• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 5,560 Views, 280 Comments

Fallout Equestria : Black And White - Philweasel

Peace between the NCR and Zebra wasteland becomes a battleground between competing factions.

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Chapter 4.1 - Savage

"Fekku, secure that rudder! Fumbles, get those pumps working! We'll make it out of here yet!"

Sabah held onto the deck fixtures for dear life as the ship ducked and leapt through the crashing waves, water careening across the deck with every impact. Sailors desperately tried to keep it under control but in the end most of them had come to the same conclusion she had, to move around unsecured would achieve nothing but getting yourself hurled overboard.

"Let me take that tiller son." A familiar booming voice stated from above, the zebra at the wheel fearfully moving aside to let the gigantic form of a buffalo through. His hooves took the controls and with a mighty heave brought it under control, the rocking easing a little, "Which direction to Star Fall?"

"That way noble master." The zebra pointed to the port side with a shaking voice, "But we would be going sideways to the wind, we'll capsize for sure."

Sabah couldn't take it anymore, looking over to the white furred mare standing strong in the middle of the deck, her white robes pulled tight around her and her horn exposed. It glowed with a gentle light, her eyes serene as she concentrated upon the spell. She watched the mare with desperate hope, that any second she would open her eyes and...

She opened her eyes, looking round at Sabah with agonizing regret, "I am sorry. Celestia's light has been blocked out by Caesar's curse, my prayers cannot make it through."

"You must be able to do something Diamond Prism!" Sabah cried, not about to give up on her mentor now, "Shield us, or something!"

The captain, a rough furred zebra gazed out ahead, then turned to Diamond Prism with narrowed eyes, "If we make it round the Sothe vortex we'll be able to swing back to calmer waters!"

"Of course." Diamond Prism acknowledged with a smile, then brought her horn up high, "I can feel it... Gentle Hooves, look ahead. Can you see it?"

The buffalo nodded, looking to where Sabah could see a golden light up ahead, "Straight for that point?"

"Yes, that should take us through the calmest part of the storm." Diamond Prism looked round at all the sailors, her smile beaming out, "Please noble sirs, just a little bit further! The dawn is in sight!"

Sabah let go of the fixture, daring to step a little across the swaying deck. She smiled as she saw Diamond Prism standing there, proud and confident even as the rain soaked her through.

Then a wave hit the ship and Sabah was hurled off her feet, slamming down onto her side and sent rolling across the deck, "AH!"

"Sabah!" Diamond Prism burst into action, charging through the rain and incepting Sabah. Sabah crashed into the mare and clung on desperately, Diamond Prism's horn bursting with light and sending a rope of glowing energy flying outwards to secure itself around a pipe. It drew them to a shuddering stop, Diamond Prism cradling Sabah close as she forced herself back up the deck. She had taken the first few steps when she looked down at Sabah with the deepest kindness and affection, pausing a moment to speak, "Sabah, don't be afraid."

She trusted Diamond Prism, she really did. Still... "This isn't the time to be afraid?"

Diamond Prism shook her head, "No Sabah. You'll see, Celestia will see us through this. As long as you walk under her protection, you will never need to fear."

Sabah smiled despite herself, a rare, desperate thing. She did not smile without cause, but she knew, that her mentor needed her to be strong now, "Thank you Diam..."



Something hit the ship hard, the deck shattering at the impact and the whole ship flung onto its side. Sabah and Diamond Prism were both send flying, Sabah clinging to the mare as she tried to work out which way was up and down.

All she knew was the ship was the wrong way up relative to the sea.

Golden light surrounded them, Diamond Prism's eyes closed tight and her teeth tightly clenched... the waters hit them and the shield collapsed, Sabah desperately clinging to her mentors neck as the currents tried to tear her away. It was so cold and suffocating, Sabah feeling her mouth fill with salt water as she desperately tried to stay afloat...

Then she felt something above, looking up and feeling her heart lift. It was impossible, but she could only trust her eyes. Diamond Prism was right.

An alicorn descended from the heavens, her mighty wings open and her magic flaring around her. Sabah's heart swelled with relief for one short moment... before unconsciousness took her and she was lost to the darkness.


She was alive. Hurt, but not badly, mostly bruises by the feel of things. She was damp but not that damp, and appeared to be lying on a metal floor. She heard hoofsteps and opened her eyes, focusing on a pretty zebra hardly older than her standing nearby. The zebra jumped back and Sabah tensed for a moment in case she attacked. She didn't make any moves to do so and so Sabah looked around, observing that this appeared to be some kind of living area constructed of metal and that the sound of a magic humming under her hooves suggested a craft of some sort.

She pushed herself onto her haunches, looking straight at the zebra, “Where’s Diamond Prism?”

The zebra's face instantly drained of color, her eyes grief stricken, “You’ve only just woken up…”

Panic seized Sabah. Why was this zebra trying to change the subject, why... she stood, raising her voice to a shout, “Where is she!?”

“I…” The zebra looked away, “She didn’t make it. I’m so, so sorry. We… we did what we could to save you all but...”

So she was dead.

Another one, lost to her.

She felt little, no grief, no sadness. She was obviously used to it by now, “Who are you? Why did you save us?”

The zebra looked about, Sabah following her. She found it hard to concentrate, but now she was calm she couldn't help but notice... a lot of ponies, and an alicorn of all things. The alicorn who had saved her?

Back there she had been an image of Celestia. Now... Sabah could see that she was just another one of the Equestria's war machines, and an ugly and ill shaped one at that. She could help feel a wave of revulsion come over her, even though she didn't seem hostile at present.

“We’re from Equestria. We’re traveling to the Zebra homelands to make peaceful contact there.”

Sabah looked back at the zebra, processing that information for a moment. Equestia... was making contact.

It was as Diamond Prism had hoped. As she had always dreamed. And now that it was a reality... her eyes traveled over to a large bundle of cloth on the floor, “Is that her?”

“I don’t think…”

“I want to see her.” She stated as she moved over. The zebra quickly backed away, Sabah pausing for a moment before composing herself and pulling the cloth away. It wasn't nearly as shocking as she expected, indeed... she looked down at that beautiful face, peaceful and unblemished, as if in sleep. Someone had even brushed her hair.

She took a deep breath, the desperate desire to do or say something almost overwhelming. In the end she said the only words she knew, “May the light of the moon and sun never leave you, may it be from Celestia or the Allmother. Let the warmth of love guide you through the darkness, protect you on your journey home. Those left behind will keep your memory in our hearts, gaining strength to live on for your honor.”

It felt empty, but it was all she had. It was after all, what her grandfather had said on the day her parents had died.


Diamond Prism sat on the slab at the church of Celestia, finally returned to Star Fall. Her expression was peaceful, her hooves folded. Sabah just stared, not quite knowing what to feel.

"She would be glad you're still alive Sabah."

Sabah looked up at Gentle Hooves, not even annoyed at the big buffalo's interruption of her thoughts, "Glad that I'm alone again?"

He attempted a smile, "You're not alone."

"You're not my father, you're my employer." She stated coldly, "In a few weeks you'll go back into the wasteland with new goods, and I promised myself that I would never return to that place."

He gave a short laugh, "To be honest Sabah, I'm not too keen on more sea travel." His face fell again as she didn't respond, sighing to himself and giving her a serious look, "Sabah, even if I am just your employer, I'll always have a place for you. Just come knocking, ok?"

She didn't answer, Gentle Hooves eventually moving off to leave her alone. She didn't turn to acknowledge his departure. She couldn't, not now. He was a good stallion, but he wasn't... he couldn’t replace what she had lost.

She tried to cry but it wouldn't come. Just... pressure, at the front of her skull.

"She brought me back home once."

Sabah turned with a start, having thought she was alone. She was amazed to see a mare just a few feet away, she honestly hadn't heard her approach. She was really pretty, for a second Sabah thought she was Celestia herself. White fur, pink eyes, a soft blue mane... "I... I'm sorry..."

The mare turned to Sabah, smiling a smile full of doubt and loneliness, "Hello child."

Sabah looked the mare over for a moment, sensing reluctance and a... desire to speak regardless. She decided to prod her into action, "She brought you home?"

"Yes." The mare gave a brilliant smile, relieved to be able to speak, "Diamond Prism was in the same class as me, back when we were both acolytes."

"What... what was she like?"

The mare grinned, "Quiet. Dutiful. I never paid her much attention, I must admit to being the opposite. But one day, when my pride truly got the better of me and grew determined that I had no place here... she was the only one who followed me, convinced me to go back. We became friends after that, she was always there to comfort me in my times of greatest need."

Sabah hesitated, "She... never spoke much of her time here..."

"Never spoke of me."


The mare chuckled, "It is alright, she had reason. We went out into the wasteland together, to preach the work of Celestia. Sad to say we eventually parted company, and not on the best terms."

Sabah sensed some deep pain there, "Why not?"

"Because she was right and I was wrong." The mare answered sadly, before her face brightened again, "But her lessons found me in the end. Saved me. I only wish I could have told her of my regret, shared my plans with her."

Sabah sighed. She knew how that felt, "I wish she was still here."

"Yes." The mare answered simply, "But we will honor her. I will lead her funeral at Dusk, if you wish to attend."

Sabah had to say she had second thoughts about that. During her short time here she had suffered nothing but suspicion, disgust and scorn, already been made well aware quite what those here thought of wasteland zebra, "Thank you. I'll see."

"Of course." The mare replied, then moved a little closer. She offer Sabah a smile, something... sharp and cold behind her eyes as she looked Sabah over, "It was good to meet you Sabah."

Sabah gave the mare a look of surprise, "You know my name?"

"Star Swirl mentioned it to me. Asked me to admit you into the church of Celestia as an initiate." The mare stated, a seed of doubt in her voice, "I must admit, it's a rather... surprising request, a zebra wishing to join us. A wasteland zebra no less. Still Celestia's light welcomes all."

Sabah sniffed in frustration, she didn't have to tell her that, "Thank you... um..."

"Sunshine Ivory." The mare stated, introducing herself with a smile, "A pleasure to meet you."


Sabah placed her head through the cloth and let it fall over her, kicking out her back legs to knock it fully into place. It felt nice on her fur, nothing like the roughness of armor or cloth. She wondered what it was made of, feeling like she was intruding somehow on a world she could never understand.

She advanced over to a mirror, eyes moving across the strange figure before her. Given her entirely white face and stringy ebony hair, she looked positively ghostly in the white cloak. Considering the facial scars and maroon eyes, she looked like a ghost from hell.

"Cool." She noted with a grin, before galloping off to see what else the day brought.


Star Fall was certainly different from any place she had ever seen before, even the largest cities she had visited in the wasteland nowhere near as vast and expansive. From the lowest levels she could barely see the sky in places, every direction filled with rising spires of rusted metal plastered with symbols of the world before. The trip from Gentle Hooves’ shop took her down from the lowest and poorest levels right up to the governmental districts where the church was situated, giving her plenty of time to admire the sights...

...and get completely lost.

She eventually managed to stumble onto the temple grounds only about ten minutes late, the monk at the door giving her a disapproving look and ushering her in. She looked around the entrance hall, took the first left and galloped along an empty corridor, hopeful that she could just slip into the crowd.

She almost put pay to that by stumbling into a pair of fellow initiates moving out in front of her, ducking away as they moved past. It was a zebra male and a pony female, the female sounding confused and worried as she stepped behind him, "Am... am I in trouble?"

"No." The zebra stated firmly, not turning to look at her, "She just wants to see you out in the garden for a moment."

They travelled onwards, Sabah just about to continue past... but something in the zebra's eyes had given her pause. Those were eyes of deception, worry, determination. They were not good emotions.

She made her mind up, traveling after the two with quiet hooves.

"You can't do... mmph!"

"Hold her Jevig."

Sabah had been right to be concerned, sneaking out of the door and into an isolated part of the temple gardens as she saw the pony thrown to the floor, three zebra around her now. Sabah moved closer while they were distracted, considering the situation before her.

The zebra she had seen before was the youngest of the three, the only one wearing initiate robes. The second wore the robes of a senior and was much bigger, the third wearing work overalls and appearing to be the eldest. It was him who was holding the pony, weaving a gag about her mouth while the other two prepared a bag.

Sabah considered her options for a moment. It didn't take long, especially as the eldest zebra delivered a kick to the pony’s chest. She charged out of the bushes with only the rustle of grass to announce her presence and leapt upwards to slam a hoof into the third zebra's jaw. He yelled out and fell sideways, the other two freezing in place as Sabah landed and quickly tore the gag free from the pony's jaw.

But the third zebra had recovered much faster than she had expected, leaping back up and lunging for her before she had a chance to draw her head back up. She took the blow across her side and danced away to defuse the force of the blow, leaving her off balance as he dropped onto his hind legs and thrust his hooves out. It wasn't bad, but if knew what he was doing he wouldn't have thrown it in the first place. She ducked left, grabbed his hoof, kicked his back hoof away and twisted as he felt, straining the joint hard as he thumped to the ground with a yell.

He rolled onto his side, Sabah kicking him away with a thrust of her leg. He skidded across the grass and hit a tree, grunting and shouting at the two others, "Kill the pegasi, now!"

Sabah heard him, positioning herself between them and the pony filly. She had just turned to glare at his two companions when the youngest tackled her firmly in the chest. She rolled with the blow, twisted herself round and flung him behind her, using his own momentum to throw him forcefully into a bush.

