, gather an army, and march it towards my own brother and marefriend?"

"Yes it did Easu." She acknowledged, "I have no desire to fight either of them, but you must meet them. You have a better chance of giving this a happy ending than any of us."

Easu seethed, understanding where she was coming from but appalled at how casually she stated it, "You are a cold blooded mare Fluttershy, I can only hope this will not come to rest too uneasily upon your conscience."

"That is exactly where it will rest Easu." She acknowledged with a little bow, "So please, do what you must."

Easu marched forward in a rage, snatching the crown from the zebra in front. He held it in his hooves, admired the sketching there, the detail. This had once been Rashid's crown, taken by Starhammer. He had never worn it, and Easu could see why. A gaudy, ugly circle of soft, useless metal, signifying decades of worthlessness and brutality.

"Take this and sell it. Donate the money to the reconstruction of the city." He ordered, despairing at how commanding he sounded, "I'll earn my own crown, not seize the authority of the dead."

The zebra smiled in relief, nodding furiously, "Yes my lord!"

Easu watched the zebra scurry off. He wondered exactly what he had gotten himself into...


"She is alive... but changed. I am uncertain how, I cannot imagine this had ever happened before."

Xenith stood in front of the altarstone at the temple of Sacred Night, her heart full of worry over some star demon, over Nightmare Moon. The very idea of that sentence would have made her laugh once, but now she was faced with the horrible reality of it. To be humbled by a sacrifice made by one she had spent her whole life hating, "She must have known what would happen."

"Undoubtedly. If she is truly Nightmare Moon, Puppysmiles has suffered point blank application of harmony magics at least twice." Elder Gavosh agreed, cupping a talon over the spiky pink gemstone that sat upon the altar. It glowed softly at his proximity, but gave no further indications that there was any life there, "I sense intellect, a soul. Sleeping maybe. Not in pain."

She guessed that was something, "Then how do we wake her up?"

"Maybe the Council of Garm might know." He offered, "But to be honest, sometimes it's best to let things be. Harmony works in mysterious ways, if Puppy is sleeping, maybe she should be sleeping."

"And what of me?" Xeni spoke from beside, the little zebra sounding far firmer than her years would suggest, "I carry Selene inside me. I... we... are worried if this can last. If it is safe, for either of us."

"Now that is something I know more about" Elder Gavosh acknowledged, "There are several options, especially if Selene is willing to co-operate. We can attempt to train you in control of course, though history stands against that option unfortunately."

"Nightmare Moon." Xenith spoke, once again disturbed to think she had been a host to an aspect of the mare.

"And Charaxies. Indeed both sought our aid to control and live alongside a Star Child, but sadly in both cases the results were unfortunate." He sighed, "In fairness, both faults lay with the host, "Charaxies populated the world with monsters because she distrusted her fellow Zebra and wanted to create something better. And Luna... well, you know her story."

"So what are the other options?" Xani asked.

"Sealing... or rather re-sealing, if my guess is accurate." Elder Gavosh explained, "Many years ago, thieves broken into these vaults and carried away many of our most dangerous artifacts. It was beyond our abilities to retrieve them, so a mercenary was hired. She successfully retrieved what was stolen... but a count afterwards revealed four objects were still missing."

"What were they?" Xani asked.

"Unfortunately, we only have a vague idea of what had been stolen in the first place. Still we were confident that two of them were immature Star Children, sealed within warded glass jars. The other two were books, undoubtedly of dangerous, forbidden knowledge."

"Who was this mercenary?" Xenith asked, already having a good idea.

"Sunshine Ivory."

Xenith figured, "So that means she has two Star Demons. One is Selene..."

"The other could have been an empty jar." Elder Gavosh offered, "Undoubtedly she would have needed one to transport Charaxies safely."

Xenith wasn’t entirely convinced, "Perhaps..."

"Which is why I intend to train one of you in the sealing rituals, and give you one of our empty jars." He reached back, placing a talon upon what looked for all the world like a fancy jam jar, "In the meantime, I already have one prepared for Selene."

Xeni hesitated, her eyes showing fear, "Will it hurt me... her?"

"Not at all." Gavosh assured, "You should have little awareness once inside, the enchantments are designed to lull her into stasis. Ironically these enchantments were created with input from both the Star Child inhabited Princess Luna and Charaxies, they are designed as a humane alternative to the cruel methods of other demon hunters."

"Nightmare Moon worked with you?" Xenith expressed with surprised, "I... assumed she turned evil immediately."

"Well... it might seem that way from some texts." Gavosh sighed after a moment of thought, "Luna hid the nature of her experiments from her sister, it was only when... things started going wrong that her condition was discovered. She implanted the star child that would become Nightmare Moon into herself months before."

Xenith grunted in annoyance, but wasn't particularly surprised. You might think the fact that they had to hide their evil experiments from others would clue them in to the fact that they might be inadvisable, but they never learned, "You should have used those sealing rituals on her."

"Unfortunately that's a serious limitation to all of these rituals, including the more... invasive techniques of the true demon hunters." Gavosh explained regretfully, "It will not work on an unwilling participant."

"Like Star Swirl?"

Gavosh nodded, "If what Puppysmiles has told me is true, Star Swirl and Charaxies are now the same being. Like too many cases Charaxies is proving a toxic influence, but Star Swirl would need to acknowledge this."

Xenith frowned, "Convince her she's turned evil?"

"Yes." Gavosh confirmed, "And once that is done, Charaxies would need to be quickly sealed before she takes more drastic action."

"Drastic action?" Xenith questioned.

"Nightmare Moon's becoming a second, malignant entity and Luna's relegation to unwilling victim suggests that Luna did start to have second thoughts, and thought to cleanse herself from her symbote's corruption." Gavosh explained, "Nightmare Moon disapproved, and proved stronger."

"What if that's already happened?" Xeni asked softly, "This... 'Celestia' doesn't sound anything like Star Swirl."

Gavosh gave her a warm smile, "In that case... I hear you saved Puppysmiles from being taken over by Nightmare Moon?"

Xeni blushed, giving a little nod, "Yes... I mean Selene did. But she wasn't very helpful. The others did all the work."

"Still, the same approach should apply." Gavosh confirmed, "And Charaxies should be less of a threat than Nightmare Moon was."

"Dream walking..." Xenith didn't like that idea one bit, "That seems extremely risky."

Gavosh sighed, "You are right, of course. Still unless you have the elements of harmony handy, those are the only options I can think of."

Xenith smiled a little, "Not beyond the realms of possibility... but not something we have currently available."

"Couldn't Selene be sealed inside Puppy's skeletal body?" Xeni asked, "Study with you?"

"I... guess." Gavosh admitted, "She would have to be willing to abide to our rules, keep to the temple."

"I... she will!" Xeni blushed, drawing back a little, "I promise..."

"Then I will prepare things." Gavosh confirmed, "In the meantime..."

Xenith nodded, this was her responsibility, "I will take Puppysmiles to Garm, and see what might be done." She turned to Xeni, feeling a twinge of concern and affection for Selene that she knew came from Puppysmiles. It certainly made her pause, feeling even that echo of those motherly feelings Puppy had held for Selene, "Take care... both of you."

Xeni nodded, a smile forming at her mouth, "You too Miss Xenith."


"So what now, oh great king and emperor?" Ace commented dryly as he followed Radhi into the stateroom where the maps were laid out. It seemed odd to think about, even though Ace had himself been raised in the halls of power. To be honest all these kings and kingdoms seemed archaic, the idea that that big chunk of land was now 'owned' by the stallion in front...

Radhi chuckled at his question, adjusting his glasses in the most adorably geeky way possible, "I hardly know myself. I never imagined I would ever find myself in this situation."

"You deserve it." Ace Gold stated with sincerity.

"Do I?" He asked, giving a pained smile, "I never feel I really struggled for much Ace Gold. Sabah is right, I was brought up in a home of ample needs and educated well, with a talent for organization and learning that was never earned. I did the things I did because I knew they were right, never forced to question the morality of my actions."

Ace understood. He understood all too well, "Noblesse Oblige."

"I hate that term. One is not born inherently more skillful or noble."

"Yes they are, just as one pony is born into war and strife and one to prosperity and peace." Ace replied, feeling the world had shown it well enough, "Fate doesn't care a jot for fairness, but we all have to do the best we can with what we are given."

Radhi sighed, not sounding happy, "So I should accept that Midnight Dreamer is dead, and I am a king?"

Ace shook his head, "She's not dead Radhi, you heard how they spoke of her out there. She inspired all those zebra to fight for a better world."

"Which she will never see."

"I think she would be proud with what she achieved through her life." Ace asserted firmly, "And that she wouldn't be able to name a better zebra to lead her ideals forward from this point. It's not a privilege, it's a lot of damn hard work, and I'm glad it's not me faced with it."

Radhi smiled at this, bowing his head in respect for a moment before meeting him with a look of resolution, "Thank you Ace Gold, for everything. Perhaps we have both found our calling... though I will miss your company."

Ace looked at him, feeling like this was goodbye, "Am I going somewhere?"

"You will always be going somewhere I feel." Radhi acknowledged, nodding to Ace's hooves, "You said it yourself when we parted at Dusklight, there's things you need to do. It's in your blood."

Ace sighed, he guessed it was, "I can't leave well enough alone."

"You were unhappy back home because you have a wanderer's spirit Ace, you were never going to be satisfied living in a mansion." Radhi observed, giving him a proud grin, "I on the other hand will be far happier sitting in a permanent office working out tax codes."

"Heh..." Ace looked at Radhi, feeling regret... but also knowing that they had likely made the best decision, "I think we're headed up to Garm, but after that... we're headed back home."

"I will make sure the roads are clear for your return Ace." Radhi assured, "And believe me when I say that my every resource will be dedicated to ensuring the success of your missions to come."

Ace nodded, smiling as he clacked a hoof against Radhi's, "Thank you, for everything."

Radhi smiled back, "And you Ace Gold. May both our paths lead us both to happiness."


The outskirts of Clendel were littered with debris, and likely would be for a long while yet. Still there was a beauty amid the devastation, especially with the splashes of color as those dragons who had remained stalked the hills.

Spike stood on the hilltop, looking over Clendel with a troubled expression. Fluttershy approached with caution, after all this time still admitting to be a little intimidated when he got all serious, "Spike?"

He looked to her in surprise, trying to smile and not really succeeding, "Fluttershy! Ah, it's good to see you..."

"Spike." She warned, "We didn't see you at the celebration."

"I didn't exactly fight..." He reasoned, "Besides, did they really want a dragon there?"

Fluttershy gave him a soft smile, "They're zebra Spike. They love dragons."

He chuckled at this, "I guess so."

"So what's bothering you?"

Spike looked at her for a long while, his expression reluctant. Eventually he was forced to speak by the oppressive silence, opening with a sigh, "I'm worried about you Fluttershy."

She figured he might find it challenging, "It's not as bad as you think."

He gave her a weak smile, "It's just... it was nice seeing you, one tiny piece of old Equestria still preserved. But I look at you now..."

