• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 5,560 Views, 280 Comments

Fallout Equestria : Black And White - Philweasel

Peace between the NCR and Zebra wasteland becomes a battleground between competing factions.

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Chapter 4.4 - Fighting Against The Tide

Ace Gold stared towards the plume of smoke in the distance, knowing it was nothing good. From above the Mutum valley had looked like a battleground, the oft spoken of 'heartland of the zebra' now in the grip of bloody conflict. The grim battle scarred zebra warriors escorting them presented no reassurance.

He looked over to Easu, treading silently along. He firmed his resolve and moved over to him, walking alongside the silent zebra for a moment or two before speaking, "Hey... you ok?"


Stupid question. He cursed himself, "Look, I'll personally help you kick Starhammer's ass."

"Tradash always advised me against revenge. Told me to let go of my hatred, pursue the 'right'." Easu averted his eyes, staring off into the distance, "I always disappointed him."

"Look, I..." He fought for something to say, "...I'm sorry man. And when you figure out what the right is, I'm there to help."

Easu contemplated the sky for a little while longer before speaking, "Thank you Ace Gold."


Their destination soon drew close, revealing a fairly classic wasteland settlement. It had obviously been some kind of major loading depot, a large park for trucks in front of several warehouses and office blocks. The parking area had been fenced around with junk, a multitude of structures built within it. A lot of it looked very professional, though perhaps a little timeworn. He noted a lot of zebra working on it, a large group of them around one of the settlement's three heavy machine gun cannons.

"Welcome to North Loading strangers." One of the zebra stated gloomily, "I wish it was in better circumstances."

The gates opened for them, dozens of eyes staring in awe at Puppy's enormous form as she stomped through. A trio of important looking zebra were soon hurrying up to meet them, all three of them obvious in their authority. There was a rather hefty mare wearing a sharp suit decorated in zebra designs, an old white haired stallion in a modified Equestrian general's uniform and a powerful looking stallion dressed in praetorian armor, like the praetorian they had met on the mountain.

...exactly like the one they met on the mountain. It was the same one, the one who had tried to take Fluttershy to a... retirement home or something. It wasn't too long before he recognized them in turn, looking briefly to Puppy before turning his eyes to Fluttershy, "We live unusual fates it seems."

Understanding dawned on Fluttershy's face, "It's you!"

"Yes." He took in each member of the group, firmly assessing, "You ventured into the capital and returned?"

Fluttershy nodded in affirmation, "We did... though your advice not to go was wise. Please, I... apologize for the way I spoke to you." She bowed her head, "You were only trying to help, and I was far too free with my temper."

"It is ok Lady Fluttershy, I understand. ...I understand many things." He offered her a very slight smile, the expression uncomfortable looking on the zebra's grim face, "I had been told that you were weak, fragile, afraid. I had always wondered how such a pony could do so many great things, gain the respect of so many. I understand now, and will not underestimate you again."

"By my stars..." The old zebra in the general’s uniform exclaimed as he darted around Puppy's towering form, forcing her to nervously lift her legs as she tried to avoid stepping on him, "Is that a zebra battle frame? And in near perfect condition? Where on earth did you find it?"

"Hiya!" Puppy responded in a cheerful voice as she stepped back into a more open space, "I'm Puppysmiles, nice to meet you!"

"And fully functional AI?" The old general commented in awe, "I must be dreaming. Pinch me Jezminda."

"It's certainly real General, though don't ask me how." The suited mare replied, looking a little suspicious as she studied the group, "A rather strange crew indeed. So many ponies, so much rare pre-war technology."

Fluttershy advanced forward to answer the mare, bearing herself diplomatically, "I promise you, we are ambassadors of peace. We've come down from Kirshyin, the capital."

Her eyes narrowed in suspicion, "You were behind the blue moon?"

Fluttershy hesitated, clearly blushing as she stiffly nodded, "Yes. I'm sorry about that, we were forced to redirect a dangerous weapon away from the planet. The moon was the best target we could think of... um..."

"You are back from the capital you say? There are living zebra there?" The general asked in an exited voice, mercifully changing the subject, "I have stared up at that mountain in wonder all my life, to think that zebra could venture there and return..."

"Not anymore unfortunately." Fluttershy voice twisted in regret for a moment before she regained enough control to continue, "Only three zebra survived, all of them ghouls. But the city is now safe again. We came down to recruit zebra to help rebuild and protect it... but it seems you have your own problems."

"We do indeed." The chubby mare answered, placing a hoof against her breast, "I'm Mayor Jezminda of North Loading, and this is General Biscuit of our defense forces."

"And I am Praetorius Decimus." The praetorian stated firmly, delivering a stiff, officious salute, "And I agree with the General, news from the Dragon Throne is unprecedented. You understand that you are the first since the bombs fell?"

"We do... and we know why." Fluttershy confirmed, "There was a zebra there who was... hurting others, killing those who ventured inside. We stopped him, and destroyed most of the monsters that infested the city."

"...though we did sort of make it radioactive in the process..." Puppy commented.

"Um... yes." Fluttershy blushed, stammering nervously, "Sorry about that. The weapon that I mentioned, it misfired a little. Covered the city in radioactive blue flowers."

"...and the moon now boasts a fully functional biosphere..." Puppy added, a little quieter.

"Are there more weapons, armies?" Decimus questioned, clear in his concerns, "Is it defended? Understand, we cannot risk it falling to Starhammer. I'd shoot myself before seeing the Dragon Crown of Caesars upon his head."

"What is all this about Starhammer anyway?" Dust Kicker interjected, "Last time we heard he was still down west."

"Yes, shall we focus less on the mythical city and more on the imminent invasion by a power mad warlord?" The mayor stated glumly before turning and waving for them to follow, "Come with me. This might take a bit of explanation."


"So yes... he came down this way with a vast army and we... well lost. Quite dramatically."

Ace stared at the map in the centre of the mayors office, the explanation of what had happened in their absence rather simple when it came down to it.

To simplify it even more... nothing good.

Dust Kicker was the first to speak, "I cant believe you fell for it. I mean, he was building an army on your doorstep."

The mayor glared at Dust from across the table, her voice rising in response to his rather bluntly stated question, "Well excuse us, but unlike you ponies, we in the Mutum are creatures of peace. The self destructive actions of thugs continue to perplex us."

Ace raised an eyebrow, this being the second time she had mentioned their species in a negative manner, "Ponies?"