And then she was totally taken off guard as the senior zebra drew a pistol from his robes. She hadn't expected that, given no chance to dodge... a bolt of blue light flew from the weapon and caught her firmly in the side, sending a surge of pain shooting through every muscle. She screamed and her hooves collapsed under her, muscles spasming in agonizing pain.

"You little bitch!" The oldest zebra stated as he limped towards her prone form, glaring down at her with absolute fury, "You fucking broke my leg!"

She spat up at him, a second before his hoof came down upon her groin. She gasped in pain, another driving hard into her ribcage. She curled up in defense, seeing the pony filly run to help before being quickly intercepted by the senior zebra who had shot her. She tried to dodge around to reach Sabah but he grappled her and drove her head firmly into the ground, causing the filly to cry out in pain as he pulled her hair back. Sabah reached out with a hoof, "Stop..."

"Worry about yourself!" The older zebra climbed atop her, placing a hoof down upon her neck and squeezing, "Little wasteland rube! Not the culture or intelligence you're born with, yet you think you can walk in here, wear those clothes, talk to me like you're worth a damn?!"

She glared up at him, having shat out better and certainly not about to yield to scum like him, "I'm... worth a hundred of you..."

"Oh really?" He leaned in close, grinning, "Well let me tell you..."

She brought her head forward, sunk her teeth into his cheek, and tore his face open.


"Holy..." The zebra with the gun started as Sabah kicked away from the now bleeding zebra, then sprang towards him. He tried to raise his weapon but he didn't get a chance, Sabah reacting on pure instinct. It was exactly had she had done a hundred times before. She darted in, moving from side to side to deny him a clear shot. She changed direction suddenly as she covered the last of the distance, seizing the zebra's head in both hooves and flinging herself sideways.

She had only realized her mistake when she landed smoothly back onto her hooves, watching the zebra crumple limp to the ground with his head twisted an unnatural angle. The other was gurgling and screaming as he desperately hooved at the huge hole in his face. The youngest zebra took one look and ran screaming for the guards, Sabah looking back at the earth pony filly. She sat there with a look of utter horror, horror directed at Sabah. Sabah placed a hoof to her own jaw and bringing it back covered in sticky blood, running her tongue about and dislodging a strip of flesh from her teeth. She looked below, seeing her robe was covered in dark, angry red stains.

She looked back, robed church guards already approaching with guns drawn. She saw the way things were going, girding herself to run...

The filly caught her hoof, holding it with a shaking, frightened grasp. Sabah looked back at that face, the filly's eyes filled with doubt and uncertainty... and... trust?

Firm hooves grabbed her, forcing her to the ground and securing cuffs around her ankles. She didn't try and resist.


She sat in the cell for quite some time, her legs chained and not a single visitor. Eventually her ears perked as she heard some guards approaching, two big beefy zebra opening the door and wordlessly ushering her forward. She wondered if they were leading her to her execution, already formulating plans of how she would take them down as she was marched down the corridor. They eventually reached a metal reinforced door, opening it up to reveal a small room with a table.

Another zebra was waiting at the table, older and more rugged than the others, with a bionic leg and eye. He smirked at her as she entered, looking up at the two guards, "Are the cuffs really necessary?"

The guards gave each other nervous looks, "With all due respect sir, she killed a zebra with her bare hooves."

"Some skinny kid." He waved a hoof at her, "Take them off, and then leave us."

They hesitated for a moment before doing as he asked, Sabah standing perfectly still as the cuffs fell away and they quietly left the room. She waited a moment more to see what the older zebra would do, looking up as he finally spoke up with a cheerful tone, "Come on girl."

She carefully and slowly walked over to the table, looking the zebra in the eye, "What do you want?"

"You're well trained." The zebra stated with a grin, actually looking oddly impressed.

"Not really." Sabah replied honestly, "I just watched zebra fight. No one ever taught me."

"That was a textbook Doom Bunny spinning neckbreaker girl." He replied, sounding impatient, "You've had formal instruction."

She felt the old familiar pain return, silently enduring it for a moment before shaking her head free of such thoughts. She had no desire to revisit that part of her life, "As I said, I watched zebra fight. Eventually I learned to fight back."

"I wish every zebra had that drive." He replied with a smirk, waving a hoof at her casually, "How old are you?"


He chuckled, "Well start them young..." He leaned forward, drawing in close as his features twisted in an evil grin, "How would you like to work for me girl?"

She frowned, looking him over. He hoped he wasn't thinking 'that' kind of work, "Doing what?"

"Fighting. Killing." He shrugged, "I could think of lots of uses for a little ninja like you."

This possibly provoked an even stronger reaction, "No. I'm sorry."

"May I ask why?"

"I came here to join the church of Celestia. To get away from fighting and killing"

He smirked, "You're a zebra child, and you killed a fellow initiate. You really think they're going to let you in now?"

"I defended a fellow initiate." She declared firmly, knowing the truth of what Diamond Prism had taught her, "I did nothing wrong, and they will accept that."

"Heh..." He looked a little confused, eying her carefully, "You're pretty optimistic for a wasteland girl."

"It's not optimism." She countered angrily, knowing he wouldn't understand, "I didn't come all this way, lose Diamond Prism, just to be denied now."

"Well well." He commented, sounding impressed, "You are a passionate one. Can you come in Sunshine?"

The door opened a few seconds later, Sabah's breath catching a moment as Sunshine Ivory walked inside. She looked even more radiant than normal, after a moment Sabah realized she was wearing make up. As she flashed a beaming smile at the zebra at the table and he in turn watched her with a rather intense expression Sabah couldn't help wonder who the display was for. She cleared such thoughts from her mind for now, focusing on what was in front of her, "High Priestess Sunshine Ivory, I..."

"Sunshine will do Sabah." She stated with gentle kindness, drawing herself up and smiling benevolently, "I must apologize, this must all have been very difficult for you."

"I..." Sabah started, then paused. Something... was off. Something about this mare, the way she moved, the way she looked. After a moment Sabah caught those eyes, those soft celestia pink irises hiding a cool, assessing, gaze that stood in stark opposition to her expression. Sabah quickly started again, sensing those eyes become colder with every moment of hesitation, "I'm the one to blame. I shouldn't have taken it that far."

Sunlight Ivory stood silent for a moment, seeming to consider her words. Eventually she spoke, "Do you regret the life lost?"

Sabah paused. She realized that pause was suspicious on its own, deciding to be honest, "I shouldn't have killed him, but he made that choice to attack a wasteland zebra even after he saw what I could do. He pressed me, and I reacted poorly, but it was his own choice."

"It's a fair answer Sunlight." The older zebra stated, shrugging his shoulders, "I killed the boy's father for the same reason. Fool picked a fight he couldn't win."

Sabah blinked, "You killed his father?"

The zebra simply chuckled at her, "Among other zebra. Rest assured they won't be bothering you again kid."

"It is... politics dear." Sunshine Ivory stated after a moment, her warm smile a mask upon a deeper, hidden face, "And they would have killed that filly if you hadn't stood up for her. Indeed, you averted a great deal of... unhappiness."

This confused matters even more. Were they... glad? "So it was a good thing?"

"But you didn't know any of that when you killed him did you? You cannot claim knowledge of any such consequences?"

Sabah hesitated, then shook her head, "No."

She sighed, considering briefly before facing her again, "I will have no further fighting from you, under any circumstances." She stated firmly, her words clear and without malice, "And you will room at the temple, with restricted ability to leave for the first few months. You will find plenty to occupy your time, believe me."

Sabah felt her heart lift, "So you'll let me back in?"

"You are a remarkable girl, of great potential." Her smile became warm again, though something still lurked behind those eyes, "I would be taking a great risk in allowing you to join us, but I choose to believe you would not betray that trust a second time."

She shook her head, "No."

She smiled, this time full of genuine warmth, "Then let’s get you set up."

"Nice to see it all worked out." The older zebra stated, giving Sabah a cheerful grin, "But my offer still remains girl."

Sunshine Ivory smiled at this, looking genuine for the first time since she entered the room, "Thank you Themba, for your aid."

Sabah looked round at him, honestly shocked. She had heard a few things about Star Fall of course, and she knew a little history. Star Fall had been a boogieman out east, a evil as terrifying at the Enclave. She knew all about Star Fall's wars of aggression, of their raids, of their plots against the rest of the zebra. And she knew all about their instigator, the beast of the west...

...General Themba, the Butcher of Star Fall.

The zebra chuckled, shooting her a cheerful smile that wrinkled his flatteringly aged features, his eyes genuine and friendly. His voice was full of affection, "See you around kid. Good luck with your studies."


She stood before the statue of Celestia, admiring the power of her figure. She had heard so much about her, what she stood for. They were things she had always desired. Order, justice, but paired with mercy and love. Perfect unachievable goals out in the wasteland, but Diamond Prism had convinced her that they weren't impossible dreams. That Celestia had managed it, ruling in glory for over a thousand years.

Some would indeed call her a traitor to her race, but of course as Diamond Prism had pointed out Celestia hadn't been a pony. She was an alicorn, and the ponies basically recruited them to run their government for them. The idea that something better, something divine could save them... that gave Sabah hope even in her darkest moments.

"Good morning young lady." A soft, amiable voice stated from just off to the side, Sabah turning to see an elderly pony with brown fur and a look of weary amusement. He gave a bow of his head as he came over, steps slow and unhurried, "I am Ashen, a teacher at the temple of Celestia. It is good to meet you."

She looked him over, certainly feeling like he was genuine, "You are... my teacher?"

"If you will let me be."

She hesitated at this, wondering quite how to reply. Finally she nodded, "I'll try."

He smiled, "Can you read and write?"

"I can, in Irasi, Jarato and Equestrian." She confirmed, "I can speak them as well."

"Diamond Prism taught you well." He noted with a warm smile, "She was a student of mine you know."

Now Sabah's attention was sparked, "She was?"

"We never thought she would be the one to spread our ideals into the wasteland. She was always so quiet, so soft. She respected all life, and no one I have taught has been as gentle as her." He nodded, "Yet she was braver than all of us. I honestly believe that she would be happy, knowing that she brought you here to us."

Sabah dropped her head. She wasn't one to bemoan her fate, or being unthankful. Still, "I thought she would be with me."

"It is unfortunate. But you are not alone." His eyes turned to the entrance, a young pegasi filly standing there with a nervous expression, "This young lady for example wishes to thank you. Your brave actions saved her life."

The filly nervously stepped forward, though an infectious grin was already spreading across her face, "It's... um... it's wonderful to finally get a chance to speak to you." She padded a hoof against her chest, "My name is Thousand Sunny."

"Sabah." She replied, looking away and blushing a little, "It... wasn't anything."

"It was to me." Sunny replied, giggling slightly, "And I hope you don't mind... if I stick near to you for the next few months?"

Sabah looked up at her, confused, "Next to me?"

"Well, I'll never have to worry about bullies." She mentioned with a broad grin.


The lessons proceeded with the difficulty she expected, the small amount of teaching she had received from Diamond Prism barely a tiny fraction of what even the younger kids around her seemed to know. She was ashamed to say she lost her temper quite often at the beginning, stomping out to stand in the corridor or stare up at the statue of Celestia in the garden, equally ashamed to say that her teacher always welcomed her back without comment when she calmed down.

Elder Ashen was as good as his word at least, spending time each day going through the lessons and explaining them to her. He was even interested in her stories of her life out in the wasteland, and bit by bit she slowly spoke of her most shameful memories. He understood and forgave, and some of her stories he encouraged her to speak of in class. Sunshine Ivory soon left for the wasteland and left Bishop Ember in charge, still things didn't change much. She continued to apply herself, attempt to learn proper manners, and conduct herself as Diamond Prism would have wanted.

She did, and slowly friendships formed with the others.

It helped that she easily picked up the physical education part of her studies, quickly becoming the zebra everyone wanted on their team. She eventually was convinced to help out as a coach, and admitted her frustration with the role faded away as she saw those under her tuition start to improve leaps and bounds.

Friends came even easier after that, which annoyed her. She saw ponies and zebra approach her who clearly had no interest in who she was, just what she had done and what she looked like. She excused herself with all the politeness she could muster, spending much of her time alone. She liked that, and those she allowed into her life understood that.

Ponies like Thousand Sunny, whose declaration of friendship proved deeply sincere. The pegasus was smart, cheerful and diligent and Sabah found her a singularly warm and caring mare to be around, calming her temper by her very presence. Sometimes when the memories got too much Sabah would go to Sunny's room and fall asleep with her head laid against Sunny's chest, listening to her heartbeat and knowing she was safe.

She lay there now, Sunny gently brushing her hair as she sang. The pegasus filly sang like an angel, her voice clear and unpretentious. Sabah never tired of hearing it, and Sunny loved to sing.

"Where were you born Sabah?"

She looked up at Sunny, having to think for a moment, "My family lived near the centre of Sequestria territory."

"What's it like out there?" She asked, before giving a sheepish smile, "My grandfather fought out there when he was younger, but I've only ever been as far as the edge of the Golden Coast."

"I've traveled around a lot." Sabah admitted, then tried to find the right words to answer her inquiry, "It's... orange."


"The rocks in Sequestra, they're bright orange." She stated a little lamely, unsure quite how else to describe it, "And it's... so empty. You can go days without seeing a single other zebra, and most towns only have a few hundred inhabitants."