She nodded, understanding, "We all have to change Spike. And I'm still the same inside, even if I'm more willing to... do things I find distasteful."

"Well you certainly look like the Fluttershy I knew... I'm not sure if that makes it better or not." He paused a moment to order his thoughts before explaining, "It's weird, seeing you so young. How did you do it?"

Fluttershy was confused, "Do what?"

"Make yourself younger."

"I... look younger?" She was feeling a lot better, that was true, "I've been... exercising a lot more I suppose."

Spike gave her a questioning look, "Fluttershy, you have a heart condition and colitis, you shouldn't be exercising. And you look about half your age, exercise doesn't do that."

He was exaggerating. She was looking pretty fit true, but hardly to that extent, "I'm only seventy two."

"Actually, you're two hundred and seventy four." Spike pointed out, "And more to the point... not to put it harshly, but the stress of the war didn't do you many favors. You might still have the grey hair, but other than that I think you look a little younger than you did before the megaspells fell."

Fluttershy was pretty sure there was a good reason for that, "Spike, I've been... unhappy for a long time. I'm not sure I realized how unhappy I was."

"And you're happy now? With all this war, and death?"

She chuckled despite herself, "Ironic isn't it? That I've finally found out the one thing I was missing was danger, adventure and excitement."

"You..." Spike took a deep breath, "...I hate it. I try to be the big tough Dragon King, but this battle and warfare makes me sick to my stomach. I'm dreading going back to Equestria, I know it's my duty to fight..."

"Then let me fight in your place Spike."

He looked at her, eyes wide, "Fluttershy, are you joking with me?"

She smiled, sweet and totally sincere, "Spike, really? Everypony's been telling me this for years, and now I'm finally agreeing with you you're taking this opportunity to doubt it?"

"Doubt... what?"

She sighed, "Out of me and you, who do you truly think is the most dangerous?"

Spike looked at her for a second more before smirking, "Fair point."

"Honestly Spike..." She started, chewing on her words for a moment before continuing, "It's nice to have you worrying about me. It's become more and more obvious that... I have a destiny, and I'm going to be important somehow in the battles to come. And the more I prepare for that, the more I feel myself changing. Into a pony I don't truly understand."

Spike just smiled back at her, "Fluttershy, for all my fussing... it's going to be ok. I always knew you survived for a reason, and that in many ways you were the strongest of all of us. Maybe this was your story all along."

"We all have stories Spike." Fluttershy replied, looking back at the city, "Maybe my story is to save the world, be all big and shiny and important. But in that city alone... there's a million other stories, all of which have their own importance."

Spike grinned sheepishly, "You know, I really wanted to tell you about my adventures after we parted at Demonivore."

She turned to look at him expectantly, "Why don't you?"

"Because you're right, everyone has a story to tell." He motioned with a claw, "There's a zebra in that city, Kalo. His sister was kidnapped by slavers, and he's spent a whole year trying to track her down. He's taken down bandits, saved maidens, and eventually discovered the slaver who sold his sister had signed up with Starhammer. So he did too, and during the battle he took down that slaver, got a new clue and spent the rest of the battle helping us win against his former comrades. Now he's setting off again, up north, likely for another great adventure."

"Sounds like a real hero."

Spike nodded, "His story was better than mine, but I know in years to come mine will likely be in textbooks and his will be a footnote."

Fluttershy nodded, feeling the weight on her heart, "A lot of stories ended too. And I know many will never be told."

"I'm done with boasting Fluttershy." Spike declared firmly, "I wasn't going to be Dragon King Fluttershy. I supported another candidate, a dragon called Ember, she had a proper destiny and a grand story that I wanted to be a part of. But she... died. And I had to take up where she left off."

Fluttershy noted Spike had choked up a little, pretending not to notice, "I'm sorry Spike."

"I guess we're all just at the whims of harmony in the end." Spike concluded, "And pawns and kings eventually go home in the same box."


Easu walked into the room a king. And he had to say he didn't like it.

Zane was there, along with Radhi. One of Nanati's sons stood in for his mother, and Serbius was there for Garm. Decimus stood for Lord Caesar. Cherry Sunset for Anatu. And at the end, regarding him with an enthusiasm he could see even through her face mask, Myrtis. She chirped her greeting, "Easu! It's good to see you again!"

"Myrtis." He nodded back soberly, "My thanks for your assistance during the battle."

"It waz good to fight for the empire again." She replied, motioning to the table in the centre, "Come, we have a lot to discuzz."

He did as he was asked, looking about the table, "Where do we start?"

Zane took this one, smiling warmly, "Well first congratulations are in order for Radhi of the Heartlands, and Easu of the northern Mutum. Welcome to the council."

"Thank you. It is an honor." Radhi responded, showing a grace and decorum Easu knew he would never match.

"On that note, I also wish to welcome our newest territory." Zane continued, looking to Myrtis, "Operative Myrtis, speaking for Dictator Invictus of Kyrshin."

Easu raised an eyebrow at this, "Invictus has declared himself Dictator?"

"Az the lawz decree." Myrtis confirmed, "Kyrshin has no Caesar, no eligible civilian government. Az such, it falls to the highezt ranking military offizer to take the role of dictator until a new Caesar can be chozen."

Zane nodded to her, then turned to the others, "That is what we are here to discuss. I hope you all agree with me that the Dragon Throne should remain empty, and the council reestablished. A movement to the Imperial Council chambers could be considered after that, especially given the damage to Clendel.”

"There is the possibility of my lord Caesar taking a constitutional position in regard to the throne, though only as a means of legitimizing the council." Decimus stated firmly, "But regardless, I know this is his will."

"Nanati will of course agree." The Nanati representative agreed.

Easu took a moment to watch Radhi hesitate before speaking before him, his words firm and decisive, "I disagree."

They all looked at him, Myrtis the first to speak. Her tone was irreverent, "Want the throne for yourzelf Easu?"

His brow creased, "Certainly not. Instead, I support King Zane for the position."

Zane finally managed to find his tongue after a moment, giving an embarrassed smile, "I appreciate the vote of confidence, but I would be a terrible Caesar. Clendel benefits from a soft touch, which is a good thing as it's all I can provide." His face firmed a little, his tone serious now, "And we have no need of a Caesar."

"I disagree." Easu countered, "Kyrshin needs a leader, a king to stand for it. What of the Sequesta tribe who surround it, and whom I note provided little real help help in the battle?"

"The Sequesta are just that, a tribe." Serbius responded dismissively, "They do not even have a leader, only a unifying creed."

"That can change." Easu responded, "A charismatic zebra upon the Dragon Throne will amass followers, and what happened with Starhammer may occur again. And what of existing threats?"

"Which threats are these?" Zane asked cautiously.

"The NCR, the Golden Coast and Star Fall." Easu responded with firm tone, challenging them with his eyes, "The political situation before the war speaks for itself, a council lacks the authority to challenge a unifying leader. To take our position on the world stage, we need to be a unified body under a Caesar. To earn respect from our enemies, we need a Caesar upon the Dragon Throne."

"Your ambition is obvious." Nanati's reprehensive spoke sharply, regarding him with suspicious eyes, "You wish the position for yourself. You wish it so you can join your brother in going to war with the ponies."

"I want to stop my brother!" Easu shouted, growling for a moment before drawing himself back in and regaining his composure, "Star Fall and the Golden Coast are zebra territories, and should be part of this council. And I believe if the old ways were to return my brother's energies could be redirected towards restoring this land, instead of invading another."

"You wish to make peace with the coast?" Cherry stated, the first time she had spoken up during the meeting. Her eyes were interested now, whereas before she had been suspicious and calculating, "You must have heard of the situation there."

Easu really didn't want to address this, but he knew there was no choice, "Not as much as I would wish..."

Cherry regarded him assessingly as she explained, "Star Fall, the Golden Coast and parts of the heartlands and Anatu are now under the control of the Church of Celestia. Celestia herself has amassed vast secular power alongside her religious assets, assigning chaplains to Incuta's garrison forces that have essentially become commanding officers. The seneschal of Demonivore, Daisy, is rarely seen without a pair of Celestia's alicorns at her side."

How long had they been in that damn city? The whole world had shifted in their absence it seemed, "How has she moved so fast?"

"Incuta's subjects have long been indoctrinated into the role of mindless drones to another's will." Nanati's representative stated with a upturned nose, "And with Incuta gone, they quickly look to another to offer them stability."

"Not to mention, Celestia is a convincing leader." Zane added, voice betraying a little respect, "She's personally destroyed bandit camps, distributed the cures for many well known diseases, executed dozens of the most corrupt of Incuta's officials and even made improvements to agriculture."

Easu remembered her mentioning that, "She studied it with the Followers of the Apocolypse."

Radhi shook his head, looking a little sick, "It can't be true..."

"It is." Easu admitted, before facing the council once again, "Even if you will not accept a Caesar, something must be still be done."

"Can we not make peace with this Celestia?" Serbius asked, "She seems a good ruler, and I'm sure..."

"She's a mentally unstable alicorn of Twilight Sparkle's creation, infested with a Star Demon, manipulated by a sociopath and filled with the desire for vengeance." Easu stated with firm resignation, the muscles bunching in his face, "And though she's my responsibility, I humbly request your assistance."

"If we march on her, we march on Incuta." Zane observed, "We march on your brother."

Myrtis nodded, her voice crooning, "And if you dizlodge Celeztia from her pozition, that would leave Star Fall leaderlezz."

"And you would leave the invasion forces in Equestria with nowhere to go." Cherry added, "What choice do you intend to provide them with?"

Easu brooded on the answers, to three very good questions. He knew Fluttershy's feelings on the matter, but she had encouraged him to make his own decisions. That was a scary thought, knowing that his choices would change the balance of power for generations to come, "I request that Star Fall and the Golden Coast will be placed under your temporary authority King Zane. After peace is established, a more permanent solution can be taken."

Zane sighed, then nodded reluctantly, "I can send Kale down with you. She will take command of the situation in my name."

"That will be appreciated." Easu acknowledged, noting mentally that having a warrior and general like her would certainly be an asset, "And as for the forces in Equestria, they will be given amnesty to return home, and abandon this pointless war."

"And if they do not?" Cherry asked, her eyes challenging.

Easu lowered his gaze this being the big question he had been trying to avoid. Still, it had to be considered, "Then I will take whatever volunteers wish to follow and travel to Equestria myself. And I will make my brother see reason."


It was morning. It was the morning.

Ace Gold looked at them all, feeling conflicted. It felt like the end of an era, even if he knew they would see each other again soon. Perhaps he also knew that things would never be the same, that this was the end of their shared journey.

"Do not worry Fluttershy." Easu declared with kindness as he stood just outside the gates, clad in simple but distinguished robes that Ace admitted looked pretty good on him, "I will take care of Dust Kicker during your absence, and make sure the remnants of Starhammer's army cause no further trouble."

"Along with raising your own army?" Ace asked, not particularly comfortable with this part of the plan.

"Gathering volunteers." Easu answered, "I am hopeful it is an army that will never have to fight, but I understand the value of a show of force."

