• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 5,560 Views, 280 Comments

Fallout Equestria : Black And White - Philweasel

Peace between the NCR and Zebra wasteland becomes a battleground between competing factions.

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Chapter 1.12 - Manehatten Dreams

Silent Steel paced the interior of his limo, glancing briefly at the sofa but as normal more content on his hooves. He glanced over his notes one more time but it was nothing he didn’t already know, contenting himself with staring out the window at the grey edifices of Manehatten.

New Canterlot could have its whitewashed halls, Manehatten standing proud instead as the richest city in the NCR. A financial and scientific capital even before the war, Manehatten’s enormous population of mutated beasts had seen the attentions of dozens of heroes, Littlepip included. Said monsters had barely a moment to catch their breath before two of the most powerful armies in the wasteland, Red Eye and the Enclave, both marched through it with a vengeance. After the day of Sunshine and Rainbows it was a graveyard for the dangers that once infested the place, and was finally able to benefit from having two of the most successful settlements, Friendship City and Tenpony Tower, within its borders. They had worked together with diligence and hope for the future, hope that the largest city in Equestria could one day live again.

Not that it was back to its former glory. Unlike New Canterlot it was still clearly a wasteland settlement, using somewhat haphazardly repaired prewar structures in place of new construction. The economics too could do with work, well hoofed ponies in grand finery swerving carefully around its worryingly large population of homeless migrants. It was known for two numbers, its GDP and its murder rate.

This was life, in all its beauty and ugliness. However much ponies tried to pretend otherwise with grand social engineering, this is what they were. Stubborn, creative, greedy, selfish, industrious... and he liked it.

“We’re approaching the hotel now sir.”

Silent Steel moved over to the other window as the Hoofton came up, the grand old hotel mostly restored to its old glory. The sign had been replaced and scrubbed to a shine, its windows clear, the doorman clad in a prim and proper uniform with buttons you could shave with. The only difference from its previous state that he could see was the armed guard nearby and the high calibre turret at the door, a necessity for many to feel safe nowadays. The limo stopped and he climbed out, the doorman giving him an elegant salute as he moved up the stairs, “Councillor Silent Steel, may I help you at all?”

It was a Steel Ranger salute, Silent Steel marvelling at how well drilled the staff were in how to properly greet those of rank. He guessed the place must see a lot of high profile guests, he recalled that the hotel was known to have hosted all the Elements of Harmony and all the Arbiters. He wondered how much he was paying for it all, but then Spark Matrix pretty much never used her expenses account. She was allowed to splash once in a while, “I’m here to see a guest.”

The doorman raised a shiny looking pipbuck, pressing a couple of buttons before giving him an efficient nod, “The elevator has been called and is waiting for you Councillor.”

“Thank you.”

He moved through the elegant lobby and to the lift in question, ascending to the floor he had been given. These corridors too were plush and rich, only the omnipresent dusty air marking it as part of a once destroyed city. He located the door and took a moment to adjust his suit before knocking, waiting a short while before the intercom buzzed with static, “Come in, the door’s unlocked.”

He took his invite and moved inside, peering about as he moved through the darkened interior. He could barely see a thing but really he should have expected it, rather pleased that she didn’t waste electricity at least. As expected there was a complicated looking computer system half dismantled on the table, wired to what he recognised as a high grade military transmitter used to send encoded signals. Even in a place like this she just couldn’t take her mind off work... “Spark Matrix?”


He turned towards the bedroom, finally locating the pony in the flesh. It was his first time in quite a while he had to say, trying to keep his heartbeat down while taking a moment to just savour a long glance across her lean, athletic body. Electric blue in colour, her silver grey mane was coiffed in elegant curls, the colour matching the somewhat old fashioned dress she was wearing. She was as severe looking as ever, enhanced by the odd couple of wrinkles that only gave her authority, her cool, piercing look never failed to excite Silent Steel. She had her eye out, still he had mostly got used to the sight of that somewhat creepy empty socket by now, “You look good Spark Matrix. It’s been too long since we met face to face.”

“It has only been a month or so, but yes.” She turned her head to him, her single eye focused on somewhere to the side of his cheek, "It has been a long time since I visited Manehatten. It feels strange to be back in the centre of the NCR.”

Silent smiled warmly at her, though he wasn’t sure why he bothered. He wasn’t even sure why he was trying not to stare at those odd little eyes. The gold and green iris of her left eye, unfocused and vague as always? Or the empty socket of her right, the cold metal of the connection port fitted where the optic nerve should be? In fact his attempts only served to make him nervous, which he knew she could see, “How is it, being in luxury?”

“I don’t lack luxury. I’m not digging around in dirt out there, I’m normally able to find somewhere comfortable to set up my operation.” She lifted a foreleg, placing the metal plate set in place of her hoof against the wall and staring about in calm interest, “But there is so much more going on here, so much information just floating through the air. Out there I’m sometimes the only signal for miles. It can be very lonely.”

Silent looked over in interest, “Can you hear what they’re saying?”

“Here? Not much of interest, I can’t listen in to airbound signals. Mostly it’s just systems turning on and off, calls to room service... still it’s calming. It’s normal.”

“You like normal?”

“It is different.” She stated it bluntly and without much emotion, despite her words, “The nature of my work means that I expose myself to very few. I am aware that I am distinctive in appearance, if I were to go outside people would inevitably question who I was.”

Silent Steel wouldn’t argue that, though her manner didn’t help. Not that it was a problem, but she certainly made an impression with her straightforward bluntness. He supposed that’s what happened when you spoke to machines all day, “Plenty of cybernetics around here. Your old friend Doc Slaughter’s company is just a few blocks away.”

“Yes, I’ve been tracking several of them. Looks like they’ve updated the wiring, and I saw one with some kind of computational AI installed in his skull. Very impressive.”

“Thinking of upgrading?”

“No. My cybernetics are Doc Slaughter originals. Not to disparage the current generation, but they don’t have a ready supply of uninsured expendable test subjects to practice and experiment upon.” She turned back to the table, picking up her glass eye with her hoof, “All the more reason not to advertise myself really. My bodywork is likely worth a small fortune.”

He watched with voyeuristic interest as she popped the glass eye into her socket, the sight always making him wince a little. He couldn’t help but wonder at her choice, “Aren’t you going to use your cybernetic eye?”

She struck her head a couple of times to help the false eye settle, her tone firmly logical as always, “No. Three reasons. One, it is regrettably unsettling and makes me look like a comic book villain. Two, the image created is... infrared and ultraviolet aside, of low quality, and distracts me from my other senses. Three, you dating a blind mare makes you look sensitive and chivalrous, increasing your voter share in key areas.”