"I would hate it." Sunny replied with a little wince, "I hate being alone."

"You always have yourself, and the world around." Sabah reasoned, taking a moment to fully appreciate Sunny's touch on her scalp, her head softly resting against her belly. It wasn't all that different really, "Just... standing there, feeling the wind on your fur. You never feel like you're alone."

"You're so amazing Sabah." Sunny exclaimed with a little frustration, "I can't imagine why you're still friends with a boring girl like me."

Sabah frowned at this, rising a little to look at her, "You're not boring Sunny. You're really intelligent, you're friends with everyone, and you know so many stories." She couldn't help but smile, even if it felt terribly goofy, "And you tell them really well. You have a really nice voice."

"Heh, heh..." She blushed, but looked pleased none the less, "I just wish I had some of my own stories to tell."

Sabah settled back down, feeling that she was seriously underestimating the power of her gift. Sabah had spent her whole life out there, and she still felt like Sunny understood it better than she did, "Tell me one, please?"

"What kind of story would you like?"

"Any kind of story." Sabah then thought for a second before correcting herself, "Tell me a story about the pegasi."

Sunny chuckled, pausing in thought, "Well... how about I tell you a story about pegasi and zebra?"

Sabah's ears perked up at this, "That sounds great."

"Ok." She took a deep breath before starting, "This takes place down in the Mutum valley, several years before the end of the Great Winter. The Enclave were just starting to abandon their bases, and one day an evacuation shuttle experienced some engine trouble...


Personal Log of First Lieutenant Clear Voice of the 21st Scouts

I have determined that it has been four hours since my vessel crashed into the Mutum desert, judging from the position of the sun. It is most unfortunate but based on a preliminary inspection my crew appears to be dead and the scout craft irreparable. My own injuries account to a broken leg and two broken ribs, alongside assorted lacerations, grazes and semi-serious head wounds. Supplies all appear to have been destroyed in the fire, I am trapped in hostile territory and my emergency weapon appears firmly jammed. Daytime temperatures read as four degrees centigrade.

In short, position is disadvantageous, but tenable. First task is to ensure some sort of signal fire to alert rescue ships. Fortunately most of the area is already on fire so this should be relatively simple. Loyalty and honor!

Personal Log of First Lieutenant Clear Voice of the 21st Scouts
Further setbacks, as it appears my signal fire has attracted a small force of about four dozen heavily armed zebra, who judging but the gunshots and flung grenades appear to be hostile to my presence. Fortunately I was able to take advantage of their primitive, superstitious nature and present myself as some sort of god like figure by gluing various articles of clothing to my withers and doing a ritualistic 'rain dance'. This worked even better than I'd hoped, the zebra all expressing signs of obvious joy and worship before only beating me semi severely and taking me back to their camp under heavy guard. Given the respect they now clearly hold me in I am confident that they will see fit to dress my multiple bleeding open wounds and provide me some form of sustenance in the morning.

Personal Log of First Lieutenant Clear Voice of the 21st Scouts
They have given me no form of sustenance in three days. Fortunately I am a student of Cloud Cover's advanced survival techniques course, and was able to create an edible meal from my flight jacket and toe clippings. Confident rescue will be any day now.

Personal Log of First Lieutenant Clear Voice of the 21st Scouts
Rescue has not yet arrived, obviously due to the poor weather conditions. I am in luck however, as it appears the leader of this group knows some pidgin form of Equestrian and I was able to initiate communication with him. He also seems to suffer from some sort of unfortunate skin condition that has caused patches of his skin to fall off, with this in mind I offered him a deal.

He seemed most interested when I described the wide range of exfoliating facial creams the Enclave possesses, and I promised access to both the benefits of our cosmetics industry and fine representative democracy if they would kindly surrender themselves to the Enclave. He laughed then and left me, which I took as a clear affirmative. I now just have to wait until he comes back to discuss the terms of his surrender.

Personal Log of First Lieutenant Clear Voice of the 21st Scouts
I am making further allies in this savage land. The zebra with the unfortunate skin (who I have learned is called Sharps, though there is nothing 'sharp' about this one, ho ho) took me to visit another leader, and asked me to repeat my terms to him. This zebra also laughed for quite some time, before describing me as quite a find. Clearly I am on my way to being considered some kind of great leader among these savage creatures.

Personal Log of First Lieutenant Clear Voice of the 21st Scouts
They are letting me out of my cage now, clearly having accepted me as one of their own. Though we are no closer to contacting the Enclave (no doubt due to these zebra's primitive communications equipment) I have been able to infiltrate heavily into their inner workings. Fortunately it appears that they have grossly underestimated the resolve of the great pegasus enclave, as I have heard them frequently express statements like 'they're getting absolutely annihilated', 'never coming back' and 'running away with their tails between their legs'. Though I have been shown very convincing evidence of these statements I am confident that this is all a cunning ruse, and pegasi troops will mount their counter attack any moment now.

Personal Log of First Lieutenant Clear Voice of the 21st Scouts
The Enclave have not mounted a counter attack as yet, obviously to lure these savages into a false sense of security. I admit to occasionally feeling some thoughts unworthy of a proud enclave officer at times, but am sustaining my spirits by reading what pages of my service manual I haven't been forced to eat.

Personal Log of First Lieutenant Clear Voice of the 21st Scouts
Aha, finally a breakthrough! The leader of these bandits, Sharps, finally let his guard down! I have often seen him playing card games with his men and other bandit leaders, and he appears to be rather good at the game considering his constant victories. I asked to join a few days ago, and was eventually allowed to play.

At first it seems my luck was not with me, ending up losing my tail, several teeth and my virginity, however on my final bet Sharps challenged me personally to one final bet. Lose and I would be forced to remain his devoted servant for the rest of my days. He laughed when I reversed the bet as my own terms, and he proudly stated that no one had beaten him in years.

Little did he know that I was the undisputed Enclave Navy 'Snap' champion for four years in a row, and that I was only pretending to be incompetent at the game!

And just as planned, one vicious beating from his men later and he finally agreed to my terms. I have asked him to take me to the nearest settlement so that I may contact Enclave Command, and finally go back home. We leave tomorrow. It seems things are finally looking up! Loyalty and honor!

Personal Log of First Lieutenant Clear Voice of the 21st Scouts
Apparently I have been registered as KIA, my wife married my best friend about four days after my disappearance and the Enclave has no intention of mounting a rescue.

A somewhat unfortunate situation really.

Sharps is surprisingly good company for a dirty zebra savage.


"Are you ok Sabah?"

She bit her lip in a desperate attempt to still her giggles, not really helping as much as she hoped. Finally she managed to pull herself under some sort of control, wiping the tears from her eyes, "Oh wow... I grew up in the west, I was always hearing stories about the evil Enclave from crusty old zebra. Were they really this goofy?"

"I think Voice exaggerated it a little." Sunny admitted, chuckling a little herself, "I'm Enclave born myself actually."


"When they evacuated Mutum they left a lot of pegasi behind. My grandfather was a supply officer for a military base, and when the troops pulled out hundreds of refugees swarmed in look for food and shelter." She stated proudly, her ears perking up high, "He refused to leave them, set up a system to preserve food and resources, maintained order. The Enclave called him a traitor, stripped him of his rank."

Sabah noted they weren't in the Mutum valley anymore, "What happened?"

Her face fell, "Bandits attacked and destroyed the resources in the end. My mother pulled him out of there, they travelled down east to where it was said the snow and ice were less intense, thought to try and find Star Fall."

"You found it."

"Yes." She grinned happily, "My mother met my father, they had me, and we all lived happily ever after."

Sabah remembered what had happened at their first meeting, her mood darkening, "Not quite ever after."

"Oh... that." She acknowledged, before her cheer returned, "It was something to do with... really old stuff that no one should care about. That's what my parents said at least. Themba sorted them out."

Sabah smiled at the mention of the old zebra's name, "He's pretty cool. I heard he's this big villain, but he's been nice to me ever since I got here."

"I hate fighting." Sunny asserted, before shrugging her shoulders and sighing, "My grandfather, and my mother... I know they killed a lot of zebra back in the day. But they've all left that in the past, lived virtuous lives ever since. I don't see why others can't do the same."

Sabah let her mind fall into the dark place, allowed herself to think on the past for a moment, "I've killed."


Sabah tensed up, feeling fear enter her heart, "I've done... worse."

"I don't care." She stated firmly, "You're working hard to be a better zebra. That's so brave of you, I've seen myself how few honestly try to change themselves for the better."

Sabah agreed, though she hesitated to say it out loud. It sounded so simple from Sunny, who had never done anything bad enough to seek redemption. She didn't know what it was like, to be covered in blood, to have sunk so far you were barely an animal. She wondered if Themba had felt the same.


"Do I regret anything?" Themba asked as they walked the walls of the great volcano at the heart of Star Fall, the iron gantries that looked out over the vast city below. He was as thunderously cheerful as ever, not a moment of doubt in his tones, "I lived my life how I believed it should be lived."

Sabah thought that kind of conviction sounded nice, "You've never doubted yourself?"

"They elected me to this position, they told me I was the right one for the job. I was their best general, I won more battles than any of them. And I did what Star Fall said must be done." Themba shrugged, stopping at the iron railings and looking down, "if I had been fighting for myself, I might have done things differently. But I wasn't. They demonize me, call me a villain. They forget that I was part of a council of four, that I was chosen by and serve a population of thousands."

Sabah thought that sounded very reasonable, "You didn't really have control."

"I don't believe any creature does." He stated bluntly, "We think we do, but in the end we are bound by our natures and the situations we find ourselves in. The rest... random chance, the slight influences and moods that alter our perceptions in one way or another."

"Then what's the point?"

"Good company, good drink, good food?" He looked out over the city, giving a contented smile, "And personally, there's a peace to coming to terms with your own lack of power."


Peace... she was a long way from peace.

She was... hungry. So hungry. She trod across hot, cracked dirt, body heavy despite being reduced to barely a whisper of what she once was. Her stomach felt like it was being pulled inside out, her fur thin across dry, broken skin. The sun beat down upon her, merciless and cruel.

She looked up as she heard hoofsteps approach, ducking behind some rocks. The source behind them soon revealed themselves, a tall male zebra in worn leather armor, a rifle dangling at his side. He looked around in frustration, eyes narrowed against the glare.

Sabah looked to his pack, then moved in. She darted across the sands with a speed she didn't believe herself still capable of, launching herself at the zebra and fixing her teeth into his throat.

He cried out briefly before she slammed him down, getting a good grip and tearing his throat out. He gurgled, spasmed briefly, then went limp.

She barely took a moment to notice, focusing on her true objective. She grabbed his pack and tore it open, spilling contents across the sands. Bullets, a medical kit, a traveling cloak...

No! No! She searched his body again but it soon become clear, he wasn't carrying a scrap of food or water. Looking at him he looked rather dehydrated himself, in fact he had likely come out here looking for food.

She couldn't die out here, it couldn't all be for nothing...

Her eyes settled on the dead zebra, her desperation driving everything but survival from her mind. She leant down and bit deep into his flesh.


She awoke gasping, seeing Sunny's peaceful features just a nose away and darting back. She couldn't get blood on her fur, couldn't...

She touched a hoof to her face, revealing nothing but sweat. It had just been a dream...

No. A memory.

She felt the need to heave, staggering out onto the balcony and breathing deep of the cool night air. That was the third time she had endured that nightmare, and it never got any easier. No matter how hard she tried to forget...

She knew it was blasphemous, wrong. Still she looked up at the shining moon above and whispered a prayer, "Luna, guardian of dreams, watch over me in the night. Drive away my terrors..."


She was here again, smaller, weaker. Her coat stung with lice and raw lacerations, sitting watching as Anno ate his fill of the zebra they had killed. She was hungry, so hungry, but she knew not to ask.

"Do you want some Sabah?"

She looked up at his blood soaked features, giving a little nod.

"Then come over."

She padded over, slowly cautiously. He just smiled down at her and she leant forward to eat... and struck her across the jaw, flinging her to the ground. She mewled in protest as he pinned her, roughly pressing his hooves into her chest, "Still too slow. Still too weak."

She gasped, feeling his body press against hers, "Please Anno..."

"Tell me you need me. Tell me you want me." He grinned, "Tell me that no one else could ever loved you, because you're just a monster like me."


Then Anno exploded into sparkles, Sabah left confused for a moment or two before looking over to the side where the tall, ebon black alicorn stood, powerful and noble. She couldn't believe it for a moment, finally forcing her words, "Princess Luna?"

"I wish I could kill the memory permanently." She lamented, then gave a somewhat confused look as she stared around, "Hmm, this dream should already be deconstructing..."

Sabah was confused. Could it really be...? "Are you really Princess Luna?"

Luna looked back, Sabah noting she looked more like Nightmare Moon than the less demonic looking alicorn she had seen in books. Still she didn't look aggressive, and she didn't sense malicious intent when she looked into her eyes. More... determination, and a deep sadness. The alicorn’s voice too was concerned, curious, "You are not one of my children... where are you sleeping child?"

"I... Star Fall..."

Luna looked surprised at this, "Really? My powers are getting stronger..." She looked around again, and then turned to Sabah with a questioning look, "It seems I made a mistake. If that zebra had been the centre of this nightmare, this would already be over. But we're still here."

