• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 5,560 Views, 280 Comments

Fallout Equestria : Black And White - Philweasel

Peace between the NCR and Zebra wasteland becomes a battleground between competing factions.

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Chapter 3.7 - Secrets in the Dark

"It's alright Dust Kicker. I'm all better now."

Dust Kicker bit his lip, aware that he was looking pretty silly right now but both unable and unwilling to stop himself. He very much appreciated it as Fluttershy walked over and gave him an enthuastic hug, doing his best to hide the wobble in his voice, "I know Puppy... I'm just... so relieved."

"So am I." Zenai stated, giving Star Swirl a proud, enthuastic smile, "But I never doubted her for a moment."

Ace Gold simply shook his head, still looking rather shell shocked as he struggled to come to terms with what he had just been told, "You just beat... Nightmare Moon..."

"Puppysmiles beat Nightmare Moon." Star Swirl corrected, "I... just gave her a nudge."

"Well I couldn't have done it without..." Puppysmiles' voice cut out, suddenly noticing the gap in their little group, "Where's Easu?"

"He left a few minutes ago." Fluttershy informed them, gently moving away from Dust, "He said that Star Swirl had it all under control and walked out of the door."

Dust considered that gloomy face, the look of hurt and rage as he had exited. Easu had always worried him, but considering the circumstances that moment was where he had doubted the zebra the most, "What happened to him in there?"

"He saved my life!" Puppy stated, loud and forthright, her voice thick with confusion and a little bit of hurt, "He should have been with us, when we beat Nightmare!"

Star Swirl had a dark, conflicted look on her face Dust noticed, holding it for a moment before she spoke, "Yes, he should of. He saved me too."

"Maybe he's just not the sort for celebration?" Ace offered.
"Well that's just boring!"


They exited the room one by one, Star Swirl last to leave. She just wanted to rest at this point, still struggling with the revelations she had experienced in there. She moved towards the door, Zenai waiting there to join her.

"Thank you..." Zenai whispered quietly to Star Swirl as they walked out the door. Her head turned up at her friend, a truly beautiful smile upon her face, "...for everything. For following me here, and... for being my friend."

Star Swirl blushed, her somewhat sentimental emotional state offering no resistance to something like this, "I... aheh..." She stammered briefly before suddenly being reminded of what she had seen in there, grinning back at the zebra, "I saw the library at the compound Zenai. In my dreams."

Zenai grimaced at the memory, "Even after everything, I don't miss it."

"I do." Star Swirl admitted. She felt a deep pang even thinking about it, "The easy days, just chatting, trying to avoid doing any work..."

"You're... big now Star Swirl. A hero."

"Maybe that's why I miss it." She accepted with a sigh, "Things are so complicated now."

Zenai smiled, looking away and just walking quietly beside her for a moment. Star Swirl enjoyed that, just her presence by her side. After a moment Star Swirl broke the silence, figuring Zenai was most definitely the first person she wanted to tell about this bit of news, "I know who I was. Before I became an alicorn."

Zenai's ears pricked up, her grin widening. It was the happiest Star Swirl had seen her in weeks, "Really? That's... incredible!"

Star Swirl blushed, "It's liberating."


Star Swirl nodded, enjoying that sense of freedom, "However hard I tried to escape, the Goddess was always my mother. She was always the one who brought me up, who taught me who I was." She took a deep breath, feeling the clear air, "Now, I have so many memories to draw inspiration from."

Zenai grinned, "Who was your mother then?"

"Bitter Clouds..." Star Swirl recalled, feeling the feelings swirl within her, "She was sick, and weak... and I can't remember her face, she died when I was so young. But my uncles, they were kind. They taught me how to hunt, how to fight."

Zenai looked away, "You were a warrior?"

"Yeah." Star Swirl admitted with a sigh. To be honest, it had never been in much doubt, "I was the best in the entire tribe by the time I was twenty six..."

"How... old are you?"

That was a good question. It actually made her chuckle to consider it, "I think I’m a little older than Fluttershy."

"Wow..." Zenai paused for a little while at this, before opening in a big grin, "You huge pedo."


"You were always attracted to me right?" Zenai chuckled, smirking up at Star Swirl, "I was totally sixteen when I first met you."

"Ugh..." Star Swirl blushed, averting her eyes, "I... well..."

"Relax Star Swirl." Zenai gave her a playful punch on the leg, grinning playfully, "I wish I had known. I would have set you up with somepony more compatible."

"It wouldn't have worked any better Zenai." Star Swirl admitted, feeling the blush on her cheeks, "I like boys too. I'm just... well, I'm shy." She paused for a moment before giving Zenai the most sincere look she could manage, finally wanting to clear one final thing up after all this time, "I'm still the same mare you were friends with Zenai. I know things have got really crazy, but... I'm still awkward, and shy, I still like theoretical subjects with long names. The idea of telling someone I like them still fills me with terror. And when I look back... I have a thousand years worth of memories now, but it's still that time I spent in the library with you that is most precious to me."

Zenai blushed herself now, giving an embarrassed sounding chuckle, "You're still an enormous dork at least."

Star Swirl chuckled, feeling her heart warm at the insult, "Yeah, that's... that's not going to change."

"Star Swirl..." Zenai looked down at the floor, quiet for several long moments. Finally she spoke, voice heavy with regret, "I'm honored to have been your friend, to have brought you here. And Puppy too, to have placed her with you and Dust. Because... you're going to save the world."

Star Swirl felt her heart darken, "We're all going to save the world."

"Maybe... I hope that I can help at least." She looked up, smiling, "I don't mind being a sidekick. Just so long as I can continue being your friend."

Star Swirl felt tears run down her face. She wasn't sure exactly what to do to stop them, or even if she should, "I will always be your friend Zenai." She attempted a chuckle, the sound coming out as forced, "Everything that's happened, it's because you supported me."

"Then let me give you some more advice." She stated, a quiet yet sly smile on her face, "That Easu... you like him don't you?"

Star Swirl blushed fiercely. Was it that obvious? To be honest she wasn't sure if she did or not. He... fascinated her, and he clearly liked her. But after all she had seen, all they had shared, was romance really a good idea? She had seen his darkest sides, his ugliest faces. She struggled to find the good in him sometimes. And what of his ravaged body? She had yet to even see the scars hidden by those bandages, the real face underneath, "I don't know. I mean he's not exactly the ideal..."

"Star Swirl." Zenai warned, "I think I know you better than you know yourself. You've always been a warrior, and more than anything you've always looked for a fight against impossible odds. I've seen it in your eyes, with Thunder Crash, with Leon..."

Star Swirl looked away, embarrassed to be talking about this. Did she really find... antagonism and conflict attractive? Did she really want a fight when it came to her relationships?

She enjoyed violence. That much was true. She loved the fight, and had forgotten just how much, "That still sounds... a dangerous tendency to indulge."

Zenai laughed, "Star Swirl, you just took on Nightmare Moon. You can handle a bit of danger."

Star Swirl frowned, "This sounds like terrible advice."

Zenai smirked, cocking her head to one side, "This is me you're talking to. I'll give whatever advice I want." She nodded firmly, "And I advise this. Find Easu, pin him to the floor and tell him to man up and make you a woman already."

Star Swirl couldn't help giggling, "Zenai, you never change."

"No." She gave Star Swirl a warm, encouraging smile, "But I hope you do."
"So that's pretty much everything Puppy." Dust concluded, having regaled her with all that had happened since her disappearance.

"Hmm..." A little working icon appeared on Puppy's picture, blinking for a moment before she spoke, "I've tracked the signal."

He felt a little glow of triumph, "And?"

"You're right Dust Kicker." She replied, throwing up a picture of a line between the planet and a glowing green dot far above, "It was bounced off a satellite in low orbit. Unfortunately the trail ends there."


"I'm afraid the sender information was wiped before retransmission." She commented with regret, "I would still be able to trace the message if I had access to the satellite, but unfortunately it seems to have moved. I can no longer locate it."

Typical. Once again, Red Eye was far ahead of them, "Damnit... Puppy, this is all my fault."

"No it's not." She soothed, giving a chuckle and a smile, "He exploited your core coding to his advantage, just like he exploited mine. And for both of us, he had the advantage of being its author."

Dust considered this, finding himself agreeing with Puppy. Red Eye had known him, known exactly what buttons to push. It saddened him to think that... "I've really changed that little? That from knowing me seventeen years ago, he can predict my actions so precisely?"

"Some things just don't change Dust Kicker." She added with a wistful tone, "I ran into my confrontation with him holding a hot tempered belief in my own righteousness and overwhelming power, boasting all the way and far too eager to believe that I was special. That means I haven't changed in over a thousand years."

Over a thousand... Dust shook his head, having managed to forget that little fact. To be honest it scared him rigid, "You mean Nightmare Moon?"

"I can't actually remember being Nightmare Moon. Those memories died with the Nightmare." Puppy commented, sounding a little wistful, "I mean when I was Princess Luna. I was always getting myself in trouble, forcing my sister to save me."

"Puppy." Dust commented with a deep breath to steady himself, "You are... were... Princess Luna?"

