• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 5,561 Views, 280 Comments

Fallout Equestria : Black And White - Philweasel

Peace between the NCR and Zebra wasteland becomes a battleground between competing factions.

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Chapter 2.16 - Clashing Destinies

Clashing Destinies

Zenai had been in more embarrassing positions. That... wasn’t much comfort.

Zenai just closed her eyes and went for it, feeling the foal’s lips meet hers. He froze, predicably, Zenai guiding him with a hoof as she deepened the kiss and drew him a little closer. She felt amusement bubble as he practically melted in her grasp, and why not? She was good at this, even though she would never boast of such things. Her only regret was setting him up for disappointment with the real thing.

She withdrew, leaving a flushed, blushing little foal standing there with a look of utter embarrassment. She giggled, giving him a sultry look, “Did that meet your expectations?”

“Is that...?” Bleak Waters questioned, hesitantly, “...is that how adults kiss?”

“That’s how adults should kiss.” Zenai clarified, remembering all the poor experiences from those who really should know better, “Not all adults measure up.”

“What... what about me?” He asked, instantly looking regretful at having asked the question.

“You were fine.” She reassured, aware how fragile the ego was at that age. It wasn’t a lie either, happy to report it had been less traumatic than she had feared, “A little stiff, but you didn’t bite me, or slobber on me, or headbutt me...”

“I...” He grinned wide, “...well, there’s books on everything here.”

“You studied kissing?” Zenai laughed at him, the buck looking so proud at his studied knowledge, “So it’s not learned through experience then, huh?”

He paused, locked in indecision by her question. Eventually he caved, “No...” He gave a goofy smile, “I like older mares, and ah... they never seem to take me very seriously.”

“I wonder why...”

“I’m not apologising for staying light hearted.” He smiled enthusiastically, “To be honest there’s far too many around here who take themselves far too seriously, I consider it a service to add a bit of humor into the situation. And... mares like humor, right?”

Zenai had to admit, give it half a decade and he might actually be worth a look, though he was a bit too invested in that ‘roguish’ character of his, “I guess so, though that wandering eye of yours does make you look a bit insincere.”

He clicked his tongue dismissively, “Aww, I’m young, it’s still cute. I’m not in to anything serious anyway, just you know, a bit of attention.” His eyes lit up a little as he looked back at her, “But if I do get a girlfriend, I could do that every day.”

“Have anyone in mind?” Zenai chuckled, “Xani for example...”

“Oh no!” He exclaimed, before his expression became a little more thoughtful, “I mean... she’s cute and I like her, but she’s a little too weighty for me. Kinda scary sometimes.”

Zenai didn’t really see how the little zebra could be scary, “She’s a good fighter I guess...”

“She was a slave before she killed her masters and escaped.” Bleak shivered, “She slit one’s throat, threw another into a threshing machine and drove an ice pick through the last’s eye. She was seven.”

Eeek... Zenai could help but react similarly. It was always the cute ones, “I wouldn’t cheat on her, that’s for sure.”

Bleak looked regretful, shrugging his shoulders limply, “I know... I really want to help her, make her smile... but I don’t even know where to start.”

Zenai chuckled. He really was very cute, “That’s a nice thought. I think she appreciates it too, even if she can’t show it. And it’s nice to see someone bring a bit of levity to this place.”

“Yeah, I mean... somepony has to, and it might as well be me.” He shrugged his shoulders, “I grew up an orphan yeah, but not in a way that ever mattered. I was looked after well enough, and as far as I was concerned my parents could be different ponies every day. I would tell the other kids they were adventurers travelling in strange lands, that they were noble warriors who died fighting against Denasura the devil of the east, that they were mysterious figures who entrusted me to the village then disappeared back into the wastes... I joined Luna less because I wanted to change my life and more because I thought it would be something exiting to do.”

Zenai could... understand that. Somedays she wondered if that was her motivation too, ‘tragic backstory that wasn’t at all tragic’ and all. With that in mind it was admirable that he at least could admit it, “And so you play the clown?”

He shrugged, “Yeah. Some of these ponies really need one. Have you seen how Swift Crimson comes alive when he’s insulting me? Or how much Luna enjoys my flirting, or Nyada my goofy jokes? Even managed to make Ebony smile once, which has to be my crowning achievement.” He sighed deeply, “All of them have their tragic stories, their noble burdens, and I’ll never be able to understand that. But at the very least I can make that burden feel a little lighter, put a little spring in their step or give them the opportunity to vent some steam.”

Zenai smiled, having a new appreciation for the little foal, ”That’s surprisingly considerate and well thought out.”

“Does it deserve another kiss?”

She looked at his cheeky, expectant face for a moment before grinning back at him. To be honest she was momentary tempted to give the little devil a full education, but reasoned that would be rather immoral of her. Instead she just leaned down and gave the foal a kiss on the forehead, “Maybe later.”

“Hehehe... wow...” He blushed deep, his breathing a little faster, “I’ve never had that line actually work before...”

Zenai contemplated that even the foals were calling her easy now before smiling back at him.

“He told everyone?”

“Actually he didn’t say anything. Swift Crimson told me you promised him one back in Sanatora.” Dust fixed her with a low, slightly accusing look as he adjusted the servos on Puppy’s armor, currently laid out across his bed, “Zenai, I’m not sure I want to accuse you of anything...”

Zenai blushed, trying to hide her guilty expression and wondering how quickly she could make it to the door, “It’s... nothing. Nothing...”

“...because he is thirteen, and I’m getting mighty sick of my employers getting me in trouble by dipping into... unripe fruit.”

“No dipping!” Zenai exclaimed desperately, looking extremely stupid as her glasses promptly fell off the end of her muzzle and hung swinging about her neck. She blushed deeply, looked for an exit, then just let her head fall, “I gave him the kiss... but nothing else. Promise?”

Dust observed her for a second longer before turning back to the armor, “Tempted?”

“Dust Kicker!”

“I’ve had the addictions of my companions get me into trouble in the past. And justified or not, you lying to me when this all began makes me feel I need to keep an eye on you.” His voice became warmer at last, taking a parental edge, “It’s for your own benefit Zenai. Call that patronising if you want.”

Zenai honestly wouldn’t dream of it, no matter how humiliating that was. To be honest she deserved it, just as Dust had said, “You’ve earned it Dust. How many times have you saved me and Star Swirl now?”

“We’re in this together.” Dust commented dryly, “Don’t get down on yourself Zenai, that wasn’t the only thing Swift Crimson told me.”

Zenai lifted her head, surprised. She couldn’t honestly remember doing anything else but run behind them and contribute poorly to their fights, certainly nothing remotely worthy of note, “What did he tell you?”

“That at their darkest moment it was you who rallied them, gave them the strength to get out of there.”

“That wasn’t...” Zenai thought back, admitting that she might have said something, “I mean... it wasn’t anything worth...”

“It was worth something.” He turned, smiling warmly at her. After a moment he sighed and set down his tools, walking over and patting her on the head, “You’ve been under a lot of stress lately. Please believe that you can always talk to me about it, no matter how weak you think it makes you sound.”

She felt her lip quiver, wanting to hug him but stopped by what little composure still remained, “Thank you... but it’s ok now... Star Swirl is back, and Princess Luna is going to beat that thug and his tin soldiers...”

Dust smiled, nodding to her, “Believe it Zenai.”

“It’s just...” Zenai sighed, knowing it made her sound so selfish and egotistical, “I don’t feel I contributed anything to that. I just followed you around, and now we’re in this big group I feel even more useless than ever. Swift Crimson, Radhi, Ebony... all of them are so much better than me. I can’t even tell you anything about Puppy or why your armor is acting up, and I’m one who gave it to you.”

Dust gave her a gentle smile, shrugging his shoulders, “Really, don’t worry about it Zenai.”

“It almost got you killed.”

“Puppy says it won’t happen again, and I trust her.”

“But she can’t tell us why...”

