• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 5,548 Views, 280 Comments

Fallout Equestria : Black And White - Philweasel

Peace between the NCR and Zebra wasteland becomes a battleground between competing factions.

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Chapter 2.8 - Ecclesiastes

Chapter 2.8 - Ecclesiastes

Esau awoke from his slumber, groggily throwing his covers aside and moving over to the desk with determined purpose. His thoughts swirled, anger and shame, Esau grunting as he pressed his hooves into the wooden surface. He looked up at the mirror, angry, familiar eyes staring out from an unfamiliar face. It was still too soft, still too young and innocent, still the face of a worthless fool lying helpless in the dust. Even the marks that covered it couldn’t disguise the sin there, the weakness.

He growled in frustration, moving over to the sink and bathing his head in water. He let it seep into him, the seconds ticking past until he brought his head out with a gasp and shook out his short, cropped mane. The cold water brought clarity to an unworthy mind.

He washed and dressed, feeling the sting of wounds both new and old and taking strength from them. They were signs that he was still alive. That he hadn’t died out there in the sands. He let his fur dry before taking a roll of clean bandages, wrapping them around his head in tight loops. Soon his unworthy flesh had faded away, the hale, arrogant young zebra replaced by the grim visage of an anonymous wasteland vigilante.

He walked out of his room a better stallion.


“What have your meditations told you?”

Esau trembled as his soul descended into the earth, the beating heart of the birthplace of civilisation. He felt the fire, the pain, the victory and defeat of over seven thousand years of battle. He saw the first protozebra striking at their foes with simple rocks tied to their hooves, the elegant bronze hatchets of the great empire, the crude iron warblades of Zephyr Stormstrung and his host, the sharp, utilitarian blades of the zebra republics... and felt all of it flow upwards into him, and the pistols at his side. Almost crude next to the magical energy weapons of the Equestrians, but deadly in a way only hard metal could be. He felt the bullets, felt them hum, enthused them with his hate. They existed to kill.

“My meditations are of war master.”

Tradash sighed, opening his eyes and looking at Esau with regret. He folded his hooves upon his lap and lowered his head, voice soft and kind, “You need to open yourself Esau. You try and impose yourself upon the earth, instead you need to understand and accept it.”

Esau felt himself tense in frustration. It wasn’t that easy, one didn’t just let go of their identity, “War is in my blood, it runs too strong within me. Accept it master, that I was born to kill and destroy.”

“Enough about blood.” Tradash rebuked, his voice quiet but firm in the silence of the room, “Whether magically, environmentally or physically, you inherit but a small amount from your parents. My father and mother are itinerant farmers, yet I was never bound to that life.”

Esau closed his eyes, feeling the fire pumping in his veins. The fire of a conqueror, of the line of Silver Imperious. He would never escape it, knew he was only humoring Tradash, “Some blood is stronger than others.”

“Your affection for violence was taught, no less and no more. It can be untaught.” Tradash sniffed, rising to his hooves and pacing the room fussily. His expression eventually softened however, breathing deep, “You are not failing Esau. I know you obsess over the state of your soul, but I see only a noble zebra doing good deeds.”

Esau’s face wrinkled under the bandages, “I still enjoy the killing.”

“Peace is not always possible.” Tradash turned to him, “I only advise you against it because indulgence will only reinforce your urges, and urges drive us all towards unwise action.” The zebra smiled warmly, adjusting his glasses with a cheeky grin, “You are right about me, my urge to recover lost knowledge and see new and interesting things is a flaw that leads me to underestimate the danger. We all struggle against our baser impulses.”

Those words cut through Esau like a knife.

Hot blazing sun. Pain, everywhere. Dry, bloody, flesh, baking upon hot sand. The desperate scream of a stomach denied food and water.

Another hoof thuds into him. A high, piercing laugh, impossibly youthful, almost a foal.

“You think you’re better than me. In your fine clothes, pretty face, brushed mane? Look at this, custom pistols, your name inscribed upon them. Did daddy make these for you?”

Another hoof, driving into flesh already lying in torn strips upon the sand.

“These are weaknesses. Unworthiness to exist upon a burnt earth. The world is broken, savage, ugly. I’ve given you a real face, worthy to stare out into the hell we have created. This... is a gift.”

Silence, then the sound of hoofsteps, a fading voice, “Join with the sands, and come and see me again when you understand. I will be waiting.”

Even through the abuse, the torture, the mind games... Esau tried to call out. Tried to scream for him to stay, to not leave him. To stay, to continue to cut and thrash the skin from his bones.

It was preferable to the alternative. He didn’t want to die alone. The heat beat upon him, the sand dug into his wounds. He lost all sense of time, howling in pain and despair as the darkness consumed all around him. He was certain then that his torment was eternal, unable to recall his family, his past... his very name. It was all taken away from him by the darkness. He wept, childish, pointless tears.

A presence came upon him, the sound of approaching footsteps. A warm, numbing wave, the soft touch of a gentle hoof. A warm, compassionate voice, “Here, I have water.”

He opened his eyes, the gentle, middle aged scholar before him seemingly born from the holy flame itself. Esau raised a hoof, tears running free and painful across a broken face, “Please... help...”

The scholar gave a warm fatherly smile, his hoofs closing upon his own, “Do not worry my son. I will see you safe.”

“Forgive me master... I have wronged you.” Tears dampened his bandages, regret and frustration burning through him, “I should not have questioned you in front of others. I shame myself with my ungrateful actions.”

Tradash chuckled kindly, shaking his head, “Nonsense Esau. I saved you because you were lost and alone, doing so without any expectation or desire for reward. That you strive to do the same, that you joined me among the pariah, that is payment far beyond the service.”

Esau tried to contain his emotions, the self loathing towards himself and the love for his master alike. He knew they were the emotions of an unworthy zebra, one with no faith in himself who longed to rely upon others. He would not be a zebra like that, not shame his master by becoming his broken obedient servant, “I... will do as you say. I will protect, serve the alicorn.”

Tradash smiled, “You have no need to serve her Esau.”

“All the shaman serve master.” Esau’s visualisation of his mission centered him, gave him purpose. He was a shaman, maybe not formally, maybe not of Garm, but a shaman none the less, “The powerful need the service of a shaman more than anyone, to guide them in wise understanding of their duty to the holy flame.”

Tradash gave a pleased nod, the scholar’s face full of honest affection, “You speak well Esau. Indeed I had another reason for placing her alongside you.”

Esau frowned, wondering why this was kept from him, “And what is that master?”

“I sense that like you, her heart pumps the hot red blood of a killer, and that like you she has struggled long and hard to keep herself from what she feels is her own evil nature.” Tradash gave a kind nod, “And like you yourself, it blinds her with self loathing, denying her the chance to nurture her heroic qualities. You more than anyone can understand that, help her to become the pony the world needs her to be.”

Esau bristled. The world needed no more alicorns, no more princes and kings, killing for petty ambition, “And why does the world need her master?”

Tradash chuckled, shaking his head and shrugging, “The world always needs more heroes Esau.”


