• Published 12th Aug 2012
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Fallout Equestria : Black And White - Philweasel

Peace between the NCR and Zebra wasteland becomes a battleground between competing factions.

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Chapter 5.11 - Hopes and Dreams

Celestia looked out the window of Littlepip and Homage's home, taking a long moment to marvel at her city. She had forgotten how beautiful it was.

She had to consider her situation, and what she knew of Dream Star. It was clear that a lot of this was for Celestia's benefit, bringing her together with Homage and Littlepip, providing her with clues to her situation, all but challenging her to battle. What did Dream Star want? Validation, approval? Was she simply bored now she had won?

She paused her musings as she saw a small troop moving down the road towards the building, recognizing Dust Kicker at the head of a dozen troopers. But leading them... it was an alicorn, silver grey in color with a darker grey mane, clad all in silver armor with a black cloak drawn across her flank.

Whoever she was, she was bad news, "Homage, we need to leave now."

She moved to the stairs leading to the workshop, Homage already dressed in concealing clothing and drawing a hood across her head. Homage looked up at Celestia as she descended, "Trouble?"

"A group of soldiers, lead by a big alicorn."

Homage took a deep breath, "Justicar... damnit! Littlepip!"

"Just a little longer..."

Celestia located the mare at her voice, crouched over a work bench with her tools scattered around an a big device at her hooves. Whatever it was, she doubt it could fight off a whole group of armed soldiers, "We don't have any more time."

Littlepip cursed under her breath, then lifted up the device with her telekinesis and tucked it into a large saddlebag. She quickly hoisted it up on her shoulders, rummaging through some nearby shelves for other items before Homage took the mare's head in the crook of her arm and hurried her towards the back of the room, "This way, there's a back exit."

Celestia used her telekinesis to shift some large cabinets against the door to the shop before following, finding herself out in a alleyway behind. She followed after Littlepip and Homage, looking behind for signs of pursuit. None yet...

"So where are we going?" Littlepip asked, sounding a bit worried, "I mean do either of you have any sort of plan?"

Celestia chuckled despite their situation, "I was hoping you would have some ideas."

Littlepip also laughed, though it was a little strained, "Are you kidding? I'm terrible at plans."

"And she's still smarter than me." Homage noted, before looking back at Celestia, "You're the hero from another world. Don't you have any idea?"

Lots of them. Too many. Celestia had been told many a time that she was very smart, but that was all spoiled by on huge problem... if she was as smart as they say, they wouldn't be in this mess.

Still it didn't hurt to go back to the basics, "We need the elements. Deadshot Calamity, Velvet Remedy, Ditzi Doo..."

And then she paused, watching the other two open their eyes wide in horror. Littlepip opened her saddlebag with her customary reaction speed, still without a proper holster it just wasn't fast enough...

...Celestia felt her head slam into the ground with juddering force, a stomp to her underside driving the air from her lungs. A burst of magical energy hit the ground in front of Homage and Littlepip, the explosion of light that resulted dropping Homage instantly.

Littlepip on the other hoof shielded herself with her saddlebag, rolling away and bringing up a large, slapdash construction from the bag’s tattered remains. It looked like it had been made out of household plumbing, along with a pressure gage that appeared to have been taken from a vacuum cleaner. It certainly didn't look enough to level the playing field between her and the silver alicorn who now leapt to finish her off.

And then Littlepip pulled the trigger and the alicorn's shields sparked wildly, causing her to slow and stumble as her momentum faltered. Littlepip was already moving, flanking the alicorn and firing another shot that sent her stumbling into a wall.

Celestia forced herself upwards and leapt at the alicorn, though she was a little too hasty in retrospect. Still stunned and off balance, she was powerless to dodge as the alicorn reacted with terrifying speed, lashing out with a back hoof and nailing Celestia in the jaw. Still it distracted the silver alicorn for a crucial moment, allowing Littlepip to line up a head shot...

...and the weapon proceeded to jam up with an ugly clunking sound. Littlepip's eyes went wide and she looked down at it, that brief moment more than long enough for the silver alicorn to drive a knee into Littlepip's face then turn to buck her hard enough to fling her down the alleyway into some trashcans.

She didn't come back out.

Celestia concentrated on her healing, careful to not move too quickly again. With Littlepip and Homage down, she was their last chance. She closed her eyes, tried to look out of the fight...

She detected motion and burst into action, taking down the first guard with a buck, then slammed the second into the wall with a shoulder charge. That was when she realized there was near a dozen ofthem swarming into the alleyway, trying to open her wings to give herself some space... but then realizing she didn't have any wings.

The silver alicorn caught her in her telekinesis, holding her long enough for the guards to all unload their tazers on her at once.

.......she...... had taken worse... she didn't even feel the impact as she fell, limp and sprawling.

"Are we bringing her in Justicar?"

Celestia opened her eyes, seeing Dust Kicker speaking to the silver alicorn. The alicorn's head looked down at Celestia at his question, studying her with a deep, ice cold contempt, "This can't be the one we're looking for. She's far too weak."

Celestia... remembered that name... something about... she extended a hoof, touching the alicorn's leg, "Twilight... made you..."

"To replace Princess Celestia. To become the future of alicorns in Equestria." Justicar answered, "Celestia was clearly becoming too old and weak for that role."

Celestia felt back, defeated. She was right. Twilight was right. She deserved to lay here, defeated at the hooves of her successors.

"Take Homage with us. Leave the other two." Justicar ordered, turning her back sharply on Celestia, "They are clearly no threat."

Celestia figured she should do something, try and fight. But she was just too tired, too old. She decided to just go with the flow... and fell unconscious.


"Wake up!"

What had she just said? She was sleeping now, she was clearly in no condition to fight! Besides... what could she do?

"Wake the fuck up... please?"

Celestia opened one eye, rather surprised to see the alleyway was empty. All except for... Littlepip, standing there with tears in her eyes, "Mmm... what happened?"

"They took Homage!" Littlepip answered, her voice shaking with emotion, "They took her, and there was nothing I could do about it!"


Her and Littlepip walked the streets, putting some vague effort into stealth but already realizing the truth. Dream Star knew everything that happened here, their continued presence at her sufferance. Honestly there was little she could do if Dream Star did come after them, judging from that rather pathetic display.

"Justicar is Dream Star's greatest warrior." Littlepip finally mentioned, breaking the silence between them, "Honestly, I'm amazed we even managed to slow her down."

"The Justicar?" Celestia figured to made sense, Justicar and Dream Star had known each other. Still the alicorn had looked nothing like the mare, not to mention the last time she had checked up Justicar was a file clerk for the followers. She certainly fought well, thought that was little excuse, "I guess so... though it is depressing to see just how I matched up against one of those alicorns."

"Well... they're alicorns." Littlepip noted nervously, flushing a little in a manner Celestia realized was arousal, "They're perfect."

"Far from it." Celestia answered, more by furious instinct than conscious thought, "We fail, we break, we die."

"Wait a second..."

Celestia nodded, stepping forward until she stood at the crest of a jutting outcropping, looking out over the distant, indistinct villages and hamlets of heartlands Equestria. She remember when it had all been raw, untouched, a virgin land ready for a new start... for all of them, "I had wings once. They called me perfect."

Littlepip's voice lowered, "What... happened?"

"Whether by sense of duty or ego, I tried to live up to those expectations." Celestia explained, "I failed."

Littlepip hesitated at this, her tone uncertain, afraid, "Well... we all make mistakes..."

"Then what is there left to believe in?"

Littlepip looked up at her, hesitant. Finally she spoke, her tone soft and gently reverent, "Friendship?"

Celestia chuckled, nodding up at her, "Well, let us test it now shall we?"


"I'm sorry, but Absolutely Everything is closed for the day... ah, unless you really really need something, in which case... oh dear, Driftwing, please don't roll around in that puddle, it's dirty. And Rosebud, could you climb down out of that tree?"

Celestia levitated the two mewling children out of their predicament, dropping them back down among the mass of similar fillies and foals themselves causing trouble around the grounds of the rather tatty old manor house they currently stood outside. She admitted she couldn't help feeling somewhat speechless, stood before a pretty young pegasus mare of grey fur and deep yellow eyes, one of which roamed cheerfully independent of the other.

Maybe this place really was a perfect world.

"I'm sorry Miss Do..."

"Call me Ditzi." The mare cheerfully replied as Littlepip nervously introduced herself, giving a huge, charming smile, "Everypony does."

"Ditzi..." Celestia finally forced out, watching the children run around her legs, "Are these ]all yours?"

"Oh no, none of them are actually." Ditzi admitted, then cheerfully shrugged her shoulders, "But I have a big house and lots of love, so I figured why not share it out a little?"

"Are these mares bothering you Ditzi?" Came a big booming voice from the house itself, soon proving to belong to a strapping bat pony seemingly built entirely of lean muscle. He regarded them suspiciously as he advanced, carefully moving to stand a little before Ditzi Do, "Littlepip, yes? You have a habit of associating with trouble."

"Lionheart!" Ditzi protested, "Don't be rude!"