"And I will meet you at Garm." Xenith added, Puppy's gemstone hanging around her neck, "I need to see what can be done for Puppysmiles."

Ace caught Fluttershy giving his master a complex look, understandable really. He paused a moment before replying, "I'm not sure I like the idea of you walking all that way. You're still injured."

"I will have a few shaman with me for protection." Xenith answered, looking down at her still braced and bandaged front leg, "And I have been told that the damage is permanent, there is no further healing to be made. I must now hope in either the master healers, or Puppysmiles. Even then... I am fairly sure my days training you are over."

Ace winced. That seemed so final, "Don't say that. I'm sure you can recover..."

"Ace, I will not be sorry to leave fighting behind. And even before now it was obvious my time was over." She smiled, a thin line across aged, weathered features, "I have lived far, far longer than anypony ever guessed. But it has taken it's toll."

"Xenith..." Fluttershy ventured, voice soft, "You're forty nine. You're far younger than me."

Ace looked up at her in disbelief. That couldn't be right, "Forty nine?! But you look so... um..."

Xenith gave a soft grin, "Think carefully about your next words Ace Gold."

He swiftly backed down. Yeah... he wasn't going there, "Never mind."

"As I said, many have expressed doubt when I tell them about my experiences, for none could have survived them. Sadly, repeatedly cheating death has its consequences, this leg in particular has been broken fourteen times." She answered, delivering a kind look to Ace before straightening out, "So no more. My last duties, taking Puppysmiles to Garm, and finding my daughter. After that, I will stay at Garm. I will teach history, I will enjoy retirement and I will be happy for as long as I have left."

Ace hated talk like that, "Stop it. You're as bad as Fluttershy."

"Living the life we do, you have to make your peace with it Ace Gold." Easu explained, looking at the two mares before nodding, "Death is a constant companion, the recent battle should have taught you that."

Ace Gold wanted to internalize that lesson, he agreed it made sense. Still, he couldn't, and... it wasn't the final act that terrified him, "I hate seeing... the strong get weaker. I hate seeing those around me age."

"You didn't go to see Dust Kicker, did you Ace?" Fluttershy asked gently.

"No..." He admitted, shivering, "It reminded me... of my father."

"Your father was injured in battle?" Easu asked.

Ace snorted, "Not even. Some douchbag shot him through the head when his back was turned." He looked away, fuming at the injustice of it all, "And turned the greatest warrior in the NCR into a cripple who couldn't even shoot straight."

"Your father made peace with it Ace Gold." Xenith stated, nodding firmly, "He said to me how he was happy to leave some of his responsiblies behind, spend more time with his family and friends. Strength does not bestow happiness, and you don't need it to live a worthwhile life. You will grow, and grow strong. But you should never define yourself by strength, because it will fade."

"Why? Why must everything... decline?" Ace asked, feeling stubborn.

"So we are reminded to slow down, accept the bold new ideas of the young, and share the benefits of our experience with them." Xenith answered, "If I was still half as strong as you I would have done this myself Ace. As it is, I have had to teach you what little I know, and I am proud to see how far you have come."

Ace sighed, guessing he had to accept it, "Thank you Xenith."

"It was no problem Ace Gold." She stated, before nodding and turning to leave, "We will meet again soon."

He watched her go, a deep aching, illogical fear in his heart. He had been abandoned so many times, and now it was happening again. He could already come up with a thousand reasons why that statement was stupid and selfish, but the terrible truth was that it didn't matter if he had a million. It would still hurt. It would always hurt.

"So you are ready. That is good."

He turned, seeing Decimus approach alongside... Clear Skies of all ponies, limping and hopping along. He raised a questioning eyebrow, "Clear Skies?"

"She will be coming with us to the temple." Decimus explained, "It was her soul request for her part in the battle."

Ace frowned, that didn't make any sense, "Why?"

"Thereths somefing up there I want to thee." She explained, giving an off centered wink, "But it's a secret."

Ace Gold looked up at Decimus, "Ok, if you won't tell me... why is she coming with us?"

"It is indeed, a secret." Decimus explained, as flat and official as ever, "I insisted she keep her reasons to herself, at least for now."

"Now you are all here, I must leave you too." Easu stated as they came together, giving a regal nod, "I wish you luck, and I will see you soon."

And so they moved, Ace looking behind as Clendel retreated into the distance. He looked around, noting just the lone Fluttershy left of his long time companions. It made him feel lonely, and lost. And for the first time in a while his mind turned to his brother and sister, his mothers and father. He hoped they were safe and happy.

For a moment he thought he saw it, up in the sky. Wings of bright balefire green. But it was only a trick of the light.


And so they continued, up towards the far distant mountains. The terrain grew rockier, more inhospitable, Fluttershy sure that without Decimus navigating they would have become hopelessly lost. Clear Skies landed occasionally but spent most of the time in the air, and eventually the rocks cleared to reveal a vast panorama of most of the Mutum behind them. She had noticed they had been climbing, but she hadn't realized they were already so high.

"This is the devil's pebbles, isn't it?" Ace commented, looking back at them in irritation as they failed to respond, "One of the Origin Mountains had its side sheared off by a Star Demon, it fell across this area."

"I had heard that story." Decimus commented from ahead, seeming oddly cheerful this morning, "Though more likely Mount Sedimus simply crumbled this way naturally, these rocks have been proven to have been deposited over hundreds of years. And we stand upon what is itself a mountain, one of the Origin's range's 'little spires'. Only a few hundred feet at its peak, but formed by the same growing pains as the rest of them."

Fluttershy looked ahead as the sky cleared in front, vast peaks of blue stone spiking up to the heavens. They stretched for miles, and from here she could see that they did not indeed simply carve across the Mutum in a neat boarder but faded into the golden grassed plains in a rolling mass of hills and rocky outcrops. And far, far above she could see it, faded, overgrown but still present. She pointed it out, "Zemir the Wise, she's still here."

Decimus nodded as he looked up, "Good eye."

Ace frowned from beside, "Where?"

"She's fairly obscured now." Decimus explained, backing up and guiding Ace's hoof up towards the hem of her robes carved into the mountainside, "And she's really best seen from the other side."

"I... can see her. Sort of." Ace finally stated after a moment, craning his neck to the side, "Who is she?"

"She was the wife of the second Caesar." Fluttershy explained, having had this tour herself once, "You remember the smaller throne next to the Dragon Throne? That was built for her."

"There have been many attempts to repair and preserve our history." Decimus explained, "The Praetorians last traveled up there a little over eighty years ago, cleared the moss away and repaired what we could. We call her 'The Lady'." He looked down the line of mountains, "Sadly many of the others have been completely lost to the ages."

"You should be glad you have this much." Ace commented, "You should have seen Equestria after the megaspells had finished falling. And the griffons only had what they could carry out on their backs."

"That is part of our duty." Decimus explained, "To protect... and to preserve."


The temple came into view now, Karege. Fluttershy remembered it as the source of Caesar Rumicon's final transmission, urging his subjects to safety. And it was the home of the Caesar of the East, the mysterious figure in the background that they knew so little about.

It was circular in shape and supported a large funnel, made of the same sandstone as the surrounding area and feeling like less a building and more like some strange natural formation in the rock. Hieroglyphs marked the exterior, Fluttershy barely able to translate a fraction of them. It was Kaino, one of the zebra's rhyming languages, but it was of an incredibly old dialect that barely resembled the modern form.

"This is... a Karakian style house." Ace stated, sounding deeply impressed, "What is it doing on the other side of the country?"

Fluttershy looked to him, "Karakian?"

"The water zebra of the Golden Coast, around the epic era." Ace Gold explained, "Karakivore is named after them."

"This is a reproduction of the original house that stood here." Decimus explained as they approached across the dusty plain, shielded from the wind and shielded from view from the spikes of jagged rock all around. He gently struck the dirty with a hoof, turning over dried soil, "The zebra who built that house was originally from that area. Clear Skies, if you would remain outside?"

The pegasus huffed, then took to the skies with a burst of air to soar towards one of the nearby peaks. Fluttershy once again noted how graceful she was, especially considering how clumsy she often appeared on the ground.

Decimus led them inside, the truth soon making itself known. Fluttershy paused in shock for a moment as they entered the entrance hall and she was immediately confronted by a statue of him, but then she quickly realized that she was mistaken.

It was an easy mistake to make, the zebra powerfully built and rugged rather than handsome, a large, familiar sword imbedded in the ground beside him. But this zebra's face was older, wearier, his body slumped slightly as if he bore the weight of the world. All the same he looked happy, satisfied.

She looked up at the statue, then at the sides of the room where other artifacts were laid out. Farming tools, everyday objects... and trophies from demon kings, "This was the home of Zephyr Stormstrung."

Decimus nodded, his voice respectful, "When his task was done, and we were free, this is where he lay down his sword. He became a farmer, and lived here isolation until he died at the age of eighty two."

Fluttershy couldn't help but be reminded of Ponyville, of the Twilight Observatory, Sweet Apple Acres Casino and... most unsettlingly... Fluttershy Free Hospital. The mundane items of their lives, laid out and worshiped as some religious artifacts. It had already started happening with the latest generation, Littlepip encouraged to lend anything up to and including her toothbrush to museums across the land, "There was a military facility built here? On a historical site?"

"Formerly it was an archaeological dig, that left a cave network underground. That cave network was eventually repurposed as a military facility." Decimus explained, leading them on, "Zephyr chose the location well. This place is hard to get to, shielded from the weather and prying eyes."

They reached a lift door, Decimus scanning his eye and ushering them in as it opened, "Please, after you."

They entered and the lift sped down, smooth and easy, descending through what she recognized by the echo as a protective shell reinforced with magic. It wasn't long after that that they reached their destination, only one button upon the wall. The lift doors slid open with a clank, revealing in front of them the fabled elder temple of the Caesar of the East.

White walls, the smell of disinfectant and smooth lines stretched across Fluttershy’s vision, instantly reminding her of her medical days. Glass windows looked into labs full of bubbling liquids, planters in neatly arranged rows and expensive looking computers. A model of a six pointed constellation sat in the middle of the lobby, the symbol of harmony in scientific achievement.

"You said it was an old research facility…” Ace started, looking around in wonder, “I didn’t expect it to be a fully functional research facility.”

“Good evening, all of you.” A zebra stated smartly, a big smile on her face and a white coat draped across her body. She was prim and neat looking, even with her hair in a traditional Mohican, of middle years, “I am Medicus Decima, department manager of Medicine at this facility.”

“And what exactly is this facility?” Ace asked, eyes tracking the other similarly dressed zebra as they moved about the area.

“This was the centre of Zebra biological research during the war.” Decima explained, leading them on into the facility, “This is where Rohohuki, ‘pink gas’, was perfected, where the first Ghost Operatives were created. Here the elite warriors of our army were enhanced, given abilities beyond that of any of their fellows.”

Fluttershy bristled, a sick feeling filling her chest, “And now?”