As calculating as ever. Still he liked the admission that this was a date, even if Matrix would likely stress that it was a carefully constructed lie for the current situation. She would be... a little unjustified in that statement really, there was no real reason for her to be present. She said that she wanted to get close to Life Bloom so she could get a read on the long standing chancellor, but really Silent Steel suspected that she was just lonely up there in the wastes where she did most of her work, “I’m glad you take my election so seriously.”

“That’s why you hired me.” She turned her head to him, slipping on a pair of blacked out shades to hide her eyes, “I take my work seriously.”

“I know. Still it’s rare sometimes that I even get someone to carry out their assigned duties to the letter, let alone take initiative for themselves.” He chuckled, extending a hoof to the mare, “Shall we?”


Hoofbeats still astounded and impressed after all these years, a monument to tasteless excess and wealth in the middle of a post apocalyptic wasteland. The tower had mostly been hollowed out, allowing the central chimney to extend skywards past a spider web of verandas and dance floors. Magical shielding isolated and soundproofed the separate areas, only the faint pulses of the music above audible down here at the entrance. The overall colour was pearl white, with pink, blues, reds and yellows throwing bright splashes of vivid colour across the regal elegance.

They were ushered towards the cordoned off VIP path across the mostly open ground floor, moving past the three statues that dominated the area. On their side was Pinkie Pie, rearing up slightly with a wide grin on her face. On the other side was Vinyl Scratch, the original DJ Pon3, her head angled aggressively and her grin oozing attitude.

And of course the middle was occupied by the founder of the rebuilt Hoofbeats, Arbiter Velvet Promise, dressed in her famously inappropriate slinky violet dress and giving all who entered her customary look of smug superiority. It was... an impressive likeness.

She would love it. That she was looking down at him now, still so visible, still breaking hearts. It was even more apparent in retrospect how much the Applejack Rangers had been devastated by their loss to her, the frivolous and irresponsible former prostitute who had campaigned upon a platform of reducing taxes and cutting back the military at a time when there was still so much of the wasteland still to retake. They had laughed at her, mocked her. She had... never forgotten that. Her smiles and bravado in response to the mockery had concealed a deep grudge that she would bear with her until her death, which now Silent Steel felt was a tragedy on both sides. The Applejack Rangers still hadn’t learned their lesson either. They sat there criticising him for paying the smallest amount of attention to ‘frivolities’ like entertainment and quality of living, completely ignoring the fact that unlike them he actually won elections. Their normal reaction to a pony complaining that he had to sleep on stacked bricks was to tell them to suck it up, which made sense considering that’s how they were raised. Living in a military bunker all your life really messed up your priorities, Silent Steel never more glad that he had taken the time to study the archives in his bunker, and had left as soon as he was able, “She taught me a lot...”

Matrix turned her head to him, “Who?”

“Velvet Promise. She showed how ignorant the Rangers were. How little they understood the needs of the general population.”

She turned her head back, her answer as blunt as ever, “They have not learned their lesson. A study of their communications continues to expose a standard hostility towards civilians common within military organisations.”

“You’re not telling me anything I don’t know.” Silent Steel sighed as they entered the lift, this truth always depressing him. Is this what it was to be a politician, to have no true allies but fair weather friends, lured in with false promises? He told the Rangers he was one of them, told the world he was one of them. In truth... they irritated him. They had given him his start in politics, but now he felt they only held him back. If he ever did get elected they would come begging he knew, for power, for favors...

“The Rangers are poor at politics. You are not. Having their support is an excellent platform for advancing meaningful change.”

Silent Steel laughed, “You mean I can screw them over and they wouldn’t be able to do anything about it?”

Spark Matrix spoke as coolly as ever, “I mean you can ‘screw them over’, and have them never know.”

“Ah, it’s not as easy as it sounds. They not all steelplated meatheads with ammo in place of brains.” He watched the floors tick past as they approached the VIP sections, “Many of them are actually quite intelligent. The elders are always very diligent in assigning those ones to latrine duty.”

“You cannot be torn between competing focus groups Silent Steel, not if you want to save the NCR.”

He sighed, knowing she was right. Indeed, she was only repeating his own words back to him. It made the whole affair feel even uglier, “This is sounding like less and less of a good idea.”

She spoke coldly, “Are you thinking of giving it up now, after everything you’ve done?”

“No, no.” He took an intake of breath, feeling embarrassed at looking so weak in front of her. Was he really so cowardly? “It’s a big thing we’re pulling off. So many layers and tricks... it could all go wrong you know, lying and tricking so many powerful ponies. It would be a fool who wouldn’t get a little nervous.”

“For many, power is an illusion.” Spark Matrix stared ahead as the floors whipped past, “They spend their early years building up contacts and influence, so that when they grow old and their body and mind decay they can still command power. To defeat them, you must merely strip away their networks, their public perception.”

Silent Steel nodded, “For the Applejack Rangers we would have to reduce their military effectiveness, and ensure the public has reason to doubt their ability to defend them. For Regina it would be her reputation as a hero, her friends in high places. The Twilight Society...”

Spark Matrix shook her head, “You do not have the ability to fight the Twilight Society. You must merely make them irrelevant.”

He nodded, true. The Twilight Society these days operated mostly within money, old and new, mostly obsessed with profit and breeding. He had both in abundance. It was only the lunatic fringe of mad scientists and pre-war wonks that needed culling, and they enjoyed little popular support, “Do you do this as a mind exercise Spark Matrix? Think up ways to conquer the world?”

“Yes. You are merely a method for me to test the validity of my theories.”

He grinned as they exited the lift together, only a little nervous at her admission. He trusted in her hypothesises, and knew she would stick by him as long as he continued to use the ideas she gave him, “You actually mean that don’t you? I don’t mind being your test subject, its small payment for the work you do.”

She looked away, Silent Steel swearing he saw a smirk cross her face, “That’s why I’m still here.”

He chuckled and turned his eyes back to the task of locating Life Bloom. He soon spotted the stallion, sitting at a private table near the edge of the veranda. He looked exactly the same as he always did, Silent Steel sure that he had some kind of immortality spell in his famously extensive collection. Silent had once asked the stallion his secret, to which he had replied, “Clean living and good nutrition”.

He wondered if it might be something to do with the Element of Generosity Life Bloom had carried until recently, Rarity known for similarly hitting her fifties with only a few wrinkles under her eyes. Maybe it was just luck. All he knew is that he wanted some of it.