"Please, both of you." Celestia forced out, though her resolve was fading by the moment, "You must recognize this mare. She is Littlepip, and you know her far better than simple acquaintance suggests."

Ditzi hesitated, "I... really do don't I?"

"No." Lionheart stated firmly, "Why have you two come here? To exploit my wife's good nature? To get her into trouble, to get her killed?"

Littlepip actually bristled a little at this, "Sitting around and doing nothing gets ponies killed just as surely as the opposite."

"As I thought." Lionheart replied, advancing forward to look Littlepip firmly in the eye, "I do know you. Trouble follows your hoofsteps Little Reaper, and your words are the most dangerous of all."

Celestia frowned, seeing understanding in Lionheart's eyes. That unsettled her far more than the opposite, "Lionheart, you have never shied away from a fight..."

"And you know what the aftermath has taught me?" Lionheart replied sharply, "That when you inspire all the good ponies of the world to fight and die for a cause, all that's left afterwards are cowards, traitors and crooks." He extended a hoof to shift Ditzi do back, then looked to the scurrying kids, "And the countless orphans left behind."

Littlepip raised a hoof, "But..."

"It's alright Littlepip." Celestia stated sadly, looking to the smiling children and realizing the truth, "He's right. And we're sorry for bothering you."


Littlepip looked up at the large estate in front, dominating most of the street. It was clearly important, but Littlepip didn’t seem intimidated, instead her body language clearly illustrated her irritation. Her words were clipped, "Well let's hope this goes better."

"Ditzi Do isn't a fighter Littlepip." Celestia reluctantly explained, feeling bad for even asking, "She has far more noble qualities than that."

Littlepip just sniffed, making her way up to the thick looking front door and lifting her hoof to knock. She hesitated then, her eyes moving to take in the full extent of the house, "Velvet Remedy and Calamity are heroes of the city. Legends."

Celestia smiled, "So are you."

"No I'm not... at least not here, and..." She shook her head, "I don't feel like one."

Celestia moved up beside her, "Then allow me."

She extended her magic to give the door knocker a hard rap, then waited for a response. They didn't have to wait long, the door soon opening to reveal a teenaged unicorn stallion, small statured and pretty, with thick blond hair, "Yes?"

Celestia recognized the boy, though she had never spoken to him in person, "Ace Gold, yes?"

The boy narrowed his eyes, "Do I know you?"

"Not personally, but we know your parents." Celestia explained, "Are they in?"

"Sure..." He answered, still looking a little suspicious, "Just wait here, I'll go..."

"That's ok Ace." Came a warm, familiar voice from behind him, "Let them in."

He looked behind, then moved aside with a reluctant shrug of his shoulders. Celestia led them in, looking across the well appointed entrance hall to the regal figure of Velvet Remedy. She had lost weight since Celestia last saw her, looked... livelier, healthier, "Thank you for your hospitality."

"It's no problem." Velvet explained, then smiled at the smaller figure behind Celestia, "Littlepip right? Step out, and let me take a look at you."

Littlepip reluctantly did so, blushing under Velvet's gaze, "You know who I am?"

"Littlepip. You're a tinkerer, a rather good one. And your wife Homage was taken into custody earlier today."

Littlepip tensed, looking about the room, "Are we in trouble?"

"Not from me. Nor my husband." Velvet assured them, then looked to Ace, "Ace Gold, could you go fetch your father?"

The young pony gave a nod, looking at them with suspicion as he left. Celestia looked to Velvet after he was gone, figuring laying their options on the table straight away was likely the best policy, "Velvet, you must know something's wrong with this place. This world."

"And what is that?"

"It's fake." Celestia explained, "This world is an illusion, designed to keep us trapped."

"Yes..." Velvet sighed, then gave a rather radiant looking smile to Littlepip beside, "And what's your opinion on all of this Miss Littlepip?"

Littlepip went bright pink, "Uh... ah..."

Celestia narrowed her eyes. This wasn't at all what she expected, "Velvet, what are you...?"

"I'm doing something I haven't had the chance to in decades." Velvet answered, "Is that so wrong?"

Littlepip looked to Celestia for explanation, Celestia in turn looking straight back at Velvet Remedy, "You're acting very strangely."

"Where as you are acting exactly as expected." Velvet wearily responded, shaking her head, "Charging about the city, drawing attention to yourselves."

Calamity came in at this moment, opening the door and trotting out into the hall. He was dressed in a suit, though Celestia noted that Calamity retained his ability to make anything he was wearing seem scruffy and informal. He looked at the three in confusion, "What's going on?"

"My friends just came by to say hello." Velvet responded, giving them both a soft smile, "Celestia, I'm deeply flattered you came to us, but isn't it about time the city found others to fight the good fight?" She looked to her husband with deep affection, "Calamity dear, how is the model going?"

"Oh, wonderfully!" Calamity declared cheerfully, then looked to Celestia and Littlepip as he explained, "My son and I are building a scale model of the palace together. It's really coming together."

"As you can see, Calamity is quite busy." Velvet concluded, "And I... I'm getting a little too old for all that running about. I'm happy to conduct my own efforts to improve the situation, but the time when I ran around with you... well, I feel that sort of fun left me behind a long time ago."

Celestia looked at Calamity, happy and healthy, standing beside his wife as he proudly boasted about his children. And she got the point, "And what should we do?"

"I will ask Dream Star to release Homage." Velvet replied, "And in the meantime, maybe the both of you should enjoy all this while you can?"

"All what?" Littlepip asked.

"You should tell her." Velvet stated to Celestia, looking her in the eye in complete seriousness, "What awaits her beyond this place. And what awaits you."

Celestia shook her head, "Do you think that would stop her?"

Velvet chuckled, "No, of course it wouldn't. And that's the problem isn't it?" She sighed, shaking her head, "Take care, both of you. I will contact you again soon."


"We need a plan!"

Words spoken by many of those already knee deep in trouble.

"We have to do something!"

Celestia looked round at Littlepip, "Why should we?"

Littlepip paused at this, her eyebrow rising as she stared, "Excuse me?"

"You saw it as well. She was happy. Calamity is happy, you were happy." Celestia looked up at the towering spires and white washed walls that surrounded her, "This is Canterlot, how it used to be. And it's so beautiful."

"But it's fake."

"Does it matter?" Celestia asked, "This happiness is real, even if it is based on a lie."

Littlepip was silent for a while after this, finally speaking in a quiet tone, "The real world... it's pretty terrible isn't it?"

Celestia nodded, "The worst."

"But who told you I was happy here?"

Celestia turned, looking at Littlepip in suprise, "What?"

"It's safe, hiding in my workshop. Living in this city. Relying on Homage, and the Princess to keep me fed and protected." Littlepip stated grimly, "And I hate it."

Celestia let a small smile escape, "That sounds like you..."

"I want to make a difference. I want my actions to mean something." Littlepip grimaced, "The idea that there's this whole other world out there that needs my help, and that I ran away from that... I think it's been bugging me my entire life."

"But... that's you Littlepip." Celesta reasoned, "I think most ponies just want exactly the opposite. To be safe, and protected."

"Then we get Dream Star to just let me free. I'll save the world on my own." She nodded angrily, "And you can stay here in your perfect world."

Celestia looked at the mare, her heart filled with affection. But deep down she knew where that path led, and that's why... she couldn't let her do it, "Littlepip, can't... you just let yourself be content?"

"That's... a terrible word." Littlepip stated, wincing like the concept caused her physical pain, "I'm not great with stuff, and I honestly don't know why Homage puts up with me. But I've always done my best to improve myself, to confront things that scare me, to learn new skills and find out new ways to help my friends. Because that's what life is, to sit down at the end of the day and know you did something worthwhile."

Celestia shook her head, "What if nothing is worthwhile?"

"Then you try harder!" Littlepip shouted, then angrily turned her back on Celestia and stalked away, "You sit there and feel sorry for yourself. I'm done with that."

Celestia willed herself to follow, but... she didn't have the energy. That sense of purpose that she had when she arrived was gone, and she honestly wondered if it wasn't worth just admitting Dream Star had won. That she was... right.

"Excuse me?"

Celestia looked up, a pair of miss matched yellow eyes staring back at her from the rooftop. A moment later and Ditzi Doo leapt down, landing on the cobbles with a slight stumble before beaming a big smile at her and Littlepip, "Hi... it's me again!"

Celestia smiled softly, always happy to see the mare. Still, she shouldn't be here, "Ditzi Doo, I meant what I said before..."

"I miss them. I remember them, and I miss them."

Littlepip turned back fully now, her attention caught, "What do you mean?"

"My children. My orphanage. My company." Ditzi Doo explained, her smile growing wider as she continued, "I had a big house with a big garden, and dozens of kids all running around. And... I had big kids, all over the country. And they were all working really hard, working to make a better world."

Celestia smiled, the image a happy one, "They were."

"So the real world isn't quite as bad as you say." Littlepip challenged.

"There wouldn't be orphans or a need to make it better if it wasn't fundamentally broken." Celestia noted.

"It made me really happy though." Ditzi Doo commented, chuckling sweetly, "Honestly, it's all a bit... unfulfilling here."