There was a long pause before she answered, "Yes, and I wish to be addressed as such."


"You will address me as Princess Puppysmiles." She paused before correcting herself, "Princess Puppysmiles the Great and Beautiful."

He chuckled, "Puppy..."


" Princess Puppysmiles the Great and Beautiful." He finally conceded, "That sounds... fairly overwhelming. Do you have special Princess powers and magic now, or...something?"

Puppy sounded slightly chastising, "I would need to be an alicorn for that Dust Kicker. I'm afraid my magic now is only good for ether manipulation... unicorn stuff. And... well, Princess Luna wasn't much of a scholar. She was always more of... a kinetic learner, which is all a little difficult now I'm a totally different species."

Dust frowned, it couldn't be that simple, "Can you... raise the moon?"

"No... yes?" A little thinking icon appeared next to her picture for a few seconds before she smiled excitedly, "I think I could teach Littlepip how to do it."


"Raising and lowering the moon isn't alicorn magic." Puppy stated with a slightly impatient pout, "It's not even that complex. It simply requires a LOT of power, power than could really only safely be provided through a larger and more resilient body such as an alicorn. A connection to harmony provides easy sources of magical energy and having it as a special talent makes it more efficient, but with modern technology... as I mentioned, the Single Pegasus Project could pull it off without much difficulty."

Dust... felt like she had killed the magic. Raising the heavenly bodies, and you could do it with a glorified toaster, "Really?"

Puppy sighed, "That's what... is most painful about all this really."


"Back in my memories of Luna's life, being able to raise and lower the sun and moon were things documented and researched, that could be pulled off by normal unicorns. Celestia and me were just... powerful, long lived ponies, with a wide education and a desire to help. And we weren't the rulers, we were much more like the arbiters. We made sure the other leaders didn't fight too much, solved disputes and represented the nation." Puppy shook her head, looking depressed, "Everything has changed so much."

Dust felt for her. It must have hurt to realize how much she had lost, "I... feel that Pup... Princess..."

"I'm not a Princess." Puppy interrupted quickly, before her icon shifted to a smiling one once more, "I never wanted to be one, and... I feel so sorry for the real Luna, forced into that role. I know now more than ever that she didn't mean for things to go so bad with her on the throne, that she never wanted power. That she... just wanted to help."

"Puppy..." Dust grinned, feeling his heart warm, "If she was anything like you, I agree."

"Please, I'm just Puppysmiles." She entreated, giving him a big, wide grin, "You shouldn't put me or anypony else on a pedestal. It's not healthy, my ego is big enough as it is."

"Fine." He assured, feeling better about this new development already. Puppy certainly seemed more cheerful now, "Though having a Princess on our side would certainly be helpful."

"I wish I could help fight alongside you, but honestly I think I'm more powerful here." Her voice lowered to a whisper, her tone full of concern, "If I wanted to, I could have turned the Lost Legion to our side. I could bring Star Fall and the NCR to their knees, command their automated defenses to fire upon their cities and fake their communications to cripple their militaries. To be honest the Princesses couldn't hope to command the destructive power I possess."

Dust shivered. He liked big guns, but that was a bigger gun that he ever wanted to possess. He was driven to wonder if she could even reach the megaspells Red Eye had claimed the NCR possessed, end the world outright by tweaking just a little bit of data, "Those abilities... it's just tech isn't it? That the Applejack Rangers still have?"

"Not quite Dust Kicker." Puppysmiles gave him a big beaming grin, her image bursting with colorful stars as she declared proudly, "My hacking software and hardware are top of the range, but like everything else in this shell it runs off yours truly."

"You're a master hacker?"

Puppysmiles threw up some question mark icons, shrugging her shoulders, "I don't know if it's just me, or Puppysmiles, or if it's a natural tendency that all Star Demons have. I'm really good at puzzles, and... logical thinking. Putting things together." Her picture changed to a blushing icon, trying to look demure, "No offense to my big brothers, but I pack in at least twice as much processing power as a crusader mainframe in three centimeters of tissue, and can parallel process far better than any of you puny ponies. No offense."

Dust smirked, "None taken."

"It's hard, being this smart."

Dust couldn't help but draw a terrifying conclusion from all of this, "Red Eye still beat you."

"It was a rather unfair fight." She insisted, sound a little hurt, "He had a backdoor into my systems, all he had to do was spout a code word and bam, I was totally shut down. Next time he won't be so lucky, I've made sure I've deleted all my access codes."

He probably wouldn't give her the chance. Besides, "If I know him, he's aware exactly what you can do. He's likely already planned for it."

"Which is why I'm keeping my hacking abilities in reserve." She acknowledged, "Red Eye is older and more experienced than me. I'm not going to forget that a second time."

Dust nodded, that was good tactics. When the enemy controlled the battlefield you always had to be careful drawing attention to yourself, no matter how big your guns, "What do you think he wants?"

"To tear down the NCR." She answered simply, a sad tone in her voice.


"Because we're not his fascist utopia." Puppy sighed, her image pouting out the screen, "Dust Kicker, he's a political extremist. He's always been a political extremist. He sees all the bad elements of a democratic republic and none of the good, and believes by imposing some other system of government upon Equestria all our problems will go away."

Dust smirked at the comparison, "So he's like Lonesome Pony and Swift Feather, but with raiders and explosives rather than a radio station?"

She smirked, "Yet just as annoyingly in love with his own voice."

"So what government would you impose on the NCR? Out of interest."

Puppysmiles' icon blinked briefly, a rather terrified expression on her face. Her picture then disappeared completely, Puppysmiles silent for several moments before speaking once more, "The government of 'sort your own problems out'."

Dust grinned, now that was no answer at all, "Go on Puppy, just as a thought experiment. If Celestia appeared, would you support her retaking the throne?"

Puppysmiles picture reappeared again, looking a little cross with him, "All right... but that's more difficult question than you think. Back when I was Princess Luna Equestria was a federation as I said. Over the next thousand years Celestia set herself up as an absolute monarch several times to adequately deal with problems, and however hard she tried Equestria was always a monarchy after that. No matter how many senators and mayors and princes she set up, who was really going to argue with Celestia?"

Dust shrugged, it was a good point, "She was normally right, supposedly anyway."

"Tell me about it..." She muttered, before continuing with her point, "So that's the thing. Celestia could come back as a simple clerk and she would still be the ruler of the NCR by default. She was trapped by her own legend, found fewer and fewer ponies willing to challenge her decisions."

"What about Princess Luna?" Dust teased.

She went quiet for a good few seconds, her voice quiet when she finally responded, "Dust Kicker... there's a good ten years between my memories ending and Nightmare Moon being banished. Then add a thousand years to that. Princess Luna was... a different pony by the time of the war. A harder, more damaged pony."

Dust was forced to admit, Puppysmiles' revelation about being Princess Luna had shaken him simply by her being nothing like he expected. That would explain it, "I have to admit, from all I'd heard I always expected Luna to be more... difficult to talk to."

"I expect Puppysmiles helps with that Dust Kicker." She added with a soft smile, "Both Luna and Celestia... we were both rather private ponies, who were always more comfortable in the context of our duties. Neither of us were good with other ponies, where as Puppysmiles was always outgoing. But Luna was kind, and gentle, and loving to her friends." Puppysmiles eyes dropped, her voice losing its power, "She found losing them more difficult that Celestia did."

Dust nodded, "I hope I could understand how that felt. I've certainly attended a lot of funerals."

"You're better at making friends Dust Kicker." She stated with a soft sigh, "As Luna settled into her role, as ponies started treating her differently... it got harder and harder. After Princess Platinum died... you've never had to see someone you knew when you were young grow old, fall apart before your eyes."

"Actually I have." Dust stated, questioning getting into a pissing match with an immortal but interested in hearing her reaction, "A good friend of mine took a hammer blow to the skull, didn't get him a healing potion in time. He survived, but over the next few years I watched him slowly deteriorate until he could barely move, unable even to recognize his close friends." Dust shrugged, "Young, old... everypony dies, whether that death comes unexpectedly as you walk down the street or makes a dated appointment in some hospital bed."

Puppy looked disapproving, "Dust Kicker, it's cynicism like that... listen, what is the purpose of a leader?"

"To keep his followers alive." He answered.

"That's what the Steel Rangers are trying to do." She gave a frustrated pout, "And the arbiters rely on making ponies feel happy and fulfilled, even if it’s a simply illusion. That's how a democratic system works. And Red Eye... he was dedicated to ensuring a brighter future, no matter the cost to the now. Every single one of those systems has established their failings, and you can’t change your whole governmental system like a pair of boots. If I wanted to set up the type of government I thought was best... well, I would have to be a dictator, force change with an iron hoof."

"In the pegasi empire, the word dictator originally referred to an emergency leader, drafted in on a temporary basis to restore order." Dust couldn't help grinning a little, rather proud of himself there, "It was a position of great honor and personal sacrifice."

"I know that..." Puppy smirked at him from his heads up display, "Where did you read that?"