“We use this facility and these machines to create new plants and medicine, as we have done for the last two hundred years.” She answered proudly, “Much of the prosperity of the valley was created here, in this facility.”

Ace was still frowning, looking confused, “Why the religious stuff? Why call it a temple?”

Decima smiled softly back at him, “Few zebra trusted the power of science after that science scoured the globe clean. They wanted hope, the hope of the less physical.”

Fluttershy admitted it was sad. Ponies talked about Twilight Sparkle like she was a cackling madpony, clad in a blood stained smock. Not that he needed much help but Doc Slaughter himself had admitted to intentionally playing up the image, seemingly the only one most ponies would accept. But all this still left the one big question, “And what of Caesar? Is he even real?”

“The director is waiting for you further on.” She stated with a beaming smile, “Please, follow me.”

Fluttershy felt her heart tremble slightly as they approached the facilities’ central offices, noting how similar they looked to the ones at the Institute of Science. She realized that both had been designed to intentionally ape a top down view of the celestial harmony symbol, with the director’s office forming the planet and those of the other seniors forming the moon, sun and outer planets surrounding it.

A praetorian met them at the door, golden armor surrounding the sunken features of a truly old looking ghoul who beyond reason had managed to cling on to a long, wispy beard. He smiled as they approached, toothless and oddly familiar… “Fine greetings to you Lady Fluttershy!”

“Alpharious?” She expressed in surprise, her smile soon spreading wide across her face. She could barely believe it, but that face was still so familiar even after all this time, "You're still alive?"

"I could say the same of you Lady Fluttershy." The old ghoul replied, chuckling, "You haven't aged a day."

She was really getting that a lot lately. She shrugged it off, turning to Ace and explaining, "This is Alpharious, he was Caesar Remicon's bodyguard... and a good friend."

"I served him long before he became Caesar." Alpharious corrected, grinning from ear to ear with cheer, "As a young zebra I had the pleasure of adventuring alongside the six ministry mares. Those were the days!"

"Days I miss deeply." Fluttershy acknowledged, "But why are you here?"

"I swore an oath to serve until my last breath Lady Fluttershy. That period not ending any time soon doesn’t preclude that." He pressed a button on the wall to open up a pair of double doors into the chamber beyond, "Please, the master wishes to speak to you."

Fluttershy nodded gratefully, then proceeded past into the room beyond. Ace followed, the doors closing behind and leaving them in a large, shadowed chamber.

And one by one, the lights activated. It was a command center of some kind, lined by consoles and monitors. At the far end was some kind of tube, containing what appeared to be a body of some kind, the read outs on the monitors seeming to contain physiological information along with the status of the world around. It reminded her of the SPP command center, a pony in stasis linked up to a larger system.

“Wecome travelers.” A deep voice boomed out from speakers on every wall. The tube lit up to reveal the occupant, papery skin stretched across wasted muscle, the whole body thin and withered and cut open to admit trailing wires and strange cybernetics. It almost looked a corpse but it twitched slightly as its eyes opened up, lined with cataracts and desperately trying to focus. As she watched, a smile crossed its face, desperate and sad, "Fluttershy..." The face stretched father, happiness shining there, "You... have had the better of the years. But it is good to see you again."

Fluttershy shook her head, trying to recognize him, "Do I know... you...?"

"You look as beautiful today, as the day you saved me from that manticore." Caesar stated with kindness, voice cracking a little, "To think, that over two and a half hundred years later we would stand here, face to face."

Fluttershy paused a moment at the implications, how to react. It was obvious now in retrospect, and quite appropriate. Because he truly was Caesar, or at least Caesar apparent with his father lost. It was painful, seeing the proud, handsome zebra reduced to this, though her heart sang to see him again after all this time, "Prince Nashar..."

"The prince?!" Ace exclaimed, brow narrowing, "From the war? How did you get down here?!"

"Well that is quite the question." Nashar responded with a hint of amusement.

"Your father gave you to High Scientist Zenospira." Fluttershy stated, remembering what they had seen at the palace, "I looked for you in the Academy of Science, but..."

She trailed off, feeling her heart sink. She had though him dead, finding no trace of him. When they destroyed the facility she definitely figured he was either dead already, or they had killed him during the destruction. Nashar took a moment before responding, "My father wanted me outside the city. Zenospira convinced him that I could be turned to the war effort, that he could remake me as a prince he could be proud of."

Fluttershy felt her heart shake with anger, "How... how could he!?"

"I had planned to kill him Fluttershy. That he left me alive was mercy." Nashar responded soothingly, "And he gave explicit orders that I was not to be hurt, that I was to be left in a state where I could take over the Empire if needed. This facility was designed as a apocalypse bunker you see, with me wired into its systems. From here I could access our entire network, military, civilian... I could order its armies, use its communications."

"Why would he give someone who tried to kill him that much power?" Ace asked.

"Command would only be given to me if command collapsed, if my father and his generals were presumed dead." Caesar explained, "If that happened, my father's orders were for me to save what remained of the zebra, in whatever way I saw fit."

"And you did..." Fluttershy concluded.

"Of course not. My father trusted that monster Zenospira with the task after all, and he had other ideas." Nashar explained with a note of anger, a slight tension flickering through his withered form, "Zenospira included an override, a master program designed to replace my control. I would be reduced to a mere puppet, an organic computer running a false version of myself obedient to Zenospira alone."

Fluttershy shivered, once again feeling glad he was dead, "So how did you stop it?"

"The only way I could think of." Nashar responded with a sigh, "I induced a reactor overload, tried to wipe this facility off the map before he could take control."

"That's pretty brave..." Ace noted, "...but I note this place isn't a crater."

"Yes." Nashar responded, "The Ministry of Awesome detected the overload, they broke in here and disabled it. They wiped out his forces, and cut me off from Zenospira's control before he could stop them."

Fluttershy paused in shock for a moment before grinning, "Rainbow Dash saved you?"

"Well, her men." Nashar corrected, "But yes, pretty ironic. And indeed, with that action I believed they may have saved the world... or what was left of it."

"Not a lot." Ace quipped, unusually irreverent today.

"You went to the capital." Nashar responded, ignoring Ace's comment, "Did you meet Zenospira?"

Fluttershy shivered. She still remembered his taunts, "Yes... he's dead."

"He was behind it all Fluttershy. He intentionally pushed us into firing the megaspells, knowing we would wipe each other out. Then he simply sealed the capital, safe from harm as the rest of the world burned in fire."

"I know Nashar." Fluttershy noted quietly, "He killed every zebra in the city too."

"And this facility was the linchpin of his plans." Nashar answered, "We were connected to the tower by a quantum entanglement connection, allowing him to access the numerous catches and robotic armies he had stored away while himself remaining safe from retaliation. He intended to use my mind to command his armies, all out of his own twisted sadism."

Fluttershy had thought he was bad enough as it was, "The moon... that's what he wanted to do to this planet."

"And we were to prepare the way, provide him with more test subjects and resources." Nashar‘s voice lowered, "And he wanted to find you Fluttershy."

Fluttershy was somewhat taken aback by that, "Me? Why?"

"So he could make you suffer."

Fluttershy looked down at her hooves, failing to understand why. She had only met the zebra once, briefly, at a party. She hadn't even known his name. It didn't make sense, "You know, for a long time... I wanted a big bad villain to be behind everything. Someone we could fight, defeat."

"He was that villain."

"No he wasn't." Fluttershy responded firmly, "He just played on prejudices, pushed a little. If we hadn't wanted to fight, it never would have worked. And he had no hold over Equestria. Everything we did, launching the megaspells... that was us." She shook her head, "He was just a weak little bully, who was cynical enough to see where we were going and wanted to make the best of it."

Nashar was silent for a long time. Finally he spoke, voice heavy, "I have tried Fluttershy. Tried to make a better world."

She offered him a small smile, "Clendel is doing well."

"It's on fire." Nashar answered grimly, "Everything I have done has failed. Did you know I once banned ponies from these lands?"

"They told me you hated ponies Nashar." Fluttershy stated, having wondered about that for a while, "I know that's not true."

"I told you once, how I wish our two nations had never met. That two races so different in culture and ideals would inevitably start to fight. So I tried to stop that happening again. At first I banned ponies from these lands, segregated them to their own settlements. Then I stopped all immigration, tried to instill community spirit..." He gave a dry, humorless chuckle, "And the zebra fought each other. Over the minute differences in their creeds. Over the families they were born into. Over the way they styled their hair." He concluded glumly, "And once again, the Mutum burns."

"You know who are the really aggressive species?" Ace spoke up firmly, looking to the both, "Griffons."

"Griffons?" Fluttershy expressed in confusion, "What do they have to do with anything?"

"They're quite famous for it. Always pushing each other around, always showing off and challenging each other. Whether competing over some baking contest, trying to get a higher grade in a term paper or actually wrestling each other in the corridors, griffons love to fight." He stated at each of them, "And they were horrified by the war. And I know for a fact that they would never have launched the megaspells."

"The griffons have started more wars than any other species on this planet." Nashar challenged, "It is a bold claim to say they would possess such power, and not deploy it immediately."

Ace looked right back at him, "They wouldn't. Because fighting is a way of life for them, it's part of their culture and biology. They compete all the time, yet almost no one is ever hurt, no friendships are ever broken and they pretty much built the NCR from scratch. Because they know how far to take it, when to call it off and when to hold back." He extended a hoof, accusing, "Your response is typical. You look down on Griffons, see them as a violent culture. And yet you are totally incapable of acknowledging the violence in your own."

"Ace... " Fluttershy started.

"Your religion, the Holy Fire. It forbids violence!" He looked to Fluttershy, "And what to the principles of harmony say about killing?"

Fluttershy took a breath, "It's strictly forbidden."

"The griffons may sometimes glorify their violent impulses." Ace finished, "But at least they understand them. You pretend you are beyond them, and act all surprised when you start killing each other over trivialities."

Silence settled for a moment before Caesar spoke, "He has a point."

"Then what?" Fluttershy questioned, a little more aggressive than she intended, "We change equine nature?"

"You regulate it." Ace answered, "You talk about it. You don't hide behind ideas like violent ponies being mentally ill, or violence being the work of governments or beliefs. You admit to yourselves that violence is part of us all, and we have to work out ways of dealing with that."

Fluttershy took a moment to take that in, finally giving a giggle. He had really grown up, "That was very wise Ace."

"It's not exactly a new idea." He protested, "It's a central part of NCR martial arts. Queen Crimson said almost exactly the same thing in her ten year fighting anniversary."

"Isn't she... a boxer?"

"She's the nine year holder of the Mixed Martial Arts Equine Cruiserweight trophy." He frowned at them both, "Yeah, a pony who hits other ponies for a living could teach you two a thing or two about the world."

Fluttershy noted he seemed especially irked, "Ace, you seem... upset."

"Because this is exactly the same thing everyone is doing." He answered, "Red Eye, Velvet Remedy, Sunshine Ivory... you're all such idealists, but you never fact check your own assumptions. That we've were killing each other long before we split into separate species, and that..."