Littlepip smirked, "That's what I said."

"Ditzi... you're mute in that world."Celestia reasoned, "And you're... not quite as pretty as you are here. They cut out your tongue, you've got burns across most of your body..."

Ditzi Doo shrugged, "I never was too good at talking anyway. Or... very pretty."

"Ditzi, you're beautiful..."

"Lionheart doesn't care what I look like does he? And neither did my kids." Ditzi Doo looked to Littlepip, her smile full of energy, "We're good friends aren't we?"

Littlepip nodded, "We are."

"And... does that count for us too?"

They all turned, Calamity and Velvet both standing just down the street wearing expectant looks. Calamity doffed his hat, looking a little sheepish, "If you'd have us."

Littlepip looked confused at this, "Of course! But... why the change of heart?"

"I realized I was falling into old habits." Velvet stated with a sad, far away smile, "Running from my problems, confronting them from a safe distance while others shield me from looking at the brutal reality."

Calamity shook his head, "As normal, you're way too hard on yourself." He turned his head to Littlepip, "Ah'm the former general. Trained most of these jumped up thugs."

Littlepip blushed slightly at the sincerity of his admission, "You're retired..."

"Ah'm not dead." He countered, "And my name still has weight. Ponies still respect me. Ah had a responsibility to use that to make a safe, secure world... wasn't strong enough to do that for you. That’s on me."

Celestia looked at Calamity, feeling at once a common connection there. Out of all the team, out of any pony in the wasteland... if there was one she would put at Littlepip's side, it was Calamity.

"So what's the plan Littlepip?" Velvet asked.

"You're asking me?"

The mare smiled broadly, "I am."

Littlepip squirmed slightly under the attention, eventually forcing out a slightly mumbled reply, "We need to get inside the palace, rescue..." She paused, shaking her head, "No. We need to break Dream Star's power over this place somehow."

"The oracle, Puppysmiles." Velvet stated firmly, "We need to take her out."

Celestia looked to her, "Puppysmiles?"

"She's the source of all this, she must be." Velvet explained, "But I admit, I do not know where she would be."

Celestia felt she was missing something, but trusting Velvet was generally a good idea in her experience, "Then how would we find her?"

"I used to work in the palace." She finally stated, at once an image of cool efficiency, "And I have leverage on the chief clerk Life Bloom. I can get us all inside, and hopefully work that out."

Life Bloom. Celestia once again felt like this was set up for them. With Life Bloom, the only remaining members of the team were Reggie, Xephyr and Xenith. However much those three would have been appreciated however, she doubted any of them were going to be available, "So the team is all together..."

"Except for Homage." Ditzi Do stated urgently, "We can't just abandon her."

"Speaking out of pure pragmatism, Dream Star could easily use her as a hostage." Velvet pointed out, "So Ditzi is right."

Littlepip nodded firmly, "We split up. Infiltrate the palace from multiple points. Confuse them, and give us as many chances to succeed as possible."

"Ah... don't like that idea." Calamity opinioned, "Splitting up never seems wise."

"You can't fight Dream Star and her guards head on." Celestia countered, "I agree that it's not the most comfortable choice, but Littlepip is right. This way if one of you falls, you will still have a chance to succeed."

Littlepip looked at them all, a little smile coming to her face, "Six of us."

Ditzi did a quick headcount, looking briefly confused, "...five?"

"With Homage too. She's definitely Honesty." Littlepip clarified, looking to Ditzi Doo, "Laughter."

Ditzi grinned, "I like that one."

"Kindness, and Loyalty." Celestia continued, nodding to Velvet and Calamity."

"I'm not sure I'm particularly kind." Velvet noted, a little ruefully.

"You are." Calamity objected, before giving a sheepish grin, "I'm not sure I'm particularly loyal."

"To a fault Calamity." Velvet answered, before giving him a fond smile, "But it's still your best quality."

So it was the moment of truth was it? Celestia challenged Littlepip with her stare, daring the mare to make a statement, "Two left."

Littlepip met her stare, passionate and resolute. After a moment she pressed a hoof to her chest, "I'm willing to do anything, give anything to set these ponies free. So that's... generosity." She looked up at Celestia expectantly, "And you... you brought us together."

Magic. Celestia smiled at that, closing her eyes, "The Elements are lost to me I'm afraid. I wish I could use them, but that opportunity has passed."

"And who told you you couldn't use them?"

Celestia sighed, "No one needed to tell me anything..."

"So you did." Littlepip concluded, "You told yourself that you couldn't use the elements."

"Littlepip..." Celestia shook her head, sighing deeply, "I told you that you were a great hero right?"


"And this is your team." Celestia stated, "Calamity, Velvet, Ditzi Doo, Homage. They fought beside you, they supported you. With them, you saved the world."

Littlepip stared intensely at Celestia for several long moments. Then at last... she extended a hoof.

"I can't." Celestia responded, backing away a little and lowering her head in shame, "Everything you suffered, everything that happened to the world... is because I wasn't strong enough. Because I wasn't the hero Equestria deserved." She looked up, brushing away the dampness in her eyes and forcing a smile, "But you are."

"Is that what you tell yourself every day?" Littlepip asked, her tone accusing, "That defiance is pointless, that you're too weak to do anything?"

"Yes... I did." Celestia admitted, "Because convincing myself it was inevitable was easier than continuing to hold on to hope."

"Celestia... you're right." Littlepip stated firmly, looking across her friends, "I feel the connection to each of them. I feel stronger just being around them. There's no ponies I'd rather stand at my back."

Celestia smiled, "It's all you need Littlepip."

"And I feel the same when I look at you."

Celestia smiled as her heart broke, knowing the truth of it, "Because you remember who I once was. Before I destroyed everything I ever cared about in my weakness."

"I remember who we all once were." Littlepip answered, not lowering her hoof, "And I know that together, we can be even better."

Celestia looked at that hoof, remembering Star Swirl, all of her own apprentices, her sister... each had thought so highly of her, and each she knew deep down held more quality than she could ever possess. If she took that hoof she knew that she would just play up her false legend once more, fool everypony into thinking she could protect them... that she had the answers.

...but if she could bleed, if she could suffer, if she could die in the place of any one of these brave little ponies, maybe it was worth it, "Very well Littlepip, you've convinced me." She smiled as she touched her hoof against the mare's, "Let's go save the world."


The Royal Palace. It was identical to how Celestia remembered. And she had spent most of her life here. That at least provided some advantages, "There's a blind spot on the aerial approach to the second tower, and from there it's a straight shot to the Element Chamber. That's at least the second most obvious place to keep something important."

Littlepip shared a look with Ditzi Doo, "And it's just us two?"

"You're the two most equipped for stealth." Celestia explained, "The rest of us would just get in the way."

"I agree." Velvet Remedy stated, "And if this is just a game as you suggested, Dream Star would be more appreciative of a more subtle approach. So that means no going in guns blazing, that we try to keep this as under the radar as possible."

"No problem." Littlepip commented with apprehension, "I really don't want to fight that Justicar mare again."

Celestia nodded. If it was the same Justicar, she was the Goddess's most elite fighter. Sure Littlepip had taken out Nightseer and Singer, but they were both valued for skills other than their combat prowess.

"And Calamity and I will attempt to talk our way in." Velvet Remedy recapped, "But that doesn't explain what you're going to do Celestia."

Celestia sighed, then raised her head high, "I'm going to hand myself in."

There was a chorus of shouts, through all of which Velvet's reply cut like a knife, "That makes sense."

Calamity looked to her, "Velvet?"

"Dream Star wants you. You're the one she's obsessed with." Velvet explained, "You go to her, you'll keep her attention on yourself."

"Hopefully I'll even be able to talk her down." Celestia suggested, though she doubted it would be that easy, "I can only wish you all good luck."

"Likewise." Velvet warned, "Be careful Celestia."

Celestia nodded and continued forward, through the gates and towards the great doors ahead. And even as she did so, she felt herself alerted to a small little switch in her data, was given access privileges to that and that alone. She guessed it was location triggered, and she already realized what it was.

Fine, if they were going to do this, they could do this right. Celestia engaged the switch and braced herself, instantly finding the ground retreat as her legs and neck lengthened, as her body grew outwards, as beautiful white wings erupted from her sides and her hair caught the wind in flowing, shining colors.

The guards ahead looked up at her in wonder and confusion, Celestia looking down on them with imperial majesty, "I am Princess Celestia. I believe Dream Star is waiting for me."


Littlepip couldn't remember if she'd ever had the privilege of being flown before, especially in so exhilarating a manner. Ditzi herself was smooth and gentle, even as the skimmed the trees and tightly hugged the walls, the wind whipping past them as they ascended ever higher.

Finally they broke off, reaching the window at the top and diving straight through before they could be spotted. Littlepip rolled inside and quickly scanned the room for threats, relieved to see nothing but the gently shimmering waters of a large bathing area.

"Oh, this is nice."

Littlepip shushed Ditzi, then moved over to the open doorway and peeked outside. It all looked clear, the well stocked spa area completely still and silent. She retreated back, turning to Ditzi, "So from here we go down right to the bottom right?"