"Well the evidence is there." She icily pointed out, "For decades the Mutum have been protected by the balance of power, and our treaties with Lord Anatu and Rashid. Incuta was too concerned with Star Fall to advance this way, and the Entitidi never progressed past raiding. Peace reigned, and we tried to repair the damage you did to our home." She suddenly burst into motion, waving her hoof angrily at them as her voice rose to a shout, "The second, the very second you land on our shores, Anatu and Entitidi both fall to pony sponsored rebellions, and Star Fall and Caesar team up for a second great war against Equestria! All of which leaves us open to Starhammer, who would never have been able to move upon the Mutum valley without you upsetting the careful balance we had created!"

Silence reigned for a couple of seconds before General Biscuit gently broke the tension, "Be fair Jezminda, Anatu and Entitidi were both thugs who deserved their fates, and the peace was only maintained through the caution of old men. It would never have lasted forever."

"We are sorry." Fluttershy admitted, bowing her head in contrition, "Many of these things are our fault."

"No..." Mayor Jezminda admitted with a low growl, "...the general is right, I'm blaming you for a arrangement that was always unstable. That it all came crashing down at once should have been anticipated."

"We should blame Starhammer." Decimus countered, eyes grim and full of carefully restrained fury, "He agreed to binding agreements to protect the Mutum, like all his predecessors. When my Lord Caesar reminded him of these vows Starhammer stated that he would be bound to no treaty, that his only judge would be history. Hmph... believe me, I intend to see to that personally."

"That fits with what we know about him." Dust Kicker admitted, "He pretty much admitted he was only out to get into the history books. Seems he's really gone off the deep end now though."

"My master, Tradash." Easu finally stated, his tone tense, "How did he die?"

"Starhammer claims Tradash discovered his plans, challenged him to a duel for the fate of the Mutum." Decimus explained, shaking his head, "He claims it was an epic battle, and at the end Tradash gave him his blessings to create his 'new order'."

Easu growled, low and dangerous, "Lies..."

"Hmph, certainly. Obvious ones." Decimus spat, "I knew Tradash, he had nothing but contempt for the sort of honor that would bet the lives of others on the outcome of a duel."

"Since then he's been marching around with impunity, burning and pillaging settlements, erecting fortifications and setting up his own as rulers." General Biscuit stated, poking his hoof at several named settlements now marked in red ink. Ace followed the line led from the centre of the fallen settlements all the ways down to where North Loading stood isolated against the mountain, the general confirming their fears, "He'll almost certainly strike this way next."

"There's no zebra that can stop him?" Ace Gold asked, feeling like they were rolling over for the bastard, "This is supposed to be the centre of zebra civilization."

Quiet reigned for a second, all looking to Jezminda. The mayor pushed hard against the table, teeth gritted for a moment before she found her voice, "It is. We are peaceful, we built a land of industry and agriculture. We saved the world from the frost, and continue to grow the food on their tables. We are supposed to be protected."

"The Mutum's armies are traditionally only equipped for law enforcement." The general gently explained, "The Lord Caesar and Tandia of Garm established it as neutral ground, a place of trade and farming. They gained the agreement of the four great tribes, that they would come to our defense in the case of any aggression. "

"This naturally led to a natural stalemate." Decimus explained, "None of the tribes could move against the others without leaving themselves open to justified attacks from the others. It has assured peace for decades."

"But Starhammer killed Rashid in a popular coup, and Princess Luna strung up Lord Entitidi." The general stated with a grimace, "And so the board was open for Starhammer to take control. He led his armies through the Entitidi's territory as a peacekeeping force, and almost overnight doubled his holdings. His defeat of Luna in single combat has only enhanced his prestige."

"And your pony friend up north thinks this is a great time to put a bullet through King Anatu's head and put his dithering pansy of a brother on the throne." Jezimnda stated with open venom, "And he has proven no more effective on the throne than he was in exile."

"Wait...?" Ace razed his eyebrow, "Pony friend?"

"The Steel Maiden." Decimus explained, "She is some sort of holy warrior from Equestria, dedicated to ridding the world of corruption in the name of her Goddess Applejack. You must have heard about her on the radio."

Ace thought he had heard something about that... she had apparently been active in Anatu land, had helped unseat the tyrant king there and install his brother on the throne, "So can't she help?"

"Anatu's territory is a mess unfortunately." Decimus stated grumpily, "Their armies have taken heavily causalities, and more still have deserted to become bandits and worse. There's still pockets of open rebellion, and due to this the new King is reluctant to lend any aid outside his borders."

"He knows the Steel Maiden is the only thing keeping that crowned head attached." Jezminda commented venomously, "And your other pony friend, the Fuchsia Witch, has openly been seen working with Starhammer."

"Fuchsia..." Fluttershy's eyes went wide, voice shaking in terror, "Dream Star?!"

"You know her then?"

Fluttershy looked at them all before nodding, fear still marking her eyes, "She's... a very dangerous pony."

Jezminda slumped her shoulders, "Great."

"And of the final assets, Great Mother Nanati's tribe lacks the forces, training and mentality to challenge Starhammer, and the Camels are... indecisive." The general finished, "Getting them to march to war is something that would take months at the best of times. As it is, I wouldn't put it past them to already be placing bets on Starhammer."

Dust Kicker's eyes moved along the map before finally fixing on a point, pointing it out with a hoof, "But Starhammer hasn't taken Clendal yet? I would have thought that would be his first target."

"Well spotted. We do indeed have a couple of advantages." Decimus answered, nodding at his observation, "First of all there's Clendal itself. As you have likely heard it is famed as the greatest city in the zebra territories, a haven of culture, commerce and manufacturing. Starhammer has displayed every indication he wants it intact, and has implored King Zanerious to surrender many times. He knows a direct assault would destroy the keystone he needs to create his empire."

"So he burns the surrounding area." Dust observed, "Tries to force the issue."

"Yes, and he's been very successful." Decimus confirmed, "The defenses of the Mutum have barely slowed him down, each settlement falling quickly with minimum effort on his part... except for one, our second advantage." He poked a dot on the western borders of the Mutum, having clearly been drawn after the map was printed and marked as 'Midnight's Rest'. It too was crossed with red pen indicating it had fallen, "A small refugee camp, occupied by children displaced by the conflict with Princess Luna. Starhammer led an army there soon after his invasion, yet before the night was out his lieutenant was seriously wounded, his army had taken heavy casualties and the children had successfully fled their burning settlement, along with all their supplies."

Ace grinned from ear to ear, dropping his head and wishing silent thanks. The others also reacted with smiles at this news, Dust Kicker finally answering for them, "The kids from Dusklight, they finally got a chance to give that bastard a bloody nose."

"Indeed." Decimus confirmed, "Since then they've been conducting hit and run raids, escorting refugees to safety and making things as difficult as possible for Starhammer. Most of his troops are reluctant to even fire on them, it's having a serious effect on the moral of his forces."

"As much as I'm happy for them, I wonder how long that will last." Fluttershy observed with a note of caution, "They already found themselves coming out worse in a confrontation with him before."