"Eh, it was something my friend Elizabetha said to me once." Dust grimaced for a second, aware he was diluting his point, "She was referring to Red Eye actually."

"That sounds like a griffon name. The griffons had them too." Puppy eyed him with a long smirk, "Did you know, a particularly long line of griffon kings descended from a dictator who refused to give up power?"

Dust chuckled, shaking his head, "Ok, ok, I surrender. I'm not sure what I was thinking trying to debate you about history."

Puppy laughed back at him, giving him a thoughtful expression, "I get your point though Dust Kicker. And I wouldn’t be too intimidated by my knowledge, because honestly I think my teachers failed."


"I know my history, and I was fed a vast amount of knowledge on leadership, moral judgment, politics... I was designed to be a leader. But it's not that simple." She shrugged her digital shoulders, "Celestia could walk into a situation she knew nothing about and instantly know the best course of action. I have all the information right here at my hooves and I still have no idea what is best."

Dust smiled. He actually found indecision far more reassuring in his leaders, "You're smart Puppy, you'll figure it out."

"I know systems Dust Kicker. I'm an engineer." She gave him a sad look, "And you can't engineer the lives of ponies."


"And for those who have been living under a rock for the last four years, that was the newest song from our lovely little songbird Nyaria, titled, ‘A perfect state of being’. "

"I don't know... with all that's been going on, stupid little idealipop like that, just seems like sticking your head in the dirt and convincing yourself everything is going to be all right. Just call me a cynical old fart."

"Your cynicism is a credit to us all Sharps my friend. And today I think it's more important than ever to remember the strength and wisdom in the small everyday of life, knowing that even when things seem chaotic life goes on regardless. Even if most of our listeners will never even hold a gun, will never have the terrifying prospect of the fate of the world depending on their good judgement, without the shopkeepers, the bakers, the cleaners and the smiths, where would we be?"

"I think that leads us nicely onto the news of the day Voice."

"That it does my friend. And we have got one hell of a news roundup tonight! Someone has sure stirred the hornets nest, because it's going crazy out in the wasteland at the moment!"

"Heh, and check out our latest wasteland villain, who... wait for it... calls himself Vailor the Avenger."

"Now now Sharps, we can't all be blessed with as fine names as ours."

"Like that's his real name. Anyway, this Vailor was apparently an enforcer for the late, unmorned King Aridari, and has sworn revenge upon the Steel Maiden and her companions for his death."

"And it seems he's proven his credentials, devastating the small village of Crusk and seriously injuring the Steel Maiden herself. Furthermore, word has it that among the casualties were a family that the Steel Maiden had become close to, so when she recovers I am expecting vengeance to be equally matched."

"Bah, he just got lucky. Looking forward to watching her put a bullet through his ass."

“And it seems to be catching since another of our new heroes, the Fuchsia Witch, has also been spotted limping into a remote town after a heavy defeat. Apparently after a week of recuperation she still hasn’t emerged, with our revolutionary friend Bitter Fennel allowing no one to visit her bar her fellow companions.”

“Voice, you’re telling me that the mare who has been seen creating and casting megaspells, turning zebra into toads and flinging full on fireballs about... was defeated so badly it’s taken more than a week to recover?”

“I sure am Sharps. Whatever monster is responsible, it’s one I wouldn’t want to meet coming at me down a dark alley. And on that note, I ask why we can't give peace a chance. And would you know it, that worthy young warlord Incuta, Caesar of the West, has called a peace summit, inviting Star Fall and its allies among the Cervidine and Undine nations."

"Well that sounds like a doomed venture."

"Indeed, it seems like yet another symbolic gesture for Incuta to play up his magnanimity and grace in public. Still watch this space, because there will be a whole lot of power going into that room."

"Though let's face it, they'll never be anything more than fairweather friends bound together by the realities of crumbling economies."

"But that's enough politics for the moment. How about... adorable kids and wasteland heroes?"

"Yep, those little moon children are stirring up news once again. Remember how we reported that they were camped out on the edge of the Mutum Heartlands, awaiting the judgement of the King? Well King Zaneious sent out a firm favourite of ours, Ranger Obanao, to assess the situation."

"And by coincidence or design, who would add themselves to the tale but Koda Bloodysnout. The notorious slaver and mortal foe of Obanao apparently decided to prey on those vulnerable little moon children, seeking to both take a real prize of slaves and use them to lure Obanao into a trap."

"'But Obanao saw right through it right?' I hear you call. In fact girls and boys, he fell for it hook, line and sinker, finding himself captured and beaten half to death, at the mercy of the nastiest piece of work this side of hell."

"And in a stunning turn of events, those little moon kids, no more than fourteen years of age at the most, proceeded to escape, rescue Obanao and take down Kodoa's whole slaving operation. It is reported that one of those kids, a little zebra girl of thirteen, actually took down Kodoa himself in a daring cliff top chase."

"Suffice to say Obanao personally escorted them into the heartlands, and has requested that the king provide food and materials to establish a new settlement for them. And this old pony thinks they sure earned it."

"Hell, if any of them wants to wander down this way I'll congratulate them myself. It's sure encouraging to see them start off so early."

“And we might need a few more heroes Sharps, because we’ve got yet more reports from Drakehome. And here’s an admission from us folks, because we might have been wrong in our cynicism.”

“Yeah, even we can’t deny this one. Dragons have been seen returning to the mountain, at least a dozen at the last count, and two particularly impressive specimens have been seen wheeling around the All-Mother’s sanctuary, roaring and dancing in the clouds.”

“Well we got our friends at Garm on the case, and they’re pretty sure said dance is a traditional challenge for rulership. Yes folks, if there wasn’t enough fighting already, we’ve got a full on dragon civil war brewing.”

“What does this mean? Your guess is as good as ours, the All-Mother’s cave has always been inaccessible and it’s gonna be even more so with dragons flying around it. So our advice, stay back and watch the show. Because it’s gonna be good.”

“Indeed listeners. Stay safe, because the wasteland is becoming a wild place.”


Dust studied the map as the others geared up for the trek, Puppy helpfully throwing up a heads up display of inaccuracies and incomplete information to help plan the route. Unfortunately this was pretty much their last stop, the easiest route straight through Mesonora and up the high road towards the capital. That led them straight through the wilderness, not a single settlement between here and there.

They were loaded up enough though. Fluttershy now had pretty much all her medication or acceptable substitutes and had been checked out at an actually medical facility, which eased Dust's mind no end. The mare fortunately had been in excellent condition considering what she had been through, Fluttershy actually joyfully informing him that she was actually in better condition than before she left Equestria.

Mechanically they were all another story unfortunately. Ace had tried his best but Puppy's armor wasn't quite as tightly fitted as it was before he took it apart, and Puppy had informed him that most of her systems were running considerably slower now that her hard drive had totally ceased functioning. Fluttershy's bionic leg too was increasingly stiffer and less responsive, and apparently maintenance required special tools that were still back in Demonivore. Without them they would have to cut her leg open to even access the internal components, and quite understandably the resident mechanic Ace Gold went a bit green at this prospect. Still she assured them that it wouldn't become a problem, even though her limp was already a little worse than before.

At least Star Swirl was looking hale and hearty. She was probably trying to reassure them but Dust was both irritated and amused that the mare seemed to consider herself the second coming of Celestia as of late. Since she had saved Puppy the mare couldn't have gotten any more smug looking, and though he was reassured that she was more confident in her abilities he was worried the girl would get that butt shot off if she strutted any more magnificently.

Still it made a change from Zenai, who he had barely heard speak in days.

But this rag tag bunch was the best he had, and he was hardly one to speak. And yet, more than ever... he was confident that together there was little that could stop them. They had already taken on their fair share of difficulties after all, and were still standing tall. He admired them proudly as they all finished their preparations, calling out, "Fillies and gentlecolts! We armed and ready?"

"Ready for action!" Star Swirl shouted excitedly, adjusting her last few armor plates with her magic.

"All loaded up." Fluttershy stated with a smile, her medical pack slung at her side and her stealth cloak about her neck.

"All systems a go Dust Kicker." Puppy grinned excitedly.

"Yeah." Ace gold grunted as he sulked behind Fluttershy.

He got no answer from Zenai or Easu, but both shot him affirmative looks at least. And with that he waved them on, taking the lead as they advanced out onto the high road. Hopefully they would be able to avoid any problems...


They all stopped as a zebra moved from the side of the road to meet them, clad in a plain brown robe but anything but inconspicuous. He was large, powerfully built, stone eyed, authority in his stony features. Dust spoke first, wary and ever so slightly challenging, "Can we help you?"

Easu breathed the word, "Praetorian."


"The zebra speaks true." The zebra stated sternly, "Tell me, how do you come to recognize me?"

Easu bowed, moving forward in supplication, "I am Easu, acolyte of Tradash the Black. We have met before."

"Ah, I see." He responded simply, before turning a cold glance to the others, "Then you know better than anyone that you stand on holy ground. Those of Equestria are not welcome."

Dust looked at Easu for a moment before replying, "We're here to stop another group from deactivating Caesar's curse."