"I guess so." She replied, fluttering her wings, "I'm not sure how much help I'll be inside."

Littlepip admitted the pegasi didn't look like much of a fighter. Though to be fair, neither did she, "You might surprise yourself." She ventured forward, noting to herself how weird it was that a bathing area had both a blind approach and a direct route to the dungeons.

Maybe that was the point?

Ugh... she was clearing that thought out of her brain immediately.

They reached the stairs and descended downwards down the spiral descent, Littlepip hearing voices ahead, guards by the sound of them. They were coming up towards them, Littlepip readying her weapon...

...Ditzi placed a hoof on her shoulder, stepped past and moved ahead. Littlepip was too late to stop her, deciding after a moment's hesitation to hug the central pillar and wait to see what Ditzi intended.

"Oh, I finally found somepony! Are you four free by any chance?"

"Uh... we're on patrol at the moment..."

"It's just that three of our kitchen servers are off sick, and we really need some help down there. Dream Star just told me to handle it, so I’m looking for just about anypony to help!"

"Well we did just have the bathrooms to go, so... is dinner provided?"

"Most definitely! Hey, I’ll even check up there myself, make sure everything’s in place. Thank you! Thank you so much!”

"Well thank you miss. We'll head down immediately."

Littlepip waited for a while, soon faced with Ditzi's bright, shining face. Littlepip raised an eyebrow at the mare, "That was really impressive."

"It's a well trained skill." She admitted, "I tend to screw up a lot, so I got really good at... um... lying to authority figures I guess, thought that sounds really bad..."

"I wish I knew how to do that." Littlepip mused as she waved for them to continue, "And it means you were wrong. You were a lot of help."

"I only hope I can talk us past every obstacle."

Littlepip hoped that too, especially given their next destination. The straight shot to the dungeons thing wasn’t entirely accurate, because there was one obstacle in their way. Naturally the builders of this place hadn't been complete morons so they had placed something to keep the dungeons secure...

The training grounds for the royal guard.

Littlepip felt her hoof rest on the final step, looking to the doorway ahead. She knew that it lead straight to one of their combat arenas, where they would set up mock battles. She didn't hear a sound from beyond, though that didn't mean it was empty. In fact it might have been better if their had been a fight going on, at least then they could blend into the crowd.

She moved forward, pushing the door open ever so slightly and peeking a look. She saw and heard nothing, so she eased it open further, looking out over the rather cavernous chamber.

It was covered in racks of armor and weaponry, spears, plate armor, swords. No guns unfortunately, indeed the place looked dusty and unused, more of a museum than anything. The arena itself was on three steps, bordering two concentric depressions in the ground.

She stepped inside, hearing Ditzi come up behind. Littlepip scanned the place one last time, then located the doorway to the dungeons.

Ditzi spoke up, her voice soft, "Maybe this will be easier than we thought?"

Littlepip kicked the mare backwards to sprawl onto her butt, feeling the bullet whistle past her flank as she did. She immediately turned to track the shooter, firing a blast of her rail rifle and watching it hit nothing but sand.

The stallion rolled into a new position, firing blasts of his shotgun as Ditzi dived screaming for cover. Littlepip fought for an opportunity to return fire but it was all she could do to keep him pinned down and stop him from shooting Ditzi. The mare might have had a silver tongue, but she was less good at keeping her head down. Sad though it was to admit it, she was a liability, "Ditzi!"

"Yeahhgh!" The mare replied as she dashed madly across the arena.

"Go for the door to the dungeons, find Homage!" LIttlepip shouted, rotating around the arena to stand between their opponent and the exit, "I'll hold him off!"

"Right!" She shouted as she made for the exit, ducking inside the doorway as Littlepip kept the other pony's head down with quick blasts of her weapon.

Littlepip heard the door slam behind her. They were alone.

"Not bad. You're a pretty good shot for a smalltime tinkerer."

"And you're a pretty lousy one for the captain of the guard!" She shouted back.

"Ah, it's nice that you recognize me." Dust Kicker replied as he stepped out to fix her with a cool, satisfied grin, "Believe me when I say, I've been looking forward to this for a very long time."


The throne room looked just like Celestia remembered, including to her confusion the stain glass windows depicting her and Luna. In fact not a thing had changed to mark its new ruler, standing there proudly upon the plinth.

She was waiting for her.

Celestia advanced, taking in the alicorn standing there proudly, nobly. She was taller and bulkier than Cadance, though her great grandmother's genetics were strong. She was no simple beauty though, there was a hardness in her face and a sharpness in her cheek bones, a sense of great age that shone through all her apparent youth.

Celestia stopped halfway down the hall, to the point where it was customary for those seeking an audience to pause for summons. Dream Star stepped down off the podium in turn, her eyes cold and hard as she looked upon Celestia. Finally she spoke, "Aunty."

"Technically." Celestia admitted.

"You never told me who you were." Dream Star noted, "But you always knew who I was didn't you?"

"The MASEBS gave me an unparalleled information gathering network." Celestia explained. She extended a hoof in parley, letting a small smile out, "And you were something special Dream Star. The Crying Warrior, you were one of the wasteland's first heroes. Your work clearing out the monsters and bandits from Manehatten might have ensured the future of our race."

Dream Star frowned, lip curling disdainfully, "But it wasn't enough to grant me access to the one thing that could save us all, was it?"

Celestia drew back, shaking her head, "Dream Star... nothing was. You came closer than most, but ultimately I was too afraid to give this power to anypony."

"Except Littlepip."

Celestia smirked, lifting her head and sharing a wry look with Dream Star, "You want to know the truth? I tried to convince Littlepip to leave the SPP, say goodbye to her friends... because I was intending to seal the building to her the moment she left."

Dream Star actually smiled back, "So she... beat you?"

"She did." Celestia sighed, shrugging her shoulders, "Littlepip didn't get in the SPP because she was a better hero, or more moral, or worthier... she did it because she was smarter, sharper, more determined. Than both of us in the end." She pondered that for a moment before looking to Dream Star, "Does that make you feel better?"

"She proved smarter and more determined that anyone expected." Dream Star noted, "Red Eye, the Goddess, you... me."

"Maybe it was destiny." Celestia stated, sharing a light smile with Dream Star, "Maybe she was meant to do this."

Dream Star's smile grew wide at this, "You might be surprised to hear that I've believed in destiny for a long time. Believed we were all put here for a purpose."

Celestia smiled, "I know... and I wish the cutie mark crusaders were here. Because Dream... I don't understand what your cutie mark means." She drew back, shaking her head, "But it doesn't mean this."

Dream Star chuckled, looking down at her flank. The image stood there, sharp and defined, a pillar of white crystal supporting a shining sun. She eventually turned her head back to Celestia, a strange satisfaction in her eyes, "I understand what it means."


"A tower of the old world, supporting the dreams of the wasteland." Dream Star drew in a deep breath, then nodded behind her, "The controls to shutting down this simulation are behind me."

Celestia hesitated, unsure of her meaning, "And are you going to stand aside?"

Dream Star grinned, "No. And Celestia..."

Celestia frowned, not liking that grin one bit, "What?"

"Are you my friend?"

Celestia hesitated at this, "I... of course."

"Then throw everything you have at me. Don't give me a moment's mercy." Dream chuckled in a deeply chilling fashion, her eyes glinting with a sharp cruelty, "Because I'm not about to hold back."

Celestia shook her head, "Dream Star, I won't fight you."

"Of course you won't." Dream commented breezily, "You just admitted how you weren't going to give the SPP to anyone. How you were intending to hide in there like a coward while everypony in the wasteland died. How since the formation of the NCR you've hidden your survival from those who pray to you daily, how you've not done a thing to share your vast experience with the world, allow them to benefit from your wisdom."

Celestia felt her chest grow tight, anger and shame flushing through her, "I don't have anything left to give..."

"THEN DIE!" Dream Star screamed suddenly, her face contorting in rage, "If you've got nothing left, then delete yourself from the system! Unbind yourself from the SPP, break the hold and pass on to the next world!"

Celestia flushed, feeling a tear come to her eye. It was a perfectly chosen barb, one that she had considered herself many times. One that shamed her each and every day, "...I'm scared to die... I'm a coward..."

"Then why are you here?" Dream Star challenged, stepping forward, "If you're that afraid to protect your ponies, then why even bother coming here to stop me?"

Celestia looked up. Looked at Dream Star standing at the throne of Equestria, threatening its people. Standing the place a dozen or more would be tyrants had stood, and each time Celestia had stood up to fight them.

She was old, and tired, and broken... but at that moment, she realised that was no excuse.

Her wings expanded with a rush of air, the sunlight igniting her feathers in radiant glory. She drew that glory to her horn, ignited it in fire, and felt a rush of pure adrenalin as the full power of the sun lit up the throne room. It flew straight at Dream Star, a beam of white hot destruction.

But Dream Star didn't even attempt to dodge. Nor shield herself. She just directed her horn downwards, latched on to the basic structures of the spell... and unraveled them with a thought. The beam of pure sunlight shattered apart, its power immediately lost, only a few glowing shards falling impotently around Dream Star's glowering form. Dream's lip curled in fury, "Is that the best a Princess can do? The best Princess Celestia can manage, fighting on behalf of her subjects?"