Sabah looked over to where Anno had stood, "He's not the one I'm afraid of."

"Then who is?"

"Myself." She looked over at the half eaten corpse, then down at her beaten, bruised flesh, "I am grateful to Anno. Before him, I was even lower than this. Without him I would have died." She shivered, "It's painful to think I was ever this weak."

Luna frowned, but her smile quickly returned, "I understand."

"You do?"

"I am the Princess of all things dark and terrible, I understand what it's like to feel worthless and unworthy. I... have done many terrible things." She nodded, her eyes lacking any judgment, "You are a Priestess of Celestia?"

"An acolyte."

"A priestess of Celestia saved me. Showed me a better way, when I was at my darkest. And soon I found good friends, to stand with me when I wavered... and allow me to stand beside them and protect the things I cared about." Luna stepped over, horn glowing gently, "Have you found friends?"

"Yes..." She whispered.

"Picture them."

Sabah did so, soon feeling a strange... connection with Princess Luna. It drew something out of her, and soon she felt the world around shift and change. She opened her eyes before she even realized they had been closed, seeing around her... the temple of Celestia, dozens of ponies standing around her. Thousand Sunny, Elder Ashen, Themba, Star Swirl, Gentle Hooves, Fekku... Diamond Prism.

The mare smiled peacefully across at her, Sabah's heart aching. She realized this was just a dream, still it made her feel just a little better knowing she was still watching over her.

"You have many good friends." Luna stated, moving over to Star Swirl, the alicorn looking rather embarrassed to be here and averting her eyes at Luna's gaze. Luna grinned in reaction, looking back over at Sabah, "Celestia was right, friendship is magic."

"I... think I'm beginning to understand that." She replied, then bowed gratefully before her, "Thank you... I never thought you would actually answer my prayer."

"You..." Luna hesitated for a moment before her smile returned in full force, "You are never alone. Even if you can't see Celestia or me, we are always looking over you."

Sabah had never liked that argument, "We need you..."

"No, you don't." Luna answered firmly, "If there's one thing I've learned, it's that the power to change the world dwells in the hooves of anyone who wishes to claim it. Always remember that, and... never stop believing."

Sabah tried to answer but she already felt the dream fading, Luna's smile the last thing she remembered as peaceful rest settled over her.

She couldn't help but feel the mare looked worried somehow.


She remembered the dream the next day, feeling Luna's words put a spring in her step. She dug out books on the deeper mysteries and understood a little more of what Celestia had spoken, deep in study when darkness suddenly came over the whole city. She couldn't help feeling an odd sense of calm when panicking priests ran outside and wailed at the noontime eclipse of the sun, Sabah reassuring Sunny as the night stretched on for three more days. She prayed to Celesta and felt a sense of protective worry, feeling that somehow the moon had emerged in order to give strength to one lost in the darkness.

She understood such things, and she prayed for peace to find them, as it had found her.

The sun finally emerged a day later, Star Fall filled with cheering crowds at its return. Sabah tried to join them but she was filled with a strange sadness, as if something important had been lost.

She never again dreamed of Luna, no matter how much she prayed for it.


She maintained her contacts outside as well, spending a fair amount of time working for the shipping company Gentle Hooves had set up. He was kind to her and paid her too much for what little she helped with, Sabah donating the money to the church to cover the costs of her board and tuition. She worked beside Fekku, the cowardly zebra who had also been saved by Star Swirl, finding herself enjoying his company to a quite unusual degree. He was foolish and nervous, all too easily bullied into following Sabah around town to carry her shopping or attend concerts with her. She was most gratified to find him worshipping at the Church, though she wondered if it really was right for a zebra to beg and grovel so much before the statue of Celestia.

"Have you put any thought into what you want to do when you're of age Sabah?" Gentle Hooves asked one day as he moved through the shop floor, balancing a frame of crates upon his mighty shoulders, "You'll be thirteen next month, time for a young lady to think of her career."

It was a question to be sure, Sabah considering the matter with the seriousness it deserved. Many of her peers mocked such questions, but she was not the type to let the future go unplanned, "I would like to become a wasteland preacher, like Diamond Prism."

"I fear for the young miss, alone in the wastelands trying to preach to savages." Fekku mentioned with a quiver in his voice, "Better that you remain here, where you are safe."

She turned one disapproving eye towards him, though she knew he meant no harm, "I am a wasteland savage."

He sank his bony shoulders in supplication before her stare, his ears plastered against his skull, "I am so sorry young miss, I did not mean to offend... but the young miss is clearly different from those other savages, this is why Diamond Prism brought you here yes?"

Gentle Hooves smiled softly, "He has a point, though I don't think it's the one he means." The buffalo’s eyes floated across her body, looking regretful, "You have spent so much time trying to escape your past, do you truly want to confront it once more? Violence is a way of life out there, even I was forced to carry a weapon for my own defense."

She contemplated this, looking down at her own hooves. Still rougher and harder than those of the others she had met here, she could still remember how to use them to break skulls and shatter limbs. It didn't disturb her as much as she felt it should.


"Really? You wish to learn how to fight as we do?" Bishop Ember noted with disapproval as he looked down at her, cold and assessing as always, "The way I hear it, those hooves are covered in enough blood."

She met his stare. She was sure of her own intentions, "You say you only fight to defend yourself, never seeking to kill."

"Never seeking to fight at all if we can help it."

"All I know how to do with these hooves is kill." She stated with disgust, looking down at them, "I want to learn how to use them to protect those I care about, use them to stop bad people without killing them. I'm strong, I should use that strength."

"Hmm. I admire such clarity." Bishop Ember smiled a little, his dark features lightening somewhat, "We are not the Holy Fire, who believe all violence is evil. We follow Celestia's example, and she was not afraid to fight and kill for the greater good. But this violence must be measured, controlled, targeted."

"Yes." She agreed, "And I want to know how to do that, control my strength."

"Then come with me."


Sabah struggled far more than she thought she would, having become used to physical disciplines being the one thing she was good at. Maybe it was because she was so good at it, she felt like she was having to fight against every instinct she had. She was good at fighting, she had always been good at fighting, thinking 'why' she was good at fighting was a whole other thing.

"Yow!" She yelled out as her flank smacked against the energy field around the arena, leaving her too distracted to avoid Ember as he placed hooves about her and slammed her to the ground. She cursed, rubbing the sore spot as Ember removed his weight and allowed her to move again, "This is too hard!"

"You are the one who boasted of your skills." Ember spoke coolly as he sat back on his haunches, the pair of unicorn powering the energy shield letting it fall. Ember extended a hoof and caught one of the glowing sparks as it fell from the fading shield, holding it out to her, "One should always be aware of the environment in a fight. The zebra who is aware of the world around them, aware of the enemy and aware of themselves, only then will they be truly invincible."

"Really?" She asked, feeling a little bitter, "Because it feels like I'm getting worse."

"You may never be quite as powerful as you were before, it is true." Ember commented, watching her for her reaction, "I will not lie, you possess remarkable instincts. I would struggle against you if you went full out."

"Then why?"

He smiled softly, "Because I will teach you how to win, not simply defeat your enemy."


She didn't understand then, but as her training continued she slowly started to catch on. It really came when she was playing hoofball with the other kids, Sabah deciding to try and apply those techniques on the pitch. Before she would get the ball, charge ahead, pass if she got into a bad position. Now she tried to consider the wider picture, noting each of her opponents, each of her allies. She drew the opposing team to her before passing long to a ally over the other side of the pitch, passed to an isolated opponent who quickly found themselves surrounded, disguised one tactic as another to catch them off guard. She soon found herself once more being looked upon with envy and admiration, Sabah as ever finding it overwhelming and difficult to deal with.

"Why is it, whenever I'm good at something, I always end up unhappy?" She asked Sunny one day as she trudged down the streets of lower Star Fall, enjoying the anonymity in the grimy areas outside of her normal haunts, "I miss everyone calling me wastelander scum."

Sunny chuckled, giving her an affectionate smile as she walked beside. As normal her light, bouncing hoofsteps cut an amusing contrast to Sabah's dull, heavy trot, her bright, breezy voice the same, "You just don't like ponies making a fuss Sabah. Especially about things that aren't important."

"It's not important." She agreed, feeling rather huffy about the whole thing, "Food at the end of the day, somewhere warm to sleep, not getting shot at. Those are important. Every zebra here is so obsessed with... fun and games."

"I wonder if that's why you're good at them Sabah." Sunshine noted with a wistful look, "You don't take them too seriously. It's a challenge to you, where as to them... their social reputation is their whole life."

"That's silly. You are always yourself, no matter what others think of you."

Sunny chuckled, "You're the only filly I know who doesn't want any friends."

"Trusting too quickly gets you killed." Sabah noted with a frown, that also being something that annoyed her, "They all think the more friends you have the better. I want to know I can trust someone before I let them into my life."

Sunny shrugged, "I guess that makes sense... but, well, I guess I just enjoy the company of others too much."

Sabah lowered her head, a little jealous for a moment before shaking it off and just appreciating her for what she was, "You actually like others, you're interested in them. It's a good trait." She shrugged gently, "I like others mostly because they teach me more about myself."

"Neither is bad Sabah..." Sunny started, then giggled to herself, "You've happy to let others do their thing, you don't pry. I on the other hand am a tremendous gossip, and everypony is always telling me off for it."

Sabah smirked, "Just a little bit."

"Did you know Bishop Ember used to be a bandit?"

Sabah turned her eyes to Sunny, actually shocked by this. Ember was scary, sure, but... he was so strict and serious, "Really?"

"Yes. My grandfather knew him back then." She confirmed, smiling a little, "That's actually why I'm so familiar with the story of Tandia of Garm and her companions, my grandfather actually fought in the battles out east. Fought Ember's father... killed Ember's father."

"Wow." Sabah looked at her, wondering just how you got past something like that, "Does he hold a grudge?"

"I don't think so." She grinned wide, "To be honest, I'm not sure I really understand. My grandfather said Ember hated ponies back then, but here he is now, bishop of the church of Celestia."

That sounded a little familiar to Sabah actually, "I used to distrust ponies too. It was Diamond Prism that changed that, she was one of the only creatures who was ever truly kind to me, without expecting anything in return."

"You do have something in common then." Sunny replied with a smile, "The way I hear it, Ember renounced his bandit past to become apprentice to Tradash the Black."

"Really?" Sabah had to admit, she kinda considered the heroes of the east to be semi-mythical, "Then why is he here?"

"A pretty mare." Sunny answered with a sly grin, "Who may or may not also be a high ranking member of the church."

"Sunshine Ivory?"

"She may deny it, but you have to have noticed that they spend a lot of time together."

Sabah gave her friend a doubtful look, thinking that she seemed to be enjoying this a little too much, "Not really... I think you think about all of this stuff a lot more than I do."

"Heh heh..." She blushed a little, taking a quick look at her flank, "I haven't got my cutie mark in gossiping yet though. I can't be trying hard enough."


"You need to stop overthinking it. Feel the moment, you have good instincts. Use them."

Sabah pursed her lips in annoyance as she looked down the firing range, trying her best to see the target through the cloud of frustration and anxiety... and fired, the rifle kicking into her shoulder and discharging it's payload into the wall behind the target.

Themba smirked, Sabah enduring a second of that look before turning away and silently sulking. He laughed then, patting her firmly on the shoulder, "Kid, you're still a better shot than my son was at your age."

She saw now why Themba rarely spoke of him if that was the case, "I've always been a bad shot. I should just stick to hitting things."

"And when a dozen zebra have you at range, covering every approach?" He lectured firmly, "Word of advice, you rarely have the option of picking your battleground. Specialization is all well and good, but you need to be able to adapt to any situation."

She frowned, "...what's... specialserion?"

"Being particularly good at one thing." He clarified, "Which is fine. You can choose your battlefield sometimes, and in that case it's great having something you're really good at. But if I was going to fight you for instance, I'll stand somewhere high up with a machine gun. You'd be screwed pretty hard little flower."

She had to admit to that one. Most of the time she simply ran away when faced with those odds, but she realized that wouldn't always be an option, "What are you good at?"

"Ha, funnily enough, nothing in particular." Themba chuckled, leaning against the table and smiling in a way that struck her as somewhat sad, "It frustrated me sometimes, that I always struggled to catch up. But I did struggle, and I worked harder than any of them. I learned how to fight for what I wanted in life."

She fell silent, considering this. She had thought on it many times before, the unfairness of it burning every time, "I'm... better. Stronger. I find things easier than others." She felt her muscles tense at the frustration, "I didn't work harder than the others. I was just... faster. And now they're all dead, and I'm alive."

"That's the way it goes sometimes little flower." Themba commented with a smirk. He motioned to the target, "But no matter how good you are, you owe it to yourself to be the best you can be. And that means practicing the things you aren't quite so good at."

Sabah nodded, understanding. Perfection was a goal she could get behind, a goal Celestia herself had pursued. To be a warrior, a statesmare, a scholar. To master music, art, philosophy. And to do it not for ego or the praise of others, but out of simple fascination with every aspect of existence, "Hand me the ammo."


"You want to learn to sing?"

Sabah nodded firmly at Sunny, ever so slightly offended at the mare's amusement, "Yes."

Sunny's expression was rather embarrassed, looking round the music room at the temple in what looked like an attempt to stall. She eventually trotted over to a guitar propped against a large piano at the side, "Why don't you try and learn an instrument instead?"