A number of emotions passed across the Praetorian’s face, all of them unpleasant. He finally spoke after a few seconds of contemplation, "The ghosts of the old world will take care of them. If you follow, they will take care of you also."

"We know that. We don't want to take that chance."

"It never would have happened if you had stayed in your own lands." The Praetorian stated sternly, "You bring trouble to a land that has known far too much of it."

"You couldn't stay hidden forever." Star Swirl replied, somewhat challengingly.

The praetorian turned, studying Star Swirl in detail. She just stared back, the two silent as they stared each other down.

"Please sir." Fluttershy finally interjected, "We simply wish to..."

"Make everything better?" The praetorian stated, not taking his eyes off Star Swirl, "Lady Fluttershy, know that I have orders to safely escort you to Garm. There you will be kept safe, given the respect you deserve, and finally allowed to put down these burdens that continue to consume you."

Fluttershy gasped quietly, hesitating for several long seconds. Finally she spoke, "You will escort us to Garm? Why?"

"I will escort you to Garm. These others will leave these lands and go back to Equestria." He corrected, "And you will be taken to Garm to care for animals, grow vegetables and live in peace."

Her expression quickly became cold, "How dare you. Who do you speak for? Who wants me... hidden away in some retirement home?"

"Caesar. He speaks for the Eastern Caesar." Easu finally confirmed.

The praetorian nodded, "My master is guardian over these lands, protecting the spiritual health of those living here. You are foreigners, an alien presence. However benign your intentions, your presence here can only cause harm."

"And me?" Fluttershy asked challengingly.

"Your path is folly, and you know it." He looked uncomfortable for a moment, "Your place is here, and it always has been. What has Equestria done to buy your loyalty?"

"Equestria has not got my loyalty! Equestria is a CRATER!" She shouted, her sudden burst of aggression making Dust and the others waver briefly, "My loyalty is to life, of all and every kind! I want you ALL to live, happily and free! And I'm sorry if that's so feathering inconvenient!"

The praetorian hesitated, "Lady Fluttershy..."

"DON'T!" She shouted, holding out a firm, accusing hoof, "Don't pretend to address me with respect, while denying everything I stand for! Get out of here!"


"Go! And tell your master that I will not be patronized, will not be his trophy!"

He hesitated for a moment more before giving a firm, respectful nod, "Very well. I will relay his message."

Dust watched him go, rather stunned for a moment before turning a grinning face to Fluttershy, "Well that told him."

"Sorry..." She chuckled, blowing a loose hair out of her face as she attempted to regain her dignity, "It's sort of a pet peeve of mine."

"What is?"

"Ponies addressing me as Lady Fluttershy, yet then acting so uncomfortable and offended when I stand up for what I believe." She sighed, "I haven't changed so much, yet when I talk about equality, friendship and kindness ponies are always so shocked."

Dust sighed, having encountered it too many times, "A pony will always agree with it in theory, but when you force ponies to embrace the unknown... most ponies in the NCR had never even seen a hellhound before you started campaigning for them to move onto their street, apply for the same jobs."

"Hellhounds have bled for the NCR in two wars." She thumped an angry hoof against her chest, "I'm a pegasus, my kind were the aggressors in both! Yet who gets all fear and hatred?"

"You're the same shape as they are Fluttershy." Dust sighed, "The Hellhounds will always look like monsters to them."

"We are all the same." Fluttershy deflated slightly, looking round at Dust with a despairing expression, "My stare, it works by making the target see things from your point of view. Imposes your view of reality. If we were all so different that we could never understand each other, it wouldn't work."

Dust couldn't help gently correcting her, "It didn't work on Chigaru."

"It worked on me..." She took a sharp breath, looking up at the sky, "When he looked at me, I saw things how he saw them. I don't think I'm ever going to be the same."

Dust knew how Chigaru saw things, "He's just one more sadist Fluttershy. A raider, who just happens to be a little tougher than the norm."

"He thinks this is how the world must be. That the megaspells and the war were harmonies' way of wiping us from this earth." Her eyes stared off into the distance, a cold despair taking them, "The shaman didn't see it coming. The princesses didn't see it coming. Harmony didn't warn us because it wanted us to die. And if we are to live... it must be in new forms, adapted to this cruel world. We can't be the soft, pretty creatures we were before."

Dust grimiced, feeling his anger rise, "That's insane."

"I believed it. I still do."


"I've killed ponies." She looked down at her hooves, her tone calm, "I've killed ponies and I'm ok with that."

Dust hesitated for a moment before placing a hoof to her shoulder, a little rougher than he intended, "They weren't nice ponies Fluttershy."

"Back where I came from we would rehabilitate ponies like that. Treat them with kindness, our anger restrained by laws and regulations." She looked across at him, challanging, "My friends did not go around with guns, shooting the bad guys. We only killed Sombra because we absolutely had no choice."

Dust had to admit, he wasn't sure what to say, "I know... we should all reach for our guns a little less..."

"No Dust Kicker, killing the bad guys is the right thing to do." She dropped her eyes, "Because the world is uglier now. And if we are to survive, we have to be a little uglier with it."


Dust had to admire the view as they climbed ever higher, along with the shear industry that building this road and the cities upon it must have required. He suspected it was pure showing off, similar to Canterlot. He noted that both cities had been built in the most dramatic ways possible, in the most impractical locations, right after the formation of a new nation after a great period of unrest.

Kind of like Velvet Promises, building Hoof Beats and the Presidential Palace. And though he acknowledged the phenomena, he wasn't sure what quite to make of it. Maybe it did inspire ponies. Maybe it was just a wasteful function of ego.

"Camp for today guys." He called out as he saw the dark spears of Mesonora ahead, having Puppy magnify the view. It looked surprisingly like Manehatten, with lots of tall concrete towers decorated with somewhat gothic carvings and statues. It had definitely not survived nearly as well as Manehatten however, which just above every building missing huge sections and most of the city already collapsed into rubble.

Star Swirl looked up at the sky, "We’ve still got some sunlight."

"No." Easu agreed sternly, "We cannot be caught within Mesonora during the night. It is infested with monsters, bandits and treacherous terrain."

"So try and get an early night tonight guys." He advised, deactivating the seals on his armor and letting it detach from his body as he stepped out onto the bare ground, "This might be the last chance to take a breath before the plunge."

The others nodded, all unpacking and setting down. Ace pulled out his laptop and started doing something technical as normal, Easu nodding grimly at Dust as he started to walk away, "I'm going to patrol for danger."

"Right." He nodded, turning to the armor, "You'll be ok here Puppy?"

"Sure Dust Kicker! I'm gonna turn on my proximity sensors and get some sleep, is that alright?"

"Sure." He looked around the camp, "Zenai?"

The zebra was sat down upon the earth, a calm, rather sleepy look on her face, "I'm just going to get an early sleep Dust Kicker."

"Right..." He walked over to her as casually as possible, mentally debating his approach for a moment or two before just leaning in and giving her a gentle nod, "I don't mind Zenai, but we're trying to ration. Tell me before you self medicate, ok."

She blushed in shame, looking away, "I... brought it myself."

"Sure..." He sighed, not really wanting to get into this, "But be aware Med-X screws up your reactions to heck and back. Fluttershy has only just stopped popping Mint-all's every time she thinks I'm not looking"

"Speak of the devil..." Zenai stated with a smile.

Dust turned, Fluttershy approaching with an apologetic look on her face. She smiled nervously as the both looked to her, "Oh, I hope I'm not interrupting."

"No, it's ok." He stated, unable to suppress an awkward smile at her sunny presence, "What did you need?"

"I just wanted your help with removing my armor." She chuckled, "It's not fair making Ace Gold do it all time."

Spending time with Fluttershy? He didn't take long to respond, "Happy to. There's a little stream a short walk south, you want to have a walk down and get washed up?"

She nodded gratefully, "That sounds wonderful, thank you Dust Kicker."

Star Swirl stalked her prey, her hooves silent upon the rocky ground as she approached. To be honest it was rather fun, Star Swirl feeling the thrill of the hunt burning through her.

He didn't suspect a thing...

"I can see you Star Swirl."

She frowned, rising and shooting Easu an irritated frown, "Really?"

He glared at her with withering contempt, shifting himself off the rock he had been lying on, "You are enormous and purple. You will never master stealth."

"Well you will never master acting like a normal pony." Star Swirl quipped back, before admitting that her banter needed a little work, "What are you doing hiding out here?"

Easu paused here, expression dark and moody. He finally looked away, turning back on the cliffside view and ignoring her.

She was left staring at his back for a moment before deciding to stop being coy and get to the point already. One of them had to, "Get over it Easu. You were given a chance to confront your past, and you just... argued with yourself. Doesn't that tell you anything about the futility of just ignoring your problems?"

"They are not problems." He growled, "My past is dead and gone. All I need to do is forget it."

He was impossible, "And what about me?"

His voice dropped lower, "What about you?" He went silent again, Star Swirl just about to press him when he finally responded, "Yes, I'm physically attracted to you. Just another of my many mental illnesses."

She couldn't help but chuckle, "Mental illness?"