"Fair point. I do not want to conduct another funeral for dead children." Dust agreed, looking troubled by the thought, "What else do you have? Caesar of the East and the other Praetorians? The shamans up in Garm?"

"The Praetorians are willing to fight, but we number but nineteen." Decimus explained, "And my master is... reluctant to leave the protection of the temple. He prefers to use his wisdom to advise, rather than take the field himself. As for the shaman of Garm, many of them have already joined the cause. They are not however an army, or even trained in combat for the most part. They are by and large scholars and healers, useful to have but not a decisive advantage against this type of foe."

"Ok..." Dust Kicker considered his options, tapping his hoof against the map, "Let's talk short term then. What kind of numbers will he be sending against us, and in what formation?"

"Likely about two hundred zebra, well armed and trained." The general observed, "He'll send forward several units of snipers and scouts to harass us with long ranged fire while his heavier forces move up. They'll hit the walls with rockets, then pour through and overwhelm us with numbers. We can manage about seventy zebra at best in defense, and most of them won't be trained."

Dust just grinned at his rather grim assessment of the situation, "Good. He'll have every reason to underestimate us then."


Ace Gold followed along behind Fluttershy as they exited the room, looking up to see the clear worry in her eyes. He paused a moment before gently prodding, "Are you ok?"

"Oh Ace..." She began, the deep regret clear in her voice, "We just can't seem to escape from all this war can we? Now I'm involved in yet another battle, yet another chance to kill ponies that likely are no more to blame than we are."

He had to admit her point, "Yeah..."

"Lady Fluttershy." A familiar voice sounded behind, both of them turning to see Decimus hurrying to catch up. They halted for him, Decimus stopping a short distance away before bowing his head in contrition, "I'm sorry that you have to see this." He lifted his head again, the pain and regret clear in his eyes, "This was once a place we could be proud of. My master wanted you to see it, see our work. All he wanted was for you to live here in peace."

"I'm afraid that doesn't work." Fluttershy stated with a smile, "I have an inability to stop sticking my nose into every single problem I come across."

"Yes, I have heard much about you my lady." Decimus stated with a wry smile, "You do not disappoint."

Ace felt they were avoiding the obvious question here, "Ok, can we clear this up? Who is your master? Who is Caesar, and why is he so protective of Fluttershy?"

"Another soul lost to time." Decimus answered with a grim expression, "A survivor of the darkest experiments, he awoke within the bowels of an abandoned research station and looked above to see the world in flames. Since then he has done his best to help heal and protect this new beginning, sponsoring heroes and using them to keep what was left of the world safe."

Ace thought back to what they had been told about him, "Doesn't he hate ponies?"

Decimus frowned, looking like he had answered this question many times before, "An unfortunate misunderstanding. You see my master has spent his long lifetime in consideration of how another war might be averted, how we can avoid the destruction that ended the old world."

Fluttershy gave a soft nod, "I've been seeking the same thing."

Decimus's voice fell, "Lady Fluttershy, the unfortunate truth is that he has found no way to avoid conflict. That when two cultures of differing race, technology, economics and cultures meet, it will inevitably lead to exploitation and war."

"That can't be true." Fluttershy reasoned, sounding offended, "My friends and I were all different, yet we..."

"Broke apart. Warred against each other. Died alone." Decimus looked her in the eye, expression grim, "Lady Fluttershy, I argued against his teachings too, but in the end Lord Caesar's long experience has convinced me of his truth. That our nations cannot interact, that we must live apart in order to thrive. Just look at the destruction your arrival has caused."

"I... see..."

Ace couldn't take it anymore. Fluttershy was just standing there with her kicked puppy face, and he wasn't just going to take that, "Fluttershy, this is horseapples. Just look at Equestria, just look at the NCR. The NCR's founding races are Earth Ponies, Unicorns, Zebra, Griffon, Alicorn and Hellhounds. And I don't see us going to war with each other."

"Truly?" Decimus asked, looking surprised.

A smile returned to Fluttershy's face at Ace's words, the mare nodding cheerfully, "And I'm a pre-war pegasi. And one of the NCR's greatest heroes was born in the Enclave."

"Hmm... the same over here ironically enough." Decimus gave a satisfied smile, then looked down at Ace, "Is this your son?"

"No." Fluttershy corrected with a grin, "He's just a very good friend."

"Which brings more evidence that your philosophy sucks." Ace pointed out, a bit more aggressively that warranted perhaps, "And we're going to prove it once and for all by smacking Starhammer about his ugly face, all working as a team."

Decimus drew himself up proudly, giving them a warm smile, "Then I very much look forward to seeing it."


Ace checked his equipment as they prepared to set off, very aware of the fact that this would be his first time using it in a combat situation. First time incorporating both his eyes and other senses too, and... second time he was expected to lead a group into battle. Considering his record with that was poor and his record with everything else was non-existent, it was easy to feel intimidated.

He tried it again, "Xaphina?"

Nothing. He hadn't seen her since they left the city. It certainly wasn't unusual, but he had gotten increasingly used to her presence. He couldn’t help but worry, and more to the point be aware that she was a very handy asset to have on the battlefield.

Still it seemed they would have to get along without her, "Every zebra ready?"

He turned to see the line of salutes from the zebra in front, noting that a distressing number of them were old, overweight and bore themselves with less than military discipline. Still he was hardly one to complain given his own age and stature, and had been assured that these were the best mechanics and bomb technicians they had. Each carried a large bag of spare parts, Dust Kicker having spent the last few hours going over every trap he knew, along with techniques for hiding mines and the basics of stealth.

"Remember, no engagement." Dust stated as he walked down the lines, looking and sounding every inch the commander, "If you get spotted, run for the walls or call for Ace. Make sure you follow behind him, no running ahead either."

"But... there's no zebra out there." One of the engineers questioned.

"Starhammer has scouts and assassins in his employ, equipped with stealth cloaks." Dust warned, grimacing tightly, "And they're very good at what they do. Do not let your guard down."

Ace noted how silly it felt for a bunch of adult zebra to be following a young buck like him, but Jezminda was right that they weren't any kind of fearsome warriors. Many of them had even refused weapons, claiming they would be more likely to shoot themselves than the enemy. It felt odd, in the NCR it was only ponies of his age and younger that could realistically boast any sort of pacifism. But seventeen years was nothing, especially since the NCR had still been to war since. According to General Biscuit the Mutum heartlands had enjoyed thirty years of peace, which seemed... impossible to Ace. He had to admit, they were obviously doing something right.

"Open the gates."

He firmed himself as the gates opened and his platoon formed up behind, Fluttershy hurrying to take up position. He looked across at her, all armored up with her shotgun hanging at her side, zebra above watching the approach through the scopes of their rifles.