He gazed upon her as she walked through the markets, so shy and nervous, yet with a clear will and passion hidden just beneath the surface. He hadn’t know quite how to feel when he first saw her, her form representative of all he hated. A alicorn, symbolic of the arrogance of royalty, painted in the colors of the patron saint of the kind of perverted science that had born the megaspells. And beneath her skin, the entity that had destroyed their civilisation once before, allowed to roam free.

Star Swirl should have been everything he hated. But instead he found himself confused, indecisive. Her death would achieve nothing. She personally had done nothing wrong that he knew about. He longed for her to give into madness, give him a foe representative of his crusade. Instead she invalidated it, twisted it into something he did not recognise. If pony princesses born of dark magic and inhabited by demons were not evil, then what was there to truly believe in?

She looked round suddenly, Esau making no effort to hide. She looked surprised for a moment before glaring, her front hoof lifting off the ground, “Are you watching me?”


She frowned deeper at his bluntness, stepping closer, “You know, that’s generally seen as creepy.”

He allowed a small smile to form, since she could not see it beneath the bandages, “I’m a masked warrior priest killing zebra in the name of an order expelled from the Academy of Garm for trafficking with demons. Do you believe I care about accusations of ‘creepiness’?”

Her anger was broken by a little confusion, just as he had planned, “Was that a joke?”

“Jokes have structure and rules. I’m not personally very fond of them.” He carried on past her, eyes scanning the market. The zebra here were merchants in the most clichéd sense of the word, eagerly selling shoddy crap and trying to convince their targets that they had haggled grand deals out of them in spite of all the evidence. He had long since grown hardened to such things, “Are you intending to buy something?”

“Um...” She exclaimed in a wavering voice, clearly embarrassed. She mumbled slightly as she continued, something Esau found very cute and rather amusing considering her size and shape, “I like looking at dresses... I mean I know I look terrible in them, and that none of the ones here would fit me... but it’s nice to look right?”

Esau snorted, “Don’t bother. All the best clothing is made east, in Netaborga, or south in Saddle Arabia. All of this is either imported from there and marked up four hundred percent, or shoddy, locally made imitations.”

Star Swirl chuckled at this, “You seem to know a lot about dresses Esau.”

He snorted, turning around and fixing the grinning alicorn with a hard stare, “I know about fabric.”

She pouted for a moment, her expression completive. Eventually she nodded at him, turning her head sideways to look at him askew, “What’s with the bandages anyway? Are you... horribly scarred or something?”

He knew she would ask sooner or later, “Several reasons. Some of them the same reasons that I wished you could hide your height or wings.” He nodded at them, his mouth curling into a scowl. To think he had to travel with her... he could already anticipate the kind of reactions they would get in places where the reaction to strange ponies wasn’t to try and sell them dresses, “I’m astounded they haven’t already lynched you, parading them around like that. Especially considering the only other alicorn in these parts is massacring villages.”

“She’s got nothing to do with me. She doesn’t even look like a proper alicorn.” Star Swirl stated firmly, before returning to the original topic, “So... you wear them to hide who you are?”

“I wear them because this is who I am.” Esau stated, “Without a face and wearing full clothing my body language and expressions are obscured. I am judged by my actions and words, and those I can manage to my liking.”

She blinked, suddenly opening up with a broad smile, “That’s very clever.”

“That’s another reason you should follow my example. You reveal far too much with your body language.” He nodded at her wavering hoof, “Do you ever stop fidgeting?”

She blushed, immediately stamping the offending hoof to the ground with her other leg. She gave a nervous smile, shaking her head, “No.”

Esau paused, waiting her to continue. He was rather annoyed when she just stood there, looking sheepish, “That’s no answer. You should confront your flaws.”

“My overactive nervous system is a rather complicated flaw to manage.” Star Swirl quipped, before shrugging her shoulders in embarrassment, “Even back when I served... the Goddess... I was socially awkward. Always more comfortable commanding mindless drones than speaking to others. Singer and Speaker always used to tease me about it.”

Esau had heard of this from Tradash, his master having uncovered Star Swirl’s past with his scrying. Honestly he had expected a lot more from the Goddess’s most fearsome warrior and battlefield commander. All he could see in front of him was a awkward, nerdy little girl, “It’s true then? You are a proven warrior and strategist?”

“Um...” She grinned nervously, “Tactician, not strategist. I’m awful at strategy.”

Esau paused momentarily as they established a brief moment of connection, “Well... so am I, so I cannot fault you for that.”

“And really, I’ve always commanded other alicorns. They respond... responded... telepathically, and had very little will of their own.” Star Swirl shrugged pathetically, “I’m sure I would be awful at commanding actual troops.”

Esau nodded, wondering whether to reassure her, sympathise... mock? There was a time when he was the true socialite, a confident, swaggering charmer. Maybe that was something they truly had in common, that their true flawed nature had long been hidden behind a veil of incredibly specific competence, “Your old ways were used as a servant of evil Star Swirl. But you can still turn your skills towards harmony.”

“Yeah.” Star Swirl replied bitterly, “Take up the element of brutal slaughter and commanding mindraped drones into combat, I can see how that can be turned to righteousness.”


“There you guys are.”

They both turned, Esau recognizing Starhammer’s skinny mare lieutenant Zenali easily slipping through the crowd to meet them. Esau moved to speak to her, nodding as she came closer, “You were looking for us?”

Zenali smiled somewhat seductively, nodding to the pair of them, “Sorry to interrupt your date, but Starhammer needs you back at base. Something has come up.”


Starhammer stood over the table as they entered, looking concerned as the large, intimidating general Icoxal and Tradash waited patiently opposite. Starhammer’s mute companion Kunani paced nervously, looking up as they entered and signing quickly to Zenali. Zenali paused to translate, looking up at Starhammer after a moment, “Really sir? Some of them survived?”

Starhammer grunted, placing both hooves on the ground and grimly looking across at her, “Well we know some of them survived, most of the raiders we’ve been fighting are still wearing tribe colors. But this is organised.”

Esau identified the subject of the discussion right there, and instantly a wave of rage and anger overtook him. He knew it was inevitable, he knew that a few of them might not be evil enough to deserve nothing more than death... but still, he had not been sad to see them razed from the wasteland, “The Entitidi have reformed?”

Starhammer nodded, looking distracted. Eventually he looked down at a piece of paper laid upon the table, placing his hoof down upon it, “Ekundayo, Olanrewaju’s heir, has apparently survived. Princess Luna has gotten careless it seems.”

The face of an angel, the scars like crude splashes of paint across a masterpiece. A soft, gentle voice, pleading and kind even as he struck Esau again and again.

“You think you would be welcome here? You think your name carries weight? You don’t belong here, you have forgotten all the lessons of this place.”

A flashing blade, then pain.

“I will help you remember.”

“Ekundayo’s alive!?”

Starhammer nodded, “Seems so. And he wants our help dealing with Princess Luna, wishes an alliance.” He smiled ever so slightly, “Apparently he has a high ranking captive to trade, and knowledge of where she’s hiding out.”