"Yes. I'm attracted to things that by all logic, should repulse me." He turned one eye on her, glaring furiously, "Do you think this love? Do you think I want to shower you with flowers, raise your children? All I feel for you is hate. I want to pin you down, break you, take what I want and leave you lying in the dirt."

She grinned, finding this little rant rather adorable, "Really?"

His eye twitched, spittle flying as he responded, "You saw me, what I'm really like! How can you treat it so casually?!"

"Because I did see what you're really like." She responded, shining him a mocking grin, "A self hating bundle of neuroses and drama. You came back to save me didn't you? Saved Puppy?"

He looked away, "You're a fool Star Swirl. Playing with things you don't understand. And if you continue you're just going to get hurt."

"Please." She snarked, eating up his reaction with relish, "While you were running around beating yourself up, I only got stronger. You couldn't hurt me if you tried."

He tensed, shoulders bunching, "Do not do this Star Swirl."

"Or what? You'll angst at me?"

“Do you really want to do this Star Swirl!”

“Try me.”

And then it happened. Star Swirl grinned as he snapped, running at her with utter fury. She ran forward to meet him and they met in a tangle, Star Swirl avoiding his anger fueled blows and getting above him. He realized his mistake and tried to reposition himself but she was much larger and much heavier, pinning him down with a leg pressed against the back of his head. She giggled, feeling the blood start to pump as she leaned down and nipped at his ear, "All done?"

Easu snarled and threw her off with a strength she had no idea he possessed, Star Swirl admitting she was impressed he broke her hold so easily. He rolled over, elbowing her in the jaw as he went, leaping to his hooves and charging right in for a tackle. She braced herself and met him hoof on hoof, a quick, dirty struggle that ended once again with Easu's face hitting the dust. She laughed loud and triumphant, pinning him on his back and leaning down, "And... again."

"Hhhgh... huh..." Easu panted as he struggled against her, "Your nose is bleeding."

So it was, "Heh, that just makes this interesting."

"Good." He stated firmly as he headbutted her, grabbed her shoulders and hurled her to the side. She rolled as she landed, trying to gain her footing... only for Easu's hoof to slam into her abdomen and knock the air out of her. Another hoof to the side knocked her off balance and with that it was easy for him to slam her to the ground, dropping on top of her and forcing her head backwards. She grinned from the adrenaline, causing him to pause briefly in shock as he stood above her, "Are you ENJOYING this?!"

"He he... aren't you?" She panted, looking up at his furiously staring eyes, savoring the clear, satisfying sting of pain, "So come on, take what you came for."

"You..." Easu's eyes slowly narrowed, "What is this?"

Star Swirl knew Zenai was a bad influence on her now, "Foreplay."

Easu's eyes went wide, "I... next time, pick a safe word you... crazy freaking mare."

"That would spoil the fun." She stated, before launching herself into the air with a flap of her wings. She grabbed hold of him with two hooves, driving herself higher, feeling her heart beat furiously in glee as she watched Easu's face turn to terror, "Scared of heights?"

He stiffened, frozen in her grasp, "Put me down. You are going to drop me."

"Easu." She stated softly as she changed direction with a flap of her wings, soaring towards some nearby rock formations, "I am not going to drop you."

Easu struggled for a moment more before going still, just accepting her grasp as she flew in to land. She had spotted the ledge ahead earlier, fed by a small trickle of dirty looking water and managing to maintain a thin layer of grass. She touched down, carefully placing Easu down upon his back before leaning down to face him.

He averted his eyes, looking uncomfortable, "Star Swirl... this will not end well."

"Nothing does." She stated softly, gripping the bandages wound about his face and pulling them away. What awaited her was look of such pained nobility that she had to pause to stop herself from crying. She could see the prince she had met in dreams, but instead of that arrogant sneer there was a lost, wounded young stallion, scared and ashamed of his own flesh. She simply grinned, moving closer, "Evolution thrives on adversity."

"Adversity..." He muttered, clearly blushing at her gaze, "I'm a terrible zebra, I... hate ponies..."

She shot him a flirtatious grin, "We'll see how well that holds up."


“Nothing makes you feel old like having to have help getting dressed.”

Dust chuckled as he loosened the back strap, helping Fluttershy slip a hoof through the harness, “I think climbing up a mountain and defeating Dream Star cancels it out.”

“Hmm.” Fluttershy acknowledged with a satisfied smile as she shrugged her shoulder out of the armor, giving it a twist to loosen the joint, “You’re right you know. I missed all this, and I’ve never felt better. You know, one of my first real adventures with my friends was spent climbing up a mountain. We went up there to fight a dragon.”

“Really?” Dust grinned at her impishly grinning face, “Let me guess, you beat it senseless and sent it crying home?”

Fluttershy beamed, “Actually I did. All by myself.” She nodded, a smug smile on her face, “I am a hero. Very strong and powerful.”

“Well we’re glad to have you on board.” Dust replied as he removed the final harness, helping her out of the last few straps, “And you know Fluttershy, I wouldn’t be able to get out of this unaided either. How many straps have you got holding this in place?”

“It’s designed so it’s as secure and skin tight as possible, so that it can be used in tight spaces without snagging on anything or getting pulled out of place.” She shifted the armor to one side, propping it carefully against a rock, “It won my respect... a couple of times.”

Dust Kicker looked across at the dark leathers, grim and deadly looking out of the context of Fluttershy’s pretty face, “Really?”

“The assassin that killed Big Mac, that almost killed Celestia. He wore an outfit just like it.”

“Oh.” Dust had to say, he was surprised, “It’s certainly well designed.”

“It’s a design that’s lasted a thousand years.” Fluttershy replied, a little smile playing across her features, “There’s a lot to respect about the zebra’s approach to war. I really am a terrible traitor.”

He gave her a soothing chuckle, “The war has been over for a long time Fluttershy.”

She grinned in response, though her eyes were a little sad, “I grew up alongside pegasi. They... had a well deserved reputation for being boastful and arrogant. And this sounds really terrible, but when they went up against the zebra in force and lost, I couldn’t help but feel they deserved it a little.” She sighed, turning and looking up at Dust with gentle eyes, “The zebra were outnumbered and outgunned. They still managed to match Equestria blow for blow, and fought to the last zebra. I often wondered if we... if we were the villains.”

“Equestria weren’t the villains, and neither were the zebra.” He commented sadly, “Folks just get stuck in fighting, stuck in hate and pride until they can’t see a way out.”

She smiled gratefully at him, nodding her head, “I was angry at first of course, when Big Mac died. But that zebra assassin... he struck at a legitimate military target, with a precision weapon minimizing collateral damage, knowing that he would never be able to escape. And he almost killed Princess Celestia herself, that single zebra with no magical abilities.” Fluttershy pursed her lips, giving him a meaningful stare, “It was all well and good for Equestria to criticize those sort of tactics, considering their clear advantage on the open battlefield. And eventually we turned to the same tactics in order to win, I know for a fact that Rainbow Dash was involved in targeting high ranking zebra officers.”

Dust gave her a warm smile, “So that outfit, it’s a tribute to him.”

“I guess so.” She looked down at it, considering his words, “That little zebra Xani, she told me about the history of the zebra assassins. How they had once taken on the Star Demons with nothing but soft hoof falls and camouflage, how they were among the greatest heroes of the epic era. Tales of bravery and honor that matched those of the pegasi, yet on both sides the heroes of the other are demonized.”

“But you can change that Fluttershy.” Dust commented.

“Can I?” She stated, “These aren’t new thoughts Dust Kicker. I knew Caesar Remicon and Prince Nashar. They were my friends, just two of many I had here. I shared meals, jokes, deep conversations with both Princess Luna and the Caesar, yet I couldn’t stop them from killing each other.”

Dust looked at her long and hard, taking a moment to fully consider the mare in front of him. She had improved with age as far as he was concerned, the lines on her face speaking of almost two centuries of memories and experience. The surgical scars on her leg and stomach, the carefully disguised stoma bag on her side, the rough fur... proof of a mare that had survived everything the world had thrown at her and was still standing proud. And the mare herself? Innocent despite her long experience, both clever and naive, broken and hopelessly idealistic... “If anyone can find a way, it’s you Fluttershy.”

“I’ve tried. For so long I’ve tried...”

“And you’re going to keep trying.”

Fluttershy’s smile grew, “Yes.” She turned her head to look him in the eye, giving him a smile that literally melted his heart right there, “I’m not going to apologize for being who I am. Not anymore.”

Dust smiled back in what he hoped wasn’t too desperately goofy a way, “I’m never going to ask you to...”

She leaned forward and kissed him, Dust Kicker pausing mid-sentence in shock.

And then he kissed back, marveling in her softness, moving away for a moment to stare into those desperately sweet eyes, “Fluttershy, you might make an honest man out of me yet.”

She giggled, “That’s what you say to all the girls.”


Ace Gold sulked across the dusty rock, trying to stay as far away from the camp as possible. Trying to... remove the images from his brain. Maybe dashing his brains out against a cliff face might help. Or shooting himself in the crotch.