Celestia stepped back in shock, knowing she should have expected this... but unable to process it now it stood before her, "Dream, you..."

"Is that all it takes to intimidate you?!" Dream screamed, "Come on, fight me!"

She was right. This was pathetic. Celestia took a deep breath, summoned her spear, and dove forward.

Dream Star grinned widely as she sprang to meet her.


Littlepip stood there, trying to pretend to herself that she was ready. That she wasn't unarmored, carrying a home made weapon, with no combat training, against a mountain of beef packing full armament. Dust Kicker just grinned, wide and enthused, not even attempting to pursue Ditzi.

Littlepip opened her mouth to speak, “Wha..."

She had only got the first syable out when Dust Kicker's battle saddle tightened, Littlepip dodging just in time to avoid the heavy pellet from the shotgun as it skimmed the ground at her hooves. She fired her rail rifle but Dust Kicker knew what he was doing, circling round to keep in her blind spot and causing her shots to fly wide.

She rolled behind a suit of armor, kicking its legs out to knock it down and provide her with some improvised cover. She heard the sound of Dust Kicker kicking his battle saddle into a new configuration and leaned out, firing a shot before he could fully deploy. It flew true but Dust Kicker saw it coming, pivoting round to take it on his shoulder with a grunt.

He fired a half dozen rounds from his rifle, not even trying to aim. Littlepip ducked and rolled as they blasted the armor into fragments and showered her flanks with shrapnel, feeling her back leg snag as one fragment pressed uncomfortably against the muscle. She turned and tried to fire her rifle but she saw him mark her first, only just dodging a shot that cut her scalp.

She ducked behind a few sacks of sand, taking a moment to catch her breath. This wasn't working.

Her weapon was too slow and cumbersome. Dust Kicker was armored enough that a basic torso shot wouldn't do anything, but she couldn't bring the rail rifle up quicker than he could. And without armor of her own, every risk she took was one she couldn't afford. She needed a faster, smaller weapon, or some way to slow time... but she didn't have either.

She looked around the armory, considering what she did have.

She came up shooting, Dust Kicker responding in kind. This time he found his shots blocked however, deflected by the spinning circle of armor pieces Littlepip had placed around her with her telekinesis. It was through one of the gaps that she fired now, scoring a hit on his hip and sending him stumbling, then landing another on the side of his head. He growled and flung a grenade at her but Littlepip caught it, floating it straight back at him.

He fired at the grenade, detonating it between them. Then he charged through the smoke, darting across the centre of the arena and firing his rifle at short range. At this distance the outdated armor pieces hadn't a chance, the bullets punching right through and slicing deep into Littlepip's flesh. She screamed then, feeling her blood soak the ground, punching forward with all her might and pressing all the shards of metal into a shield of broken metal in front of her.

Dust Kicker fired a few times, the shield shuddering and cracking apart. He barked out his command then, sounding confident, "Stand down! You can't win!"

She wouldn't accept that.

"You're bleeding out. You can't hold me off forever!"

Littlepip reached out with her telekinesis. What could she use?

"Right, I'm coming in..."

She levitated her railway rifle out, firing three short shots that shattered the arena edges around Dust Kicker's feet. He quickly pivoted and shot the rifle out of the air, knocking it away to bounce across the stone, "Wha... was that the best...?"

It was enough. Littlepip focused her magic on the now weakened arena structure, driving every last bit of magic she possessed into it. The stone held for a moment... before the honestly inadequate reinforcement finally crumbled and the whole centre of the area dropped sharply downwards.

Dust Kicker yelled as his hooves found nothing but air, thumping his chin on the edge before dropping after it. He landed where the stone block had hit the next floor down, crushing what appeared to be a place to hold captive monsters. Littlepip mused that there was likely some sort of mechanism to raise them up into the chamber above, explaining why the reinforcement was so shoddy. They had pretty much just locked the lift in place and cemented around the edges.

Ironic that a mechanism used to train the guards would now prove the end of their captain.

Littlepip dropped like a stone, driving the sword she had picked up deep into Dust Kicker's chest. He gasped and reached for her but she pulled away, tearing away his rifle and floating it upwards to point straight at his jaw...

...it jammed with a sharp metal sound.

Littlepip cursed, looking for another weapon... before Dust Kicker started laughing. It was a pained, gasping laugh, but it was raw and genuine, almost joyful in its cadence. Littlepip couldn't help grimacing, not entirely sure what was going on here, "Why are you laughing?"

"Because... I knew it would end like this..." Dust Kicker explained, locking eyes on her and giving her a look that was quite honestly affectionate, "I've wanted to fight you ever since the first day I met you..."

"We've... met?"

"At Applelosa. The bandit camp." Dust Kicker explained, "Do you remember?"

She... did. She remembered smoke, and bandits, and pain... Velvet was there... "This was in the real world?"

Dust Kicker winced, letting his head fall back, "There are some healing potions in my pack."

Littlepip cautiously dismounted, opening the pack in question and quickly swallowing one before carefully placing the other two by her hooves, "Why did you want to fight me?"

"You killed a lot of my buddies you know?"

"You were a bandit." She stated coldly. Figured Dream Star would only recruit from the best to be her captain of the guards, "Working for Red Eye."

"Hey..." Dust Kicker stated cheerfully, "You worked for him too."

"Under duress!"

"Because you believed in a better world... and he had the only real plan for that in the whole damn wasteland..."

Littlepip averted her eyes. That was true. She had never been happy about it, liked to think she had always planned to stop him... but in truth she had spent so long wondering if he might have been right.

Even now.

"I'm glad..." Dust Kicker stated, his voice weakening, "...you're strong. Without your Pipbuck, no armor, a substandard weapon... and you're still strong..."

Littlepip looked up at him, realizing there was something more complex here, "Why are you glad?"

"Because it means you were right. This was all meant to be." Dust Kicker smiled with contentment, "I had the drop on you in Appleloosa, but I didn't take the shot. I always wondered what would have happened if I had, if I might have killed you and... Red Eye would have succeeded, and made a better world than this."

Littlepip looked at him. She had considered the same, many times. She didn't know how to make a better world, save some platitudes about friendship and harmony. She had left rebuilding the world up to Gawd.

Red Eye had known. He had a plan, "We'll never know."

"Red Eye promised us a better world. You promised us nothing but the freedom to build the world we deserved." Dust Kicker smiled then, staring up at the roof with a look of deep satisfaction, "But if I've learned anything, it's that easy answers are nothing but illusions. And that compromising your values for the sake of an easier life is the root cause of everything that's wrong." He coughed briefly, wincing every time, then finally relaxed, "Thank you Littlepip..."

She took a deep breath, then levitated over one of the potions and poured it down his throat.


Calamity watched his wife as they moved into the palace, trying to work out the best way of broaching the question. Indeed he had been trying to work up the courage for what felt like days, watching Velvet with the kids and unable to ignore both the sheer radiant joy she put into it... and the deep melancholy that seemed to take her afterwards. And since Littlepip it had only gotten worse, approaching the mission with a sense of grim inevitability that he found very worrying.

He eventually decided to take the plunge, "There's something bugging you Velvet."

Velvet didn't look at him, instead turning her eyes to a window looking out over Canterlot, "If this is an illusion, it's a beautiful one. Everyone's happy, loved ones are together, there's no sickness or war... why do you think that is? Why would she put so much effort into making this perfect world?"

Calamity shrugged, "So no one would want to escape?"

"I think she's taunting us." Velvet replied, "That while we all messed up our lives, she was able to give us exactly what we wanted."

Calamity didn't think it was a fair comparison, "It's easier to make a fine looking illusion, than fix real, physical problems."

"I guess... but so much of the real world is built on an illusion too. That the government has the answers, that they are safe, that the villains are pure evil and the heroes are infallible." Velvet sighed, turning to look up at him with a heartbreakingly lost expression, "I have another theory on her motives."

Calamity didn't like the sound of that, "What?"

"That's she's genuinely trying to do the right thing."

"A lot of bad ponies think they're doing the right thing." Calamity countered.

Velvet smiled, "Then what makes us so sure we're the heroes?"

"That we conduct ourselves with a little bit of dignity." Calamity stated, always hating that train of thought, "We don't sneak up behind ponies and brain them with our 'perfect world'. Or lock up innocent young mares."

Velvet chuckled, "I wish it was that simple."

"It is Velvet." Calamity retorted angrily, "Don't let them get to you."

Velvet turned her head away, shrugging her shoulders to limber herself up as they approached the main office, "Don't you worry Calamity. I'm not about to waver now."

They pushed open the door, immediately faced with the immaculately presented offices of the royal chancellor. Said chancellor was at his desk as normal, browsing through stacks of paperwork. He lifted his head as they approached, "Lady Velvet Remedy, Lord Calamity. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"It's a Sunny Smiles Illusion Life Bloom." Velvet immediately stated, tapping her hoof on the desk, "Remember Reggie Grimfeathers? Zero, zero one."