Ace looked at her and paused, Fluttershy taking a deep breath and nodding, "Go on."

His eyes clouded with regret, "Fluttershy, the idea that no one would ever use the megaspells to end the world was based on the idea that equines are rational and empathetic. And they're not. It's not just evil masterminds either, sometimes it just takes a weak little bully like Xenospira. And... they're not as rare as you would like."

Fluttershy nodded, accepting that, "I know."

"An honest advisor is a valuable thing." Nashar stated, his voice full of regret, "You have me right Ace Gold, I was always too bound to my ideals."

"We both were." Fluttershy admitted.

"If not for Lightning Dust, I fear we would have gotten the world destroyed much sooner." He paused a second before continuing, "My father told me that she was killed... by Equestrian Forces."

Fluttershy didn't know quite what to say, still remembering the event as vividly as if she had been there, "He was telling the truth. Rainbow Dash tried to protect her, but she was assassinated by Equestrian soldiers trying to prevent a diplomatic end to the war."

"My father tried to use her death to make me hate ponies." Nashar replied, sounding torn, "It didn't work, I was already aware that they can be as cruel and evil as any zebra. But I am glad her and Rainbow Dash got to make amends."

"I wouldn't go that far..." Fluttershy admitted, remembering how harshly Rainbow Dash had spoken, "But I think they realized they were fighting for the same thing."

Ace looked at them both, finally speaking, "Didn't Lightning Dust... almost get you killed once Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy could only giggle, for some reason finding it all rather funny, "Three times actually."

"She was not one for morality, and she could be charmingly straightforward. And she rarely considered the feelings of others." Nashar admitted, "As such I found she complemented my personality well. She had a way of puncturing my idealism. Seeing things stripped of emotion."

"Perhaps that is what goes wrong." Fluttershy admitted, "It can be very easy to only associate with other idealists, I made that mistake. Maybe I needed a less moral voice to point out where I had let myself make too many assumptions based on my own view of the world."

"Honestly, my opposition to ponies was foolish." Nashar admitted, "The other can guide us to ideas we would have never dreamed of. Lightning Dust was nothing like me, but she made me stronger. And I loved her very dearly."

"You made her stronger too." Fluttershy observed, "She was not a nice pony when she was younger, and I admit I was a little surprised at your relationship. But looking at it, she did as much for peace as either of us."

"Can we still do it Fluttershy?" Nashar questioned, "Can we still fight for peace?"

Fluttershy looked towards Ace Gold, the buck staring back for a moment or two before speaking, "Maybe this time, you don't do it all in secret. You work with other ponies, and tell them why they should listen to you, not just assume that they would see the righteousness in your actions. You understand why we continue to fight, and why we can't just put down our weapons."

"You know what Nashar?" Fluttershy noted with a surge of embarrassment, "Luna and Celestia both knew exactly what we were doing, that we were traitors. And so did your father."

"I thought unkindly of him for so many years. Even as a child, he was... stern." Nashar noted with a sigh, "I would give anything to be able to apologize to him. Try and understand him."

Fluttershy hesitated, not sure how to broach the issue. It was big, bigger for Nashar than it was even for the rest of the world. And she was unsure if it was even the right thing for either of them.

But she couldn't keep it hidden, "Your father is alive."

"Caesar Remicon?" Nashar exclaimed in utter shock, "He lives? How?"

"Zenospira turned him into a ghoul, emotionally abused him for his own sadism." Fluttershy explained, "But Remicon turned on him, helped us stop him. He's still up there, helping repair the city."

Nashar paused for a moment, "Do you trust him Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy was rather surprised. How could he ask such a thing of his own father? "Of course. He's a good zebra Nashar."

Nashar 's voice conveyed a little skepticism, "He gave the order to launch the megaspells. Zenospira's manipulations or not, that is on him."

"I don't condone his actions, but they were forced on him by terrible circumstances." Fluttershy stated, feeling unable to pass judgment for such things, "And to be honest Nashar, I understand how easy it is to do evil for a good cause."

Ace looked to her at this, eyes doubtful, "What evil have you done Fluttershy? Your problem is that you're too good."

"I killed Starhammer, then let Easu take the credit." Fluttershy explained, glad to get it off her chest.


Fluttershy nodded firmly, "I did it to force him into revealing his identity as Caesar Incuta's brother, and force him to take leadership of the army to displace him, and Star Swirl. And he's quite right in hating me for that."

Ace raised an eyebrow, looking honestly shocked, "Why?"

"Because if anyone can get Incuta and Star Swirl to back down, it's him." Fluttershy looked to Nashar and Ace, daring them to call her out, "I'm using him as a weapon. I manipulated him, to do what I believed had to be done. And I did it all with a smile."

"Fluttershy, perhaps that cynicism was what you needed." Nashar eventually noted, voice heavy, "Easu is a friend to Clendel, and an apprentice to Tradash the Black. Perhaps he is the one to unite these lands."

"Please don't justify me." Fluttershy complained, "He also distrusts ponies, hates Equestria, and is not one to back down to threats."

"Good." Ace stated, quite surprisingly, "The NCR will have to win his respect the same way we have."

She looked at him, taken off guard, "Ace, you're a NCR native..."

"I like my country, but I'll judge it on it's own merits. I'm waving no flags." Ace responded, "I'm not sure I approve of what you did, but only because you’re forcing Easu into a position that he will hate. I do certainly believe he's a leader the zebra need, capable of standing up to the NCR, Camels, or anyone who wants to take advantage of them."

"Thank you Ace Gold." Nashar replied, "It is good to know you are friend to us."

"I would like to be a friend to everyone, and I would like the zebra and NCR to feel the same." He nodded firmly, "And you know what? I realize now, that if I want a better world I'm going to have to work to make it happen. So I intend to stay here after this is all over, and make sure that peace holds." He gave them both a judgmental eye, "Because honestly, I don't trust either side."

"Wise." Nashar admitted, "And in return, I have a gift for you, and for all of Equestria."

Fluttershy looked up, this sounding interesting, "What is it?"

"I told you that the ministry of awesome saved me?"


"They detected the overload because their central base is close by." Nashar stated, "And I can tell you where it is."


The facility emerged from behind rocks, carefully sheltered by its position. It also failed to stand out in any way, consisting of just a small boxy building connected to a fairly standard issue radio tower. No distinguishing marks identified it, and it looked long abandoned. A rusty chain was wound about the doorhandle.

They advanced, Clear Sky landing next to them and following them onwards. Fluttershy looked to her, finally understanding, “So this was the reward you requested?”

Clear Skies nodded, looking like she was having a moment, “Teh final rethsting placthe of Rainbow Daths.”

Fluttershy noted the grave outside. It was dedicated to a Lt Ivory Winters, a pegasi she dimly remembered. One of Rainbow Dash's friends, "So this is their headquarters?”

Decimus nodded, breaking the chain and throwing the door open. It led into a standard issue broadcast studio, Decimus shifting a cupboard aside to reveal... a small room, loaded with cleaning supplies. Fluttershy, Ace and Clear Skies followed, Decimus searching for a moment before revealing a small biometric touchpad hidden behind a bucket.

Ace moved forward, connected his pipbuck... and nearly instantly gave a look of deep unhappiness, "I could have guessed."


"This is Ministry of Awesome HQ, the idea that I would ever be able to hack into it was laughable in the first place." Ace Gold disconnected the pipbuck and stepped back, "I was never that good at it in the first place."

"So wath now?" Clear Skies asked, "Do... you havth clearencth?"

Fluttershy did once. Now however... she moved forward, pressing a hoof against the touchpad.

Mechanics whirred into life, a speaker crackling briefly and the pad lighting up green. And slowly, with a lot of dust, the far wall opened up to reveal a rusty old elevator. Fluttershy couldn't believe it, "I have clearance?"

"You are a ministry mare." Decimus offered.

"But... Rainbow Dash hated me! I was a traitor!"

"Maybe she never revoked your clearance?" Ace Gold offered.

Fluttershy found that unlikely. This was a top secret facility, she shouldn't have clearance in the first place...

"After you." Decimus offered.

They stepped inside, pressing the only button available. With a rattle they made their descent, all united in silence for a moment before a voice sounded out over the radio, "Hi Fluttershy."

Fluttershy instantly looked up in shock, "Rainbow Dash?!"

"Emergency protocols are active, so that means the megaspells have been launched. In that case, making it to one of our facilities was a smart move, so long as they don't suffer direct impact they should hold against the initial bombardment."

Ace Gold frowned, shaking his head, "This is a recording."

"This isn't a stable though, so you can't hide here forever... and judging from the position data, you're hearing this from deep inside the zebra lands. Shame on you Fluttershy. If there's one thing I hate more than being wrong, it's being right."

Fluttershy winced, "Sorry Dash..."

"But it doesn't matter anymore. It never mattered."

"Dash..." Fluttershy stated, feeling tears come to her eyes.

"I wish we could have worked together, wish we could have understood each other better. But at the end of it, I want you to know that I wanted the war to end as much as you. And that I wanted nothing more than you to be right, and your attempts at peace to succeed. I did as much as I could to help you... even endured you hating me."

Ace Gold gave her a sympthetic look. There were no words.

"Fluttershy, Luna passed on an important document to me. The file should be on the system, unlocked by your biometrics, at present its contents are known only to me, Luna, Princess Celestia and Commander Pipsqueak. I will summarize its contents to you now, and I want you to do your best to see it carried out." Rainbow Dash paused for a moment before continuing, "The line of succession for the throne of Equestria is as follows. Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, Rainbow Dash, Princess Celestia, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Pipsqueak, Twilight Sparkle."

Fluttershy's eyes widened, her ears flattening out, "What?"

"Celestia, Luna and Cadance were all last seen in impact zones, and I've been unable to contact them. And I'm not in any position to take command."

Fluttershy noted everypony was looking at her, "No..."

"That means you're Princess of Equestria Fluttershy."

"That's... madness." Fluttershy actually giggled a little, "Luna would NEVER make me Princess of Equestria!"

"You might think that makes no sense, but this was Luna's idea. If everypony above you was wiped out, then that means we've failed. So it's your turn."

Fluttershy's laugh died.

"Do what we couldn't. Save Equestria, save its ponies. Save what's left of the world. I know you can do it... Princess Fluttershy."

The door slid open to a dusty command center beyond. The lights blinked on and Ace Gold turned to her, voice soft and sympathetic, "Congratulations Princess."

"I can't be Princess." Fluttershy argued, looking around as she stepped into the room, "Equestria is dead and gone."

As was anyone who had used this room. It was rusting, dusty, most of its systems inactive. Communications consoles filled one side, a small armory another, kitchens and sleeping areas off from the main area. Banners and posters proclaiming the glory of the Ministry of Awesome decorated the area, a dusty bottle of whiskey and a single glass sitting on the table.

A single skeleton lay propped up against one of the consoles, a unicorn. Fluttershy moved closer, seeing one of Rarity's Rainbow Dash statuettes lying under its hoof, a gold locket opened up before them. She shifted it away, looking down at the picture of Rainbow Dash, Cloud Abacus, Storm Rider and Glory Wing it contained. She then looked up at the unicorn, knowing exactly who this was.