“Ekundayo is a monster. He deserves only death!”

Starhammer looked at Esau with surprise for a moment, obviously confused by his sudden anger. He regained his composure quickly, his voice low as he offered his own opinion, “I am aware. His own father all but disowned him in favor of his younger son, and Olanrewaju wasn’t exactly Mr Personable himself.”

Icoxal snorted loudly, “Olanrewaju was ruthless and opportunistic, with no sense of honor. He wasn’t however, insane. Ekundayo is, and would have burned his holdings to the ground if he had succeeded his father.”

“Yes, I’ve heard all the stories.” Starhammer silenced him with a wave, looking once again at the note, “But if he can really bring us the allegiance of the remaining Entitidi, along with a high ranking captive to interrogate... the enemy of my enemy is my friend?”

Esau would not let him even consider this, all his composure thrown to the wind as he raged, “He is not your friend, he will never be your friend! You should kill him now, and rid the wasteland of one more demon!”

Starhammer grinned smugly, just about to answer when Kunani caught his eye and her hoof stabbed across in a series of sharp, empathic signing. Her angry glare aptly empathized her point.

Starhammer finally broke away from her glare, taking a deep breath and looking at the others, “Ok, point made. What do the rest of you think? Zenali?”

The slim zebra considered briefly before replying firmly, body poised elegantly, “I don’t have to tell you that you lack the family connections that would cement your domain. Ruling this land after you take it from Princess Luna will be very difficult, you have no ties here save that of conquest. The allegiance of the Entitidi will make it much easier. If Ekundayo proves difficult... drop him down a mineshaft, and choose somezebra else as your client king.”


“I am neutral my liege.” The big zebra explained, “On one hand, Zenali is correct, and Ekundayo could be removed later. I am not unversed in the dirtiness of war, and there is no dishonor in either allying with scum nor disposing of them as necessary. On the other hand...” He frowned deeply for a moment before continuing, “An army needs discipline, order, loyalty. If this Ekundayo is truly mad, he will add a dangerous wild factor to every aspect of your ambition he is allowed to touch.”

“Fair enough. Representative 5?”

Esau turned his attention to the machine in the corner, having honestly failed to notice the machine was there. The droid still barely moved, simply clicking for a second before speaking, “Ekundayo = No interest in droids = No threat to legion. However Icoxal = Correct. + unpredictability into precision tasks. = unacceptable.”

Starhammer considered these thoughts for a moment before turning to Tradash, “You’ve been quiet Tradash. What do you think?”

Tradash hesitated, a little embarrassed at being called out like that. He fiddled with his glasses and coughed politely before speaking, “My lord, I can hardly comment on your ambition...”

“Then don’t. Just say what you think.”

Tradash coughed, looking nervously at Esau before speaking, “Very well... normally I would advise seeking out and assessing this Ekundayo. If he indeed has a mental illness it deserves treatment and understanding, willingness to accept his crimes might not be entirely his own.” He paused, regret passing across his face, “But I... I... I have to hold to this. You should look for peace, and we will assess the dangers when we know more about this zebra.”

Esau expected anger, instead he felt... respect. It confused even him for a moment, but then he realised that above all, what he prized was integrity. If Tradash had denied everything he believed just for the sake of their friendship, then it would mean his lessons meant nothing. Esau was still angry enough not to communicate this however, choosing to just stare straight ahead and let him stew.

“Very well... Star Swirl, what do you think?”

Star Swirl looked up, very surprised at being asked, “Me?”

Starhammer laughed heartily at her expression, “Why not? You’re part of my council now, deal with it.”

Star Swirl looked frozen by indecision for a second long before the spell broke, and she looked around at the others. Then her expression hardened, “If you really want to unite the zebra tribes, make a nation worth something, portray yourself as a zebra to follow... then do you really want to ally with a tribe of raiders and psychopaths?”

Starhammer chuckled at her words, grinning to himself as he turned back to the letter, “Zenali and Tradash for, Esau, Star Swirl, Representative 5 and Kunani against. Seems the decision is clear.”

Esau let a breath escape, relieved beyond measure, “Then what do you intend?”

“We go to meet as instructed. We determine the location of his hostage and secure them, surround Ekundayo and kill him and his allies quickly and efficiently.” Starhammer nodded to himself as he returned to his map, “I had a plan for these lands before Ekundayo entered the picture, and I have no wish to change it now. Icoxal, I’m leaving this to you. Do it quickly, so that we can continue with more important matters.”

The big zebra gave a smart salute, “Yes sir.”

“I wish to go too.” Esau stated firmly, ignoring this disapproving glance of his master. He didn’t care if it was vengeance, he just knew that it was righteous, “I have my own reasons for wanting him dead.”

“Very well.” Icoxal replied bluntly, assessing him for a moment before giving his firm answer, “You will flank his position, in case he is keeping the prisoner behind his own lines and I am unable to convince him to bring him forward. You will engage only when I do, and keep yourself out of sight until then.”

Esau nodded, “I have no intention of ruining your battle plan general.”

“And I want to come too.”

Esau looked round at Star Swirl, trying to figure her. She just stared back, nervous but determined, “Why?”

“Because... he deserves to die, and I want to do something to make this world a better place.” Star Swirl hesitated nervously, her voice shaking, “I don’t just want to hang around in libraries anymore, I want to fight.”

Icoxal looked skeptical, “Can you fight? I have no time for civilians on my team.”

She glared, her voice raising, “I was a senior commander in the army of the Goddess, I personally killed hundreds of ponies, and commandeered her armies to kill thousands more.”

He considered for a moment at this before his cynical expression returned, “You haven’t kept up with your exercise. You are carrying too much weight around your flanks, and your muscles are flabby and wasted.” He looked her firmly in the eye, “I don’t care about your past achievements. Can you fight now?”

She advanced forward and put up her hoof, expression fierce.

“Hmph, a poor choice.” Icoxal advanced to meet her, raising a hoof and slamming it into Star Swirl’s. She gasped briefly as her leg was swiftly pushed downwards before she managed to brace herself, stopping his progress with a grunt. His nose rumpled in response, “Not bad.”

Then he actually started trying, muscles bunching and his face contorting at the effort. Star Swirl put up a valiant effort but was slowly but surely forced downwards, eventually sent staggering as her arm was forced to the side. She recovered her balance and looked up at Icoxal, embarrassed but still hopeful...

The big general gave a slow, deliberate nod, “So this is an alicorn? If this is your strength at your weakest, then their reputation is warranted it seems.” He looked across at Esau, “If you are willing to let her travel with you, she may come.”

He nodded. To be honest he wasn’t entirely sure it was a good idea, she was large, distinctive target who was very out of practice, but he was grateful for her support. And maybe an alicorn on his side would prove a very good idea, he still remembered just how fast Ekundayo was.

“Very well, we move out in five hours.”

Icoxal strode off to prepare, the others starting to file out behind him or move closer to Starhammer for further planning. Esau and Star Swirl were left together, Esau turning his head up to her, “Thank you, for speaking up.”