Sabah frowned warningly at her, "I want to learn to sing. It's an important part of Equestrian culture."

"Yeah, but..." She waved her hoof distractedly, "Equestrian styles of music are not exactly in your register."


"Zebra have a very heavy vocal weight, and yours is... well, there's a reason everyone sits up and takes notice when you speak." She gave a placating smile, "Buuuut... I'm not sure you'd be able to handle a lead role. You're actually a little deeper than even a dramatic contralto, closer to a male voice than a female one."

Sabah was growing a little frustrated now, "It's just singing, it can't be this complicated. You just pick a song and... sing it."

"Oh no!" Sunny shook her head, looking horrified, "This is very important! Do you think ponies would be able to break into song so easily if there wasn't very well defined rules to all this?"

Sabah sighed. She hated rules, "Can't I sing a male role then?"

"Well..." Sunny hesitated, "I... guess I could find you something in a maybe a tenor or baritone key..."

Sabah noted the hesitation didn't fade, "But?"

"I might have to invest in a pair of earplugs."

She glared darkly at the mare, "Why am I friends with you again?"

She grinned broadly, striking a coquettish pose, "Because I'm pretty."

Sabah didn't justify that with a response.


She continued to search out new experiences, new fields to master. She grew found of traveling to the docks with Fekku, accompanying him on his work and meeting all the new arrivals. She made friends with the merchants, always interested in information from the coast.

The docks right now however were a little more interesting than she was used to.

The Star Fall fleet sat at dock, the vast dreadnaughts that normally sat in their own inlets now sitting just outside. A army of Star Fall citizens swarmed across both the dreadnaughts and the numerous smaller vessels around them, painting, repairing, arming and testing them. Sabah's eyes widened as she saw dozens of sea ponies darting around the sides, repairing leaks beneath the surface. She looked up at where a crane had removed a massive anti air gun from the walls of Star Fall, slowly lowering it down upon a mostly gutted out battleship.

Sabah looked out over the scurrying crowds, eager to see what was happening, wanting to talk... but aware she would likely get herself kicked into the sea if she tried. They all looked very busy, and not remotely in the mood to entertain small children. Stern looking commanders inspected the troops, Sabah had never seen so many in one place. The pride of Star Fall were dressed in rewired and modified Equestria power armor, heavy machine guns and even larger weapons hung at their sides, broad scars from dozens of raids and skirmishes branded on their flesh like medals of honor. Some of them were already marching onto the ships in tight, disciplined formations, their heavy hoofsteps shaking the docks.

There were others here as well. Some of Caesar’s troops stood nearby, not seeming remotely matched to Star Fall’s. They wore little but light leather armor and dust cloaks, slim hunting rifles slung across their shoulders. They were small and lithe looking zebra, not remotely intimidating... but for the way they moved, full of very deliberate control and intent.

And then there was the creature just passing her, Sabah’s jaw dropping open in shock. It quickly noticed and turned, proud eyes scanning her in interest. She froze under those eyes, unable to move as it stepped towards her with long, slim legs, his proud alicornian head topped by a pair of impressively spiked horns, “You have never seen one of my kind before?”

She shook her head. Her tongue still didn’t work.

“I am a deer, from the great northern forests.” He explained, not looking put off by her silence, “I have come here at the request of my king, to act as a healer for these warriors.”

She looked to his side, seeing he did indeed carry many bags full of medical gear, “You’re a doctor.”

“Yes.” He looked up at the city beyond, face firm and proud, “Your city is amazing.”

“Thank you.” She mentally kicked herself, trying desperately to find something better to say, “I haven’t been here long myself.”

“A traveler.” His face became soft for a moment, thoughtful, “I hope that my people too will travel more, see places like this city, Clendel, Demonivore... my king hopes we can regain our colonies across the ocean.”

Sabah guessed they didn’t get out much, since she had never seen a deer before, “You don’t travel?”

“We have always been a reclusive people.” He stated firmly, “But I think that was a mistake. If we had done more to stop the war, acted instead of considering it none of our business...” He looked down at her, smiling warmly, “I hope this is the start of something more. Deer, ponies, zebra of all stripes... minotaurs and griffons too. We have a chance to forge in battle a bond that will bind us all together, make a new, brighter world for fillies like you.”

Sabah paused, her lip moving into a pout. That didn’t seem right, “If you’re making a new world for me, then I should come too.”

“We will need young women like you to live in it when we're done.” The deer intoned softly, “So we can only ask you to stay here, and hope for us.”

“You think you’re going to die out there?”

“Many of us will.” He answered, looking away towards the sea, “But today, we might finally die for something.”


She spoke with many others after that, learning secrets from the deer, the latest technology offered by the camels. But it wasn't only her own development that concerned her. Sometimes she took the opportunity to do the same for others.

It helped that she enjoyed the environment herself, perched on one of the many missile gantries that stretched above Star Fall and feeling the wind in her fur and the sun on her back. She reached out a hoof, balanced upon the metal girders that formed the structure, "Come on Sunny! You can do it!"

"Um..." The pegasi looked very pale, planted quite firmly on a balcony jutting out from the mountain with her wings firmly folded at her side. She gave another brief look down before speaking again in a rather strangled tone, "Isn't this crosswind a little strong? I think it is. Maybe we should try again tomorrow."

"It's ok Sunny." Her father stated from just behind her, giving his own wings a little flap, "If you fall, I'll catch you."

"What's the matter with you?" Sabah asked, feeling a little confused here, "You've been flying just fine."

"Short distances, down on the ground." She complained testily, "It's windy up here, and... very high up."

"You can do it Sunny..."

"No, I can't!" Sunny shouted as her father laid a hoof on her shoulder, swiping it away and backing off, "I'm... just going to stay on the ground. It's not like flying is that important, you spend your entire life on the ground Sabah."

Sabah took a deep breath, calmed her disapproval, and ran, leaping through the air and landing besides the pegasi with a thump. Sunny backed away at her sudden arrival, Sabah turning her eyes to the mare and giving her a smug look, "Speak for yourself. I'm better in the air than you are."

"I..." She started, before pouting, "...maybe..."

"Race you."


"Race you." Sabah pointed out a hoof at the line of gantries stretched out across the area, "Right round in a circle and to the other side. You've beaten me in a race before right, using your wings?"

She hesitated, "...hovering just above ground..."

Her father smiled, "Sunny, you'll be even faster up here."

"Just do what you always do." Sabah stated firmly, holding the mare in her gaze, "Focus on the victory, on beating me."

Sunny took a deep breath, then nodded, "Ok. Then...?"

Sabah grinned, moving to the starting position at the door inside, "Whenever you're ready."

She nodded silently and walked over, taking position next to her and extending her wings, "Ready."

"Right." Sunny's father raised his hoof, "Three, two, one... go!"

Sabah wasn't aiming to hold back, breaking position with a sharp kick. She effortlessly vaulted the balcony edge, caught the stone with her back legs and soared through the skies to land with a clang atop the metal girders. She slowed for a second then, wondered if Sunny had took the bait...

And the mare shot past her, expression terrified but body sharply angled and wings fluttering. Sabah laughed and charged after her, jumping from one structure to another as she closed on the girl. She quickly vaulted up to a higher position then came down just in front of Sunny, causing the pegasi to falter clumsily to a stop and give Sabah a quick easy lead.


Sabah smirked as she looked back, slowing slightly, "Looks like I'm the better mare even in the skies!"

Sunny pouted angrily, then burst forward with a crack of air from her buzzing wings. Sabah laughed and ran ahead, kicking dust into Sunny's face and scattering sideway as the mare grabbed for her hoof. Sabah had to regain her balance however, allowing Sunny to shoot ahead with one powerful flap of her wings just as they neared the finish line.

Sabah leapt forward, grabbed Sunny's back legs and swung, letting go at the right moment and flying through the air to slam down onto the balcony with a tumbling summersault that sent her slamming against the far door.

Situated upside down It gave her the perfect view of Sunny's angry little pout as managed to right herself from her spin, staring down in furious indignation, "You... you cheat!"

Sabah laughed, the pain only feeding the adrenaline high, "I wasn't aware there were rules."

Sunny glared, obviously not finding it funny, "You could have sent me tumbling out of the sky, or crashing into the mountain!"

"If you were a poor flier." Sabah pointed out, rolling back onto her hooves. She dusted herself down before nodding firmly at the mare, "Which you're not. Look at you Sunny, you're still hovering after all that, you almost beat me! You're a great flier!"

The mare landed, her expression not faltering, "Oh please. Don't try and pass it off as some kind of secret test to improve my confidence. You just can't stand losing."

"I don't mind losing..." Sabah protested, before smirking guiltily, "...I just like... winning."

"Hmph." She snorted, "Well it's lucky you're so good at it."

She was just about to reply when there was a shout from the other balcony, Sabah looking round to see Sunny's father standing there with a rather shocked look on his face, "Girls... you better come listen to this."

Sabah hopped over, Sunny joining her as they moved inside. This was one of the many radio rooms in the mountain, one of the less used and poorly maintained examples. The radio was on now, Sabah recognizing the silky smooth tones of DJ Voice.

"...get everyone to safety. And again, for those just joining us, I have the most terrible news for you all. As you probably know, for months the warlord Starhammer has been building a large army intent on marching on the false Caesar, Incuta. Many of the inhabitants of the Mutum valley have donated resources towards this goal, allowing him to create a force unmatched in these lands."

Sharps growl cut him off, "You know, now I feel really stupid, even if I had warned he was not to be trusted. Because the little bastard is even more of a little bastard than I though."

"Yes indeed, because instead of marching on Incuta as he stated, Starhammer has instead turned that army upon the Mutum Valley itself. Many outlaying towns have already fallen, and Clendel’s defensive forces have fled before his hoard."

Sharps voice formed a low growl, "Well where an army fails, a knife in the dark would suffice."

"Sharps, you know that would likely just get good folks killed. I must advise against any action against Starhammer for now, as already King Zaneious is setting up a task force dedicated to stopping this menace. Until they can deliver their recommendations, I for one advise all good citizens to wait and prepare."

"We haven't even told them the best part."

"Yes... folks, we have other news, unfortunate news. Because as you know our former comrade, Tradash the Black himself, was traveling with Starhammer."

"And when the brute outlined his murderous intentions...!"

"...Starhammer engaged him in combat, and has reported himself victorious, and Tradash dead at his blade."

"NO!" Sunny shouted, her gentle voice carrying surprising fury, "It's not true!"

"Though they have cast doubt upon Starhammer's version of events..."

"...which are the same self serving lies he's repeated time and time again."

"... reliable eyewitnesses have confirmed Tradash's death. The hero of seven fields has fallen, at the age of fifty four. He was our comrade, our friend and your hero, and he will never be forgotten."

"No! No! No!" Sunny shouted, looking up angrily at her father, "It's a lie!"

The older pegasus looked away, "Sharps and Voice wouldn't lie about this sweetie..."

"It's a lie!" She repeated, "We have to go down there, we have to stop him!"

Her father's eyes widened at this, his lips curling downward, "Sunny... please, be sensible. Travelling halfway across the country, to lend the services of... a mediocre engineer, a cook and a long retired solider?"

"And a singer." Sabah added, just to complete the set.

Sunny turned at Sabah's voice, giving her a long, pleading look, "Please Sabah, you're a great fighter! You could help!"

"I..." Sabah hesitated, trying to process the request. Did Sunny really think such an idea was at all plausible? "Sunny, I swore I would never go back to the coast. I swore to never take a life. I'm training to be a priestess."

"Sunset Ivory is out there right now, doing good, fighting for justice!" Sunny shouted, moving in a little too close for Sabah's comfort, "While you... kick around balls and train yourself to be the world's sorest loser, she's actually doing something to make this world a better place! You're just a coward!"

"Sunny, that's not..." Her father started.

Sabah cut him off, absorbing the insults with all the dignity she could muster, "...maybe I am. Maybe I would rather kick ball than fight and kill for stupid stuff that never really changes."

"You..." Sunny dropped her head, pouting and glaring furiously at her hooves, "There are no heroes left. This is the worst day ever."


"This is the best day ever." Themba declared happily as he observed the marching soldiers, each wearing the Falling Star symbol upon their sleek black uniforms, clanking bionics and heavy weaponry bristling from their solid ranks. Sabah stood at his side, along with Council Chair of Science Mint Engine and Admiral Pangaea, along with their own attendants. Themba looked across at Mint Engine, grinning cheerfully, "You've excelled yourself Minty, these badasses will march proudly alongside Caesar's pretty ponies!"

"Thank you." Mint Engine answered, prim and proper as he nodded at the assembled troops, "The design team took inspiration from the 'Black legion' of Equestrian lore, famed both for their skill at arms and for their intimidating appearance. I think they pulled it off wonderfully."

Pangaea still didn't look happy, Sabah starting to wonder if he ever smiled, "You talk about Incuta being obsessed with appearances, yet here you are spending valuable research funds designing uniforms."

Themba snorted, "On name terms with him now Pangaea? Best bum buddies forever."

"How typical of you father, to respond to honest criticism with base insults." He moved one eye over to look at Sabah, a chill traveling up her spine just from the coldness of his stare, "And may I ask why you have brought a child with you to the inspections?"