“If she was interested in lying to us then she could have thought up a dozen excuses.” Dust turned back to the armor, patting it on the side affectionately, “Every lady needs some secrets.”

Zenai pouted, “That secret shut down your armor mid battle and almost set you on fire.”

“And I’ve removed that problem.” Dust nodded to the dismantled fuel canisters on the table, “And at my guess the solution is fairly simple. Puppy is a very powerful and valuable AI meant for world domination. They would naturally install a self destruct system within her housing.”

Zenai felt that was plausible, but that it just added further questions, “Then why did it activate then?”

Dust simply shrugged, “Again, Puppy said it was a secret.”

Zenai couldn’t help but huff, glaring sharply at him as he continued to lovingly maintain the armor. After a moment she couldn’t help a little of her bitterness leak out, “Since we’re on the subject, I’m personally starting to get a little concerned about this affection between you and Puppy. Because I’m pretty sure she’s very underage.”

He just grinned infuriatingly, “I prefer the older mares actually. Puppy actually promised to help me, in return for introducing her to some nice Crusader Supercomputers. I thought once this was all over I could go and introduce her to the SPP and Harmony Mainframe maybe, make a few introductions.”

She pouted, “You are just infuriating sometimes, you know that?”

He smirked back at her, “All too well.”


Zenai walked the corridors alone, a familiar experience now. Still some of the foals called out greetings or giggled from the corners now, and she had to grudgingly admit that the whole place was starting to feel... friendlier. More like home. She guessed she had made a impact by going with them to Sanatora, a thought which couldn’t help but cheer.

And then she was there to lower the mood, appearing from around a corner like some unwanted ghost. Zenai knew that was harsh but she could help it. Had she always been that tall? Had she always smiled like that? Where was the puppy fat, the dull glazed expression? What was with the muscle, the sparkling confidence in her walk?

“Zenai! I’ve been looking for you!”

Zenai gave a nervous, shy smile, frozen in place, “Star Swirl... um...”

“We...” Star Swirl’s face fell, adopting a more restrained smile as she trotted over. Even that seemed way too dignified for her friend, still she appreciated the effort. Star Swirl cleared her throat as she came closer, her voice soft, “I guess it’s hard to think where to start...”

“It’s ok. It’s... not!” Zenai did the only thing she could, she girded herself up and stormed over. Her hoof lifted and slammed down, landing with a somewhat pathetic wack upon her calf, “You abandoned us!”

“Eeek...” Star Swirl backed away a little, her hoof wiggling nervously, “Um... I’m sorry...”

“I bet you are!” Zenai stamped her hoof, “Do you have any idea how worried I’ve been!?”

“I can guess.” She started, then sighed deeply and dropped her head in shame, “I... not sure I’ll ever been good enough with words to properly apologise. I... guess I just have to rely on your charity.”

Zenai smirked, “You coward.”

“I know.”

“That’s more like the Star Swirl I know.” Zenai let the tension out with a sigh, smiling warmly at the big mare, “I was worried all this strutting was going to your head.”

“I might... evolve, but I doubt I’ll ever change. More’s the pity.” Star Swirl gave a awkward grin, “Actually I was kinda wondering if you were up for a little appraisal and investigation, you know, if you were feeling nostalgic for the library.”

Hmm. Zenai’s curiosity was definitely pricked. Though she was quick to denounce it as boring, it was easy to forget that she gained her previous job as an archivist by honestly being interested in the work. With all that had happened lately maybe a bit of her old life was exactly what was needed, “Old world tech?”

Star Swirl just grinned, “Very old.”


Zenai and Star Swirl stood in the library, both waiting patiently as Luna disappeared into her room with Radhi. Zenai knew better than to ask why they weren’t allowed in themselves, seconds passing in silence before she heard Radhi’s voice, “Um... if you could... just help me at the door Zenai...”

Zenai padded over, the door opening to admit Radhi as he struggled with the alicorn sized spear placed across his back. Zenai moved very carefully to take one side of it, frowning as Star Swirl backed off a step, “You could help.”

“No she couldn’t.” Luna stated as she came through after them, like Star Swirl careful to keep her distance, “That spear is protected against both of us.”

“As I found out the hard way...” Star Swirl muttered.

“So did I.” Luna replied, giving Star Swirl a warm smile, “Fortunately I was only slightly injured at the time.”

“I saw you in the Dragon’s heart.” Star Swirl commented in a somewhat surprised tone, looking down at Radhi, “You, Swift Crimson and a grey... you Luna.”

Luna nodded, a pleased smile opening up, “Yes.”

Star Swirl smiled broadly, looking back at Radhi, “It was your idea to give me a healing potion and some hydra. Thank you.”

“Just... doing what seemed right.” He replied hesitantly before helping Zenai to place the spear upon the table, “And here it is. The battle spear of Princess Celestia.”

Zenai had an opportunity to examine it now, and it was indeed a work of art. Not a hint of rust or corrosion marked any part of the weapon and the blade still looked deadly sharp. It was clearly magical, but it was a subtle magic, ironically seeming more akin to zebra enchantment than pony spellweaving. Zenai racked her brain and came across a dim memory that this blade had been given as a gift by the royal family of Saddle Arabia, which suggested it may have indeed been zebra made.

Celestia. Despite Star Swirl’s fangirlism of Celestia, Zenai felt slightly detached from the pretty pony princess. Even her weapon looked spotless and overly fancy, less a weapon of war and more a fancy fashion accessory. Luna’s personal weapon, the minigun ‘Stargazer’ currently enshrined within a museum in New Canterlot, was fancy but still a weapon designed to kill ponies in the modern day. This was a depressing archaism.

Still it was a well constructed artifact worthy of study. Certainly it was at least slightly exiting to think that a find like this could make her incredibly rich and famous, even if she had never really cared about such things. So down to business, “What exactly is the problem?”

“As I stated, we can’t touch it.” Luna answered... rather ambiguously.

“Why not?” Zenai answered with some irritation, “What happens? Is it because you’re alicorns?”

“I...” Luna hesitated, eventually just falling silent, a guilty look plastered upon her face.

“The spear considers us dark creatures who gained our alicorn nature through evil magic.” Star Swirl answered after a moment, looking over at Luna apologetically, “It takes away our powers.”

A rather weird image promptly flashed through her head, “It makes you normal unicorns?”

“Nooooo...” Star Swirl replied in a rather long, drawn out manner, looking profoundly and suspiciously shifty as she did so, “But it seriously weakens us, and has long term issues.”

Zenai hated this. She hated being lied to, for no good reason. Didn’t they trust her? Did they really expect her to do this without any idea of what she was getting herself into?

Still, the circumstances were the circumstances. No point whining over them now.

She took out a few reagents from her back, turning her head up to Luna with a firm determination, “We will need some sort of resistant material for the table. This may take a while.”


In fact it took two hours and twenty minutes before she was pleased enough with the results to call the two alicorns over, a little giddy at her success and Radhi’s clear admiration for her skills. Luna stared expectantly and Zenai moved to explain, brushing down the spear with a hoof, “The weapon was made with a combination of zebra enchantment and dragon magic, but the spell that protects it against darkness is pony magic. It was likely cast by Celestia herself.”

“Which doesn’t help.” Luna stated in a frustrated tone, “Because I’m the only one with any skill at advanced magic, and I can’t touch the thing.”

“Actually... I think I should be able to do it.” Zenai hesitated a moment, realising she was talking to somepony who really knew her stuff and aware that the possibility of looking like an idiot was high... but she felt certain about her conclusions, “If I cleanse the blade it should return it to its original state, back when the zebra enchantments were first applied.”

Luna looked somewhat worried, “Without damaging the blade?”

“If I can destroy those kind of enchantments I’m a better alchemist than I thought.” She replied, with reasonable confidence, “Unicorn magic on the other hand isn’t nearly as durable, the only reason it’s lasted this long is the quality of the casting. I’m confident it won’t be enough to stand up to directed dispelling.”