"Computer." Ace Gold asked from the main console, "Play last entry."

"Operations... operations log of Commander Cloud Abacus, Ministry of Awesome. This is... to be my final log entry, recording mission complete.

... Ivory Winters finally left us yesterday. He was a good friend, and a fine officer. I buried him outside with all the honors I was capable of giving. I doubt anyone will even mark my own passing, but it's no matter. I did what I was asked, and now I can go and meet her again."

The Mutum is recovering, bit by bit. Lieutenant Evening Glade's family continue to run the old mill, and around it a large settlement grows by the day. The Garden Rods we planted have near run dry, but the valley at least is more fertile than it has ever been. Treaties have been drawn up guaranteeing peace and stability, and beyond the mountains Garm thrives.

It is not perfect, not yet... but perhaps those living here have truly learned from the mistakes of the past. Maybe a world without war and strife is possible.

If you are hearing this, I live in hope that all this is true. If it is not, then I beg you to see the records and learn. Learn where war and hate brings you, and turn from your path.

But this is ultimately up to others. I was asked to protect this land, and I have done all in my power to do so. I now resign my commission, and go to meet with my wife and children.

This is Commander Cloud Abacus, signing off."

Ace listened wordlessly, finally clicking through the files as the recording finished. He spoke up again after a moment, "There's a recording that he viewed just before this one. It's a old one, from just after the war. It's a message... sent from Equestria."

"Play it." Fluttershy asked, steeling herself.

Ace nodded, clicking the button.

"Commander, this is a priority one transmission from Equestria." The screen flickered for a moment before a familiar face appeared, thin and bearing a vicious scar across the cheek, bandages wound through her rainbow hair. The voice was horse, strained. Still the pony was unmistakable, "It's happened, they dropped. And from what I've learned, Equestria had enough time to retaliate." Rainbow Dash dropped her head, genuine grief in her expression for a moment before she steeled herself once more, "There's almost nothing left, and I categorically forbid any attempt to reach Equestria. Commander, if you're still alive your orders are as follows."

Fluttershy sighed, it was so Dash. The world had come to an end and everypony was dead, and she was trying with all her might to express no emotion whatsoever. The more emotionally compromised she was, the more military she got. Fluttershy had never understood that.

"Civilization, equines... they must survive. If Equestria is lost, we can only hope the zebra lands are not. I have sent codes unlocking the rules of succession, and I confirm that Princess Luna and Princess Cadance are missing presumed dead. As such, I am now Princess of Equestria, and use that authority to authorize unconditional surrender and pass authority over our overseas troops and resources to Lord Caesar. You are to do everything possible to save lives and restore order, and any further aggression is to be considered a act of treason which should be punished appropriately."

"Try telling Star Fall and the Enclave that." Decimus responded with a frown.

"And with that... I resign my position as Princess, and Minister of the Ministry of Awesome." Rainbow Dash concluded with a sigh. Her head rose, softness in her eyes, regret in her voice, "The Pegasus Enclave have already jumped the gun on that unfortunately. When I announced my intentions, they attempted to kill me. Almost succeeded. They are dangerous, and I'm willing to bet that they'll come after you eventually. You have to be ready for that."

Ace Gold looked at Decimus, "Looks like she did."

Rainbow Dash sighed, lifting her armored vest to reveal a horrific looking jagged hole below her shoulder, "It's not healing unfortunately, no matter how many potions I take. It's stopped bleeding, but my lungs are shot, and... well, I'm not doing great. I'll never make it to the zebra lands."

Clear Skies shook her head in disbelief, "She'th noth here?"

"So I'm going to do what I can." Rainbow Dash concluded, dropping her vest back into position, "I'm going to find the others, bash their heads together until they're friends again, and fix this. Pinkie Pie should be in Manehatten, I'll find her first and then together we'll find Applejack, then travel to Canterlot to rescue Fluttershy and Rarity. After that Splendid Valley isn't far, and knowing Twilight she's already got some cool plan all ready to go."

Fluttershy felt the tears flow. She sounded so confident.

"So for now... this is goodbye." Rainbow Dash visibly broke for a moment, lip quivering, "I... Cloudsdale took a direct hit. It was instant. I..." She looked away, rubbing her eyes with a hoof, "...I should have been better. We all should have been better. I... order you to be better." She looked up, giving a tear filled smile, "I'll see you on the other side."

And then the recording finished.

Fluttershy picked up the locket, looking at the picture there. They looked so happy.

"Is that... Rainbow Dash's husband?" Ace Gold questioned as he looked at the skeleton, then up at the locket.

Fluttershy chuckled, "They never actually married. She always called him her partner."

"He... doesn't look like a spy."

Fluttershy chuckled, "Actually most of the spies I knew looked like accountants. Even Rainbow Dash looked unexpectedly respectable when she wore her glasses and tied her hair back." She grinned, remembering back to those happy days long ago, "Cloud Abacus was her accountant amusingly enough. He did finances for the wonderbolts, was very... polite, very respectable."

"That doesn't sound like her." Decimus observed.

"We all found it rather funny." Fluttershy admitted, "But out of all of us... she was the only one who actually made a relationship work. And her kids were wonderful, and... at the end of it all, she was trying to save us all."

"She..." Ace paused a moment to find his words, "...never hated you Fluttershy."

Fluttershy nodded, then looked to the little Rainbow Dash statuette by her hooves. It wasn't her, she knew that... but she had always believed she might be listening, "I'm sorry too Rainbow Dash. I should have known you would never abandon us."


"It'th not fair! It shouthent end lithe this!"

Ace Gold rolled his eyes as they exited the facility, looking to Clear Skies, "I'll be sure to tell Rainbow Dash how inconsiderate she's been, not taking your feelings into account."

"I mean..." Clear Skies shook her head in angry despair, "We still donth know what hapthened to her!"

"I always liked the idea that she was still out there, helping ponies as a ghoul." Fluttershy observed wistfully, "Whenever I saw a ghoul protecting me, some unknown ranger across the street in a face obscuring mask... I always wondered if it was her."

"Thiths... was my questh. You know?" Clear Skies eventually answered, her shoulders slumping, "And I'm no closether to the truth."

"Why are you so obsessed with Rainbow Dash anyway?"

Clear Skies looked at Ace in response, her expression hesitant and unsure. It was a moment before she finally found her words, "I guesth... I would rathe her, I would win, and we would become beth frienths."

"Clear Skies..." Fluttershy hesitantly advanced, not sure if this was the right thing or not but feeling driven to speak, "Rainbow Dash is probably dead."

Clear Skies looked up at her, offended. Her head dropped after a moment, her eyes angry, "So I shouth justh give up?"

"I think so, yes." Fluttershy admitted, thinking back to what she had learned over the last couple of days, "The past can be a poison. We revisit it time and time again, trying to make up for old mistakes and old regrets, thinking it was better than it was. And we spend so much time looking back, we fail to keep our eyes on the future." She set eyes on the pegasus, smiling warmly at her, "You are a better flier than Rainbow Dash Clear Skies. You could beat her in a race."

Clear Skies' eyes lit up, "Reathlly?"

Fluttershy chuckled, "How long have you wanted to hear that?"

"Since I waths fivthe." She admitted, "But that sthill leaths the quethion... whath do I do now?"

"Well Rainbow Dash was never just above being fast." Fluttershy observed, "She was about following her passions. Becoming a legend."

Clear Skies frowned, "I tried that. Evthryone still makths fun of me."

"Clear Skies. You found the zebra lands, you're the first equine to set foot into Kyrshin and survive in centries." Fluttershy observed, "You're a scout, and there's lots of the world still out there to find. Map the Centaur lands, go north and find the deer, find the lost homeland of the ponies across the crystal mountains." She nodded, "And when you get back, you tell us all about them."

"I... guesth so..." She concluded, then gave a lopsided smile back, "But thor now, I think I'm going to continuthe helthping the zebra. Feelths like the whole worthd is shifthing, anth I wanth to thee how it all turnths out."

Fluttershy smiled back at her, "I'm sure they would be very grateful."


They travelled back down the path in silence, all of them having a lot on their mind it seemed. Decimus was eventually the first to speak, "I'm afraid I will be leaving you here."

Ace had heard that a lot lately, looking up at the big zebra, "You're not travelling with us to Garm?"

He shook his head, "The praetorians took heavily casualties, those of us who are left are needed here. I doubt I will even be able to follow you west, I have no doubt I will be kept very busy in the days to come."

"I will miss you Decimus." Fluttershy stated, her hoof laid upon her chest, "We might not have been together long, but we all appreciate everything you've done for us."

"The appreciation is mine." He replied, "You saved the Mutum from Starhammer, at great cost to yourself. One day I hope that we can thank you properly."

Ace was just about to reply when another zebra became visible around a corner, sitting upon a rock with most of her body covered in softly blowing robes. She was of ambiguously middle age, with spiral mark tattoos across her face. As Ace watched her for any danger she slowly straightened, graceful and controlled as she hopped down to confront them, "These events will indeed be remembered, long after we are all gone."

"Tandia!" Fluttershy exclaimed as she saw the zebra, mouth opening in a smile, "What are you doing here?"

"I am here to bring you to Garm." She responded, her voice calm and soft, "If we leave now, we should arrive just before sunrise."

Ace looked her over, having seen pictures of the legendary Tandia of Garm. The zebra in front of him matched those depictions, but there was something odd about her. Something hollow, missing behind her soft, blue eyes, "Why sunrise?"

"You will see." Was her simple response, looking to Decimus, "Thank you Decimus. Give my blessings to Lord Caesar."

He bowed, "Of course my lady."


Ace followed along Tandia and Fluttershy, the two chatting away like old friends. They had apparently met before, though he was unsure why Fluttershy had never mentioned meeting one of the great heroes of the zebra. Indeed he was beginning to feel a little left out in general, eventually deciding to force his way into the conversation, "You you're the element of magic right?"

"I am strongly attuned to the fifth element, yes." Tandia replied, as soft and lacking real emotion as ever, "Though I would be unable to actually carry the element itself."

He admitted that he was not sure how this all worked, "Why not?"

"Because like Celestia, I used the elements in a way that ran counter to their basic essence." She replied, not seeming particularly upset by this, "Celestia used them against her beloved sister and element bearer, I used them to cut myself off from mortal emotion and concerns."

Ace wondered if he was getting into dangerous territory. Still she didn't seem particularly concerned, "You don't feel any emotion?"

"I still remember them, and from time to time I feel something deep inside." She smiled, a rather haunting sight, "But to all intents and purposes, Tandia died long ago. She allowed her body to be used as a conduit for harmonic energies, so that their power could function in the world once more. A worthy goal, and one that succeeded, but not one that is really in the spirit of friendship."

Ace wrestled with his words for a moment before deciding to go simple, "You allowed your body to be used..."

"With the tree of harmony dead and the essential processes of the world interrupted, harmony could not flow." Tandia stated, "To allow harmony to function again I had to make myself a font for their energies."