Why hadn’t his teacher warned him? The one, terrible side effect of his new abilities of sight, and indulging it too liberally when the others thought no one was looking?

“Are you well Ace Gold?”

He marveled at the fact that he hadn’t heard his teacher approach, even though the stealth cloak didn’t mask her hoof steps. He turned to her voice, grimacing as he tried to translate his distress into words, “Fluttershy, and Dust Kicker... they’re...” He shook his head, the thought physically painful, “I don’t even want to talk about it.”

An amused and slightly mocking tone entered her voice, “They are both very happy Ace Gold.”

"I don’t...” Care? He should, he knew he should. Fluttershy was his friend, and he knew she was lonely. But still... “It's just... dumb." He finally stated, getting something off his chest that had been a long time building, "They make all this out to be so adult and mature, telling me I would ‘understand when I was older’. I believed them, even as my dad acted like an idiot and these strange mares started moving into my house... I expected there to be so much more to it. But all I see are two rational ponies acting like idiots, exchanging rational discourse for disgusting entendre and engaging in acts both pointless, exhausting and unhygienic. And yet it seems half of society revolves around this whole stupid farce."

His teacher's voice became soothing, "Your frustrations are understandable."

"Well sometimes it feels I'm the only one who shares them..." He muttered to himself.

Several moments of silence ticked past before his teacher spoke, her tone soft and thoughtful, "I have struggled with these thoughts myself. In fact my feelings were far more extreme. Where others saw something to be pursued, enjoyed, in these acts I only saw pain, suffering and dominance."

Ace Gold couldn't help shivering a little, feeling the post rainbow guilt again. His teacher must have been in her sixties at least, which meant she had lived in this wasteland a long time, seen its worst, "I'm sorry..."

"Do not be." She stated with kindness, "Life is hard young one, but those struggles can be overcome. I am proud of who I am. My sufferings are now simple memories no longer able to hurt me. My friends helped me overcome them... sometimes in ways they didn't expect, that I have never admitted."

Ace was intrigued, especially since he knew so little about his mysterious teacher, "How is that?"

"My friend... she was young, and very much in love. And she had trouble with restraining herself during her acts of affection, was what the zebra of my tribe called... a whinnier."

Ace couldn't stop himself from snorting, "How could you look her in the eye after that?"

"Because that mare saved my life, and the strength to do so was given by the bonds she created with others. Bonds of friendship and harmony, one of which was sanctified by the acts I found so repellant." His teacher smiled, the expression wrinkling her aged face, "I had been in a dark place for so long, I found it hard to even perceive the light. Indeed I could not look her in the eye, for I feared I would be burned away by the harmony I felt shine there."

Ace looked away. That sounded like Xephyr. He had found it hard to look her in the eye sometimes as well, "What happened to your friend?"

"She watches over my homeland, far from here. If I was ever to see her again... I would discard my wretched pride and thank her for all that she did for me. And one of those things I learned that day, hearing those two together." She lowered her voice, tone soft and fragile, "I will never lie with another. I will never understand the beauty and joy that others find there. But I can now see that for others it is an act of most treasured friendship, and by understanding that my own wounds no longer hurt as they did. I was able to move on, and forget my pain. Live a full life, and be proud of my own flesh."

Ace looked away, feeling... humbled. His teacher had earned her place it seemed, and he only wished he could be so assured in himself in his old age, "So you're saying I should..."

"You should not do anything." She chided gently, "Only find the harmony around you, and see things as they are, not as you believe them to be."

Ace thought on this for a while before grinning in spite of himself, "And if I believe that ponies over forty should stop messing around before they break a hip...?"

His teacher chuckled softly, "Your friend has just climbed a mountain. I believe her frame is still up to it."


Star Swirl lay upon the grass, profoundly satisfied with the state of the world at the moment. She felt the wonderfully little shimmer of love, knowing that it was a silly emotion considering how early and unwise this was... but it was certainly not an unwelcome feeling, nor one that she wanted to go away any time soon.

They needed more moments like this.

"What is it that you really want Star Swirl? Where are you leading me?"

Star Swirl rolled over, looking into Easu's eyes, so full of worry and uncertainty. She smiled at him, moving her head closer, "I just want to make things better."

He sighed, "A dangerous course."

Star Swirl laughed, brushing a hoof across his stomach affectionately, "I'm just following Dust Kicker at the moment. Later..."

He gave her a questioning stare, "Later?"

"Well..." It was an answer she hadn't admitted to anyone yet, but she figured there was no better time, "Star Fall still needs somepony to lead it to peace, stop the conflict between them and Caesar."

"And you would be that leader." He stated with impressive neutrality.

She paused for a moment before nodding, not feeling as uncomfortable as she thought she would, "Yes."

"Star Swirl..." He started with a heavy, grim effort, "...I am Caesar's brother."

Star Swirl rolled this around her head. Was she surprised? She wasn't really sure. She didn't really know what to feel about it. Finally she decided just to let him speak, "Then you deserve to have your say. What do you think I should do?"

Easu frowned, looking frustrated. Finally he was forced to answer, "I'm not sure I do deserve that Star Swirl. I have abandoned my homeland, my brother."

Star Swirl's heart ached a little, this was obviously difficult for him, "We didn’t exactly leave on the best terms either... but your brother has done a lot with his country. A lot of good things."

"He was always smart." Easu answered, his tone full of regrets, "My brother gets a lot of criticism, but only because others do not understand him. Maybe he doesn't always present himself in the greatest light, but he wants to do the right thing."
Star Swirl smiled back at him, "I liked him. We shared an affection for plants."

Easu finally smiled back, a painfully sweet and hopefully expression that lit up his face, "He loved plants and flowers. My father would beat him whenever he caught him speaking to the farmers, said it wasn't worthy of his son. I used to cover for him, help him sneak in and out of the palace."

Star Swirl couldn't help wincing, anger growing in her breast, "Your father was..."

"A brute." Easu finished for her, looking sad, "The irony is that he was just as smart as Incuta was, a military genus who forged a working nation from what amounted to uneducated tribal zebra and bandits. Yet he was unable to recognize that the qualities that made him great bypassed me entirely."

Star Swirl chuckled, giving him a kind smile, "Not entirely..."

"I am a greater warrior than Incuta, but my father rarely visited the front lines." He let out a soft snort, "Others do not fully appreciate it considering the advantage Chigaru gives him, but my brother has won every single battle he's commanded, often against notable commanders and highly trained armies. If he was to take his forces to use in a war of conquest I believe only Starhammer would offer him any noteworthy resistance. The only reason he has not expanded his rule further is the unfortunately factor of his territory being surrounded on four fronts, three of them actively hostile."

Star Swirl admitted that there was that, "Maybe diplomacy is his weak spot."

"Hhhr..." He breathed, "Aridari, Olanrewaju, Themba... all three of them likely remind him of both his father and me. Is it any wonder he has no wish to deal with them?"

" Aridari and Olanrewaju are both dead." Star Swirl reminded him.

"True... and if you were to finally end Themba's foul existence, take rulership of Star Fall..." He nodded firmly, looking invigorated, "Yes Star Swirl, you have my blessing."

Star Swirl smiled, though it rather made her feel far more intimidated now it was an actually thing they were talking about, "Well... excellent. I still have to figure out how to pull it off though."

Easu sighed, "I can offer you little help there I'm afraid. As I’ve said before, my skills as a strategist are limited."

Star Swirl had to admit that she was no politician either. Maybe she should ask Puppy, or Fluttershy. Still it wasn't like she didn't have resources, "Golden Dawn of the Star Fall council and Sunlight Ivory of the Church of Celestia would both support me."

Easu frowned, "Speaking as a zebra I must warn you to be careful with the church Star Swirl. Celestia is respected, but she is still a foreign presence. Star Fall still hasn't shaken off the perception of them being the Equestria army turned raider nation, even though most of its leaders are now zebra."

Star Swirl felt herself harden at this. To be honest... she waved a hoof along her lanky form, "I think the problems there are going to be inevitable Easu."

"Maybe." He conceded, "My brother at least is fond of ponies, and Star Fall still bears it's Equestria influences. It just makes me feel... uncomfortable..."

"Easu." Star Swirl started with a smile, "Zebra are one of the five founding races of the NCR. The element of magic was a zebra. One of the council members is a zebra. Zenai is a zebra, and she's one of the most enthusiastic patriots NCR I know. The world just isn't divided like it used to be."

"Hmm..." Easu considered this, expression dark and intense. Finally he gave her a nod, "Perhaps you are right. And it would be good for my brother to have a fellow scholar to speak to. I wish to help him. I want him to succeed."

"A scholar huh?" She chuckled at the description, "You know I've spent so much time as a warrior lately I'd almost forgotten that side of my life."

"Hmph." He grunted, "You have never been shy about debating me on my philosophies."

Star Swirl grinned, thinking back to simpler times. Despite trying to pass herself off as a shy, gentle scholar she had gotten herself in trouble several times for arguing with other members of the followers. It seemed she just couldn’t keep her warrior spirit down, even then, "It's rather ironic. I spent a lot of time researching Celestia back in Equestria, yet it's here in the zebra nations that I've learnt the most about her."