Luna turned her head to the zebra beside, “Radhi?”

“You know more about it than me Luna, I’ve never been an alchemist or shaman.” He smiled reassuringly, “Still, I am confident she knows what she’s doing.”

“Alright.” Luna stated, “What do you need?”

Zenai struggled out a large, leather bound book, cupping it clumsily in both front hooves and slamming it down upon the table. It spread open near the index fortunately, Zenai flicking through with the expert hoof of a master filer. She quickly located the first item, looking up at Luna with a serious expression, “If I make a list of what I need, can you get it for me?”

Luna nodded, “I’ll do my best.”

She looked back at the book, taking a deep breath to prepare herself, “Then so will I.”


Zenai was lying. She was no expert alchemist, no master of potions. She had read about it in books, and in her younger days indulged her teenage rebellion by cooking up Dash and Mint-al’s in her dormitory. She thought she was talented enough, long after she had lost interest in the drugs themselves she continued to enjoy the process, liking the attention to detail and controlled risks involved. Still she had no formal qualification, no certification besides comparison to the pictures she found in her tomes.

Now she held the Spear of Princess Celestia in her hooves, slowly submerging it into the steel trough as the glowing brown liquid within bubbled and spat little motes of magic into the air. She winced as her hooves submerged, still there was no pain. The liquid was faintly warm, smooth and constantly flowing, just as it should have been.

Electricity ran down her hooves, Zenai tensing in reflex. Her vision shifted.

A tall, slim earth pony of alicorn proportions lifted the still glowing spear to the light of the window, looking out across a tree lined oasis of stunning beauty.

Another pony of the same species walked along a long room furnished with the finest silks, zebra, camel and pony guards and courtiers standing firm at attention as he presented it to a beaming Princess Celestia.

A dark, shadowy figure clad in plate armor cackled, striking at Celestia with a giant scythe. She blocked every strike with the spear, spinning the blade with her magic and plunging it deep into the figures chest with a single thrust.

Celestia gasped as Luna’s sword rang a piercing note against her raised spear, backing away in fear and confusion as her sister came in low for another strike. Celestia batted the blunt end forward but Luna dodged and lifted herself into the air with her wings, spinning round to kick Celestia in the jaw and knock the spear spinning. It bounced out into the everfree forest, striking a tree before falling into the murky waters of a shallow river below.

Celestia lay gasping, reaching out pathetically as Luna writhed on the floor covered in a thick cloud of pink gas. An old zebra in a red cloak observed her dispassionately, turning with regretful, sad eyes as she beheld Luna whimpering and twitching, looking up at the grand Equestrian army broken and fleeing before the advancing forces of the zebra.

Celestia’s wings punched her ever higher above beautiful plains of golden flowers, now trampled and churned into muddy rivers by the two armies that clashed under a fierce burning sun. Celestia’s eyes turned across to the mountains of orange rock that rose ahead, a note of fear registering across her features as a titanic red dragon the size of a city launched itself from the peak and dived at her, murder in the creature’s narrowing eyes.

Mud streaked with crimson rivers, a beautiful white coat torn, a noble form twisted and broken. A bloody twisted crown lay half buried, the spear stained and impaled firmly in the churned ground. Celestia looked up with bleary eyes, just managing to ignite a flickering shield of magic about her form as a titanic red claw slammed down upon her with enough force to crack the earth. It withdrew and the mountain of scales and muscle shifted a little so that it could angle it’s head down to look at her, it’s grin exposing teeth the size of houses. It opened its mouth, a deep female bass shaking the earth, “As I thought, as it must be. Without our magic, you are just a pony. I however am still a dragon.”

Broken, smoking black enclave armour, standing in stark contrast with the shining white spear clutched against the pegasus’s side and the vivid rainbow hair streaming behind. The red dragon roared and unleashed a white hot beam of pure energy in the pegasus’s direction but it didn’t even touch her, reflected harmlessly off the corona of solar energy that surrounded her. Full of confidence and resolve, the pegasus took a deep breath from her breathing mask, ejected all her excess ammo and engaged her jets, streamlining her body as she dived straight at the dragon’s mouth. Rainbow light burst around her, shattering the dragon’s breath and causing the mighty beast to hesitate, stunned for one critical second as the Pegasus dove down the dragon’s throat with spear held tight for the kill.

The pegasus lay in a disgusting chamber seemingly made of muscle, the interior filled with a thick crimson fluid that pooled up all around. The spear lay embedded in the ground nearby, a hole cleanly ripped through the roof where it had penetrated.

The pegasus was dying, her armor torn from her, her body burnt and blistered, her breathing gasping and rapid. Her rainbow hair clung to her scalp only in short strands, the rest torn away to leave deep crimson lacerations. She feebly reached for the breathing mask nearby with a limp, broken hoof, eventually giving up the effort and just slumping backwards into the wet, gently quivering ground. Her one remaining hoof reached into what was left of her armor, pulling out a burnt, damaged silver locket.

She looked at it for a moment before closing her eyes, her expression becoming peaceful and resigned.

She only opened them as she heard the sound of voices from nearby, panicked voices calling out a name lost to her blistered, tattered ears, a unit of ponies in heavy environmental gear breaking through the hole she had left and hurrying over with medical bags already opening and syringes deployed.

“NGH!” Energy exploded off the spear, hurling Zenai backwards to slam firmly into Luna’s telekinesis, Star Swirl throwing up a shield of energy between them and the hovering, glowing spear. It offered no more surges of power however, steam rising from the metal as it gently settled down upon the platform. Zenai extracted herself from Luna’s hold, gingerly moving back down onto her hooves and waving a hoof, “It’s ok everypony, that was just the remaining energy from Celestia’s spell. It’s broken now, you can pick it up safely.”

Luna went to step forward, though hesitated at the last moment.

“I’ll test it out.” Star Swirl stepped past, shooting Luna a reassuring smile, “I’ve a lot less to lose.”

“That’s... wise.” Luna smiled sweetly back, “Thank you Star Swirl.”

Star Swirl nodded and walked over to the metal table, looking down at the object with but a moment of hesitation. She extended a hoof with barely contained awe, fixing the haft in the crook of her foreleg. It sat there, shining, almost singing as if cutting through the very air. Star Swirl looked down at the blade for a moment or two before moving.

The spear became a blur, Star Swirl switching legs as she swung the blade in quick thrusting blows. It was graceful and terrifying, the spear nothing less than a beam of shining light as it snapped left and right. She took it in her telekinesis and it swung in a broad, deadly arc, Star Swirl going low as she flung the blade sweeping across the ground.

Luna flung a canvas ball at Star Swirl with a sweep of her hoof. Star Swirl turned in one swift flowing movement, spear a streak of light. The ball fell in two pieces for but a fraction of a second, then ignited with a flash and drifted down as nothing but ash. Luna simply whistled in appreciation.

Zenai just watched, her cute clumsy friend finally in her element, explaining at last just why the other alicorns viewed her with such wary, suspicious glances. She had heard of her history, listened to Luna’s tales of how they had defeated Draconequis... but she had never actually seen Star Swirl fight. And it was beautiful and terrifying in equal measure.

“Stop showing off.” Luna commented dryly, breaking the moment, “And I’m starting to think you should take this challenge.”

“Oh no.” Star Swirl shook her head quickly returning the weapon to her side and walking over, “I can’t beat him. I don’t think anyone is a match for him at close range.”

Luna accepted the spear from Star Swirl, lifting it experimentally. She flipped it over and placed it haft down upon the ground, looking up at its menacing point, “Even with a legendary weapon?”

“I think so yes. His weapon is enchanted too, maybe not as much as that spear but..." Star Swirl shook her head, "He's got the same skill set as me, and I know he's better. I can't fight him on his terms."

Dust Kicker gave a rather smug smile, “Plus he knows you Star Swirl, and he only thinks he knows Luna.”