Life Bloom was as normal dressed in a smart grey suit, his red tie matching his vivid crimson mane, a pin bearing the symbol of the NCR on his shoulder and his usual expression of calm dignity. It was paired with the somewhat nervous, suspicious look of his companion, Silent Steel quickly recognising the blue and black earth pony as Admiral Swift Ender, ‘deadliest earth pony in the skies’, “Chancellor, Admiral.”

“And a good evening to you Silent Steel.” Life Bloom smiled broadly as they approached, waiting for Silent Steel to help Spark Matrix to the table before speaking, “And who is your lovely companion?”

Silent Steel smiled back, turning his head to Matrix. He already knew she was likely scanning their heart beats and brain activity, likely scouting out the security system if she hadn’t already, “This is Spark Matrix, a researcher on my team. Spark Matrix, this is chancellor Life Bloom and Admiral Swift Ender.”

“It’s very good to meet you both, it’s... actually a little nerve-racking to be in such distinguished company.”

Silent Steel widened his eyes as she gave an awkward bow, her accent a somewhat downplayed dirtlander drawl. She was a surprisingly good actor, especially since she normally tended to act slightly... autistic... “Hmm, indeed. And you and the Admiral Life Bloom? I had no idea.”

Life Bloom smiled slyly, placing his hooves together as his eyes sparkled with enjoyment, “Intentional, I assure you. The only reason I want to appear in the media is in relation to my political work.”

“Hmm, the same, and even then I only tolerate it.” Swift Ender grumbled to himself as he looked to Silent Steel, “I’m an engineer and a soldier, I never even wanted to be an officer.”

Silent Steel laughed, knowing well the general grumpiness of the admiral, “Then you shouldn’t have been so good at it.”

“Damn screwed up world, where you go out of your way to help ponies and they reward you by sticking in front of a microphone and asking you to say something witty and insightful at short notice.”

“How is the fleet Admiral?”

Swift Ender cheered noticeably, never happier than when he was talking about his machines, “The Epherious and Salmandare are just coming into service now, and from what we’ve seen so far they’ll make an excellent addition to the fleet.” He narrowed one eye and leaned over the table with a grin, his voice holding all the enthusiasm of a model ship nerd holding a new toy, “You’d like it Councillor. The fleet was originally designed to fight the Enclave, lots of air to air weaponry and fast attack fighters. Specialisation is all well and good, damn that might have saved us all back then, but the Enclave is hardly as big a threat as it once was.”

Silent Steel nodded, knowing what he was getting at, “It’s all Red Eye now.”

“Exactly. Both ships are designed as ground bombers first and foremost, gives the fleet the ability to better support infantry actions.” Swift Ender grinned happily, sitting back on his haunches, “I’m hopeful the council will soon approve a few more, or to retrofit some of our old models.”

“Well you have my support.” Silent Steel was careful of appearing a hawk due to the clichés surrounding his Applejack Ranger heritage, still supporting the other branches of the military helped defend him from charges of being biased towards his ranger brethren. Swift Ender was also right about the fleet, so far it had been kept out of the fight against Red Eye due to the not unreasonable belief that it would be quickly blown out of the sky by small, light teams that their bottom mounted guns couldn’t track fast enough. It really was dangerously outmatched against ground based opponents, and the Enclave had proven how powerful air power was when correctly used.

“And what of your current projects Silent Steel?” Life Bloom looked at him appraisingly, his hooves together on the table, “Given any more thought to throwing in your application formally?”

“I dislike being the first to declare. I have no idea who I would be facing, save Regina.” Silent Steel knew the value of patience, and the first to stick their head out normally got it blown off. Everypony pretty much knew he was going to run, still he preferred to keep them guessing a little, “Any word on who else is considering it?”

“Caps Lock is considering it apparently.”

“Huh... he hasn’t got the political savvy he was born with, all the caps in the wasteland can’t prop up a dead duck.” Silent Steel made a note to keep an eye on him just in case, before moving into more credible opposition, “What about Twilight Frost?”

“No, Twilight Frost continues to state her usual position, that the alicorns have too much blood on their hooves to possess the moral authority demanded of the role.” Life Bloom nodded, looking up at Silent Steel with an affectionate smile, “Her hope is for a second generation alicorn to step up to the role, which will not be for a good decade or so at least.”

Silent Steel laughed, “I’m glad of course, but for the record I still think that’s a load of rubbish. As much as I would hate to run against her, she’d be a wonderful arbiter.”

Life Bloom frowned suddenly, his words cutting short their smiles, “You know that she actually fears losing the vote, and with it her authority on the council. Alicorns are feared and hated by many. You must realise there is a reason that out of the twenty five seats only one has an alicorn incumbent.”

Silent Steel nodded grimly, this one of many things that made him angry about democracy. Along with cosying up to their petty needs, he also had to go along with their prejudices too. Twilight Frost was the kind of incorruptible, gentle yet firm soul they all should be, and he would eagerly point out that the much loved and very charitable Followers of the Apocalypse was staffed largely by alicorns. Even in the Followers a depressingly small amount of frontline leadership positions were occupied by the species, due largely to the hate and fear they faced.

He wasn’t much of an idealist, but he was a realist. Alicorns retreated from visible positions, denying the NCR their talents. Worse, the single most powerful species in the NCR was almost totally absent from their armed forces, despite that being what they were originally made for.

He liked alicorns, for much the same reason as he liked Spark Matrix. They were honest, straight forward, mathematically minded. Unlike her they were also community spirited, naturally forming close bonds with others, naturally suited to working in groups. Those were all qualities he respected, and in any new world he created, qualities that would be honoured, “Well the free citizens of the NCR get the leadership they deserve I suppose. If they wish to deny a perfectly suited candidate because of what she looks like, so be it.”

Life Bloom sighed, “Yes. The days of Princess Celestia imposing good governance upon Equestria is long since over. For better or worse, I cannot say.”

Silent Steel smiled as one of the biggest supporters of the republic expressed nostalgia for absolute god-monarchs, chuckling at the glorious irony. It also seemed as good a time as any to ask about his next possible opponent, “What about you Life Bloom? You know I have to ask.”

“No, no, not what it’s become.” Life Bloom shook his head, looking rather sad and a little frustrated, “A mediator between the councillors, that’s what Gawd intended. Now it’s becoming more and more a leader, which certainly wasn’t. And to be honest even the former role doesn’t exactly play to my talents.”

Silent Steel chuckled, shrugging his shoulders, “Ponies have always had monarchies, they expect a ruler.”