He sighed at the image. It seemed like they really had brought war to this place. It seemed the least they could do was fight it alongside them.


The approach to the gates was pretty overgrown and wild, the long grass and weeds making it the perfect place for traps. To their credit the engineers knew their stuff, quickly and efficiently deploying the traps wherever he pointed. At the same time he carefully scanned the route in front, cautious for any sign of danger...

And then Ace Gold sensed something ahead, something moving. Something pony shaped, turning towards them and staring in their direction. Something invisible to the eye, only visible by the faint crackle of magic.

He thrust out his hoof and pulled back the bandages wound there with his teeth, the mechanism of the crossbow mounted there automatically loading a bolt in response. A tug of his ankle and it flew true, slamming into the shape and dropping it to the floor, a flickering stealth cloak shorting out around the shape.


He looked around as Fluttershy called out in warning, seeing the familiar shape of an automatic pistol emerge from what had previously been an empty space. He dived to the side and deployed another crossbow bolt, striking the figure and dropping him with a single strangled yell.

One of the mechanics gingerly moved forward, "Are they down?"

Ace kept an eye out for any moment, the last few twitches soon ending. He then nodded to the pair, turning and picking out the two engineers that had already deployed their traps, "You two, bring them back to the town. They should be out cold for a few hours at least."

They both nodded and did what he had told them, pulling away stealth cloaks to reveal unconscious zebra in light armor. Fluttershy give him a pleased glance, "Good shooting. I haven't seen a zebra microcrossbow in a very long time."

He lifted his hoof to inspect the weapon, admitting that it felt very natural and easy to use, "It's non-lethal, and very powerful and accurate over short distances. Plus it feels more... me than guns."

Fluttershy grinned, "Very ninja."

He blushed, admitting that wasn't entirely unrelated to his decision, "I... guess so."

She smiled in response before her eyes became more serious, her tone insistent, "I've got something I want to try actually, if you're willing."

"What is it?"

She looked hesitant for a moment before lifting her head, apologetic, "It involves me staying out here until Starhammer arrives."

Ace frowned, "Are you mad?"

"I'm as effective as any of these traps Ace, and with my stealth cloak I can easily get back to the town afterwards." She pouted, trying her best to look firm and determined and just managing 'sulky', "If this works it could put a huge dent in Starhammer's powerbase."

Ace noted something in the way she said his name, "Is this... personal Fluttershy?"

She paused briefly before giving an embarrassed nod, "I don't like him very much, it's true."

"Well... ok." Ace eventually agreed, having a soft spot for wanting to nail Starhammer's muzzle to the wall, "But I'm sticking with you."

She grinned wide, "Thank you Ace."


Ace stood on guard through the night, watching the lightly swaying weeds, the whisper of the air and the call of animals in the distance. He looked back at Fluttershy, wrapped in a blanket and snoring gently. Even like this and even knowing her as well as he did, he could still sense something about her, some hidden strength that commanded the attention.

Did he have the same something? Clad in stylish armor, carrying duel crossbows, trained in arcane secrets and special techniques... he felt like kid playing make believe. But then his father had said much the same, that he always had trouble grasping the enormity of 'saving the world' and just concentrated on fixing the issue in front of him at the time.

He thought back to what he had been before all this, barely even recognizing the pony in his memories. He had been so bitter about being special, about being perfect. Yet looking at his record it felt like he had barely been able to keep up, thrown from one crushing defeat to the next.

What did his future hold?

He struggled with that question for a while before returning it to a simple question, what did he value?

He had experienced a lot out here. His first kiss, bloody combat, fighting through pain and the deepest struggles to find healing. Good friends. Good comrades.

But what he really valued? Knowledge. Every single magical technique, every new philosophy, every new mechanical device, every fragment of history. He held each within his heart, gaining strength from the broadening of his horizons they represented. He wanted to keep training with Xaphina, wanted to learn more from Puppy, wished he had more time to spend with Midnight Dreamer and the scientists in the capital. He wondered if he should write all this down, figuring somepony needed to record some sort of permanent remembrance of what he had seen and felt.

He looked ahead, feeling more sure of himself than he had in a long time. Maybe he was really beginning to work out who he was.


"Wake up sleepyhead."

He opened his eyes, a soft yellow hoof brushing his cheek. He blinked and looked up at Fluttershy above, quickly rolling onto his hooves and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, "M'up."

Fluttershy nodded to the figures moving ahead, "They're on their way. Cover me."

Ace wanted to protest but she was already moving, having to settle for focusing his crossbows on the approaching troops as Fluttershy slipped into her stealth cloak and made her advance. It didn't fill him with confidence, they had positioned themselves off the main road, far away from the main advance and obscured by tall bushy trees and bracken. All the same there was clearly a full flanking action going on, at least thirty or forty zebra marching towards them through the heavy undergrowth.

Cover her? Against thirty zebra? He guessed if things went wrong he could shoot Fluttershy. It might save her life at least.

...he just took a deep gulp, watching as she made her final approach. She let the stealth cloak fall away with a quiet dignity, leaving herself fully visible before the advancing troops.

"Stop right there!"

Fluttershy just stood firm against the near two dozen weapons pointed straight at her, enough to absolutely obliterate her with the slightest twitch of their hooves. She looked no less determined, eventually speaking in a tone of angry command, "You should stop! What do you think you are doing?!"

The zebra looked at each other, one finally replying after a brief pause, "We are the glorious army of Starhammer, here to bring peace..."

"Here to bring war." She answered harshly, "This is a land of peace, what possible motive for attacking it could you possibly have?"

"We... Starhammer will unite the zebra lands, build a new empire to stand against the Star Demons and Equestria..."

"The rulers of this land stood before the Star Demons, far more successfully than he did. Equestria is gone!" Fluttershy barked, glaring sharply at each of them, "Your Starhammer uses blood magic and dark rituals, assassination and tyranny! He killed the greatest hero you had, and slaughtered kids to feed his own ego. He is a sadist and a coward, and by following him you are no better!"

To Ace's surprise the hoard of well armed zebra actually looked... shaky, "Now come on..."

"You should be ashamed!" Fluttershy declared, "Your fathers and grandfathers worked so hard to build this country, and now your slavemaster has covered it in blood and fire."

"Well..." Starhammer's soldiers looked away, evasive and nervous, looking for all the world like a pack of naughty schoolboys, "...we have families to support..."

"You've taken enough blood money!" She countered, stomping her hoof down, "Go home, find honest jobs, and tell every zebra you meet that Starhammer is not to be trusted!"

The zebra all paused in confusion for several nerve racking moments... before they all nodded, dispersing into a big, confused group and starting to wander back the way they came, "I guess she's right..."