Star Swirl looked surprised, angling her head towards Esau. She spoke after a moment’s consideration, cautious and probing, “I don’t like raiders. But you really seem hate this group specifically.”


“What did they do to you?”

“It shouldn’t matter.” Esau replied bitterly, wondering why it was such a difficult decision, “They are scum, they have always been scum, and I honestly do not understand why it took a demon possessed princess to finally give them what they deserved.”

Star Swirl grimaced, “Not many zebra seem... to like them much, that’s true.”

“You know the stable I showed you, the one where Chigaru had been employed to pull the doors off and kill every zebra inside?”


“The warlord who hired him used the resources inside to set himself up as a raider king, established an organised, motivated kingdom of raping, looting marauders that spread across the territories like a blight. The Entitidi are their descendents, and they lost none of their brutality.” Esau snorted in amusement, once again tickled by the irony, “Though there is no excuse for the failure of good to do anything, they do have a fortunate habit of attracting the attention of other evil forces. They took eagerly to raiding the territories controlled by Star Fall, and after years of war Star Fall’s armies eventually broke through their lines and invaded this place in force. The king of Entitidi, seeing his defeat looming, charged his most brutal and dangerous lieutenant to unite the other tribes against Star Fall, build an army to take the pressure off.”

Star Swirl’s eyes widened in comprehension, “He succeeded.”

“Yes, he united the largest army seen in these lands since the megaspells dropped, drove Star Fall from the Golden Coast with all the ruthless brutality you would expect from a warrior of the Entitidi. Eventually the king of the Entitidi came down personally to reward his loyal lieutenant, named him as his right hand, claimed all the golden coast as his territory.” Esau snorted, wishing he had been there, “His lieutenant... refused. Instead he had his king lynched, declared war on the Entitidi and cut their territory in half within a year.”


“No.” Esau reminded her, wishing zebra would stop making that mistake, “He was just another raider, had no desire to unite the lands as anything but a conqueror. He ruled the lands in fear, taught his eldest son to do the same. Under their rule the Golden Coast was just an extension of the Entitidi under a different name.”

Star Swirl nodded, “But he... got sick... and his eldest son was exiled.”

“And his youngest became ruler instead, named himself Caesar and fought to realise a better way, despite his cruel upbringing. He like his father fought against the Entitidi, broke their armies and drove them near to extinction, allowing Luna to finish them off. Unlike them he did it for peace and justice, the opportunity to forge a bright future for all zebra.” Esau glared emphatically at Star Swirl, making sure she understood the weight behind his words, “Be grateful for that.”

She nodded, pleasingly sincere, “I am. I still think Caesar is a great zebra.”

“Good. There isn’t enough of them. And maybe this is what I wanted.” Esau felt the blood pump hot, feeling himself smile as his task dawned on him, “I thought Princess Luna had finally finished them off, thought it was appropriate that their own evil reflected would bring their end. But now... I get to do it personally. Score a long delayed victory for zebra everywhere, and bring them to justice for their crimes.”


The Greylode Fortress was certainly an impressive and terrifying sight, even in its current state. It was vaguely star shaped, with jutting outer battlements striking out from a much taller outer wall. Inside Esau knew was the fortress proper, only the rising communication tower peaking out about it’s defenses. All of this was made from the same grey stone cut into harsh angles, decorated with black and silver sheets of metal plate. The spear and bow symbol of the ancient army of the Zebra Empire stood above its heavily ornamented gates, lines of anti-air guns and ground defense cannons laying broken about its battlements. It wasn’t nearly as ransacked as you would expect, the building had long held a reputation of being cursed that scared off most. The ‘curse’ was little than top notch internal security, the remnants of biological weapons and a crumbling internal structure, still it said something of Ekundayo that he was holding their meeting here of all places.

As expected multiple megaspells had flattened large areas of the complex, three areas of the outer walls collapsed in on themselves and much of the battlements on one side transformed into sloping rubble. Monsters could be seen prowling about in places, Esau’s attached rad detector starting to click with increasing frequency.

“Wow, I’ve only heard of this place in stories.” Star Swirl started, staring in wonder as she plodded across the dust, “Did you know that this place dates right back to the cataclysm, when it was a fortress ruled over by...”

Esau cut her off right there, not in the mood for a boring history lecture, “We really don’t have time for history right now.”

She glared as expected, a little huffy as she continued, “Ok then. Tell me, what is our great plan for getting in without detection? Because I’m not exactly built for stealth.”

He was still considering that one actually. He had studied the maps of the place and formed some sort of a plan, now he was staring at the place he realised it would be a little more difficult than he thought. His planned route of access had been blocked partially by some newly fallen rubble, meaning that they would have to detour round an area that didn’t have any sort of cover whatsoever. He decided eventually to bounce the problem, not coming up with any instant solutions, “Can you see any way to the southwest corner of the inner complex that isn’t totally exposed? Maybe with your wings...?”

“I could teleport?” Star Swirl shrugged her shoulders, “If we get up close to that rubble I could probably jump us both right past it.”

“You... can teleport?”

Star Swirl smiled knowingly, giving a playful arch of her eyebrows, “Why is everyone always so surprised? Yes, and I think I’m pretty good at it.”

That was a very useful talent. He had heard of some unicorns and shaman who could do it, but he had never actually seen it in action. The applications were rather scary to contemplate, “Well then... yes. Do it.”

Star Swirl closed her eyes, magic whirling around her horn. It wrapped itself around Easu, warm and organic, Esau finding it hard not to blush at how intimate it felt. The magic formed into a bubble, the energy suddenly collapsing inward with a harsh rush of air. He felt movement, not physical as such but definitely the feel of progress. That movement suddenly stopped and Esau felt the magic fade, felt them returning to the earth...

Then a sensation like he had ran straight into a wall, stunning him with the bone shuddering impact. They were in motion again, wild and desperate, the magic lashing his form and throwing him down against a concrete floor with a hard thump.

He fought to rise, his body feeling like he had been repeatedly beaten and sporting the clear sting of several burns. He could smell it, the aroma of burnt flesh in the air, “What... did you do?”

“Owww... sorry, sorry!” Light exploded outwards, igniting from Star Swirl’s horn as she looked around the place. They appeared to be in some sort of corridor, dusty and partially collapsed, the symbol of the zebra War Department on the wall. She turned her head to him, clearly sporting a few burns of her own, “I almost teleported into a pile of rubble, had to quickly adjust our trajectory.”

“To where?”

“I... don’t know.” She gave another look around, “Inside the Greylode Fortress by the looks of it.”

Esau seconded that assumption, moving over to a faded map in the corner. It appeared they were on the second floor of the zephyr building, administration and central command, “We’re a long way from the meeting point. You have to teleport us out again.”

“Oh no, I’m not risking it a second time.” Star Swirl stated, patting out a few still smouldering areas, “I think there’s a slight magical field here, likely from the magical defenses this place had. I can’t get an accurate jump. Besides, can we just walk round the building like this?”