“I don’t think it’s genetic, though it is a strong romantic ideal.” Life Bloom sighed, his age falling upon him with wearying force, “I honestly don’t know if the NCR would be better if it was more democratic, or if Regina is right about the need for strong leadership. That’s why I would make a terrible leader. My special talent is for learning, and unlike maths or magic leadership is not a subject one can learn. I ponder, debate and contemplate the softer sciences, a poor quality in a decisive leader.”

“You’re good where you are Life Bloom. If I do win I would be honoured to have you as chancellor.”

“I serve the republic, you know that.” Life Bloom smiled for a moment or two before a dark look passed his eyes, returning them to the table in front, “Providing it survives the coming year of course. I agree with Regina on one thing, the various factions have become too powerful. That a minor spat between the Applejack Rangers and the Twilight Society can almost blossom in to a full civil war proves that.”

Silent Steel laughed, “Haven’t you heard the radio? It’s officially been called off, Midnight Sceptre even offered compensation for damages.”

Swift Ender grunted, stepping into the conversation, “So they say. The Twilight Society is far more suited to a cold war than a hot one.”

“And it is not Midnight Sceptre who holds the keys to this conflict.” Life Bloom nodded in agreement, “Dream Star is in charge now, everypony knows that.”

Ah, so the conversation turned to her at last. Silent Steel lifted his head, trying to keep his hungry look from the chancellor, “You were a member of the Twilight Society, you must know her. What’s she like, really?”

“I know of Dream Star, she was very active within Tenpony Tower during my childhood. She was the high elder back then, though apparently she didn’t engage in a lot of actual leadership. She was more the resident mad scientist, she upgraded most of the tower’s systems and developed many new medical treatments, she led by force of example more than anything else. A little controversial.”

Silent Steel leant forward, “How so?”

Life Bloom chuckled, “Quite mad, for a start. Tested most of her work on herself, heavily experimented with mutagens and black magic. It seems to have paid off, she’s got to be more than a hundred years old and she still beat Blazing Heart effortlessly.”

“He’s not a spring chicken himself.”

“Still a war hero, facing off against an old scientist.” Life Bloom clicked his tongue, “Though that is unfair. Dream Star always did her own field work, she’s spent a lot of time out in the wasteland. DJ Pon3 talked about her a lot once upon a time, one of the heroes that ‘went bad’.”

Silent Steel was paying attention now, having heard dark rumors, but nothing concrete, “How did she ‘go bad’ exactly?”

“For the most part a similar MO to the Steel Rangers, whom she clashed with a couple of times. Didn’t let civilians stand in the way of a particularly interesting piece of technology.” Life Bloom frowned darkly, tapping a hoof on the table, “There are also rumors about using ponies as test subjects, taking on jobs with crime lords… I heard tell she ghoulified an entire town, just because she wanted to observe the effects.”

A ruthless, mad old woman. Nothing he didn’t already know, and he had seen the results of her attack on the Sun City facility. Whoever she was she lived up to her reputation, pretty much tearing through the Ranger’s best defenses like they were made of butter. He had to take her down somehow, and wasn’t confident doing it directly, “Can we get any of that to stick? Bring her to justice?”

Life Bloom gave a sharp look of disapproval, “Even if she wasn’t covered under the Amnesty Act, I’m not going to start arresting your political enemies.”

“She’s dangerous, you said it yourself. She’s our most likely culprit for the problems with the SPP.”

“The only evidence for that is circumstantial, and the Twilight Society is made of lawyers. They would tear any case to pieces in seconds, and counter against the both of us with a vengeance.” Life Bloom gave him a warning glare, “And if you start sending assassins after her, you should know that Calamity is watching both of you very closely.”

Silent Steel took the hint, the last thing he wanted was Deadshot’s finest roaming about. He got the point, both he and Dream Star had a lot to lose by inviting outside interest, “So… just stay away from her?”

“If she is dangerous she’ll reveal herself eventually. One thing Dream Star isn’t is subtle.” Life Bloom waved a hoof to ward off further questions, turning his head to Spark Matrix and smiling genially, “But enough of that terrible subject. Tell me Spark Matrix, what are you working on for Silent Steel at the moment?”

She blushed and stuttered her answer, rubbing her hooves together, “Um… well at the moment I’m developing a prediction algorithm, designed to calculate shifts in voter allegiances based on changes in the NCR economy.”

“I could do with someone like you to fix up my CIC.” Swift Ender grunted, “It just can’t cope with sudden shifts in direction or speed, it’s infuriating.”

“Oh? I can think of a couple of reasons for that, maybe when I’ve finished with my work for Silent Steel I can have a look.”

Silent Steel grinned with pride, actually thinking both of those ideas sound pretty good. Maybe he would have to get her working on those after everything had calmed down, “You would have to work pretty hard to convince me to let her go admiral, she’s been invaluable so far. Don’t know anyone who knows her way around a computer like her.”

“Excuse me, but I was under the impression…” Life Bloom paused for a moment before just stating it, just a little cautious, “Are you not blind my dear?”

“I… I am yes.” She stated shakily, “But I have sensors in my hooves that allow me to directly access computer systems.”

Both Life Bloom and Swift Ender widened their eyes in mutual amazement. It was Life Bloom that spoke first, “That seems useful… and unusual. Whose work is that?”

“Doctor… Slaughter.” She hid her face behind a hoof, her voice shaking as she spoke in a soft, scared squeak, “I was once a slave under Red Eye, it was his troops that blinded me, and gave me to Doc Slaughter for modification.”

Life Bloom looked horrified, his muzzle pinching, “My poor dear, I do apologize for bringing it up.”

“No… no.” She shook her head, voice firm, “I have dealt with it. Doc Slaughter was kind to me at least, and his work allowed me to still use my special talent despite my blindness. And it was my experience with Red Eye that led me to Silent Steel.”

Swift Ender lifted an eyebrow, “How so?”

“Red Eye's troops killed my parents, destroyed my stable, blinded and crippled me.” She stated with a firm conviction that was no longer just an act, her tone low and pained, “The Applejack Rangers are out there right now, fighting against the forces of this… fake Red Eye. I’m not a fighter, but I figure at the very least I can help them by aiding Silent Steel in his election.”

“That’s a very admirable attitude.” Swift Ender stated it bluntly, but with a clear twinge of real respect, “We need more like you. I swear it sometimes seems like everypony’s forgot what the wasteland was like before Little Pip.”