"Dumb job anyway..."

"My mother said I shouldn't join..."

"Never agreed to this..."

Fluttershy turned back, shaking a little at she trotted back towards Ace at rather a hurried pace. He noted the fear in her eyes as she drew close, giving her a reassuring smile, "That was awesome."

"I honestly didn't think that work." She admitted in a rather high and squeaky voice, before giving a strained smile, "But that should hopefully do more damage to his recruiting efforts that we could ever achieve by just shooting them."

He nodded in approval, "It was good work. Still it's not over yet."

"You’re right." She agreed, "Let's get back to the town before the main force reaches the walls."


With Fluttershy's stealth cloak and wind walking they made back in good time, Ace sparing a look behind at the mighty force marching behind them. It certainly looked well prepared and well armed, especially compared to what he had seen of North Loading’s forces.

Their reception was predictably enthusiastic as they made it back through the side gate, Easu displaying a uncharacteristic burst of emotion as he hurried over, "It's... good that you're back."

"He kept trying to convince me to send out a search party."Jezminda commented with her usual world weary tone, "I hope you were successful in whatever you were trying to do."

Fluttershy nodded firmly, "We were. Are the defenses ready?"

"As they'll ever be." Jesminda stated, then hesitated for a moment. After a second to find her tongue she finally managed to speak up again, looking guilty, "Look, I apologize for how I've been to you. I understand that this is not your fault."

"It's ok." Fluttershy assured, opening up with a beaming smile, "We understand how difficult this must be for you."

"My father built this town, he made me vow to make it strong and proud." She stated softly, "And now I have to watch these thugs burn it to the ground. I can't even fight to protect it, I have to run like a coward while strangers die for me."

"This town won't fall." Ace assured her.

Jezminda just gave him a weak smile, shaking her head and turning away, "I'd like to believe that."

They quickly made their way to the main square where everything was being set up, seeing Jezminda off as she went to organize the evacuation. They spotted Dust Kicker nearby, deep in discussion with Clear Skies as they approached. She eventually saluted and flew off towards the capital high above, Dust looking round and grinning wide as he saw them, "Damn, you like to worry us don't you?"

"Sorry." Fluttershy stated sheepishly, "I hope I made some kind of a difference."

"Me too." Dust agreed, his expression not reassuring, "This is going to be tough. Most of these zebra have never fought a battle, the best of them are little more than hunters."

Ace Gold looked to the horizon, "Where did Clear Skies go?"

"Off to report the situation to the capital." Dust answered, "She'll tell Invictus not to let Starhammer's forces into the city, and we've sent some engineers up to help. Hopefully they'll be able to fix the sensors, defenses, maybe even give us some artillery support."

"You should have kept her here." Ace Gold answered, though he already knew it was childish, "She could help us fight."

"I'm having second thoughts about us being here Ace." Dust Kicker answered with a grim smile, "What price do you put on a blatantly one sided fight? She's making herself useful, you don't waste your one flight capable asset on combat."

Fluttershy nodded in agreement, looking down at Ace, "Back during the war pegasi were used primarily as recon and message runners. Clear Skies is doing what she's best at."

He sighed, they were right, "I'm sorry... but if this is so one sided, should we really be fighting ourselves?"

Dust chuckled, "Good question... but we've beat the odds before."

"General Dust Kicker!" A zebra up at the wall called out in a frantic tone, "They're setting up for their attack!"

Dust Kicker nodded, giving them a look of urgency, "Up on the wall. Don't let the militia break, and don't get killed. When it gets too hot retreat back down here. Fluttershy, Ace, Easu, left wall."

They nodded and set off, Ace drawing close to Easu as they ran, "You ready for this?"

The zebra was quiet for several moments before shaking his head, his eyes above the bandages haunted, "No."

Ace felt his heart chill a little, there being something profoundly wrong in his tone, "Easu...?"

"I won't let Fluttershy be hurt." He stated firmly, then speeded his pace, "Come on."


They made it up upon the wall, Ace looking around in worry at the long line of terrified looking zebra clad in crisp, fancy and totally impractical uniforms, desperately reinforced with mismatched plates of armor. Hunting rifles sat in their hooves, Ace seeing nothing heaver than a light machine gun.

"Don't hesitate to shoot those bastards between the eyes!" General Biscuit called out from further down the line, now clad in a full Equestria dress uniform complete with glittering medals, "Know they will afford you no mercy!"

Ace Gold wondered how old the zebra was. He definitely looked older than Fluttershy, and his uniform hung from a form that hadn't endured heavy exercise in a long time.

"Ace, you look very distracted." Fluttershy stated quietly as they found a spot on the wall, "Are you ready?"

He looked to her, noting the fear in her eyes, "I’m getting the feeling none of us are.”

Ace gulped back his emotions and turned to the approaching army beyond the walls. They were to his eye more than two hundred strong, all clad in well fitted combat armor and organized in well ordered squads. Banners hung proud along their lines, flying over rows of determined faces and high quality weaponry.

And at their head was an... apparition. It was a pony shaped creature, smaller than those around it, light and unencumbered in its movements. Its form was fully concealed however, wrapped in black, bandage like folds, hints of fresh blood and torn flesh within the bindings. Fragments of bones knitted together in complex patterns dangled from its body, plates across the shoulders and flanks clearly crafted from the skulls of zebra. Its face was twisted bone, what looked like a zebra’s head but deformed and covered in runic symbols, mouth a cruel sneer. It carried a staff affixed to its withers, a brass pole covered in bangles with a dull sounding bell on top, giving a mournful toll with every step.

“It’s the pale zebra...” One of the soldiers muttered in fear beside, “...he’s come to take us all...”

“Nonsense!” General Biscuit shouted boldly, glaring at his cowering soldiers before lifting his sniper rifle and placing it on the railing. He crouched, supporting the weapon in his hooves as he looked down the scope, “Just some raider dressed up for the Nightmare Burnings! We’ll see how he likes a bullet through his creepy...”

The pale zebra head visibly turned towards them, the bell ringing out a single, resounding toll.

“AGH!” The general yelled out as he dropped his rifle, stumbled backwards and fell onto his side, gasping and clasping his chest. Fluttershy immediately hurried over, hoof going to his neck... but the general gasped one last time before his face went slack, eyes rolling back.

Fluttershy looked up, terror in her eyes, “He’s... had a massive heart attack.”

Ace looked up as the pale zebra flung his staff forward, his troops surging forward with blood curdling screams. Missiles flew from their launchers and hit the walls, deafening bangs that shook the whole city. He heard the desperate cries and looked around to confirm that he was now almost alone, the zebra at the walls retreating down the stairs and cowering under anything they could find. In many cases their weapons lay where they had been left, "Stop! Come back!"