Luna nodded firmly, returning his smile, “He’s expecting a mage with no skill in close combat... thanks to you Star Swirl.” She mock pouted at Star Swirl, her ears wiggling, “I still have the bruises you know. They keep me awake every night, screaming in agony.”

“I’m sorry!” Star Swirl retorted, looking genuinely hurt, “It... still bugs me because it’s true. You’re not fully healed yet Luna.”

“I’m not out yet.” She stated firmly, a broad smile across her face, “And teach me how to avoid that ‘bundle to the floor’ thing and we’re even. I do not want to repeat that experience.”

Star Swirl nodded, smiling back, “You’ve got a deal.”


Having little better to do Zenai watched Luna train for a time, staying quietly hidden and admiring Star Swirl’s skill as she effortlessly moved through one manoeuvre after another. She was good, a natural, helped of course by her new trim, powerful body. She had obviously been working out a great deal and Zenai was proud of that, even if it did make her think back on how Star Swirl had hated violence.

Fluttershy hated violence too, yet she had fought and killed and seemed ok with that. Honestly she wasn’t sure what either of them were thinking now, all so different from what she expected from them.

Star Swirl eventually finished her training and Luna called Swift Crimson over, Swift Crimson briefly objecting. Zenai could see why, Luna had been training for a good two hours and had to have needed a rest by now. Luna disagreed obviously, just taking a drink of water and lining up for the next round.

They set to it as Star Swirl departed for a shower, Zenai making the moment to admire Swift Crimson’s style. It was much sharper and dirtier than Star Swirl’s, as fitting a primarily ranged combatant who just wanted to kick those getting too close where it hurts. This was shown clearly as Luna finally just broke and charged straight at him. Star Swirl would likely have thrown her, Swift Crimson however skidded sideways and chopped his leg up to catch her in the shin.

She yelled out in pain and hit the ground in a tangle. It looked... painful.


“I’m... ok...” She dragged herself up, wincing as she balanced precariously on a badly bruised leg. Then she grinned, then laughed cheerfully, “That’s a good move Swift... gonna have to remember that...”

“Stop it Luna.” He grunted, moving over, “It’s not funny.”

She smirked at him, “Oh cheer up...”

“No, I won’t. Do you like pain Luna? Do you like throwing yourself in misery and suffering for others?”

Her face became more serious, and a little challenging, “I like the fact that I have the strength to help my friends.”

“Not if you continue how you are.” He challenged, “You can’t take all this Luna. It’s going to kill you.”

She frowned, eyes challenging, “So you care now do you?”

“Fuck you Luna.” He growled, “We broke up because you were mocking the fact that I cared, remember?” He continued to glare as she averted her eyes, his voice growing raspier as he continued, “You could have avoided all this. But you have to keep strutting, antagonising, causing trouble for yourself and others.”

Luna sniffed softly, dropping her head, “Do you think this place would be better off without me?”

“Of course it fucking wouldn’t!” Swift yelled back at her angrily, “But if you would just restrain yourself for a moment...”

“I’m always restraining myself.” Luna spoke unhappily, her body slumping, “I’m not a good pony Swift. I’m not the pony you want me to be... and I’m sorry.”

Swift looked like he wanted to shout again, just restraining himself, “Don’t be stupid Luna. You saved us all.”

“Because you asked me to. And I was alone, and lost, and needed something to do.” She lifted her head, eyes filled with quivering emotion... fear and grief both, “I’m not like you. It’s... a lie. My village, they hurt me, tried to kill me... because they thought I was a witch. That I was going into their dreams and causing them nightmares.”

“I know, you told me.”

She breathed out slowly, shaking her head, “I was. I was small, and sickly, and the others would bully me... and I hated them for it, wanted to get them back. And I was a unicorn, and I was smart.” She averted her eyes, abashed, “I studied dark magic. I learned how to walk in dreams, how to get my own back on my tormentors. I learned their secrets, blackmailed them into doing what I wanted. I proudly boasted of my power.”

Swift Crimson went quiet for a long time before finally answering, “You’re a different mare now Luna.”

“Am I?” She asked accusingly, “I try my best, because you all believe in me, and I want to be the mare that you want me to be. But you said it yourself, I’m clearly not succeeding. I’m just pretending to be somepony I’m not, and hurting all of you in the process.”

“You...” Swift Crimson hesitated, uncertain.

Luna looked back at him in quiet despair as he avoided her gaze. Eventually she simply smiled affectionately and turned away, making her way out of the cavern, “You’re right, I need to get some rest before my fight. I’ll see you tomorrow Swift.”

He just watched her go, as did Zenai as she leaned further back into the shadows that hid her. Like him she didn’t know what to say or do. Everything seemed like a platitude, or a cliche.

Still, she sincerely hoped she would win her victory in this fight. No matter what she thought of herself, Zenai was certain that given time Luna would achieve great things. She just hoped she would have the chance.


“If you just tuned in, this is DJ Voice, whispering sweet nothings from the heart of the nation. Clendal, where the grass really is greener.”

“And this is Sharps, preaching out to you from the darkness.”

“And today we have some breaking news for you from the dark borderlands of the Entitidi lands, involving those two movers and shakers that have been making a lot of waves lately. Yes, we’re talking about Princess Luna and Starhammer, those two controversial little usurpers par excellence.”

“And before we start, I hope I don’t have to remind any of you that we’ve met our share of evil overlords and demon princesses in our time.”

“Ah, for the good old days. When the Devil of the East was content to throw evil laughs around like candy and gleefully declare his intention to decorate the world with corpses.”

“These two however seem to be a lot more ambiguous in their intentions. Both of committed their fair share of atrocities, and I’m forced to mention the towns of Axeridge, Savern, Kashion and Sanders.”

“But then I would be forced to mention the towns of Irridon and Majabali… though Majabali was an accident in fairness.”

“Yes children, incendiary grenades, slavers and a lack of personal hygiene do not mix as well as you might think. But back to the point at hand, and that is to not judge too quickly. Both these fighters are dear to their followers and are clearly capable of great things.”

“And both are a little too ambiguous in their intentions for this old stallions comfort.”

“Which is why good King Zaneious has endorsed both candidates, and for my part I say good luck to them. Here’s hoping both parties take the result in good grace, and we can start seeing some peace for that area of the wasteland.”

“Amen to that Sharps. Amen to that.”


The air felt unusually cold, the air turbulent and unsettled. The rusted structures of the park rattled and groaned against the wind, the assorted population of Dusklight shivering as it took them in its cold embrace. Radhi was the first to speak, advancing forward to stare Luna in the eye, “I should... I want to go with you Luna.”

“So you can see me die?”

Radhi frowned up at her angrily, clear worry marking his normally gentle features. He took a moment to adjust his glasses before speaking, “I’m part of this place’s leadership...”

“And so you should be here.” Luna spoke kindly, smiling at him, “I don’t think it’s a trap, still I’m not putting everyone in one place to be captured. It’s combatants only, and if the worst happens... you have to lead them out of here Radhi.”

He went quiet, closing his eyes for a moment or two before nodding reluctantly, “I understand.”

Luna looked regretful for a moment before looking around, “Ebony isn’t here I see.”

“I’m sorry Luna.” Niyada spoke softly as she looked back at the cave, “You know she’ll be thinking of you. And when you come back, she’ll be stitching your wounds with a rare smile.”

“Tell her I respect her reluctance to condone my actions. And my words go for all of you.” Luna nodded, “You, Ebony and Radhi, you’ve been my most senior lieutenants since we started all this. Dusklight was always yours as much as it was mine.”

“We’ll look after them Luna.” Radhi spoke softly, “Until you and Swift Crimson come back safe.”

“And Fluttershy, the same goes to you.” Luna smiled at the elderly pegasus, standing grandmotherly behind some of the other lieutenants, “I’m not one to believe stories, but after knowing you for this short time I’m starting to believe them a little more. Take care of my children until I come back?”

“Of course.” She smiled warmly, her face lighting up, “Kindness and harmony go with you Princess Luna.”