“It could all happen again you know…” Spark Matrix stated it quietly, her voice wavering. She raised her head as silence descended, her nostrils flaring and her expression growing angry even as her voice balanced into a steely drone, “We’re living in the same cities, playing the same politics, 22 percent of ponies control 67 percent of the GDP of the NCR and some factions are rising while others see their empires crumble. I’m a mathematician, I have been taught to believe the same calculations lead to the same result.”

Life Bloom smiled softly, “You sound like Fluttershy.”

Spark Matrix looked honestly surprised by this, “Fluttershy?”

“You can’t be surprised that Fluttershy has taken a keen interest in how the great war could have been prevented, the mistakes that led to the wasteland?” Life Bloom frowned a little, looking slightly disapproving as he explained, “She hasn’t spoken about it publicly, but her primary mission has always been to ensure the NCR doesn’t follow the same path. Her championing of the Hellhounds for instance was informed by Equestria’s treatment of zebra during the war, restricting them to ghettos and denying them basic rights. She has also fought hard to ensure we do not become a monarchy, with a ruling council of elite heroes long out of touch with the common pony.”

Silent Steel chuckled, “Is that why you gave up your element Life Bloom? Did you bring back bad memories?”

“She distrusts me on a fundamental level, feels I’ve been in power much too long. But that’s ok, I respect her viewpoint. I have myself questioned if I have become the shadow ruler of the nation as arbiters come and go.”

Silent Steel gave the chancellor a grin, “I guess the answer was no?”

Life Bloom gave him a wry smile, “Silent Steel, you know as well as I that my job really is very boring. I have slightly more influence with Regina than the other arbiters due to my relationship with her, still my job is primarily balancing the NCR’s finances. I don’t even have a vote, in either chamber.” Life Bloom waved a dismissive hoof, smiling confidently, “I am very good at my job, and you would only notice the work I do if I wasn’t. I see no reason to leave.”

“Regina doesn’t have a vote either.” Silent Steel reminded him, smirking slightly even as he drew attention to the one biggest barrier to unseating the griffon, “By siding with her, you bring in the votes of councillors who support you.”

Life Bloom sighed, then dropped his head, “I... know. Do not have any worries Silent Steel, I intend to voice my support of you as well. Let us face it, even if I was to retire my own personal viewpoints would still have weight.”

“Of course, I was joking with you.” Silent Steel stated, slightly dishonestly. Truth be told it irked him that such a respected figure as Life Bloom was so openly supportive of his political rival, especially as he himself was a long standing friend of the chancellor. Still he supposed for all their meals together and political support, he had never waded into combat with twin pistols blazing to defend his friend from hoards of shadow demons, “She’s earned your loyalty.”

“It’s not a case of earning anything.” Life Bloom smiled, the affection clear in his voice, “We’ve bled together, lost loved ones, seen ourselves change and grow older. You might have noticed that we’re of totally different ages, backgrounds and personalities, not exactly two you would expect such a lasting friendship between. This is a friendship built not on some common ground, or won loyalty, but on a deep respect for the other’s talents and virtues.”

Virtues. Silent Steel nodded, remembering the famous decision by the two back during the latter stages of the screwball conspiracy. It had been analysed, dramatised, discussed to excess. It had been the only times they had to choose between two individuals for that singular honour, “Generosity.”

“I personally think her decision was a mistake. She convinced me that I was more knowledgeable and skilled with magic, and my special talent would allow me to swifter access its full potential.” Life Bloom sighed, shaking his head, “I never was comfortable with being a hero though. Ditzi Doo and I would often talk about finding others to bear our elements, convinced we were the odd ones out in the team. It didn’t help that Lionheart and Regina often proved themselves infinitely more useful than we were.”

“You seem to speak in the past tense a lot when discussing this.”

Life Bloom laughed, a much appreciated release of tension even as his face fell into sadness, “Zephyr and the Element of Magic are gone. Not for good I am certain, but the elements are of little use apart. And without our leader...” Life Bloom stared off the balcony and down to the floors below, ponies partying and talking and planning without a care in the world. He gave a deep sigh as he watched, his appearance of youth replaced with weary experience, “We are all getting old. I feel infinitely more useful as a politician than I ever was as a hero, and I know Velvet Remedy barely has time to tear herself away from her desk these days. Ditzi Doo would give up her element in an instant if she didn’t still think of it as such a terrible burden. Our status as a group is made objectively clear by the current issues at the SPP. Little Pip herself in danger, and the only element holders present are Calamity and Homage.”

Silent Steel gave him a reassuring look, “I can’t imagine getting together the most important ponies in the wastes so they can stare at an impenetrable forcefield is a sound use of our resources.”

Life Bloom simply sighed in response, “Zephyr would have insisted we be present as a group. She understood the symbol we represent.”

“You sound like you would be done as a team even if she came back.” He gave Life Bloom a questioning look, “Have you given up your element for good?”

“I consider it out of my hooves.” Life Bloom placed a hoof on the table, eyes firm and resolved, “When it’s needed again the element of magic will return, I’m sure of that. If it’s with Zephyr, that’s her decision. If it isn’t... Calamity will make a fine leader. Either way, I’m fully devoting myself to the NCR, as I know Velvet Remedy feels about the Followers.”

Spark Matrix spoke up suddenly, her voice soft, “Maybe Fluttershy can take Kindness again.”

Life Bloom chuckled, actually considering the suggestion before shrugging his shoulders, “It’s unlikely, but in a worst case scenario I can see her playing the hero. She’s getting increasingly confident, it really is a remarkable recovery.”

Spark Matrix seemed genuinely enthusiastic, seeming to be very keen on the subject of Fluttershy, “Do you think she’ll succeed in convincing the zebra to ally with the NCR?”

“Fluttershy is a very good diplomat.” Life Bloom nodded firmly, looking satisfied, “If anyone can pull it off it’s her. Others might be able to get a better deal, but she knows how to make peace last.”

Swift Ender nodded in agreement, “She’s talked about ensuring that the NCR doesn’t end up dominating or absorbing the zebra lands for a long time now. I’m an old hawk and even I agree with her, having an equal partner on the international field will do the NCR good.”

Spark Matrix gave an enthusiastic smile, “Another part of her mission?”

“Indeed. I am a little concerned however.” Life Bloom looked around before lowering his voice ever so slightly, “I have some training as a physiologist, and I believe Fluttershy is still unstable. She’s prone to anger and obsessive behaviour, and I know we’ve both noticed her tendency to combat the aging process with Mint-als. For the record I strongly disagreed with sending her with just Steel Marrow and Silver Quill, Steel Marrow is untrained and uninterested in politics and Silver Quill is barely a mare.”