"How so?"

"Have I not told you?" Star Swirl ignited her horn, reaching into her pack and teleporting out the four memory orbs she had acquired from the heart of the All-Mother, "I found these in a hidden cache, along with the Spear of Princess Celestia. One of them was an encounter Rainbow Dash had with the Princess, and the other was recorded by Celestia herself. It was... pretty incredible, to experience what she did. It taught me a lot about how to use my own magic."

Easu looked at them in interest as they settled down between them, "And the other two?"

"One was about Rainbow Dash, admitting her injuries were starting to add up, that she was scared of dying." Star Swirl explained, "And the last... I haven't actually viewed yet."

Easu thought for a moment before speaking, "Would it make sense that it would be about Celestia?"

Star Swirl admitted, that was sort of why she hadn't viewed it yet. It was rather intimidating, she was sure how to prepare for another chance to inhabit the body of a real princess, "I guess so."

"Why here? Why hide their memories here?"

Star Swirl had wondered that herself, "They were placed together with personal objects from both of them, inside the body of the All-Mother."

"The dragon queen they killed." Easu stated grimly, "Perhaps they regretted her death."

Star Swirl admitted that it was a theory with merit, "To be honest, all three memories have been... challenging. They all feature Rainbow Dash and Princess Celestia having doubts about the war, about themselves."

"The corpse of the All-Mother is almost indestructible." Easu stated, "If you wanted something preserved, inside her body is as good a place as any. It is also a long way away from any valid megaspell target. The nearest would be Demonivore, and at the end of the war the city hardly warranted intensive bombardment."

Star Swirl looked down at the orbs, her heart sinking. The way Easu stated it... "They knew the world was about to end?"

"They must have suspected it."

"With that context... the memories almost seem like an explanation... an apology." Star Swirl contemplated Rainbow Dash's knife, Celestia's spear, "They both gave up their weapons to the cache."

"If they felt that way... then they should have fought harder to stop this from happening."

Star Swirl levitated up the final orb, careful to keep it from activating as she admired it’s smooth surface, "We don't know the whole story yet. Easu... if you want I can guide you inside the memories, you can watch them with me."

Easu looked rather nervous as the possibility, "I'm not sure if I'm ready to... inhabit Celestia's body."

"It's pretty incredible." Star Swirl noted in encouragement, "She was connected to the world around her in a way I never thought possible. You once told me that ponies didn't listen, that we didn't feel the magic around us. Well Celestia did, to the point where I could feel every single flower, every single bug... tell me you're not a little bit curious."

Easu considered it for a moment more before reluctantly nodding, "Very well."

Star Swirl smiled at him before holding the orb between them, using the magic she had learned from Charaxies to separate the energies held within between the two, bind them to Easu's mind as they were bound to her through her horn. It came together easily considering the theoretical nature of the magic, Star Swirl smiling and taking a deep breath before letting the magic flow.

And the memory rushed forward, her senses swept away as a whole new world opened up in front of her.

She was walking through a corridor, inside some sort of... military facility, the symbol of the Equestrian Army on the wall. It was next to some bullet holes, a crack in the plaster further on and several poorly repaired metal chairs stacked against the wall seeming to suggest this was a frontline facility of some sort.

She was... an alicorn. Initially she thought she must be Celestia again, still the magical senses and 'knowing' that she had felt before were gone, the body she was in seeming extremely mortal. She could feel aches and pains across multiple areas, wanting to wince every time she made a step. She was very impressed that whoever she was inhabiting never showed the slightest sign of discomfort.

She turned her head and looked down upon a tall, thin earth pony in a sheer, unflattering white coat and cropped mane, speaking to him a very familiar voice, "You have done a very fine job Doctor Shears, and I will personally see to it that you get a medal for this. When I was informed of her injuries I was already prepared for the worst."

She... really was in Celestia's body. That was her voice at least. It certainly felt like it had seen better days. She could feel her mane lying across her back, long and straight, no longer suspended in the sky. Her magic felt dim, stiff... Celestia was recovering from magical burnout?

"With respect Princess, it's hardly a miracle recovery." Doctor Shears replied in a grim mutter, his expression a deeply frustrated grimace, "I have kept her alive, she is conscious. That's about all I can say for her condition."

"Is there still a chance of her deteriorating?"

Doctor Shears laughed, a harsh, humorless bark, "Princess, Commander Dash was terminally ill before she even went out there. Deterioration is inevitable, my only measure of success is how fast it will occur."

Celestia's hoof froze in place, her stomach doing a little flip, "Ah..."

He looked at Celestia with one widening eye as the Princess hesitated. He frowned darkly, turning away, "Didn't tell you that huh? It's not on her medical notes either."

"I'm sorry doctor..." Celestia stated with a faltering voice, "How long...?"

"I couldn't guess." He replied grimly, "She's got advanced cancer, it's destroyed her entire left lung and is working through her spleen and liver. But I don't know how fast it's advancing without seeing her notes. Unfortunately it looks like she's been receiving private care."

"She did all that with... just one lung?" Celestia actually smiled at this, though she was still tense and clearly stressed, "And to think I was impressed when she survived the injuries inflicted by her fight with the All-mother... what of those doctor? Will her injuries have any effects on her existing condition?"

"Princess..." He paused for a moment before shaking his head and answering bluntly, "Her remaining lung was seriously damaged, she'll have to be on oxygen for the rest of her life. Her pinion feathers and several other important areas on her wings were permanently destroyed, so she'll never fly again. The muscle in her right leg was already damaged from a previous injury, this impact totally displaced it. I've done my best, but I'll say she'll have about twenty percent of her previous strength there at best. Her eyes suffered some burns, and it is inevitable that she will experience some loss of vision. And since she suffered cardiac failure multiple times during the transport here I cannot rule out brain damage."

Celestia's body slumped slightly, "I see."

"My task now is to stabilize her condition to the point where she can safely return to Equestria." Doctor Shears stated with clinical detachment, "A hero deserves to die surrounded by her friends and family. I am hopeful that I can clear her for teleportation during today's review."

"Then I will return her to Cloudsdale." Celestia stated, lifting her head and firming her diaphragm in a way that definitely felt forced, "May I see her?"

Doctor Shears nodded, motioning a hoof to a door, "I warn you Princess, she is very weak right now. She will have difficulty speaking for long periods, and I must insist that you refrain from exerting my patient."

Celestia smiled, nodding gracefully, "Of course doctor."

"Well then, I... what in Celestia's name!"

Celestia's eyes grew wide for a second at the empty bed, dangling IV's and open window before a smile came to her lips, "Your patient has escaped Doctor Shears."

"I can see that!" He spluttered, "I have to get security..."

"Please, you have enough on your mind at the moment Doctor. Allow me to retrieve your patient."


Celestia stepped into the room, moving towards the open window. Star Swirl marveled at the view beyond, especially as she seemed to suddenly melt into a warm, glowing mass of light. She swept through the window and reformed on the other side, perched upon the long spike of a defense cannon with the wind blowing through her hair.

She was on the side of a huge, black mountain, a zebra military base and missile facility down below. Beyond, the open sea in all directions, the ships of the Equestria Navy floating at dock and the Equestrian flag proudly flying from every building.

This was Star Fall. It looked rather empty without the bustling city below, even as Equestrian soldiers marched up and down and pegasi patrolled the outskirts. Celestia turned her head, studying each part of the facility before focusing on a missile gantry a short flight away, now decorated with a small blob of teal and rainbow. Celestia kicked away from the cannon on which she was standing, opening her wings and gliding gently over. She took an indirect route around, allowing Rainbow Dash to see her before settling down beside the pegasus with surprising grace considering her weight and size in comparison to the space available. She folded her wings away, careful not to jostle the smaller pegasus as she turned.

"So you got me. The doctors sent you to drag me back?"

Celestia ran her eyes across Rainbow Dash's form. She looked pretty bad, a lot of her fur still burned away, dirty bandages wound around much of her body. Her wings looked pretty bare and Star Swirl honestly wasn't sure how Rainbow Dash had managed to fly on them, especially considering the oxygen cylinder she had apparently carried with her. Celestia simply smiled at all of this however, her voice kind, "Not at all. It is good to see you getting some sunlight."

"Heh... yeah." Rainbow Dash grinned, taking a breath of her oxygen, "I hate hospitals."

Celestia scanned Rainbow Dash with her horn, Star Swirl feeling impressions of the mare flash through her mind. It wasn't good, Star Swirl wincing as she felt impressions of twisted organs and declining vital functions "Your injuries were quite serious Rainbow Dash. Please do not exert yourself too much."

"I'm fine."

Celestia frowned, "You know you are not."

Rainbow Dash's face set in a stubborn grimace, "Sergeant Vane down there, he had his leg and wing torn off by a zebra assault cannon, crippled for life. He's working as a supply officer, helping us win this war." She patted a hoof against her side, "All six limbs still here? Yeah, I'm good."
Celestia didn't seem to know how to react to this, adjusting her expression several times before speaking in a quietly shocked tone, "You intend to return to duty."