“Right.” Luna spoke decisively, turning round and looking at her assembled troops, “Let’s move out!”


They marched. It was an impressive sight, more so than their advance on Santoria at least. There they had been armed for battle and attempted stealth, now the sartorial talents of Luna and her children had been fully brought to bear. There was no attempt at anything resembling a uniform, still the children were arranged in colour coordinated units, normally quite vivid ones. Luna herself was dressed in a cloak bearing the starlit sky and a crescent moon, a carved silver clasp at her throat and her crown upon her head. Star Swirl was dressed in a similar grey cloak with the symbol of a butterfly upon it, bearing some sort of inside meaning that Zenai had failed to get as yet. She herself had no desire for any confining formal wear and just made sure her fur was washed and brushed to a shine, noting that Dust Kicker and Swift Crimson were still dressed for combat.

The arena was aptly called, ‘The arena’. Apparently it had been a ruin even before the war, a temple dedicated to some minotaur religious leader. Now it was barely that, a few standing pillars and a single wall bearing long faded tenants of the church. The area was being watched over by a third party, the Sequesta, a tribe that apparently lived in the radiation heavy and monster infested areas stretching up into the mountains around the capital. They were certainly an impressive looking folk, all bearing fierce Mohicans and clad in the furs of mighty beasts, bodies covered in scars and muscle. They chanted and pounded hooves against chests as Luna led them towards the group, two of them breaking away to lead the much smaller form of Tradash the Black over to meet them.

The pair fell prostate a short distance away, Tradash continuing on to great them with a kind, genuine smile, “Welcome to the arena Princess Luna. A pleasure to see you again.”

“The pleasure is mine Tradash, Chosen of Charity.” Luna nodded back, a little stiff but still doing well to project the required regal mien, “It’s an honor to meet so illustrious...”

“Please.” He waved a hoof, looking deeply embarrassed, “I am simply Tradash, or Tradash the Black if you wish. I am a old scholar, with a deep affection for dusty, old buried things of little use to any creature.”

Zenai advanced forward, curious now, “You bore the element of Generosity?”

“I was attuned to the element of generosity.” He corrected, “No zebra has ever actually held the elements in their pure, crystallised forms. And that doesn't change what I am."

“You’re full of shit.” Swift Crimson interjected abrasively, glaring at Tradash, “Whatever you think of yourself, you’re still friends with Tandia of Garm. She’s the fucking Head Shaman of Garm, Elder of Magic and Hero of the Wastes. Surely she can do something about this?”

Tradash shook his head, a weary regret on his face, “I’m afraid it’s not that easy. Even if either of them would listen to her, she follows the will of harmony now. If harmony demanded she be here, she would be here. Since she is not...”

Zenai couldn’t help letting out a bitter snort, “It’s not the will of harmony to stop a war?”

“She can see the threads of fate now. It’s not a condition I would wish on anyone.” He closed his eyes for a moment, his expression troubled and grim, “It may serve harmony that this is decided here, now. Breaking up this fight will just continue the conflict.”

“If Luna loses, these foals will be kicked out of their home!” Zenai shouted angrily, both at the situation and yet another ‘greater good’ ‘what must be done’ speech from those who should know better. He was just like Velvet Remedy, taking the easy battles and letting those whose salvation required a bit of courage and resolve suffer alone, “A thug like Starhammer will be allowed to grow in power and influence!”

“These foals will be alive.” Tradash gave Zenai a sympathetic smile, “And I agree with Luna, this provides the best chance she has of driving Starhammer back. Defeating him will humiliate him in front of his men and the other tribes, reduce his power and force him to retreat from these lands. At the same time her showing him mercy...”

“Wait a second.” Zenai interrupted, not quite understanding something here, “It’s a fight to the death right?”

“The victor may spare the defeated party.” Tradash stated calmly, “I do not expect Starhammer to extend that courtesy, but I have advised Luna to do so.”

Dust nodded grimly, “We’re outnumbered here. If we kill their leader, his troops might just go on a rampage.”

“And mercy makes Luna look honorable and fair.” He agreed, “And technically, the agreement of support and compensation for your losses is only due to you from Starhammer. If he’s dead then it’s far less likely that his successor will honor that arrangement.”

“Enough!” Luna shouted, lip curling, “We’ve been over all of this. You zebra, lead me to the preparation area!”

The two sequestan zebra nodded firmly, rising from their positions and standing at attention, “Follow us please Queen Luna.”

“See that, they’ve already promoted me.” She grinned as she moved to follow them, “Don’t you worry, I’ve got this.”

They all watched her depart in silence, Zenai eventually taking a deep breath and letting her feelings off her chest, “I’ve seen how good Starhammer is. He defeated all of us in seconds.”

Swift Crimson stared intensely ahead, his whole body tensed and angry, “I saw it too. I’ve prepared her as best as I could. I’ve had our best melee combatants train her in parrying techniques with that spear, and her wings give her far greater mobility. She can keep him at range, pound him with spells.”

“Star...” Zenai lifted her head to the alicorn above, noting her open nervousness as the big mare chewed her lip distractedly, “You’ve seen both of them fight. Can Luna really win this?”

“Yeah...” Star Swirl adopted a more confident expression as she turned to them, “Her main flaw before was her poor melee defence. Swift Crimson and I have both worked hard to solve that.”

“And Starhammer? Does he have any weaknesses?”

Star Swirl considered this for what seemed like a long while, her voice quiet and soft as she finally answered, “When he’s thrown off balance... when he starts losing... his ability goes to pieces. I saw it down in Santora, he openly panicked when he was knocked down by a draconequis. Luna’s the opposite, she fights better when she’s outmatched and scared.”

“Mare’s always been a scrapper.” Swift Crimson spoke the words quietly, closing his eyes and sighing, “That’s why she pushes herself so hard. She gets off on antagonising people, pushing her body to its limits, raising her magic to the next level before she’s even mastered the last.”

Zenai’s heart broke listening to the buck, seeing clearly the agony in him at the very possibility that she could lose her life in this battle, “That’s going to earn her the win. Starhammer is a thug, only confident so long as things are going his way.”

“They are going his fucking way.” Swift grunted, “He’s a fucking murder machine, going up against an untrained, overconfident child. Luna’s going to get herself killed, and it will all be for nothing.”

“You don’t...”

“Don’t try to fucking comfort me.” Swift retorted, shrugging off her words and returning to his morose sullenness, “Save the empty words for those who care.”


Starhammer’s arrival was rather less colorful than their own, though still impressive. Starhammer himself was clad in the outfit of a heroic era zebra legionnaire, Zenai noting that he had stripped all the bulletproof fabric from the costume and replaced it with chainmail and leather. He even wore a silver laurel, his crimson cloak fluttering in the wind and his greatsword buckled at his side. His huge general, who Zenai was informed was named Icoxal, was dressed in a more standard issue pre-war legion officer’s uniform, still his was buffed and repaired to a standard Zenai had only seen in old photographs and memory orbs. His small female companion Kunani almost melted into the background in comparison, wearing a concealing dull crimson cloak, decorated with creepy looking totems that rattled at her sides.

“Damn, she’s well equipped. I see three of those lightning talismans hanging there.”

Zenai turned up to Star Swirl, just about to question her statement when Tradash beat her to it, replying softly, “You have a good eye. That’s Naigatash, spirit of wrathful intent. It is indeed the best choice for a damaging lightning attack. You’ve seen her use it?”

Star Swirl nodded, her expression clouding, “She beat Luna with it. I didn’t realise Zebra had such powerful magic.”

“A zebra specializing in direct damage spells is indeed somewhat rare, though mostly due to impracticalities.” Tradash explained, “Zebra can channel very large amounts of magic, certainly equal to any unicorn. However since they lack horns, they must focus that magic through totems. These totems must be specially prepared and attuned to the zebra who wishes to use them, and using them to channel a spell inevitably damages them to some extent. Destructive magic unfortunately near inevitably destroys a totem, and often leads to backlash upon the caster... burns and suchlike.”