She indicated a circling walk about the complex, Esau at least considering it before shaking his head, “This building was heavily damaged, much of this complex here is blocked off by rubble...” He looked at the heavy dust on the floor, marred only by their hooves, and the unmolested electronics of the lights. A most unusual sight in a ruin like this, which possibly meant... “Actually I think you might have just teleported us to an area no zebra has ever reached before.”

Star Swirl’s eyes instantly lit up, “You mean, no pony has scavenged this area yet?”

His eyebrows dropped, glaring at her misplaced enthusiasm, “We’re here to rescue the foal, we don’t have time for treasure hunting.”

“Oh... yeah. Maybe later.”

He grunted and led them onwards, inspecting the walls for any sign of collapse. Fortunately this area still seemed to be in half decent condition, maybe deep within the complex. There were other dangers however, “Feral ghouls ahead.”

Star Swirl turned to him in surprise, “How do you know?”

He grunted, wondering yet again what use that giant head spike was if they couldn’t hear the most basic of echoes, “I listen to the aer. Several decayed, rage filled minds are headed this way.”

“That... aer listening sounds handy.”

It was also one of the most basic shaman abilities, “Yet again ponies have no patience to listen. You can fire lightning from your horn, yet not hear the most obvious of echoes. It is typical of all of your race.”

She frowned, looking offended, “Excuse me?”

He knew he had gone too far, but it was true, “You brute force everything to serve your needs. You don’t live in harmony with nature, you dominate it. You don’t command the subtle arts with your magic, you content yourself with flashy displays of power. It has always been so.”

She huffed, “I’m not really sure how you’re in any position to make sweeping statements. How many ponies have you known?”

“Enough.” He fought down the urge to continue the argument, wishing he had never brought it up, “Now quiet, they’re coming.”

They emerged from the darkness, moaning and screaming, clad in zebra military uniforms and clearly displaying the signs of malnutrition and light deprivation. As a result they didn’t exactly look tough, though several still sported bullet proof vests. He let his hooves fall away from his guns at the sight, figuring it would just be a waste of ammo. They were hardly a threat to him at any range.

He rushed in, leaping forward to down two ghouls at once. They ploughed into the others and cleared a space, Esau finishing them quickly with stomps to the face before bucking another into the wall with spine crushing force. Star Swirl hit them from the other direction, actually causing Esau to pause for a moment as she tore through them. One was decapitated by her horn, another flung into its fellow before being smashed down with a hoof strike that took out both of them. Three closed, Esau just about to move in to help before Star Swirl effortless avoided their strikes and took each out in quick succession.

“You’re... very skilled.”

“Icoxal is right, I’m really out of practice.” Star Swirl looked around at the broken corpses, looking displeased with herself, “These are basic feral ghouls, one of the most pathetic thing in the wasteland. I almost took a few good hits there, risked being overwhelmed.”

“You didn’t.”

“Only because they don’t know any tactic but ‘run forward and get swatted’.” She sighed and shook her head, continuing towards a large pair of double doors, “Anyway, let’s get going. We’re already running behind.”

The room beyond appeared to be some kind of CIC, likely where the generals of old controlled some vital front. It was still in reasonably good condition, covered by a deep layer of dust but without much obvious damage. He looked over to a group of skeletons lying together, a large number of bones from monsters surrounding them. Apparently the inhabitants had survived long enough to be killed by the mutated creatures here.

There was a growl nearby, Esau calmly sighting up on the ghoul squatting next to a console and blowing his head off with one well aimed shot.

Star Swirl looked about for any further danger as she advanced into the room’s interior, the light at her horn bringing the first light this place had likely seen in centuries. Eventually she saw something worth investigating, moving over to a large console demonstrating the first sign of life found so far, a single flashing red light. Star Swirl pushed it experimentally, words instantly flashing up on the screen.

Secondary power failure.
Cause: Physical Damage to Drive Cores – Secondary Connectors – Fuel Rods.

Emergency power activated.
Warning! Emergency batteries down to 50% energy. All non-essential systems have been shut down.
Warning! Emergency batteries down to 25% energy. Power saver mode engaged.

Current Status:
Primary Power offline due to: Disconnected from Grid.
Secondary Power offline due to: Physical damage.
Emergency batteries currently at 24%.

Do you wish to disengage power saver mode?

“Should I?”

Esau frowned, “Wouldn’t that alert our opponents?”

“We’re in the command section of the base.” Star Swirl pointed out, “With power, I might be able to locate them, work out the best route.”

Esau figured that was a decent point, “Can you ask it how long emergency batteries will last with the power back on?”

Star Swirl returned to the console, typing briefly. She eventually turned back, looking enthusiastic, “112 hours.”

A little under a week. He sure hoped they would be finished by then, “Go on then, no reason to hesitate.”

She returned to the console with enthusiasm, “Now we’re talking the same language... there!”

There was a hum in the air and the lights slowly started to blink into action, some of the monitors and light fixings breaking with sharp cracks as they displayed the cruel passage of time but most returning to normal operation as if nothing had happened. Now he could see the place in its glory Esau had to admit feeling a little in awe, watching as a holographic image of the zebra lands appeared over a large table at the back.

Star Swirl seemed just as awestruck, almost bouncing over to the main console. She immediately looked disappointed however, especially as she struck a few keys to no avail. She looked back at Esau, heartbroken, “It says it’s locked to Supreme General Tacitus. It wants his pass key.”

“Maybe one of these zebra is him?” Esau wandered from one to the next, looking for anything that might be a passkey. He twitched slightly as he spotted the empty jumpsuit of a ghost operative, inspecting it carefully just to make sure it was dead. It certainly seemed to be fortunately, not even the slightest wisps of pink gas clinging to him, “What house did the general belong to?”

“Vester. Phoenix over water.”

Esau actually laughed, though it came out as more of a grunt. He couldn’t help it, he saw humor in old, dead things, “Supreme military commander for a zebra who’s house carried the symbol of a dragon over sands? How ironic.”

“The two houses were actually long time allies.” Star Swirl recited pedantically, before letting a chuckle escape her lips, “Maybe they appreciated the irony?”

“Huh, I figure Caesar for having an ironic sense of humor...” Esau finally found what he was looking for, a zebra huddled in a corner dressed in a very ornate and impractical set of zebra heavy plate that looked like it had stepped out of a medieval fantasy. A pistol lay at his side, a large hole blown through the top of his head. Esau frowned deeply, sickened by the sight. He took the general’s sides roughly, tearing the tag from his pocket and throwing it over to Star Swirl, “Here.”

“Careful!” She cautioned as she caught the card in her telekinesis, looking outright shocked by his actions, “That’s the supreme commander of the zebra military forces, the most important figure this side of the war... bar Caesar himself!” She frowned in disapproval, “Show some respect!”

He snorted, looking back at the corpse. All he saw was an overdressed fop who took the coward’s way out, “Why?”

“Because he’s...”

“Famous? Important?” Esau grunted and turned, delivering a fierce buck that sent the general crashing to the floor in a bouncing clatter of bones. He snorted and strode away, glaring angrily at her, “Show me the bones of Shining Armour and I’ll do the same to him.”