"Just another day at the office."

Celestia raised an eyebrow, "Rainbow Dash, you don't truly think that?"


“My dear Rainbow Dash, do you hesitate to speak?” Something ached inside Celestia’s chest as she said the words, her cheeks tightening, “Please do not, not to me. More than any other quality, honesty is a rare thing these days.”

Rainbow Dash gave a far away smile at Celestia's request, “You do know I deal in the opposite right? The truth is too valuable to be given lightly and all that.”

“Which is why it must be only given to those you trust.” Celestia looked out to the horizon, a weight seeming to lift from her chest as she said the words, “Rainbow Dash, I have lost my connection to harmony.”

Rainbow Dash’s head came up, full of confusion and concern, “What?”

“I can no longer feel its course, draw from its power.” She spoke with a blunt, scoured clean tone that spoke of the most bitter hurt, a tone that sounded like blasphemy from her lips, “I am blind and deaf. My wisdom, my power... all of it is gone.”


“Most grievous injury Rainbow Dash.” She lowered her head, voice pleading, “So I beg you speak to me of hurt, as I speak to you.”

Rainbow Dash turned back to the horizon with a grim expression, silent as she considered Celestia’s words. Finally she reached down and took a breath of her oxygen, letting it fill her system before speaking, “I’ve gotta die sometime. But... damn, to go down doing something so pointless...”

Celestia almost smiled, “Rainbow Dash, you killed the All-mother in single combat. She was possibly the most powerful creature on this planet. Was that not enough?”

“Exactly.” Rainbow Dash looked away, “Will it stop the war?”


“Did she deserve to die?”

Celestia sighed, “Does any creature?”

“Was she an irreplaceable part of this world?”

“Rainbow Dash, her death will allow our troops to move in without fear. The war will end all the sooner.”

"Will it?" Rainbow Dash asked, "Or will it make them more stubborn? We need them to surrender. Assaulting Kursiyin or Ebonlode with our troops... it would be a slaughter, on both sides."

Celestia drew back slightly, her eyes angled to the skies, "Twilight Sparkle has been working on a plan for that."

"And you think the zebra haven't?" Rainbow Dash asked in deep frustration, her anger forcing her to take a few deep breaths from her oxygen before she could speak again. Her words came out quieter, the pegasus clearly struggling to speak, "They have megaspells Princess, and High Scientist Xenospira... he's doing something with them. He has to anticipate an Equestrian Invasion."

Celestia's eyes widened at this, "They have megaspells? How?"

Rainbow Dash's expression fell into one of deep despondence, "The Ministry of Peace is as leaky as an old bucket Princess."

Celestia shook, her mouth moving without sound. Finally she could hold it in no more, "You do not believe Fluttershy is involved do you?"

Rainbow Dash looked up, her face unreadable, "What makes you say that?"

Celestia seemed to deflate, her muscles sagging as she lowered herself into a sitting position. She stared out at the rising sun ahead, her voice labored, "Do you want to know how I lost my connection to harmony?"


Celestia sighed, then began, "It was during the first major battle of the war, the Battle of Red Shores."

Rainbow Dash nodded, "Both you and Luna were seriously injured, and the Equestrian Army was decimated."

Celestia nodded, "I received a message just before the battle. It was from Harbinger. He wanted to meet me upon the battlefield, had a plan to end the conflict."

Rainbow Dash frowned deeply, "Harbinger was a terrorist, he was the cause of the war. Surely you saw it was a trap?"

Celestia turned away, her face tightening, "It was... foolish. But Harbinger was a friend, and I did not believe him capable of harming me. I also knew he was well aware that hurting me would not end the war, far from it."

Rainbow Dash did not sound pleased, "Princess... seriously? You didn't see it coming?"

"I... no." Celestia admitted, shaking her head, "You know the story. I landed, he was standing a short way away from the battle on a hill. We spoke for a little while, and he told me that harmony had revealed to him a terrible vision of the future, and only one way to avert it."

"And then he tazered you."

"Well... I suppose that's one way of putting it." Celestia stated, sounding a touch embarrassed, "I had my shields up of course, and a multitude of warding spells. I have no idea how he managed to bypass them, but he incapacitated me with a single shock."

Rainbow Dash sighed, "And Luna spotted you, and quickly outpaced her bodyguard in her effort to save you."

"And Harbinger hit them all with Littlehorn agent, before shooting Luna with a bane arrow." Celestia sighed, "Luna had spent a long period of her youth in the zebra lands, it seems that she had left behind artifacts that allowed Harbinger to forge it. And... well, it brought her down, mortally injured."

"And then you..."

"He apologized to me. Told me it was for the greater good." Celestia stated with a heavy feeling in her chest, "And he moved to finish Luna off, caring nothing for the Littlehorn agent still in the air. And I... I looked down at the battle below, all the death and killing. And I feared he might be right. That I should let him carry out his plan, end the war in Equestria's defeat."

Rainbow Dash's eyes opened wide, "Princess...!"

"But I didn't care." Celestia spoke softly, "I loved my sister, so I forced myself through the pain, ran through the pink gas and impaled my horn right through Harbinger’s chest. And as I did I saw the future he had seen, felt harmony open itself up to me as the blood ran down my horn." Celestia whispered now, a shiver passing through her heart, "I saw a bandit soaked in the blood of innocents bringing the cloud cities of the pegasi crashing down, a tyrant with a glowing eye of red enslaving my ponies by the thousand, a once innocent unicorn entertainer transformed into a monster who's ambition will set the world on fire. I saw a zebra Frumentarii shedding blood in the halls of harmony themselves, assaulting the palace of Canterlot with dark magic on her hooves and an army at her back. I saw a mare in the highest halls of power debasing her very soul to create terrible artifacts, artifacts whose corruption echoes down through countless generations. I saw Nightmare Moon return, bound in cold steel. I saw a robed mare in the shadows, manipulating the fate of Equestria, its true leaders powerless before her."

Rainbow Dash was quiet, showing no expression as Celestia spoke. Finally she asked, "And Fluttershy?"

Celestia lowered her head, a tear running down her cheek, "I saw her, cloaked in chaos and dark magic, leading the armies of Caesar to Canterlot's walls. And what you've said... confirms it Rainbow Dash." She turned to the mare, "Fluttershy will betray us."

Rainbow Dash went quiet for a long time, "I see."

"And unable to endure it any longer, I cut myself off from the power of harmony." Celestia dropped her head, her throat tightening, "And now try as I might, I cannot find it again. I abandoned the powers that made me princess, because I could not face the future it showed me. "

"Future smootcher." Rainbow Dash grunted, "It hasn't happened yet."

"Rainbow Dash..."

"It's my fault." Rainbow Dash stated with grim determination, "I knew Fluttershy was dealing with the enemy, I hoped... she would succeed. But it's not going to happen is it?"

"Rainbow Dash..."

"She's making things worse." Rainbow Dash lifted her head, a dark anger flashing in her eyes, "We're not dead yet Princess."

"What are you going to do?"

Rainbow Dash set her eyes on the horizon, "What I have to do."


The mountain was silhouetted in the soft moonlight, Zenai still standing with a smile on her face as she stood alone and silent.

Despite everything, she was happy. She wanted to be a hero, but Star Swirl deserved to be a hero. She was passionate and empathic and strong, all the things Zenai wasn't. But she was done being jealous. Zenai more than anything wanted to stand in the crowd when Star Swirl took her crown, stay by her friend's side. Be the cool aunty to her kids, get her into trouble with ill planned nights out, just... be a part of this thing she had started.

Zenai had made so many mistakes. She would continue to make them. But in Star Swirl, she had a friend who would always be with her, no matter what.

A twig cracked behind her, Zenai turning with a twitch of her ears.

A talon wrapped itself around her face, clamping her mouth shut and drawing her hard against a feathery body. She tried to scream but she was held well, her struggles pointless against the strength placed against her.

"And you are certain thiz iz the one?" Came an accented voice, a familiar looking camel stepping out of the bushes to run his eyes across her form.

"Positive." Arick Grimfeathers replied, holding her tight as he moved his beak to her ear, "Pissed off some mighty powerful folk little zebra. My mother has got a big bounty out for you..."

"And you'll make a fine hoztage if your friendz come for uz." Nazir stated as her waved a hoof, "Come, we still have a lot of ground to cover."

Zenai tried to scream, tried to struggle but her hooves were quickly bound, her mouth gagged.

And there was no one to hear her.

Author's Note:

This fanfiction is based on Fallout Equestria by Kkat, it is highly recommended that you read that first for context. Reading Fallout Equestria: Pink Eyes by Mimezinga will help understanding, but isn’t required.

Many of the characters and much of the setting are not mine but are on loan from the very awesome Kkat, or are taken from My Little Pony - Friendship Is Magic by Hasbro. This story makes no pretentions at being canon with either, and is merely a ‘what-if’ set in the same world.

If you enjoy Fallout Equestria Side Stories, you will want to check the Fallout Equestria Side Stories post on Equestria Daily and the Fallout Equestria Side Stories thread on Ponychan.

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