• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 5,560 Views, 280 Comments

Fallout Equestria : Black And White - Philweasel

Peace between the NCR and Zebra wasteland becomes a battleground between competing factions.

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Chapter 4.12 - The Day Before

Dust Kicker looked out from the armored truck as they approached, back along the convoy trailing behind, personal carriers from both Equestria and the Zebra now emblazoned with the Emir’s symbol.

And ahead, where Clendel rose with color and life. Where the grass was always greener.

It was round in shape, hemmed in by a defensive moat fed from a fast flowing river to the east, protected by a series of 3 armored forts rather than a wall. The city itself was accessed by series of five roads that led in all directions, and was centred by the tall, steel spike of an Enclave Raptor, impeded prow down in the earth. Like many of the other buildings it abounded with flowers, plants and other greenery seeming to be a prominent feature of the city in general. The other buildings all seemed to be of post war construction, and actually seemed to be made out of purpose baked red brick. Paint was liberally applied, yet only to one side of each building, each showing a face of vivid primary color that shone brightly in the sunlight.

Shouts of recognition sounded out as they approached the entrance, a team of well armed zebra standing behind an improvised barrier. He jumped off the transport and moved alongside Ibis, the two of them approaching the guards. He gave them a grin as he approached, Saddle Arabian soldiers dropping down behind, “Reinforcements have arrived.”

The zebra waved them through and Dust Kicker inspected the defences as they marched through the front gates, soon realising it was as he feared. The defence towers were well placed, the guards were well armed, the moat funnelled attackers into the kill zones… it was the perfect defence against bandits.

Against an army? There was no wall worth speaking of, the towers were giant targets for heavy weapons, the moat could be easily bridged with the right tools, the guards wore impractical outfits and many were out of shape and held their weapons laxly. It was the same deal as North Loading, this just wouldn’t hold against a disciplined assault.

They were led to a set of tables towards the side of the entrance plaza, a large buffalo speaking in intent tones to a group of more disciplined looking zebra. The buffalo turned to meet them as they approached, Dust admitting to feeling a tiny bit intimidated. She was almost as tall as Star Swirl and had far more mass, her tiny eyes holding enough warmth to freeze the sea. Even with her fur streaked with grey and the signs of age clear she was an intimidating specimen, “You are the reinforcements from Saddle Arabia?”

“And you’re Queen Kale of the Blue River Bandits.” Ibis declared with cheer, her grin wide on her face, “It’s an honor, you were always my favourite.”

“Perhaps you might at least know how to fight then.” She replied with deep cynicism, turning her eyes to Dust Kicker, “You don’t look like you’re from Saddle Arabia.”

“I’m from Equestria actually.” He replied, Kale’s eyes moving to take in his praetorian outfit with a rather doubtful eye. He chuckled, shrugging his shoulders, “It’s a long story.”

“Another lovable misfit.” She replied, rolling her eyes, “Put it with the others.”


"So... what now?" Ace asked as he looked around at the troops and armored carriers, not really sure what he should be doing at this point.

"We get the Mamulk soldiers set up, and the equipment readied." One of the camel logistics officers declared as he motioned for the supplies to be unloaded, "The rest of you should get some rest for the battle to come."

Ace briefly considered offering to help, but he guessed he wasn't exactly built for heavy lifting. He looked up as Dusk Kicker moved back over, "So what's the plan?"

"I'm going to inspect the city." He replied, eyes already scanning his surroundings, "Back in the day I got a lot of experience with sieges, maybe I can see something the others missed."

"I have been told the other praetorians are here." Decimus declared as he buckled his cape back onto his armor, "I should got and meet up with them.”

Ace sighed, still unsure exactly what he should do to help, "I guess that leaves us Fluttershy."

She chuckled, giving a nod, "Shall we see the sights?"

“I... guess.”

Ace Gold followed her along the entrance plaza and the streets beyond, gazing around at the amazing sights all around. This area was almost abandoned and the shops were boarded up or being used as military storage, still he was able to say that as a veteran of Manehatten and New Canterlot this place was still impressive. Open and welcoming in its style, without either the overfancy snobbery of the former or the utilitarian grimness of the latter, the shops promised consumer electronics, custom weaponry, rare ingredients from across the four corners of the world. If only any of them had still been open...

“I wish we could have reached this place before the war.” Fluttershy stated from beside him, her eyes full of regret as she scanned the shops, “I could spend hours just looking around…”

He looked to Fluttershy, noting that she was still wearing her full body Saddle Arabian robes. In fact she seemed to have brought new ones, made of rich silk yet not the least bit showy or obstentatious, very much the camel ideal, “You really like those robes.”

She turned, smiling cheerfully at him, “Because I want to spend hours looking around at these shops. Not… being accosted in the street, by zebra trying to kiss my hooves.”

Ace paused a moment, noting that with her cutie mark and hair covered, it was much harder to recognise her, “You’re in disguise?”

“Not… disguised.” She softly protested, “Just a little more anonymous. And the white cloth does help reflect heat, very handy in this weather.”

“That makes sense.” He accepted, and admitted that he had wondered how much Fluttershy really enjoyed all the attention she seemed to get from everypony. She had taken it with good grace, but she never was one for the limelight, "You'll reveal yourself eventually though, right?"

She frowned, "I would rather stay anonymous for now I think..."

"But..." He didn't want to say it, didn't want to associate Fluttershy with such a thing. But it was happening, "There's going to be a battle. You'll be needed."

"Leading creatures into battle?" She grimaced, "Is that what it's come to?"

"Inspiring them to fight." Ace corrected, wishing he had that sort of power, "I mean... you could make a big difference. You're a icon, and you have the stare. I'm... just a martial artist with a couple of crossbows."

"I wish that was all I was..." She muttered, her eyes drifting across to his, "If I convince a zebra to fight and he gets killed... that's on my head."

Ace clamped his mouth shut, not really sure what to say to that. It was true, and even with the reinforcements they brought... this was going to be a bloody battle.

Fluttershy smiled after a moment, soft and reassuring, "Ace, the kids from Dusklight are here somewhere. You should go see them."

It was a good point. Still... "What are you going to do?"

"Look around a little more I think." She replied, looking about with interest, "It's such a pretty city, and we might not get another chance."


After a short while of inspecting the city, Dust Kicker started to realise what was meant by 'an army of misfits'. In a small fountained courtyard he saw a troop of grey furred old pegasi cheerfully arguing as they tried to fit into long neglected enclave power armor, the symbols painted over with Clendel’s flag. Some heavily muscled zebra nearby seemed to be clad entirely in bones and fur, clutching hunting rifles and long knives. Some rather fancy types nearby were wearing combat armor decorated with strips of bronze, their police riot helmets topped with plumes of red fur. There were dozens like that, all wearing their culture proudly as they prepared for the battle to come.

“You are… Dust Kicker.”

He turned, looking across the street to a pony mare who was looking straight at him. She was pink in colour with a darker pink mane, a deep scar crossing under an eyepatch. The most distinctive thing about her however was she was wearing the power armour of an Applejack Ranger. It was heavily damaged and many parts of it were replaced with spare parts, the Applejack Ranger symbol however was prominently displayed across the shoulder. Given that symbol postdated the war, there was only one way it could be here… “And you’re… from Equestria?”

She nodded, moving over toward him and giving him a sharp, assessing glance. Her voice was pure ranger, full of that rough military politeness, “I was sent here by Councillor Silent Steel.”

That was a name he hadn’t heard in a while. He wondered if he should be on guard, “What for?”

“To apprehend you, Zenai and Star Swirl, and recover the armor you stole.”

So his suspicions were right, though… he couldn’t help it, delivering a barking laugh as he considered the circumstances, “Well you took your sweet time.”

“Indeed.” She admitted, her eyes still fixed on him, “I am still a member of the Applejack Rangers, and my orders still stand…” She trailed off, looking pensive.

Dust Kicker sighed. Military types, always so bound up in the letter of their orders, “I’m afraid Zenai’s dead, and the armor was destroyed.” He paused briefly before continuing, a little sharper, “And your boss might have been trying to take over Equestria. So maybe you should tell me who’s side you’re on.”

The mare considered this for several seconds before meeting his gaze again, “I am Paladin Cherry Sunset. Perhaps we should talk where it is more comfortable.”


He collected Fluttershy before going to meet them, at Cherry Sunset’s request. It was a chance to spend a little bit of time with the mare at least, though Fluttershy seemed nervous about the meeting. He eventually was forced to say something direct, small talk going nowhere, “What’s got you worried Fluttershy?”

She sighed, looking to him with a rather tense expression, “She works for the Rangers, and for Silent Steel. You heard what Puppy said, they’re trying to take over Equestria.”

Dust Kicker had to admit that they should stay on guard, “You think they might be after Puppy?”

“Dust Kicker…” She sighed, looking pensive for a moment before finally speaking her mind, “I trusted the Rangers. I trusted Silent Steel, and Peach Trees. They were good ponies, who understood what we were trying to do. The Followers of the Apocalypse couldn’t have done half as much good without their support every step of the way.”

Dust Kicker went to say that no one could truly be trusted, but the words froze on his lips. He drew back, considered for a moment… but nothing come to mind. The only words he had felt empty, “I’m sure there’s an explanation.”

“Maybe.” She reasoned, though she didn’t sound convinced, “Puppy is a wonderful girl, and I can’t imagine that evil ponies built her. Perhaps… they just wanted to help.”

Dust Kicker had already considered that possibility. Already assumed that was true.

Because Midnight Dreamer had just wanted to help. And Sunshine Ivory, and the Goddess, and Red Eye…

He didn’t want to tell her that. He didn’t want to tell her that in order for this fake Red Eye to have Puppy’s access codes, he would need to have worked on her himself. Would have needed to have been inside the Ranger facility she had been built at. He swallowed such thoughts, looked ahead, and continued to walk beside her with a smile, “I’m sure you’re right.”

Cherry Sunset and her crew had set up inside an abandoned house near the centre of town, Cherry herself standing outside in her Ranger fatigues. She saluted as she saw Fluttershy, Fluttershy giving the Followers symbol back, “Paladin Cherry Sunset is it?”

“Yes Ambassador.” She confirmed in perfect military cadence, “Cloudsdale Graves chapter.”

“It’s very good to meet you Paladin.” Fluttershy answered with a smile, offering a hoof, “Shall we go inside?”

The paladin nodded and led them inside, where a group of somewhat distinctive looking individuals were gathered, “This is Jaia.” Cherry Sunset stated as she nodded to a mousy looking zebra mare carrying a mechanics harness, “Cato.” She nodded to another zebra, currently sullenly staring out the window with his submachinegun held close within his hooves, “And Bang.”

“Yo!” A minotaur stated cheerfully as he looked up from the food he was preparing, giving them all a big grin.

“A pleasure.” Fluttershy replied with a kindly smile, “I hear you’ve been quite busy. They call you the Steel Maiden I hear, I hear a lot about you on the radio.”

“Ambassador Fluttershy, I am fully prepared to face court martial for my actions.” Cherry Sunset firmly stated, bearing herself proudly before them, “By helping liberate the kingdom of Anatu from tyranny I ignored my orders in favor of prioritising secondary operational code T7-1B, a clear breach of ranger protocol.”

Fluttershy gave her a gentle look, “I’m not a ranger Paladin.”

“You are a Followers Elder, I am able to surrender myself to you.”

Dust found this all very amusing. She couldn’t be nearly as stiff as she was implying, given her actions, “Operational code T7-1B, injustice, tyranny and lawlessness should not be allowed to stand. Should they be encountered outside of NCR territories, protecting the local population from such crimes is a holy duty.”

She gave him a look of surprise, “You know ranger codes?”

“I’ve done a lot of work in areas outside NRC control. Came across more than a few ranger patrols, and helped them put holes in plenty of bandits.” He chuckled, “I don’t remember ‘toppling nations’ being covered under that remit however.”

She nodded firmly, “Which is why I am surrendering myself to you.”

“I’m… almost certainly not an ambassador anymore Paladin, nor an elder.” Fluttershy answered, sounding a little embarrassed, “We’re pretty much rogue too… but if you’re giving me the authority…” Fluttershy considered the matter for a moment before smiling warmly at the mare, “I charge you with seeing your actions through, seeing as you believed them more important than your original orders. You are to continue fighting tyranny and lawlessness until these lands are free and peaceful once more.”

“Thank you.” Cherry Sunset replied, her grim expression slowly and gingerly breaking into an awkward smile, “I intend to do my best.”