Life Bloom's eyes went wide, looking around the room in confusion, "I... I know that. But I don't know how..."

"Because none of this is real Life Bloom." Velvet answered, "We need to know the location of the oracle, Puppysmiles."

Calamity look to her in confusion, "Velvet... I'm having trouble keeping up."

"Just keep an eye out Calamity." Velvet answered, then offered Life Bloom a reassuring smile, "We've done this before haven't we? Reggie, you, and I. Same basic idea, lock down control and strike at the head."

Life Bloom gave a slow nod of his head, "None of this makes sense..."

"...so just follow the plan." Velvet answered, "Life Bloom, you know we haven't the time to explain in detail. But you trust me, and I trust you."

"Right." Life Bloom left his desk, absent mindedly picking a few devices up from the drawers and shelves and shoving them into a bag, "You should know that the oracle doesn't have a physical presence as such. She exists entirely on another plane of existence, only projecting herself here when she needs to speak to somepony."

"She's controlling the simulation." Velvet answered, "And as long as she does that, she holds almost all the cards."

"She must have a focus though, or multiple different focuses. And I'm guessing they would be located throughout the palace." Life Bloom stated, "If we can force her into one of them, then we could interact with her directly."

Calamity had no idea what they were talking about. He concentrated instead on keeping an eye out for trouble, moving to the door and peaking through the crack.

...at the alicorn and two flanking guards moving towards them, “Velvet, we have company!”

Velvet turned her head up, narrowing her eyes. She looked to Life Bloom, the clerk clearing his throat, “It’s fine, we’ll just explain that we were just conducting business...”

Justicar opened the door with a firm hoof, moving inside and taking all of them in without much surprise, “Velvet Remedy and Deadshot Calamity.”

“Justicar.” Calamity replied in greeting, stepping back a little, “We were just checking on some business with Life Bloom...”

“And what kind of business is that?” Justicar asked, “The kind you conducted with Littlepip last night?”
Calamity caught Velvet giving him a look, bracing himself for what was to come. He just wished he had a weapon. He opened his mouth wide, "Hey!"

They all looked, distracted from the glow that shot up Velvet's horn and burst into flashing light. The two guards were caught in it and dropped immediately to the numbing effect of her anesthetist spell, though to no one's surprise Justicar shrugged it off with only a brief fluttering of her eyes.

It was enough to give Calamity time however, using his wings to drive himself forward. Justicar stomped at his head but he dodged, grappling the limb and drawing it back under her to take her completely off her hooves. She was good though, she fell well and came up rolling, her horn already sparking with energy as she faced off against Calamity...

"Star Swirl, what do you think you're doing!"

Justicar paused, confusion and shock shooting through her eyes. She turned to Velvet Remedy, the mare looking across at her with an expression of imperious authority, "What... what did you..."

"I called you Star Swirl, archivist for the Followers of the Apocalypse!" Velvet declared, her tone aching with disappointment, "Traitor. Thief. Liar."

Justicar's face grew cold, angry. Calamity reached over and grabbed a fallen rifle from one of the guards, uncertain why his wife was intentionally angering the big scary alicorn. Justicar's voice was harsh, labored, forced through gritted teeth, "Don't call me that!"

"What? Traitor?" Velvet glared, "I trusted both of you. You and Zenai."

"Zenai..." Justicar gasped, her resolve faltering, "We didn't do anything wrong..."

"You did Star Swirl." Velvet stated, her voice softer now, "We all did. And I'm so sorry."

"It wasn't fair..." Justicar hissed, her expression pained, "She was just trying to help..."

"I know." Velvet smiled, "I rather respected Zenai, her intentions. It would be hypocritical to decry the hasty decisions of the young, nor condemn a young mare for running away from home, dragging others along with her."

Justicar shook her head, "It... didn't end the same way..."

"No." Velvet admitted, "If heroism alone ensured victory, if it didn't require sacrifice... well it wouldn't be so hard a choice. Nor so noble."

Justicar closed her eyes for a moment, then looked around in dawning confusion, "What's going on?"

Calamity looked to his wife, "That's what ah would like to know."

Velvet Remedy smiled softly, then looked to them both in seriousness, "We're inside some sort of computer simulation, living lives constructed for us. In truth, our bodies lie sleeping in the wasteland outside. It is just as Celestia explained."

"I'm inside the SPP, with Homage." Justicar stated after a moment longer to clear her head, "We were trying to stop... Dream Star..."

"She's inside the SPP?" Velvet stated with a look of carefully controlled panic, that swiftly faded into grim resolve, "Well at least we know there's a way in, and that Dream Star hasn't hurt Littlepip."

"Alright, alright..." Calamity interrupted, looking to his wife, "Ah... sorta get the idea, but... how come you know what's going on?"

"Cybernetics. And a fair amount of training." Velvet explained, "I considered the possibility of some kind of brainwash attempt a long time ago, knew that my position made me particularly vulnerable. I figured it was a scenario worth preparing for."

Calamity widened his eyes. He honestly should have stopped being surprised by now, "You installed implants to protect you from brainwashing?"

She nodded, "It seemed advisable."

Justicar shook her head in quiet awe, "And that's why you're the smartest pony in the room."

Velvet sighed, "As I've said many times, if that was true we wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place." She nodded to the opposite corridor, "Now you two should hurry, help Celestia with Dream Star."

"And you?"

Velvet looked back at the sofa at the back of the room, "Life Bloom?"

The pony poked his head up to scan for danger, before cautiously trotting out, "I'm glad that's over. I'm not a fighter you know."

"You'd be surprised." Velvet playfully answered, before turning to Calamity and Justicar, "Life Bloom and I will attempt to help Littlepip take down Dream Star's security. I'm no expert hacker, but my staff will tell you many tales of my talent for breaking things. Let's see if I can't turn that talent to noble ends shall we?"

"And us?" Calamity asked.

"You go help Celestia." Velvet answered, "Once Puppysmiles is in our hooves, Dream Star's undoubtedly set herself up as the final boss."

"Ha, taken down plenty of evil sorcerers." Calamity exclaimed, chuckling to himself, "Like Sunny Smiles all over again."

"Don't underestimate her." Justicar warned, "She's dangerous."

"And we're the elements of harmony." Calamity declared, sharing a smile with his wife before strapping the rifle to his side, "Just one more villain."


Littlepip advanced down the long corridor, surrounding on all sides by... very distracting images. She knew deep down she couldn't let herself get sidetracked, that her true goal lay ahead...

...she had always been too curious for her own good, letting her eyes stray across the stainglass windows that lined the corridor on both sides. And all depicted the same pink furred pony, adventuring through a shattered wasteland, growing steadily more withered and broken as the images continued. It was a tale of utter failure at every turn, every brief shot of happiness cruelly broken in the very next image.

"Ugh... I never could stand a pony like that."

Littlepip looked to Dust Kicker, "A pony like this?"

"She's memorialized her failure, her sadness." Dust waved a hoof at the images, "She's showing you this on purpose. She wants you to emphasize with her suffering."

"I don't mind doing that. It's easier than hating them sometimes." Littlepip stated, feeling the truth of that like an ugly lump in her stomach.

"And that doesn't stop you taking them down?"

"Not really." Littlepip felt a twinge of regret, "You told me I was a great warrior. That I killed hundreds of raiders."


"I never considered myself a killer." She looked at her hoof, feeling there was something missing there. Like her balance and tactics were thrown off without a device on her hoof, "But I can't feel it. Those reflexes. That instinct."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"I could kill someone I liked and not feel a thing." She sighed, even that admission not throwing her too much, "I just want to be a good pony. A normal pony. But sometimes I think there's something wrong with me, that I was always destined to suffer and die for the happiness of others. That I wasn't meant to be... normal."

"I think that's why I've always respected you." Dust Kicker admitted, drawing up beside her, "You do what has to be done. But you never let it take away your empathy, your dignity." He looked to the windows, "You can look at all this and feel sorry for what she's suffered, yet still realize she has to go down, one way or another."

"Mmm..." Littlepip grunted, dropping her head, "Homage deserves better than this."

Dust Kicker chuckled, "I've read your book. You know perfectly well that she didn't fall in love with the ordinary, but the extraordinary."

"I can't believe I'm getting relationship advice from a raider."

"I can't believe I'm giving it to a toaster repair pony."

Littlepip laughed at this, then blushed fiercely from her own outburst. She took a moment to regain her composure before giving him an appreciative grin, "I appreciate how casual you are with me. Most ponies treat me like some sort of Princess."

Dust Kicker smirked, "I think a lot of went wrong with the world stems from treating you all like heroes, rather than ponies who did heroic things."

Littlepip nodded. He had the truth of it, "I've got it easy, I'm hidden away most of the time. Velvet is the one that has it worst." She stopped, looking up at the door in front of her, golden framed and marked by six locks, "So this is it?"

Dust Kicker shrugged, "It certainly looks like it was meant for something important."

Littlepip reached forward, pulling out her portable computer and plugging the lead into the slot provided. She watched the interface appear, the standard hacking commands scrolling past...