He stopped, furious at her disrespect for the countless dead. She was just like Tradash, so wrapped up in stories that they failed to consider the most simple truths, “That zebra ordered a million zebra to their deaths, personally celebrated the deaths of a million ponies. He obviously died after the megaspell launch, which means HE PUSHED THE FUCKING BUTTON!”

She backed away suddenly, fear plastered across her features, “Esau, I...”

He saw her face and knew he should stop, that it wasn’t her fault. But he couldn’t help it, he was lost now, “They did it here Star Swirl! Unlock that console, do it now!”


“DO IT!”

She gulped down her fear, turning to the console with such force she almost stumbled, jamming the card into the slot. Immediately the screens all unlocked at once, displaying readouts and graphs and message reports. A deep female voice instantly took the intercom, popping and skipping a little but still understandable, “Welcome back General. Your forces are still awaiting orders, and you have 121 messages waiting for you. You have also yet to fully view the impact report your tacticians have provided.”

Esau growled, “Please, deliver your report in full.”

“Very well general. It is difficult to fully assess the damage as most of our information sources across Equestria were damaged by the impacts, however we can confidently state that the damage was as catastrophic as hoped. We are certain that Equestria is no longer capable of continuing the war, and that we hit all of their megaspell launchers before a counter attack could be fired. As for specifics we have eyewitness confirmation that the Rohohuki weapon at Canterlot has worked as expected. Casualties in the city are total, including Princess Luna, Princess Celestia, Applejack, Applesnack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Fancypants, Rainbow Dash and General Peach Blossom. Manehatten was destroyed by successful detonation of megaspell D2 and secondary impacts by megaspells E1, E5 and E7. Casualties in the city are expected to be near total, with further casualties from radiation exposure killing whatever survivors remain. Casualties are confirmed to include Princess Cadance, Princess Skyla, Pinkie Pie...”

“Stop recording.”

Esau grunted his displeasure. She had got the point it seems, “Understand now?”

“I understand that... the zebra here made some very bad choices.” Star Swirl started, her eyes dropping sadly as she spoke, “But taking out our anger on two hundred year old corpses feels cheap.”

Cheap! Maybe it was, but it was all he had! “This unworthy pile of faeces ordered the eradication of a whole species, and then didn’t even have the moral conviction to live with his choices!”

“I don’t know...” She sighed, turning away from Esau and back to the console, “I don’t know him. I don’t know what went on here. I... can’t judge him.” She looked up at the console, shaking her head, “Listen to this...”

“This is Lion Command to Father Dragon! Balicor... Balicor is gone sir, and most of the legion was caught in the blast! We urgently need medical supplies or I’m going to lose almost eighty percent of my command! Please respond, what is the status of the other cities of the Empire?!”

“This is Agent Belicor, Fillydelpia assignment. You got them sir, the city is burning, everypony is dead. Please transmit any further orders... if I receive no orders I intend to walk into the city and let the balefire take me, just so you know. No loose ends sir.”

Star Swirl shook her head, “Belicor is a ghoul journalist back in Equestria, he always said he was a zebra spy during the war. Guess he was telling the truth.”

“This is High Scientist Zenospira, with one final message for your illustrious personage General Tacitus. First off, congratulations, you finally killed off... by my calculations... 92% of the world’s population. Do not fear this result, it was calculated as inevitable and necessary several years back, and indeed will ensure the future of the zebra empire. If you are still alive to hear this I recommend that you terminate yourself presently, as the radiation and the mutant creatures resulting from it will ensure your horrible death should you attempt to prolong your meaningless existence. Do not morn for our nation General. We have survived worse than this, and emerged the stronger. I have already ensured our future.”

“Father... general... Rilor and myself have managed to get to the stable as you instructed. It appears to have held, though we’re already receiving reports of conditions on the surface. I just wanted to say... I only said what I did before because I love you father, and it was a selfish love. I’m proud of you, and I know why you have to stay at Greylode with your men. I will ensure that everyone will always remember your part in this war, your courage and loyalty and... strength. Goodbye... father.”

“General, this is Operative Cloud Abacus of the Equestrian Ministry of Awesome. Our nations have been at war for so long, but I hope on this day you realise just how much a tragedy it has been for both sides. My fellow operatives and I are camped out in the Ceria Valley, I saw Balicor go from the ridge. We’ve established a center for the sick and injured but we’re seriously low on medical supplies and there are just too many to care for. I know we are enemies, and you have no reason to trust me... but if you have any concern for the zebra under your care, send help. Please.”

“General... it’s over, you won... you’ve won. I formally... I’m sorry, we’ve never spoke have we? Would you know my voice? This... this is Princess Celestia, by... formal succession the ruler of Equestria. And by that power and privilege, I offer you the surrender of myself and all my subjects. Please general, there is nothing left to fight for so... for the sake of harmony, send help. You can’t imagine the devastation your weapons have caused, and I... please...”

Esau grunted, “So, Celestia survived the megaspells.”

“She died from her injuries later on.” Star Swirl stated sadly, clearly numbed by such a vivid reminder of the last moments of the war, “She must have sent it before she...”

“So they can die. I should tell the Church of Celestia.”

Star Swirl’s reaction was as expected, her angry glare burning through him, “They don’t think she’s still alive. They believe that she ascended to true divinity after the death of her physical form, that...”

“Nonsense.” Esau stated, surprised by his own venom, “You can hear it clear as anything. That’s fear, regret. The voice of another stupid mortal mare, who let the world burn, her ponies die and is now paralyzed by the knowledge that she will soon be joining them.”

She stamped a hoof, “Don’t talk that way.”

Esau snorted, still a stupid little girl, “Don’t tell me you actually believe she’s some twinkly goddess in the sky.”

“No!” She shouted, her eyes burning with rage, “Or at least... I don’t think so. But I do know that she was a good mare, and that...”

“If she was so good, and noble, then why did she let this happen? If she was as great as all you ponies say, why didn’t she stop the war?”


“You can’t can you? Worshiping your nobles and princesses...!”

“Stop...” Star Swirl’s horn ignited and Esau felt her telekinesis take hold of him, swiftly attempting to struggle free before she could get a proper grip. That was quickly denied, sparks suddenly stinging all four limbs and momentarily leaving him limp and defenceless as she flung him across the command center, “...shouting at me!”

“Nngh...” He hit the ground and rolled to his hooves, glaring at... nothing. Star Swirl was gone.

She appeared behind him with a flash and slammed him to the ground with a single hoof, throwing him to his back and pinning him tight with a hoof to his chest. She leaned in close, magic and rage boiling off her, her voice low and raspy, “It’s because of ponies like you.”

He hesitated, both in shock at how easily she had gotten the best of him, and confusion as to the meaning of her words, “Like me?”

“Celestia wasn’t a dictator, ultimately she was just another servant of the people. And they wanted war.” She leaned in even closer, her voice just above a whisper now, “They wanted it because they thought all zebra were evil, because of the actions of a few. Because they convinced themselves they were good, despite the wrath and pride that drove them to unjustified violence. Because they were so totally invested in their biased world view that they could not see the consequences of their casual racism and self righteousness.”