“Can you tell us anything about your mission?” Dust interjected, hoping she would have more of the puzzle, “What do you know about the armor? Or why Silent Steel wanted it?”

She hesitated, her worlds lacking conviction, “Nothing I’m afraid.”

“Tell them Cherry.” Jaia spoke up, her voice soft and shy, “They should know.”

Cherry Sunset hesitated for a moment more before her face shifted into one of determination, “I admit that one of the reasons I ignored my orders is that I did not trust the one giving them.”

“Silent Steel?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yes.” Cherry Sunset hesitated for a second before continuing, “He is not my battle brother. He quit the Steel Rangers and pursued political power as an independent candidate. Yet he has a massive reserve of ranger resources at his back, and took command of me with a simple call to my elder. That is not right, that a civilian should command us.”

Dust Kicker considered that a little arrogant, but agreed that it was unusual, “So where did he get those resources from?”

Cherry frowned, “He possesses the one thing High Elder Peach Trees and many of the others hunger for above all else. And it is not honor, duty or honesty.”

“Political power.” Dust Kicker answered, “And legitimacy.”

“I became a paladin because I wanted to help the wasteland, build a better tomorrow than the one before.” She stated with a anger behind her military stoicism, “Not to serve petty political ambitions.”

Dust Kicker wanted to point out to her that the period between the Rangers being raiding, murdering douchbags and cynical opportunists chasing after power was pretty much an illusion, and they had never been what she seemed to think they were. But she was young, and he knew better than most how having something to believe in was important, “So what are you going to do about it?”

“This land… it needs the Applejack Rangers.” She started, voice hesitant, “I intend to ask the High Elder to bless the creation of a new chapter here.”

Fluttershy gave her a questioning look, “In the zebra territories?”

“We might change the name…” Cato muttered from his post at the window, “…if we can ever decide on what to change it to.”

“I still like Dragon Rangers…” Jaia stated quietly.

Cato grimaced, “No. Fuck dragons. Seriously, a dragon set some zebra on fire three thousands year ago and proved fire is hot. In response we proceeded to name damn near everything after them.” He snorted grumpily, “I wanted to name us after Zephyr, but you guys stole the name, and Starhammer stole the look.”

"Maybe when we put him in the ground you can take it back." Dust Kicker opinioned.

Cato smirked in response, "Sounds good to me."


It didn't take long for Ace to learn where the Dusklight kids were bunked, it soon becoming obvious that they were pretty famous around here. Being a bunch of pre-teens balsy enough to take the fight to Starhammer twice would do that he supposed, directed straight to the centre of the city where a towering enclave raptor rose into the sky.

As he got close he saw that the prow of the ship had been sealed in concrete, four heavy support struts keeping it stable. It had been heavily modified, holes cut into the hull for windows and a large, impressive looking door at ground level, Ace moving through to see the interior was quite opulent and fancy while still keeping the whole 'upturned ship' theme. This room appeared to serve as a lobby of some kind, crowded with various functionaries too busy to pay him any attention.

"Ace Gold!"

He turned, smiling as he saw a familiar face approaching. It was hard to forget, the ghoulish features of the ranger who had helped him during his first mission at DuskLight approaching. Ace quickly searched his memory for the name, "Kai?"

The ghoul nodded enthuasticly, still dressed in his scout leathers. Ace's eyes travelled across to the two beside him, the little zebra filly that had also been on his team and the chirpy pony buck that Zenai had been fond of. Said foal seemed happy to see him, quickly introducing himself in a cheerful tone, "It's good to see you're still alive Ace! It's me, Bleak Fields! And you remember Xani right?"

The little zebra mare stared impassively for a few seconds before a small smile moved across her face.

"It's... been a while." Ace admitted, not even sure where to start, "I've heard you've done really well since we parted."

"Depends on your definition." Bleak Fields replied, looking conflicted, "We've gone from being hated by everyone to being the heroes of the moment, but... well, the fighting and dying part hasn't changed."

Ace Gold nodded, "I heard. Is Ebony ok?" He asked, remembering how the blunt young doctor had helped him deal with his blindness.

"She's a trooper, as always." Kai answered, though the concern was clear in his voice, "She's an even more amazing doctor than before, but the fighting has been really fraying her nerves."

"I'm looking forward to ending it so she can get back to the grazed knees and upset stomachs." Bleak Fields admitted, "And this place is nice and all, but I know we all miss Dusklight."

"We'll get you back there." Ace promised, admitting that he missed the old cave too, "Do you know where Radhi is?"

"Sure." Kai pointed upwards, "Right at the top, on the lighthouse."

"Thanks. I'll speak to you guys later."

He had just moved off to the stairs when he heard hoofsteps behind him, a softer, more reluctant voice speaking out, "Um... Ace?"

He turned, seeing Bleak Fields standing there looking upset. To say it looked odd on the normally smiling buck was an understatement, "Is everything alright?"

"I..." Bleak Fields sighed, "Zenai was a great girl... woman."

Ace paused, sighing after a moment, "She was."

"I swear... Luna, Swift Crimson, now her too...” He sighed, looking away, “Did she die like the hero she wanted to be?"

Ace had to think on that. To be honest... no, she had died as a random act of murder while defenceless, shot in the back with no idea it had even been coming. And when the history of this conflict was written Ace knew she would likely be a footnote, "I... don't think so. It was... random and tragic." He sighed, "Death normally is."

"Well she was a hero to me." Bleak Fields asserted firmly, "She inspired me to make something of myself, to be brave even when I didn't feel it."

Ace had heard, "By kissing you?"

Bleak Fields just laughed, "The old me would have said it was the kiss, but the old me was an idiot. It was what she showed me down in the ruins that made me a stallion, the fact that no matter how weak she thought she was she never stopped fighting. That she saved my life, and went up against Starhammer without a moment's hesitation."

Ace smiled, glad that someone remembered her, "She would be proud."

"Good." Bleak Fields grinned back at Ace, "She deserves it."

Ace said his goodbyes, starting the long climb. Lifts took him up halfway, still the final stretch was forded by some very steep stairs that were obviously designed for the larger zebra hoofsteps. Eventually he emerged out onto the lighthouse floor after some puffing and panting, vowing that he would turn his engineering prowess into installing them some more lifts.

The sight before him didn’t disappoint however, looking past the tables groaning under books, the scholars rushing about in panic, the glass windows on all four sides that looked out across the city. Even the shining glowing jewel suspended in the centre of the room failed to grab his attention. None of them interested him as much as the zebra standing before it.

Radhi stood before the central plinth, his mane untidy, a pen tucked behind his ear. He had slimmed down and put on some muscle since Ace had last seen him, his glasses and demeanor however still marked him as every inch the scholar. Ace noted with a little flutter of his heart that a distinguished looking beard had started to grow out from the zebra's chin, realising immediately that his grand illusions of impressing Radhi with his cool, calm demeanour were doomed before they even started.

He moved closer regardless, clearing his throat, “Radhi... I’m back.”

Radhi turned, eyes widening... before a satisfied grin moved across his face, “And a welcome sight you are Ace Gold.”

“So you have arrived at last.” Another, rangier, more dangerous looking zebra remarked from beside Radhi, “Is Dust Kicker here too?”

“He is.” Ace replied, trying to hide his irritation at having his grand reunion usurped, “Who are you?”

“This is Nau.” Radhi introduced, smiling to his companion, “Dust Kicker met him on the road, convinced him to join our group.”

“I have many sins to make up for.” Nau declared softly, looking up at the crystal above, “Hopefully helping with this may be a step in the right direction.”

Ace decided that his grand reunion wasn’t going to happen, figuring that he should just go with the flow already, “So... what is this big crystal?”

“Surely you remember?” Radhi asked, “You were there.”

Ace did, though it didn’t really answer his question, “It was created at Luna’s funeral, by all the races using their magic on a garden rod, it made the area all... crystally.”

“Indeed it did.” Radhi answered with a quivering glee, looking up at the object, suspended over the plinth without any obvious means of levitation, “And I’m sure you can tell me what it resembles.”

Ace looked at it for a little while, several things crossing his mind. None seemed relevant, “It’s... a gemstone. We have quite a few in Equestria.”

Radhi pulled a face, “Shame on you Ace!” He then chuckled, nodding to Nau, “Please, Nau?”

Nau nodded back, taking a book from the table beside and opening it up to the relevant page. Ace walked over, some familiarity dawning as he looked over the illustration, “The Crystal Heart Gem served as the keystone of the Crystal Empire, protecting them from evil and filling the hearts of its citizens with harmony... it does look very similar.”

“We are convinced it is functionally identical.” Radhi declared, looking back up at the gemstone above, “And that like the Heart protected the crystal empire, this Staff can protect us.”

Ace turned to look at it. To be perfectly honest he had always distrusted old magic, far more comfortable with the regulated, controlled, measured power of magitech. Still, these sort of objects had certainly proven their worth in the past, “So what’s the problem?”

“The Crystal Empire was sealed away thousands of years ago.” Nau answered, voice heavy, “And as soon as it reappeared and the heart was found again, King Sombra destroyed it.”

“This book is the only direct reference we have to the crystal heart.” Radhi continued, “And it’s little more than a history text. The shaman of Garm have consulted their libraries for descriptions of how the heart functioned, but we have had to settle with references to similar artefacts in the hope of shared properties.”

“We were honestly hoping that Fluttershy could possibly help.” Nau asked, “She at least saw the Crystal Heart with her own eyes.”

Radhi nodded, “Could you ask her for us?”

Ace Gold felt the anger well up within him. After all this time apart, after everything they had been through, Radhi's reaction was to wave hi and ask him to fetch Fluttershy? Not to mention this new zebra, who apparently felt able to butt in on their private conversation? He wanted to shout at them both, demand they respect him properly! Demand that Radhi... that he would...

...just miss him. Was he really so unimportant?

"Sure." He breathed, after a moment to compose himself, "I'll speak with her about it."


"Come on. It would do you a lot of good, believe me. Limbers you up before a big battle."

"No." Decimus answered firmly, growing even more tired of Ibis with every further moment. He wondered how such a straight laced camel as the Emir put up with her, directing a firm glare as they made their way through the crowded streets, "A better thing to do before a battle would be to prepare your troops."

She smirked, brushing a hoof through her crimson hair, "They are preparing. Gave them an allowance, told them to have fun." She shrugged her shoulders, "Tomorrow we might all be dead."

"I do not get you." He muttered with vehemence, frustrated that she wouldn't live up to his assumptions as anything else, "You're a slave. You are fully submitted to another's will, yet you seem to possess no discipline, no appreciation of propriety."

"That's why we're going to rule the world someday." She stated with pride, "I was selected as a child because I was good at killing, and trained throughout my entire life to be the best at killing. I can be myself, free from insecurities because I understand that I am everything I should be."

He shook his head, "That makes no sense."

"What do you want Decimus. Right now?"

"To think of a way to not get killed tommorow."

"See." She exclaimed cheerfully, "You're beset by insecurities, because you don't believe in your own strength or the will of the one who sent you here. I have both, and so I can concentrate on what I really want."

He sighed, "And what's that?"

She gave him a sly, flirtatious look, "A satisfying tumble with a certain emotionally defective stallion of course."

He sighed, though he wondered if it really was him who was defective. Most of the other inhabitants of the city seemed to have romance and their personal issues on their minds, where as he could only think about the battle tomorrow. Ibis was pretty, and maybe another day he would give in just to shut her up... but today he would only be able to think about the possibility that she would be lying dead tomorrow, "I am sorry Ibis, but you will have to find some other zebra."

"Well... what about one of them?"

He looked up, his spirits instantly rising as he saw the golden praetorian armor shining in the sun. They marched down the road like they were born to lead, Mohicans proud and their tabards proclaiming they marched in the name of Caesar, "Brother knights!"

"Decimus, you have done well." Mercius stated with his deep, reassuring tones as he lead them forward. His head bowed in respect, his thick beard shifting into a smile as he raised his head once more, "The warriors of Emir will be a great help in the battle to come, as will Fluttershy and her party."

"Honestly I had little part in it." He admitted, "But this is a greater asset still! Are we all here?"

"Alpharious attends to Lord Caesar." Mercius explained, then looked to his brothers behind, "The other eleven Pretorius all stand ready to assist in the battle to come however."

"Hey Kavocus." Ibis stated pleasantly, "It's been way too long."

Decimus looked up at his brother, standing in the back row with a fierce blushed spreading across his face, "You... know Commander Ibis brother?"