Zenai had heard a little of zebra magic, Xephyr had been considered an expert as befits her connection to the element. She however had been considered a strange aberration, not one other zebra had ever mastered anything but a cantrip. Xephyr herself had been entirely self taught, “She certainly looks like she’s got quite a few charges there though.”

“Indeed.” Tradash sighed deeply, closing his eyes for several seconds before speaking, “Kunani was considered one of the most talented enchanters in Garm. She has clearly turned these talents to allowing her a rare affinity for the destruction arts.”

“She was trained in Garm then?” Star Swirl questioned, “Is she part of an order, like you?”

“No.” Tradash answered sadly, looking unusually reluctant in his answers, “She is not a graduate, and those skills she has are not taught within the city. My guess is that she has researched them from pre-war sources, or has learned them through trial and error.”

Zenai thought this was all very interesting but besides the point really, “Well Luna’s not fighting her, she’s fighting Starhammer.”

“True, but I advise paying attention to her during this fight.” Tradash warned, “I am not entirely sure I trust her to play fair, and she has clearly attained skills both I, and the rest of the wasteland, are unfamiliar with.”

Their attention was then fixed on the arena as Starhammer stepped in, unclasped his cloak and let it unceremoniously fall to the ground. He strolled arrogantly to the centre line, smiling smugly at the crowd around him. He looked totally unconcerned, not a hint of worry or nervousness. Zenai wasn’t sure to snort at his arrogance or shiver at the possibility that it was justified.

Luna’s entrance was rather less convincing unfortunately. She looked ill at ease as she stepped forward, unbuckling her own cloak and floating it over to some attendant foals that ran to collect it. That done she moved opposite Starhammer, clearly avoiding the sharp, confident gaze he fixed her with.

“That fucker’s trying to throw her off balance!” Swift Crimson growled.

“Of course he is.” Dust commented, not looking happy, “I drilled her in doing the same to him. She was all grins and boasts back then, trust her to not let on how nervous she was really feeling...”

One of the sequestans stepped up to a block of masonry that served as a podium, a particularly imposing looking zebra who had pierced himself with many shards of bone and was dressed in a cloak made from the pelt of a manticore. He gazed grimly upon the two combatants for a moment before speaking in a voice much higher pitched than expected, “Queen Luna, King Starhammer! You have both come to this place seeking justice, and like the warriors of old you have both agreed to meet it under the auspices of the old path! Furthermore you have both chosen to face this challenge in person, and for that spirit, dragon and zebra alike will forever remember you as earthborn, true sons of rock and fire!”

Tradash sighed, speaking quietly, “Oh how I hate all this rubbish. Not one zebra today knows a jot of what this means, and throwing in references to the sacred fire to what is a barbaric punch up is painfully blasphemous.”

Swift Crimson snorted softly, “You’ve killed loads of zebra.”

“And I regret that it came to that, and I certainly didn’t cry out how it brought glory to the fire.” Tradash sighed, “When I was young, I fooled myself into believing I could save the world. Now I am old, and still watching children full of potential kill each other for prestige, pride and power.”

Zenai thought of Littlepip and the others. When the Gardens had been activated, on the day of Sunshine and Rainbows... they had thought everything was going to be alright. It made her wonder what the point was, if everything was just going to continue on as before.

“The terms are set, the wards are placed, both of you have been informed of the rules of engagement. I entreat all here to respect the rules of this sacred place and allow no unworthy behavior sully the honor of the duel!” The sequestan leader continued, “Warriors, activate the wards!”

The sequestans at the sides stepped forward as one, gave a single roaring chant and stamped down. Immediately there emerged a sparkle of magic, a near imperceptible barrier appearing around the arena. Tradash explained as the sequestans stepped back with bowed heads, “The barrier detects anything crossing, magic, darts... any dirty tricks the fighters might use. They have nothing but what they take in with them.”

“Doesn’t stop them taking dirty tricks in with them then?”

“Well, I understand that you had to be rather loose with the rules of what to take inside, didn’t you Star Swirl?” Tradash noted with a thin smile, looking up at the big alicorn knowingly.

“Um... yes...” Star Swirl stammered, “Dictating that all magical enchantments be removed from the combatants would put Luna... um, at... a disadvantage.”

“She’s keeping that spear in a pocket dimension as well isn’t she?” Dust noted, “Is that allowed?”

Tradash nodded, taking a breath, “Starhammer agreed to all Luna’s requests.”

Zenai snorted, “Arrogant bastard.”

“Either that or he’s playing a smarter game than we give him credit for.” Dust noted grimly, “He’s got a master enchantress on his team, I’m betting he’s loaded up with magic.”

“Yet I can detect no obvious vectors, no outside signs of magic save relatively minor enchantments on his sword and armor.” Tradash observed quietly, “If he is playing a game, it is beyond my sight...”

It went quiet, all eyes focused on the pair in front. Starhammer spoke first, cheerful and gleefully casual, “How did you manage to maintain control of your Demon? I have to know.”

“Maybe you’re speaking to her.” Luna answered coldly, “Or maybe perhaps I was right all those millennia ago, and they truly can live in peace with equines.”

“Maybe it’s something for me to think about after the duel.”

Luna snarled, “Don’t get ahead of yourself.”

“You want to kill me?” He laughed, cheerful and arrogant, “Take your best shot.”

Luna charged, her hooves kicking up dust as she thrust her head forward and sent bolts of black lightning crackling forward. Starhammer ducked and rolled to the side, eyes flicking about as shadows burst from the ground and leapt at him. His blade slashed outwards and flung them away, Luna unleashing a burst of magical arrows than homed in upon him while he was in the middle of his swing.

He grunted from the effort as he forced himself sideways with a quick thrust of his hooves, one of the blasts tearing across his shoulder. It left a nasty red welt and Luna sent another wave of shadows charging at him from all sides as he fought to recover, Zenai feeling her spirits rise for a moment...

Starhammer smirked and simply charged forward, shrugging the shadows away as he closed with tremendous speed. He laughed loud and barking as Luna flung a desperate burst of magic, dodging it and letting it explode behind him. The force of the blast flung him forward, blade scything out and forcing Luna to dodge clumsily away.

Blood dripped down her cheek, Starhammer roaring in victory and stabbing his blade forward. Luna simply snarled in response, deploying the spear of Celestia with a whirl and hammering Starhammer’s blade into the dirt with a single mighty swing. Her next blow struck him across the cheek, Starhammer growling at the bloody wound it left and leaping for her chest.

She was born off her feet by the blow, striking the ground on her back... and kicking the zebra upwards, sending him sailing over her head to land a short distance away.

Silence reigned for a moment as they both struggled to their feet, Starhammer looking stunned before holding a hoof to his bleeding cheek. He spoke with pained amusement, spitting blood upon the ground, “Technically that’s still first blood to me.”

Luna sneered, limping a little as she stood, “And you’re disarmed.”

“For how long?” Starhammer darted towards his fallen weapon, Luna moving to block him. Her spear stabbed down, imbedding itself in the dirt just an inch from his muzzle as he jumped backwards. Starhammer merely grinned at his close call, instantly swinging himself into a thrusting kick straight into Luna’s jaw.

She gasped and staggered away as the blow hit home, Starhammer galloping in and effortlessly dodging a stamping hoof before leaping up and kicking Luna in the side. She stumbled again and tried to turn to get her spear into position, Starhammer had already run under her arc however and leapt into an uppercut that knocked her off her hooves. Her spear clattered away and Starhammer stamped on it before siding it away, grinning as Luna fought to rise. She gasped in pain for a second before unleashing a stream of lightning, Starhammer dodging between the bolts before launching himself low and tackling the alicorn to the ground.