Esau’s heart filled with rage, attempting to lever himself off the ground, “So you think... that’s me...?”

She slammed him back down with no effort at all, her voice raised, “If you had lived then, you would have done nothing to end the war. You dislike and distrust ponies, you see demons and evil spirits everywhere! I understand, I was willing to let it go... but I will not just sit here and watch you wallow in your hypocrisy, judge these zebra with the benefit of two hundred years of hindsight!”

Esau softened for a moment at her accusations, though it didn’t take him long to pick the flaws in her argument, “You have a demon inside you, Princess Luna didn’t...”

“They didn’t know that!” Star Swirl stepped away, releasing the pressure on his chest, “You’re always talking about the cataclysm, how terrible it was, how it proved the evil of the Star Demons. Makes me wonder just how you know that. Were you there? Did you see it?”

Esau was unsure quite where she was going with this, “That was well over a thousand years ago, of course not.”

“Then how do you know it’s not all bullshit. That it even happened?”

“What?” Esau shook his head, “There are books, historical records...”

“How many of those have you seen? Originals? Contemporary sources?”

“I... none. Most were destroyed in the war, obviously...”

Star Swirl snorted, turning away and glaring holes into the wall as she took deep breaths to control her temper. Eventually she continued, her voice quieter and calmer, “Lucky you, I have seen some. I’m pretty sure it happened.” She looked at him, accusing, “But you were willing to believe something because other zebra who you respected told you it was true.”

Esau got back onto his hooves, feeling his heart... doubt. He didn’t like that feeling, didn’t like what it implied. He knew what was righteous and honorable, his failure was in not living up to that ideal. Shaking that basic understanding of what he should be... it was surely... wrong. Dishonest, “What they believed destroyed the world.”

“They were simply fighting what others told them was evil, often with bravery and valor. This war took away everything from them, broke them physiologically, cast them into a world they knew nothing of. And yes, they made bad decisions.” She glared, “Just like you. Or me. Or Tactus, or Celestia, or Luna.”

“You... you cannot forgive them for what they did.”

“Why not?”

“Because...” It was wrong. It destroyed everything. Because they should have been better than that. Because heredity rulers were always corrupt and self serving. Because all leaders were corrupt and self serving. Because ponies naturally thought themselves superior and it was that arrogance that caused the war, and the arrogance of princesses most of all. Because... “...they don’t deserve it.”

Star Swirl snorted loudly, “Maybe one day somepony will apply the same judgement to you.”

“Maybe they should.” Esau shook his head, doing what she said and looking behind his pride. It wasn’t hard, she was mistaken about that. Sometimes it was just his pride holding him together, and his certainty about good and evil told him he wasn’t righteous zebra, “I’m not saying you’re wrong. I’m a terrible zebra, and I’m only alive because Tradash took pity on me. I’m trying to repay him, make up for my sins by doing a little good... but apparently I’ve been doing that wrong as well.”

“Then maybe you should try listening to him a little better, he seems like he’s got the right idea.” She retorted as she stalked out of the room, “Perhaps start with a little mercy and compassion. I think the world needs a little more of that, and a little less wrath and condemnation.”

He sniffed as he followed. One day maybe, but not today. Today he had a zebra to murder.


Star Swirl led them well, using the now activated consoles to guide them towards the meeting point, avoiding the cave ins and passing by the automated defenses with their new access card. Soon they met the cave in blocking them from the explored areas, Esau a little jumpy about getting teleported again but realising they had little choice. This time her aim was true, reappearing in a corridor just a short distance from the meeting point. They closed it quickly, peaking through a crack in the door.

They were placed right behind the tribe lines, rows of jumpy looking zebra with weapons lowered but clearly ready to be fired at a moment’s notice. Icoxal and his troops stood proud and unyielding in comparison, though all eyes were narrowed aggressively.

Another group of three stood at the side, Esau not recognising any of them. One of them was a member of the Church of Celestia, not unheard of but not an entirely common sight this far east. She was armed with a shotgun but had chosen to let it hang away from her, still Esau wasn’t fooled. He could feel the magic at her horn, ready to be ignited at a second’s notice. Next to her stood a crimson furred pegasus, hardly more than a foal, his own heavy pistol wound tightly about his right hoof and his body clearly tensed and aggressive.

And front of them all was a yellow furred pegasus in her elder years, dressed in a simple, concealing robe decorated with the symbol of the Equestrian ministry of peace. Her own shotgun hung neglected at her side as she stood between the two groups, her soft, pleading voice the only sound, “Ekundayo, if these zebra have truly come to wipe you out, then you have nothing to lose by compromise. They are clearly better armed and better armored, at close range you wouldn’t have a chance.”

Ekundayo... Esau looked round, soon spotting the zebra himself. He was older of course, but still had the same baby faced innocence of a true psychopath. His scars stood in stark relief, he had experimented on himself long before he took his ‘improvements’ to those around him.

Esau longed to kill him, the desire only becoming stronger as Ekundayo opened his mouth to speak, his voice a too familiar accented drawl, “I don’t think our friend here means to negotiate.”

“I am capable of negotiation.” Icoxal spoke, his deep bass echoing in the confined space, “Give us the child and we will discuss future allegiance.”

“I give you the child and you have us all killed.” Ekundayo grinned, waving his hoof dismissively, “I think I should just walk away.”

“Wait!” The yellow mare exclaimed, expression determined as she advanced forward, “They likely have the place surrounded.”

Ekundayo turned to her with a smirk, Esau tensing instantly to see such a frail looking mare so close to him. He seemed happy to simply talk at the moment however, Esau simply readying himself to jump in at a moment’s notice as Ekundayo replied, “Then we fight our way out.”

“Against an army?”

Ekundayo leaned closer, “And what do you suggest?”

The yellow mare fixed him with a proud, confident stare, “Give the foal to us and we’ll see to it that you are allowed to escape without harm.”

Ekundayo gave her a lopsided smile, moving a little closer, “I’m not seeing what I get out of this.”

“You don’t come out of this a winner Mr Ekundayo.” She nodded softly, “You either lose hard or lose soft. Think about it, and live another day.”

He considered her words for a moment before making his decision, a steel blade bursting from his hoof as he lunged forward, “I’ve never been sof... yow!” He winced away as his blade deflected off a shield of light that formed before the mare, laughing and roaring his command as she backed away in terror from her close call, “Fair enough... KILL THEM ALL!”

The two sides entered combat with gusto, Ekundayo ’s forces at first seeming dangerously out gunned. Even as this thought formed however Ekundayo was already surprising him, a secret entrance at the side of the room opening to admit a hoard of his fighters against Icoxal’s flank. Icoxal grunted and slammed his hoof against the ground as they charged, interposing himself between them and his troops. His fur shimmered for a moment before becoming hard and stony, bullets sparking as they deflected from his hide.