His blush didn't get any less obvious, Kavocus averting his eyes, "We've... met."

Decimus looked down at Ibis, the mare sporting a huge grin. He sighed, and considered the value of re-stating the rules about interactions with foreign nationals...


Dust was just on his way over to the market for some final supplies when he saw her, another 'colorful character' of the sort that was so common today. This one caught his eye, being what looked like a child in a white Church of Celestia robe, identical to the one Sunshine Ivory had worn. With her were a pegasus female and a zebra male, both of middle age, the expectant stares of the crowd building as she spoke quietly to each of them.

He stepped over to the crowd, moving close to a zebra at the back, "Who is that?"

"They say it's the holy child." The zebra stated, sounding uncertain, "They say she's been travelling east for the last month, helping folks and fighting evil. They say she's the avatar of Celestia herself, or at least her representative on this plane."

Dust looked up, watching as the holy child moved about the crowd, offering words of comfort and reassuring them of the battle to come. He was too far away to see her properly but her voice was deep and commanding, a sense of certainty and honesty seeming to radiate off her. Dust Kicker admitted she cut and impressive figure, despite her size.

Then she saw Dust Kicker, something shining in her bright green eyes. They stared from a ghostly white face, youthful but marked with fierce scars, "Going Merry, Ephisus, would you manage the crowd for a moment?"

She passed through the crowd without further comment, their stares following her. Dust Kicker met her a short distance from the crowd, wondering what this was all about. Did he know this strange girl? "Can I help you?"

"Please, I could really need it." The holy child entreated, her voice suddenly more common that it had been before. She drew back her hood, revealing the strong, weather beaten features of a adolescent zebra framed amid stringy black hair, "They won't leave me alone."

She looked familiar, but he couldn't place her. Dusklight maybe? "Are you one of Princess Luna..."

"No." She stated firmly, lip curling in anger, "Why does every zebra think that?" She waved a hoof at her robe, "Does this look like something a priestess of Luna would wear?"

"I guess not." He reasoned, "So who are you, and why did you want to see me?"

“Huh, I guess your mind is getting flabby with age old man." She declared snottily, glaring up at him, "My name is Sabah, you saved me from the sea on your way to Star Fall."

"You are..." Dust's mind indeed took a moment to process this, the filly's wet, tragic little face finally coming back to him. It looked considerably different to the filly now staring at him, "Wow, you look... well, very different."

"It's been a long time." She admitted, face falling, "I feel like you've had it worse."

Dust considered the truth of that. To be honest he hadn't considered it before, that the group that had saved her, that had dropped her off as Star Fall... he was the last of them remaining, "Yeah, that's the truth of it. Things have changed a lot since we last met. Zenai didn't make it and... I have no idea where Star Swirl is."

Sabah pulled a grim face, "I might."


"You think this 'Princess Celestia' is Star Swirl?" Dust exclaimed, now sitting across from Sabah in the privacy of their quarters. He was glad to be honest, this not the sort of revelation that should be had without somewhere to sit down, "But she's... well, she's hardly the leadership sort."

"And I'm raider wasteland trash, and I've still got a whole army of morons following me around." Sabah countered, "Sunshine Ivory must have got this new alicorn from somewhere, and the rumors I've heard all fit. I even met her before I left, and given this 'Divine Child' nonsense, I've had plenty of gossip on her activities fed through to me."

Dust Kicker had to admit, what Puppysmiles had told him about fighting her in dreams had not been encouraging, "So, what is the deal with your newfound divinity?"

She gave a little smile, "Well you know the zebra with me. The fat one?"


"Well his name's Ephisus, and he's a dirty cheating con-artist. He offered me a lot of money if I would tour with him 'speaking the word of Celestia'." She smirked wickedly, "All while he charged folks by the second to listen to me."

Dust Kicker was a little disappointed to be honest, "So it's all a lie?"

She sighed, shrugging her shoulders, "I'm thirteen, and I needed to travel clear across the country. I needed money, and protection, and it seemed the best solution." She paused for a moment, pulling a face, "But damnit, they actually started believing in me. They told me that the rubbish I was pulling out of my butt was actually good advice, following me about and hanging on my every word. And then... I guess I punched a few bad people, and saved a village or two?"

"Well look at you." Dust Kicker chuckled, "Not bad for dirty raider trash."

"I still kept their money." She countered, brooding for a second longer before shooting him a look, "Would Celestia approve of the concept of 'heroing for cash'? It certainly doesn't leave me any different from you, and I’m not sure it’s particularly holy."

"Don't think about it too hard Sabah." Dust Kicker advised, "Who's the mare?"

"She's married." Sabah warned.

"I didn't..."

"You were thinking it."

Dust admitted it might have crossed his mind for a moment. She was a real sharp one for picking it up though, "I might have briefly noted how attractive she was, but nothing else. I'm a kept stallion."

"Right..." She noted with a suspicious eye before continuing, "Her name is Going Merry. She's the mother of my best friend... who’s currently living in Sunshine Ivory’s dungeons. Going Merry herself barely escaped with her life."

Sunshine Ivory huh? It seemed she had included locking up fillies to the ‘list of reasons to kick her ass’, "Why?"

"Because they know that Sunshine Ivory had Themba killed." Sabah finished, her jaw clenching in fierce anger, "Days after her return, she took over Star Fall in a coup, turned it into a totalitarian theocracy."

Big words. Dust Kicker thanked his old girlfriend Elizabetha for giving him an extensive education in tyranny, "But I heard that Sunshine Ivory has been imprisoned herself."

"It's a lie." Sabah spat, "They say Celestia... or rather Star Swirl, rules now. But the facts say different. She's still locking up anyone who dissents, still failed to reinstate the council. She's formed a vast army of fanatics, burning anyone deemed a 'threat to harmony'. Huge numbers of criminals are being rounded up and fed into Star Fall's laboratories, and none of them are ever seen again."

"So you think Star Swirl is just a patsy."

Sabah just grimaced for a moment before muttering, "I hope she is."

Dust admitted, that led to dark thoughts, "I can't imagine Star Swirl doing that, and it fits what we know about Sunshine Ivory."

Sabah gave him a questioning look, "You didn't look surprised about her being a bad guy."

"Yeah, we know all about her now." He explained, "Wished we'd worked it out earlier, but... well, we fully intend on taking her down, don't worry."

"But first, Starhammer." Sabah answered.

Dust Kicker nodded, "Yeah."

"I hate zebra like him. Adopting a silly name, and pretending they're more than just another thug." Sabah scowled, angling her head back aggressively, "I'm holding you to that promise though gramps."

"Oh, don't you worry." Dust Kicker answered, "Starhammer is business. Sunshine Ivory is personal."


Ace wasn't having too much luck on his quest, not that he was surprised.

"I'm sorry Ace, but what little magical knowledge I have was gained long after those events." Fluttershy repeated, looking guilty, "To be honest, I'm not sure even Twilight knew that much about the crystal heart."

He sighed, knowing this was pointless, "There isn't anything you can tell me?"

She pondered desperately, lifting her head to the sky, "It was powered by the hope of the crystal ponies, it amplified that hope across the city, it made their fur all crystal, it kept the ice and snow from consuming the city and formed a barrier against things like Windigos and shadows... and it was more fragile than you would expect for a legendary artitifact."

That was a little more information than before, but to Ace's increasing frustration none of it seemed particularly relevant. He paced the courtyard, trying to figure out if there was something they were missing, "They tried infusing it with hope. It doesn't seem to be responding, not like it did at Dusklight."

Fluttershy's eyes went wide, "Um..."

Ace looked to her, "You remember something?"

Fluttershy did not look happy. She hesitated for quite some time before speaking, "The crystal heart needed to be bonded with a chosen of harmony, that's why Sombra feared the Princesses. They were the only ones who could reawaken the heart's power."

Ace... felt that was impractical, "So we need a Princess?"

"Or a zebra elder... like Tandia of Garm." Fluttershy's eyes softened, a smile moving across her face, "I'll ask around, see if we can get her here. She should be able to awaken the heart."

Ace had to admit, among other things he was eager to meet this fabled Tandia, "Let's go then."

"There is another option too Ace." Fluttershy stated, stopping him from following her with a raised hoof, "Somepony else who must have seen the Crystal Heart in action, and a Princess no less."

Ace... wasn't aware they had one on tap, "Who?"

"Puppysmiles." Fluttershy stated with a smile, "I've been told she's down in the Temple of Sacred Night, I was just on my way when you found me, Why don't you go and visit her? I'll try and contact Tandia."

Ace admitted he was hesitant. He... didn't distrust Puppy, but she still made him nervous. Especially with the whole 'Nightmare Moon' thing, "Why me?"

"Because you could do with spending more time together Ace." Fluttershy commented cheerfully, "I think she likes you."

Ace narrowed his eyes at her.

"Platonically I'm sure." Fluttershy finally added, grinning a little too maliciously, "Ace, she saved your life, and your eyesight."

"I guess..." He sighed, "Fine, I'll go see her."

"Good boy."

He scowled back at her, "Don't push it."


Dust Kicker inspected the streets with an assessing eye, judging for himself the likelihood of his plan working. The streets were quite wide, but that in itself could prove an advantage. And the buildings were all of a good construction, which meant they would fragment rather than disintegrate when damaged...

His eye was pulled away, the cool glow of a flock of balefire phoenixes shining from a set of cages across the road. That was unusual enough, they weren't that common. Further inspection only made it more intriguing. For these weren't phoenixes, but various other, rather alien looking birds. And instead of green, these shone blue.

And he recognised them. And after a moment he recognised the owner of the cages too, clad in thick brown robes and a pair of high tech goggles. He approached, listening as she spoke to the crowd around them, "And thiz bird iz called the lezzer tailed Janaian raptor, az you can see it's plumage iz conziderably shorter."

He stopped towards the side of the crowd, smiling at the mare as she continued to speak. Eventually she noticed him, looking across and delivering a cheerful shout, "Duzt Kicker! I heard that you all made it."

He chuckled, finding it odd that he was glad to see her but admitting that he did like the young ghost, "I didn't know you liked birds Myrtis."

"I am not a robot mizter Kicker, I have hobbiez too." She protested cheerfully, "I have alwayz loved birds, and now I have so many new typez to study!"

"They are indeed fascinating!" A zebra beside agreed enthusiastically, "I feared that with the war I would never get a chance to venture up to Kurshyin and see the new species there! I am truly grateful to you and Clear Skies for making this possible!"

"Clear Skies is here?" Dust questioned.

"Yez, she told uz what waz happening." Myrtis confirmed, "Invictus agreed we should come, help in the fight."

Dust admitted, having Myrtis on their side would certainly help. He hadn't truly had a chance to see her in action, but by all accounts she was one up from a Canterlot Ghoul and of the same type of creature as Chigaru. And that also meant... "Where is Clear Skies?"

"Juzt inzide." Myrtis nodded to the door, "You juzt caught her."

"Caught her before what?" Dust quesitoned.

"She leavez."

Dust nodded grimly, then moved inside the house indicated. Like many it was pretty much abandoned and stripped of valuables, the owners likely having left once this all kicked off. It meant it didn't take long to find the pegasus, busy strapping on her weapons and saddle bags in the living room, "Clear Skies."

She turned, the ghoul's face trying to decide on an emotion and getting stuck between several, "Mithster Duths Kicker!"

He eyed her bags, "You're leaving?"

"No!" She protested, "I'm... thouting."

Dust could handle not wanting to fight. He could handle being a coward even. But this ticked him off just a little, "Scouting for what?"

"Thereths been repthorts of a thwarm of thome thort of creathers heading thith way." She announced, with as much conviction as she could managed, "I'm the besth flyer in the thity. It's my duty to thind out what it is."

"I'd say the army at the gates is a more pressing concern."

She paused for a moment before speaking, "I'm a thcout. I'm not a tholider... and you should be glad of that." She frowned deeply at him, glaring a little, "The ethclave orderthed me to fly down there, assasthinate Gaud, Littlepip, Red Eye... anythone who wasth a threat to them. But I don't like fighting. I don't like death. or pain..." She paused, nose twitching for a moment before she finished, "...I juths want to be awthome."

"I get that." Dust admitted, surprised at seeing such a genuine reaction from the pegasus. He wondered if that was widely known, but it certainly made sense. Clear Skies had been a lone operative during the first enclave war, that's how she had been able to defect so easily. And her skills were certainly considerable, "But Ditzi Doo doesn't like fighting either, and she's still considered a hero."