Silver Quill. Silent Steel tried his best to hide his utter contempt for the arrogant little alicorn, personally groomed by Twilight Frost in one of her rare moments of utter foolishness. He was well aware that she had been chosen solely because she was one of the few first batch alicorn children who didn’t drool when they spoke, not exactly a glowing recommendation, “Steel Marrow might not be a diplomat, but he supports Fluttershy well.”

“Yes, certainly.” Life Bloom nodded briefly before sighing, “But if Fluttershy does become unstable, or Celestia forbid become ill, I do not believe Silver Quill is capable of taking over.”

“Why didn’t Regina send someone more competent then?”

“It was over my head, all to do with...” Life Bloom chuckled, giving Silent Steel a wry smile and shaking his head, “No, you’re not going to get gossip from me. Suffice to say a lot is riding on Fluttershy, and I hope she can take it.”

Silent Steel laughed, raising a glass, “So... to Fluttershy, may she be sound in body and mind?”

“Indeed. Let us hope...”


The limo made its way through the dark hills beyond Manehatten, taking the little side routes into a low valley towards an inconspicuous set of bunkers. Looking partially ruined and uninteresting on the surface, the only sign of their importance was the Applejack Rangers patrolling the perimeter. They waved them through as they passed, the limo pulling up outside one of the structures and letting them both out, Spark Matrix’s metal hooves clinking against the stone as she shadowed his steps.

“Good to see you sir. May I take your coat?”

“Thank you, yes.” He shrugged off his heavy coat and handed it to the uniformed officer at the front desk, flanked by two ponies in power armor. The elevator at the far end of the room pinged at he entered, Spark Matrix following. The doors swished shut and the elevator descended, deep into the earth, “What do you think of the upgrades?”

“You need to upgrade the wiring too. I can see several areas of fire risk, considering the increased demand on power within the facility.”

Silent Steel chuckled, striding out into the steel grey corridors of the bunker. The Applejack Ranger logo emblazoned the wall and a set of automated turrets tracked him as he made his way, neon lights above shining with their soft blue luminance. This had been a Steel Ranger facility for many years, though formally a very minor listening post. Silent Steel had pretty much brought it from them and staffed it with his most loyal followers in the organization, expanding it with NCR military grants as a radar facility. In truth he controlled what came in and out of here, making them believe that bad luck and bad investments had caused the project to command half the radar coverage and other functions it actually did. He was a Steel Ranger in one way, he believed in underground bunkers and high technology, and would be damned before he relied on others for it. This was his little empire of steel, somewhere to feel safe and in control, “I should have brought you in to oversee it.”

“I cannot be the only competent person in your organization.”

“It feels like it sometimes.” They entered the central command centre, a large open plan CIC with a large monitor on the far wall currently monitoring feeds from all the NCR’s major cities. It was currently well staffed for his arrival, his minotaur chief of security standing at the side of his station and monitoring events as they worked at the various consoles. He turned his head and snorted in greeting as Silent Steel approached, “Councilor, I have made sure everything is ready for your arrival! What are your orders for today?”

Silent Steel just smiled, knowing it was really a rhetorical question. Minotaur were known for their aggressive, chest pounding greetings and Ironforth was no exception, it was a mark of true confidence and rank among them if you didn’t even try to compete. He walked up onto the raised podium, all eyes turning to him. He turned his head to Ironforth as he fell into place beside him, “Any urgent business come in while I’ve been gone?”

The minotaur gave a sharp, official nod, “Sir! Swift Feather of New Canterlot Radio has been attempting to contact your office, he left a message for you to contact him at your convince.”

Swift Feather, hmm… Silent Steel liked his show, it didn’t tell him anything he didn’t already know but he felt it kept the public well informed and used credible sources. Swift Feather himself however was a bit of a preening douche, whose slobbering asskissing was increasingly becoming infamous. Silent Steel had to admit finding him irritating, the griffon’s self esteem seeming to be entirely built on the affections of powerful individuals, “Put him on screen. Let us get this over with as quickly as possible.”

The monitor buzzed as a familiar looking griffon appeared on the viewscreen, as normal groomed to perfection and dressed in a black suit and tie, both newly ironed and starched. It instantly made Silent Steel raise a hoof and knock his own mane askew in silent protest, unable to hide his contempt for the overly fussed newsreader and his effeminate self regard. He was a radio personality, what did he need to look so good for? “Swift Feather, I am told you wanted to speak to me.”

The griffon stood up a little straighter as he heard Silent Steel’s voice, his chest puffing out smugly as he replied, “Ah, Councillor Silent! Actually I was thinking you would like to speak to me, question my motives for the recent broadcast.”

Silent Steel smirked, keeping his voice neutral as he replied, “Which broadcast was that Swift Feather?”

The griffon looked both flustered and irritated as he replied, “Why... um... the one recently, where I told everyone you were behind the peace process and insulted Regina. All very subtle of course, just enough to tip public opinion in your favour.”

It wasn’t that subtle. Still... “Ah, that broadcast. So tell me, why are you throwing your support behind me? You voted for Regina didn’t you?”

“And she has failed to live up to her promise.” Swift Feather puffed himself out again, nostrils flaring, “Failing to raise the defence budget to the levels set by her mother, bullying the council into following her lead, supporting her regime on the votes of the uneducated masses... I think we both agree that she needs to go, stop this slide into disaster.”

Disaster? Not raising the defence budget to the levels at a point where they HAD no army to build from, and raiders still existed within their borders? Forcing some form of actual governance from a set of bickering factions who couldn’t make a clear decision if the NCR was burning down around them? Listening to a faction other than the smug bourgeois who Swift Feather himself belonged to? The arrogant little shit, Silent Steel could only grin at the thought of smashing his beliefs to pieces, “Indeed, and I appreciate your support Swift Feather, believe me when I say that it will be rewarded. Is there anything I can do for you in the short term?”

The griffon smiled with relief, giving a sharp bob of his head before holding a claw to his chest, “Actually I was thinking you could stand against the new radio bill. As I’m sure you know it would flood our airwaves with so many junk signals that it might irreversibly affect the broadcast quality of the stations that the citizens of the NCR rely on.”

Hmph. More like break his monopoly on the airwaves, “I will certainly consider it. Is that all Swift Feather?”

“Ahem... yes, thank you Silent Steel.”

He took great enjoyment in cutting the feed, banishing the smug fool back into the black. He grinned to himself as he shouted to his staff, “Right, with that done... on to more important things. Spark Matrix, let’s see what the NCR government are thinking about right now. Everyone, prepare systems for hacking.”