He slammed her down, striking her hard in the chest, flinging both hooves into her body with the force of a jackhammer. She gasped in pain and tried to wrestle him away, he just rolled to the side and waited a second for her to rise before attacking once more. He caught her with a right hook to the face, then a clap to the sides of her ears that left her reeling. He used the moment to twist himself into a double hoof buck, slamming her hard enough to send her tumbling across the battlefield in a whirl of wings and hooves.

She settled finally, Zenai’s heart in her mouth as she beheld the battered, unmoving princess.

“And so it had to end. You were a worthy opponent indeed, but you were never going to win this fight. Such a shame, you have such skill... but your inexperience shows.” Starhammer collected up his blade once more, winding the straps about his body. He looked oddly contemplative as he slowly made it over to Luna, the alicorn now struggling to rise with what little strength remained, “It’s odd really, that a demon like you would endanger such respect from me.”

Luna tried to attack him with her magic but he dodged the blast easily, her body sagging slightly from the effort required even from that. She gasped pathetically, “Please... don’t...”

“Don’t.” Starhammer warned as he raised his blade, “This is a worthy death. Don’t spoil it.”

Everyone heard the whistle of wings, felt the rush of air. Zenai looked round at the streak of crimson as it passed through the wards and descended sharply upon Starhammer. Someone shouted at a warning and Starhammer turned just in time, blade scything out in a shining arc to intercept the object.

Blood splattered both him and Luna behind, Starhammer shielding his face as the object came down in two pieces either side of him. Zenai felt her heart collapse in on itself as she beheld the startlingly small little corpse roll across the sand, watched the blood dry upon the dusty ground. Swift Crimson’s eyes stared up vacantly, his body cleanly cut at the hip. Luna’s expression wobbled, her eyes wide and shaking. Her mouth opened but no sound emerged.

Starhammer gave the body a slightly regretful look before wiping the blood off his face and reshouldering his weapon, “Well, that’s a disqualification. No reason not to finish this.”

He turned, swinging his blade overhead to descend upon Luna with terrible certainty. She didn’t even attempt to move.

It landed with a crack, magic sparking outwards and a rush of air whistling past them. Zenai gasped, then felt a shiver of fear flow through her. An unnatural air flooded over the area, the sound it produced strange and echoing. The blade had stopped too fast, not even the slightest sign of impact from the heavy blade.

“No... no more.” Luna glared at Starhammer, slamming the strange black book shut with her magic and trapping the blade of his weapon within the pages. He reacted with a desperate tug, eyes wide and fearful as he tried to yank the blade free...

Luna’s bolt hit Starhammer straight in the centre of the forehead and sent him into the dirt with a yell. He cursed as he rolled around the ground desperately, Luna shaking as she looked down at him with dark eyes.

Luna then swung her book round sharply with her telekinesis, opening it at the peak of its journey and letting Starhammer’s blade fly away with a whistling spin. It disappeared into the distance, a silver on the horizon.

You could have cut the air with a knife. Starhammer rolled on the ground, stunned and weaponless. Luna didn’t pay the slightest hint of attention, her shaking, tearstained eyes focused instead on the body of Swift Crimson, lying in two pieces across the sand. Her magic flared dark and terrible, eyes glowing an eerie cobalt blue as she took the foal in its embrace. The pieces came together, flesh knitting, organs returning to their rightful places, blood flowing back into ruptured veins.

She was left with an untouched, completely intact corpse. His eyes stared dimly upwards, devoid of life.

Starhammer forced himself up, growling fiercely as he covered his damaged face with a hoof, “Shoot her you idiots!”

Guns turned up at Luna, fingers tightening on triggers. The moment lay suspended, frozen in time as the whole world took a breath.

Then Luna said something. It could have been ‘no’ but it came out like the roar of a tsunami, shaking the heavens and earth with a burst of fury and wrath incarnate. Magic erupted, raw, unchained, not from her horn but her whole being, the book suspended before her with pages fluttering.

Starhammer’s army collapsed. Their weapons animated into black, snapping reptiles that bore their startled owners to the ground, bullets into buzzing wasps that charged back against those who had fired them. Some gave wild eyed cackles and plunged their blades into the fellows, others collapsing in terrified weeping. Nai threw up runic symbols in an attempt to contain the panic but there was only so much she could do, watching as the troops fell apart around her.

“You unholy monster!” Icoxal charged into the maelstrom without a hint of fear, galloping towards his fallen liege as he loaded the shotgun at his side with his teeth. Luna unleashed a bolt of lightning upon him but to Zenai’s amazement it took it with barely a grunt of pain, the lightning grounding itself at his hooves. He snorted, a tiny trickle of blood running from his nose, “Not good enough.”

He fired, the buckshot penetrating Luna’s shields and slamming into her shoulder. She yelled out in pain and the book dropped into the dust with a thud, Icoxal firing again and hurling her to the ground with a scream.

Luna gasped as she writhed in pain upon the ground, her voice shrill and panicked, “This is your chance my children! Kill them! Kill him! Kill them all!”

Zenai gasped as images of hate and vengeance penetrated her mind, replacing all her thoughts with the overwhelming desire to avenge herself upon these terrible, evil zebra that had done so much harm to them all. She saw the foals run forward with guns blazing, eyes bloodshot and foam running from screaming muzzles, saw them cut down as Icoxal tried to fight his way to the fallen Luna. Zenai couldn’t resist the call, she screamed in fury until her throat hurt, gripping her weapon and moving to charge...

And then the images were gone, and her mind was hers again, “...ugh... what was...”

Tradash’s face contorted with effort as he held the symbol of harmony against his chest, subtle magic sparkling around it. Next to him Dust Kicker and Star Swirl were also holding their heads and shaking off the momentary insanity, Tradash speaking in dire tones with a clear trace of panic, “She has fully given her soul over to the star demon, and has allowed the madness inside that book to take hold. You must help me get close to her, or she will get everyone here killed.”

“Ugh... come on, we have to do what he says!” Dust waved them on urgently before galloping forward and laying out a young foal with a firm right hook, tripping another and expertly binding the fillies’ hooves with a line of rope, “Don’t hold back! Every one you incapacitate is one who’s not fighting him!”

Icoxal was indeed a one zebra army, lightly aided by those few of his comrades that Nai managed to save but still taking on nearly the whole might of Dusklight singlehooved. It didn’t help that they fought without concern for themselves, throwing themselves wildly at him and getting in each other’s way as he swiped them aside and fired his shotgun into the oncoming hoard.

He couldn’t cover every angle however and Starhammer was rushed by a group of screaming foals, smacking one down and bracing himself against another before a small filly of no more than eight caught him in the chest and knocked him to the ground. She snarled like an animal and bit firmly into his arm, drawing blood as the others galloped forwards with knives drawn. He panicked, punching her wildly until her hold loosened and throwing her to the ground, “Someone throw me a weap...!”

One of the foals fired and hit him in the side, another driving a knife into his shoulder. He collapsed gasping in pain, raising his hoof feebly in his defence... before the onrushing foals were cut down by automatic weapon fire, Kunani galloping forward with two heavily armed zebra flanking her. She positioned herself next to Starhammer and faced the hoard head on, drawing a long sharp blade from her saddle bag...

And slashing the throats of her two guards in one swift motion. The gasped in suprise, more so as the flowing blood was torn from the wounds with terrible force, leaving the bloodless bodies to slump to the ground as it collected into one horrific stream and flowed... straight into her open mouth.

She gasped, contorted, retched... and opened eyes red and wickedly glowing, dark energies flowing about her hooves. She slammed a hoof down and the raging foals and Icoxal were both sent tumbling by a wave of furious force, opening up a clear path towards Princess Luna.

Luna stood in furious authority, her wounds already healing. She locked eyes with Kunani for a moment before screaming in wrath and unleashing a storm of magic upon the zebra. Kunani slammed her hoof down and the magic broke against her, her small body contorting as she forced every fragment of her being against the Princess. Her body shone with terrible light, Zenai unable to stop a scream of horror as a dozen more of her own troops screamed and died, their life blood flowing towards the innocent looking zebra shaman and forming into runic symbols of glowing crimson before her.