Clear Skies reacted as predicted, her muzzle rumbling, "Donth talth to me abouth Dithy! Sheths so famoths, and I'm thill a nobouthy, despithe the thact that I'm bethether than her in ethry way...!"

"Then maybe you should think about why that is." Dust finished turning away from her and starting towards the entrance, "Good luck on your scouting mission."


Ace Gold found the Temple of Sacred Night easily enough, remembering that this was the order of shaman Easu and Tradash had belonged to. Founded by Luna and distrusted by most, it was understandably understated from the outside... if not the inside.

Ace Gold entered with trepidation, certainly not about to hand out awards for the most welcoming establishment in the world. The interior was dark and mostly decorated in dark blues and purples. He admitted it was pretty enough, the light provided by a series of star shaped bulbs scattered across the dark interior like stars. Still he had never been the nocturnal type.

He wasn't made any more comfortable as a griffon in a long, form obscuring robe stepped out from the darkness, offering him a smile that couldn't help but seem creepy in the circumstances, "How may we assist you seeker?"

He took a deep breath, "I'm looking for Easu."

"You are brave, to venture into the dark." The griffon stated, his smile widening as he extended a claw and threw open the door behind, "Come, step into the moonlight and see there is nothing to fear."

Beyond was a hall, a vast globe of some jungle planetoid hanging from the high ceiling and bathing it in blue light. The globe and it's astonishingly verdant plant life looked familiar somehow, Ace Gold embarrassed at how long it look him to realise, "That's... the moon."

"A little more active these days, but it shines even brighter than before." The griffon confirmed.

There were others in the hall, walking the alcoves and sitting upon the various benches. The place looked plain at first inspection, as his eyes grew used to the light however murals and decorations upon the stone walls slowly began to make themselves clear, picked out in silvers and greys.

Many of those within were dressed in robes like the griffon, some appeared to be simple visitors. He recognised many of the Dusklight children among them, "I imagine you and Luna's children must have had a lot of interesting conversations."

"Indeed." The griffon confirmed with cheer as he led Ace inside, "A time of much change, but all of it exiting. Queen Luna of Dusklight was chosen of harmony, this is accepted among us now. If she had been accepted as such by the Shaman of Garm that would have given her the right to found a holy order, as it is we are honored that many of her followers have found their place in the Order of Sacred Light."

"Technically founded by Princess Luna." Ace Gold noted, "Who was the same pony."

"Was she?" The griffon asked, his smile growing wider, "We are the order of sacred light, the value of secrets is something we know much of. When this crisis is over, we will discuss what is to be done with this one."

Ace Gold didn't feel the right to comment, he hadn't known Luna that well. Neither was he particularly well versed in theology. Better to leave it to Radhi, "Well I'm glad that somepony has accepted her."

"Actually she's become very popular." The griffon noted with a chuckle, "This place has never been so crowded, and we already have as many new novices as we have elders to train them. Ironic really, given what we hear of Star Fall."

Ace Gold had been listening to the radio, not exactly enthralled by the news but agreeing that it had a certain irony, "Princess Celestia rises in the west, Princess Luna rises in the east." He sniffed, not feeling any better about the situation, "It would serve us better if our avatar of divinity wasn't dead though."

"Yet it would seem if some divine force watches over the night, yes?" The griffon asked, looking up at the globe above, "Life blooms across the face of the moon, and the children of Dusklight grow ever stronger and more respected. Many in this city look to both in hope."

Ace Gold looked up at the globe, cynicism still burning in his heart. He ached to point out that the moon had been revived by a spell created by a lunatic, and unleashed by a demon. He distracted himself with the very question that raised, "Is Puppysmiles alright?"

"Yes, and she is eager to meet with you." The griffon stated with cheer, leading him through a door at the back of the hall, "Please, come with me."

The rooms beyond were mostly cleared out, signs of much recent movement in the general clutter. The griffon informed Ace that this had formally been storage for many evil artefacts best left confined, with the imminent siege of the city most of them had been moved to Garm. Ace looked into some of the more secure vaults with their triple locked cold iron doors marked with sealing spells, wondering what exactly had been stored there.

The creepy atmosphere was not helped at all as they moved into what looked like a mad sorcerers laboratory, Ace Gold setting eyes on a skeleton in the middle of the room. He froze in shock as it moved, his eyes travelling along the lines of cybernetics weaving through its ribcage, the large gem set into its forehead and many faintly glowing runes carved into the bone. He backed away as it turned to him with the clacking of shifting bone, it's jaw opening as an echoing voice sounded out, "Ace Gold!"

Ace blinked, "Puppysmiles?"

The skeleton positioned itself coquettishly, "Don't you recognise me?"

"Ace." Spoke the voice of Easu, the zebra soon revealing himself as he stepped out from behind some shelves, "Thank you for bringing him here Elder Griss."

"It was no problem." The griffon stated proudly, nodding towards Puppysmiles, "And might I add how lovely you look today Lady Puppysmiles?"

Ace tried to regain his composure, made a little more difficult by the fact that he still felt very self conscious around Puppysmiles. He wondered if it was a 'young woman' thing, or a 'talking skeleton' thing, "Is this... an upgrade?"

"I'm not dropping bits of me all over the floor." Puppysmiles replied, a soft pink light lighting up empty eyesockets, "Honestly it was this or mummification."

"It's still highly energy inefficient." Easu noted with dissatisfaction, "And the enchantments require daily maintenance."

"And I can't exactly go out shopping." Puppysmiles added with a disappointed tone.

"Still it's a longer term solution that was considered morally acceptable by all parties." Elder Griss finished, nodding sagely, "The skeleton was kindly donated by one of our former shaman, who would be honestly thrilled we found such a unique and interesting use for it."

Ace supposed that was all true, "And combat capable?"

"No." Easu answered, sounding conflicted.

"A horn is partially organic material, and even if I had one it would have to run off energy cells." Puppysmiles confirmed, "But I can at least continue to pilot the mobile frame."

Ace supposed that was true. Still, "You're a force on the battlefield Puppy. Bonded with a unicorn..."

"No." Puppysmiles shook her head, the light in her eyes shuddering slightly, "I went into battle bonded with you Ace, and I wasn't joking about how difficult that was. If we're going to unleash demonic forces, we might as well just let Starhammer win."

Ace thought that was short sighted, "It doesn't have to be me..."

"Anything other than a unicorn wouldn't really suit my talents, and you're the only unicorn I would even consider trusting." Puppysmiles answered, sounding quite angry now, "Ace... I don't really like fighting. Not anymore at least, not since Kursiyin."

Ace lowered his head, remembering how Puppy had silently suffered after the Academy of Science, "I... suppose."

"I'm willing to fight in the battle to come, but on my terms." She finished, "And that's from within the mobile frame."

Ace accepted that... even respected it. Puppysmiles was wiser than he was, "Well... thank you for that Puppy. We all appreciate it."

"Ace." Easu stated, his voice heavy, "I will not be participating in combat either."

Ace looked round at the zebra, searching his scarred face for meaning, "You won't?"

"I will be helping." He confirmed, face stoic, "But as a healer. I will not fight."

Ace had seen Easu fight. It seemed a hell of a shame, "Are you sure?"

"It is a poor time to lose your stomach for blood." He admitted, "But my time here has confirmed my feelings."

"You are doing the right thing." Puppysmiles offered in a sweet voice, "Everyone I know is a killer. It's nice to have some variety."

Easu smiled at her rather odd complement, Ace considering that it was one of the few times Easu had smiled. The big zebra seemed even more out of character as he lifted up a hoof, peace shining in his eyes, "All my life, I considered myself only good for hurting others. That I was doomed to be a simple thug. But since coming here... I am good at medicine. I enjoy healing others. I can be a better zebra." His eyes travelled up, looking apologetically at Ace, "But if I raise my hooves in anger again, I know that I will never again be able to lower them."

"I understand." Ace reluctantly agreed, thought he was aware they might have just lost their two best fighters, "And to be honest, I think we need more healers in this world."


Fluttershy looked up at the building to which she had been directed, having never been able to find it without help. The other shaman had told her that this was where the leader of their expedition down to the city had set up, from the outside however it looked like any other house. Indeed this street was almost completely deserted, clearly not swept or had its gardens maintained in many days.

She knocked on the door, rather surprised when it swung open. Inside the room had been entirely cleared of furniture, only a circle of eight candles burning along the edges of the room. In the centre was a single zebra, wearing a brown robe inscribed with the image of a golden semi-circle over a book. She was sat in the lotus position, Fluttershy reminded of Zecora, "Hello?"

"Hello again Fluttershy."

The zebra moved onto her hooves, turning to face her. Fluttershy was surprised to see she recognised the zebra, certainly distinctive looking with her face tattooed with spiral marks, her features young but bearing an odd sense of deep age, "You... you're the zebra that helped me defeat Dream Star. You taught me how to wind walk!"

The zebra nodded, her eyes calm, "Yes. I'm glad to see you have continued to develop over time. You will need that in the battle to come."

Fluttershy wasn't sure why she would make a difference. She had picked up a few tricks, but compared to the zebra in front of her... "I seem to remember you took down Dream Star single hooved."

"I merely inspired you to action Fluttershy." The zebra countered, "The power was yours."

Fluttershy felt they were getting off track, "You lead the shamans here?”

“In a manner of speaking.”

“I need to ask you a favor. We have to bring Tandia of Garm here."

The zebra looked regretful, her head falling. It was a moment before she spoke, "Why is that?"

"She needs to activate the crystal rod, I remember that it needs a Princess to awaken the power within." Fluttershy explained, "It might be our only chance."

"I'm sorry Fluttershy, but it would not work." The shaman answered, eyes calm yet bearing the smallest hint of sadness, "The crystals can only be awakened by the emotions with which they are associated. The crystal heart required love. The rod requires youth and passion."

Fluttershy hesitated, "Where are we going to find a Princess associated with youth and passion?"

"The same way it was created Fluttershy. Midnight Dreamer must unlock the crystal rod." The mare answered, her tone totally straightforward.

Fluttershy paused, wondering if she would qualify that statement. She didn't seem she was going to do it anytime soon, Fluttershy finally speaking, "Midnight Dreamer is dead."

The zebra simply smiled.

“Isn’t she?”

“Do not concern yourself with this Fluttershy. This is not your destiny, though you have served admirably in making it possible." The mare answered, bowing softly before her, "This is after all your duty, to carry a part of what was lost into the future."

Fluttershy was well aware of that. A relic from the past, clinging to what was left of Equestria, "For all the good the past is.”

"Without it, the future is a motherless child.”

Fluttershy frowned bitterly, “Children need to grow up.”

The mare looked knowingly across at Fluttershy, "A long time ago, Zecora performed a tarot reading for you. Do you remember the cards?"

Fluttershy felt her body go weak. She did, all too well. It had been just before she had taken her position as ministry mare, and she had required direction. She had received anything but, "Death. The Tower. Judgement reversed."

The mare nodded, "Chigaru also received a reading, from Prince Nashar."

"...what were his cards?"

"The Star, the Devil reversed and Judgement."

Fluttershy didn't understand, "What does that mean?"

"Understanding must come from you."

Fluttershy thought back on that day. She had tried to block it out, but the more she had tried the more vivid the memory had become, "Zecora told me... that if I was to resolve the first two cards that I would have to come to terms with the last one. Judgement." Fluttershy sighed, "The Tower and Death... those cards have obvious meanings. They signify my role in burning the world. So Judgement is... absolution?"

"It is the deciding point."

Fluttershy thought back to Chigaru, and the prophesy, "Judgement indicates a changing point, the need to heed the spirit and truly consider ourselves. To add up our deeds, and consider their worth." Fluttershy shivered, "For me the card is reversed, which means... I have failed to truly atone for the past. That judgement will not be in my favor."

The mare's expression did not change, still calm and a little sad, "In the battle to come, when facing Starhammer... you must carry that destiny with you. It is the only way you can save the future, and come to terms with yourself."

Fluttershy took that in, storing it in her heart. Destruction, death and judgement. A destiny to hold dear, “Thank you... Tandia.”

Tandia of Garm gave a little bow, her eyes sad, “And may destiny go with you Fluttershy. I have done all I can to prepare you for it.”

So now it was up to her. But it was no matter, because now Fluttershy knew exactly what she had to do. And to be honest... she was surprisingly at peace with it.


It was inevitable when you got some many fighters gathered into one place he supposed. It certainly brought Ace back.