They stated their acknowledgement as they ran to their consoles, Spark Matrix taking up position at a central hub that had been set up with metal plates specifically designed to interface with her hooves. The screen went black and ‘establishing connection’ appeared in green text, a technician calling out to her, “We’re all ready Miss Matrix.”

“Give me a moment.” Spark Matrix placed her glasses upon the desk and popped her eye out, swapping it into her saddle bag for another similar looking orb which she slotted into the empty socket. She winced a little as it buzzed and green text scrolled across the glass surface, shaking her head for a second to readjust the connection, “Ow...”

“This may be a stupid question, but why don’t you just remove your other eye? Then you wouldn’t have to keep swapping them out.”

“Because gouging out my eye and using a very careful application of Littlehorn agent to wield complex electronics to my cerebrum wasn’t a particularly good idea to start with.” Spark Matrix stated it with her normal straightfaced deadpan, rubbing the side of her head, “And if you consider it in less stressful circumstances, installing it at the side of the head in easy reach is a lot more sensible than gouging out your own eye just so passing foals can compare you to infamous wasteland slavers.”

Silent Steel chuckled, still unable to picture her being that desperate. Much about her past seemed discordant with her current personality in fact, much of it spent helpless and at the mercy of others. He figured that was where she got the adaptability and cunning that he valued so much, he had long ago discovered that the more difficult the task and the fewer resources he gave to her the more satisfaction she seemed to gain from carrying it out. That quality still endeared her to him as it had when they first met, unlike his other servants she was openly working for him because she enjoyed the challenge, “Well if you’ve still got room, I’m always willing to pay for upgrades.”

“Hardware upgrades are always a pain. I’m far too busy to waste time on recuperation.” She walked over to the console and placed both hooves onto its surface, “Making connection. Make sure the power supply is strictly normalised.”

Silent Steel waved a hoof at his technicians, making sure they knew the price for failure. A surge wouldn’t hurt her, but it would knock her systems out for days and annoy her most grievously, two things worthy of a pay cut at the very least, “I’m interested in both official and unofficial responses. Both tell me something.”

“Different systems, NCR uses the Clarion network for official business, the Pinkie 3 network for covert business. Different ports, need to switch connectors. Official first.”

Silent Steel watched Matrix with quiet fascination, her expression one of total concentration as staggering amounts of green text scrolled across her eye and she cut through what must have been some of the best firewalls in the NCR. Matrix might had insisted differently but he was still unsure why they had needed SoLOS and the PS-OS, as far as he was concerned the real work of art was here. Technology and AI were wonderful things, he was an earth pony after all, but it could not beat the artistry of living pony at the top of her game, “That’s fine.”

She narrowed her lips for a second before speaking, “Their response to Swift Feather’s broadcast is still under discussion. The general consensus is to go on the defensive with a full endorsement of the peace process and Fluttershy, but more radical options are also being considered. Some of those include criticism of Swift Feather, the vested interests behind the peace process or the peace process itself.”

“They’re really willing to bet on it failing?”

Matrix frowned for a moment, “Initial reports suggest there is conflict within the zebra lands. Regina suggested they spin it as you and Fluttershy trying to get the NCR involved in a foreign war, all for the sake of resources.”

“Putting a colonial spin on it huh? Clever, and risky. Well played Regina.” Silent Steel chuckled, not too worried. He was placing his bets on the peace treaty succeeding, and he felt he had enough advantages to be sure of that outcome. Fluttershy was a very canny diplomat who commanded great respect with the zebra, and Clear Sky had reported both Caesar’s vanity and very large army. Even if they did get involved in a war he hardly had to send troops over, a few shiny suits of power armour and magical weaponry would both buy Caesar’s loyalty and ensure his dominance over all his rivals, “You must have noticed Life Bloom getting nervous about Silver Scribe. What’s the story on that?”

Spark Matrix barely took a second to answer, “She’s a rising star within the NCR, and she’s got both Regina and Twilight Frost as mentors. Apparently a genius as well, top marks in Modern Equestrian, History and Politics at New Canterlot University.”

“Yes, I know.” Silent Steel didn’t like her but he realised she could have turned out a lot worse. She was a member of two groups with a lot to prove, the Cathedral and alicorns, and her apparent success had led to a lot of attention being heaped on the young mare. He admitted that she was smart, in a very bookish kind of way, but a life literally looking down on others took its toll, “So why was she chosen? This some kind of final test? An internship?”

Not many reasons listed here. Looks like it was an executive decision.” Matrix looked up, the flashing screens on her eye suddenly shrinking to the corner, “I’m going to switch to the secure server. There’s a thread here I want to follow.”

“Fair enough.”

She winced as her connections switched, shaking her head before focusing once more. Red lights flashed up on her eye but she quickly slipped past them, typing command codes and deploying programs with the speed of thought. Eventually her eyes widened slightly in interest, a small smile spreading across her face, “Silver Scribe was chosen... hmm. Apparently she was once in a relationship with Arick Grimfeathers. Along with her loyalty to Regina that seems to be one of the primary reasons listed here.”

Arick? Silent Steel shivered a little at the very mention of the errant griffon, famously the result of Regina getting a little too drunk at the celebrations after the day of Sunshine and Rainbows. Even with his grandmother’s influence he had proved a consistent embarrassment to the whole family, even beyond his conception he was a hard living, disobedient thug and chancer, who was widely believed to have only escaped jail due to his family. He...

He had a relationship with Silver Scribe? Ha! He couldn’t help but chuckle, Silver Scribe was a stuck up religious nut with a holier than thou attitude to everything. The idea that she liked the bad boys was a tickling one to be sure, “But... why would that matter? Beyond her connection to the Grimfeathers of course?”

Spark Matrix went quiet for a moment or two before answering, “Arick Grimfeathers is on his way to the zebra lands. Regina is hoping Silver Scribe can keep him in check, as well as reignite their old relationship. She...” Spark Matrix opened her eyes in a rare expression of genuine surprise, “She honestly used an executive order to play matchmaker with her son...”

Silent Steel wasn’t listening anymore, his eyes dilated, his breath freezing in his chest. This... couldn’t be. He had invested an enormous amount of work into this scheme, gambled his entire political career on it! The idea that it was now at the mercy of some entitled fop of a griffon... “Why? How!?”

Spark Matrix merely raised an eyebrow at his change in tone, her voice as balanced as ever, “You may remember he and Ace Gold won a large amount of money at Los Pegasus about five months ago. Apparently it was invested in Far Go traders, and he has used it as leverage to get himself assigned as leader of the zebra expedition.”