...and then something flashed, and a horrible sensation of vertigo sent her head spinning. Littlepip stumbled and fell, and to her horror she didn't hit the floor. Instead she continued falling as images flashed past her eyes, nightmarish... and familiar.

"Like all flesh, so predicable." Boomed a deep voice from beyond the void, "Your actions were predicted long ago Littlepip. That your sense of responsibility would drive you to intervene personally. And that your lack of caution and natural curiosity would drive you to attempt to interface with the Puppy OS directly."

Littlepip fought to gain back control of the situation. She didn't recognize the voice, and staring out at her surroundings only revealed... flashes. A shining red eye. A nightmarish black alicorn. Puppysmiles's smiling face as she stood beyond the shattered remains of the memorial in the presidential palace, "Who... are... you...?"

"I am the solution to your mistake!" The voice declared, "Did you calculate the probabilities when you rejected Red Eye's proposal? When you delivered the world to same pathetic creatures that destroyed it, formed a society built on foolish democratic ideas?"

She had heard this one before. She didn't even bother answering, instead reaching out with the telekinesis for something to hold, to break, to... anything...

"Do not worry yourself Littlepip.” The voice boomed, “When you are dead, my Puppysmiles will make sure the world is saved the right way."

Littlepip felt her heart seize in her chest, gripped by powerful claws, "No..."

"Let go of her!"

Littlepip looked round at the voice, more beautiful than ever. As was the mare, standing firm and angry, her horn shining with glowing light, "Homage..."

"Littlepip!" Homage called out, charging towards her at full gallop. Despite this she never seemed to get any closer... in fact she seemed to be drawing further away, even as Littlepip's vision dimmed. The mare called out again, her hoof extending desperately....

And Homage's voice cut through the void like a blade, "You're stronger than this!"

Littlepip bit her lip hard enough to make it bleed, then lunged out and looped her hoof about Homage's. With a single tug she felt herself pulled free, felt the grip around her heart slacken. She fell into Homage's lap, looking happily up at the mare's relieved face, "Thanks for the save."

The voice boomed out once more, "Ugh, typical heroics. Very well! Puppy OS, activate your purge systems! Burn them all alive!"

And a sweeter, softer voice answered, "I'm afraid I cannot comply with that order SolOS."

The booming voice... hesitated, "Ex... explain the malfunction."

A small pink form appeared within the rapidly fading images, now looking like nothing more than a featureless white room. It was a pink unicorn pony with kinky blond hair, a look of profound innocence on her face as she spoke, "Even if I was still in my armor, Dust Kicker disabled those systems a long time ago. And more to the point..." She looked up, sticking her tongue out, "I don't want to."

The voice faltered, "Data... not found..."

Puppysmiles looked across at Littlepip, giving an apologetic smile, "I'm so sorry Miss Littlepip, it seems my data wasn't completely purged of his influence. Let me correct that."

And then they were all back in the corridor again. Homage was there, along with Dust Kicker and Ditzi Doo. Littlepip blinked as she forced herself off the floor, trying to rid herself of the headache, "What... just happened?"

"A booby trap." Came Puppysmiles voice, the mare standing nearby, "Set into my core structure by my creator, SolOS."

Littlepip blinked at the mare, her body still aching something terrible, "That was who we were speaking to?"

"In a manner of speaking." She replied, "It wasn't really him, mostly just a prerecorded message. Seems he was expecting you."

Littlepip grimaced, "Your tutoring me about not sticking my nose in strange places Homage? It hasn't worked."

"The student doesn't wish to learn." Homage replied witheringly, "Honestly Littlepip, we're well beyond the point where you should be expecting your opponents being ready for you."

Dust Kicker chuckled, giving Puppysmiles a nod, "Well it seems to have worked at least. Welcome back Puppy."

She grinned back, "Good to be upright again. Looks like I've missed a few things."

"You have no idea."


Celestia was diminished by age, she realized that. Not in strength, or skill... but will. Will to hurt, will to destroy. She had never possessed the heart of a warrior, she was always more comfortable at a conference table than a battlefield. That had only become more apparent through the years, and eventually even her training had slackened.

All the same, she was a Princess of Equestria. Princess of the Sun. It's glory was hers, power beyond any ordinary pony.

But Dream Star was no ordinary pony.

Celestia’s first horn burst hadn't been a fluke, Dream Star had shut down her offense in that area with near contemptuous ease. Celestia wondered where or why a wasteland pony would become such a proficient counterspeller, Dream Star's ability to take apart or even modify a spell directed at her as good as Twilight. And as she took the hint and closed for a brawl she found Dream Star was no stranger to a more physical contest either, expertly exploiting the holes in her offense to sneak in stinging blows before retreating from Celestia's reach.

"Have you always been this weak?" Dream Star taunted, looking somewhat annoyed, "I imagined more of Celestia."

Of course she did. They all did. Celestia shook her head free, flexing her body and feeling the burns and bruises of her injuries. They were fortunately pretty minor, no matter what else you could say for her she still had the body of an alicorn, "Have... you always been this strong?" Celestia allowed a smile, "I can see why you've survived this long."

"I have you know?" Dream Star replied glumly, her tone and eyes full of bitterness, "No matter what I've faced, no matter what I’ve suffered... I've always been stronger. All those good, worthy and skilled ponies dead, because I was better than them."

Celestia couldn't say the same. Indeed she had always suspected Luna was the one with natural talent. Celestia had always felt out of her depth, having to struggle, study and train herself to meet every new challenge. She had created this image of perfection around herself, when in reality... she knew that image might be the most powerful weapon she commanded.

She lowered her head, collected her magic, and attacked once more. Her form exploded into blinding light, Celestia surging forward in a zig zag beam of energy as she closed in on Dream Star. Celestia collected the energy of her travel tightly at her core, watching Dream for any hint of an opening as the mare struggled to track her location.

And there it was, Dream Star turning her back to Celestia in confusion. Celestia surged forward...

...hitting a circle of magic dampening energy that exploded forth from Dream Star's horn. Celestia found herself back in her physical form once more, off balance and flailing desperately as she tried to open her wings. Dream Star just turned her head slightly to reveal her smirking grin before activating another spell, trapping Celestia in a bubble of heavy gravity just as she got her wings open. Predictably Celestia's wings promptly collapsed under her weight and sent her spinning for good measure, slamming into the stonework with a bone shaking thud and skidding across the tiles in a shower of feathers.

Celestia blinked away the pounding ache spreading through her skull, looking round to see Dream Star advancing towards her with an amused grin. The mare spoke, her tone chiding, "Celestia, did you really think that would take me off guard? That's like... kindergarden level light magic." Dream Star shook her head, "I can't help but feel disappointed."

"For... having spent the last two hundred years without a body, having barely trained for a century before that, spent most of my time writing up trading treaties rather than fighting monsters... I think I'm doing pretty well." Celestia reasoned, rising up on only slightly shaky legs, "And you on the other hoof have fallen into the same trap as so many others."

Dream Star looked interested at this, "And what is that?"

Celestia smirked, turning to face the alicorn. She took her time, giving them as much of an opportunity as possible, "Thinking I'm important. Thinking I'm the one you have to beat." She rose up to her full height, framing the others as they sprung for the attack, "I'm the least of Equestria's heroes."


Dream Star laughed, it really being the perfect jest. Her magical sensors set up around the room detected the shots, Dream Star setting up deflecting shields before rolling to the side for good measure. Bullets shattered the walls and floor, Dream Star tracking each individual combatant as they rushed into the room. She chuckled, getting Celestia's meaning immediately, "You were just keeping me busy, while your champions were getting into position! Oh wonderful Celestia, how perfectly like you!" Dream Star smirked, cocking her head to the side, "You played to my ego, knowing I wouldn't be able to resist the honor of 'defeating Princess Celestia'. How many others have fallen into the same trap?"

Littlepip rushed up, keeping her weapon firmly leveled at Dream Star. Dust Kicker did the same, Calamity touching down on the roof struts, Star Swirl and Puppysmiles walking behind Homage with their horns ignited. And there in the middle of them was Princess Celestia, wounded but unbowed. It was... glorious.

Celestia looked to her companions, then shouted to Dream Star, "You're outnumbered Dream Star! Surrender!"

Dream Star chuckled. Celestia couldn't have framed the moment better if she tried. She gave her reply immediately, weaving an illusion of herself before teleporting away, throwing out another illusion of a teleport flash next to Celestia and watching them all turn to track it. It left them totally off guard against her actual appearance, coming out beside Littlepip and striking her just below the ear with a telekinesis assisted hoof.

Littlepip dropped like a stone, sprawling limp across the floor. Dream Star tracked the second most dangerous, Star Swirl showing off her reaction speed by being the first to bring a horn blast to bear. Like before it was all power and no control, Dream Star latching onto the spell while it was still at Star Swirl's horn and unleashing it prematurely.

Star Swirl's head snapped backwards and a crack ran up her horn, the mare going down hard with a yell of pain. The others barely noticed, all coming up shooting... but she was already gone.