The yellow mare hesitated for a moment longer as Ekundayo and all his raiders charged straight for her before pulling her shotgun to bear, his movements clumsy but giving speed by sheer fury. Ekundayo grinned as he aimed right for him, closing in with a long leaping bound...

Her shot grazed his cheek, her aim wavering at the last moment. Ekundayo was a second from plunging his blade through the mare’s face when the crimson pegasus blurred by, snatching her up and pulling her away in the nick of time. He landed nearby and placed the shaking mare down upon her hooves, spinning round to fire his revolver into the bandits charging him. They were too close, he had just one down before they reached him.

His first attacker hit the ground bleeding as Esau intervened, emerging from his hiding place and sending the raider spinning with the butt of his pistol. He followed it up with a couple of pinpoint shots to the hooves of the others, slowing them just in time for Star Swirl to plough into them with a devastating charge. They were sent flying, return fire deflecting off her magic shield.

A group attempted to charge the Celestian Priestess, currently standing at the side of the room. Their weapons volley was deflected easily by her shield, the golden bubble transforming into a sphere of light that blazed with beams of searing flame that lanced into the raiders. The survivors attempted to put out their flaming fur as she leapt into their formation, her shotgun spinning within her telekinesis as she delivered devastating headshots to each in turn.

The raiders paused from the unexpected resistance, wavering for a moment... before Ekundayo charged out of their ranks and fired a pair of bolts from his hoof mounted crossbows, striking one of Starhammer’s soldiers in the throat and the red furred pegasus in the shoulder. The others turned to fire but Ekundayo flung down a flash grenade and jumped laughing through the blast of light and sound, hamstringing Icoxal and opening the throat of the zebra beside, “GET THEM! KILL THEM!”

The raiders were halfway through their charge when the light and sound suddenly disappeared, sucked into the horn of the Celestian Priestess with a sudden unexpected silence. Icoxal growled his orders as he was helped away by one of his troops, “Fire.”

The raiders were caught mid charge, cut down by the disciplined, united gunfire of Starhammer’s men. They dropped in droves, Esau charging in to the remainder in search of Ekundayo . He spotted the zebra just as he sprinted back through his routing lines, disappearing through a door at the back of the room, “EKUNDAYO!”

He followed into the room beyond, filled with more of Ekundayo’s raiders. Their captive was here, the sight of the blooded, scared foal’s body tied to a metal pole only making Esau want to kill the bastard all the more. He saw the zebra right there, his scared features burning through his mind. Ekundayo’s grin spread, recognition dawning, the smug, sociopathic indifference Esau remembered so well. Ekundayo of Clan Entitidi, psychopathic son of a murdering father, the single zebra standing as the most unworthy to live free and proud.

Esau launched himself forward, headbutting a zebra who tried to get in his way and stamping him to the floor. He launched himself at Ekundayo, the zebra coming in low and tight and jabbing his blade upward.

He avoided the hoof blade easily, grabbing the zebra in a tackle and laying a few good blows. Ekundayo was slippery however, wiggling free and bucking Esau in the side of the head. It stunned him for long enough for Ekundayo to get some distance, pulling a hoof crossbow and firing two quick bolts. The first he avoided, the second caught him in the shoulder and Esau grunted as he already felt the poison spread. He simply ignored the increasing numbness however, leaping in with strength born of pure rage and shattering the leg with a single mighty blow. Crossbow parts scattered across the floor and Ekundayo winced, Esau swinging his hoof upwards and striking the zebra under the chin. He buckled easily under Esau’s strength and struck the floor awkwardly, Esau charging in and pounding the zebra with all the strength he had. Ekundayo simply laughed as his ribs shattered under the assault, driving his blade in Esau’s chest again and again. He might as well have been showering him with petals.

“Hold on boss!”

The words broke through Esau’s rage haze a little too late, looking up to see a buffalo with a sledgehammer charge in and swing his mighty weapon hard into Esau’s side. It was devastatingly effective paired with the ball of muscle welding it, Esau sent flying with likely half his ribs turned into powder. He grunted and rolled regardless as he landed, eyes fixing on the still charging buffalo and thrusting his hoofs forward. He grabbed hold of the creature’s head and pulled him close, willingly taking his horns into his chest so long as he couldn’t get a decent swing with his weapon. The buffalo struggled but he was already dead, Esau’s muscles bunching as he snapped the beast’s neck with a mighty tug.

The dead creature fell away, revealing Ekundayo standing laughing with his single remaining crossbow pointing at the captive buck tied to the pole. He grinned cruelly, letting the moment draw out...

Star Swirl appeared in a burst of magic, striking the weapon aside with a hoof. Ekundayo laughed even harder and dodged the next strike, bringing his crossbow round and shooting her in the shoulder, then driving his hoof blade into the other shoulder. She buckled and he attempted to drive the blade into her neck, a quickly executed weave allowing her to take it in the side of her jaw instead. It left a nasty wound but fortunately not a crippling one, and predictably Ekundayo had to pause for a second to admire his bloody handiwork.

Star Swirl brought her horn forward with a growl, a blast of sunfire striking Ekundayo in the chest and setting him aflame. He continued laughing, tearing his armor away and flinging it at the alicorn, causing her to gasp and stumble as the melting kevlar smacked her in the face.

Esau fought to rise, stumbled to his hooves, gasped as he grappled for his pistols... but Ekundayo was already gone, fleeing through a heavy iron door and slamming it behind him. Esau launched himself at the door, struggling to open it for a few brief moments before attempting to simply beat it down. Again and again he pounded the offending obstruction, uncaring as his lungs burned and his hooves split, his throat cracking from his enraged screams, “EKUNDAYO! COME BACK AND DIE YOU DIRTY LITTLE FUCKER! COME BACK AND FIGHT ME! FIGHT ME! FIGHT ME! FIGHT ME!”


Level Up - Level 16 reached.

New Perk Added: Purifier
Following in the path of Zephyr Stormstrung, you fight to cleanse the wasteland of alien forces. You do +50% damage with melee and unarmed weapons against abominations.

New Trait discovered: Heavy Handed
You swing harder, not better. Your attacks are very brutal, but lack finesse. Your Melee and Unarmed damage is increased by 20%, but your Critical Hit damage is reduced by 60%

New Quest Perk: Pariah of the Wastes
The way of the Pariah order is a hard one, but few so fully understand the darkness as the Lampbearers of Garm. You gain a 5% bonus to all non-aggressive actions related to abominations.

This fanfiction is based on Fallout Equestria by Kkat, it is highly recommended that you read that first for context. Reading Fallout Equestria: Pink Eyes by Mimezinga will help understanding, but isn’t required.
Many of the characters and much of the setting are not mine but are on loan from the very awesome Kkat, or are taken from My Little Pony - Friendship Is Magic by Hasbro. This story makes no pretentions at being canon with either, and is merely a ‘what-if’ set in the same world.
If you enjoy Fallout Equestria Side Stories, you will want to check the Fallout Equestria Side Stories post on Equestria Daily and the Fallout Equestria Side Stories thread on Ponychan.

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