“But...” Silent Steel almost spat, especially at mention of that other disappointing heir to a ruling NCR bloodline. Ace Gold didn’t have the reputation of Arick, but maybe he was just working up to it. The idiot stallion had already been pretty much disowned by his parents, and had certainly taken to shadowing Arick recently, “What do either of them know about trading?”

“Arick got a second in Economics back at New Canterlot University.”

Silent Steel could hardly care. He had watched Arick turn several of his political arenas into the ‘look at me’ show, he wasn’t about to let him mess up this operation as well. This was too important for some loose canon with too many caps and not enough sense, “We can’t wait, we need to get someone out there now. Someone to arrange pick up of PS-OS, and make sure Arick doesn’t do anything stupid.

“Do you have anyone in mind?”

“I was thinking about Emaya, or Chip Shale.”

Spark Matrix gave an emotionless nod, pausing a moment before speaking in a low, calm tone, “May I make a recommendation?”

Silent Steel was honestly interested at this. He wasn’t aware she had preferences as to his troop selection, “Go ahead.”

“Arick and Ace Gold both have a reputation for being extremely charming, the main method in which they have disrupted the plans of others is by subverting individuals to their own ends.” She paused a moment to gather her thoughts, “If you are going to send somepony, I recommend they be loyal, single minded, unimaginative and with no sort of attraction towards stallions.”

Silent Steel let those specifications sink into his brain for a moment before turning to a nearby aide, his thoughts already forming, “Son, get me Cherry Sunset.”


Cherry sat across from him, the pinkish red earth pony as spit and polish as she ever was. Her fur colour and red and orange mane gave her a fierce, aggressive look that wasn’t born out by her demeanour. Indeed all her commanding officers had named her as patient, quiet and efficient, maybe not officer material but someone you would kill to have at your back in an operation. Her cutie mark was an apple being split by a bullet, symbolising both her aim and her loyalty to the Apple Family whose blood she boasted. And conveniently, also gay as rainbows, “Thank you for coming Paladin.”

“Happy to serve sir.”

So clipped and to the point. Often he would get Knights and Paladins fawning over him, praising his achievements to gain some of his favour. The fact that she continued to maintain her dignity was a good sign, “What do you know about the peace treaty with the zebra?”

She looked confused for a moment before answering, “It’s your project sir, currently being carried out by Ambassador Fluttershy.”

“Any experiences with Zebra?”

“Good doctors sir. Only a few in the Rangers, don’t know any of them personally.” She thought for a second before speaking again, “Lot of them serve in the NCR regular forces. I was patched up by one once.”

So exhaustive and organised. She was becoming a better and better choice all the time, “I’ll speak candidly Paladin. I need someone to travel to the zebra lands in order to handle pick up and delivery of a certain item. I also want someone loyal there to handle any issues that may arise.”

Cherry Sunset gave a slightly worried look, “I’m no diplomat sir.”

He chuckled, “There are enough diplomats out there. I need a soldier, somepony to get the job done without getting distracted by their own personal issues. Can you do that?”

She nodded primly, “Yes sir. When will I be leaving?”

He wasn’t used to the lack of backchat. He was still coming up with a dozen different ways to convince her, it was somewhat disappointing that he wouldn’t get a chance to use them, “Well... when you be ready?”

She lowered her head in thought, brow furrowing. She looked back up quickly, expression resolute, “Just give me the rest of the day sir, I’ll have my gear and research together by tomorrow morning.”

“Well... well that’s excellent.” He grinned, even as he busied himself with trying to work out how he was going to get someone to bring her over by tomorrow morning. Still, maybe speed was advisable in this situation, “Thank you Paladin. I will meet you outside tomorrow morning?”

She gave a smart salute and he returned it, dismissing the mare and settling down to think for a moment. Eventually he activated his ear piece, the static fading as it made the connection, “Spark Matrix?”

“Silent Steel.”

“Cherry Sunset agreed to the mission. Can we get transport for tomorrow morning?”

“I’ll get on it.” She almost gave him a heart attack as she came in beside him, the soft blue of her bionic eye washing over him. She gave him a low, assessing look as he gazed at her with fear and suprise, her voice deadpan, “Are you ok?”

“How... why?” He quickly tried to regain his dignity, straightening out his tie and glaring at her hooves, “Ahem... how do you move so quietly with metal hooves?”


Silent Steel frowned, “Did you come simply to scare the pants off me?”

Now she smirked, looking somewhat hungry for a second, “Doesn’t Cherry Sunset look a little bit like Pinkie Pie?”

“Um... not really.”

“It’s the cheekbones. If I adjust my eye’s colour translator you can really see it... ugh, never mind.” Spark Matrix huffed as she turned away, trotting past and over to the door, “I actually came to say that I’m leaving, I’ve already spent too long up here.”

Silent Steel’s heart dropped at the news, knowing she was going to go eventually but hoping it would be a little longer than this. To be honest he wasn’t too hopeful of his original plan of getting her into bed, still he appreciated having a loyal second in command by his side, “Can’t Red Rum deal with it for a little while?”

“Whiskey is an idiot, who’s only skill is his looks.” Her face twisted in annoyance, covering her dead eye with a hoof as she pouted, “You’re as bad as he is, considering him a viable second in command rather than a glorified prop. Sandhedran is my real second in command, but there is only so much he can do without me there to back him up.”

“Fine..." He sighed, taking a few short, bitter moments to run his eyes over the mare, "I can’t wait until this is all over and we can work on the main event, rather than the preamble. You’re wasted out there.”

She turned her glowing eye to him, her voice sharp as steel, “Out there is where everything will be decided, you can't ignore it. Blood, and pain and death Silent Steel. You better make it worthwhile.”


Footnote: Level up! (16)

New Perk Added: Chain of Deals - "Networking is key"
Your understanding of friendship and trust allows you to exploit this for maximum political gains. Each favor you gain through services rendered also gives you a favor with one of their allies too.

This fanfiction is based on Fallout Equestria by Kkat, it is highly recommended that you read that first for context. Reading Fallout Equestria: Pink Eyes by Mimezinga will help understanding, but isn’t required.

Many of the characters and much of the setting are not mine but are on loan from the very awesome Kkat, or are taken from My Little Pony - Friendship Is Magic by Hasbro. This story makes no pretentions at being canon with either, and is merely a ‘what-if’ set in the same world.

If you enjoy Fallout Equestria Side Stories, you will want to check the Fallout Equestria Side Stories post on Equestria Daily and the Fallout Equestria Side Stories thread on Ponychan.

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