Luna lifted her black book just in time, her magic sent arcing in random directions as a blow of terrible force slammed into her. She staggered, eyes going wide as screaming demonic figures appeared all around her, voices screaming out terrible curses. Her magic flared up against them with no effect, her legs buckling beneath her. Kunani continued to weave her magic, hooves slashing out, mouth miming soundlessly as she continued her assault. For a moment Zenai was sure she had won.

Luna gasped and fell, her eyes raising up to the sky, black book fluttering. The air seemed to shift, an incredible force far beyond anything Zenai had ever felt before rushing over the land. It was magic, but even to Zenai’s poor comprehension it was something new and primal.

Kunani’s efforts were momentary distracted as she looked up, eyes widening in horror. She stared aghast, the sun descending with uncommon speed to quickly disappear over the horizon. The battlefield was locked in darkness for but a moment before the full moon came up behind Luna’s dark form, the mare rising to her hooves with renewed vigour. Her horn flashed, silver light vaporising the demons around her, cutting through the night and slashing at Kunani with shining spears. Kunani defended as best as she could but she was off balance now and was forced to retreat back. Icoxal positioned himself to defend her and his shotgun discharged with a roar, this time however Luna’s form merged into the darkness and the shot whistled past. A second later and a silver blade came in from the side, spearing the great zebra through the shoulder and sending him staggering away with a roar.

He had given Kunani a chance to recover though, the zebra coming forward with a host of the darkest, most terrible curses Zenai had ever heard of, all of which she had thought were myths. Kunani’s wordless lips spat syllables from the darkest legends, sending forth the spirits of death and pain crashing against Luna’s defences. Luna responded with blasts of twisting chaos energy and spears of shining silver, their power meeting in the middle with flashes of destructive energy.

And around it, creatures died. Foals and hardened stallions alike were torn apart, defenceless against this clash of titans. Starhammer himself lay speechless at Kunani’s hooves, mouth hanging dumb and his body limp and placid.

And as Zenai watched Tradash stepped forward, the old scholar marching into the maelstrom. He slipped a set of shining stones from his saddlebag, cradling them gently as he spoke, “Sharps, Voice, Zaneious, Kale, Tandia... give an old zebra the strength he needs.”

He threw the stones outwards, one amber, one jade, one ruby, one amethyst and one sapphire. They landed in a perfect star shape around him, motionless for a second before light exploded outwards, cutting through the dark, wiping away the noise and chaos. A bubble of total calm extended and Zenai took a gasp of clear, cool air, unaware of just how long she had been holding her breath.

Kunani and Luna visibly slumped, their magic failing. Suspended blood splashed at Kunani’s hooves, Luna’s black book suddenly limp in her telekinesis. Maddened zebra and ponies suddenly stopped in motion, some giving sobs as they stared at the destruction around them.

Only Tradash spoke, his voice wheezy, his expression pained. He padded towards Luna, looking up at the stunned alicorn with pleading eyes, “Enough... look at what you have wrought, both of you. This was supposed to end this conflict honorably, without bloodshed. Now both of you have thrown away both the lives of your followers and your own morality, achieving what?”

Kunani stepped forward, took a deep breath and looked down at Starhammer. The zebra still looked to be in shock, just staring around at the bodies. Luna almost mirrored his expression, except her emotions were rawer and harsher. She looked devastated and terrified, tears filling her eyes as she looked upon the bodies of her followers, “I... I did it... I got them all killed...”

“No Luna, most of them can still be saved. But you need to stand down, raise the sun, and stop this madness.” Tradash stepped slowly towards her, determined despite his visible exhaustion, “There is nothing more...”

“GET AWAY!” Her head snapped round, her hooves dancing as she skittered away from the old zebra. She stood crouched and dangerous looking, her eyes wide and scared, “Get away from me! You can’t have them! You can’t have my children!”

“Luna, you have to trust me...” Tradash’s eyes shot down to the book lying nearby, now wrapped in a twisting, unpleasant aura, its pages rippling in a non-existent wind. He took one cautious step forward... before lunging at the book with a hoof.

“NO!” Luna snatched it away with her telekinesis, returning it to her side. There it glowed with power once more, merging with Luna’s own magical field, “It’s mine!”

“Luna, that book is evil, it will...”

Tradash reached for her, Luna recoiling away and igniting her horn. Star Swirl erected a shield around Tradash but it was in vain... Luna’s spell was not an attack.

They all watched uselessly as Luna vanished in a flash of moonlight. Zenai shielded her eyes from the glare for a moment before looking around, noting that she had taken her children with her. All was left was the moaning, screaming remains of Starhammer’s army, zebra beyond counting both dead and dying. Tradash looked sadly at them for a moment or two before his eyes rolled back and his legs buckled.

“Tradash!” Star Swirl set off galloping, Zenai quickly following behind. Tradash was unmoving as Star Swirl made it to his side, pressing a hoof against his neck to check for a pulse. Her head looked up with worry tinged with slight relief, “He’s still alive.”

Zenai settled down next to him, lifting an eyelid and using her pentorch to check reaction, checking his blood pressure and respiration. All were low but acceptable, and seemed to be stable for the moment, “He’s just exhausted himself. He needs to be kept warm and comfortable until he can recover.”

Icoxal limped across the battlefield, presenting himself angrily before Starhammer, “My liege... we must ride for Vigilant point and return with medical care. Have I your order?”

Starhammer looked at his general in shock, his eyes unfocused. Kunani looked at him for a moment before stepping forward, signing urgently...

“DON’T YOU DARE!” Starhammer reared up suddenly, anger invigorating him. His hoof swept out, striking Kunani hard across the muzzle and knocking the small zebra to the floor. She cried out in a high pitched squeal as he lunged for her, kicking her in the stomach and hoisting her up by her neck, “How dare you! You miserable, traitorous little...”

“Sir.” Icoxal spoke grimly, looking like he had just smelt something very rotten, “We will try Kunani for her crimes later. For now we must save our men.”

“Don’t you dare speak for me either Icoxal.” Starhammer growled angrily, throwing Kunani back down against the dusty ground with some force. She rolled over onto her back and stared at him with pathetic earnestness, Starhammer glaring back for a moment before barking his orders, “Any creature who speaks of this will have his head on a pole... and that includes the lot of you!”

Dust looked at everyone, eventually moving to reply for them, “They’re going to ask what happened, for instance why the moon is out a little after noon.”

“Fuck!” Starhammer shouted, extremely agitated, “Just tell them nothing! Tell them all nothing! Don’t you dare say a damn thing against Kunani, not if you value your head!”

“Sir!” Icoxal shouted imperiously, “She just killed dozens of my men in cold blood, I will not let you...”

Starhammer looked at Kunani, pathetic and pleading. His expression twisted into something ugly before their eyes, “Fall in Icoxal. I won’t ask again.”

He flexed for a second before nodding a little too firmly, “Yes sir.”

“And you!” Starhammer turned his head to Dust, eyes narrowing, “You fancy yourself heroes?”

Dust paused for a long moment before answering, “On our good days.”

“That fucking alicorn just brought about eternal night.” He spat, “So go and deal with her.”

Zenai shivered, looking back towards Dusklight. She had obviously returned home, to where Fluttershy and all the others were waiting for her. In her current state they had no idea what she might do to any of them...

And they had to stop her.

She looked up at the others but they offered no comfort, only worried, distressed faces. The moon hung heavy overhead, its light covering the land in shadows.


Footnote: Level up! (10)
Perk Acquired – Night Person
You’re at your best when the sun goes down. With this perk, the player gains +2 to both Intelligence and Perception (up to a maximum of 10) between 6:00 P.M. and 5:59 A.M. in-game time.

Trait Acquired:
You’ve suffered repeated blows to your confidence, and it’s left you feeling a little detached. You suffer a -2 to your Charisma, but gain +1 to your perception and endurance.

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