"She's an initiate of the Church of Celestia, one of our key allies in this whole business." Themba answered with a casual tone that still hinted of an undercurrent of warning, "And given I've handing over full command of our military over to you, I don't really have any subordinates to bring now do I?"

Pangaea narrowed his eyes, voice and posture immaculate, "Defense of Star Fall must never be neglected, and with your experience you are best placed to take care of this vital role while I command our operations abroad."

"I'm too old and fat to be of any use commanding a military campaign, so instead you put me in charge of the peasant fucking militia?"

Mint Engine finally stepped in, his soft voice rising above the shouting, "Um, gentlemen? Perhaps we can gather another time to talk about these matters, maybe in private?"

To Sabah's relief Pangaea instantly nodded and backed away, giving a short, curt bow, "Indeed, I have much to do before the invasion begins. If you would excuse me?"

Mint Engine also made his excuses and left, Themba left standing frowning on the podium. He sighed eventually, waving a hoof at the soldiers marching below, "The last time these guys marched in force, it was me commanding them."

Sabah had heard, even during her childhood the war between the Golden Coast and Star Fall had been legendary, "Do you want to go with them?"

"Hell no. I did military service, with all the shitty food and hard beds. Let the young experience that joy. I just..." He grunted, then shook his head, "...nevermind. Listen, do something for me Sabah."


He smiled warmly at her, "That metal alicorn, she requested to look at the library on the seventh floor. Go and check if she's ok, whether she needs anything. And you know, just give me a reading on her."

Sabah had to say, she was not the biggest fan of robots, "I'm not sure I can... read a machine."

"Hmm, I don't know." His face darkened, "That one's face might be metal, but there's something alive behind those eyes."


The greater Star Fall library was as quiet as it ever was, the clean, clinical isles echoing with her every footstep. Unlike the Library of Celestia or the Star Fall City Library the Greater Star Fall Library was one in the most basic sense of the term, built to store books. Many of them were original editions, works of incredible rareness, or historical pieces, things Star Fall had picked up over its years of conquest. They sat inside vacuum sealed cabinets, each firmly locked with desks next to each stack for supervised viewing. It was apparently an attractive enough idea that the leader of the Lost Legion, the self monikered Princess Radiant had apparently instantly declared her wish to visit the second she heard of the place. According to the staff she had been there hours now, absolutely lost in the various texts inside.

She stood ahead of Sabah now, her blue eyes pulsing slowly as she scanned the words of the book in front of her. Her heavy metal body was perfectly still, it’s forged alicornian proportions feeling rather blasphemous.

"This cabinet is too warm." She stated firmly as Sabah approach, not even turning to look at her, "It is drying out the pages of these texts, it should be adjusted to precisely 18 degrees for optimum conditions."

"Um..." Sabah considered a reaction to that before deciding to pass it over to the relevant authorities, "I'll tell the librarians. Is there anything else I can do for you my lady?"

Radiant's eyes traveled across to Sabah, blank metal face expressionless as she processed this new arrival. Sabah found it deeply unnerving, being totally unable to get anything from Radiant at all. Eventually a voice echoed from the machine, clear and surprisingly friendly, "A member of the Church of Celestia? How interesting."

Sabah nodded politely, "Yes miss."

"Have you read Celestia's 'Visions of War'?" Radiant asked, turning back to the book shelf, "You do not seem to have a copy here."

"Yes, actually." Sabah spoke proudly, not being a massive fan of books but having very much appreciated that one, "It was very interesting, seeing how war was fought in the distant past."

"I've consider the essential truth of the book to be timeless." Radiant responded, head shifting across the line of tomes, "She hid it well, but if you read between the lines of any of her books, you see clearly a pony who understood the true brutality of equine existence."

Sabah had to agree, "That's part of why I'm a member of her church. As a zebra everyone says I should worship the holy flame, but... I've always found their vision of the world to be a pretty fantasy. Zebra aren't good and noble and true, they're brutal and cruel and dishonest."

"They need firm governance to force them into co-operation, else ponykind fall to barbarism." Radiant finished, her tone wistful, "A philosophical concept popularized by the middle era writer Bitter Text, but Celestia endorsed and patronized him. And if anypony knew the truth of equine existence, it would surely be Celestia."

Sabah was impressed, "You know a lot."

"Yes. I have vast databases at my command, and knowledge is power." Radiant hummed to herself for a moment before speaking again, voice inquisitive, "Tell me, if equines are really brutal and incapable, what then is the solution?"

"A strong government." Sabah answered quickly, assured in the truth of her words, "Made up of respected elders."

"And how would they be chosen?"

"A vote, by those of proven worth."

"So you reside within the perfect government do you girl?"

Sabah paused at that. She certainly believed it made sense in theory, even if she saw its flaws all around her, "It... it's better than being ruled by some... thug in a crown."

Radiant chuckled, "The Golden Coast and Mutum Heartlands are both far richer and more prosperous than Star Fall, and both are ruled by kings."

Sabah was lost now, looking about for some inspiration. Finally she gave up, "So what government would you establish?"

"Now there's a question." She answered thoughtfully, "I have records of more than a thousand years worth of civilization, their rise and fall. The most successful of course would be a certain immortal theocrat, would you not agree?"

"Of course." Sabah answered, "But she's dead."

"Indeed." Radiant answered, "And both here and across the sea, ponies seek to replace her."

"Replace her...?" Sabah lifted her eyes suspiciously at the alicorn shaped machine, "Do you?"

"It has been considered. Immortality, knowledge and power all lie within the simple confines of a crusader mainframe after all." She chuckled, "But no, we do not wish to be Celestia. We understand that these things do not make one capable of ruling the world."

"Then what...?"

Radiant cut her off, "Do you believe in this war child? This war upon Equestria?"

Sabah considered for a moment, "Yes. We're showing Equestria we can't be bullied, bringing allies from across the zebra territories. I've spoken to deer, to Caesar's soldiers. This war can bring us together."

"Of course it can." She answered with a cheerful trill, "Isn't war truly a wonderful thing like that?"


She looked over the fleets as they prepared for final departure, dozens of cruisers, near a hundred small vessels, and three huge Dreadnaughts. Aboard, representatives from nearly every species, at least four separate nations. It was an inspiring sight.

She walked back down towards the church, feeling a slight discomfort in her chest. It was like she was missing something, something important, yet she couldn't think what. Everything seemed perfect.

She diverted her course a little and headed towards the upper government district, feeling like visiting Themba. Themba always made her feel better. That brief bit of hope died a little when saw Golden Dawn standing outside with two of her bodyguards however, the big mare looking as stressed as ever. Sabah slowed her pace a little and debated turning around again, having had a few unpleasant run ins with the council member. She slowed even further as Themba's door opened and Pangaea walked out, looking deeply angry for some reason. Golden Dawn instantly moved to speak to him but he just moved past her without even acknowledging her existence, the mare shouting something before turning and spotting Sabah.

She shied backwards as the mare advanced but there was no escape now, "Hello Councilor..."

"This war is going to backfire on all of us." She stated with cold harshness, "Is this really the best plan you can think of to unite the world, violence and war?"

Sabah hesitated, she knew this wouldn't go well, "They started it..."

"The last time that argument was used, the world burned." She spat, drawing herself up before strutting away, "You are all still obsessed with death and glory, even after seeing the folly of that path writ large upon the earth!"

Sabah followed the pony with her eyes as she moved past and carried on down the road, eventually sighing and moving back towards Themba's mansion. She convinced herself that this was different, that it was a multinational action with clear objectives. She wasn't entirely sure what all that meant, but Themba had explained it to her and it had made sense then.

His door was still open, Pangaea hadn’t closed it. Sabah called out and only received a groan in response, quickly moving inside and searching for the old zebra.

She finally found him, slumped limply against his sofa. She ran over in a panic and looked him in the eye, spotting his dilated pupils and facial droop, “Themba, are you ok?!”

“Heh...” He laughed, then fell backwards even further. He lifted the bottle that was in his hooves, smirking at her, “Never better flower.”

“You’re...” She scowled, she thought he was really in trouble, “...drunk?”

“As a... something. Some animal, I forget...” He sighed, going silent for a moment before speaking again, “Pangaea, he hates me.”

Sabah felt a touch of protectiveness enter her heart then. Was he the reason Themba was like this, “Pangaea is a selfish jerk.”

“He... he thinks the opposite. Maybe he’s right. I just... don’t really care anymore.” He snatched a photo from a chest of drawers beside him, Sabah helping him to regain his balance and bring the photo up to view. He looked at it for a moment before smiling, “Things were better back then. He was... he was so cute. I was so proud...”

She looked at the photo, a young zebra mare carrying a child, another proud young buck beside her, “This is...”

"My wife, yeah..." He droned, staring at the picture with tear stained eyes. He shifted a hoof with the greatest of effort, the tip clinking against the glass frame, "Anit she fucking gorgeous?"

"She is." Sabah commented, though her eyes were draw towards the noble young zebra beside her, "What happened to her?"

"Warlord Thasan captured her in battle, raped and murdered her." He commented with a grim resignation, body slumping further, "Shit happens."

"That... that's why you hate Caesar?"

"Fuck no." He snorted, rising a little in indignation, "The way I hear it, Caesar hates his father as much as I do. I hate that little shit because he's an arrogant ponce of a zebra who thinks he's sitting on divine right, and couldn't condescend any more if he tried." Themba lifted his head to look at Sabah, eyes narrowing in concern, "And he's a... fucking child molester, who tries to justify his sickness by offering them candy and toys."

Sabah couldn't help snorting in amusement, "Better than most would give me."

He grinned back at her, "Ya fucking... sweet little thing..." He looked away, tears forming at his eyes, "They called me a monster ya know? A villain, just because I've always believed in punishing fools who don't give the proper respect. But I ain't never stabbed any zebra in the back, or took advantage of any damn woman. I cheated on my wife but twice... both times after she was already dead."

Sabah raised an eyebrow, "You can't cheat on someone..."

"Any zebra who says that didn't fucking love her enough." He spat, then took another gulp of his bottle. He grunted as it went down, his expression becoming dark and stormy, "That fucking woman, Ivory... she doesn't love me does she...?"

Sabah didn't know what to say. Eventually she managed to stammer out something, "I think... I think she's involved with Bishop Ember."

"Yeah... I guessed. Damn... I'm just so fucking lonely..." He gasped, closing his eyes tight, "My son hates me, and I'm just so fucking... old. They're all just waiting for me to die out there..."

She stepped forward, looking up at the massive form of the bulky zebra, clad in solid and muscle and sporting those intimidating looking cybernetics. She wondered how many zebra had been allowed to see past that, "I'm here."

He looked down at her through tears, smiling after a moment, "You're really special, you know that? Knew the first time I met you, though all I saw was a fighter, damn blind old fool." He gingerly touched a hoof to her forehead, Sabah wincing a little but allowing him to shift the hair from her eyes, "These peepers... they're scarily like hers."

She felt rather uncomfortable under his stare, made more so by a little voice right in the back of her head that demanded she lean forward and kiss him. She silenced it quickly, nervously enquiring further, "Whose?"

"Sunshine Ivory." He answered, looking troubled, "She has this way of... staring right through you, knowing exactly what kind of zebra you are. She gets you to talk to her, tell her things you would tell no other. You... trust her."

Sabah hesitated at this, her mind racing. She did... see through people. She always had a way of knowing what a zebra was like even before speaking to them, and she could always get adults to open up to her with little effort. She just considered it just... something she did, "Do you trust me?"

"They all do Sabah." He whispered, "Don't... don't let them down..."


It was an appropriately bright and sunny day when her return was announced. The whole church was united in rumor and excitement, debating once more her mysterious secret mission and what it might mean for them all. Sabah tried not to indulge in the gossip, hating it deeply, still she couldn't help but wonder.

As a result she was eager to help when the chance to take some papers to her office came up.

She heard the voices on her approach, the door cracked open a little and her hearing sharp as ever. Sunshine Ivory sounded as Sabah remembered, clear, sweet and motherly, a voice you could trust, "It's true Ember, and she will be here soon. We must prepare for her arrival."

"Sunshine... I understand, I've always understood, but now? We risk being seen as revolutionaries..."

"We are Ember. And though none will be able to deny her divinity, her ascension was never going to be bloodless."

"Sunshine... I... wait, I hear someone approach."

Sabah hastened her steps a little, knocking at the door and waiting for Ember to call her in. He did so and she trotted in as casually as she could manage, seeing his face relax as he saw her. Sunshine Ivory stood next to him, as calm and beautiful as ever. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she looked Sabah over, "My... I recognize you. You are the young zebra who came with Diamond Prism aren't you?"

She nodded, "Yes Sunshine Ivory."

"She is one of our best students." Ember stated without emphasis, looking at Sunshine Ivory, "If only all shared her determination."

Sunshine gave a deeply interested look at this information, but her lips soon curled into a frown, "The wasteland girl made good..."

"It is proof of your ideals." Ember noted.

"My ideals..." Sunshine Ivory brought her mouth back up into her normal kindly smile, "Are you aware that this wasn't my first trip into the wasteland?"

"Yes Sunshine Ivory. You told me when we first met."

"So I did." She chuckled, then continued, "At first, I thought it offered me the freedom I always wanted. I will not lie, in those days virtue was the furthest thing from my mind."

Sabah was hardly going to judge, "Most of the wasteland feels like that."