Fluttershy looked around in fear before shaking her head at him, nodding to the stairs behind, "We have to go Ace."

"Alread..." Ace started before ducking as bullets shattered the parapet and Fluttershy yelled out in response to a bullet skimming her flank. He looked out towards the field as the first few mines went off, Starhammer's forces immediately falling back and sending out teams of engineers to scout the road. Starhammer's army fell into a brief disorganized mob as medics rushed forward to help the injured and Ace instantly realized that it would have been the perfect time to attack... if they had any soldiers left, "Damnit! Who is that zebra? He won the whole battle with one move!"

"I have a few guesses." Fluttershy stated quietly, "But we don't have time to talk about it right now."

"Yeah... you're right..." Ace muttered as he watched parts of the wall collapse into scrap against the bombardment. It seemed their first line of defense had already fallen.


"And if there be demons, know that we have faced demons before! If you fear their wrath then let me lead the vanguard, and show you how we face the pale zebra!"

The courtyard was a mess, a scant few trying to keep order as zebra fled with their families and possessions, fires from the broken walls starting to creep onto the surrounding buildings. Decimus was attempting to rally some shaken looking defenders, Dust Kicker building and populating a defensive line as Easu rounded up stragglers. Ace hurried over to Dust as he handed a weapon to a terrified looking zebra, calling out, "Dust Kicker, what should I do?"

"Keep Fluttershy safe." Dust replied, turning to look at them both with a worried expression, "I'm already much less confident about holding the line against these guys, which means we change tactics. This is now a fighting retreat."

"We're evacuating the town?" Fluttershy asked.

Dust nodded, "We're preparing an evacuation. The civilians are at a set of two exits at the rear of the town, we're going to hold here and give them time to organize. Then we let the guards retreat and escort the civilians out while we keep Starhammer's forces busy, before breaking out ourselves."

"Wait..." Fluttershy stated with a little shake in her voice, "We hold off the whole army... alone?"

Dust just grinned, "Remember, we have a secret weapon."

No sooner had he spoken than a huge explosion rocked the gates and sent them caving inwards, arcing missiles flying over the walls to slam into the entrance square in fierce balls of flame and debris. Dust ducked behind the barricades, Ace using his telekinesis to throw Fluttershy behind another before rolling into cover himself. He extended his head above cover and scanned the raining mortar shells, locking onto one that looked to be heading for their lines and using telekinesis to fling it clear.

Then they came, hundreds of armored zebra carrying shotguns and heavy machine guns. They poured through the broken sections of the wall, trampling the rubble underhoof and opening up with their weapons in a fierce barrage of fire. Ace flung out a concussion grenade and it sent their lines stumbling, darting away as his cover was torn into a cloud of spinning splinters. Dust Kicker picked off an approaching group of them, expertly pinpointing the weak spots on their armor while enduring a half dozen hits on his own. Decimus himself was a tank, leading from the front as he promised and allowing fire to deflect away from his mighty form as he kept his heavy rifle punching holes through the ranks. The guard formed up behind him, their rifles blazing as they attempted to hold the line against the assault.

A mortar shell hit the ground near Dust Kicker and sent him sprawling, Decimus going down to a lucky hit on his head that tore his helmet away. The guard behind almost immediately broke cover as Decimus fell, bullets finding many of them before they even had a chance to run. Fluttershy came out from behind a barricade and hit a charging zebra with a solid hit from one of her shotgun's shock rounds, only to be nearly instantly sent flying onto her back as a machine gun round found her chest.


Ace darted for her, throwing a grenade into Starhammer's ranks and dodging a barrage of return fire. He felt a spark of relief as Easu got there first and Fluttershy shifted to look at him, the big zebra supporting her as he helped her up. Esau looked to Ace as he approached, calling across to him, "It is time to retreat."

"You're telling me." He answered, pointing to a street leading off the main road. He sprinted for it, allowing himself a glance back for some sign of the others. He couldn't see them, his vision pretty much dominated by charging enemies. It seemed like it was all over...

...but then something else burst into vision, in a rain of collapsing rubble and the glow of energy weapon fire, "Holy Celestia..."

She came out of the storage facility where they had hidden her, tearing through the wall and sending it crashing down on Starhammer's forces. Her legs kicked out, sending more flying as her claws came up in pulses of devastating magical energy. They fired back but bullets cleanly deflected away with barely a scratch. A missile flew forth and struck her head on but Puppy simply came through the smoke and flame with her armored claws raised in defense, delivering an earsplitting scream as she continued her barrage.

He had to say, he had never been more proud of his handiwork.

His awestruck admiration was cut short as he saw Dust Kicker on the other side of the street, helping Decimus and the other injured guards. Dust called out, waving a desperate hoof at them, "Get to the evacuation point! Puppy's got this!"

He nodded and hurried after Fluttershy and Easu, both having got a little further than he had.

But Fluttershy had stopped dead, a visible look of terror in her eyes as she stared up at the roof of one of burning buildings. It took Ace a second to see who had caught Fluttershy’s attention, running to her side and spotting the dark shape within the fire...

It leapt, twirling in midair and spinning a brass colored blur to slam down upon Puppy’s top armor. There was the resounding toll of a bell and a shockwave travelled through Puppy’s entire body, leaving sparks and whining components in its wake. Puppy staggered briefly before going down with an almighty crash, sprawling into the mud.

The pale zebra landed beside, calm and poised.

Fluttershy yelled out, lifted her shotgun and fired. The bullet simply struck earth, the pale zebra blurring away before reforming into solid form just nearby and spinning its staff across the dirt. A shockwave flew out towards them, Easu yelling in warning and jumping in front... he was struck hard, hurled across the courtyard to crash through a wooden building nearby.

The pale zebra paused briefly at this, then advanced towards them with slow, deliberate steps. Words appeared to form in Ace’s mind, painful and distracting.

“You inspire such loyalty Mare of the Apocalypse. It seems ponies and zebra both will willingly follow you to their final deaths.”

Fluttershy firmed her expression and walked forward, glaring at the apparition, “Why are you killing these zebra!? Why are you helping Starhammer?! It is you...!”

The pale zebra cut her off, the mental words striking harshly across their vision, “Your stare will not work on me.”

And then the pale zebra struck a bone hanging from it's neck and Fluttershy gasped, collapsing to the ground and hoofing desperately at her throat. Ace took one look at her choking expression before bursting into action.

His crossbow bolt hit nothing but air as the pale zebra warped away, his magic expanding outwards to locate her again... and there, he sensed the rush of collating form that he always sensed at the end of one of Fluttershy’s wind walks and dived towards it. Ace's hoof span round just as the pale zebra warped back into existence and he hooked the brass staff away, sending it spinning into the dirt. The pale zebra had just a second to react before Ace's second hoof kicked out and smacked its front hoof away, leaving the demon staggering and off balance.