A minotaur slammed into a zebra with a fierce downward swing, only to get his hoof chopped out from under him. The mighty creature yelled as he went forward, slamming into the platform and tumbling out of the ring with a yell.

"And that's a win for Aramus of Gale! A big round of applause for our warrior!"

The zebra gave a bow, strolling off the stage and helping the minotaur back to his hooves. The announcer looked about the crowds that were filling the street, her eyes searching the expectant warriors lined up before her, "And who will test their skills next? Who is brave enough to step into this ring, and prove their valor!"

"I'll do it." A bulky, heavily muscled zebra stated, his heavy hooves echoing against the steps as he made his way up. His voice rose to a roar as he shouted out his challenge, "I am Himin, of Anatu. I fought against the tyrant, I was first of the forth legion! My skills are tested in worthy battle!"

It was quite a introduction. Ace smiled as he stepped forward, having to leap a little to make it up the rather steep steps. The crowd muttered as he made it to the top, Ace once against stuck looking up at his opponent. He had long since come to terms with it, never being the largest of ponies. He honestly didn’t mind, it just made him harder to hit, "I'm Ace Gold, featherweight champion of the manehatten university under fifteen's unarmed fighting league."

"And what does that make you little pony?" Himin asked, unable to keep the grin from his face.

"Absolutely nothing." Ace answered, tensing himself for the fight, "I'll prove everything I have to in the ring."

"Good answer." Himin replied, moving into to a cautious advance.

Ace rounded on him, both moving into the centre of the ring before Ace ran forward in a furious charge. Himin slammed forward with his hooves and stomped the ground in front, stopping Ace's advance and driving him backwards with every determined thrust. Ace dropped back onto one leg and Himin saw his opening, driving forward with a headbutt...

Ace leapt to the side, left the ground and span his hoof down upon the side of Himin's head as he lunged past. It landed hard and the big zebra stumbled, swinging out with a hoof that Ace easily ducked.

Ace braced his legs, coiled his muscles... and summersaulted backwards just as Himin turned to attack, catching the zebra under the chin. It clearly knocked the fight out of him, Himin staggering on weak hooves. Ace landed on all fours, assessing the situation for just a moment before leaping forward and spinning out with one final flying kick. It connected firmly, Himin slamming sideways into the ground.

"And that's the battle!" The announcer shouted, to roaring cheers from the crowd.

Himin shifted, pushing himself up with two hooves. He shook his head clear, grinning through the pain, "I have... never seen anyone fight like that. Where did you learn your style boy?"

"Wing Tai." A elderly pegasi exclaimed with a big grin, "Honestly didn't think it worked without wings, but you really pull if off!"

"Yeah." Ace Gold confirmed, feeling like he was back at university, "With Fallen Caesar hoofwork."

"And a lot of Doombunny style underlying it all." Himin finished as he stood, giving Ace a warm, if slightly mocking grin, "You're a zebra's worst nightmare."

Ace shook his head, thinking nothing could be further from the truth, "I was taught by zebra."

Himin looked to Ace’s horn, "An odd choice for a unicorn."

It certainly was, the hoof fighting championships dominated mostly by Earth Ponies. Ace had always been the odd one out, "Yeah, everypony always used to question why a unicorn would want to learn martial arts, rather than magery."

"Why did you?" Himin questioned.

"Because I saw a zebra fight." Ace replied, memories flooding back of the day he first saw Xephyr in action, that effortless, graceful power. He would never possess such power, but he was happy enough just to experience a mere fraction of what they could be.

"Heh..." Himin chuckled before looking about the crowd, "Who here is willing to fight this warrior! Because I sorely wish to see more of his talents!"

Light, confident hooves echoed against the stairs, a rough voice speaking out, "It's ironic. I always wanted to be a mage."

Ace turned, observing the girl as she stepped up onto the ring. She was small for a zebra, maybe a little smaller than him, with a rangy, adolescent look that suggested she wasn't fully grown. All the same she was incredibly muscular and fit looking, and her body was covered in scars and rough fur. This was a fighter, and not one to be underestimated.

"What's your name miss?" The announcer asked.

"Sabah." She replied simply, before her hooves kicked into action and she ran at Ace with astounding speed.

Ace narrowed his eyes and rolled to the side, sweeping his hoof to trip her as she went past. She simply jumped over the hoof and bucked out, Ace leaping back to avoid her attack. He quickly went on the offensive now, jumping into the air and spinning a hoof down at her back. This she avoided with an effortless leap despite facing away from him, sweeping round and engaging him with some rapid jabs and hooks.

He blocked them practiced speed, even landing a counter hook on her muzzle, still he grimaced at the heavy bruises she left upon his hooves as he disengaged and backed away. She was really strong, even if she was a tiny bit slower than he was.

She watched him carefully as they stood facing each other, both breathing heavily. After a moment he spoke, "You're really good."

She narrowed her eyes and darted in, almost too fast to react. Still by some miracle he dodged his head away from one of her jabbing hooves and struck his own blow against her shoulder, knocking that hoof off balance. He took advantage, wheeling round so her other hoof was unable to reach him and preparing to strike her undefended flank...

She leant forward, grasped his hoof hard between her teeth and threw him upwards with a flick of her head. He was forced into an upright stance, totally vulnerable as she barged forward and body slammed him in the belly. The air exploded out of his lungs, his body slamming hard onto the stage.


Ace ignored the crowd, rolling back onto his hooves and trying to catch his breath, "That... was a... nice move."

"You focus way too much on your hooves." She commented, a smile now spread across her face and a new gleam in her eyes, "Your whole body is a weapon."

"Point taken." He responded, shaking his head free and looking straight at her. He prepared himself for a moment, braced hooves against the ground... and kicked forwards, driving himself towards her. She grinned and ran to meet him, powerful body angled for the attack.

He charged his telekinesis, pulled her front hooves forward, and watched her stumble and trip with a gasp of surprise exiting her lips. He was already off the ground, leaping above and driving his hoof sharply across the side of her head. She cried out and dropped, Ace landing behind and gently giving her a light shove with his back legs.

She flew a little way and tumbled to the edge of the platform, shaking her head and looking up in surprise. After a moment to recover her eyes became fierce once again, "You held back with the last move!"

"I don't want to actually hurt you." He explained, wondering if she had forgotten that this wasn't a cage match, "I definitely want a fighter like you on the front lines tomorrow."

"Hmph..." She muttered, nodding sharply before moving off the platform, "You win."

They all moved aside to applaud the little zebra, Ace Gold quickly hopping down to follow her. She actually turned to smile at him as he approached, clearly not adverse to speaking to him. He took the opportunity, "Who trained you?"

"Huh..." She looked hesitantly, slowing to allow him to move beside her, "You're NCR right?"


"You ever heard of Jaku?"


"Good." She stated simply, "He's the one who trained me."

Ace wondered if he should have heard of him, "Is he famous?"

"Yeah, though he died about three years ago now." She answered, looking uncomfortable with the line of questioning, "He was the best fighter in the territories. Every zebra was afraid of him."

"Yet you signed on with him."

She smiled, "I was a charity case. Just another abandoned kid, but he... saw something special in me." She lowered her head, thoughtful for a moment before she chuckled, "When he met me I was half starved and covered in flees, yet he said I was the strongest kid he ever saw."

Ace smiled at her, noticing Sabah's eyes widen slightly as he did, "He was right."

"Yeah... about a lot of things." Her white face made her blushing obvious, her eyes quickly darting to something besides Ace, "That... wasn't really his style though. I learned that style from Bishop Ember, at Star Fall."

Ace noted the blush and her rather flirtatious body language, wondering if he should tell her he was gay. Still he was honestly fascinated to mean another young warrior, "Why don't you use his style?"

"Because it involves tearing out throats and breaking spines." She answered simply, her lips pursing. After a second she looked back at Ace, "That's a style I'm going to use tomorrow."

"I..." Ace paused, feeling guilty at his lack of real combat experience, "My master was called Xephyr. She didn't really hold with killing."

Sabah sniffed, "I bet she didn't have to deal with raiders every day, hell, even everyday folk willing to kill for a simple glass of water."

"Her whole tribe was slaughtered by raiders, she was thirteen years old when she was forced to lead what was left of them. She let them have their way with her, just so they wouldn't hurt the others." Ace admitted the last part was mere rumor, but Xephyr had gone quiet when he had asked, "She fought in four wars, on the front lines."

Sabah looked suitably shocked, "And she didn't kill."

"She had killed plenty of folks." He replied, wondering once more if she was truly wise or simply naive, "I think she just wanted to find a better way."

"Well I've got to go dress my bruises." Sabah answered with a sharp raise of her eyebrow, "See you on the battlefield hero."

"Yeah..." He could only respond as he watched her go, thoughts now dominated by one zebra. He wished she was here, wished she had been there for Equestria. She always had a way of making everything better...

"Ace Gold." A familiar voice spoke from behind, Ace's heart swelling as he recognised Xaphina's gravelly tones, "You look troubled."

Ace turned, his throat tightening as he beheld the cloaked zebra in front of him. This was the first time he had ever beheld her with his own eyes, even thought it felt like he had known her for forever now.

As expected she was horrifically scared, her black stripes rough and patchy, further deep furrows lining her skinny, lithely muscled form. Her eyes were sunken, her cheeks hollow, it looked like the world had taken turns gouging chunks out of her.

And Ace Gold knew her. He hadn't seen her more than a half dozen times in the flesh, still her features were unmistakable, "Xenith..."

"Ace Gold." Xenith spoke, giving him a quiet smile, "I am sorry... about a lot of things.”

Ace shook his head, waiting for it to just be mistaken identity... but even through the age and scars, she was the image of her daughter, “You’re really...”

“Xenith, companion of Littlepip, mother of Xephyr.” She nodded, “Yes Ace Gold.”

He didn't understand... "This is why you always ran away from Fluttershy!"

"She knows my face." Xenith confirmed, her milky eyes dull and unfocused, "And I wasn't yet ready to speak of what happened."

Wasn't ready? This was... huge! This wasn't just Xenith, hero of Equestria. This was the zebra who had been missing for years, who had last been seen falling through a portal alongside Xephyr and the leader of the Screwball Society, "Where have you been?!"

"Here." Xenith indicated with a waved hoof, her voice quiet, "Learning from other zebra. Discovering my heritage... looking for my daughter."

Ace's words froze on his tongue, "Where... is she?"

Xenith closed her eyes, lowering her head, "That is a long story."


Xenith looked upon the chamber with equal parts terror and disgust, the interior of the prison block already beginning to twist and distort in impossible ways. The air throbbed with power, distorted and sickly, giving her a headache just from being here. The source lay into the centre of the room, a fierce ball of shifting chaos magic slowly intensifying. Before it stood a ghoul, clad in the ruined tatters of a straight jacket. Her hooves weaved around the energy, her chanting echoing about the chamber.

Xephyr advanced forwards without stopping, her voice calling out, "Screwloose!"

The ghoul turned, rotted face distorting in pain and regret, "You... you're past them already?"

"Yes, we had to fight past your followers, hurt many of them!" Xephyr shouted back, "So was it worth it!? Was it Screwloose!?"

Screwloose turned back to the portal, voice pained, "Let me have this Xephyr, please. This doesn’t concern you."

Xephyr paused for a moment before shouting back, “You’re summoning a chaos god!”

“I’m summoning my god Xephyr.” Screwloose pleaded, “You said you believed in happy endings. Well let me find mine.”

Xephyr didn't answer, staring forward in anger. Eventually that anger began to fade a little however, Xephyr drawing back a little. Her expression became hesitant, her body losing it's tension.

Xenith stepped forward to speak, "Xephyr, she cannot be allowed to succeed."

"What if she's right?" Xephyr stated quietly, "What if it really will make everything right again?"

Xenith couldn't understand. This ghoul was a villain, straight forward and bold. She did not understand how Xephyr could still protect her after everything that had happened, "She will destroy the world."

"Red Eye thought Littlepip would destroy the world, that he was the only one who could save it." Xephyr looked Xenith in the eye, expression firm, "What if we're wrong?"

Xenith glared back, "What has she done to inspire trust?"

"Helped us defeat Sunny Smiles!"

"When her back was against the wall, and it was clear Sunny had betrayed her." Xenith countered, now knowing they should have pressed the issue of her punishment more ardently, “You never should have let her leave. Think of all the blood already on her hooves.”

"Xephyr, Xenith!"