Celestia dropped to a double hoof strike as Dream Star teleported in close, then unleashed a shockwave of magic that sent them all staggering. They had clearly never worked as a group before, or had never head of grenades. Clustering, against a unicorn mage?

Calamity was unaffected though, soaring close to the roof and firing off pinpoint accurate sniper rifle shots. Dream Star caught them on her shields but was aware they wouldn't hold long, still she had encountered enough pegasi to know how to deal with them. A quick spell charged the roof with electricity, sending sharp bolts of lightning arcing between the struts. Calamity was smart enough to drop down low enough to avoid danger, still it threw off his aim.

It had taken Dream Star too long though. A shotgun blast and repeated beams of energy flashed against her shields, Dream Star finding herself driven back by Homage and Dust Kicker. Her shields finally dropped and she took a stinging blow across her flank before rolling away and coming up shooting. Horn blasts rocketed out, Homage just dodging and Dust Kicker bracing hard against a direct hit. To Dream Star's surprise he didn't drop, seemed Earth Ponies really were that tough.

"Get away from my friends!"

Dream Star was thankful for the warning, able to brace her magic to resist as Puppysmiles plowed into her full steam. The blow hit hard and Dream Star felt bones fracture, still Puppysmile's technique could use work. Not only was Puppysmiles now shielding Dream Star from attack, her wild swings were pure power and no skill. Dream Star dodged to throw Puppysmiles off balance before grappling the mare with hoof and telekinesis, throwing her sideways and driving her headfast into the ground.

Dream then dodged and rolled as the others continued shooting, floor tiles shattering under her hooves. She exchanged some shots with Dust Kicker before warding off a horn blast from Celestia, playing defense until she had a chance to fire off an animation spell. Immediately the stone slabs around Dust Kicker came to life, levitating upwards and swarming him.

It had given Celestia enough time to charge up a full power blast though. Celestia unleashed it all, a furious beam of concentrated solar energy that battered against Dreams shields like a storm.

She withstood it just long enough, spotting the weakness in Celestia's technique and exploiting it. She shot a horn blast along the centerline, cutting through the weakest part of the spell and hitting Celestia right between the eyes. The mare's blast faltered immediately, Celestia taking a few wobbly steps before collapsing to the floor.

And them Dream Star was forced to look up as an almighty crack echoed from the roof. She saw Calamity fly away, saw the struts glowing with the tell tell signs of telekinesis. She attempted to teleport away but felt her own body seized before she had a chance, looking round to see Littlepip staring at her with a look of fierce determination. She wiggled, tried to break free, watched as the roof came down in raining chunks...

Dream directed all her power upwards in the strongest, most destructive blast she could manage. It hit the roof chunks with an echoing, deafening explosion that shattered every window in the hall, the shockwave alone slamming Dream Star to the ground. Debris fell in smoking chunks, a cloud of obscuring dust covering the room.

Dream Star had just managed to stand when Puppysmiles and Star Swirl came in swinging. Against them both Dream Star quickly realized she was in trouble, taking several ringing blows that left her off balance and groggy. Dream reacted by pure instinct, kicking the less experienced Puppysmiles in the forehoof and causing her to stumble into Star Swirl's path, then use telekinesis to slam their heads together as they tried to untangle themselves.

No sooner than she had done that however than shots marked her body, Homage, Littlepip and Dust Kicker running in shooting.

She teleported fast, obscuring herself with illusions. Homage went down to a fierce descending stomp, Littlepip crying out in anger and trying to catch Dream's wing with telekinesis. Dream let herself be pulled away, rolling with the force and obscuring her form with her wings. It worked, one of Littlepip's shots punching through a wing but missing her body as she dropped. It left her able to strike the mare across her muzzle with a leg, pulling Littlepip's rail rifle away from her and using it to shoot Dust Kicker through the knee and gunstrap. Both ponies dropped cursing, Dream Star spinning the weapon round to point down at the fallen Littlepip...

...Calamity came down with a scream, spiking the rail rifle right into the side of Dream Star's head. Dream was rocked hard by the impact, having given the weapon exception from her shields for the purpose of wielding it effectively. Said shields almost instantly fell apart as the concussion made itself known, Dream sprawling hard to the floor with her vision spinning.

Calamity came down with a knife firmly clasped in his muzzle, aimed straight for her neck. Dream Star didn't know quite how she managed to draw her knee up in time to strike him hard in the stomach, nor how she had the co-ordination to fling him sideways to roll away from her.

She didn't have much time to think about it, the side of her head instantly marked by a sniper rifle shot from Dust Kicker. She tried to retreat but Littlepip already had her caught in telekinesis, leaving her totally vulnerable as Star Swirl slammed hard into her chest. Star Swirl stabbed her horn deep into Dream's side, rearing up to fling her into the air before driving her fiercely into a set of stone steps.

Dream Star gasped, rolling over and blasting Star Swirl in the chest. It flung the alicorn away in a cloud of feathers, allowing Dream Star to roll upwards to face her remaining opponents.


Littlepip picked up Homage's laser pistol, wiping away the blood from her eyes with a hoof. Dream Star smirked as she faced the mare down, feeling that this at least felt appropriate. She advanced towards Littlepip, limping forward on her injured legs as she shouted, "Come on! The greatest of Equestria's heroes, and you can't beat one mare?! I always wondered how I would fare against you Littlepip, and let me tell you... I'm disappointed!"

"What is this damn mare made of?" Calamity asked, hoof supporting his injured ribs as he picked himself up, "I scored a dozen hits on her, and she still hasn't dropped!"

Dream Star had heard that question a hundred times, from a hundred different opponents. It angered her, the anticlimax. This was supposed to be the greatest battle of her life, a legendary struggle against the best the wasteland had to offer! "Come on, Xenith gave me more of a fight than this! Is dropping things on ponies all you have Littlepip?!"

Littlepip shook her head, "You're at magical burn out, you've broken two legs and most of your ribs, and you'll have bled out in a few minutes at best."

No... Littlepip didn't know. Dream had been in a thousand battles worse than this, dragged herself across half the wasteland with her skin burned off, lay motionless for days with half her insides hanging out. She took a step forward to confirm it, blocking out the pain as she strode towards Littlepip on fractured limbs, "Come on Pip, prove you're strong enough to save this world! Take me down, like you did Red Eye and the Goddess!"

Littlepip frowned, "What do you want from me?"

Dream gasped out her reply, the pain rippling through her and only giving her renewed strength, "I want you to fight me!"

"And I've done it!"

Dream Star looked around at the exited young voice, her heart sinking as she saw Puppysmiles at the podium with the simulation controls at her hooves. She cried out in rage, looked for a weapon, tried to draw on her magic...

Puppysmiles struck the last few controls, and it was all over.


Dream Star awoke with a gasping scream, looking around the room desperately. She was back at the mapping system control room, soon locating Spark Plug up at the primary control station, "What happened?!"

Spark Plug looked back at her, giving an apologetic shake of her head, "Puppysmiles has locked me out of the system. I'm sorry."

Dream closed her eyes. It had been her fault. She should have never given them a straight shot at Puppy, should have known something like this would happen, "It's ok Sparks. You... stay here. Get things ready."

Spark Plug gave a soft nod, then turned away.

Dream Star on the other hand hadn't failed yet. She took a laser pistol from the locker, then made her way out of the room and down the stairs. She could easily figure where they would go, how to head them off. It was frankly totally predicable.

She walked into the pod chamber, the room empty and silent, save the slight hum of the containment pod in front of her. She just stared at it for a little while, just... letting herself drift. She had already come to terms with it all, already debated the impact of her choices over and over again. There... was nothing left but to wait.

She heard the doors just a room away, raising her weapon to point directly at Littlepip's pod. A moment later and the door beside her slid open, Homage rushing in with a frantic look on her face.

Homage saw Dream Star standing there, her eyes going wide as she saw the weapon pointed straight at Littlepip.

Dream turned, swiveling her weapon towards Homage.

It was... different than normal. Almost peaceful, pleasant. Homage swung Little Macintosh upwards and discharged it wildly, Dream amused to see the recoil knock the mare backwards a little. As a result it was more luck than skill that caused the bullet to cut right past her breastbone, driving itself deep into her heart and lungs.

Dream Star laughed, feeling her blood pressure already start to drop. Once she might have fought through it through sheer will, but she quickly realized that her aged body had finally had enough, after all this time. She slumped down to her knees, then pitched forward onto her side.

There was no pain.

"Dream Star!" Came a familiar voice from the speakers, Dream craning her neck round to see Celestia there upon the monitors.

She looked... concerned. Dream tried to speak, even as blood filled her windpipe, "Now... I realize why you... always seemed to understand me..."

Celestia looked struck by this, her voice choking, "Dream..."

"You're... a old relic... trapped in a situation she never wanted... because you were too damn afraid to die..." Dream chuckled weakly as she felt life leave her, "...I've... enjoyed our games... and I'm happy to be able to finally say..."

She gasped out her final word, "...checkmate..."

And for the first time since she could remember, Dream Star felt at peace. She looked round at her family, her friends, all there waiting for her.

And finally, there was no legacy, there was no world to safe, there was no destiny. The weight had lifted, and she was finally....


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