"If that's true..." Ace advanced, "...would the Gardens of Equestria have worked without you?"

"No." She replied, "With the tree of harmony dead, the elements were rendered dormant. And with the elements in that state Sunny Smiles would have been able to corrupt them entirely, and would have eventually ended up destroying the world."

Ace paused, that being... a little intense, "You know about Sunny Smiles?"

Tandia nodded, "Being connected to harmony, it was hard not to be aware of her." She smiled then, far more genuine and warm than her previous smiles, "And I also felt the elements find new bearers, bearers who used their power to destroy her."

"Without you, Xephyr and the others would have failed..." Ace acknowledged, "We've got a lot to thank you for."

"I did what I did to save the world. A cause as important to me as it is to all life." She responded, “And with the activation of the gardens, my burden was finally lifted. That is something I can be thankful to you for."

Ace frowned, "Burden? Why?"

"Because a new Tree of Harmony now blooms, and my life is no longer required for those energies to flow."

"A new tree..." Ace's eyes widened as realization dawned, "The crusader mainframe?"

Fluttershy looked to Tandia, "It did sprout branches when it was first turned on. It's pretty much a whole forest now."

Tandia nodded, "As harmony intended."

"So..." Ace advanced, "Can you reverse what you did to yourself? Now it's no longer needed?"

Tandia shook her head, "No. As I said, I died that day. The hour was simply delayed, so that I may attend to my remaining responsiblies."

"And then..."

She closed her eyes, a look of peace upon her brow, "I can go to see Tradash again."

"When?" Fluttershy asked, her voice quivering.

"When my time has come." Tandia responded simply, "As with us all."


They passed through a large cleft in the mountains, down what was signposted as the pilgrims path. Two large rock structures that may have once been statues stood guard either side, the mountains either side climbing high in a dizzying array of plateaus, waterfalls, overgrown pathways and caves. The road split off in many places as they passed through, climbing upwards and around the rock. Ace spotted a zebra far up on a rocky outcropping, tribal markings on his face and bright cloth wrapped around his body. He saw Ace looking, staring back for a moment before retreating back into a cave decorated with wicked looking masks and hanging charms.

"The Tandu." Fluttershy noted, seeing where his eyes had travelled, "They pre-date the zebra."

"Many have joined them." Tandia noted, "Admiring a simpler life."

Fluttershy smiled, taking on the look she always got when about to tell a story, "The term 'zebra' is thought to mean 'those of the woods', meaning the forests of the Mutum. They were brown back then, and their stripes were mottled. Better to blend into the rock and stone of their former home."

Ace nodded, having heard a little of this, "And it was only in the woods that they grew their stripes."

"A simplified tale, but one that captures the essence of the truth." Tandia stated from up ahead, "The Tandu are now mostly black and white now, and brown zebra can be seen across the nation of course. The difference has always been cultural, the rejection of the soft lowland ways for a life more in common with a fabled past."

Ace nodded up at the masks, "Is this where Zecora came from?"

"Yes." Tandia confirmed, "Though the masks can be seen across the Inatu region, right up in the dragon plains. Still Zecora grew up in those caves, and on her thirteenth year presented herself at Garm with a wish to improve her alchemy."

Fluttershy slowed a little, looking sad, "You know, I never knew Zecora very well. I don't even know why she left her homeland."

"Neither do we." Tandia noted, "The records say little, her time here uneventful. It seems she was a private zebra, who kept her own confidence."

Fluttershy nodded, "You know, when I first met her... I was scared. I had never met a zebra before, let alone a mountain zebra."

"The way you tell it, you were scared of everything Fluttershy." Ace noted.

"But that fear... ruled me. And it took me so long to get over it." Fluttershy shook her head, frustrated, "I feel I spent so much of my life making up for that. That during our visit here, I was as scared as I was during our visit to the dragons."

"The zebra were scared of ponies too." Tandia noted.

Ace couldn't help scoffing, "How are we scary? Equestria was full of pastel, with happiness and friendship as founding concepts."

Tandia turned her head to look at him, her eyes fixing him with a look that made him shiver, "You were many, and we were few. You commanded magic enough to shake the skies, and the pegasi were unmatched warriors who had destroyed every enemy that had threatened your borders. Your monarch was immortal, and demons and gods cowered before your might." She looked back at the caves, "They erect those masks to scare off the devils that have always hunted our kind. Devils that did not always take the image of monsters."


It came into view as they turned a corner, the narrow path widening and the cliffs parting to reveal a expansive hollow nestled among the mountains. Within it was built a city, simple dwellings built of the same sandstone that formed the mountains, uniformly of the rough, square construction of the ancient zebra. They were not lit with magitech, instead the city was awash with the blue, flickering light of magical burners, set within elegant braziers inscribed with runes of protection and peace. Their light illuminated the many carvings and murals that marked the buildings here, the story of the zebra and the bearers of harmony illustrated in picture and verse as you climbed the steps up through the city's many tiers.

Upon the mountainside sat six great carvings, each illuminated from within by flames of an appropriate color. They bore the marks that were so familiar to Fluttershy, the ones that had once hung from their necks, the ones that had been carved upon the tree of harmony. Her chest hurt to look at them.

And then her eyes travelled down to the structure at the head of the city, squatting across the hilltop like a protective mother. It was cracked and old, the stone worn and chipped in many places. Many of the mighty statues that supported its arches and buttresses were near unrecognizable.

But as Fluttershy beheld the four great halls, each topped with one of four great domes, she understood. Those statues were older than Celestia. Those halls had felt the hoofsteps of heroes beyond counting.

This was where a hundred stories began and ended. The city of shaman, the last redoubt. The grand citadel of Garm.

"We should be just in time." Tandia noted softly. She turned, waving them on, "Come."

They made their way up the thousand steps, each bearing the name of a zebra hero. She trod across those she knew from legend, then across those she had known personally. She saw Caesar's name, and General Tacticus. She remembered that they had been heroes once.

Many gathered outside their homes, and Fluttershy wondered if they were there for them. They did not look their way however, all simply stood silently with their eyes closed, head angled to the sky, "What are they all doing?"

"Meditating, before the sun's dawning." Tandia answered, "This has always been a city of contemplation."

Fluttershy nodded, looking up as the final set of stairs approached. A statue of Zenophilius stood at the summit, his judgmental eyes gazing upon all those who approached. It was Ace who asked the obvious question at this point, "How did all these statues and buildings survive? I heard this place was targeted by five megaspells."

"It was." Tandia answered as she started up the steps, not seeming the least bit out of breath, "It is said they set the sky on fire, that all that could be seen was blue fire from here to the horizon. That those living here cowered in fear, awaiting extinction."

"But it didn't come." Easu commented.

"No. The air finally cleared, and with it the cold night." Tandia answered, "They were alive, and all questioned how such a thing was possible, especially as they became aware of what had become of the world around them."

"I presume the shaman had something to do with it." Ace offered as they reached the top, looking out across the cobblestone courtyard to the vast entrance gates beyond.

"Eventually three zebra were brave enough to chance the halls of the shaman, looking for food and supplies. Zaradine the Thief, Korin the Labourer and Pertra the Outcast. They entered with the lowest intentions, yet what they found forever lay upon their hearts."

"And what was that?" Fluttershy asked.

"The bodies of all one thousand, two hundred and thirty shaman, still sat in prayer. They had all died at once, each of their hearts stopped at the same time as the runes of protection had burst into fire, setting alight the great library and many of the other chambers. Every one of the shaman in Garm, all their knowledge, gone in an instant, along with all their wisdom."

Fluttershy took a breath, "To protect the city..."

"Was it worth it?" Tandia asked, her voice matter of fact, "Without the shaman and their knowledge, it was just an empty building. They had sacrificed their lives to save carved stone and a handful of ordinary zebra."

"They asked themselves that very question didn't they?" Fluttershy answered, looking up at Tandia, "The greatest minds in the whole country had lay down their lives for them. A thief, a laborer and a beggar."

The doors loomed before them, the symbols of harmony upon their brass surface. They opened up into a vast hall topped with a vast painted mural of the heavens in alignment. Gardens ran down the sides, rare plants from across the world blooming in their planters, stairs and balconies weaving between them to doors leading off into the various areas of the complex.

A set of large metallic charms hung from the ceiling at the end, just as they had the last time Fluttershy had been here. There were less than before, and all but one was different. That was the silver moon and stars charm that she knew represented the Order of Sacred Light founded by Luna, the others... a open book with a golden crescent above, a spade with a star at its tip and a golden sun rising over mountains.

Tandia led them on, leaving little time for sightseeing. They were led past dozens of robed shaman, sitting, talking, reading as they moved on through the hall. Fluttershy noted the demon charms and masks hanging from the trees around, painted in vivid colors and grotesque expressions. It made her homesick, reminding her once again that Zecora had graduated from Garm long ago.

"Zaradine the Thief was forever humbled by the sacrifice the shaman had made for him." Tandia explained as they passed through a door into a set of wide airy passageways, lit by softly burning braziers, "He took a spade and went out to the hill outside, making sure each and every one was buried with dignity. The zebra of garm saw his work and were amazed by the change in him, seeing the once angry young zebra now full of such sorrow for those he never knew. They came to work beside him, and all sat and listened as he spoke of their sacrifice. He swore that he would dedicate his life to following their example, to work tirelessly to the betterment of all with no hope of reward. And so Zaradine the Humble sowed the seeds of what would become the Humble Guardians."

Fluttershy looked to the side as they passed a airy, sunlit room, filled with parchment and writing material. Skylights above flooded the stone chamber with light, reflected and directed by mirrors above to shine upon the dozens of zebra carefully sketching, printing and binding books. She looked closer and recognized the records as that of their fight against Starhammer. She marveled as one young zebra who couldn't be more than fifteen painted a vivid image of what she recognized was Starhammer himself, so real in his expressions that she swore he would leap from the page.

"Pertra the Outcast mourned at the loss of so much knowledge. She had never been able to go to school, always had to steal and beg for what education she possessed. Seeing the library burnt was too much to bear, so she set to work restoring it. She saved what books she could, asked those within the city for all they could spare. She was the one who insisted that records of the end should be kept, so that the destruction could one day be studied and learned from." Tandia nodded to the scribes beside, "And so was formed the Order of the Opened Book."

The continued further, Fluttershy sure they must be approaching the far side of the building. Their steps echoed on the stone floor, as did Tandia's voice, "Korin the Labourer did his best to restore the city, and restore of the spirits of the others. Both were however difficult, especially in the perpetual darkness in which they found themselves."

Ace Gold looked confused, "Did the Enclave cover the sky here too?"

"No, the sky was clear." Tandia explained, "The moon hung in its intended place."

Fluttershy understood, "Eternal night. The megaspells fell about seven in the evening, which means... it must have been about eleven here. And without Celestia..."

Ace Gold looked to her in shock, "But... that's just a myth."