They looked over to the side, Velvet Remedy leading Calamity, Life Bloom, Ditzi Doo and Reggie Grimfeathers into the room from one of the other entrances. Life Bloom quickly ignited his horn as he saw the energy in the centre of the room, voice grim, "It is as I feared, the magic involved is too unstable! She's losing control!"

"I... am... not!" Screwloose protested, her teeth clenched as the ball shuddered and distorted.

Velvet looked to Life Bloom, "How do we stop it?"

"It's still unstable." Life Bloom explained, "If we stop Screwball from maintaining it the portal should collapse on it's own."

Xenith nodded, moving to engage the ghoul... only for Xephyr to place herself firmly in the way. Xenith stared her down for a moment before speaking, "She must be stopped Xephyr."

"Why?" Xephyr protested, "Doesn't she deserve a chance to prove what she believes in?"

"If she loses control of that portal, thousands will die, including us." Xenith explained, keeping her voice calm, "If she succeeds, she summons a chaos god back into this world."

Xephyr stood firm, still blocking the way towards Screwloose, "I've risked more on less."

"Damnit Xephyr!" Reggie shouted as she approached from the other side of the room, "Don't be retarded, this is the mare who tried to destroy the world last time!"

Anger filled Xephyr's eyes, directed across at the griffon "She's my friend, I swore that I would trust her. Isn't that important?"

"Not if she's trying to destroy the world for the second fucking time...!"

"Regina, enough!" Velvet shouted, instantly silencing Reggie. Her eyes then travelled back to Xephyr, "We're not willing to take that chance Xephyr."

"The portal is becoming dangerously unstable!" Life Bloom protested sharply, "We need to do something now!"

Xephyr just stared stubbornly back at them, "You'll have to go through me."

Velvet sighed, then looked to Calamity, "Calamity... please."

Xephyr 's eyes quivered, her mouth drifting open in shock and betrayal as Calamity lifted his rifle and aimed at Screwloose behind her, "Calamity... no..."

He sighed, his own expression shaking, "Sorry baby girl..." His hoof tightened on the trigger, his eye focusing...

...then the barrel was gently shifted aside, Ditiz Doo staring at him for a moment before backing towards Xephyr. On her board, the words 'friends don't fight friends' was written.

Calamity sighed, then dropped his gun back into neutral position, "Yeah... you're right. I'm sorry Velvet."

She gave a look of exasperation as she looked across at him, "Calamity..."

"I'm not fighting Xephyr Velv." He stated firmly, before giving Zephyr an angry look, "But for the record, I think this is a damn stupid plan. And I've seen a fair few of them."

Xenith didn't know quite what to say. Eventually she trotted forward, giving Xephyr a look that she hoped conveyed her fierce disapproval, "You are a element of harmony, and you are letting her summon a chaos god in a ritual that will likely kill us all."

"Yeah well I'm making this up as a go along mom." She stated with not a little bitterness, failing to meet her gaze, "I'm sorry if it doesn't meet your approval."

Velvet seethed silently for a moment before shouting in frustration, "Xephyr, you are a idiot! So let that be my last words to you before we all die!"

"She's losing control!" Life Bloom shouted, the ball of chaos shaking violently...

And then a gunshot rang out, Screwloose crying out as it neatly severed her spine and dropped her limp onto the tiles. The portal instantly collapsed back in on itself, becoming smaller and more intense, the colors starting to separate into whirling bands. Xenith looked behind her, locking gazes with Reggie as she lowered the rifle in her talons.

"Reggie!" Xephyr shouted out, her voice cracking with emotion. Her eyes flicked between her and the twitching form of Screwloose, "Why?!"

"Hate me all you want." The griffon stated, eyes hard, "I likely just saved the damn world."

"We should evacuate the room." Life Bloom stated quickly, backing away, "The portal is starting to break down. The blast radius should be modest, but we might not want to be standing right next to it..."

Xephyr shook her head, turning back to the portal, "Screwloose!"

"No!" Xenith shouted out pointlessly as Xephyr galloped back towards the ghoul's limp form, right towards the shaking portal. Bolts of energy flew off it, shattering the ground around as Xephyr dodged left and right to avoid them...

...she was going to get herself killed. And Xenith would not stand there and watch... not again. She ran forward to catch Xephyr, her hooves moving faster than she thought possible. She noticed Ditzi sprinting along just behind, her desiccated wings driving her forward...

The portal expanded with a fierce roar, and everything turned white.


Xenith looked up, for a moment unable to comprehend her eyes. Green fields lay all around her, and not the greenish yellow of the new world. These were green and vibrant, the green of the storybooks. And beyond, upon the side of the mountain... Canterlot, towers white and beautiful in the unhindered sun.

Xenith knew it then, that she was dead. And this was heaven.


Xenith looked to the side, Xephyr just a short distance away. She was clearly injured, fierce burns across her body and her breathing fast and shallow. Xenith instantly galloped over, placing her hoof on her daughter's side. She was a mediocre doctor at best, but these wounds... they looked like mana burns. And not normal ones, but inflamed, blistered ones, like all the energy in her body had exploded from the inside.

"This cannot be real..."

Xenith looked round, fury growing in her heart as she saw Screwloose lifting her body to see the sun. The ghoul's twisted visage brought their situation into stark relief, Xenith advancing angrily upon her, "You killed us! You killed my daughter!"

Screwloose looked back at her body, straightening out with a crack of shifting bone. Xenith saw her body knit together, injuries repairing themselves as her Canterlot Ghoul physiology went to work. Injuries like... burns, looking near identical to the ones Xephyr bore. Why had they both been forced to expel their mana? Was this really a consequence of dying?

Screwloose’s eyes focused on Xephyr, widening in grief, "No, is she...?!"

"Do not come near us!" Xenith growled, positioning herself in front of her daughter, “Do not...!”

"Ngh... it's ok..." Xephyr slowly pushed herself up from the ground, her own wounds slowly beginning to heal themselves. She gritted her teeth in pain, looking around with an assessing eye, "...we're not dead."

"Then where are we?" Xenith asked, wondering what else it could be.

Xephyr pulled a healing potion from her belt, drinking it down and letting it take effect. She took the time to consider her answer, brow furrowing, "Healing potions shouldn't work in heaven, and my body still feels like a physical thing. It didn't feel like normal teleportation though, and for some reason all my mana left my body the moment we arrived."

"Mine too." Screwloose noted.

"And the energies here are... different." Xephyr looked towards Canterlot, smiling despite the situation, "And that doesn't look like a bombed out ruin."

Screwloose looked shocked, "Have we... travelled back in time?"

"We need to return." Xenith quickly reminded them, horrified by the possible implications, "Perhaps Screwloose has truly summoned Discord, and this is a spell or illusion. Either way, we must break free."

Xephyr looked reluctant, but eventually nodded with a sigh, "You're right of course, but..."

"Identify yourselves, immediately! You trespass on Equestrian soil zebra!"

They all turned, teleport signatures quickly flashing all around. Unicorns stepped forth, four of them all dressed in the uniforms of the ministry of arcane science. And the one who had spoken was immediately familiar to Xenith, having studied the histories extensively, "Gestalt..."

Xephyr was quick to react as usual, holding up a hoof, "We mean no harm..."

"Silence zebra!" Gestalt shouted, "You will be taken into custody..."

"Gestalt, please." Another voice sounded out, a fifth unicorn trotting out and shining them a kindly looking smile. Unlike the others she was dressed in a simple labcoat, her hair askew and no preparation for combat in her stance. Her hoof came out, gesturing to Xephyr, "They are not armed, and they are clearly injured."

Gestalt frowned, "They are zebra, Director Twilight."

"As are many fine citizens of Equestria." Twilight Sparkle reminded her, a little anger in her voice now. She smiled once more as she looked across at the zebra before her, "Please, do you need assistance? We felt a magical disturbance, did your teleportation spell go wrong?"

"I... think that is what happened." Xephyr finally forced out, her shocked look soon forming into a broad smile, "Are you... truly Twilight Sparkle?"

Twilight chuckled, "I am yes."

"You're... a huge hero of mine." Xephyr expressed, her grin growing wider and her voice squeaking like a schoolgirl, "I'm not sure how this is possible, but..."

And then Twilight's face dropped, eyes growing wide in shock. Xephyr had simply extended her hoof and yet Twilight was now looking at it like she had been presented with a deadly weapon, eyes directed... straight at Xephyr's pip buck.

Straight at the element of magic.

"That's mine..." Twilight breathed.

"Xephyr!" Xenith shouted, seeing the ponies behind Twilight ready their weapons once more. One pointed an energy rifle straight at her daughter, Xephyr grabbing hold of the barrel with a hoof and slamming it back up against the unicorn's skull. He dropped with a gasp, even as another guard was flung through the air by a fierce blur that could only be Screwloose.

Xephyr stepped back, seemingly unaware of the battle going on around her, "I didn't..."

Twilight's horn burst with light and Xephyr tried to block it, her clumsy attempt only stopping the blast from burning her face off. It still knocked her back and blinded her, leaving the girl defenceless as another horn blast knocked her flying. Twilight's voice rose as she advanced forward, "You stole that from me! You're a thief!"

Screwloose suddenly blurred back into view next to Twilight, a fierce bang echoing out as the air displaced around her. The ghoul's hoof smacked out without mercy, ploughing into Twilight and flinging her into the ground with considerable force. Her eyes narrowed as she swept round to stare at those guards who were left, "Get away from Xephyr!"

"You have made a very unfortunate mistake monster." Gestalt stated with imperious confidence, the goggles she had on filling with scientific calculations, "Though you can feel privileged to die to the latest in Equestrian science."

Gestalt's horn ignited, Screwlose taking a quick glance behind her at the injured Xephyr before crossing her hooves and standing firm before it. Xephyr had seen that stance before, seen it tank plasma blasters with only some easily healed burns to show for it. Screwlose was after all a Canterlot Ghoul, possessed of primal magics and years of strengthening abuse. Near invincible, even to the most focused violence.

The implants upon Gestalt's horn glowed brightly, energy building around them. The goggles upon her muzzle filled with text and the air crackled...

The energy blast shot out, dust exploding outwards in its wake. It near cut Screwloose in half, her shattered remains hurled aside as the blast continued on. Xephyr felt it coming, her hoof coming up with the Element of Magic held high... the blast struck it and deflected into the ground, shattering the earth beneath and flinging dirt high.

And Xenith felt her heart die just a little as Xephyr screamed, blood coating the ground as her severed hoof fell to the ground below. She stumbled backwards, then collapsed, not moving.

Xenith stared for just a moment before launching herself at Gestalt, reading herself for the strike...

...before a purple blast of energy struck her from the air. She slammed down hard, sure she was broken as the sky came into view above.

And then the sky was gone, replaced by carved stone, runic symbols. She looked around, seeing that she was in a room filled with... zebra. They were robed and clad in traditional symbols, looking as shocked as she was, "Where am I?"

"This is Garm wanderer." The nearest zebra replied, his voice heavily accented, "We felt your soul drifting in the ether, drew it back into reality."

Garm? The fabled city of shaman? She didn't believe it, she didn't... "Was anypony else with me?"

The shaman shook his head, his eyes full of regret, "I am sorry traveller. You were alone."


"So that's the big secret." Ace Gold spat, not sure how to feel about it all, "Xephyr was an idiot who trusted a lunatic, and it got her killed."

Xenith's expression twisted in grief, "Don't say that Ace Gold."

"You don't agree?"

"Screwloose sacrificed her own life to protect Xephyr. Whatever else she was, she was a true friend to my daughter." Xenith sighed, looking out to the skies, "And Xephyr believed she was worth saving."

"We needed her!"

"I heard what happened since she left." Xenith answered, her voice slightly pointed, "Turning on each other, corruption, discrimination and hatred. Her disappearance did not cause that, only allowed it to come to the surface."

Ace Gold had to admit that was a fair point, still... "She could have helped stop this."

"It is hypocritical for the NCR to criticise her for being willing to lay down her life for one who may not have deserved it Ace Gold." Xenith answered, the bitterness in her voice now undisguised, "Some days I wonder if Red Eye was right. He at least understood our true nature."

Ace was appalled that a zebra like Xenith, who had experience his cruelty first hoof, would ever say that. But maybe that was the point. Still, he refused to believe such things, or that Xenith truly thought they were that far gone, "We're not beyond saving." He looked up at her, determined, "You told me a hero is the right pony in the right place at the right time."