"Exactly." She smiled broadly, sheer joy at finally being understood lighting in her eyes, "I was strong, and skilled, and beautiful. I had wealth enough to buy myself anything, and all fought for my attention. But all that only convinced me how empty that experience is. How spiritually barren the world is, and how it turned even the noblest hearts to cynicism and selfishness."

Sabah could understand that, "I agree. Before found me, I don't remember ever being truly happy."

"And I finally understood what she was trying to tell me Sabah." Sunshine Ivory nodded enthusiastically, "She tried to tell me that the freedom I sought was a lie, but I didn't believe her. She was right all along, and I intend to repay her by finishing what she started."

"And... what is that?"

Sunshine Ivory grinned wide, "I will bring Celestia's light to the whole wasteland. And I intend to devote all the resources such a noble task deserves."

Sabah felt a flutter of hope ignite in her breast, "The whole church?"

"Haha..." A sharp fire ignited in her eyes, her expression becoming a little worrying for a moment, "Oh, you will be overjoyed to see what changes are to come. And when it becomes time to stand and be counted among the virtuous, can I count on you?"

She had never experienced anything quite like it. She had always been good at seeing hints of intentions, personalities in the eyes of those she met, indeed it had saved her many times. But behind Sunshine Ivory's was a hint of balefire and blinding white light, something that she had never seen in any other. Both filled her with a deep terror, "I... of course..."

Sunshine Ivory seemed to notice her hesitation, her smile becoming a little painted on, "Thank you Sabah. I will remember your loyalty."


It was dark and cold for the time of year, Sabah too on edge from her discussion with Sunshine Ivory to sleep. Instead she decided to do a little reading, looking for a book Themba had recommended to her. To her frustration it wasn't at the regular library and she was eventually forced to travel to the High Star Fall Library on the seventh floor, the lifts down for maintainance and forcing her to use the stairs.

She was just about to move inside the archives when she heard hoofsteps from behind, instinctively ducking away at the unexpected sound for this time of night. She was surprised to see Sunshine Ivory step past without so much as a glance in her direction, looking distracted and pensive. Sabah saw something a little worrying there, especially as the mare turned upwards towards the unused upper levels. After a moment’s hesitation she moved after her, doing all she could to remain unseen. She followed her down the crumbling corridors of the least used part of the base, every so often hearing Sunshine Ivory muttering to herself inaudibly. She certainly seemed distracted, making it all the easier to remain undetected.

Finally they reached their destination, Sabah reasoning they must have been near the top of the mountain. Indeed as Sunshine Ivory pushed the doors open they were faced with what must have once been the senior commander’s office, and past it a further pair of doors that looked out onto a balcony. Themba stood there, silent and still as he watched the last few ships depart. He turned his head as Sunshine Ivory entered, opening up in a big smile, "Sunshine!"

"Themba." She crooned playfully, moving over to him with open enthusiasm, "Now this is a view. I'm surprised no one is using this office."

"Huh." He chuckled, looking around the broken picture frames and decaying furniture that covered the room, "The lifts and water pumps haven't reached this floor in a long time. Almost killed myself getting up all those stairs."

"Certainly the place to see off your departing armies though."

"Pangaea's armies." Themba corrected, moving over to the edge of the balcony, "With any luck he'll finally earn his stripes out there, replace me on the council. Heh, maybe I'll retire to Equestria, live out my twilight years in the colonies."

Sunshine Ivory smiled, her voice light and cheerful, "That sounds nice."

Themba turned his head to her, grinning playfully, "I was hoping you would join me. Take the chance to see the homeland of your beloved princess."

She gave him an apologetic look, shaking her head, "My place is here, bringing harmony to the zebra."

"Yeah, well that might take a while." He chuckled, "Think Star Fall now hosts about three foals barely past their training and a couple of rifles between them. Our armies are going to be tied up in Equestria for a long time."

"I won't need an army Themba." She walked over to him, almost quivering in anticipating and her smile wide enough to show teeth, "I have a Princess, and those idiots are happily killing themselves for me."

Themba frowned, "What idiots? Starhammer?"

"Starhammer, Princess Luna's kids, Saddle Arabia... they're all at each other's throats because of us Themba."

"I thought that failed miserably." Themba snorted, turning away, "Caesar's on our side now anyway."

"It worked exactly as intended Themba." Sunshine Ivory crooned, "I hoped it would claim Caesar's scalp too, but now he's in Equestria it's no matter. In fact it's better than I could have ever hoped."


"Yes." She chuckled cheerfully, "Caesar's war in Equestria will end in the death of millions. Starhammer's war in the east the same. And the people will cry out for a savior."

He chuckled, "Don’t be so dramatic. It’s never a good idea to buy too much into your own hype Sunshine."

"A savior will come Themba." She stated in an exited whisper, moving close to him and running a hoof along his side, "Our plans haven't failed, quite the opposite."

Themba shivered at her touch, looking down at her with uncertainty, "Was this always your intention? Getting Luna killed, Kalid exposed?"

"With the leaders of the factions dead, chaos will reign. They were always expendable Themba." She drew close, gazing lovingly into his eyes, "You have done more for me than you can ever know. And there's only one way to repay you."

She moved up and kissed him, Themba going rigid for a moment before falling into the kiss with enthusiasm. Sabah wondered if she should leave but she couldn't seem to tear herself away, feeling a rather uncomfortable heat radiate through her body as she watched the display. Sunshine Ivory drew back, gazed lovingly upon him and gently pushed him backwards, his back thumping against the iron bars of the balcony, "You are more than I ever hoped you would be."

He grinned wide, spreading himself rather... invitingly for her. Sabah really felt like she shouldn’t be watching now, but to her shame wasn’t about to miss this for anything. Sunshine advanced, her head angled invitingly, her movements smooth and controlled... her hooves thrust sharply forward with a single twist of her body. It struck Themba hard in the chest and he gasped in pain, the impact slamming him against the railing, "Ah, Sunshine...!"

She grinned, struck deeply at his stomach and flung him upwards, sending him flying over the bars with a final desperate cry.


Sunshine Ivory turned, her horn igniting with harsh white light. It briefly blinded Sabah and she was forced to look away, the light dimming after a moment as Sunshine Ivory tones echoed coldly in the now empty room, "Hmm... this is unfortunate."

She was finally able to look at her as the light dimmed further, Sunshine Ivory's expression a terrifyingly blank stare, "W... why...?"

"Because he was evil Sabah." Sunshine Ivory's smile returned once more to its pleasant kindness, face smoothing out angelically, "He was the Butcher of Star Fall, Zebra have been dreaming about his death for decades."

Sabah couldn't believe it. Was she really that ignorant? "He was a good zebra! He was helping you!"

"He was helping himself." She chuckled softly, "He thought I could give him back his youth, but the past he represented is quickly fading. Celestia is returning, and her light will burn all of his kind from this earth."

"You..." Sabah felt she should attack her, throw her off that same balcony, beat her to death. The shock and grief burned within her. Still... that wasn't who she was. It couldn't be, "This isn't how we save the world. This isn't how Celestia saves the world."

Sunshine Ivory's face twisted in anger, a terrifying sight on the kindly mare, "You think you speak better than me on what we teach?"

Sabah stared into those eyes for a moment, something dark and terrifying behind those pink irises, "Yes, I do. Themba... Themba was my friend, and you just murdered him in cold blood. Didn’t even give him a chance to defend himself!"

"I see. I should have known. You're just like her." Sunshine Ivory stated with quivering venom, unmistakable rage in her expression now, "I've seen what it's like out there, seen the debauchery and cruelty of the wasteland, yet you ill formed mutants think you can speak to me of morality? You came from dirt, and no matter how hard I try to raise you up, you’ll never be anything more. I see that now."

"You're utterly..." Sabah expressed with a gasp, then paused as she saw those eyes lift to look at her. Behind Sunshine Ivory's pretty pink eyes... a dark, destructive inferno, balefire ignited by a deep well of utter hatred, "...you're wrong. And you're just too far gone to realize it."

She saw it coming, saw the angle of Sunshine Ivory's horn, the light in her eyes. And she felt the heat, and knew what to do.

She snatched her robes from her back and flung them at Sunshine Ivory as she dodged away to the side, the unicorn’s horn blast striking through them and consuming the robes in flames. Sabah felt the burn on the back of her legs, felt her tail sizzle, still she slammed herself hard into the wall to stop her momentum and darted away towards the stairs. Sunshine Ivory screamed as the burning fabric hit her in the face, Sabah already round the corner and sprinting down the stairs.

She had a good headstart. She could easily reach the church, and then...

“A young zebra is loose in the facility, she attacked Themba!” Sunshine Ivory’s voice shouted out over the announcement system, two guards ahead already turning to look at her, “She is armed and extremely dangerous, take her down by whatever means necessary!”

“Stop!” One of the guards called, a huge minotaur with a bionic hand. He lifted it towards her, his other hand cradling a wicked looking assault carbine, “Don’t make me shoot you!”

The other guard was a zebra, to the side of him, badly angled. Sabah took the opportunity, jumping onto the wall and using her momentum to sprint along it. It left her well out of the minotaur’s arc, the guard pausing in surprise for a moment before he even begun to pivot to track her. He wasn’t fast enough, Sabah jumping off the wall, slamming her back hoof into the minotaur’s head and twisting his horns as she went over. The guard yelled, staggered and fell, thumping straight onto his companion and knocking them both sprawling as she landed with a skid and kept on running.

Three more came out running ahead, Sabah speeding herself up with everything she had and throwing herself forward. She caught the gun of a zebra guard and smacked it back in his face, then threw him into his companion with the same momentum she used to kick the third guard in the jaw with a back leg, sending him staggering. She broke off and ran before they recovered, she knew she couldn't hang around to finish the fight.

And ahead... loomed a window looking out across Star Fall, and two solid metal doors either side. She quickly tested both, revealing them both to be predictably locked.

"There she is!"

Sabah looked behind at the charging guards, grimacing and doing the only thing she could. She ran, bullets flying past her to explode against the plaster. One went straight through the window ahead and it exploded into shards, Sabah thanking Celestia for small mercies... and leaping.

She flew out into the night, fell a few meters, and hit the barrel of a defense cannon, She gasped as she fell clumsily upon her shoulder, scrambling for purchase upon the slippery surface and only just avoiding tumbling off. She heard voices above and realized she wouldn't be safe for long, looking around for somewhere to escape to.

Unfortunately she didn't see any options, the nearest gantries far too far to jump to, another far enough below to break every bone in her body on impact if she attempted it. Climbing up was no option, the mountain would be too steep even in the daylight.

She looked below and an idea came to her, mad and desperate but better than standing there. She pulled the torch from her bag and directed it downwards, locating the correct house and quickly blinking the torch on and off. Again and again she repeated the message, hoping beyond hope...

"Please get back up here miss!"

"Just shoot her! You have your orders!"

Sabah grunted in frustration, bursting into action as bullets bounced off the metal surface of the cannon. She ran right to the end, braced herself and leapt soaring into the darkness. She heard the shouts behind, the gasps and calls for her to stop. They probably though it was suicide.

So this was what flying felt like. She twisted over and over, watching the city below slowly draw closer. She felt surprisingly calm, closing her eyes for a second before bringing out her torch again and continuing the blinking. Down she dropped, further and further, realizing at last that it wasn't going to work. It must have been too late, and they likely had their curtains closed...

Sunny's father burst forward with wings tightly angled, snatching her from the air just short of a jagged section of dividing wall.


"What the hell are you doing Sabah!?" Sunny screamed as they moved in to land, her face contorted in furious worry, "I know you're good at freerunning, but you could never have made that jump! Are you trying to get yourself killed?!"

Sabah took a moment to catch her breath as her hooves touched the stone and Sunny's parents landed either side. She looking up at the sky to make sure there was no persute, but after that they hopefully thought her dead. She noticed an older pegasus standing beside Sunny, grey furred and rugged with a thick beard and scars along his body. Her grandfather Sabah presumed, "Sunshine Ivory, she just killed Themba. Threw him off the side of the mountain."

"What?!" Sunny's father exclaimed in horror, her mother and Sunny herself just looking at her dumbstruck.

Her grandfather on the other hand simply looked deeply troubled, pondering this for a moment before speaking in a raspy growl, "So it's finally started."

"Father?" Sunny's mother asked, looking over to him, "You knew this would happen?"

"I've known it for fifteen years." He answered, facing them all with a cold determination, "That filly, Sunshine Ivory. Her and Ember, for years I've watched them slowly set up the board for their takeover. Never trusted her for a moment, she was bad news from the start."

"Father..." Sunny's mother spoke after a moment's pause, "...did you recommend Thousand Sunny join the church of Celestia just so you could keep an eye on her?"

"No. They also give a good education, and there are some fine folks there. Also makes sense for a proud Enclave girl to receive a pony education." He answered dismissively before his eyes firmed again, "Sunshine Ivory has been anything but subtle lately though. Meeting with that alicorn, leaving for the wasteland? This whole plot against Caesar, and Princess Luna's reappearance? That stuff going on with the moon?"

"If you knew, then why didn't you tell us?" Sunny's father asked desperately.

"Because you don't listen to a word I say." He answered sharply, then looked to his daughter, "In the old warehouse on thirtieth there's an enclave shadow launch. Take Sunny and get down there as quietly as possible, the boy knows how to fly it."