"No. Without Celestia, the sun would not rise." Tandia confirmed as a garden opened up before them. It was lined with sunflowers and other fields of bright color, beyond a cleft in the rock that opened up to the night sky beyond. Dozens of zebra stood within the garden, the one in the center clad in golden robes and a mirrored headdress. She stood upon a plinth, her eyes closed as she waited.

The surrounding zebra struck their hooves down at once, their hooves sparking over the stone beneath. They gave a cry, then another, then it turned into a deafening chant. Magic surged across the garden, flame bursting from braziers mounted atop the pillars. That magic rushed forward the central podium and the zebra lifted her head to the sky, crying out a joyful shout as golden light spread across the whole area.

Fluttershy watched as the sun rose into the sky, the darkness banished. Tandia gave them a moment before speaking, "And so he called to the sun with all his heart, and soon was joined by a hundred voices. And on the day the sun finally responded to his pleas the Heralds of the Dawn were formed." She smiled, gentle and infinitely surprising upon her normally impassive features, "Welcome to Garm."


"So this building has stood for thousands of years?" Ace Gold questioned as he made his way through the corridors alongside Master Zaron, the Curator of History. He looked down at the stone, a slight groove worn through by the passage of many hooves, "Pretty cool. I don't think there's anything in the NCR more than about four hundred years old."

Zaron chuckled, "Well... do you want the romantic story, or the real one?"

"It's not a thousand years old?"

"The building is a little older actually, concurrent with Luna's fall thirteen hundred years ago." Zaron commented, nodding to the sandstone walls, "The walls are about seven hundred years old, much of the structure of the middle building was knocked through in order to widen the corridors and make the place easier to navigate. And the stonework under your feet was laid down about four hundred years ago, as you can see it might already need replacing."

Ace should have figured, being an engineer and all, "It is a working building I suppose."

"Indeed. But the city itself is the oldest continually inhabited settlement in the world." Zaron explained, "There is a stone located in the middle of northern temple that is all that remains of the structure that stood here when Zephyr Stormstrung visited. By the vague accounts we have recorded, that dates to about three hundred years after Garm was founded... as a humble mining settlement, and the eastmost point of the Zebra Empire. That founding was around four thousand years ago, give or take five hundred or so."


"Postdates it by about twenty five hundred years." Zaron answered, with a little bit of smugness. After a moment he gave in, slightly conciliatory, "The Crystal Empire might have been older, had it not been destroyed. Though some would call being frozen below the ice for a thousand years to be 'cheating'."


"That is cheating. The yaks built it upon the ruins of your old capital, it can most certainly be counted as a new city."

Ace guessed so, it nice to just argue about history again, "I need to introduce you to some of my Griffon friends. The arguments of who has the superior culture can go on for hours."

"The griffons have culture?" Zaron answered irreverently, a grin forming upon his face.

"Allegedly." Ace snarked back, "It mostly seems to consist of losing wars and terrible hats."

"I am hopeful that I will indeed be able to speak with them." Zaron noted with a sigh, "We claim to collect all knowledge, but it is clear there is so much we do not know. I long for the day when your citizens can train at Garm, and ours can attend Manehatten University."

Ace agreed whole heartedly, "Well, you've got your first student already."


Fluttershy stepped into the chamber, feeling the weight of memories upon her. A purple crystal in the center shimmered with translucent flame, a slight hint of music just on the edge of hearing. Around the sides of the room were carved images, of a master working the land as his servants rested, of zebra exchanging gifts, of a king hunched at his desk as his citizens celebrated outside... a unicorn spreading beauty across the land.

She raised her eyes to the gemstone, staring into its depths in hope of some miraculous vision. And for a moment she saw... something.

Conflict, strife. A battle without end. A battle she was tired of fighting.

"Do you see anything?" One of the shaman, Cordicous, asked.

"I don't understand it." She felt frustrated, as if something was just eluding her, "And it's not the future that's worrying me anyway."

"It is often related Lady Fluttershy." Cordicous answered, moving round so he was facing her. He was of typical shaman stock, old and grey bearded, with deep, hooded eyes... and a habit of talking in riddles, "We often struggle to see the path when we do not know where we are going."

"I just want to know why I seem... to be aging backwards." She finally answered, wondering why it was worrying her so much. It had certainly been something she had deeply wished for in the past. Still... "Things this good rarely stay good for long."

"I am fairly sure it's a symptom of the element of generosity as I stated." Cordicous answered, setting up a small contraption that looked like a telescope and wiggling the dials, "The element of generosity has in the past been noted to extend the life and health of those graced with it, prolonging youth..."

"That explains so much." Fluttershy exclaimed, finally justified in her belief that it couldn't all be down to mud baths and cucumbers, "But why did my element change to generosity in the first place?"

"Elder Simak did assert that there is nothing in this world that cannot change." Cordicous proclaimed in a rather exaggerated 'wise' voice, "Cutie marks, Spiral marks, your attuned element... all have historical precedent, though admittedly these cases are rare."

"And what can cause it?"

He looked at her, assessing. After a moment he answered, "Generally significant change in personality, often artificially induced. And I have to say, you are very different to how you are described in the history books."

Fluttershy felt ashamed, knowing it was true. More than ever she was infected with a horrible mixture of hot blooded anger and cold decisiveness, seeping into every action she made. Corrupting her, changing her. And she knew where it came from, "A... well, almost five months ago now... I encountered a monster called Chigaru."

"The mad dog..." Cordicous breathed with a wide eyed look of terror, "What did he do to you?"

"He used the stare on me." Fluttershy admitted, "And I've never been the same."

Cordicous ran to his telescope, fiddling with the dials for a moment before staring into the view finder. He looked up after a second, deeply shaken, "This is the oldest magic..."

Fluttershy already had an idea what he was talking about, "What is?"

"You are bonded to him, a bond only seen among two who must destroy one another." Cordicous shivered, backing away a little, "As long as this bond exists, you will both become stronger and stronger, feeding upon your mutual hatred. And what's more..."

Fluttershy stared him head one, willing him to just tell her already, "What?"

"You will become more alike." Cordicous answered firmly, forced to speak by Fluttershy's stare, "Through you, he will be able to channel the powers of harmony, through him your youth and power are being restored. And... it’s affecting your mind too.”

Fluttershy nodded, she had figured as much, “Does that mean he’s becoming more good?”

“Judging from these readings... no.” Cordicous admitted, “Because he’s winning.”

Fluttershy nodded, having already understood that long ago, "I need to see Xenith and Puppysmiles."


Xenith limped over to the sofa, cursing her weakened body as her every step upon the hard stone sent shockwaves through her still broken leg. Brother Tarnivous moved to help her but she waved him off irritably, not in the mood for charity, "Enough! Ledinus, tell me what you have found."

Ledinus shared a look with his fellow shaman, communicating without words his hesitation in addressing her. She guessed she was really tired and grumpy enough to make that a wise caution, attempting to look a little less angry. This encouraged him to speak at last, drawing himself up officially, "The crystal is harmonic resin, the same substance that coats us when an artifact of harmony is activated."

"Makes sense."

"This suggests that on some level, Puppysmiles was recognized as a being of harmony... which is unprecedented." He looked up at her, his tone emphasizing the importance of his words, "This has never happened before, and some would call the concept blasphemous."

Xenith found it all fascinating of course, but she was looking for more practical observations, "Then what's happening?"

Another voice swiftly answered, instantly familiar, "I would also like to know that."

Xenith looked back to see Fluttershy, nodding to the mare as she came through the door to stand beside. Ledinus took in the new arrival for a moment, "Lady Fluttershy."

The mare nodded, "Please continue."

Ledinus nodded, "Simply put, Puppysmiles is sealed in the same substance that coats us when we come into contact with large auras of harmony."

"Like when we become all crystal when the Crystal Heart is activated." Fluttershy offered.

"Indeed." Ledinus confirmed, "However this substance normally fades quickly, and can be removed by force. In this case however it seems perfectly stable, and..."

"And?" Xenith questioned as he paused.

"It's resisting our attempts to break it." He finished, "And we're unsure what that means."

Fluttershy asked the relevant question, "Is it self aware?"

"No." Ledinus confirmed, "It is normally an appendage to the body it covers, like dark matter. It shares nerve endings, flexibility, in all respects a part of the equine in question."

"So Puppysmiles is resisting attempts to free her." Xenith concluded, not sure how to take that.

Ledinus sounded unsure, "Perhaps. As I said before, we're not entirely sure what's going on here, and all attempts to communicate with her have failed."

"It's quite possible she's in some sort of natural cycle." Fluttershy offered, "And we simply have to wait for it to finish."

"That is one of our guesses, yes."

Xenith scowled, looking at her hooves for a moment before speaking, "Keep a close eye on her, and inform me of any changes." She glared at them, "You can go."

They hurried out of the room with nods and flustered thanks, Xenith staring into the fireplace as their hoofsteps echoed down the corridor. It was longer than she expected before Fluttershy sank herself into the chair opposite, fixing Xenith with a kind smile, "Talk to me."

"Is it an effect of our bond?" Xenith asked, shivering at the concept, "That I am so concerned about a mare... a demon I barely know?"

"It's an effect of being a good mare."

She glared at Fluttershy, faced with that face of unrestricted kindness in return. Xenith sighed, looking away in defeat, "I'm having a Calamity moment."

"I know how you feel."

"No you don't." Xenith angrily countered, already feeling bad about it, "Your boyfriend is still in hospital missing an eye and leg and you're still all smiles."

Fluttershy's smile faltered momentarily before returning, a little softer, "I remember how you feel."

"That..." Xenith wrestled with her words, eventually going with the most cynical reply, "...is enviable."

"I am much older than you. Perhaps I've gotten used to it."

Xenith sighed, deciding to be honest with the mare, "I feel my mortality creeping up on me Fluttershy. Ace is right to worry, I am not in good health."

Fluttershy looked her over with sympathy, "If you take a calmer lifestyle you should have many years ahead of you. Your leg will not be getting better it's true, but with care you can prevent it from getting worse."

"Being useless feels as bad as being dead." She countered, "Littlepip, Ace Gold, Xephyr, Puppysmiles... they are all in danger, and any power to help them is leaking through my hooves."

Fluttershy looked down, "I know..."

"You don't." Xenith countered in renewed anger, "You are more powerful than you've ever been Fluttershy, and we... we're dying. Calamity, Homage, me... it will come for Velvet Remedy soon enough, especially at the rate she carries on." She glared hotly across the room, "And don't tell me we all get old, because you don't. You've lived centuries, and you're in your prime."

Fluttershy stared back, clearly unsure what to say, "I'm sorry Xenith."

"All I want is to be able to save those I care about." She admitted, her heart aching in her chest, "And... I can't. No matter how hard I try."

"Xenith..." Fluttershy got up from her seat, moving over and enveloping Xenith in a hug. She should have known better, Xenith squirming at the touch, hating the acknowledged weakness. It made her hate Fluttershy even more, make her even more resentful of her position as she felt her tears upon Fluttershy's fur.

"I... just want to see my daughter again..."

"You will." Fluttershy whispered, "I promise."

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