"I struggle to believe that myself Ace Gold." Her mouth pursed, grim and angry, "You know me for what I am. I watched from the sidelines as the world my friends made shook on fragile foundations, watched them turn on each other in private while flashing smiles to the cameras. I am hailed as a hero of the NCR, but I was too scared to talk to my own daughter."

Ace internalised her words, being something he had thought of for a while, "I always felt betrayed, that my parents were not what everypony said they were."

"I could say that we can be all be heroes Ace. That we simply have to be in the right place to make a difference." Xenith stated grimly, "But I could also say that heroes do not exist, that our great actions are simply the emotional thrashings of damaged, flawed creatures, who by chance leave the world a better place that it was before. You feel betrayed because they told you we were special. Now you know the truth.” She closed her sightless eyes, “We were simply in the right place at the right time. And under the stories and the drama, we are as selfish and corrupt as the rest of them.”

"You are a hero Xenith. And so are my parents."

Xephyr smiled, "Even your mother?"

Ace nodded, dropping his head, "Why did you abandon Xephyr?"

Xenith averted her face, her voice full of pain, "I was afraid that I would only hurt her more. I had no skills as a mother, no clue how to even start. I was a broken thing, and she did not deserve my issues forced upon her."

“She could have helped.”

“A child should not be forced to deal with such things. She was better off without me.”

Ace felt his eyes sting. It was so... wrong, “No she wasn’t. She wanted to know you, she wanted to be with you... no matter how damaged you were.”

Xenith looked towards him with a soft kindness, "I was always thinking of her you know? I threw myself into my work, tried to make a better world... because a better world was to be my gift to her. A far better one than a relationship with some broken old mare.”

Ace turned away, his thoughts tumbling through his head, "I hope she realises that one day."

"So do I Ace."


Easu stepped inside the field hospital, looking around at the building that was to be his base during the battle to come. It was once an indoor market, single story, weak walls, a light roof and lots of open space, making it the perfect choice really. Zebra were already scurrying around setting up, some clad in the robes of shaman, others wearing doctors scrubs.

He saw Ebony nearby, the young filly busy discussing something with a team of enthralled looking adults. It certainly seemed like she had found her place here, not surprising perhaps given the amount of experience being the soul competent doctor in Dusklight had given her. He hoped the battle to come wouldn't land any more familiar faces on her morgue table.

"Initiate Easu, sir."

He turned to the young zebra who had hurried up, clad in the robes of an Acolyte of Garm. He recognised the boy instantly, hoping that he had some news, "You found out what I asked of you?"

"Yes sir." He declared sharply, waiting expectantly for an answer. Easu nodded and the boy started, "Kunari came to us as a baby, left upon the steps of the temple."

Easu grimaced, he figured as much. It was common practice for children with disabilities to be abandoned at their door, "Because of her deafness."

"Yes sir. That soon became obvious, but she was noted as being a highly intelligent and perceptive child, who was picked out at an early age to be trained as a shaman."

It was one of the reasons why the practice continued. As well as moral responsibility, disabled children very often made excellent shaman. He guess it gave them perspective, determination and patience, "Yet something went wrong?"

The shaman nodded softly, "Some issues were noted early on. Though she received a lot of praise for her talents, she was noted as being arrogant, prickly and combative with her teachers. That only got worse as she moved into her teens, and began to attract unsavoury rumors."

"What kind of rumors?"

The boy flushed somewhat before delivering his response, "She gathered a group around her, began practicing magic in secret. There were rumors of tantric rituals, dark magic, but nothing was ever proven. Eventually she was challenged, and even then she hijacked her hearing with her theories behind the power of Zephyr Stormstrung."

Easu took notice now. It sounded too close for comfort, "His strength, and ability to use his sword."

"Yes..." The boy responded, voice shaking, "It's seen as a myth by many. No zebra could use a blade in that manner, heavier than the zebra's own body, constantly moving... but Kunari said she knew the secret. That she could reproduce it."


"It required a magical contract, sealed in blood and sex and love. Forged between two individuals, it granted one vast strength and magical power." The boy hesitated for a moment, "She believed that Zephyr had forged this ritual with Zenophilous the Wise."

That was something he had heard before. A controversial theory, but not one without evidence. Both had been as close as brothers, neither had ever married or had children... it was a theory that would still start fights, but that was cultural pride talking. Homosexuality was considered the 'pony vice' after all, and both of them had been racial icons.

Given that, he could only imagine how they had reacted, "I'm guessing she was laughed out of there."

"Yes, she was." The boy admitted, "So she proved it. She took one of her friends, Tarvus, a shy, quiet boy known for being a fairly mediocre student, and brought him to the council as a tower of muscle, skill and confidence. The council tested him in every way they could think, but none could disprove her findings."

Easu didn't understand, "Why wasn't this known? These theories could have changed the world."

The boy hesitated for a moment, his eyes evasive... then finally he spoke, "The council sincerely apologises, but this was never meant to be known. Kunari swore to never speak of this to anyone, she even allowed a Geas to be placed upon her. The records were sealed."

"Because Zephyr might have liked stallions?"

"Because the ritual sent the users mad." The boy responded in a soft tone, "Tarvus became impossible to control. He started picking fights, sleeping around, drinking heavily and causing havoc. He had once been one of the quietest children in the class, now he proudly boasted how he answered to no one."

Easu didn't like the sound of that... "What happened?"

"Kunari was convinced to cut him off from the power, to forcibly sever the connection." The boy explained, eyes dropping, "But Tarvus only became more erratic. He hurt the monks assigned to bring him in, then confronted Kunari. He killed one of the other acolytes that was with her, then... hurled himself from the top of the library."

Easu paused, taking in this information, processing it, "So that is why she was banished?"

"Kunari... apparently was seized by guilt. She resigned of her own choice, and requested the geas be placed upon her." He shook his head, looking disbelieving, "She lived quietly for ten years, working as a doctor in a brothel. No one ever expected she would resurface like this, we weren't even sure if it was the same zebra."

But it was. And the information was way too familiar to be a coincidence. Starhammer had been a nobody, a mediocre shot and a decent knife fighter, stated by all who knew him to be a easygoing, unambious zebra who could tell a good story. And now he was a god of war, arrogant, charismatic... and unstable.

The first time they met he had focused entirely on the powerful, commanding stallion, completely ignored the little zebra who had stood beside him. Beside Star Swirl and Starhammer, Kunari had faded into the background.

But was it true? Was it all her game? And if so...

...what was her game?


Sabah trotted along the road, trying to shake free the face of that young buck, currently stuck inside her head. He wasn't even her type, Sabah normally attracted to rougher, older types... damaged, scarred monsters like herself. Still she had looked into his eyes and saw something of the monster there, and his pretty features bore more than his share of scars.

Still, she really had better things to think about than some prettyboy. She cursed her adolescence, figuring she had another half a decade of unbalancing growth spurts, excessive sweating and mood swings to look forward too. She had already grown enough that she had to rework some of her more acrobatic moves...

"Hello Sabah."

Her head flicked up, the growl already growing in her throat as she saw the church of Celestia robe before her. Beneath the shadows of the hood, a perfect, flawless muzzle, that smug smile... the mare drew the hood back, sending forth tumbling golden locks and leaving no further doubt, "Dawning Grace..."

The mare grinned, "It is good to see you well Sabah."

Sabah had to restrain herself from caving in the mare's face right there and then, "What are you doing here?!"

"Why, protecting this town from Starhammer of course." Dawning Grace replied, her smile still achingly smug, "Our lady has ever stood against tyrants and thugs."

"What, she doesn't like the competition?"

"Celestia loves you Sabah." Dawning Grace replied with dripping sweetness, "She lives in hope that some day you will realise that truth."

Sabah glared back at the mare, wondering if she truly believed the lies that dripped from her tongue, "Oh believe me, one day everyone will see the truth, and I hope I'm there to see it."

Dawning Grace just smiled, wide and gleaming, "Oh, you will."


Dust Kicker had finished his inspection, and to be honest it wasn't good. He certainly had a number of suggestions to offer and had headed to the central tower to report, as expected greeted with suspicion by the guard in front. He mentioned that he had brought the camels and got a little more interest, that interest growing as realisation dawned, "You're with Lady Fluttershy?"

He chuckled, knowing he should have name dropped her first, "Yes, I'm with Fluttershy."

The guard contacted his superiors, they confirmed his identity and quickly ushered him into the building. He was directly to a lift and brought up to what he figured were the middle floors of the tower, stepping out to a plush lounge area. Posters for Clendel Radio and various singers and programs were framed around the walls, Dust noticing a skinny young mare with a prominent birthmark on her cheek that was labelled "The Songbird Xinsi". Dust Kicker had listened to her on the radio, he had quite liked her songs. She was older than he expected.

"This way Mr Dust Kicker." A zebra guard stated, opening the far doors for him.

Dust nodded and stepped inside, radio equipment stretched across the interior of the room and a familiar voice nearby.

"...and I just want to remind all you listeners, that it's precisely now that you should be preaching out into the darkness."

"And I certainly second that Sharps. All of you listening, I know you have the power to make a better world. So hold tight to that dream, and do something, no matter how small, to accomplish it. And to give you a little boost of motivation, here's our lovely Nightingale, Xinix, with 'My Voice SIngs On'."

Dust Kicker continued across the room, past posters of old world bands, teetering bookcases stuffed with what looked like philosophy and a massive library of vinyl records. Eventually the room opened out into a large central area, two microphones set up in front of a pair of battered armchairs and large banks of sound equipment across the three walls opposite. A nerdy looking buck toothed zebra sat at one of the consoles, attached by a pair of heavy duty headphones, a scruffy zebra mare eying another complicated looking console to the side.

In the centre stood three figures. The first was a pegasi sporting an impressive 'frontier' beard and an equally impressive gut, spoiled somewhat by surprisingly gentile spectacles. The second was a ghoul, contrasting the other by being equally hairless, wiry and dangerous looking, sporting some chunky and metallic body piercings.

The third was a zebra, and looked somewhat unimpressive and out of place compared to the other two. He was balding, and had weak shoulders and a gut that made him look like his body was losing the fight with gravity. It was topped off with a pair of thick spectacles, and a shirt that read 'Mr King Guy'.

Dust Kicker stepped forward, "King Zanefarious?"

"Um, yes, what?" The smaller zebra answered in a panicked tone, turning and adjusting his spectacles for a moment before a smile crossed his face, "My you are... are..." He visibly gave up after a moment, though he tried to keep the perky tone going, "...the companion of Lady Fluttershy!"

Dust Kicker was getting used to that by now, "I'm sorry she's not here, she’s helping get the Saddle Arabian forces set up."

"Heh, righteous." The ghoul commented, giving a cold little smirk.

"Indeed, those Camels may be somewhat touchy when they find you in bed with their daughter after a party where you might have had too much to drink, but they can certainly fight!" The pegasi declared, smacking his hoof against his chest in a sloppy enclave salute.

"Yeah, too much information Voice."

Dust Kicker looked at the three of them, pretty sure he knew who they were now, "Sharps, Voice and Zane right?"

"That's us." Sharps confirmed, giving a satisfied smirk, "Preaching out into the darkness."

"So you've heard of me? ...us?" Voice added, looking pleased, "Do we have a fan?"

"I've listened to your broadcasts a fair bit." Dust confirmed with a grin, "It's a pleasure to meet you at last."

"And you too." Zane finished, trotting over and offering a hoof, "Those reinforcements you have brought couldn't have come at a better time."

"I guessed." Dust agreed, lifting his own hoof and meeting his with a clack, "What's the situation?"

"We're pretty sure Starhammer is going to attack tomorrow afternoon." Sharps answered, his voice growing a lot sharper and raspier, "Our scouts have seen him mobilise forces across his entire line."

Dust had seen much the same, though that still conflicted with what he knew, "I thought he wasn't going to directly attack Clendel?"

"Yes, well if there's one thing we've learnt about Starhammer, it's that his pragmatism lasts no longer than his patience." Voice observed, shrugging his meaty shoulders, "As you might have observed, all his enemies are in one place."

"I personally... um, in my admittedly limited experience..." Zane started, his voice growing a little more confident as he got started, "...what we have is more or less a volunteer militia force, where as he has a professional army. The way he's set up his forces suggests that he does not expect street fighting, rather that he can hit our initial defences hard enough to cause the majority of our forces to flee the city entirely."

Dust Kicker admitted that was a fair assessment, one that had proven true many times when he ran with Red Eye. Though on the other hand... "So what's your plan to stop that happening?"

They all looked at each other, Sharps eventually losing his patience and answering bitterly, "I think it's pretty much, hope and pray."