"I..." Sunny's father spluttered briefly before finally managing to form words, "We're leaving? Where?"

"The zebra girl saw Sunshine murder Themba, and Ember hates me. He's not going to leave this family alone." Sunny's grandfather stated with cold bluntness, "And as for where you go, there's plenty of goods in the cargo hold, enough to get you started anywhere. You can head to Equestria, the Enclave, the Golden Coast... take your pick."

It was Sunny who finally pointed out the obvious, "You're not coming Grandpa?"

The old pegasus shook his head, looking to Sabah, "No. It's me and the zebra girl they want."

"No!" Sunny's mother suddenly shouted, rounding on him, "You are not...!"

"He's right." Sabah interrupted, looking towards Sunny and feeling her heart pang with concern, "Get your stuff Sunny."

She pouted sharply, "I'm not leaving you to die Sabah!"

"I don't die." She replied with conviction, "But I can't protect you here. Get your stuff."

"Do it." Her grandfather struck her lightly across the rear and sent her scurrying with a squeal, continuing past her to meet with Sabah. He observed her with a grim, suspicious eye, "Well said zebra girl."

"My name is Sabah."

"I only bother to remember the names of those I respect." A slight smirk curled his lips, "You may earn it before the night is out."

She snorted, even as she began to feel like she understood this bastard, "Then let's go old man."

Sunny's mother lifted a hoof, "Wait..."

The old pegasus pushed his daughters hoof away, then waved to the street below where some ponies in white cloaks were marching up, "They're quick."

"They have a pegasi with them, I've seen him with Ember." Sabah observed, her eyes marking each combatant, "He must have gathered them the second I escaped."

"Likely Sunshine Ivory had forces already set up, just in case something went wrong with her assassination." The old zebra looked to his family, voice harsh, "Go, quickly. Stick to the streets, and don't get caught!"

Then he turned and strode to the edge of the roof, Sabah following. They were standing over the marching robes now, two of them moving away to watch the house as the other three moved to the front door. They gave a sharp knock, Sabah looking to the old zebra.

He nodded.

Sabah leapt down, striking the first robed figure in the back of the head. He dropped instantly, Sabah recognizing one of the remaining two as Radiant Glory. A high ranking priestess of the church and a powerful unicorn mage, Sabah chose her as her second target and sent her flying with a hard thrust of her backhooves.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw that the two covering the house had rifles out. They didn't have time to fire however, Sunny's grandfather swooping down and disabling one with a few quick thrusts before taking his rifle and shooting the second in the shoulder.

"Traitorous... agh!" The final robed pony shouted as he attempted to kick Sabah. She simply swung out of the way and kicked his hooves out from under him, bucking him hard and sending him bouncing across the street.

Sunny's grandfather looked about the street before swinging the rifle onto his shoulder and waving at her, "Let's go."

She set of behind him, taking one last look at the house behind. It felt like it had been so quick, like she hadn't had a chance...

"It's good that you didn't say goodbye." Sunny's grandfather stated firmly, anticipating her thoughts, "She should know what you're doing for her, what she means to you. Dressing it with words only tarnishes its simplicity."

She firmed her lips and took those words to heart, hurrying on behind without a second thought.


"Ponies, upper right."

"Got them." Sunny's grandfather replied as he fell against the hard metal wall of one of dockland houses, squatting in the shadows as the hoofsteps came closer. Sabah ducked into a doorway, in a position to see one robed figure and several well armed members of the security forces. One was a big minotaur armed with an automatic shotgun, Sabah instantly knew she wasn't going to get anywhere facing him head on.

Sunny's grandfather nodded to her, nodded to the street behind the guards and ducked into the building. Sabah took his meaning and entered into the building behind, fortunately unlocked like many of those down here. She moved quietly through the decaying corridors, past sleeping zebra and out through the side window, looking down the alleyway to see more guards just out onto the main street. She huffed in annoyance and climbed the drainpipe with a few thrusts of her legs, jumping out onto the roofs above. From here she could see most of the docklands, taking account of each of the patrols and...

There was a loud bang behind, Sabah dropping hard and rolling to the side by utter reflex. Her shredded ear attested to what would have happened if she had been a second slower.

"Sabah..." The white robed figure moved lightly across the rooftop, the moonlight reflecting eerily off the sleek black shotgun in his hooves. She recognized the voice, Embers calm, deep tones insistent, "If you just calm down and come with me we can work this out."

"Shouldn't have shot first." She stated as she kicked away, dodging a shotgun blast with a quick dart to the side and rushing him. She leapt up and he cut forward with the butt of his weapon, catching her in the side of the head and throwing her off balance. A swinging downwards elbow smacked her into the rooftop with a clang, Ember just sighting up to finish her off when she kicked upwards and knocked his weapon away. He growled and kicked out hard as she came up to bite his face, catching her in the stomach and sending her flying off the rooftop.

She twisted to account for gravity, slamming down hard upon her hooves and skidding into a side wall. She grunted and took account of herself, reassured to find she had only received some light bruising and a torn ear. She set off running as quickly as she could, aware that Ember could retrieve his shotgun and start shooting at any time. She heard him shouting from above, ignoring his false pleas.

She saw the docks just ahead, knew she was going to make it... she cursed as two guards came out to meet her, a spray of bullets sending a round scraping across her side. She ran for cover but it was a little too far, leaving her an open target as they took aim.

Until a bullet took one of the guards in the eye, the other momentarily disabled with a hit to the shoulder. Sabah took the opportunity, vaulting off a stack of crates and coming down hard upon the wounded guard's skull.

"Nice moves kid."

Sabah turned, seeing Sunny's grandfather staggering up behind, "Thank you, I... are you ok?"

He snorted angrily, smacking at a bloody patch upon his clothes with a forehoof, "This? Flesh wound, healing potion's already closing it up."

"Right, we..."

"There's the ship." He pointed at a small launch down at the docks with a hoof, "Key's under the rug. Start her up for us, get her moving."

She looked at him, hesitant, "What about you?"

"I can fly. I'll reach you."

She hesitated a second more before doing what she was told and galloping over. She couldn't help a look over her shoulder however, spying cloaked figures marching towards Sunny's Grandfather. She backed away until she was in the shadows, clearly identifying Ember at the fore. He did not look happy, glaring at the old pegasi with intent, "Jack. I should have known you were mixed up in this."

Sunny's grandfather smirked, "Come off it boy. I know you've wanted this for years, fancy robes or no. Shotgun at my chest, power at your hooves."

Ember drew his head up, looking serene, "I seek to save the world. I knew you wouldn't understand such things."

"Heh." He smirked, "You're still the same punk you always were."

Ember fired, catching Sunny's grandfather across the side with a shotgun blast. He responded with a rifle shot that cut across Ember's scalp, the scene erupting into chaos. Sabah took the opportunity to break cover and run for the boat, ducking as a bullet skimmed across her hair. She leapt inside, hooves desperately snatching at the start up lever and hearing the engine splutter to life.


She instinctively rolled to the side, a bullet thudding into the deck beside her. She spied a few weapons stashed under a tarpaulin and leapt for them, pulling out a rifle, propping it against the deck and firing upwards at the shadow of the cloaked figure clearly revealing itself as it ran for a better firing position. The bullet struck them just under the jaw, travelling upwards.

She heard yelling voices as the figure fell, realizing that she wouldn't be so lucky against more than one of them. She leaned over and fired the rifle at the rope tethering them to the dock, severing it neatly. Then she dropped the rifle, jumped back on her hooves and ran across the deck, hitting the lever to bring the anchor back up and running for the wheel.

She took the controls, all looking rather standard. She mentally checked off all her preparations, then hit the accelerator. The engine quickly roared into gear and she pulled away, Sabah holding her breath as she had a brief close encounter with another barge before just pulling past it into the open water.

She took one last look behind her at Star Fall, trying to see Sunny’s grandfather.

He didn’t emerge.


Sabah shielded her face from the rain as the boat carried her towards what she hoped was the shore, pretty much unable to see a thing and relying solely on her compass. She couldn't help the fear in her heart as she looked over the choppy seas, remembering the fateful event that had taken Diamond Prism from her...

And now everything had been taken from her again. Once more she was alone, heading towards an unfamiliar land with nothing but her own skills and determination. Yet again she was caught up in the plots and politics of others, a worthless little girl thrown adrift. The church of Celestia had finally given her a reason to hope, and now they too had shown themselves to be corrupt and evil.

"What's the point!?" She screamed at the sky, striding forward until she sat at the bow, "Is there anything worth believing in? Am I just lying to myself, believing in some dead old alicorn princess?!"


Sabah turned her eyes to the side, almost falling out of the boat in shock. Those words had been spoken in barely a whisper but they cut through the storm like they had been delivered straight to her ear. And there, just a couple of dozen meters distant hovered...

A glowing alicorn princess, her multicolored hair streaming, her grey fur glowing with an inner light. Said fur didn't even shift before the wind, the rain dissolving with a hiss as it hit the golden shield about her. Sabah rubbed her eyes but she was still there, positively humming with divine power, "C...celestia...?"

Celestia's eyes fell, looking sad for a moment. Finally she looked up again, expression firmed, "This is no place for you. Let me take you back to Star Fall."

"No!" She shouted, the anger flowing back, "Your church, it's a fucking LIE!"

"I guess you've met Sunshine Ivory."

Sabah rage exploded within her, spittle flying, "You KNEW!?"

Celestia expanded her shield, now protecting Sabah and her boat as well. It was this that revealed the obvious, that either Celestia was moving or Sabah wasn't. Sabah looked to the engine, Celestia giving a grim nod, "Your engine burned out some time ago."

Sabah cursed, then looked straight at her, "What do you care?!"

Celestia looked deeply shocked at this, the guilt obvious in her eyes, "I'm sorry Sabah, I... I never really manage to save you do I?"

"Is it all..." Sabah felt her voice choke, hit by an unexpected wave of emotion, "...a lie...?"

"That's very subjective." Celestia spoke, landing at the far end of the boat and gazing at her through the darkness, "We have to make our own truth in the end. And whether it sets us free or destroys us utterly, we have to live with that."

"I want to be free!" Sabah shouted at her, slamming a hoof into the deck, "And I want Sunshine Ivory to die screaming!"

Celestia's expression fell, gazing at Sabah with a look of deep regret, "Please don't. Believe me, I understand what it is to be hurt, lost and alone. And... don't make my mistake. Don't let it turn you into a monster."

Sabah looked at Celestia. She looked... wounded, not physically but inside. She wasn't like the virile, powerful looking statues, she looked thin and worn and dangerous. She paused for a moment before asking the question, "Are you a monster?"

"Yes." Celestia answered, grim and resigned, "Because the things you've learnt, kindness, harmony, respect... they can't exist in this world."

Really?! After everything, that was her answer? "Then what's the point?"

"I'm going to burn this world to the ground Sabah." Celestia answered, the strength in her eyes making it clear it was no joke, "If you still trust my advice... go east. Find Dust Kicker, and Fluttershy. Find Easu. Tell them I'm sorry."

Sabah looked at her, stared into those eyes. She didn't see anger there, only... despair, "For being a monster?"

"Yes." She answered, her horn starting to glow with golden light, "And for failing to be anything else."

Her magic flared, taking Sabah in its grasp. She screamed, reached forward, felt herself disappear...

...and then she was solid again, sinking into soft sands. She looked around the golden coast for a moment before staring back out to sea, a soft golden light just on the edge of vision slowly fading back into darkness.


Level 8 reached

Level Perk gained – (mostly) Harmless
You inspire pity in your enemies. Enemies of levels 50% than yours have a chance of remaining non-hostile until provoked.

Level Perk gained - Rad Resistance
Whether by exposure or natural resistance, you absorb less radiation than most. Radiation resistance improves by 25%.

Level Perk gained – Toughness Level 1
Old boots have got nothing on you. Your damage resistance increases by 10%.

Level perk gained – Cannibal
Well it’s all just meat in the end... you have gained the ability to ingest meat from equine species. Each corpse restores 25 HP, adds 3 rads, and reduces Karma by one point.

Level Perk gained – Silent Running
They’ll never hear you coming. You can remain in stealth even when running.

Spiral Mark Acquired - An Eye Seeing Through The World's Lies
Ability Gained - Angel Eyes
You possess one of the seven powers of the Annanragu, the 'Soul Eyes'. This form allows you to identify the motives and emotions of any sentient, providing you can maintain eye contact. A successful charisma check allows you to use this to gain an extra bonus on influence checks.

Quest perk gained – Consume the Heart
You have figured out how to gain power from the bodies you consume. If the body’s special scores are higher than yours, you receive +1 point in that ability. Bonuses are cumulative.

Level Perk gained - Iron Hooves Level 1
To hell with your fancy ‘ranged weapons’! You gain +5 to all unarmed damage.

Level Perk gained – Toughness Level 2
Old boots have got nothing on you. Your damage resistance increases by 20%.

Quest Perk Gained – Strategic
You’ve learned to understand the battlefield, and it can never be turned against you. Your knowledge of positioning means only two opponents are able to attack you at any one time.

Level Perk gained – Hobbler
You’re especially good at crippling the movement of your enemies. Your chance to hit an opponent's legs is increased by 25%.

Quest Perk Gained – The Sunset and the Twilight
You have taken great steps into the mysteries of the church of Celestia, walking the narrow path. Karma awards are doubled, and Intelligence increases by 1.

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