Ace landed on his back and bucked hard, thumping into the pale zebra's chest and sending it crashing into the dirt.

Ace flipped back up with due speed, aware that without bracing a simple buck wasn’t likely to be a fight ender. Still it was as he suspected, this was no spirit or demon. The bones were zebra totems, used to cast spells. Spells like stopping a zebra’s heart, or causing them to choke. The attack that had taken down Puppy was a variant of the one he had seen Xephyr use against robots, the pale zebra had intentionally targeted a section of plating that lacked magical protection, likely using the same perception abilities he used.

And as for resisting Fluttershy’s stare... this ‘pale zebra’ was wearing a mask!

Yet... as he ran at the recovering figure he couldn’t help but note that not a whisper of a voice had escaped the zebra’s throat as Ace had struck his blows.

The pale zebra struck at a totem as Ace closed and Ace brought his horn forward, shattering the approaching magic apart with a firm spike of energy. He continued through the raining motes of mana and threw himself into a double hoof strike, the pale zebra deflecting his attack away with a sweep of its own hooves and thrusting at him with a spur of its jagged skull.

Ace swung himself backwards, hit the ground on his back and somersaulted, catching the pale zebra under the chin and feeling the satisfying shifting of the bone under his hooves. He swung himself round on a single forehoof and delivered another firm sweeping kick to the pale zebra’s face, tearing the skull away completely and sending the figure slumping into the dirt.

Ace paused a moment as the figure rose slowly, noting that it still hadn’t uttered a sound. He stepped backwards a pace, drawing up his crossbow, waiting for a sudden move...

The creature’s head came round, revealing a face beneath the hood that had held the skull in place. A young, pretty, soft featured face, angelic and untouched. A female zebra, petite, unthreatening...

Her eyes opened up in a furious glare and he suddenly realized how he had let Luna die, left all the children of Dusklight in order to selfishly follow Fluttershy, how he had been beaten and scarred by those raiders, taken captive by Starhammer, how worthless he was...!

And then his emotions returned to normal, vision clearing just in time to see the pale zebra disappear in a burst of swirling dirt. He took a single step forward before collapsing to his knees, feeling a sudden rush of blood as he shook off the zebra's mental attack. Was that... was that the Stare?


He looked around, relieved to see that once again she was being tended to by Esau. He started to jog over to the two...

...before two more of Starhammer's goons came round the corner with weapons drawn. Ace immediately lifted his hooves, placing crossbow bolts through the heads of both before they had a chance to fire. They hadn't even dropped before more came galloping past however, Ace gasping as a bullet tore through his shoulder, another clipped his scalp, a third drove through his knee, a forth imbedded itself deep into his chest...

"Stop!" Fluttershy called out from beyond the onrushing black, her hooves kicking up dirt as she rushed over. He heard the stomp of heavy boots, saw the muzzles of weapons as they were pointed down at him... Fluttershy appeared at his side, pulling a vial of healing potion out of her bag and injecting it into his shoulder. She spat the needle into the dust before looking at him with heartbreaking concern, "Ace, stay with me ok?"

"I'm fine..." He muttered, not really feeling it. He noted a zebra moving to retrieve the fallen skull mask, dusting it down before presenting it back to it's owner, her hood drawn up to conceal her face. He tore his eyes away to look up as Fluttershy, "...I'm sorry..."

The pale zebra gave a few short chopping motions with her hooves to the zebra who had given her the mask, the zebra processing the motions before turning to Ace and the others, "You will allow us to take your weapons and surrender to our custody."

Ace noticed a pair of familiar pistols hit the floor, looking over to see Easu had disarmed almost immediately. Fluttershy quickly placed down her own weapon, then reached down to undo the bindings on Ace’s hooves. He quickly tried to protest, "Fluttershy, don't... give into these bastards..."

"It's done." Easu stated, his tone heavy, "There's no further point in fighting."

"Good." The zebra lieutenant stated, waving for his men to retrieve the weapons, "Bind them and bring them back to the gate."

They were roughly tied in bindings and forced upright, marched through the burning remains of the entrance square and towards a small circle of crates where it seemed they were organizing the conquest of the city. Corpses lay all around, a group of Starhammer's zebra attempting to break Puppy's armored form open as a line of heavy weapons stood ready to fire in case of any movement. It sure seemed like their defeat was complete.

"I guarded your prison you know." One of the zebra escorting them stated as he looked over Ace and Fluttershy with an angry expression, "You won't be escaping from me again."

Ace just looked away. He really didn't need to be reminded...

“It’s ok Ace.” Fluttershy stated softly, still holding a slight smile, “It will all be ok.”

“I don’t see how.” He started, “I mean what...”

"Commander!" A zebra shouted as he galloped through the ruined gate, expression wild, "Troops approaching from the north!”

A well dressed zebra in the centre of the group turned, growling his response, “Whose?”

“They appear to be... well, they're wearing Bardadin colors sir!"

"Wha...” The commander quickly waved his hooves at the lieutenants surrounding him, voice betraying his panic, “Bring the troops back from the city, get a defensive line...!"

A laser blast streaked through the air and hit the zebra scout in the back, sending him tumbling down the rubble with fur steaming. The commander darted back in alarm, more so as a cry echoed forth from beyond, yelled by many voices.

"We are the vanguard, the holy spear against the barbarian! Ghilman, unleash your steel!”

More shots flew past, striking into the zebra troops were perfect, pinpoint precision. Ace pulled Fluttershy down as the commander desperately tried to organize a defense, "You three, over there, take cover! You two...” He waved at Fluttershy, Esau and Ace, “...execute the prisoners."

Ace's blood ran cold, watching the zebra guarding them bring their weapons to bear...

Then those zebra were blown apart by precision blasts of magical energy, Puppy's massive form lurching forward and using her other arm to sweep aside the heavy weapons pointed at her like so many toys. A few shots managed to find her but not many, caught between two threats Starhammer's forces soon worked out which way the fight was going. The commander wasn’t far behind, watching the zebra around him throw down their weapons and run for cover and quickly shouting, "All forces, retreat! Retreat!"

Another of Starhammer's zebra dropped to a rifle shot from behind, Ace turning to see Dust Kicker hurrying up, "Dust!"

"You guys ok?" He questioned, firing a few more shots from his battle saddle as he drew close, "What's going on? Who are these new guys?"

"No idea." Ace admitted as he watched Starhammer's forces break and run, catching a small glimpse of the pale zebra before she too turned away and disappeared into a swirling burst of dust, "But we sure owe them."