"I... that is, I am confident that should our forces hold we can defeat Starhammer, or at least force his retreat." Zane countered, though he didn't sound confident, "The casualties will be high, but..."

Dust Kicker figured. The way everypony was scattered around doing their own thing he hadn't expected there to be much of a coherent battleplan, "With respect sire, I'm an experienced military commander who's commanded forces like the one Starhammer has. And if you call together the various faction leaders, I'm sure we can form a strategy to minimise our losses."

Sharps looked to the other two, his tone grim, "Well... we were going to have to do it sometime." He looked at Dust Kicker, "We were putting it off because... well, no one has any ideas worth sharing. We're not exactly abounding in options."

Dust Kicker figured that much, "Well I've got a few suggestions that might turn the tide..."


Dust Kicker looked around the conference hall, rather impressed by the width of support they commanded... if not the numbers that support would suggest. Cherry Sunset was there representing Anatu, along with technically the Applejack Rangers. Radhi represented the children of Dusklight. Mercius represented the Praetorians of the Eastern Caesar. Ibis represented Saddle Arabia. Serbius represented the shaman of Garm. Kale and Zane were representing Clendal. They also had representatives of Great Mother Nanati and the Tribes of Sequesta. Fluttershy represented the Followers of the Apocalypse. And he... represented himself he guessed.

And none of that seemed to mean a damn in practical terms, "What kind of numbers are we looking at?"

"All together, our forces number about seven thousand souls." Kale explained as she drew them out on the map of Clendel that was placed on the table before them, "Starhammer's forces are estimated at just over twenty thousand."

Dust admitted that sounded bad. Still, "Worse odds have been beaten before."

"That would be great, if we had some other advantage." Kale countered with a grimace, "But his troops have better armored support and artillery, not to mention are a well trained, well equipped and well led military force. Our forces are, not to oversell them, a rabble."

"Yes, they are. But rag tag misfits don't just win because it's a good story." Dust commented, having been in enough to know, "They win because they draw together many divergent skill sets, all the best in their area."

"They also win by the strength of their trust in each other son." Mercius noted grimly, "There are many heroes in this room, but who commands enough trust to unite this entire force?"

"I've been thinking about that actually." Dust admitted, and to be honest it had seemed fairly obvious from the moment he arrived, "When you ask anyone who's in charge here, they point to you Kale."

She frowned instantly, the buffalo drawing away from the table sharply, "I'm a bandit leader, not a general. I've never even commanded an actual battle before."

"Except the Battle of Final Frost." Zane noted softly.

"That was you dear."

"No one is demanding tactical decisions your highness." Dust Kicker reasoned, "Just that when our forces stand out there tomorrow, it will be your name they'll be chanting. You're a hero, and a warrior. Don't underestimate the power that can have."

"I agree." Mercius commented, the aged zebra's words instantly gaining everyone’s attention, "You may claim to be a bandit Kale, but that was more than twenty years ago. As far as most of the zebra out there are concerned you're a hero and a queen, and no one here can command anywhere near the same respect."

She snorted, still her face eventually settled, "Fair enough... but that won't win us the battle."

"That's where the skills of others come into it." Dust reasoned, then turned to Cherry Sunset, "If I'm not mistaken, you're a scout paladin."

Sweet Sunrise nodded, "I am."

"And if I was to mention five family ridge..."

Cherry Sunset frowned at this, though her expression softened after a moment of consideration, "That would require we sacrifice a large area of the city, and many of our troops."

"That's going to happen anyway." Dust Kicker reasoned, pointing to the portion of Starhammer's forces positioned to attack the west barricades, "This is where General Icoxal is stationed, correct?"

Kale nodded grimly, "Along with some of Starhammer's best troops. It's the area of the city that's hardest to defend, and houses our manufacturing district."

Dust Kicker nodded grimly. It was unpleasantly perfect, "You're right, we can't defend that district. We're going to try, but we're going to fail. Icoxal is going to steamroll through there, move to take the central area and attack our garrison forces from the rear."

Cherry Sunset looked at him for a moment or two before giving a firm nod, "Give me a troop of engineers and the best marksmen in the city and I'll make sure he pays for it."

"Um..." Zane spoke up, voice shaking, "If we're counting on losing this flank... then who do we have defending it?"

Dust took a deep breath, considering the most unpleasant part of planning a battle...

"We'll do it."

Everyone turned, looking to Ibis. It was Kale who spoke first, "I'm not sure the Emir will appreciate us getting his best troops killed."

"We are his best troops, and if I can boast... yours." She smiled arrogantly, flicking her hair back and flashing a grin, "And if you want to lure them into your trap, you need to make it look like you're serious about defending that area."

Dust Kicker wasn't sure if she was crazy or brave, not that there was much of a difference sometimes, "Are you sure?"

She laughed, the cheerful sound deeply out of place given the grim circumstances. Eventually she restrained herself, explaining, "Though it's not a skill we use too often we’re well trained in fighting withdrawals. We'll give them a bloody nose, then the moment it gets too hot we fade back into the city. Draw them in, give you the shot you need." She nodded, her expression become serious for a moment, "We're the only ones you've got who can pull it off, and I'm eager to show you what we can do."

Dust smirked at the zebra's arrogance, hoping she was right about that, "Ok, then your best forces deploy here. The other Mamulks will deploy around the centre of town, ready to support retreating forces and blunt the enemy advance. With their drill they're the best choice for such a task."

"We'll take a similar role." Mercius offered, "We're small of number, but trained in working together as a skirmishing unit. If the enemy separates and loses cohesion after breaching the city walls we'll make sure they pay dearly for it."

And they would, at least if Dust Kicker had any experience of warfare of this scale, "That would be perfect. And that brings us to the other flanks... this area here, it's farmland right?"

Zane nodded hesitantly, "Yes...?"

"If the irrigation streams are flooded, would it make the ground too boggy for heavy equipment?"

Kale looked doubtful, "Certainly, but Starhammer would be mad to move his heavy forces through there for that very reason."

"Then we mount the anti-armor weapons along the main entrance." Dust explained, then pointed back to the flank leading onto the farmlands, "And we position Puppysmiles here."

Zane smiled at this, "The farmlands would be shielded from our anti-armor fire, and their tanks would be the best weapon they have against an anti infantry war walker! We'll be forcing their deployment!"

"And then we open the irrigation fonts upstream as they're crossing, bog their entire armored unit down." Dust Kicker stated, "And that's another one of his biggest advantages lost, and one of his only counters to Puppysmiles."

"Not his only counters." Fluttershy observed, "The pale zebra beat Puppysmiles quite easily last time."

"That's why I'm placing Ace and his master there too." Dust Kicker explained, "Ace nearly beat her, and he said himself that her martial arts skills were lacking. If they can draw her in, then get close enough... that's another of Starhammer's best weapons neutralised."

"And again..." Fluttershy stated, looking unsettled, "...she's not his best weapon. He is."

The table was silent for a moment before Kale finally spoke, "We as yet have no confirmation about where Starhammer himself will deploy."

"My money's on the main entrance." Dust Kicker observed, "That flank has no obvious commander, and its right at the vanguard of the fight."

Kale looked doubtful, "That's the area that's easiest for us to defend, it would make most sense for that to be a diversion."

"Which makes me even more confident." Dust Kicker explained, "A diversion only works if we think it's the main route of attack. What better way than for him to lead it personally?"

"That does make sense." Fluttershy agreed, "He's a egotist, but he has used that to his advantage. He himself told us that he's more the representative of a group of leaders, chosen because he was charismatic and strong. And he's arrogant enough to want to take the most difficult position to attack."

"Well if he is leading that flank..." Kale asked, her voice warning, "...who here is going to take him on?"

Zane raised a hoof towards her, "Kale, you..."

"He demolished me in seconds Zane." Kale bitterly noted, "I couldn't hope to touch him in my prime. And let's face it, I'm far from my prime."

"What about me?"

Dust Kicker knew he misheard that, but he noticed a few of the others also tittering. That was not a good sign... he looked to Fluttershy, the mare looking disturbingly confident, "Is... that a joke Fluttershy?"

"No, it's not." She explained quite forcefully, "He's psychologically unbalanced, I know it. And he hates me."

"So you're going... to take him on?"

She nodded, "If I can lock my Stare on him..."

"Before he cuts your head off." Dust warned, "He's really fast Fluttershy, and I'm guessing he knows what you can do."

"And I can teleport..."

"No." Dust countered, knowing he was being selfish but... "Fluttershy, I'm not having you get killed in the opening moments of the battle. We can't put you on the front line."

"I'll not have you protecting me Dust Kicker." She angrily countered.

"I'm putting everyone where they'll best serve the battleplan Fluttershy, like it or not." He replied firmly, not about to have a domestic here, "You're good enough in a fight, but in a battle experience, positioning and awareness are all. I put you out there, and all you'll achieve is getting yourself killed."

"So... I'm not going to participate?"

Dust Kicker shook his head, "Your stare can restore morale, your medical skills are invaluable and you serve as an icon for many of those here. I'm positioning you in the centre of the city, you'll offer backlines support."

Fluttershy glared at him for a moment, with a darkness in her eyes that honestly made him shiver. Still she eventually drew back, her expression icy, "Fine."

He shook off that feeling of dread her reaction had given him, turning to look to each of the participants, "That's the basics of the plan at least. If this is successful, two of Starhammer's assault forces will be pinned down and decimated. That just leaves the central assault forces, which hopefully will be moving through the city streets and vulnerable to attack in the flanks."

"Hopefully." Kale grunted.

"It's the best plan we have." Zane softly commented, waving a hoof across the map, "Now we simply need to map the rest of the deployments."

Dust Kicker nodded, offering comments as the various units were lined up where they would serve best. He had a good feeling about all this, but Kale's words did weigh on his mind. Even with the best luck, Starhammer's central assault force alone would number more than their entire army. And though he felt confident in the plan, Starhammer was no fool either.

One mistake, one bit of bad luck... and this could all go bad very quickly indeed.


“Starhammer, we are ready to deploy.”

Starhammer turned back to smile as Icoxal stepped up to the ridge, the huge zebra already clad in his armor. As normal before a battle it was gleaming and polished, ever part of him the image of a zebra legionnaire. He was lucky to have such friends, “Tomorrow, I will be Caesar.”

“Yes my lord.”

“I will take Clendel, then march up to the capital and take the Dragon Throne for my own. We will unite these lands, like the first Caesar did so long ago.” He looked across at Clendel, the pitiful defences only highlighting how weak and decadent they had become. It always happened that way, he knew his history. First came the order, then from order riches, then from riches selfishness, then from selfishness...

Not this time, “I’m going to build a new order. Of discipline, and service. The world will never fall to darkness again, not while I’m in charge.” He turned, nodding to Icoxal with the greatest respect, “Thank you Icoxal, for everything.”

The big zebra bowed his head, “It is my duty.”

“Don’t act like that’s not a choice, one few make.” Starhammer reminded, “When you were my enemy you taught me more than I can begin to list. As my ally, you’ve led my greatest victories. As my friend... that has been the greatest gift of all.”

Icoxal actually smiled at this. He didn’t think the zebra knew how. His tone was still as military as ever, but a small sense of affection did lurk there, “I pride myself on my vows made to the crown you now wear, but I admit... I am glad you wear it. I believe you are the one who can bring justice to this world, who would see our people to their greatest destiny.”

Starhammer chuckled, then turned back to the city, “You remember my orders, should I fall?”

“Of course sir.”

“Don’t let her touch them.” He admitted, with a lead weight suddenly filling his chest. It hurt to even discuss it, which is why it had to be, “Kill her if you have to.”

Icoxal paused, seeming to be considering something for a while. Finally he spoke, “You know Kunari is dangerous, you are willing to have her killed... why have you not done it?”

“Because I love her.” He laughed, pained and desperate, “And it tears me up inside. That witch has done more to me than a thousand Luna’s, yet I know killing her would do the same to me. She has her hooks in my heart Icoxal.”

Icoxal frowned deeply, anger clouding his eyes. Eventually he nodded, voice full of pride, “By my honor, I will not see her do the same to another.”

“Thank you Icoxal.” He said, then looked to the city, “I swear this much, by this time tomorrow someone will be the new king of this world. The hero, throwing aside his common trappings to reveal himself the true king. Taking his true place in the world, after so long hidden.”

He smiled, nostalgic. All his favourite stories had ended that way. And he would settle for nothing less from his final, grandest tale yet.

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