The troop marched in through the gates in perfect formation, purple cloaks billowing out, their fine, chromed armor glinting in the sunlight. They all wore smooth, featureless masks marked with a sword and scroll mark at the left cheek, all apparently equines apart from two minotaur towards the back carrying heavy magical weaponry. The others carried an assortment of laser weaponry, stub muzzled carbines, large magazined assault weapons and scoped rifles. All appeared very finally made, custom forged of stamped plastic.

They certainly inspired a few admiring whispers, the leader marching forward and removing her helmet with a swift, dramatic tug, leaving her curly, tussled hair streaming in the wind. She was a zebra, very pretty in a rather predatory way, helped by the very heavy make up she appeared to be wearing around her eyes. The same sword and scroll mark had also been tattooed on her cheek, wrinkling as she shot them an arrogant grin, "You guys alright? We were in the area, heard you freefolk were having a bit of trouble. Looks like we came in the nick of time."

Decimus stood with the townsfolk, his scowl having not left his face since the newcomers had marched through the gate. He spoke challengingly in response, his voice low and rumbling, "And what are the Emir's pets doing in the Mutum?"

"With respect Praetorian, 'the Mutum' looks like 'the crater filled battlefield' at present. Spoils the view." She responded, giving a confident grin as she angled her head back, "And this little squabble is effecting trade. If you can't guarantee safe supply routes, then it looks like the Emir will have to send some real zebra to do it for you."

Decimus did not look happy at this response, "This is a land of the free. We have no use for slaves."

Her smile only grew wider, "Yeah, it sure looked that way. You seemed to have everything under control."

"And we're going to stop this right now, before one of you knocks down the wall swinging those dicks about." Dust Kicker finally interrupted, marching forward to split them up. He looked to the mare as he got between them, giving her a friendly nod, "Thanks for the assistance, even though it seems no love is lost between you two."

Decimus nodded and reluctantly moved away, looking over at Dust Kicker with a still simmering fury, "I apologize for my temper. These... zebra... are the property of the camels. It seems their masters have finally taken an interest, apparently out of the kindness of their hearts."

"For the sake of a stable world." The mare declared cheerfully before turning to Dust Kicker and giving him a big smile, "But the Emir does find all the killing on his borders distasteful, especially taking place in the Mutum Valley. Why we were almost beginning to consider this place somewhat civilized, and the Emir does not like to see good work undone. Thus, our presence here."

Dust Kicker smirked, "Was the backtalk part of your mission too, or is that just an extra?"

"Consider my wonderful personality an added feature." She crooned, stepping forward and extending a custom leather fitted hoof, "Ibis, First of the Ghilman, Captain of the Second Bardadin Lancers. A true pleasure to meet you.” She looked him up and down in a rather predatory manner, “A pony wearing the armor of a old world Praetorian and standing in the presence of Doctor Fluttershy must be a pony worth knowing."

Dust pressed his hoof against hers with a grin, "Thank you for your assistance Captain Ibis, and thanks to your Emir too. I'm Dust Kicker, and I’m guessing you recognize Fluttershy."

"I do, and Ace Gold and Easu too." She smiled knowingly, "There might have been another part of my mission I forgot to mention."

Fluttershy straightened up and took notice at this, clearly noting her tone there, "You were... expecting us?" Her eyes narrowed at Ibis' grin, "How did you know we would be here?"

"We knew you were in the capital." She explained, "And there's only so many ways out. When we saw the blue moon, the haze disappear from the city... we were instructed to watch the exit into the Mutum, in case you should come this way."

"And how did you know we were in Kirshyn?" Ace questioned, not buying this for a moment. They had been screwed over one too many times for him to trust so easily, "Why are you so interested in us?"

Ibis nodded, her shit eating grin fading a little. She quickly inspected the area, then looked back at them, "Where's Zenai?"

There was a long pause before Dust Kicker answered, "She's dead."

"Ah, unfortunate." She replied with something approaching sincerity, before drawing herself up, " Nazir's mercenaries, they were hired to kidnap her, kill her in front of you. They never intended to keep her alive. They were also hired to destroy Estelle by the same individual."

Ace felt his body tense, even as his thoughts became colder and clearer. He noted that Dust Kicker himself tensed a little, his voice becoming deathly calm, "And who is that?"

"Someone regrettably important, or my master assures you that he would have already have delivered you his head." Ibis assured, giving a firm, sincere nod of her head, "Understand, the Emir had nothing to do with it. Indeed he wishes only to be your friend, and to extend that friendship to the whole of the New Canterlot Republic."

"Does that include troops to stop Starhammer?" Dust Kicker enquired, nodding back at the ruins behind him, "Things aren't look good back here."

Ibis smiled proudly, "Certainly, as stated the Emir cares deeply about the stability of the Mutum. Consider us a taster, a free trial in good faith. He is willing to provide further support, but wishes to conduct that negotiation in person."

Decimus did not look happy, eyes narrowing even further, "What kind of trick is this? If he's willing to help, then he should help. What use is there in drawing this out?"

"There is no trick." Ibis assured, her perky demeanor now entirely faded into hard nosed professionalism, "The Emir is merely a scholar of history. He has heard how in ages past, six friends averted war between the zebra and Equestria, won the heart of a prince and the eternal gratitude of a simple camel merchant."

Fluttershy's eyes widened in shock, "Merchant Demir..."

"Was the Emir's great, great grandfather." Ibis answered, looking across at Fluttershy, "And now he has heard of a group containing both young and old, the best of the new world and of before, both zebra and pony. And he wants to believe that it can be done again, and that with his support the peace could be permanent. That you are the ones who can save this world."

Ace Gold took this in, unable to help a small smile crossing his face. So now they were saving the world huh? Is this what it felt like, to be a destined hero? His father had said it, how silly it had felt and Celestia's witness, maybe he now understood him a little better, "But first he wants to know if we're for real?"

"He also has some information to impart that he would rather share in private." Ibis answered, "There are some issues that could prove... complicated, and embarrassing to air in public."

Decimus snorted, then stepped forward, "If you are to decide the fate of this world, then I insist on accompanying you. Friends of the zebra or not, you are still outsiders."

"Don't worry so much Decimus." Ibis answered, "Our aid is not entirely dependent on some wandering adventurers. Why, this is Great Mother Nanati's idea as much as the Emir's."

"Who's Great Mother Nanati?" Dust asked.

"She's... interesting." Decimus finally conceded, "And admittedly, a zebra to be respected in these parts."

"And our first stop." Ibis finished, flicking her hair back and smirking cheerfully, "So shall we get started? World isn't getting any more saved standing around here!"


Footnote: Level up! (8)

Perk Gained:
Scholar of Foes
Your detailed study and eye for detail pays off in combat. You gain a +10% damage bonus against any enemy that you have performed an academic study on.

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